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Skyball the Emolga

"I didn't do it!"

0 · 1,837 views · located in Nimbasa City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Skyball█ = 10 base stat points

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Pokemon: Emolga

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Type: Electric/Flying

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Gender: Male

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Nature: Impish

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Level: 55

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

Personality: Skyball is a fairly mischievous Pokemon. Always playing tricks and setting up pranks, he is the only one who could rival Lumi in not taking things seriously. Of course he can put his game face on and can really show any opponent a one-two when the time comes and when the moment matters. Speaking with him will showcase an electric edge in his voice, almost comparable with that of Lumi's. He shows positivity a good majority of the time except when his past is brought up. Those moments hurt too much for him to put on a brave face and hide himself. But he does his best. And for that, he is the most power-packing member of Team Volt.

Strengths: Skyball is very offensive oriented, countering with Lumi's defensive orientation. For this reason, he can hit and hit hard, usually directly.

Skyball is a team player and always has been. For this reason, he functions and more often than not performs better in team battles and is a great strategist there.

Skyball is rather sneaky due to his mischievous nature. Coupled with speed, he can hit without people expecting him too. Often times, they don't.

Weaknesses: Skyball is not necessarily a glass cannon, but he can't take nearly as many hits as his partner Lumi can.

Skyball is very the point where it gets him and his team in trouble often.

Skyball can be emotionally unstable...if you know where it hurts him most.

Acrobatics (Flying-Type) A damage dealing Physical move. The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.
Electro Ball (Electric-Type) A damage dealing Special move. The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the damage.
Taunt (Dark-Type) A non-damage dealing Status move. The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
Fling (Dark-Type) A damage dealing Physical move. The user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
Double Team (Normal-Type) A non damage dealing Status move. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
Shock Wave (Electric-Type) A damage dealing Special move. The user strikes the target with a quick jolt of electricity. This attack cannot be evaded.

Other: Skyball's favorite pastime is annoying Rubira to the point of molten destruction.

So begins...

Skyball the Emolga's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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"No. There has to be more behind this. There always has been." Nike knew it, and Touko got the same gut feeling. If she ordered a rush forward to counter-hit, there'd just be another Acrobatics. If they stood and took the hit, he'd just wheel out of range for the counter they wanted. Looks like dodging was the best way to reset the situation to neutral. Touko did a shuffle-step to the right to make sure the Flame Wheel wouldn't end up hitting her, then gave the command.

"Nike! Dodge right and counter with Thunder Wave!"

That was it. Crimson relied on speed to turn defense into offense and to keep pressure. Take away that advantage, and suddenly resetting to neutral wouldn't be as even as it looked. Victini mimicked its Trainer as it leaped to the side, aided by its butt-wings, and squeezed an eye shut as the flames still managed to land a glancing blow before firing off a weak jolt of electricity, designed to make Crimson's muscles seize up and ruin the control he needed to perform those combat gymnastics.

"Quickly, before he can recover! Nail him with Return!" Now the Victory Pokemon was back on the attack, the strength of their friendship manifesting in a full-power punch aimed right at the dome of the mighty Chimchar!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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0.00 INK

Yes, thought Crimson as he went speeding past the Victini, halting the Flame Wheel with a fist pressed into the dirt as he performed a front flip and whirling around to see a giant wave of electrical energy rushing towards him, the familiar look of Thunder Wave.

It was pure instinct that Crimson did what he did next. He didn't even think twice about it, like he would've done had he done this at the PTA. But it wasn't like it was a secret to anyone at the Crimson Guild or at the Psychic Rebellion for that matter. The only one who didn't know was Touko. And he felt like he'd hid his colors long enough.

The wave progressed. Crimson shut his eyes and reached within himself, searching for that familiar buzz of electricity kept in the back of his mind and bringing it his exterior. At this moment, the Thunder Wave was upon him and rushing through the Chimchar. But Crimson seemed to pulse in response, letting the wave roll right through him as the leader of the Crimson Guild as casted in a white silhouette. And then, the pulse was gone, the white light fading around Crimson and showcasing his features once more.

