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Divinia Doriano

"Non costringermi a ucciderti..."

0 · 540 views · located in Fae's Academy, Washington

a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes”, as played by Vix



Full Name
”The name's Divinia Dimitria San Lorenzo-Pagliarelli-Doriano. Don't wear it out.”

”If you insist on using any, you can call me Div, Divvy, Gypsy, or Dori.”

”I'm 18. What of it?”

”If you must know, I am from San Lorenzo, Sicily.”

”A purebred Sicilian.”

”I'm Bisexual. But I think I like girls more. They're a real challenge.”

”Circe. What do you expect? I'm a naughty girl.”

”Empathy. What? That doesn't mean I care about every bleeding heart.”

”I'm good at hexing people. I can cause illnesses like cold, flu, pnemonia, and things like that. I gave a few kids chicken pox once for making fun of me. I can also give people very bad luck, so try to stay on my good side. I've been dabbling in Necromancy as well and I can successfully bring back small animals. But I'll get better...As far as Divination goes, I use my Tarot cards to see into the past, the present, and the future. I'm getting better at controlling it so that I don't need my Tarots. But sometimes, the visions come at will when its something very important. And I can manipulate shadows via Dark Majicks. I sold my soul to Elathan for this ability. And I don't regret it.

Don't tell anyone, but I'm an Empath. I can...see people's emotions and manipulate them. Its really handy when you're in my position. And there's also this really dark Aura around me. My connection with Elathan has made it impossible to manipulate my Aura or just me in general. I would also like to contribute this to my strong will. I dare one of these bitches to try and soothe my rage.

That's as far as my Majick is concerned. My Normal abilities?

I'm great with money. I have a lot of it...So of course I need to know how to manage it. I'm also a good bullshitter. Like, really good. I have the face of an angel and I've been taking drama classes since I could talk, so I'm a great actress. I can also sing and play guitar. I write songs, too. But I'll be damned if I ever let anyone read them. I'm also really good at intimidating people. Do you know how funny it is to see the look on people's face when I narrow my eyes and let this darkness overcome me? Its fucking hilarious.”

”My familiar? Why her name is Hecate and she is a four year old Brazilian Rainbow Boa. She's a bit of a bitch and could give a damn less about how her actions affect anyone but she and I. She cares only to push me to gain more power, knowing full well that I shall carry her with me.”

”It's been said that I'm a bitch. And a huge one at that. I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about me or the things that I do. I am always in it to win it – I refuse to settle for being second fiddle to any goddamned one. That makes it sound like its hard for me to keep friends – I assure you that as long as someone is loyal to me, I'll give them that same favor. Its the haters that can kiss my ivory ass. Its also been said that I'm very manipulating; its true. If I can't get what I want and or need through being straightforward, I will charm, seduce, and manipulate whoever I need to get it. I'm very shameless about it. I'm calculating – I'm not a fucking dumb blonde by any means. I think about everything that I do, how it will come back on me, and how I can counter it if the consequences are too bad. I never act without thinking. If you're a friend to me, then I'm pretty easy going. Though still sarcastic and egotistical. But, still good to you. I'm very generous with my friends...Very generous. All in all? I'm your typical Queen Bee. But I will say this: I have a great sense of honor. I have never cheated. And when I lie, I don't lie for petty high school bullshit reasons. I don't spread rumors. But that doesn't mean that I don't mind sharing dirty little secrets.”

-Hurting people
-Circe Coven
-Respect and fear "I will have one, the other, or both."
-Good friends
-A good party
-Older men and women "I don't have time for immature children."
-Writing songs
-Composing music
-Playing guitar and piano
-The Unholy Trio "That would be myself, my love Pippy, and my dearest darling Xavi."
-Professor Guarini "That is one fine man. So fucking sexy. Do I love him? Possibly..."
-Pippa "My beautiful Pippa. She is mine and mine alone. I share her with only a privileged few. Do I love her? Most definitely."
-Winning/Being number one "As if I have competition."

-Being lied to
-Coming in less than first place
-Snitches that aren't working for her
-Amarina "That bitch will die again by my hand. The fact that she is still living is an insult to me and my power."
-Cheveyo "How dare he not choose me..."
-Bad music
-Bad art
-Being lied to
-Overly touchy men
-People who touch Pippa without her say-so. "She. Is. Mine."

”I was a spoiled child, always got what I wanted from anyone that I demanded it from. People were always scared to tell me no. Not just because my father is the Don of the San Lorenzo family clan and he pretty much rules the clans of San Lorenzo district and my mother is the Doña of the Pagliarelli family clan and rules the Pagliarelli district. But because I always always gifted. And yes, I'm talking about my Magick. My family tree is comprised completely of Magick users and I was no different. My parents taught me all that they could when they had the time and I became a real terror real soon. Hecate came to me when I was thirteen years old to let me know about Fae Academy. Of course, I was curious so I went with her. But I wanted so bad to be part of the family business that I was very flighty.

You ask why I don't carry my mother or father's surnames? Where did Doriano come from? When I was sixteen, I wanted to show my parents that I was ready to take over the family business. They had merged the San Lorenzo and Pagliarelli districts and merged all of the families into one. So I was going to show that I was ready to do whatever needed to gain power and expand the family territory - So I married the Don of the Doriano clan that ran the Cagliari Province in Sardegna. My parents were impressed with me, of course and told me that I could stop attending Fae because it seemed that my Magick was under control and I didn't need to take any of the classes that they had to offer. Now the question as to why I came to make a more permanent residence this school will be answered with much grievance.

I had actually come to really like Antonio Doriano and we were best friends. Our relationship was an open one and I gladly shared power with him - It was perfect. My life was perfect for those first three months. Though, he got drunk one night and tried to force himself upon me. I'm not usually one to say no to sex, but there is a point when its unwanted. In the process, I got extremely angry and took his life using my Magick. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to cause him enough pain to get him off of me. Well - Hecate ate him and we told the clans what happened. My parents saw it as a gain because our family now had control of the area without interference from the Doriano clan because I was their new head. But Antonio was so dear to me - I was ashamed of myself for the first time in my life. I worried that my anger might spike again one day and I might accidentally take another life. So, I returned to Fae Academy for good.

Or at least until I graduate.”

"I am the strongest student with the highest advancement rates. Like I said - I never settle for less than first place. Also, if it isn't already clear - I am a widow and a murderer. I've murdered more than just Amarina and Antonio. But everyone besides them weren't done on accident."

So begins...

Divinia Doriano's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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Most of the morning Xavier had been hopping group to group of people who either loved him or hated him with a burning passion. Either was, he didn't care. Attention was attention besides he hadn't seen his close friend Divinia all day. Most people never questioned why they were friends. They just suited each other. For some reason, but only as friends. Never anything more. Xav started walking around campus before seeing a group of people he knew. Mainly because two of the bitches were in Circe with him and he always did like being around girls more than guys unless he wanted to flirt.

He walked up to Clarity and Azalia before putting his arms around their shoulders. One around each one of his friends. "Brooklyn, right? Don't you agree that Joseph and Lina would make such a lovely couple." He bit his bottom lip a bit. He must of just made it for the show. He looked forward and saw Brook, Joesph, and Lina, none of which Xavier was overly close to. But, he did think Joe was adorable with his cute little red fox, panda, thing. He whispered in to Clarity's ear, "I got here just in time didn't I?" He had a sly smirk on his face. A smirk that either meant that he was entertained or that he had a plan. Either way, it wasn't good. He wanted to add his two cent so bad, but it was fun to watch why join in?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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#, as written by Vix
“Alright – I'm taking charge this year. We're going to do things just a little bit differently.” A shirtless man sporting rippling muscles was sitting at a table in the Arena office south of the main school building. The Battle Magick Professor had petitioned last year that he should be the one in charge of all the tournaments and trials instead of the Head Master; by vote of students and staff, he won. And this year, things were going to change. He glared at the wall with piercing green eyes and shook his head. “No more this is supposed to be good fun. Trials and tournaments aren't games – They are lessons to be learned and not taken lightly.” His lips turned some into a light smirk. “You all will be going against Puck next Friday. Medea and Merlin will be going head-to-head today. You all will be running interference. Why? Because life isn't fair and shit happens. And who really wants to see Merlin win again because Iain shows them favor?” He ran his fingers through his hair and pursed his lips. “I'm bored with the usual dodge-ball style fight in the plain arena setting that lasts twenty minutes if we're lucky. Fuck that shit – This year, we're going to do real world settings. Have you all battling in New York City, the Amazon, streets of Brazil, so on and so forth. And the trials will last five hours.” He grinned some, moving his hands to tap his fingertips against the table.

“We should create the illusion of there being civilians in the area as well.” He looked up at the words of his best pupil in all his years of teaching here: Divinia Doriano. She was standing at the other end of the table with a smirk. “Couldn't you just imagine the look of horror on the face of a Merlinite when they accidentally hit a civilian, thinking it to be a Medean?” She scrunched up her nose cutely and gave a shrug. Romeo chuckled and gave a nod. “Aye. That's a rather good idea. Got any others?”

“Yeah – I do.” Divinia began to walk around the table, tapping her fingers against her cheek. “Normally, MacLean will remove the students who feel that they can't go on and have them take a seat and be treated with cool drinks and warm food for the rest of the battle. But this is a lesson for life, right? And that shit doesn't happen in real life. If a student is incapacitated in any way, shape, or form, they remain in the arena. Their team mates could heal them if they have the time. Or carry around the dead weight.” She then stopped and slammed her hands on the table. “And no more invulnerability wards. Hex the arena so it removes them. Our only defense should be what we can manage on our own.” She looked at her mentor and grinned. “And should you or another Professor think that things are taking a turn for the worse, you could easily stop the match. Right?” As he nodded, so did she. “Well, then. Lets get down to business.” She clapped her hands together and laughed gleefully. Cheveyo was in Merlin and Amarina was in Medea – She had plans to ruin their little relationship today. She could see her mentor looking at her with a strange expression to which she simply smiled. There were rumors that had been going around lately that Divinia and the Battle Magick Professor had gotten...involved. Even if it were proven true, she was almost twenty. They couldn't do anything about it, really.

