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More Sinned Against

More Sinned Against


Two weeks ago, a boy was killed at a party. Since then, the entire teenage population of Mountain Brook has come under suspicion. As appearances fall apart and secrets are revealed, one question is on everyone's lips- who would kill to keep their secrets?

4,520 readers have visited More Sinned Against since partially-stars created it.



Bromstone, Virginia. Everything seems to be perfectly average in Bromstone. The town is medium sized, not especially big, but not particularly small either. There is one elementary, one middle, and one high school. Their sports teams are good, but nothing extraordinary. There's a few landmarks of note, but on the whole, Bromstone flies below the radar. Some describe life there as peaceful. Others describe it as painfully boring. High school seniors plan their adventures while their peers look on enviously, desperate to escape the monotony. For many, that's exactly all life is. But for others, all they want is a quiet, peaceful life.

There's no town without stories, without ghosts hovering just below the surface. High school is no different. Many live a blissfully peaceful life. But some have demons, monsters lurking beneath the surface. There's the few who deal with this issues head on, who embrace them and come to terms with them. And then there's those who just wish that they could make them go away, who would rather bury their head in the sand. They can't, or won't, deal with their problems. As far as they're concerned, they'll have to go away eventually. Demons don't live forever either.


But one night. One fateful night. One of the biggest parties of the summer was happening, and most of Bromstone High attended. For one night, they thought they could forget about their secrets. They thought that they could just be dumb teenagers. And for that night, they were. But the following morning, as the hosts kicked out the last few stragglers, they come across something that changes everything. One of their classmates was found dead. Foolishly, everyone let themselves believe it was an accident, or maybe suicide. But then the police confirm that the boy was murdered. And suddenly, everything starts to change. For such a sleepy town, this was unheard of. Nothing like this ever happened. The country's media catches wind of it, and suddenly journalists appear. Questions are asked. Evidence is hunted. The search for the killer begins. And bit by bit, carefully constructed facades start to crumble. Secrets are exposed, and the media makes sure everyone hears about it. And one question lingers on everyone's lips.

Who would kill to keep a secret?

Just to clarify if it isn't totally sure, this RP will be mostly character driven. However, the overarching plot will play a role in the story, and I will be bringing it in every so often. The killer will be a character in the RP. I will decide them when we have a suitable number of characters. If you don't want to be the killer, please PM me at any stage. It will be kept a secret from everyone but me and the person playing them. Your character's secret can be as dramatic as you like, or as undramatic if that's what you like. However, there must be a reason the character doesn't want that secret getting out, and it must be compelling. Whether the smartest kid in the school has been cheating on all of their tests and know they'll probably be expelled and lose all their scholarship chances, or the Queen Bee has some very very dirty secrets... the more potential for interpersonal conflict, the better.

  • No godmodding. All of our characters are human. (Meaning, no, their secret can't be that they're a telepath.) If anybody just magically finds out another character's secret or figures it out without too much work, it spoils all the fun. Don't do that. They can, however, have their suspicions and make accusations.
  • Keep the drama to the IC. By that, I mean that I don't want arguments in the OOC. (but discussions about how we can best ruin characters' lives are fair game.)
  • Password #1: Your character's secret and face claim.
  • If you have to leave, please just message me, and I'll work out a way for your character to leave. (I'll be honest and say I'll probably kill them off, but let me know if you'd prefer for this not to happen.)
  • If you don't post for two weeks and don't give me some kind of reason, I'll assume you have left and will proceed as such.
  • Commitment would be nice. There's nothing worse than people disappearing without giving me a warning. I'm not going to ask for a certain amount of posts on a certain time period, because I know from personal experience that life does get in the way, and sometimes inspiration runs away when you finally have time to post. But once a week might be worth aiming for.
  • Reservations to be posted in the OOC, with both passwords.
  • Relationships are pretty damn central to this. Romance is not only welcome but encouraged, as are love triangles and squares and any other shapes. That said, if things start getting hot and heavy, stick to RPG rules and fade to black.
  • This RP will be dealing with some adult themes, such as drugs and sex.
  • If anyone is uncomfortable with any of the secrets, please let me know. I don't want anyone leaving or being uncomfortable. Just PM me and I'll deal with it discretely.
  • Additionally, if I ask you to change your secret for any reason, I would really appreciate your co-operation on that matter.
  • Violence is expected and, again, welcomed. Just don't go super gory with it.
  • Enjoy!
  • Password #2: A 250x250 image of your character. (if you can't find one, just let me know and I'll figure it out.)

Reserved | Taken


Name: Alex Roberts
Age: 19
Secret: His parents were alcoholics and drug addicts, and could never hold down a job.
He worked three jobs to keep them afloat and ultimately turned to prostitution to keep the lights on and food on the table.
Face Claim: Francisco Lechowski
Played By: iCat


Name: Lyn Montgomery
Age: 18
Secret: She started using drugs to act out and rebel against her parents, but now she can't stop.
Face Claim: Emily Rudd
Played By: iCat


Name: Blu Jameson
Age: 17
Secret: He's responsible for a car crash that killed a local media darling, but because of his father's immense amounts of money,
it was kept under wraps and he was kept out of jail.
Face Claim: Keiynan Lonsdale
Played By: blueiridescence


Name: Olive Paloma
Age: 17
Secret: She slept her way into an internship with the mayor/ local government.
Face Claim: Bridget Hollitt
Played By: BurningDark


Name: Elijah Blythe
Age: 17
Secret: He's hiding his sexuality from his abusive parents.
Face Claim: Tom Holland
Played By: PutAnotherX


Name: Karin Matsuo
Age: 18
Secret: She caused the car accident that killed her father because they were arguing.
Face Claim: Lyrica Okano
Played By: ☿Urania☿


Name: Derrick Matsuo
Age: 18
Secret: He found out after his mom bailed on them at 17 that his father had an affair with another woman who also happens to be his real mother.
Face Claim: Darin Blaine Wilkens
Played By:☿Urania☿


Secret: She's a thief. Not because she comes from a poor family, but because she's addicted to the thrill of stealing.
Face Claim: Adelaide Kane
Played By: WoefulFairies


Name: Marley East
Age: 18
Secret: He had to move to mountain brook and live with his aunt because his parents are both in jail.
Face Claim: Cameron Boyce
Played By: BurningDark


Name: Willow Greyson
Age: 18
Secret: Rosie Tupper
Face Claim: She uses her skill in photography to collect blackmail material on pretty much everyone she knows. She compiles it all on an external hard drive, though she hasn't actually used any of it... yet.
Played By: PutAnotherX


Name: Dan Hanson
Age: 18
Secret: Abused by his older brother
Face Claim: Brenton Thwaites
Played By: xXxCryptic-AngelxXx


Name: Riley O'Hara
Age: 18
Secret: She was in a short-term relationship with a school counselor. Short term because when the principal found out he blackmailed her and used it to manipulate her into doing whatever he wanted.
Face Claim: Brianna Hildebrand
Played By: xXxCryptic-AngelxXx

