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Abel Coelho

"Liven up and live a little, boa."

0 · 818 views · located in Furushima Academy

a character in “The Awakening: A New Generation”, as played by Kestrel





Dialogue Color – #008080
Thought Color – #808080

Abel Coelho

β€œYou can call me anything you like, boa.”



Sexual Orientation

Academy Year

Birth Date
August 1st.


β€œThere's stars in them, boa. No, wait, I promise this isn't a pick-up line!”



Body Build
Muscular, lean.

Physical Mutations

Notable Scars
β€œGot memories all over, wanna see them?”

Piercings and Tattoos

Casual Wear
Baggy pants, sleeveless hoodies, shoes that cost more than they should, Abel would call it street-chiq, weren't it for half of it being more vibrantly coloured than Hawaiian shirts. Whatever Abel is wearing, it screams that he is there. Though his fashion sense might be out there, Abel is very conscious of how he dresses.

Face Claim
Akira Takizawa | Higashi No Eden


Has anyone ever tried to sell you a watch by the Eiffel tower? Then you might have an idea of what Abel is like. Yes, he really did mistake you for a young George Cloney, and you, boa, you are such a smart girl for seeing through him! Abel bets you study rocket science!

Abel is friendly and outgoing, but perhaps a little too flirtatious for his own good. Not all of it is an act to sell trinkets either, Abel really does enjoy meeting new people and loves conversation. Just remember, his little sister isn't really sick.

On the other hand, Abel can also be brought down easily when yelled at or ignored. He wears such emotions on his sleeves. Abel is not afraid to show weakness and surprisingly open about his feelings for a guy his age. Then again, he will fight you like a cornered dog if you as much as try to use it against him.

  • Street diplomat. Abel's let his mouth run so much, his tongue alone could clear a marathon in record time. Quick and smooth of a talker, Abel uses enthusiastic silliness and adds a spoon of roguish charm to wiggle himself in people's favours... And wallets.
  • Lionheart. Abel doesn't need no Dorothy to find him courage. There's very little Abel will ever back down from.
  • Little big brother. Abel is the kind of guy to get himself involved in other people's problems. He's not always the best at solving them, but that's not for a lack of trying.

  • Do or die 'o clock. Backing down isn't Abel's strongest suit, even if it's the smart thing to do.
  • Compulsive liar. Abel played so many tricks on people, they've come to haunt him instead. Sometimes even Abel can't tell his lies from the truth.
  • Sharing is caring. That thing you love? Yeah, Abel borrowed it. He's not caught on too well with the concept of private property.

  • Losing. Isn't everyone a little? Well, Abel associates losing with being trashed within an inch of his life in a back alley. It's different.
  • Priests. Abel regularly confesses, but that doesn't make him any more comfortable with men of the cloth. They have a way of invoking terrible shame.
  • A hungry household... Very little explanation is required as to why this would be a reason to panic. tl;dr his powers will eat people.

ImagePower Name

Power Class

Power Description
β€œWhat if I told you, a spirit lives behind my eyes? It's true, it's true. It looks like a big cloud of stardust.”

Exactly as Abel describes, his body houses something otherworldly. Abel himself has dubbed it his household, but the spirits don't value names much. They do, however, value etiquette. His household is courteous and sophisticated like a stereotype old-fashioned butler. If Abel asked it to brew a pot of tea, it probably would.

The spirits can leave Abel through his mouth, nose, eyes or ears. Once outside of him, they take the forms of animals with a nebula for in place of fur or feathers. Typically these are animals associated with the hunt such as dogs, ferrets and hawks. Depending through what portal they leave, Abel shares a slight sense with them. He can vaguely see what they are seeing, hear what they are hearing, or whisper through their mouths. However, his own ability to see, hear smell or speak also diminishes the more of it he shares.

Power Limitations and Weaknesses
  • Being a summoner, Abel doesn't have any special powers of his own. Without his household near, he's just a punk kid.
  • The spirits can be damaged. A part of the household will always stay within Abel, but if too many of them are destroyed, it takes a while for his household to reproduce and regain it's former strength.
  • The spirits can travel any distance away from Abel independently. This means he can be separated from them and the spirits don't exactly have a homing instinct.
  • Although Abel can command them, ultimately the household decides whether and how to act. This includes the decision of whether to leave or enter Abel's body. It also has a tendency to act in what the household calls Abel's best interests... For the better or worse.
  • The household is territorial. There's a strict perimeter around Abel's room.
  • Abel has to command respect from his household. It claims to only obey a worthy master and has been known to refuse to act or do so on it's own accord whenever Abel cannot maintain his composure.
  • Not only Abel has a say in how many of his senses he shares. If the spirits decide Abel does not need to see something; he won't.
  • The household has to eat and is exclusively carnivorous. Feeding it is expensive and when not fed... It's primal instincts may slowly take over. Instincts that, when driven too far - make little distinction between friend and enemy, or human and cattle, for that matter.
  • The household considers the academy's teachers privileged to have Abel in their care. Not the other way around. This makes relations... Complicated.
  • The household has plans of it's own for Abel's future. It's been known to set up dates and write verbose declarations of love in Abel's stead. It is quite dedicated to finding a proper woman to ensure Abel produces a heir or five. For the same reason the household would object if Abel were to enter a same sex relationship.


