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Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet

The first Cybran Battle Fleet to enter the Milky Way

0 · 1,948 views · located in Casgrax System

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tank Emperor


<Opening database...>
<File - Battlefleet "Drachen">
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Cybran Battle Fleet "Drachen"

Size - 500 ships strong.

Make up -
3 Utlra Dreadnoughts
50 Light Dreadnoughts
270 Battleships
100 Transports
27 Tankers
50 Frigates
Notable Commanders
Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hindbura


So begins...

Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: Will ZarHara Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin
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#, as written by Akiyo
"Alright men we've been given the green light to engage, but hold your fire! Tighten formation on me!" Holtz commands the Kleines Geschwader skillfully. Wasting no time the fighters close in around Holtz.

"We're winding around the target frigate I'm loading to your HUDs now. Once we reach the engines we'll hit the afterburner and wind around the second frigate I'm uploading now. You will break off and really get close before pulling up and forming on me near the Ramstein."

All wings in his squadron call in compliance. Holtz and the Kleines Geschwader soar around their first target, dodging defensive turret shots. One fighter is hit, but the shielding prevents damage, only bounces it upwards before the pilot corrects his position. Continuing their course the Kleines Geschwader dance across the enemy fleet.

"Remember, no firing! When Ramstein gives the order to open fire, we'll maneuver for target one's engines. Watch your backs and break formation with your afterburner and hurry to the Ramstein if your shielding falls below fifty percent! Understood?"

"Yes sir!" They reply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Mattran Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: Will ZarHara Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin Character Portrait: Captain Erik Holtz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
ZAR Taskforce
Command Bridge Excalibur

"Incomming Missile Barrage!" A techofficer shouted from the bridge as the missiles raced toward the ZAR ships.

Will looked out as the missiles streaked through space, the SEC was playing it close using their missiles at this range but the ZAR would play as well. "Launch All primed Missiles at the enemy then deploy anti missile countermeasures and Divert power from the engines to the shields. Have 1st Wing form up and attack after the missile Barrage." Zar snapped as his orders seemed to be carried out to the letter.

SEC Battle Fleet Olympus
Command Bridge Vengeance

Grandmoff Tarin expected the counter barrage, but he had a new tactic to employ. "Launch Counter measures and Power down the main reactor divert battery power to life support and ESF Generators fleet wide." He ordered, throughout the fleet SEC ships powered down their reactors leaving them seemingly helpless, it was a baffling tactic but soon each ship was surrounded by an electron stabilization field. This was the largest scale the new defense weapon had been deployed and it would also be the first field test.
The SEC missiles hit the ZAR fleet first, many missiles were lost to the defensive measures but still 10 medium yield and one high yield missile got through. The ZAR taskforce was ripped apart by the missiles as many of the ships went down some vaporized on the spot. Triumph had taken part of the force of a warhead and it ripped a hole in the front and it was clear the ship was going down. Will looked out at his former flagship with a pang of guilt. The bridge was gone he knew Williams would surely be dead the ship spiraled. It appeared to stabilize most likely done in engineering, Her hangers were still in tact and while the battle raged on her transports were seen streaming from the vessel along with escape pods. The Casualties were still high, 25,765 of her 68,174 were dead and 2986 of her 12500 troops had perished as well.

The ZAR Barrage carried many more missiles but still many got through the countermeasures. But as the clouds of Nuclear inferno all of the Vessels with ESF Remained intact. Still the smaller vessels didn't posses this tech and most were destroyed or engulfed. Behind the fleet the troop transports and medical frigates were completely unscathed the ZAR had programmed the blast of avoid the support vessels, they hated the SEC but they would not resort to unorthodox measures.

