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In Caelum we live

In Caelum we live


The two main cities in the fantasy world of Caelum have been in conflict for many centuries. Will it finally end? (Need characters who are from those two cities.)

2,220 readers have visited In Caelum we live since AdmireAtStuff created it.


The plot:

Somewhere between the galaxies there's a small world that revives our old conception of our mother Earth - it's not round, it's a flat piece of solid ground. It's called Caelum.


It has many places, but most of the civilization lives in the two cities.

Orientem, where most of the ground is under water, which is shallow enough so nobody could drown.



And Occidens, where we can see enormous trees, who have many homes. They're like buildings with flats. There are flooded grounds too, but are much lesser than Orientem's, and are deeper.




Long ago they didn't really exist. The whole world was covered in united civilization, until the habitats started fighting. Eventually they decided to split into these two cities. Nowadays, few remember the cause of the conflicts. Sadly, few think that the conflict must stop.
It is a law for everyone to start a duel once they meet somebody from the other city in the neutral zone. You may be banished from your birth city if you refuse a fight. You may get injured if you lose... or even if you win. How do you know if the person in front of you is one of the enemies? And how do you know if one of your alliances refuses a fight? Everyone can magically feel these things.
Everything gets harder and harder when there are people who just want peace, but can't do anything about it. It reaches the top of everything if one falls for someone from the other city, which isn't a rare case.

Once they used to fight for the other places besides their cities. However, they got tired of this. Besides, there are some people, who live in the neutral zone and would protest if their land is suddenly claimed. Do you want to know more about the neutral zone? Yes? Then I'll tell you. No? Then skip, although it's kind of an important part of the story.

The Portal - First you think of a place and then step into it. There's 90% guarantee that you'll teleport on the place you were thinking of, as long as it's in Caelum


The Bloody Desert - The red sand isn't the only reason for it's name.


The forests - they are many, different and enormous. Usually banished people, or species connected to nature live there.



Flaming Aurora - Everybody loves this place.


Feel free to add more ideas about the neutral zone.

Education is very important for everyone, so each main city has its own academy, which is includes students at the ages of 4-23. Even if you're banished, you continue going to your school, but your reputation will hit the bottom and make a hole in it.

The Orientem Academy


The Occidens Academy


The characters

Almost limitless choises. You can put in whatever species you want - humans, witches, elves, vampires, werewolves, orcs, trolls, something made up by you, or even mixes! But don't make a mix of more than two species.

Originally, this story didn't have slots, but now I'll put the needed ones.

Habitats from Occidens: (1 needed)

Habitats from Orientem: (2 needed)

And no, none of them is banished into the neutral zone.




Where is he\she from(One of the two cities, no more from the neutral zone):

Sexual orientation:






Occupation (if any):




History(No dramatic and soap opera similarities to "I lost my parents and I'm harassed in physical, psychical and sexual way by everyone else"):



Other (optional):

Feel free to add more.

I've never rejected characters before and I don't think I'll start any time soon. If there's something wrong with the application, I'll just tell you to change it and then will accept your character. :)


- No perfect and overpowered characters.
- If you can't catch up, don't be shy and ask for a slow down in the OOC
- It says it on the character sheet, but I'll put it in the rules too - we have enough characters from the neutral zone, so they should be either from Orientem, or from Occidens.
- Visit the OOC
- Be committed! Post often enough to get this story somewhere, or even... get it done!
- Be creative! For example, your character may find a way to break rules. (Not these, the ones in Caelum)
- Don't separate from the others, make your character contact with the others as much and as soon as possible!
- Feel free to ask questions and give ideas.
- Quality over quantity. Don't write novels, write something interesting and important, even if it takes one line!
- Don't overuse the one liners.
- I won't kill you if you make mistakes, but make it literal enough so everyone can understand and enjoy your creation.
- Don't overuse the swearing. If your character HAS to swear, there are stars. ***
- Write in third person and past tense.
- Don't post more than 3 characters.
- Don't abandon your character at the first sign of inactivity.
- Don't abandon your character in the middle of an important interaction.
- Don't abandon your character... at all.
- When the amount of characters reaches 15, I'll no longer accept, except if we've reached 15, you didn't know that and rushed to spend a huge amount of time making the 16th one.

