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Stars of Arina

Stars of Arina


What if you held a great power inside you...

6,615 readers have visited Stars of Arina since Leej10100 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Long ago, in a world called Yalena. There lived a Kingdom named, Arina. Arina was ruled by a kind and just King, Raphael. This was a powerful and mighty kingdom which everyone had come to love. But with all mighty kingdoms, they all have problems. Arina's problem was that it was haunted by an evil dragon named Thanatos. One day, The King: Raphael, faced the evil dragon and defeated it.

In this battle Raphael took from Thanatos five stones that shone like stars.
The King had the stones set into a bracelet, which he always wore.
It is said that he used the stone’s powers to keep the Kingdom safe.

β€œWith these stones shall come peace.”

Every last man believed these words....

But the King was slain by the second prince,Michael, who wanted his brothers throne.

The traitorous prince then disappeared, taking the bracelet and the stones with him.

And now lost, the Stars of Destiny lives on only in the memories of the people... or so we thought.

200 years later that once mighty Kingdom split into five different kingdoms, ruled by five different rulers.

An orange moon rises over Five Mighty Kingdoms.

Antara- This Kingdom is known for their enjoyment of playing with lives. This is said to be the most powerful kingdom out of the five. The Ruler of this Kingdom is referred to as the Emperor, for he is feared, and hated by all. Yet he can rule a kingdom which is a mystery how he even stays alive with all the hatred aimed at him. He has a fun time playing with peoples lives like a puppet.

Ciara- This Kingdom is known for its intelligence, and quick thinking during times of natural disasters or surprise attacks. This ability makes it the second most powerful kingdom out of the five. It is ruled by a beautiful Woman, who is to referred to as the Queen. Everyone loves and fears her because of her beauty and intelligence. She likes to play with peoples minds,and make them into her toy soldiers.

Giri- This Kingdom is known for their ability to make wishes come true... or make it seem that way. They are deceitful, untrustworthy, yet clever people. They are ruled by a mysterious man referred to as King. He has never been seen by anyone and if they have seen him,they have never lived to tell the tale. This kingdom is third powerful out of the five Kingdoms.

Hira- This Kingdom is known for captivating the hearts of everyone and everything that enters it. No one knows how they do this but they believe it has something to do with their ruler, who is referred to as the Ace. She is cute, kind,and gentle. But what lies under that personality, is a horrific monster who is able to twist and crush the hearts of many. It is the fourth powerful out of the five.

Nila- This Kingdom is known for Destiny, many people who come here all have a goal and will to survive. This is the most gentle and peaceful kingdom out of the five. But no one knows its power or intelligence for they fear to even venture inside due to the fact no one knows what lies inside. It is ruled by a man no one can describe, his name is Joker, many people fear him, others question him, the rest call him Death and Life themselves. Why they say this no one knows, but one thing is for sure this kingdom isn't ranked for they don't know if it is last or first.

These Five Kingdoms are built over a dragon’s hoard, large quantities of gold lie buried beneath the land.

It is a world where the few lucky enough live in luxury…

Five Children live in each Kingdom, each bare a special power, a special gem... and everyone wants it...

But what is this gift that makes every person, even the rulers themselves crave it...

Its the five gems which the Second Prince Michael had stolen. How did they end up inside the children's bodies? Well that will be revealed in the story...

Descriptions of Roles:

Stones- These stones are the stones from the Dragon Thanatos' soul. They are each a fragment of him. These stones have a will to live and a mind of their own. No one knows why they have decided to come out of hiding, but they do know that the stones are looking for a user. And you wouldn't believe who they picked. Once they chose their owner they attach themselves to a certain location on that persons body. If any of the stones touches another the holder would feel an unbearable burn coming from the stone located on their bodies. Each stone has an element and a dragon who represents part of Thanatos' body.

Life stone- It has the power to hold a life in the palm of the users hand, they can choose what to do with you like a puppet on strings. Yet the holder of this stone must be careful never to abuse this power, because the more you use the stone the more of your life source is being taken from you. It is a sad thing but it is completely true for many have been chosen by the stone, but all have faced death because of their unwise choices. The person who holds this stone has the element of water to use as they wish.

Mind stone- It has the power to play with others minds and control them like toys,which is quite frightening to the user for they get to see things inside the other persons mind that no one needs to see. They can see secrets, memories, desires, and can change them at will. But the user must be careful for the stone also has a mind of its own and will fight with their holder causing the holder to have nightmares, and other sickening visions usually causing the user to commit suicide from the pain and torment. The person who holds this stone has the element of wind.

Heart stone- It has the power to control the hearts of others. Messing with their emotions and twisting them into what the stone believes right. It can read a person's heart, meaning emotions and other things. The stone has the ability to do as it pleases with the people and the Holder, but the Holder of the gem has the power of the gem with a price. Even though the Holder can control, the Stone can control the Holder's heart as well as others. Making the holder crave love and compassion, causing the Holder to go to extreme limits to get what they want, even if it involves killing others or themselves. The Holder has the element of Fire to use as the see fit.

Wish Stone- It has the power to grant a person's wish. Money, Love, Power, anything you can name it can give, but as some people know not all wishes are free. The Stone doesn't give free wishes, once you ask for a wish the stone gives it to you,but also it takes something else as equally important as that wish. That goes for the Holder of the stone, it is a sad thing but the stone doesn't care. The stone requires a certain kind of power to make wishes for others,and that is were the Holder comes in. The stone takes part of the Holders life source for each wish, so basically the stone feeds off the Holder to gain power. So the Holder of the Wish stone must be tough and brave. The Holder has the element of earth to use as they see fit.

Destiny Stone- It has the power to defy or create Destiny. The stone desires and wants to control a persons path or way of life. The stone chooses if you die today or live tomorrow, if you fall in love or you break their heart, if you lose someone you love or you kill them yourself. The stone is uncaring of others emotions and people's needs or desires it just wants what it wants and that's the same about the Holder. The stone controls the holder's destiny if it wants the Holder to die or live. The holder must please the stone,and the only way to do so is to give life to save their own. They give the people they love,care for, hate to save their self and that usually leads up to the Holder experiencing great deals of regret and sadness to the point the wish not to live. The Holder has the element of lightening to use as they see fit.

Dragons- There are five dragons each for each stone. Each dragon has a different personality and their sole purpose is to protect the stone and the holder from Death, who is planing to kill the holders and destroy the stones. They have the ability to turn into a human at will. They are beautiful creatures in dragon form and human form also. They have powers in elements, each dragon has the same element as their holder. They are the opposite sex of their Holder.

