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0 · 438 views · located in Kumomi, Japan

a character in “Means to an End”, as played by reveries


Name: Tarantos
Alibi: n/A
Age: Undetermined
Gender: Male; Hard to tell from a human's perspective though.

Appearance: A large, easily frightening figure, Tarantos has a slouching posture due to extremely tall height, making him seem like that of a slender but extremely broad shouldered giant. While he is more humanoid in terms of appearance compared to other shinigami, he isn't very wild-looking, and rather has a more similar appearance to that of the Grim Reaper depicted in many cultures. While his upper built is large, his lower built is slender and long, lanky limbs that hang loosely. His bony arms are that of large bones that slim down as they reach the large, long-clawed hand and thin, darkened skin that's very dull and gray.

There are large, black spikes that come from out of his spine, and a small pair of black wings that blend easily with the shredded fabrics and black moss-like substance on his person. Tarantos doesn't show his face at all, taking on the apperance of a skull like mask, its jaws (which are usually wide open) moving when he speaks, so it can be assumed that its connected to his actual face, or really is his face. When he eats, dsepite not having to, he shoves down the substance in his jaw and further in with his hands, but there is still much discussion over his true face, but he doesn't speak of it, dodging conversation pertainting to it.

Deeply in the sockets, one can see beady red eyes best clear in the dark with little light. Leather and many, many chains adorn onto appearance, often rattling when he moves about due to having so many. When sees Tarantos, he has that of a smudged, wispy appearance that blurs, blurring the most around his legs that seem to be wearing very large, baggy pants - giving a misty aura about him despite seeing him more clearly in the upper regions of his body. He often has individuals among his Shinigami wonder if their eye sight is going bad - as he blurs a bit more everyday if possible, when really, Tarantos is just that way, and adding to his silence, one wonders if he's really a spirit, rather than a shinigami. The rattling of chains and low, raspy groaning add in dramatic effect.

Personality: Tarantos is a very, very silent Shinigami. He doesn't say much, and gose along with the flow, following along if something catches his curiosity, to of which a lot does. Should he take a fancy to someone, he'll become attached to that being and follow them around until he gets over it. Though, he rarely does anything, and merely observes.

Rarely does he speaks, and perhaps, he doesn't actually know how to speak, but it is an established fact that he is fact, able to make deep, dark grunting noises, chuckles, or hums. He's generally mute the majority of the time, and is rather resilient. His actions and quick movements indicate on their own of what he wishes to voice across without actually voicing anything at all. The only thing that's close enough to what one could consider 'speaking', is his often repeated chuckle of 'kekekekeke', that's very dry and rough, sounding like that of swallowing sand and attempting to speak. He has a rather dry and wry sense of humor, laughing when it's a very suspenseful or sad setting, just messed up altogether.

He does though however, have a temper, and when you get on his nerves long enough, he will explode. Not quite literally, but rather, his loud, booming voice (which is probably why he keeps quiet all the time - his voice is extremely loud) that comes from him will make you stop for a moment or two. Tarantos can become absolutely hysterical and perhaps insane as well in these moments, voicing his true thoughts on and on and on in fast and quickly formed talk, before stopping himself halfway through and then returning back to his reserved nature, but not without a grudge. Not many wish to see this hidden side of Tarantos's.

Faction: Shinigami

Bio: Like most Shinigami, he had been created somewhere amongst the fabrics of time, and lived his life by killing humans with the Death Note to extend his own life. He's apparently a very old shinigami, having existed around for a very long time in terms of human years, but has found companions amongst the other Shinigami. Being a generally silent fellow, he merely followed along with whoever he becomes attached to, eventually getting over it and then finding another after a period of loneliness. During this Present time, he had found himself being attached to a Shinigami who had a great interest in the Human World. After seeing parts of the Human World and how they generally were, he took an interest as well, and seeking out to see more, he drops a Death Note of a lazy Shinigami. Amusement and his observation ensues and contributes to the 6 Death Notes that have been dropped in the Human World.

Other: Tarantos has a great liking to chains (hence his great amount of wearing so many), the sound of the rattling and clanking is a sort of trance with him.

So begins...

Tarantos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Variel Reidevanur Character Portrait: Extraordinaire Character Portrait: Caesura Character Portrait: liz carman
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The story so far.....

