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Peter Rovontea

Peter Rovontea lives and works on Space Station Z doing security clearance. Short hair, sunglasses usually.

0 · 300 views · located in Space Station Z Docking Bays

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


Peter Rovontea lives and works on Space Station Z doing security clearance. Short hair, sunglasses usually.
One of these days he's going to go do something exciting. He heard about this one place with these babes.

Other than that work is work. There's a casino, where there's babes.

So begins...

Peter Rovontea's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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  1. Feel free to write for Peter that your characters have clearance, barney_fife and Fishbucket - however if you'd like to explore that interaction, i'm here!

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

Bluuna ignored the shriek, despite it shrilling her perimeter membrane. Her kind were used to this kind of reaction. She didn't even bother offering a correction on the ooze (she was goo, thank you very much)- it was no bother. Again, Bluuna was used to it. Her whole species was for the most part! They had realized a long time ago just what it was about them that others found so unsettling, and really who could blame them?

They didn't have most physical features typically associated with sentient beings, such as eyes for example. That tended to weird the other sentients out. Also, they were see through and had no discernible organs. It was a gelatin thing. Their limbs were sporadic and their forms weren't solid. They could grow and extend to an extent, they were tacky to the touch (but not moist), and depending on the surface they had a tendency to either track things around or leave the floor looking better than when they got there.

Most unsettling, however, was that they had a cousin in the gene tree who was notoriously nefarious. Usually liked to hang out in dark and dank places, too. They were carnivorous. She shuddered at the thought of ingesting flesh. Merging proteins. Absorbing another animal's ingestion choices. Fats. Yick!

Bluuna was almost at the door to the corridor, where there was light security. They weren't doing much more than random identification checks. If she got pulled, they'd stick her with a little needle to verify her base composition and call it a day. Most other species didn't bother sorting her kind beyond acknowledging that they existed as they did. Most other species couldn't tell her apart from her uncle! This was always a fun game for them - trading places.

She felt the footsteps before she ever saw them coming - and whoah did they keep a good beat! Bluuna paused by an official who gave her a half smile before looking up at the approaching squad.

Peter sighed. What total crap. He had only been on shift twenty minutes and it looks like the last schmucks let in someone that was wanted by someone. Not just anyone, either. He swore under his breath and gave Bluuna a stern look. She blobbed her way happily along through clearance and started off towards the convention center.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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0.00 INK

Halena made a face typical of a grossed out teen before shaking her head and patting at her cheek. "Oh dear, I hope theres no more of those things." She said to her Guardian who, you guessed it, opted not to respond.

Although in a way he did respond. He reached over and simultaneously stepped in front of Halena, placing himself between her and the Aschen troops on their way. At the same time his hand went to the hilt of a sword on his waist. The look on his face, which was admittedly a normally stern expression, could now be considered almost angry.

"Tolend? What is it? There shouldn't be any threats here, this is a public station after all... well I suppose that means there could be lots of threats actually" The girl whispered, ducking under one of his arms to look around. At the sight of the Aschen she blinked "Oh... That's why is it? Well Tolend please, relax, I'm sure they're not so foolish as to try anything here in a public place. Besides, they likely don't even know who we are, unless their high ranking officials, but even then I doubt they have any orders regarding us. Just let them be and we can get on with things."

"besides, it's our turn." She said, stepping up to Peter and waiting for his instructions on how to proceed. Generally she never had to go through such checkpoints, her status as royalty usually granted her free passage. A part of her was actively curious how things would go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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0.00 INK

Peter glanced at the Aschen and rolled his eyes, forcing what he hoped was a kind smile onto his face at the Royalty before him. He respectfully bobbed his bead.

"We've never had a casualty at their hand- just a lot of complaints, as you, er," Peter flushed and bowed again. He hoped his words settled them, though he doubt it.

"Enjoy your stay," He stepped aside with a third awkward bow to let them through.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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0.00 INK

The group of soldiers paid little attention to the group. But that all changed the moment Tolend moved to the sword on his waist.

The Sergeant put his hand on his disruptor pistol, which was securely holstered on his hip, and the whole formation of Aschen soldiers stopped, while two almost raised their weapons.

"Hand off your weapon, now!" Sergeant Valerian ordered, pointing aggressively at Tolend.

