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Rainy Days

Rainy Days


When a rainy day sends a group of teenage girls to an alternate universe and right into the arms of princes, everything changes.

3,722 readers have visited Rainy Days since TatteredXPrincess created it.


Right now we are...
Looking for characters, but we are posting now;;



When a sunny day turns into a stormy mess, 5 teenage girls are stranded out in the middle of the storm and can't find their way home. Without any transportation, the girls have to walk through the rain and get soaking wet in the process. When they finally find shelter in a small tunnel in the woods, they crawl through to the other side and it's a sunny, beautiful day. As these confused girls wander around the strange land with pink skies and metal trees, they run into the princes of the unusual world. They are all lead back to the castle of the princes and stay with them. Little did they know, everything in this land called Millenia was darker than it seemed, even the charming princes the girls have gotten to know...

____The Teenage Girls;;
I should say this but these girls are friends, some aren't that close but they are all still friends. No more of the parts are open, sorry!

1. Krystal 'Krys/Chris' Allen [TatteredXPrincess]
2. Charlotte 'Charlie' Raelonne Johnes [Fallen]
3. Evangeline 'Angel' Clements [Machubi-Uniki]
4. Charlie 'Char/CD' Morgan Dane [rockinxxlullaby]
5. Amyy 'Aims' Louise Stratford [echo-of-daybreak]

____The Princes;;
Also, the princes don't have to be brothers but I would at least they got along sometimes if possible! No more parts for the princes of open, sorry!

1. Vincent 'Vince' Evin [Soviet Rei]
2. Cain 'Bloody Prince' Dolce [Pixette]
3. Symphony 'Sy' Leonardo Deceshi [321Rave123]
4. Desir 'Kitten Prince' Volliern [leiori]
5. Ankou 'Little Prince/Death' Daoine Sídhe [Mazikeen]

____Other Characters;;
Chikako 'Chii/KoKo' Kotuko [MidniteRoseSixx] A close friend of the princes
Jerico 'The Mad' [The Jackal] An "elderly old man"

I encourage you to also be creative and come up with your own character! If the teenage girls and princes are all taken, I would still LOVE to have you aboard for this role play! Be unique and if I like your character and how you relate to the story, I will let you! So don't be shy and go ahead and be who you want to be! I would love to get some other species besides humans so really, be unique!

Please fill in this form for me instead of doing the other form!

Name;; (First and Last name required, middle name is optional)
Nickname;; (If you can't come up with one, I'll give one to you!)
Age;; (Please don't be any younger than 15!)
Positition;; (Prince, Teenage girl, bad person, etc. Sorry I have been getting really confused with your positions!)
Orientation;; (Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Species;; (Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Neko, Kitsune,...etc)
Personality;; (Be unique and descriptive! Don't just say sweet and caring or tough and harsh!)
Crush;; (You don't have to put anything yet but remember to keep this updated)
Likes;; (Simple, right?)
Dislikes;; (Simple also, right?)
Other Notes;; (Anything important you want us to know!)
Looks;; (It would be pretty cool if you could put the link/image in and ALSO describe the picture! If not, don't worry about that! Please make it an anime person, it makes it harder to find a real person for a neko! Thank you!)
Items;; (Anything meaningful or whatever they always have!)
History;; (Don't have it be too long but be specific with everything!)
Theme Song;; (What your character is based off of, it would be helpful to some people)
Secret;; (Everyone has some darkness right? Be interesting with this!)

Toggle Rules



Please post at least TWICE a week and it doesn't have to be too long. Just don't make a few words long, describe a little bit if you can. Romance and Drama is a must and Action and Fights are encouraged! Please for the romance, NO CYBERING, keep this roleplay PG-16! It's fine to make out and touch but when it's getting too far, SKIP please! Nobody wants to read that! Swearing is fine but don't over do it, I don't want to read the f-bomb every post.. It's not so lovely to see that! Also, fights are awesome to read but whether it's just a violent argument or weapons, don't overdo the bloody details! Some people have weak stomachs and don't like reading that!


Please do full sentences! Don't do *this* or -this- when you are doing an action! Just write it out, it makes everything go smoother! Also, as I said before, don't only do a few words but don't do several, long paragraphs! Be descriptive but don't do it too much! I don't want to read what brand your tea is from, that is alright to say the color and smell but don't over do it!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


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Was Evangeline simply lacking luck or was she simply rolling in bad luck? She had completed the perfect gig and immediately afterwards got to meet up with some of her friends. Good things never last for her though that was blatantly obvious when she felt that menacing rain drop on her head and when she heard the tell tale sign of rain: thunder.

