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Infrai Island

Infrai Island


Having powers doesn't change the fact that we're just lab rats. (CLOSED)

2,015 readers have visited Infrai Island since Whispers..x created it.


February 19th, 2015
the rumours that have been circulating for years are finally confirmed. people with superpowers of all kinds do exist. these people quickly rise to fame and begin taking a more active part in society. it's seen as a good thing; freedom.

April 2nd, 2015
research begins into finding out exactly why people are born with powers. are they born with them? a genetic mutation, perhaps? the research is harmless. observations, screenings, demonstrations of just how far they can push themselves. more and more knowledge is being gained, with no cost or harm to those taking part.

April 27th, 2015
one company, infrai corp, is reported as being a little too aggressive with the 'test subjects', as they were labelled, in an attempt to replicate powers in ordinary people. the company was quickly brought down for inhumane treatment. but that wasn't going to stop them.

December 15th, 2015
infrai corp managed to fly completely under the radar, using the profits they had already gained to relocate to an island the infrai family already owned. in the new year, their work would begin again.

January 13th, 2016
people start going missing. not in huge numbers, and with seemingly no link between them other than the fact they were young people. children, teenagers, occasionally young adults. some were recorded as having powers, others not.

these people are being taken and tested on by infrai corp. since moving out of the public eye they're able to push these people to their limit and beyond to try and replicate and develop powers. early attempts do not go well. nearly all die.

March 3rd, 2016
the second wave of trials goes better, but it's far from perfect. a person could be given enhanced vision, only to go blind in the next few days. some merely go insane, clawing at the walls of their underground cells. eventually, all are dead.

July 16th, 2016
finally, success. wave six possess nearly perfect replicas of the powers. maybe a few new side effects, but so far, nothing fatal. wave six are put through an intense testing schedule. those that do well are treated better than those who don't. anyone that rebels is punished, but never killed. the head of infrai corp doesn't want to destroy his best work. he's taken a liking to them, and the testing.

September 3rd, 2019
wave six are still suffering on infrai corp's island, with measures put in place to make sure they can't use their powers against the staff. they dream of breaking free and escaping back to the mainland where people will treat them better, rather than the pain they feel daily at the hands of the sadistic testers who have taken a liking to this job.

you are part of wave six.

Toggle Rules

- first off, this is a roleplay that by its very nature sets up scenes of suffering, probably mental and/or physical torture, violence, etc. just a warning.
- i'm not going to get picky about word counts, but try and give people something to work with in your responses! i'm also not going to be a total spelling and grammar nazi, but it helps. :P
- you can play a test subject here (whether they started off with powers or not is up to you) or a staff member. you can have up to four characters, although this could change if the situation calls for it.
- have fun with your character's powers! we all love original ideas. just try and make sure they aren't too overpowered - no more than two, please, and try and give them some sort of flaw. please don't pick something like invincibility, that's rather hard to give flaws. be imaginative and go wild :P
- usual rules, no mary sues, no godmodding, etc, etc.
- the ooc thread is your friend. we can plot, collaborate, check out ideas for characters, whatever. :)
- i do hope i haven't scared people off. ^-^'

here, have a form:
Position: if a test subject, say so. if a staff member, say so and give them a position, e.g. your average scientist, tester, etc. i'm hoping for a number of testers, but do what you want.
Power (if applicable): if a test subject, please say whether they already had this power or were given it here on the island.
History: you don't need to write a huge biography of this character's life. well, you can if you want to, just give us a few sentences at least. :P
Other: anything else we should know?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian
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#, as written by Haas33
Vivid closed her eyes and let color wash all over her. Pinks, blues, yellows. There wasn't much to do in between tests except writhe in pain or sleep. She sat up and put her legs out in front of her. She drew colorful and intricate designs on her legs, letting the color flow. She had practiced this. Using her color changing abilities to draw on her skin. She turned a hot pink and lay back down. She turned her eyes a lavender color with a gold rim and silver flecks. She changed her hair a sky blue with yellow streaks. It was sort of amusing, but boring. She had done this before in tests, seeing the extent to her skin abilities. At first they were going to put wings on her. A popular experiment. But then they did something wrong in the test and her skin turned green. She soon learned how to change her skins color and texture. Now they want to duplicate her power, but apparently with no luck. Fortunately, they haven't killed her. Yet. Color was easy. Trying to turn invisible was hard. It required concentration and energy. And once she was done, she would always feel sick. One time, she was sick for weeks. They even had to put her in the infirmary they never use, because they would just rather the subject die. Maybe they wanted her alive. Maybe she was special. Who knows? She could also change the texture and density. She could make her skin so hard bullets couldn't even go through it. Unfortunately, the really sharp and minuscule needles can still go in. Also, if they did go in, the effects of whatever they injected were double if not triple, normal. She would be out for hours. She could also make her skin so light, that she could just shed 10 pounds, making her run faster and jump higher. But wow does changing texture or density, or making herself invisible make her sick. She would always vomit after doing so, so she didn't do it often. Well, unless she was forced to. Which was often. She heard the footsteps of a scientists coming her way. Maybe he would pass right by. Or test on her. She sighed


