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Rainy Days

Rainy Days: Additional Characters

a part of “Rainy Days”, a fictional universe by TatteredXPrincess.

When a rainy day sends a group of teenage girls to an alternate universe and right into the arms of princes, everything changes.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Rainy Days”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

[OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:27 pm

~Explanation For This Maddness~

Since we have officially reached the maximum capacity of displayable characters for the character tab in the IC Forums; all additional characters should be placed here for future references.

Characters can range between simple Npc's to Main Characters; all are welcomed to be placed in this thread. Though it is encouraged that, in the "position" blank of the character skeletons, one would fill out their role and intent of importance to the plot clearly . There is nothing more frustrating than questioning why the baker the characters talked to once has suddenly joined the main cast.

Additionally, feel free to add the characters already displayed in the character tab as well, if only to make it clear which characters are and are not active in our chaotic little Role Play. Characters from Main character's pasts can also be introduced here and are in fact encouraged to be, should one desire a flash back or to reminisce on that characters past.

Below is the standard Character Skeleton; ideal usage is for main characters and influential Npc's only, though lesser Npc's can be applied through this.

~What You're Really Here For~

Main Character Skeleton

(First name is required, last name is encouraged, and middle name is optional)
(If you can't come up with one, feel free to ask the kind people in the main OOC forum, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be more than willing to help.)
(Preferably keep the age over fifteen; innless a plausible reason can be given for the presence of a younger character)
(Antagonist, Protagonist, Villain, Rival, whatever it is their purpose is)
(Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual, Asexual?)
(It is encouraged that you be creative in this regard, but please try to keep the species within a reasonable confine. Basically, remember that this is a fantasy setting set in another world sometime between their equivalent to the medieval ages and the eve of the renaissance. Meaning no species of highly advanded androids.)
(A personality beyond the clichƩd archetypes and explained at least somewhat thoroughly preferred)
(This Role Play is, despite the many other topics and plots that float around, part Romance after all. Though no pressure is placed on any character to have to pursue a relationship in any way; just expect the unexpected.)
(Self explanatory, I believe)
(Even more self explanatory?)
Other Notes;;
(All that miscellaneous information that makes a character interesting)
(ā€œAnimeā€ pictures please, itā€™s a bit difficult to find pictures for some of the more outlandish races. If you could, describing their physical appearance as well would be greatly appreciated)
(The items found on their persons at all times; items of sentimental value)
(The more detail, the better, though the length of this particular area should not eclipse the rest of the skeleton.
Theme Song;;
(The inspiration for the character, or a song that effectively captures their character)
(Those tantalizing little facts no one should ever know)


Npc Character Skeleton

(Both a title, or an actual name would work)
(This part can be generalized; truly itā€™s more for the ageless species to see how long their life has spanned)
(What their purpose is: a one off guest, exposition, various workers, anything else imaginable)
(It is encouraged that you be creative in this regard, but please try to keep the species within a reasonable confine. Basically, remember that this is a fantasy setting set in another world sometime between their equivalent to the medieval ages and the eve of the renaissance. Meaning no species of highly advanced androids.)
(ā€œAnimeā€ pictures please, itā€™s a bit difficult to find pictures for some of the more outlandish races. If you could, describing their physical appearance as well would be greatly appreciated.)
(Really, just a brief outlook on their past; enough to attach the character to the world and give a bit of room for interactions)
Generalized Persona:
(A vague idea of how they should behave, in case any others would like to control them)

~Of Marionettes and Puppeteers ~

Those Who Rule

Cain Dolce Dance My Puppet Pixette
Desir Volliern Dance My Puppet Leiori
Vincent Evin Dance My Puppet Soviet Rei
Trepas Desmarais Dance My Puppet Leiori

Those Who Wander

Krystal Allen Dance My Puppet TatteredXPrincess
Charlie Morgan Dane Dance My Puppet RockinxxLullaby
Amyy Louise Stratford Dance My Puppet Echo-of-Daybreak
Evangeline Clements Dance My Puppet Machubi-Uniki

Those Who Kill

Lucifer Blight Dance My Puppet Echo-of-Daybreak
Autruche Dance My Puppet Leiori
Calix Dolce Dance My Puppet Pixette
Eva Vulfenstein Dance My Puppet Soviet Rei
Arasi Dance My Puppet Machubi-Uniki

Those Who Remember

Damia Nerell Dance My Puppet Leiori
Shadow Dance My Puppet Shadow Slayer

Those Who Know

Faunia Volliern Dance My Puppet Leiori
Yuna Evin Dance My Puppet Soviet Rei

Thank You For Your Time
Last edited by Edamame on Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:19 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:39 pm

Main Character

TrƩpas Desmarais
Prince of Meras
Trepas is a peaceful soul of few words, preferring to listen to others speak their mind. Heā€™s incredibly chivalrous and believes women, though capable of protecting themselves, should still be treated with kindness and respect. Despite his peoples normal inclination towards violence and bloodshed, as is their nature, Trepas despises violence and thinks of conflict as a senseless process doomed to repeat itself. For the most part, he cares little for his own safety and well being, often times putting himself at risk for the benefit of others. Though he prefers not to bother others with his thoughts, heā€™s very philosophical and loves to take time to analyze the beauty of all around him.
Simplistic Beauty, Innocence, Nature, Art, Soothing Music, Upbeat People, Otherā€™s Joy, Babies, Peace, Small Animals, Cute Things, Kind People, Purity, and Travelling
Overwhelming Appearances, Depravity, Cruel People, Destruction, Depressing People, Aged People, Violence, Large Animals, Complacency, and Corruptness.
Other Notes
Is currently on a vegetarian diet, tired as he is of devouring the flesh of others.
An indexing book he carries with him everywhere(normally used to record the names of the fallen), homemade artificial-flesh bars crafted from the vascular tissue of a blood lily, and a small Panpipe.
Born the first child of the tyrannical queen and king of Meras, from the moment he was born, Trepas was accustomed to only the finest things in life. Growing up, he was spoiled, rude, and confrontational, by only the age of five already demanding his soldiers to execute any who crossed his path and accepting only to be given the best of the best for everything he received. As such, he had little friends other than a young Villi prisoner his parents had given him as a birthday gift, and even he was no more than a pet to the boy. By the time he had reached his teenage years and the common occurrence of teen angst and hormones took hold of him, Trepas was a cold hearted, constantly bored prick with no love for anyone in the world and a deep lust for women. Indeed, if he could have then, he might have simply destroyed everything for a bit of amusement. After meeting a young wind spirit who captured his heart and encouraged him to see the beauty in life, his entire perception of the world changed. Slowly, he realized what he had done, what he had become: a monstrous abomination and vowed to change his ways. What was once an egotistical, loud, and sadistic child shifted into an introverted, humble, sweet, and pacifistic young man. His change won him the heart of the maiden, but when he went to ask for her hand, her father attacked him in a rage, Trepas losing his eye in the conflict that ensued. His parents were furious when they realized what had happened to their precious son and murdered the nomadic tribe of wind spirits in revenge, Trepas' love amongst them.
Theme Song
Aint No Rest For The Wicked-Cage the Elephant
Since the death of Fayme, the woman he had loved, Trepas has been searching for a way to achieve death.
Last edited by Edamame on Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Machubi-Uniki on Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:50 pm