Only...they were different. Crimson was still a Chimchar in a manner of speaking, but he took on a completely different look. Replacing the orange fur was a sleek yellow coat; the beige belly was now an extremely pale blue. Nothing changed in the ligaments department apart from the shape of the tail, which was no longer covered in fire. It was now a bit longer, almost reminiscent of a Pikachu's, except much more slim. But what was most unique was the eyes. They were an almost glowing electric blue and seemed to spark like the rest of him. In fact, Crimson almost seemed to buzz. It had been so long since he was able to use his type shifting ability and he was grinning because of it.

He was now an Electric-Type.

"And there it is, ladies and gentlemen," Skyball commented to Gambit and Lumi, "Something the world has yet to see before!"

"Electric as well," Lumi continued to gape, "How many types do you think he can shift into?"

"At least two," Gambit answered, "Though maybe he knows more. What was the type he used in his Demonstration?"

"Grass," Skyball answered, "Jeez, you were there! How could you have forgotten?"

To this, Gambit just shrugged, "I dunno. I just remembered watching him do all these neat things."

Crimson's mind went immediately towards the battle rather than towards Touko's and Nike's reaction to this unique take on Chimchar they had never seen before. Nike was rushing forward with Return, hoping to gain a strike off of a paralyzed Chimchar. But Crimson was ever paralyzed, as becoming an Electric-Type countered the Thunder Wave effectively. And now he had baited Nike to exactly where he wanted the Victory Pokemon to be.

With a quickened step and a speed that almost made the fire electric chimp look like a blur, he ducked under the punch thrown and retaliated with an Electro Punch of his own, using his lowered stance to give it in uppercut form. This would likely send the Victini flying upwards, perhaps even past the canopy surrounding them. After all, he had Iron Fists on his side, further boosting the power of what was already considered a mighty whallop. Meanwhile, Crimson looked at Touko directly.

"Shocking, I know," Crimson said, knowing she wouldn't understand a word of what he was saying, "Imagine the look on my face when I found out I could do this. But, it's gotten me out of a jam on multiple occasions. Including this one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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Touko was left slack-jawed as Crimson not only absorbed the Thunder Wave, but seemingly redirected the energy into a Thunder Punch that left the Victini reeling. "What...what on EARTH just happened? Nike, I can't afford to lose you out here in the middle of nowhere! Return!"

She shook her head, brown locks bouncing in the evening breeze. "I can't believe it. First some random with some kind of Jellicent poser wallops Dweller, now this...I guess there's only one way to go from here, and that's right through these difficulties. We'll get even stronger than this...we'll take back the title of Champion!"

A part of her still couldn't believe her eyes. But she knew that it was now in the past, and thus affected her as much as she let it. Time to move forward and get stronger. And was the Chimchar...talking to her?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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0.00 INK

Crimson kept his electrical state as Touko recalled Nike. His smile retained the warmness it held before the fight began...a symbol of no hard feelings between the two of them. Perhaps this battle could be a kindling of friendship between the former Champion and the unorthodox Chimchar. At this point, who knew. But there was still potential.

He walked up to Touko and bowed graciously, "It was an honor to battle you, Touko. You proved yourself to be a more capable fighter that most people and Pokemon I've ever come across. You know how to build strategy and implement it. You adapted to and effectively fought against my style of combat, which is very unique and hard to adjust to. That is commendable on it's own. However, that doesn't mean you don't have problems. While I don't doubt the abilities of your Victini, I don't think Nike was the most optimal choice for battling me. Nike's moves seemed tailored towards a different strategy than what would've been useful in this combat scenario. I'll also give you my standard bit of advice and say you shouldn't be afraid to try something unique. Make a strategy or utilize the arena elements, something the opponent wouldn't think to expect. Catching them off guard is also a great way to find openings and get some free shots in. You could-"

A distant whistling sound pierced through Crimson's chattering, causing him to spin his head towards the origin. He would soon discover the three red flares that hung in the air, causing his heart to sink slightly. He shifted back into his typical Chimchar state, an line of concern now drawn on his forehead.



