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Takamaru Kei

"It's going to be legen -wait for it- dary!" WIP

0 · 808 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Fukushima High 2.0”, as played by OurStars


This class is for third years that are in class C.


Takamaru Kei || Male || 17 || Normal Guy || 3C || Heterosexual

Birthday: December 1st

Appearance Description:
Kei is a rather average young man, by most standards, and stands at an average (for Japanese men) height of approximately 5'7". He has short brown hair that often seems to be rather unkempt, and caramel eyes that hold the slightest spark of mischief in them at most times. His skin is pale and bears few marks, with the exception, perhaps, of a few freckles here and there, though nothing worth noticing. His body is not buff, but he does have some level of lean muscling, though it is still rather sparse. He is a bit of a string bean thanks to a fast acting metabolism and the tendency to ride his bike around town several times whenever he needs to clear his head or is having trouble sleeping. His expressions are generally quite amicable, though he may often be seen wearing the sort of smile reserved for those who are making plans. His eyebrows are thin and defined, the basis for most of his facial expressions. On that note, his eyelashes are lackluster and slightly below average in thickness and length, though he doesn't really mind. His nose is a bit small, and his ears stick out just the tiniest bit.


Kei is, in general, just a rather average sort of fellow. While there are days when he is in a cheerful mood and seems to be able to take anything and continue rolling as though nothing happened, there are also moments where his temper may be short or his mood more contemplative. However, one must inquire as to what average really pertains if they are to understand Kei's personality. After all, the word is a rather vague one when applied to people, given that putting all the people in the earth together and creating one single person would likely result in not an average person, but the greatest oddball ever known. Now, that isn't who Kei is, necessarily, but it must be acknowledged that there isn't really such a thing as ordinary, though people try to peg it down as a set and concrete word through popular media and their own flighty definitions of it. While Kei has no real qualms with being called average or normal, he does have the tendency to, quite sincerely, ask the person calling him such a thing what they believe it means. More often than sometimes, the answer is rather unsatisfying, but he will accept it nonetheless with a smile on his face.

A smile which, typically speaking, seems impossible to catch him without, unless his expression is some other dramatic or over-animated one. Kei is a rather jovial guy on most days, though there are exceptions and nothing is really a rule, and is the sort of person who jokes about everything and has troubles taking things seriously. This is not because he lacks the capacity to act seriously, but because the young man dislikes the complications that come along with the prospect. After all, much may be accomplished by being serious, but moments of tension can also grate on a person's brain like a cheese grater on, well, cheese. Kei dislikes tense moments, of course, and is usually the tactless person who makes some bad joke or changes the subject whenever anything is about to get heavy, even though other people may prefer the serious conversation. Some may consider him a pest or irritating for his inability to deal with pressure, or his preference not to.

Contrary to popular belief, he does actually care about what others say, and can be more of a pessimist behind his cheery smiles and corny jokes than one might originally surmise. Kei is somewhat self-conscious, but not in the typical way of caring about the general population's opinion. He tends to latch onto specific people, and doesn't care if other people mock him as long as he has their approval. Unfortunately, the standards for these people are eclectic and, therefore, rather nonexistent. Maybe he thinks that they are cool, or intelligent, or has seen them do something interesting. Whatever the reason, he can become somewhat dependent on these people, going so far as to call himself a leech on more than one occasion. While his lack of regard for the opinions of the majority is somewhat admirable, the weight that he places on the opinions of those select few is a heavy burden to bear, and his emotions are very easily swayed by them. He has little self-confidence, to be honest, though it is hidden behind his grins and jokes.

He does have a hint of mischief, the sort of person who likes to plot trivial schemes and play silly pranks on people, although, much like his personality, it rarely becomes serious. They are usually just stupid jokes for a laugh, or random adventures blown out of proportionate because he thought that it may be fun. He is a very animated guy, after all, and does tend to be a bit dramatic on occasion. This can be both amusing and frustrating, depending on the circumstances.