Dalton, a young man who picked up the fabled "Death Note", has begun killing. As a jest, he made up the figure "Kira". His first two victims rambled about "Lord Kira" and how disobeying him would prove fatal.

Now, the world's greatest detectives have been assigned to the case, the main of which being "Commotion." Commotion taunted Kira on a live broadcast all over Japan. Of course, that's why the public was told. Kira had a man taunt the detective before being hit by a bus, which meant that Commotion's plan was successful. The broadcast was actually only sent to Kumomi, Japan. Now the world knows which city Kira resides in.

Inconveniently, Dalton's house burned down, causing him to have to move into the "Hotel Sakura". When Dalton has a dream that inspires him to turn the world into his own "Heaven", he goes on the offensive. He meets Commotion, fact-to-face, but before he even realizes it, a man kills himself just outside the window. It's later reveal that there is another kira, one who wants to contact him. The problem is, he can't find a way to meet up with the other Kira without Commotion detecting it.

Will Dalton successfully evade capture, or will the world's finest be able to bring this so called "Murderer" to an ironic justice?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos Character Portrait: Commotion
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"Ke.. ke.. kekeke!" Tarantos chuckled at the screen of showing dead Human after another as their names were being written in the Death Note(s), his shoulders making a slight popping sound from dislocating to readjusting themselves as he laughed in short, raspy sounds, his bones structure having not been made for such a thing like laughing. He didn't feel much pain as to what the sound his bones were making to lead to assumption in the contrary. This 'Dalton Timothy Conway' character was so different and yet so amusing to watch! Had he known the Human World would have these sort of humans, he'd have tried it out in fancy earlier in his lifetime! He observed as quietly as he could though, the chuckling taking up to what he would be usually be taking long, dry breaths that were low, like humming, but were in fact, a groaning sound. He had been observing this Human, and watched the entirety of the events that has taken place so far. This 'Commotion' character who seemed have come into play, but has yet to take much action, while Dalton was on a roll of a killing spree, one Human after the other. It amazed him to see how humans took these common everyday tools of Shinigami and just went all out over it. It was certainly different from the usual bore of the Shinigami Realm. And then the variety of other humans, the one human who kept lying her name, and then the burning of Dalton's house! Too interesting!

It was slightly concerning to know that there were other Death Notes that have been dropped, but he didn't mind it much. However, as long as he can continue to observe, it didn't matter to him. Tarantos had written out the Death Note's purpose onto the inside of the book cover that he dropped. He barely gives any thought to what the lazy Shinigami he took it from would react. Surely he wasn't that much of an idiot to not write names to live longer.. would he? Tarantos doesn't dwell long.

He watches as Dalton and another Human communicate through the killings, he isn't stupid, he understands what they were doing. Slightly tapping Dalton very lightly on the shoulder to request his attention, and when he gets it, he makes a sort of question mark with his fingers, being able to bend them disturbingly flexible enough to that point as he curves the palm of his hand to make the remaining curve as his fingers became in synch as the upper curve. He pauses in a short moment, and then tilts his head to a small angle - like how the little female Humans do when they interact with other little tiny Humans in confusion. Unlike them, his necks makes a cracking pop sound as like his ones were finally being brought out of a very stiff position for the first time in a very long time. It's loud. To say the very least, it wasn't as 'cute' as what the tiny Humans were when they did. His silence though, and actions indicating to ask Dalton as to what he was doing, should've been brought across. 'What're you gonna do now?' After all, Tarantos wasn't a mind reader, he was a Shinigami. Shinigamis, at least to his knowledge, weren't capable of such things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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Dalton normally didn't mind the noises that managed to expel themselves from Tarantos, but when he was lost in thought, his mind keep retreating when he'd get close to an answer due to them. The noises were unique in that it sounded unlike most anything else, kind of like Chewbacca's roar. A mixture of different noises?

Dalton snapped himself out of his jumbled mind when he was tapped on the shoulder. He looked back at the shinigami and gave him a look that shouted "Hey, I'm trying to think right now! Could you call back later?" But, he knew that the Shinigami he had didnt request his attention for no reason. He sighed before responding.

"What?" he looked straight at the god of death, as if waiting for a question, which normally, he would recieve, but Tarantos wasn't normal. Realizing he wasn't getting a verbal answer (That he'd understand) he watched as the shinigami attempted to communicate with him.

