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Stars of Arina

Stars of Arina


What if you held a great power inside you...

6,617 readers have visited Stars of Arina since Leej10100 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Long ago, in a world called Yalena. There lived a Kingdom named, Arina. Arina was ruled by a kind and just King, Raphael. This was a powerful and mighty kingdom which everyone had come to love. But with all mighty kingdoms, they all have problems. Arina's problem was that it was haunted by an evil dragon named Thanatos. One day, The King: Raphael, faced the evil dragon and defeated it.

In this battle Raphael took from Thanatos five stones that shone like stars.
The King had the stones set into a bracelet, which he always wore.
It is said that he used the stone’s powers to keep the Kingdom safe.

β€œWith these stones shall come peace.”

Every last man believed these words....

But the King was slain by the second prince,Michael, who wanted his brothers throne.

The traitorous prince then disappeared, taking the bracelet and the stones with him.

And now lost, the Stars of Destiny lives on only in the memories of the people... or so we thought.

200 years later that once mighty Kingdom split into five different kingdoms, ruled by five different rulers.

An orange moon rises over Five Mighty Kingdoms.

Antara- This Kingdom is known for their enjoyment of playing with lives. This is said to be the most powerful kingdom out of the five. The Ruler of this Kingdom is referred to as the Emperor, for he is feared, and hated by all. Yet he can rule a kingdom which is a mystery how he even stays alive with all the hatred aimed at him. He has a fun time playing with peoples lives like a puppet.

Ciara- This Kingdom is known for its intelligence, and quick thinking during times of natural disasters or surprise attacks. This ability makes it the second most powerful kingdom out of the five. It is ruled by a beautiful Woman, who is to referred to as the Queen. Everyone loves and fears her because of her beauty and intelligence. She likes to play with peoples minds,and make them into her toy soldiers.

Giri- This Kingdom is known for their ability to make wishes come true... or make it seem that way. They are deceitful, untrustworthy, yet clever people. They are ruled by a mysterious man referred to as King. He has never been seen by anyone and if they have seen him,they have never lived to tell the tale. This kingdom is third powerful out of the five Kingdoms.

Hira- This Kingdom is known for captivating the hearts of everyone and everything that enters it. No one knows how they do this but they believe it has something to do with their ruler, who is referred to as the Ace. She is cute, kind,and gentle. But what lies under that personality, is a horrific monster who is able to twist and crush the hearts of many. It is the fourth powerful out of the five.

Nila- This Kingdom is known for Destiny, many people who come here all have a goal and will to survive. This is the most gentle and peaceful kingdom out of the five. But no one knows its power or intelligence for they fear to even venture inside due to the fact no one knows what lies inside. It is ruled by a man no one can describe, his name is Joker, many people fear him, others question him, the rest call him Death and Life themselves. Why they say this no one knows, but one thing is for sure this kingdom isn't ranked for they don't know if it is last or first.

These Five Kingdoms are built over a dragon’s hoard, large quantities of gold lie buried beneath the land.

It is a world where the few lucky enough live in luxury…

Five Children live in each Kingdom, each bare a special power, a special gem... and everyone wants it...

But what is this gift that makes every person, even the rulers themselves crave it...

Its the five gems which the Second Prince Michael had stolen. How did they end up inside the children's bodies? Well that will be revealed in the story...

Descriptions of Roles:

Stones- These stones are the stones from the Dragon Thanatos' soul. They are each a fragment of him. These stones have a will to live and a mind of their own. No one knows why they have decided to come out of hiding, but they do know that the stones are looking for a user. And you wouldn't believe who they picked. Once they chose their owner they attach themselves to a certain location on that persons body. If any of the stones touches another the holder would feel an unbearable burn coming from the stone located on their bodies. Each stone has an element and a dragon who represents part of Thanatos' body.