You don't have to use this sheet, and I have a simpler one you can use if you'd like, just PM me!
Code: Select all
[font=font][left][img][/img][/left][right][img]fontmeme name goes here[/img][/right]
age: 16-20
sexuality: here
birthday: here
occupation: here
hexcode: [color=hexcode]hexcode[/color][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][url=song link]song[/url][color=transparent]xx[/color]||[color=transparent]xx[/color] [url=link]song [/url][color=transparent]xx[/color] ||[color=transparent]xx[/color] [url=song link]song[/url]

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secrets go here
8-10 likes
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in list form
8-10 dislikes
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four or five quirks
in list form[/left][right][color=#hexcode][b]fears[/b][/color]
four or five fears
in list form[/right]

[i][color=#hexcode]quote/lyrics here[/color][/i]

appearance goes here.
personality goes here

[right][i][color=#hexcode]quote/lyrics go here[/color][/i][/right]
history goes here[/font]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: Willow Greyson Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: marley east Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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00000A L E X 0 R O B E R T S 0000000000000000|00000000000000000000000 L Y N 0 M O N T G O M E R Y

#8C1531 0 | 0 #58585a

alex 0 | 0 lyn

A week had passed since the party. An intense week. Cops had been conducting interviews and asking questions, questions that not everyone could answer. "Who were you with?" "What were you doing?" Some people had alibis. Some had alibis that they didn't want to give. There was too many secrets that went unspoken, that even the cops couldn't be trusted with. Everyone had a secret, something they were hiding.

And the secrets weren't going anywhere either. They didn't disappear when they weren't an active problem. They were always there. Lurking in the background. Even if they weren't active problems, sometimes they still needed to be dealt with or covered up... or ignored.


Alex had a rare free afternoon to himself. His shifts had aligned in such a way that he finished after the lunch rush, and wasn't starting at the bar until 8. Part of him knew that he should go home, check on his parents, make sure they didn't have any more bills to pay. Or maybe he should answer some of his clients, arrange to meet them, earn the money to pay those bills. But after the week he'd just had, he just wanted to have some time to himself. And, well, to meet up with his friends. He was constantly on edge, waiting for that knock on the door, for him to be called aside at work, for somebody to stop him in the street. He'd thought about walking away from it all, changing his number, refusing to answer any calls from clients. Lie low. But he couldn't afford that. He didn't want to go back to taking every shift he could, running on four hours sleep every single night.

He sighed and sipped his iced coffee, running a hand through his still-damp hair. He'd gone to the pool for the first time in what felt like an age. It had felt so good to stretch those muscles again. And surprisingly, his many, many shifts at the coffee shop hadn't put him off coffee. Especially not iced coffee. Things weren't as good as they could be, but he was going to enjoy a rare afternoon off no matter what.

He picked up his phone and sent a few texts.

To: Derrick
Yo, man, I actually have an afternoon off work! Crazy, right? You around?

To: Elijah
Hey, dude, I'm off this afternoon if you want to come grab a coffee!

His thumb hovered over one contact name in particular, hesitating. He knew he shouldn't. He knew that their relationship wasn't healthy, that it messed with his head too much. But that didn't stop him from wanting to. Goddamn, having two sets of genes that increased his potential for addiction really messed him up. Honestly, it was surprising he wasn't more of a mess. He figured that not having time to breathe or think probably helped. He put down his phone and sighed, leaning back and looking around. It was then he spotted the cop across the street. His heart stopped for a moment as he swore the cop was looking at him. But then the cop moved on. He couldn't keep going like this. He wanted to scream, wanted to tell someone so they could help him. But how? How could he trust them, know they wouldn't go tell the police?

He picked up his phone again and had the text half written before he knew what he was doing. But when he realised, he didn't exactly try and stop himself.

To: Blu
You around?


There was always one way that Lyn dealt with frustration. But no matter how much her body and brain wanted it, she sure as hell wasn't giving in to it. Instead, she went to the gym, trying to sweat it out as much as she could. After the night of the party, she'd been on edge. Everyone had. But now she felt like she couldn't ever relax, like she always had to glance over her shoulder. And more than ever, she just wanted to stop thinking, stop... worrying. It was getting harder than ever to stay sober.

She could see the guy on the treadmill beside her was trying to show off, so she ramped up the speed and turned up the sound on her headphones. She didn't want to have to think about anything besides the pounding of her feet, the beat of her favourite workout playlist. And when her lungs were screaming at her to stop, she slowed to a walk and got off the treadmill. She retrieved her bag and pulled on her hoodie. When she got out, she pulled out her phone and sent a few texts.

To: Riley
Hey, you around, babes?

She wanted to text Karin as well, but remembering exactly what had happened at the party, she hesitated. She wasn't entirely sure she could face her. She sighed and shoved her phone back in her bag, pulling her hair out of her pony tail and downing most of her water bottle. This was all too much for her to handle.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOutfit: X

More than once Riley had to set down her guitar due to the shaking of her hands. Even now, she had them clutched to her chest as she took deep breaths in a desperate attempt to calm them enough to keep playing. This cycle had gone on for about an hour and a half so far, but what helped Riley the most was music. So, for music to help her, she had to be calm enough to play. Unfortunately, the song she was working on was a very personal and emotional one. Every time she wrote a line, tears threatened to fall and her hands started shaking.

This was the third attempt at calming her anxiety over the past week. Some days it was so bad she couldn't eat. She found herself thinking more and more about Elena this past week. Especially with her anxiety rearing its ugly head. She wanted to talk to Elena, work it out as they had done that first day they had met. Riley smiled at the memory of Elena laughing at something Riley had said as she held out a jar of candy that she had kept on her desk. The desk that they had... blush crawled up Riley's neck at the thought, but then a darker thought clouded the image. The funeral announcement for Elena. Riley couldn't get herself to go. Couldn't make herself say goodbye. Everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was blood. She had to keep any music playing at all times because the silence brought about a ringing in her ears.

She shaking returned, her stomach protesting now as stress ate at her nerves. Stress and lack of sleep. She was about to head for the bathroom to splash her face when her phone went off. Riley paused at the foot of her bed and reached towards where her phone was buried under her pillow. Her fingers fumbled with her passcode a few times before it unlocked and she was able to read her messages. There were a few from her parents while they were away in Hawaii for their 25th anniversary. Her mom had sent her a photo of the sunset there that made Riley's heart feel a little calmer. She wished more than anything she was with them and away from the chaos that was this city, but... she was here. And so was...

The next unread message was from Lyn.

Riley smiled softly, settling back in her bed. She typed out the one word that she would forever use when it came to requests from her best friend.

To: Lyn~

Then she realized that Lyn might want to meet somewhere. The idea of venturing out made her fingers twitch. So she typed out another message and hit send. She resisted the urge to end with "please" as she sent:

To: Lyn~
My place?