Main Character

Name;; Arasi (male body: Ara; femal body: Si)
Nickname;; Legion
Age;; Ageless
Positition;; Wandering physical spirits whose motives are questioned and actions are conflicted.
Orientation;; T_T err......technically since the two are of the same conscience they would be homo but seperately I would say I NOT TELLING HARDY HAR HAR - actually their preference each is not known.
Species;; ........Legion; Spirits that are of the same conscience.
Personality;; Each body has a different personality depending on what it was they were created from Fury or Regret.
-Ara is the representative of Fury and thus has a plotting personality; his goal is to bring revenge upon those who have blood on their hands. He is neither kind nor humble. He knows that being killed is almost impossible and takes advantage of that. He is always boasting upon the number of people he has killed and how he fulfills the justice that is lacking when someone is murdered. If he can he will find everyway to tear you down until nothing is left but the shell of a once living being and inside that shell is a shrivelled up spirit awaiting death.
-Si is the representative of Regret and because that she is always trying to preform the things many people regret or she spends her time worsening the regret a soul feels in order to prolong her own life. She seems kind and welcoming but when things truly come down to it her heart is cold and emotionless. Literally carrying no other emotion other than sadness and that emotion she was created from: regret. Most people do not live long enough to realize this though for sooner or later she will fill their hearts with regret and all the while her other half Ara will kill them.
-Towards each other they seem like loving sibling whom, though caring for one another, are always disagreement. (I won't say much else on this because I kinda think it would be better illustrated in an actual post)
Crush;; As spirits created from two emotions feeling the emotion of love is next near impossible; not impossible, but almost, so at this moment Arasi does not have a crush.
Likes;; Ara- violent games; watching the enraged seek out revenge; destroying the souls of murderers; sour foods; Si; loud music and noise.
Si- Feeling the wind against her face; calming the regret of others; causing the regret of others; spicy foods; classical or soft music or peace and quiet; Ara
Dislikes;; Ara- sweet things; demons; vampires; murderers; classical music or peace and quiet; spicy foods
Si- violent games; humans; Nekos; loud music or noise; sweet things; sour foods; rushing water
Other Notes;; Ara and Si are one of the same spirit and conscience because of this they share deep emotions (besides regret and fury; those two can only be felt by the representative) and pain. Also for as long as one is alive the other can not die, so in order to kill them you must either rid the world of regret and fury (good luck with that) or land a fatal blow on both of them at the same time (I would suggest this one....) Ara and Si also can not survive without the presence of Regret or Fury in Millenia for that is what feeds their agelessness. Also most people know who they are and that they exist but don't know what they look like because usually if you see them it means you are going to die; usually.
Looks;; Ara; Image
Si; Image
Items;; Ara gave Si a stuffed animal and now she always carries it around other wise Arasi has nothing.
History;; Nobody knows exactly when Arasi was born they do know that it is at least as old as the end of the war in which the demons eradicated the Angels. It is believed that Arasi was originally created during that and they gained a physical presence due to the power of the angel race and the number of them that died. This is another reason why it seems the only race that Arasi doesn't hold a grudge against is the Angel race. Besides this not much is known about Arasi other then the fact it leads people to their demise and increases their regret.
Theme Song;; Si; Don't Regret by t.A.T.u......Ara; The Best Revenge by Fischerspooner
Secret;; Arasi was once a singular being that used to be a healer within the land of angels; his original name was Takynet. When his nation fell he died with so much regret and fury that his spirit clinged to his land and absorbed other spirit's same emotions and thus consumed by the emotions he was changed into Arasi. This is important because if you were to take the soil from Takynet's grave (which is not marked by the way but probably could still be found since he was a popular healer) and use it as a charm of sorts Arasi would be unable to harm you physically or emotionally. Also Si took a hit for Ara; it was delivered by a blade coated with Takynet's grave soil and in affect made her blind. This is a secret because if it was ever to be discovered people would know that they can be scarred and thus seek out the grave.[/

"I laugh at funny things. I laugh in the face of danger. Therefore, danger has a funny face." ~ME <3
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." ~Groucho Marx


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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:32 pm

