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Melaine Diancie

An antagonistic Diancie that seeks to control Ruula as its Crown-Princess following her own corruption by powers unknown. With her jewels as dark as her heart is, her ambition knows no bounds.

0 · 1,417 views · located in Unova Wilderness

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by ClockworkTowers


Personal Details

Melaine is a Shadow Diancie that has Mega-Evolved, and so she looks different than a Diancie normally does.

She is a dark-purple, sylph-like Pokemon that has a black chest and arms that resemble a dress. She also possesses a headdress, which consists of purple crystals; the four short ones cresting along the top pointed upwards, and the two longer ones on each side of her head, pointed downwards, with an additional heart-cut centerpiece framed by her slim dark-purple ears. A smaller purple crystal is also embedded in the back of her head, from it two smaller gems grow at the bottom. A red nugget is embedded in her forehead, and she also has two ribbon-like structures that are growing from the two small gems on the back of her head, each tipped by two small floating rhomboid gems for each ribbon. Her eyes are black with pale-purple irises, and a red crescent circles her neck, with the ends of each being joined together by a rhomboid gem. A larger red crescent also circles her torso. Her lower body resembles a dress-like structure made of purple gems and a larger gem with red pieces supporting it. She is a beauty to behold, noble in design, but dark, and with malicious intent.

As a Shadow Pokemon, Melaine is cruel and closed off, with any good in her sealed behind pure malevolence. Her only desires are to rule the world (insofar as she knows it) and to conquer all she views as beneath her (that is, everyone and everything). She will attack anyone who opposes her and rewards those who are loyal to her. As a Mega-Evolved Pokemon, she has developed overwhelming aggression and has gained an immense will to see her goals through. With her royal demeanor and haughty nature intensified, she has become very vain and majestic, if not princess-like, in her attitude and speech. With both of these effects combined, her ambition truly knows no bounds.


Level: 100+
Type: Rock/Fairy
Nature: ???
Characteristic: ???

OT: ??? | ID No.: ???


Shadow Princess - Melaine has several different Abilities and can inflict damage upon Pokemon of all types.


Melaine can use every Shadow move that is in existence.

Heart Gauge


Other Capabilities

Diamond Form - Melaine can instantly create diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air around her, letting her create almost anything she wants out of them.

So begins...

Melaine Diancie's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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#, as written by Ritnio
Upon arrival, James headed for the Pokemon Center in the lobby area. His team was hurting rather bad. Shirona raided James' bag for healing and was fine with it.

"We'll heal up here and go see if we can go watch some of the matches."

While the nurse took care of his team, James gave out a huge sigh. Shirona, half done eating a Cheri Berry, looks at him.

"Still tense?"

"Kinda, yeah. I thought for sure she'd come at Skadi and Emiko, fists flying. I'm also getting over the fact I just basically raided the place. I mean, we caused the alarms to go off. I'm not about to get over being a jerk..."

"We had to, James. We would not have gotten information otherwise. Good done. A-Ah I mean we did good."

"Oh? Somebody slip up their speaking? We can go over some basics if you want."

"Shush, you!"


Shirona proceeds to eat the rest of the berry, pouting a little bit. James takes back his Pokemon and thanks the nurse. The pair takes a seat and watches the TV to view the matches.

"This challenger is quite strong despite her innocent looks. Heard the first Elite Four fell in mere minutes... Man, wonder what she does for training? Though I can't help but see a couple things off in how she looks at people. It just feels, I dunno, cold."

"Wait. I remember that girl! She was the trainer Melaine called to help her in the match on TV!"

"Seriously? She's packing, that's for sure. That she can just barrel through the E.4 like that leaves me wondering if that's the kind of opposition we face, or she's a special case. Well either way, she's a peon. Emiko should be able to handle her."

"Hope so."

It was then, Shirona and James looked at the girl's Pokemon when she tossed the ball at Shauntal. The strangely coloured Diance, seen before in Castelia and on the TV in the SAM building earlier, appeared on the field. This made James' eyes widen in surprise and alarm.

"WHAT? Tha- That's Melaine!"

