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Rainy Days

Rainy Days


When a rainy day sends a group of teenage girls to an alternate universe and right into the arms of princes, everything changes.

3,720 readers have visited Rainy Days since TatteredXPrincess created it.


Right now we are...
Looking for characters, but we are posting now;;



When a sunny day turns into a stormy mess, 5 teenage girls are stranded out in the middle of the storm and can't find their way home. Without any transportation, the girls have to walk through the rain and get soaking wet in the process. When they finally find shelter in a small tunnel in the woods, they crawl through to the other side and it's a sunny, beautiful day. As these confused girls wander around the strange land with pink skies and metal trees, they run into the princes of the unusual world. They are all lead back to the castle of the princes and stay with them. Little did they know, everything in this land called Millenia was darker than it seemed, even the charming princes the girls have gotten to know...

____The Teenage Girls;;
I should say this but these girls are friends, some aren't that close but they are all still friends. No more of the parts are open, sorry!

ღ1. Krystal 'Krys/Chris' Allen [TatteredXPrincess]
ღ2. Charlotte 'Charlie' Raelonne Johnes [Fallen]
ღ3. Evangeline 'Angel' Clements [Machubi-Uniki]
ღ4. Charlie 'Char/CD' Morgan Dane [rockinxxlullaby]
ღ5. Amyy 'Aims' Louise Stratford [echo-of-daybreak]

____The Princes;;
Also, the princes don't have to be brothers but I would at least they got along sometimes if possible! No more parts for the princes of open, sorry!

β™”1. Vincent 'Vince' Evin [Soviet Rei]
β™”2. Cain 'Bloody Prince' Dolce [Pixette]
β™”3. Symphony 'Sy' Leonardo Deceshi [321Rave123]
β™”4. Desir 'Kitten Prince' Volliern [leiori]
β™”5. Ankou 'Little Prince/Death' Daoine SΓ­dhe [Mazikeen]

____Other Characters;;
☠Chikako 'Chii/KoKo' Kotuko [MidniteRoseSixx] A close friend of the princes
☠ Jerico 'The Mad' [The Jackal] An "elderly old man"

I encourage you to also be creative and come up with your own character! If the teenage girls and princes are all taken, I would still LOVE to have you aboard for this role play! Be unique and if I like your character and how you relate to the story, I will let you! So don't be shy and go ahead and be who you want to be! I would love to get some other species besides humans so really, be unique!

Please fill in this form for me instead of doing the other form!

Name;; (First and Last name required, middle name is optional)
Nickname;; (If you can't come up with one, I'll give one to you!)
Age;; (Please don't be any younger than 15!)
Positition;; (Prince, Teenage girl, bad person, etc. Sorry I have been getting really confused with your positions!)
Orientation;; (Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Species;; (Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Neko, Kitsune,...etc)
Personality;; (Be unique and descriptive! Don't just say sweet and caring or tough and harsh!)
Crush;; (You don't have to put anything yet but remember to keep this updated)
Likes;; (Simple, right?)
Dislikes;; (Simple also, right?)
Other Notes;; (Anything important you want us to know!)
Looks;; (It would be pretty cool if you could put the link/image in and ALSO describe the picture! If not, don't worry about that! Please make it an anime person, it makes it harder to find a real person for a neko! Thank you!)
Items;; (Anything meaningful or whatever they always have!)
History;; (Don't have it be too long but be specific with everything!)
Theme Song;; (What your character is based off of, it would be helpful to some people)
Secret;; (Everyone has some darkness right? Be interesting with this!)

Toggle Rules



Please post at least TWICE a week and it doesn't have to be too long. Just don't make a few words long, describe a little bit if you can. Romance and Drama is a must and Action and Fights are encouraged! Please for the romance, NO CYBERING, keep this roleplay PG-16! It's fine to make out and touch but when it's getting too far, SKIP please! Nobody wants to read that! Swearing is fine but don't over do it, I don't want to read the f-bomb every post.. It's not so lovely to see that! Also, fights are awesome to read but whether it's just a violent argument or weapons, don't overdo the bloody details! Some people have weak stomachs and don't like reading that!