Main Character
Desir Volliern
Kitten Prince
198(physically appears in the age range of 16 to 17)
Villi; a humanoid cat species living in the jungles of Verul, an expansive nation to the west. Large cat ears extend from the sides of their head, fully functional and extremely sensitive, accompanied by tails of varying length and girth, though most are at least over two feet long. They are said to originate from a chain of islands of their coast, though the authenticity of the claim has never been proven and no Villi will openly talk about the subject. Their senses are intuned towards emotions, often times making them highly interested in otherwise unremarkable things, due to the nature of the crafter/player. While Villi never engage in actual cannibalism, and indeed they find most other species pungent to the taste, they have a nasty habbit of going predatorial at the sight and smell of blood. This instinctual behavior is easy to surpress, however, as long as a Villi has eaten within the span of a week. Their teeth are coated in a potent neurological toxin that inspires a state of euphoria in the prey, making them often unable to move. As is to be expected, they are incredibly agile, tending towards impressive feats of acrobatics and martial prowess.
Desir is a mischevious individual, who savors above all else the thrill of watching others squirm with in his grasps. Often times he'll come off as overtly lethargic, if not at the very least highly unmotivated. But if his interest is peeked, or he's in the presense of like minded people, he's incredibly hyper, devious, and shows surprising insight into the events around him. To those whom he truly cares for he's incredibly affectionate and possesive, bordering on the line of psychotically so. Has a sort of jesting manner of speech that comes of as slightly insulting, despite his proclaimed love for politeness.
Anyone who interests him~ Cain(as always) at the moment
Fish, Climbing, Music, "Politeness", Confidence, Shyness, Cute things, Toying with others, His mother, Tui(a type of plant akin to cat-nip), Cain, Sleeping, Fighting, Portraits, Sculpting, and Baths.
Large bodies of water, His Blood, His eldest brother, Ri'l(A large rodent; about the size of a bear), Intense emotions, Being woken up, Being bound, Boring People, Confusement, Rude people, Limitations, Confinement, and Being ignored.
Other Notes;;
Both his ears, and tail, can each move independently of each other. Has a bad habbit of completely forgetting whatever he was thinking of when scratched behind his ears. Has been mistaken for a woman on more than one occasion. In Villi culture, physical contact and shows of affection are considered common place, with little to no taboo's against skin ship. As such, Desir is prone to making others uncomfortable with his, to their eyes, overly affectionate behavior. Though he doesn't stictly enjoy the taste of the other species, nor does he really intend to eat them, the smell of blood in large quantities frenzies the preadatorial side of him. Despite how he acts with Cain, he's actually rather innocent when it comes down to it and the idea of an actual relationship(with anyone other than his beloved Cain) flusters him greatly.
Desir is of average height, standing proud at 5'10, with a thin, lithe build, lightly touched with muscle, as is standard of his people. His skin is decorated with natural markings, mainly along his collar bone and shoulder blades, along with a number of deeply etched scars of varying length. Though they're often obscurred by either his tendrils of silver hair, or his ever closed eyelids, his eyes are a brilliant gold in colour, with the pupils contracted to their slimest.
A small portrait of his family, a stash of Tui leaves, a roll of bandages, a vile of herbal Salve, and a small dagger he carries in a bag tied to his waist.
Desir was born the youngest child of the royal Volliern bloodline, and lived most of his life constantly being reminded of it. Where as his brothers and sisters were given absolute freedom and whatever they could ever desire, Desir was kept confined within the halls of his home and given only what his mother approved for him. As in Villi culture, the youngest child is gifted all titles and power with in the family. The youngest child can be identified by the markings they are born with, signifying their royal parent to have reached the point of infetility. When he reached his 140th year of life, however, all that changed in a moment. His eldest Brother, Derime, attempted to commit regicide on the sleeping Desir in the night, his life only being saved by the fact that he had snuck out before Derime had snuck in. From that moment on he was granted freedom, for his best interest of course.
Theme Song;;
David Bowie- Cat People(Putting out Fire)
His psyche had been deeply scarred by his brothers treachery and he fears that, should he lose Cain as he has his brother and Vincent, that he'll no longer have any reason to live at all.
Last edited by Edamame on Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:41 pm

Side Character

Derime Volliern
1200(Physically appears in the age range of 25 to 28)
First born of the Volliern bloodline, Flashback Character(as of the moment)
The first born of Fauniaā€™s children, Derime grew up his entire life knowing that, no matter how hard he tried or what he did, he would never be eligible for the throne. Truly, he didnā€™t mind this prospect, content to comforting himself with the knowledge that, hopefully, his last sibling would be a better ruler than he ever could. For centuries, he lived happily with his eccentric family, enjoying life an all it had to offer, while assisting his mother in her financial gains. But at the birth of Desir, when he first saw the mark of inheritance upon his flesh, all that changed. At first, Derime tried to ignore the envy that coursed through him and tried to bond with the young boy. But the more he was with the child and the more he saw his disgusting innocence; the more Derime wanted nothing more than the boyā€™s blood upon his hands. For a century, he fought of the urge for blood, until one night it became too much and thinking Desir had already retired for the night, went to his room with the intent of death.
Unaware of Desir having snuck out in the night, replaced by one of Desirā€™s young friends, Derime slaughtered the sleeping child in a bloody rage. Desir returned not far into the act, soon enough so that he had watched the dying breaths of his friend, and was spotted by his older brother. In his fear, Desir was unable to move from the doorframe when his brother had sauntered his way to him, the frenzy the older male had had only moments before passed, but the blood lust still evident. With methodical calculation and the intent to place as much physical pain upon the brother he had come to loathe, Derime brought the young Desir in the dead of night to their mothers own torture chambers within the palce walls. Though he had managed to inflict unspeakable atrocities on the young child, forever marring his flesh and psyche with deeply etched wounds, his intent to have the young Desir bleed to death alone and terrified, was sabotaged by his motherā€™s intervention. Currently, his location is unknown, though heā€™s rumoured to have been hunted down and unceremoniously slaughtered by his own sister, overprotective as she is of her precious brother.
Generalized Persona:
Away from his brother, Derime is a soft hearted boy with ditz like tendencies. Heā€™s horribly chivalrous and believes everyone, even those who have wronged him deserve respect. Though itā€™s difficult to tell at times, heā€™s sensitive in regards towards the emotions of those around him and canā€™t stand to see others in pain. Around Desir though, Derime is a homicidal, sadistic psychopath with no care for any around him, gladly cutting through even those he normally loves to get to the brother who brought him nothing but pain.

Side Character
Miette Volliern
500(physically appears in the age range of 21 to 23)
eighth born of the Volliern Bloodline, Flashback Character(as of the moment)
Miette was born the second to last child of her mother, always being seen as an annoying brat by most of her much older siblings because of such. Alone and often ignored by most of her family, save her mother and Derime, Miette took to literature and the arts, dedicating all of her spare time to both. At the birth of Desir, unlike her other siblings, who detested their youngest brother from birth, Miette took it upon herself to be the best elder sister she possibly could, vowing to give her younger sibling all the attention she had wished for growing up. She grew up with the young child as her primary concern and when she caught word of her Derimeā€™s attempt at regicide, volunteered to hunt him down herself. When she found him though, the love she had held for him growing up, as her only source of affection other than her mother, led her to allow him an escape, a fact she regrets to this day but refuses to tell.
Generalized Persona:
Though she most often seems quiet and reserved, only really ever caring to talk when necessary, Miette is perhaps even less inhibited than her mother. She cares little for romance and savours the feel of pleasure, but would never be the one to pursue the opportunity, much too reserved in her ways to go that far. For the most part, sheā€™s passive, polite, and an extreme pacifist. Innless angered, in which case sheā€™s essentially a berserker.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Machubi-Uniki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:30 pm