He cringed just a bit as his fingers somehow made a question mark, cracking a few times as he did so. Tarantos then cocked his head to the side, which was apparently his imitation of how girls tend to do that when they're confused. It didn't look pretty. In fact, it looked almost disgusting, but the damage was done.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." he scratched his head. Following a slight pause, a lightbulb found itself above his head. "Oh! I'm trying to figure out how I and the other Kira are to meet." he explained. "I'm not sure how smart you are, but I doubt you're dumb enough to not realize I can't just give a time and location through a victim... I need a way to give out details without Commotion and anyone else understanding, and that's not an easy task, I must admit."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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"Kekekeke." Tarantos begins to chuckle again, slightly taunting as if he knew something that this Human, Dalton, didn't. Dalton was the only Human that had ever looked at him in irritation rather than disgust, despite the occasional moments and how Dalton was the only human that had been able to see him so far. It was slightly frustrating to know that his actions weren't ever enough to actually get his point across, but he didn't need to speak if he were to be shouting without him being able to control it. The Shinigami King had ensured that he doesn't do it often. But at least Dalton was smart, and had somewhat gotten what he was trying to say. Tarantos only keeps chuckling. Why are you so worried over Commotion finding out? Kekeke. He picks up a pen and paper, slightly ripping parts of it as he writes down in neat, small handwriting of spiky and oddly arranged font down his exact thoughts in English, though more broken and slightly choppy due his lack of caring enough to writing it out. Why should he put effort into writing when he should've been merely moving? Humans should learn to understand like Shinigami could. Anyway, most Humans speak the Earthly language, do they not? He can't tell from their languages, he understands them most of them all the same. 'Why you so worry about Commotion find out?' He keeps chuckling, his shoulders continue to pop their joints as they did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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As Tarantos began chuckling again, as if he had an answer to something that Dalton didn't know, Dalton kept his annoyed look. The shinigami grabbed some paper and a pen and after ripping a bit of it, he began writing. When he was done, Dalton took the paper and read it aloud.

"Why are you so worried over Commotion finding out?" he read. "What am I so worried about Commotion finding out? Is that a joke? I can't tell because you don't speak, but if he finds out where I am to meet this other Kira, he could catch said person and maybe even me. Why wouldn't I be worried?" he dropped the paper and ran his fingers through his hair in frusteration. "I don't know what to do! Damn this sucks!" he was getting more and more agitated.

This was contradictory to his character. He isn't usually one to get frusterated or annoyed, but lately, that seems to have changed. Maybe it's the stress? Regardless, he was getting angry just trying to think about the way in which he and the other Kira could speak face-to-face without Commotion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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Tarantos said nothing, only continuing to laugh as Dalton went through a sort of quick change in moods as he himself became a part of the background noise in the Human's perspective. His popping noises were beginning to slow and quiet until it adjusted back to the low groaning of what was his breathing. He moved from his spot of the middle of the room, taking liking to a more darker corner where he could see the majority of the room without having to turn around to see all of it. The rattling of his chains had him holding his breath for several moments as he did move, eerily as a blurry, floating mass of mist that seemed to be a part of him. He moved as Dalton went out of it. As Tarantos stilled and turned to watch as Dalton seemed to have calmed down from his earlier outburst that had him taken aback, the shinigami stilled himself to remain silent enough so that no rattling will disturb the peace. "Ke.. ke.. keke.. ke.." He airily chuckled, much more quieter now. He looked forward to how this was all to turn out, seeing as Dalton's frustration was replaced with that of a more eased aura; he must've have finally concluded onto a plan. Tarantos looked around the room. If he were to actually show facial expressions, it would that of displeasure. As interesting as Dalton was, his lack of taste is disturbing. Not a single chain or similar metal accessory in sight.. Other than what is on me. I should do him a favor if he ever decides to stop cooping himself up this this horrible room. He continues to quietly chuckle, bone joints only making slight noises that varied in sound and beat, like the repeated crackling of a single bone. He stops before Dalton becomes too annoyed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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Tarantos stood by Dalton's side, staring around the the entirety of the site in which he and his newly established 'girlfriend' have now walked to. While he had been rather more quiet than usual as he had looked on interest while Dalton and this second Kira had met, he was full out giggling like mad as he followed along to their conversation after the two were able to meet. The fact that his bones had been cracking all over the place and his giggling a little too fast was what he had been doing as he watched the two Humans. But his curiosity was taken by the oddity to which the Humans called a park. It was so far in difference as to what the Shinigami Realm looked like, that he couldn'y really tell if there were actually anything resembling this in particular. Humans are interesting after all. Currently however, he regained more even breathing, with the occasional giggle here and there as Dalton conversed with the girl. The fact that his Human generally ignored him didn't bother him; the guy was in the presence of another Human after all. But it was still funny.