Angel looked up when she felt the chilling moisture on her head and almost immediately she saw a raindrop hit her nose. She wished she had remembered her umbrella; after all the weather man had said it would be warm and sunny and when was he ever right? Never. She should have known when she felt the need to put on a jacket when she left for her gig and even when she had to wear it leaving.

A raindrop fell next to her and then another gradually the time between drops decreased and all that was left was a steady downpour. In a couple of minutes poor Angel would be soaked in water along with her friends and guitar case. Fortunately for her guitar that container was water proof. The teenage girl sighed in defeat; her bad luck or perhaps lack of luck was an unstoppable force and she was nothing more than a thin sheet of glass.

Now why precisely would this rain be so terrible surely they could just go inside? Well simply put where she was located there was no ‘inside’ just outside. So then unless she manages to find an ‘inside’ in which she could stay she was doomed to a serious case of pneumonia.

Evangeline looked around at her friends before continuing her walk while singing a children’s song:

It’s raining
It’s pouring
The old man is snoring
He bumped his head
When he got in bed
And couldn’t get up in the morning.

Why she sang this song? It said what everyone was thinking at this moment unless they were completely ignorant of their surroundings: It’s raining.


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#, as written by Edamame
The kingdoms of Millenia stand proud in their glory, the epiphany of their people’s knowledge, their ways of life, and their ideals. In the North stands the kingdom of Fey’s, famed for their eccentric ways and inclination towards the fine arts. To the South lies the kingdom of Vampires, known for its cold, calculated approach to life and favoring for the macabre. To the East resides the kingdom of Demons, regarded for their frightening daily life and twisted way of looking on all who entered. To the West the kingdom of Villi, remembered if only for the treacherous land in which they lived, where every day outside the confines of civilization could easily be your last. Smack dab in the center of the known land is kingdom of shifters, known for their inherent ability to manipulate their shape.

For many a century they have lived in decent harmony with each other, only occasional spats between no more than two nations breaking the tranquility. The lack of constant fear of each kingdom attacking during these years allowed for a time of growth, advancements in all aspects of study, architecture, recourses and art were plentiful. But as their knowledge and resources have grown, so have their desire to expand their nation, to fight those who upset them, to gain what the others have. Everything amassed together a century or two back, when a disastrous meeting resulted in an all out war between kingdoms, and so it stayed until no more than sixty years back, when the wars destruction threatened the foundation of the royal houses themselves.

The royal houses declared a truce between the lands, agreeing to refrain from ruling powers attacking each other and to meet every five years to discuss the situation of peace. Though the ruling houses were pleased with the advancement, most of their populations remain openly hostile to each other, and tensions are high. Indeed it is only the meeting held every five years that keep the people from destroying each other.

The meeting is held on neutral soil, in the valley in which it is said the connection to another world resides. Metallic trees of magenta and ivory hues dot the landscape, crowning around a circular table carved in the hollowed center of a once massive iron wood. Carved into its surface are a number of phrases of an unknown language, the trees azure sap have died them the same. Within the center of the trunk lies a gaping hole that seems to extend forever on, though in actuality is no more than five feet deep when attempting to enter.

Today happened to be the day of the five year ceremony, and the young prince of the Villi, Desir, was sprawled across the seat of wood awkwardly, much to big for any comfortable possibilities. His eyes gazed absently at a small nest resting above him, still stuck in the position they had been when he’d began zoning off.

For the past hour or so, he had patiently been awaiting the coming of his fellow princes, the first one to arrive as usual. But after one too many oh so fascinating objects drew his attention, he’d found himself locked in a strange train of thought. Mainly concerning who would be coming this year to the meeting. Only time would tell.


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Krystal was happily enjoying the warm weather with her friends when the sky darkened and dark, puffy clouds covered the rays of the sun. She quickly looked up at the sky when a raindrop hit her right in the middle of her forehead and slid down to the tip of her nose. "Oh this is awful... It was suppose to be really sunny!" She huffed while crossing her arms with a disappointed look on her face, "Hey! The good thing is that now we can go splash in some puddles and at least there's no thunder or lightning!"

