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Unbroken Warden

a obsidian black imperial knight freeblade

0 · 895 views · located in Solinus City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Yvandír


The Unbroken Warden
Imperial Knight; Freeblade
of his emperor's holy imperium


Personal Information

Theme Song:

Name: The knight's name: Unbroken Warden
The 'Knight Scion' pilot: Victor Zhao

True Name: N/A

Age: Victor is no more than thirty and no less than twenty
the knight ages back to the age of the great crusade

Age Appearance: Knight:N/A
Victor: mid twenties
Gender: male

Race/Main: Human

Race/Sub: human

Sexual Orientation: straight

Marital Status: N/A
Birthplace: N/A
Date of Birth: NA

the imperial Truth

Victor bares the marks of his long fallen household
the knight bares many scares of war
6ft 2" for Victor
12 metres or 39.3 ft for the Obsidian Knight
multiple tonnes- Knight
Physical Condition:
perfectly healthy- victor
battle ready- knight
Eye Color:
Occupation (Main):
Freeblade, wherever duty to the imperium takes me
of the best education the imperium can provide
Low gothic, High Gothic, English, Tau'va
Current Residence:
only those that stand against the imperium
a noble warrior first and foremost, who gives no quarter to his foes.
that his duty is left undone before his time ends
Psychological Condition:

Image Equipment Image

Imperial Knight Paladin
the Knight Paladin itself a 12 metre tall battle walker
Armed with a rapid fire battle-cannon and a reaper Chainsword and two carapace mounted equivalent machine guns/heavy stubbers.
the thick plates of armour protecting the knight made up of Adamantium and further protected by Ion Shielding,
making for a nearly indestructible beast. Only the titans of the Titan legions are feared more, by the enemies of the imperium.

the battlecannon can lay waste to infantry platoon and armoured vehicle alike pounding the enemy with shells that would put anything of the modern day to shame.
the Reaper chainsword, the Knight's melee armourment, this monstrous weapon tears through anything put in its way the adamantium teeth ripping into its foe and shredding them, the weapon capable of obliterating even Titans with a good strike, though it would likely be destroyed before it got close enough.

rapid adaption to any threat within combat. enhanced mental and physical reaction times.
Special Powers

Feats/Achievements List


So begins...

Unbroken Warden's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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From within one of the many imperial ships in orbit, Victor made his way towards his walker, the imperial knight paladin, the unbroken warden, he looked back at the techpriest who had been anointing the machine in holy unguents and prayers to the Omnissiah, with a prayer of his own Victor climbed into the imperial knight and linked into it. The canopy above him closing, he put on his helmet and began the awakening of the 12 metre tall walker it’s rapid fire battle cannon loaded and the reaper chainsword revving to life, the ion shielding responding to the very mental whims of its pilot.

the roaring reactor burst to life pumping out smoke, as the knight came to stand to its full height the command console lit up, the knight began its trek across the bay towards the drop bay doors, the behemoth of ancient technology stood ready, at this time the firing from the ship board weapons had begun and soon the bay doors would open and the imperial knight would drop, rocketing towards the surface, Victor sat comfortably within the walker.

As the chaos of the ground war erupted the Knight struck the earth throwing rubble and concrete every which way, landing out amongst the enemies of the imperium, the blessed weapon of the paladin sweeping an arc across the troops by his feet, the reaper chainsaw ripping apart and breaking his foes in sweeping bloody ragged arcs, the battle cannon aimed up and fired into the legion of shadow beings taking tens of maybe even more with each shot, the cannon putting out two shells per trigger pull, the ion shields flaring to life and deflecting the attacks from ranged and the adamantium hull of the walker, the same armour used for imperial ships and titans held those that wished to strike the knight at bay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by lil_kreen
  2. apparent double post yes