Side Character

Name:Alp; Annoyingus Littlus Primatus
Age: aproximately 2 weeks
Role: An annoying monkey who happens to become attatched to Trepas
Species: Annoyingus Littlus Primatus
***he only weighs about 12 lbs.
History: Bein born only two weeks ago nothing much has happened for Alp. However, he has made a rival with an adorable fox named Fee-Foo; whom he has vowed to defeat in every aspect of his life. Unfortunately the few times they have come face to face the clever and sly fox has won each and every confrontation. The first one being who could steal on peice of clothing from a demon and the second one was who could devour the most berries. Another main point in his life was his confrontation with a stubborn human girl and a strange box from which the girl took from him; meany. Followed by his meeting with Trepas from whom he stole a bag from only to see he did not notice; so he decided to attempt to annoy him in a different manner.
Generalized Persona: Well...he is a trouble making monkey who is highly competetive with any other animals- yes even Neko or Villi. He loves fruit; preferably bananas and let us not forget any sweets he can steal or is given. His favorite pass time is giving into his curiosity and exploring; especially if the exploring requires stealing things. Alp can be quite a fate tempter due to the creatures he enjoys annoying and infuriating but come on: he is a monkey. Somehow monkey always get away.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:34 pm

Side Character

Ezra Brinox
412(Physically appears about 23)
Erebus Palace Guard; Npc
Ezra was born the young daughter of a well known tailor and grew up the majority of her life spoiled beyond belief. When her fatherā€™s wealth dried up though and debt collectors came for his head, the suddenly impoverished family of two was forced to relocate to the outskirts of Erebus. When she came of age, she enlisted into Erebusā€™ military, climbing her way up from a nameless grunt to one of the esteemed, though largely unused palace guards. There, she met, fought, and eventually fell in love with her fellow soldier Taiven, eventually marrying thirty years back and are expecting their first child in a little over two months. Truly, Ezra was meant to be placed on maternity leave weeks ago, but her proud persona has made her refuse the prospect of a vacation.
Generalized Persona:
Haughty, efficient, and demanding; Ezra refuses to tolerate even a hint of insubordination within her ranks, nor any insults directed towards her in general. Sheā€™s earned herself a reputation as the worst squadron leader to be under and is greatly feared by a number of the newer guards. Though it didnā€™t seem it at times with their bickering personaā€™s, she was madly in love with her husband and clings to the life growing inside of her as her last memory of him.

Side Character

Taiven Mera
Was 318(Physically appeared about 19). Currently Deceased.
Erebus Palace Guard; Npc
For most of his life, Taiven was no more than a dock man working on the coasts of Erebus, working for little pay and even less respect. When he tired of his dull, dreary life, he decided to enlist into Erebusā€™ military of his own free will, figuring the change to be good for him. Eventually, after years of diligent work and effort, he had advanced enough amongst the ranks to be transferred to the palace guards, where he met his wife to be, Ezra.
Generalized Persona:
Modest, teasing, and often times lethargic, Taiven was the essential opposite of his controlling wife. He disliked unnecessary effort and prided himself on his quick wit, though he prefered not to use it...ever, as his wife would like to say. Despite how often he irritated his wife and enjoyed teasing her, she was undoubtely the most important person in his life and he would have given anything for her sake.

Side Character

Erythro Pathaleus
90(Physically appears about 21)
Erebus Palace Guard; Npc
Not much has happened in Erythroā€™s mere ninety years of life beyond his birth to a scholar within Erebusā€™ palace walls and his arranged marriage to a much older aristocrat. Though he doesnā€™t often say it, heā€™s overjoyed to have been conscripted into the military and sees the passing of events as a means of escaping from the fiancĆ© he detests. He was sent to the castle to serve his time as a guard by his motherā€™s doing, unwilling to have her son face the dangers the borders posed.
Generalized Persona:
Naive and at times foolhardy, Erythro is the resident ā€œinnocent newcomerā€ to his squad and is treated much like a younger brother by the other members of his team. Though he doesnā€™t show it, heā€™s actually rather intelligent and quick to scheme, a trait he inherited from his scholar mother.

Side Character

Eris Berin
Was 987(Physically appeared about 12) Currently deceased.
Erebus Palace Guard; Npc
Little of her history in known to the outside world beyond that she was a made vampire crafted from the shell of a dying girl. In truth, she had been a twelve year old human girl who had found her way to Millenia and fallen ill to one of the many diseases its inhabitants have grown immune to in their old age. She was changed by a humble, wretchedly poor vampire who had taken to the girl as a replacement of his deceased daughter. For over four hundred years, she lived with the man, treating him like the father he desperately wished to be, until he died a rather unceremonious death at the hands of a demon. Alone and seeking revenge, she had joined with the Erebus military in hopes of being deployed alongside Angelic troops in their battle against the demons. Sadly, this wish never came to fruition and the girl was instead transferred to the palace. Currently, she is a number of days away from her first vacation since joining the Erebus forces over four hundred years back.
Generalized Persona:
Largely apathetic in her old age of many around her, Eris rarely spoke and prefered to simply trail behind the rest of her team. On occasion, she would indulge her much younger teammates with bits of choice information and a look into her mysterious past, a habit Erythro had come to love. Though she refused to show it, sheā€™d grown rather close to the naive Erythro and saw him as her child of sorts, despite the fact that, given their physical ages, the roles should have been reversed.
Last edited by Edamame on Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shadow Slayer on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:56 pm

This looks downright interesting to say the least, extremely eye-catching especially seeing as how you all look like (at least with how you handled the char skeletons) damn good rpers. I'd like to join.

Shadow, he has forsaken the only last name he remembers

The Dikastis (Judge)

lets leave it at looks 25




taciturn, hard, headed, mildly tempered, yet has a sweet side when the right time hits.

anyone who's interested make a pass at him, just be warned it will be somewhat difficult.

other than women, training, studying, and nature
people in general, large groups, schemers, goody goods.

Other Notes;;
See history, if you need this to make my character more interesting then daaaaaaamn thats gonna be difficult for me lol.

He has one green eye (left) adn one red eye (right) (no christmas jokes please...) He has a scar over his left eye taht goes to about mid cheek and starts above his eye. He is 6'5 and weighs 200 pounds, he is somewhat broad shouldered and has handsome features.