Please do full sentences! Don't do *this* or -this- when you are doing an action! Just write it out, it makes everything go smoother! Also, as I said before, don't only do a few words but don't do several, long paragraphs! Be descriptive but don't do it too much! I don't want to read what brand your tea is from, that is alright to say the color and smell but don't over do it!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


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Image_________________________________________Charlie Morgan Dane

Charlie shook her head. She bit her lip and opened the door taking a step outside. She wasn't entirely sure but she thought that if she walked around the palace she would see someone through a window. "Mimicking a pirate is easy. People do it all the time during Halloween. It's the consistency and making it a habit."[/crimson] [color=firebrick]She found herself jumping at what sounded like an explosion. She turned quickly towards Krystal, a bit tense. "Did you hear that?" Coughs followed and more voices. Her eyes narrowed naturally to get a better look ahead as she walked closer to the sound. She could see a lot of smoke but no figures. "I can't see anything but I do know someone is over there." She wasn't completely sure but she was good with assumptions and conclusions.

[[Out Of Cookies: N/A]]


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Amyy called out from the corner she had hidden in. She had been sure she was going to die. All those times she'd tried to kill herself and now when it might happen she had been terrified. What had changed? Was it this place? Shaking away the dark thoughts Amyy bit her lip to help her concentrate. She wasn't stuck and a quick flex found there wasn't any major damage to her body. A sharp rock had cut a slit down her right cheek which was bleeding and there were some minor cuts and a few places that would be bruised in the morning but nothing life threatening or too painful. Amyy pushed at the pile of rocks that had built up a wall beside her and wriggled out from where she had hidden. Although she couldnt see herself she knew she was a mess of blood and soot but that wasn't what she was worried about.
Angel was standing a few feet away with Vincent. The vampire looked unimpressed but certainly slightly ruffled. Amyy didn't believe she'd ever seen him looking anything less than bored. She walked over, skirting hunks of rock and piles of debris.
'How's the shoulder?'
Just by looking Amyy could tell it wasn't good. She bit her lip again.
'Vincent, what do we do?'
There was panic in her voice and before she could stop them tears poured down her cheeks.
'I want this to stop...'
As weird as this world looked and was Amyy felt she belonged here. She was happier, she had her friends and for the first time in her life she had been afraid of death. She wanted to stay but for some reason her and the girls had triggered something that was changing Millenia. She felt the danger, it was everywhere. Reaching for Angel, Amyy held her friend's hand tightly. Whatever happened they would all have each other.
'HAve you seen Krys recently?'


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Angel rolled her eyes at Vincent; she may not be smart (she definately never got 'A's in schools) but she was certainly skilled in at least one field; music. "I am sorry Vincent I must have missed where you had either skills or interligence; I apologize greatly." Sarcasm may have been hard to notice in her hoarse voice but it was most definately there. Turning towards Aims whom had appeared almost literally out of no where; she nodded in acknowledgment of her actual existence.

She raised an eyebrow at her concern for her shoulder; it really didn't hurt. Nothing she couldn't handle, it just slightly stung where the ash had gotten in and the small rocks could easily be removed without out the least amount of pain. Shrugging her friends comment off she turned to her guitar case and checked it completely over. She happily found it to lack even the smallest scratch and soon slung it over her uninjured shoulder and turned back towards the rest. Looking at Vincent and then glancing at Aims she spoke quietly, "I require no healing; I can survive something like this without any medical care from anyone."

She didn't understand the need to heal something that didn't really hurt; all she really needed to do was take the stone out of her shoulder and back side. That way her cuts and scratches could heal on their own; it wouldn't matter much if it was scarred anyways. After all if even her dad called her ugly the rest of the world must think the same so what would it matter if an ugly girl got uglier?


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#, as written by Pixette
β€œAh, that would make sense,” Cain mused sagely, nodding his head lightly at the thought, β€œI am incredibly well known. Comes with being a sexy prince I assume.” There truly was nothing like stroking one’s own ego, especially if one had an ego as large as Cain’s. The sudden feeling of weight around his torso and the all too familiar sensation of gentle lips against his neck, brought Cain’s attention to the smaller prince behind him.

Completely ignoring the man who had been conversing with him, he affectionately answered with a snuggle in turn. How cute his kitty was when he was desperate. β€œNow what’s this about my being okay, Desir?” he purred out lightly, crimson irises hidden behind his low lidded gaze.