Lumi came running from the bushes, eyes wide, "There's an issue in Anistar City. A big issue."

Crimson's face went stoic, his fingers finding their way to his chin, like a tactician formulating a plan, "What's happening there?"

"Apparently a massive storm broke out over the city. Pert and Meryl went to investigate. I don't know what's going on but they fired the flares so it must be something important."

Crimson nodded, "Then we have to go. Round up as many Crimson Guild members as you can and start sending them out there. Madness and Razor are too far away to reach, but we got you guys, Team Vitality, and Team Skull leading this charge. Tag and I will be right there with you."

"You're coming?" the Pachirisu raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Pert and Meryl shot those flares. They know we're going to need all the help we can get. Get everyone you can to start making their way to Anistar. Use Unix and Lilly if you have to."

Lumi gave Crimson a curt nod, "Right. Alright guys, let's move out!"

Crimson heard a rustling in the bushes, seeing Gambit's and Skyball's form rush past as they made their way to the HQ to begin gathering the cavalry. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but smirk slightly. Were they watching me fight?

Remembering the company he was with, he turned to Touko, "It seems our time has been cut short. I don't want to drag you into anything you don't want to be a part of, but you're welcome to come along if you wish. We could use the extra help. If not, then it was a good spar and I hope to see you again." With that he placed a handful of Sitrus Berries in front of the brunette to give to Nike and made his way towards the flares. He gave Touko a wave before stepping through the trees in the direction of Anistar City.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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0.00 INK

Was the Chimchar...trying to give her strategic advice? She grumbled and huffed. pocketing the Sitrus Berries. "Nike was trained to serve a very specific role on a team, plus I'm not used to fighting in a place where the arena can lend a tactical advantage. It's a shame that the avatar of victory was unsuited to defeating you, but I just don't feel like myself. Terrakion fell to some squid thing with psychic powers, which was why I came out..."

Then the flares came up.

"What the FUCK. What is it now? Let me just heal up my guys and I'll be right with you." Another reluctant reach into the shoulder bag, using valuable human medicine. "Thanks for the berries, but they don't work if they're knocked the hell out like Dweller is." Thinking ahead, she gave one to each member of her team to hold if shit really went south. Then once they were underway, despair crept over the brunette's face.

"Anistar? Wha...why? This place again? I hope it's not related to that robot girl."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Gambit the Togetic
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from The Crimson Guild HQ to Anistar City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

Touko had to fight back tears as Zekrom descended through the cloud cover and came within view of the beautiful sundial, overwhelmed with bitter memories from her last appearance here. However, they weren't alone up here.

"Emolga! Get ready for a sky battle! Look over there!" Touko gestured to Sithlok's appearance. "See if you can talk him down, I need to go heal Nike and Dweller before I even think about fighting. Zekrom wants to fight him on general principle--dragons are a proud lot, I've learned. Crimson, Lumi, on me. Last time I was here, something terrible happened, and the folks around here are probably going to wish ill on me for it."

The massive black dragon landed on the ground, when more bad news became visible. "Oh. Great. More Fireknaught. Running them off world is gonna be harder than I thought. Now I know how it feels to be an Absol..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fossil
Quickclaw slowly backed away from the scene, signalling Vexnar to follow. They walked to the opposite side of town, you could look out over the ocean from here. He noticed a young boy standing there looking out over the ocean. He stopped crouching and walked over to the boy, tapping his shoulder. He kept his hood on, hiding his face.

"Hey kid, you have any idea what the hell is going on over there?" he asked, pointing behind him.

Vexnar stood next to Quickclaw, looking back at the events.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

The young boy in question was about 12, wore a mixture of rustic and modern clothing, and had light brown hair to comiment his pale skin. Malcolm Vox turned around in wonder as he felt a touch on his shoulder, the young boy suddenly changing his expression from awe to muddled fear at the sight of a stranger and their weird looking pokemon.

Immediately the boy shrinks away from the two strangers and wraps his arms around himself for protection. "What do you want?"