Life stone- It has the power to hold a life in the palm of the users hand, they can choose what to do with you like a puppet on strings. Yet the holder of this stone must be careful never to abuse this power, because the more you use the stone the more of your life source is being taken from you. It is a sad thing but it is completely true for many have been chosen by the stone, but all have faced death because of their unwise choices. The person who holds this stone has the element of water to use as they wish.

Mind stone- It has the power to play with others minds and control them like toys,which is quite frightening to the user for they get to see things inside the other persons mind that no one needs to see. They can see secrets, memories, desires, and can change them at will. But the user must be careful for the stone also has a mind of its own and will fight with their holder causing the holder to have nightmares, and other sickening visions usually causing the user to commit suicide from the pain and torment. The person who holds this stone has the element of wind.

Heart stone- It has the power to control the hearts of others. Messing with their emotions and twisting them into what the stone believes right. It can read a person's heart, meaning emotions and other things. The stone has the ability to do as it pleases with the people and the Holder, but the Holder of the gem has the power of the gem with a price. Even though the Holder can control, the Stone can control the Holder's heart as well as others. Making the holder crave love and compassion, causing the Holder to go to extreme limits to get what they want, even if it involves killing others or themselves. The Holder has the element of Fire to use as the see fit.

Wish Stone- It has the power to grant a person's wish. Money, Love, Power, anything you can name it can give, but as some people know not all wishes are free. The Stone doesn't give free wishes, once you ask for a wish the stone gives it to you,but also it takes something else as equally important as that wish. That goes for the Holder of the stone, it is a sad thing but the stone doesn't care. The stone requires a certain kind of power to make wishes for others,and that is were the Holder comes in. The stone takes part of the Holders life source for each wish, so basically the stone feeds off the Holder to gain power. So the Holder of the Wish stone must be tough and brave. The Holder has the element of earth to use as they see fit.

Destiny Stone- It has the power to defy or create Destiny. The stone desires and wants to control a persons path or way of life. The stone chooses if you die today or live tomorrow, if you fall in love or you break their heart, if you lose someone you love or you kill them yourself. The stone is uncaring of others emotions and people's needs or desires it just wants what it wants and that's the same about the Holder. The stone controls the holder's destiny if it wants the Holder to die or live. The holder must please the stone,and the only way to do so is to give life to save their own. They give the people they love,care for, hate to save their self and that usually leads up to the Holder experiencing great deals of regret and sadness to the point the wish not to live. The Holder has the element of lightening to use as they see fit.

Dragons- There are five dragons each for each stone. Each dragon has a different personality and their sole purpose is to protect the stone and the holder from Death, who is planing to kill the holders and destroy the stones. They have the ability to turn into a human at will. They are beautiful creatures in dragon form and human form also. They have powers in elements, each dragon has the same element as their holder. They are the opposite sex of their Holder.

Holders- Holders are ones who the stones have picked at their birth each from different kingdoms. The Holders were born with the stone located on a certain part of their body. If the stones ever touch directly the Holder of the stone will experience an unbearable pain where ever the stone is located. Each holder has an element and Dragon, who is there to protect them from the shadows. The Dragons are always with them and fight for the Holders like a Master Servant relationship, you being the Master.

Life Holder- Lives in the Antara Kingdom, they are the child of the Emperor, and have the element of water.

Mind Holder- Lives in the Ciara Kingdom, they are the child of the Queen, and have the element of wind.

Heart Holder- Lives in the Hira Kingdom, they are the Child of the Ace, and have the element of fire.

Wish Holder- Lives in the Giri Kingdom, they are the Child of the King, and have the element of earth.

Destiny Holder- Lives in the Nila Kingdom, they are the Child of the Joker, and have the element of lightening.

Shadows- A shadow are creatures who Death has created. They are hired by the Rulers, who don't know that Death created them, to track down the stones and their Holders and capture them. They are like shadows because they have the same power as the Holders, yet they have a limit to how much they can use, and aren't affected by the stones power. They don't have any dragons themselves for they hate them. They aren't human, and no one knows where they came from all they know is that they enjoy to kill,steal, and destroy. They are the opposite sex of their holder.