There is an unwritten rule that poor households have more mouths to feed. For Abel, this was certainly true. With three older and one twin sister, he did very little of his growing up alone. Not only his parents and siblings occupied the house, so did aunts, cousins and grandmothers. Not a single room wasn't shared and there was always someone, somewhere.

Abel's father, Joaquim was a working man, built like a bull with a strong back who worked in construction. Their first had been a modest home, but the man could afford to send his two eldest to school. Joaquim and his wife dreamt of their daughters becoming lawyers or doctors, believing they could push them to great success. Watching their daughters grow into intelligent, wise-cracking girls was the greatest joy in their life. One that peaked when a third girl was born, but not one to last.

Before Abel was even born, Joaquim's father was diagnosed with cancer. A tragedy in any family, but like his son, grandpa was a fighter and would survive or die trying. This fight was an expensive one, not one the old man could afford and so he turned to his children. Only Joaquim, however, was prepared to pitch in. A complicated family drama unfolded.

In sheer contempt for her husband's unwillingness to help pay for her father's treatment, Joaquim's stepsister filed for a divorce and knocked on her brother's door with her daughter in a baby carriage. She swore she would do anything she could, but as a housewife with little to no marketable skills, the woman and her child were more of a burden than a blessing. The drama and the suffering of his father took a heavy toll on Joaquim's sleep. A toll that followed him to his work, which, two stories high, left the man's strong back bruised and broken under a pile of bricks. Joaquim would never work the same job again.

Abel never knew his grandfather, or the man Joaquim was before his accident. He only knew about them in stories told by the women of the house. The man Abel knew to be his father, was broken in both body and spirit. He was supposed to respect him, but how could he respect a drunkard that locked himself in a shed all day? His older sisters and cousin were all pulled out of school to work and support their grandmother, father and the newly born twins; Abel and Angela. There were too many mouths to feed to live in anything but a favela - a back alley neighbourhood overrun by the fruits of poverty.

From an early age, Abel realised he was meant to pick up the mantle of the man in the household - but he had no role to model after. He had no idea how to become strong, smart or wise like a man ought to be. Sure, his sisters would teach Angela and him everything they knew, but it was no substitute for proper education. Abel, not knowing where to go with himself began to roam the streets. From everything he heard around him, it was a man's job to take care of his loved ones. Yet how could he do that when he couldn't make any money? Abel was no man, he was just vermin from the favelas.

Green was Abel's first love. From odd jobs to pickpocketing, he'd tried everything under the horizon. He began to look up to the men who had - in his mind, power, confidence, money. The wrong kind of men. Abel started running errands and delivering packages he did not know the content of - burning all the worst neighbourhoods Rio had to offer in his mind as sprinted through them. It was a dangerous place, he people he worked for were dangerous and Abel knew this... Abel wanted to be dangerous. He wanted to be a man.

"What you think you doing? You boy. Yeah you. Look at you covered dirt, covered in bruises. You too young to make this mistake. Listen to me now, I know who you run for. I've seen you boy. Do you have no mama? You do? Why you hurt her like this, boy? It's wrong, it's wrong."

Compassion is witnessed in the strangest of places. Sometimes, it lights up even in the favelas of Rio, when an elderly man grabbed Abel by his collar and quite literally, dragged him down the road. The man introduced himself as David, but it was one of his many names. He was a street salesman, the kind that arms their selves with flattery and preys on the wallets of unsuspecting tourists. He'd seen Abel run past his working streets every day. Perhaps it was because his growth spurt would kick in so late, or perhaps it was random chance. Whatever it was, David had taken pity on Abel. He shouted at him for half an hour, struck Abel twice, but then fed him and stuffed a bread in Abel's pocket to take home. He told the boy to finish his jobs today, but to never go back to the men he worked for. Instead, he, David, would teach him how to become rich. Abel had his doubts, but there was something to David, his three missing teeth and the New York baseball cap that covered up his bald spot, he couldn't help but be drawn to. The next day, Abel returned to David and never looked back.

Upon becoming his protΓ©gΓ©, the first place David took Abel was the church. "You not believe in God, boy? You do, yes. God tells you how to live. Maybe it's not possible, not in this world, but you try boy. You break His laws, maybe, but you break the small ones. The small ones God forgives." David told Abel. He dragged Abel into a confession room and pushed his head to the ground and made him beg for forgiveness. Sure, his mother had scolded him for it before, but Abel did not even know what it was he had done and it would be months before David would tell him what was in the packages he used to deliver.

Abel had a knack for charming the socks off of tourists, he and his teacher quickly found out. His English was broken at best, but his boyish smile scaled any language barrier. Before he knew it, Abel was making money by selling trinkets and whistles. Harsh on the voice and legs, sure, but not a single bruise on him after a day's work. He could finally tell his mother what he'd actually been up to that day and hold his head up. He was bringing money into the household. Abel's confidence grew by heaps every day. He found something he wanted to become better at.

For years Abel worked alongside David, EstevΓ£o, or whatever the man's name that month was. David shared his streets with Abel and taught him the tricks of the trade until there was nothing more to teach the young man. One day, instead of David, a small note showed up at work. Curious, Abel unfolded it. The note said it's yours now. David has left Abel his territory... And all the customers on it were now his.

Saddened but not broken by the leave of his mentor, Abel continued to grow in his job. With all of it to himself, he started to earn a little extra, even, which Abel set aside for English and Japanese classes... And admittedly for more than a couple dates with boys and girls he met on the beach. However, competition near the tourist hotspots were harsh and with the news of David's departure, everyone wanted a piece of the pie. Abel had been in plenty scraps, but every bit of his workplace he surrendered, his classes and family, suffered the consequences. He had to fight back and fight back he did. Up until he awoke, swearing there were crows circling above the garbage can he woke up in.

While Abel had forgotten his past as a career drug smuggling boy, it had not forgotten him. It knew who he was, who his family was and that he was making a lot more money now on routes they could sell tourists completely different wares. With threats to his health and family's safety, they tried to push Abel out of his territory. Abel threw the first punch, but was also the first to go down. As far as Abel, he woke up amidst trash bags with not a single sensation but pain and fear in his body. Whatever was flying above him must had been the devil coming to collect his soul, Abel thought, but it was not. As it descended it split into the images of masked dogs clothed in star dust. The dogs picked up Abel's broken body and shouldered him all the way home... Openly through the streets of Rio.

To Abel's great relief, his family was unharmed. He did nothing but apologise to his sisters, begging them to forgive him for the danger they did not even know they were ever in. Abel, broken in body and soul, suddenly began to understand his father's choices. He too had overcome great turmoil and achieved happiness, only for it to swiftly be taken away. Yet, the answer Abel found was not isolation and alcohol, but a letter of invitation to a proper academy. The march of cosmic dogs he himself could not explain, but it had given Abel an opportunity to learn another trade, move his family out of the favelas and continue to be a man to serve his family, better than ever before.


β•‘ Neutral – β—‰ β•‘ Friends – β™ͺ β•‘ Enemies – βœ—β•‘ Romantic – β™‘ β•‘


ImageKosei Kasahara β•‘ β™ͺ
"The girls tell you're a Tom Cruise in the making? It's true, it's true. They'll be all over you, little bro and I got just the thing to help you out!"

Kosei can use a confidence boost, that much Abel can tell. What's wrong with making a little money while he's helping people? Abel offers trinkets like a quack's wonder salves, sure, but he's also savvy to throw in some genuine insights and sees a lot more positive in the youngster than Kosei does himself. Truth to be told, Abel is quite jealous of Kosei's ability to play an instrument, not to mention he's got the potential stamina to run marathons... In a row! Plenty to brag about, as far as Abel is concerned.

ImageLucien Ashford β•‘ β—‰ β™‘
"A pretty face isn't worth a dime if it don't smile once in a while, you know?"

Abel doesn't understand Lucien, much less his loner attitude. It doesn't make sense to him either, 'cause Lucien could pass for a K-pop idol and be buried in adoring fans if only he cleaned himself up a little.

...And yes, you can tell Lucien Abel said that.

There's some customers that just aren't interested in buying, though, and it's probably for the best to leave them alone. Even if they're cute.

ImageAlfred Komatsu β•‘ β™ͺ
"… Are those... puppies?"

If Abel's first love was money, his second big crush would have to be dogs. Everything about Alfred's angels reminds Abel of dogs. From the moment he saw the silver metallic orbs, Abel knew he had to pet him. Alfred? Sure, he seems like a pretty nice guy, popular too if Abel isn't mistaken, but can he please pet the angels now?

Dog infatuation aside, Abel respects Alfred's friendly, if somewhat protective demeanour. There's quite a bit about the young man that mirrors some of Abel's values, even if they express their selves very differently. Alfred could stand to let loose a little sometimes, though.

ImageNova Aria β•‘ β™ͺ
"Everyone's a little crazy these days anyway, kid's adorable."

Though Abel can't quite wrap his head around the concept of genderfluid, he's probably the most accepting person on the entire campus of Nova's choice to dress however he wants. Abel likes to try and impress Nova, but does sense his physical nature and... Flirtations with Natalia can rub Nova the wrong way. Not that this changes much about him, Abel does what Abel does. Even if he's growling like a guard dog, Nova is like a puppy and... Did Abel mention he likes dogs? Well, Abel likes dogs and Abel likes Nova. It doesn't hurt Abel thinks he could sell Nova anything if he tried hard enough, either.

ImageTomimoto Taikan β•‘ β—‰
"Awakened? Nah, man, I'm possessed."

Maybe Abel is the only person on campus who doesn't outright hate Tai. Even Abel doesn't quite enjoy it that the academy's token bad boy is dealing out trashings, but instinctively he understands Tai's struggle with who he is and what he wants to be... And maybe he'd be interested in this nice CD with bird sounds? No? OK man! That's cool! You didn't have to lash out at me!

Abel's household, on the other hand, senses Tai is bad news. It might be a matter of time before it's convinced Abel (or rather, Tai does so personally) but until then... Well, you have to give a guy a fair shake, right?

ImageKurmochi Keiji β•‘ β™ͺ βœ—
"You, my man, are completely crazy. I love it."

Sure, when it comes to flirtations – at least with the more fairer half of the school, Keiji and Abel are sworn rivals. Yet, there is nothing Abel appreciates as much as passion and Keiji has plenty to spare. He even paints about it. It's not perverted if it's an expression of the soul!

Abel is outright jealous of the reality bubble, too. What he wouldn't give to trade powers. For some strange reason, Abel does have to ask... Why doesn't Keiji surround himself with swimsuit models 24/7? Well, any man's got a right to his secrets.

… But Abel'd be damned if he didn't flick Keiji up the head when he expresses his soul too physically. Sure, Keiji'd never hurt a woman, but there's just some things you can't do, man!

ImageElias Emerson β•‘ β™ͺ
"Elias' is a performer's soul, you know? Like a playwright, or politician."

Abel might not understand the semantics Elias chooses to address others, but he finds them entertaining all the same. As is his smooth criminal get-up. Fedoras are hard sales on the school grounds, so having at least one potential customer is a big relief considering that he had stashed quite a few in his bags before flying to Japan.

While Abel is not oblivious to the spells of his charm, he understands it is only a matter of time before Elias will learn Abel's concept or truth is relative. He might not be out to hurt Elias' feelings, but Abel can't so easily change part of what he is. All he can do is enjoy their interactions till he breaks yet another heart.


ImageNakana Nao β•‘ β—‰ β™ͺ
"Heh, I can't sell you anything, can I?"

She's one tough customer, Abel thinks. No matter how many flirtations he throws at the junior, nothing seems to phase her. Maybe she is kind of arrogant, Abel thinks, but he doesn't care much. Sparring with Nao might not be the most lucrative pastime, but he does find it entertaining.

It's not all fun and games, though. Abel finds Nao's tongue can be a lot sharper than it needs to be and is a little wary around her. There's something dark about her Abel can't quite put his finger on, but he can tell he's seen it before. Well, it's probably nothing to worry about. The household is getting along with her fine- No, wait, that is totally a red flag.

ImageNatalia Elwyn β•‘ β™ͺ β™‘
"Excuse me, boa, but could I please have my heart back?"

Abel can totally see what makes Natalia so popular. Is it the allure of her long dark hair, her pearly white skin, the smoky quartz in her eyes? Or is it her kindness, that air of serenity about her, or the few occasions she shows her vulnerable side that makes her so endearing? Wrong! It is all of them!

… But people can't know that... Or the household will just leave a wedding dress on Natalia's doorstep before the semester is over. Abel does his best to keep his flirtations as light and silly as usual... But he'd be damned if he didn't subliminally message her into meeting his family.

ImageAkiyama Shizuka β•‘ β™‘
"Your imagination, my smile, join me and we'll be rich!"