Generally all it took was a stern order for those who would otherwise think about getting any ideas to back down, but the sergeant came ready for a fight, after receiving word that the people who attacked the fleet was present, at this station. He had orders to perform an inspection, which occurred regularly given the stations position within Aschen stellar claims, despite being a neutral station.

It took hefty shipping tolls to keep the local Aschen governor largely out of the space station's business, and he often looked the other way.

Peter would likely notice these weren't the Proivincial defense force that normally came to rough things up, and collect tolls, rather these were Imperial uniforms, which meant something had attracted the attention of the wider Aschen high command.

The Sergeant moved forward first, holding up what looked like a warrant of some kind.

"We have a lawful order from the Ministry of Law to perform a search of this facility for enemy insurgents. Step aside." Valerian moved to the side, and gestured for his men to move through the checkpoint, bystanders stepping aside, and giving the men a wide berth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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  1. Halena and Tolend are moving to Corridor A, because it seems particularly unused

    by Fishbucket
  2. /north would be the directional command

    by lostamongtrees
  3. Directional commands don't work in the Play by post format.

    by Fishbucket
  4. If you need assistance moving your character let me know - chat posts will auto-tag all present characters.

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

Halena rolled her eyes and grabbed Tolends arm. "Stop it, your being rude." She said, forcefully pulling the mans arm from his weapon. For his own part, Tolends eyes never ceased their glare at the Sergeant. There was something artistic about his poise, like a tiger in the moments before it struck.

To Peter Halena smiled and thanked the man, moving across the check point and, rather forcefully for a child, pulling Tolend, who despite having to move backwards to follow her, never once took his eyes from the Aschen soldiers.

"I think we should see if there is an open market first, and then search for individual shops. Some new dresses, perhaps an actual suit for you to wear to formal occasions would be nice. No offence Tolend but your armor is garish at best." She prattled off, oblivious to the Aschen and her guardians staring match with them "At the very least some ornaments to make it less of an eyesore at the gala."

Tolends movements remained smooth as he followed his charge further into the station, but he kept his eyes on the Soldiers until they were out of sight. His hand likewise returned to and remained on his weapon until the two had rounded the corner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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0.00 INK

Peter Rovontea moved his hand to his own immobilizer but didn't draw. He watched with one brow cocked as the two groups spat at each other like cats. Typical shit day, he thought to himself.

"Alright, triggerhappy, is the threat a threat?" He asked Valerian, tapping a button on his vest. Of course Valerian knew the rules, so he didn't bother repeating them.

Nobody but the target.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Princess Halena Asylia Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Tolend Dathar
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  1. Please stop tagging Halena and Tolend they've moved to Corridor A

    by Fishbucket

0.00 INK

Alpha opened up a secondary channel so that he could communicate with the Space station's A.I freely if needed, leaving the docking platform and entering into the outgoing and incoming centre of the station, well this set of docks.

the Artificial Soldier stopped some thirty yards from the commotion at the gates, between the three parties there it was something of a roadblock and not just for the artificial Intelligence though one of the parties were heading to another region of the station. leaving the Aschen Marines and a security officer native to the station.

the Robot approached the gate. Largely ignoring the pissing contest between the aschen marines and security, but listening in and recording what was said.

enemy insurgents? probability of association with assault on aschen patrol fleet 84%

the other commotion of the gelatinous slime and their crew unloading a ship towards the cargo gates caught the attention of the robot for a brief moment. proceed with designated objectives, tertiary Objective added; the capture of hostile alien technology.

Alpha understood that this new Objective wasn't important but if he got the chance he wouldn't hesitate. and finally seeing a space to move through and past the Aschen and security Alpha moved on, to once again to collect the shopping list of the eggheads back at Homebase.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Bluuna Gluompet
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0.00 INK

Valerian narrowed his eyes towards Peter, a scowl forming on his lips. "Within the territorial jurisdictions of the United Aschen Empire. You are it's subjects. If the administration of this facility cannot get it through their thick heads, perhaps a more appropriate trade embargo, blockade, or outright seizure, would calm their minds." The Aschen sergeant said cooly.

"You operate as you do..." He said, reaching into a satchel on his vest, pulling out what looked like a bright red notepad, which was in triplicate. He jotted a few details down, allowing EVE to make an attempt to access his personnel file.