Dependent || Cheerful || Mischievous || Corny Humor || Pessimistic || Low Self-Esteem || Rarely Serious || Inquisitive || 'Average'


He was roped into the napping club by Aya, although mostly because he didn't care enough to say no.

He has given up on ambition
Kei's father was killed one year ago (none of his friends know)
His mother hasn't left her room in three months

So begins...

Takamaru Kei's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taura Tsukino Character Portrait: Kanade Aya Character Portrait: Takamaru Kei Character Portrait: Izanagi Yukimura
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While she is walking, Aya notices that Taura, who is captain of the swim team, is trying to pass out flyers and recruit new members. She is about to walk over towards her, but stops when the announcement blares over the speakers, encouraging people to sign up to join the Swim Team. The little jest of Izanagi's prompting a grin on the face of the generally cheerful young woman. Maybe that'll work, then, she muses, knowing that recruitment may be a bit hard for Taura, on account of her somewhat inexpressive face. She is a phenomenal swimmer, of course, hence being chosen to be the captain of their school's swim team, but she can be a bit lacking when it comes to charming people into joining. Last year's captain wasn't much better, but there had been a lot of seniors on the swim team, so it was okay. Now that they had all graduated, very few people remained behind.

Well, very few people being properly clarified as two. Aya and Taura are the only remaining members of the swim team from last year, and will have to do a good amount of recruiting if they wish to compete against other schools in the upcoming competitions. The auburn-haired young woman runs up to Taura and Izanagi with a bright smile, the sort of expression that is typical of the extroverted and optimistic young woman. "Have you recruited any new members yet? We need five to compete, right? I trained over the break, so I am pumped and ready to go for the next competition!" she says enthusiastically, pumping a fist into the air with an encouraging smile on her face. "I heard the message, by the way, Yukimura-san. Thanks for it."

"Do you guys know your class assignments? Taura, you're a third year, but aren't you in my year, Yukimura-san? We were in different classes last year, I suppose. Are you planning on joining the swimming team, mayhaps?" Aya asks hopefully, because she is really looking forward to competing this year. More importantly, she's curious as to who will be in her class for this year. The young woman plans on running for class Representative again this year, as she had been last year, and wants to know who she may be representing if she does get the position.

"Do any of you guys know who is in 2A?"

Kei strolls up to school with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth as he listens to the animated discussion between the two friends who walk beside him. When they ask for his input, the young man shrugs and gestures towards the food, which is keeping his mouth occupied and preventing him from speaking for fear of it dropping to the ground and being completely wasted. Sympathetic to his plight, they accept this excuse and continue their heated debate. The topic? Trying to decide who the cutest girl in the school is. Their opinions are conflicting, but rather refreshing, because neither of them have chosen a popular girl as their pick. Anyway, as the trio walk up to the school, they catch a loudspeaker message about the opening ceremonies starting in five minutes. "Are we going to that? Who is speaking, anyways? Which person was head of our class last year?" one of the guys inquires, but both other fellows shrug in response, pleading ignorance.

None of the three seem particularly excited about attending an opening ceremony, because it is just the same thing every single year. Instead, they would rather hang out or perhaps even browse the clubs a little bit. Anything just a bit less boring than standing around idly. They elect to walk around idly instead, though eventually the two other guys separate from Kei in order to go and do something for some club or another that they are part of. Kei isn't really involved in any clubs, though he is considered to be part of Aya's napping club, which isn't even a legitimate club.

Left on his own, the young man sits under the shade of a tree and finishes his breakfast before looking around at the new and familiar faces, searching for someone that he can go and talk to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Yuki Hayashi Character Portrait: Kaiko Ishigawa Character Portrait: Taura Tsukino Character Portrait: Kanade Aya Character Portrait: Kiku Satomi
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Yuki Hayashi

Yuki sat alone and began to write down plans for the clubs she was in. Okay. I have to be a good sport and help out. Yuki started off by writing down
Martial Arts Club
at the top of her page and listed some things below it.