"Not good. Miss Emiko doesn't know what's coming!"

"Tch. Nothing we can do. I just hope she thinks of something."

The pair continued to watch, keeping tabs on what moves the Diance used and how hard she was hitting, and being hit. Trying to take every bit of info possible. The team composition, general power level, and the overall strategy. Anything that could come in handy later on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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A battle against the Champion, Touko. The challenger was ready. With a smirk, Aerys released a Hypno from her first Poke Ball, the humanoid Pokemon landing and standing in its usual crooked stance, ready to battle.

Very well, I'll make sure negotiations begin on the right note! Hypno, use Hypnosis!

Her voice still had an unsettling bubbly tone. Being a young girl wasn't something that dropped easily it seemed. Immediately, she crossed her arms as she stood with her legs apart, a gleam of some kind shining across a bracelet she wore. She then brought her arms back around to her side before jutting them both before her, with her left arm on top of her right. Following this pose, she brought her arms back up to her side again before bringing both of them to her head, with her index fingers extending to point upward toward her temples. Lastly, as a white/black aura of energy rushed around her and her eyes glowed a hot pink color, she extended her left hand forward with the palm extended as she brought her legs back together.

The same energy then leaped from her to encompass her Hypno, charging it with Z-Power of a dark and twisted nature. The aura it gained shared the same white/black color, and its eyes too took on the hot pink glow. In unleashing the energy, her Hypno used all the power it had acquired and absorbed it into its being, boosting its Speed stat as it carried out the order given, using its small pendulum to try and entice the Jellicent to leave the waking world and take a nice and long nap.

It was an impressive starting move from Aerys' side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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"Whoa! That surge of power...that's unbelievable!" Touko had her breath taken away for a moment, but the Jellicent was still drifting there like it somehow didn't affect him.

"All right! Now hit it with a Shadow Ball!"

A dark blob of energy formed in front of the blue mass with the comic mustache, before zooming towards the Hypno.

"You're still holding back, aren't you? Well, I guess I'll see just how far I can push you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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Holding back? So you truly want to see the strength that did away with your pitiful so-called "Elites"? You want to see it that badly? Well, then, I'll defeat you as I defeated them.

Aerys recalled the Hypno that looked relatively hurt from the Shadow Ball. Once it had returned, Aerys genuflected as she held a special Poke Ball aloft before her. It had a purple top half and a black bottom half and was decorated with crystal shards in a fashion not unlike a Ball Capsule with Seals.

This opponent desires to see the full power we possess! It is time, your Majesty!

From the Poke Ball, a bluish-purple light shone, and crystalline shards flung everywhere as per the effect of the Seals. Emerging and forming from the Poke Ball was Melaine herself, an unmistakable figure to Touko.

Impressing herself with a wondrous poise, the Diancie laughed. She certainly recognized who she was hovering before.

O~hoho-hoho~! What fortune to befall me! A second meeting with the "Champion" of Unova! How wonderful and rare such an event must be!

She seemed to be directly talking to Touko, and her tone practically oozed condescension. Aerys remained genuflecting for the time present.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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Touko's first instinct was to take a half-step back in her box. Low-key panic was in her voice if one cared to listen for it.

"M-Melaine?? Oh man, this is my chance! Drifter, use Water Spout!!"

As dire a situation as she was in, the Champ in the hoodie and the letter jacket just couldn't help but have a huge grin on her face. The chance to beat down this terror was just too good to pass up. And besides, she was just starting to have fun battling Aerys.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ritnio
James and Shirona watched the match intently in the lobby, talking to each other as they did.

"So she took up the option to fight. Alright. A Hypno is an interesting lead, was beginning to wonder if this girl even had other Pokemon."

"A Z-Move as well, it seems."

"Yeah, but here comes the main attraction."

When Melaine was tossed out, James expected Emiko to freeze up or react like she did when they first met. Instead he got a surprise, she wasn't gonna mail it in on sight.

"Good. The girl's got some spine to her."

"She has a Jellicent out so this shouldn't be that hard for her. Its water moves should be rather devastating to Melaine as she is a rock type."