But as the inferno cleared the Bombers and fighters of the ZAR were close behind as the bombers came screaming at the SEC capital ships. The fleet raced to restart reactors and fire point defense but for most it was too late. The SEC fighters that survived raced to defend the ships but they could only hit so many as they took defensive fire from the ZAR fighter escorts. Most of the fighters were ordered to defend the Vengeance. The attack was a complete success, 11 Capital ships were destroyed and another 10 Crippled, Vengeance was moderately damaged along with 4 others, 3 ships remained completely intact.
Both the ZAR and SEC fleets were crippled but then out of hyperspace came another fleet, 15 Capital ships escorted by over 30 smaller vessels and destroyers, battleships and fast attack ships. A message was Transmitted to Grand-Moff Tarin, This is
TOC-ZAR battle fleet Eyre, You will cease your attack on the ZAR vessels. The Talus Ordo Confederation is granting the forces of the Former ZAR republic asylum and taking them into refuge. The entire SEC operation against the ZAR republic is being placed in question and will be addressed in the Tribunal facing Luke Sullen on charges of Conspiracy for a military coup.

There was no response from the SEC to the TOC-ZAR forces but the crippled ships limped away those that were too wounded were abandoned and destructed. Then the remaining vessels left the system. It was clear the ZAR had been victorious, though the price for victory was high.

After the SEC began to leave another message was transmitted to the Cybrans, We ask that you do not fire upon our fleet we wish to collect the ZAR Taskforce and we will be on our way. If the Cybrans wish to further discuss diplomacy with the Confederation we will send our diplomat to meet with a Cybran representatives

After the SEC left a few ZAR and TOC vessels transited though the bulk of the force remained to await a Cybran response.

The setting changes from Cybran National Space to The Aurora


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

The crew of the HDS Ironhammer were on the edge of the Aschen Border. The massive Super Dreadnought made the smaller battleship look like an ant. Sat on top of the massive star vessel, the Commander, Admiral Iron hand of death Resano grunted as he watched the command crew do their duties, regular sounds coming from the crew; sips of hot liquids or crunching of food was mainly the sound. To everyone's surprise, bar the Admiral, the Sensors officer, Captain Farside, shouted aloud, "One contact, just inside border that we discovered from a drone a while ago."

"Ignore it, but if they get any closer, prepare the Heer Marines, I will have Heer marines board if anything happens. I don't want us to appear to be a military vessel. I want it to be Civilian looking. Load the guns and lasers, but don't fire. We are a star vessel, bigger than anything any nation over here has seen, I want you lot to be careful." The Admiral sighed, standing up to walk to the sensors screened off area and looked at the screens, "How big are they?"

"No big, sir. Tiny compared to us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: The Scatterran Navy Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: The Scatterran Navy Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
"Let's see...that would be the the Reverance," Aereth though aloud from the drifting and cloaked SRA starship.

Attempting to power on the system once more, Aereth flips a large switch with both hands at the central core of the SRA ship.

"Yes!" He exclaimed as the power hummed on a second before the roaring blast of the core. His EMP weapon hadn't damaged the core, he had saved many lives from the black hole this core would have made.

"Alright, now to see if they are in a talking mood." Aereth said as he remembered Captain Adams.

He raced to the nearest communications console and hailed the Reverance, "Reverance, are you reading me? I am in a cloaked ship in front of your position. Do you read me?"

Come on Adams, he thought to himself as he hoped the Adams he knew was the same, as with the rest of the crew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Despite the situation unfolding in this remote region of space, Whisper never ceased her search. It was as it had been for months, searching police reports, finger prints, retinal scans, hospital records. Anyplace with any sort of physical identification or medical trail was subject to Whisper's scrutiny.

With the Reverence's systems at her disposal and her psionic capabilities at her finger tips, few records slipped past her notice. It was a fruitless search, much akin to the proverbial needle in a haystack, but Whisper had taken on a single minded diligence that seemed unwavering in its pursuit of the McGregor fugitives.

It was a diligence that did not go unrewarded. With the FTL drive spooled up and moments away from jumping clear of the area everything came to a halt.

