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The Power We Hold

The Power We Hold


Have you ever wondered why whether is so random? Why the tide changes? Who controls time? Why, it's the people around you, you just don't notice it. MORE INSIDE!

2,306 readers have visited The Power We Hold since Limepepper created it.


Have you ever just stopped and asked

Why? How? Who? What?

All over the world, people have tried to come up with answers by guessing and researching. This is called science. Of course, the world doesn't revolve around science, and nothing science has predicted is right. What's the answer then you ask?

There are a large race of people, called the Hazes, and they all have their powers. They each control something, water, fire, love, darkness, light, time, electricity etc. The Hazes have jobs to do, and they also have to live somewhat normal lives. The Hazes can easily detect each other in a few seconds, but normal humans can't at all unless they see something they shouldn't have, or if the members tell them. The Hazes are at the top, and won't be stopped for anything, but more humans are witnessing slip ups, and it won't be long before the truth becomes widespread.

Tell me what power and FC you want, and I'll add you to the list. If you're a human or hunter, then just reserve and tell me the FC.

The Hazes
The ones with power, and those that make the world spin
Role: Leader/ Age 26/ Power: Love Manipulation /FC: Allison Iraheta/ Taken

Role: Second In Command/ Age 18+/ Power Hate manipulation/FC:Andy Biersack/Andy Sixx / Taken

Role: Third in Command/ Age 18+/ Power:volatile constructs/FC: Crystal Reed/ Taken
Role: Member/ Age 18+/ Power Variable Manipulation/FC: Andrew Garfield/ Taken
Role: Member/ Age 18+/ Power ?/FC: Alice Englert/ Taken
Role: Member/ Age 18+/ Power Elemental/FC: ?\Cody Christian/ Taken

Role: Member/ Age 18+/ Power /FC: ?/ open

Humans who know the truth and strive to expose the Hazes.

Role: Head Of the Hunters/ Age 18+/ FC ?/ Open

Role: Member/ Age 18+/ FC ?/ Open

Role: Member/ Age 18+/ FC ?/ Open

Role: Member/ Age 18+/ FC ?/ Open

Some know the truth, others don't. Most don't and the ones that do are often taken hostage by the hunters.

There can be as many as we want, just tell me you want to make one and include an FC and if they know the truth or not.

Code: Select all

[center][color=choose color]Nickname:[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]Age[/color][center]

[center][color=choose color]Role[/color][center]

[center][color=choose color]Appearance[/color][/center]


[center][color=choose color]Personality: At least two paragraphs[/color][/center]


[center][color=choose color]Likes[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]Dislikes[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]Powers (Hazes only)[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]Fears[/color][/center]


[center][color=choose color]Skills[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]Flaws[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color]History[/color][/center]


[center][color=choose color]Theme[/color][/center]

[center][color=choose color][/color]Other[/center]


Toggle Rules

1. No godmodding!
2. No OCC fights
3. No mary-sues or I will rip out my hair
4. Pg-13, swearing, don't do it every single sentence though, drugs are alright, violence is fine, romance is encouraged but we don't want to read through a sex scene, thank you very much.
5. Post often as you can
5. At least 200 words

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat at her office desk. She leaned back in her soft chair, closing her eyes. She smiled as a vision came to her mind. A deep daydream swallowed her as she pictured a blonde woman in New York, wearing a trench coat and argyle scarf. She watched the woman look at her map, confused. Skylar pictured another person, a man with small shoulders, dark brown hair, a grey jacket and a white collar shirt. She smiled as she could see a grid in her mind. Skylar moved her hand around as she connected their fates.

Skylar smiled as she took a handful of popcorn, munching it down. She watched the events unfold as the two, distanced, bumped into each other. The man spilled his coffee. He apologized, and offered to clean it up for her. THey entered a shop quickly to clean her off. She used some napkins and the man offered to buy her something. She agreed, and soon they were having a polite conversation. When the man got up, he handed her a napkin with his number. Skylar beamed, and opened her eyes.

Skylar just sat there and smiled for a moment. "My work here is done," She spun her chair around, picking up the intercom. She pressed down. A loud beep sounded, making her wince. "Staff members, please come to my office please," She smiled as she released her finger from the grey button.


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Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune
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Layla Scott


Two seconds after she released the arrow, it connected with her target with a nice, clear THUD. Narrowed honey-brown eyes slowly softened and she lowered the bow, still gripping the handle tightly. A smile, quirky and satisfied, softened her face and Layla finally felt calm again.

Her mother called today. It was completely out of the blue. Her little brother, Stefan, called on a regular basis. That wasn't much a surprise to her. However, her mother calling - after this woman had her number for about a year now, mind you - nearly took Layla's breath away. When she picked up the phone and heard the heartbreakingly familiar and almost comforting voice of her mother as the woman uttered hello, Layla almost cried for the first time in over a year. She had not been able to focus today, not even when she was drawing pictures with this adorable little girl.