"Perhaps not."

"Hm? James, it's basic typing!"

"I'm aware. But, so would Aerys and Melaine. Like you said, it's basic type knowledge. And yet, even despite that, the girl went with it and tossed an obviously weak type match-up out. There is little sense to doing that without a good countermeasure, and since Melaine didn't even bat an eye at the opposition, she likely has a counter to such damage in some shape, be it a berry, move or ability. However, moves I can think of that counter require damage to be taken, and that's a risky strategy to play with and Melaine doesn't seem like a risk taker. A berry is only a single use and not worth wasting in a situation like this when they are meant for defense. So I doubt it's a berry. This leaves an ability but, I know nothing of a Diance's abilities. If it's the same as Carbink's, then she has nothing against water. But, what comes to mind is the Shadow Pokemon from earlier."

"What? That it had its heart closed artificially? What does that have to do with Melaine's abilities?"

"They could have been tampered with, that's what. If you remember, one of the security guards mentioned this Diance being called a "Test tube baby" by Elesa. And given what we heard Nendal talking about, clones and the like, it's not too far out there to consider he can make a Pokemon from scratch just like he can a human. So I'm wondering if such a bold action is warranted via a spliced ability like Water Absorb."

"I doubt that is the case, James. You're stretching your leads again."

"I hope so. Oh, She's decided on a Water Spout. Well, let's see how this plays out."

"For an untouched Jellicent, it should hit extremely hard."

"It should, yes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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The Water Spout was a magnificent show of blue hues and sparkling water after being launched airborne with incredible power, the water now raining down from the oppressive shadowy aura that filled the sky above the battlefield upon Melaine's release. As Melaine looked up at the incoming shower, she raised her hands above her as she created a sword out of crystals, holding it horizontally to serve as an admittedly poor shield against the water. In the aftermath, despite the powerful shower of water, Melaine seemed barely phased. Her form sparkled as the water slowly slid and dripped off of her body. If anything, she appeared as though she had been polished by the shower. If she had taken any damage, it didn't seem to amount to much of anything that would stick.

Lowering her sword, she intently studied the Jellicent with a cold gaze before laughing haughtily.
O~hoho-hoho~! This sensation had escaped me for a long time! This! This is the feeling of taking actual battle damage! O~hoho-hoho~! O~hoho-hoho-hoho~!

As she laughed with condescending and arrogant tones reflective of her haughty and royal status, bursts of purple light from the oppressive shadowy aura rained down intensively upon the battlefield, striking Jellicent for damage as they left stinging, burning wounds across it, though no physical signs of the wounds manifested.

-- TURN 3 --

Aerys raised her head, maintaining her genuflective posture as she did so. Looking up toward Touko, she spoke.
Now, Your Majesty! Show them your almighty power! Shadow Rave!

Melaine brought her sword to her side as it dissolved into dust. She then held her hands before her as a purple shadowy light formed between them. The light then dissipated as several groups of purple ruptures in the ground opened up across the battlefield, grouped in plus-shaped patterns, including one such group directly beneath Jellicent. Within each, a shadowy aura soon welled up, overflowing with dark power. Following the formation of the ruptures, Melaine raised her hands with a sharp and sudden motion, causing spikes of shadowy energy to instantaneously emerge and skewer anything above them. The spikes rose with next to zero warning and did so at a speed that would make a Ninjask blush.

Jellicent would soon find itself skewered quite severely by the many spikes that had formed beneath it. Though the stab wounds were not physical in nature, and indeed left no physical signs of the stabbing, all the pain of being stabbed in such a vicious and sudden manner was present in full, intensified by the burning and stinging sensation left by the shadow energy coursing through its body. The sensation hurt almost as much as the feeling of being skewered did, almost as if the move was intended to be as cruel and brutal as it could possibly be. To those onlookers, it was a scene that would not be out of place in an intensely graphic horror film. Then there was the damage Jellicent would sustain. The amount of damage done by the spikes, combined with the crushing pain, was enough to truly torture the Floating Pokemon.

