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Past Of Darklina

Past Of Darklina


You May Know Of Darklina, But Do You Know Of It's Past?

3,347 readers have visited Past Of Darklina since Annalysa Jones created it.


Those of you who are in my two other Darklina RPs "Psyche Changes" and "Going Under", you already know what Darklina is, who lives on it, how society works. But for those of you who are new to my world, here is the basic go down of Darklina:


Darklina is a planet filled with everything none human, vampires, reapers, shape shifters, demons, etc.

The people of Darklina are called "The Others", not Darklinians, cause i've had people try to call them that, that is NOT what they are called.

There are only two rules on this planet:

1.) the mortal/ageless can be used as Pets by Lords

2.) do ANYTHING to survive

This Role Play takes place before "Psyche Changes" and before "Going Under". "Psyche Changes" takes place before Earth and Darklina come into contact, "Going Under" takes place when Earth and Darklina meet for the first time.

But no, this Role Play takes place about 500 years before "Psyche Changes", the Lords rule, the Reapers are Second Class, the free Others/Warriors are Third Class, and the Pets are at the bottom of the food chain.



This is a time of great destruction in Darklina. Lords are battling Lords, free Others are killing each other, Pets are killing for their Lords, and so on and so forth.

The Southern Lord and the Northern Lord have decided to start a small two person war between themselves to see who the Best Lord is and who will have power over the two strongest regions of Darklina.

The two Lords have each hired two Warriors to work for them in exchange for food, shelter, and safety while inside their palaces. These warriors can either be very loyal, or can be swayed by the other Lord if offered a better deal than their current employer.

Each Lord has two pets, one Reaper, and two warriors living in their Palace with them.



Lords: Rule their regions with great power, they are some of the strongest beings in Darklina. They love to mess with peoples minds to manipulate them into thinking they are important to them and make them do as they wish. This, however, does not always work on Warriors.

Reapers: They have humanoid figures, but can have anything like fur, wings, scales, etc. They steal the souls of the living and have made deals with the Lords to protect the souls of the Pets, though they have no rule when it comes to protecting the Warriors souls. They are snitches, if they hear of one of the Warriors or Pets going behind the Lords back, they will sell them out. They are sneaking creatures, not to be trusted by the Pets or Warriors.

Pets: They work for the Lords and do whatever they are told, wither they enjoy it or not. They are not always loyal.

Warriors: They are hired by the Lords to fight and protect for them in exchange for food and shelter. Not all of them are loyal and they can be swayed to join the other Lord if they are offered a better deal by them.



Northern Lord: Annalysa Jones
Pet 1: angelwolfchild
Pet 2: BeckkiSoli14
Warrior 1: WhatsWithLife
Warrior 2: Cazuki
Reaper 1: AileenKishi
Reaper 2: Griff Highwind

Southern Lord: Lirrin
Pet 1: AileenKishi
Pet 2: MissK
Warrior 1: Annalysa Jones
Warrior 2: Hinasil
Reaper 1: VisualKiwi
Reaper 2: kellycat122



Love Interest: [can leave blank until later]
Breed: [vampire, demon, etc]
Description: [what they look like]
Picture: [can be anime or real, though i prefer anime]
Weapons: [if any]
Powers: [can have up to three, and EVERYBODY has to have at least one power]
Personality: [can fill this out or reveal their personality through-out the rp]
Past: [can be revealed later in rp but put a little something]
Theme Song: [name and link to a lyrics video of it, a song says a lot about a character that can be hard to describe in your own words]
(((If You Are A Warrior: are you loyal or can you be swayed to join the other side? And can you be manipulated by the Lords mind tricks?)))

Toggle Rules

1.) Follow The Rules Of The Site

2.) Romance is encouraged because it brings more into the plot, especially if their love interest works for the opposite side

3.) If you are not going to be able to post for a few days, tell me in the OOC section of the role play

4.) Must post at least once or twice a day

5.) Have Fun!

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Darklina by Annalysa Jones

Where You Must Fight For Power, Life, Existence.