Image ImageImage

Dan woke with a start, his father's voice booming through the house as he complained about the police investigations. Thankfully, his brother was away for the week so at least he didn't have to deal with Shaun first thing in the morning. Dan quietly rose from his bed, noting it was likely the middle of the day and got dressed. He could hear his mom in the kitchen. Whether she was making lunch for his father or simply cleaning, he didn't know. He didn't... really care either. As he pulled on his shoes, grabbed his wallet and house keys, he slipped out the front door without a sound. He pulled his bike from the back shed and pedaled his way to the theatre.

Sleep still clung to his shoulders like a backpack full of rocks, but he promised himself a nap in one of the projector rooms on his off time. He spent so much time there the past few years that all the managers knew him and trusted him to do whatever was needed. Even if it meant working off the clock. In exchange, he was allowed free concessions as long as he didn't go nuts with them, and was allowed naps anywhere he wished. His favorite place was the projector room. It was warm and the quiet hum of the machine lulled him to sleep as much as whatever movie was playing in the theatre. It was a relatively hot day and he was already regretting his signature leather jacket. However, the hat shaded his face enough to make him a little more comfortable.

As he rode by the cafe, a familiar face stopped him dead. To the point, he almost flipped over his handle bars. There was Alex, sitting there, drinking a coffee, his attention down on the screen of his phone. He hadn't seen him since the night of the party and even then, he hadn't seen him in a few days. His shifts were becoming shorter and fewer at the theatre where they both worked. Dan has the sinking feeling it had to do with him but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the people pleaser in him.

He hopped off his bike and walked over, his head lowered shyly. "Hey, Alex," He said quietly, "How are you doing? I haven't seen you since the party."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe Character Portrait: Willow Greyson Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: marley east
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0.00 INK


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Hex: #ae5c5c || Outfit: X

The day started off as any other for Karin. She was up by 6am even though she'd fallen asleep at 3, rolled up a geourgeous blunt, smoked it, made some breakfast for her and Derrick despite cutting her finger, and went off to her only class for the day. The morning seem to go by in a fog as her mind was in a different place. It has been since the party.

After class, Karin made a couple of sales then stuck her headphones in and walked herself over to her favorite record store. She browsed for a little, more lost in her thoughts than actually reading titles. It got so bad that she ended up just staring at a queens album for like 3 minutes, spacing out. What eventually snapped her out of it was the absence of music in one ear when someone passed by and accidentally knocked one of her earbuds out.

On the walk home, Karin couldn't help but keep her eyes glued to the floor. Everytime someone looked at her it felt as if they knew what she knew. Needless to say, she was tense all the way home and felt a little gross.


Steam rose while she stood in front of the bathroom mirror. The warmth felt nice on her bare skin but that nasty blemish of black and blue on the side of her neck was a horrid reminder in her eyes. Her fingers barely brushed over it as if it'll burn her if she did touch that part of skin. She wanted it gone already.

Suddenly there was a lump in her throat that she couldn't swallow. Everything was slowly crashing down on her after telling herself she was fine for a whole week. Memories from the accident had resurfaced after the party. Small hands gripped the sides of the sink, while her eyes pinched tightly closed. She didn't want to cry anymore. She was tired of it but her body refused to give her control over it. All she could do was cry and it frustrated her so much so that she ended up throwing a bottle and sitting under the shower.

It wasn't until she heard what sounded like Derrick call out to her that she then decided to get out. He startled her, enough to get a little jump outta her. Karin quickly composed herself, wrapping the towel around her. She splashed some cold water on her face before exiting to hide the puffiness under her eyes. Not wanting to worry him, Karin quickly went into her room. "Sorry, I was in the shower!" she called out, sparking up the other half of the blunt from this morning. A little pick-me-up and smokey courage to deal with everything right now.

Karin began applying her makeup when her eyes went wide, realizing she had left her clothes in the bathroom. In a hurry, she made another run for it before Derrick went in but almost smacked right into him instead. "Hey, there guy!" Recovery had been a success so Karin played it off and gave him her happiest smile and a peck on the cheek, trying to make it as quick as possible. She disappeared into the bathroom for a moment then disappeared back into her room.

Once dressed she chilled in her room with the window open, blowing smoke out into perfect O's while Derrick showered. A sigh escaped her lips. She wondered how her friends were or what they were getting themselves into. She saw E and Olive the other day, even Alex but for some reason, not Lyn. Was she avoiding her over what happened? Karin probably wouldn't know what to say to herself either. She stared at her name in the contacts, wanting to text her but if Lyn didn't reach out to her after all this, what makes her think she wanted to hang now?

"Hell no," she stated under her breath, pulling up a contact stored under the name of Darling dearest.

To: Darling dearest
Mars! You beautiful person you. What are you up to?

"Hey Rin, wanna watch some buffy?" Derrick poked his head into her room after knocking, making a little face at her. "Sure." She smirked, pushing herself off the bed and tossing out the roach, what was left of her blunt, out the window.


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Hex: #848a92 || Outfit: X

Wiping the small collection of sweat from his eyebrows with the back of his hand, Derrick relished in the warmth of the afternoon sun. His clothes were a bit dirty, mostly his sweats with a mixture of sand, clay, and dirt from the baseball field. He finished teaching his small T-ball class of eight a half hour ago and until now, has been practicing with his boss, Tony. Tony is five years older than Derrick and took over for his father a couple of months ago. They didn't get along at first, having a bit of a disagreement in the way each of them taught but eventually, they peaced it out and learned how to get along.

Ricky also needed something to keep his mind off of the party. It was too much for him every time he came to the realization of what happened. It unnerved him to the core that his hands wouldn't stop shaking when it was his turn to bat. Eventually, he just focused on the ball so much that those feelings were pushed to the back of his mind for the time being.

"Damn, I didn't think you had it in you." Derrick laughed, stretching out his hand to a sitting, sweating and panting Tony. He laughed in between breaths and took Derrick's hand, getting to his feet. "You know me, I can't turn down a good challenge. Plus, you owe me a weeks worth of lunch now."

Derrick gave out a low chuckle and shook his head. "I still can't believe you ran the field seven times in under 3 minutes. You look like you popped a lung."

"Feels like I did." he laughed once more, slicking his sweaty blonde hair back and out of his face. "Speaking of food, you up for a burger?"

Derrick had already begun gathering his things and so was Tony. "Nah, not today. I'm feeling a little beat." he lied. "Alright then, take it easy. I'll see you Tuesdayday, you owe me food!" and with that Tony and Derrick went their separate ways. Truth was, Derrick didn't feel like going out at the moment. He just wanted to go home, see his sister and collect himself because now that he wasn't focusing on anything, everything was playing over in his mind and he found himself clenching and unclenching his fists on the walk home. He even froze at the sound of sirens blaring down the street, only when it passed did he breath again.