Rulers- The Emperor, King,Queen,Ace, and Joker are the rulers who watch over the land. They want to search for the stones and capture them, yet they don't realize that their own children are the Holders of the stones. Yet to be honest even if they found out their children were the Holders, they would still kill them, for they are that evil.

Fortune Teller- She Helps the Holders and Dragons stay safe from the Rulers, Shadows, and Death who are trying to kill them. She is very wise and sweet, she loves being told she is beautiful by others. She helps the Holders on their quest to find the bracelet that the stones belong to. She loves giving fortunes,which always come true, and having the Holders and Dragons over her house.

The Holders and Dragons have to find the Bracelet that was in the Legends to revive the Dragon, Thanatos... Why you ask, isn't he evil? He is evil? Right and the Second prince did kill Raphael... or did we just hear what the Rulers are allowing us to hear... During all of this they have to run from Death who is creeping around, following them...

Holder of Life{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Minds{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Hearts{Female}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Wishes{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Destines{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Life stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Mind stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Heart stone{Male}-|TAKEN|

Dragon of the Wish stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Destiny stone{Male}- |TAKEN|

Fortune Teller{Female}- |TAKEN|


Shadow of the Live stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Mind stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Heart stone{Male}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Wish stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Destiny stone{Male}- |TAKEN|



Queen{Female}- |TAKEN|

Ace{Female}- |TAKEN|

Joker{Male}- |TAKEN|

Character Sheet:
Human Form:
Fighting Form(Not for Shadows and Dragons):
Shadow form(Shadows only):
Dragon form(Dragons Only):
Kingdom(Antara, Ciara, Giri, Hira, Nila):
Powers(3,only for positions):
Stone name(Only Holders):
Where is your stone located(Holders only):
Do you like the stones?(Only Holders):
Who is your Master?(Dragons only):
Who do you work for?(Shadows only):
Who is your Servant?(Holders only):
Who works for you?(Rulers only):
Side(Do you want the Holders to die or live):
Personality(at least 3 lines+):
Bio(Try being creative, 5 lines+):
Talent/Skills(at least 2+):
Weapons(2 only):
Fears(Must have at least 2 ):
Weakness(Must have 2 +):
Relationship status:
Theme song:

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Character Portrait: Rue
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The sun was shining brightly in the morning sky, "Why are the kingdoms so far apart". It had been hours since Rue had left her house, she was hot and tired by the long trip. Rue was on a journey after receiving a telepathic message from the stones, that she had written down on a piece of paper. Rue was to tried to go on... she needed to rest. So Rue decided to take refuge in the shade of a huge oak tree. She laid back against the tree as she stared out at the world around her. Creatures of all kinds flied across the land, Rue smiled softly at the scenery. "I wish life could always be like this". Yet Rue knew it couldn't, and she had to get back to the mission she was given. Rue gripped her bag and rummaged through it,"Okay where is it...Nope that's my sword. Nope, that's my poison. Nope that's my message from the stones...Nope that's my...I'm so stupid". She sighs and reads over the message, Death is moving, and the Rulers are becoming aware of are existence. We aren't safe...Us or are Holders. That was all the message said, and Rue knew what it meant perfectly...Shyam. Rue let the message sit on her lap, as she closed her eyes and listened to the wind.


A get darkness surrounded the city,as fire rained from the sky. The cry of children who have lost their parents filled the air. The screams of wives who have seen their precious families destroyed by the raining fire, could be heard across the city. The ground was covered with black blood, and had a foul smell to it. Rue was suffocating, crouched on the ground, she looked up at the shadowy figure,"Bro...ther...Why? Why...Shyam"! Shyam didn't say anything, his eyes were...lifeless and dull as if no one lived inside his least nothing human. A cold air surrounded him which caused Rue to shiver quietly. Rue couldn't understand what was happening...why was Shyam doing this. Rue screamed at him, trying to get his attention, get a reaction,than Rue had a realization,"...Where is he..."? Shyam glanced at Rue with no emotion on his face,"Where's Shyam! What did you do to him! What did you do to my Little Brother"! Everything was going black, and Rue's vision was failing. The last words before she passed out were soft, yet chilling,"I'm right here...Rue...No...Big Sister".