The images and digital information flashed through Whisper's head as several retinal scans and images came to the forefront of her consciousness. Mollem McGregor and Kianna McGregor. The retinal scans were only three hours old, and she quickly traced their origins before with a gasp the jack in the back of her neck disengaged.

Her eyes went wide and she pulled the IV from the back of her hand as a nearby technician took note of the girl's abrupt state of wakefulness. Alarmed voices reached her and hands held her down while a woman spoke to her through her drug addled state.

"Just relax. I'm giving you something to help counter the sedatives, just relax."

The sharp sting of the needle preceded the administration of more drugs into the cocktail of chemical components swimming through the girl's bloodstream, but her sense of clarity seemed to sharpen.

"Tell the Commander, I found them," Whisper slurred.

She was still too disoriented to attempt to reach out to Derek psionically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

"They're hailing us, Sir," one of the tactical officers announced.

"Well put it up," Derek replied.

The message was brief and not terribly informative as to the nature or disposition of the vessel. The FTL jump had been interrupted though, and with their systems on the fritz, they were sitting with their hands tied.

Picking up a comm device, Derek sent back a response. "This is Commander Adams aboard the Reverence S class, Blackbird. Identify yourself immediately."

"Sir, another ship has arrived. Cybran make from the look of it."

"Our systems are responding again Sir," another officer called out.

Derek scowled. "Get those FTL drives spooled back up. I want us out of here."

"No," Whisper said as she appeared in the doorway. She rested a hand against the metallic door frame to steady herself. She was still a bit unsteady on her feet and her thoughts sluggish from the remnants of the drugs in her system, but they were rapidly fading.

"Our target was located on a nearby planet in the Gaelian System," Whisper explained. "I need a transport vessel, something with short range FTL capabilities. And Echo. I'll need his talents to get through local security."

She couldn't risk these vessels pursuing the Reverence if they jumped to their destination directly. This could well be there only opportunity to get what they had come for.

"And you want us to just sit out here on our hands?" Derek asked incredulously.

"It's either that or we report back that we missed our one opportunity to complete this assignment," Whisper replied.

"Damn it Whisper," Derek replied. "Marshal, get a report sent back to the fleet of the situation here. Tell them we found what they're looking for, and that we request assistance immediately."

It was only minutes later when a single transport ship departed the hangar bay of the Reverence, but as soon as it was clear of the larger ship it vanished with an FTL jump to a destination unknown.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Samuel Davis Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Aereth called over the radio to the Reverance, "Captain Adams, you don't know me, but I know you. I could use a pick up, this ship is shut down. I could really use the lift, I'll explain everything. This ship is a ship for androids, but I've shut them down. This ship can be yours, just help me out."

Aereth sends over the schematics of the ship, advanced weapons, internal flight systems rendering the need for an engine useless, and everything he could get out of the ship's computer, but there were a few pieces of information he saved to bargain with for a ride.

"I've given you nearly all the ship's information, give me a ride and the rest is yours."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

AHSC Fleet of Tranquil Composure
Admiral Nolan McIntyre
Reverence II Triumphant Declaration
3,455 Combat capable Aschen ships.

Shortly after Adams had sent out his request for assistance, and his report. The Aschen had responded with his call through the fully capable and combat ready Fleet of Tranquil Composure.

One by one they jumped into the field, three massive Reverence IIs formed up before them.

"All CNVs prepare for artillery salvo, MAC cannons authorized." Admiral McIntyre hailed to his fleet as they spread and formed up.

"Admiral, two contacts, one unidentified, one Cybran." A lieutenant reported.

McIntyre nodded. "Excellent, all hands prepare for combat."

It was then all three Reverences moved into a delta pattern, with the flagship leading the charge, and the two Reverence IIs just behind and below it.

"Fleet remain on standby, Pitiless and Valorous Salvation, I'm assigning targets, you are weapons free."

Their respective commanders signaled their acknowledgement, and both the Cybran ship, and the unidentified ship would find themselves under their respective Reverence II's firing solution.