Unlocking the front door, Derrick entered his house, took off his shoes at the door and went straight into the kitchen, grabbing a glass half filled with Arizona sweet tea. He rounded the corner out into the living room where he found the t.v on but no Karin. His brows furrowed a little in confusion but it wasn't totally uncommon for Karin to leave the t.v on while she did other things. "Karin, I'm home!" he shouted, hoping to hear a response from wherever she was in the house but it didn't come. Events of that night played in his head again, only for him to begin worrying and getting sweaty palms.

He let out a sigh and shook his head. She's fine, she's probably in the shower. And to pull him out of his thoughts on cue was his sister's voice, coming from upstairs. There was a sort of relief that came over him and his shoulder slumped a little, relaxing. "Sorry, I was in the shower!"

Finishing the juice in his cup, Derrick gave it a quick wash in the sink before jogging up all 27 steps. The first thing to hit him was the familiar sweet and pungent smell of weed mixed with soft perfume. Karin was buzzing about in her towel, in and out of the bathroom and her room with her little makeup bag and half a blunt hanging off her lips. "Hey there guy!" she exclaimed happily, quickly stopping in front of him and pushing up on her tippy-toes to peck him on the cheek and continue her running around. Derrick noticed the pink around her eyes and nose though but didn't say anything. She hasn't been feeling 100 since the party and he's sensed it.

"Going out?"
Derrick pushed the door to his door open, he never has it fully closed. "Not that I know of. I just wanted to dress up nice today." Karin shrugged, passing by his room and into hers. "Oh, and bathrooms yours."

Settling his things down, Derrick began stripping himself of anything that resided in his pockets including his watch and whistle. He picked out some clothes, and off he went into the bathroom to wash off the dirt and sweat. After that 20 minute shower give or take, he found himself lounging on the couch next to Karin. They were watching old re-runs of Buffy the vampire slayer, arguing over which was the better couple. "Really? Giles and Jenny were way cuter than Xander and Anya, no offense," she added, exaggerating an eye roll with a grin pulling at the ends of her lips.

"What? No. I-I just think they're cuter than four-eyes and snapped neck, no disrespect. " Karin faked a gasp and pulled her hand to her chest feigning offense. "You did not!" The both of them laughed it off and settled back into the show when Derrick's phone let out a ping. He pulled it out of his pocket and swiped his finger across the screen to unlock it. There was a text that he had half written out, earlier that day to Willow that he never sent and a new one from Alex. He instinctively tried to hide a small smile creeping across his lips, a friendly face was something he needed right now. That and getting out of the house.

To: Alex
How'd you pull that off? And yeah, coffee? Well... in my case, tea and coffee?

To: Sleeping Beauty
Hey there you! :p doing anything later on today?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe Character Portrait: Willow Greyson Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo
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0.00 INK

X | Outfit

The heat was oppressive, and the humidity even more so. Even the breeze was stale and stifling. Elijah had lived his whole life in hot, humid weather it seemed. He laid on the porch of his family's house, melting into the perfect gray wood slats with his bare feet on the steps. His eyes closed as he dreamed of a thunderstorm, thick and cool and angry, to chill the wind even just a little.

His father was at work still, and his mother was on bed rest for the week. Elijah'd spent most of the day taking care of her, bringing her whatever she asked for, but she'd finally fallen asleep, allowing him his own chance at rest. His phone buzzed. He groaned, but he checked it anyway.

From: Alex
Hey, dude, I'm off this afternoon if you want to come grab a coffee!

His heart rose up into his throat, but his hands were already typing up a reply without permission.

To: Alex
I can be there in 10

His steps were soft in the house. The air conditioning felt heaven-sent, but not good enough to keep him inside. The note he left for his mother on her bedside table, careful not to wake her from her sleep, was simple:

Out with friends
Text if you need anything

He pulled on his shoes, hopped on his bike and took off toward the coffee shop.

X | Outfit
Willow tapped her fingers on the faux-marble counter top of the box office. The tiny fan and the AC box cranked noisily as the last couple minutes of her shift wound down. The thick cotton polo was too heavy and dark to be wearing in the summer, as were the black slacks and thick-soled shoes. If she had known she would be working in the box office that day instead of behind the concession stand, she would have worn shorts and flip-flops instead. The customers could never see lower than her torso from behind the glass.

Voices came through robotic and muffled as the last hipsters she would have to serve today requested tickets for some pretentious indie French snore-fest of which the theater had decided to give a limited showing due to the few but very constant and annoying requests. Willow handed over their tickets with a plastered-on smile, all but bolting out of the stuffy box as soon as they walked inside the golden double-doors. She made a beeline for the break room to punch out. The clock read two minutes past her shift's end. Her phone beeped softly. She never bothered to turn it on silent at work because of her bosses' lenience.

From: Ricky
Hey there you! :p doing anything later on today?

She smiled to herself and gathered her bag from her locker. She typed quickly as she practically skipped to her car.

To: Ricky
Just got off work. You got ideas?

Her car took almost no time at all to cool down, the air conditioning blessedly pumping out fresh air like its mechanical life depended on it. She was home in less than 10 minutes, and she changed into her sundress of the day and collapsed onto her bed, phone in hand.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: marley east
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0.00 INK


outfit - keiynan lonsdale - #3D72DB


Snap. An audible noise filled the room, as a male stood in front of a full length mirror. Admiring his latest fashion decision, as he scrolled through his apps to find his Instagram. Posting the picture of him, raising the skirt with his hand slightly, and pressing his knees together he'd smile. The caption would read Nice day to defy gender roles! #boyinaskirt #maleskirtrebellion #bluefashiondeisgns #lookoftheday #oopsimalegend. Blu was rather proud of himself, not letting himself back down. A classic button-up with a black leather skirt, his legs looked amazing. God damn! He laughed before looking at how the likes came flooding in, satisfied with his look of the day, he'd grab his messenger bag filled with his personal stuff and exit his room and begin his descent downstairs. As he did his phone pinged with a text, as he looked at the name and froze a bit. He was somewhat unused to being texted by Alex, most of their talking being.....physically face to face. He'd smile a bit though, it was good that some of the people Blu made their lives living hells before....before the incident, he could be friends with or sort of friends with now. Mentally reminding himself to respond he'd reach the stairs, where he heard his parents bustling about in the kitchen.

Yes, they were rich beyond need, but Blu's parents preferred cleaning and cooking to themselves. Makes them....more human? And with his father running for mayor the upcoming election, it makes them seem more humane. He'd walk into the kitchen, skirt and all and snag a pancake from the pile of ones his mother had finished making. "Bluregard, you're not going out like that are you?," his father asked raising an eyebrow. He was fine with his son wearing skirts, and feminine articles of clothing, hell it helped him seem more tolerant. But his son had a tendency to test the extreme.