Rue's eyes cracked open, as she quickly sat up. Her breathing was stiff and heavy. Sweat was coming down her face, she clutched her shaking body tightly. Why was she remembering that at a time like this. Rue looked up and slapped herself, "No Rue there's no time for this. I have to find the stones". Rue retrieved her belongings, and continued her journey. Silently she could hear her Brother's finally words, that still haunted her to this day, they rang in her ears as if she was cursed with the memory...I'm right here...Rue...No...Big Sister.


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Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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#, as written by reap
Tobias had left the palace rather hastily after he had been given his task. One thing the Joker said rang true, something inside of Toby had been awakened. He could feel it under his skin, as if he had been using a stream, which suddenly had become a river. The power surged through his body, yearning for release. Tobias barely made it back to his current home, an old hut just on the edge of he city, before he passed out on the floor.

When he awoke the urge was gone, but the power remained. As if it were telling him that it would be here when needed. Tobias pulled a chair out and sat down, thinking about his new job. The Joker hadn’t said much, just that he needed five stones, unique stones. It would not be easy; Toby knew that if a king was searching for them, surely someone else was too. So it was a race, but Toby had an edge. He could feel a tugging at his heart, and if he focused long enough and closed his eyes he could just barely make out a shape. Like an image of someone, it was hazy but Tobias could tell it was a women. Electricity danced about her but the image faded just before Toby could see her face.

That must be what the Joker had been speaking of, some kind of awoken connection perhaps? Toby needed more info, and he knew where to find it. He quickly got dressed and made for the Stables.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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Rue sighed happily,"Finally...I made it to the kingdom of Nila". She looked around the kingdom seemed...mysterious. It had a vibe around it that made it seem almost too perfect. No one seemed...sad or's as if this whole Kingdom hided behind a dark mask which was band from being taken off...a masquerade. Rue felt like throwing up,but knew better, she looked around for someone to help her. She needed to get to the Ruler of Nila...the Joker. From her calculations The stone of Destiny was somewhere in that castle, but she had to get inside...without reviling her cover. Rue froze when she spotted a young man, walking toward a stable. He seemed as if he was the only one not affected by the Kingdoms magic, but...something wasn't right about him. His presence reminded Rue of...Shyam. Rue laughed at this,That's impossible...Shyam couldn't be in a place like this. Unless... Rue shakes her head violently. No. No. No. I have to get back to my mission. Shyam isn't here...he isn't She looked at the young man,"Maybe he knows where the Nila Castle is"? She walked up to him smiling kindly,"Excuse me young man, do you possible know where the Nila Castle is located"?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
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Deca hands were folded behind his head in a relaxed position, his right leg shifting inward and pointing up to the sky while his other leg laid flat as he slept calmly. BZZZTTT!! Static was all that he could see within what he assumed was his dreamscape. Unlike regular humans, Dragons created by the stones(or possibly just himself) do not have the ability to 'dream' per say. He was never really curious as to why this was the case. Not until recently. The only thing he could see was static of some sort. No vivid images of his non-existing past. No memories of recent events reoccurring in his mind. Nothing of the sort was present. After about 30 minutes, he heard a faint shouting sound coming from below his location. In his mind, he wanted to move. Unfortunately, his body had different plans. It didn't budge. Not one bit. Without realizing it, he slowly found himself drifting into a strange place within his subconscious. Could it be...? Could he be on the verge of having a 'dream'?