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#, as written by Edamame
β€œHmm?” Desir lightly purred in his daze, snuggling even closer into the oddly warm flesh of his beloved Cain, β€œYou being okay…?” For a moment, he half considered what the words meant, before everything clicked in his mind. β€œOh, there was an explosion and I thought you might have been caught in the blast…or something, I guess it passed now, though.” Lightly shrugging, Desir spoke of what was half the fortress expanse of Erebus falling into ruin as a daily occurrence. It seemed he didn’t even care to be honest. Though it could easily simply be how inhumanly euphoric his mind was at the moment, as it often was in his dear Cain’s presence.

β€œWhat happened to Amyy, anyways?” Desir began once more, gazing only half interestedly for the women he spoke of, not much caring but figuring he should at least ask. Honestly, if she had died or something befell her, he was more inclined to be elated than remorseful anyways.


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#, as written by Pixette
Blinking lightly, Cain considered what Desir had said. An explosion? Surely he would have noticed that…though he had been a bit more spacey than usual today, tired as he was from all the effort he had exerted and incredibly low on his power source. With a light hand, he drew two marshmallows from the, what seemed, endless expanse of his pockets, popping them lazily into his mouth. If he would have to expend even more energy searching for two oddly energetic girls, he might as well refuel first. Seeing the spark of interest in Desir’s eyes at the movement though, and he drew yet another marshmallow out, holding it out just above the younger boys lips to nibble on.

Through the process and the odd, but decidedly pleasurable, sensation of Desir’s lips, and a bit of tongue, dancing across his finger tips, did Cain retrace what he had vaguely seen happening in his barely attentive memories. The gauntlet demon, or what he assumed demon, striking up a conversation, Angel pulling Amyy of, a high pitched squeal he had barely made out, and…no that was about it. Shrugging, Cain decided that, honestly, he had no clue where the girls had gone. β€œTo see what the commotion was,” Cain replied nonchalantly, grinning jovially at his kitty’s beaming expression. The things he could do to him right there, but alas, he would probably have to hunt the girls down first, even if the option of just leaving with his sweet Desir right then was incredibly tempting.


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#, as written by Edamame
With greedy nibbles, Desir devoured the marshmallow presented before him, ears held low in his pleasure. Oh, how Cain knew just how to appease him. When the older male began speaking though, Desir was drawn back to his reality and from the pleasured state he had been. The option seemed reasonable in his thoughts, to think that Amyy would have been of the more curious type, she surely would have been interested in seeing what was going on.

With a heavy sigh, Desir quickly motioned his goodbye, signaling for Cain to wait lightly while he went off to find the girls. If Cain accompanied him, he didn’t doubt another violent incident to quickly evolve, everything was entirely too high strung in Erebus for anything else to happen. Scampering his way off, Desir rounded the corner of the fortresses walls, blinking in surprise when he about ran into a large collection of fallen rocks and a caved in area. Where the hell had that come from?

When he noticed the slight scrap of Amyy’s dress under a particularly large boulder, he released yet another sigh. With flexible limbs and as much contortion as his body could muster, he forced his way through a crevice in the debris’ entirety, coughing at the smoke that met his lungs. Had something caught on fire as well? With half teary, soot filled eyes, Desir made out a stream of light from a small gap, crawling his way through that as well before spotting the large group of all too familiar faces, along with what seemed a war zone.

β€œWhat the hell happened while I was gone?” Desir mused curiously, barely audible enough for the others to even hear. It always seemed in his unfair life, that interesting events occurred only when he was gone.


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#, as written by Edamame
+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+Business Leaves the Mind Little Room to Wander+~+~+~+~+~+~+

Momentarily, Damia considered the option of simply avoiding the madness that was sure to ensue as soon as the chaotic grouping left, but the prospect of leaving Vincent alone to suffer under such horror quickly cemented her decision. β€œWhere you go, I shall follow,” she trailed lightly, disliking the small touch of crimson to her cheeks, β€œI may not always act it, as the past incident seems to have proven, but I have sworn my loyalty to you alone.” Of course that was the reason why, no idiotic crush or irrational infatuation, or…or any other words her mind could possibly come up with for the childish feelings she had long ignored.

Had seeing her sister reawakened them-those non-existent feelings she had had in her…well in her later years, but what seemed so long ago to her. It seemed everything she had urged to die that day found itself awakening again. Maybe she would have to…have to seal them off again. It seemed unlikely, if she let them run rampant as they once had, that she would return from the fringe of madness they had once pushed her too.