Krys smiled brightly at the other girls but right when she thought it wasn't too bad, lightning lit up the sky while thunder ripped through the wind. This wasn't good! It was suppose to be the fun day with her friends in the sun and now it was a mess... Rain, why did you have to come today!? Soon enough she was nearly soaked as the rain came harder and harder on their shoulders, the smile on her face never disappeared though. "Well on the bright side, at least we are together! Let's find somewhere to dry up and wait for the rain to stop, shall we?" While she beamed and tried to make the girls see happy she noticed Angel beginning to walk away.

The bubbly teenager made her way to Angel's side while beaming and waved her hands for the other girls to follow her. It was getting really hard to keep smiling while her light orange bangs dripped water into her face and slowly drooped, nearly covering her eyes. She kept her smile plastered on her innocent face while skipping around and hummed to the same song Angel was singing, just so everything didn't feel so wrong...


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A figure slowly creeped over the skyline, it's true speed becoming more evident as it became more then just a mere dot on the horizon. It was something slick... Shining as though it were metal as the sun glinted off it under the pink skies. Just a few moments more, and Symphony had arrived, his lengthy, cat shaped body of metal shifted onto it's back feet, slowing further as a dab of red hair appeared, flipping over the scales as the antlers pulled back. Next his eyes grew more human like, face following, his open jacket appearing over his now normal shoulders. A rim of light floated down his torso, everything above it changing human as his legs appeared, clothed in bright red. The only thing that made him appear not so... Human was the pair of stark white bat wings folded tightly against his back, merely there to let him see.

With a gentle smile, Symphony bowed deeply to the man before him, hands by his sides. Silent, as he was trained, Sy stepped up to the table, seating himself and folding his hands in his lap. Where are the others...? Late...? Probably so... He thought, looking around the table with a curious look glinting in his pale eyes.

However, he was concerned with what they were going to be discussing... His father was growing restless, as well as many of the people in his kingdom. The Shifters were usually a very peaceful community, but, under the rule of such violent men and women, the subjects under their command changed as well. Or... Most of them did... Sy's Father wanted more land. And, thanks to their land being in the center, they had access to whichever kingdom they pleased. But... That also meant that, if the Shifter's attacked and defied the treaty, they were in the perfect place for all of the other's to invade. Too bad his father didn't think that far into it...


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With an over exagerated sigh Amyy pulled the hood of her purple and black stripey hoodie over her head. It wouldn't keep her hair dry though and she'd spent hours fluffing it up that morning.
'And at least there's no thunder and lightning.'
Krys spoke in her usual bubbly voice.
not even the clouds could darken that girls mood Amyy smiled to herself as Angel started singing an old nursery rhyme.
For some reason the usual fun in the rhyme had gone and it left Amyy feeling a bit sick as if something bad was going to happen. Deciding it was just the bad weather getting her down she tried adding her own songto the rain mix.

'Doctor Foster went to Gloucester,
In a shower of rain,
Stepped in a puddle right up to his middle,
and never went there again.'

She mimed falling head first into a near by puddle in an attempt to make the others laugh. The messing around made her feel a bit better about the whole situation. Rain always dampened her mood. The weather was getting worse by the second. Amyy didn't think there was an inch of her left dry.

'We seriously need to find somewhere to get out the rain. There's a wood with some huge trees quite close by, that might keep us from the worst of the rain....'
She put her suggestion to the others.


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#, as written by Fallen
Charlie smiled happily as she felt the rain pour down upon her. She loved the rain, as well as the cold, but something about the feel of rain was just amazing. She spun around in circles for a moment as the water soaked her sky blue shirt with the words born to be wild on it, her baggy blue jeans held in spot by a thin white belt which was quite girly, clashing with the rest of her boy like clothing, and seeped through her blue and white wristbands. Her short hair was now sticking to her head, her platform shoes squeeking in the rain. She listened to the others, complaining about the weather. "Whats wrong with you guys!? Storms are great!" After she said that, a large clash of thunder filled the air, she laughed and stopped spinning, now following the others.

"You guys are such babys, we should hang out in the rain." she said with her hands on her hips. She heard Krystal's remark and sighed. "Where can we dry up without a change of clothes eh?" She rolled her eyes and kicked water into the nothingness of the street. After she did so, she looked down at her wallet which was hanging out of her pocket slightly on its chain. "Well that's no good." She shoved it back into her pocket, remembering she had her iphone and ipod in the other. It was a good thing they were in protected cases so to speak, they would remain unharmed.

"If you must sing some song about rain, can you choose a less childish one? One a five year old wouldn't sing?" she said to Angel. She was of course teasing her. "I mean, you have a pretty voice, but that song is butchering it." She grinned at the thought of something. "So on the way, lets find us a better one shall we?" She took out her eyepod, which was covered in plastic, and smiled. She blinked rapidly, the rain catching on her eyelashes then getting in her eyes. "Wait okay I think i found it." She turned on the song Raindrops by stunt. It blared loudly through her massive headphones, which rest around her neck. "Well okay, it doesn't have much to do with rain, but it's better than that nonsense you were singing." she stuck her tongue out and sang to it.

"Feels like the raindrops on my skin, you reach me somewhere deep within, you make my body come aliiiiive-" she inturrpted herself just then.

"So where are we going then?"


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"Awww Charlie, don't be mean! Plus it's something we all know, much rather than.." Krys then pointed to Charlie's headphones on her neck that were blaring lyrics she could nearly understand and smiled brightly at everyone. "Aim's has a good idea, anybody want to go check over there for some where to dry off? Oh! Also Charlie, you don't have to have a change of clothes just to dry off, ya know?" A soft giggled escaped her lips as she started to skip around the girls and happily looking at the sky, letting the rain drip down her skin. "Well at least now, we are actually fully soaked rather than just partially wet!" Trying her hardest to get everyone happy, Krys still had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach but she shook this off as just being wet and unaware of what to do.


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Amyy pulled a face at Charlie and flicked raindrops off her fingers.
'It doesn't really matter now anyway. We all look like drowned rats.'
Krys' countinuous skipping and spinning was making her dizzy so she reached out and stuck her arm over the other girls shoulders.
'Hey muppet, keep still a second or I swear i'll be sick.' She laughed using muppet as an affectionate nickname. If it was even possible the rain was getting heavier.
'This is why I never leave my house if i can help it.' Amyy groaned good naturedly and bit down on her tounge piercing. The wood was closer now and the possibility of shelter was a welcoming thought.


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Angel smiled at Krys, "There is nothing in this world that can bring you down is there?" she asked and then continued to hum her little nursery rhyme. By then her hair that was once in a neat ponytail now stuck to her skin where ever it could and the hair band dangled around her neck. She pursed her lips in annoyance; she didn't dislike the rain but she did dislike having anything sticking to her skin. When Amyy began singing she chuckled a bit; music of any kind always put her in a glorious mood.

Amyy had mentioned that the woods could help keep them dry and to show her agreement on the matter she simply redirected herself in that direction. Some cover was better than no cover after all, and the trees could give them some cover. As she walked she watched her feet and avoided puddles in all shapes and sizes but of course distractions always made their appearance at the worst times.

Charlie had spoken to her claiming that the nursery rhyme she was singing was massacring her voice. Angel of course went to say something in return but before she could she heard the terrible sound of splash and felt cold cold water fill her shoe. "Shoot." she said while lifting her foot out of the water; her nose scrunched as she put her foot down and heard and felt her foot go squish in her shoe. "Now look at what you made me do." she sighed in defeat.

She turned her attention back to Charlie when she heard the song raindrops through Charlie's earphones. She smiled and began to sing with Charlie; adding a harmonizing note on the word alive. Even when Charlie stopped singing she kept going and soon she was dancing to it shamelessly. She couldn't help it, she really couldn't; music was just the key to her soul.


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Krys sheepishly smiled at Aims, "Sorry Aims... I don't mean to get you feeling sick. Also..." She then stuck out her tongue at Aims, "Not a muppet! Plus hey, being locked in your house all day and night is very unhealthy! Right girls?" Her constant cheeriness was annoying the girls, she knew it was, especially at this moment. So in spite of not looking down, she stuck a piece of gum in her mouth and blew tiny, blue bubbles from her lips as she continued walking. Even the slightest thought of people being upset with her in anyway deeply hurt her, no matter how much she hid it with her smiles and positive attitude. Right then she remembered what Angel had just said and gave a bright smile, "Nothing in this world? Impossible, but that doesn't mean I won't keep smiling!"

A small giggle escaped her lips as she watched Angel sing and dance to Charlie's music, that has always been Angel's weakness. Music. "At least someone else is happy and really showing it!" Krys was still smiling brightly and clapped along while Angel danced, snapping her gum on the roof of her mouth. Even in a scenario like this with no transportation and unaware of what we were going to die, when the happiness Krys gave off to them didn't worked, Angel was easily happy with music of any kind. With that kind of happiness in something so little always made her feel envious of Angel, she couldn't help it no matter how hard she tried even when the guilt ate her up.


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#, as written by Pixette
Demons were tricksters by nature, and that much everyone knew. Liars, deceivers, manipulators... These selfish creatures would seem like the source of the brewing conflict. In reality, they weren't necessarily the problem. At least, they didn't start out that way… They didn't want war, but if everyone else did... Well, they’d be damned if they were left out of the party. And hence, the demon nation's involvement.

If everyone else wanted peace, however, the demons wouldn't resist. So, as a negotiator, they sent the crown prince: one Cain Dolce.

Cain emerged from the shadows of the trees that surrounded the meeting area, walking with his arms swinging in time with his chant, "Kay, kay, kay, kay, kay, kay, CAIN!" He threw both of his arms up, as if expecting applause. Before anyone had the chance to (as if anyone would’ve...), however, he continued, "Cain has arrived!" He threw his arms around the nearest prince, who happened to be Desir. Given the other prince’s sprawled position, it ended in a strange, straddle-like tangle of limbs. He kissed the Villi’s cheek, wearing his trademark smirk. "My sincerest apologies about my lateness. I certainly hope you boys haven’t been having too much fun without me." Shifting off of the prince, but keeping one arm around Desir's shoulders, Cain pulled a marshmallow out the bag he kept hidden in his coat, popping the fluffy white treat into his mouth and smiling. "It seems like one is still missing," he said through a mouth full of marshmallow.


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#, as written by Edamame
Doing his best to stifle the low purr that rumbled in his throat, Desir acknowledged the demon draped around his smaller frame with an affectionate nuzzle. The strong scent of sweets greeted his senses on touch. Cain's off-handed, most likely rhettoric, question was quick to inspire a response from the Villi male. “Of course not!~ What fun could possibly be had without Cain, great prince of demons?” Desir sung lightly, a chestier grin spreading across his face as he did so. He really did get way too much pleasure from stroking the demons already inflated ego…But it was too fun to resist~

When Cain was freed from the heap of limbs, to the Villi’s slight disappointment, Desir shifted to a more standard sitting position. His tail had began to sway without his regard around him, thumping every so often against the demon’s back as it did. His mood had elevated considerably, and the formerly lethargic prince was busting with energy. Both his pupils heavily contracted, no more than slits in a pool of gold, as he eyed those around the table.

Truthfully, before Cain’s usual over the top entrance, he had only barely acknowledged the presence of the other princes. It was surprising, to say the least, to realize who knew how long after they had been there, that almost all had already gathered. Desir hid the look of bewilderment that had momentarily flashed across his face with a fanged grin towards Sy. It was probably too late to really be greeting the others, but he figured he might as well try.


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Image_____________________Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan sat outside of a grocery store with a bag of goodies she had just bought. She forgot to bring her umbrella and didn't feel like getting wet. Back in her pirate days she wouldn't have cared but today she was a normal civilian and walking around in rain like it's a great day wasn't necessarily considered normal. Flinging her red bang out of her face she reached into her grocery bag and pulled out an apple then pulled out her pocket knife. Slowly, she started to slice the apple in her hand. Every time she sliced off a piece of the apple she ate it and sliced off another. She remembered when she had no idea how to make make such clean cuts until Roger taught her. She sighed when his face appeared in her mind. Shaking it out of her head she noticed that it started to rain harder and that it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. Standing to her feet, Charlie groaned,threw away her apple, and started to walk through the rain. Her house wasn't too far away from the grocery store but she walked a different way home not realizing it would take longer.

While walking the wind started to pick up and she started to worry that her hat might get blown off of her head. Sure enough with one good blow her hat flew off into the wind. She started to chase after it. The hat was too precious for her to lose because it was one of the last things she had during her days of piracy. Picking up her speed she jumped forward and caught the hat before it disappeared through the rain and wind. She found herself in front of the woods and expected that it would be a good place to hide from the storm.

Dodging the many spider webs, she ducked under branches, and squeezed the water out of her hat. Coming to a stop she shook her hat once again and put it on her head. She then noticed it had stopped raining and it was a lot brighter than her previous setting. Walking closer to the end of the woods she found herself in the center of a beautiful scenery. The grass was a a green she had never seen before. It was so fresh. The sky was bluer than the sea itself. She filled her lungs with the fresh air and with a gentle sigh she smiled and said,
"Aye...this be the best air I had e'er taken in, since the day I was born." It was the first time since she ran away she had spoken like a pirate and it felt good.


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#, as written by Pixette
Cain laughed in a manner akin to a giggle, albeit deeper. "True," he agreed. "I always am the life of the party at these gatherings." He flashed a warm smile to the vampire prince. "Hello, Vinny," he greeted cheerfully, not expecting much reaction out of the cold prince but eager to annoy him anyway. "And Sy, my darling, you're looking amazing as always." He ran his eyes over the red-headed shape-shifter. "It seems Ankou has yet to join the party... What a shame, indeed. I certainly hope he’s alright." He licked his lips, red eyes glinting. "It certainly wouldn’t make us look good if the Fae prince never showed up, eh? People might get ideas..."

He turned his head to kiss the Villi prince's neck. "Oh well~" he practically sang. "People will think what they will, and we can't do anything about that." He took another marshmallow out of the bag, holding it to Desir's lips.


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Evangeline smiled widely when she saw her friend Krys clapping along with her; she did after all always loved a good audience. It was no fun when the people you were singing and playing for didn't show any signs of having fun themselves. As she continued to sing the song she entered the forest and was happy to see the rain wasn't as hard thanks to the trees. This was good though by now it didn't really matter; her clothes were drenched already so she wasn't quite ready to rejoice just yet.

About a minute later she had finally sang all of the four minute song (or close to that) and took a bow. "Thank you; I am taking requests." she said with a smile. She was well used to this line since that was precisely what her band did at gigs: took requests. In effect Angel knew dozens if not hundreds of songs and not just by word. She could also play as the lead guitarist or as a pianist in...most of them.

Smiling Angel took another step back before turning back around, but instead of hearing branches, leaves, or grass she heard a clink. She turned around and was surprised to find herself in a tunnel. A content smile formed on her face; she wasn't getting rained on in here.


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#, as written by Fallen
Krys's almost fake cheeriness was annoying her. It always did. She had this forced always happy thing she did, or she thought it was forced, that reminded her of an overbearing mother who wanted too much to do with her child and friends or just a little kid. Not that she was reffering to her mother when she thought of that. Her mother, was nothing like that. Charlie briefly turned out the others, especially Angel who had been singing way longer than she had expected. Or maybe way longer than she would have wanted. Sometimes, her friends really did annoy her. It was like they went backwards with age sometimes. Charlie wiped her bangs out of her face and sighed loudly, by now she had already turned her ipod off, the sound only Angel's constant singing and the clapping of others, herself not included.

For whatever reason, she followed Angel into the forest, somewhat thinking to herself that was not the best idea. "You know this reminds me of the movies. I bet we get lost here or eaten up by something." she grinned. The moistness of everything in the forest was quite pretty, she smiled as the drops of rain fell off of the trees or down the leaves. She'd never really been in this forest, she didn't really know what was here anyways. Perhaps she might take pictures or draw here sometime.

She stopped behined Angel, almost abruptly, very close to running into her. "Hey what the hell!? Dont do that!" she said annoyed. However, her attention turned towards a black tunnel, which Angel was clearly looking into as well. "Yeah that seems like the smart thing to do. Lets all go into a dark black tunnel in the forest." she sighed, gently pushing Angel aside and going in first. She could barely see anything, and was feeling around as to not run into anything. "I guess you really hate the rain eh?" She could only see the figure of her hands in front of her, and sighed. "How inconvenient." she said, getting her iphone and taking it out of her pocket. She pressed a random button making her able to see somewhat in front of her. "And still, there isn't much to see.." whose bright idea was this? But then again, she had went in here first.


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Ankou's personal guard were back in the last Fae Grove they passed through on their way to Ironwood Valley. "I hate this place." Ankou growled, sounding more feral than civil. The valley below was like looking into a stary night, but the twinkling stars are blinding bright trees reflecting the sun, lighting the valley to the stars and planets. If the valley were merely a plain then the grove would be seen from leagues upon leagues away.

"I hate this place", Ankou repeated before beginning his decent into the forest, a bronze shortsword bare to the forest.

I forced myself through the towering iron wood trees, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. The only sound was the wind whistling through the branches and the odd crunch of underbrush. I couldn't feel the life in the forest here, it sapped my magic, my essence, but I kept moving, envying my escourt who were safe, tucked away in a Fae Grove (equiv. to a small city).

Ankou wiped the sweat from his brow and sheathed his shortsword at his hip. His mos green cloak fluttered with a breeze, knocking the hood off of Ankou's head. It didn't matter, he was here; the clearing was ringed by the largest of the eerie trees. Ankou could see the other four princes around the glyphed table, if it could be called thus.

Ankou approached, coming up behind Vincent. Vinny. Ankou's aggitation vanished behind the court mask before he was in their proxy. "Princelings, it's so good to see all of you again," he walked around Vinny's seat, greeting him with a touch on the shoulder, to seat himself beside. "Vinny, are you well? You seem to be looking a little.. Pale. If you'd visit I'd love to see some blush touch those cold cheeks of yours," Ankou trailed his index finger across Vince's cheek before seating himself and turning to the other princes. Ankou unclasped the cloak and drapped it backwards over the unkept seat. His royal blue overcoat and navy blue trousers were embroidried with leaves and vine in gold along the hem and at the cuffs.


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#, as written by Edamame
Desir greedily nibbled on the delicious treat before him. Marshmallows, and essentially any other sweet, were very much a rarity in his isolated kingdom, so if Cain was offering, he’d gladly partake~ Slowly his ears fell back to rest against his head, a look of obvious enjoyment crossing his features as he chewed. The taste that met his tongue was much better than he’d remembered. He'd definitely have to stock up on them before he returned to his own land.

His pleasure was short lived, as Vincent’s usual negative remarks wafted to his ears. "Vincent doesn't seem to be enjoying our time together, my dear Cain~" Desir noted to the demon prince beside him, a look of mock sorrow crossing his face despite the tone. One hand had worked it's way towards the red eyed demons cheek, lightly trailing down it's length as he spoke. It wall all too common of the half-vampire to ruin whatever fun the others were having. Enough so that the few times he didn’t destroy whatever good mood others had, could be counted on one hand.

"The first time in five years we've had the time to play together, and he can only think bussiness! No fun at all~" Truly, It was just part of his nature. Still, the Villi couldn’t help but internally question why it was so difficult for him to not kill all joy around him. Well, if Vincent was so intent on destroying the fun he had, Desir would just have to entertain himself with the dark prince’s annoyance instead~

Before he could move to annoy Vincent himself, however, his attention had been drawn to the Fae behind him. Ankou. A predatory grin broke out across the Villi’s face, more than content to simply watch the older male work his way under his prey’s skin. As long as the job was done, he had no concern, and indeed Ankou was much better at the job than he anyways. Perhaps he should ask for lessons at some point…

The skin contact the Fae made with the half-vampire only widened his grin, expectantly awaiting the delicious reaction soon to erupt. Ankou really did do marvelous work~


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Krys happily clapped along as Angel kept singing, the most cheerful thing that was going on was Angel's singing. Then she beamed at Charlie and realized that she was annoyed, maybe with her? Maybe even with Angel's singing? She had no idea but it bothered her so she kept smiling and applauding the cheery singing, trying to shake off the thoughts of Charlie. "Anybody else want gum, lollipop, or a mint?" Her hand was extended to the girls as she blew a blue bubble and made her eyes seem round and happy.

"Yay! Go Angel!" Krys encouraged as Angel finished the song and she smiled brightly at her, trying to be a good audience for her. They were getting deeper into the forest as everything seemed to glitter from the water droplets on the leaves and the deep roots in the ground. "Maybe I can request later? First we need to find a hide-out!" A teasing tone to her voice as she held her warm smile on her lips and pushed a wisp of wet hair away from her face. The long orange hair was now plastered to her neck in an uncomfortable manner, not to mention her bangs were literally in her eyes which really hurt.