"I think it's cute," his mother spoke out, with a smile towards her son. The two always had a more connected bond than him and his father. His mother was the one who inspired him daily to break gender roles. "Lillian, my love, you think he looks great in anything you had a hand in designing." his father laughed. "It's a statement Daddy, it helps me fight against the oppressive cis cultur, forcing men to wear pants and women to wear dresses. I'm like, a gay Rosa Parks."
he explained to his father who grumbled with a slight understanding. He'd smile before waving to his parents, letting them know he was leaving. As he reached the car, waiting for him outside he'd be greeted with his driver, Lou. "Hey Lou! Just going to the cafe today, meeting a friend. Don't wanna be late, ummmm I'll call you when I'm done there,"
he spoke to the man who just nodded. Damn, Lou had always been a tough nut to crack. He'd send a text to three people in particular.

To: LynLyn
hey babes, wyd?

To: Marles

To: Alex <3
omw keep a spot warm for me ;*

As he rode to the cafe, his mind went back to the events that had happened the week before. He hadn't been in town, thankfully, his parents and he had been in New York, for a few things his parents had to take care of dealing with his mother's fashion line. But hearing what had happened, had kind of shook Blu. What if there was a serial killer? He was too pretty to die! But he'd have to admit, he'd look good at his funeral atleast.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: marley east
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0.00 INK

O L I V ExxxP A L O M A
Image Image Image
OUTFIT: x || HEX: #965807
olive stepped into the sunshine, leaving the town hall behind with a sigh. she loved working in local government, but the countless meetings were grating on her nerves. with her anxiety peaking after the party, she was keeping a close eye on as many people as she could. the dark circles under her eyes were a sign of that effort.

she arched her back, working out some of the tension from sitting at a desk. she pulled her phone from her back pocket, checking her notifications. a few texts, couple notifications from various social medias. nothing worth replying to. she figured that a cool drink wouldn't hurt anything, and slipped in her earbuds, absentmindedly heading for the cafe.

everyone had been on edge after the party. it was crazy for something like a murder to happen in a town like mountain brook, and especially somewhere that had been a safe place for teenagers for generations now. she hadn't even been around when it happened. she walked a little faster, pulling her bag closer and wondering why she'd thought jeans would be a good idea on a summer day like this. she tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear, glancing up to see the cafe growing nearer.

her heart skipped a beat.

alex roberts sat in front of the quaint shop, eyes on his phone. she hadn't seen him... since the party. well, she'd shut herself in and focused entirely on college searching and scholarship opportunities, but he was the one person who she didn't mind avoiding. she was tempted to ignore him entirely, get her drink, and leave, but there was no way they could miss each other.

"alex?" she called softly, quickly growing bolder. "can i sit here?" she asked, pulling out a chair and sitting regardless. "waiting for anyone?" she asked innocently, though the boy could easily take it as an attack. the cafe would be a very public place to argue, which would hopefully deter alex from starting anything.

M A R L E YxxxxxE A S T
Image Image Image
OUTFIT: x || HEX: #000000
marley hated mountain brook.

he hadn't been here since last summer, when he came to stay with his aunt in late july. it was a tiny town, with almost nothing to do and barely any people that were more than vanilla. he'd been in a bad mood the whole time he'd been here- three days, four hours, and seventeen minutes now- and only the news of a murder had brought him from his room the entire visit. it was the most interesting thing that had happened here since it was founded, and there was no way marley was going to stay cooped up while something almost new-york-worthy was going on.

he was getting cabin fever anyway.

he glanced at his phone, scrolling through messages from new york friends until he saw one from karin. she'd been a summer fling a few years back, but had ended up being a reliable contact whenever he stayed the summer. his mouth twisted in a half-grin, quickly replying to the text.

not much, babe. mountain brook sucks ass.
unless you have something in mind to spice it up?

he wandered over to the closet, pulling his leather jacket off the hanger and slipping it over his shoulders. it was hot as hell outside, but beauty was pain. he'd considered getting a summer job somewhere, but he'd never gotten that bored and his parents' money had served him well enough for a summer.

maybe something interesting was happening around town. anything was better than these four walls.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: coffee shopxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"never said that i would be your lover,
xxxnever said i would be your friend
xxxnever said that i would take no other
xxxbe your lover, never said."

Alex glanced up at the sound of a familiar voice, his face breaking into a grin as he spotted Dan. Now that he was able to cut back on his hours, he was seeing less and less of Dan. He was one of those people that Alex liked being around for a bunch of reasons. "Hey, man! Yeah, guess our shifts just haven't been lining up, it's weird. So how are you? What are you up to?" He asked, sipping his coffee. His phone buzzed with a few texts, and he quickly glanced at them, firing back a few replies.

To: Derrick
Idk. Witchcraft? Already here, see you soon :)

To: Elijah
See you soon!

To: Blu
Will do x

He honestly hadn't expected everyone to be able to come right then, but he also wasn't going to complain. Even if he was constantly around people, his schedule sometimes left him feeling a little isolated. It had been a little different when he'd been in school, but after he'd graduated, he was just working more, trying to earn more money, pay the bills, keep food on the table... With no qualifications besides his high school diploma, he wasn't exactly going to get any better jobs that weren't completely mind numbing. Sure, he hated having to work so much, but at least he half enjoyed what he did. Or, well, most of it.

"Sorry, just had a few texts to answer. A few others are coming by, got to make the most of this rare afternoon off, it doesn't happen much." He added with a grin.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: streetxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"this is how it ends,
xxxi feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream
xxxfading out again
xxxso tell me when it kicks in."

With the post-workout endorphins starting to fade, she could feel the edges of the cravings starting to claw its way back in. Not strong, but enough for her to know they were there. She stretched a little, shoving them to the back of her mind. She was going to beat these. After everything that had happened, she wasn't going to let this get the better of her. And she sure as hell wasn't going to raise any suspicion about herself.

Her phone buzzed with a text, and she pulled it out, smiling at Riley's reply. Her feelings towards her were... complex, but she was so glad to still have her in her life. She fired a quick text back.

To: Riley
On my way xx

She shoved her phone back into her bag, lamenting the lack of pockets in her workout gear. Her phone was only just back in her bag when it buzzed again, and she rolled her eyes, digging it out again as she walked. She knew the way to Riley's like the back of her hand at this point. She didn't even need to think as she texted back Blu.

To: Baby Blu
hey babes, just heading to riley's for a bit. wbu?

She reached Riley's in no time, and hammered on the door, before texting Riley to say she was outside.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Willow Greyson Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: marley east
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0.00 INK


Image Image Image

Hex: #ae5c5c || Outfit: X

Karin got up once the credit began to roll for some water. Forgetting her phone was on vibrate she nearly dropped her cup when it vibrated hard on the marble countertop. She glanced at it and read Marley's text with a mischievous grin before her screen went black and she'd have to unlock it.

To: Darling dearest
Awe, we have our charm. How about some coffee then I'll show you this neat little bar our band plays at some nights? I'll pick you up. :3

Once she sent it, her finger lingered over a certain name. She twiddled her thumbs softly. Karin wanted to at least know how Lyn was doing. She would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about her. All this party stuff was getting to her again but she pushed it down and typed out a new message. Karin wasn't about to chicken out again, in fact, she was feeling OK. The good mood she had going on and knowing she was about to go out with friends was bringing back out her regular self.