She shook the thought from her mind hurriedly, brushing it off as unnecessary worry over something she was greatly blowing out of proportion. For what had died, there was no hope of life once more. Her father, her mother, her brother, her friends, her acquaintances, they could all attest to that. Instead, she drew her limitless notebook from her gowns folds, turning lazily to the indexed page for the architecture division of her own library. β€œBefore that however, I have to ask whether you intend to follow the as of the moment un-approved drafts for the castles revision or follow the original plan as it was?” There came a certain amount of responsibility being the lore keeper, responsibility she gladly embraced and dutifully carried out, but responsibilities that often translated into her essential behavior of a secretary none the less.

+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+Just a Nap, That’s all I Ask+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+
With a half attentive ear, Desir listened to the business speak evolve in front of him, yawning his usual lazed way as he stretched out his limbs. In all the commotion and momentary excitement, he seemed to have had completely forgotten how incredibly, inhumanly tired he had truly been. β€œWell, do hurry up. While Erebus may have a nice, perpetually night demeanor to it, Hades decidedly does not. I’m sure it’s in the best interest of the more living species present if we manage to get there before the skies of crimson are their usual blinding self,” Desir drawled through the yawn, arching his back lightly as he spoke. The satisfying pop his spine gave and the sudden fluidness of his movements brought a soft grin to his features. There he thought he might have to have Cain soothe his aching back for him, a pity he’d miss that bonding, but nice to know he wouldn’t be hunched over until they arrived in Hades after the land of Vampires had found itself stable. Like it ever was.


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#, as written by Edamame
Aesthetic changes had always seemed a rather important part of design for the girl, if only as her culture had always adhered faithfully to the ways of an artist. Knowledge, after all, came not only from the words and the meaning they carried, but from the physical interpretation of the world and its ways through the medium of art, literature, and the sciences. Alas, the Strigoi Viu’s vampiric β€œcousins” seemed not to share their love for the arts, instead focusing in on the other aspects of study their kind had as well accepted. But whatever worked for them, worked for them; she had no true right to judge.

β€œI’ll take it upon myself to discuss the matter with the chamberlain then,” Damia sighed lightly, shoving the notebook back into the expanses of her dress, β€œLest she decide it best to draw up her own regiment for work in your absence once more. Any preferences on the matter?” With another low sigh, she drew her hand through her thick locks of course ebony hair, already dreading having to speak with the domineering woman.


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#, as written by Edamame
β€œWill do,” Damia responded monotonously, trailing her way over the fallen debris’ as non-chalantly as she could seem to manage. As she walked by Desir, she quickly sent him a warning gaze, in no desire to come back after her joyous discussion with her favorite chamberlain to even more ruin and bloodshed before her. The wry grin he sent back and the obvious intent to annoy her evident in his golden irises only made her decide that, should anything happen, she would simply enter a state of near comatose. Reality just wouldn’t seem to be worth it by that point in time.

After waving Damia a deceptively lethargic goodbye, Desir swiveled his way around on the heels of his feet to face Vincent. β€œSo, just out of curiosity, is there any particular reason a pregnant woman is unconscious against the wall back there next to a, what I presume, dead body and a, I think, male stumbling his way over here, way over there,” Desir drawled, indicating to each in turn with one outstretched index finger lazily.


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Cain and Desir came out of nowhere, Amyy had forgotten for a moment that there had been anyone else. Her eyes darted between the two males.
'We're still missing Krys and Charlie...'
She spoke the words quietly, almost to herself. Vincent seemed so angry, he had every right too, his entire castle had just been destroyed in front of his eyes. Amyy took a deep breath. Moping about and being useless wouldn't help anyone. The dress she had on was almost useless as an item of clothing so her first task would be to find something new to wear, preferably a hoodie. She was holding the top of the dress in place to stop it falling round her ankles. It had been a pian every since she had put it on.
'Urm no one's got something I could wear do they?'
The question was aimed at everyone within ear shot.
'And Angel still needs someone to look at her shoulder.'
Thinking about it Amyy felt quite bossy but she decided it had to be done as none of the men seemed in any hurry to do anything. She had left a bag out the front of the castle when she had been speaking to Cain with clothes in it. She smiled as she remembered this infomation. Without stopping to think she Amyy walked past Desir and Cain, trying, and failing, not to glare at the demon prince and exited the heap of rubble the way they had entered.