North by RolePlayGateway

The Northern Area Of Darklina, Ran By The Northern Lord


South by RolePlayGateway

The South Part Of Darklina, Ran By The Southern Lord

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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OOC: So we're going to very slowly start this role play to basically where it is introducing the characters that we already have.]

Baam had been traveling for about 17 hours now, her feet were growing a bit tired and her ears had just given up on listening for her surroundings. She could see the Southern Lords palace up in the distance. This put a slight smile on her face and her tail flicked back and forth a bit, for she would soon be able to rest before she started her duties. She knew that there would be another warrior, but she had no clue who he or she could be or if their powers would be in sync or not. She hoped not, it would make things a lot easier, not having to work together with the other warrior constantly.

As she drew nearer to the palace she could tell that it was very elegant, heavily decorated kin of place. She made her way to the gate and the guards proceeded to allow her inside and she walked to the entrance and walked inside. The inside was even more magical feeling, almost like she had entered another world. She looked about the main room, moving her hands along the furniture. This made her glad she had taken the warrior job for this Lord, though she had no even met or conversated with the Northern Lord, she didn't know if that Lord would have such a beautiful place.


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#, as written by Cazuki
"What a nice place" Harry said as he walked down to the northen lord's castle. He had been walking for quite for a while now but he didn't mind. It helped as the sun was shining as he always liked to observe the nature and enviroment around him. It had been a while since he had taken a fighting job but he decided that now might be the time to accept his probably final job in his life time. It had been and worth while but he knew that soon his longliverty would run out and he would have to leave Darklina for good "Why am i thinking about that on such a nice day?" he said and pushed the thought to the back of his mind.
Then he saw the castle, it was a nice place and somewhat fitted the setting around it "Hello my friends" he said to the guards and after telling them who he was they let him in with no real complainets. He decided to wait for the other warriour to appear in the main room.


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Voltar gave a loud yawn as he came upon the gates of the Southern Lord's palace. He wasn't sure what exactly made him sign off with the Southern Lord. Maybe it was his need of more excitement. It was more likely that he just needed the benefits. Food, shelter, and all he had to do was help to protect the Lord's pets, and assist with the upcoming battle in any way he could.ย 

As he entered the gates, he wasn't sure if they already knew him or if his appearance made them nervous, but the guards stood dangerously still. He slowly and cautiously entered the palace. He took in the elegance of the decor and the sweet scent he smelled as he entered before he turned his attention to the other person in the entrance room. From her appearance, Voltar guessed that she was one of the warriors. A sly smile found it's way onto his face as she walked up to her, stopping about five feet away. "Hello, miss."


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Aranea's black eyes snapped open.
Her chamber, once like that of a normal servant to the Northern Lord, was covered in miles of webbing; the bed, table and windows long obscured by the thick threads of white silk. No one had protested, and she had decided long ago that if she was going to be stuck here she might as well make things a little more comfortable for herself. Although this place could never be home to her.
Sighing, she gently slid down the silvery rope, landing softly on the floor.
Aranea had not been in the palace very long but already she despised it. It was bad enough to be working for that monster in the first place but there was no one even remotely close to her species here, half of them hadn't even heard of a Spider Demon; she felt like a complete and utter outcast. But there was no point complaining, she couldn't escape. As long as she kept her emotions hidden, the Lord could not manipulate her mind so she still had some free-will. Besides, from what she knew her sisters had all been sold to people within the Northern Territory. If she was going to find them, she had to stay.
"Not that he gives me enough time to look." She muttered to herself, walking over to the door of her chamber and stepping outside, closing the door behind her before walking down the corridor.
As long as she was ready for any evil jobs he wanted her to do, she could get by in this place. Taking her usual emotionless composure, she made her way through the palace, walking past a few guards. One of them she didn't recognise, he must have been newly acquired. It wasn't any of her business, she just kept walking.

The setting changes from Darklina to South


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Baam looked at the man that had walked in and spoke to her. She gave a small nod, "hello. You would be?" He didn't seem like a warrior by his appearance, and he couldn't be the Lord considering how he walked in from the outside of the palace. She inspected his body language for a moment, he carried himself in a manor that screamed reaper inside her head. She wasn't really thrilled about a Reaper being in the same building as her, she didn't like to be within a hundred feet of them. Reapers had killed her parents, so she didn't trust them in the least bit. A small smirk came across her face as she looked at his arm, how interesting, she thought to herself. She folded her arms across her chest and shifted her weight to her right leg awaiting his reply.