So... have fun! :)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"I have casted various spells on different objects. Most of them are similar. For example, you may go to Orientem - nobody would know. You can meet someone from Orientem in the neutral zone and not fight with them - nobody would know. You can see and feel who is against the war, and befriend them no matter where they are from. Guess who would know know. But, in case you meet someone from Orientem, I suggest you start a duel. You may have the special items, but they don't. Nobody would know about you, but everyone would know about them and it's better for them if they fight. You'll talk to them while fighting. You can even give them my visit card, but only if they're against the war." Livenine gave Adion two pieces of paper. "The info about me disappears when someone who would betray me looks at the visit card. It's still on the visit cards, so I guess I can trust you. I'll be happy if you trust me too. So let me guess - you don't have much friends at school, right?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

Adion took the card. It was just a standard card, but it did have a slight magical tingle to it. If what Livenine had said was true, then the ink must be where the magic was coming from, but that was not something that Adion needed to know at the moment. "I don't think anybody would care if I didn't duel someone. I don't have any special items, but they all know that I don't fight their damn war. So, I might help you. Just remember this, my trust is a hard one to gain. As for my situation with friends, I may have 1, but I don't know what they think about me." said Adion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"You will know now." Livenine replied. She took out a few little shiny and colorful stones. After a moment of silence, she squeezes them in her fist. "Each of them has a price. I may be a freedom spreader, but I have to eat too."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

Adion looked at the stones. He found himself gravitating towards the green stone. It was slightly see through and seemed to have a darker spot in the center in the shape of something, but he didn't have the right angle to tell what it was. "I eat what I hunt most of the time. Why are you showing me them, anyway? Where did you get them?" asked Adion in a quick and rapid tone. His yellow eyes showed a distinct look of curiousity towards the stones. Obviously a rare sight.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"I'm showing them because I'm offering some help. I found them... I forgot where did I find them. Then I made spells on them." Livenine answered his questions. "These are for seeing if you can trust the person in front of you. Each of them costs 20 coins. This one can make you invisible. It costs 10 coins. This one... does nothing. It's not for sale. I haven't come up with different functions so far. Do you want to buy something now, or you'll buy it later? And if you need me, just whisper 'blue raven' to the visit card and I'll come."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"Are you willing to trade for meat instead of coins? It's kind of hard to get coins when you are not allowed in the markets." asked Adion. He had a good storage of meat, but if Livenine took a large amount of meat, Adion could easily hunt to refill his storage.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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0.00 INK

"Whatever you have for paying." Livenine answered. "If there's a problem with the item I gave you, tell me and I'll fix it, or trade it for new one. So... the girl who was with you... Is she a friend of yours?" Livenine asked. "Would she be interested in the stones?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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0.00 INK

"The girl that was with me? I am still waiting on that knowledge." said Adion.

"If you would follow me, I would like to buy one of those stones, but I don't have any meat on me. We will have to go back to my house." said Adion, already walking in the direction of his home. His hunting shack, which looked exactly like that and not much else. Oh well, Adion had a small basement, in which he had 5 barrels of salted meat.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"Well, it's settled." Livenine replied. She followed Adion. "So, I guess then, you'll have a woman come at your place, eh?" She smirked jokingly and nudged him with her elbow while winking.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

Adion blushed slightly at the thought of what Livenine jokingly implied. He knew that she wasn't serious, but it still caught him a little off guard. "Yeah, I guess." Adion said in an equally joking tone.

They had reached Adion's house. It was a smaller wooden house with varying traps and herb gardens lining the sides. The door's top hinge was slightly loose, giving the door a slight tilt. The window closest to the door was still boarded up from when the bird had entered earlier that day. Most of the grass around the building was about waist height with multiple different paths, each of which the grass only reached the ankle. Once inside, the house was very well kept. Most of the stuff in the house was not of high quality, but clean. This was excluding the area near the front window, with the glass thrown across the room.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Amary
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0.00 INK

Ellery dragged her and her kill home she'd be free to sit alone for a whike because her mother wouldn't be around for a while yet.

She dumped the meat in the kitchen and got rid of anything they couldn't eat and then left for her room diving into the thin glossy material she knew to be her best blanket and cover. She laid her head back frowning glumly. She was so bored and this wasn't like her at all. She had a busy mind and kept herself busy usually.