Holders- Holders are ones who the stones have picked at their birth each from different kingdoms. The Holders were born with the stone located on a certain part of their body. If the stones ever touch directly the Holder of the stone will experience an unbearable pain where ever the stone is located. Each holder has an element and Dragon, who is there to protect them from the shadows. The Dragons are always with them and fight for the Holders like a Master Servant relationship, you being the Master.

Life Holder- Lives in the Antara Kingdom, they are the child of the Emperor, and have the element of water.

Mind Holder- Lives in the Ciara Kingdom, they are the child of the Queen, and have the element of wind.

Heart Holder- Lives in the Hira Kingdom, they are the Child of the Ace, and have the element of fire.

Wish Holder- Lives in the Giri Kingdom, they are the Child of the King, and have the element of earth.

Destiny Holder- Lives in the Nila Kingdom, they are the Child of the Joker, and have the element of lightening.

Shadows- A shadow are creatures who Death has created. They are hired by the Rulers, who don't know that Death created them, to track down the stones and their Holders and capture them. They are like shadows because they have the same power as the Holders, yet they have a limit to how much they can use, and aren't affected by the stones power. They don't have any dragons themselves for they hate them. They aren't human, and no one knows where they came from all they know is that they enjoy to kill,steal, and destroy. They are the opposite sex of their holder.

Rulers- The Emperor, King,Queen,Ace, and Joker are the rulers who watch over the land. They want to search for the stones and capture them, yet they don't realize that their own children are the Holders of the stones. Yet to be honest even if they found out their children were the Holders, they would still kill them, for they are that evil.

Fortune Teller- She Helps the Holders and Dragons stay safe from the Rulers, Shadows, and Death who are trying to kill them. She is very wise and sweet, she loves being told she is beautiful by others. She helps the Holders on their quest to find the bracelet that the stones belong to. She loves giving fortunes,which always come true, and having the Holders and Dragons over her house.

The Holders and Dragons have to find the Bracelet that was in the Legends to revive the Dragon, Thanatos... Why you ask, isn't he evil? He is evil? Right and the Second prince did kill Raphael... or did we just hear what the Rulers are allowing us to hear... During all of this they have to run from Death who is creeping around, following them...

Holder of Life{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Minds{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Hearts{Female}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Wishes{Male}- |TAKEN|

Holder of Destines{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Life stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Mind stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Heart stone{Male}-|TAKEN|

Dragon of the Wish stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Dragon of the Destiny stone{Male}- |TAKEN|

Fortune Teller{Female}- |TAKEN|


Shadow of the Live stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Mind stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Heart stone{Male}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Wish stone{Female}- |TAKEN|

Shadow of the Destiny stone{Male}- |TAKEN|



Queen{Female}- |TAKEN|

Ace{Female}- |TAKEN|

Joker{Male}- |TAKEN|

Character Sheet:
Human Form:
Fighting Form(Not for Shadows and Dragons):
Shadow form(Shadows only):
Dragon form(Dragons Only):
Kingdom(Antara, Ciara, Giri, Hira, Nila):
Powers(3,only for positions):
Stone name(Only Holders):
Where is your stone located(Holders only):
Do you like the stones?(Only Holders):
Who is your Master?(Dragons only):
Who do you work for?(Shadows only):
Who is your Servant?(Holders only):
Who works for you?(Rulers only):
Side(Do you want the Holders to die or live):
Personality(at least 3 lines+):
Bio(Try being creative, 5 lines+):
Talent/Skills(at least 2+):
Weapons(2 only):
Fears(Must have at least 2 ):
Weakness(Must have 2 +):
Relationship status:
Theme song:

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Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Character Portrait: Mizu
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Mizu awoke when a ray of light his eye. He got up with a grown and looked around his room. It was decorated with many trinkets many of with were gold or silver. and he got himself out of his bed he looked to the sky and saw it was noon. Today was Mizu's day off which meant a rare chance to sleep in. Mizu walked over to the banister and let out a large yawn. He looked down to see the courtyard lined with solders preforming there daily training. Several of the men looked up and saw Mizu and gave him some dirty looks. "Never get a day of from being his son I guess" he though as he returned inside and began to dress in his day clothes.

As Mizu Walked into the courtyard he saw several of the men sparing. Mizu was feeling a little stiff so he walked over. "hey boy's mind letting me take a whack at ya?" he said in a cheerful tun.

One of The men looked over at him "I am afraid not Young Master" the trooper said in a sarcastic voice "What would we do if we accidentally harmed our beloved prince"? The man said as he turned back to watch the other men sparing. Mizu sighed as he turned to walk away, it was the same everywhere he went, never allowed to do anything dangerous, not even allowed to leave the castle walls, ever seance the incident so many years ago. Mizu had few things to do even with his day off so he went over to his pool, one of the few fun things that he could do in this boring place without receiving hateful stares. Mizu did not bother taking off his clothing and jumped into the water letting it engulf him. He always felt more at peace whenever we was in water. he knew that as long as he stayed in this place that swimming would be his one true love. "Happy 18th birthday" Mizu said to himself as he reemerged from the water.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Mizu
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The cool water swam around her, filling her eardrums and teasing her long, indigo hair out to tangle with the seaweed. Lips pursed together in a tiny pout, cheeks puffed with air, she looked up at the surface, a few feet above her, and blinked at the sun dancing through the surface. She waved at some passing fish, bubbles forming with each motion. They swam by in their nervous fashion, sticking closely together in their tightly knit school.

Cordelia moved her toes beneath her, clinging to the sea-rock she was standing on. Re-establishing her grip, she squatted back on her haunches, examining the aquatic life around her. Just the usual hunky-dory. A little drama between a hermit crab and a snail, but it had resolved itself after a few minutes. With a contained sigh, the girl was about to assist an upset crab when an unsettling piece of news floated to her through a bubble. It popped by her ear, breathing to her in a voice as thin as a breeze. Suddenly, the clear water took a darker shade, as if the ocean itself was reacting to the news. Fish swam away, anemones withdrew, creatures skittered away. The sun itself forsook the reef, and it was as if a dark cloud had settled on the previously normal day.

Quaint. For it was the news of a Shadow that had caused the ocean to react thus.