The large Shinigami watched the human girl very carefully as the couple continued conversation on the seated contraption that allowed them to swing back and forth. (The thing rather bored him; it wasn't that great nor interesting. At least, in comparison to humans.) Hanako Takahashi. Is this girl is the second Kira? She's funny. He thought she was probably like Dalton. Polite on the outside, different on the inside. Though, the vulgar comment from earlier had him near close to full out laughing, but he had better restraint than that. Though, I have to say, where is her Shinigami? Despite being disappointed by how she seemed to have not been accompanied by another of his kind, which was rather lazy, Tarantos supposed that the Shinigami must've been watching from some sort of distance away. The disappointment was still there though. This is beginning to get borringgg.. Tarantos began readjusting his body's bone structure slightly out of boredom, making a disturbing crack every few seconds. This isn't interesting at all.

He willed that at the very least, something happened, but then quickly and sharpy turned his head as a notebook - Oh? There is interesting. I've been bestowed some luck today. Kekeke. - and hovered a little closer as Dalton got Hanako's attention, obviously with something in mind. Is he doing what I think he's doing? He made his insane giggling again, it being much more high-pitched this time. It was short-lived, a good two or three minutes, as he merely anxiously waited for continuous interesting things to play out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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"Here's my shinigami." he said as he brushed her arm with his Death Note. "He doesn't really speak nor is he the best looking, but he's here." he informed her with a small laugh before adding under his breath. "Kinda useless if you ask me..." but the comment was more directed towards him than anybody else. But then again, the comment wasn't a lie, in their whole time knowing each other, Tarantos wasn't really helpful in the least. All he did was make disturbing noises and float around, observing Dalton.

Despite that, Dalton doesn't really blame the god of death. It's not as if he's obligated to, he's just there for when Dalton's time is up and nothing more. Still though, he could at least quiet down a bit. The meeting with the shinigami didn't do much for Dalton's sanity, as it took a while for him to be able to completely ignore Tarantos' grunts, cracks and other sounds that he emitted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
As Hanako was brushed with his Death Note, she immediately heard the rattling of chains. Immediately looking up to Tarantos in horror, she felt her breath grow quick as her chest immediately grew painful and she started trembling in fear. She couldn't stand it one bit and all the memories of her past came flooding back in her mind. She felt tears come to her eyes as the feeling of death and insanity closed in on her. She knew this feeling all too well but she wasn't thinking clearly enough to stop it. She tried to scream but she found she couldn't even find her voice. She tried to run or back away but she was stuck and wouldn't move. Soon, her vision started to become black as the world turned sideways as she fell to the ground. The sound of chains suffocating her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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"Hanako?" he said as she appeared to freeze up. It was almost as if she were paralyzed with fear, but of what? He turned towards where her eyes had locked themselves, which happened to be on Tarantos. "Look, I know he's ugly, but give him a break." he tried to get her to laugh, but instead, she began falling to the side.

With one swift motion, he grabbed her before she hit the ground and held her in his arms. "Hanako?! What's wrong?!" he almost panicked, but he could tell his words were falling upon deaf ears, as she appeared to have fainted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako tried to pay attention to what Dalton was saying but she just couldn't hear it over the chains. She slightly felt him catch her and brush her scar on her back that never seemed to heal properly as searing pain shot through her body. Soon, she was welcomed into nightmares of her 10 year old self as all the abuses done to her wouldn't hide anymore. Chains were ringing in her ears as she relived moments and couldn't stop shaking. She twist and turned but nothing would get her out of the nightmare and away from the chains. She couldn't ever get away from the hell that seemed to follow where ever she went. Tears started streaming down her face as the nightmare gradually got worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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As tears made their escape through Hanako's eyes, Dalton felt a bit of guilt for showing her Tarantos, as he seemed to have triggered some repressed memories or something that clearly shook her up. He called her name out a few more times, trying to shake her out of the trance she was in, but to no avail. Nothing seemed to work and he wasn't sure what to do.