Abel probably believes more in Shizuka than she does in herself. She may be shy, but her art speaks more than a thousand words and Abel is convinced the world should listen to what it has to say. Well, pay an entrance fee to an expo, then listen. Though Shizu is a bit too withdrawn for Abel to have gotten to know her yet, he believes he can tell a lot about what's in her heart by Shizu's paintings alone... Even if he's worried his overbearing nature will make her hide them from him. Perhaps he's just enamoured by an illusion created by her art... Or the potential profit he sees in it, but something does draw Abel to Shizuka.

ImageKylie Bennett β•‘ β™ͺ
"She looks angry, but I think she's just been hurt, you know?"

Kylie might hate Abel and yes she's violent and brash and kind of dangerous but... Her ears are so fluffy! Against his (mostly the household's) better judgement, Abel does want to get along with Kylie. Maybe scratch her behind the ears? No? Maybe if Abel brings a snack? Pretty please?

... Down girl, down!

Having a tribal tattoo in this day and age surely doesn't qualify her for exquisite tastes, so at first glance Abel would think he'd be able to sell Kylie anything. Her rather... Violent disposition, gives Abel the impression she's been betrayed and hurt in the past. Truth is, Abel sort of pities Kylie. She may be rough, but her protective instincts clearly show she has a heart. Maybe Kylie just needs a friend?

ImageAmari Chiharu β•‘ β—‰ β™ͺ
"Could stand to be a little more benevolent for a goddess, boa."

While her legs are certainly worthy of worship - high-fives Keiji - Chiharu's personality is... Challenging. Cold shoulder as she may give him, certainly she her heart's not so black Abel couldn't play different strings? Like the picture of his little sister he keeps in his pocket to goad unsuspecting customers into – ahem, remember how beautiful her hair was before the therapy. "You're not helping me. You're helping her."

Though Chiharu would hate to learn about it, Abel does feel bad for her. She must be very lonely, Abel thinks. Even if he mostly ends up annoying her, a little chatter to break the silence now and then never hurt anyone.

So begins...

Abel Coelho's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Nova Aria Character Portrait: Natalia Elwyn Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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0.00 INK

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Location ~ Sports Facilities β†’ Academy Building, Classroom
Speech ~ #C5612A || Thoughts ~ #C5992A

The moment he and Nao were acknowledged by Mr. Nakajima, Lucien turned and headed for the designated meeting area without even glancing back at his sparring partner. Now that the adrenaline from the little match had vanished, he was starting to feel the emotions of everyone around him again. It seemed like he had gotten a little blind to the outside world during the fight. Something he wasn't keen to repeat.

As the teacher spoke up, Lucien wasn't ashamed to admit that he stopped paying attention, although the sudden spike of embarrassment from a red-faced student caught his attention for the briefest moment. Still, it wasn't enough to drag Lucien completely from his mental post-fight review.

Looking back he could easily see the things he had done wrong, one of them being the level he had raised Nao's annoyance too. If he faced her again in the future he would keep that in mind. Although he was hoping not to do so anytime soon.

Dragging himself from his thoughts, he blinked as he noticed that he was in the changing rooms, several other people changing back into their uniform around him. Looking down he saw that he had his own clothes in hand and set about changing into them.

Once dressed and covered to a decent level, Lucien set about unwinding the bandages from his arms. For now his shirt and jumper would cover the scars, and the material was still in a good enough condition to reuse if needed. Now completely ready, Lucien shoved the sports clothes into his locker, closing and locking the door to it afterwards.

As Lucien went to leave the changing rooms, he caught a glimpse of a pale bruise forming around his neck. It seemed Nao had used a tighter grip on his neck than he thought. He shrugged it off for now, however. If it ended up showing more later in the day then he might take the time to wrap something around it. Either way, until it was gone it would serve a reminder to not be so careless in the future.

Finally exiting the changing rooms and getting away from the emotions of his classmates, Lucien headed in the direction of his next class. Not particularly looking forward to this one either. Now he would be stuck in a room of emotional teenagers for however long, rather than being outside where at least he could get away from them if needed.

Still, his expression betrayed none of his thoughts, and the dark-haired teen soon found himself stood outside of his next class. It still seemed to be in session when he arrived, so Lucien waited until the class finished and emptied of people before ducking in, nodding to the teacher in greeting before finding a seat in the corner of the room. Perhaps this time there wouldn't be anyone coming over to annoy him.

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023 || Location ~ Academy Building, Office
Speech ~ #FF0000 || Thoughts ~ #00ECFF

Nova perked up as her sister mentioned something about a hiking trip. 'A trip? I might be able to go this time?' That thought soon had a wide grin threatening to split the white-haired teen's face. Nova's counseling session had clashed with the last trip and she'd had to stay behind and talk about weird stuff to the doctor while everyone else was out having fun. It wasn't fair! But, maybe she could go if there was one?

With her thoughts floating around about a trip outside, Nova barely noticed the receptionist calling out their names, although she did see the paper get put on the desk in the reflection. Red eyes squinted a little as she tried to read her timetable without actually going over to pick it up. Although she quickly gave up on this, attention wandering back to other things. Like the forest beyond the campus grounds. The green looked pretty too! Not as pretty as red but still...

Nova waited until Natalia was distracted with the papers before opening the window, and jumping onto the ledge. The glass pane had barely opened wide enough, but the small teen managed to squeeze through and end up on the ledge the other side.

Laughing loudly, she turned to stick her tongue out at Natalia and the receptionist before sliding off the ledge, onto the ground and taking off at a run. She wanted to visit the forest now!

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Location ~ Academy Building, Classroom β†’ Hallway
Speech ~ #666999 || Thoughts ~ #A8A5A6

Thankfully Miss Maes didn't seem too annoyed at Shizuka turning up late, one look at the purple-haired girl's sickly face probably took care of any arguments the motherly teacher had. Shizuka straightened up from the bow and turned to go to her seat near the back of the class, although she was soon ducking her head as her cheeks flushed from the glances her classmates spared her.

Still, she got to her seat without further incident and took her notebook out to start taking down the notes she had missed. Although she barely had time to lift up her pen before Keiji ended up in front of her desk.

Shizuka blinked as he spoke, but by the time what he said had registered he already had her hand in his and was unwrapping the bandages, and of course the blush that had faded was now making itself known again. His comment that she would need stitches saw Shizuka frantically shake her head, but Keiji carried on by standing up and asking her to take off her clothes. 'W-What did he just say?'

With her face perhaps redder than it had been in a long time, Shizuka's breathing picked up a little as she stared up at Keiji with wide, unblinking eyes. Although this lasted all of a few seconds before one of her female classmates called the male a pervert and knocked him to the floor after a book hit his head.

Snapped out of her embarrassed daze, she listened to their teacher ask Keiji something, and his clearly flirty response. But his gesture in her direction along with the comment of her needing to get stitches and volunteering to take her to the nurse's office just saw Shizuka shake her head before shrinking in on herself as several of her classmates spotted the cut across her left palm.

Keiji's reply to Miss Maes not letting him accompany her to the nurse's office did manage to get a small smile out of Shizuka. But since she didn't really want to stay in class and her bandages were useless now that Keiji had taken him off, she quickly shoved her book and pen back into her bag before grabbing it in her right hand and hurrying out of class.

Keiji would likely be pleased to note that the blush he had provoked still lingered on her cheeks.

Out in the hallway once more, Shizuka allowed herself to breathe normally once more. It was cooler than in the classroom and the air allowed the teen to try and take control of her blushing once more, although she didn't have too much success on this front.

Once Shizuka felt more composed, she started to head in the direction of the nurse's office, although she stared at her feet to keep those few students still wandering the hallways from noticing the blush on her face. The curtain of purple that her hair provided did well enough.

As much as she wanted to forget the incident in class ever happened, Shizuka's mind wouldn't stop replaying the whole scene from the classroom. Of course, by the time it replayed for perhaps the third time, she managed to shake her head to clear it from her mind...

...And walked into someone in the process.

Stumbling backwards a couple of steps from the sudden collision, Shizuka looked up to see the dark hair and eyes of one of her classmates, Abel Coelho.

If she had to pick who she preferred over Keiji and Abel, Shizuka's answer would likely by Abel, if only because he perhaps flirted a little less than Keiji did. Still, both tended to say things that prompted her blushes and the girl was sure that one day she would pass out from the blood rushing to her face.

Blinking, Shizuka realised two things at once. One, she had been staring at Abel for a few seconds now. Two, she likely looked a sorry state. She still had an almost abnormally pale tone to her skin accompanied by slightly flushed cheeks which seemed to grow redder with each passing second. There was also her hand to consider as well, although her clenching it into a loose fist merely prompted the blood to slowly trickle between her fingers.

"Oh, um. Sorry. I'll be going now." Completely embarrassed, Shizuka looked down once more, the floor very interesting all of a sudden.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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#, as written by Kestrel


It wasn't like Abel was purposely late... It was just so easy to get sidetracked in the morning... Or afternoon... Or really at any time. β€œMiss Mae is gonna have my head for this one day, isn't she?” Abel sighed, nervously scratching his shoulder. It was his first day and already he had almost missed a class.