After skewering anything above them, the spikes receded almost as quickly as they rose, followed by the ruptures closing, leaving Jellicent no doubt in a sorry state of Fainted, even if it remained conscious with the burning and stinging sensations painfully coursing through it. Observing the results of the move, done almost as if part of the showcase of the move itself, Melaine laughed. A cold and haughty noble laugh, perfect for the type of snooty and arrogant royalty she was.

O~hoho-hoho~! O~hoho-hoho-hoho~! O~hoho~! O~hoho-hoho-hoho-hoho~!

And bursts of light showered from the oppressive shadowy aura...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ritnio
Shirona watched the powerful Water Spout be shrugged off like spring rain. When she saw this she shot up from her seat.

"WHAT? That was a direct hit with a weakness! How does she seem fine?"

"There was no berry or counter move there, so it's likely an ability or her defense is just that high. I'm hoping it's the latter and we don't have to worry about having to roundabout her."

"How are you calm about this? This is bad! She has a way around her own weaknesses!"

"I'm not. I'm forcing myself to stay calm because nothing good comes of panic. I can't think straight if I'm in a panic, and neither can you guys. Just try to stay calm, alright? With some deliberation we can think up something to help."

"You're right, I'm sorry for my outburst."

"It was warranted, don't worry about it. She just has some gimmick to her. We just need to find it, figure it out and get around it. Shouldn't be too too hard with that info we have. Seems an attack has been deci-"

Before James could finish his sentence, he would watch in stunned silence at the Jellicent being turned into a pin cushion by shadowy spikes. This would break his exterior mask as he visibly trembled watching it. He felt pained just watching it. But the worst of it, was when he pictured the same happening to his team. He froze up. His outwardly calm persona shattered. His expression twisted with pain and worry.

Shirona, instead of talking, gave out her species cry. She was shocked watching that. It was terrifying to see. Neither of the pair said anything after that. Neither did the rest of the room, everything was silent aside from Melaine's laugh, echoing from the TV through the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

Touko shook visibly from the impressive display of raw power. As Jellicent got turned into a pincushion, all she could see in her mind was the vivid red hues of Nendal getting beheaded by that same sword. She let out an anguished cry and held her head in her hands, dropping down to her knees. "No! Why? Not now...get out of my head..." Tears streamed down her face as she almost assumed the fetal position, overcome by sadness, anger, and fear as she was triggered by the sight, not even seeing the red glow of her partner automatically returning.

" is it possible for someone to be so cruel? I was just starting to have fun...then you come here and ruin it all. You and I both know that it's hopeless for me to continue from here...I'm glad I got strong enough to actually hurt you, but it's just not enough. just want to call the battle now? I need a few minutes..."

The setting changes from Unova League to AXIS Headquarters

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent Character Portrait: Shojo Akuji
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0.00 INK

The three presiding over the proceeding all offered a nod in unison. Indeed they agreed that the testimonies should wait until all parties were present, so the decision was made to hold the proceedings until Melaine arrived.

“So it shall be.” ‘Taanz replied, banging his gavel to hold the testimonies for a moment. “We shall wait for all parties to arrive before we begin.” He called out, his voice booming in the chamber.

People gathered around the portal as it formed, there were whispers among the onlookers, eyes watching as strange, and fantastical creatures began to emerge through the portal. The Argosians were accustomed to people coming, and going from the AXIS headquarters, billions of different, and fantastical alien races. But this was a sight to behold.

Stone-faced Argosian legionaries watched the spectacle without so much as a change of expression. They watched as Pokemon, and trainers alike emerged from the portal and proceeded towards the meeting hall.


As the storm gathered from the arrival of the Sylph like pokemon, people quickly began to clear the streets, agitated by the stinging lights. The Guards were informed of these strange weather patterns beforehand, so they wouldn’t draw their weapons. Rather they moved back to shelter, in the form of small stations that resembled small, slope-roof houses.

They all kept their eyes affixed on the procession as they moved towards the main hall.

Once everything was settled, and the Procession seated, the Argosian representative called out.

“The representatives of the New Ruulan Empire have arrived, are we to expect representatives of the United Pokemon League so their voices can be heard?” Livia asked aloud.