Flames. All he could see were translucent blue flames that surrounded him, rising up from the darkness. Deca stood up, took one step forward, then stopped. "Where am I?" The draconian boy's voice echoed throughout the landscape, continuing to do so long after he took his mind off of it. Suddenly, an arm of which the body it belonged to was unseen outstretched itself from the midst of the bright blue flames. "Come with me now." No words could be heard. For some reason, Deca knew what message the mysterious entity was attempting to convey. Deca hesitated at first, then slowly reached out towards the hand. Just when it seemed like the two hands would make contact, a the scenery seemed to slide itself into the distance. "Hey, get up." Another, greatly familiar voice spoke from out of the darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, static was the only thing he could see as the darkness flooded over him. Deca gasped slightly as his consciousness returned to the plane of reality, his eyes opened wide before he settled down.

A face. A very -familiar- face loomed in close proximity of his own. Deca merely blinked, no direct emotion present on his face. A fraction of a second after he realized this, she flinched. After taking a few moments to recollect his thoughts and center them on the present, he spoke as if what had happened wasn't awkward in the slightest."Oh. Good morning, Akane. He said softly, the rays of Yalena's graceful sun shined down upon the two of them. The weather felt very nice. He slightly stretched his limbs, sitting up but not yet standing while he waited for Akane to settle down.

The setting changes from Yalena to Hira


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
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Akane blinked twice, "Good morning Deca." She said smiling, Akane turned her head and stared down at the Hira kingdom. It was quite beautiful in the morning, the sky was a soft orange and pink in the early mornings, the Princess let out a sigh enjoying the view from the top of the roof which seemed to be the highest point of the entire Kingdom, since it was placed on a mountain. "Have any good dreams?" She asked him, as she was still staring at the view. Waiting for a reply she laid down on her back, covering her mouth as she yawned, still a tired from the long day they had yesterday.

The girl's eyes looked like as if they were closed, she rubbed her eyes. "It's so early.." She murmured. The orange sun was starting to rise, spreading more light and heat upon the Hira kingdom and the entire Yalena. Akane covered her face with her arm avoiding the sunlight, "Did you have a good sleep up here?" She paused for a moment and realized the scenery. I never thought in a million years that I would be sitting on a roof this early in the morning, especially with a dragon." She smirked.

The Princess thought to herself about how everything changed in the amount of one day. She was curious to find out what else was planned for the two in the distant future, hopefully it will be full of adventure and fun. Akane randomly turned her head to Deca and blurted out. "I'm glad we met." Turning her head back upon the scenery all nonchalant.

The setting changes from Hira to Yalena


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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#, as written by reap
"Excuse me young man, do you possible know where the Nila Castle is located"?

Tobias stopped when he heard a female voice calling out. With a quiet sigh he turned,and his eyes fell upon a deathly pale women. His first thought was to ignore her but, something about her made him reconsider. He could feel some kind of energy radiating from her, a strong energy that rivaled...and possibly surpassed his own. What Tobias was most fascinated by however, were her eyes. They were dark red, the color of freshly poured wine and though she looked no more than twenty, her eyes seemed ancient. As if they had watched a world pass by. Needless to say, he let her approach him.

"Nila palace? What business might you have there, you don't look like royalty." He wondered who she was, and why she, or anyone for that matter would want to visit the palace.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Weapons. Right.

"Actually, I'm a bit of a pacifist," he said with a lazy grin, but he pulled out a small hammer, "Still, wouldn't quite be the prince without something." The hammer might seem unimpressive, but when filled with air, it packed quite a punch.

"So, where are we headed?" he asked, following her, "We'd have to leave the kingdom. Everyone here knows who I am."

The Queen

Well, that was annoying.

Comforting, though, that he ran away with a girl and not a boy. She had been afraid he was gay for quite a while.

Still, it was inconvenient. With his birthday only days away! No, the people would have to think he'd been captured, not run away. They'd come to their own conclusions--she couldn't exactly help that--but for the naive, he had to have been kidnapped. Besides, it might give her an excuse to attack one of the other kingdoms.