    by Yvandír

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it was a double post needed sorting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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Even with the addition of the Unbroken Warden to battle, Draco didn't move. He was reading the lay of the land, the nonchalance of the Emperor, and his own well-being all at once. Closing his eyes, dark energy began to radiate off his form, similar to Shadowfire in appearance. Snapping his eyes open, Draco's entire body was covered in Shadowfire, and he cast the spell Phoenix Cloak, allowing him to cloak his whole body in Shadow Fire, which would boost his already monstrous speed, agility, strength, and intimidation factor by astronomical amounts. Darting forward, Draco charged the Emperor, silent at the moment, swords in the same position before crossing in front of him and then moving out to his sides as he charged headfirst at his foe. Leaping into the air, the Dragon would vanish into one of those orbs floating around the battlefield, before appearing right next to the Emperor, and stabbing with his left while slashing with his right blade. He would follow the slash's momentum by turning and following up with a double handed slash from both swords, and a roundhouse kick from his right leg. Each and every hit had the weight of his one hundred and seven meter tall Dragon-body behind it, hundreds of thousands of tons, all focused to the fine edges of blades, and the blunt force of his foot, ankle, and shin.

The battle raged on, where the Imperium had quality, the Shadow Legion had Quantity, each Space Marine was outnumbered five to one by the Screaming Minotaurs, each Guardsmen was outnumbered a hundred to one by simple Shadows and Hounds and Bashers. Every At least one hundred Shadow Commandos stalked the field, taking damage and shrugging it off as their bodies reformed, and they learned from each mistake, becoming harder and harder to kill with each deathblow struck. The Commandos were the only things on the battlefield that made no noise whatsoever. Their footsteps, swords, bodies, and even the clashes of metal made no sound. In stead, their bodies rippled, taking the force of each impact in turn and in some cases, taking that very force and turning it against those who struck at them with physical attacks as they countered with their second blade, and their own monstrous force, which was enough to crumble buildings with one swing alone.

From the Drakon Class came a hail of rapid fire 30mm cannon fire, some of them flak rounds, some armor piercing, all of them fired directly into the battle, aiming to simply kill as many Imperial troops as possible, as the Shadow Legion fought on as if nothing were happening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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The Emperor remain still as Draco launched his attack. The Emperor closed his eyes as Draco leaped into the air and into a floating orb. He soon cast called upon the Might of Heroes Increasing his already impressive power and speed even higher. As soon as the blad, which would have already slashed any normal man into thousands of pieces. He had already moved out of the way of the thrust, raised his own sword to block the strike from Draco's right and was already turned around as Draco began to use the momentum to strike at him only to be counted by his own spinning slash and defended against the kick with a swing from his own arm to counter the strength of Draco, All the blow caused was the ground to shatter around them.

Already moving in for retaliation The Emperor pulled his sword back as it was seathed not only in fire but a radiant light. Stepping forward appearing to strike him head on, his form soon vanished as he stepped through the warp with ease and appeared behind Draco, sword already in midswing right for his back. Not stopping there in the slightest the Emperor quickly begins to warp around Draco, appearing seemingly at random and quick intervals that it appeared he was attacking from two directions. Each time The Emperor appeared he swung his sword at the Dragon.

For the Imperial forces, being outnumbered was what they always faced. Be it innumerable hordes of the universe or the legions of daemons. Each Imperial Soldier stood steadfast, even when the 30MM cannon fire rained upon them. Soon Battle SIsters arrived on the scene, singing righteous prayers of the Emperor. Multi-Flamethrowers filled with Bless Promethium washed over the massive hordes of the Shadow Legion easily turning them into mere ash. The sight of such daemons walking around of the planet just spurred their rage as they, armed with power armor just like a space marine began to purge the area.

Soon squads of Grey Knights were teleported onto the surface, The first to arrive were two squads of Purifiers. Their very presence inccoruptable and a blight to the Shadow Legion. Armed with Nemisis Force Weapons, sanctified Force Weapons with each consecrated and anointed with sacred oils, psychically-charged, and inscribed with religious scripts. These Grey Knights charged against the Commandos, Their own weapons made to burn away such wicked foes that regular men were not cut out for.

Soon in Orbit the Two Nova Cannons aimed at Draco's Flagship were prepared. The 50 metre long barrels were aimed right for the ship armed sophisticated plasma warheads. With the weapon primed and ready the two stayed their hand from orbit. These would accelerate to a fraction of the speed of light with the force equivalent to several plasma bombs. This would created a large blast zone which burned with the ferocity of a small star for a fraction of a second. Such a weapon would glass all on the surface, however they held fire. This would be used as a last resort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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The Knight kept its killing spree up cannon fire and the reaper chainblade exacting righteous destruction upon the shadow beings, but they seemed to keep coming back, and not only that, the 30mm cannon fire began to reign down upon them, the Ion shields flaring with each strike deflecting the shots in their entirety, the knight’s chainblade running red with use.