“We should wait for them, so that we can begin.” Nagama added,

The setting changes from AXIS Headquarters to Unova League


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

At seeing Touko's collapse and despair as the Jellicent was returned, Melaine ceased her laughter and advanced forward, approaching Touko until she hovered right before the Unova Champion's position. Lowering herself to the ground level, Melaine used her left hand to lift Touko's head, finding her ponytail to be a suitable grip for the action, despite any pain it would cause her. Looking the girl square in the eyes with a cold and malicious staredown, Melaine raised her right hand to the side. Then, suddenly, a sound rang out, sharp and audible.


Another sound followed, equal to the first.



Hit 2 times!

Melaine's right hand returned to her side after being swung with force across both of Touko's cheeks; first, the left with an open palm, then, the right with the back of the hand. She also let Touko's ponytail go, bringing her left hand back to her side as well. She spoke next with authority.

Listen to yourself! I would prefer you to finish the fight with all you have instead of giving up without even trying. To give up now shows that you lack honor, and it also shows disrespect toward the Pokemon who look up to you and the Humans who believe in you. Even when the situation is hopeless, as this one is now, you must stand by your strength and believe in your goals without fail. To back down in such situations... Such is an insult to everyone you know and hold dear! The aspects of true leadership shine when the situation is no longer favorable to you! To give up now will only earn my ire toward you. After all, lowborn filth that cowers when confronted with the impossible, such as you right now, will lose any and all respect that even I bore for you.

Returning to her central spot on her side of the battlefield, Melaine assumed a powerful stance as she lifted back into the air, back to her usual hovering height.

Now, onto your feet! I tire of waiting for my next foe! I entrust my adviser to guide my actions in this fight, and your Pokemon trust you all the same! I place my name, Crown-Princess Melaine Diancie of the New Ruulan Empire, on this: That I will continue to fight you fair and honorably by the rules set forth by this poor excuse for a League you belong to! In return, I expect a fair fight of you, the so-called Champion of Unova, Emiko Touko, so that our discussions following our bout can be done amicably and without ill feelings!

Turning momentarily to look at Aerys, Melaine issued a command.
Rise, Aerys! You will lead your team, and myself, to victory, and you shall do your utmost to reach that end goal!

With the acknowledgment of Melaine's words, Aerys rose and stood in her box, prepared to continue leading as a Trainer. Melaine turned back to look at Touko, and see what response the crestfallen Trainer had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

The Doubleslap seemed to bring Touko to her senses, She looked up at Melaine, telling her to...get back up and finish the fight?

"As much as it pains me and my Pokémon to admit're right. It's just...seeing that move reminded me of what you did to Nendal. You're right that it's hopeless...but the only way to win is if I don't give up. I owe it to everyone in Unova to fight with every ounce of strength I can muster. Back to your half of the field, Melaine...let's finish this."

To the growing horror of all and sundry watching the match, that one knockout gave Melaine the power boost she needed to effortlessly steamroll the rest of Touko's pathetic lineup, even the mighty Zekrom. As the black dragon let out a scream of anguish, Touko's muscles relaxed.

"Aerys. You have won. You wanted an audience with me, and you shall have it. If you wish to assume my title, that is your right as well."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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0.00 INK

Aerys stepped forward as Melaine watched carefully.

Keep your title, Unova Champion Emiko Touko. I politely refuse entry to your Hall of Fame as well. I am here solely to deliver a message on behalf of Her Majesty, Crown-Princess Melaine Diancie. That message is one of warning.

Aerys cleared her throat and retrieved a document from her bag. She began to read it.

"The New Ruulan Empire hereby makes it known to the United Pokemon League Representative presiding over Unova that all of Unova rightly is to be ruled over by Her Majesty, Melaine Diancie, the Crown-Princess of the New Ruulan Empire. Unova, as such, will be annexed immediately, and all of its holdings will change hands.

However, the New Ruulan Empire is not blind; the United Pokemon League certainly will not turn over control of Unova by its own choosing, and it is also doubtless that many of those living within Unova will protest such a sudden change of leadership.