Not one to waste time--especially time that was already measured--Cordelia pushed off the rock, swimming easily--but with urgency--to the surface. Breathing in the salty air, she ducked back under. Spying a shark, she shifted to her more menacing draconian form, hoping it would ward off potential menaces, before swimming quickly to the palace of the Emperor.


The young prince's steps were heavier and more forceful than normal, as he went out on his daily walk. It was the only form of exercise he would commit to, and his mother knew it.

His mother....ugh

They had gotten into another argument. A rather one-sided argument. He hated arguments. Probably the only thing he hated. It was the same old thing, nothing new. But she was getting pushier, applying more restrictions. Getting crueler. Trying to get into his head, like always. As if he didn't know she had that ability? That was the first thing he got after his eye got totaled.

He decided to go deeper into the forest than normal. It was still light out, and besides, his mother would be so proud. Wanting to get his mind off of her, he took note of the leaves, slowing his gait to examine the slight change of color they were beginning to go through. It was still summer, but late. Fall would be upon them soon. Not that he minded. He liked all the seasons.

The Queen

The regal woman paced her woman, completely frustrated. There was no getting to that boy! How in the world did they expect her to just give him the throne? The months were turning into weeks! He would be 18, and her time would be out!


There was a guest she was waiting on. Someone who would take care of a certain individual she didn't know, but had something she wanted. Perhaps she could enlist them to take care of Elvis too?

Oh, but the kingdom liked him. Maybe not the palace, but certainly the common folk. At least, they liked him enough. No thanks to her, what with the massive propaganda she had been sending around, back when she thought he had a chance at ruling.

She swore, he was probably doing this on purpose! If it turned out he actually had a brain on him, she'd tear out her hair!

The door to her chamber opened, and a guard stood at attention. "She's here."


The pipes were too small, even for her more lithe dragon form, forcing her to go human. Even then it was a bit of a struggle. But finally, the pipes gave way to the main plumbing, and she followed the rushing water, listening to its words, and following its directions. He'd be this way....

She was stopped by grating, the water flowing into what looked like a pool. The bars were just barely wide enough, and it required her to shift back and forth between dragon and girl. Finally she got through, and she searched the water.

And she spotted him.

He didn't spy her, the boy resurfacing. She took the opportunity to swim closer. Within seconds, she was mere feet away from him, and after checking her own appearance--first impressions were everything--she herself bobbed out of the water, the slight waves lapping around her chin.

"Hi!" she greeted cheerfully.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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Surprise. that was the only thing that came to Mizu's mind when a girl somehow appeared less then a foot away from his face

"Hi" the girl said cheerfully as though this was a normal event for her. Mizu's mind was drawing a blank for a second as he tried to get his wits about him.

Ok I am in my pool, in my highly secured castle in a restricted zone were no one buy myself is allowed, yet somehow a random cute girl as managed to get herself withing a foot of myself, and to top it all off she is being nice...........WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON these thoughts rain though Mizus head in a second before he gathered himself up. "Hell-hello" his voice shaky now only because he was suspicious of the girl but also because she was a girl, after all life in a fully militarized base did not exactly have a lot of women, even fewer who seemed to be around his age and were cute. "May I ask who you are and how and why you are in my pool?" he asked trying to sound as kind and confident as he could.


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Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
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Deca Animus Ragnarok, the unique name that echoed throughout his inner subconcious at the exact moment of his "birth" into existence. The strangely dressed young man winced slightly as he awoke from his dream-less and dreadfully uneventful slumber amongst a towering pillar of slightly eroded stone. The abundant warmth of the sun's plentiful rays shined down upon him from the depths of the sea-blue colored sky above. Blinking twice to allow his eyes to adjust to the streams of light, he sat up and looked to his left. Then once more to his right. Nothing save for a sea of lush ,green grass that waved in a rippling motion as the winds flew upon the field. He could still feel the lingering connection after all of the time that had passed between the beginning and current point of his journey. The Heart Stone was a mystical object of unknown power and origin, and the focal point of his existence. Deca owed all of what he is completly to the stone. Perhaps even his own emotions as well. The intangible bond between his entire being and the stone was what led him to this particular location in the first place. His mind completely awakened by now, he held in a sigh as the draconian creation stretched his limbs. After a minute or two, Deca stood up outright, ready to continue onward towards his predetermined destination.

He turned his head to his right slightly,looking behind himself from the corner of his eye. His body followed soon after, the teen taking two steps in the direction that he now faced. In his path, sunk within the surface of the stone pillar in an 'X' crossing position, were two blades. One's exterior color was similar to that of a illuminiscent star, the other comparable to the infinite shroud of the night that washes over the land once the sun fades from view. Arcanum and Solum were their names. The two blades, contrary to popular opinion or first glance, were not made by the hands nor the talents of a human being. They were carefully, beautifully crafted by the sentient power of the Heart Stone. Their origins were as equally ambiguous as the powers that had crafted them. As far as Deca was concerned, they were two halves of his soul. Whether or not this opinion was a reality remains to be determined. He placed both of his gloved hands on the hilts of the unique blades and proceeded to forcefully draw them from within the stone, sheathing them in a similar cross position on his backside, keeping them suspended with black straps that clinged to his darkened cloak.

Deca looked forward, now well prepared to take off. Laying in his path, only a couple of hours away from where he now stood was a beautiful palace. It was the palace belonging to the ruler of Hira Kingdom: Ace. That was his destination now. He leapt off of the stone pillar, landing gracefully on the soft grass underneath him. Then, in a burst of amazing speed, he sailed off towards the beautiful castle that lyed in the distance.


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Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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#, as written by reap
Tobias walked through the marketplace at a relaxed gaunt. The daily work of everyone going on about him. The amazing scent of various foods and treats being cooked tempted his belly; luckily he had eaten well this morning. Less he spend money on things he couldn’t afford. Ahh had to be one of the most usefull things in the world. Capable of giving him almost anything. Yet with work starting to taper off he was seeing less and less of it. This was why he was currently on his way to a place he hated with every fiber of his being, the Royal Palace.

He could see it from here; then again you could see it from anywhere really. It was beautifully decorated with what must have taken so much gold it could have paid for six lifetimes. How…wasteful. Sadly you simply must go where the work is, and ever since the messenger appeared at Toby’s brother’s house two days ago he had little choice. The messenger hadn’t told him much of course, only that the esteemed Joker, a man no one had seen before, a man who is consumed by life and death (Or so they say) had requested Tobias’s presence. Toby, who hadn’t had work in nearly two weeks, had grudgingly informed the messenger that he would listen to the Joker’s proposal. Much to his brother’s dislike.