The unbroken Warden under the bombardment of the 30mm guns began to push through the legion of darkness the ion shields deflecting shot after shot after shot, the adamantium plating holding against the rounds as they ricocheted up into the air, slogging through the legionaries at his feet crushing them underfoot and clearing the way with sweeps from the reaper chainsword.

He began singling out the turrets and firing upon them, buckling the barrels with the weight of his own shells striking them, the cogitator spirit within the battle cannon granting him the advantage of pinpoint accuracy with a cannon shell; thus causing jamming and self destruction as each struck jammed up , some shells striking against the turret housings themselves. Sometimes stopping to sweep the reaper chainblade through the shadows the carapace mounted stubbers and flamers bursting into life with Promethium a napalm like substance that ignites on contact with the air and equivalent machinegun fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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The 30mm cannonfire was interrupted by the orbital strikes from the Nova Cannons, the ship groaning further into the mountain before a horrid shriek of metal against rock filled the air, causing even Draco to cover his ears and flinch while he battled with the Emperor. Then the air shook again as one last Salvo was shot off from the main battery guns. Draco and the rest of the Legion vanished from sight momentarily while the shells traveled towards the city, with the aim of wiping out all who opposed Draco. After the shots went off, the Cannons realigned, and the ship began to move off, moving at a staggering pace, sonic booms shaking the landscape as the thing broke Mach 3, a Dark portal appearing before it as it vanished from the area, presumably for repairs, or to get more help for the Legion.

After the shots did their damage, leaving more 90 meter deep craters, Draco and the Legion appeared once more, Draco's Phoenix Cloak still active as he hovered in the air, looking at the destruction he'd brought forth, a solemn look on his face. Whether he was admiring his work, or if he was actually feeling one single shred of remorse for the lives he just ended it was hard to tell, this was a look that seldom struck his face. He was silent as his Phoenix Cloak went out, and his eyes looked down as he searched himself for an answer to this.

"....Why?" was the only word he said. Remorse....he'd not felt this in a long time. For a moment, even his hands loosened around the handles of his sword, and his Legion halted, fading away like mist as he slowly descended to the ground. "What....what did this accomplish....?" he growled softly, his hands tightening again.

He looked up to where he knew the Emperor was watching him, and stared at him, the coldness returning to his eyes. He would finish this little crisis later. Now came the death of his enemy. Draconian Lightning blazed around his swords, and once more his body was covered in flames as he charged the Emperor head-on, aiming two direct thrusts to the man's body, aiming straight for the chest and stomach. If successful in hitting, and thus penetrating at least the armor he wore, he'd lift the Emperor on high, and begin to cover the man in Corrupting Shadowfire, which would begin to erode his armor and body quickly upon igniting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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The Emperor stared down Draco. "You wanna know 'why' Dragon? Don't be blind...Your actions are killing people, you willing go into cities and invade with no care for the lives you end and for the misery you cause! My mission is to defend man against all who dare threaten their lives! Your retribution was just waiting to come and it is now this day when your actions finnaly come back to haunt you dragon...I warned you that one day you would know fear...And this is the day you will learn the true power of humanity..." He spoke as he stared at Draco straight in the eyes.

"Your kind has probably ran rampant for eons, Years, millennium...Unopposed and feeling mighty that no one could stand against your power...Well how does it feel to be on the receiving end of destruction? How does it feel to feel powerless this time dragon! This time you will pay for everything you have done dragon! So come at me and show me what passed for fury among your misbegotten kind!"

As Draco unleashed his fury in a charge. Sword arcing with lightning and body on fire. The Emperor raised his own sword and charged at the Dragon. He purposely gets hit in the chest as his sword punctures his armor and begins to corrode him and his body. However, he was where he wanted him. Point blank.