A keepsake ring he had taken off his fathers corpse, it has two dragons wrapped around the finger and an onyx stone where the dragons mouths meet. He also has a sword he made himself called Endless Sorrow (If someone makes him happy he might change its name to something else)
At a young age Shadow's father was taken from him, his father had been murdered by his so called friends who adopted Shadow and used him as a blade for their cause. He grew up becoming an assassin for his father's killers, he was put through rigorous and impossible training. Most of the time Shadow was beaten until he got it right, from acrobatics, to knife fighting and throwing, and finally from sword-play to people skills he learned it all. Finally during the night of his first kill for his masters he overheard them talking about how easy it had been to kill Liam (Shadow's father) this put Shadow into such a rage he lashed out with his mind, he crumbled the entire mansion to the ground burying himself and crushing the lives of all others inside. He now roams the lands a somewhat broken man, he had thought he had found friends over many centuries but they all had either feared him or sought his life, and all of them he dispatched without mercy or even hate. He now begins roaming again.
Theme Song;;
Dancing Mad FFVI Kefka final boss
Shadow was betrayed one many accounts as stated above, yet he longs to find attachment and purpose again.
Complaining is even more retarded than Kirby going on a diet.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Machubi-Uniki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:30 pm


Name;; Evangeline Marie Clements
Nickname;; Angel
Orientation;; Straight
Species;; Human
Personality;; Angel is normaly quiet; she doesn't speak much. As a matter of fact if no one spoke to her it is doubtful she would speak at all, but this changes quickly when music is involved. She sings from her heart; if you really want to know anything about her you have to listen to the music. Angel has a hard time expressing herself in conversation so quite often the thing she says come out wrong. When that happens she gets defensive and can become very mean. Evangeline is very wary of the people around her; if push comes to shove she will admit that she doesn't truly trust her own friends yet. That doesn't mean that she doesn't like them; if any of her friends needed her help in any way she would do what she could to help them. Many times she puts her friends' feelings before her own.
Crush;; TBA
Likes;; Evangeline loves music; singing and playing a variety of instruments is her passion. Her favorite instrument is the guitar followed by the piano. She also loves cake; there is no particular reason she just finds cake to be the best comfort food. She also loves technology; she finds it convenient especially when she is recording a song.
Dislikes;; Guns. She hates guns; Angel is actually on the verge of being terrofied of the weapons. She also finds alcohol to be nothing more than a vile drink that turns perfectly resonable men into monsters. In effect she also has a deep dislike for men who drink alcohol; otherwise known as alcoholics.
Other Notes;; Angel is a guitarist and lead singer in a band called In Flight.
Looks;; Image Angel has dark semi-wavy hair that she has grown out to reach past her shoulder blades. Her eyes are a bright blue and are brought out be her pale skin. She dresses as a rocker very often and has a fondness for thigh high socks. The only skirts she will wear are pleaded otherwise she either wears aged shorts or dark skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Her guitar is electric and a bright red for now. Angel has a tends to repaint her guitar depending on what her new favorite color is. For now it happens to be red.
Items;; Well Angel has the before mentioned guitar and along with that she has earphones that she plugs into her guitar. She also has a necklace with a cross charm on it; she never takes it off.
History;; Angel's mom died due to leukaemia; her death was followed by Angel's younger brother's death due to the same illness. Her father became depressed and to fight off this depression began drinking heavily. So heavily he would fly into sudden rages and beat Angel. When she turned fifteen her father was murdered and she ran away from home. She took up an apartment and restarted school in a city about a hundred miles away. She graduated when she was eighteen and now play in her band making money by doing different gigs for different people.
Theme Song;; Unbreakable by Fireflight
Secret;; Angel's biggest secret lies in her father's murder; she was the one who killed him. When she was still fourteen she found a gun in one of her father's clothing drawers but did not remove it. Seven months afterwards her father deat her until the point of death; he did so one Angel's fifteenth birthday. After she was discharged her father was once again drunk and in another rage. He came at her and she ran and uncovered the gun. She wasn't thrown in jail or charged because she shot him in self defense. No one knows about this secret except for her and a few cops in the other city.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:31 pm

Main Character

Damia Nerell
Nana, Dami, and Book-keep
Immortal(has retained the appearance of a 17 or so year old girl)
Straight; disinterested
Strigoi Viu
Damia is cold and unassuming, distancing herself from the personal affairs of others. On a general level though, she's quick to analyze those around her for any signs of interest, always intent on furthering her knowledge. She savors silence and calm, having a strong dislike for most people who brink about trouble. Though she's polite, she's a prided individual and refuses to disgrace herself by addressing others with titles or unearned respect. She's well known for her calculated and efficent manner of going about things, controlling all under her with a strict regiment and code of conduct. She tries to keep a mask of relative apathy, though the emotions brimming under the surface do break through on occasion. As is common of Strigio Viu, she is fiercly loyal to any who earn her trust and would do near anything for their sake.
Order, Silence, Blood, Purpose, Music, Loyalty, Books, Knowledge, Desir(though she'll never admit it), Vincent, the Dark, Winter, Sculptures, Poetry, Most types of Art, Architecture, and History.
Commotions, Rude people, Loud people, Overly cheerful people, Public displays of affection, Abstract, Ignorance, Demons, Chaos, and Cain.
Other Notes
Damia has lived her life in search of knowledge, wandering her way across the edges of Millenia to achieve this goal. She also has a bit of a strange fixation with necks, her first instinct for both affection and attack to always be: go for the neck. Though shes a little embarrassed about it, she has a weak spot of sorts for music, it being one of the few things that actually manages to speak to her turmoiled soul. In Strigoi culture, oaths of loyalty are not to be given out lightly, and any who show traitorous behavior are honor bound to accept whatever punishment, often times death, those they swore themselves to wish.
Damia is a young woman of a tall stature, standing proud at the height of 5'10 with a slender, elegant build. Her hair is a deep ebony color, reaching down to the bases of her shoulder blades in thick, curly locks. Her eyes are wide, with an innocent appeal to them despite the strong touch of Crimson to their caramel expanse. She prefers wearing practical clothing, disliking most dresses and formal wear innless in a setting where it's required, otherwise she simply wears a pair of comfy, loosely form fitting robes.
The rosary beads she keeps around her wrist, they serve as a power source of sorts
Damia is an aged soul, one of the earliest of her kind, she has been around longer than most of the royal lines. Over her long years of life, she has gathered the knowledge of Millenia, doing her best to remember or store it somewhere within her grasps, but with her old age, many of her older memories or short term ones(extending only over a few decades) have deteriorated away. She used to serve as the Villi courts advisors for quite some years, a move on her part to gather information on the, at the time, newer culture. Presently, she serves as the lore-keeper of Erebus, enjoying the mood that very much fits her persona.
Theme Song
Memories-Within Temptation
For some reason, she feels remorse for the miniscule number of her species, personally blaming herself for their encroaching extinction. Despite what she she makes it look like, she's actually a rather emotional person and is actually rather torn up over her departure from Verul.
Last edited by Edamame on Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:35 pm