But the stone...

Wait a minute...

The Queen had thought Kumori had left, yet here she was, not even an hour later. And she saw her son leave...had she been sticking around the castle? She did keep asking about taking care of Elvis...and now he conveniently runs away. Or perhaps was chased away...

But even so, the Queen had raised her son! He couldn't be hiding anything, at least not physically, could he...

The eyepatch.

"My son is the holder, isn't he?" she asked quietly.

Cordelia etc etc

Wow, so many questions! And these clothes...not exactly her style...but whatever. She could fix them up later.

Slipping off the jacket, she answered his questions as she donned the clothes.

"I'm not exactly sure where I'm from, but probably the sea. I know about the stones because I was created for the sole purpose of protecting them. Wonderful, right? I know you're in danger because the sea told me, and what do you mean what do I mean when I say dragon? Boy, what a tongue twister! But seriously." She narrowed her eyes at him, "What did you think I meant?"


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Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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AyumiHuman Form

Ayumi was a bit impressed by the hammer, but personally she liked things with sharp edges. No one knew she was up here so getting out would be easy, bit everyone knew the prince was here which was going to be a problem. Looking out the window there was a guard close by. She cursed under her breath and looked at Elvis. "My house isn't in the kingdom." She said. She didn't know where they needed to go, but leaving the kingdom is a start and lucky for her she lived pretty far from the kingdom. She walked towards the window and took her first step out. "Meet you at the bottom."

Jumping down she landed softly behind the guard. The guard was a bit confused, but didn't bother to look for her. She quickly touched his ears and eyes making him temporarily blind and deaf. The guard freaked out and Ayumi made it seem like he fell asleep by slipping him into an illusion. She looked back up at the window where Elvis was. "Hurry up. This won't last for long." She called to him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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The girl had fallen for the trick just as Amarth had predicted but what he had had not anticipated was Tonima's recovery, it was as graceful as any ballerina and made his jaw drop at the sight of it. He knew she was going to be difficult, merely because of the fact that she was a dragon, but he had not thought that she would recover so quickly when off guard. "That was a dirty trick you know. But two can play at that game." She smirked, both feet planted squarely on the floor as if in defiance of what had previously happened, this caused some discomfort for Carth since all his years of training now meant nothing in this spar due to the girl's natural abilities. What he saw next made his heart drop. She had covered herself entirely in diamond, her body shone brilliantly in the now fading sun and held a mesmerising effect as the light danced off and around her body, retraction bending it into beautiful displays.

Before he could snap out of it's effect the girl was on top of him who swung her axe towards his shoulder and it was all he could do was raise his blade and hope for the best. The blow connected with his sword and only with all of his strength was he able to cling on although it caused his arm to fling itself at an awkward angle, the pain caused by the movement was nothing compared to the excruciating pain that originated from the stone in his hand and he was sure he heard a pain filled moan come from it as he dropped to his knees, gritting his teeth while his eyes filled with tears. His arm had become dead with pain and it hung limply, his hand still clutching the sword as if it was a clamp; he did not want to lose but he had now lost his primary offence but after a few desperate moments of thought he placed his free hand onto the ground palm open his three fingers spread as wide as they could go and focused his energy into the earth.

He saw in his mind three spiked pillars erupting from the ground aimed at Tonima and through his will the thought became a reality.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni watched Carth carefully, her planned seemed to be working. he looked panicked and that’s exactly how she wanted him to be. Within seconds, their weapons bashed against each others making a long ringing sound fill the air. Carth’s blade was no longer useful to him. Guilt flashed across her eyes as she watched him. He was in pain, you could already tell by looking at him. Toni was supposed to keep him away from any major harm, not give it to him. Carth put his hand out in front of him getting a grip on the ground. ”Probably to stand up.” Toni thought and with that the diamond slowly started to disintegrate to the point where her skin was showable.