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Shadow looked around the field he was in, he wandered around for a time before deciding he needed to get back to civilization. "Well now, I guess I've learned all I can by roaming this world alone. I wonder what is going on in the "civilized" world today." He laughs as he starts heading for a nearby city. He smiled to himself as the city grew closer. "Its been what, almost two thousand years since I've last felt the embrace of revolting it feels." He grumbles walking into the city.


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The young girl's chest swelled and deflated slightly, as she looked into the floor to ceiling mirror she had in her bedroom. She turned her head just slightly as if questioning how she looked, touching her short raven hair lightly fluffing it. Her fingers twirled around in her hair playfully for a moment, then withdrew realizing it was stupid for her to play with it after it was already done. She shrugged slightly pursing her lips a bit, " Well, I thought I wanted it black right now...guess not..." Slowly, she moved away from her mirror giving up with her "primping check".

She turned and grabbed her guitar that was in the corner of the room and placed it on her back. She turned her face to the door with a slight smirk, knowing full well that she was probably going to get in so much trouble if she got caught sneaking out of her room. She shifted slightly, opening the window jumping out of it.

As she jumped out, she felt a strange tingling sensation take over her body. She felt like she was floating, yet falling at the same time. When she finally landed, she felt as if she fell on top of something. She looked around sighing a bit, then rubbed her rear. After a moment she realized she wasn't touching her rear, but someone's face. She jumped up as if jumping out of her skin. "Who the f--- are you!?"


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"That was definitely not what I had expected, my name is Shadow, whats yours...human?" He asks the last word coming out like a scoff. " He got up standing almost an entire foot over her brushing his duster and armour off. "Who the hell are you to ask me a question anyway girl? And besides your ass isn't the softest or lightest thing thats fallen on my face" He says glaring down at her. He looks up and looks back down waiting for something else bad to happen he mutters. "Why does this always happen to me." Shadow shakes his head.


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Ara raised an eyebrow in utter amazement; very few would actually own up to killing any in general and this ghoul had fessed up to more than nine thousand. The amazement quickly passed and was replaced with an unquenchable fury, is he proud of this? Perhaps he believes he can not ever be defeated; he would be very wrong, he thought. "Are you proud, ghoul? Do you find enjoyment in the remebrance of your murders? Do you think you can't be killed? Anything with a soul can be killed, ghoul," He straightened up in an almost haughty manner, "I on the other hand can not because I don't have a soul."

This comment was partly true; Ara didn't have a soul rather he shared one but he could be killed. Most however had no idea how, actually no living person knew how. As far as this ghoul knew though he was just like him; hack of anything, behead him, it didn't matter what the man did the boy would not die. Rejoicing in this knowledge he held no fear for taking on a supposedly unkillable ghoul.

The other half of Arasi sat alone in the forest; listening, waiting, and almost sleeping. Si's tears had finally stopped only moments ago and now she was laying on her side clutching her little toy cat close to her bosom; she even had her eyes closed. Not that that would truly affect her. There was no reason for little Si to worry; she would know if Ara got hurt. After all, they shared the others pain.

Slowly the wind started to blow and softly ruffled her silvery hair and little black dress. It created a peaceful and beautiful scene that remained uninterrupted and should have stayed that way. However, the girl suddenly sat up. This ghoul, why does he seem so familiar to me? I haven't seen him before have I? Though she knew it would have been best for her to stay where she was she stood up and wandered in the direction she sensed both Ara and the enemy. She felt her way through; finding and avoiding the trees. The closer she got the more her heart began to race and she got this...feeling. What is this feeling? They aren't my own. They aren't Ara's. Whose do they belong to? Si frowned, Perhaps, a soul I have eaten?

Moments later she reached the small clearing in time to hear Ara mention the fact he could not die. A small lie but none the less true enough. What instead got her attention was the rediculous desire to protect the ghoul she knew would be standing before her. She had not the smalles idea what he looked like and what she sensed from him was nothing she was familiar with. It had to be some kind of powerful emotion a soul she had eaten had for this creature before them. Unconciously she ran towards him, her heart racing the whole way.

Somehow she found him and latched on. For some strange reason she had gone completely out of character and into a new one. Or rather an old one that was supposed to have been dead but instead seemed to have remained in tact inside her. Emotions, she concluded, are powerful things.


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#, as written by Edamame
β€œPride?” Trepas mused lightly, drawing his fingers from his tendrils of ebony hair to his chin in thought, β€œI believe at one point, yes, I may have been proud of what I have done.” As any he had known in that time would attest, Trepas had been perhaps the most egotistical individual in all of Millenia in his youth, rivaling even the aged likes of Cain with his vanity. He had thought himself invincible, all powerful, a gift to the world. A bloody gift intent on murdering everyone he came across, but a gift nonetheless. Indeed, it had only been her modest ways that had cured his egotism. β€œIt seems that pride has long left me though,” he chuckled bitterly, the first signs of emotion he recalled showing in at least a year, β€œFor better or worse, I can’t much tell.”

Trepas was about to rise to his feet, intent on just entirely avoiding the confrontation, when he heard the boys voice begin once more, β€œI on the other hand cannot because I don't have a soul." With a deep, burdened sigh, he instead spoke once more, β€œA soul is not the key to death, it is what is meant to anchor our consciousness to the world of the living. My grandfather has lost his soul, yet he still remains, of his own will and power. His mind has left and with it nothing but chaos remains, but his being is still well alive. There is no death a soul will lead to, only the end of emotions, of compassion. I myself feel I have long lost my soul. It is only this hollow husk that keeps me still in the realm of the living, as I fear it shall always be.”

How many times had he truly sought the embrace of death? How many times had he watched as his own blood pooled around him, felt the agony of his flesh seared and burnt, heard his own cries for an end, to be given nothing in return? This body of his, it was seen as an adaptation, a means for his kinds survival, but it only seemed a tool for their demise in his eyes. Incapable of death, was it any surprise Ghouls desired to see it erupt around them? Was it any surprise they were driven mad in their agonizing millennia of life?

With that thought complete, did Trepas finally rise from his seated position, just in time to be all but attacked by a small girl’s arms around his waist. For a moment he considered pushing her away, to avoid the danger that was soon to befall her, but the very presence she seemed to have on him, the familiarity he felt with her essence, instead urged only for tears to meet his eyes. β€œFayme,” he called in a hushed whisper, the empty socket for an eye he had remaining dripping with the crimson liquid it had long held back in his agony. It couldn’t be her, he had seen her corpse, felt the slick touch of her flesh, yet she resonated so strongly to him, this child, that presence. Life would be much too cruel if it wasn’t.


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Ara stood in utter shock, S-S-S-Si!? he thought and nearly gagged. What the heck is she doing here? And why-why is she h-h-h-h-hugging him!? he thought. In a measly attempt to speak and point at Si he made a blubbering noise and then raised a shaking arm only to have it fall back to his side. His confused thoughts were interrupted by the ghoul's voice; he seemed to be referring to Si as Fayme. As interestesting as that was to him it did not compare with his overwhelming desire to get his other half away from danger.

So he decided that it was time to intervene; something was wrong. Perhaps, she has become incredibly exhaust due to lack of regretting souls but no matter she needed to leave. In this time Si held on to the ghoul; she herself didn't even know why or even know what it was she was feeling right now. Though she could not see his face she still looked up at the man and cocked her head; who was he? He is an enemy, or is he not? She knew that he shouldn't be an ally but for some strange reason she felt as though they were as close as friends; if not closer.

"Who are you?" she whispered to the ghoul though it was barely audible she waited for an answer. Ara however wasn't going to wait. With an amazing speed for such a small boy he dashed towards his other half and reached his arm around her waist. He then began to move away with the same speed; Si whom was not as strong as Ara could not remain attached to the man and was instead pulled away. However, her hand remained out stretched towards him and a deep regret over took her again. Once more Si recognized these feelings as not being her own and that just added to her confusion. Soon the ghoul was out of sight and the emotions slowly faded leaving Si to return to herself.


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#, as written by Edamame
β€œTheir agony burns my flesh”
β€œTheir joy singes my soul”
β€œI tire of their lives”
β€œI tire of this world”
β€œThis was not how I wanted it”
β€œThis is not how we needed it”
β€œLet’s start anew”

They say the world is created by the divines’ whims.
They say if these powers that be so please, it can be changed on a whim as well.
What has existed, what will exist, they can change it all.
With just one thought, with just one whim, it will change.
For the better?
For the worse?
Will it matter in this changed world?

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View All » Add Character » 32 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Character Portrait: Keria Celt


Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.


Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.

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