Main Character

Faunia Volliern
Faun, Fauffy, Momma,
Supposedly only 1500 or so years of age, though some claim to recall her being around long before that. All that can be said is that her life span has long surpassed many of her kind. (Physically appears in her late twenties to early thirties)
Reigning Queen of Verul, Desir's Mother
A rather depraved Omnisexual; she has no boundaries nor limits to her desires.
Faunia is essentially a more eccentric and less inhibited version of her son, the boy being considered modest when compared to her(and most Villiā€™s). Sheā€™s affectionate to all around her, though sheā€™s a fan of not only deception, but surprise attacks as well. To a degree, sheā€™s a bit of a sadist, loving the screams and cries of any who cross her or her country and is renowned for the expansive torture dungeons sheā€™s known to build around the borders of her country. Sheā€™s lax in regards to her rule and comes off as scatterbrained at times, preferring joining in festivities and enjoying tea dates more than addressing her kingdoms problems. Yet all is done with in her kingdom and sheā€™s proved time and time again that sheā€™s actually quite the ruthless, innovative, queen.
No one and Everyone, as while she finds quite literally everything at least somewhat attractive, she's physically incapable of love in a romantic sense. Or at least thatā€™s what she says.
Her children, Tui, Open-minded People, Assassins, Assasination Attempts on her life(however few they may be), Intelligence, Yuna, Strategy, Mind Games, Fashion, Familiarity, Parties, Sweets, Extravagance, Summer, Warm Weather, Festivals, and Music.
Formalities, Boring people, Silence, Bussiness, Prudish People, Rejection, Invasions, Senseless Violence, Poverty, Winter, The Cold, and Fashion Faux-pas
Other Notes
Her very first love, back when she was innocent and more or less chaste, was Yuna. When the girl rejected her advances, though accepted her as a ā€œfriendā€, she vowed to never have a serious love again, instead deciding to simply indulge in the pleasurable aspects of touch and affection. She has a sort of strange outlook on the Dolce family, despising them for what she thinks they did to Yuna(one of the original reasons she contemplated warring with Hades), while adoring most of them for their entertaining personalitys and looking at them as her extended family via her son-in-law(despite that Desir insists he and Cain are not married, nor exactly in that kind of relationship).
Faunia is a voluptuous woman with a regal air and a towering stature at the height of 6'5. She carries herself proudly, her steps always deliberate and with an air of flare or dance like quality to them. Her arms and legs are long, slender, and touched lightly with muscle, obviously those of an acrobats or Dancer. As is expected of Villi royalty, her long, silk fine hair is a startling ivory in color, often done up in intricate fashions due to its staggering length and weight. She shares the same iris pigmentation as her son, an intense golden in color, with the pupils heavily contracted. Two crimson tinted oval marks reside over her eyebrow ridge, the mark of her royal heritage.
Desir's first twine of string, Tui Leaves, and a bow and arrow set carved from Crimson Demon Bones she keeps strapped to her back.
Little of her history is known beyond the eve of her rule, even her own children are in fact ignorant of her past. After she replaced her Father as ruling power, a result of an assassination attempt rumored to have originated from Faunia herself, the woman introduced festivals and the arts to her formerly solemn people. Her people, who had lived under the iron fist of her father for who knows how long, were at first doubtful of her supposed reforms. As it became increasingly obvious that not only was the woman a born leader and tactician, but an eccentric spirit as well, they came to warm up to the woman, gladly embracing her and her ways overtime. She had all of her children, save Desir, early on in life and by the time Desir was born, all had reached adulthood, the envy they felt at his birth adult level as well. Honestly, she has little idea to whom any of her childrenā€™s fathers are, her promiscuous ways reaching too far for her to even guess.
Theme Song
Blue October-Say It
Her fatherā€™s death may or may not have been related to the execution of her mother a few weeks before.
Last edited by Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soviet Rei on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:35 pm


Name: Vincent Evin
Nickname: Vince
Age: Immortal
Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Half-vampire, half-angel (he has the strength, speed, and paleness of a vampire, but can walk in the sun and needs no blood)
Personality: Externally, Vincent appears to be a bitter, dark young man who seems to dislike everything; in other words, an old, cranky elder in the body of a handsome young man. He doesn't seen to care much about anything or anyone; in reality, he is fiercely loyal to those who manage to actually get to know him. Once you do get past his bitter cynical exterior, you will find a good friend who is loyal, but even then he seems to be somewhat brooding--that's just how he is, whether he likes it or not.
Crush: None yet
Likes: Few and far between: the main ones would be reading, swordplay, and peace and quiet
Dislikes: Very many: lovey-dovey people, large shows of emotion, loud noises, annoying or unintelligent people, demons, Cain, Desir, to name just a few
Looks: Image
Vincent has a handsome face that is marred by the bitter expression it usually wears; most people who are in regular contact with him have never seen him smile. His smooth black-blue hair hangs down around his shoulders, and his eyes are like stones of obsidian set in his hardened face. He is tall, broad-shouldered, lean and muscular; the very embodiment of 'tall, dark, and handsome'.
History: Despite being the son of the last Angel, who currently remains hidden in Erebus, Vincent Evin has generally lived an ordinary life--as ordinary for a prince, anyway. He never much enjoyed being a prince, mostly because everyone 'kept bothering me'; he prefers being alone in silence and peace, and feels being a prince violates that. Despite his status, he has never been 'spoiled' or 'pampered'; rather than indulge in expensive and luxious items, he spent most of his days in his room reading a book, or out sparring and practicing his sword skills. He rules Erebus with an iron fist as a dictator, though he is well-admired by his people for keeping the peace--whatever measures must be taken.
Theme Song: Vampire Heart--Him
Secret: His outward personality is just a cover; detailed above.

I'm starting to think I need a better picture XD

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:37 pm

Main Character

Flower, Petal, Autru
As old as Millenia itself; though her consciousness has not extended anywhere near that long.
Antagonist; Guide of Death
She doesn't entirely even understand the concept of sexuality
Spirit of Tragedy; she was born from the first suffering of Millenia, ironically that of a trampled Chrysanthemum, and is the epiphany of all pain, sorrow, and loneliness in the world.
Normally docile and meek, Autruche dislikes being the centre of attention and is incredibly submissive. She's a bit of an ā€œoptimisticā€ soul, always trying to look on the ā€œbright sideā€ of things, even if her definitions of both of these are more twisted than most. Sheā€™s a bit clingy in regards to those around her, despising being alone. At times though, normally when pushed too far, or in an area with a large amount of death, she's been known to completely snap. She's essentially bat shit insane in this state and tends to not stop until her physical body(crafted from the fibbers of a Death Bush) is destroyed or everyone in a mile or so radius is dead. Her origins are clear in her love for torture, death, and sorrow, all of which increase her physical strength, while high concentrations of joy, festivities, and the presence of children is agonizing for her.
Spirit of Comedy
Death, Torture, Chaos, Panic, Battlefields, Following orders, Cemeteries, Nature, Cute Animals(Villi included), Flowers, Pain, and ā€œTurtlesā€.
Peace, Joy(in high concentrations), Having to think for herself, Music, Festivities, Indecisiveness, Ridiculously cute critters, and Bagpipes.
Other Notes
Has reside over the paths of spirits who died with intense feelings of regret, sadness, or betrayal.
A Chrysanthemum flower, perpetually fresh; a vast arsenal of spirit tools, though their forms are not corporeal and have no affect outside of the realm of death, and a Turkey Baser.
Autruche has spent almost the entirety of her existence leading the souls that resided with in her category to the cycle of rebirth, blissfully unaware of a world outside her realm. When she discovered this realm, through watching the dying breaths of a random soul tear throught the veil that seperated the two realms, she began to seek a way out of her ā€œimprisonmentā€ to enjoy the land she had been born from. After a few more incidents of watching the path the spirits took to enter her world, she came upon a plan. She would offer the strongest of souls she encountered another chance at finishing what they had left behind in life, under the conditions they take a piece of her essence to instil into the bark of a Death Bush. Eventually she found a spirit that agreed to the terms, soon after finding herself lost in the strange world she had dreamed of.
Theme Song
Three Days Grace- Pain
The Chrysanthemum she keeps with her is the very one that began her creation. If it is destroyed, sheā€™s sent back to the realm of death.
Last edited by Edamame on Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:51 pm

Side Character

Stone Golem(s)
Depends how you see their existence.
Antagonist; ā€œchildrenā€ of Earth
Stone Golem of the adamantine family. Their species is characterized by their inability to actually die, the only way to neutralize them being to disable their power core and scatter their limbs before the core reactivates
They tower at the massive height of 15 feet(about four and a half meters) with a shoulder span of 12 feet(about 3 and two thirds meters). Their bodies are crudely crafted, juts of azure adamantine crystal formations make themselves known on their form.
The particular stone golems dealt with at the moment have no history beyond their birth by the blood of Autruche.
Generalized Persona:
Their existence has not yet extended long enough for emotions or signs of consciousness beyond their desire for chaos and wish to appease their ā€œmotherā€.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pixette on Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:53 pm

Cain Dolce
"Bloody Prince"
"23" (230)
Pleasantly open-minded... otherwise known as Anything-That-Moves-sexual
Cain appears to be good-natured and amiable, although there is a certain danger in his constant smile. The only time he isn't smiling, in fact, is when he's making a cute/funny face, or if he's extremely angry. He is a hopeless trouble-maker, and is easily amused by things that most people wouldn't think twice about. He is prone to obsession over things he finds cute, and has an incurable sweet-tooth. Overall he is extremely childish and rather full of himself.
Himself, really...
The color red, sweets of all kind, snow, white marble, cute things, card games, chess, being liked/loved, being disliked/hated.
Spicy foods, hot weather, wooden floors, jigsaw puzzles, being neither liked nor disliked (apathy).
Other Notes
He is rarely seen without candy or sweets nearby, and he is ALWAYS late to everything.
Cain is tall (6'4") and thin, with a lanky build. He typically appears shorter, however, due to his habit of slouching. He is most often seen wearing clothes that are white, red, or black.
The Way We Move by Innerpartysystem

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pixette on Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:59 pm

Calix Dolce
"Cal" (by Cain when they were younger) [Currently despises it]
"25" (250)
Come into his bedroom and find out.
(Calix was much more mature than Cain, prefering to think things through before acting as well as weigh consequences against gains. He wasn't ourtright smug, although he did have confidence in his abilities. He was know to be a little sarcastic at times.) Currently, he is a bitter, near-insane ghost that wants only to get revenge and bring himself back to life.
Romance can wait until AFTER he's murdered Cain.
Coffee, reading, the color red, easy girls/guys.
Sweets, people who play hard-to-get, loud noises.
Thinking of Cain's death
Cain, rather obviously.
Other Notes;;
He's a ghost. That's sort of a big deal.
When he died, he lost the red crown tattoo on his cheek, and Cain got it. It is the sign of the crown prince. He now appears rather insane.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Machubi-Uniki on Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:37 pm