These circumstances being the case, the United Pokemon League is hereby officially informed, by the New Ruulan Empire, that they have one week to prepare for a state of war concerning the future of Unova's ownership. As such, one week from this day, the New Ruulan Empire shall officially move to conquer Unova by force.

Each other Regional Representative will be receiving a similar document under similar conditions. Each situation is identical; one week from this day, a force shall move to conquer the Region designated in the document received.

Thus ends all pretense of civility going forward. The New Ruulan Empire will not start any offensive until the one week cutoff has been reached, plus a single extra grace day to account for discrepancies in the receiving of the documents. The one week non-aggression period is ended immediately should any offensive against the New Ruulan Empire be conducted by the United Pokemon League during its duration, including the extra grace day.

Issued in goodwill and with honor toward a worthy, if inferior, opponent on the decree of Her Majesty, Crown-Princess Melaine Diancie of the New Ruulan Empire."

Aerys put the document away, and procured another one. Walking up to Touko, she placed this copy into the Champion's hands.

This copy is identical to the official manifesto I just read, and is for you and your colleagues and superiors to keep.

Aerys then turned back, returning to Melaine's side. Melaine laughed.

O~hoho-hoho~! Well, that was a perfect reading, Aerys. My commendations!

As Aerys genuflected and thanked her, Melaine nodded, satisfied.

You have one week, Unova Champion Emiko Touko.

At Melaine's order, Aerys recalled the magnanimous ruler, and proceeded to stand and leave without another word, walking up to the entrance wall as her form distorted with a black and white static/noise aura that resembled the kind of thing a TV channel with no signal would display. The distortion cloaked her entire body as she phased through the wall like a ghost, soon exiting Touko's sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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1.00 INK

Back outside the League, Aerys looked to the sky. It was almost time. Releasing a Sigilyph, Aerys took to the sky, heading back toward New Eve Island way down south, smiling all the way as she changed her expression back to the cute mask she wore.

The setting changes from Unova League to AXIS Headquarters

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Heywood Raincaller Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Shojo Akuji
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0.00 INK

With the strange weather called forth by Melaine, there was an unexpected delay in the arrival of the shuttle with the UPL representative. Once she was inside, there was finally clearance to land, and out emerged an elderly man who walked with the aid of a cane. On it could be found intricate engravings of a buffalo-like creature being driven over the edge of a cliff, to deliver them a humane death so that they might be harvested.

His name was Heywood Raincaller, one of the so-called Ruulan Voyagers. He walked with a slow, deliberate pace, accompanied by an honor guard of full kitted Battle Frontier troops, complete with assault rifles in a rest position and Poké Balls where there would be grenades. On each shoulder was stitched the insignia of the Battle Frontier, home to the UPL's standing military and the nerve center of their defensive efforts.


"Yes...I have seen many a strange thing in my years...but never did I think I would get to step foot on another world. But enough chatter...there is important work to be done, and I am one of the few qualified and capable of carrying it out."

Mumbling to himself as he rehearsed his speech, Heywood and the guards made their way inside the building proper. Of course, there would be a provided area for the guards to wait until their representative was dismissed, to make sure nothing untoward happened to their charge on this vital diplomatic mission. Some of them chafed at having to stand next to the New Ruulan Empire delegation, but for the most part stood firm.

The setting changes from AXIS Headquarters to Unova League


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: James Pentil Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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#, as written by Ritnio
Gritting his teeth, James looks away from the TV. Yes Emiko got beaten bad, but that wasn't the worst of it. How were they going to beat something that even a Champion can't even beat. Especially something that isn't even fazed by weaknesses? Watching her strength just toss Emiko's Pokemon around was unnerving.

"Don't let it get to you. Put it in the back, you can't let something like this throw you off. The situation does not call for panic, that's what she wants. She wants us to fold. Well, I won't" after he finishes his thoughts, James stands up. He pushes down his fear and keeps a straight face, regaining his usual composure.


"Ga- Yes?"