As he turned a corner he happened upon a few thieves, pointed sharp daggers at him. With a grin his let a blue shock sparkle in his eyes. β€œThink twice.” They dispersed quickly after that. Finally as he approached the Palace gates two guards barred his way. β€œHalt, speak your name and business!”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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The boy sounded uncertain. Was this her doing? Perhaps she should have tried something less intrusive?

No no. Now he was asking her questions. She'd have to keep up the cheery act. Not that it was much of an act. She was, for the most part, excited.

Cordelia stood up on the bottom of the shallower end of the pool, shoulders and collarbone breaching the surface. She curtsied and replied, "I am Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook. I can understand my name is a mouthful, so you are allowed to call me any of those names. Except M," her eyes glinted briefly before she continued, "As for how I got in, that's easy. I just swam. Was a bit of a squeeze, but clearly manageable." She grinned and latched eyes onto the boy again, "If I'm not mistaken, you are the prince, yes? Since we've never formally met, may I ask your name?"

She meant the last bit. She knew of him, and had seen him around, but didn't actually know his name. He had always been referred to as 'the prince.'


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Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Ayumi Human Form

Ayumi awoke with a jump. She had fallen asleep again. After all the the things she did to stay awake she fell asleep. Her night terrors consisted of her father this time. He was there before her and she watched him die all over again, this time she died too. It was terrible. She couldn't wake up. She couldn't get away. And she couldn't save him. She wanted to scream, but when your dead no sound comes out. Running her hand through her hair she checked the time. Prince Elvis was on his walk. She knew his morning schedule like the back of her hand. Once she is finished getting ready she would go and join him.

She threw her feet over the bed and walked to her bathroom where she a steaming hot shower. She felt the water compliment the scar on her back. It just reminded her of her mission to avenge her father. She didn't know shadows could be so evil to leave her with this ugly mark. She didn't deserve it. She was just a kid. Letting out a sigh she finished in the shower and turned it off. She wrapped both her hair and body with a towel and stepped back into her room.

Traditionally she dried off, chose and outfit, and pout her hair up. She was deciding whether or not to bring her weapon, but with her abilities she was sure to be okay. She left her room and decided to join him. Unfortunately she didn't know where he took his walks, but she was bound to find him. Easily she could have flown over the trees in her dragon form, but that isn't as fun. She walked through the forest calling out his name. "Elvis? Elvis where are you?" She called out watching her step.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni landed in the flower field with all four claws touching the earth. She had woken up early and decided to stretch her wings out. Toni quickly shifted herself back to her human body. It wasn't a painful process, after you done it a couple of times. First the wings retracted in her back, hidden from sight. Next would be her claws turning into nails and fingers. Her tail would slip back in as well, and wallah;She's human. Luckily she still had her clothes on her. One positive thing about being a dragon. Toni walked back to her 'little hut' near the field To be honest it wasn't little at all. It was normal sized and she had help building it to. It was where the field and the forest touched but never mixed, so she built a place their. It had all the things a person need, -or a dragon if you prefer- food,water, rooms, clothes, space, electricity (don't ask how) and overall her. Toni walked to her room and picked out her outfit for the day. She decided on 'checking' on Carth. Funny thing is, she knew about him, but he didn't know about her.

Toni stilled lived within the Giri land just not near civilization. Getting to the castle walls was where everybody was, so it wasn't going to be hard to get in. Toni looked at the border of the walls, there were normal people walking by giving her some looks. Some where jealousy and others awe. Another positive thing about being a dragon. Toni looked at her watched and smiled. She had timed this moment. She looked to the left and saw the car making it's way towards the front gates. She remembered its departure not to long ago. When the gates opened she waited for the car to get in first and she looked around first before slipping right through the closed gates.

Toni rolled her eyes. 'How am I going to protect the Carth, when someone could easily slip in?' She thought as she hid behind the bushes. She started making her way towards the garden where their was easy access. If you must know this isn't Toni's first time. Swiftly she crept to a bush that was trimmed to look like a rose. She rolled her eyes and continued on her way. A couple of guards past the bush she was currently behind and she rolled her eyes again for the third time. ’Clueless, I’m gonna have a stern talk with him when i wake him up.’ She thought as she made her way to the Castle back doors and she waited until a garden lady came out and she slipped in without her noticing.

β€œNow on to his room.” She said as she casually walked to the room.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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If had been a long night for Carth; crying, sobbing, wailing. Those noises filled the queer, little inn He was currently drinking in, each sound plucking at his heart strings as he made his way to the source of the commotion. The crowd seemed to part around him like water on rocks as he reached closer to the centre, what he saw when he was in the middle was truly a heart wrenching sight for anyone who was not made of cold stone. A young boy lay motionless on the dusty floor, his chest showing only the tiniest of a fraction of movement; a pool of blood spreading across the wooden floor creating a gruesome halo around his wounded head. Both parent's face were buried in the dying child's chest, choking back screams and tears, as they grieved ignoring all attempts of comfort and help. After taking a deep breath in and exhaling, Carth knelt down besides the boy and his parents, gripping the father by the shoulder; forcing the man to look him in the eyes, to which the weeping man suddenly realised who he was staring back at. "P-Please you gotta save my boy." The words were wavering and came out as a choked whisper.

"Before I can would you give anything to save him, even if it meant your own lives?" The holder asked, staring harder into the mans bloodshot eyes. ”Yes please we'll do anything just save our little boy!" The shriek hadn't come from the man but from his wife her face tear stained and puffy, desperation hung heavy in each word, Carth couldn't help but to feel her anguish it didn't take being a mind reader to tell these two really did love their child. "Then wish it and I will." He sighed, no matter how many different ways he had tried to use it on occasions like this the only way for his power to start was those two little words to be said... I wish. "Yes, yes! I wish for you to save my boy." She replied, sounding close to hysteria to which the Holder said no words merely rubbed his hands together, sending a burning pain up the side that housed the stone and place them on the boy's split skull, closing his eyes as he did. There was no fancy effects no poof of smoke, or slow healing process as the bone knitted back together. One second the boy was knocking on Death's door the next he was sat up dazed and confused.