To: Emmi
Hey, Lyn. How've you been?

Locking her phone Karin finished off her water. She really needed some time out of the house. She feels as if all she's been doing for the past week is follow a boring routine that wasn't her. School, home and from home to a gig and back. She didn't hang out for drinks after shows like usual, she studied more which wasn't a bad thing and kept it quite clean and short with her sales too. She also kept a very pointy pocket knife on her at all times.

Karin grabbed her keys off the wall and poked her head into the archway of the living room. "Hey Derrick, I'm gonna go grab some coffee with a friend, I'll be back later." without hesitation Derrick shot up and called out for her to wait from the couch. He ran up to her, dropping down next to her to put on his sneakers. Karin slipped on her own black boots. "Alex invited me to grab some coffee with him but I'm taking Willow with. Mind picking her up?" Ricky looked up at his sister with puppy eyes which she responded by laughing at him a little. She didn't really care or minded giving him or any one of her friends a ride or picking up whoever. She would have thought by now that he'd wouldn't have to ask. Might be nice to see Alex though. After the party, Karin was coming to terms with certain things. Plus, with her sisterly intuition, Karin always knew Ricky had a crush on Willow and she wasn't gonna leave him hanging like that. "I don't care. I'm not driving anyway." Karin was already out the door when she tossed a puzzled Derrick the car keys. "C'mon, she's not gonna wait for you forever."


Image Image Image

Hex: #848a92 || Outfit: X

Watching the credits roll, ending Derrick's little buffy craving, he picked up his phone that had lit up with a new messages.

From: Sleeping Beauty
Just got off work. You got ideas?

From: Alex
Idk. Witchcraft? Already here, see you soon :)

Derrick smiled happily as he began writing out his responses, but that's when he heard Karin's keys jingle. His ears perked and when she told him she was going to step out he instantly scrambled from the couch "Wait!"he called out, jumping over the headrest and towards Karin to put on his shoes. "Alex invited me to grab some coffee with him but I'm taking Willow with. Mind picking her up?"

He playfully rolled his eyes when his sister laughed at him and ruffled his hair. She was out the door and as he got up to follow after her, all he saw was keys being tossed his way. He still caught them, barely and in the midst of his small confusion Karin called out to get his attention. A bright smile took over his lips and so he locked up the house and got into the white suv.

To: Sleeping Beauty
Alex invited me for coffee so I was thinking we go there for a little and then we could go for a walk or something? I'm on my way to pick you up!

To: Alex
Lol. Alright, see you soon. :D


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery
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0.00 INK

xxJ a c k xA b r a m s

xxHex: #131F44xxxxxxxOutfit: __


xxxbe the one, be the one
xxxto take my soul and make it undone
xxxbe the one, be the one
xxxto take me home and show me the sun


Jack was outside. He tried to ignore the blood in his hands freezing up, though his cigarette provided at least a little warmth. In reality, he only smoked a cigarette to blend in. His public anonymity was necessarry to be maintained, even though he hated cigarettes and everything about them. He was more the booze dude.
"Who am I kidding."
He threw away the cigarette and shook off his hood. He actually liked wearing hoodies, though this wasn't the day.
Right now he needed to talk to someone, though he still had to clear something up. Pulling out his phone, he saw that some of his friends were online, though after hearing about the accusations about him, most stopped talking to him. Maybe it was short-term, but for now, he didn't know. Plus, Alex would have texted Jack by now, though seeing that wasn't the case, he figured Alex also needed a break from ol' depresso Jackie.
So he texted the one person he thought he would never talk to again.
xxxxxxTo: Lyn
Hey, um. Wanna hang out?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK


outfit - keiynan lonsdale - #3D72DB


To: LynLyn
bout to go hang with a fine ass boy, ehh jk just bout to hang with alex and i assum other people.

Blu sent the text out to Lyn, before Lou looked at him as the car stopped. "Now, Blu, you know to call me if you need me. Or text me if you feel uncomfortable. I don't want you to have a chance of getting into trouble, your parents are already pretty pissed at me for last weekend," the gargantuan man spoke to the male. Blu grimaced when he mentioned that, almost having gotten Lou fired because he decided to sneak away from the man and not tell him where he went. "I said I was sorry!!,"
he exclaimed before speaking again. But yeah, I'll call or text if I need you to come get me. If I leave the cafe, I'll send you my location okay?," he responded before opening the door. Lou nodded with approval as he drove off leaving Blu in front of the coffee shop. The boy swore Lou was more a father than his own.

As he registered the area, he noticed people were staring, mostly guys. He'd smile, of course, people were staring they always were. You can't be an icon if you're ignored, but it was also his father's hold over most of the town. He shrugged before walking into the coffee shop, and spotting Alex immediately. He'd also spot Dan, placing his finger up to his lips, to say be quiet. Sneaking up behind him, not that the shoes he decided to wear were exactly silent he'd place his hands over the male's eyes,

"Guess who?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

XXXXXXXR i l e y X O' H a r aD a nX H a n s o nXXXXXXX

X | | X

#410045 | | #0C571B

XXXXXXXRiley once again tried to get herself to play her guitar, her room too quiet without any music, but she couldn't get herself to play. It would still take Lyn a bit to get to Riley's house so she tried to figure out something to occupy her time. She realized she hadn't showered... recently. Too preoccupied with either distracting herself or her thoughts in general. So she got up from her bed, surprised there wasn't an imprint where she had been sitting the past few days and made her way to her bathroom. While she showered, she banished dark thoughts away by blasting rock music through her speaker. Some of the songs she knew how to play either all the way through or certain parts so she played some air guitar. It helped to cheer her up a bit before Lyn came over. She wasn't sure she really wanted Lyn to know what had happened that night. Not that Lyn didn't know what was going on in Riley's life that she didn't know about Elena, but... it might bring up questions that she wasn't sure she was ready to answer.

She had just exited the shower and pulled on some clothes--a mesh shouldered top and a pair of comply black shorts--when she heard banging on the door. Her phone buzzed on her bed and she grabbed it, checking the message as she walked. Seeing it was Lyn saying she was here, Riley rolled her eyes and tucked her phone in her back pocket as she opened the front door. "I can hear that," she said by way of greeting and giving Lyn a smoldering look paired with a smirk. She ran her fingers through her hair which was still dripping wet, staining the shoulders of her shirt. "Well come on in. You're no stranger here. In fact, I'm surprised I haven't given you a key."

She made her way back to her room and grabbed her towel in attempts to at least slightly dry her hair. "Thanks for coming over." She flopped onto her bed, the towel now dangling from her fingers. "It's been rough. And I've missed having you over here." She noticed Lyn was still clad in her work out gear which meant she came from the gym. At least she was still taking care of herself. Riley fought back a blush as she noticed Lyn's curves due to the tight clothing. Riley's feelings towards Lyn changed late middle school early high school. And ever since, she struggled with holding her best friend in that place. Some days it was a struggle to keep from flirting with her or just... kissing her.