"It was still a bit off," she commented to no one in particular. Her arrow did not hit dead center. It unnerved her. Ever since she came out her, she had not been able to hit a bullseye. Was her mother's call affecting her that much? Before she could mull over it any further, Skylar's voice rang over the intercom.

"Staff members, please come to my office please," Layla heard and she sighed, relieved that she had something to do.

She quickly jogged over to pull the arrow out and raced back inside. She hurriedly put her things back; it took a minute to get the armguard off. She straightened her outfit mostly because she rolled up the sleeves of her slightly oversized shirt and ran a hand through her shoulder-length hair. Satisfied, she made her way to Skylar's office, nodding to a few people as she walked by. A genuine smile was plastered on her face when she stepped into the office.

"Hey, Skylar."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
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Shinta had been resting his head on his desk as he saw an unhappy couple in his mind. . Of course Shinta knew these two would not get along perfectly. That was how he liked things. Hate and discord. At least, for some people. He had been exhausted staying up late once again, meddling in things that shouldn't have been meddled in.

This couple he had been seeing in his mind constantly fought, of course about little things as all couples start off fighting, it was his job to make it worse. They were not right for each other, and he knew it, he could tell, and he vaguely remembered Skylar saying something about them needing better partners. So as he thought about it, he brought another man into the picture. Someone this woman had been seeing on and off for months.

A cheating wife, the perfect divorce there was right there. Shinta had watched this unfold over a series of months, but now it was time for it to stop. He made a situation in which the husband would have to come home and catch his wife. As it happened, he had a wild grin on his face, though it was covered by the wooden desk his head was still resting on.

The husband opened the door to the bedroom and caught them, yelling happened, a bunch of screaming until Shinta heard the words he was looking for. "I WANT A DIVORCE." The wife screamed she hated him and they both stormed their separate ways. It had taken months that was for sure, but it was finally done and over with.

Hearing his boss's voice over the intercom made his head jolt up. He looked around thinking she was in his office then finally realizing that it was just the intercom. Giving a long stretch, Shinta made his way to her office which happened to be right next to hers. Though her's was much more bigger than his, and literally right next door, he still felt it a drag to get up and go see what she wanted, though he did as he was supposed to, making it seem much more professional. Opening the door he grinned, "Finished that assignment you gave me. They're getting a divorce, your turn to make magic happen." He said as he ran his fingers through his silky black hair.

His makeup was a bit smuged from him having his head on the desk, almost falling asleep. His belts and chains jingled as he came to stand in front of her desk now, adjusting his leather gloves he looked at Layla and smiled. "Layla how lovely to see you." He said as if he hadn't noticed her in the room before. "Blow anything up recently?" He'd ask in a teasing tone.

All in all Shinta had a rep to be a hateful bastard, but in truth he was nothing like that... not that many people knew that. His power gave him his rep, and he's done nothing to change it.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar smiled as Layla came in. "Hey Skylar," Skylar spun around in circles, smiling. She wasn't a very formal boss. "Hey!" She greeted as Shinta came in, commenting about Layla blowing stuff up. Skylar rolled her eyes as he reported his finished assignment. Skylar held up a finger and closed her eyes, seeing the couple. "You did a damn good job," She commented as she watched the fight unravel. "But I can do better!" She announced, trying to connect the right strings of blue. It took up a lot of her energy, but it was worth it.

The woman started to cry. Skylar decided that the divorce should go into effect. She made the woman run out, a stern look on her face. She didn't want the affair to go forward either, that was just wrong. Skylar made the man stay put, and he called his friend, complaining about his wife. Skylar decided to let the woman go alone, the man had done nothing wrong.

Skylar looked through his love history. She found that an old girlfriend was in town. The only reason they had broken up was that the man had moved away. Skylar smiled, forcing the woman to check in to the apartment room beside him. After putting her things away, Skylar had her go next door and ring the doorbell. She opened her eyes suddenly, feeling weak. She stood up, then stumbled and almost fell, her legs weak.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
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Layla Scott


For a second, Layla simply satisfied herself with the greeting she received from Skylar. She still wasn't used to the informal attitude Skylar showed towards her employees, but she wasn't going to act like she had a problem with it either. Skylar's personality was a lot easier to deal with than her mother's. Her phone buzzed slightly in her pocket and a dread shot up her spine, causing Layla's hand to twitch with the compulsory need to actually answer it. Stop.

It almost didn't register to her that Shinta said something to her until she saw him smiling at her. His words sunk into her head and a blush crept onto her face, wiping away any traces of seriousness or her thoughts of her mother. Stop, damnit.

"No, I haven't actually." Her response came out in a rush, a sudden wave of shyness overcoming her. It was strange. She had been here long enough and yet, being around others - being normal and friendly - still seemed foreign. Her blush deepened at the thought and she could only manage a smile in Shinta's direction. Some part of her wanted to say something witty, but then Skylar stumbled from the corner of her eye. "Skylar!" Layla hurried over to the first-in-command's side, allowing the older woman's weight to fall on her own. "Are you alright?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar groaned and stood up. "Ech. I don't know how my ass of a father dealed with this. I've been doing this since I was 15, yet it still tired me out. How did that bastard do it?" Skylar was the only one who talked about the former legend that way.


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Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
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Shinta chuckled when Skylar made the comment about his job. "It's not my fault I can make others hate each's a specialty for my twisted little mind." He'd say crossing his arms, though she was already in her own little world fixing his hatred up, curing it all with love. That's when he looked back at little ole Layla. Her comment about blowing nothing up didn't suprise him. He hadn't heard her bombs going off lately.

"I think the middle east could always use a bomb... or maybe the bomb squad?" He of course was rambling smirking slightly when he saw her blush. Then her blush deepened even more. "Well then... maybe I shouldn't take off my shirt if you just blush at a hello..and a joke." He laughed a bit more before rushing to Skylar's side.

"Don't need to be workin like that if yer gonna get all tired and stuff. I mean I know hating someone can be exhausting but loving? Seems to knock you on your ass!" He tried making himself laugh, when in truth when Skylar almost overworked herself. Shaking his head he wiggled one finger at her. "Shouldn't talk about a classic like that you know." He said joking around, before taking a smoke out of his pocket. "So wanna tell me what big news you have for us eh?" He motioned to his smaller office. "Got lotsa hate to spread, just like you got lotsa love... hippie." He said sticking his tongue out at her, his blue eyes twinkling with humor.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Matthew's day began as they always do, loudly. The only way to get himself out of bed these days, was to set his alarm clock to go off like a klaxon alert at it's maximum volume. While it was surprising, it was the only way to get him up. He jolted awake as he always did before slapping the snooze and slowly sliding out of bed. He slumped onto the floor, back against the bed frame, and yawned loudly. He sniffed once, then twice, and rubbed his eyes before getting off of the floor and walking towards his closet. He scratched his side as he opened the door, wincing at the mess inside. "I need to clean. Mmf... I'll hire a maid..." Matthew pulled some clothes from the wreckage that weren't too wrinkly or too smelly before pulling them on and making sure the colors matched. He wore a simple white shirt with a blue bolide over top and some fade jeans. He slipped on socks and converse sneakers as he stumbled his way down the small hall that lead to his kitchen. "Cereal, my favorite." Matthew smiled, as he poured himself a healthy bowl of fruit loops. He sat at the small table in the combination kitchen dining room. While his apartment flat was small, Matthew didn't mind. It was cozy.

After breakfast, Matthew threw on a jacket and steeled himself against the morning chill. It was brisk, not too chilly, but Matthew could never bear the cold. He preferred to be warm, too hot was always better than too cold. Matthew headed down to his, "Office building", where he and his co-workers did their own big ol' jobs in their own different ways. Being as good with numbers as he was, Matthew ran their books. Matthew ran most of the books, as far as the city was concerned. While it was a boring, and mostly automated process, every so often a few numbers needed just the right nudge. Matthew never stole, cheated, or made things up, but he wasn't above shifting stuff around here and there. It kept everyone happy and nobody really missed those two cents from their salaries. Of course, there were lots of salaries that Matthew took his, "Happiness Tax" from, but the result was so widespread that it would never be considered the work of a single man. Hell, a whole building of peppy interns and Harvard grads couldn't do his job better, not with all the coffee in the world, baby. Matthew smiled, he'd made a joke.

As he took the regular route to his office, Matthew noticed the others. They were all busy doing their own thing, but it was cool. They were nice enough. Layla was practicing, Skkylar was matchmaking, Shinta was doing his thing, and Matthew would start running some numbers. He sat at his desk and cracked his knuckles. "Open user interface." Matthew commanded, and it did. A phone sized holographic screen materialized before him, little graphs and charts running in real time, the "Settings" screen. Matthew squinted at it, wrinkling his nose, before he grabbed the little square of light by it's corners and pulled it wider. Much better. Matthew checked over the cities numbers with a quick glance. Nothing big was moving through, just a regular day. Little expenses, tiny little numbers jiggering up and down on a line. It wasn't too pressing, so Matthew put the system on autopilot and set it to alert him if anything came up. He navigated from the settings back to the main menu and opened up his stat screen. His brain wouldn't be needed too much today, so he shifted some points from Intelligence to Dexterity and Balance. After that, Matthew pulled a few from Consitution and placed them in Agility, Speed, and Flexibilty. He always slept better with a few extra points in Consitution, but he had never quite figured out why. Next, Matthew navigated over to the skill slots and decided he'd be going Rogue today and dumped all his points into the rogue tree, filling up everything right up until the Ultimate skill. He sighed with relief as he felt his senses sharpen, his reflexes quicken, and his whole body fall into a loose relaxed posture. While it looked open and vulnerable, Matthew was a tightly wound spring. He was ready to jump at a moment's notice, vanish into thin air, or drop someone off a building, should the need present itself. Just in time too, Skylar buzzed them in over the intercom. Matthew smiled as he shrunk the holographic menu down into the shape of a pair of horn rimmed glasses and wore them over his eyes. Information flooded into him, but the sensation wasn't uncomfortable. While Matthew's glasses looked a little odd, no one except but hazes would be able to guess their true function. Since his system wasn't on high alert, there numbers slid under Matthew's vision in a neat little line, like the DOW did on the Times Square Jumbotron.

Matthew walked in last, eyes widening as Skylar stumbled, but smiling once she righted herself. She needed to stop working so hard. She'd run herself into the ground before complaining, but even somebody as tactless as Matthew could tell. She was just that type of person. "Whatcha got on the docket today boss-lady?" Matthew asked politely. He was eager to get out of this dumb office.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Click. Click. Click...
The lights flickered on and off in Lacey's office. She groaned, and kicked her feet against her desk, sending her and her chair flying backwards, also bringing a loud crash.
She moaned,
"That hurt SO much more than I thought it would,"
As she placed her black boots on the ground, standing up as she did. Lacey was wearing some baggy, blue pants, and a white lace shirt with a tang top on under it. Lacey rubbed her back, and started to pick her chair back up, right before a voice came up on the intercom.
"Staff members, please come to my office please,"
The voice made Lacey stumble, and she dropped the chair again, also announcing a crash, but this time less loud. It took her a minute to figure out it was Skylar over the intercom, not in person, so thank god, she hadn't seen Lacey slacking off. She knew Skylar wasn't a mean boss, but it was always best to be careful.
Lacey, once again, stood up, and headed towards Skylar's office. Once she left the room, the lights had stopped flickering.
"Erm, hello."
Lacey poked her head into the office, finding she was, of course, the last one to get there.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar smiled brightly, ignoring Shinta's comment. She had already heard enough crap from her father. She rummaged through the filling cabinet. She picked up some files and handed them to the employees.

"Layla, you get to go here, Shinta here you go, Lacey, here, Matthew, here you go!" Suddenly, a buzz rang from the front of the building. She looked at the cameras. "OO! He's here!" She ran through the door, smiling. "C'mon!" She demanded, running towards the front.

Trent tapped his foot nervously as he waited for Skylar. The door opened. He smiled as he saw Skylar run towards him. She jumped into his arms. He hugged her, laughing. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by a vision.

Trent was a little boy again, with a toddler, Skylar at his side. They were at a candy store, eating masses of candy, laughing. Their mothers were close by, laughing. Skylar laughed as she threw jelly beans at him. Trent laughed, and threw a small bar of candy at her, lightly and playfully.

He released her from the hug. Skylar grinned whimsically. "Sky! You've grown so much! Look at you!" He smiled in a big brotherly way. He was the only one allowed to call her Sky. Once he saw the other people, he clammed up a little, not liking crowds.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Image"Layla, you get to go here, Shinta here you go, Lacey, here, Matthew, here you go!"
Skylar handed her a folder. Lacey immediately cut to conclusions,
"More work?! This isn't fair! I've been working my heart out! I need a break!!"
Okay, maybe she wasn't really working, but it was worth a try to weasel out. Even if she wasn't working at all, she still deserved a break! Right?
Lacey arched an eyebrow, as she heard a buzzer ring from the front of the building.
"OO! He's here!"
Skylar had smiled, running through the door. Lacey then yelled to her,
"So do I get a break or not?!"
Lacey sighed, and started to impatiently wait for her answer. Soon she had came back, with another person? Lacey cocked her head sideways,
"And you are...?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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"You'll get a break when Shinta smiles," Skylar teased. Trent awkwardly rocked on his feet. "Oh yeah! This is the main reason I called you out here! THis is our new member, and my half-brother, Trent!" She smiled. Trent looked down, waving shyly. "Hi," He mumbled. "At least look at the people when you speak to them!" Skylar complained. Trent rolled his eyes, a small smile appeared, and almost instantly dissolved.

"Anyway, you people just show him around the building. I don't really care if you traumatize him," Skylar smiled, shooing them off. She plopped back in her chair, slapping Trent's hand away from her popcorn.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Layla Scott

Skylar handed her a folder and inwardly, Layla pouted. She actually wanted to watch the Transformers marathon today. Mind you, she did not favor the last movie when that dumb model replaced Megan Fox - how do you replace the main character's true love? - out of distate for change. But there was a marathon to be watched and pizza to be ordered and eaten. I guess that's going to have to wait.

"Sure thing," she told Skylar and watched this excitement overcome the leader. Layla did not even respond to Shinta's earlier comment, opting to keep a straight face and thinking of anything in the world that would keep her from blushing about the thought of anyone taking any article of clothing off. She may have muttered a quiet, "Shut up, Shin." But that was honestly about it. Layla followed Skylar and the others only to gawk at Skylar practically tackling some guy. Layla was used to Skylar, but...her happiness knew no bounds.

As Skylar introduced her half-brother, Layla felt her phone buzz again. This time, she discreetly turned it off and put on a cheery smile for the sake of the newcomer. Of course, Layla was never one to start conversation first. However, her boss kinda gave her an order and shyness and unfamiliarty had to be put aside.

"Nice to meet you, Trent."


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Shinta took his assignment and read over it shortly. "I think I can make this work in my favor." He'd say scrunching up his nose as he thought of ways to do things. Shooting a look over at Lacey he'd cross his arms. "Can always clean the bathrooms, and scrub the toilets... RATHER than your assignment." It was just a suggestion, since well Shinta could suggest things like that.

Hearing Skylar's comeback he laughed, "I don't smile too often now, so I guess that's a break every once in a full moon?" His slender brow raised as he looked over at Lacey then at Layla. Her mumble that barley caught his ears told him what he said was true. He shouldn't take off any article of clothing around her... she'd just might stumble and fall.

He wasn't arrogant, but maybe a bit too cocky for his own good. Seeing Trent he'd nod his head. "Nice to meet ya, so tell me... what are you over eh? Misery, Greed, Sunshine, Sex, Lust, what?" He listed off some things, he reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Grabbing a lighter he lit one up and looked around the room.

"So anyway, what are we all doing standing around. We should be you know, working..." He motioned with his hands, as smoke rings circled the air. "The top three must speak with Trent ya know.... well after Sky and him have some family bonding time." He'd nod to everyone, trying to shoo them out the room. "Work to do work to do." He kept muttering as he shooed them away, of course how many peopled listened to the person over the power of hate?


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Trent looked up a bit. "Elements," He replied, looking back at the ground. Once Shinta called Skylar Sky, her face clenched up. "Don't call me Sky," She crossed her arms before she went back to her regular perky attitude. "You two, stay here," She pointed to Shinta and Layla. "You may go run around and work," She tossed a folder to Trent, making sure to not touch him. Otherwise, a bad memory would appear. THe only reason he had a god one when he hugged her was because they were in a good mood. THis was a more serious mood, where bad memories were more likely. Trent missed the folder, and it tumbled to the ground.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Layla Scott


Layla raised an interested eyebrow at Trent's admittance.

Some adventurous part of her wanted to ask him to give them a glimpse, but she bit her lip and shut that idea down. Layla chuckled at the thought of Shinta smiling, which was a rarity all its own. Lacey had better just go do her job 'cause there was no way in hell Shinta was going to smile for them. Speaking of, Layla caught him glancing at her and ignored him. Let him interpret it any way he wants, she told herself mentally and returned her gaze to the siblings just as Trent accidentally dropped the folder Skylar was going to hand to him.

"Oh, here you go," she said gently and picked up the folder, making sure that none of the contents fell out. She extended it towards the male, smiling politely. She might as well act a little friendlier.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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"Thanks," Trent mumbled as he grabbed the folder, accidentally brushing against her elbow as he turned around to go out the door. He froze, his green eyes turned white with the single black pupil in the middle. He froze completely, seeing a vision. Skylar sighed, walking over to him. "This'll take a second. Word of advice, let him help himself, if he's touched, he's going to see into your memories," Skylar stood in front of him, waiting for him to snap back into reality. His eyes turned back to a green. "Sorry about you father," He turned to Layla, mumbled, then walked out.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Layla Scott


"Sorry about your father."

In the distance, Layla did not hear Skylar's "advice" as she so called it. She did not hear his thanks or even a pen drop. All she heard were the words he uttered as he walked away.

"Sorry about your father."

No one had said that to her in over a year. They stopped. It was the normal thing to do anyway. It only brought dark memories, memories that revolved around the woman who was probably blowing up Layla's voicemail at this very moment. For one quick second, Layla forgot to school her features. Her skin paled momentarily and the honey-brown hue of her eyes darkened to a near chocolate-brown, pain written all over her face. A moment later, however, she turned it all off, hardening herself. She stood upright and tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear, clutching her folder tightly.

"Thanks," she called over his shoulder, ignoring how foreign and tinged with emotion her voice sounded. Hopefully, everyone else did the same.


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Shinta couldn't help but laugh at Skylar. It was just adorable when she scrunched up her features, trying to seem annoyyed with him. Though his eyes widened when he heard the Elements. "That's a pretty lucky talent." He frowned when he noticed Layla ignoring him. How could anyone ignore him. Pouting he'd go to walk into his office when he heard Skylar tell him to stay in hers.

"Now that's no fun." He'd mutter under his breath, until he got Skylar's advice, blinking he'd look over at Layla and Trent sulking a bit. Layla looked even more differently than she had done a few minutes earlier. Sitting himself down, Shin continued smoking his cigarette, then he saw the pain on her face. He wanted to help her, comfort her, anything, but what does one say to one who's ignoring him? Sighing he'd brush it off, knowing Layla was a strong woman.

Flicking his ashes into his hand he'd eye Trent and give him a warning. "If you touch me mate, you'll have nightmares." Was all he would say before sticking the cigarette into his mouth, and opening his file reading it in depth. Then he thought of his past, the rapes, the sex, the killing, all the things he had done, things that made him a monster. Not realizing it he was clenching his folder so tightly, that he almost ripped it. Throwing it on Skylar's desk, he had to go outside and get some air.

Memories was something he DIDN'T need right now. Getting up and walking out of the office and outside to the back of the area, he sat down on a bench and closed his eyes taking deep breath after deep breath. He wasn't a monster... he wasn't.... but something about thinking about his past made him think he was. If Skylar ever knew, she'd think he was a monster and be rid of him, and Layla, Lacey, Matthew... they would all shun him, treat him like the Black Sheep he should've been... and sometimes still is.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
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Layla Scott

While Layla awaited Skylar's seemingly serious conversation that the leader needed to have with both her and Shinta, Layla decided to look through her file for her next assignment. Despite herself, Shinta's warning to Trent had Layla looking up at Shinta to see nothing but seriousness in his eyes. Some part of her disliked the cigarette-smoking just a ittle, but she did not have time to mull over that. It had never occured to her to wonder about Shinta's past or anything of that nature, but now that he said that Trent would have nightmares over touching him, Layla's curiosity was piqued.

Was it that bad?

She watched Shinta from the corner of her eyes as his expression grew darker and darker until he threw his folder on Skylar's desk. That action alone resulted in Layla flinching, eyes wide in surprise at the display of...anger? Was it really anger? Or...or was it more? Layla was about to question him out of concern when, without warning, Shinta walked out. More like, stormed out. She followed his movement for a quick second, even taking a step towards the door in worry for her teammate. But then she stopped herself.

Even in her own time of grief, Layla didn't want to be bothered. And Shinta never seemed like the guy to mull over something for too long. Besides, it wasn't any of her business, right? Even as his teammate and - hopefully - friend?


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar felt crushed. Nothing seemed to be going right. She could feel pressure bubble up inside of her. She brushed it off and sighed, sitting on her desk. She took another handful of popcorn and chewed before she swallowed and spoke. "Sadly, this won't even be the worst part of my day. If Shinta was here, I'd give a whole useless briefing to piss him off, but now that's all lost," Skylar smiled teasingly.

"So basically, uh, be nice to Trent and keep him away from Devon at all costs. He's coming to vista, frankly I don't want him here, but he has the power to overthrow me and become leader again," Skylar said, referring to her father. "Either way, go do your job and yell at Shinta as much as possible for me, k?" Skylar offered a smile, trying to make Layla feel better. She didn't want to bring up soul crushing issues at this time.

Trent shuffled out, brushing past multiple people as he made his way to his work space. "I shouldn't have come here," He muttered, sitting down in his cubicle sized space. Why did he let his sister wear him down? Now that Devon the "Legend" was coming, he would be as mad as hell. THe things he did, and he still thought that Sky and him were going to forgive him? No damn way. Trent could feel his hands going hot with fire, so he cooled himself down by taking deep breaths.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
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Layla Scott


Layla gave a small grin to Skylar when she began to talk. She understood that her leader didn't like...Skylar didn't seem like the person that wanted to deal with heavy situations. And while Layla's mind was still wrapped around her own, she completely understood and respected that.

"So basically, uh, be nice to Trent and keep him away from Devon at all costs. He's coming to vista, frankly I don't want him here, but he has the power to overthrow me and become leader again." Layla frowned when Skylar said that. Was Skylar's father that mean that he would overthrow her and become leader again? Layla couldn't even imagine her own father doing that. Then again, hers was dead, so that was a mute point. Darkness clouded her mind for one split second, but Layla refused to let it overcome her. She smiled.

"Sure thing, boss." She even gave a small, half salute. She was headed out the door when she heard Skylar speaking over her shoulder and peered at the older woman.

Either way, go do your job and yell at Shinta as much as possible for me, k?" Layla nodded solemnly, not sure if yelling at Shinta would be the greatest of ideas. She was pretty sure she could actually die if she screwed with him during a moment of anger and dying wasn't on her agenda any time soon. But, even as these things were floating about in her mind, she grabbed his folder off of Skylar's desk.

"Just in case he needs it," she told Skylar and headed out. Once in the hallway, Layla sighed. She could tell that today was going to be far more interesting than she originally believed when she woke up. So much for Transformers marathons, she thought and walked out the door leading outside.

It took her a little while to find Shinta. While he didn't seem like the type to play hide-and-seek, she also knew that if he wanted to be alone, he would find a way to be alone. So, going the extra turn or so to find him did not surprise her at all. The smell of cigarettes lured her to where he was. She wasn't sure if she garnered his attention or not. Shinta wasn't looking in her direction and Layla bit her lower lip nervously, unsure of what she should do.

Get a grip, Layla. It's your freakin' teammate for god's sake.

Sighing for what felt like the one-hundredth time today, Layla walked over to where Shinta was and leaned against the wall beside him. For a moment, she just stood there, allowing the smell of his cigarette to brush over her despite her distaste for it. She let the sun beam down enough energy to put up with any issue that might arise before glancing in his direction, a look of concern over her eyes.

"Hey, are you okay? You um...left...more like stormed off. I-I wasn't sure if I should just give you space for awhile," she said to him, her habit of biting her lip arising again. She extended the folder to him shyly. "Wasn't sure if you still needed it. But, it's there. Skylar wants us nice to Trent. Oh, and keep him away from Devon. Apparently, he will be making an entrance soon."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar sighed as she sat down in her chair. A loud, impatient sounding buzz came from the front door. Skylar dragged herself out of her chair, as if it was a chore and opened the door. Devon came through. He was dressed formally, and once he saw Skylar, his face displayed a scowl, as if he had just sniffed rotten tuna.

"Ah, one of my two biggest disappointments," He snarled, an evil smirk at his lips. Skylar held her head high as she could just feel her chest tighten. She stood up straight, trying to display the same disproving look. Devon walked forward with out warning, muttering criticism at every turn. "Weak," He muttered, pointing at a Haze. "Slacker," He muttered, pointing to another. It went on and on until they reached her office.

"Don't you ever clean up her? You're doing a terrible job of basically everything," He snarled, pointing to her desk. Skylar's face clenched up, her nose wrinkled. She hoped that Devon would stop there, but he didn't. "I can't believe that after I built this empire up, you little worthless rat screwed it up!" He spit on the floor. Skylar never wanted to curl up in a corner any more in her life. "You're just a stain on the face of the earth, and you should know that. Same for that garbage you call Trent too," He hissed. Skylar's lip quivered.

"You are just a waste!" He slapped her across the face, hard. Skylar suddenly burst, screaming every insult she could at him. Everything that had built up over the years, she let it all out. Devon snarled. "What are you, two?" He hissed, slugging her in the eye. Skylar started to cry as her face throbbed. She stormed out of her office. A crowd of Hazes were gathered around in shock. She covered her face.

"You son of a bitch!" Trent yelled, running towards him. His father snarled at him. Trent burst into flames, angry as hell. His father laughed. "Pitiful, what an embarrassment you are, you piece of garbage!" Lighting gathered around his hands.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Layla Scott


Before anything else could occur on the Shinta front, Layla tensed as she heard the crackle of what sounded like lightnining tearing through a sky during a thunderstorm. Her head shot up and her eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. It didn't appear as though it was going to rain from where she was standing. She was standing outside with Shinta, so that could only mean -

"Oh God, no," she whispered. She glanced at Shinta. "Come on, we gotta go!" She didn't know if he was following behind her, but she was gone, feet pounding into the pavement as she rushed to get inside. She could only pray that that Devon man would not be here. She had not been here that long, but from what she was told, he wasn't exactly a great Dad. In truth, he didn't sound too good of a person, but she had no room to judge.

Before she could get too far, Layla's eyes fell on the crowd of people, the boy enguled in flames - oh, damn - and the older man Layla could only assume was Devon. He could be the only reason that Trent would be so angry. She gasped as the lightning formd in Devon's hands.

"Trent, please don't! You both could destroy the facility!" Layla screamed, but her cries fell on deaf ears. It didn't even occur to Layla to try reasoning with Devon. She stretched her hand out and formed two small bombs, two that were powerful enough to blow the two apart but small enough to only make them at least crash into opposite walls. When it appeared as though one was about to strike, the bombs flew in their direction, exploding between the two men. Layla only shielded herself and whoever was closest to her from the blast.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Scott Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds Character Portrait: Skylar Rune Character Portrait: Trent Rune Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
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Skylar ducked behind a person. When the dust settled, she could see Trent propped up against a wall, his head slumped. "Trent!" Skylar yelped, her face still bleeding from Devon. Skylar knelt beside him, not touching him. Instead she yelled in his ear before looking across the room, snarling at Devon. He was standing up, a smirk upon his face.

"What wrong freak?" He asked, laughing at himself. Skylar swallowed hard, her fists clenched lightly. She couldn't beat him, and she knew that. He slowly walked towards her, while she backed up. When she hit the wall, he was only a few inches from her face.

He spat in her face. Skylar winced, wiping the spit from her face. "You've destroyed this place yourself, be glad this is all I did," He hissed, punching her in the stomach. Skylar doubled over, already weak. Devon laughed and spun around, walking near the wreck.

Skylar weakly got up. She ran towards him fast, jumping on his back, hitting him on the head. "Get the hell off of me!" He bucked her off. Skylar hit the ground hard. Trent stood up, slowly before Devon hit him with a blast of lighting. He fell back to the ground.

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Earth by Limepepper


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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Skylar Rune
Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds
Character Portrait: Trent Rune
Character Portrait: Saralane McCourt


Character Portrait: Saralane McCourt
Saralane McCourt

[WIP] Quote comming soon

Character Portrait: Trent Rune
Trent Rune

Our eyes were placed in front of our heads so we could see the future, and not dwell on the past.

Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds
Lacey Bounds

"What? You just got electricuted? Oh, thats so horrible, and coincidental..."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
Shinta Faithe

"What's normal? A setting on a washing machiene? No one wants to be that."[WIP]

Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson

WIP for now, will finish soon.

Character Portrait: Skylar Rune
Skylar Rune

Aw, how cute!


Character Portrait: Saralane McCourt
Saralane McCourt

[WIP] Quote comming soon

Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds
Lacey Bounds

"What? You just got electricuted? Oh, thats so horrible, and coincidental..."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
Shinta Faithe

"What's normal? A setting on a washing machiene? No one wants to be that."[WIP]

Character Portrait: Skylar Rune
Skylar Rune

Aw, how cute!

Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson

WIP for now, will finish soon.

Character Portrait: Trent Rune
Trent Rune

Our eyes were placed in front of our heads so we could see the future, and not dwell on the past.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Skylar Rune
Skylar Rune

Aw, how cute!

Character Portrait: Saralane McCourt
Saralane McCourt

[WIP] Quote comming soon

Character Portrait: Lacey Bounds
Lacey Bounds

"What? You just got electricuted? Oh, thats so horrible, and coincidental..."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faithe
Shinta Faithe

"What's normal? A setting on a washing machiene? No one wants to be that."[WIP]

Character Portrait: Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson

WIP for now, will finish soon.

Character Portrait: Trent Rune
Trent Rune

Our eyes were placed in front of our heads so we could see the future, and not dwell on the past.

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Re: The Power We Hold

@Limepepper, this really goes out to everyone, but I'm specifying you because it is your roleplay. I am still here. School has just gotten more stressful; sophmore year= larger course load. UGGHH!!

But I will be posting tomorrow

Re: The Power We Hold

I am kind of embarrassed now...
So, basically, I am completely new to this site and am still not used to the way things work, and are formatted, and posted, etc.
I had wanted to reserve the last Haze Role (which I now see I might be too late for as well) and had clicked the "Create new character" button, not knowing what else to possibly press...

I see now that I should have just written here to request that, and I feel like a total dork.
I am not new to role-playing in general, just this site. I still think this role-play looks completely awesome and would love to join, although I don't know if it's too late, or how to fix my little oops there... >.< sorry!!

Re: The Power We Hold

Hi I'd like to reserve the last haze. The face claim is Jessica Parker Kennedy and the power is shapeshifting.

Re: The Power We Hold

I don't mind, I love long posts.

Re: The Power We Hold

Oof da. Sort about that. First I don't post soon enough and then I post too much. I always do... I just get on a roll and then I can't stop. Well, enjoy I suppose. :P. I'll try to finish up my CS as soon as I can, but no promises, my laptop crapped out and I'm operating from my phone.

Re: The Power We Hold

I've made the first post!

Re: The Power We Hold

I'll have my character up by today :)

Re: The Power We Hold

She looks great! Thanks!

Re: The Power We Hold

Finished with Layla. Tell me what you think

Re: The Power We Hold

Sooo ssorry!!! I've been busy since Sunday but I'll make my charrie tonight :)

Re: The Power We Hold

I can have my charrie up tonight

Re: The Power We Hold

Sure! Thanks for reserving!!

Re: The Power We Hold


Could I make a Haze? :3

The FC would be Alice Englert, and the power Electricity manipulation. Oh, the name would probably be...Lacey Bounds 8)

Re: The Power We Hold

I'm still here. My laptop is acting up right now, but I'm gonna see if my roommate will let me see hers

Re: The Power We Hold

Of course! I'll edit the front page right away.

Re: The Power We Hold

Oops, I don't believe I've followed the proper decorum, or so it would seem. Allow me to rephrase myself. Hello all! It's very nice to meet you, and I believe that your roleplay is very interesting! If it would be ok, I would like to reserve a Haze Member. The FC would be Andrew Garfield, he would be 20 years old, and have the power of Variable manipulation. In short, he would be able to interact with the world around him as if he were in a video game, like, for example, Skyrim or Borderlands. Would that be ok? ONce my reservation is established, I can begin work on a CS immediately.

Re: The Power We Hold


I was hoping to reseve Second in Command..

His name would most likely be

Shinta Faith

his Face Claim... Andy Biersack/Andy Sixx

Age 21

Erm... Power... maybe over Hate?

The opposite against the Power of Love?

Re: The Power We Hold

Well met everyone! If it's ok, I'd like to make a haze with the power of Variable Manipulation. Basically, his power would be to interact with the world as if he were in a video game.

Edit: So sorry, I forgot to include the FC, name, and age. FC is Andrew Garfield, age is 22, and character name is Matthew Anderson.

Re: The Power We Hold

Sure, as long as you find a way to make it useful.