Crews scrambled to prepare, while AI's prepared the ships for combat, the Triumphant Declaration moving quickly towards the Blackbird.

"AHSC Blackbird, this is Triumphant Declaration Actual, prepare for docking and debriefing on a job well done." Admiral McIntyre hailed, as the flagship maintained it's course on approach towards the smaller Aschen vessel.


The Valorous Salvation was the first to complete cycling it's weapons. Bearing aim on the Cybran Dread, they garnered a firing solution, and their Commander, Commander Blackwell would manipulate his tactical display.

"All batteries weapons free."

This Reverence II was the first to open fire, sending a salvo of weapons fire towards the Cybran ship, the first were turbo-disruptor salvos, which came like a wall of weapons fire. This was followed up by a streak of blinding white light, a super-dense slug was discharged from the bow guns, at 12,000km/s it would impact the smaller ship with an immense amount of kinetic energy, and likely punch clean through it.

The Pitiless also homed in on the Cybran dreadnought, Commander Nielson eyed the massive Cybran ship with narrowed eyes, then turned to his AI.

"All batteries salvo fire. Power to the Singularity cannon, we're going to bag this in one hit."

"Acknowledged, preparing for singularity cannon discharge."

A massive power fluctuation would follow in the bowels of the third Reverence, as it faced off with the Cybran Dreadnought, menacing it, challenging it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Aereth relayed his call for help across all channels. Each captain he knew personally and spoke to directly on the comm channel. As he sent out small pieces of data on the ship to show all captains this starship was a masterpiece in starship design and ingenuity. Whoever helped him could have it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

The crew of the Cybran Dreadnought jumped to battlestations within seconds, the shields going to full power, making sure nothing would be able to hit the main parts of the ship. The Fighters and bombers launched after the first minute, a massed array of interceptors moving towards the Aschen fleet. A small fleets of vessels appeared from the star ship hangar bays from the bottom decks of the Dreadnought. As the ship moved forwards, all 100 trillion, billion tons of it, the fighters started to weave in and out of the Aschen fleet. The speed of which the fighters, and bombers danced, meant any weapons system would never be able to target them.

The Cybran Commander started to press buttons on his command throne, millions of proton weapons and Plasma weapons starting to fire at the Aschen fleet. The great dreadnought firing its salvo, thousands of heavy lasers and Nuclear weapon systems firing off round of salvo after round of salvo. As the Cybran Commander watched the display screens, contacts started to appear on the control screens. The Commander started to glance around, "Get the Cybran 101st Battlegroup over here. Should only take a few minutes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

The pair of Aschen ships squared off, Commander Blackwell monitoring the situation from the CIC.

"Commander, incoming fire." The AI warned, and the Commander nodded, the Reverence rocking hard as Cybran weapons impacted it's shields, which rippled and washed a brilliant white with each weapon impact, but nothing seemed capable of piercing the shielding of the Aschen ship. The Second Reverence maintained it's position encased in a shimmering polygonal blue barrier. Like the amorphous white barrier, Cybran weapons seemed useless as they detonated across the rigid blue hard-light shielding of the Aschen ship.

As nuclear missiles entered the fray, Radiological alarms would spin across each Reverence II, and point defenses and Electronic Countermeasures would cause some nuclear missiles to detonate in mid-space, and others to veer completely around the Aschen ships, what few passed this electronic screen impacted the shields, sending brilliant ripples across the two ships.

"Commander Blackwell, Shields are holding, however we cannot take this sort of sustained fire indefinitely, we may be required to involve the fleet."

Cybran shields however would likely not fare as well as their Aschen counterparts. As the Reverence II scored a direct hit with it's initial MAC shot, the Cybran shields would find themselves likely lacking in power to absorb this single 3,000 ton ferric-tungsten slug traveling at roughly 12,000 km/s. (4% the speed of light) Should the shields manage to stop this singular projectile. The release of thermodynamic energies and dissipated kinetic energies would more than likely be enough to obliterate the ship from bow to stern. Splitting it asunder in a fiery release of thermodynamic energies.