Finally, he decided to grab her into a hug, something his mother used to do, and whispered into her ears. "Don't worry, Hanako, nothing will hurt you. Nothing can hurt you. I'll protect you, come hell or high water." these words were stolen from his mother, but they were not any less true. He planned on making sure she didn't come to any harm as her fate was now intertwined with his own. Dalton himself almost broke a tear out, as he couldn't stand seeing people in this state. He glared at Tarantos over her shoulder, but stopped when he realized it wasn't the shinigami's fault, but his own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako sleepily hugged him back as she somewhat woke up. She was still scared but she just tried to focus on Dalton only. She looked up to him and tried to smile but was still really tired. The after affects of adrenaline did that to her. Not to mention that she was still frightened as she flinched each times she heard chains rattle. She tightened her grip as she woke up more and cried into his shoulder. The fear that seemed to follow her where ever she went seemed to be somewhat silenced by Dalton and this hug seemed to help the silence even more.
"Thank you." She said over sobs as she tried to say how thankful she was that he was there for her. She always felt alone, but Kira filled that void and gave her life meaning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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"You're welcome..." he said softly as he started stroking the top of her head, almost as if he were petting a cat. He sighed in relief that she appeared to calming down somewhat, but he was in a bit of a pickle. He wanted to get her somewhere where she could lay down, but if she moved, Tarantos would too, and from what he could gather, that was the problem: Tarantos.

He thought over telling the shinigami to vacate the area until further notice, but he still ran the risk of upsetting her and causing another fit, which he didn't want. Though, he didn't mind just sitting here, not like he had anything better to do anyways, right? He chose to keeping hugging and petting her to see if she'd calm down enough to move over to a bench or someplace where she could lay.

((OOC: Now the posts are getting longer!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: Yay!!! Longer posts :D))
Hanako slightly closed her eyes as he petted the top of her head. It was calming and she finally got herself to stop crying. She lightly snuggled into him as he kept on petting her head. She never let someone get this close to her after the incident. It always reminded her of what happened but it seemed Dalton was the exception to that rule. She was fine with that though although her scar was still being a pain in the ass, or, better yet, the back. It didn't really matter though. She'd just have to get some medication out of her cupboard when she got home. When she finally felt her heart calm down, she noticed another beat. Finally, she noticed who it belonged to. It was Dalton's. She listened quietly as the rhythmic beats calmed her down. All she needed to do was pay attention to something else and the horrible memories wouldn't come back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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((OOC: Last post for me tonight, I'll respond as soon as I awake...))

Dalton didn't stop his hand on her head, as it appeared to be helping. She calmed down a lot, but not enough to move, or at least he thought. He couldn't call himself an expert at comforting people, as he was always on the recieving end of this treatment. Regardless, he learned that soft, slower motions and calmer tones in voice helped a great deal.

As Hanako wedged herself closer to his chest, he wondered what would've happened had he not been there. It's possible that she would've just panicked, fainted and then awoke a while later and moved on, but there's the chance she could do that at an inopportune time and hurt herself. Without anyone there, she could end up hurt or worse.

Dalton then switched his mind into figuring what caused this. It was obvious that it had something to do with Tarantos, but what? He scanned the shinigami with his eyes, not really sure what he was looking for. He kept his gaze on the creature for a few minutes before noticing a pattern. Everytime the god of death moved and the chains rattled, Hanako would jolt a bit. It was the chains, or at least that's what it seemed to be. Something bad happened involving chains, but it was impossible to find out without asking her, and he wasn't going to do that for more than just being polite. It would obviously cause her to panic again.

When he came out of his thought, he noticed that her head was rested on his chest and she appeared to be listening to his heartbeat. It must've been helpig her as well, a soothing beat perhaps? Who knows, but Dalton didn't bother to disturb her, as she seemed real concentrated in just keeping herself calm.