If Successful, information would display on the small HUD mounted across his left eye. He jotted down several notations on the pad, before handing it off to Peter.

"You operate as you do, by the grace of the Governor of the Provincia Yellowstone, and it would be terrible for business if the governor were... forced to do something about the rampant insurgency being harbored by the staff of this facility." Valerian said with a nod. "You're being fined one thousand, five hundred cubits for a violation of a lawful Imperial Decree of Search, and Seizure. Don't like it? Have this rust bucket towed somewhere else."

"Sign at the bottom." He said flatly.

The red piece of paper was a one-thousand five hundred cubit fine, imposed for obstructing a lawful Imperial search, with relevant Aschen laws cited.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Bluuna Gluompet
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0.00 INK

There was little to be found on Peter Rovontea. Name, age, birth-planet. He shrugged and folded his arms at the piece of paper.

"I'm not of authority to sign that, you know that. You'll have to refer to my higher ups. About all I can do is uh, relay the message," Peter was of private agency hired out by the station and would continue to follow his contract. Regardless of whatever bullshit it was today.

"If you'd like to try directly, you're likely to get through sooner than I. Godspeed, gentlemen," and then stepped aside so the group could proceed. Peter had absolutely no intention of even touching that red piece of paper if he could help it. As for the threat? Peter assumed it had to be something serious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Bluuna Gluompet
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0.00 INK

Anton nodded, and gestured for his men to follow, he left the piece of paper at the checkpoint, but didn’t really plan to pursue the matter further. The men followed in lock step, as Valerian proceeded deeper into the station.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Bluuna Gluompet
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  1. some of these characters are no longer present

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

Aboard the Yashuman II...

Commander Vandione was quietly going over the ship's logs when his tactical officer approached from behind. "Sir." The Tactical officer said, as he handed the Commander a somewhat thick folder. The Commander nodded, and placed it on the console, opening it up, and perusing the contents.

EVE had finished her analysis of all the docked vessels at the space station, one vessel was flagged in particular, although it wasn't a confirmed match, power signatures, design parameters, and any applicable markings were a suspected match.

Vandione made a face, and then turned the page. "Kingdom of Asylia... carried out an attack against Molecay. No confirmed losses, but intelligence says there's a potential total war factor." His eyes widened. "By the gods, If this is correct... We've just been handed an Asylian ship on a silver platter. We have to notify fleet."

The commander snapped the folder closed, and then turned back to his tactical officer.

"What do we have?" Vandione asked.

"Two companies, sir, plus an Adepts company. Three in total. We could pull from reserves, but that could put our security in jeopardy." The Tactical officer replied.

Vandione shook his head.

"No, take the two companies, and the adepts company, and seize that ship. Identify it's passengers, and seize them at all costs. Intelligence will want them for interrogation. We need them alive!"

"Ad Victoriam, sir!" The Tactical officer called out.

Vandione sighed, and leaned against the console.

"All hands, action stations!" He called out, as lights dimmed, shifted to red.

"All hands, prepare damage control, Second platoon prepare to repel boarders!"


Like a well oiled machine, the Aschen cruiser began to go to high alert, alarms blaring across the board as it's Marine strike teams armed up. The first waves were ready in five minutes, suiting up, checking their gear, and arming themselves.

Quickly, they began to pour out of the Yahsuman II's airlocks at platoon strength. Their footfalls were overpowering, dozens, no Hundreds of Aschen marines were moving down the hallway to the security checkpoint, behind them, the deafening footfalls of the Aschen Adepts of War followed.

"Safeties off, weapons free!" A Marine lieutenant called out, as roughly six squads of Aschen Marines, and two squads of War Adepts moved towards the airlock where the Asylian vessel was docked.

The rest approached the checkpoint, they did not look like they intended to stop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Peter Rovontea
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0.00 INK

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Peter slammed a button on his chest- what the intergalactic fuck was going on?! He literally just let these guys past. Right? Wow. This...looked bad. Peace-faring patrons leapt out of the way of the officers. Was anyone being trampled? Why on my fuckin shift?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Peter Rovontea
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0.00 INK

The entirety of the Docking Bays plunged into darkness, screams echoed. A moment later the Docking Bays were re-lit by red light which dimmed in and out. The doors slammed shut behind Peter and were locked- this area quarantined. A voice came over the speakers;
Remain Calm.The voice stopped after a few repetitions, the strange lighting did not.