In the unlikely event the MAC was somehow ineffectual, the second Reverence was preparing a far more deadly shot.

As Fighters careened across the Aschen ships, the Reverences would react deploying Apollo interceptors, their nimble frame making them pests in a dogfight, with wing mounted Disruptor cannons and various missile load-outs, Cybran pilots would have a hard time with their Aschen counterparts.

On top of Aschen fighters zooming in and out, the Cybrans would be up against Precision AI guided point defenses, which used pulses of laser light to ignite fuel sources and compromise sealed reactors. To evade this type of precision scanning, superluminal travel or advanced ECW would be required.

Blackwell got on the comms, transmitting a message to Commander Nielson.

"Get that Singularity online so we can bag this ship and go home."

Nielson signaled a short response.

"Working on it, AI is too busy screwing around with these Cybran fighters." He commented, watching as the Reverence's AI threw up walls of hard light directly in front of Cybran fighters, resulting in them smashing into these walls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Samuel Davis
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0.00 INK

The old Iron Hand of Death, just grunted, smiling softly as he turned on his command throne, watching his deck crew finish what they were doing as a larger battlegroup entered the system after the Cybran calls. The old man stood up, rubbing his chin before barking out a single order to his Comms officer, "Patch me through to the Aschen Commander, this is about to get interesting."


Control Deck,
FWSS HDS Donachie,
Cybran 101st Battlegroup (FWSS)
About 40,000 miles away from the Dreadnought

The great dreadnought, FWSS HDS Donachie pressed forwards with the entire Command staff of the Battlegroup onboard, many high ranking FWSS officers and commanders, along with two Admirals and three Fleet Admirals of the Cybran Navy. The Command Staff stood on the Command deck, looking out at the Aschen Fleet and the battle of which was going on. The entire Battlegroup was mainly Destroyers, battleships and a few transports, but there was four Dreadnoughts and five light Dreadnoughts.

The Admiral of the Battlegroup, Al'Rahem II sat in his command throne and gave the single order to fire at the Aschen. The locking systems engaged within mere seconds and the entire Battlegroup opened fire, with salvos far greater the what the old Iron Hand of Death had just launched.

"Shields online, operating at Battle Strength."
"Weaponry firing."
"Sir, do you with Command Farsight to drop down onto the planet and start a conquest?"
"No. Not yet."

The Admiral then opened up a link the Aschen, waiting on them to open it. He stood at the recorder, watching the screen, his crew watching carefully as the weapons opened another salvo, "Bring them hell."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

"Acknowledged," Derek replied. "Preparing for docking."

He hung up his comm device as the ship prepared to dock aboard the approaching vessel. By the time it had set down in the hangar bay of the much larger Reverence, Derek was already awaiting departure.

Outside of the ship the fight between the Aschen and the Cybrans was getting well underway as Derek was escorted to the CIC of the Triumphant Declaration. As he entered, he paused briefly only to drop a salute to Admiral McIntyre.

"Sir," he said as he awaited permission to speak.

Once granted Derek dropped his salute and folded his hands behind his back.

"Whisper and Echo are en route to Arastel to retrieve the McGregors, and we received a distress call from the unidentified vessel. No verification on its identity yet. It could be a trap."

As if on cue a second distress call went out from the foreign vessel once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Aereth watched the battle, waiting for someone to respond to his distress call. The SRA bots lay scattered about the bridge. He was completely alone on this vessel and would have to find some way of signaling to the other ships. His message wasn't getting through, if it did someone would have responded by now. Then it came to him, he rushed to bridge main controls and powered down all shielding and automated defenses. Anyone scanning the ship would immediately detect the vulnerability of the ship. Aereth wasn't worried about them destroying the ship, he couldn't die so he'd just be tossed into space for as long as it took until he landed somewhere. Of course he would like to avoid potentially billions of years of drifting if he could. He wasn't about to board any of the other ships, he didn't need any enemies.