"As long as you're with me, I swear that nothing bad will happen..." he assure her, this time with his own words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: Agreed. I stayed up waaaaaay to early this morning.))
Hanako closed her eyes as the sound of chains were completely forgotten. For once in her life, she actually felt safe. Dalton's voice echoed in her mind as everything just seemed so peaceful. She'd never even thought she could feel this way ever again. She was so happy someone promised to look after her. She was relieved that there was someone out there for her and she would never leave his side. She slowly felt herself falling asleep on him as it seemed she was still weak from her panic attack. She felt her breathing slow and everything seemed to fade away except Dalton's voice and heart beat. Her dream wasn't anything but his heart beat and words which seemed to be the best dream she had in a very long time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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He watched as the girl seemed to freak out by the mere sight of his appearance, and he practically cackled in near joy, the high pitched giggling and disturbing bone crackling resumed itself as Hanako fell into a state of shock. He couldn't continue help but continue giggling as she cried and Datlon seemed to have tried to help her, unsure as to why she was doing this. This manner of comforting.. is actually kind of disgusting. Keke. The swaying motion of his tilting back and forth, making the chains move in his trance as he cackled, made her crying seemed to increase as he did so, and he merely did not stop. Nor did he want to. His kekeke seemed to have evolved into that of a kackkackkack, to human ears would be like that of a corrupted, frighteningly high-pitched duck. Interesting.. so incredibly interesting.. ! Tarantos kept laughing at the situation, giggling in high pitch even further as Dalton tried to look towards him for answers, and he didn't say anything. "Kack! .. Kack! ... Kackkackkack!" He seemed to even between his giggling and breathing as he stopped, staring at the sky above away from the sight, and then made another bone crackling sound as he looked back down.

He took steps back, as Dalton continued to comfort Hanako, chains rattling away as he did, and then halted. Slowly, with long arms and pointy claws, he carved into the sand/dirt of the ground, a raspy grunt his breathing and the much more quieter bone shifting as he wrote his message in.. what was it that the humans called it, Japanese? It would seem that the lot of this group don't speak English, much less than read it. It's disappointing. He carefully made kanji strokes, the message growing longer as he wrote it out. Like most shinigami, he was able to understand the human languages, even if they ignorantly did not know of all of theirs. 'I do not like to speak. But you should consider some options here~ He kept small, neat handwriting. Where is that girl's shinigami, if she's going to be afraid of lil' o' me? Kekeke.' Once Tarantos finished, he stilled, and stared straight at Dalton, his beady eyes within the confinements of the large skull that many saw as his face were easier to see in this sort of light, a bright, evil red. His head cracked to the side again, in that disgusting manner of copying observations of little Human girls. Tarantos let out another giggle and another bone crackling noise, then he stilled completely with softer breathing. He wasn't stupid. This girl obviously shouldn't be that scared of his appearance if she were to have a Death Note and a Shinigami, some distance away or something. But it would seem that Humans, like all creatures within this Realm, seemed to calmed when the frightening thing of their fears didn't do anything. Granted, they ran, but he wasn't so sure that this little Human girl would be able to, what with her crying and hyperventilating.

((OOC: Of course, no one's gotten her a Shinigami yet, but adding on the dramatic effect anyway~ o w o
If you guys don't like it this way, I could always edit and change it appropriately to how it shall and should be. :D))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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'I do not like to speak. But you should consider some options here~ He kept small, neat handwriting. Where is that girl's shinigami, if she's going to be afraid of lil' o' me? Kekeke.'

Dalton looked at the writing his shinigami had placed before him in the sand. He quickly glanced around, not seeing the shinigami. While that was going to pester him, he wasn't going to bother with that until after she awoke, just like mostly anything right now, it might cause her to go into a relapse and freak out again. He shot Tarantos a look that basically said "Does it even matter right now?" the answer to that was 'no', but it would probably later.

He kept that little piece of information in his head as he started a slow rock to keep her from waking. For now, he'd just have to wait until she awoke on her own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway Character Portrait: Tarantos
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako peacefully slept as she felt the slow rocking motion and fell deeper into her dream.

(awhile later)

Hanako slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Dalton as she smiled
"Thank you...." She said quietly as she sat up. She looked over at Tarantos for a second, flinched slightly, but knew she'd have to grow to be okay with him.
"What is he?....." She said slightly, unsure of what she was looking at.