Only now it seems does the boy look to where the action was, seeing battling pokemon. His immediate reaction is to throw his arms up and yell at the top of his lungs before hiding behind the strangers, using them as a shield.

His yell alerted a brown haired woman in a sun dress who walks over and takes his hand, apparently the kids mother. "Malcolm, you can't ell in fear at everyone's pokemon, that is disrespectful. My apologies sir, what is your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fossil
Quickclaw looked at the kid in confusion, his yell made Vexnar quickly dart his head towards the kid. Sure it was bad, but did the kid have to freak out about it? Aren't people here used to pokemon battles? Before long the kid's mother came along.

Quickclaw wasn't sure how to respond. He liked keeping an ominous presence with his assassin name, but to avoid further questions he just used his real name.

"I'm Greg, and this is my herrarasaurus Vexnar" he said, putting a hand on his companion's head, who then made a low rumble of pleasure, "Hey um, do you have any idea what's going on behind us?" he asked, extending his hand backwards to point once again, "looks like a bigger battle than usual, and they were talking about all sorts of stuff, something about 'more fireknaught'?"

He scratched his head in confusion, waiting for an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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Malcolm remained behind his mother at all times while she talked to the stranger. She nods to the man and his companion in kind.

" It is nice to meet you both. I have to admit, a herrarasaurus is new to me, but all pokemon are interesting. I apologize for my son, he has a fear of pokemon."

She leans to one side in order to see around Greg at what he was mentioning. She looks a little worried but flops her hand over after raising it shoulder height in a dismissive nature. "My, those look like some powerful pokemon over there. Pokemon battles are common in the cities, I just hope they don't leave any collateral damage."

The woman holds out her hand in greeting and puts a smile on her face. "I forgot to give you my name, I am Sarah Vox. This is my son Malcolm. We came here to be tourists and get Malcolm used to more pokemon, but his fear is persistent."

She ruffles Malcolm's hair and turns to the ocean, intaking the sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fossil
Quickclaw opened his mouth, hesitated, then closed it. If people thought Vexnar was a pokemon why correct them? Everyone here seemed to have pokemon, including people that could give him thief and assassin jobs, the less he seemed like an outsider, the better.

He looked at the boy in confusion when she mentioned he was scared of pokemon. If he's scared of pokemon why the hell is he living here, why doesn't he run away, Quickclaw thought. After staring out into space for a second he blinked and began talking.

"Yes well, nice to meet you too" Quickclaw hurriedly replied and he shook her hand, "But the people in that battle said something about Firenaught, what's that? Some kind of pokemon or something?" Quickclaw said, it seemed like much more than a normal pokemon battle was happening there, "And there's so many pokemon, too many for one battle wouldn't you say?"

As he waited for an answer he looked at the kid once again, which reminded him of a younger him. He wasn't scared of anything, but he wanted to be an assassin, his parents thought it was just a phase, but he wanted to lead a dangerous life. He had a hunger for excitement and danger. Much like how this kid's mom didn't seem to understand that the kid may just have a phobia of pokemon and she should respect that unlike Quickclaw's parents.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

Sarah turned back towards Greg with a thoughtful look and puts her hand to her chin, while Malcolm hid behind her as Greg eyed him.

Sarah came out of her thoughts when he mentioned the Firenaughts. "Oh, they are a group who follow a... I think it was a Kadabra. Anyway their pokemon leader is of noble cause, but their means are sometimes questionable. Not as dangerous as Team Rocket, for example."

She suddenly lifted a finger as she realized something. "Oh, if you didn't know about the Firenaughts maybe you don't know about Team Rocket either? They are a bunch of criminals who steal pokemon, rather dangerous. If you ever go out into the wilds keep your pokemon close and a map handy."

While Sarah was talking Malcolm took several steps back and instead watched the pokemon much further away. At a distance he assumed he was safe, but the town did seem strange with the stormy skies and the strange lighting. He had heard that the sundail in town gave off light at certain times but this being his first time in the city he couldn't tell if this sort of weather was supposed to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fossil
Greg looked back at Sarah as she began speaking, and after she finished he just stared before snapping back to reality. He was surprised that a Pokemon could run an entire group of humans, he thought that humans used Pokemon for their purposes, not the other way around, he had a lot to learn it seemed.