"My head hurts, mummy." A small voice squeaked, as a stunned silence swept the room, everyone's eyes cycled from the boy to Carth back to the boy then back to Carth; all with a look of utter disbelief. The lack of noise was broken when the boys parents began sobbing again from happiness and embraced the child tightly, the happy sight filled him full of warmth but deep down there still remained the cold feeling as he felt years leave him and knowing that somehow the parents were going to pay for this transaction, the only question was what would they have to give up? The "Good Samaritan" got back up and went to the bar, ordering a shot of whiskey to which the barmen had replied for that display he no longer had to pay for his drinks and shouted that the first few rounds were on the house for everyone causing the crowd to cheer. After having his fill he decided to head back to his lodgings but before he could exit the inn he was held back by the parents again. "Thank you so much we will never be able to repay you for what you did." The father boomed, his face beaming with awe at the hooded figure.

"There's no need." Carth had replied and with those three words left the building and made his way to his sleeping quarters, collapsing asleep from tiredness and from the effects of the alcohol. When he had woke up his head was pounding him but it was the price he had to pay for his weakness to the amber coloured liquid. After throwing some basic clothing on (boots, pants, a sash and his special gloves concealing the stone) he made his way to the door when he remembered to take his sword with him this time for he had forgotten it the previous night. He casually strode through the corridor outside his room and made his way to the gardens, feeling particularly pleasant from last night incident despite the pounding in his head getting worse with each echoing footstep.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni made her way to us room and opened it. "Rise and Sh-huh?" She looked around and Carth was no where in sight. She face palmed and groaned in fustrastion. "Great he must have past me somehow..." She muttered Geoff spooking over his room again and leaving slamming th door behind. At this rate she didn't care if she got caught, she was going to make herself known today. Toni peeped through the kitchen, rooms, dining area, and she started to make her way to the roof at her last hope on finding him. Opening the door to the roof she searched around for a little while losing hope minute by minute. "I give up!" She yelled throwing her hands up and sitting on the roof edge. She started out at the garden and gasped at what she saw. "No way.." She muttered before slipping the the roost further down. It was like a stairwell as she jumped from roof to roof to get to the last one an she landed on the floor.

Toni started running towrds the figure befor jumping a on its back. "Hi Carth!" She yelled smiling hugely as she clung to his back.

The setting changes from Yalena to Giri


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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0.00 INK

"Hi Carth!" a figure behind him shouted although it might as well have been a damn mace to his head the way it was pounding and before he could turn around to see who had called him (the fact that they knew his name didn't concern him, everyone did in the building) a weight was suddenly clinging to his back and the momentum it had hit him with caused him to fall on his hands and knees causing him to yelp as his right arm was a blazed with pain, the stone felt as if it was groaning under the weight it had to currently endure. He tried to push himself back up but his head felt heavier than lead at the time and so he collapsed to the floor his hangover getting the best of him. "Shhhhhhh, my head is killing me if I didn't know any better I'd wish it away." He groaned, trying to pry off the body on his back to no avail. His mind was swimming through his head which made thinking straight nigh on impossible but still he was able to process the fact that never had any of the servants of the building or the guards had ever tackled him like this raising the question who it could possibly be?

”Could you please tell me who you are and for the love of Giri could you be quiet please?" He asked groggily not turning his head from the cold floor to see who was still residing on his back.

The setting changes from Giri to Yalena


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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0.00 INK


Toni still happily held onto Carth. The only thoughts running through her mind was 'I finally met Carth, I finally met Carth!' She hadn't even noticed that he was crying in pain. In the servants eyes this would be a bad thing but in her eyes, well she hasn't seen it yet. When thoughts stopped roaming through her brain she finally noticed Carth on the floor asking her for her name. "Oh sorry!" She whispers she said getting of of him and pulling him up with her arm. "I'm Tonima, dragon of the wish stone at your service." She bowed "I have been watching you Carth and I picked this day to meet you!" She yelled before quieting her voice again, forgetting he said so. "Oh and by the way, you need better guards, they suck." She said pointing to one of the guards walking by who looked at her in surprise. "Hey you there!" He yelled and ran over to her. "Opps I've been spotted." She giggled before moving past Carth and facing the guard who stood before her.

"You listen to me and you listen well because I am only gonna say this once." She said poking his chest. I'm Carth's new body guard so you'll be answering to me now!" She said now pointing to herself. "I only listen to the ki-" The guard started but was cut off. "Don't speak unless I tell you to, now go find some pain killers for Carth, he seems to have overdone it." She said muttering the last part and the guard looked at her for a second here walking off. Toni smiled and pumped her fist in the air in victory. "Toni 1, guard 0!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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His name travelled through the winds. A voice. Who was calling him? He didn't recognize it...He stiffened slightly as he heard footsteps. The voice sounded feminine...but that didn't put him off guard. A woman was the most dangerous person he knew.

"Who's there?" he asked finally, in his usual slow drawl. He didn't want to get paranoid. Maybe it was a servant or maid. He relaxed a bit at the thought and straightened, his reddish hair standing out against the still (mostly) green leaves.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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0.00 INK

Ayumi Human Form

Ayumi froze dead in her tracks. She forgot that Elvis didn't know her. She let out a deep sigh and continued to look for him. Now she had to introduce herself and then convince him that she was not a psycho stalker. She spotted his colorful hair through the green leaves and she walked in that direction. She stepped out into the open space right in front of him. She placed a hand on her hip and smiled wide. "Hiya Elvis. I'm Ayumi. Dragon of the Mind Stone." She said debating whether or not she should extend a hand to friendship or keep guard just in case he would attack. At this current moment she was grateful not to have her giant axes. It would have scared him and then she would have to guard him in secret. At least this way she would seem a bit nicer and non violent.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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Mizu now recoded from the light shock of random girl disorder and now spoke with more confidence then before. "Corelia was it" He said choosing the first name she said "Yes its true I am the prince" a sigh escaped his lips "Normally when someone shows up here unexpectedly, they are here to kill my father" Mizu looked at the girl in a playful manor "But you hardly seem the tip to try that out" Mizu swam to the edge of the pool and pulled himself up on the edge still somewhat uncomfortable being so close to a girl. Mizu had been trained to be a diplomat and knew first impressions were important. Mizu glanced over himself quickly and realized that he was still on normal clothing good job Mizu, first girl you meet and talk to who is not some pain looking to marry into power and you look all washed up he though the bad joke to himself. He redirected his attention back to Corelia.