"Attention all ships, I have powered down my defenses, there is no trap or ambush awaiting you. Derek, Blackwell, Adams, and any other commanders, I can be of great value to all of you. Whoever helps me out I will not only give them this ship, but all of the information that I have. I can explain further once on board. Arrest me, detain me, whatever you have to do."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

Both Aschen commanders ignored the hails from the Cybrans and the alien ship that were operating in the system.

The AI flickered on as the Pitiless bore it's bow towards the massive dreadnought.

"Commander Nielson, I have reports that the Singularity cannon is primed and ready to fire. Shall I initiate primary particle collisions?"

The Commander nodded. "You may fire when ready."


After a moment, the Aschen commander got on the communications link with the entire Aschen fleet, sending out a wide-range hail. "Attention all units, Singularity cannon is in the field, scramble and clear. Prepare for wildcat gravitic destabilization."

The Pitiless began to open up, her hull splitting along the dorsal section of the ship and deploying massive capacitors, and four large loop like objects emerged from the top, and a large cannon extended outwards from the bow.

"Singularity cannon is deployed." The AI Informed, and the Commander nodded. "Commence primary discharge."

"Cybran megaship is locked and we have a firing solution."

Nielson nodded, and grabbed the railing as the superstructure of the Aschen ship groaned and protested to the deployment of it's main weapon.

As the Aschen fleet broke from engagement with the Cybran Dreadnought and her accompanying fleet, one could assume the Aschen had finally chosen to cut and run.

The Aschen only gave the Cybrans a single message.

"By decree of His Shadow you are ordered to leave this system and the surrounding space or be destroyed. You only have one chance to heed this request."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Tranquil Composure Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Aereth sighs, "Fools." He thinks aloud.

Having lived through near countless universes and seeing their demise had taught him one thing. There was nothing worth fighting for beyond survival. He couldn't help feeling sorry for the mortals involved in the battle. Everything comes to an end and it was inevitable that there would be a final descendent of these people and their empire and ideologies would die with them. Their technology couldn't keep the universe from pulling their atoms apart. Still, in every universe he lived through, Aereth found that mortals loved to kill each other.

Aereth powers on the ship's shielding and puts his distress call on a loop, whenever the battle ended, someone had to come and get him. He watched the battle on the main screen and wondered if he was out there in the battle, another of himself having lived through the same universe. He was on the Aschen side, but only because they had helped him before. His ship lit up the sky, evaporating fighters one at a time.

"Come on! Hurry it up already!" He shouts at the screen.

The setting changes from The Aurora to The Chemias System

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Charles Teller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Out of the darkness of space a ripple of light occurred as the massive 1st Sullen Enterprise Confederation's 1st Fleet Jumped into CNS specifically around Chemias III Prime. The ships were clearly in a formation and made were already thrusting toward the planet. All of the weapons were armed and they all were fully broadcasting SEC identity tags.

Something else was being broadcasted on a continual message as they waited for a response. "Attention Cybran National Government. Effective immediately the Sullen Enterprise Confederation will be placing a blockade upon Chemias III prime. My name is Admiral Charles Teller and I am acting directly under the orders of President Linsday Holiday. We are placing this planet under blockade for the following, The cybrans invaded Terra and Sullen Enterprise Workers lives were lost. The blockade will be lifted if the following conditions are met. First All cybrans must leave Terra, Secondly The Cybrans must seek peace in all conflicts they are involved in, third. The TOC diplomatic party meeting with your leaders must be arrested and given over to the Sullen Enterprise confederation. Finally the Cybran nation will agree to pay a 20% damages tax to all nations that were involved in the current conflict on Terra. Again the blockade will only be lifted if all of the following conditions are met. Any attempt to break the blockade will be met with force and will place our nations in a state of war. "