He then rose his hand to his chin, thinking of how to ask about Team Rocket the least suspicious way possible. After a few moments he lowered his hand and spoke.

"Huh, any idea what place this Team Rocket's headquarters would be so I can avoid them?" Greg tried saying in the least suspicious way possible. He glanced at Malcolm who was now looking at something behind him, probably the battle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

Sarah giggles to herself, happy that someone was taking interest in the world. Unlike her son who wanted nothing to do with the world of pokemon.

"Well, I've heard they have a strong standing in Celadon City, but that is across the ocean in the Kanto region. Big city, but still beautiful." Sarah drifts into a short daydream before popping out of it and looking back to Greg. "Not sure if you had any business there but be carful around them parts."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fossil
"The Kanto region huh?" Quickclaw replied, "Never been there but I planned to go there within the next few days or so, thanks for the heads up"

He looked at the child who was still staring at the battle happening behind Quickclaw,

"You know, your son's actually a lot like me when I was younger. I wasn't scared of Pokemon but I felt a little misunderstood I suppose about my views and morals, if you want I could have him come with me to Kanto for a little while, help him get over his fear? Vexnar here has space for two passangers" Quickclaw looked back at Sarah, "Of course, your choice, I know it can be a little nerve racking having your child so far from home."

He stood, waiting for an answer, Vexnar looked at him in confusion as to why he wanted to bring this kid along. Quickclaw wanted some questions answered, to see what adults saw him like as a kid, to just try and help another misunderstood individual.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Pert the Plusle
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0.00 INK

Crimson stared down upon the frosty city from the back of Unix, contemplation wrought on his face. He had seen a lot in his lifespan, more than most Pokemon had. From his first major confrontation with Zam to even the events of the Pokemon Trainer Academy and everything in between, he had thought he'd seen it all. This vortex...was something new...something unique. Crimson was worried about the safety of the other Pokemon and humans alike, but there was something growing inside him. Some feeling he had not felt in a long time. That sense of adrenaline he found when he fought something new and unique like this...

His sense of adventure. His competitive spirit. It was all coming back to him.

Crimson took a glance below him to see the army of Pokemon they had brought to defend this place. He knew Tag, Dee, and Siena were leading the ground forces into Anistar. After all, not everyone could take the Dragonite Transportation System. But he made sure the heavy hitters would be on the scene first, ready to defend until more help arrived. It would be a little while before Sarik got here from the Sunrise Division of the Crimson Guild, but he knew word would've gotten to them by now and the Sunrise Brigade would be here to help soon after. As for Gova and Pounce...he still didn't know where they had gone to. He wasn't counting on them to show up to this fight, but that would be perfectly fine.

"Emolga! Get ready for a sky battle! Look over there!"

Crimson, Lumi, Skyball, and all that followed behind them turned to where Touko was pointing. In the vortex of Pokemon descending down upon the Sundial was a figure cast in a surprisingly bright light. It was hard to make out the shape and dimensions of the figure as it was within the swirling mass of Pokemon surrounding it, but Crimson knew it was long, slender, and flying. And there was only one Pokemon he knew about to have those features.

"See if you can talk him down," Touko went on, "I need to go heal Nike and Dweller before I even think about fighting. Zekrom wants to fight him on general principle--dragons are a proud lot, I've learned. Crimson, Lumi, on me. Last time I was here, something terrible happened, and the folks around here are probably going to wish ill on me for it."

Crimson watched as the former champion took control and started giving out orders, as if she was wearing an old pair of shoes she had already gotten comfortable with. Crimson didn't mind. It felt good not having to dish out direction every once in a while. He would gladly let Touko take the reins on this one.

They landed in front of the Pokemon Center,, not terribly far away from where some of the action was happening. Crimson hopped off Unix immediately, Lumi following suit. The Dragonite gave Crimson a curt nod before taking off again, flying back towards the Crimson Guild to take more members to the scene of the action. Crimson turned to Lumi.