But Lyn wasn't interested and Riley still valued their friendship. Still... she had to admit that Lyn was completely gorgeous.

She cleared her throat and looked to the ceiling. "So how was the gym?"

It took Alex a moment to glance up and notice Dan. Which made sense considering Dan has a talent for being unnoticeable most of the time. The young man was busy with his phone as well. Which might be nice if Dan had more friends... but talking with Alex wasn't a pity party. It was just the effects of the last few days on his mind. He shoved back the thoughts and smiled at his coworker/friend? and replied "No big deal," Then he pulled out a chair, "Mind if I sit for a bit? It'll be a little while before I have to be at work I was just heading over early..." to avoid my family he finished in his head. He wasn't about to tell Alex that. Wouldn't want to put his own personal baggage on others.

There was another girl with long dark and hair and deep brown skin. Olive maybe? She was talking to Alex who hadn't seemed to notice her yet. "Sure, you can sit. Olive, right?" Dan said, in attempts to be bold. Then he turned back to Alex again. "It's been kind of... boring without working with you. The others have very little personality." Which wasn't entirely true, but not entirely false either. "Hope you're not being over worked."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: coffee shopxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"never said that i would be your lover,
xxxnever said i would be your friend
xxxnever said that i would take no other
xxxbe your lover, never said."

He'd more or less missed Olive's arrival altogether, and once he noticed her, he wished he hadn't. It wasn't that he didn't like Olive. Their relationship hadn't been the worst he'd had. But the bad blood between them had affected their relationship, and it felt like it was slowly disintegrating into something ugly. So he put on a smile. "Hey Olive! Sorry, missed you there, everyone just seems to be showing up on me all at the same time. Just hanging with some friends, you know," he said, taking a sip out of his coffee. He made a gesture at Dan to sit down, there was plenty of space around the table even with everyone he was expecting.

He could hear someone behind him, but didn't pay too much attention to them until hands were over his eyes. And there was a moment of panic, fear that everything had caught up with him. And then a familiar voice chimed out, one that made him smile and laugh. "Blu, you're a dick," he said, pulling the other boy's hands away from his face and getting to his face. "Oh my gosh, you look good!" He remarked. Blu's femininity had never been an issue for him. It was just a part of him. And besides, Alex never felt like he was in a position to judge anyone. "Blu, you know Dan and.. Olive, right?" He asked, it suddenly striking him what a strange situation it was. His ex and... whatever the hell him and Blu were. Christ, why couldn't any of his relationships be straightforward?

He sat down and patted the spot next to him for Blu to sit. "So, what have y'all been up to? Seems like it's been way too long since I actually hung out with anyone, you know what it's like," he said with an eyeroll.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: Jack Abrams
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0.00 INK

location: riley's housexxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here

xxx"this is how it ends,
xxxi feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream
xxxfading out again
xxxso tell me when it kicks in."


Lyn smirked at Riley's greeting. "One of these days, babe." She followed her in, knowing Riley's house as well as her own. She half considered stopping for food, the post workout craving already kicking in. But it had been too long since she'd hung out with Riley with just the two of them. So instead, she just followed her upstairs, replying to a few texts as she went.

To: Jack
Soz hun, busy rn.

To: Blu
Ooh, enjoy ;)

She only hesitated when it came to Karin's text. The events of the party just made Lyn so guilty, so guilty that she couldn't tell Karin what had happened. But it wasn't fair to ignore her either. So she fired off a quick text.

To: Rin
Hey babes xx doing okay, just been super duper busy! how're you??

Once she got up to Riley's room, she sat down beside Riley on the bed. Their relationship wasn't the most normal one. They'd messed around a little, back before Lyn had really accepted her sexuality. And how she'd felt about Riley had scared her, had made her push away. Now she'd come to terms with it, and had almost grown out of her feelings for Riley. She felt bad for what had happened, but there wasn't exactly anything she could do about it.

"Yeah. I get it," she replied. She'd been torn with guilt over what had happened, which meant she'd nearly been glad that Riley hadn't want her to come over. But now she was here, she was glad she'd come over. "It was good. Some usual gymbros trying to show off to me, so naturally enough I had to show them who the boss was. Nearly threw up once I got off the treadmill, but totally worth it."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK


outfit - keiynan lonsdale - #3D72DB


"You know you love me Lex, and yeah? I'm not sure I've met Olive, but I know Dan, you work at the theater with Alex right?," he asked with a smile. His brown eyes focusing on the male as he plopped down next to Alex. He'd look over at Olive, and look her up and down. Not the best, but if Alex was into her she was pretty...enough. He shook his head slightly before mentally beating himself up over judging her. He wasn't necessarily that person anymore, he wasn't going to be remembered like that. Holding a finger up to Dan before quickly getting up and ordering a drink, paying, then sitting back down. He'd look at the trio and feel his phone buzz.

To: LynLyn
i will ;)

He'd quickly text back before he'd idly look around. "I've been up to tons! Serving looks, getting better at my whole musical obsession. Got the whole part of Lafayette in Guns and Ships from Hamilton down pat. I hope the school does a different type of play this year....we need CLASSICS I'm tired of the no-name type shit we get every year. Mrs. Reyes and I will absolutely FIGHT,"
he ranted on before he would smile a bit. He'd shrug, few things he was passionate about. Fashion and Musical Theater were in the top two of that category. Sue him. There was something about being the center of attention, getting the lead role. It was immense pressure, but it was such a good type of pressure. He lived for that, and fashion had always been for him. Getting those stares and ogling eyes from men, and women alike. He lived to be a sight for sore eyes.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

Image Image
R i l e y X| | XD a n


Here | | Here

#410045 | | #0C571B

XXXXRiley listened as Lyn typed something out on her phone, probably a text or two to people, and picked at the strings of her guitar. It reminded her that she hadn't talked to someone in a while. Someone she desperately missed.

To: Rick-Roll
Hey! Sorry I've been so absent. How are things? Want to come over? Lyn's here.

She had just hit send when Lyn responded to her question about the gym. Worry shot through her and she sat up quickly, looking her friend up and down for any signs of trauma. "Are you alright?" Her statement had been only about feeling sick after running, but Riley couldn't help her concern. Lyn had always been... a bit reckless. For all she knew it had been worse. "You don't have to kill yourself at the gym, you know?" She said as she laid back against her pillows, pulling her guitar onto her lap. "You're gorgeous just the way you are." She said it quietly, almost as if she didn't want Lyn to hear it. Almost.

She strummed a few cords and then, with more energy than she really felt, she started to play Bloodstream. It was a slightly more complicated song to play, but she liked the way it sounded. When she stopped, she looked up at her best friend. "What do you think? I only have the first verse and refrain done completely, but I think it's coming together." She smiled. Then she looked back down at her guitar, idly strumming. "So what do you want to do? We could invite Ricky over for some movies." She paused, knowing she was about to make a decision she would regret. "He could bring Karin."