The next thing was what shocked her the most. She wasn't in any major pain but she was definitely injured. Wide eyed she looked at the pillar which was lodged in her shin. It was bleeding out and it looked gruesome if someone were to come and see her. Okay maybe she lied a little bit. It hurt like hell. With all the strength she could muster, she grabbed the pillar and yanked it out, a yelp escaping her voice. Toni fell to the floor her arse landing on the ground. She examined the injury but didn't really do anything about it. It would heal quickly. Toni found out one thing today though.

β€œWell, now I know my weakness.” It was a faint whisper but was still audible.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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She lied.
"Sorry to say my lady, but he's not." She shook her head, and pointed her finger towards the door behind her. "I will promise you that the holder is in this Kingdom somewhere..but isn't your son more important then the stone?" She raised her eyebrow hoping the queen would once again change her mind and change her task to bring her son back home safe and sound. Kumori had a smirk on her face, waiting for the Queen's next decision. She thought to herself "I hope she makes the right choice." Rolling her eyes.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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0.00 INK


Well, that was interesting.

At Ayumi's urging, he jumped down, cushioning his fall with a well-placed gust of wind. He landed lightly, almost floating down. Reaching the bottom, he smirked slightly, but not very much.

"Ladies first" he said, following after her.

The Queen

The beautiful woman narrowed her eyes, not entirely convinced. She was a good liar herself, and could spot others like her fairly well. But she knew this person was powerful, and she didn't want her to walk out on her.

Then again, if she just let her go looking for Elvis and it turned out he was holding the stone, this girl could just finish him off herself and pretend he had died through other means.

"Fine. Bring back my son. But make sure he is alive, or you will pay dearly," the Queen ordered, eyes glinting.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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0.00 INK


Ayumi gave a quick look around and made sure was no one around to see her transform. "We need to fly. Hold on." Abmornally faster than she usually would she transformed. It still took a while and it took most of her mental capacity to remember her human form still has clothes on. After a few seconds she was her purple dragon. Keeping quiet she nudged to her back and for Elvis to hop on. This was the fastest way out without being detected and by the look on the guard's face it was their only hope.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

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Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
29 sightings Ayumi Michiko played by Miss_Dreamer
"Trained to Protect. Desire for Revenge. Learned to Kill"

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View All » Add Character » 22 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
Character Portrait: Trinity
Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
Character Portrait: Carth Orland
Character Portrait: Elvis
Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
Character Portrait: Kumori
Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Character Portrait: Mizu
Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Character Portrait: Rin
Character Portrait: The Queen
Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Character Portrait: Ken
Character Portrait: Death
Character Portrait: Rue
Character Portrait: Ronoh


Character Portrait: Ronoh

"Its all kinda sad, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Rue

"Nothing is an accident..."

Character Portrait: Death

"Struggling is Futile..."

Character Portrait: Ken

"Stay away from Kira".

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Character Portrait: The Queen
The Queen

"Let's take a walk, shall we? A walk through your mind."

Character Portrait: Rin

"I will not allow my existence to be worthless."

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Kira Isabella

"Fear isn't a weakness, it's a strength."

Character Portrait: Mizu

"blood comes with more blood, we must end this killing and work together!"

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

There's no use whining about it! What you get is what you get, so make the most of it!


Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

There's no use whining about it! What you get is what you get, so make the most of it!

Character Portrait: Ronoh

"Its all kinda sad, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
Tobias Stromline

A storm is coming.

Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
Akane Kokoro

"Good always defeats evil."

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
Deca Animus Ragnarok

"My Ultimate Goal and Desire are one and the same. To protect my master."

Character Portrait: Kumori

"I will not stop until that stone is destroyed. Forever."

Character Portrait: Ken

"Stay away from Kira".

Character Portrait: Death

"Struggling is Futile..."

Character Portrait: Rue

"Nothing is an accident..."

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rin

"I will not allow my existence to be worthless."