~Put up a stand in the next fair with a bunch of facts on Martials Arts
~Have a free teaching session on the weekend with a Martial Arts Master (payed for by us) for fundraising and improving interest in Martial Arts

Yuki suddenly got writer's block for Martial Arts ideas. Her mood was brightening up a little bit. Next thing she wrote was
Swim Team
and listed things below it.

~Do races for fun, and for stamina improvement
~Use swim toys!

Yuki sighed. I can't let Tsukino-san know how childish I can be... Yuki brushed it off and wrote down
Music Club
and listed things below it.

~Music Videos
~Perform a mini-concert at the next fair
~Raise money for improved instruments
~Pay a professional to help with amateurs people who... Need help?

Yuki was afraid that the last part made her sound stuck up. She brushed it off and got a great idea. She wrote,
All groups

~A trip!

Yuki closed her notebook, and checked her watch. The bell will ring in a few minutes. Yuki checked her schedule. Special Gym Event? For... The whole schoole?! Yuki quickly finished eating and made her way inside. She dumped her garbage out and walked around for the remaining minutes she had left when she heard on the announcements,

Good afternoon students! After the bell rings, everyone make their way to the back field. The change rooms may be crowded, so if you want to get a head start before others start piling in, you are free to do so now!

The announcements went off and Yuki decided she should go early. She ran up to her classroom and got a neatly folded gym uniform that was stuffed in there, and made her way out to the back, and into the change room.

Akane Yamada

Akane noticed that a girl, seemingly younger than her, walked towards the edge of the roof and sighed. I don't blame her for not wanting to come near me. Maybe I should just leave her alone... Akane gathered her things and started walking away, and said one last thing before closing the door to the roof. "Sorry for taking your spot." She then shut the door and began walking back down to her own level, and head towards her classroom.

Akane walked in, not caring if anyone was inside or not, headed towards her desk and began eating. When she was done, she pulled out a notebook from her school bag, hanging from the side of her desk and began to doodle using a mechanical pencil from her bag.

Akane was busy doodling, and didn't even notice the time fly by. She heard the announcements,

Good afternoon students! After the bell rings, everyone make their way to the back field. The change rooms may be crowded, so if you want to get a head start before others start piling in, you are free to do so now!

and she packed her things up, pulling out a gym uniform, and started walking outside towards the girls change room. "It would be a good idea to get a head start. Why not?" Akane said to herself as she seen the change room, and came closer to it.

OOC: Hey guys! I'm tagging everyone because some of you seem a little inactive lately... You aren't required to read this post, if you don't want to. But I mentioned Kiku Satomi in this one. Soo, yep. Please keep posting everyone!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Kaiko Ishigawa Character Portrait: Kanade Aya Character Portrait: Daichi Ogyu Character Portrait: Takamaru Kei Character Portrait: Sewo Owomasu
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It would take a blind man to not see that Sewo did not want to be the male class representative, and even then he would hear it in the student's response and voice. So, perhaps a blind-deaf man would be required in order to not sense the reluctance about Sewo, who was basically forced into the position by the teacher. Aya turns around to face the red-haired young man, expression slightly apologetic because she realizes that he was likely chosen based on the fact that he sat directly behind her, and therefore was in the teacher's line of sight when she sat down. Anyway, she's trying to ignore the fact that Kaiko has just whispered her last name under her breath in the same manner that one says something when a memory about it is on the tip of their tongue, stubbornly refusing to make that final leap into recognition. Aya spent all of last year building herself without the aid of her family, and rather resents the notion of having to start over from scratch, for fear that it may land her in Kaiko's position: treated distantly by classmates. This is probably an unreasonable fear, given that many of her relationships have already been established, but she isn't always the most logical of people. When Sewo throws his friend, who is apparently named Fu, under the bus, Aya glances his way, catching the slight reflection of light against a cellphone's screen under the lad's desk.