XXXXDan was glad that Alex was doing well. Even if he missed seeing him at the theatre. He noticed someone coming up behind him and smiled softly. It was Blu. Dan wasn't unfriendly with the guy, but they weren't super close either. Something pained Dan at the brightness in Alex's eyes when he got sight of Blu. He certainly hadn't looked at him like that when he had walked up. In fact, Alex didn't have much of a reaction at all. Dan was beginning to feel uncomfortable here. Feeling like a third wheel. Thankfully Olive was also there and she probably felt just as awkward. So at least he wasn't alone.

Then Alex asked what they had been up to and Dan felt... better and worse at the same time. Better because the question meant Alex actually cared about the answer. Or at least, Dan thought he did. He felt worse because... he hadn't really been up to much else. Mainly trying to avoid his brother and working at the theatre. He tried to think of something, anything, to say that was more exciting but came up short so instead, he laughed awkwardly. "I haven't been up to much other than the theatre." He cleared his throat. "Oh but um... my brother is in town." His brother was well known by the people of their high school. He was charming and always the life of the party. He wasn't sure what their reactions would be or if they even cared, but it was something to talk about. Something that didn't completely have to do with him.

He looked down at his watch. He still had a good amount of time before he needed to be at work.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Roberts Character Portrait: Lyn Montgomery Character Portrait: Blu Jameson Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara Character Portrait: olive paloma Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
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0.00 INK

xxlocation: coffee shopxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"never said that i would be your lover,
xxxnever said i would be your friend
xxxnever said that i would take no other
xxxbe your lover, never said."

Blu's gushing just made Alex smile despite himself. There was days when all Alex could see was the boy that had made his life hell, had laughed at his out-of-fashion clothes, had made Alex feel like he stood out far too much. And then there were days like this, when Alex was reminded of why their relationship was what it was. He liked people with enthusiasm, and it seeped out of Blu's every pore.

"Oh god, I'm glad I've finally escaped her constant pestering to get me to audition for something." he mused, sipping his coffee. "Alex, dah-ling, you'd make a truly wonderful Gaston!" He mimicked her attempts to get him to audition. "And somebody only added to it in my senior year. Almost like somebody let slip I have a half-decent singing voice," He remarked with a pointed look at Blu, raising an eyebrow. It had only been at the end of his junior year that Alex had the guts to stand up to Blu. That had resulted in them hooking up at a party. And, well, the rest was kind of history.

He smiled at Dan as he said that his brother was in town. "Oh man, that's awesome! The sadness of being an only kid, I'm all I got," he said with a shrug. "Still, guess I never had to share anything," he added. He wasn't going to say he didn't have to endure hand-me-downs, because most of his wardrobe had consisted of charity shop offcasts for years. He wasn't going to bring that up though. He fired off a quick text.

To: Derrick
yooo man where are you?? imma be back at work by the time you get here :P

location: riley's housexxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here

xxx"this is how it ends,
xxxi feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream
xxxfading out again
xxxso tell me when it kicks in."

Riley's comment asking if she was okay took Lyn aback a little, and it took her a minute to recover. She knew that Riley knew she used drugs, but her friend had no idea of how bad it had gotten, of how bad she had gotten. She smiled and shrugged a little. "Don't you worry about me, babes. I was just showing off to the gymbros, you know? I promise I don't make a habit of it. And after the past couple of weeks, I just had some stuff to work through as well. I'm fine. Promise," she said with a smile.

Her smile only grew as she watched and listened to Riley playing the guitar. Acoustic music wasn't her thing- she like stuff she could run to, stuff with a beat, stuff she could dance to to keep her heart rate up. But watching Riley play- she was reminded of how she'd first fallen for her. She nodded as Riley asked her. "It's awesome. Seriously, you're so talented. I picked up a guitar once and the strings broke. Literally, all of them. At once." She said with a laugh and a shrug. The mention of Derrick made her stomach clench a little, and it only tightened at the mention of Karin. But she covered it with a shrug. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. But it's up to you, it's your house." Her stomach rumbled a little. "As long as there's food involved," she added with a laugh.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Blu Jameson
Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe
Character Portrait: olive paloma
Character Portrait: Karin Matsuo
Character Portrait: Derrick Matsuo
Character Portrait: marley east
Character Portrait: Willow Greyson
Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara
Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
Character Portrait: Jack Abrams


Character Portrait: Jack Abrams
Jack Abrams

"I can't cry. I can't laugh. I can't speak, so that's why I do it."

Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
Dan Hanson

"You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you"

Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara
Riley O'Hara

"No I never sold my Soul. If I ever do throw my bones to the wolves."

Character Portrait: Willow Greyson
Willow Greyson

"Oh, you had it, but oh no you lost it."

Character Portrait: marley east
marley east

"all the girlfriends saying 'here we go again' - rich kid but he act like a gentleman"

Character Portrait: olive paloma
olive paloma

"you're looking for salvation in the secular age, but girl i'm not your savior"

Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe
Elijah Blythe

"I know that it's exciting running through the night, but every perfect summer's eating me alive."

Character Portrait: Blu Jameson
Blu Jameson

the primadonna life, the rise and fall


Character Portrait: marley east
marley east

"all the girlfriends saying 'here we go again' - rich kid but he act like a gentleman"

Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe
Elijah Blythe

"I know that it's exciting running through the night, but every perfect summer's eating me alive."

Character Portrait: Jack Abrams
Jack Abrams

"I can't cry. I can't laugh. I can't speak, so that's why I do it."

Character Portrait: olive paloma
olive paloma

"you're looking for salvation in the secular age, but girl i'm not your savior"

Character Portrait: Willow Greyson
Willow Greyson

"Oh, you had it, but oh no you lost it."

Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara
Riley O'Hara

"No I never sold my Soul. If I ever do throw my bones to the wolves."

Character Portrait: Blu Jameson
Blu Jameson

the primadonna life, the rise and fall

Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
Dan Hanson

"You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Dan Hanson
Dan Hanson

"You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you"

Character Portrait: Riley O'Hara
Riley O'Hara

"No I never sold my Soul. If I ever do throw my bones to the wolves."

Character Portrait: Willow Greyson
Willow Greyson

"Oh, you had it, but oh no you lost it."

Character Portrait: Jack Abrams
Jack Abrams

"I can't cry. I can't laugh. I can't speak, so that's why I do it."

Character Portrait: Elijah Blythe
Elijah Blythe

"I know that it's exciting running through the night, but every perfect summer's eating me alive."

Character Portrait: olive paloma
olive paloma

"you're looking for salvation in the secular age, but girl i'm not your savior"

Character Portrait: Blu Jameson
Blu Jameson

the primadonna life, the rise and fall

Character Portrait: marley east
marley east

"all the girlfriends saying 'here we go again' - rich kid but he act like a gentleman"

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