Even all of the bays closed! Nobody through here could get in any longer to dock, and leaving seemed out of the question.

A message was transmit to all vessels waiting to dock.

Welcome to Space Station Z.
We are presently closed to the public.

The message was followed by instructions to the next nearest space center, which was in orbit of Epsilon Eridani.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Peter Rovontea
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0.00 INK

There were still two companies that needed to depart from the Yashuman II to secure the objective, but now the station had come under some sort of quarantine.

This was more of an inconvenience than anything, with the doors sealed shut behind peter, the formation of Marines, and Adepts came to a stop, as a young Aschen lieutenant emerged from the crowd.

"What in Hades' name are you doing!?" He hissed. "We have a confirmed enemy asset on this station, and you go and lock the whole place down!?" He shouted, before calling back to a formation of troops.

"Inform Commander Vandione of what happened here, and let's get some antimatter charges down here, now!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Peter Rovontea
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0.00 INK

The Pilot of the Asylian vessel in the station z docking Bay had been studiously reading an Ego Trac when the alarms began blaring and the doors began to shut. He watched for a moment before swiftly reaching into the ship with his mind, suffusing into the psionic systems, wherein he began running scans, sweeps, and running searches on the ships throughout the dockyard.

In the handful of moments between the quarantine being activating and the lock down completing, He had gone through every vessel on the ship and located the Yashuman II, sent a shadowmessage to his SO, and initiated the ships lock down defense systems.

The Asylian vessel closed it's ramp, shut off all power, and became engulfed in a quantum barrier. Nothing short of a Thermonuclear payload would be getting anywhere close to it at this point.

With that done, the Pilot then issued an order to the crew, who proceeded to lock themselves into Stasis pods, ready to wait till the station itself decayed into stardust. The pilot himself laid back in the chair and initiated the PCL. As the liquid psychoactive crystal polymer engulfed him, he placed the breathing apparatus attached to his suit over his nose and mouth, then closed his eyes and lay still, allowing the crystal to engulf him and solidify.

Now, he and his crewmembers were free to utilize the Psionic control systems of the ship as their eyes, ears, and bodies. And set to work prepping contingencies against the invasion that was expected. The Captain then issued one last communication, a psychic signal to the Princess and her guardian, informing her of the danger she was in and urging her to return to the ship as soon as possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Peter Rovontea
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0.25 INK

the Artificial Soldier 'Alpha' stopped dead as the alert of the quarantine and lockdown of the station was enacted, he was about to step through into 'corridor A' when the doors slammed shut no more than a couple of yards ahead of him. he monitored the response of the station's A.I for no more than a second before turning to watch what the Aschen had decided to do. if the robot were human or had a face for that matter it would be one of unamusement.

changing 'frequencies' Alpha registered the distress of the Beacon A.I, the anchor for the 'quantum highway' tied to the system in which the Prometheus station made its home. thankfully the only thing in the system with a key to activate the 'QH' was Alpha. though the lone floating beacon would draw attention at some point.

crossing arms and waiting, Alpha pondered hacking the door and going on his way...though angering everyone was generally a bad idea.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: NC7- Alpha Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Anton Valerian Character Portrait: Smead and Smide Character Portrait: Scáth Dorcha
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2.50 INK

The Revenge, sitting in the docking bay, had docked itself to the left of the Asylian ship when it recieved the message to all waiting ships that 'Space Station Z was closed to the public'. The captain, AAD-199, briefly wonders (if that's what a quick flash of information processing across the robots' AI circuitry) if there is any danger on board Space Station Z. So he dispatches a small group of three scout androids, armed with disrupter weaponry and fully able to think for themselves, but also able to combine their consciousnesses to transmit thoughts to each other. STA-579, 566, and 429 all walk down the ships ramp, not sure what to expect. They quickly take in the Asylian ship near them and send a message to the captain, who felt something resembling the human emotion of anticipation. The androids then continue to where the Aschen soldiers had literally just been let in, and, uncapable of feeling fear, just stand there, as the lights flash overhead. 566 even waves to NC7-Alpha. Then 429 relays the message to the other two, "Should we continue?" through verbal communication. 579 responds with, "I suppose so." So they advance up to Peter Rovontea.