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Character Portrait: Andras
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#, as written by Asper
Andras was heavily bolted into a machine against the wall, the restraints were made strong enough to hold tanks in their place. Constantly scientist stood outside of the cell looking at him through video screens, they feared going into the actual cell. They knew that the restraints wouldn't be able to stop him if they did something to really piss him off. Andras stared at the cameras and the flood lights pointed at him, grinning maliciously at the thought of when they last pissed him off. He had broken through the restraints and tore through scientist, nearly escaping the island. He still waited for the chance, when the restraints were loosened or a power failure. In that second he would destroy all of them there.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian
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"Shh... shh, it's okay..."

The teenager twisted in Nick's arms at his words - whether it was due to pain or trying to be free, he couldn't tell. Probably both. It seemed logical after what had just happened. A suggestion had been put forward to test the healing abilities she seemed to have been cultivating recently, and Nick had happily taken that on board by firing two bullets straight into her stomach. Fairly tame, in his opinion. Now it was just a matter of waiting. The whole action seemed gentle, almost caring - the male comforting the female, carefully dropping to the floor in her cell and putting her down. But every action was tainted. The comforting words tinged with a smirk, the slight height at which Nick dropped the girl from so she bounced off the hard floor, the way he abruptly left and slammed the door of her cell shut. She was rather harmless, the poor fragile thing, so a thick heavy door wasn't needed. Merely bars; a standard cage. Not like in the cases of some of the people they had here on the island.

Nick still had the gun he'd used only a few minutes ago, and he quietly pulled it out of his pocket and held it ready. He still had a few bullets left. Might as well put them to use. For a moment Nick paused, spinning around and looking at the cells in the corridor he was in the middle of as if deciding who to pick on, before doubling back and heading for Vivid's. Why not test her unique skin a little more?

A smirk spread onto his face once again as he tugged the door of her cell open, before all of a sudden firing a bullet straight at her right arm in the same movement along with a blunt order of "Force it out."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian
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#, as written by Haas33
When Vivid saw the gun, she tensed. Not this again. She shuffled to the back of her cage, hoping he would walk past. Of course not. She heard a gun fire and immediately she turned her skin rough. To late though. She screamed out in pain as the bullet impeded into her skin. She gritted her teeth and her skin took over, forming around the bullet, and pushing it out, rough almost scaly skin replacing the area where the bullet entered. She adroitly changed her skin back to normal, and immediately nausea flooded into her. She put her hands to her stomach and her head was pounding. She curled up, hugging her stomach, squeezing her eyes tight. She quietly spoke to the scientist. What was his name? Mike? Nate? Nick. It was Nick. "what do you want?" She said, pain prickling into her forehead. She turned a Bright shade of red, to match her angry mood, her hair and eyes also taking on the color. But she couldn't do much. All talk and no action. She wasn't much a fighter, an easy target. She picked up the bullet that had been shot into her skin and whipped it at Nick.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
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Brooklyn was in her room or cell, whatever they very much called the placed, either way when she wasn't being tested on it was where she spent her time alone. She let out a soft sigh and stared up at the ceiling, a hard concrete looking substance but it wasn't anything like it. The cell was made of an odd material that kept her from phasing out of it, she would have been out of this place a long time ago if it wasn't for that. Her eyes glanced down towards the floor, it was also made out of the same stuff that everything else was made of, except for the window on the door. It was too small of her to even try to get through, though, so she didn't ever make an attempt at trying it. A groan escaped from her lips as he body slightly moved up and down over the bed she was on, but she wasn't touching it. She was hovering over it, her arms under her head and her legs crossed. Brooklyn was relaxed, for the time being at least, till she heard the gun shot from a room down the corridor. Her body fell down onto the bed with a soft 'thud' and she sat up, looking towards the door. There was no doubt in her mind that one of the subjects here was just shot, most likely for some horrible test at that.