There was no hiding how Shirona felt, she was scared. She's seen what they were up against, the power held by that Pokemon, and just how bad the punishment can get for opposing her. James puts a hand on Shirona's shoulder.

"Focus on me. Calm yourself. As of now, we stand no chance, I hate to admit that but it is evident by what we saw. While that is the case, don't get worked up, we need to think it out. Let's meet with Emiko to discuss that information."

Shirona nodded and closed her eyes, syncing her emotions with James' for the time being. She started calming down herself.

"Thank you. Alright, then. Let's find Miss Emiko."

"Remember, panic is worse of an enemy than any Pokemon or Self-Proclaimed Princess. We're going to head out and catch Emiko on her way down, let's go."

"Very well."

The pair exits the lobby and heads for the gates. Upon getting there, James leans against a wall to the side and Shirona gently floats as usual. James, sensing Shirona is still caught up a bit about the ordeal, tries to take her mind off it.

"Must be nice, not having to trouble yourself walking everywhere."

"Sometimes it is, yes. You can a, uh... James, what's the word to keep away from something?"


"Right! You can avoid rough ground easily my way. You humans have shoes to help with that."

The pair idly chats as they wait, James' plan to get Shirona on a different topic seems to be working.

The setting changes from Unova League to AXIS Headquarters

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Heywood Raincaller Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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Antique genuflected as he faced the entrance to the Forum Hall.


Outside, Melaine's procession accordingly arranged themselves to herald her entry. Standing with UPL officials did not seem to faze them in the slightest. With her, she brought two of the Trainers; the young girl with a confident and smug smile accompanied her, as did the man of dark skin. The trio entered and made their way to their designated spot.

Antique stood up and took position beside the Sylph that was Melaine. Opposite him was the man of dark skin. Both seemed to be a bit more confident with their liege hovering before them. Standing right beside the ruler was the young girl. She seemed to be the most important of the Trainers standing there with their liege, despite her apparent age placed around the 14-17 marker. If anything, she seemed to be the most dangerous, even with her relatively innocent and cute, if bold, smile.

Melaine gave minimal recognition to Shojo Akuji. The Generalissimo was not anyone of her earned ire yet; she saved that ire for the man who was called for testimony. While they awaited the UPL delegation to enter and prepare, she gave an acknowledging smile toward Kei Nuurumi. It was a smile that was intended to hold contempt, arrogance, and complete assertiveness over him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Heywood Raincaller Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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Heywood nervously shuffled in as the Frontier honor guard moved to block the entrance behind him. Naturally, all guards were to have checked their weapons in with AXIS officials, and this extended to their Poké Balls as well, but that didn't mean they weren't capable in bare-handed combat.

He took out some papers from a satchel and put them in a neat stack on his podium. There was something deeply unsettling about the sylph hovering before him. This didn't match the description of Diancie in lore...something was very wrong, but he wasn't sure what. The look he gave the NRE delegation was more one of puzzlement than anything, but regarding their gracious hosts he was deferential. After all, he was the one that had to petition them for a ride.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Heywood Raincaller Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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With everyone assembled in the great hall, the proceedings could finally begin. Shojo Akuji prepared his paperwork, and Captain Nuurumi prepared his testimony. The sound of paperwork shuffling about filled the great marble halls of the forum.

“The Tribunal recognizes Captain Kei Nuurumi, of the Imperial Taiyou Navy!” Livia called out.

“Captain Nuurumi.” Livia continued. “Explain to the forum, your post.” Livia inquired.

Kei took a breath, and offered a nod as he shifted his legs into a more comfortable position, seating himself at the stand that was located just adjacent to the raised dais.

“I am the Captain of the Kamidake II, a Yamato Class Battleship with the Imperial Taiyou Navy’s one thousand three hundredth armada.” Kei replied.

Livia nodded, and continued her line of questioning. “What are your responsibilities.”

Kei nodded, and answered the question plainly. “I was assigned to the underdeveloped planet Ruula, to enforce the Underdeveloped Planets Preservation Pact.”

Livia nodded, and slowly began to jot down some notes with her feather quill.

“Why did you make contact with the locals, in violation of this pact?” Livia asked.