The setting changes from South to Darklina


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#, as written by Cazuki
Harry heard footsteps and almost instantly went into sensory mode, if he asn't careful he would change and he didn't want ot scare the person. Whwn he saw the girl he relaxed and called to her "Hello there! I was wondering if your lord was at home by any chance" he couldn't really tell what the girl was at first but then he remembered some of the books he had read about the speices in the northen continent and knew she was a spider demon "So what's a spider demon doing here... i thought you all lived in the forest or something"


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Tyjeris slowly walked up to the gates of the northern lord's castle popping his neck not knowing if the guards would give him a hard time for being a drow. He had been walking for days and this was not a good time to mess with him because a drow in the sun was never good. He walks past the guards them not saying a word he looks around seeing a door. He opens it his white hair going in his face his ears move a little with the wind from outside he walks into the main room slowly with his bow and staff on his back the quiver of arrows on his left hip his sword on the right. He sees a male and a female standing there talking he slowly walks backwords keeping an eye on both in the a dark corner.


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Rassengia was walking along in the corridors when she saw two others talking. One of them was that Spider-Demon girl, Aranea, but the other one was new to her. She walks up casually to them. "Hi Aranea. Who's this?"


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#, as written by Cazuki
"Hello my friend" Harry said as he bowed "My name is Harry Greenhorn and i am one of the new warriours your lord hired... may i ask your name?" When he saw the male walk in he turned to him and smiled "Ah you must be the other warriour i am working with, it is a pleasure to meet you um..." he didn't know the warriours name and for a moment felt very stupid


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"Voltar Seven." Voltar bowed before standing upright again. "And who might you be?" Voltar considered shaking hands, but decided against it, pressing the cool metal of his left gauntlet closer to his side. Voltar was in no means a shy man. The gauntlet wasn't what made him nervous, but it was the scars under it that he was reserved about. He shifted his weight slowly, his right arm now resting on the hilt of Drahul at his side.ย 


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Tyjeris slowly walks up to him popping his neck once more. "My name is Tyjeris Alani. So your the one that I will be working with for now?." He didn't know when he would leave or if he would. He slowly looked the male up and down "You don't look much like a warrior to me you must be another race then just human." He puts his hand on his quiver slowly not knowing if the male would say anything to this.


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#, as written by Cazuki
"You think so?" Harry rubbed the back of his neck, most people couldn't spot his powers right away "Let me show you what i can do Ty"
Suddenly his body started to quake as he went on to all fours. Two wings and fur started to brim up and suddenly a tail flung from his back. Soon he was fully transformed, looking like a dragon and wolf cross breed "This is my other form..." he said, smiling

The setting changes from Darklina to South


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She watched as he moved his left arm closer to his side but didn't think much of it. "I'm Baam, one of the hired Warriors for this Lord." She says, "i expect i am correct in assuming you are the Reaper for this Lord." She looked at him, a harpy? Haven't seen one of those in a while, she thought to herself. Her tail flicked back and forth a bit and one of her ears cocked to the side a bit, listening to see if anyone else was around.

The setting changes from South to Darklina


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Tyjeris slowly looks at him smiling. "Ok it may be fun fighting with you or against you." He looks down his eyes turning red. "So have you meet this lord we are working for? I havn't and its starting to piss me off alot I'm thinking I'm going to leave if I don't get a fight soon."


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#, as written by Cazuki
"No i havn't met him yet" Harry said, quickly turning back into his human form "but there's no reason for you to leave yet is there... heh if you want i can spar with you... might be good practice after not fighting for a while" Harry smiled as he remembered the numerous other fights he had been in.


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Tyjeris' smile gets bigger looking back up to the male as he turns back. "Ok I'll take that spar it would be good if we are going to fight together to fight each other to know one another's powers and styles so we can make a way to fight without hurting one another." He back up a little pulling his bow off his back. "So when will we do this."