Character Portrait: Kumori

"I will not stop until that stone is destroyed. Forever."

Character Portrait: Elvis

Tell me more.

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Character Portrait: Ken

"Stay away from Kira".

Character Portrait: Trinity

"Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises."

Character Portrait: The Queen
The Queen

"Let's take a walk, shall we? A walk through your mind."

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Kira Isabella

"Fear isn't a weakness, it's a strength."

Character Portrait: Rue

"Nothing is an accident..."

Character Portrait: Carth Orland
Carth Orland

"My greatest wish is for this damned stone to be destroyed"

View All » Places

Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."


"This is a World filled with secrets."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

Shi no Kowasa

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."

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Re: Stars of Arina

I'm here! sorry for the slow posts. Schoolwork and such...but I will post by Tuesday morning! Thank you for being patient :)

Re: Stars of Arina

I am waiting for cirrus_sd. I don't like being stuck in a roleplay.

Re: Stars of Arina

AH..where is everyone? *echo*

Re: Stars of Arina

Seeing as we all have real life to attend to im sure everyone will understand my friend.

Re: Stars of Arina

Hey guys I am having some crazy real life drama.... So I won't be posting very often I am sorry if I can't post for a day or two but I still will try to post as much as I can!

Re: Stars of Arina

I think someone is the King, but we do need an Emperor so go on ahead ^^

Re: Stars of Arina

Mizu would like a daddy....

Re: Stars of Arina

Y'know what? It might be a bad idea, but screw it. Shall I play as the Emperor or the King? Who would it help more? The worst part about it would be making the character sheets, so that'd be okay. Unless the thing on the front page is wrong and they aren't open. oh well then. Then there's a bit of an issue with my plans. So yes! Do tell me if you would like me to do it.

Re: Stars of Arina

Thats so funny XD

Re: Stars of Arina

Akane almost barfed when she heard her mother trying to be seductive with a younger male, especially a guy her age.

BAHAHAHA! When I was skimming through the posts just now this one made me crack up! Just the way she worded that...

Re: Stars of Arina

Thats because the person playing the Joker plays the holder of the life stone too, and is(Holder of life) talking to the dragon of life. And the Joker is talking to the shadow of destiny. And right know Kira and Trinity aren't with them.

Re: Stars of Arina

I'm so confused with the posts.. Like the Joker isn't the the ruler of the kingdom of the Destiny stone? Cause I see the dragon and holder of life tagged in the post instead of Kira and Trinity which are the holders for the Destiny stone.

Oh wow I feel so dumb right now! xD

Re: Stars of Arina

Sorry I have been busy with school I Should be able to post tomorrow!

Re: Stars of Arina

*waves hand* anyone here??

Re: Stars of Arina

Okay, so, glad my character was accepted! It might be a bit... different when I actually play him, but that's okay!
So here's my little issue... I noticed that Ace was talking to... someone in the recent posts. I also noticed that Ronoh was tagged in the last one. Is the person she's talking to Ronoh? I was somewhat confused on that point... If not, should I wait to just throw him in there or just do it?

Re: Stars of Arina

I reeeeally like the first picture. I agree with Dante, it looks more foreboding. Like Death himself lives there. Picture B looks too desolate and star wars-y (idk how, it just does) and the last picture looks like a futuristic gothic cathedral in a non futuristic setting

Re: Stars of Arina

I know one thing. Pic b is out the question! Pic C gives a close up on the castle and Pic A gives the outside. I say use both!

Re: Stars of Arina

I actually prefer pic A it just seems more dead and foreboding and those weird curved spikes in the ground remind me if teeth and gravestones at the same time

I like C as well but it reminds me of Baradur from Lord of the Rings

Re: Stars of Arina

I like pic C, looks eviler, look's like it be ...... better suited for the task

Re: Stars of Arina


Which picture should I use for Death's castle {Who by the way has been created and is one of my best works yet...just saying XD}

Pic A:

Pic B:

Pic C: