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The Demons Inside

The Demons Inside


True Cross Academy - the perfect school for exorcists, until things go wrong and demons begin to grow from the inside. Things are no longer the same. Things are no longer safe. {Closed!}

4,663 readers have visited The Demons Inside since Rhianoue created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Long ago, Satan was the main enemy of True Cross Academy, the anti-demon school that would train students to fight. The king of demons, lord of the underworld, was the true concern of the academy. He took control of priests, powerful exorcists, and killed so many through their loved ones. Satan was the true demon of everyone. Until he was pushed off by a group of powerful exorcists and left not to return again for decades. It was a huge battle, one in which hundreds of people, normal and exorcists, died and it lasted for such a long time, but when all was done and over, people felt peaceful, for once. Small, minor demons didn't even worry them as much.

A time of calm and relief began for a period. People were happy and content with their lives. Even regular people noticed a different in the area. Exorcists could rest, and Doctors took their time to heal the living, and other exorcists began to bury and respect the dead. Many people were lost, but it was all too worth it. Satan wouldn't be back for a long time, therefore making the necessary sacrifices acceptable to the families of those who died. This era of peace last for a long while, but not as long as they hoped. Satan hadn't returned, no, that wasn't the problem... A new threat had risen, and this time, it was an internal threat that couldn't be explained, one that could be deemed just as dangerous as Satan when he roamed the earth.

ImageImageThis new threat that was rising had started in the academy when one of the new students had suddenly gone insane, acting just like a vicious demon, and tried to attack his own teacher, who quickly subdued him before things could get worse. The teachers, Upper 1st class students, and even the Paladin himself tried to interrogate this student, but in the end, he couldn't remember a single thing. Maybe it was just because this student couldn't control his abilities. Maybe. That's what they thought, but then only a few months later, the same thing happened with a whole different student. A few teachers began to experience this madness, and oddly, a group of upperclassmen, powerful and matured students, had left the school when all of this began to happen. Believing them to be the prime suspect for what has been going on. The school now has heavy defense and is training their students not to only hunt demons, but hunt these students who have mysteriously and suspiciously disappeared in the time of danger.




True Cross Academy is the academy where students are trained to defeat and hunt demons, although now, they are being trained for another reason as well. It is being watched over by the True Cross Order and the chairman. It lies inside True Cross Town in Tokyo and appears to look like a normal school, just as it really is, but also has a secret 'cram school' specifically for exorcists. Using an Infinity Key, a student can easily access the academy for exorcists at any time, anywhere, by simply unlocking any door with the key and will end up at the academy within seconds.

There are number of different ranks in the school from, basically, a new student to a high class, powerful exorcist. It is after becoming an esquire, exorcists can begin to chose which meister they'd like to become out of five, a Doctor, Tamer, Knight, Dragoon, or Aria, and proceed to major in their chosen class (maybe picking out a secondary one later on in their years) until they're higher class.

Now, however, True Cross is under a sort of lockdown after students and teachers suddenly becoming insane and after this group of high-class students all of a sudden left. Classes still go on, as they should, but security has been upped by a ton, and students are limited to where they're allowed to go, and what things they're allowed to do. Even the classes have changed a bit, now teaching them to track human footprints rather than only demons and how to fight against a human as well. Precautions have been set. True Cross Academy is not what it used to be.





These are exorcists who specialize in healing demon-inflicted wounds. All of them are required to posses enough knowledge to treat injuries of all sorts (mostly from demons), basic first-aid skills, and emergency first-aid, if an accident were to occur. Many tend to also specialize in combat also, being considered combat medics, for a way to defend themselves. Others move along to another meister to learn better selfdefense though, although being a doctor can be a very handy in groups, and also be very rewarding when a life is saved.




Tamers are a type of meister that can summon demon to fight as their own familiars. To summon a familiar, a Tamer must first have a Magic Circle (which can be drawn anywhere with anything), a drop of their blood, and an appropriate verbal appeal. After drawing the circle, offering a sample of their blood and reciting their appeal, and a demon will appear. However, summoning the demon is only the beginning. If the Tamer is not deemed strong, wise, or good enough to the demon, they will turn and attack them, which is why there are so few Tamers compared to other meisters.




Knights are the type of meister who specialize in close combat with any weapon that can do that, although most seen are usually wielding swords. However, if a knight is of a higher level, they can use close combat weapons even while being far away from their target. They are somewhat similar to Tamers, since they are the second most uncommon meister because of the intense training to build up speed and strength and danger that they are exposed to. Eventually, higher level Knights will be able to wield demon swords, powerful weapons only powerful Knights are able to use.




Dragoons use modern, long ranged weapons to fight off demons from afar. Unlike Knights and Arias, who use ancient weapons and techniques, Dragoons tend to use more modern like weapons, such as various types of firearms. They're able to use a pistol to a sniper rifle with incredible precise, as it is all apart of the training, which is to get Dragoons to become accustomed to all sorts of guns, ammunition, and tactics. Dragoons and Arias can be considered the most common meister types out of the five because of how basic and how much easier their training is compared to the others.




Arias are a type of meister that use verses, especially from the Bible, to exorcise demons through recitation. Although the bible is mainly used, any holy scripture can be read to exorcise a demon and will have the same effect, although certain demons have certain verses to be read in order to dispose of them. Arias are also usually the most common target for demons since their readings can be deadly if finished from start to end with confidence. If an Aria has no confidence in his or her words or is interrupted before the end of their recitation, then the reading will have no effect.





Name: Aries | Goal: Fame | Members: Pavel Emmittson (Doctor) / Roman Aichi (Tamer) / Rhea Sato (Knight) / Inori Sandy (Dragoon) / Feodore Rudo (Aria)




Name: Olympus | Goal: Power | Members: Atsuko Gensou (Doctor) / Athena Usagi (Tamer) / Dores Barroso (Knight) / Karin Onishi (Dragoon) / Botan Ugaki (Aria)




Name: Minerva | Goal: Knowledge | Members: Akiba, Ashitaka (Doctor) / Kardos Nellian (Tamer) / Chun Li (Knight) / Chikanori (Dragoon) / Haru Tanaka (Aria)




Name: Dolos | Goal: ??? | Members: Niko Vasiliev (Doctor) / Anzhela Kotov (Tamer) / Kyo Zero (Knight) / Petasus Demens (Dragoon) / Raburadōru Nisemono (Aria)



1. Reservation - Alright, so kind short rules because no one likes to read too much. Including myself. So if you'd like to participate in this roleplay, notice that characters must be reserved. Ex. "May I reserve the doctor on Team Olympus?" or something along those lines. Of course I'll say yes, and you get the role immediately if no one else reserves it by the start of the roleplay. If two or more people reserve a role, I'll decide between the two's character based off of uniqueness of the character and grammar (yes, sadly), not by the sheet or looks. You get three days to finish your character (don't care when the wip is submitted) or more if you ask. If not, the other role-player gets the role/the role is left open again. Also, try to stay for the rp part and not just the character wips. I'll try and get it started ASAP when characters are in, but the rp can only move as fast as the roleplayers.

2. Rules - These are the rules, but you know, follow the regular, typical roleplay rules. Mary Sue, Gary Stu, etc.

3. Literacy - Long story short, please makes posts around 200-500 words, and have a good grasp on the english language. If it's not your native language, please tell me that way I can be forgiving!

4. Gore, Romance, Language - Honestly, there is nothing wrong with either of these three except for excessive violence, sex on this roleplay, and swearing in every sentence. Other than that, it's all good.

5. Story and Theme - Clearly, I've set up a story for this roleplay, so try not to break it by saying something entirely different happened and make that the new storyline? Please? Also, I love it when people incorporate the story I wrote into their character's bio *wink wink*. Feel free to distort the story a bit to your liking, but don't break it down entirely or make something else out of it, thanks!

6. Face Claims - I'm open to anything but realistic people (sorry!), so feel free to play anything from an anime, cartoon, manga, comic, so on.

7. Being Special - Now, I'm talking about me giving you permission to make your character special. And by special, I mean one of those demons. So you want in on that nice evil stuff? Feel free to ask me and there's 99% I'll say yes (unless we have an overload of people who want to be evil then in that case... maybe not so much xD)

8. Other - No one probably knows me since it's been a year since I was last on but that's alright! If anyone that does know me is reading this, please love me (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) I miss you guys. Also, no hidden passwords! Wow! Amazing, right? Just try to follow the rules guys~


*This code is not required. It is simple and short, that way not everyone wastes their energy on a super long code, but hey, if you've got that time and energy, feel free!*
Code: Select all
[font=avenir light][center]
[img]Use to create your character name[/img]



[quote][color=COLORHERE]QUOTE HERE[/quote][/color]

[b]Normal[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||
[b]Angry[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||
[b]Emotional[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||

[font=avenir light][right][img]IMAGE OF CHARACTER HERE[/img][/right]
[b]|| Name ||[/b]

[b]|| Age ||[/b]

[b]|| Gender ||[/b]

[b]|| Sexuality ||[/b]


[b]|| Face Claim ||[/b]

[left][img]Image or gif here[/img][/left]
[b]|| Personality ||[/b]

[right][IMG] IMAGE OR GIF HERE[/IMG][/right]
[b]|| Bio ||[/b]

[b]|| Other ||[/b]

*However, for those who kind of want theirs to look kind of nice, here ya go*
Code: Select all
[font=avenir light][center][img][/img]
[img]Use to create your character name[/img]



[quote][color=COLORHERE]QUOTE HERE[/quote][/color]

[b]Normal[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||
[b]Angry[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||
[b]Emotional[/b] || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||

[center]QUOTE HERE (You can use 1001 fonts to develop it or alter the size/font)[/center]
[color=MAIN]█[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][/size][/left][font=avenir light][right][img]IMAGE OF CHARACTER HERE[/img][/right]
[b]|| Name ||[/b]


[b]|| Age ||[/b]

[b]|| Gender ||[/b]

[b]|| Sexuality ||[/b]


[b]||Meister Type||[/b]

[b]|| Face Claim ||[/b]

[center]QUOTE HERE (You can use 1001 fonts to develop it or alter the size/font)[/center]
[color=transparent]▌[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=SECOND]█[/color][/size][/right][left][img]Image or gif here[/img][/left]
[b]|| Personality ||[/b]

[center]QUOTE HERE (You can use 1001 fonts to develop it or alter the size/font)[/center]
[color=MAIN]█[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][/size][/left][right][IMG] IMAGE OR GIF HERE[/IMG][/right]
[b]|| Bio ||[/b]

[b]|| Other ||[/b]

[center]QUOTE HERE (You can use 1001 fonts to develop it or alter the size/font)[/center][center][img][/img][/center]

*And for those who are truly insane and want the highest quality, most strenuous code, feel free*

Code: Select all
[hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img][/img][/left][center][font=avenir light][size=150][color=Main COLOR][b]Character Qoute[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=avenir light][size=250][color=SECONDARY COLOR]░░░(Class Here) of (Team Name Here)░░░[/size][/color][/font][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][size=200][left]╔[/left][right]╗[/right][/size]
[size=120][center][font=avenir light][url=link to theme song]Theme song name | then artist[/url][/font][/center][/size][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][right][img]IMG[/img]
[color=MAIN]█[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][/size][/left][color=MAIN]FULL NAME[/color]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]
[hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][font=AVENIR LIGHT][size=150]QUOTE[/size][/font][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMG[/img][/left]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[color=SECOND]HAIR COLOR[/color]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[color=SECOND]EYE COLOR[/color]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[color=SECOND]SKIN TONE[/color]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[center][font=AVENIR LIGHT][size=150]Insert your own little quote here.[/size][/font][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][size=150][color=MAIN]█[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=transparent]▌[/color]
[list][list][center][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT][i]✦ TRAIT ✧ TRAIT ✦ TRAIT ✧ TRAIT ✦[/i][/size][/font]

[font=AVENIR LIGHT][size=90]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/center][/list][/list][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMG[/img]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION
✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION[/font][/size][/list][/list][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMG[/img]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION
✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION[/font][/size][/list][/list][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION
✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION
✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION[/font][/size][/list][/list]

[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION
✦[b]ANSWER[/b] - EXPLANATION[/font][/size][/list][/list][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]
[center][font=AVENIR LIGHT][size=150]Insert your own little quote here.[/size][/font][/center]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]ANSWER HERE[/font][/size][/list][/list][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMG[/img][/left][right][img]IMG[/img][/right][center][color=MAIN]OTHER[/color]
[list][list][size=90][font=AVENIR LIGHT]Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ [color=MAIN]ANSWER HERE[/color]

Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ [color=SECOND]ANSWER HERE[/color]

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ ANSWER HERE

Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ ANSWER HERE

[i]character basic form[/i] © aurei
[i]modified form[/i]  ઽ૮૨Α
[i]edited, modified form[/i] Luna Delta[/font][/size][/list][/list][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #CC99CC || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #8E388E

It all happened so fast, Athena's mind hardly had time to wrap around it. Whatever, she didn't need to process, all Athena had to do was act. The lights bathed the room in a sickly red glow, as though the class had been doused in blood. Students burst into flames, the teacher pulled a torch out from her stomach and let out a laugh that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Slowly Athena stood, her coyote growling at the strange demon before them. Then there was a shout, and another. One a call for backup, the other screaming the demon's species; a Lampad. As soon as her mind wrapped around this fact the room was doused in flames, smoke rising up from the fire that began to consume the room.

Despite the low levels of visibility, Athena could see the attack coming as clear as day. "Dores!" Athena screamed and pushed her partner out of the way, one of her coyotes jumping up to consume the brunt of the attack while Athena caught the tail end. Her uniform was singed, but she was no worse for wear. "Are you alright?" Athena asked Dores, never taking her eyes off of the enemy. That seemed to be the one mistake everyone made.

"Brin, Bruno, listen to my wishes, leave none unfulfilled!" In an instant they were up again, the demon spirits circling the Lampad. One jumped, biting the teacher's arm and attempting to pull her to the ground, the other bit the teacher's leg, both tugging her this way and that as though they were in a game of tug-of-war. The image was ridiculous and if it weren't such an urgent situation Athena probably would have laughed. While the two dogs pulled, Athena gave a round house kick to the front, the demon falling back.

Triumphant, Athena pumped her fist in the air, but not for long. The next thing she knew the Lampad was running, shaking her coyotes off of itself and coming after her. Athena ducked, blocking a kick with her hands and being pushed back a few feet. "Dores, are you alright? Can you fight?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #cc9933

The demon managed to dance around her attacks. Yet without hesitation, Dores continued her assault to push the lampad into a corner. She was almost there when she heard Atsuko shout her name. Unbeknown to Dores and Athena, Atsuko had saved the two of them from the initial attack. Yet the barrage of fireballs was hardly over as other flames slipped past the doctor. Again her name was shouted, this time by Athena, who shortly thereafter threw her weight at Dores' back causing her to topple over. The blaze that soared over the pair not a split second later, just the heat of it's trail told Dores that had Athena been a split second later, both of them would have been roasted!

“Watch me.” Dores responded with a wink to Athena's inquiry, her feathers unruffled by just how narrowly they had avoided. Within a flash, Dores was back on her feet and threw her coat to the side. She twirled her brush once, before bringing it down to her legs to ink the character 風 (wind) onto each of them, then 巨人 (titan) on her left arm.

Dores shot past Athena, the force of her sudden acceleration propelled the flames and smoke away from her. As if possessed, Dores pierced straight through the burning classroom at superhuman speed. She reeled back her arm as she zoomed into the demon, using both her momentum, weight and superhuman strength etched into her arm to grab the possessed teacher by the collar to bring and slam her into the nearest wall. The lampad screeched and fought back, but with the wounds inflicted by Athena's summons, she was in no position to challenge Dores' might. “Burn, burn!” She cried desperately. Her flaming hair flared up violently, almost reaching Dores' face. In the nick of time, Dores' brush touched the demon's neck, painting 封印 (seal) on her skin. As the red flames of her hair faded (as well as one of the characters on Dores' legs), so did embers around the classroom. For the time being, the lampad's pyrokinesis was sealed.

“Looks like we caught our selves the firestarter.” Dores joked, as she put the now defenceless demon in an armlock. “Now all we need is an aria to drive her out of our teacher.”

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
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0.00 INK



Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #CC99CC || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #8E388E

Athena watched the rest of the fight from the sidelines. Dores could handle the monster herself, it seemed, besides she had only asked Athena to be backup and the girl had done her job. "We should tie her up with something," Athena mumbled once Dores had gotten the demon into a headlock, as who knew how long those enchantments would last. Athena walked around the classroom until she had an idea and pulled the dusty curtains off of the window, allowing a bit of sunlight to filter into the room. Since the Lampad could no longer set herself on fire, they could wrap her in the curtain until an Aria could be summoned. Athena knelt beside Dores and tied the Lampad up, double checking her knots to ensure that they were secure.

When Athena stood, she noticed the burn on her arm wasn't healing and frowned. Her coyotes circled around her, clearly concerned, but Athena brushed it off, petting their hands to let them know that they had done an excellent job. "Good job subduing her like that," Athena said to Dores, then turned to Atsuko. Normally Athena wouldn't acknowledge the Doctor, but she gave the girl a thumbs up of approval, even though she hadn't aided in the fight. Atsuko had tended to the wounded students, which was important. It was always imperative to evacuate civilians first. Their lives came before anyone of the exorcists.

Now that they had all been inflicted with a demon wound there would be much more reports of demons on the campus. Athena would have to be extra careful not to be seen when she went out at night. "Should I go get an Aria?" Athena questioned, [color=#CC99CC]"Or should we simply drag the teacher back to headquarters?" This wasn't their teacher, their teacher was probably watching from the sidelines somewhere. This was just some innocent True Cross Academy fledgling that had gotten their body possessed.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feodore Rudo Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: Pavel Emmittson Character Portrait: Roman Aichi
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0.00 INK


Her eyes slowly opened, Koharu had a rough night. In fact prior to looking at her clock she knew she had slept in, alot in fact. She decided to sleep some more but then she rememebered that today was the day of their important mission. She sighed looking over to her roommates bed. Even her sleepy head roommate had already awoken! She hen shifted her head, purple hair rubbing against the pillow. She sighed when her eyes met the alarm clock. "I must have not turned it on."
She climbed out of bed slowly fixing her hair with a pocket comb. She changed her clothes, packed her guns and began to hike out to the woods. "wierd, why would a teacher just run away?" As soon as she uttered that she was silenced by the sound of battle and the voices of her teammates. She entered the clearing to see Rhea taking down a giant beast new to Koharu's eyes. Though she left it living, she rose an eyebrow as she walked into it. [color=#0099c6"It isn't like Rhea to spare a demon, what is this? You're plan Pavel?"[/color] She took the lollipop out of her mouth as she walked into the center of the group inspecting the monster. She has the sniper across her back and winked at Feo and Pavel seductively before putting the lollipop back in her mouth. "I do apologize for being this late you will not believe what I went through this morning."

14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Chun Li Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Akiba, Ashitaka Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: Chikanori

...and 2 others.

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0.00 INK

xxxxxxxxxxAnother bell rings, another morning starts at True Cross Academy, the school for students training to hunt demons. Today, our group of twelve will be starting the day off with John Smith's class - the study of demons. Their teacher has a few things in store for his students today, mainly revolving around them summoning their own demons, studying them, before he gets his chance to show off his two companions for the class to observe and take note of. Although... things may get a little messy, considering it is the infamous John Smith, but then again, it's John Smith we're talking about. He usually has his class under control. Usually.

The man was sitting in his chair, behind the desk his two, dark boots settled to rest on while he reclined back comfortably. Students began to file through the open door, taking a seat wherever, seeing how John didn't care much for seating as long as everyone behaved well enough. The classroom might have vaguely smelled of smoke since he was smoking only a few minutes before another teacher walked by. Now, he was 'reading' a book that was placed right over his face. Was he... sleeping?

Well, after a few students peered at the giant stacks of paper on his desk, they passed it off as the one-eyed man simply catching up on lost rest from the night before. In reality, he was awake, but their notions were right- god was paperwork a pain...

▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏Rhea was already in the classroom by the
xxxxxxDɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ✦ #151B8Dxxxxxx▏time their teacher was. She made no
xxxxxxTʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #1589FFxxx-xxx▏attempt to 'wake' him from his sleep,
▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏since she didn't really care. She actually had plans to leave before anyone could find her, specifically a teacher. Besides, she often skipped out on class anyways. The only reason she was there was because of the class subject and who was teaching the class. Mr. Smith was generally a friendly guy, and very lenient and casual with his students. Plus, he taught things about demons, which she knew she'd have to learn about one day or the other. It'd probably be important, seeing how she had no interest in being killed this year or the next.

She sat basically in the center of the class, pretty much occupying herself with checking her nails and yawning. Why did the class have to start so early in the morning...? Maybe if school started in the evening, she wouldn't mind as much, but this was...

Rhea sighed and hung her head. "Maybe I should just go back and get some sleep like he is..." she murmured to herself upon seeing their own teacher looking like he had a hangover and made an attempt at coming to teach. She sighed again at her own thoughts, letting her head rest on the desk as she continued to debate with herself if she should leave, glancing over at the door every once and a while. Once the class started, it'd be impossible to get out unnoticed.

▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏Haru was sitting towards the back corner
xxxxxxDɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ✦ #417C64----xxxx▏of the classroom, practically the most
xxxxxxTʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #78C7C7xx--xxx▏loneliest place to sit amidst a nearly
▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏empty classroom. In his hands, he was clutching his book full of verses and everything, despite the class primarily being aimed at towards tamers. He knew he could still gain some knowledge out of it, learning about the types of demons, what each was capable of, any weak points, and so on. Even if he didn't learn anything new, he knew he wouldn't have the guts to skip out on class like the a few others could.

What use would that book of his be in such a class? None. It'd be of no help, but for some reason, as long as he held it, he felt a bit safer. Those rumors of demons suddenly popping up out of no where creeped him out... he didn't want to be useless if that were to happen in their class (though even if it did, Haru's memorized all of his lines but always feels too unconfident in his amount of skill).

He didn't even seem to be able to make eye contact with any of the other students walked in the door. He didn't care much if anyone didn't sit next to him or did - he was feeling far to fidgety as usual. Did he bring everything he needed? Did he forget anything back at the dorms? Of course not, he was just overthinking things, as usual.

▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏Niko, similar to Haru, was in the back,
---Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ✦ Black w/ Bold--------▏hiding in the corner seat though that
xxxxxxTʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #657383------xxx▏shouldn't have
▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▏come off as a surprise to anyone who knew that he was a mute. Because he was so silent, he didn't feel the need or want to take any seats towards the front. What use would that be for a kid who could'd communicate with the teacher? It didn't really matter though, Niko had hardly any questions whenever a class was over anyways.

For a long while, he just stared at their teacher. 'How did a goofy guy like him even get this job...?' he thought to himself, and then lowered his eyes beneath his desk where his hands were, covered by those black gloves, as usual. His thumb stroked the palm of his hand, feeling the giant scar beneath the thin fabric. For a second, it almost brought the boy back to those times where there was blood and and pain and-

...He snapped out of it, frowning and cringing uncomfortably. 'I have to focus on class...' Now, he was a doctor for a team of twelve, and class would be starting soon. He didn't want to miss out on learning anything important, and missing out meant knowing less. Knowing less meant probable failure on his part, and he couldn't have that.

Still... when was their teacher going to wake up exactly?

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Chun Li Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: Chikanori Character Portrait: John Smith
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Dialogue Color=#800000 Thought Color=#262626

Kardos walked into the class not at all late but not early at the same time. He could tell this would be hell, 'I didn't even want to be a primary! And especially with this class they'll totally turn their attention to me. Hell knows that lazy ass will probably have me teach half of his class!' He knew that due to his constant studying and training Kardos had become kind of like a tamer prodigy. Though to be honest he just wanted to blend in, though being the son of Shura a very skilled Knight famous at True Cross he had his work cut out for him. Kardos walked down the hall he adjusted his robes, he's felt the shifting of his tiny demon friends, mainly hellcats or imps that fit there and could scout or run errands. Many people would squirm and scream though Kardos felt content they would never hurt him.
Kardos walked in and saw a few eyes dart to him, not all the students were here but he still made an effort to not blush in embarrassment. Though he stayed calm and then before moving to his seat looked over to see John passed the fuck out, no, he knew John better. He knew John well, he'll the guy was like his uncle as Shura and Him were good friends. John was definently tired or just being his lazy self. Kardos suddenly whispered a quick word before opening his robe a bit. Out flew a small skull that floated around the room, eliciting shouts of excitement, then it hovered by John's ear. "John wake up lazy head." It rattled off in Kardos voice yet in a near shout instead of a whisper. Kardos didn't wait for his reaction smiled a small grin then strides over to his seat. As he sat he hid his face in a book. The skull then returned to his robe and it was done. Kardos didn't listen to Mr. smith at this point the old man has taught him hell of a lot and this class covered mainly basics. Kardos had himself lost in thought, 'We could summon an old favorite or something new. What are you feeling Blurry?'
'I care little of what you do boy, this is your domain. I am no summoner of demons.' Kardos shook his head the rather talkative and demanding Patron seemed distant and quiet lately. 'Whatever you say big guy' Kardos finally pressed his finger against a page in the bestiary. "Here we are, you will do nicely." He whispered to himself.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: John Smith
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #CC99CC || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #8E388E

She was late, she knew she was late, and yet somehow Athena couldn't exactly bring herself to care. Her hands were in her pockets as she walked down the hall, her scythe looking like nothing more than an odd key that hung around her neck. Getting herself motivated to go to class was a challenge, unlike her sister, who was now a famous exorcist that worked for True Cross, Athena didn't really care to kill her kind. The only reason she was doing this was to find her parents, to uphold her end of the deal so that she could live. True Cross was never exactly kind to demons, but they had been decent enough to Athena and Wren, they hadn't spilled their secret to anyone, not even the teachers.

It was always a risk going into a classroom filled with students trained to hate the beings of darkness, but it's not as though Athena could choose what family she was born into. Her's just happened to be a bit unconventional. Athena took her hands out of the pockets of her uniform skirt, it was about time she went to aforementioned class, their teacher was someone she had never met and apparently was a great exorcist. Athena walked down the hall slowly, as though to savor each step before entering the room only to find it barely full. So she wasn't late after all.

Athena looked to find a desk in the back and soon found a seat, beside a doctor clutching at his prayer book. She frowned, wondering why he looked like like he was about to vomit or burst into tears, or maybe it was both? "You know, you shouldn't come to class if you aren't feeling well." Athena said as she drummed her fingers against the hard surface of the desk.

14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Chun Li Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Akiba, Ashitaka Character Portrait: Koharu Sato

...and 2 others.

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#, as written by Sigma

Dialogue Color: #FF000D
Thoughts Color: #A0A0A0

Punctuality was, without a doubt, something that a hero should never fail to withhold. Yet, Kyo, one aspiring to be such, found himself moving through the halls of True Cross at a brisk jog, one hand swinging by his side and the other holding in place a blade sheathed on his back. As he proceeded to the classroom to which he was assigned, he made sure that he had all of his necessary equipment with him. Two knives, one in a sheathe on his leg and the other in his arm bracer, the sword sheathed on his back, lightweight armor, all was present and accounted for. The reason for his lack of punctuality on this very day would be due to the time he had spent on the school's training field. It was a daily routine for him to wake up early and go train, but today he was caught up in the practice, more so than usual.

Nearing the room that would now be his class, Kyo slowed his pace down to a walk and stopped short of the door. He slowly inched it open and walked in, prepared to give his excuse alongside an apology. Those mental preparations proved unnecessary upon the realization that most students had yet to arrive and the teacher himself appeared to be taking a nap. From the looks of things, most of the people present had a preference to the middle-rear ends of the classroom. Kyo, on the other hand, chose to sit towards the front of the classroom, specifically the seat closest to the door. He had two main reasons for doing so, being near to the front in the event of an emergency will allow him to do his job as a knight better, as well as being near to the exit so he may leave as soon as the class had concluded.

Upon taking his seat, Kyo let out a rather long sigh and laid his head against the desk with his arms stretched out before him. "Ah... I'm just a secondary fighter, aren't I?" He mumbled, referring to the setting of this, so-called, large group team, "I don't understand that. I put in enough training, right? Should I double those efforts? Maybe if I beat the knight currently on the main force, they'll see that I deserve to be on it." With another sigh, Kyo felt his body tension relax. That's easier said than done though. She's got that wicked polearm. Her reach with that thing far outclasses the reach of my weapons.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: John Smith
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏr ✦ #408000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #804080

Today was a lovely day, a lovely day upon which Anzhela could actually see. That rarely was the case, but this morning was one of the rare mornings when she woke up with her contacts exactly where they should be and thusly wore them. As a result her eyes gleamed an unnatural red and could fully observe, fully take in her beautiful surroundings. Well, that’s half true.

Unfortunately the green-haired woman had little opportunity to take in her surroundings as she had to rush to class since she was running late. Punctuality was one talent she usually possessed but today was a special day, though few would really notice as few noticed her so she suspected that today too she’d slip in without being noticed. Now as for how a usually punctual woman would be so not punctual on this particular morning is a humdrum tale, but if you wish to hear it, it is one that can be told nonetheless. But firstly, what you must understand is that Anzhela, who was so prone to losing things and was well aware she was prone to losing things, had not been expecting her contacts to be right where they were supposed to be, and as a result that had been the last place she had thought to look for them when she got up on this particular unpunctual morning.

Imagine her frustration when she woke up, tore her room to pieces in search of the thin crimson circles, failed to find them, momentarily gave up, only to find them moments later exactly where she remembered putting them and exactly where they should be, put them in, and then fully saw the state of her room - the state, by the way, she put it in mere moments before. Imagine further the frustration she felt after considering the fact that she had just cleaned her room the night before. Now, imagine her frustration and horror when she look at the alarm clock by her bed and realized she was a full ten seconds late.

Oh the horror was immeasurable. A full ten seconds. She could run and make up the time, but that simply wasn't something she would be inclined to do. No, certainly not, she would much prefer to simply dread her fate and walk. That required far less effort. Plus, her teacher today would likely be reclining in his chair - as that seemed to be a regular habit for him - and feigning sleep. 'No teacher at our school would really sleep in class, especially not with the recent...mishaps that have been occurring at least.'

Honestly, she loved and hated this class. She loved and hated her teacher as well. John Smith was more lax than the others, but at the same time he liked his students to at least put in their best effort - and he had a good eye for it when a student didn't. Furthermore, she was a tamer. That meant there was an unspoken pressure placed upon her to preform and frankly, she didn't really like summoning her demons for the entire world to see. Part of what made them effective is that they were mysterious. Their illusions were only half as effective once you knew what they were and what they could do. The precariously thin veil - thin lie - they cast gets torn ever so slightly when her opponents wield truth.

Of course, a simpler reason for her disdain for going to class at the moment might simply be she didn't like school and she didn't like being late. She weighed those two thoughts as she stood in front of the classroom door.

As she predicted. She was exactly ten seconds late. With a sigh, she checked her hood - yes, she was well covered - and slipped into the room. Her scarlet orbs quickly picked out an empty seat in the back of the room, one that would allow her to slip into the scenery easily while still giving her the ability to observe the rest of the students. It would do, though it was unfortunate that there were so many other students who had gravitated in that direction as well.

Without a sound, and only a fleeting glance at the teacher who may or may not have been sleeping - though Anzhela suspected the latter was true - she disappeared into back of the room. From her position she easily scoped out the other students. Kyo, the knight was prostrating himself on his desk - likely thinking about his unhappy position as a secondary knight as - in her observation of him in the past - that seemed to be the only prevalent thought he cared for.

Kardos had his nose buried in a book, though even with her contacts she really couldn't see what it was, but if she had to take a guess it was likely a bestiary. Rhea looked as though she was having one of her internal debates, and knowing her, it concerned whether or not she'd actually stay for class. If she had to bet on it, she'd bet she'd decide to leave right before it was impossible to do so and be forced to stay. In the other back corner of the room, only a few seats away was Athena and Haru. Athena was speaking to him, while he looked like a nervous wreck - as per usual.

Niko was exactly one seat away, though she didn't try to speak to him, frankly she doubted he would want anyone to speak to him at all, so she thought it best to respect his wishes. That being said, she couldn't bring herself to act as if she totally ignored him, so she nodded slightly to him instead, she didn't wait for him to respond in kind as she wasn't certain he would and turned her gaze away from him and to the front of the class. She didn't become an honor roll student by not paying any attention in class after all.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: John Smith
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #585858
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #7c0428


Petasus was walking down the hall, A bit late...but Petasus wasn't distraught, After non-creepy observation of the man behind the desk, he has witnessed John's lenient tendencies first hand, though, not the best trait to have as a teacher, but, for teaching this group of misfits, it is useful nonetheless. His arms were behind his back, The crimson coat stretching down to his thighs, black dress pants making up his bottom half, A white shirt tied up with a bow tie, A large top hat placed on top of a white mask, Hiding a...Well, Lets be quiet, He might overhear.

Petasus wasn't necessarily a teacher's pet, Doing good in school is something he does already, but he wanted to be someone who people look up to, because it seems everyone decides to look away, he didn't blame them, he just didn't want that to be the case, it can't be helped though, nor it should, If Petasus decides to try something, the responses would be anything but heartwarming.

Petasus lightly opened the door, if class has started, that would be quite embarrassing, everyone seemed to be seated in different corners of the room, Petasus knew that the room mostly consisted of people who wouldn't enjoy his company, but at the very back, Kardos was reading a book, Kardos and Petasus seemed to be on good terms, As they both enjoyed one's presense, Petasus inched up the seats, before sitting one seat from the left, away from the tamer. Nodding as a greeting, Kardos seemed to be mumbling to himself at the same time while reading the book, but Petasus payed little attention, the people that were in the class got the same treatment.

Primaries? Petasus didn't really know about these titles, he didn't know anything about these, except that he was one, Was it by age? Petasus would like to think it was about skill, but that surely couldn't be the case, it doesn't take much skill to fire a gun after all. His teacher, John Smith, was it? His name was in league with generic names such as Bob Doe, and Mary Sue, It seemed like a name straight out of a novel, Well, John seemed to be relaxing, late students seemed to prove little importance, this class seemed to be unfit for a Dragoon too, but Petasus was a different case, Learning about demons would prove as his main priority. Petasus sat on a chair, away from a desk, one hand behind his neck, the hand turning into a pillow, his other hand was spinning one of his unique firearms, It was unloaded, but at another glance, that would be hard to tell.

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"Today will be a good one." Koharu assured herself, sliding out of her workout clothes consisting of yoga pants, and a purple sports bra. Her purple hair slightly disheveled, and her body sticky with sweat. She flashed her eyes towards the mirror and almost tipped in terror. Well this was her third week using this routine. Before she started she had been tone, now she was getting slightly ripped with lean muscle. Koharu had decided to workout like this to make her self more appealing. Koharu then looked in the corner of her room and heard distressed rabbit sounds. "Oh no Kate!" She hurried to the cage where her rabbit had no more food. She took out the rabbit and hand fed her celery from the fridge. She moved to the bed with bunny in lap petting the soft fur of the plump rodent. "Good bunny wabbit." Haru giggled at her own bad joke. Then she filled up her bowl of food and water before setting the rabbit in the flakes of the cage. Koharu wire a little smile the hole time, she loves animals. The girl continued stripping afterwards and made her way to the shower, finally able to clean up, afterwards she did her hair drying it as best she could then slipped on an outfit of a skirt, stickings, and a hoodie. She walked out of the room and dormitories. She walked down the halls pulling out a sucker and seductively putting it in her mouth and winking at a guy. The boy nearly lost it and became as red as a tomato, forcing Koharu to laugh rather coldly. She then decided to look at her team roster.
A flush came to her face and her stomach did a flip. "Oh crap, Dores." That name on the list made her go deep into her thoughts and stop in her tracks. She did not know how to feel right now, she liked Dores a lot and wanted to be closer to her yet, Karu might melt if she saw the girl right now. Her emotions had been quite fluid lately and she knew something embarrassing could happen. Koharu then continues while chasing her weapons in her bag and on her person.
Koharu reached the door, her breath was shallow and that butterfly feeling was back. She walked in rather dramatically and scanned the room. When she realized Dores was nowhere to be found she sat down in the front making sure there was a spot for Dores next to her.
(She signals Dores over whenever she enters.) Then looks around seeing Kardos reading a book then seeing the masked man next to him. Chills went down her spine, 'That guy creeps me out, what is a sweet guy like Kardos doing around him?' He then saw Rhea and waved to her with a smile, 'She totally wants to ditch.' She giggled, looking at the tamer then to the others before settling down and centering her gaze at the lazy teacher.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Kardos Nellian Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Akiba, Ashitaka Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: Chikanori Character Portrait: John Smith
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xx dialogue color: #8BB381
xx thought color: #D2B9D3
Being on time and prepared for class was always something Ashitaka found herself proud of, well, being. In fact, she rarely was even absent or late to a class. If she was, chances were it was due to something not very... pleasant as some would say. Of course, Ash had to admit, Mr. Smith's class was by no means her favorite. On the plus side, however, it taught her how to be more effective when facing certain infliction brought on by demons themselves. In the end though, no one could exactly knew everything about demons. Walking into class, Ash bit the inside of her lip as she looked at Mr. Smith...