β€œWe pray not for her safety, young master.” A deep voice came from the hawk on his shoulder. Abel shook his head at the bird and scratched it under it's beak.

β€œTeachers aren't food. We went over this, remember?” Abel responded wryly, rolling his eyes as he caressed the spirit's chin.

β€œIn the event of our young master's beheading, the responsible party cannot be excused.” The bird stated humourlessly. Truly his household was a handful, sometimes. Thank heavens they'd been fed this morning, because this was not a conversation he was willing to have when the spirits were moody.

β€œYes, yes, but remem-” Abel bickered, but his sentence was cut short by a sudden thump against his chest. The hawk made a slight jump on his shoulder, as Abel stopped in his tracks what had walked into him. It was his classmate Shizuka, a short, purple-haired girl, who stumbled a few steps back in surprise as her cheeks lit up as if it were Christmas morning. Abel couldn't help it, a wide smirk brimmed on his lips. Her embarrassment was just too adorable. Abel only watched as Shizuka tried to collect herself, or rather; awkwardly apologised then began to stare daggers in the hallway floor.

β€œNow why would you apologise for bringing all that colour in my world?” He teased, as he bent his back to lean in closer. β€œCome on now,” Abel tipped Shizu's chin up with his index finger. β€œDon't you know it's cruel to hide something so pretty?”

Giving Shizu barely a second to react, Abel bounced back and nonchalantly folded his hands into his neck. β€œAh! But what you doing over here, Shizu?” He asked as, if the previous flirtations had never left his mouth, β€œDon't we have cl-” Abel broke his sentence as his eye was drawn to the blood trickling from Shizu's fingers onto the floor. Well, that explains it. He thought, smiling sheepishly and rubbed his temple.

β€œLet me get that for you.” Abel said before even thinking of how he could stop the bleeding. I don't happen to have anything on me... He thought as he dug in his pockets to see if he really hadn't anything like an unsold handkerchief left in it... No, he'd sold his last this morning.

β€œWell, I guess there's no helping it.” Abel let out an exaggerated sigh, β€œCan you apologise to miss Mae for me?” Abel beckoned to the bird on his shoulder. With a screech acknowledging the order, it flew off in the direction of the classroom. Without pause, Abel loosened the top buttons of his uniform, then pulled the white, short-sleeved shirt over his head.

β€œDoes it hurt?” Abel asked the girl, then stretched out his hand asking for Shizu's β€œCome on, let me bandage that up. No reason to put the janitors on overtime, they're working hard enough already.” Abel smiled widely – as if parading bare chest in front of his classmate was the most normal thing in the world.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Nova Aria Character Portrait: Natalia Elwyn Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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Natalia Elwyen
LOCATION β•‘ Academy Building, Office
DATE β•‘ Monday, Sept. 11th 2023

#B1346B β•‘ #244101

Natalia quickly took the papers off the desk, giving the receptionist a quick, "thank you," before turning around, just in time to see Nova jumping out the window through the small opening. Her eyes widened, and she nearly dropped the two sheets of newly printed paper onto the ground.

"Nova!" She quickly yelled out as she ran for the window, stopping right by the opening but already knowing she was much too big to even try and fit through. "Stop it! Where are you going!? Come back, we still need to go to English!" Though, it seemed that Nova wouldn't be listening to her, as they continued running on...towards the gate to the forest.

No! I shouldn't have even mentioned it! Now look what I've done! There's definitely no way we'll get to English now...Miss Maes is going to kill us!

As quickly as she possibly could, Natalia set the papers down on the desk. "I'll be back to get those, thank you!" She said, and then ran for the door, swinging it open almost just as loudly as before, which got her another harsh glare from the teacher in the classroom, though she ran too fast for him to catch her and say anything...which she was much thankful for.

Nova Nova really better not get me in trouble! A feeling of frustration but worry came to her mind. She knew Nova didn't exactly...understand what this might do, but Natalia really didn't want to have to deal with a long lecture from Miss Maes about missing class, and possibly an hour of detention after school ended...

Turning around a sudden corner and continuing her run through the halls, she nearly found herself running right into two familiar people from her grade: Abel and Shizuka. Her eyes widened for a moment, and she quickly moved to the side, taking several hops back, before putting forward her hands and waving them a bit. She closed her eyes tightly in embarrassment, feeling her face heat up. "I'm so sorry! I was moving too quickly! Sorry sorry!" She quickly said, before turning around and running off again. She didn't really have enough time to stop and have conversation with them at the moment...not when Nova was trying to escape the school grounds.

Oh...oh! What about the guards!? If Nova gets into trouble with them... She shook the thought out of her head. They'll be fine!

She quickly opened the heavy front doors of the academy before she came running out again, and she spotted Nova's head of white hair not horribly far away, but enough that she would have to push herself harder to catch up. "Nova! Wait up! Stop!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Nova Aria Character Portrait: Natalia Elwyn Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11th 2023 || Location ~ Academy Building, Hallway
Speech ~ #666999 || Thoughts ~ #A8A5A6

Shizuka was started to wonder why she had even left her room this morning. She escaped from one flirt only to find herself in front of another. Abel had started off fairly tamely, tilting her face up and making comment that prompted her blush to brighten, although thankfully he carried on as if he hadn't embarrassed the purple-haired girl.

The taller teen asked why she wasn't in class and Shizuka was about to reply when he trailed off. Following his gaze, she noticed the blood from her cut was now dripping on the floor. 'It wasn't that bad a minute ago, right?' She opened her hand from loose fist to reveal that the cut was now fully opened again, blood seeming to flow freely from the wound.

Abel saying that he would get it was enough to have Shizuka looking up at him again, just in time for the bird on his shoulder to take off in the direction of their classroom.

And for Abel to take off his shirt.

She was already blushing from his earlier comment, but this action caused her cheeks to grow redder until they practically glowed. To make things perhaps worse, Abel carried on as if he hadn't just revealed his chest to her. Him asking if the wound hurt brought the slight stinging of the cut to her attention, although the only sound that left her lips was a stuttered "I... Uhh..." Still, she collected herself enough to hold out her hand to him.

The wide smile he gave her though, was enough to daze the shy girl completely. Shizuka's eyes rolled up as they closed and she stumbled forward a couple of steps before collapsing as if she were a puppet whose strings had been cut. She had thought it might happen at some point, but it seemed as if Shizuka really had passed out from embarrassment.

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11th 2023 || Location ~ Academy Grounds
Speech ~ #FF0000 || Thoughts ~ #00ECFF

After a minute or so of running, Nova had decided to skip her way to the gate instead. Humming a little as she did so, the white-haired teen heard Natalia call out for her to stop, though she merely looked over her head and stuck her tongue out as the gate appeared in her range of vision.

Eyes widening in glee, the girl picked up her pace and upon reaching the gate proceeded to climb it, after dropping her bag at the bottom of course, she could levitate it over afterwards. Although climbing perhaps wasn't the easiest of tasks given that she was wearing a skirt. Maybe trousers would be better? But her dorm room was so far away from here...

Barely two feet off the ground, Nova clung to the gate not unlike a monkey as she pondered the decision, silently judging the distance between the dorm, herself and Natalia before pouting a little. 'So, no forest today?' Lowering herself back to the ground, Nova crossed her legs and dug through her bag, pulling out a small pouch a minute later.

Smiling widely, she poured the marbles onto the floor and proceeded to have them make funny shapes as she laughed at them. The fact that these 'funny' shapes were stars, houses and trees didn't deter her in the slightest. "Big Sis! What sorta shapes should I make next?" She called over to Natalia as the marbles made a big smiley face. Even if she hadn't gotten to go to the forest, this was still fun, right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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#, as written by Kestrel


β€œWoah! Woah! Stay with me now!” Abel tried to catch Shizuka when her knees forsake her, barely managing to awkwardly hold her up. This... I didn't plan for. Abel thought to himself, with one arm under Shizu's shoulder and her head pressing against his stomach. Her cheeks were still warm too.

β€œAh man, I really overdid it this time.” Abel mused self-consciously and scratched the back of his head before - β€œNo you don't!” clutching more tightly onto the girl to prevent her falling out of his grip... To little avail. Shizuka slid from his leg onto the floor.

What am I to do now... Abel started to notice the entire scene had drawn it's share of eyes from wandering students. Two of them Abel was sure belonged to someone in his class... This was going to make it into the tabloids, wasn't it? First things first. Abel shrugged and turned his attention back to Shizuka. He couldn't exactly let her lie around in the middle of the hallway. Abel kneeled down next to the girl, wrapping the shirt still in his hand around her wrist.

β€œWon't be wearing that anymore.” Abel could see Shizu's blood was already beginning to stain his white shirt before he even tied the knot. Now, there was only one thing left to do for Abel and that was to – allez-oop – get Shizuka to the nurse's office.

And so, a shirtless Abel paraded an unconscious Shizuka through the hallways on their first day of school like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold. Would this be the first big spin to this year's gossip mill? Abel shrugged it off. Nothing he couldn't talk his way out of.