So lost in her thoughts, Krys hadn't realized that everyone had stopped and was looking inside a dark tunnel. Right before she hit into Charlie she stopped herself and looked inside the tunnel, "It seems... Really dark. Anyone have a light?" Then Charlie had slipped inside the tunnel and a faint light glimmered inside, "Well never mind. Charlie seems to have got a plan, let's go! It seems exciting!" Krys ran inside and followed the small light coming from what looked like a phone and ran into Charlie a couple of times, murmuring little sorries with a sympathetic smile that was invisible in this darkness. "Hey Angel! Are you behind me?" She called over her shoulder, worried because she hasn't been run into yet. How long is this tunnel and where does this lead to? The feeling was excitement but frightening, she absolutely loved it!


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Amyy watched her friends as they walked into the tunnel. What was up with them? It was pitch black in there! Anything could be waiting for them like broken glass on the floor or a passed out junkie. Amyy wanted to call them back but it had been her idea in the first place. She sighed as Krys pushed past Angel to lead the way and took a breath. She was just going to have to follow. Stepping into the dark Amyy noticed a strange smell. It was musty and nothing like the smell of wet grass or leaves but it was quite faint. As she continued to walk folowwing the little light that was, she presumed, Krys' Iphone, the smell got stronger.
What the hell?
She wondered to herself.
Hey can anyone else smell something?
She waited for some witty remark of some kind. Suddenly the light had gone. Amyy panicked. She was terrified of the dark and she couldn't hear any of her friends now. Something on the ground tripped her and Amyy fell. She seemed to fall forever...


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Angel watched Charlie, Krys, and Aims walk into the tunnel; perhaps it was just her but that didn't quite seem like the most ingenious plan. Still though she followed it was either that or be left behind and she wasn't one to be left alone in the middle of no where. She walked farther into the tunnel ignoring the little light given off by an iPhone. She found it easier to walk with her hand sliding against the side of the tunnel and it wasn't like that small light was really helping any.

What seemed to be forever, more than likely due to her lack of sight, passed and Angel saw something ahead. Light? It was raining outside so it couldn't be the sun could it, or at least she thought it was raining. Angel could no longer hear the pitter patter of the rain on the top of the tunnel so perhaps it had stopped raining. It was either that or insanity.

Angel decided quickly that where there was light there was the end to the tunnel so sped up her walk. Along the way she nearly fell forwad twice and dropped her guitar but finally she was met with a blinding light that signafied she was back outside. As her eyes adjusted to the sudden light she saw something fascinating: trees made of metal. The girl blinked twice and rubbed her eyes making sure it wasn't a trick of the eyes only to find they were still there. "Well, at least it isn't raining."

Evangeline looked around only to find her friends not with her. 'Perhaps I got ahead of them.' Sure enough she heard Krys' voice calling out: "Hey Angel are you behind me?"
"No." she called back into the darkness before turning back around and continuing forward. She had no idea where she was but truly she didn't care; even if she got lost she wouldn't be missing too much, just her band. She walked a few yards and stood beneath a small opening beneath the trees where the sun shone warmly. She could stand here forever, or at least long enough for her clothes to dry.


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Jerico dropped from a tree and landed on his feet. A seemingly impossible task for someone so seemingly impossibly old. He looked towards the dark tunnel, then at the girl standing under the metal tree. He squinted his eyes, as if it was hard for him to see her, and started talking. "What are you doing here?! This place isn't... How did you get here?" He looked back at the tunnel to realize that the noises coming from it were voices. "You can't stay here. It... it just isn't okay here!" He seemed extremely worried.

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View All » Add Character » 32 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Character Portrait: Keria Celt


Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.


Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Chikako Kotuko
Chikako Kotuko

a very close friend of the princes.

Character Portrait: Symphony "Sy" Decheshi
Symphony "Sy" Decheshi

Calm, friendly, and curious prince, even if he would never speak to someone else first.

Character Portrait: Charlie Morgan Dane
Charlie Morgan Dane

A 17 runaway pirate who lives her life not too different than in the pirate days.

Character Portrait: Ankou Daoine S??dhe
Ankou Daoine S??dhe

The 3rd heir to the Seelie Throne, (Little) Lord Ankou.

Character Portrait: Cain Dolce
Cain Dolce

Called "The Bloody Prince", Cain is rarely seen without a smile

Character Portrait: Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

A vampire who has lived for ages

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