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Character Portrait: George Veslov
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George sat in his frozen room, set at a comfortable -20 degrees farenheight, just about the right temperature to halt his "condition", and tried to put a jumbo piece puzzle together, to test his hand eye coordination while in this state. He heard gunshots down the hall, 3 if his ears still served him right, and a sidearm at that, so likely a test, and not an attempted escape. He figured it would also be his turn to be tested on soon, because they had left him uninjured for quite some time. He tried to looked out the small glass hole in his large metal cell door, but his breath frosted it thickly before he could see anything. Suddenly a large shock struck through his entire body, and he was reminded to get back to his test over an intercom. He was closely monitered, because if anything went wrong, he could rebel, and attempt an escape. He was tempted by this thought many times in his time here, he signed up to try and find a solution to his problem, not be a disposable guinnea pig. He pushed the thought out of his head, and got back to work.


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#, as written by Asper
Andras heard gunshots, it was a common thing there. Wanted out desperately, the machines that restrained him would only suck on his power like a battery. He thought about doing something for the others there though, a nice distraction to take away from there constant testing. He turned his senses deep into himself, feeling the power that lay dormant there. The majority of it lay deeper inside of him, unreachable because of the power inhibitors that he couldn't remove. He still had a lot that could be accessed though, he grabbed hold of that energy and forced it outward. At first little happened, the air in the room shifted a bit. The scientist watching him turned to their computers as a loud rapid beeping blasted from them. Inside the room bright green energy burst out of the giant of a man, he roared loudly pushing out more power. Pushing out as much as he could, some was absorbed by the machines. He was overriding them though, they couldn't contain ALL the energy. The one way mirror that the scientist looked at him through begin to crack. If he pushed hard enough he could destroy the restraints, but soon someone would come in to put him down.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Andras
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Nick watched Vivid with what could only be described as amusement as she went through the motions of forcing the bullet out. Really, he should probably have brought something to record this with, a notebook, video camera, anything, but it had been a spur of the moment decision. He could always describe it later. Or just repeat the action. With a smirk Nick cupped his hand in front of him, barely reacted as the bullet dropped into his hand. A quick examination displayed almost no damage to the bullet, save for some blood from the original entry. "Hm." He flicked his gaze back up to Vivid. "We might have to try that again with something a little larger later on, I'm sure you'll be thrilled." Always the formal tone, like he was having a casual conversation about the weather. "And how do you feel after that? Sick, I presume, judging by your actions and track record... lovely red shade you have there, by the way."

He probably would have said more, had he not been distracted by something behind him. And he had a fairly good idea as to what it was, or rather, who. "Oh, Andras..." He sighed, giving Vivid a quick wave before slamming the door shut behind him and leaving. Humming to himself Nick crossed the corridor, not breaking in the tune as he paused for a moment before deciding to at least put the face shield on before entering the cell. Sure, the power resistance his oh so lovely father had granted him helped, but he preferred to keep that care close to his chest. Sighing heavily he tugged open the door to Andras' cell, quickly crossing the small room. "You really should stop doing this, Andras." Nick fiddled with the restraints, undoing a latch and pulling out a drip cord. Inside, the means to sedate this particular subject. "They've got you slated for death and all of this showing off doesn't help your case." He punctuated his last words by stabbing the drip into Andras' arm, probably a little harder than necessary.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Andras
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#, as written by Haas33
Vivid scrambled up to do some damage to Nick. Scratch his face, punch him with a really hard fist, something. But not before the door slammed shut. She instantly regretted jumping up, and she felt like throwing up even more. Instead she sat down, her palms to her head, watching Nick deal with Andras. If he could take care of someone that powerful that easily, there was no way anyone was ever getting out. She sighed in frustration and sat back down, the nausea slowly fading away. The area where the bullet entered was a little sore, but other than that, she had no major injuries. she turned back to normal, and drew images on her skin. Exhaustion washed over her, and she slept in her cold metal cage.


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#, as written by Asper
Andras felt himself slowly losing consciousness, as his energy begin residing he looked at Nick and moved his head as close as he could. "One of these days, I will be free, and you will wish you would have simply let me kill you." His eyes slowly shut and his head slumped forward, falling into a deep sleep.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Tony Griffin Character Portrait: Andras
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The footsteps of well-polished Nordstrom shoes sounded in the hall, accompanied by the sound of prisoners flinching away as Tony Griffin passed by their cell. Today the man wore a crisp, expensive Italian suit, perfectly matching his shoes. His hair was neatly combed back. He was the picture of perfection. Except for the blood stains splattering the neatly folded white lab coat he held over his arm.