Sleeping? Really? Or maybe not. Regardless, it was important for him to at least rest before class started. She didn't know about the others, but at least she'd study as she waited for his eventual awakening. Now the question was, who was she going to see by? Glancing over everyone, Ash had to fight off a frown. It looked like everyone was taken, or just didn't want to be bothered with... wait, Rhea wasn't! Or at least, she wasn't before she glanced at the door, which had unfortunately Chikanori waving her to come ditch with him. God, after an entire week of him warning her and a few close friends, it looked like he was making true to his word. Well, at least he was an honest man.

Sighing, and just deciding to take a seat in the row between the back and center, Ash just hugged her bag close. A medical book, supplies in case of emergency, and her gloves carefully placed inside. Without this bag, she'd probably be in serious trouble at some point... she just hoped she wouldn't have to use them anytime soon.


xx dialogue color:DARKRED
xx thought color: #CB3244
Right, okay, this was completely stupid. A hundred percent. Why did he even have to go to something so... repulsive? Demons and hims weren't friends, by any means, and being a more common, 'go-to' target to ones on the field? Nah. Regardless of how he looked at it, though, it was an outcast. He didn't belong back at his Father's old work place, and to be honest? He didn't belong here, at True Cross, either. Or even walking among humans.

It was disgusting how cruel he was in his own thoughts, not that he cared much. It was just how his mind twisted: Once a being breaks from a herd, it'll always be an outsider.

Ah, shit! He really didn't want to skip alone. At least with Rhea, he could have fun just being an asshole with no one to exactly judge him. Right, it was time to go and drag Rhea the hell outta that horrible class. Stomping his boot down the hallway and stopping outside the Teacher's class, Chikanori scowled as he tried to adjust to who was in there.

Haru, of course... Anthea, Ash, annoying brat-Kyo, Petasus, Anzhela, Niko, Koharu, Rhea, and ah, Kardos. Right, okay, pretty much everyone was there, weren't they? Shit. His eyes met Ash's just as he began trying to get Rhea's attention, pointing down the hallway to an easy 'escape'. After awhile it was sort of rapid, his eyes carefully observing John Smith, who might of not been as tired as everyone seemed to think he was... But then again they weren't exactly worried about skipping like he was.

At least Rhea looked like she desperately wanted to leave...?

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Koharu Sato Character Portrait: John Smith
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #cc9933

“Oh good, you all waited for me.” Dores entered, noticing John's makeshift sleeping mask. Classes had been tense lately. The latest events in True Cross had the academy on the edge and it seemed teachers were sacrificing shut eye to deal with it all. John was hardly the only teacher with near permanent circles underneath his eyes. The same could even be said for many students. The thought of infiltration and lockdown were nervewrecking to most. Not to Dores, it seemed, as she casually swung past the rows of chairs and fellow students without a care in the world.

“Morning.” She greeted the violet-haired dragoon who had gestured her over, and placed her purse on the table next to Koharu. She had seen the girl once or twice around the block or in the hallways, but they hadn't actually spoken yet. “It doesn't look like I missed something.” Dores quipped with a smile as she sat down. “I'm Dores, by the by.”

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Character Portrait: Chiko Benjiro
4 sightings Chiko Benjiro played by xxMCxMIKEYxx
Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
19 sightings Raburadōru Nisemono played by TechnoFoxHowell

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View All » Add Character » 23 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rhea Sato
Character Portrait: Dores Barroso
Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
Character Portrait: Akiba, Ashitaka
Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov
Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev
Character Portrait: Chikanori
Character Portrait: John Smith


Character Portrait: John Smith
John Smith

{Side Character - Teacher}

Character Portrait: Chikanori

"Go ahead and judge. That's all you people do anyway." {{BIO-WIP}}

Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov
Anzhela Kotov

"But these weren't the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around--they were monsters with human faces."

Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
Haru Tanaka

"'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...'"

Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
Atsuko Gensou

"Don't worry, death wouldn't take you from my grasp."

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso
Dores Barroso

"Let me draw us a future."

Character Portrait: Rhea Sato
Rhea Sato

"Did you call for a hero? Because, uh, well, I'm not one, actually. I'm going to get rid of that demon though, so that's cool, right?"


Character Portrait: Dores Barroso
Dores Barroso

"Let me draw us a future."

Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
Haru Tanaka

"'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...'"

Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov
Anzhela Kotov

"But these weren't the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around--they were monsters with human faces."

Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
Atsuko Gensou

"Don't worry, death wouldn't take you from my grasp."

Character Portrait: Rhea Sato
Rhea Sato

"Did you call for a hero? Because, uh, well, I'm not one, actually. I'm going to get rid of that demon though, so that's cool, right?"

Character Portrait: Chikanori

"Go ahead and judge. That's all you people do anyway." {{BIO-WIP}}

Character Portrait: John Smith
John Smith

{Side Character - Teacher}

Most Followed

Character Portrait: John Smith
John Smith

{Side Character - Teacher}

Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
Haru Tanaka

"'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...'"

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso
Dores Barroso

"Let me draw us a future."

Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov
Anzhela Kotov

"But these weren't the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around--they were monsters with human faces."

Character Portrait: Chikanori

"Go ahead and judge. That's all you people do anyway." {{BIO-WIP}}

Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou
Atsuko Gensou

"Don't worry, death wouldn't take you from my grasp."

Character Portrait: Rhea Sato
Rhea Sato

"Did you call for a hero? Because, uh, well, I'm not one, actually. I'm going to get rid of that demon though, so that's cool, right?"

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