Main Character Skeleton

Name;; Toten Sie Sinn
Nickname;; Sin
Age;; Appears to be in his early twenties; it is hard to say exactly how old he is but some creatures believe he was around long enough to live during the age humans lived in Millenia also.
Position;; A roaming vampire whom became addicted to the taste of human blood and was driven insane by the lack of it. [antagonist]
Orientation;; Bisexual
Species;; Vampire
Personality;; Nowadays Toten is a demented man whom loves to watch the faces of those in true physical pain. This led to his fascination with the feeling of blood on his hands, claiming it gives him a strange tingle that was somehow enjoyable. Most people claim him to be an insane monster and they are probably right. He has destroyed countless towns for no reason really except he happened to come across it and he thoroughly enjoys it. Especially the screames of the smaller lived and watching them squirm underneath him while he strangles them to death or removed their heart; which ever he was in the mood for.
Crush;; At the moment none but he once fell in love with a human woman.
Likes;; Blood; killing; screams of agony; fire; .....anything relating to violence death and torture..........and human blood
Dislikes;; .......the likes list is so much shorter. In a nutshell; anything not relating to violence, death, and torture....
Other Notes;; He has a deep disliking for creatures of the royal families or of noble birth; it is believed it stems from his mother whom was forced into a marriage with one after her husband 'mysteriously passed on'.
Looks;; Image
Items;; A hat that should it get messed up in the least he flied into a pointless rage and ends up destroying anything in the area.
History;; Toten has been around much longer than most creatures; even the older vampires. He was even around long enough to see the humans roam Millenia. When he was younger; a new born he met a young girl named Arianna and they continued to meet each other countless times as they grew. It wasn't long before they fell in love. However Arianna was not immortal unlike Toten whom was and so begged him to turn her into a vampire too. It took a long time but he finally complied but ended up killing her on accident. He felt remorse for a short time until the buzz of the sweet human blood sugar-coated it and drove him insane because of his deep addiction. (The more he fights it or is depraved of it the more violent he is and the more insane and blood-lusting he becomes) It wasn't long before he killed a human child for his blood and after that hope was lost and he became a slave to the blood he craved. He continued on his hungry rant until finally someone stopped him; he was kept in a secure location for approximately 2,000 years until his madness drove his strength to increase and he got away. Not before murdering anyone else who was still there. When he got out he quickly found out that the human race had dissappeared and so he began hunting demons, vampires, villi, angels, and even the Strigoi for the sake of satisfying his lust for human blood. Unfortunately none of them did and he simply became all the more insane and became nothing more than a death lusting animal with a little more intelligence and strength. For about 20,000 years Toten was hunted down until he grew tired and placed himself under a forced hibernation; this was also to help sate his blood addiction. 6,000 years has passed and he is finally reawakening with a lust for blood and the smell of humans in the air.
Theme Song;; .....good question
Secret;; Strange enough his biggest secret is the fact that he is actually alive....most people assumed because of his 6,000 year absence he was somehow driven to death by his own insanity but they are about to find out they were quite mistaken. However, a second secret is the fact that he once fell in love with a human girl...or rather he had loved at all.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kiyasama on Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:12 pm

Name;; Keria Celt
Nickname;; (none as of yet)
Age;; 20
Position;; Just some human girl
Orientation;; Non-sexual She hates people
Species;; Human
Personality;; Keria puts off a bratty, selfish, self-centeredness to everyone around her. Part of it is because she was given everything she wanted, part of it is a way for her to push others way. However, sheā€™ll go off and do crazy things for the people she does care aboutā€¦mainly jumping into danger without really thinking much. However, if you ask her sheā€™ll deny it strait up. It may take some time, but there is a kind heart hiding underneath that dark exterior.
Crush;; N/A yetā€¦
Likes;; She is fond of many things such as: Skulls, Guitars, Stars, Occult, Dark makeup, her journal, music (especially rock), boots, among some other things.
Dislikes;; People, getting close to people, people that want to get close to her, guys who want to go out with her, stupid romantic movies (twilight).
Other Notes;; Keria dyes her hair sometime, okay most of the timeā€¦.
Keria is 5ā€™5ā€ with her boots sheā€™s 5ā€™8ā€. She naturally has dark red hair, but as I mentioned constantly dyes it. Her eyes are a darkish green, but for shows she would wear red contacts. She has pale skin, but tends to put on makeup and clothes that make her look even paler. Her clothes more often then not show off her body, and are usually red, black, purple, rarely anything else.
Items;; Boots, Journal, Guitar! All a must!
History;; Keria was adopted a few years after her parents brutal murder, by a young talent scout. He became her manager after she hit her teens, and now is quite popular with her dark alternative/rock music.
Theme Song;; Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me >.> or so Iā€™m toldā€¦. I may find another one
Secret;; Inside, deep down inside, she caresā€¦. And well she has torturous nightmares that become inspiration for her music.

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Re: [OOC] Rainy Days: Additional Characters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Edamame on Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:53 pm

Side Character

DĆ©mence Desmarais
1392(Physically appears about 23)
King of Meras; Currently Flashback Character
Little is known of the Ghoul king or his past beyond his love for carnage and his reputation as an indiscriminate murderer. Indeed, in times of war, he was often claimed to have attacked both his enemies and his own men, with little care for their blood on his hands. What else is known is that, despite his harsh rule over his nation and treatment of most around him, he actually greatly cares for his family.
Generalized Persona:
Demence is, to put it mildly, the textbook definition of a Psychopath. He cares nothing for those around him and kills with indiscretion, yet constantly wears a mask of civility and compassion. At the same time that he seems like a perfectly normal individual, if a bit overly polite, one will see the signs of his depravity in his lack of empathy for others lives and habit of dining on his own people. To his family though, he is a compassionate, almost bumbling father with a love for his childrenā€™s activities and a habit of completely forgetting what he was thinking when theyā€™re around.

Side Character

AmĆØne Desmarais
Princess of Meras; Currently Flashback Character
Amene, much like her brother, was pampered and catered to from the moment of her birth. She held her families classic temper and lust for blood even as a child, known well for her habit of creating dolls from living people, preserved in eternal agony by paralyzing their body in such a way that motion is lost, but feeling remains. Due to her atrocious memory though, and dislike of chores, many of these dolls would waste away, unable to support their own life without her care. Growing up, she idolized her older brother and despite his often times cruel treatment of her, the girl grew to love him in a twisted, highly incestuous, and in no way platonic manner. When she found out about the woman who had ā€œstolenā€ his heart and tore out his eye, she was quick to volunteer herself for her slaughter and savoured the feel of her hands choking out her essence.
Generalized Persona:
On the outside, Amene behaves and acts like a completely innocent and at times ditzy young girl. She seems extremely polite, is incredibly shy, and is always seen with a jovial grin upon her features. Yet, beneath it all, sheā€™s perhaps the most twisted of her entire family. Sheā€™s an unparalleled sadist with a love for the weak and cute, along with being incredibly possessive of everyone she cares for, while having no real consideration for their feelings and wishes. It may be easiest to say that she simply lacks any signs of a consciences existence and is ruled completely by her own desires.

Side Character

AĆÆeul Desmarais
Former King of Meras, Currently Flashback Character
Deceased Ghoul
All that is known of Aieulā€™s past is that, after both of his eyes and his physical body was destroyed, his ā€œsoulā€ in the royal ghoul equivalent of death, shifted the corpses and life energy of those around him into a being of pure chaos. Currently, he is used as a means of war for Meras and protects the borders on the off occasions violence is not prevalent.
Generalized Persona:
As very little of his mind is left, Aieul for the most part is led only by his desire for destruction, completely annihilating anyone or anything that passes his way with the exception of his descendants. Though he is incapable of speech, he is still physically in the realm of the living enough so to acknowledge and communicate with his grandchildren through the transfer of his stored souls into their own being. Through these communications, he comes across as a proud, well mannered slightly elder gentleman with a penchant for the dramatics.

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