The red-haired one's attempts fail anyway, and the teacher soon launches into a pleasantly engaging lecture, certainly starting off on the right foot for most of the students. Of course, that may partially be because they weren't forced to be representatives, as the student sitting behind her was. People are always so reluctant about it. I guess it just isn't most people's thing, Aya muses, somewhat disappointed because this was the case last year as well. Most of the students just find such positions to be needless hassles, but she enjoys planning and collaborating with other students on school-wide events and such. Her motivations aren't entirely so innocent, of course. Unknown to many students is the fact that, during the yearly school trip, the representatives, while everyone else is doing chores, get to go to a 'class improvement meeting', which is really little more than sitting around and playing games. A small perk, perhaps, but rather valuable to Aya, who can't cook to save her life. Cooking is generally the task given to the second year girls, after all, and she's afraid that she'll burn every single meal.

A few more classes pass before it is lunchtime, and people all disperse from the room. Lunch passes rather normally for Aya, who displays her rather monstrous appetite by downing an absurd amount of food before the announcement plays over the intercom, telling people to go to the locker rooms to change after the bell. Immediately after, the bell rings and there is a flood to get to the locker room. Aya quickly grabs Kaiko and drags her into the flood, "Come on, can't be late!" she says with a cheery smile as the two make their way to the rooms. Once there, Aya changes into gym shorts and a loose T-shirt, as well as a pair of white running shoes. She ties her hair up and is ready to go, all in about one minute or so. She is an athletic and energetic sort of person, and appears to be enthusiastic about whatever the school is calling them out for is.

"Are you ready to go, Kaiko-chan?"

Kei is actually rather glad for this outdoor event, because there aren't many incredibly interesting people in his class, that he has seen, and he is looking forward to seeing people in some of the other classes, 3rd year or otherwise. He gets lost in the crowd, somewhat, and ends up being pulled with the tide towards the changing room. On his way there, he runs into a friend, and the two try and talk over the dull roar of the crowds, though it ends up being more of a shouting match between the two of them, albeit one softened with smiles. In brief words, Kei relates to his friend the events of the day so far. Basically, no one woke him up, so he slept under the tree until the second class, at which point he darted towards his classroom and made something of a scene, though he managed to joke it off and get everyone to laugh, cementing his place as the slightly goofy kid- a ranking that he is not unhappy about, because he considers it to be a rather easy one. His teacher didn't seem to fond of his poor punctuality, of course, but such bad impressions can be smoothed over during the course of the year, hopefully. After that, he made it through the next class until lunch, when he went and met up with a different friend and ate outside. Kei had a packed lunch that he, being a surprisingly good cook, had prepared for himself, and the friend ended up eating around half of it because his mother had burnt the rice this morning- something about being in a hurry to get his younger siblings to school on time.

He proceeds to his friend share his day, until the duo finally reach the changing room and both change into basketball shorts and T-shirts. Whilst in the place, Kei notices two semi-familiar faces, Daichy and Kyoya. He doesn't know either of them particularly well, of course, but is pretty sure that one of them has been in his classes at some point or another, and deems that to be enough familiarity to qualify a greeting. He says hello to a few other people, and as he and his friend begin to walk out, stops by the pair. "Hey, Kyoya, Daichi. Do you know what we're doing today? If you two are ready to go, want to head out with us?" he asks affably.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Daichi Ogyu Character Portrait: Takamaru Kei
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#, as written by Mashotu
Before Daichi could answer, a boy came up to them. He had no idea who he was at all.
He didn't want to be rude,"I actually don't know what we're doing. And I'm not all to sure if Daichi-kun's ready yet."
All of that was laced with sweetness. His voice always did that with people he didn't know and didn't feel like teasing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Daichi Ogyu Character Portrait: Takamaru Kei Character Portrait: Miyako Ren
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Braidin g her hair she sighed giving into boredom at long last. She.knew ahead of time she'd probably end up hanging around in the choir room later.That is what she did most days anyway.
She released the braid into cascading curls and decided to leave her curls be.for now because she didn't want to make her haier. static or knotty .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Daichi Ogyu Character Portrait: Takamaru Kei
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#, as written by Mashotu
(Why no one reply? :'[ )