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Brody Wade

0 · 2,041 views · located in New York

a character in “The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.”, as played by BurningBridges



"The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kind."
— Dalai Lama



{ Name }
Brody Patrick Wade

{ Age }

{ Gender }

{ Sexuality }

{ Date/Place of Birth }
February 15th, 1997
New York, NY

{ Nationality }

{ Label }
The Sweetheart



{ Childhood/Family Life }
Brody's parents divorced when he was five years old, a year after his younger sister was born. There was no extreme reason for the divorce, only that his parents no longer felt the same spark that they had when they married seven years earlier. His parents remained friends throughout his upbringing and although he primarily resided with his mother, his father lived only a few blocks away and he spent almost just as much time with him.

{ High School Career }
Brody has always been very involved in his school. He is part of various clubs, including the debate team, SGA, SADD and peer tutoring. He was elected class president every year and is continuing this year as the senior class president.



{ Good personality traits }
Natural-born Leader, Compassionate, Responsible, Attentive, Ethical, Proactive

{ Bad personality traits }
Straight-laced, Cautious, Power hungry, Killjoy (or at least some people think so)

{ Personality }
As expected for someone who is so interested in being involved in politics, Brody is a leader. He's proactive and is always looking to make positive change in his school and that flows into his social life as well. He has a reputation for being the nice guy: the person who always tries to mend broken friendships, look out for his friends and stick up for those who he feels are too weak to do it themselves. He is always willing to listen to people's problems and concerns and genuinely does try to do everything in his power to help them. While his strong leadership skills have helped him develop a personable and approachable image, his desire for power is sometimes too strong. This is usually only shown in actual political settings, such as debates or his school campaigns, but there are times when it's obvious that Brody won't back down from an argument if he feels he's right, no matter how petty it is. He can sometimes be a know-it-all or seem like he's trying to assert his knowledge over others to embarrass them or prove them wrong.

Brody has an image of being a goody two-shoes and in some way, it's accurate. He likes to follow the rules and prefers to stay out of trouble or anything that he knows to be illegal, such as alcohol or drugs. He has nothing against people who drink alcohol since he knows that it's a common pastime for teenagers, legal or not, but he personally sees no need to do it himself unless it's drinking a glass of his father's wine at a dinner party or event. The idea of being incoherent, obnoxious, and out of control isn't appealing to him and if it could get him in trouble, what's the point? While he's tolerant of being around people who are drinking, Brody doesn't want any association with people who deal or are using illegal drugs. It's an unforgivable offense and he doesn't pity people who use them because he feels like they're knowingly ruining and putting their life on the line. Some people interpret his cautiousness and dislike for rule breaking as him being uptight, but he prefers to see it as just being responsible.

Overall, he's a kind person who does things with good intentions but his desire to do right doesn't always make him the most popular guy around, especially when his friends are partaking in activities that go against his own values.

{ Greatest joys in life }
Power: Brody enjoys having power because he feels like he's the most capable person to make positive changes in his school and community. He hopes to continue to advance in national politics after graduating college.

Money: Although Brody likes to think that having good and helpful ideas will make him well liked, he knows that in this world money is power and money is success.

Athletics: Brody doesn't play on any sports teams at Saint Jude's but he does box a lot at his gym and is constantly out jogging or working out.

{ Greatest fears }
Pit Bulls: Brody has no problem with other dogs, but his uncle was mauled by a pit bull when he was a child and lost his right ear and three fingers in the attack. Brody recognizes the arguments that all dogs act differently but after hearing about the attack, that breed of dog have freaked him out.

Disappointing people: A lot of young men fear disappointing their father and Brody falls into this category as well, but his fear of disappointing people goes beyond just his father. As someone who wants to go into politics and represent his community, and hopefully one day his country, he dislikes knowing that even if he does right by some people, he's always going to be disappointing someone.

His sister being harmed: The trivial drama that his sister gets involved in with her little friends isn't what he worries about. He frequently watches the news and always hears about teenage girls being drugged, raped, kidnapped and murdered. Although he knows that the media likes to focus on extreme events, it would be his biggest nightmare to ever have to deal with his sister going through a situation like that.

{ Life philosophy }
Brody strives to always do what is right. He knows that this isn't always possible because everyone has a different definition of right, but he tries. Although he does honestly make his best effort to be kind to everyone, there's always someone who has something to say about you, no matter how nice you are, so Brody tries to focus on staying out of drama and not feeding into people's negativity.
“If you know yourself, then you’ll not be harmed by what is said about you.”
— Imam Sufyan Al Thawri


❤Working out
❤Helping people
❤Making a good first impression
❤Making connections with important people
✘People who deliberately break rules
✘The Bronx
✘Most TV programs
✘Being criticized for not drinking or doing drugs
✘Being challenged



{ Parents }
David Wade
David is Brody's forty-four year old father. He owns Wade Family Wines, one of the largest wine-distributing companies in The United States, which was passed down to him by his late father. The company owns 30 vineyards, including over 27,000 acres in California, that sell more than 6 million cases of wine a year and has given David a net worth of over one billion dollars.
Brody has always been close with his father and looks up to him as a mentor and role model. There has always been pressure from David for Brody to do well and he grew up under the idea that because he was his father's only son, he had to make him proud. This is probably one of the major reasons for why Brody is such a perfectionist. While their relationship is generally good, David wants Brody to go to study business in college so he can pass the wine company on to him one day, but Brody insists on studying politics. It's something that they have recently been clashing about and Brody knows that as the time to apply to colleges approach, it's going to become more of an issue.

Stephanie Collins
Stephanie worked as a nurse before marrying David. Once they married, she stopped working a founded a charity, "Colorful Lives Children Foundation", to support art programs in children's hospitals around the country. Because she received a large sum of money in her divorce settlement, she has no need to return to work and runs the charity as a full time job. Stephanie and Brody also have a positive relationship, with a few problems here and there. One of the major topics of their occasional quarrels would be the men Stephanie dates. None of them are particularly horrible, but Brody has never been able to adjust to the idea of another man living in his mother's home.

{ Siblings }
Eloise "Ella" Wade
Ella is Brody's thirteen-year-old sister and only sibling. She's in eighth grade, which he's glad about because it means that he'll never have to deal with her attending Constance while he's at Saint Jude's. It's not that he has a problem with her because the two are actually quite close, but he couldn't stand to imagine her growing up and associating with all of the snobby girls at Constance, even though he's friends with many of them himself. Brody likes to pick on Ella and tease her but when it comes down to it, he's a typical overprotective older brother who always looks out for her.


{ Build }
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: Athletic, muscular

{ Hair Colour }

{ Eye Colour }

{ Distinguishable Markings }

{ Personal Style }
Brody likes to dress nicely but never in a flamboyant, fashion-obsessed way. He would rarely wear sweats unless working out and normally opts for khakis or slacks and a collared shirt.

So begins...

Brody Wade's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai
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"Whereabouts in South Korea?" Persephone asks excitedly, her Grandmother and Grandfather currently resided in Seoul and she had visited many times so she knew the area quite well. However they hadn't been able to visit this year because the only time Persephone was free clashed with the dates of her brother's wedding, and although she had begged her parents to let her go, Persephone's father had told her that it was necessary for her to be at the wedding - Which was evidently not the case as Persephone was ignored most of the night, especially by her father.

In fact, Persephone reckoned her father didn't want her going because his parents weren't exactly..Like him. They actually acknowledged and nurtured Persephone, when she did something wrong they didn't scold her but rather, they would encourage her to keep trying. Her father found it toxic for Persephone to be surrounded by such a caring environment because he thought that it encouraged her to believe that being second-best was an option, which to him, was not.

When Bastion asks about her Internship, Persephone shrugs "Tiring," She admits before jokingly adding, "Which for me, is saying something." All throughout the internship, Persephone had hardly been able to get a good nights sleep because she'd be up until around 2 am every night obsessing over perfecting her article. It was dumb but she couldn't help it, driven by the desire to impress her father, Persephone would work tirelessly to make sure it was up to his high standards.

Of course, when Persephone and her partner's article was actually published - which was amazing, published in Elle magazine at just sixteen - it was barely acknowledged by her father. Which hurt but then again, she should have expected it.

"Hey, guys. Sorry to hold you all up. You guys ready?"
Persephone turns around when she hears the familiar voice, a smile plastered on her face, her deep brown eyes lighting up, "Hey Jake," She greets him, using his preferred name; glancing at her watch, Persephone realises that unless they leave now, they're going to be late for school."Oh, we need to go!" Persephone says alarmed, she has never been late for school and doesn't ever intend to be. Especially not on the first day back - Besides, she wanted to catch up with Brody after barely seeing him over the summer.
In fact, she decided to text him to find out where he was.

To: Brody
From: Sephy
we need to catch up! are you at school? x


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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It was usual for Brody to be early to school, but today he arrived about an hour before his peers were scheduled to. As senior class president of Saint Jude's, he felt like it was his duty to make sure that he was on campus early to help prepare for the day's events. It was the back to school mixer, which was really just a half-day session for the students to get acquainted with their teachers and to reunite with friends. While most of the students lived in Manhattan, Brody knew some students who commuted from the tri-state area and many of those who did live locally would spend their summers in various parts of the world. It wasn't unusual for friends to barely see each other over the summer but pick up right where they left off once school started again.

This was the case for Brody, at least. He made his best effort to be friends with as many people as possible. At first, it had been a ploy to earn votes for his school campaign but after he was elected president in ninth grade, he followed through with many of the friendships. Most of his summer was spent in California where his father's vineyards were located, so the only friends he had seen since school were Sephy and Sydney, and he had only seen even those two once or twice. Sephy was probably his closest friend, especially since their relationship existed for over ten years. After Sephy's mother designed his mother's apartment, the two families had become friendly and because Sephy and Brody were the same age, they would frequently hangout. On the other hand, he had only known Sydney since high school started but her assertiveness and drive attracted him and both of his parents encouraged him to go after her. They had hooked up a few times over the summer but really, it wasn't anything more than a friends with benefits relationship. He had fun with her and she was gorgeous and poised enough to bring to events or family dinners, but there was no spark there and they both knew it.

Brody walked through the large gymnasium that was littered with different stalls, each representing different subjects. Teachers stood behind each booth, ready to greet their future students, as they chatted among themselves. Brody had already introduced himself to all of his teachers and had a lengthy discussion with his history teacher, who also happened to be the debate team advisor, about his summer. It was probably nearing the time when his classmates were supposed to be coming in when Brody's phone buzzed. A small smile appeared on his face when he saw that it was a text from Sephy.

To: Sephy Soung
I've been here for over an hour :p. Meet me in the gym when you get here, I'm excited to see you!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: Hazel Crown
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Vincent didn't even hear Colin question why he was so sure that Jane would want him. Normally he would have had an egotistical response about how there wasn't a girl on the planet who could resist him, but he was preoccupied with watching Sienna. They had both hooked up with other people since their breakup a few years ago and Vincent knew that he couldn't commit to a real relationship, but he still hated seeing her flirt with other guys. He wanted her to be happy and knew that he couldn't give that to her if he wanted to keep his reputation intact, but he didn't want her to be happy with some other guy either.

The speak of this year's teachers brought him back to reality and he ran a hand through his hair, trying to hide the fact that he had just been drooling of his ex. After making fun of Colin for obsessing over Jane for three years, Vincent didn't have much of an excuse to be doing the same thing with Sienna, but their situation was different. There was history there and it was complicated- too complicated for anyone besides him and Sienna to really understand.

"Yeah, I have him for physics too. That guy's a dick," Vincent agreed as he stepped away from the wall he had been leaning on. "We might as well just go in now. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get out of here," he said, not waiting for Colin to respond as he headed into the school. Although he didn't attend Constance, he had been there before for co-ed school events and knew his way to the gym where the back to school mixer was being held.

As the entered the school, Vincent greeted a few girls. He didn't know most of their names but that didn't matter. He would get their attention with a, "hey beautiful," or "I missed you this summer", and almost always, the girls would turn back to their group of friends and whisper excitedly to each other. It usually worked better with the underclassmen but there were still girls his age or a year younger who still had hopes that if they hooked up with him, they would magically be accepted into the "cool crowd". It was false hope though, because if that was true, nearly half of the girls in his grade would be popular.

While he didn't care enough about most of the people he passed by in the hallways, he did make out the faces of a few acquaintances. Hazel Crown, who he only knew as Sebastian Jardine's girlfriend, was standing alone by a locker, and as he and Colin entered the gym, they passed by Brody Wade. Vincent wasn't a fan of the class president. He was the biggest teacher's pet, perfectionist and goody two-shoes around. He did well in school, socially, and with girls and Vincent saw him as being one of the only guys who would actually be competition for him. However, they had a fairly civil relationship, even if it did border being sarcastic and fake.

"Glad to see ya, Wade," Vincent said as he walked by. When he was a few feet past him, he turned back and said, "I hope you kept Sydney occupied for the summer, but now that I'm back in Manhattan full time, you can back off". With a smirk, he continued walking towards the section of Saint Jude's professor stalls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Sebastian Jardine Jr.
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Viv shook her head causing her light blonde tresses to fan around her honey hued face. "That boy is a mess "She concluded, placing her perfectly manicured hand on her hip.

She turned to her friend who was gushing about her dress and smiled. She was excited to show her fiends her outfit. She had snagged a white bandage dress straight off the runway that looked crazy sexy against her dark tanned skin and light blonde hair. She also caught Jane's little distraction. Truth was Viv was a bit suspicious about Jane's summer story but she found that when it came to her friends less was more. If Jane wanted her to know she would tell her but for now it was none of her business.

Viv rolled her piercing blue eyes as Sydney began to chastise Jane for giving her party "bad vibes". I mean yeah Jane may not be the smartest or the most responsible but jeez she was allowed to have bad days. But she had to admit Syd had a point. If anything went wrong gossip goddess would know and none of them could take that hit right now. I mean between Maddy and gossip goddess's incessant reminders that she couldn't "keep a man" Viv really didn't need any more drama.

Viv started to space out and go into her own world but quickly pulled herself back into the conversation. At the mention of heels she scoffed, " Just so we're clear you know I'm wearing them right?" She almost laughed. She winked conspiratorially at Sienna. Viv loved shoes with a passion. But her true love was heels. She loved how powerful she felt in them and she loved how sexy they made you feel.

She, however could not hold back a grin when Syd mentioned not going over the top. In her head she couldn't help but think Good Luck

She pulled out her phone and opened a new message.
Hey are you here?

I hope you aren't here because I haven't a hug


Carter was started to space out as the girls gushed about their outfits. I mean he always appreciated a pretty woman but a man had his limits. But one thing was sure, he was glad Seb was gone.

Carter and Seb used to be friends until he became the douche he is now. It annoyed him even more that Viv had felt the need to save him. He didn't like the situation at all. He meant to bring it up to Viv but he could tell it was important so he couldn't bring himself to do it. Plus Viv was so stubborn, he didn't want to put her in a bad mood for no reason either. "You're coming tonight, right babe?" At that Carter snapped back into attention. " Of course I wouldn't miss the kick off party of the year" He said with a dimpled grin.

Carter liked Sydney. She was fun and loyal and protective. But it made him a bit uncomfortable when she did it in front of his ex. He cocked his head to the side as he listened to the girls talk. He had to admit he was lucky. Not many people can say they are friends with the hottest girls at the most exclusive prep schools in New York. "Yeah, you should come tonight. wouldn't be a party without that handsome face." He smiled at her but felt a flush of heat from inside him when her pretty plump lips turned it a grin We'll have you home before the clock strikes midnight, pinky promise."

He laughed off the sudden feeling by saying " Make you a deal darlin' save me a dance and I'll stay till' 12:30" He grinned wickedly at Sienna.

At the mention of going inside Carter glanced at his watch "You ladies just about ready to head in? " He asked easing away from the girls and making his way to the steps.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai
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Persephone nods, following behind Daphne, with Bastion and Jake, as she walks off towards the school. Luckily Sephy only lives a couple blocks from Constance or the group would most likely have been late. Glancing down at her phone, Persephone reads Brody's most recent message, a small smile on the edges of her lips. She missed Brody and wished that she had gotten to school earlier so they could have spent more time together catching up, alone. Before the rest of the school came in.

As soon as they reached the school gates, Persephone could see a few familiar faces that she had almost completely forgotten about over the holidays. There were was the 'popular' group, consisting of Sydney and all her little followers as well as Carter Preston, a somewhat friend of Persephone's, and a few other boys. Bastion was the first of their group to disband and walk over to where Jane Lynch stood with her friends, there friendship often confused Persephone but she found it best not to question it, incase she angered Bastion. However, Jane was probably the most materialistic and conceited person in the whole of both Saint Jude's and Constance, while Bastion was rather down-to-Earth and while his family were quite clearly more than well-off, he didn't think that made him better than others - Which Persephone loved. Well, Bastion was free to be friends with whomever he wishes, she supposed, so whatever.

It is then that Persephone remembers Brody, turning towards Daphne and Jake, "Oh it won't be that bad Daphne," Persephone laughs as Daphne brings up her awful Pizza Parlour experience, eagerly making her way into the school building along with her two friends.
"The mixer's being held in the gym." Persephone tells Daphne and Jake, as they head towards the large oak double doors leading into the huge gymnasium; being large enough to hold both Constance and Saint Jude's as well as the opposing teams when they came to play, large doesn't really begin to describe the sheer size of the school gymnasium.

Walking around the mixer, which had just begun starting up, Persephone soon spots one of her closest friends - if not the closest friend of hers - Brody Wade. Grinning, Persephone half-walks half-runs over to him, quickly embracing him in a tight hug.
"It's been so long!" Persephone cries, of course the two had hung out at the beginning of the summer, but with Persephone's internship and such, they hadn't been able to meet nearly as often as she would have liked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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Sienna and Vivienne were both also a good few inches taller than her, but Jane still had two or three inches on both of them, so Sydney wasn't as concerned with them wearing heels. "You guys are fine," she confirmed with a smile. It wasn't unexpected for Jane to complain further about the heel ban, especially since the other were going to be wearing them, but Sydney knew she was also using the opportunity to further her own shopping addict when she claimed that she would need to get a new dress too.

If Jane's parents weren't worth so much, or if she was even just at the same level of wealth as the rest of them were, her spending habits would probably be concerning. Sydney liked buying things just as much as the next girl but Jane seemed to take that to another level and as Sydney promised herself earlier, there was no way that she was getting stuck in one of those shopping sprees before her party. Before Sydney could respond to her though, Jane had separated from the group without warning, but as she glanced back in her direction, Sydney saw that she had gone to greet Sebastian Arendale. He was a childhood friend of Jane's and even though she usually invited him to all of her parties at Jane's request, she didn't have a real relationship with him. Sydney doubted that they had many similar interests and he wasn't her type appearance-wise, so she never had a real reason to engage him in deep conversation.

"I don't have enough time to watch her try on every dress in the store so I'm using my 'get out of jail' free card on this one," she said, running her fingers through her hair again. She knew that Jane would expect someone to go with her but Sydney needed to get ready for her party and get their on time. There wasn't a chance that she was going to be late for her own party, and she knew that Sienna and Vivienne shopped with Jane frequently too, so they would probably have more patience with her there anyway.

Sydney wasn't surprised when Sienna also urged Carter to come tonight, but she maintained her smile when he said that he planned on coming. Because of his situation with Leah, she wouldn't have been offended if he decided not to come, but he was probably the only person that would apply to. Her parties were pretty exclusive, even though she did invite a few randoms to this one, and depending on who it was, Sydney would take it personally if they decided not to attend.

People were beginning to file into the school building so she followed Carter's lead and headed towards the building. "Are you guys bringing anyone tonight?" she asked, eagerly looking over at Viv and Sienna as she lagged behind Carter a bit. Talking about new guys with Viv in front of Carter probably wasn't the best idea, even if they had been over for two years. Still, she was interested in hearing if the girls had found new guys, besides Bieber, over the summer who they planned on bringing tonight.

Because they hadn't mentioned anything up until now, she guessed that they were starting the year off as being single, which Sydney was pretty much doing as well. She was hooking up with Brody Wade and was bringing him as her date tonight but it was really just for the show. He was handsome, intelligent and powerful in their school community, and his family was well-established and respected in the business world. Although he was fairly bland and definitely not spontaneous, he looked good standing next to her and he benefited her image enough that the good weighed out the bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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Brody let out a small, almost genuine, laugh in response to Vincent's comment. Because he was focused on texting Sephy, he hadn't noticed his classmate approaching so although his presence was surprising, his words were not. Vincent Mast was undoubtedly the biggest narcissist that Brody had ever met, which said a lot, considering that Vincent wasn't someone who one would expect to be so conceited compared to everyone else. His family wasn't excessively wealthy and unlike most of his friends and the girls he got with, Vincent was actually attending Saint Jude's on a scholarship. This was something that would normally put any student at the bottom of the social totem pole but Vincent's womanizing ways seemed to bring him respect from his fellow male classmates. While this wasn't shocking to Brody, he didn't understand why a countless number of girls allowed Vincent's appearance and reputation to overshadow his terribly flawed personality.

"It's nice to see you too, Vincent," was all that Brody responded with. He wanted to ask Vince why he was so sure that Sydney would want to hookup with him this year when she hadn't for the past three years, but he wasn't going to feed into Vincent's negativity. It was unnecessary, childish and a waste of energy, and after his response, Vincent continued into the gym. Brody assumed that he would probably spend the next few minutes boasting to Colin about how clever his stupid remark was. Like most people, Brody found Colin to be amusing, but he didn't always appreciate the disturbances that he liked to cause in class. Similarly to Vincent, Colin was also a scholarship student and although Brody would never say it out loud, he sometimes felt like it was easier for Colin to joke around and waste time during class because he wasn't actually paying to attend the school. Although Brody wasn't extremely close to either of them, he sometimes actually preferred Vincent to Colin. At least Vincent had the audacity to speak his mind, despite how arrogant his thoughts may be, while Brody felt like Colin was sometimes passive to what others wanted him to do.

When his phone buzzed again, he expected it to be Sephy but was equally pleased to see that this text was from Vivienne. Although she and Sydney were good friends, he hadn't seen her at all over the summer when he hung out with Sydney. He had heard about her numerous vacations over social media and text, and it wasn't surprising. Vivienne was a jetsetter. She was well connected and especially on school breaks, it wasn't unusual for her to travel around the world to attend exclusive parties and events. Brody really enjoyed her. She was fun but not too crazy, worldly and confident, and probably one of the hottest girls at Constance. Even though he and Sydney weren't dating or really even exclusive, he still felt like it wasn't right being anything more than friends with Vivienne while he was hooking up with her though.

To: Vivienne Hudson
I got here early so I'm already in the gym lol. Come find me ;).