"Head over to the Sundial," he said, "It seems like that's where the thick of it is. Find Pert and Meryl if you can."

As Lumi took off towards the garden, Crimson noted the comment by Touko about the Fireknaught. Typically Crimson chose not to keep up with the human affairs unless it was a planetary threat. He figured they would appreciate it more if they solved their issues on their own without the help of some exterior force butting in to try and help out, especially when such force wasn't necessary. However, this wasn't the first time the name "Fireknaught" had been mentioned in front of him. He knew they had been one of the key organizations involved in the events at Nimbasa City. At this stage, they were starting to seem like a planetary threat...especially if they were the cause of this storm.

He shot Touko a confused look as they walked into the center to heal her Pokemon, one brought about by the mention of that name. Hopefully, she could understand what it was that he was trying to prod at and maybe he could get a bit more information about the Fireknaught.

The setting changes from Anistar City to Lumiose City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Tag the Turtwig Character Portrait: Terrance Verton Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga
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Fortunately, there was another force ready to tag in for the recovering Lugia...

The Orks would be suddenly blindsided by another wave of Pokemon coming from the other direction. Just as varied in type make-up, this band of Pokemon were strictly wildings of many shapes and sizes, launching ranged attacks of all degrees at their foes. Leading this fresh charge of stronger Pokemon was the uncanny appearance of a Rapidash being ridden by what else than a Pachirisu with a spark of glee in her eye. Supplying support from above was the sparkling eyed stare of an Emolga, who unleashed his mighty battle cry.


The Crimson Guild had arrived. Almost immediately the wave segmented itself into multiple teams of two, three, or four. Each team was enough to take on an Ork apiece. Their strategies came out and they began unleashing their own strategies upon the splitting Ork Forces. Some performed the divide and conquer technique. Other bull-rushed head-on into the opposing forces. As for the three leaders of the charge, they rained their own fire and lightning storm upon a hefty bunch, Electro Balls proving most effective for Pachirisu and Emolga due to their overbearing speed advantage they had over the Orks while the Rapidash sealed the deal with Fire Blasts straight from her engulfed muzzle. Their mood was surprisingly light.

"Missed one over there," the Emolga jabbed at the Pachirisu as he provided a follow-up Electro Ball.

"What? No I didn't," came her indignant reply as she shifted position on the back of the Rapidash, "Stop lying!"

"You sure did," Skyball replied with a wink as he tossed another Electro Ball to their right, "And that one, too."

"Well that's because you're distracting me!" Lumi shot back.

"Because you're letting yourself get distracted," Skyball recited one of their leader's favorite lines towards her. Lumi huffed.

"Oh, stop. I'm still ahead of you."


"I got ten of them coming into the city."

"I think you're exaggerating."

"CAN WE FOCUS, PLEASE?!" the Rapidash had enough of the bickering. It showed with an angry Flame Charge directed at the mass of Orks in front of her. "You guys aren't even attacking anymore!"

"Rubira, this is important," Skyball replied as he picked up a disheveled brick and heaved it towards another Ork.

"Pretty sure saving the city takes priority over this little KO Contest you guys have going!"

The bickering stopped and the fighting resumed for a moment. And then Rubira interjected with, "Besides....I'm winning."

While the battle continued to be enforced in favor of the Pokemon, four Pokemon met in the center square, looking for the Lugia they had seen take the skies earlier. On the right were the dynamic duo of Pert and Meryl, the Plusle and Minun that grew stronger the closer they were to one another. Each fed off the other's charge, magnifying it tenfold until in encapsulated the entire courtyard. Pert had a permanent smile in his face while Meryl kept a concentrated look as she scouted about, her mouth forming a small frown. Keeping an eye behind them to make sure they weren't being followed by Orks was Tag, the fastest Turtwig who ever ran. Eyes keen and alert, he darted around, scouting out potential flanks and hidden alcoves where enemies could strike while keeping up with the group. The Power Boots he donned to wear helped immensely in this regard. And leading the group was the most enigmatic Pokemon ever. A standard Chimchar with an all too calm demeanor about him. He held a Power Bat in his grasp and kept a stance like he could be ready for anything anyone wanted to throw at him. And his eyes...his gaze was focused, but relaxed...not worried in the slightest.

This was Crimson.

"Hey, I forgot to mention at the HQ," Crimson called back to Pert and Meryl, "Good eye on seeing those creatures drop in."

"Wasn't that hard," Meryl played him off, "You see a number of fireballs descending from the sky and you go 'Huh...whazzat?' And we are."

The Chimchar chuckled, "One of these days, you're going to accept a compliment and when you do, I'm holding a festival in the Pokemon Village."

Meryl shrugged, "Cool. I probably won't show up."

"I see the Lugia!" Tag called from the Western part of the center of Lumiose City, peering down towards Magenta Plaza. There, the Lugia was nestled, recovering it's strength and preparing itse;f to hop back into the action.

Immediately, the four began running down the street and within a moment, was before the massive Legendary. "Greetings," Crimson spoke to Lugia, "We are here to help fight of this invasion. I've already got some of my team fighting off the Orks with more on the way."

"Over there! The Power Plant!"

It was only a team of three that would approach the Orks in the badlands, but a very capable three nonetheless. A Shaymin in Sky Form was descending from the skies, already tossing Energy Balls in the direction of Orks. From it's back stood a Dedenne, unleashing a Charge Beam in the same vicinity. Providing the flank was the bodacious Togetic, the prehistoric might of Ancient Power breaking into the ranks from afar.

"Let's rain down some hell on these guys!" Gambit the Togetic was saying as he felt his body swell in power from the use of Ancient Power.

"Team Vitality needs reconnaissance in the northwest area outside of Lumiose City!" Dee the Dedenne sent out an electrical signal from her whiskers to any Pokemon in a five mile vicinity. "Crimson Guild, repeat, Team Vitality needs recon in the Badlands!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Tag the Turtwig Character Portrait: Terrance Verton Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga
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"Oi! Leg in you gitz! Boss wants all 'da boyz back to the power placey building!" A hulking Ork Nob shouted as the Orkz began to retreat back to the power plant.

As Orkz began to storm into the building the biggest hulking Komamndo Nob began to shout his order. "Listen up you'ze Gitz! I'z want all 'da Nobs 'ta gather scrap and snazz up your kits! 'Da rest 'Uv 'da boyz grab all 'da gunz 'da Mekboy snagged with 'im! We'ze still need 'ta loot 'da place and juice up 'da Tellyporta pad!" The Ork then gave a heart WAGHHH! Followed by the remaining orkz also roaring and taking up positions by windows. Armed with a plethera of Rokkits, Deffguns and a bunch of shoota's the power plant was now a small gun fortress with the ork numbers being in the double digits.

For the Kommando Nob, He began to head to the center of the power plant as the remaining boyz outside hurried indoors to saftey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Crimson the Chimchar Character Portrait: Tag the Turtwig Character Portrait: Terrance Verton Character Portrait: Meryl the Minun Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga
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The fighting outside did not go un-noticed by the Luiga nor was she actively stopping her assault. The Lightning had done some significant damage to her and she was still weak but with the aid of the rain and the ground beneath her bulk. She could infact feel herself getting better and soon. she was not laying on the ground any longer. She opened her wings and shifted them and was about to take flight before she spied the four small pokemon approach her. Her head lowered just a bit as she inspected the four with a quizzical look on her face. These were certainly new...

'Any aid would be welcome in this encounter...I am still recovering as quickly as I am able. I need but a few more minutes until I can truly take flight once more. That human's lightning bolt did not do me any favors'

She spoke via telepathy to the four and laid herself down once again so she could be at eye level with them. They were so small and so fragile looking yet here they were on the field. How very brave and which elicited a nuzzle to each of them from the Legendary

'Where are the monster's now exactly?'

She asked, lifting her head to try and see over the city but failing to do so. She looked rather haggard at this point.