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Sullen Marines

A detachment of the Sullen Marines, All Veterans with powered Armor.

0 · 831 views · located in Ruula

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Zarhara


Anyone who is in first company is a combat veteran.

So begins...

Sullen Marines's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Ivan watched as the others around him went down. He was left stunned by the woman's speed. He heard more marines coming down the hall but it seemed taking this woman on would be a bad idea. Instead he knelt down inspecting the damage that had already been done.

"Get Holiday out of her command it's not safe there are bogies loose here." He reported as he left the building himself, they would be back he was sure of that they had business to discuss with the Terrans but for now they would leave the Terrans to clean up this mess.

The security officers led Holiday to her vehicle and then the two armored vehicles along with their security team and the commandos left the government center. Damion ensured the broken vehicle was hauled away before he left as well. He didn't like loose ends and this was the only way he would be sure it was taken care of. Then he finally left in his hover car.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

Exiting the speakers office located on the fourth floor, A man clad in business attire casually makes his way toward the source of the awful racket from earlier. He looks around, cane held tightly in his left hand as he surveys.

" A shame...I didn't even get to watch "

He pays little attention to the scene unfolding, preferring to wallow in his own self pity from the looks of it. Something would be off about this man however, should one look at him. At first glance he was human but, even a human with no training in the occult could sense something about the suited man, something possibly....malicious?

The setting changes from Government Center Second Floor to Gonthar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
On one of the gonthar highways an SEC convoy was suppose to be delivering standard security droids when the attack came. The lead truck was destroyed and the soldiers providing security fanned out. "We are under attack!" One of the men frantically shouted as the soldiers formed up. These men weren't trained for this type of combat and only fired back modestly.

A few minutes into the fight though something changed when the radio officer chirped up to the squad commander. "Sir your'e not going to believe this but I have general Williams on the line for you." He said as the squad leader opened his comm.

"General what a surprise."

"Cut the pleasantries, I have good news you're getting support the TNG has authorized full support procedures on the ground. I have an orbital drop company that's going to come down right on your position to set up an LZ, but I need coordinates of the nearest base that you can see so we can get some suppressive bombardment onto that thing." He said.

The talk continued for a moment and a few minutes later 4 large ships could be seen high in orbit. Two Ori Class Destroyers came a bit lower than the transports to unleash 6 missiles aimed toward the ground and a salvo of smaller guided missiles ahead of the six.
The larger missiles were short range emp burst effective up to a few 200 Meters they were aimed right for the base they would cover an area up of 1.2km. The smaller missiles that were ahead were unarmed but they wouldn't read that way on scanners these missiles would provide an AA screen for the larger missiles increasing the chances for more successive EMP hits on the cybran base.

As missiles rained down on the base many drop pods from the main transport ships launched. Over all 30 drop pods were launched toward the ground in groups of five. They came in fast each drop pod carried 10 man squad giving a total of 300 SEC Marines imbound. The numbers might have sounded small compared to that of the cybrans but it was all that could be spared at this point. The SEC couldn't risk a large landing nor did they want to the AA was still too strong.

Hopefully they would make it down alive given the EMP and Anodyne's efforts against the SAM's and AA.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

The Cybran warships on the flat ocean started to open fire on the new targets while the smaller starships that were rising from the ocean engaged the Armored Intelligent Mechs. Their lasers hitting at them as hard as they could, aimed to destroy the Mechs, while a vast number of the Cybrans on the land were already getting ready to back into the seas. Godheart and the Old Order members had decided there had been enough killing.

With the arrival of the two Ori Class Destroyers, most of the Cybrans were away, but with the EMP blasts, the robots that were left had stopped working; their circuits totally destroyed. The warships in the ocean started firing at the Destroyers, sending new waves of missiles and lasers towards their targets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Shields flared around the A.I.M.s as laser impacts hit, and instantly their responses were known, powerful boosters thrusting them in complex evasive maneuvers. Their returning fire was witheringly accurate, attention shifting from the inert drones to active firing units, hammering hyperkinetic slug after hyperkinetic slug to their targets, trailing thundering sonic booms the whole way. Sparrow quickly readjusted its inbound vector, darting back and forth over the waves, advancing ahead of its squad on thrusters tuned for speed.

Fisher Hawk followed in its wake, trading the headlong blitz of Sparrow for a angled route to flank its partner. With the Cybran force having cleared out of civilian threatened areas, drew forth a second gun-blade, unleashing searing balls of plasma bolts from the plasma cannon built into its twinned blade. These secondary weapons traded speed for power, erupting in gouts of solar-hot plasma on contact, while an overhead rail extended and settled into place, hurling rapid fire penetrating shells, each shell containing air-ignition fuel-bombs to scatter, should they penetrate the armored hulls of the Cybran Vessels.

Wildcat and Dragon veered course, the bulky Claymore unit accelerating massively with twin tails of prolonged boosters, kicking up a wall of water to either side as it raced after its support pair, side mounted tomahawk launchers opening and loosing torrents of fast, "lock and blitz" rockets, even as it changed ammunitions from impact to HVAP DU rounds, the thunder of its cannons growing ever louder. The Rifle wafted airborne, bringing to bear multiple long rifle barrels to add more weight to its precision firepower from hull mounted heavy rifles and cannons. Additionally, it opened its more basic artillery ports, launching on skybound trajectories lighter explosive shells to rain down on the Cybran vessels.

Wizel, for its part, was mainly just adjusting its long range bombardment, but was also extending from its frame inner box-like protrusions, each one opening at least half a dozen silo ports. The only unit cleared to carry heavy missile armament, the Wizel carried several hundred Jericho reaction-warhead missiles, which it now loaded en masse, carefully targeted with imaging and signature guides, and let loose.

Each missile raced across the ground for nearly a kilometer before curving towards the heavens, reaching a height of 6kms before pausing to turn, holding position on the counter-grav drive that had brought them thus far. Carefully, they aligned to their targets, the primary Cybran warships firing on the A.I.M.s and cruisers, before unfurling racks of smaller missiles, the prow of each missile extending as the inner warhead prepped for launch. Seven to each launch, each targeting its own point on the enemy fleet. What was initially hundreds became thousands, as powerful thrusters ignited and sent them racing across the sky, brilliant stars with a deadly mission.

Each warhead created a reaction, splitting apart the atomic structure of the target by generating a specific magnetic field that drew away the molecular bonds. Their explosive power was nonexistent, and individually, the damage they wrought was minimal, opening fair sized holes in a target. But stacked in the numbers they were, and with the precision of the targeting queue delivered into their computers from the Wizel, there was a margin of surviving impacts to allow for advanced degradation of the enemy hulls to initiate complete structural collapse, and a secondary margin to generate substantial enough collapse to generate casualties in the Cybran fleet's numbers.

The courses of the four assaulting A.I.M.s adjusted accordingly, not overtly holding back from close range engagment, but there was the hint of a stall in their attack. The timing between events was superb, however, the wide-band, instantaneously communication between the mechs operating on the lower frequencies, the bursts of binary communication virtually ghosts amidst the static.

The setting changes from Gonthar to Niihama


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: SEC 3rd Taskforce Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Local Niihama Space
SEC 3rd Taskforce
Strength 300 Vessels
Paladin Class Defender Uriel

The small force had been dispatched a week prior to assist in the conflict with the Concord. The fleet had been awaiting other AXIS memebers. On the Bridge of Uriel stood two men. Rear Admiral Kim Fallon and General Williams. Both were looking over a message from SEC Command, directly from president Lindsey Holiday.

Effective Immediately, The 3rd Taskforce is to remain in the Niihama system for a defensive role only. No ships shall transit or partake in the invasion of Ayenee until further evidence proving that the Varden are directly responsible for an attack on the SEC surfaces. Follow up with Axis command regarding your new orders.

Both men stared at the orders. "Well this is going to be akward to tell the command...." Fallon muttered.

"Open a comm to AXIS Forces Command in the system. " Fallon stated as she walked across the bridge to the comm station. A young officer moved from his chair to allow the admiral to sit. He gave a nod telling her the comm was ready.

"AXIS Forces Command this is Rear-Admiral Fallon of the SEC 3rd Fleet. We have recieved orders to assist in Defensive support of Andromeda. We will not be joining the Invasion force. Requesting Link-up with Defense command." Fallon stated.

The setting changes from Niihama to New Wicked Creek

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Among the AXIS ships were 3 Sullen Enterprise ships, one of which towered over the other two destroyers. The crews onboard the vessels appeard to scramble as they tried to paint a picture of what was actually going on.

On the massive Paladin Defender, Admiral Charles Teller looked over the various screens, he was only able to bring a few ships with him but this wasn't an invasion after-all. Beside him stood General Williams, commander of the Enterprises Marine forces. With the fleet here there was a compliment of 4,000 battle hardened veterans. This might not have been an invasion force but the general was taking no chances in coming unprepared.

With the loss of Moff Tarin a few weeks prior, there was clearly still a deep distrust of the situation by many in the military command structure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Meanwhile back on bridge, Commander Nayar awaited confirmation on the status of the ship's FTL.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

The Matokey Shipmaster remained silent, listening to Alric as Kayabuki considered his words, Admiral Mifune was also on the other screen.

"Prime Minister, we need to secure this system as a foothold for the Taiyou Empire." He protested, and the Matokey Shipmaster nodded slightly.

"Though I agree, with the Admiral, we must adhere to the resolution of the AXIS." He said, frowning. "The High Council would be disappointed if we chose to remain." 'Taanz explained.

The Admiral nodded, and then turned to Kayabuki. "I'll secure these enemy ships for Salvage and bring them back through the Hyperspace gate. I'd suggest getting an envoy to send to CONCORD so that we can resolve this matter quickly. It's going to take some time to dismantle the gate, and recover our wounded."

Kayabuki turned to Admiral Yotsuga, a middle aged man who was one of the first to receive the genetic enhancements and become linked with one of the new "Royal Trees" that the Science Directorate had come up with.

"Admiral?" Kayabuki asked, while Yotsuga frowned. "I am prepared to take you to CONCORD, while 'Taanz secures this system along with Admiral Mifune." Yotsuga explained, and Kayabuki nodded. "Proceed, then, let me know when we arrive." She said, turning to find her quarters, while the Admiral opened a link to the Rising Sun.

"Ryu-oh to Rising Sun." Yotsuga hailed, appearing as a three-dimensional hologram on the Rising Sun's bridge.

"I'm prepared to travel with the SOCO Fleet to CONCORD Space, it would be advisable that you accompany us. The Matokey and the Recon fleet are going to secure the wrecked vessels, in addition to their own wounded before withdrawing back to Taiyou Space."

A Transmission line was promptly opened back up to Airic, and the SoCo ships.

"We're ready to receive coordinates, and will jump once everyone is prepared." Yotsuga said, waving his hand over a yellow holographic console.


Like clockwork, the Matokey and Taiyou recon ships moved quickly, the Omnicruiser moving to provide a strategic position on grid to monitor incoming ships, while the Taiyou began to make towards the ruined CAID vessels. They would be towed back to Taiyou space for salvage and study.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Alric raised a bushy salt and pepper eyebrow and then turned back to the man behind the console. "Breac dom bealach díreach chuig Sendaya i Derelik. Plot me a direct route to Sendaya in Derelik." The man behind the control console had to question the order. No one in Ayenee used direct routes. They were dangerous and took much longer even than using the gates. "Tá bealach a dhuine uasail díreach? A direct route sir?" Alric nodded and turned back to address the AXIS force as the man went to work.

"Give me a few microns. I will arrange your escort." The communication was terminated. What they wanted from Alric was not as simple as it seemed. Most of the systems between here and low security space were inhibited and SOCO did not have sovereignty in all those systems. If they gave the AXIS force coordinates they would never make it. They would crash against a sandbar and maroon themselves in dead-space. Even with Alric providing a direct route for them they still would need escort for the corridor at some spots would be less than a few hundred kilometers in diameter and they could easily stray. The SOCO sky marshal would also have to call in a favor in Farit and then in Sendaya.

Not only was the direct route dangerous it was temporary for it opened up the Southern Coalition sovereignty to attack from a myriad of enemies. The corridor would be closed behind them. The journey would span the distance of nearly two-hundred and ten light years. It would take them through four different regions: Scalding Pass, Curse, Derelik, and through a large part of Wicked Creek. There was also the threat of the Kraed in the black between systems. They had not encountered this evil since the slaughter of Dodixie but there were rumors and vessels sometimes went missing traveling through the dark spots of Ayenee.

Mircon: A length of time just over a minute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"All systems are a go," Liuetenant Arnesh Agarwal called out as the diagnostic results came in.

"Alright, get us prepped to jump," Commander Nayar instructed before he addressed the holographic image of Yotsuga.

"We'll be ready to jump in three minutes," he told Yotsuga as his crew went about prepping the ship for an FTL jump.

Nearby another officer, Lieutenant Ishya Darzi, was in contact with the other ships as well. "Rising Sun to Ryu-oh, requesting jump coordinates," she transmitted, unaware that the SOCO where contemplating other routes of travel.

The whole bridge was a hive of activity as the crew members of the Rising Sun worked over the ship consoles. They where young, like the ship, but they went through the process with practiced ease. It had been the Matriarch's belief that something as new and innovative as the Rising Sun required a young and equally innovated crew to adapt to changing times.

Nayar could see it in the crew. Many where fresh out of academy, though the senior officers on board had some years of experience under their belt. Still, it was a very green crew, and a lot of faces he was still getting to know.

At the back of the bridge, one of the hatches hissed open to admit Ambassador Jaya Kumara and her attendant, Najiv Hebbar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
The three SEC ships would move into a supportive role with the Omnicrusier ,as Charles and his soldiers prepared for what hoped to be an uneventful operation.

"Atlas to AXIS fleet we will hold with the Chzznt in an imperceptive role."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
The term dead-space could simultaneously or separately mean a number of distinct things when the term was used by a native of Ayenee or Eden. The first and easiest to define was the area outside of any proper solar system, anywhere from one to one and one half light years from that system's center of gravity.

The term dead-space could also mean the area between galaxies as there is seldom enough energy present within these locations to allow life to prosper. These areas represent one of the most extreme environments known. The recent discovery of the Kraed twenty cycles ago caused the scientific community in Ayenee and Eden to rethink the defining characteristics of life and what was needed to support it. It also resulted in a greater proliferation of system inhibitors throughout the galaxy and the incursion alert system.

The last meaning relates to certain areas scattered around space in Ayenee and Eden that were unsuitable for inter-celestial, inter-stellar, or inter-galactic travel. In these places only conventional propulsion operates properly. These are sandbars that can leave ships marooned for years, decades, and even centuries. Only recently the strategic usefulness of these special areas had been discovered. Ancient acceleration gates, the precursors to the modern gates in Ayeene and Eden could catapult vessels, much like a slingshot, through this space and out of it. These dead-space pockets can then be used as remote safe houses or easily defensible pockets within even high security space. These pockets could also play havoc with sensors and faster than light communication.

Three frigates and a single cruiser exited warp in a tight formation with vibrant displays of bent light and vented heat as they landed on the grid and pealed off in a direction pointed to a distant star. They shortly came to a stop. The four pilots spoke on a secure communication network once they were back in formation. "Is fuath liom an cac. Déanann spás dorcha mo reáchtáil fola fuar. I hate this shit. Dead-space makes my blood run cold." One of the other pilots, a female quickly responded with a serious tone, "Sioc fan ansin. Stay frosty then." Another male spoke up in reply after a chuckle, "Í a choimeád daingean. Keep it tight."

Alric would open the communication channel back up after only a minute. "I am transmitting your route now. Follow it exactly. Your escort will adjust speed to keep with your slowest vessel." The route would come across as eight coordinates, breaking between some systems and also between them to make small changes in course. Some of the distances between coordinates were short, one only a single light year between two points and some were were much longer.

Provided the AXIS force did nothing that could be considered an act of aggression, their gate did not continue to deploy, and they had no questions Alric would speak again. "Godspeed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

While the Ryu-oh was plotting it's course once it received them from Alric, the Matokey and Taiyou Shogunate forces continued to secure their own wounded, as well as the CAID Ships while the Hyperspace continued to unfurl.

Taiyou Communications made note that the Gate would not be able to stop it's process until complete, unless it was destroyed and therefore would stand near the vicinity of the gate while they waited for it to be complete.

Yotsuga waved his hands over the controls of the Ryu-oh, unaware of the sandbars and other eddies that existed within the Galaxy. FTL Travel in Andromeda was relatively straightforward, done either through shipboard Hyperdrive, or hyperspace gates. All of which was heavily regulated by local governments.


Yotsuga reviewed the coordinates, and then he looked up to a large screen, his hands relaying the controls to the ship's central intelligence. The Ryu-oh would transmit them to the Rising Sun, and sync it's drives as it made the last checks for jump.

"Rising Sun, jump on my mark, I'm transmitting the set of coordinates now." Yotsuga said calmly, turning to survey the Taiyou crews going out to the wrecked hulks in Sudden Transports, and Yari Midget ships to tow what they could carry back through the gate.

The 'Chzznt itself remained relatively stationary, acknowledging the SEC Ships, while watching for more pirates.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: General Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Jump on Ryu-oh's mark," Commander Nayar instructed the crew.

"Coordinates received, preparing to jump," Lieutenant Darzi called out.

Several other voices chimed out in succession through the bridge as jump preparations where completed, and the Rising Sun would vanish along with the Ryu-oh, leaving behind the vessels that had accompanied it upon its arrival.

The setting changes from New Wicked Creek to Ruula


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Harsdorff Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: SEC 3rd Taskforce
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
In a flash of light 20 ships exited from FTL. The Massive Paladin class defender flanked by two carriers and 4 destroyers accompanied by a number of smaller corvettes and transports as well. On the Bridge of the Stallion Commander Jensen looked over a tactical display. "There appears to be no enemy fleet Commander, your orders?" An officer asked.

"Launch Talon squadron I want them to do a flyby of the planet surface, we need to know what's going on here before we make any rash actions. This doesn't appear to be the doing of the Concord or Jupiter Corp, but we cannot be certain, General are your Marines ready for reconnaissance or frontal assault if need be?" Jensen asked a towering man standing beside him on the Bridge.

"I have two platoons ready for immediate action, however I will not authorize the deployment of any ground troops until we get a go ahead from Central Command." He said. "We have no need to brashly rush into a war against a possible invader we know absolutist nothing about. Remember Commander, the Marines are not your's to command nor is this Taskforce. I am taking over this operation. You are here to command the Naval forces, but I will be stepping in on behalf of the nation regarding our stance in this matter."

"Of course General." Jensen muttered.

"Landing troops or not our presence alone should be enough to route these invaders from the planet hopefully. I do not wish to see an armed conflict but we must send a clear message that hostile invasions of any sovereign nation will not be tolerated. We must make a show of force, but as I stated previously we will not land ground forces unless this situation dictates so. Now, can we get live feed from those fighters? And why haven't you initiated any scans of the planet?" He asked.

8 Torvic M-17 fighters flew over the sky's of Ruula, they headed towards the location of the Mayday signal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Harsdorff Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: M'zulf 'Nchardek Character Portrait: SEC 3rd Taskforce
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0.00 INK

Somewhere in Orbit above Ruula
The Mt'kee Flagship Tsst

The SEC Fleet would finally recieve a response from the rest of the collective AXIS, in the form of a singular Matokey ship. The massive Gigas class ship appeared out of seemingly nothingness, before transmitting to the Stallion.

"We have recieved your transmission, and the signal from the surface. The AXIS Underdeveloped Planets Treaty precludes any intervention with a primitive civilization. However an exception can be granted if the civilization is under threat from hostile invaders and actively makes an attempt to contact us. I am standing by to offer support, but I encourage you to ascertain the nature of this incursion before committing to Military action.

Once the transmission was sent, the 'Tsst began a massive planetwide scan, while the lone Matokey let his hands dance across the ship's interface, pulling up an assortment of military units to deploy to the surface.

"SEC Fleet, bear in mind we must take care in liberating these people, as to not disturb the natural order of this planet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Harsdorff Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: M'zulf 'Nchardek Character Portrait: SEC 3rd Taskforce
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"I agree fully with you, I am going to send out an ultimatum to these hostile invaders once I receive communication from the scout fighters."
An hour or so after the launch of the fighters, General Williams and Commander Jensen looked over pictures from the surface. "Infrastructure around this Castellia City is peculiar I see small clusters of what appear to be soldiers but what's soldiers from workers are hard to differentiate also the wildlife of this world does appear bizarre.

Williams turned to a comm officer. "Open a frequency to broadcast on all channels, I wish to address the planet and it's invaders." He stated.

"Attention unknown invaders, This is General Williams of the Sullen Enterprise Confederation Speaking on behalf of the Andromeda Xeno Inter-Stellar Cooperation Forces, you have invaded the Sovereign system of Ruula forcefully and we have received an appeal for assistance. You have 1 standard planetary Rotation to vacate the planet or we will be forced to assist the Ruulan government in forcefully removing you ourselves. These terms are non-negotiable, you have 1 standard rotation to respond with a refusal or acceptance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Jennifer Harsdorff Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: M'zulf 'Nchardek
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0.00 INK

A response from the Demiarch Empire forces below would be nearly immediate to the threat that came through their communications, "Hate to break the news to you, but you are too late. The force that had just recently wrecked this city has been removed and we are 99% complete with the construction required to rebuild this city. If we are the invaders, we are also the one that saved this city. We are also the one combating the Hydra in the wilderness to the north. Maybe if you had been here when this place needed you, we wouldn't be. So until we commit a real crime, you have no jurisdiction to attack us. Should you think you do, and attempt this, you will cause more damage to Ruula than what even the previous evil we just removed has done. Rethink your decision is all we can ask. We are an ally, not an enemy."

Not much else could be said to the other beings. All the Demiarch Empire could do is wait for a response. They were not looking for any destruction or enemies, so until a response was made, they would not make any decisions that could lead to the wrong idea at this moment. Push come to shove, they would defend themselves with a more potent force than what was probably expected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Jennifer Harsdorff Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: M'zulf 'Nchardek
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Williams frowned he was hoping this would go smoothly but clearly it wasn't going so.

"We weren't here because we were not asked for assistance. As for you claims of your innocence I would love to hear from the Ruulan government that they have authorized your current action upon said planet. If you are here unauthorized and acting on your own accord then you have committed a crime. I expect to be hearing from the local government within a few moments. If we do find this work is unauthorized then our current ultimatum still stands. If we find this is authorized we will request a formal meeting to assure this is the case on the surface before departing this planet. "