“I ordered my crew to land on the planet.” Kei replied. “Because the current events led me to believe that there was potential outside interference, I acted under my due responsibilities under the pact, where i discovered a storm had overtaken what we designated a large population center. I believe the population center was designated “Castelia City.”” Nuurumi replied.

“Upon landing in the waters, and reaching the shore. I ordered a small security contingent off the ship, to conduct forward reconnaisance, and assess the situation to determine if further involvement was required. We had discovered, through intercepting local broadcasts that the local government was subject to a coup.” Nuurumi explained.

“We were met with hostility by the entity that claimed jurisdiction over the planet.”

Livia nodded as she considered Kei’s testimony. “Is that entity here now?” She inquired, and Kei nodded, pointing at Melaine.

“She threatened us, and prepared her other entities to attack. I determined the situation was untenable, and instructed that we leave, and retreat.”

Livia nodded. “Thank you, Captain. You are dismissed.”

She then turned her attention to Generalissimo Akuji. “Explain to me, why we should rescind the pact based on these facts?” She asked.

“This rogue state presents a clear, and present danger to the stability of the Taiyou Empire.” Akuji answered simply. Slowly, Livia turned her attention to Melaine.

“The Tribunal recognizes Crown Princess Melaine, do you wish to enter your response?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Heywood Raincaller Character Portrait: Melaine Diancie Character Portrait: Shinzo Nagama Character Portrait: Aerys Leurent
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A voice would ring out in understood language telepathically, so no one present could not understand and comprehend her words.

I do wish such to bestow my response to egregious claims of threatening behavior. Is that not a natural and proper response to a foreign force who showed themselves unannounced with weapons drawn and prepared to fire on an unarmed greeting party? A foreign force that refused to disarm when proposed to do so by the unarmed host who was not informed prior to the foreign force's arrival and show?

For a 3' large sylph creature, she held an unusually commanding presence.

If a question I may pose, I pose such to the Generalissimo. On a cursory observation, I must hear the reasoning for the assumption of clear and present danger to the stability of your empire. A most basic reasoning ability that simpletons of your status should be more than capable of would tell you unfailingly that the New Ruulan Empire, of which holds the archipelagos of the Darknight Isles as its sole territory, could never pose the type of threat you are claiming it to pose to your empire. On a comparison of size alone, one collection of islands belonging to an empire that has not yet cleared its surroundings of neutral and enemy holdings will never a candle of threat pose to an empire capable of traversing the stars and beyond in human-made metallic flying ships as casually as they do so, whose surroundings consist of far more than a singular collection of islands.

Melaine sounded quite pompous as she delivered her words. The laugh was equally as demonstrative.

O~hoho-hoho~! Surely, Generalissimo, you and the Captain are both beyond the basic reasoning ability of simpletons, especially so given your sure many merits and their rank within the forces foreign to me, and can thus understand this basic point; even the military power I command are nary as numerous as those of an empire with the size and resources to field enough forces that not even the planet we call Ruula could resist if you felt it a viable target of conquest. With the lacking size of dominion, territorial control and military power possessed by the New Ruulan Empire compared to even a token of your empire's own, please do clarify and justify wholly your statements on the threat I supposedly pose to you and your empire.

She finished off with closing lines.

To the Tribunal, on this testimony alone, the facts are clear: The pact should remain active by your own accords, to stay in line with your own decrees and to avoid dishonoring yourselves and the empires represented. I will furthermore request you consider this; a small modification of the pact that upgrades it to a complete pact of non-intercourse and non-aggression; carried out as the New Ruulan Empire and its lowly, pathetic neighbors finish their business in determining the control and fate of their own world, a world of which foreign forces have no right to interfere with in any fashion beyond friendly diplomacy and tourism from individuals who decide to travel to the world such with permissions from those powers present on Ruula itself.

Melaine needed very little paperwork; the Lass beside her handling what little there was. Antique and the man of dark skin both stood firm, almost as if keeping their own tabs on the proceedings with intense scrutiny. It was almost telling given the paperwork difference from Melaine's group compared to the others.