The Professor tore his gaze from Div and looked at the cell phone that was recording their conversation in the middle of the table. “We'll go ahead and begin hexing the arena to cancel out any wards doled out by Professors and start working on the setting illusions. We'll need to change it once an hour to test adaptability. Let's go.” He stood up from the table and brushed gently past Div, making his way into the stands of the arena. He would wait until the others took their places, forming a circle in the stands, before they would begin. Divinia was right behind him after grabbing the phone from the table, speaking into it. “Hey - Get your asses to the arena. We got shit to do. If anyone tries to stop you, tell 'em to fuck off. You've got five minutes.” She ended the recording and sent it as a text message to those that needed to be there: Azalia Dorin, Clarity-Castro Moore, Xavier St. John, Leo Kayle, and Aaron NeSmith.

This trial would be the best the school had seen in decades.

He had woken up very early to begin getting ready for the trials. If he knew the Battle Magick Professor, which he was sure he did, Professor Guarini would make this trial exceptionally difficult. He had to respect the man because of his realism. He wasn't the type to go easy on his students for any reason at all. He had overheard earlier from the man that it wasn't going to be just the 'Sophomores' that would be going at it. It was everyone but the Freshman. He was preparing himself to be able to take care of his team mates and still kick some ass. Amarina is seeking you. He paused from his shadow boxing to see the faint outline of a spirit floating near him. He smiled gently at the ghostly voice and gave a wave. “Thanks, Mary!” Mary was a young spirit that Cheveyo had met during his first year at Fae Academy. She died from an accident in Potions class forty-three years ago and had been haunting the school ever since. Atreyu was shirtless and barefoot, sporting only a pair of black underarmor shorts as he jogged towards the place where he knew Amarina and everyone else would be. It took him longer than it should have, being stopped by several girls along the way as well as a few guys, allowing them to touch his bulging muscles. Most guys would love the adoration that he received, but it got old after a while. When he entered the building, Amarina was the first person that he spotted among all the students. He moved through the crowd, brushing off everyone that tried to stop him.

Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body. “Ha! Feel my sweat!” He was indeed perspiring quite a bit, now getting it as much onto her as he could in a playful manner. Amarina was his favorite person at Fae Academy and always had been. He could hang around her without needing to worry that she was going to start drooling all over him or trying to drag him into some dark room to make out. In fact – He could ashamedly admit that she was one of the very few that he hadn't kissed or groped yet. And he was glad about it. Amarina gave him stomach butterflies; and it was starting to show. He released her and instead stood on her left side and hung his arm over her shoulders, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “You ready for the trials this year?” He held her close and listened as the interim Head Master talked about the trials. A lot of people had been whispering lately that the two were a couple now - But he and she hadn't really talked about it. At all. Though, he was hoping to speak to her before the upcoming party. Or maybe before the trials...If only he could work up the courage. He smiled outwardly as he found it funny that he was brave enough to lay his life down for her in a heartbeat, but to proclaim love - He became weak in the knees.

Love was such a fickle thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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He watched as Brooklyn answered Azalia's "question" so to speak. And the way Brook answered made Xavier smirk. And, Xav was a nosy person whenever it came to romance. Everyone in Circe knew that since the day he came to the school. He knew everything from Cheveyo and Amarina having a thing for each other to the simple fact that his sexy professor Romeo was having sex with his close friend Divinia.Not that he judge the two. Honestly if a teacher who lookied like him wanted to have a whole friends with benefits thing with him. He would not question it what so ever. Then again, when was the last time he saw a another gay guy on campus.

Life was a cruel mistress, he always said. Not long after thinking to himself. Something he did a lot. He felt his phone vibrate in his front jean pocket. Being changed from his ring tone of Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me. Seeing that it always made people burst out laughing. But, none the less anyone who messed with him about the way he was. Was going to be burnt, literally. He looked at the text and rolled his eyes. Of course, the text was a demand more than a request. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and sighed before looking at the other two Circe coven students next to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and quietly walked away kind of irritated that he wasn't going to see the rest of the conversation. Oh, well, he would find out one way or another. Before long he made his way to the arena and saw his professor. Then it started to make sense. He wanted to have a little fun with the trial today, didn't he? Hey, Xavier wasn't complaining. He always wanted to cast a hex over the arena anyway. It would have made things interesting. He liked interesting. "You see? This is why you are my favorite teacher." He said as he took his spot waiting for the others. He had a plan. And a twisted smirk laying on his small baby doll face. A face that most underestimated. Big mistake.


Pippa walked towards where all the Medeans were told to meet along with the Merlinites. God, did she hate her coven. She along with many other people were shocked she wasn't in the Circe coven. Her best friend was in Circe and the two were one of the same. Bitchy, rather cruel, and would take or protect what they saw as their own. Then again, she was mysterious. No one could figure out exactly why she sold her soul, heart, and mortality to a witch just for revenge on a boy. When she could have saved herself the trouble and just do it alive. But, no. That was too easy. She wanted to make him go insane. And, she did. But, there was an upside. Unlike her dearest Divinia, she could keep an eye on Amarina and Cheveyo whenever they had to be around each other.

No matter how much they hated each other. Pip listened to the whispers of people having their own conversations right before he saw a tan and shirtless man put his arms tightly around a girl with raven black hair. She knew it was Amarina for a fact, looking at the tattoos she had on her arms. She smirked as she looked at them. Just wondering how he of all people would go after someone who,her first year never spoke. Who stayed to herself and stayed out of trouble.

To be utterly honest, Pippa hated Atreyu not for the same reason as her friend. No, Pippa hated him to the core because, in her eyes he put an innocent girl through Hell. From illnesses to death and he still found a way to bring her back into Divinia's ring of fire. And, she hated Amarina for being so blinded by her feelings for not ending the feelings she had for the Merlin when she had the chance. And, one day she could tell that would bite them both in the ass. All she had to do was wait and watch their little relationship go up into flames.


Amarina in a distant place. She didn't want to there because she could feel Pippa throwing poison filled glares at her. She always hated her. And, knowing she was so close to the one person who made her want to leave Fae, made it no better. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she jut gave up looking. She knew he was probably in the room but didn't want to be with her. Maybe he actually found someone to make him happy enough to forget about her. And, as irrational as it was, she made herself believe it. She was always the cynical person forming from when her mother left her.

She shook her head. She refused to remember her mother. She smirk a bit to herself. There was one person in the entire school other than the headmaster who knew about her background and that was Atreyu. Then he returned into her mind. Whenever she thought of her close friend, she grinned like an idiot. After moment she felt someone arms go around her waist and spoke to her. “Ha! Feel my sweat!” She squealed a bit, feeling the sweat go on to the back of her shirt. If he wasn't so sweaty but he still had his arms around her. She would have to have to resist the strong urge to bring his lips to hers. "Get off of me, Cheveyo. I swear, this is a white shirt and now you can probably see my bra strap now." She said trying to look at him. More at his forehead than his dazzling browns eyes that drew her to him.

Not long after speaking, he moved to her side and put his arm around her shoulders. She smiled an actual smile as he placed a kiss on her cheek. She crossed her arms lightly around her chest and put her head softly on his shoulder. “You ready for the trials this year?” She shook her head. "No because, Professor Guarini is running them this year I heard and I can't stand him ever since you had to put your life on the line to save mine.All because he let his little fuck buddy come after me." She sighed. She was nervous, what if Divinia tried to go after her again and Guarini did the same thing he did last time. Nothing. After a moment, she calmed down a bit and returned her head to his shoulder. "Sorry, i got a bit angry. I--I just couldn't live with myself knowing my idiot self got you hurt."

She truly cared for Cheveyo and people could tell. It bothered her that people were staring at the pair and whispering about them being together. And, she tried to keep away from the subject when she was with him. It wasn't easy to just say that you have been in love with the same person for a little over two years.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano
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Jason Castro-Moore

Hazel laughed lightly as Khol growled. "Seems somebody doesn't like me," she commented.
Jason gave a slight laugh at that, "Don't think that's the full reason.." he mumbled. It would seem he was correct, as just then Melody and Damon walked by. Jason closed his eyes and shook his head lightly. Oh god, hopefully they wouldn't go all-

Delilah threw her arms around Khol in an attempt to hold himback, just as the two familiars began to attack each other. Cal started to growl and whimper, unsure what to do, and so he ran behind Jason, who had just let out a rather loud yell and reached for Delilah. The small fight between them had only lasted about a second, though, so as soon as Jason managed to reach for Delilah to pull her back, the two familiars had finished their dispute.

The two animals walked away, looking quite angry and miserable, their white fur stained with blood. It was only then that Jason noticed who it belonged to. His best friend sat beside him, bleeding from her leg and shoulder from where she had attempted to intervene in the fight. The two looked at each other as it sunk in.

Jason then realized what had happened and jumped to action. He hopped up.
"Lila, are you alright, can you walk? We have to go get a teacher, or a nurse.." he trailed off and put his hand out for her to take, so he could half-carry her to get some help

Clarity Castro-Moore

Clarity managed to stop herself from jumping and potentially embarrassing herself as Xavier whispered in her ear.
"I got here just in time didn't I?"
Clarity smirked to herself. "Yupp, good timing," she praised him, grinning. The fact that Xavier had just arrived would probably mean that it would just get more interesting than it had before, since he certainly was one to make an impression. She hoped her friend knew what she was getting into, but at the same time, was perfectly content with Azalia and Brooklyn arguing. Did that make her a bad friend? Maybe, but it was true.

"Uhhh....umm, I guess?" Brooklyn said in response to Azalia, making Clarity mentally roll her eyes. Just then, her phone beeped, alerting her to a text message. She opened it and sighed dramatically as it told her to 'get her ass into the arena.' She looked over to Azalia, who's phone had also made an alert and presumed it was the same message.
"You coming?" she asked, just as Xavier made his way off, presumably also to the arena. She then slipped her phone in her pocket and started on her way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Alexander Grant Little Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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#, as written by Pyuka
Little Crazy
Alex walked into the meeting area for his coven. He didn't really get the hold 'trail' thing in the aspect of working with a coven to defeat the other. Much better to have just an all out brawl and to the victor? Well, that to be decided really. Alex didn't care if this coven won or lost in the end but, out of all the covens he hated the most was Merlin. That was a lie. He didn't hate Merlin, he hated Prof. Angelo. All his talk of gifts for 'god' and their duty it do his work. Alex as seen the face of God's workers and have seen how fragile they really were. The mind has to much poison in for such thoughts of Gods and their goals. If give the chance Alex would gladly seen Mr.Angel to his own personal hell. Hysteria and the mind would create a perfect prison of guilt and sin. Maybe that was God's work.