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#, as written by Cazuki
"ooh..." Harry pretended to think for a moment then rapidly changed and pounced on Ty "How 'bout now? I can see you don't fight well in light i think i saw a dark area outside, in the shade" he ran out of the castle, past the guards who looked slightly biwildered and ran to the dark space he had seen on the way here, there was a few trees around the area was deeply covered in shade.


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Tyjeris slowly fallowed not really wanting to go outside into the sun but if there was a dark area it would be better to fight outside because no one ever knows what will happen. He walks past the guards popping his neck. "I wouldn't fallow us if I was you." HE slowly walks to the spot that he talked about seeing him.


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#, as written by Cazuki
"Alright we have a place where both of us can fight effectivly... now i won't go easy on you and don't go easy on me... do you agree?" Harry smiled, the familar feel of blood pumping fast and adrenaline piling up "Hah hah! doesn't it feel great to have this feeling of adrenaline in ya!?"


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Voltar nodded once Baam introduced herself. "Charmed to meet you. Yes, you would be correct. I am indeed the reaper for this Lord." Voltar looked Baam over. He hadn't seen a neko since his childhood. The small kingdom he lived in was mostly made up of harpies and other like creatures. His eyes wandered down to her tail, watching its movements. His lazy smile didn't falter. He felt more at ease now that he knew who this girl was. "Have you any idea where the Lord might be? I haven't seen him yet."

The setting changes from Darklina to South


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"I thought so," she said when he answered her question. She watched him as his eyes watched her tail and she couldn't help but let out a little laugh, the action seemed a bit childish to her mind. "I have not seen the Lord yet, in fact, you are the first person i've seen besides all the guards around. He sure has a lot of them. And the way they just let me in, makes me wonder if they already know who i am," She said to him. She looked around a bit, but there seemed to be no guards in the room they were in.

The setting changes from South to Darklina


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Aranea had frozen when he spoke to her.
To have him speak in such a friendly manner to her was strange enough but for someone to instantly identify her as a Spider Demon? That was just plain strange, not many people knew they even existed. The fact that he did made her uncomfortable.
But thankfully Rassengia showed up before she had to respond, even more welcome was the arrival of the other warrior. Aranea did feel much like socialising right now and the warriors clearly had something more important to discuss, giving her an excellent opportunity to back out of getting acquainted with him.
"Just the new warriors, nothing for us to be concerned about Rassengia." She said softly, before turning to her fellow pet. "I take it we have not been given any asseignments yet." She commented, starting to walk again.
She didn't mind Rassengia, because they were in the same position she was one of the few people Aranea would willingly talk to. Even though they were quite different, they still got on well enough.


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Rass shakes her head. "No we have not, and please just call me Rass; Rassengia is somewhat of a mouthfull." She walks besides Aranea. Aranea was one of the few people who Rass trust, mainly because everyone else is are a bunch of jerks.


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Tyjeris pulls his bow off his back looking at Harry with his eyes still half closed. HE moves to the right fast running to a tree running up it jumping off as he moves for his quiver pulling four arrows so fast pulling back the bow string back shooting off all four at harry. He puts his bow back on his back pulling his sword landing on his feet smiling.


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#, as written by Cazuki
Harry smiles "Your a fast bugger aren't you" he said as he quickly dodged the arrows "I would be fair but then it wouldn't be a sparring" he jumped up and started to fly. He flew around Ty as he landed and quickly kicked him with his feet.

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Darklina by Annalysa Jones

Where You Must Fight For Power, Life, Existence.


North by RolePlayGateway

The Northern Area Of Darklina, Ran By The Northern Lord


South by RolePlayGateway

The South Part Of Darklina, Ran By The Southern Lord

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Character Portrait: Hero Beretta
0 sightings Hero Beretta played by Hinasil
"Fear not, your warrior has arrived"

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aranea Silverthread
Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Character Portrait: Voltar Seven
Character Portrait: Mizu
Character Portrait: Adonai Kanti
Character Portrait: Phalanx


Character Portrait: Phalanx

"...heh. You say that like I even care."

Character Portrait: Adonai Kanti
Adonai Kanti

Can I have a cuddle?