Just as soon as he sent the text, Sephy appeared. She didn't waste a moment before embracing him in a hug, which Brody reciprocated. "Yeah, it really has been. I haven't seen you since what... July?" he asked, surprised that it really had been that long. The few other times that he had flown into New York from California, where he spent most of the summer, Sephy either already had plans involving her internship or a family affair, or Brody was scheduled to go something with Sydney. He texted Persephone often but it was still unusual for him to realize that it had been a while since he had actually seen and spoken to her in person. "How did your internship go? I'm pretty sure that we have twenty copies of your article floating around our apartment," he added with a laugh. His mother had always taken a liking to Sephy, partly because she was one of her close friends' children and Brody's close friend, but also because she thought she was a good influence for his younger sister, Ella.

After she responded, Brody looked past her, surprised that Bastion, Daphne and Jake hadn't shown up with her. Although Brody was friends with many people from various social groups, he was closest with those four. "Where's everyone else? Don't tell me that Daphne's already in the library," he said with a grin, focusing back on Persephone. He was glad that the school year was starting. It would bring regularity and routine, and although he was sure that senior year was destined to be more drama-filled than the last three, it seemed to be beginning without a flaw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Carter Preston Character Portrait: Lacey Cartier-Porter
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Workout outfit | Workout song (Animals by Maroon 5) | Regular outfit | Her House | Her Bedroom

Lacey was up bright and early, getting ready for her morning jog with Brody. She had been up for a good thirty minutes getting ready; grabbing her earbuds, fully charged phone, and breakfast for not just her, but for her friend as well just in case. Looking at her watch the young girl nodded at time early time before quietly walking through the loft of her family's penthouse suite. She grabbed her ponytail holder and headband from the kitchen counter as she petted her three dogs, Vincent, Vega, and Jules on their heads as they watched her leave. Vincent, being her favorite weeped softly as she exited which made her enter the apartment just to get down on her knees and rub his neck and belly. He let out a quick but, loud bark which made Lacey jump softly before shushing him. She chuckled as she got back up and hurried out the door and into the lobby of her building. She sent her friend a text telling him to meet her in front of her building.

As she waited, she set her playlist on to workout and put in one headphone as she waited for Brody. When he finally got there, she smirked at the little pretty boy before they started their jog. Brody was by far one of the real friends she had, she could be around him without being worried about him judging her and he's the only one who knew her little secret. And if she said she didn't think he was attractive, she would be lying. But, unlike most girls she never thought about him as anything more than that cute friend. Besides, she liked guys with a little bit more of an edge something he loved messing with her about. For the next hour and a half, the pair talked as they jogged around. They talked about school starting and how Lacey was sure as hell that she wouldn't go to the party that Little Miss. Popularity, Sydney Vale was hosting. The blonde hated her and Lacey had no idea what started that on her end, but on Lace's it was when she started hearing the rumors the girl and her little friends would make up about her.

She bitched at Brody about how he could ever think about sleeping with her and why he would want to but, she always got the same answer as always. Which of course, made her roll her eyes and go back to concentrating on their run for a bit before moving on to the next topic, like all the other girls she was certain were crazy about him and hated her for being so close to him. Which she just laughed about. After a while, the pair turned around and went their separate ways to get ready for the day. Knowing that he would be done before her, she just said she would meet him there.

Later that morning

Lacey went back to sleep for a good hour before getting back up for the day with a knock at the door by her mother who was coming to remind her to take her medication. "Mom, relax. I didn't take it yesterday and I'm just fine." She assured her mom only to get a lecture for the next twenty minutes through the door of her bathroom as she took a shower. "... And another thing Lace, you should never not take your medicine! Do you know what could happen if you don't?! We almost lost you once this summer, we don't need a heart attack like that again. We almost lost you and it's like you don't care--"

"Don't care?! Mom, of course I care! I just don't need you to treat me like a baby about it, I mean what about when I go away to college?" She asked as she dried her hair before exiting to her room. "About that, your father and I were wondering if you'd consider staying in state just so we could keep an eye on you." Lacey turned towards her mother with her eyebrows raised in a way that you could tell she was surprised. "You're kidding me right?! Mom, I have offers from Stanford and the University of Florida, full ride might I add, and you're asking me to give that up... for what? So that you can treat me like a child?"

"That's not why are you know it, but look. We're talk about this later once your father gets home." Her mom left it at that as she laid Lacey's medicine down and walked out of the room. Lacey groaned before sighing and walking towards her closet to grab out her outfit for the day. From there, it didn't take her too long to get ready after she took her medicine, she put it in her purse before slipping on her outfit and drying her hair. Looking herself over, she fixed her overly curly, natural hair a bit with a little product before looking herself over in the full length mirror located next to the huge, now open glass window over looking the city. She turned to her side as she looked at the way her jeans hugged her tight curves with a smirk before grabbing her bag and heading out of her apartment building once more to head to her school. She didn't live too far and she had enough time to stop by a local coffee shop to grab a large Salted Caramel Mocha and cranberry muffin as she continued on her walk.

As she walked inside, she could the one and only Sydney Vale with her little band of followers around. She didn't have a problem with any of them except Syd and her friend, Jane. But Carter Preston, well he was just something else. He was like something that you see in a museum, something to look at never to touch, unless she wanted even more crap from Sydney and her friends.

She walked right past them, not giving any of them a second look except Carter. She offered him a small smile and wave as she moved to the side a bit more to avoid from bumping into him. Lacey looked straight ahead taking out her headphones to see if Sydney would say anything about Lace. B

But, once entering the gymnasium Lacey stopped caring as she looked around for Brody and when she spotted him hugging Sephy all she did is get his attention before make a heart with her hand and a small puppy pout. She loved messing with him about the small Asian girl. She knew she liked him and she felt like he somewhat liked her, he just didn't want to face it. Yet, but the moment he did, she would be right there saying, 'I told you so.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai
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Luckily for Jane, Bastion isn't a fool, and can pick up on the hints that she doesn't really want to talk to him right now. He gives her a look that is half confused and half a mix of hurt and irritated. Of course, he can't change the way Jane is, and puts up with most things for the sake of their long-lasting friendship. So he shrugs, though his smile has waned to insignificance, "Yeah, I'll probably go. Wouldn't want the queen bee to be insulted by someone further down the ladder rejecting her invitation. I'll see you then --bye." He's rather certain that he and Jane won't have a chance to talk at the party, as she'll probably be off drinking or something with that clique she runs with, while he'll be in some other part of the party. Sydney regularly invites him to the party, something he is certain is for Jane's benefit, and while he often goes for the drinks and the inevitable blunt that will be passed around, it's less his scene. He does like to dance, though, when the party allows for it. He walks away, freeing her up to go back to Sydney and Sienna and the rest of her group. Irritation is still written on his face, but he is not one for holding on to things, instead a quick temper and a quick departure, so it fades quickly.

Back with Jake and Sephy, Daphne's expression softens. She raises an eyebrow, expression riddled with skepticism at Persephone's insistence that it won't be that bad. By all means, Daphne is an academic person. She just isn't much of a school person --take away the people and teachers who annoy her and she'd be content to spend her time here. Of course, the girl is far from alone in these sentiments, in fact likely part of the large majority of high school students. And teachers as well, probably. These thoughts send her mind back to the invite she had received to attend Sydney's Kiss on the Lips party tonight. She had been somewhat surprised upon the message being passed along, not because she and Sydney have any strong animosity but because Daphne is the last person to be invited to these things. Daphne has decided that it is perhaps some setup for Jane to mess with her, and thus start their feud anew for the school year. She wouldn't put it past her.

As soon as she, Jake, and Persephone enter into the mixer, the third of the group dashes away. The figure which she reaches, Daphne observes, is of course Brody. The young woman is less than surprised, if only because she knows the two are rather close. For a while, she had believed them to be dating, but Persephone had assured her this wasn't the case when she casually referred to them as a couple in conversation. Something about the way Persephone said it left her with doubts, however. If she had been more in tune with gossip, Daphne might have known that Brody had been hooking up with Sydney. But the only Grape Vine she's connected to is a used book store downtown. "And there goes Viola to her Duke. I don't suppose you'll be giving me the slip for some Rosaline, then?" Daphne remarks breezily, looking over towards Jake.

Bastion enters the mixer at this point, and finds it rather easy to spot Daphne and Jake, as they are still near the front of the group. He walks over to them, but his eyes land upon Persephone chatting with Prez a few yards away. He frowns very slightly as he walks up to Jake and Daphne.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung
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Sienna positively beamed when Carter actually promised her a dance and with a rather triumphant dance in her head.

"Can't wait," she told him and returned her attention to the group just as Jane managed to separate herself. She was with another group, one that included the guy from earlier. She tilted her head curiously, he really should have been familiar, especially if he hung out with Sebastian Arendale. Not that she hung out with Sebastian often or anything, but she didn't recall seeing this guy much before. Shrugging, she returned her gaze to the others.

Jake was too busy checking his phone. His Dad had started sending him more texts this summer, oftentimes wanting to hang out more than they typically did. He raised an eyebrow at Bastion's apparent friendship with Jane, who really wasn't that bad but it always surprised him how close the two were. Connections or no, the relationship was puzzling because they seemed like two very different people. People like Jane didn't hang out with people like them and well, Bastion...just didn't seem like her type. Not that Jake really knew what her type was or even cared.

He chuckled at Daphne's expression and followed Persephone and Daphne inside the school, ready to get the day over with. He hated being a bore, really, but he wasn't a fan of these unnecessary school mixers. All they did was tell them rules, classes, and all this other information that could have been sent via email. Then again, he had been excited to see his friends, so there's that. Just as they came inside, Sephy was gone and he smirked at her excitement at seeing Brody. It was obvious that the relationship was definitely closer than what Sephy originally transcribed, though Jake would have never been known as someone who delved too deep into unwanted territory. In fact, all he cared about was that Brody did right by Persephone. He grinned subtly at Daphne.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Daphne," he replied just as his phone buzzed in his pocket. Curiously, Jake pulled it out and smirked. It was a text from Vivienne, which surprised him because he thought he saw her outside along with Sydney and Sienna. Thinking back, Jake remembered having the biggest crush on Vivienne, not that he ever told her. It had never been in his character to make a move like that, especially moving in on a girl like her. Vivienne was one of the hottest girls in school and actually nice to him, which surprised him when they first met. It was more surprising when Sydney actually wasn't as bitchy, but still. He hadn't had feelings for Sydney; it had always been Vivienne. However, the crush wasn't as huge as it was before, not as all-consuming and nerve-wracking. Now, he was better with having a conversation with her. He sent a quick text.

To: Vivienne
Yeah, w/ friends. U?

Jake glanced at Bastion just as he came over and his brow furrowed curiously. Sebastian didn't have this face typically and he was just happy hugging his friend Jane. So, what the hell happened in two seconds?

"Hey, are you alright?"

Sienna considered Sydney's inquiry about her guest for the night. Surprisingly enough, she had thought of inviting the guy she sung to at the iHeart radio concert; he was the ultimate cutie patootie. Even her mom approved. At the same time, she didn't really feel like bringing a date. Truthfully, the idea of arriving single appealed more than being seen with a guy. Especially after the questions about who some of her songs were dedicated to, which was a very easy question if she actually chose to answer it. She shrugged at Sydney, smiling at a few classmates she remembered from last year. She peeked at Sebastian's girlfriend, still trying to figure out what the girl saw in him in any way, shape, or form.

"Didn't think I was bringing anyone," she replied honestly. "I might be able to bring Lyric, just because my publicist thought it would be good to keep up images since people know that we're good friends and I've worked with his band. Hmm, speaking of..." Sienna whipped her cell phone out, looking for a hint that Lyric was even here yet. She had told him she didn't need a ride, but his drive shouldn't have been that long. She was aware that he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of her friends; he found them all fake, which would have been true if Sienna didn't know them. Sure, she didn't always favor Sydney, but the girl was a lot better than some of these wanna-be mean girls.

To: Lyric
Hey! In school. Where r u? I didn't get a hug yet D:


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Jane felt relieved yet guilty when Bastion agreed that they could finish their conversation later that night. She wasn't sure that she would even get a chance to speak to him later on but if she did happen to come across him, she hoped that with a few drinks in her system she wouldn't be so uptight. Whether the alcohol would loosen her up enough where she would say too much was yet to be determined but at this point, Jane was ready to drink herself to a point where whatever she did say wasn't more than slurred, incomprehensible words.

Offering only a half way, she was quick to turn back in the direction she came from, only to find that her friends were already on their way inside of the building. She increased her pace, managing to catch up with them before they stepped into the gymnasium. She caught Sydney's question on whether any of them would be bringing a date tonight. "I'm single and so ready to mingle tonight," she added with a small smile. Jane was more of a drunken-mistake hookup kind of girl than one who could maintain a serious relationship with someone. When sober, she was very picky with the guys she associated with, so even if she had hooked up with a semi-decent guy the night before, he rarely met her standards the next morning. Besides that, the past few years had been chaotic enough with her own problems for her to want to add a romantic relationship into the mix.

Now that she was more emotionally stable, getting a boyfriend was definitely on her senior to-do list, but even among the hoards of wealthy and attractive boys at Saint Jude's, none of them really captured her attention. The most "qualified" guys like Carter Preston and Brody Wade had their flaws. Carter already had a kid and was Viv's ex, not to mention that he was on Sienna and Sydney's radar. Brody didn't like Jane and she didn't like him in return. He was a bore and although he was attractive, Jane was sure that if anyone was going to bring 'bad vibes' to the party tonight, it would be him. However, she kept quiet for now. There was no benefits in complaining about Sydney, in front of her anyway. Besides the obvious guys, there was Vincent who was a possibility for a hookup, although Jane would never admit it in front of her friends. He wasn't boyfriend material though, as perfectly portrayed through his betrayal towards Sienna.

When Sienna brought up possibly bringing Lyric, Jane couldn't help but to giggle. She really didn't know Lyric outside of his connection with Sienna, but his name always reminded her of the comments that Sydney would make about his mouth. He was definitely attractive, Jane would give him that much, but his lips reminded her of those that women in New York would die for. Despite the unnecessary comments that Syd would make about them, Jane guessed that they probably made him a pretty decent make out partner. "His lips look better than Kelley Yearly's, and I'm pretty sure she gets lip injections like, every other day," Jane exaggerated, referencing a fellow classmate. "Is he a good kisser?" she then said to Sienna, convinced that even though she had never admitted to hooking up with him, that she must have.

Although most of the students had now entered the gymnasium, it was large enough that it didn't appear to be packed. Friend groups could easily be picked out as they were scattered throughout the room and Jane was able to spot Bastion back with Jake and Daphne. Even if Daphne wasn't enough of a deterrent, Jane quickly moved her gaze away from them, not wanting to make eye contact with Bastion after her less than friendly encounter with him moments before. She also spotted Brody, who had just embraced Persephone Soung. With a raised eyebrow and small smile, she couldn't help but to glance over at Sydney to see what her reaction would be. From what Sydney had told her, she and Brody weren't exclusive or even dating, but she doubted that her friend would appreciate him hugging Sephy before even greeting her. As petty as it was, that was Sydney. The smallest things could set her off and getting on her bad side wasn't wise. That was evident with the next girl who entered her sight: Lacey Porter. Jane didn't like her, but Sydney's hatred towards her far exceeded Jane's. "That girl is such a loser," Jane said, eyeing Lacey with disgust as she strutted past them. It was bizarre for Jane to expect her to acknowledge them in the slightest, especially because of how many viscous rumors Sydney had started about her with no real motive, but she still disliked the idea of anyone just ignoring them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Lyric pulled into the girls school with a smile. He pulled up to the parking lot and parked. His blond hair fell into his eyes as he walked out of the car.

To: Sia
Srry!!! I'm here now, I was picking out and outfit XD. Anyway are you in the gym?

The boy walked into the school as he headed towards the gymnasium. He spotted a few cute guys, but ignored the feeling he got. His dark blue eyes looked towards the door as he entered. He walked into it seeing a large crowd. His face lit up in a smirk when he felt the crowd's energy around him.

His dark blue eyes turned as he noticed a few people. They swarmed to him, mostly girls. "OMG We love you, can we take a picture? I mean you're really cute!!!" a girl spoke from the group in front of him. Lyric's face turned into an awkward face. "Uh, I don't do autographs...or photos." he spoke before walking away.

To: Sia
So I'm here.....where are you exactly?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Lacey Cartier-Porter
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"Lyric?" Sydney repeated after Sienna spoke about possibly bringing him tonight. She didn't know the boy very well but when she caught wind of him supposedly disliking her immensely, she obviously wanted very little to do with him. He wasn't someone she would normally invite to any of her parties but if Sienna brought him, Sydney wouldn't object. As exclusive as she liked her parties to be, it was also always interesting to have a few random people there. It was an easy way to prove to them that if they wanted to continue to be invited, they better play by her rules and at least with girls, that was usually enough.

Jane's question about whether he was a good kisser or not caught her attention and she looked over at Sienna inquisitively. If she had in fact hooked up with Lyric, Sydney wanted to know before the rest of the world did. "I agree, his lips are probably like pillows. If you did get with him, I want all of the details." She felt like Sienna could do a lot better than him but she wouldn't put it past her friend. Even though Sydney doubted that there was much truth in it, she liked to believe that Sienna's reputation of being promiscuous was accurate.

She was so focused on her conversation with her friends that she only noticed Lacey when Jane called her a loser. There were only two people who she could have been speaking about, so when Sydney tilted her head back and saw that Daphne wasn't in sight, she was sure it was about Lacey who was now turning into the gymnasium. "She gets uglier every year," Sydney said, shaking her head as if it were a pity. It wasn't true obviously, as Lacey was a pretty girl, but Sydney was known to use every insult in the book against her, accurate or not.

As the girls entered the gymnasium, Sydney quickly picked Brody out of the crowd. The smile that had appeared on her face disappeared just as quickly when she watched him embrace Persephone and then interact with Lacey. Who did they think they were being all over her man in public? And before he even greeted her?! She wanted to scowl and shout at the two girls to get the hell away from him, but Sydney wasn't going to lose her composure like that in front of everyone, especially when she wasn't even dating Brody. She didn't feel like Persephone or Lacey were even real competition anyway, or at least she tried to reassure herself of that. Instead, she headed towards Brody and once he released Persephone, she reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a light peck on the lips.

"Long time no see," she said with a smile before pulling away. She looked Persephone up and down before offering her a smile as well. It was disingenuous but Sydney had mastered the art of fake smiles enough that it probably came off as being real enough. "Sephy, right?" she asked, sure that it was the girl's name but wanting to make a point that she wasn't important enough for her to be sure of it. "I didn't know you two were friends. Brody's never mentioned you before," she said, a smile still apparent on her face as she pressed herself closer to Brody. He probably had mentioned Sephy before when they were hanging out and just because she was close with Brody, she did know that he was family friends with her. Still, it seemed more appropriate to show the girl that she was so irrelevant and unimportant that she had very little of an idea as to who she was. Hopefully it would give her enough of a sense to back off of Brody, at least until she decided she no longer wanted to hookup with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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Sienna laughed when Jane exclaimed with such a cliché statement, not paying attention the first two times when her phone buzzed. When both Sydney and Jane began inquiring about her relationship with Lyric, her nose instinctively wrinkled, a rather disturbed expression on her face.

"Ewww, gross! He's like, a brother!" She exclaimed. Sienna didn't find anything particularly wrong with Lyric. His looks were definitely attractive and if his fans had anything to say about it, Lyric was definitely considered "dreamy" to some. But, in her eyes, he reminded her of Colin in a way - strictly platonic. She wasn't looking to deepen their relationship in that aspect and didn't think the thought would ever cross her mind years from now. Though, a memory of their tour days had her smirking in rememberance over a very...enthusiastic fan that couldn't keep her fans off of him. And let's not forget the celebrities. "And him being a good kisser, you might have to ask one of his fans on that. Though...he obviously did something right; she couldn't keep her hands off him."

When they approached Brody and this Asian girl she could have sworn she had seen before, Sienna only offered a polite smile before finally glancing at her phone, anticipating Lyric's arrival. She was aware that there were a good number of Constance girls who knew of him and his music, and were semi-in love with the blonde male. Not that she blamed them. He was good-looking, nice, and he could sing? Check, check, and check! Sienna smirked at the first message, rolling her eyes idly before returning her gaze to the group and only wishing that she had not.

She had just tuned in to Sydney and Jane's digs on the girl who didn't really do much to them, but whatever. At least, not to Jane anyway. It was no secret that Lacey and Sydney had the worst relationship; sure, her own with the mean girl was definitely not tame, but it was tame enough to fool everyone into believing that everything was good and dandy. Lacey and Sydney? That was World War III, but with bitchy snark and rumors that ran amok in the Constance hallways. And, though she probably would not say this in front of Sydney unless the blonde truly provoked her, but Sienna respected Lacey for her confidence and her ability to give absolutely no fucks about Sydney's high-and-mighty act. The dark beauty paid no attention to titles and would probably beat Sydney to a pulp if pushed.

Any person like that had Sienna's full respect.

And since when did Brody and Sydney have a thing? Sienna's head tilted to the right imperceptibly as Sydney practically draped herself possessively over the goody-two-shoes, who Sienna knew for a fact wasn't her biggest fan. Brody wasn't rude or anything, but they weren't friends. He apparently didn't have a thing for her lifestyle, not that he knew a thing about her lifestyle. All he saw was what she allowed him to see and if being young and having fun seemed to reckless to him, then he could go back and play Scrabble for all she cared. But she was civil enough with the man and they didn't interact much save for when the student councils of Constance and St. Jude's did a collaboration of some sort, which was fine with her. But even Sienna could feel the tension in the room and this just didn't do. It was the first day for goodness sake!

"Sephy?" She turned her attention to Persephone, stopping for a moment to admire the pretty girl's outfit before officially meeting her eyes. "Persephone, right? We took a math class together last year, I think. How was your summer?" Sienna knew that this probably felt misplaced amidst the animosity that Sydney was emanating, but she didn't care. Besides, wasn't Sydney just flirting with Carter? What the hell was that? Her phone buzzed the last time and she glanced at it for Lyric's text only to hear a few girls start squealing and exclaiming. Glancing over her shoulder, Sienna grinned and waved, trying to get his attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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#, as written by Sophiex

Even during his responsibility-free summer, John had made a habit of waking up early every day. Today was no different so after showering and getting dressed in a red v-neck shirt, black pants, and black Vans, John left his family's apartment. His mother's talk show aired live at nine o'clock every morning, so she was usually gone by six, and his father's crazy schedule meant that there were days where he wouldn't get home until one in the morning and would be gone again for work by five that same morning. Josie had left a few weeks earlier to return to Illinois where she attended Northwestern University, so John was used to waking up to an empty apartment.

The biggest different between a summer morning and a school year morning for John was that in the summer, he would smoke before beginning his day. Even though today wasn't a day filled with classes, he didn't want to risk going to school high so he instead strolled through Central Park, entering on the Upper East Side and exiting on the Upper West Side. A few blocks away from there was his favorite deli which John would swear by when it came to the perfect New York bagels. After paying for his usual order of an everything bagel with butter and a bottle of Gatorade, John followed his path through the park and back to the Upper East Side. Instead of returning to his apartment which was located only a few steps away from the park on Park Avenue, he continued walking through the park, lengthwise now, until he reached The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many of the Constance girls used it as a place to eat lunch but since Saint Jude's was located in Brooklyn, John took advantage of eating breakfast there most mornings.

He took a seat on one of the many steps and began to eat his food. He was sure that most of his peers would be jumping at the opportunity to see their friends again after a long summer apart and while he too was eager to see a few people, he wanted to indulge in his last few minutes of solitude before returning to the social world. Once he finished his bagel, he knew he didn't have much time to spare so he made his way to Constance which conveniently, was only a few blocks away. He was somewhat relieved to see that by the time he got there, the students of both genders were filing into the girls' school. It meant that he didn't have to deal with too much small talk but even though he knew the purpose of today was to greet his new professors, John was sure that he would stumble across friends inside the school as well.

He headed for the back of the crowd that was slowly entering the school but before he could make it up the first few steps, he felt a light tap on his back. Turning his head back, he expected to see Lyric or Persephone, or one of the others who he was familiar with, but instead he was greeted by an unfamiliar face. She was a fairly average, yet pretty looking girl but her pale, freckled skin and ginger colored hair was something that would have made her memorable had he seen her before.

"Excuse me," were her first words, which were quickly followed up with, "Is this where the back to school mixer is being held?". Although John thought that it was pretty obvious, considering the crowd of students entering the building, he nodded reassuringly. His suspicions were confirmed that the girl was new and John wanted to be as helpful as possible.

"Yup, in the gymnasium," he confirmed with a smile. "I'm John Toranzo and I'm guessing you're new here?" he said, offering her his hand. Although a simple wave and exchange of names was usually a sufficient introduction for teenagers, John's father had drilled the habit of the handshake into his mind years ago.

"Is it that obvious?" she joked after his comment about about her being new. John watched as she ran her hand through her curly hair before returning his handshake. "Kaitlin Kingsley," she introduced herself as. After they entered the building and approached the gymnasium doors, she turned to him and said, "Well, thanks for the help," before disappearing past him.

"See you around," he responded. Instead of following her towards the waiting teachers, John turned and made his way towards Lyric, who he had spotted a moment earlier talking to a group of younger girls. He was now alone though and focused on his phone, so he probably hadn't seen John either until then.

"Lyric," John said, catching his attention as he approached. He grinned at his friend, happy to see the guy who was probably his closest male friend, after not seeing him for most of the summer. John had spent a majority of August and early September at his father's family's homes in Spain. Between that and whatever had been keeping Lyric busy all summer, the two had barely seen each other and kept up through the occasional text message. "How've you been, man?" he asked, although his eyes had managed to drift away from Lyric as he scanned the cliques that had already formed in the room. He spotted Persephone, another person he was eager to see, standing a good distance away with an unlikely crowd Sydney, Sienna and Jane, and Brody who was less surprising. Knowing that Lyric probably wanted to see his good friend Sienna, he pointed them out and said, "Want to go see what they're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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#, as written by Bandit

When he and Vincent crossed paths with Brody Wade in the gym, Colin pretended to be occupied with his phone. He was right in expecting Vince to have something to say to their class president because as soon as he spotted him, Vincent made a snide remark about how Brody could lay off Sydney now that he was back. Colin didn't care for Brody much either but he didn't want to be dragged into another one of Vincent's fights, especially not when the school year had only been in session for a matter of ten minutes.

"I still don't get why the son of a dude who owns an entire brand of wine is the last one to wanna drink at a party. He's probably got an endless supply of alcohol at his house and yet he doesn't even drink a beer when we're at a party," Colin said to Vincent once they were out of ear shot of Brody. "Speaking of beer, are you going to get Toranzo to buy us shit for tonight?" Although he knew that Sydney would probably have an open bar at the club she had rented out for the party, like most people, Colin was planning on drinking ahead of time. Especially if he wanted to make a move on Jane tonight, he was going to need some liquid confidence to help him get there. He and Vincent both possessed fake I.D.'s so they technically could buy alcohol on their own, but John Toranzo was made of money and had always been willing to supply them with alcohol for free in the past, so Colin didn't see why it would be any different this year. Besides, his apartment was a lot nicer than Colin's child-infested one and Vincent's small bachelor pad, so they normally went to his place before any parties. Even though they were kind of using him for his money, Colin actually liked John. It wasn't a strong friendship but they got along well enough and Colin could always count on him being up to smoke some weed when he was in the mood.

"I'm gonna try to talk to Mr. Edwards," he said after Vincent responded to his question about alcohol. Although he and Vincent probably had a lot of the same teachers this year, Colin knew that it was better for him to talk to his professors without Vince there. He tended to be less serious when around other people and that was usually when the inappropriate jokes would come into play. Not wanting to ruin his chance at a successful senior year before it even started, Colin made his way to the teacher stalls alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Upon releasing Brody from the embrace, "And those were probably the only copies sold," Sephy giggles and is about to reply to his comment on Daphne before she's cut off by none other than Sydney Vale, swooping in while she's mid-sentence and kissing Brody.
Persephone frowns, she had no idea that Brody and Sydney were, what, dating? He definitely didn't seem like the mean girls type and Sephy was utterly bewildered. Why didn't he tell her about Sydney. She'd heard a few people talking about Brody hooking-up with someone over the Summer but she didn't buy into the gossip and besides, Sydney Vale, was the bitchiest, most conceited girl Sephy knew, and she went against almost all of Brody's morals. What on Earth could he possibly see in her?

"Sephy, right?" Sydney asks, sending her a smile with an icy undertone, to which Persephone nods, a pang of jealousy coursing through her as Sydney presses herself against Brody, "I didn't know you two were friends. Brody's never mentioned you before," Now that stung. Her and Brody were old friends, and yet he'd never bothered to mention that to Sydney, maybe Persephone thought they were better friends than they were.

"Oh, really?" Persephone sends Brody a cold glance, "Well we've known each other for years, much longer than you two have, I suppose." She says, faking nonchalance and returning Sydney's false smile.

After a while, Persephone has to avert her jealous gaze from Sydney and Brody, which is when Sienna spoke up, "Persephone, right? We took a math class together last year, I think. How was your summer?" Completely taken aback by this suddenly friendly outburst, especially after her friend was clearly being very cold with Persephone, she can't help but blurt out a confused "What?" Luckily, Sienna's attention was already on someone else as she waved to Lyric, a guy Persephone vaguely knew of for his fame, but had barely spoken to.

All Persephone wanted right now was to get away from the group that had surrounded her all of a sudden. Glancing over at Lyric, Persephone spots John and sees her escape. "John!" She calls over to him with a wave; walking a few paces towards him before turning back to the group, "Sorry I have to go, see you around, Brody." Persephone smiles, ignoring Sydney completely.

Once she got to where John stood and Sephy smiles and pulls him into a tight hug.
Releasing him from her grip, Persephone sighs, puffing out her cheeks, "Well that was intense," She frowns, sending another look over to where Brody and Sydney stood; feeling an immense amount of jealousy for the girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Standing behind Sephy, Brody could see Lacey silently making fun of his relationship with Persephone. He had seen her just a few hours earlier when they went for their usual morning run, so he had no need to greet her enthusiastically. Before responded to Sephy, he did manage a grin and a playful shake of his head to Lacey, signaling that he thought she was crazy.

Brody managed to get a laugh out and was ready to reassure Brody that her article was great when Sydney approached from behind him. Before he could react, she had wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He couldn't help but to smile as she greeted him. There was something so attractive about Sydney and even though Brody didn't feel real love towards her, there was definitely some lust there. What guy wouldn't want to be hooking up with the most popular and powerful girl at Constance Billard?

Although he was happy to see her, he didn't appreciate the way that he treated Persephone, who clearly felt the tension as well because after confirming that she was in fact friends with Brody, she quickly escaped to John Toranzo. Brody knew that he had definitely brought Sephy up before to Sydney and had even given her a copy of her Elle article, but he wasn't surprised by her act. It was typical of Sydney to make a point that she paid little to no attention to those who were below her, and it made Brody glad that Lacey hadn't actually approached him earlier, since he knew good and well that she was the last person to be a fan of Sydney.

He wasn't great friends with Sienna and Jane, but he offered them a polite wave before turning back to Sydney. It wasn't that he hated them or had any real, personal problem with them, but they just weren't his type of people. They spent much of their time partying and drinking and after hearing a few stories from Sydney, he simply didn't think that he had much in common with them.

"Come on, I've definitely mentioned Sephy to you before. She's the one who wrote that magazine article? She runs the fashion blog?" he said quietly to Sydney once Sephy left. He was sure that she would continue to play dumb, having mastered the "I'm secretly a total bitch but I know how to make myself look so innocent" thing long ago, so he knew his efforts were futile. Besides, as much as he hated Sydney's superior attitude being directed at his friends, he did like how strong and confident she was. She had mastered the leadership qualities that he also had, but in different ways.

As he glanced back in the direction that Sephy had left in, he wished that he had said something in the moment to reassure her that he did speak fondly of her to Sydney. It had all gone too quickly though, and he hoped she wasn't upset with him over it. "You don't mind if I invite her tonight, right? She's friends with Sebastian Arendale and Daphne Peterson and I do remember seeing their names on your invite list, so it's not like she'll be interrupting anything between us anyway," he said, offering her a suggestive smile. Sephy hadn't brought up being invited to the party and after Sydney and her recent interactions, he was even more sure that there was no way that she would have been invited originally. However, he did want to make it up to Sephy after what had just happened and he was sure she would enjoy coming to one of Sydney's infamous parties.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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Jane nodded in agreement when Sienna exclaimed that Lyric was too much of a brother to her to make him think of him in any other way. She didn't have nearly as close to a relationship with him as Sienna did, and in fact, Jane probably wouldn't even acknowledge him if she saw him on the street without Sienna or another mutual friend there. Still, she knew what she meant and decided that it was a good enough answer to allow her to move off of the topic.

While Sydney marked her territory with Brody, Jane's eyes continued to wander around the gym. She returned Brody's wave only half-heatedly and didn't make an attempt to ease the tension with Persephone like Sienna did. Her distance probably wasn't even noticeable because Sephy left the group in a matter of minutes. Jane recognized just as much as everyone else that what Sydney did was wrong but she was so used to it that it didn't phase her. Sydney was her own person and Jane didn't think that it was her responsibility to chastise her after every calculated move. If that was the case, she would be doing it every minute. She and Sydney had been friends for years and just as much as she had accepted Jane's flaws, Jane accepted hers. It was just easier that way.

She did tune back in as Sydney and Brody began speaking quietly and managed to hear Brody mention that Sydney had invited Daphne and Bastion. Bastion was expected since he had confirmed to her earlier that he received an invitation and planned on coming but Daphne? Why in the world would Sydney invite her? She knew that they didn't get along and that girl was just so irrelevant that there were no pros to inviting her.

Without realizing it, a frown appeared on Jane's face and she tugged Sienna by the arm off to the side. Sydney and Brody were still talking so she doubted they would notice, and Jane wanted to talk to Sienna before Lyric stole her attention away. If anyone was good with drama, it would be Sienna.

"Why did he just say that Daphne Peterson is invited tonight? Didn't you see the list before she sent out the invitations?" Jane asked, somewhat frantically. Had she slowed down a bit, she would have realized that Sienna and Sydney probably rarely hang out alone during the school year, and there was probably even a smaller chance of them doing so in the summer when it wasn't expected of them to be the close friends that they acted like in public. "Why would she invite that... that... freak?" While she was annoyed with Sydney for inviting Daphne, she was almost relieved to be involved in drama that was involving other people and not just her own personal issues.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Daphne raises an eyebrow skeptically at Jake's claim that he wouldn't dream of it, though a smile once more pulls at the corners of her mouth slightly. If school were comprised only of people like Jake, Persephone, and Bastion, she'd be much more happy to start the year back up again. It occurs to some part of her that she should go and greet the librarian some time today, as she has done for the past three years. Even as a freshman, she made a point to immediately get into the good graces of the keeper of the school's books. In fact, she considers it rather daft of people not to think about getting to know the librarian. She's much like the students who become friendly with cafeteria workers in the hopes of getting extra portions of food in this way, although her originally calculating intentions have given way to genuine interest in Ms. Jensen, the librarian. After all, she has read a good deal of books, and being well-read is one thing that Daphne very much likes in a person. People who do not read for pleasure are rarely worth knowing, in the bookish young woman's opinion. Exceptions exist, of course. Bastion, for example, lacks her passion for books, but skates by on his personality. "Well, that certainly is a relief. I was beginning to worry I was kept on hand to be the necessary dull character," she responds lightly.

As Jake pulls out his phone and checks it, Daphne sincerely doubts very slightly his claim. Based on his expression, it is probably a girl he likes. Having never been much for romance, the girl cannot sympathize with crushes and the like [she has had intellectual attraction before more than anything]. However, she's seen enough to wonder if Jake will now be spirited away by this text, leaving her to stand where she is. If so, she can always go to find the librarian --it would hardly be the worst thing in the world. In fact, she begins to doubt that she wants him to stay, with this train of thought.

Even if he were to leave, however, it appears that Daphne would still have company. Bastion is walking up to them, after all, with a less than pleasant mood apparent on his features. In the time she has known Bastion, Daphne has learned that he is an awful liar, and can be read as easily as a book, even by the standards of those with elementary reading levels. She wonders if it was something to do with his conversation with Jane. A spiteful part of her hopes so, simply because she dislikes Jane and, in an incredibly petty streak, likes the idea of Bastion being irritated with her.

Jake clearly notices as well, asking after Bastion. But Bastion, despite being an infamous ranter, declines to explain his foul expression. He doesn't want to discuss irritation with Jane in front of Daphne, because that might suggest taking sides. He certainly isn't going to mention that he's a bit jealous of Brody at the moment.

So he merely shrugs. "Huh? I'm fine --just a bit tired. I was up really late last night," It isn't a lie, at least. He had stayed up watching movies with Delphine and Willow, because it had been their last non-school night, and he's never been very good at saying no to the twins. One set of puppy dog eyes from them is bad enough, but they double the power, forces to be reckoned with.

He looks over at Daphne, who in fact has just been looking at Sephy as the girl bounces over to John. Daphne has sometimes felt she and Persephone are similar in many ways, but she is reminded that their differences are perhaps just as numerous. The girl bounces cheerfully from friend to friend, impressive in her apparent energy. Daphne finds it interesting to watch, though she can hardly relate to it. "Surprised you haven't already made a beeline to the library, princess," Bastion comments, before looking back at Jake.

"Forgot to ask, how was your summer?"

Daphne considers Bastion's comment. Maybe she could just slip away now; the hallways are probably empty.