Mr.Little looked at how was all here. His eyes landed upon Ma'dam Le Feuvre so the next person he looked for was the Gypsy. The two of them in same room mean he could stir the wasp nest but, sadly he didn't spot the other one. Not that much fun then. He strode up to Pippa. "Daughter of Janus, where is your other face?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Such a sad thing eh?" He began circling her like a cat reading itself for a fight. "Seemingly an easy trail for us, That is for people actually here." He walked in front of her with his back turned. He reached into his shirt pocket and grabbed a cigarette and his lighter. He sparked the lighter and put the flame to cigarette. He took a long drag and put the lighter back. "But you're not really here are you?" He spun to face her. "My little Black Tower is really there with The ivory Gypsy. Two? one? Circe? Medea?" He shrugged. "Such things are the board that we play." He smile a half smile. "But in the end you could careless, eh?" Maybe that would rustle her feathers a bit. He could only hope.

Alex didn't wait for Pippa to respond as he walked away after his last question. Pippa might stop him, say some remark that was designed to be blunt and be along the lines of. "Listen you insane fuck, I don't care what you have to say, and I really don't care about you." If she said anything at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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#, as written by Vix
As his wards began to arrive, so did Professor Kwan. As she called him out before all of his students, probably thinking so highly of herself and her students, he only lifted his brows. ”I hope you don't plan on removing the invulnerability spells. I will know. I'll be the one setting them.” He had to bite down on his bottom lip to hold back a round of laughter. Who did she think she was, coming up here and telling him how he was going to run his Arena? Who was she to decide what happened and what did not happen in his Trials? She was nobody but a faded legend. She thought so highly of herself simply because she was a Jade Child. Pfft! She was too proud of a woman for her own good. He waited until the last of his wards filed in before taking a step forward towards the oriental woman.

“Good guess. Or have you been snooping again, per usual? Why don't you keep that pretty little button nose of yours out of my business. Its my job and responsibility to prepare these children for the real world. You need to stop coddling them. You think you're helping them by not letting them get hurt? You're only making it worse. If you'd stay the fuck out of my business, maybe your little pet, Miss King would have stood a chance against Divinia. The reason why Circe is undefeated and the reason my students are the strongest is because they don't use my magick in battle. They use their own and build up their own strengths.” His face had grown dark as he now stood centimeters away from her, glaring down at her. “This Arena will be hexed – Any invulnerability spells or any sort of protection that comes from anyone but the ones competing will automatically be removed and the one who placed them will find themselves with various nasty rashes in places not spoken of in public.”

He smirked and began to walk away, pausing to look over his shoulder at her. “Oh – And if any Professors interfere with the Trials, their Coven will be disqualified immediately and banned from the Arena for the remaining school year. I was given reign over the Arena, the Trials, and the Tournaments. Get over it.” Romeo was sure that Kwan always had it out for him ever since he came around; Not like he gave a shit, but the woman was getting on his last fucking nerve. She always had to comment about how good her spells and potions were, making it seem as though she thought herself stronger than he was. But if she was, then she would be the Battle Magick teacher, wouldn't she? Students went to her to learn spells. They went to him to apply and make them stronger.

That being said – Since his arrival to Fae, Circe Coven had quickly made their way to the top. He liked that they were the only students who were excited to fight without aid of Professors rather than whining and complaining that someone could get hurt. Like those damn Merlinites. He was doing them all a favor and preparing them for the real fights that awaited them in life. He refused to coddle his students – They received his praises and rewards only when they did well or proved that they were trying as hard as they could; He loved a kid who always got back up. He left Kwan to steam on her own and opened his arms wide to the wards before him. “Ignoring the ignorance that lies behind us...Let's begin, shall we?” He paused by Xavier and offered a wink, leaning down by his ear. “I feel so loved – Care to show me a little more love at the party tonight?” His fangs brushed gently across Xavier's earlobe before he kissed the student's temple and smirked his way next to Divinia.

The blonde watched as one by one, her fellow Circeans began to show up. Xavier was the first one and he stood by her, receiving a brief hug and a kiss on his cheek. She was about to greet the others who showed up, but Professor Xong decided to show up and make a feeble and short-lived attempt to exert some sort of authority on the Arena and Professor Guarini. As her mentor calmly jumped on the woman's case and put her in place, knocking her down a few pegs, Divinia could only grin. She didn't try to hide it, nor did she try to hide her snickers. The woman deserved it; Romeo didn't barge into her teaching sessions or her stupid little class 'events' and tell her how she should be doing it. Especially not in front of all of her Medea wards. Who the fuck did she think she was? Divinia thought that it was especially cute that the woman had in her mind that the phrase ...”I'll be setting them.” would be something to deter their plans. Sure, she was a good spell caster. But spells were not the end all be all of magick. Being able to use magick without casting a silly spell was far more powerful as far as Divinia was concerned; there were thousands of humans that could cast various spells, but had no magickal abilities – Like those of the bayou in Louisiana, or the shaman of the African and Aborigine tribes. Many, many humans. With a flick of her wrist, she disregarded the woman and turned her attention to her own mentor who had paused to pay some attention to Xavier. Though there was a light smirk on her face, she did feel a slight pang of jealousy. Though she was quite happy for her lovely little Xavier; He was gay and there just weren't enough guys that were into guys around. She herself frowned upon determining your significant other based upon gender. It was a stupid practice based upon idiocy and religion. Div was also unsure about the rules of monogamy, really. To really think about it, humans were animals as well. All part of nature – And it wasn't natural for animals to have one mate all their life. Except penguins. And she didn't want to be a penguin. Did she? It was a known fact that while she enjoyed a good romp in the sack with Romeo, she was most possessive over her lovely Pippa. More possessive than she had been even with Atreyu; and that was saying something. But Pippa was so much like her, it was so hard for Div not to love her.

Returning her thoughts to the present, she had Romeo on her right and Xavier on her left. She looked over to Clarity, Aaron, and Azalia. She enjoyed hanging out with Aaron and Clarity, though she wasn't quite as fond of Azalia. Everyone in Circe wasn't just good with Dark Magick; They had the attitude that went along with it. Leo did as well. Azalia...Ugh. She could read ancient texts and charm inanimate objects. She belonged in Medea, really. It was an insult that she was sorted into Circe; Just because she was a crazy over-partying slut who could read the scrolls of ancient witches didn't make her cut out to hang with the best. Divinia was going to get Professor Guarini and her friends in Circe – Which was pretty much everyone but Azalia – to petition switching Azalia and Pippa. Yes, Pippa was her eyes in Medea, but Div could easily coax information from Ever or have her lovely Hecate do some spying. But she refused to let her beloved Coven be disrespected any longer by the presence of the girl. Either the girl had to shape up and show that she was a true Circean, or she could go. “Alright – Let's get this shit done.” Leo was missing, but they'd do fine enough without him. He was probably off sleeping in with some random girl that he had picked up; Divinia didn't bother with him too much.

Clasping her hands together, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“No time for the weak.
Protected by those with powers at their peak.
Those spells will unlash.
To be met with a rash.
No patience for the weak.
With their vision so oblique.
Their powers they need to hone.
Only to use an arsenal that is their own.
No place for the weak.
Can't defend themselves, then they're up a creek.”

A spoken spell of her own creation. As her eyes snapped open, they were pitch black. Wisps of shadow licked and rolled from her fingertips, creeping over the rails and soon flying throughout the arena as she worked her own end of the setup. Romeo had already instructed the others that they would be working simple setting changes. It would be no illusion; The Arena would actually shift and change. Why did he need their help when he could have easily done it on his own? Well, how could they interfere if they were as lost on the terrain as the opposing teams? The Arena itself was already charmed so that spectators could pick and choose to see who was where – Like in a FPS game.

"Sorry, I got a bit angry. I--I just couldn't live with myself knowing my idiot self got you hurt."

Cheveyo's smile dropped immediately as he moved his arm from around her and instead grabbed her hand. He began to tug her away from the crowd; Like the teachers would care much if they missed the first few hours of classes. They were both good kids in good standing with good grades. So, they'd be fine. He pulled her to a virtually empty courtyard. It was their favorite place to be, under the large oak tree that was in the center of it. Why? Because that's where they first met. She had been sitting under the tree reading when he was jogging past. He had noticed on his jogs before that she was always so alone – Not just there, but in class, eating lunch, and even wandering about. He stopped and sat next to her and introduced himself. Even when she didn't answer him, he still carried on conversation. After that, he'd always sit with or walk with her and rough up anyone who bothered her. After she finally spoke to him, they became best friends and had been ever since. He towed her over to the old oak tree, grabbing her around the waist with powerful hands and lifting her up to set her on the lowest branch that he had used his abilities to shape into a seat for two. He hoisted himself up next to her and turned his body, sitting so that he could face her. “Angel...Don't ever feel sorry about that.” He paused for a few moments, debating with himself mentally. What if he told her how he felt now and she didn't feel the same way and it pushed her away?

But what if she did feel the same? He thought about it and began to weigh the odds. If she didn't feel the same way, he was positive that they would still be able to be friends, though it could be a bit awkward for a while. But their friendship would survive. And if she did feel the same way...? That would be so beyond amazing. But he decided to do what he needed to do now – He couldn't bear to keep it inside any longer and if he had to watch guys hit on her at Ethan's party tonight...He might snap.

He finally looked into her eyes and placed a hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “I would take a thousand years of beatings and pure torture from that insane bitch if it meant that you could be safe and happy.” He didn't say anything about Professor Guarini because he knew the true intentions behind the man's actions, saw the logic, and respected it. He wasn't as evil as many thought him to be, though they weren't easily swayed. “Amarina Yani King. You have absolutely no fucking idea how much I love and care for you. If I would have died that day protecting you, I would have died happy knowing that at least I tried. And my spirit would stay with you always.” He felt like he was rambling now, but every sentence that came out was all truth. “You're my heart and my world, Rina. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. You mean more to me than anything and anyone else in this world. Maybe with the exception of Heath, but that's a total given. And I know that I don't have exactly the cleanest slate when it comes to my reputation around here, but I want to change that. I want to settle down. This past entire year, I haven't even gone to a single party. I haven't kissed anyone. I haven't had sex. I barely do anything outside of studying, working out, practicing, and hanging out with you. I'm sure that you already know, but I'm the one that's been leaving you breakfast and a lily every morning.” He grinned sheepishly. “A white lily means 'I am worthy of you'. Amarina – I hold you when you're hurt and brush your tears away. I'm always the one to nurse you back to health when you feel like shit. You know that I would literally do anything for you just to make you crack a smile. I...just. I don't know.”

His mind went blank at that moment and he wasn't sure how to sum up his thoughts. He was breathing heavily and his sweat was now coming from nervousness rather than from his workout. Hid heart was racing as he gazed deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Angel.” Without really thinking about it, he slipped his free hand around her waist and pulled her a bit closer before closing his eyes and leaning in. He captured her lips with his own soft ones and kissed her with more love and passion than he had kissed anyone in his life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John Character Portrait: Romeo Guarini Character Portrait: Alexander Grant Little Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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Xavier lost his smirk as he saw Professor Kwan come over to the coven and say how she was going to make sure they didn't put a hex oin the arena. Like was going to stop them. They all had something about them that made them feared by others weather it was how they were heartless or how they could blackmail the shit out of anyone that got in their way, like himself. “Good guess. Or have you been snooping again, per usual? Why don't you keep that pretty little button nose of yours out of my business. Its my job and responsibility to prepare these children for the real world. You need to stop coddling them. You think you're helping them by not letting them get hurt? You're only making it worse. If you'd stay the fuck out of my business, maybe your little pet, Miss King would have stood a chance against Divinia. The reason why Circe is undefeated and the reason my students are the strongest is because they don't use my magick in battle. They use their own and build up their own strengths.”

He couldn't but, start chuckling. Everything that his mentor had said was true. There was a reason they were the best and why Merlin never would be again. Because, Circe hated being babied by people. They can hold their own no matter what the problem was. “Oh – And if any Professors interfere with the Trials, their Coven will be disqualified immediately and banned from the Arena for the remaining school year. I was given reign over the Arena, the Trials, and the Tournaments. Get over it.” Wow, that is harsh. Not being able to train and get better all year? For some this was their last year at Fae. “Ignoring the ignorance that lies behind us...Let's begin, shall we?” Xavier nodded and quickly smile as his Romeo made his way over to Xavier and whispered in his ear, “I feel so loved – Care to show me a little more love at the party tonight?” He felt a tingle go through his 5'7 body as his Professor put a kiss on his head. He looked up at him and shrugged. "Just what makes you think I'm going to a party tonight or that I would show you love tonight?" He said softly with a raised eyebrow even if he knew it was an easy question.

He always would look for someone to hook up with and always went to parties with his closest friends, Divvy and Pippy by his side. He smiled as Divinia gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. If it would have been any other girl other than his close friend, he would have cursed them either out loud or in his head. He had no problems with hugs, but kisses were a whole different story. But, he took what he could get whenever he was with his Professor, seeing that he was the only hooking up with Xavier. And, he was happy that it didn't ruin his friendship with Div seeing that they both hooked up with their mentor. But, it sure did help that Divinia had more true feelings for their other part of the Unholy Trio, Pippa. Who surprisingly was in Medea other than Circe. If they could get her into Circe, they honestly would be even more feared or respected by others.

“Alright – Let's get this shit done.” He heard Divinia say as she closed her eyes and said a spell he had never heard before. And, once she was done and opened her eyes. Darkness came over the arena. And, he just started to think how much he would have and how much he was going to mess with every Merlinite he could get his little hands on.


Pippa watched as Atreyu pulled Amarina outside to the garden and raised an eyebrow. She was so close to spying on them, before Alexander just had to come and say something smart to her. She rolled her eyes as his smart ass voice spoke to her. Daughter of Janus, where is your other face?" She was about to say something, probably to curse at him but he didn't give her a chance. He just kept speaking as if she cared what he had said to her. "Such a sad thing eh? Seemingly an easy trail for us, That is for people actually here." Alex said as he turned around and got a cigerette and started to smoke it.

"But you're not really here are you?" She just shurgged, to be honest. She wasn't totally focused. She was thinking about the party later in the day and how she was going to dance close and intimatly to her best friend, almost her sister, Divinia. How she was going to see just how far she could get with her friend, maybe to even get her into Pippa's bed tonight. Just thinking about her protective friend made her smirk. Div was possessive over Pip but, it didn't honestly bother her. She loved that feeling that Divinia may have been jealous whenever someone else love to have sex with her or even to touch her.

She just loved knowing that Divinia would be there for her no matter the case. Along with their short friend, Xavier. She came back to reality as Alexander brought up her little Gypsy. "My little Black Tower is really there with The ivory Gypsy. Two? one? Circe? Medea? Such things are the board that we play." She crossed her arms around her chest as she looked at him and saw him smile. "But in the end you could careless, eh?" She raised an eyebrow as he just walked away, not even letting her speak.

She knew that he just loved oh so much to piss her off. And, if he wanted her pissed off. That's exactly what he was going to get. She stormed after him and grabbed his shoulder to turn her around. [i]"Now, just one minute you little fuck. How dare you try and get into my head. If I was here, I would be in Circe. Not your, creppy and idiotic coven of Medea. And, if you are going to try and mess with me, be intelligent. It is not I could care less, it is I couldn't care less." She said as she looked at him and took his cigerette from his lips.

"Maybe if you did not smoke, you would be smarter. Not as smart as me but, smart than half the population here at Fae. She threw the hot cigerette to the ground before stepping on it. she hated everything about smoking, the smell, the taste, and just how people thought it made them any better in people's eyes if they did smoke. She turned around and muttered to herself. "Dumbass." She returned to where she was standing and could see Alex from where she was and rolled her eyes in his direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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#, as written by Vix

Cheveyo had kissed a lot of girls. And guys. But this kiss was far different than any other one he had ever had. There was love behind it that made it all the more sweeter. He could feel his body tremble under her fingertips; it was the first time she had ever touched him that way. The whole three years of being friends, he hadn't once even heard her tell him that he was attractive. Not that he minded. He enjoyed being around a girl that wasn't always talking about him. And now? He'd be with that one girl forever. He had officially exited the friend-zone. When he felt her pulling away from the kiss for air, he pouted with big brown eyes. He wanted to keep holding her, to keep kissing her. She would be safe there.

”You are my guardian angel. And, that is never going to change. I-- I want to be with you... You do want to be with me.. Right?”

The Hopi smiled softly and slid down from the tree, reaching up and bringing her with him when he touched the ground. Standing next to her, he was much taller than she was and had a bigger build. But that was because he was muscular. He could never get over how petite she looked compared against him. It was really adorable. Reaching down, he brushed some hair from her face and cupped the left side of her face, bringing his down to hers. “I've waited two years to hear you say that.” He couldn't say three – It took him a while to get to know her enough to decide that he was in love with her. Smiling, he brushed his lips against hers before kissing her again. This time, they were closer. One hand slipped down to her waist while the other went to the back of her neck and his fingers tangled within her lovely locks as she had done his. He pulled her as close to his bare chest as possible, deepening the kiss and almost lifting her up off of the ground. She was finally his.

He released her, feeling so light-headed, high on love and adrenaline. “Yes. I want to be with you. Only you. For as long as you'll have me.” He licked his lips, tasting her vanilla lip gloss and chuckling some. He then pulled her close again, looking down at her with big brown eyes. She was beautiful – The most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. Though he thought it was a shame that it took this long for them to both get this far. Before they would say anything to each other. But, better late than never was a pretty good motto for this moment. “Let's skip Ethan's party. I heard the Circe Coven was invited and I don't want any of them to ruin today. Let me take you on a date. A picnic under the moonlight under the oak tree. With candlelight, too! I'll get all your favorite foods and drinks.” He grasped her hands, bringing them to his lips as he now pleaded with his eyes. “C'mon, Angel. Please?”


Romeo simply smirked at Xavier's reply. He needn't say anything, really. He knew that tonight he was going to get what he wanted. And so would Xavier, so it was mutual benefit. As Kwan steamed away from the now dark Arena, he beckoned for Clarity, Aaron, and Azalia to come stand next to he and Xavier. “Now – Remember that shifting magick I taught you last year? That's going to be used on the Arena. Each of you pick a place that you'd like to see the Medeans and Merlinites battle. Try to make it a place that you know personally. A place that you know like the back of your hand. Because you're going to lead the Coven in running interference for the place that you pick. And remember that in these Trials, the only people that matter are the people in your Coven. Friendships outside of this Coven do not exist out there on that field. Now – Go. Xavier You first.” He motioned for him to cast his magick on the Arena as it returned to normal. “Remember – It should only last one hour. Clarity, you after him. Then Aaron. Then Azalia. We have a surprise guest that will choose the last place.” He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest as Divinia excused herself.


The spell was done; It was like Professor Guarini had said: The magick of the Professors excluding himself would be null and void the moment the students stepped into the Arena. If they stepped in with a spell, charm, or potion that was from a Professor, it would break and the corresponding Professor would receive Shingles. What a lovely spell she had created! She excused herself as her dear Professor went over everything with the remaining students, making sure to blow her friends a kiss before heading out the door. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, she bee-lined for her dorm room. Her dorm room was very extravagant and reminded her of her room back home. She loved her room - The cloth was all scarlet velvet, silk, and Egyptian cotton. All of her furniture was hand-carved to her specifications and accented with gold if not made of it. There were a few pieces of rather expensive jewelry scattered on a vanity, cash bound by bands lying on her dresser, large gems spread on her bed from last night's sorting, and a couple of guns resting within their guns safe...safely. She gave a light yawn, stripping down as soon as the door closed behind her. She left her clothes in the hamper and her shoes near the door. She didn't want to spend too much time getting ready – She had better things to do. With a sigh, she cast the simplest of ready spells. Her naked body was soon clothed by her favorite outfit: A tight-fitting spaghetti strap top that pushed up her breasts up a bit but was nothing but fishnet from where her breasts stopped to where her waist started, her skirt had shorts under them because they were so short, decorated with ruffles and exposing her long and tanned legs. She wore decorated fishnet stockings, loving the contrast of the ebony against her ivory flesh. Upon her feet were open-toed heels that had lace draping them gently. She absolutely loved her wardrobe. This particular outfit? A design of Professor Romanov herself!

Flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder again, she added on a choker with chains and open-fingered gloves to perfect the look. Now, she was ready. Not wondering where Hecate was, assuming her to be off basking in the sun somewhere, she exited her room and sought out the most familiar and her favorite Aura: Pippa's. She traced her to where everyone else was, looking as though she were being harassed by Alex. “Excuse me – I'd say I'm sorry for stealing her away. But I'm not.” Petty. Immature. High-School reply, but it worked. She grabbed the other female's hand and brought her away from the crowd, taking her to the far back and then beyond to an empty corridor, shoving her up against a pillar. “Pippa, darling. I missed you.” She smirked, pressing her body against the much more petit female's, stealing as lustful of a kiss as she could muster, letting her tongue explore the other's mouth before pulling away. “Just came to warn you that Circe won't be playing fair in the Trials, though I'm sure that's obvious. I'd like you to complete the challenge with us. If we're going to get you into Circe, we need to force them into having no choice but to transfer you. Sabotage everything having to do with Medea until you're back with us.” She giggled wickedly at the thought of her beloved best friend finally joining Circe. “Also – My brothers will be arriving today. Deangelo is in Medea and I want you to watch out for him until you're in Circe. He's a tad off.” Deangelo was one of her younger brothers, twin to Drago. Deangelo was a brilliant young man. But he wasn't all there in the head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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Pippa listened to what Alexander was saying and couldn't decide weather to laugh or to continue to roll her eyes. "So I might be an idiot, but I'm not blind." She scoffed and pointed at him. That is a matter of opinion, you mother--" Was all she got out before hearing her favorite person at Fae academy, Divinia Doriano. “Excuse me – I'd say I'm sorry for stealing her away. But I'm not.” She smirked as Div talked and chuckled.

She felt Divinia grab her hand and pull her away from the crowd to an empty area where they were alone. She was shocked as her friend shoved her into a pillar before speaking to her. “Pippa, darling. I missed you.” Honestly, Pippa was distracted by the very sexy outfit she had on. She looked Div up and down before feeling Divinia kiss her with some much passion as she always did. As they kissed Pippa allowed her fingers to go through the fishnet cloth of the her shirt, wishing she could just rip it off of the girl. As she pulled away, Pip started to kiss her neck with small nibbles every now and again. “Just came to warn you that Circe won't be playing fair in the Trials, though I'm sure that's obvious.She just sighed before nodded. "Yea, of course you guys aren't playing fair.[/i] She said softly before returning to kiss her best friend's ivory neck. I'd like you to complete the challenge with us. If we're going to get you into Circe, we need to force them into having no choice but to transfer you. Sabotage everything having to do with Medea until you're back with us.” She stopped for a moment to think. To think weather it was a good idea or not. Then again, she thought how much trouble her and Div could get into if she was in Circe.

She made her choice long ago that she wanted to join Circe and that she was willing to do anything. "Of course, anything. Anything at all. We will be in the same coven sooner or later." She said as she moved her hands up and down the Gypsy's body as she kissed her neck and then the other side. “Also – My brothers will be arriving today. Deangelo is in Medea and I want you to watch out for him until you're in Circe. He's a tad off. She stopped and looked at Divinia. She had heard about Div's brothers before and Drago seemed more... intelligent. Not that she would ever tell her friend that. It seemed like she was going to be a baby sitter for her love. Great. She raised an eyebrow before sighing and removing her hands away from the fishnet top. "Oh, so I'm babysitting your younger brother in other words? Aren't I, Divvy?" She said before lookinh up at the ceiling. She was never good with.... people other than her best friends, Xavier and of course, Divinia that were all a part of her group that most people called the "Unholy Trio". Which may have been close to the group that Ever, Aedan, and Ethan had. But, they didn't pull pranks, they did worse things. That were secertive, people rarely knew it was them unless that teacher was Professor Romeo. He was a clever bastard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John Character Portrait: Sunday Cortez Character Portrait: Romeo Guarini Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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Xavier looked over at Sunday as he could feel her probably throwing daggers at him and how Romeo treated him. If he said he felt bad for the girl... that would be a huge lie. She hated him and was friends with his best friends. As if she could ever snake her way into his spot as Div's and Pippa's friend and their mentor's little "lover". He smirked as he saw her try to slip her way out of the arena without anyone noticing.

After a second, his attention returned to the teacher as he explained what they were going to do, it was mutual benefit. As Kwan steamed away from the now dark Arena, he beckoned for Clarity, Aaron, and Azalia to come stand next to he and Xavier. “Now – Remember that shifting magick I taught you last year? That's going to be used on the Arena. Each of you pick a place that you'd like to see the Medeans and Merlinites battle. Try to make it a place that you know personally. A place that you know like the back of your hand. Because you're going to lead the Coven in running interference for the place that you pick. And remember that in these Trials, the only people that matter are the people in your Coven. Friendships outside of this Coven do not exist out there on that field. Xav started to think of a place he would like them to be. Maybe the small town he was born or maybe even the large mass of woods he used to go into as a child when his father took him to visit his grandmother and father. A place he got lost for hours on end. It took him years to master exactly every path.

That was a good idea. He smirked as Romeo talked to him, Now – Go. Xavier You first. Remember – It should only last one hour. Clarity, you after him. Then Aaron. Then Azalia. We have a surprise guest that will choose the last place.” He nodded as he looked at Divinia. "Wow, I wonder who that is." He said. He looked as he saw his close friend walk out probably to go find her best friend, Pippa or to maybe to raise Hell on whoever caught her eye. He looked back at the arena and casted a spell that shifted the arena into The New Forest of Hampshire, England. He watched as tall trees sprouted up. "Aw, I feel so at home." Xavier said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Sasha Romanov Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano
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#, as written by Vix

“You are not giving me much or a choice.... But, as much as I would love that. I can't. I'm so sorry, but, I told Ethan I would help him set up for his party.”

Atreyu pouted, hoping to sway her decision. Ethan was an alright guy, but all of a sudden, the Native American was feeling pretty selfish. And why not? Amarina was his girlfriend now. And forever. He wanted to spend their first day of being together with her and only her. When she started speaking again, he gave her his full attention.

”I get that you don't want anything or anyone, especially Divinia to ruin our first night together or to hurt me but, how about I make you a deal. We spend an hour or two at the party then we can leave and have the really sweet and romantic date. Ok? I promise. By the way, we should get back.”

He smiled down at her and stole yet another passionate kiss, holding onto the one that she had leaned up to give him. He couldn't help but to kiss and hold her so much! He wanted to be with her so long. For two years he had been longing to kiss her, hold her close, stroke her cheek, be with her. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, using his hands to guide her legs to wrap around his waist before moving them to her back. Her shirt was already see-through from being pressed against his sweaty body. He kissed her again and again, each kiss more hungry than the last as two years of bottled up love for her began to pour out of him. He muttered in between kisses that would fall to her lips, cheek, and neck. “Whatever you want, my love. As long as we're together.” He couldn't wait for tonight! Sex wasn't on the menu, but lots of kissing and cuddling was. By now, he had her in his lap. He had become overwhelmed and weak-kneed, holding her close. He had stopped kissing her when he sat down, instead holding her against him and listening to their hearts beating. Almost as one. A light smile graced his face as he closed his eyes. “I love you so much.” He felt like this was all just a dream – As though he'd wake up in the middle of Professor MacLean's class and see Amarina sitting next to him as usual, looking at him funny. But...It wasn't a dream. His dreams were reality now. He simply held her now, stroking her gently from her ankles up to her ass. He grinned and gave her butt a squeeze before resting them on her thighs. “Though – I thought that we didn't have any classes today?” He had heard that Professor Guarini's had canceled his classes for the day so that he could prepare the Arena. Professor Romanov had also canceled her classes so that the Merlinites and Medeans that had her class could prepare for the Trials. He shrugged and let Amarina make the call, kissing her neck.


It was his first day at a new school – But this school was so much different that any other school in the world. A young man with striking blue eyes and golden blonde hair was wandering around the halls and rooms of the large Academy. He was wearing a suit that was obviously expensive and obviously Gucci. DeAngelo was a bit excited, though it didn't show in his eyes as he lugged his violin case and duffel bag. He had people take things ahead to his designated room – He wanted to explore some, but he wouldn't let anyone touch certain things of his. Running his fingers through his hair, he turned a few corners before spotting a girl that was...crying? She had a violin as well, which piqued his interest. He moved closer to the girl with jet black hair. She had two ravens sitting on her shoulder that also piqued his interest. He himself had a black rattlesnake that was exceptionally long curled around his neck, canting its own head to its side. The snake slithered down and made its way to the girl. Coiling near her feet, he poked out his tongue and hissed. What's wrong with the brat? DeAngelo wasn't like the kids in Puck who could understand animals, but like all the other kids here, he could understand his personal Familiars. “I dunno – Why don't I ask?” Kneeling down, he also set down his violin case and duffel bag before taking a better look at the girl – Or what he could see of her – She was cute. Adorable even. But she had a strange weirdness about her that attracted him...This must be Sunday that his sister kept telling him about. “Hey – Are you alright, Sunday? I'm DeAngelo Pagliarelli....Divinia's little brother.”


As Pippa's petite hands reached under her shirt and her lips littered Div with kisses, Div pressed closer to her and returned the soft, affectionate nibbles. One hand snaked underneath the pale woman's shirt, grasping her breasts shamelessly. “Babysitting? No. Just making sure that he doesn't kill anyone.” She chuckled as her hand moved from under Pippa's shirt to one upon her ass and the other grabbing her by the hair. She tugged and squeezed as though ready to throw her on the ground and have her way with her best friend, biting on her neck. “I've told you that he has a short fuse, my love.” She moved her lips up and purred into her lovely one's ear before nipping her earlobe. She enjoyed being so roughly affectionate with Pippa – Especially with others watching. She briefly recalled a rather exciting night that involved herself, Pippa, Professor Guarini, and Professor Romanov. All just so she would pass her Elemental Magick test. She groaned and moaned into Pippa's ear, letting her hands now roam freely, caressing and squeezing her luscious curves. “Do this for me and tonight will be a night that you won't soon forget.” She promised Pippa, stealing another kiss. “Deal?” She could hear Sunday crying and her brother DeAngelo approaching her. But she didn't bother – Her attention was on her Porcelain Queen right now.


The other half of the Pagliarelli twins was headed towards the Arena with a woman on his arm. A woman with brown hair that went all the way to the ground, done in a nice braid. Drago was chatting amiably with Professor Romanov as she escorted him to the Arena. He looked older than his brother and actually looked like he was about twenty-four years old. He was tall and muscular, very well built. He looked like he could bench press a truck...Which he could, really. Sasha was admiring the fine threads of his Gucci suit while he commented on her 'Tinkerbell' dress. She had her hair decorated with flowers and feathers of all sorts. Following behind them was a creature that looked like a Sawsbuck in Fall, a white King Cobra coiled around his antlers, and what appeared to be an eagle perched upon his head. What a strange troupe they were, indeed! Both of the blue-eyed beauties finally made their way into the Arena just as Alistair spoke. ”Uh, 'scuse me, new guy. Where exactly is this?” Sasha spoke up before Drago did, a smile on her face as 'Big Daddy' as she called her Roc, flapped his wings to land atop her head. “This is the Arena, Mister Alistair William Talsworth. Hey! I'm Professor Romanov – Your Mentor and Professor for Familiar Work and Elemental Magick. Now then – Unless you're here to put in a personal request to join Circe Coven, you really needn't be here. In fact, you're not supposed to be here right now. At all. Though – I'm going to be here for a quick minute to speak with Professor Guarini. Though he's not going to want you here – Hrutao can show you anywhere you need to go.” She smiled politely as Drago tipped the boy a two-fingered salute before sauntering up alongside Clarity, having grabbed the white cobra that was now curled around his massive bicep like arm jewelry. Sasha moved behind him and remained silent, rocking back and forth on her heels. The Sawsbuck-looking creature stood before Alistair with his head raised proudly. “Come with me.” He then turned to leave, making sure to walk slowly so that Alistair could keep up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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Fire in the Water

Amarina looked at Atreyu as he smiled at her before kissing her again. She knew that he had kissed many people before, male and female. But, now she could see why everyone wanted to kiss him. He was really good at it, it was passionate without being too aggressive and overbearing to her. She couldn't help but smile as she felt him put his hands on her waist and her wrapping her legs around his body. As he guided them before having his large hands go to the middle of her back to steady the girl. She felt the air go on to her back. It was cold, but it doesn't mean it would stop her from kissing him. She could feel her white top go up on her body a bit to the point of showing just her waist and her tattoo located on the right side of her small waist.

She put her hands on his jaw, not wanting to pull away from him. She didn't want to stop, it was a fairy tail to her. It was actually ironic to her, she always said how fairy tails didn't come true, that finding "the one" at such a young age was unrealistic. And, here Amarina King was, probably the Pauper of Fae was kissing the Prince.

“Whatever you want, my love. As long as we're together.” The smile on her face grew as he spoke and muttered to her as he kissed all around her. From her neck to her lips. He really knew how to make a girl feel like she was the most important thing in his life. It just made her think how many times he did this with other girls. If he did it with outher girls. "Oh so that means you'll be helping." She said in between the passionate kiss. Her heart like a humming bird's. She could feel him pulling away as he sat them both down on the grass right under the shade of the tree. When he held her to his chest, she could feel his heart pounding. Almost in perfect unison with hers. She tried to catch her breath. She layed her head onto his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his body. It was quiet. Too quiet for someone who just kissed her and said that he loved her. So, she decided to break the silence as she could feel him smiling. It was hard to explain but she could just heard him. "What wrong?" She said, keeping her head on his shoulder and looking at her tattoo that was on her right forearm. And, what it said was perfect for the moment she was sharing with her love. “I love you so much.”

Hearing him say this, she became a little less nervous. "I love you too baby." She said before feeling his hand go up her skinny jeans from the end of them to where they began. The Aussie felt him continue to go up her leg before she smirked a bit and moved her head away from his shoulder to look at him. "And, just where are you going?" She said in her mind. She looked at him before feeling something squeze her back side. She rolled her eyes at him, with a smug look on her face once seeing the grin on his face. “Though – I thought that we didn't have any classes today?” She honestly didn't know. She never was one to remember things. But, now she could spend the day with her new boyfriend. She smiled at the thought as he kissed her neck . "I honestly do not even know. But, since we don't... Can you get some clothes on." She said before chuckling. "Girls were staring at you when you came in and now, you're my boyfriend. And... I just don't want other girls to... flirt with you, I guess. Since we're together." She said slowly, trying not to boost his ego or to sound like she was trying to be overbearing. The last thing he needed was to think that his girl was insecure, even if she was on the inside. But, when Amarina was around her best friend, she always wondered why he chose to be friends with her? She knew he could do better and yet he chose to love her. "Maybe love really is blind." She said in her head.


Pippa looked up before feeling a mysterious hand go underneath her loosly fitted gray top and find it's way under her white lace covered bra. At that moment, she... forgot why she was pissed in the frist place. And then she remembered as her best friend spoke and moved her warm hand from under her shirt to her behind and the other to her rusty golden dyed hair. She felt a tug as she looked up at her friend who was at least an inch or two taller than Pippa was.

“Babysitting? No. Just making sure that he doesn't kill anyone.” She shook her head as a smile came on her face. She actually chuckled a bit when Divinia started to bite her neck. “I've told you that he has a short fuse, my love.” She shrugged. He had a short fuse and she had a short temper when it came to people. Yes, I know." She said as she could feel two small hands make their way up and down her body. [i] “Do this for me and tonight will be a night that you won't soon forget.” She grinned devilishly before chuckling.

That sounds perfect, Divvy." She said softly letting a sigh escape her mouth. Divinia always did know how to make Pippa say yes weather she wanted to of not. "Deal?" She sighed and let her brown eyes look up for moment before returning to Divinia's gaze. "You better make tonight worth it, Divinia. Because, if he trys to kill me. I'm coming after your ass." She said just as she actually started to hear the crying and someone start talking. She knew one was Sunday but the man's voice. She didn't know.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Sasha Romanov Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu
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#, as written by Vix

Cheveyo smiled and stood up, cradling her in his arms. As far as he was concerned, she was his world. Not that she never was before. To be honest, it didn't matter who he was with or what he was doing, since they had become friends, Cheveyo was always there at her beck and call. “Of course I'll help out. Not that I'll know exactly what to do – But I could try.” He grinned some at her as he began to walk towards the Merlinite dorms. He wasn't sure how to set up for a party – He always only just showed up. When she mentioned that she would like for him to put on some clothes because of girls staring, he gave a light smile and kissed her nose. “Anything for you, love.” He understood and was alright with her request, more than happy to comply. Just as he opened up the door that lead inside, a girl with red hair almost ran into him. “Woah there, Katelyn.” He smiled as he recognized the girl, though he took a step back as she reached out for him. “You go ahead.” He smiled politely and stood aside so that she could pass by. “Oh, I was actually looking for you. Heath said you were out here...” She regarded Amarina with the same narrow-eyed look that she always did before smiling to Cheveyo. “I wanted to ask if you'd take me to the party. Maybe go out for dinner tomorrow night?” He didn't so much as hesitate to answer with a smile. “Sorry, Katie. But I'm taking Amarina to the party tonight and I kinda want to spend my weekend with her.” Katelyn seemed oblivious to the meaning and shrugged. “What about next weekend? I heard you give decent massages and I'll be in the Trials next weekend. I could use so-” Cheveyo interrupted her with a shake of his head. “Katie, I can't go on any dates with you. Or anyone else. Ever again. I don't want to.” He smiled down at Amarina, looking at her with a shine in his eyes like he was holding the most valuable thing in the world. As far as he was concerned, he was. Katelyn, however, wasn't as amused or enthused. “So, you're like. With her now? I thought she was like, just your best friend? I mean, like. Why her?” Katelyn didn't seem like she was going to let it go. Cheveyo was just glad that it was Divinia that he was standing in front of. “Yes. I'm with her. For now. Hopefully forever.” He smiled down at Amarina again before looking to Katelyn. “What do you mean 'Why?'? I'd be a retard not to. She's smart, got personality, always there for me, beautiful, and a great cuddler. We'll work on the kissing.” He teased her on the last part, wiggling his fingers in her ribs to tickle her. “She's always been my world – Now, I don't mean to be rude, but I need to get dressed. I'll see you at the party, Katelyn.” He offered a friendly smile as she stomped away. Shrugging, he went into the castle and closed the door behind him. “Haters gonna hate.” He shrugged some, unconcerned with the heartbreak. He was pretty sure that the girls would now either hate him for getting into a relationship or become hellbent on getting with him. The guys that swung that way were a lot more understanding. But as long as he had Amarina at his side holding his hand, he didn't care about anyone else. As he arrived at his dorm room that he thankfully shared with no-one, he set her down on his bed. Heath was sitting on his perch, tilting his head. About fucking time you two hooked up. He flapped his wings and screeched at the two, flying over to land on Amarina's shoulder. Cheveyo shook his head. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up. I'll be right back. Babe, if you want to wear a different shirt, you can get one of mine.” He kissed the top of her head before heading into his bathroom to shower. His room wasn't exactly elegant. He had a nice large canopy bed that was littered with large pillows and plush blankets. He had a bearskin rug on the floor and his walls had bulletin boards that were covered with pictures and Native American artifacts. Most of the pictures on the walls were of Amarina or himself and Amarina. Over the past year, he had slowly been taking down the photos of him kissing other girls, going so far as to throwing them away.