The man sighed, glancing at his Rolex watch. "Nick?" he called, strolling down to the cell he needed and rapping on the bars. He lifted his eyebrow at the sight of fellow tester Nick Grieves standing over the motionless body of the cell's inhabitant, Andras. Tony had tested on Andras many times before.

"Nick!" he cried, stepping into the cell and nudging the boy's unconscious body distastefully with the tip of his toe. "Dear God. Tell me you didn't kill another; we're going to run out of test subjects if you keep--" He took a deep breath and massaged his forehead. "Cell 25. Vivian "Vivid", the girl with the chameleon skin. Why is there blood all over her cell?" He gave a stern look. "I heard those gunshots, you know. Why aren't you filing a report right now? We've had this conversation, you can't just go shooting subjects willy-nilly, this is for the purpose of testing. We need those reports."

Tony tended to look down on Nick for his violent tendencies. Sure, Tony could be just as sadistic at times, but his intention was always the furthering of science. These poor, disgusting, unfortunate souls were different from human beings. He was always searching for a "cure". And sure, if a few test subjects had to go through some pain for it-- well, the end justified the means. It was for their own betterment.

For this reason, Tony was always nagging Nick. Despite the two of them being of equal position here at Infrai Island.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Tony Griffin Character Portrait: Andras
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"Like I haven't heard that one before." His tone was dry as he held down the button that would release the sedative until Nick was sure Andras was out, even pricking the other male with the knife he kept on him for such a purpose. No response. Even so, Nick hung on for a few moments before calmly stepping backwards - and nearly falling over at a yell. Thankfully, it had escaped from the subject in front of him. Although he wished it had. "If you would happen to check his pulse, you'll find he's still alive, Tony." Nick sounded like a depressed teenager placating his strict mother. It was funny - Tony and Nick were of similar ages, and shared exactly the same position here in the facility (being the owner's son didn't get him any extra privileges, save for the slight power, and he'd had to go through a fair bit of pain to acquire that), yet Tony acted almost like his boss. Frustrating, to say the least.

"The shots were for the purpose of testing." Rolling his eyes Nick prompted Tony to leave the cell and followed behind him, tugging the door shut. "I wanted to see if she could force the bullet out. She could, with no problems other than nausea." Then he folded his arms, smirking at the older co-worker. "I was going to file a report, but I stayed down here for a more benevolent reason. You did bring their food down for today, didn't you? It's all I've heard these people talking about for several days now."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Yohance
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#, as written by Hyunshi
Walking through the corridors of the facility Yohance occasionally glanced though the windows on the doors at the Test Subjects he passed though only at some right now they werenโ€™t what he was interested in. He was always curios to know why gun shots were fired though he wasnโ€™t worried at all he was only curios to what the reason was this time. By now Yohance had memorized most of the names of the test subjects and the abilities that the test subject had, though it wasnโ€™t a hard thing to do when most of them were sent to him anyway, why? Because of the ability he had. The power to play mind tricks on people, to make them relive their worst nightmare to making them believe they were in a totally different area and that somebody important was there with them, he was able to make them believe something was there when really it was only his ability playing tricks on their mind but they didnโ€™t know that. He wasnโ€™t tested on by the facility for the simple reason they actually wanted to use his power against other test subjects. Why? Because been able to actually make them believe they were in a different place and in the comfort of someone or something important to them enabled them to talk about things they wouldnโ€™t normally talk to a staff member about. Though in their mind they would still think they were talking to someone close to them, or someone they trusted. Granted that this didnโ€™t always work considering some of them didnโ€™t have something that he could use as a means to get them to spill their secrets without realizing they were really talking to him, but in most cases he was able too.

Continuing through the corridors until he had reached where he had been meaning to go it he took one look at Nick and then at the Cell in which Vived resided in. The whole thing had passed by the time he had got their but he still knew what had went on, tilting his head slightly he turned towards Nick, His Smirk covered by the black material covering the bottom half of his face.

โ€œ You sure do like causing them pain, but remember we still need them for testing, so it would be quite a shame if one of them got damaged..โ€


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves
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Bailey threw herself against the walls of her bright white 'room'. They basically had her seperated from people, due to her previous plots that were almost successful. There was a little "window" all the way at the top of the wall. Basically, it was a hole with iron bars.