"Well I don't know why you are here but you must be a very good swimmer to be able to get here. Now may I ask what it is you want with me?" he said trying to sound nice, he liked the girl and she was interesting also thinking that his earlier reaction may have put her off step. that and the fact this was the most interesting thing to happen in a long time and he did not want to be bored. "Oh and don't worry about guards interrupting us this place is off limits for anyone except me and my father and he would not bother showing up."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
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0.00 INK

"Young Lady, please come back inside! The Joker will be very upset when he finds out you have exited the palace"! The Maid was yelling from across the yard, begging Kira to come back. Kira smiled gently at the maid, and shakes her head,"Don't worry...he won't find out if we stay quiet". Kira walked farther away from the castle into the forbidden woods. Kira walked through the trees, seeing creatures of many kinds. Kira loved the woods, this was the one place her Father couldn't reach her. Kira was frightened by her Father, who was cold and cruel to her. So whenever she felt alone she would enter the woods. She still remembered the time when her Mother, had told her about dragons and demons living in the woods. Kira never believed in Dragons or demons, since she never seen them before. But she had a huge imagination which caused her to over think things, so it made her curious.

"It's so dark in here". She squinted her eyes to see ahead of her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro Character Portrait: Ace
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Uniken
As Ace sat in her chair awaiting her 'gust' she started to get bored. She looked around the room at some of the guards and slave men all around her chair. She yelled out to them all "Do you love me?" they all replied with nodes and some grunts. "Then why do I never have any entertainment! Obviously you do not love me!" The men quickly started to disagree and walk towards her, one man said "No miss we will do anything for you!" Ace then smiled and looked at him "Then fight to the death for my entertainment." She said with a evil grin on her face. The man took and step back and bowed. He pulled his sword out and attacked the nearest man. Soon they both were on the floor fighting. Ace laughed at both the men's lives.

Soon a man ran in and landed on his hands and knees "My dear Ace your we have found your daughter."

Ace smiled and waved her hand dismissing the messenger. Then she looked at the two fighting that have stopped now. "Kill them both." She said coldly, as both men were dragged away to there doom. Then her daughter entered. "Oh honey I thought I never would find you! But because you ran away, you are now grounded and stuck here with me and all of our slaves until you realize what you've done wrong!" Ace envied her daughters youth and liked to keep her locked up so her daughter couldn't live out her young life.

The setting changes from Yalena to Hira


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
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0.00 INK

Deca had finally arrived at his destination. This was it. His destiny quite literally lied before him now. With no thoughts of retreating or returning from where he originated from (if that was even an option at this point), he ventured forth towards the front gate of the magnificent castle. He had a choice to make now. He could either use his skills pertaining to stealth and search for his targets hindquarters or become hired formally by the ruler of this Kingdom as a covert 'bodyguard' for the illustrious princess of this castle. Whether she was aware of this fact or not, the princess of Hira Kingdom was the predestined holder of the Heart Stone of which he shared a unique connection with from the very beginning.

He smirked, which was more or less strange for him. There was always a third option. He had no time for inconveniences. Making careful progress to a specific point where he was out of the guards potential view before a strange metamorphisis began to take place in his body. Before long, his human form was long gone, replaced with that of a fierce dragon. Bounding into the sky and beyond the clouds, the dragon flew over the palace. He lowered himself before he reverted to his human form and landing gracefully on roof. In an amazing display of dexterity, he hung himself off of the ledge and swung himself forward, pushing open the window and landing on the floor. Unbeknownst to Deca, he had just entered the princesses chamber (or room if you will). Brushing his jacket off, he prepared to search the rest of the palace.

The setting changes from Hira to Yalena


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Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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0.00 INK

#, as written by reap
He stopped, sizing both the guards up. They were young, fully armored and each carried a long three foot pike. Neither looked extremely adept at using it though. "Tobias." He raised his hands to show he was unarmed. "I have business with the king." The two seemed to chatter amongst themselves for a moment, as if trying to decide who would answer him. Folding his arms while he waited he leaned against a nearby tree, it was large and covered in lush, dark green leaves. Each the size of his hand. Finally one of the guards answered. "Yes, uhh this way please." The guard beckoned him to follow.

As they entered the palace Tobias was reminded of how much he disliked royalty. The halls were lavishly decorated with expensive tapestry and rare but colorful vases. The walls were a luminescent gold color, with ornate designs tracing up and down them. From somewhere in the castle the faint sound of music lightly caressed Toby's ears, a privet performance for someone he assumed. The guard led him through a row of guards, all standing parallel to each other and glaring at him as he walked by, it all gave him the strong urge to reduce this place to rubble. In fact he had to catch himself when he realized sparks had subtly begun crawling over his skin, tickling the flesh with small shocks. The guard led him to a great doorway, large enough to let a giant in. The doors, each one painted in the color of redwood, groaned as they seemed to open by themselves. Tobias entered the throne room and could feel the doors shut behind him as suddenly as they had opened.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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So it was just a girl. Didn't look like a maid from the clothes. In fact, he had seen her around before....around the plaza, walking by the castle, casual things only he could remember.

And of course, the girl would be a dragon. That ruled out the crazy stalker fangirl. Not that he had many. A pity.

"Dragon of the Mind Stone?" he repeated, "You don't mean, this stone?" he pointed at his eye patch, "The one under here, I mean. And even if you do, why in the world would there be a dragon of it? Does it actually belong to you? Because I would love to get rid of it. Only thing it's caused it's trouble, I'll tell you that."

Wow, talk about record for most words said in one sitting! Elvis mentally pat his back.

Cordelia etc etc

"Cordelia," the dragon girl chastised, "Cordelia, with a d! Don't forget the d! And you watch it! I could totally murder your father if I wanted to. Clearly I don't want to. Besides, killing is messy. Ugh." She shook her head, making a face, before covering it. Oh no! Had she given too much away?? Why did she just say that?!

"Uh...uh huh," she stuttered at his comment on her being a good swimmer, "Yeah, the best!" She tried to recover from her previous words, rubbing her neck sheepishly. Her eyes popped open when he asked what she wanted with him. Finally! Cut to the good part!