DeAngelo watched her curiously, trying his best not to probe her mind for information as to why she was crying. It was his first day and he didn't feel up to making any enemies. He was sure that his sister had already set a bad enough image on the family name that he would be surprised if anyone in his own Coven tried to get to know him. The rattlesnake rose its body up so that it was eye level with the girl and flicked his tongue out before hissing at the two birds. His tail began to rattle in that trademark way as he reared his head back. “Brutus!” The young man frowned and grabbed the snake around the 'neck' and pulled him back. “What have I told you...about playing nice?” He released the snake and watched as it coiled around his arm and canted its head towards him. I will do what I please... DeAngelo shook his head before looking back at Sunday. He smiled at her violin and nodded. “I would be delighted.” He flipped open his case to reveal a black violin with shimmering purple trim that seemed to pulse with energy, the strings as well looking like nothing more than thin, pulsing, purple lights. He grabbed the violin and bow, bringing the instrument to his chin as he stood up. He placed the bow against the strings and began to play. The song was one that seemed rather sorrowful with low, drawn out notes. He closed his eyes as he played, feeling Brutus slide up his arm and to his shoulder before coiling around his neck. It didn't bother him though. Play my song. The snake hissed into his ear. DeAngelo switched up the music immediately and began to play the melody for 'Dance, Dance' by Fall Out Boy. The snake swayed his head and rattled his tail happily as DeAngelo smirked. Don't judge! The snake thwapped the 'man' with his tail as the song came to a slow end. “Your turn.” DeAngelo began to pack away his violin, looking up to Sunday.


“Don't worry – My brother would never hurt you. He cares for me too much. And I'm not quite sure if I could go on in life without you.” Divinia smirked as the crying stopped and her brother's familiar composition reached her ears. “Hmph. Thirteen years of violin lessons has paid off well.” She mumbled, stepping away from Pippa some to listen. She glanced behind her as a young man that she didn't recognized and therefore assumed to be a freshman came sauntering up. He looked like a younger version of Pauly D. Ergo, he looked like a douche bag from Jersey. She lifted a brow as he leaned on the pillar next to Pippa and winked. “Hey. So. I heard about this party and I told myself that I would honor the first hot girl I saw by taking her there. You're welcome.” Wow. The kid had an ego. She was pretty sure that he was in Medea. Smirking, she sauntered over to Pippa and placed her hand on the back of her neck, crushing her soft lips against her best friend's, watching the boy the whole time as her tongue explored Pippa's mouth once more. Everything about Divinia exuded an air of money, power, sex, power, sex, and then some more power. And then a little more sex. The boy seemed undeterred by this action and slapped Divinia's ass. “Don't worry, babydoll. I am not opposed to taking you both. If you're both really good girls...Or naughty, I'll make sure to give you the night of your life.” Divinia broke from the kiss and moved her body behind Pippa's, resting her chin on her shoulder, kissing her neck as she watched the boy. “Such a confident boy, Pippy. But obviously ignorant to our identities.” She purred. The boy had a visible boner. Divinia rolled her eyes. “You really think that you could do anything work with that? Darling – I only fuck around with men. Not little boys who are barely hitting puberty.” Before the boy could say anything else, she continued to speak. “You heard about Divinia Doriano, kid?” The boy snorted. “Who the fuck is that broad?” Divinia giggled and watched as his face began to break out in red marks that mirrored the ones on his arms and neck. She tilted her head some to the side, watching him itch with happy eyes. He seemed to almost dance as the isolated case of scabies began to spread over his body. “Wha- What did you...What did you do?! Bitch! You fucking cunt!” He screeched at her, using anything and everything around him to try and make the itch go away. “Divinia Doriano is me. I'm the baddest bitch here – I'm also very possessive.” She kissed Pippa's neck again. “If you're a smart kid, you'd keep your grimy little paws off of my lovely Pippa. Because I will kill you.” The boy was crying now as the itch worsened. “Understand? Say yes ma'am if you understand.” Whining, the boy nodded furiously, his overly-gelled hair now a mess. “Yeah! Yes ma'am! Make it stop!” Divinia gave a soft 'tut tut' as she watched him for a few minutes longer. “They just don't make men like they used to, do they?” The rash began to recede, though he was still bleeding from where his nails raked into his flesh trying to alleviate the itch. With a runny nose, he began to scamper away. If he was a dog, his tail would be tucked between his legs.

“Well. That was fun.” Divinia had been possessive over Pippa since day one. That wasn't exactly going to change any time soon. Sometimes she had a hunch that Pippa had been jealous those days that Div obsessed over 'needing' to have Atreyu. But at that time, she wasn't paying much attention to anyone besides him. She felt rather foolish thinking about it now for having obsessed over him that much. Now? She hated him and Amarina only because Amarina was alive. She hated that the Hopi had the ability to bring her back. It made Divinia feel...weak in a way. She had been training a lot harder since then. Sighing, she moved to Pippa's side and grabbed her hand, towing her off towards where her brother and Sunday were lurking. She felt a sad Aura and saw a sad Ethan passing by...Hmm. What the hell had him bummed? Divinia inspected the Aura...It was heartbreak. She would find out later who did what. When they came upon Sunday and her brother, she offered them a honey-coated smile. “Aww, baby brother. You made it.” She let go of Pippa to give him a hug, making sure to pat Brutus' head. It was then that a massive orange boa constrictor that had a rainbow shimmer to her scales slithered down and around a nearby pillar. Divvy, love. I've got huge news. She hissed at her partner and friend, though coiled herself near Pippa's feet. “It can wait, Hecate. I believe lovely Sunday here is about to play us some music. Go ahead, dear.” She purred to the young girl and offered her a quick wink. Sunday was a cute girl and so very dark and twisted that it made Divinia giggle. She wasn't sure if she wanted to pinch the girl's cheeks or drag her into bed with herself and Pippa. You're such a whore, Divinia. Hecate hissed with a shake of her head. Divinia shrugged some. “I'll settle the fuck down when someone gives me a reason to and wants me to. For now, I'm a fucking polygamist. I'll take whoever I want whenever I want.” She retorted, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Divinia had been called every name in the book and she wasn't ashamed to own up to most of them. Sighing, she waited patiently for Sunday to begin one of her beautiful songs.


Romeo glanced at Xavier and chuckled as he walked into the forest to inspect it for flaws. He could hear someone asking where they were at and a frown grew on his face. Damn new students. Of all the times to – His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Sasha Romanov directing the boy elsewhere. He turned back to exit the forest and winked at Xavier. “Great job, babe. You're up, Clarity.” He moved to Sasha and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. “What brings you here?” He grinned some as she spoke, motioning to Drago. “I was just bringing you some fresh meat. This here's Drago Pagliarelli.” The muscular, blonde-haired, blue-eyed 'man' smiled and offered a hand out to Professor Guarini. “Its a pleasure to finally meet you.” Romeo grinned at him and inspected him in great detail as he shook the outstretched hand. “Wow! You're seriously sixteen? That's pretty fucking crazy.” Drago could easily pass as twenty-five with great skin. Drago laughed and pulled his hand back to rub the back of his head. “Yeah. I'm seriously sixteen.” His accent was deeply Italian as he spoke in a smooth bass. “And what a perfect specimen of a Familiar.” Romeo reached out and stroked the head of the white cobra adorning Drago's bicep. Giuseppe hissed and reared his head back, not hesitating to lash out and latch onto the Professor's forcep. Drago pulled his arm back, thumping the snake on his head, causing him to quickly slither up his arm and around his neck, hissing at Romeo from there. Drago watched as Sasha placed her lips over Romeo's arm and proceeded to suck out the venom, swallowing it. “Uh...Won't that kill you?” He lifted a brow as she thumped Romeo's forehead. “You know better than to touch strange animals. And no, Drago. It won't. Shit like that don't bother me. Anyways, now that I've delivered you, I should go.” She blew them both a kiss and skipped away. “What a woman.” Drago let out a low wolf-whistle before turning to see everyone around him. “So this is Circe Coven. Or at least the elites.” He grinned some and set down his bag before crossing his arms over his chest. “Just let me know what I need to do and when I need to do it.”

Meanwhile, Hrutao was scowling at the cat, the dog, Ever, and Alistair. How dare he ask a question, not let him answer, and then proceed to ignore him?! The magnificent stag shook his head indignantly. Sasha came up just in time to sense her dear friend's irritation. “Aww! Ruru! What's wrong?” She made her way to him and grasped his muzzled by the underside, stroking the top. Klaude flew from her shoulder and into the air where he began to grow and grow and grow until he was literally ten feet tall; ten foot seven, to be exact. “Yeah, Ruru. What's wrong with you?” The Roc prodded the stag's backside with a massive talon. Hru huffed and tore his head from Sasha's hold. “I was attempting to be kind by showing this ward around but he has ignored me since we left the Arena. Asked me a question. Didn't even let me answer it. Plus, I'm not even being acknowledged by the dark-one.” Hrutao was very short-tempered when it came to the students of Fae. He would often explain to Sasha how he had no time for them and how she should be off traveling the world. Mother Nature should not be in one place for such a long time. he would often say. Hrutao was royalty in a sense and was partnered alongside the greatest force on earth – He thought that he deserved the best. Sasha thought so to, but in a semi-different light. She shook her head as the stag stamped his hooves before taking off. “Aww. Poor Ruru is upset.” Klaude stirred up great gusts of wind as he flapped his wings and screeched out a laugh. Sasha shook her head and smiled to Alistair and Ever. “Hey, Evie. Hey Ali. Sorry about that – You know how Ruru gets. Well. You do, Ever. Not you, Alistair. But you'll learn.” She grinned, tucking a few stray strands behind her ear. “He can be a bit of a Diva, but don't let it worry you. By the way, welcome to Fae Academy, officially. I'd show you around, but I have some weather to clear up. Drought in eastern Asia and floods in northern Michigan.” She gave them an energetic farewell wave before vaulting into the air. It was like straight out of a movie as her body became nothing more than swirling leaves that blew away with an unseen wind. Klaude flapped his wings mightily and lifted into the air, taking off as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Sasha Romanov Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Sunday Cortez
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Ever Daniels

Ever palmed her forehead. "Professor Guarini is the Battle Magick Teacher. You'll have to meet him so when I said steer clear. I mean, Don't do anything stupid." She said with a shrug. "So Yea basically but Professor Angelo is a nice guy, Professor Kwan Yin is always riding him about something so he never catches a break." She said with a laugh. There was a pun in there somewhere, Aedan would have found it and snickered at it. "Professor Romanov isn't a fairy. She's Mother Nature." She said and was going to explain more but Professor Romanov appeared she spoke to her horse then greeted them.
Ever smiled and hugged her, in usual Ever fashion. "Hey. Professor Romanov." She said and then her smiled faded. "Dark One?!" She gasped "I waved at you, you temperamental future glue stick" She said with a frown. Of course she didn't mean it, Professor Romanov knew by now Ever had a mouth but she was relatively harmless. She took no crap from anyone, not even a horse. She rolled her eyes and her smile returned when she looked at the lovely Professor. She would have loved to have Professor Romanov as a mentor. Kwan Yin was great but Sasha was Mother Nature. Ever had Mommy issues so having her as a Mentor would have been awesome. "Yea. I know." She said, still not happy with the dark one comment but didn't let it bother her too much. "I'll show him around." She told her with a shrug. "He and I go back. " she said with a quick smile to Alistair. The Professor then disappeared into the air. Ever was used to that. "You know, As hard as it is to believe, You get use to that. It blew my mind the first time I saw her do that." She said with a laugh.

Sunday Cortez
Sunday watched as DeAngelo's snake stood up and hissed at her. Egdar and Allen cawed at the slithery beast. "Get back, Small Lady." Egdar said.
"We'll protect you, Small Lady" Allen urged. They flapped their wings manically. "Shh, Egdar, Allen." She said and DeAngelo grabbed his snake and reprimanded it. She watched curiously and grinned when he smiled and agreed to play. She sat down in the grass on her legs and listened. She closed her eyes as his music surrounded her. She sway to the haunting song. It was beautiful. She clapped with a smile when he was finished. "That was lovely." She said,, her voice was so light, everything she said sounded like a breath. Then he played another song, it seemed for the snake. She giggled when the danced along. She raised the violin to her chin. Her fair skin a clear contrast to her midnight black violin. She raised her bow but stopped when she heard Divina. She looked to see the gorgeous blonde looking at her with Pippa beside her. "Hi!" She beamed. She both looked up to and was slightly attracted to Divinia. She saw Divinia as an Angel of Death. Silky Blonde Hair, Fair skin and souless. Sunday just wanted to reach out and touch her. Her and her snake seemed to exchange words and Divinia spoke about pologamy. She wondered naughtly that maybe she and Divinia and Romeo could one day share a bed.

She nodded when Divinia waited for her song. Sunday beamed. "Right." She said and raised her bow again. She positioned her fingers on the frets and stroked her bow across the strings. Music filled the air and her mind wandered to one of her many daydreams about Romeo. She rose to her knees as she felt the music. Her bow sliding across the strings as the haunting tune rang out. Her fingers moving from fret to fret at an amazing speed. Her body moved to the music as she felt herself become wrapped up in the music and by the end of the song, she was so far gone, she'd forgotten about the group and her song had tried to 'Call' Professor Romeo. She didn't think he heard or responded which was good. He was busy.

She let down her bow and also found that she was standing now. Egdar and Allen chriped and cawed at her performance. She smiled sheeplishly and sat on her legs again. "Sorry, I believe I got carried away."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Romanov Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John Character Portrait: Sunday Cortez Character Portrait: Drago Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Romeo Guarini
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Xavier just watched as his mentor looked around the forest he had made. He knew that he wouldn't be able to find a single flaw, whenever Romeo talked. Xavier listened, whether it was to him personal or the whole coven. Either way, Xav was all ears. “Great job, babe. You're up, Clarity.” He smiled in success while hearing the compliment, even if it wasn't a shock to him. "Did you expect anything but perfection from me?" He said before offering a wink towards Romeo. As he walked towards Professor Romanov and gave her a hug. He looked away in sheer boredom. Not jealousy, there was one person he got jealous about when they were around his friends and his little "boy toy" and that was Sunday. He couldn't stand when she tried to take attention away from him.

He looked back at the three when the Puck mentor was introducing a new guy to his coven. He looked at the blonde man with a smirk on his small face. He always did love blondes, even when was younger he had an attraction to the poor little blonde boys in his town. And, his name made him smirk even more, “I was just bringing you some fresh meat. This here's Drago Pagliarelli.” Drago? Where had he heard that name before? After a moment it hit him. One of Divinia's last names were Pagliarelli, this must have been one of the twin brother he had heard about before. The more he looked at how the "man" stood and what he wore made it even more obvious. He tilted his head as the woman excused herself along. “So this is Circe Coven. Or at least the elites.” Ha! If that was true, it would only be Divinia, Xavier, and he'd hate to admit it but, also Sunday. Whether he hated the girl or not, she was powerful. He could actually be her friend if she wasn't after their professor.

Xavier decided to walk over to the two men as they towered over him. Xav could easliy be the short boy that went to the school even being one of the oldest. As he walked to Romeo's side he let his hand go on his back and slowly make it's way do to the beginning of his pants, so close to his butt as he spoke and offered Drago a smile. What? Impressions were important to the small Brit. "Hello, my name is Xavier. And, I am one of Divvy's friends and I assume you are the Drago I have heard about." Xavier removed his hand from Romeo's back just when it was about to touch his butt to offer a handshake. Most people thought Xavier was rather straight forward with his flirting and... he was. But, he was a tease. He loved to tease the men and boys he slept with just to make them want him more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli
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“Don't worry – My brother would never hurt you. He cares for me too much. And I'm not quite sure if I could go on in life without you.” Pippa had a small smile as she gave Divinia a small peck before speaking, "Aw, well I think you'd be just fine without me, love." She said as she took her hands away from the Italian's hips. She watched as her friend started to listen to her brother's violin playing. He was pretty good, but knowing he was related to Divinia Doriano meant they never half assed anything. Pippa started to listen to the music before hearing someone speak to the pair and winked. “Hey. So. I heard about this party and I told myself that I would honor the first hot girl I saw by taking her there. You're welcome.” She raised an eyebrow at Divinia as her love put her hand behind Pippa's neck and let their tonuges explor each other's months. It never surprised Pippa when Divinia kissed her when guys came up to the pair to flirt. Mainly freshmen who didn't know what they were getting into. When she looked at the small boy, she noticed he was in her coven. He had flirted with her before but, she never did

As the kiss went on, Pippa let her hands move to Div's thighs. She could hear the freshmen little boy talking, but she never did hear what exactly he said. Seeing that she a bit occupied at the moment being. When Divinia let go and went behind Pippa's back, she tilted her head as Div kissed her neck. The was always her weak point, no matter what she would say yes. Of course, not many knew that other than the people she slept with more than once. “Such a confident boy, Pippy. But obviously ignorant to our identities.” She nodded in agreement and chuckled. "So sad, isn't it?" She looked at the boy as Divinia talked to him and he had no idea who the hell she was. Pippa was shocked as the red marks started to go all around the boy's body. As the boy cursed at Div, Pippa just had a smirk on her face. “Divinia Doriano is me. I'm the baddest bitch here – I'm also very possessive." That wasn't a lie. She was possessive especailly over Pippa and she knew that for a fact. As she kissed her neck, Pip held in a moan as Divinia continued to speak.

"If you're a smart kid, you'd keep your grimy little paws off of my lovely Pippa. Because I will kill you.” She was smirking, but not at the boy who was know crying saying in understood Divinia but, at how her ivory gypsy was so protective over her. When the young boy ran away from the pair. Pippa let her laugh come out. "Aw, Divvy. You're my scary guard dog." She said in sarcasm. After a moment, Divinia went around the corner to see Sunday and the brother, she would be looking after, Deangelo. She just stood close to Divinia as she looked at Sunday. She always did have an attraction to younger people and Sunday was no exception. As Sunday started to play, Pippa crossed her arms around her chest and smiled. She was good. She looked at Deangelo and offered a small smile.


Most of the morning, Alec was in his room. Listening to music with his little colorful woodpecker, Emmanuel on his nightstand. He was so tired from being so sick the week. For one whole week he wasn't allowed to leave his room because of his strep throat so he wouldn't get anyone else sick. One of the only people to come visit him was Amarina and that was when he had to eat. With her having a suregon mask over her mouth.He did not want to do anything. Especially have to go into the arena to battle another coven. But, he wasn't going to be the one to tell Professor Romeo that he wasn't in the mood to go to class. After a while he was sick of being in his room.

His strep throat was gone and he was given permisson to finally leave his room, so he decided to go see his close friend, Ethan. That guy could always make Alec feel better no matter what the case. Even during his break up with Amarina, Ethan always kept a smile or at least a smirk on his face. He got up from his bed and grabbed an outfit out of his drawner and tossed it on his bed before slipping his pajama pants off and tossing them into his hamper, or at least near his hamper where one of the legs were laying off the side, touching the ground.

He slipped his denim jeans on before anything else and then slipped his scoop neck over his head; messing up his bed head even more than it was before. He walked into his bathroom to fix himself up like brushing his teeth, deodorant, and mainly, combing his shaggy brown hair. Looking in the mirror he shook his head and grabbed her brush. "Oh my God, one week of being sick and my hair's a bird's nest." He said to himself, seeing his bird fly over to the sink counter and tilt his small head. "Can I live in that thing?" Emmanuel said in a joking matter. "Haha, very funny, Manny." He said in sarcasm before putting the comb down and making his bird fly a bit farther a way.

After walking out of his bathroom, Alec walked out of his room with his bird on his shoulder and walked outside to rooms where the Medeans resided. Most of them he knew and were rather close to like Rose, Ever, Amarina, and even Pippa. He didn't like having female enemies, it felt strange and they knew how to end you to make you say 'i was wrong.' He walked a bit until he saw two of his friends, Ever and Ethan.... And, some guy he didn't even know. He walked up to them and put his hand on Ethan's shoulder, not knowing he wasn't acting like himself. He got up just in time to hear Ever ask if Ethan was ok. At that point he looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "Dang, Ethan.... what bit you in the butt." He said with a smirk, hoping to make at least a smirk escape his friend. He looked at Ever and smiled. "Hello, Ever. Who is this?" He said before nodding towards Ali.