The young brunette ran around the woods alone keeping herself aware of her direction and obsticles. She spied her cousin's home in the distance on the hill and considered maybe showing her face because despite seeming slightly stuck-up Amary did have a soft spot for a fellow hunter like Ellery.

She made her decision and started bounding up-hill and eventually knocked on the large oak door. When she went ignored she barged in and couldn't hide she was impressed when she saw the dead prepared buck in the kitchen. Oooh she's good... She thought amused.

"Cousin?" She hollared up the staircase. She heard a moan and heavy footsteps and started to wonder if she'd chose a bad time.
"What's the tragedy this time?" Ellery asked and Amary barely hid her offence and surprise. Sure, most of the time she visited her cousin she brought bad news or asked for help but she did visit for a chat often.
"Nothing, I had planned on having a catch up but if your... Ellery cut her off there and Amary scrowled a little untils he was offered a drink.
"Just water please." Amary replied and barely a second later Amary had a glass of clear liquid dumped in her palm.

"So how ya doing?" Ellery asked a little more chirpier then before.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"Interesting place you've got there..." Livenine said while stepping slowly. "So do you want both the invisibility and the knowing the most important things about the person in front of you, or only the second one? Maybe you only want the first one?" She asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"I would like both. The meat is in the basement in 50 pound barrels (OOC: 50 pounds of meat in about a 4 pound barrel). It's right this way." Adion stated. He then began to walk towards the basement with Shadow in tow. Once in the basement, it was a cold and dry area. It felt like winter to whoever entered the area, with the barrels of meat strewn around the room. The barrels each had dates written in pencil on a piece of paper stuck to them with a small nail. According to the dates, the barrels where organized from oldest to newest. They also had the type of animal the meat was from on the note.

Adion led Livenine to the section with the newest meats. The meats there were duck, deer, wild boar, ox, buffalo, and pheasant. "Take your pick." Adion said to Livenine while awaiting her response.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

"It doesn't really matter. Surprise me." Livenine chuckled. She was glad she was paid in food, since she didn't have much knowledge and skills in hunting, because she mostly improved her spelling skills. "Alright, I'll pick the deer." She answered, knowing that making people to choose instead of you wouldn't make a good impression. "And here's the rocks you wanted." She gave them to Adion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon
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0.00 INK

Adion took the rocks. After a quick look over, he could feel the magic from them. He first tried out the invisibility one. For a few seconds, Shadow looked around confused as to where his master went. Adion decided that he didn't need to check the second one.

Adion walked to the back of the room and pulled out a cart for the barrel. Not like a horse drawn cart, but one where you put the item on it and pull yourself. He then put the deer meat on the cart and pulled it up the stairs, motioning for Livenine to follow him. "You can keep the cart if you want to. It isn't very hard for me to make a new one." Adion said to Livenine as they came to the top of the steps.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ellery
Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: Takashi Dawn
Character Portrait: Elunia Fyradova
Character Portrait: Amary


Character Portrait: Amary

"Don't pick a losing fight."

Character Portrait: Elunia Fyradova
Elunia Fyradova

"I've had no reason to leave the forest up until now.."

Character Portrait: Takashi Dawn
Takashi Dawn

"I fight for my land, and my faimlys protection. Don't you dare get in my way."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Why do you keep fighting your useless war?"

Character Portrait: Ellery

"I don't need much anything, I just need to know that I can breathe."


Character Portrait: Ellery

"I don't need much anything, I just need to know that I can breathe."

Character Portrait: Amary

"Don't pick a losing fight."

Character Portrait: Elunia Fyradova
Elunia Fyradova

"I've had no reason to leave the forest up until now.."

Character Portrait: Takashi Dawn
Takashi Dawn

"I fight for my land, and my faimlys protection. Don't you dare get in my way."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Why do you keep fighting your useless war?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Takashi Dawn
Takashi Dawn

"I fight for my land, and my faimlys protection. Don't you dare get in my way."

Character Portrait: Elunia Fyradova
Elunia Fyradova

"I've had no reason to leave the forest up until now.."

Character Portrait: Ellery

"I don't need much anything, I just need to know that I can breathe."

Character Portrait: Amary

"Don't pick a losing fight."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Why do you keep fighting your useless war?"

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