"COME AND GET ME YOU BASTARDS! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE NERVE TO DO ANYTHING TO ME BECAUSE YOU'RE TERRIFIED!" She loved to taunt them. It was rewarding, even with the pain. They had tried to break the fight out of her, but she was just too stubborn.

She was hurting her arm, but she continued to throw herself against the wall. They wouldn't allow her to do too much damage to herself, since that would harm their research. No, it was only okay if that sicko inflicted the pain. She thought his name was Nick, but she really just called him sick bastard. She hadn't been tested on today, and she knew it was going to come, so she was going to fight it as much as she could.

"COME TRY TO TEST ON ME, I DARE YOU! YOU WON'T LAST FIVE SECONDS!" She let the empty threat hang in the air as she yelled through the window.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Yohance Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Haas33
Vivid's eyes shot wide open as the footsteps echoed down the hall. Nick, coming to hurt her again. She looked up. It was only Tony and Yohance. Much better than Nick. She stood up and noticed Tony looking at her, studying her really. She preferred Tony because he actually preformed cruel experiments purely for scientific purpose, not as a cruel heartless joke for enjoyment. She changed her hair to a deep shade of green and her skin to a bright pink. Her eyes turned to a lavender color and she crawled closer to the bars. What was he going to inject with her? What were they going to take her away to be tested on now? she sighed and narrowed her eyes. "What is it now?" She asked. "Come to shoot me again? Maybe this time I won't force it out, and you will lose your precious subject, without even discovering a way to duplicate my power." She raised her eyebrows and her eyes turned a deep Crimson color, which soon spread to her hair and skin.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
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0.00 INK

Brooklyn listened closely to what they were saying in the hallway, though through the walls of her cell it wasn't easy to hear. She got up from the bed, of which she wasn't even really touching in the first place, and walked up to the door. Soon her body slowly levitated off of the floor, high enough for her to be able to reach the window on the door. With that she phased her head through to take a look. She spotted the testers standing around each other, talking, most likely about experiments and such. From down the hall she heard a female's voice, similar sounding in a way, it must had been Vivid. "You shouldn't make threats like that Vivid," she said down to her, "you should know very well that they've probably a way to keep you alive whether you force the bullet out of yourself or not. They aren't stupid." Brooklyn continued to look down towards the testers, giving them a harsh glare.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
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Skylar sat at layer down on her bed, bored at the end of her mind. The scientists were just done testing her; doing the usual stuff like making her absorb electric charges and release them. Personally she was not even trying, what they're making her do is just the atmosphere of her power. That's right. It's not even the surface, which meant she could do so much more with her power, "The perks of being a wallflower." she thought with a slight chuckle. That statement was true, in the orphanage, she was just a wallflower; nobody bothered to go to her or to play with her. As long as she can remember, she was alone.

With a sigh, she took the book that one of the scientists have kindly lend to her, "It's better to be alone than having someone hurt you in the end."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Jak Ross Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Tony Griffin Character Portrait: Andras
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Jak unphased quickly from the shadow of his bed as the sound of gunshots broke the tranquility. He heard it, he believed, just a few cells down and was about to peer out through the iron barred window, but thought otherwise. He recalled now that floodlights had been placed on his door to prevent any further escape attempts. In his last endeavor, he managed to phase into the dark floor and slide beneath the crack of the door, only to appear on the other side in front of one of the scientists. Jak assumed it was Nick as he seemed to get joy from his pain, and he knew the floodlights now eliminate any shadows, so unless someone walks by, Jak is stuck here.

Suddenly Jak heard Andras acting up, resulting in Nick knocking him out, only to be scolded harshly by Tony. Instead of listening to the two argue like he normally would however, Jak decided more sleep was required. Silently he phased back into the shadows of the small bed, feeling comfortable within the darkness as he soon fell asleep. He only hoped that he wouldnโ€™t be woken to get tested on.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
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Skylar's twitched in annoyance as she heard the gunshot which disturbed her peace in reading. She sighed, "I miss the orphanage. At least there I could be in the library all day long." she thought as she went back to reading.

The door suddenly opened, revealing a minor scientist by her door, "We know you've just ended your last test run but we forgot some tests that you must do." he said while reading the clip board he was holding then looked at her, "Come with me, Hawkins."

Skylar stood up quietly and placed the book on her bed. She then followed the scientist our of her room and into the test room. Her dark eyes stared dully at the screen waiting for what exactly they what her to do, "So troublesome."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins Character Portrait: Yohance Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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#, as written by Hyunshi
Tilting his head to the side lightly Yohance saw the Scientist open the door to a cell a few doors down, reading the number on the door he then took his own clipboard out and looked down at it for a moment. A faint smirk escaping onto the males lips as he decided to leave Tony by Vivids cell alone. He was only curios to what happened there and he had already found that out. Walking up to the cell which Hawkins resided in, he tapped the shoulder of the lower ranking scientist before speaking.

โ€œI will take it from here..โ€

The lower ranking scientist took one look at him before nodding slightly; handing Yohance the clipboard, though his facial expression showed that he wasnโ€™t happy that Yohance had decided to take this one over, though he had no choice considering Yohance was of a higher authority then him. Watching him walk away Yohance scanned the clipboard before looking back towards Hawkins, the smile on his face covered by the fabric over the lower half of his face. Though anyone could tell he wasnโ€™t exactly normal, then again he wasnโ€™t he did have the power of illusions.

โ€œAh Hawkins, youโ€™re the one with electrical ability no, able to absorb it and use it no..?โ€

He knew about her power completely and he was almost definitely intrigued about, though there was loads of test subjects in the facility there was only a few which actually interested Yohance. Those with usual or useless powers didnโ€™t intrigue him one bit, he was more interested in the deadly powers, the ones that caused destruction. Letting out a faint chuckle he looked towards Hawkin once more.

โ€œLooks like you need to get a few blood and bone samples taken again and then it seems they want to do the same as the previous test once more, see if it has a different outcome..โ€


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Character Portrait: Charles
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Charles paced through the small dark room. A thousand thoughts were going through his head.

How long has it been 4 days, a week? Those Bastards, I show them something new and they lock me in here. But I know what they are going. โ€œI know what you are doingโ€ Charles yelled while looking at the Camera in his cell.

It was a small cell; there was a single small and dim light on the ceiling and no windows. A small bed and chair where his only companions. The only source of daylight came from a small hole in the door that only opened once a day to give him his lunch. In other words it was nothing special, except that it was especially damp. After last test where Charles showed them his ability to collect and absorb liquid out of thin air they decided to change his cell. They hermitically closed the cell and started humidifying the air hoping to see how much Charles could last without directly drinking water.

I could kill them, I know I could. I just need to touch them, drain a little moisture out of a vein and โ€œpopโ€, instant internal bleeding. But no, itโ€™s too early, I could probably kill one maybe too but Iโ€™m not strong enough. I need to be able to this without touching them.

They thought they could get rid of me before, but I surprised them with this new ability. This demonstration should give me a couple of months before they decide Iโ€™m not useful anymore.

Charles played with the idea. He will have to find something else to give them in a couple of months, but for now he will train and get stronger.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Charles Character Portrait: Yohance Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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0.00 INK

He turned his head toward Vivid, hearing the girl call out to him. Shooting Nick one last scathing look, he walked down to her cell, even as he heard Brooklyn scolding her for speaking out. "Nice to see you're doing well, Vivid," he said emotionlessly. Tony always tried not to show any emotion one way or another when he spoke to the subjects. He didn't want them to think he was their friend, but he didn't want them to hate him either... those poor unfortunate souls, he thought, slightly nauseated at the thought of how... different they were.

He glanced down his clipboard and flipped through the pages. Who hadn't been tested yet? He looked up and saw Hawkins being led away by Yohance. Let's see...

Making a decision, Tony pulled out his keys and shoved them into the cell of Brooklyn Jones. "Jones. Out." He glanced over his shoulder and snapped, "You too, Charles." The boy had been yelling at his camera again. He wondered whether Charles knew that the cameras were only turned on when there was some kind of commotion.

Then, he made a quick, and probably unwise, decision. Unlocking Vivid's cell as well, he told the three subjects, "Time for testing, kittens."

They were only supposed to hurt subjects once a day. But hey-- Nick hadn't filled out any paperwork. Nobody would know if Vivid got a little extra attention. She fascinated him so.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Haas33
Vivid sighed and pulled herself up, shaking the color out and reverting back to her normal colors (blonde hair with blue streak, purple eyes with gold rim, and light pink skin). She hopped out of her dinky cell. Whaaat now? Testing testing testing. Always painful. She stretched and brushed out her tattered doctor's robe, that was basically a sheet with strings. Or a bag. Yawning, she trailed after Tony. What were they going to test now? On a sort of side test they have been trying to get her to turn other people different colors. So far she had only turned a mans shoulder a bright green. She had been making some progress, one time transforming someone's entire face purple. Progress they call it. Personally, I thought it just classified me as more of a freak.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
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0.00 INK

Bailey jumped even more against the wall. She could feel herself bruising. She was going to escape this time or die trying. She knew it was most likely the second one, but it was better than being here. Yesterday that one creep stuck a needle in her eye just to see if the discoloration affected my "eyesight".

She knew they hated it when she hurt herself; they thought they would loose research. She had tried to kill them in their dreams, but their defenses only made it possible for her to be present in them. It gave her satisfaction knowing that she could find their darkest fears and play them like a movie. It was a great feeling. Unfortunately, they were working on a defense for that.

"YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF PUSSYS! YOU'RE JUST SCARED THAT I'LL HAUNT YOUR NIGHTMARES AGAIN!" She wanted them to open her door, she had a plan.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Charles Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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0.00 INK


Before Brooklyn knew it, Tony had made his way toward her cell and shoved the keys into the keyhole, unlocking it with a bit of a jingle. She hated being told what to do, as if she was some sort of child or animal, she wasn't either of those nor was anyone else there. A soft growl could be heard escape from her lips as she let herself slowly touch down onto the floor, softly.

Brooklyn Hesitantly followed behind him, watching as he let out both Vivid and Charles as well. There wasn't very much a doubt in her mind that Tony would be sick minded enough to want to give out pain to more than one subject.

"I'm not a cat," she said under her breath, keeping her distance enough away from Tony to feel safe within herself. It wasn't very often that feeling safe came along, even if trying to feel that way.


Tabitha walked down the long corridor of the facility, clipboard in hand as she wrote down onto her. The woman's shoes made quite a loud 'click' and 'clack' on the hard floor beneath her feet. It seemed as another typical day within the place, subjects screaming due to the pain most testers placed on them, others cooped up in their cells after said events, all the same. As she continued her way down the hall she noticed a couple of her colleagues standing around, one of them was taking three of the test subjects for most likely a dose of pain. The other she wasn't very sure about at the moment, no likely no good though.

When she had gotten close enough to them she stopped, looking towards the two than at the subjects with the one. "Good evening Tony, Nick," she greeted them both kindly, "to you as well Brooklyn, Vivid, and Charles."

She'd always liked greeting the subjects as friendly as she could, it kept her in a sense of mind that she was only doing this for scientific purposes, though it never really felt like it. "Going off to do some work?" she questioned curiously, knowing the answer already of course.

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Character Portrait: Vivian
25 sightings Vivian played by Haas33
My skin is its own rainbow. Sort of.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Andras
Character Portrait: Nick Grieves
Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
Character Portrait: Yohance
Character Portrait: Jak Ross
Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
Character Portrait: Charles
Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins
Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna
Character Portrait: Clara Benz


Character Portrait: Clara Benz
Clara Benz

Just add 1.2 mL, that should do the trick.

Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna
Kalex Zanna

I forgot...

Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins
Tabitha Wilkins

"Be calm and it'll be over in no time."

Character Portrait: Charles

Quiet and Smart he prefers to keep to himself.

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
Skylar Hawkins

"Oh, hello."

Character Portrait: Jak Ross
Jak Ross

Get out of my way!

Character Portrait: Yohance

Stop treating such beauty like crap. Heh.

Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
Bailey Willis

Really, I'm just a kid...

Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
Tony Griffin

"Stay still and shut up. This will only hurt for a second."

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
Brooklyn Jones

"Sometimes I wish I could phase the pain away."


Character Portrait: Jak Ross
Jak Ross

Get out of my way!

Character Portrait: Clara Benz
Clara Benz

Just add 1.2 mL, that should do the trick.

Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
Tony Griffin

"Stay still and shut up. This will only hurt for a second."

Character Portrait: Yohance

Stop treating such beauty like crap. Heh.

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
Brooklyn Jones

"Sometimes I wish I could phase the pain away."

Character Portrait: Charles

Quiet and Smart he prefers to keep to himself.

Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna
Kalex Zanna

I forgot...

Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
Bailey Willis

Really, I'm just a kid...

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
Skylar Hawkins

"Oh, hello."

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves
Nick Grieves

Testing them, punishing them, it's all the same really. I don't differentiate.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins
Tabitha Wilkins

"Be calm and it'll be over in no time."

Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
Bailey Willis

Really, I'm just a kid...

Character Portrait: Charles

Quiet and Smart he prefers to keep to himself.

Character Portrait: Skylar Hawkins
Skylar Hawkins

"Oh, hello."

Character Portrait: Clara Benz
Clara Benz

Just add 1.2 mL, that should do the trick.

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves
Nick Grieves

Testing them, punishing them, it's all the same really. I don't differentiate.

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones
Brooklyn Jones

"Sometimes I wish I could phase the pain away."

Character Portrait: Jak Ross
Jak Ross

Get out of my way!

Character Portrait: Yohance

Stop treating such beauty like crap. Heh.

Character Portrait: Andras

If you'd just let me kill you before, you wouldn't be dealing with this pain now.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Infrai Island: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Infrai Island

Re: Infrai Island

this RP going to start back up again?

Re: Infrai Island

Hey people! There's this roleplay that needs more players! (no it is not mine but I have a new roleplay too)


Re: Infrai Island

Shhhhhhhh... I'm advertising for a group XD

If anyone is looking for a new roleplay to join you should go for this one , it doesn't have a bad plot but we need a few spots filled before we can start.

Please check out if interested, thanks~

Re: Infrai Island

Hi guys it seems i won't be able to continue. I may have overestimated my free time. Sorry about it but i will have to drop. I'll leave my character there if anyone wants to use it or anything.

I'll at least be reading you guys, Good Luck.

Re: Infrai Island

@Zammy: Don't fret about it, people get busy you can't always ignore you're actual life :'P

Oh god, whispers... I can't help this.. but because my brain never quits with character ideas I've oddly another one XD;;;

Re: Infrai Island

XD It's so weird to play such a fragile character, everyone's so careful with her! I'm used to kick ass vampires and the like.

Re: Infrai Island

Been a bit busy the past few days and going to be a busy today so Just saying I will get my RP post out tomorrow at the latest.

Re: Infrai Island

TechGorilla wrote:@Marchhare i think we have a cunfision here, by avatar i mean the pictures for your character. Or are you saying you actually draw those images yourself, cause that's cool.

lol that's what I was talking about XD I actually had drawn the images of my characters myself, it's what I do :'P~

Re: Infrai Island

I know Andras is still free at least, even if he's unconscious... I haven't read through the roleplay to check who's where yet xD

And I don't think I'm gonna approve any more characters, I think we've got a good number of mixed characters :P However, if anyone here already wants to make another charrie, come talk to me.

Re: Infrai Island

@Marchhare i think we have a cunfision here, by avatar i mean the pictures for your character. Or are you saying you actually draw those images yourself, cause that's cool.

Re: Infrai Island

My first post is up! I hope it's okay, I posted at the same time as Bailey accidentally, so Nick can just ignore Kalex's comment. >.> I'm still figuring out how I'm going to do a character that can't remember stuff...

I'll post as Clara soon, after I finish up a few things! Are there any subjects left to toy with?

Re: Infrai Island

TechGorilla wrote:I will be posting in a couple of hours. Sorry for the delay. Anyways MarchHare i wanted to ask you where do you get those awesome avatars?

I don't get my avatars from anywhere, first I draw my characters out then I go ahead and make the avatars from them :'P

Re: Infrai Island

I just read everything and this looks really cool :D I have a character I've been dying to try out perfect for a test subject, but seeing as you need more testers I could throw in one as well. I hope that will work out okay to balance out the sides.

*edit* Kalex and Clara have been submitted, just waiting for the okay :D

Re: Infrai Island

I will be posting in a couple of hours. Sorry for the delay. Anyways MarchHare i wanted to ask you where do you get those awesome avatars?

Re: Infrai Island

Since it seems like we very well need it XD I think I'll make another character, a tester of course, if that's alright.

Re: Infrai Island

Just a quick notice guys - if you're thinking about making a character, PLEASE consider making them a tester! We're getting loads of test subjects and we need more interactions going on!

Re: Infrai Island

Sup guys, this seems like a nice RP so i submitted my character just a minute ago. Also i think i forgot to mention that i submitted him as a test subject. Hope it gets accepted.

Re: Infrai Island

I will be sending a character post now and be warned that I rushed this because I am going to go get my wisdom teeth pulled so I wanted to get this done as soon as possible. so please look away from any spelling/grammer errors you may see and notify me if you see any and I will change that.(btw I love your avatar, she's my favorite homestuck troll)

Re: Infrai Island

No worry! Right I shall send you a Character Sheet thingy now c:

Re: Infrai Island

Yep, sounds good xD Apologies for any confusion!