Character Portrait: Mizu

Big things come in small packages. So don't make me cross.

Character Portrait: Voltar Seven
Voltar Seven

"I suggest you don't step out of line, dearest."

Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani

the killer in the night

Character Portrait: Aranea Silverthread
Aranea Silverthread

"I shall serve, I shall not let myself fall..."


Character Portrait: Adonai Kanti
Adonai Kanti

Can I have a cuddle?

Character Portrait: Aranea Silverthread
Aranea Silverthread

"I shall serve, I shall not let myself fall..."

Character Portrait: Mizu

Big things come in small packages. So don't make me cross.

Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani

the killer in the night

Character Portrait: Phalanx

"...heh. You say that like I even care."

Character Portrait: Voltar Seven
Voltar Seven

"I suggest you don't step out of line, dearest."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Phalanx

"...heh. You say that like I even care."

Character Portrait: Aranea Silverthread
Aranea Silverthread

"I shall serve, I shall not let myself fall..."

Character Portrait: Adonai Kanti
Adonai Kanti

Can I have a cuddle?

Character Portrait: Mizu

Big things come in small packages. So don't make me cross.

Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani

the killer in the night

Character Portrait: Voltar Seven
Voltar Seven

"I suggest you don't step out of line, dearest."

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Darklina by Annalysa Jones

Where You Must Fight For Power, Life, Existence.


North by RolePlayGateway

The Northern Area Of Darklina, Ran By The Northern Lord


South by RolePlayGateway

The South Part Of Darklina, Ran By The Southern Lord


Where You Must Fight For Power, Life, Existence.


Darklina South Owner: RolePlayGateway

The South Part Of Darklina, Ran By The Southern Lord


Darklina North Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Northern Area Of Darklina, Ran By The Northern Lord

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Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

yes, that's fine. When i remake it i'll send PMs to the people who want spots from here ^^

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

I've been waiting for angelwolfchild, but she doesn't come on much anymore. Yeah, I would like for you to redo it, and can I still keep Rass? I'm going to give her a new name and such, but I was planning on keeping her orignal profile, if that's okay?

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Yes, i noticed this, i quite like this RPlay though, if you guys do to, would you mind if i remade it?

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Ooh, that sucks, I'm sorry to hear it! I don't how long this roleplay is going to hold up, the only people still posting seem to be you, me, and Annalysa...

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Do you guys know how annoying viruses are, well my computer had to wipe it's entire memory and now I have to start everything all over again. Now my whole family's mad at me and I'm really about to just breakdown and cry. But I'm better than them and I'll just push through it and get a post up if this is still running.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

I'm waiting for Hero to come back, I'm not good at small talk so neither is Yrael, hehe.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Well, welcome back!

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

*insert dramatic entrance here*

Sorry I didn't warn you guys about this but I have been on vacation for the last week and I am settling back in so I will make a post soon.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

dun, dun, dun, i love the way you think!

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

If I delve too much into your past, you'll get angry, and if I try to use you as a test subject for experiments on Odette's followers, you'll hate me. *evil grin*

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

fufufu, i have a feeling this is going to be interesting. :P

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Well, they have no reason to hate each other yet, hehe but let me think of something that might make her mad... Hehe.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

or kill each other? fufufu. hmmmm~

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

It's OK, I'm just trying to think of something Baam and Yrael could do, maybe play Mah-Jong or Chess? Heh.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

sorry sorry, i shall contact Yreal's other bitc-people and ask them when they are going to reply. >_> What, does Yreal not like being around Baam? fufufu.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Complain, complain, only Baam and Hero are around, complain.

Sorry, I'm hyper. :P

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

he can either show up now or in a few more posts. either way, imma have Lady Odette be up in her chambers writing out things for the 'battle'

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Does anyone think now would be a good time for Hero to arrive, or has it not been very long?

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

okay, well depending on how your character travels or how fast he travels, it can take him from sunset to sunrise or from sunset to mid afternoon. or any manor in between those two time lapses.

Re: [OOC] Past Of Darklina

Can someone give me an estimated distance between the two lords' castles? I just don't want to god mod and arrive in 5 minutes when it's 5 days away