She hopped out of the pool, twirling until she was dry--which didn't take long--before performing an odd mesh of curtsey and bow. "I am your protector and guardian, fine prince!" she proclaimed, "Your life is in danger, but I, the Dragon of the Life stone, have been sworn to protect you with my own life!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Ayumi Human Form

Ayumi didn't have all the answers to why she was protecting the stone all se knew is that she had to protect it. At the moment se was regretting revealing herself to him. It ddn't seem as if he was going to trust her. "No the stone does not belong to me. I don not know why there is a dragon for it. And I already know the burden it has on you." She said replying to what he said. Running a hand through her hair she let out a sigh. "All I know is I am suppose to protect the stone. You are holding the stone therefore I protect you." Ayumi didn't want anymore questions, but she was willing to answer. She figured this was a bit strange for him.

The setting changes from Yalena to Hira


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro Character Portrait: Ace
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Akane's arms were chained by the two guards, she knelt in front of her mother's throne as she was just staring at the ground.
"You will regret this mother!" She cried out.
"The wisest choice if I were you would to let me go, so I wouldn't be a bother for you anymore and we can stop this hide and seek games." She narrowed her eyes.
All of a sudden her eyes turned to her mother, all of her anger at this point was beyond her limit.
"You disgust me." She said with a cold tone, as she spat in front of the throne.
That was the most disrespectful thing that Akane has ever done or could have done. At this point she started to worry wondering if she would get the death penalty instead of the chamber penalty.
She gulped down with nervousness as she was watching her mother's face turn into thousands of shades of red.

The setting changes from Hira to Yalena


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro Character Portrait: Ace
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0.00 INK

Deca had been wandering throughout the castle for what seemed like hours upon hours, although they most likely weren't. He could still feel the invisible connection between himself and the heart stone, so he knew which way to go almost immediately. The only problem was that the palace itself was very large. He didn't complain, though. Not even a silent sigh escaped his lips. He was very close to finding the stones holder. In fact, as he began to close in on the stone's location, the bond he felt within his being began to grow stronger. He was almost there, now. The dragon-turned-human knew that he had to be stealthly about this situation. As he grew closer to his target, he began pressing his back against the wall, peeking around corners as he scanned the area for guards. He couldn't risk a fight breaking out between himself in the guards. That would completely go against his plans. A couple guards stood walking in a set pattern in the distance. He had to distract them somehow. He looked around for any object he could possibly use to get the task done. In a moment or two, he found it. A single pot that sat near him on a pedestal against the wall. Without hesitation, he lifted the pot and tossed it towards the otherside of the hall.

CRASH! The pot broke on contact with the ground. Did he catch the guards attention, though? Yes he had. The guards quickly burst into the hall and towards the sound. At that same moment, he rushed towards the section of the hall that the guards had been..well...guarding before disappearing around the corner. After another minute or two of walking, he heard noises coming from the down the hall. The tone of the voice indicated that something had gone terribly wrong. "You will regret this, mother!" A feminine voice yelled, the shout echoing throughout the corridors and into the boy's ears. He continued his trek down the hall, albeit at a faster pace. Stopping against another wall, he peeked around the corner and into what he assumed was the throne room. The minute his eyes fell upon her, he knew that he had found the holder of his stone. A girl knelt down in the center of the throne room, held down by two guards. When she proceeded to spit on the throne of the palace's ruler, he knew that he had no choice but to intervene. He had already formed a plan.

He merely strolled into the throne room, down towards Ace. The aura surrounding his presence would immediately display his inner strength. Deca stepped in front of Ace's throne and kneeled down before her, humbly. His head slowly tilted up, his eyes looked deep into her's with a determined yet stoic expression. "Let me take it from here, your majesty. I will personally make sure that the princess never escapes again." He asked of her, seeking to be hired as personal guard of the princess herself. The entire time, his eyes never left her gaze. "If you need proof of my loyalty, then ask me of it."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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As soon as the strange girl name Tonima had mentioned the stone his blood went cold, he knew what she was talking about but what she had meant by dragon and the fact that she had been watching him not only confused worried him greatly. "Oh by the way you need better guards, they suck!" He responded to this statement by merely staring at her, his mind going blank for words. She then proceeded to shout down a passing guard sending him away much to his surprise, these were men paid by nobles to keep their leader's child safe and even if they didn't really do their job properly they hated to be ordered by anyone who wasn't either himself or a noble and here was this stranger who was neither a noble or a military personnel. When the man had disappeared that was when his brain finally decided to kick in gear and he was on his feet looking down at the so called 'Dragon of the wish stone' taking her wrist gently with his left and lead her out of the estate to the inn he had visited the night before, ignoring the salutes of the guards and making his way through the crowds with ease.

It didn't take longer than ten minutes to reach there and he merely stayed silent for the entire walk. Once inside he was greeted warmly by the keeper and the regulars who cheered and made room for him and Tonima to sit, a little table in the corner of the musty room, along with a bottle of his favourite and two shot glasses. He poured himself a shot before downing it as quickly as he could, the warmness dulled his headache relieving his mood a little but not by much. "So, tell me what you know." His eyes were on hers now, not looking as he poured them both a shot now.

The setting changes from Yalena to Nila


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
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0.00 INK

Kira knew she couldn't stay in the forest for long, and that her Father would come after her, once he noticed her absence/. Kira said and turned back around,"I don't want to go back". At those words Eva glowed blue,"Why don't you change it then". This made Kira upset, she was tried of talking, and especially to Eva who she wanted nothing to do with. "Leave me alone Eva. You have caused enough trouble. Don't you remember the people you had killed last week". The memory made Kira shiver in disgust, those innocent souls...all gone. This made Kira laugh, she knew it wasn't just Eva's fault, she was part of this little scheme too. She deserved to die just as much as Eva. Eva grew warm,"You seem very upset...Your going back to the palace? Isn't your Father going to get angry"? Kira kept walking,"Well, I guess he will. Even though I don't want to he is still my Father...I can't defy him...". Eva didn't respond and stayed silent,as Kira walked back to the castle.

Kira was know inside the castle looking around, she heard arguing from the guards, and walked toward them. Kira walked through the perfectly lavishly decorated halls, filled with expensive tapestry and exotic vases. She stopped in front of the wall hanging a picture of her Mother. This was the one thing her Father refused to let go. It was a reminder of what was. It almost made Kira puke to look around her, she hated all these expensive things...she hated being here. The walls were a luminescent gold color, with ornate designs tracing up and down them. Kira heard the music, and thought to herself, "I bet the Advisers found another gypsy girl". The guards saw her walking by and froze, "Young Lady, what are you doing here"?! Kira smiled gently at the guard who asked her,"Well, I was wondering what all the noise was"? Kira stared toward the door and walked toward it. The guards urged her not to enter,bu she refused. She opened the door and walked in closing it behind her. There she saw her cruel Father,and a person who she has never met before standing in the throne room.

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Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

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Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
29 sightings Ayumi Michiko played by Miss_Dreamer
"Trained to Protect. Desire for Revenge. Learned to Kill"

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View All » Add Character » 22 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
Character Portrait: Trinity
Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
Character Portrait: Carth Orland
Character Portrait: Elvis
Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
Character Portrait: Kumori
Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Character Portrait: Mizu
Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Character Portrait: Rin
Character Portrait: The Queen
Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Character Portrait: Ken
Character Portrait: Death
Character Portrait: Rue
Character Portrait: Ronoh


Character Portrait: Ronoh

"Its all kinda sad, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Rue

"Nothing is an accident..."

Character Portrait: Death

"Struggling is Futile..."

Character Portrait: Ken

"Stay away from Kira".

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Character Portrait: The Queen
The Queen

"Let's take a walk, shall we? A walk through your mind."

Character Portrait: Rin

"I will not allow my existence to be worthless."

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Kira Isabella

"Fear isn't a weakness, it's a strength."

Character Portrait: Mizu

"blood comes with more blood, we must end this killing and work together!"

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

There's no use whining about it! What you get is what you get, so make the most of it!


Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
Deca Animus Ragnarok

"My Ultimate Goal and Desire are one and the same. To protect my master."

Character Portrait: Ronoh

"Its all kinda sad, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Rue

"Nothing is an accident..."

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Character Portrait: Elvis

Tell me more.

Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
Tobias Stromline

A storm is coming.

Character Portrait: Carth Orland
Carth Orland

"My greatest wish is for this damned stone to be destroyed"

Character Portrait: Ken

"Stay away from Kira".

Character Portrait: Mizu

"blood comes with more blood, we must end this killing and work together!"

Character Portrait: The Queen
The Queen

"Let's take a walk, shall we? A walk through your mind."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook
Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

There's no use whining about it! What you get is what you get, so make the most of it!

Character Portrait: Elvis

Tell me more.

Character Portrait: Ronoh

"Its all kinda sad, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Carth Orland
Carth Orland

"My greatest wish is for this damned stone to be destroyed"

Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
Dracones J. Alexander

I will bring her back......

Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro
Akane Kokoro

"Good always defeats evil."

Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok
Deca Animus Ragnarok

"My Ultimate Goal and Desire are one and the same. To protect my master."

Character Portrait: Kira Isabella
Kira Isabella

"Fear isn't a weakness, it's a strength."

Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline
Tobias Stromline

A storm is coming.

Character Portrait: Death

"Struggling is Futile..."

View All » Places

Shi no Kowasa

Shi no Kowasa by Leej10100

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


Yalena by Leej10100

"This is a World filled with secrets."


Antara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."


Ciara by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


Giri by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


Hira by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


Nila by Leej10100

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."


"This is a World filled with secrets."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Hira."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Ciara."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Giri."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Nila."

Shi no Kowasa

"Welcome to Shi no Kowasa...your new grave."


"Welcome to the Kingdom of Antara."

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Most recent OOC posts in Stars of Arina

Re: Stars of Arina

I'm here! sorry for the slow posts. Schoolwork and such...but I will post by Tuesday morning! Thank you for being patient :)

Re: Stars of Arina

I am waiting for cirrus_sd. I don't like being stuck in a roleplay.

Re: Stars of Arina

AH..where is everyone? *echo*

Re: Stars of Arina

Seeing as we all have real life to attend to im sure everyone will understand my friend.

Re: Stars of Arina

Hey guys I am having some crazy real life drama.... So I won't be posting very often I am sorry if I can't post for a day or two but I still will try to post as much as I can!

Re: Stars of Arina

I think someone is the King, but we do need an Emperor so go on ahead ^^

Re: Stars of Arina

Mizu would like a daddy....

Re: Stars of Arina

Y'know what? It might be a bad idea, but screw it. Shall I play as the Emperor or the King? Who would it help more? The worst part about it would be making the character sheets, so that'd be okay. Unless the thing on the front page is wrong and they aren't open. oh well then. Then there's a bit of an issue with my plans. So yes! Do tell me if you would like me to do it.

Re: Stars of Arina

Thats so funny XD

Re: Stars of Arina

Akane almost barfed when she heard her mother trying to be seductive with a younger male, especially a guy her age.

BAHAHAHA! When I was skimming through the posts just now this one made me crack up! Just the way she worded that...

Re: Stars of Arina

Thats because the person playing the Joker plays the holder of the life stone too, and is(Holder of life) talking to the dragon of life. And the Joker is talking to the shadow of destiny. And right know Kira and Trinity aren't with them.

Re: Stars of Arina

I'm so confused with the posts.. Like the Joker isn't the the ruler of the kingdom of the Destiny stone? Cause I see the dragon and holder of life tagged in the post instead of Kira and Trinity which are the holders for the Destiny stone.

Oh wow I feel so dumb right now! xD

Re: Stars of Arina

Sorry I have been busy with school I Should be able to post tomorrow!

Re: Stars of Arina

*waves hand* anyone here??

Re: Stars of Arina

Okay, so, glad my character was accepted! It might be a bit... different when I actually play him, but that's okay!
So here's my little issue... I noticed that Ace was talking to... someone in the recent posts. I also noticed that Ronoh was tagged in the last one. Is the person she's talking to Ronoh? I was somewhat confused on that point... If not, should I wait to just throw him in there or just do it?

Re: Stars of Arina

I reeeeally like the first picture. I agree with Dante, it looks more foreboding. Like Death himself lives there. Picture B looks too desolate and star wars-y (idk how, it just does) and the last picture looks like a futuristic gothic cathedral in a non futuristic setting

Re: Stars of Arina

I know one thing. Pic b is out the question! Pic C gives a close up on the castle and Pic A gives the outside. I say use both!

Re: Stars of Arina

I actually prefer pic A it just seems more dead and foreboding and those weird curved spikes in the ground remind me if teeth and gravestones at the same time

I like C as well but it reminds me of Baradur from Lord of the Rings

Re: Stars of Arina

I like pic C, looks eviler, look's like it be ...... better suited for the task

Re: Stars of Arina


Which picture should I use for Death's castle {Who by the way has been created and is one of my best works yet...just saying XD}

Pic A:

Pic B:

Pic C: