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Dalton Timothy Conway

"Why am I doing this? A means to the end. Notice the drop in crime rate since I started doing work?"

0 · 951 views · located in Kumomi, Japan

a character in “Means to an End”, originally authored by FamishedPants, as played by RolePlayGateway


Dalton is in great shape. He has an athletic build, short brown hair and blue eyes. Stands at about 5'10 tall, and about 185 Lbs. Wears a short sleeved shirt with jeans most of the time, but it is not unheard of for him to wear a jacket, even in warmer temperatures. He prefers darker colors, so any top is usually black or grey. Jeans are sometimes replaced with shorts of a dark color as well.

He basically looks like this, this includes the jacket along with everything he normally wears. Even the hair is right, but not the face. Obviously, you want to picture an anime-look to it, so use Hisao for reference. (Hisao's the character pic.)


Dalton is a kind, caring young man who frowns upon anyonebody who thinks less of people. He however, does think that criminals should be punished more, and is known to have killed a few criminals on death row. He is a funny and sarcastic person, and prefers things to not be serious, unless need be, making him hard to upset. Among that, he is a genius. However, not even his parents knew that. He failed tests on purpose, so as not to expose this.

-While he considers his life above a stranger's in terms of importance, he would do anything for a friend or loved one.
-As fit and smart as he is, he had a great interest in video games.
-He prefers to keep a gentlemanly air about near girls, but tries to stray away from flirtatious talk, as he shys up when that happens.
-Loves rock music, metal and country. Dislikes Rap, unless it's Eminem.
-Since obtaining the Death Note, he has studied a bit into Law.
-He is naturally immature until he figures that he needs to be mature. (Hence "Suck it, Commotion!")
-Every kill since the first "Kira" killing has had dialogue written into it. A calling card, if you will.
-Tends to play along with guises and fake smiles even when he sees through them

CORRUPTION: This is how his personality has altered since he took up the alias, "Kira".
-He now has a goal in life: To make Earth his own Heaven since he cannot go there himself. His varient of "Heaven" is a world with next to no crime.
-his reluctancy to kill detectives vanished, as any who are on the Kira case are considered a threat to peace and justice.
-He is now applying for a job in the police force.


He has-in terms of equipment-only his fists and his Death Note

-Training in MMA's make his fists deadlier than most people are with a knife or bat.
-His Death Note, which is white instead of the standard black.
-Cell Phone
-Has no car...yet.
-His face-reading skills.
-His intellect.


Dalton was a normal kid, or so his parents thought. Dalton was actually really smart, but at the same time, immature. Since revealing his hidden genius would make him have to take more classes, he screened his grades, keeping them around A's and B's. So, he lived a somewhat normal life, hanging out with friends and doing what any normal American boy did. That was until a few months after he hit the age of 18. He and his best friend were mugged. His best friend didn't have his wallet with him, and the mugger shot him. His friend bled out before help could arrive and that scarred Dalton for life.

When they were sentencing the mugger in court, Dalton found out that the murderer and his lawyer had made a deal and he only got twenty years in jail. When the upset and enraged Dalton left the court, he found a notebook laying on the floor. Soon, he realized that this was his opportunity to take revenge, and he didn't hesitate to do so. When he turned nineteen, he moved to Japan, as he always had an interest in it and he wanted to get away from everything. He now lives in Japan and is searching for a job.

-Ever since he obtained the Death Note, he has (Over time) been killing off more serious criminals, but not on a schedule. Since most of Dalton's day consists of looking for a job, he tends to be real bored.

-Dalton went to multiple fighting dojos when he was younger.

-Daily training has improved Dalton's fighting and shape greatly. He has been studying from books written on Bruce Lee and even Chuck Norris' training schedule. This makes him better than when he was released from his dojos. In his training, he has focused on weapon disarming. Since the mugging, he has been real paranoid about being mugged, so this help him relieved. As such, it'd be foolish to point a gun at Dalton unless you were well enough away from him.

-A trait Dalton picked up from his mother, who was a detective, was reading faces. At first glance, Dalton can tell through false emotions. People who try to act the exact opposite of how they really do are easiest for him to spot. That in combination with his hidden intellect can be used to manipulate people without them realizing it.

So begins...

Dalton Timothy Conway's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Commotion
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((Next Day! :D people can still post the transition into it, though))

"Ok, time to fuck with Commotion..."

Dalton had just woken up, and rather happily too. Not only did he have a bed that was better by more than tenfold in terms of comfort, he found his objective in life. After a certain rule in the Death Note repeated in his thoughts, he had an idea. If he couldn't go to Heaven, he'd make the Earth his own Heaven. Though as with anything worthwhile, it had obstacles. This came in the form of detectives. So far, one had made themself known. Commotion.

Unfortunately, he was a detective, so he wasn't least that's how Dalton originally saw it. His previous threat was only to intimidate, he never had plans to kill someone of the law. Keyword being "Had". After his dream, no, his vision, he realized that since the detectives stood against Kira, the symbol of justice, the world would have to be ridden of them. Him and all other detectives who thought to bring harm to him.

With his goal in mind, he would create an ideal world in which the innocent could roam free without fear of attack. But first, he had to make sure the world knew that. If the world was on his side, Commotion would have one less bullet to use against him. After all, the public is their greatest weapon.

"...following a murder and rape of a twelve year old girl, Kiname Totsuba fled the scene. Memorials will be set up." the T.V relayed information that Kira wanted to hear. A murderer like that really upset the public. Bringing him to justice in the name of Kira will help start his conversion of the public.

Kiname Totsuba.

His name was written into the Death Note. The dialogue however, was meant to rile the public. To pit them against those who would call themselves 'the law'.

...."Hold on. We've got reports of Totsuba approaching the police." the reporter announced before the camera panned to a blockade set up by the police. A lone figure walked up, gun in hand.

"People of the world! Heed this warning! Those people! The ones that call themselves Justice! The ones that call themselves detectives! The ones that say they will protect, shelter, and bring you justice, have failed! I come offering myself to the heavens not because of them, but because of the lord, Kira! Let it be known that Kira is the new god of this world! Let it be known that the detectives can no longer bring you justice! From now on, all those who commit horrid crimes such as these shall be punished by his own hand! But the innocent needn't worry! Kira only punishes those who would stand against Justice! Rejoice! For starting now, Kira will bring about the end of suffering!"

After his long speech, the man shot himself in the head, his message was delivered to not only the police and bystanders around, but the whole world watched the broadcast. Dalton could only laugh, this was only the beginning....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura
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Dalton had left for the cafeteria on the first floor. He looked at his watch. 10:45am. After eating, he decided to take the elevator up.

"Today Hakita Shihiro, a renowned criminal in Kobe, shot two police officers in the street. The police in Kobe have told our reporter that Hakita Shihiro is still on the loose. As of now they have no evidence as to the place where Hakita is hiding and they have two men in body-bags.

Dalton was greeted with an announcement instead of boring elevator music. This one brought him joy, however. "Another person to appease the public with", he laughed as that thought crossed his mind.This probably would've been odd had anyone else been in it. So, he exited on the nineth floor and headed to his room, where he saw a bulky dude let a couple of strange looking men in.

Ignoring that, he started to walk by, but tripped on his shoelace, which cauesed him to fall into the bouncer.

"Sorry." he said sheepishly as he stood up, only to be greeted with a fist to the face. This painful blow was about to be followed by another, but Dalton had regained his composure by then.

*SWISH* The punch collided with the air, nothing more. "Huh?" he grunted in confusion. Dalton stood up and with a grin, roundhouse kicked the man three times before he could hit the ground.

"You know what? I'm not sorry anymore...." he laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur
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0.00 INK

The elevator had malfunctioned while she had been riding in it, and once some minutes passed, (she checked the watch that she wrapped on her wrist. It read 11:09 AM. .. I'm definitely going to be late. I just know it. When it finally got to working again, Variel sighed, leaning against the wall as the contraption finally took her to the ninth floor, and followed the instructions to each word as she remembered from memory. She's going by to go and have her required search from a bodyguard, but stumbles upon a more interesting sight of a man roundhouse kicking another, more likely the bodyguard, judging by his size and structure, and observing the more crazy man who had just kicked the other into hitting the ground, laugh. I'm about to be late.. even if it's going to be at 11:48, and yet.. I don't feel too bad. Rather, this sight is.. more interesting. She slightly tilts her head to the side.

".. Erm, would I happen to be interrupting something?" She asks aloud, keeping a very monotone voice of much disinterest, contrary to what her expression showed. That crazy one looks familiar, though. "If you would please excuse me," she manages forward towards the two upon noticing the room that she was supposed to enter via this person. "I sort of needed this person to get inside.. unlike you." She's quite vague in her wording, but it's hard to tell much from the apathetic tone of her voice. "You know, it's quite rude to be attacking strangers in hotel corridors."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Ling Chung (Scar)
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"How many roles do you have?" he asked in annoyance. It took a few seconds, but he saw through it. "Do you have a play everyday or what?" he smirked. Through her disguise, it was hard at first to see through, but again, his eyes failed him not. A big factor is that her face revealed too much stuff happening, something he had only seen with her, so it was distinctive.

He took a normal stance, instead of his basic fighting since it was obvious that this "bodyguard" if you could call him that, wasn't going to get up. He had the thought of manslaughter run across his mind for a brief second, but that quickly disappeared as he looked up at the girl.

"So what are you doin? Stalking me?" he jested before noticing an asian cowboy approaching them. "What the hell?" he thought, this guy was actually doing disguises right. His disguise was so obvious in that itself was a disguise, that no one would think it was. Brilliant, actually.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Ling Chung (Scar)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tomoya
The smiling man opened the door that led out to the hallway to see the three figures; a boy who appeared in his late teens to early twenties, a young woman, and an Asian cowboy with a scar on his face. Finally he looked down to see an unconscious body guard. The sight of the man on the ground made the young man's brow furrow.

"Well, I told him to be careful of everyone and anything, but I didn't think that he'd attack a young man for no reason." He then surprisingly picked up the man, and held him on his back, "Come on everyone, the boss is waiting," He turned to look back at Dalton, "That includes you, young man."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Ling Chung (Scar)
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0.00 INK

"Well, I may or may not have tripped into him, and I guess he took it as an attack of some sort?" he said just before a yawn escaped his lips.

He then surprisingly picked up the man, and held him on his back, "Come on everyone, the boss is waiting," He turned to look back at Dalton, "That includes you, young man."

"Ok?...." he followed the man's instructions and took note of his unusual strength. As he walked in, he noticed three others were already in there. He looked around and noticed a chair, which he took without waiting for a go ahead. "So, you guys going to lock the door, and start chanting "Hail Kira!" or something...?" he had read online that there were already cults dedicated to him, and that they were frowned upon by the general public. This was surprising seeing as the speech he made the last victim of the Death Note had a big speech and everything, but it had only been a couple hours, not enough time to start a movement like that. He must've had cults since the third or fourth killing.

"....Because if you are, I don't want any part of it. So what is this? A party. You've got an asian cowboy, so you must be off to a good start." he jested.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Ling Chung (Scar)
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0.00 INK

((OOC: Ah, I can't help but find that Variel isn't as great of a disguise master as I make her out to be.. :|))

She merely had a smile, slightly irritated that he was able to find her so easily, having recovered from the slight shock that this was in fact, the very person that she met yesterday. "I wouldn't know what you're talking about, sir." She huffed, allowing such facial expressions to be expressed so freely while maintaining a very lifeless voice. "And by any chance," she placed a hand on her slim hips, "why would I want to stalk a stranger such as yourself out of all strangers?"

Variel wasn't able to be met with an answer before the door was opened by another man, and merely kept silent from how cocky this 'Zach' person was being. I didn't see the entire thing, but I'd say that something happened that's slightly more different from his story. She followed in after, nevertheless, not very fazed by how it must be surprising for the mysterious man to be able to pick up the much bulkier bodyguard. I'm not very physically strong like him, so there shouldn't be any reason to be too hung up on it. .. Though, I wasn't given the chance to be searched. Shame. Would've been very amusing.

Though, as she entered in, she paused slightly, eyes darting over each of the new occupants already in the room. Variel let herself become familiar with a wall, slightly a bit of a distance away from the rest of the group, watching and observing carefully each person, taking in each of their postures the smallest of gestures with a straight poker face as she kept a more withdrawn stance, crossing her arms over, close to herself. They were all so.. different from each other, she knew, at the very least, that much. She got several odd feelings from each of them, the most ominous from the one dressed up as a cowboy with a scar. Would I know of anyone who ever had a scar such as that? She shrugged off the feeling mentally.

As 'Zach' implied if whether or not this were some sort of Kira cult, she would've rolled her eyes, of all the atrocities. I'm not even sure if the real Commotion really did call us here. But, then again, I already destroyed that phone.. Variel made no comment, and only awaited for something more interesting to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tomoya
The smiling man let out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but today is all business." He walked, still carrying the big man on his back and walked into a different room and shut the door behind him. After a few moments a different man walked out. He was tall and lean, he wasn't too muscular, but he was fairly toned; he had the body of a dancer. He had medium length, black, hair and deep blue eyes. He had a black suit on with a strange tie that, for some reason or another, had many different looking clocks on it.


The man gave a sheepish smile and said, "Uh, hello. I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Kenji Okabe. Now, if you all would be so kind as to give your names, we can get started." This tone wasn't natural for Commotion, in fact he usually spoke with a monotone (Or so he's been told). He just wants to see how good this new kid is at reading into people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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0.00 INK

"Kenji Okabe?" Dalton said to himself, something sounded wrong. It wasn't the name, no. The way he said it, it sounded as if he had just made it up, an alias just as Dalton had. In fact, recently, everyone had an alias. It was as the world knew that he needed a name to kill, and took proper measures to counter him. Of course, at the moment, he didn't give two shits about the man's real name. Unless he was a criminal, he didn't care for a name.

He glanced over to the western wannabe, as he looked like a criminal, and you didn't need to be able to read a face to tell that. The scar on his face was an obvious sign of something, maybe a war veteran? Doesn't matter, he look back at the man who, by the looks of it, had a fetish for clocks.

"Hello, Kenji. My name's Zachary Ackerson, and I'm glad you're putting effort into your voice for us." he smiled. "Though as your assistant or whoever said before: This is business. My only question is why I was invited. I'm kind of a stranger here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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Ryan nodded to the young man and took a seat on the nearest couch. He leaned on the arm on the side and stared across the room. His gaze was interrupted by Extraordinaire, who sat across from him on the opposite couch. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before there was a commotion in the hallway. Ryan heard a "What the hell was that?" from the red haired man across the room. Moments later five people entered. One was the guard at the door, being caried by the other guard. What the hell happened to him? The third was a young, cocky looking young man, followed by a less boistrous woman who found a nice spot against the wall. The last person to enter was a Chinese cowboy who took a seat in the room. The young man decided to make himself the center of attention; Charming. Not smart to do in a room full of high class detectives.

The boy proclaimed that this might be a kira worshipping party. Why would he assume something like that? Ryan narrowed his eyes, but dismissed it as of now. This was not as important as the man who just entered. The odd tie caught Ryans eye but he looked back to the new arrival. This must be Commotion. Commotion spoke, and asked for names. The boy, Zachary, Introduced himself. He then proceeded to try to get it started without giving anyone time to give their names. How Polite. Ryan raised his hand and sat up straighter." Good Morning, My name is Caesura." He couldn't be too careful, From now on, he was Caesura.


Ex sat across from Caesura. nodding to the young man who asked them to sit. "Merci.'" He looked over his new teammate carefully, taking in all of his features, deciding how useful he would be. This couldn't be said for sure until they knew more about each other. Just a moment later Ex heard a crash outside the door. "What the hell was that?" he exclaimed. He watched the door as a convoy of people strolled in, led by an unconscious guard being carried by a conscious one. He nodded to the new arrivals. The leader of the detectives was a young man. The youngest here. He decided to make himself a spectacle. 'Come on, kid, we dont need to deal with you right now.' He thought to himself. The boy quickly lost an audience when a man entered. Ex assumed this man was commotion, and became extremely excited.

He smirked and watched as the man gave his name. Kenji Okabe? Bullshit. Commotion has never given his real name, and he isnt gonna start now. He grinned as he looked around the room. If Kira was smart, he would find a way in here, and if he was in here, he thinks he can kill Commotion. How adorable.

Commotion asked for names and after two had spoken up he took his turn. He stood and bowed to Commotion. "Extraordinaire at your service sir." He smiled and sat back down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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As the smiling man disappeared off to somewhere, she tilted her head slightly as another appeared. This one struck her odd, though. He stood out amongst the other individuals to her, from his choice of wording and the tie that was much different from the rest of him. It was probably just her and her own opinions, but he was very awkward. But she wasn't one to judge, just yet. Natural human instincts and thoughts should come later, after everything is well established on this matter.

She waited patiently for the most of the men to introduce themselves, smiling before speaking up quietly and politely, taking smaller steps towards the group to maintain lady-likeness as much as possible. "Please refer to me as Camille, then. No need to be on a surname basis." She couldn't help the very deep accent that came from her mother tongue that was incorporated into saying her most common alias. "It's lovely to meet you all." Variel kept her gaze on this 'Kenji Okabe'. He struck her very oddly. Giving names was no problem, but the way it was said. He seemed to have been quite withdrawn and slightly uncomfortable. She kept her smile as her poker face, continuing to observe everyone.

She had looked over towards the two men who had been already in the room when they had introduced themserlves, Caesura and Extraordinaire? Quite obvious aliases, aren't they? She wouldn't have been surprised if all the names being given are aliases, seeing as they were all technically strangers, and being in a room with individuals who mostly have no connection to each other, one should be cautious. Being part of a team, where we've all been selected to become a part of.. This'll be very interesting. She glanced towards Zach. Though, he is the only one who spoke about 'Kira', when no one had mentioned him at all.. She paused in between of her thoughts as everyone continued with introductions.

Variel looked back to 'Kenji'. Out of all of the individuals, he gives off the most weirdest of impressions since entering. Given that Commotion is generally a single person, as best known of the information I had heard from throughout some years, he'd probably be withdrawn. ..Perhaps this would be Commotion? She's construct a better profiling later, when she'd gather enough observation notes from everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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Dalton turned towards the two men who had introduced themselves. He stared at one and then the other without saying a word. Instantly, he could tell they didn't have a good opinion about him. But on further inspection, he noticed that they had to be among genius level. This was more promenant in the man who introduced himself as "Kenji". He didn't bother with the cowboy, not yet at least.

His cockiness was removed and he wasn't annoyed anymore. Instead, he took a rather serious and dire look. "What is this meeting?" he said once more, in a nearly cold tone. He knew that this was no meeting of actors and that it was in relation to Kira, as he noticed sudden changes in some of them when he mentioned that. He glanced towards Kenji. "You guys are looking for Kira?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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Ling coughed; he actually wasn't used to smoking cigarettes and preferred Cuban cigars.
Whomever this kid was he was a problem and Ling hoped he would not have to kill him; killing the young was not his style, in fact Ling only killed people directly in a fair fight if he could help it. There was quite an interesting bunch of people and Ling could tell they were all here for the same reason he was, Ling could identify an undercover detective a mile away which was why he was still alive. Commotion was another matter, Ling barley had any direct contact with him and yet Commotion was able to uncover him completely and bring his smuggling operation to a watery grave; literally a watery grave since most of his ships were sunk by a variety of special sabotage units. With the ships Ling lost his status in the syndicate and eventually had to call it quits with Commotion, while Commotion had no solid evidence to use against him he was able to wipe out all of Lings operations and eventually Ling just quit the weapons trade and gave Commotion list of all the suppliers in exchange for peace. Commotion was no ordinary detective; he knew how to deal with crime on a level of a criminal mastermind, but sadly he was still a detective; one that didn't play by the rules but a detective all the same.

Ling tossed the cigarette into the bin after making sure it was out, a fire started by a cigarette had happened before in a few places and Ling wasn't about to start one.

He didn't remove his sunglasses or hat but he permitted himself to relax a bit, he saluted and said;

"The name is Sergeant Boris" said Ling with more of a Russian accent then he had intended; it wasn't actually a lie because Boris was his name when he served in the Russian army or more specifically the Red army but ever since he had lost his memories due to his injury the name simply didn't feel real to Ling, in fact no name seemed right to him until he was scared and got the easy way out of the dilemma.

"To answer your question this is a gathering of all the soviet leaders of Japan in preparation for the great rising of the proletariat." Said Ling with conviction and then broke into a laugh. He removed his hat and sunglasses and said deciding to continue using his Russian accent, he actually liked using it and it was useful in these kinds of meetings.
"I make joke! The meeting is not Proletariat class struggle, the meeting is a business meeting of people who are certainly not Proletariats and do not like Lenin Stalin or Trotsky."

Ling laughed again, his newly grown mustache was certainly adding to the identity he was embracing but it was actually a coincidence that he had decided to grow it.

"Nyet, Meeting Not Kira party but I would not mind going to Kira party if only for the drinks, I imagine people who go to Kira party are very high on Vodka!"
Ling laughed again and finally let himself light a cigar, he paused for a moment enjoying the cigar.
"excusings please but what language are we going to speak in meeting? English or Japanese? I would rather have English if everyone understand it,i lived in new York for number of years so I know English. I also know Japanese but not as well"

Ling starred at a girl in the room. She looked familiar and gave Ling the feeling he should have a pistol ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Commotion
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako stopped searching the internet for a second as her eyes caught the T.V.... tempting her. She quickly got up and flipped through the T.V. again like she did every morning selecting a special recording she saved.

"We're sorry to interrupt your scheduled program, but this is a message for all of Japan, and involves the investigation of the criminal known as 'Kira'."

Just hearing the word "Kira" gave her those chills again. She never could quite understand those chills. She watched through the whole thing like she did earlier this morning.

"This is your enemy Hanako." She muttered to herself. Talking to herself wasn't something new to her. She did it on a regular basis whenever she was alone. It made her feel like she wasn't the only one. For a moment, she could believe there was someone out their like her. This broadcast was something that immediately caught her eye. It was the first thing that she didn't deliberately do to make herself feel like their was someone out their like her. She quickly re-winded and paused on "Commotion"..... She always hated cops. She always put so much faith into them and they always came short.
"This time-" She stifled a laugh in the middle of her sentence. "This time I'm going to make them fall short." She quickly pulled out the Notebook she found recently.... Death Note.... She silently studied it again as she had before. She opened to the first page. Hanako quickly glanced at the computer screen again, picking out a name on "Japan's Most Wanted"

"MY lord, Kira, only kills the unjust." She said aloud as she wrote down a name and found a smile on her lips. "This is for you. May we meet soon Kira....." She closed the Death Note and looked at the clock, waiting for her first kill to be done. This was just a test She thought. I'll get your attention if this works. She opened the note book again as she read over her words one last time. Takeshi Sato. Committed suicide by jumping off the top of Hotel Sakura. She looked up at the clock and smiled. It'd happen any second now. She walked back to her T.V. and went through her recordings and picked one of her personal favorites.

"People of the world! Heed this warning! Those people! The ones that call themselves Justice! The ones that call themselves detectives! The ones that say they will protect, shelter, and bring you justice, have failed! I come offering myself to the heavens not because of them, but because of the lord, Kira! Let it be known that Kira is the new god of this world! Let it be known that the detectives can no longer bring you justice! From now on, all those who commit horrid crimes such as these shall be punished by his own hand! But the innocent needn't worry! Kira only punishes those who would stand against Justice! Rejoice! For starting now, Kira will bring about the end of suffering!"

Hanako shivered as the last words were spoken. It was absolute beauty and she couldn't take her eyes off the screen for one second. She didn't need to. Time was up for Takeshi Sato. She quickly went to live T.V. and waited for the moment to come. When it would become know what has happened. "Let Kira find this and have him search for me." Hanako said as the news reporters picked up on the latest bit of news.

"In the latest news, Takeshi Sato, who is wanted for countless murders, was found seconds ago jumping off Hotel Sakura. We'll be back with that once we have more information on what exactly happened." Hanako started quietly laughing as she layed down on her couch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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As he went to reply to "Sargent Boris", Dalton heard a "Swoosh" followed by a loud "Thud". It came from just outside the window, sounding near enough that it startled the man. He quickly looked out the window and discovered a young man's corpse, nine floors down.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed before ignoring everyone else and darting out the door.

(Nine floors later)

He dashed out of the cramped elevator and out of the front of the building, onto the scene. A man was in his final resting place on top of a (now crushed) car roof. It didn't take an expert to figure out that he was dead. The ceiling of the vehicle was painted with blood and gore, a grim sight.

Dalton thought it wierd. Why did this man jump? Did he do it himself? Hmm....

(Fifteen minutes later.)

Cops had arrived, an excessive amount, actually. Cars littered the once empty parking lot, all in a scramble to figure out what happened. A police officer deemed it a suicide, but the victim left no note.

"Maybe this was another Kira incident?" one cop spectated.

"Nah, he didn't say anything before he leaped. Kira makes it a point to announce his killings." another replied.

It wasn't Kira who did this, no, it was just another suicide....or was it? Dalton pondered this though, behind the yellow tape that was placed around the crime scene. Though it was hard, as he was surrounded by other bystanders and news crew.

(Tired of waiting, everyone can react accordingly now.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Commotion
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#, as written by Kaire23
"Are you happy Kira?" She asked as she watched the scene on the television play out.
"Did I do a good job?" Hanako asked as she noticed something on the T.V.

"We are not quite sure if this is a Kira killing yet but we will come back to you once we know." She heard from the T.V. as she sat straight up.

How dare they question it!? This is a Kira killing!!! She screamed in her mind. She was infuriated that she seemed to have messed up. How could she forget the message!?
"It was just a test run. Don't worry." She muttered to herself as she walked over to her computer. "I'm gonna make it so their can be no doubt about me being Kira." She stated as a smile grew on her lips. "Heh, there's gonna be a blood bath tonight." Hanako said as she started laughing quietly. She skimmed through the internet on "Kira" as she found some of his killings.
"Do I want it to be known that there is a second Kira?... Kira will come to find me regardless because theirs another one like him." She hugged herself and spinned in her office chair as she said the last part. She quickly stopped the chair in front of her computer as she looked through the articles
"Then again.... If I come out, then the cops will have to worry even more.... Especially that stupid, idiotic Commotion!" She yelled the last part as she felt like throwing something.
"How dare he try to stop my Kira? How could he ever even think about doing that? Huh!?" She quickly opened her note book again.
"I'll show him." Hanako said as she laughed to herself. "I'll show him that you don't mess with My Savior." She said as she highlighted a couple of names on the computer. Just then, some lines of what Commotion said went through her head.

"You're not even in the same league as a real detective like myself, if you were, you wouldn't need to kill to provide justice. For someone as screwed up as you to think he can provide justice, you need serious help." She gritted her teeth as the last words went through her head.

"You're dead Commotion!!" she yelled as she scribbled down a name. Ren Hokkaido. Shot himself after he screamed "Kira is the lord of this world! All bow before him!" She laughed as she finished writing. She felt good about this. Yes. She thought Kira would like it too. She quickly walked to her bedroom. She quickly got changed and ready to walk the streets. She couldn't wait for Kira to find her house along with her. She quickly moved her bed and took off the board that led to the basement. She walked down and picked her favorite spot to hide it. She was just about to leave it when she had this horrible feeling. She didn't want to leave this here. She quickly ripped off a piece of paper and folded it as she zipped it up in her jacket. She quickly re-hid the death note and rushed back upstairs. As soon as she covered the hole with the floor board again, she moved the bed back. She looked at it awhile and was still feeling quite paranoid about her Death Note. She quickly made a note in her head to buy a big rug next time she went shopping to cover the hidden basement.
"It's fine. Calm down. It'll be fine." She said to calm herself and finally turned her back, grabbed her purse, shut down her computer, and walked out.
"Today is a nice day." She said to herself as she strolled through the city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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((OOC: Ok, let us try to get this back into action, especially with the new and enthusiastic addition! :3))

(About 2 hours after the suicide.)

"Another Kira killing has occured today. Ren Hokkaido, age 35 was wanted for two murders and robbery." a video played of the man announcing his last lines before it was censored for obvious reasons.

Dalton layed there, motionless for what seemed to be a while. "Another Death Note user?..." he sat and thought at the moment. He didn't order the death of that man.... and it wasn't a normal suicide, or it didn't appear like it. That was the only explanation. Another Death Note, but not another Kira. No, he was the only Kira, he killed for justice and peace.

Then, Dalton facepalmed. The person who was killed was a murderer and robber, someone he himself would've killed.

"At least it wasn't an innocent..." he thought. "But what does this mean? It's obvious that they knew I'd know about them If they killed so... openly. So... do they want to ally themself with me or kill me?...." he couldn't shake the thought off his mind.

His biggest question was this: "I know about them now, now how do we meet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: Natsu Akiko Character Portrait: Commotion
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Ling ran after the kid, he heard the noise and recalled it from when he himself was collecting debts; some gangs would not pay even x red army officers so some times extreme measures had to be taken.

He arrived at the seen and saw the mess, the body was smashed but Ling could still recognize the man.

Takeshi Sato, 23 known more commonly as silent death. For two years he had killed business men as an assassin until the police some how found out his identity; this was what the public knew but Ling knew quite a bit more.

Sato was a hit man hired by the Hojo family and was tasked with the killing of many of their business rivals. After he finished the job the Hojo family framed him and sold him out to the police in order to get rid of him after they failed to kill him of with another hit man. Sato had no real information about his clients and yet he was able to track down nearly all of the Hojo's and kill them off one by one.

The police had been hunting him for at least two months but he was way out of their league. Ling could not think of any reason for him to kill himself but on his line of business people could crack.

Ling took out a glove from one of his pockets and searched his bag; his phone might hold some very interesting information which ling could sell later. Ling also stumbled at his wallet and examined the contents, he saw in it plans for a date written down on a small piece of paper and a fake ID as well as what seemed to be a hit job ID profile on target.

"Clever" Ling said to himself; he had seduced the target, a young woman into going on a date with him. If he had not died this day she would have been as good as dead.

Ling stood up and pocketed the evidence, he wanted to be able to bribe Sato's clients and if the police got the data it would not do any one any good at all.
He lit a cigar and put on his sunglasses while he walked away back to the conference room.

No one had seen him apart from the kid and he and the rest of the people who saw the suicide were too busy running around looking for a phone in order to call the police.
But the kid may have seen him; Ling could tell he was a smart kid or at least an educated one.

Ling returned to the room and tossed the evidence on the table.

"A man just jumped of the hotel and killed himself, he didn't say anything but he was a wanted criminal and i do not think he killed himself out of his own will"

"This was a kira kill, look at the evidence yourselves. People like Sato live for their jobs; they take a thrill in chasing their targets, his particular breed of assassin does not kill for the money, they do it for the fun of it."

Ling passed the wallet and its contents around and waited for a few moments.

"He had a target and when people like him get a target they do not kill themselves before making a kill. The chances of him having a break down or suddenly realizing his crimes are hardly even worth mentioning."

"I would say there is about 70% chance of this being a Kira kill; why Kira didn't make him yell out his normal message I can only guess"
Ling took off his sun glasses and sat down

"No doubt about it, Kira's weapon is some kind of tech with permits long ranged mind control."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Commotion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako smiled as she heard the news cast. She now had to think. Kira should know by now that i want to meet.... but how? hmm... well, first I should make it clear to only us that I want to meet him.... but how? She thought as an idea popped into her head. She quickly looked up at the screen to see some news about a hostage. Immediately, she felt infuriated.
How dare this man take a hostage!? She screamed in her mind. This man needed to die now. She couldn't stand him being alive any longer. She quickly walked into a library and took out the first book she came across. She unzipped her pocket in her jacket and slipped out her piece of paper. Hiding it with her book, She wrote down the criminal's name. Daichi Fujimoto. Brutal death after yelling out "I wish I could've seen Kira before my end. He is justice!" She had to stop herself from laughing in this public place. She quickly put the book away after she zipped the paper back in her jacket. She looked around and grabbed an interesting book and bought it. When she walked out, She saw on t.v. that her killing worked yet again. She almost had to laugh when the screen immediately went to black. She wondered what could've happened to him but she didn't care at all. She quickly stopped at a furniture store and bought a rug for under her bed. It was to be shipped tomorrow. Better safe than sorry She thought to herself as she walked home.
Once inside, she closed the door and walked to her bedroom where she immediately started laughing hysterically. She couldn't hold it in anymore. People were finally getting justice at her's and Kira's hands.
"Suck it Commotion." She quoted Kira as she sat down in her chair.
"Should I kill another tonight?" She thought as she twirled around in her spinning chair.
"Oh how I love this. The Kira killings shall shake up the cops. The murders of the unjust should turn the people towards us." She smirked as she continued to twirl around in her chair.
"Oh Kira, I wonder what your like. What do you look like? How can we meet?..... Are you happy with me?" She questioned as she turned on her computer. This was too fun to keep her computer off. Maybe she'd do one more kill before she went to watch T.V.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Commotion
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Obviously, he was still stuck on thought about a second Death Note. His shinigami, did not inform him of this fact: that two Death Notes were possible, though he should've assumed that there could've been. Hell, there could've been more. Then, the news caught his attention yet again....

"A man has taken hostages at a local convenience store. The man walked into the store and immediately ordered the cashier to give him all the money in the register. A cop walked in on him and was shot in the torso, but was able to be recovered by a civilian and is in critical condition. All of the customers were taken hostage along with the cashier."

"Are they testing me?" Dalton called out to the T.V. "If that's the case, then I'll just let them see me kill the bastard. He went to take out his Death Note from his bag that he layed down at the side of his bed, but was stopped by, yet again, the news.

"I wish I could've seen Kira before the end! He is Justice!" a voice rang out over the television, followed by the man leaving the victims and firing upon the cops, which prompted them to return the gift. He was cut down, violently by the hail of lead flying towards him, ripping his arms and legs off before he bled out, AND THEN the camera shut off.

"We're sorry for the gruesome display!" the announcer apologized before the topic switched.

"Perfect!" he laughed. "Now the second one is killing the unjust. I think I may have a fan of my work! The police and Commotion won't be able to track us down right away, as long as I can coordinate with this other "Kira". I just need to find out how to meet with said person, and if not deemed a threat, plan. It'll be perfect!"

He layed back, the other Kira's messge was recieved, it wanted to meet with him for real, so they just had to figure a way to do so.... but how?.... he still didn't know how to meet without Commotion figuring it out. He needed something that only the second Kira would be able to pick up on.... he lost himself in a flurry of thoughts.