Challeling all of his psychic powers he unleashed a point blank barrage of mind bullets which would sear right through not only his armor and physical form. But it would destroy parts of his soul and mind. A barrage which would destroy his very existence unless he surrendered the assault. However, being in point blank range his mind bullets would hit their mark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Unbroken Warden
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Victor watched through the eyes of his knight, the fading legion, he turned the walker and strode it back towards the imperial lines, the battlecannon scarred and steaming from use and the reaper chainblade idling, the walker shifted to look up into the sky another view keeping him from stumbling into the craters dotting the landscape now.

“is that remorse?” victor stopped to watch the confrontation, when the Emperor took the blow from Draco’s blade, the imperial knight’s chainblade kicked into life and it charged forward, with the intention of smiting Draco, the fury of one man in his knight, the reaper chainblade would arc for the side to catch Draco in the ribs, one of two results were to happen if the attack struck, the first, Draco’s physical form is shredded, ripped asunder by the diamondtine coated Adamantium teeth of the weapon, or the blunt force impact would launch draco through the air, shattering bones and rupturing organs, if he has any. Or possibly even both of these.

The end of the reaper blade clipping across the golden armour of the emperor, the teeth of the blade shattering, at the power and protection the suit granted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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Amidst the soldiers on the ground a green firefly blinked into existence. In a copper sunburst of planar energy one known as Myrkul's Vein moved by request a True Rekindled who dragged one who was not across the Way from one point to another. Rescued from a shattered remnant torn from another reality the patina-colored fire poured around the space marines as if it inherently recognized them. As it poured backward out of this reality a retreating entry spike revealed a red cloaked Doom Eagle techmarine named Gunnac Umbercaller. Under the shrouding cloak retreating shone the shining blue armor of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman.

The cognis signum of his armor risen above him carried for now a passenger in a shard of mind from these black-robed servants of his father he left behind to repair the primarch's temple to his direction. It gave Roboute indirect access to this 'Almanac' these Jinhai wielded as a piece of effective field intelligence. This creature 'Myrkul's Vein' was somehow always watching the emperor now whenever it could reach him. Direct access to the book to his mind by way of the Cognis Signum was something to explore later when the opportunity presented itself. Entering a battle uninformed was a recipe for failure though it had taken precious time.

His weapons were somehow weaker by the transition from the world he knew and the loyal techmarine suggested changes possessed by the necessity foisted upon him as well. He drew his power sword, the Gladius Incandor and raised it high so that his Space Marines could see it above the roar of battle. At a word from his mind the iconic silver blade alit in a heavy blue fire with a howl of incandescent grey sigils drawn out from some distant storm. Shadows near to him would suffer a boiling wind born of the black storm that suffered not the sheer existence of what was not of Mankind. Roboute directed the storm as much as one could such a thing that aimed to destroy foreign realities but it the empowered maelstrom of nonexistence could not itself be easily corrupted. The Jinhai and his techmarine felt he could control it for at least the battle. The odd lull of battle appeared just before he arrived where the army strangely poised itself for slaughter when the creature above lost his focus in cursory inspection of the space marines. How fortuitous.

His indomitable mind took in the battle quickly then stretched out to who served as space marines in the new age. His psychic might returned in force now that the noxious poison limiting him was removed, "Space Marines! Advance into their pause for mankind! Suffer no enemy of the Emperor's to live and leave nothing intact of their fortifications!"

There were weaknesses in the pattern of space marines for foes that came from the shadows amidst lines. Roboute sent telepathic instructions to space marines for new formations for clearer interior fire given the troop positions indicated by his cognis signum after considering the terrain for shadowing. The creatures seemed to tend toward racing straight at any perceived weakness and acquired some marines to set up pincer movements to exploit the individual weaknesses of strategic skills in the shadow beasts among the legion. Especially if their leader faltered in attention once more to restrain them from doom.

The techmarine in front of him busied with the construction of a field bulwark for cover with the bright red cloak that sprouted heavy tools. Even as he whirled around underneath it to slash at shadow creatures coming too close to the burning light of the Primarch's empowered sword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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The Emperor would find that Draco's psychic defenses were as strong as his physical ones, and despite the flurry of mental bullets, the Dragon held firm against the Emperor, the corrupting Shadowfire spreading further. Not bothering to look away, Draco took his left arm and raised it, leaving his sword in the Emperor's chest while the gauntlet of his armor stopped the swing of the Knight in its tracks, and the ground shattered beneath them, leaving another massive crater in the ground.

There was another momentary pause in the battle as Draco let out a single breath, blood trailing from his nose; the mind bullets having taken a toll on Draco's body after all, though his strength nor resolve wavered in the least. As the Chainsword made contact with Draco's flaming body and armor, the Corrupting Shadowfire spread to that as well, and the thing would begin to melt quickly as the fire spread. Slowly Draco turned his head, bones cracking as his face deformed, became more Draconian, and he stared at the Knight who dared interrupt his duel with the Emperor.

"Jedark di Owrropoqu." Draco uttered; "Force of Consequence.", a defensive, Physical ability that most Dragon's possessed, but never had the clarity of mind to use. Draco was in rare form, despite the unseen damage, he was in peak condition. Extending his blocking arm towards the Unbroken Warden, all of the force the man put into his own strike would suddenly be forced back into his own body, not the armor, but the body within, travelling down the melting sword and into the arms of the Warden Armor. This Force was amplified by Draco's own monstrous strength of a counter push, which he made seem effortless, and was arcing with Draconian Lightning, which made the guns and cannons used by the Imperium look like children's toys when it came to sheer destructive power.

The Legion of Shadows was gone, Draco neither wanted nor needed them, this was a duel now, and the Imperium would be setting up for nothing. Another drop of blood dripped from Draco's nose and he returned his full attention to the Emperor, grabbing his swords and letting forth a mighty, guttural roar as he pulled the swords in opposite directions, aiming to either dislodge his swords, or to split the Emperor's Armor in half. Either way, he would pull back. As he did so his Swords would fold back into the armor by themselves, and two orbs of Shadowfire appeared in Draco's clawed hands as he landed and began to move his hands in a rhythmic, almost ironically beautiful pattern as the orbs of Dark Draconian Magic grew in power and strength. Raising both hands above his head, Draco combined each orb, and then looked to the ground at his feet.

"Sulta di Tobor, Sulta di Keari, Sulta di sia Wiot, Svaust jaka vucotic Loerchik."

Slamming his hands down into the earth, at first it would appear that nothing happened, Draco's eyes closed, and the air was still, even previous bouts of Shadowfire he'd created ended and the rotting smell that went with them was gone too. For a moment, there was nothing.

Then, slowly, Draco opened his eyes, as he did so the very earth began to shake, the air grew heavy and thick, thick enough one could cut it with their pinky finger if they so desired. The rotting smell returned tenfold, the heat grew exponentially. Draco looked up and shouted loud and clear for all to hear.

"Shadow Burial!"

It was at that moment that the ground beneath all Imperium present burst open, shattering into minute particles leaving nothing beneath them. From the earth erupted a great plume of Shadowfire, large enough to drown out a city Twice the Size of Solinus, the green, purple, and black flames swirled in their plume as everything began to corrode and melt down. Any who survived would likely be left highly deformed, crippled, hideous, and of course, rendered completely infertile. Those that perished where immediately taken to the abyss, Soul, Body, Armor and all, and would be corrupted until they were a part of the Legion of Shadows. Those who were unlucky, and were caught in the worst of the blast, would more than likely be alive as they feel themselves become corrupted, the never-ending aching feeling spreading from the heart and moving through every blood-vessel, like a chain-sword being driven into each follicle of hair with an ever increasing speed setting over and over again, bypassing the body's shock boundaries and even the boundary where one shuts down, and keeping them entirely awake throughout the entire experience until they finally were put down, or fully corrupted, where they would melt into the abyss to be conscripted into the Legion.

Draco stood slowly, his breathing ragged and labored, blood now trickling from his lips as well and down his chin. This was only one of many Trump Cards Draco possessed, but using it at this scale drained him significantly, left him exhausted Physically, Mentally, and Magically. The fire reflected back in Draco's eyes and the look of remorse crossed his face once more. "What did any of this accomplish? Neither of us is weak enough to die to the other's hand....why do I continue to fight?...." he thought to himself as he stood there, solemn and silent. He was not gloating, he was not even sticking around to see if his spell had worked and if the Emperor had been vanquished. He was once more lost in thought, however despite this, he kept his Psychic Defenses up, knowing that the Emperor would not settle for this, and would likely attack soon once more.

The question was, could Draco keep up the fight? Or would he allow himself to be captured?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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Blood, The Emperor felt his blood leaving his body as Draco pulled out his sword ripping part of his holy armor. How long has it been since he has lost blood? How long has it been since those dark times during the Horus Heresy? That time when Horus tore at his body with intent to kill...Due to his fault mankind was gripped in eternal strife...

Would he fall here? Would the cries of the injured go unheard once more?...In fact he could hear the souls of his warriors being consumed by another evil. Being corrupted by this...this corruption...Not again....Never again! He would not fail humanity again! Not against Chaos and not this Shadow Legion! He would rise to this occasion! Their voices will be heard by him! Even as this unholy magic began to consume him something burned in his heart.

He was no God...But he would stop this! Bellowing with built up rage that has stirred for millennium. The Emperor unleashed a mighty roar from the very bowels of his chest. Filled with sorrow, and anger at everything that is wrong with this universe. The shadowfire that was consuming him disintegrated from a holy light that radiated off of his body. The remaining survivors shielded in a holy life as their bodies were healed and purged of corruption...of course Space marines did not ever break their vows of abstinence and even then they could not reproduce.


His voice blasted across the land as his remaining warriors including his Son and the Unbroken Warden where hovering inside floating balls of light. Safe from this corruption. The Emperor soon raised his sword, shining brighter than any star in this universe. The blade began to shine as it grew larger and larger. The massive blade of light reached the heavens as it did so.

"Today! You will face the very heart of humanity! Let man's soul become one with this blade!

The Emperor shouted as he stared down Draco, body bloodied but standing. A blade forged from every warrior lost is his service, from every person who has ever believed in him. Their own souls now coming together to defend against the darkness once again.

"Be it Chaos! Xeno! Or your misbegotten kind! Man will always continue to stand in the face of darkness! Man will never submit to any foe be it the Gods themselves or the demons that lurk in the immaterial world! Face my full fury dragon!"

The Emperor's soon flew into the skies and the sun shined on his very being before coming back down like a sword from the heavens coming to strike down at the darkness itself. His voice roaring over this immense power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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Victor glared out at the screens around him the blows upon his armour upon his body, blood pouring from his wounds, in his last act of defiance against the shadows as he felt himself overcome by them, would be an all powerful strike again.

But the flames upon the knight shifted in colours those of a red and white a fury of vengeance, a fury of one's duty left undone, its frenzied strikes hitting with more force and coming unnaturally fast. From the eyes of the knight itself fires erupted and the very form seemed to be engulfed in flames of vengeance and purity, stripping the corrupting flames from its body, the cannon leveled back, and fired, as the knight became possessed; became its own being. Bones seemed to fade in and form across the hulking mechanical monster, raging against a god, it was fury. It had become one of the legion of the damned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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"You just never learn...." Draco growled, annoyed at the persistence of the Emperor and the Unbroken Warden. Closing his hands into fists, Draco let out a mighty roar that echoed across the landscape. This roar was amplified by his body as it began to shift and mold. Suddenly great black wings once more lurched forth from his back, moving in a sweeping motion that would attempt to smack away any incoming threats, such as the Emperor or the Unbroken Warden. These wings would black out the sun, and soon, so would the rest of Draco's enormous body as it grew to its true Kaiju size. One hundred and Seven Meters tall at the shoulder, not including the extra height granted by his neck, head, and horns, and well over a kilometer in length from snout to tail tip, with an even bigger wing-span, Draco let out one more roar, the pressure of the air erupting from his throat also likewise pressing his opponents back.

Moving with the same speed he had when the fight started was an easy task, and he went after the Unbroken Warden first, for having interrupted the single combat between himself and the Emperor. A quick back hand would likely send him flying, followed by a stomp of the other foot, the claws digging into the armor like butter and the sheer weight of the Dragon's form threatening to smash the armor entirely as would groan and creak if the step managed to land. The weight would continue to increase, particularly on the massive claw that was pressing into the chest of the Armor, reaching for the man inside to be able to kill him.

Behind him, his tail lashed out at at least four times the speed of sound, powerful sonic booms shaking the landscape as the tail moved at random to distract and possibly wound the Emperor again. After a while, Draco would deem the Warden unfit for movement, let alone combat, and remove his claw by flicking the man to the side, what happened after was of little concern to the Dragon.

Turning to face the Emperor, lightning began to course through Draco's body once more, travelling up from his clawed feet to his body, up his spine to his throat, where it gathered for another devastating attack, a Lightning Breath-Weapon. Opening his maw, Draco would release a pure concentrated beam of Draconian Lightning, the purple and golden light swirling as it aimed to overtake, hit, and then penetrate the Emperor's armor all in one fell swoop. This beam would last for a good ten seconds before Draco would rear up on his hind legs, and attempt to smash the Emperor like he had attempted with the Unbroken Warden.

"You will learn that Dragons tend to enjoy being left alone, Emperor." he snarled, his mouth not moving but the voice booming forth in the battle-weary minds of all around them. "And if you think this battle is taxing you've no clue what the rest of my kind is capable of. Count yourself lucky that I am one of few malevolent Dragons in existence!" and with that, Draco's maw burst forth another torrent of Shadowfire, twice as powerful as the Shadow Burial's fire, as it had come directly from Draco's body, and not with the intent to kill, but to utterly destroy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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The Emperor grunted as the Kaiju sized dragon breathed his Lightning Breath. His armor was soon full of holes, scorch marks and parts of his flesh were burned. However, what Draco was witnessing was his own armor beginning to shape and reform itself. His own flesh regenerating from the blast as he still plummeted to the earth. Soon Draco would attempt to smash the Emperor himself and he would be met with something that met his force, more than equal his own size coming from a man who appeared to be an ant to him.

"I do not learn beast? This battle...taxing to my body? Myself...lucky?....Don't make me laugh beast. You think I am scared by the rest of your kind? I have faced a power far greater than anything this mortal realm has yet to see. I have faced the four Gods of Chaos in a state of unlife. I have grown...tired of sitting back as mankind began is decent, I unable to move of that throne to fix my mistakes...You are the unlucky one here dragon...And I will put you where you belong..." The Emperor spoke plainly as Draco's maw opened up to breath a torrent of shadowfire.

The Emperor soon pulled his sword back as the fire burned across his body, burning his whole form but he remained steadfast. and goes in to thrust the massive blade into his gullet. "You wish to be left alone? How pathetic! You raid mankind and expect them to cower like cattle waiting for the slaughter! I will gladly show you a life of solitary dragon just as you ask! By destroying your very being and sentencing you to damnation!" The EMperor would put a force not becoming of his size and he went in to drive the blade into Draco's throat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Roboute Guilliman
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Victor was already dead, the machine possessed by his vengeful soul, the adamantium plating creaking under the strikes, but never breaking, the ion shields still deflecting blows that would crush the 12 metre tall imperial knight. The reaper chainsword striking and biting in ripping up the beast’s scale up and hacking into the flesh underneath.
The rapid fire battle cannon spitting out flame covered shells that explode with the force to level even the titans of the imperium, the vengeful beast that the knight had become wasn’t going to end its assault until the foe had fallen.

Thrown like a ragdoll the chainsword struck and bit in keeping the knight in the fight, the vengeful flames rising from its hull counteracting those of Draco, eating away at the corruption and snuffing it out, each blow the unbroken warden brought against the draconic scales would only rip more away and once a wound large enough had been exposed the knight brought back its chainsword and drove it into the wound revving the chainsword and ripping flesh and gore from the Dragon's wrist, smashing bones and almost cutting the clawed hand off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy
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"Gods it looks like hell down there" stated Priestess as her fleet of medivac dropships approached Solinus City.

"Damn outsiders..." Muttered a TLA trooper.

"They can kill themselves for all I care we have to get these people out."

"Ma'am we don't have enough..."

"Then we take more trips we are Terra's protectors and today we fucking prove it! For Terra! For the Liberation!"

The dropships descended from the sky flanked by gunships for defense. "Scan for life signs as soon as you find civies land and secure them quickly troopers will cover the medics don't let those bastards take anymore of our people." Ordered Priestess as she watched her ships desend.

About that time a TLA cruiser appeared with a squadron of viking fighters "The general sent us to cover you ma'am we got your backs"

"Thank the Gods now let's get to work."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy
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Draco's tail engaged the Warden, likely easily overpowering and defeating the undead Armor again and again, as it lacked a learning mind. From Draco's body flew millions of Duradaeden swords, clones of the two that Draco used in his human form. Coursing with Draconian Lightning, which was proven to penetrate even the Emperor's Armor. The Swords would be used to try and overwhelm and pin down the Warden, where the Shadows would boil to live beneath the armor and try to drag it down to the Abyss, where the corruption would spread, regardless of holy intentions.

A gurgling roar was heard as Draco's throat, one of the softest parts of his Draconian body, was pierced by the Emperor's blade, snarling, the wound oozed pure Shadow, black sludge. "Your own power destroys your body, and you claim to be an All-Powerful Emperor..." Draco's claw, which was previously assaulted by the undead, unbroken Warden, the scales merely scratched and cracked, albeit still bleeding from the damage, moved to back-hand the Emperor lightning fast before the Massive Dragon reared up onto his haunches again, numerous ships from the Terran Liberation Army lLamming into his body and exploding on impact, those that survived would find absolutely nothing left of the city, the multiple salvos of the Drakon had left the city nothing but a series of 90-Meter deep craters, and Draco's Shadow Burial Spell had deprived the area of any life entirely.

The TLA was much too late to do anything of use.

His throat rumbled and the Emperor's sword pulsed out, pushed by the Magic within Draco's body as the wound began to seal itself, the black sludge hardening and pulling the skin back together. Darkness blackened the area around Draco as it then was pulled to his maw, which glowed with unholy retribution.He slammed down on his front legs and lowered his head as if he were about to hurl something from his belly onto the field of battle, and then slowly, opened his mouth. A small, Black ball with a White outline floated out of his maw and hovered there.

The Dragon then Flapped his great wings once, causing Sonic Booms and wind disturbances for the next two square miles around him, and hopped about two Kilometers away from the ball, which then drastically expanded.

"Shadow Bomb!"

Spreading out for a Kilometer and a half was a great orb of Shadowfire so pure that not even Draco would be able to survive it for longer than a few seconds. The Sheer Darkness one saw looking into it was enough to make any above-normal man Hallucinate vividly as its mind tries to comprehend what it can, or in this instance, cannot see. The Ground would be left un touched, but everything above it would be disintegrated without pause nor mercy.

Folding his wings back agaisnt his body, Draco decided it was time to take his leave. Soon, his entire body turned into the black Sludge of pure Shadow, and would collapse in on itself like melting chocolate. As it did so, the Magic would seep into the ground, like water into the dry ground of the desert, and vanish completely, the sky beginning to clear, revealing nothing but a desolate wasteland filled with Death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy
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  1. 1 duplicate

    by Yvandír

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Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy
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  1. 2 duplicate

    by Yvandír

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Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Legion of Shadows Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy
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The Emperor had no fear of this last attack Draco threw at him hoping to wipe them out as he ran away. This attack pales in comparison to the Warp, and the horrors it has. Using his psychic powers, he easily sends himself and his whole army to the safety of orbiting ships. Safe from the ground. The city itself now being consumed by destruction.

Orbiting platforms aimed Nova Cannons at the Mountains and fired their payloads at the area to give them their own parting gift before all orbiting forces remained on high alert. Forces mobilizing and regrouping. The battle was over on the ground but the war began.

"This is the Imperium of Man to the Terran Liberation Army. As you can see we already have engaged these forces which made target practice of this city. An entire city lost to the evil that plagues this world. Hear us now, these 'outsiders' have already done our best to save this city. Where were you when the enemy attacked the defenseless? where were you as we spilled out blood in battle? We are the Imperium of Man, sworn protectors of humanity. Even in times of this election we remain ever vigilant against all enemies of man. The people here are lost, but we ensured their deaths did not go unheard as you all sit around ever ignorant of their pleas for help...Yo uare no longer needed in this area, say your prayers of worship to the dead now..." A vox communication spoke to the Terran Liberation Fleet before cutting off their transmition so they could not respond to them.

Yet another attack forced back to lick their wounds, the Imperium once again fights for humanity in the face of a grave threat. This would already spread popularity during this election. That they continued to fight to defend everyone.