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Lyric Overland

"When life gives you lemons, make limeade."

0 · 1,088 views · located in New York

a character in “The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.”, as played by InakoUchiha



”Because I’m living louder fighting harder tonight!”~‘Living Louder’ by The Cab



{ Name }
Lyric Cord Overland

{ Nicknames/Alias }

{ Age }

{ Gender }

{ Sexuality }

{ Date/Place of Birth }
Las Vegas, Nevada on August 12th 1998

{ Nationality }

{ Label }
The Musician


{ Childhood/Family Life }
Lyric grew up literally on the road. He was born after his mother's concert in a Las Vegas Hospital, but immediately after he was taken to the tour bus he would soon learn to call home. Lyric grew up with six elder brothers and an elder sister. His family was quite large, and all of them varied in different musical talents. Lyric never really saw much of his father due to his fathers busier life as a rock-star, he didn't see much of his mother either. His eldest sibling raised them and he learned a lot. By the age seven, under his brother's teaching he was fluent in Spanish, French, and new ow to play the piano and guitar. He was told he was a musical prodigy and was sen to a musical arts academy with his siblings.

When Lyric arrived at the school with his siblings and immediately felt at home, by the age 12 he was fluent in Japanese and could sing. He decided to end his time at the academy and go back on the road with his siblings, they started a band known as Note Seven. When he turned 15 he was accepted into Saint Judes.

{ High School Career }
Lyrics freshman year, was a whirlwind of discovery, he had always been a curious as a kid but it really came out freshman year. Lyric came to the terms he was homosexual when he was at a party thrown by some unknown boy and they were all drunk and played spin the bottle. Obviously most he guys there didn't care but Lyric was nervous, and his first kiss he felt something he hadn't felt before. Sure the kid had girlfriends but they never made him feel something, but with a guy yesiree. So Lyric came to terms with his homosexuality, but kept it a secret as he was a 'cool' kid and didn't want his reputation to be ruined.



{Good personality traits }
Kind| Gentle| Intelligent | Loyal

{Bad personality traits}
Naive | Easily Angered| Hypocritism | Vain

{ Personality }
Being a musician, Lyric finds his life in his music. He enjoys standing on stage and performing, but sometimes his cockiness can get in the way. Lyric is a good boy, with a bright future if he put himself to it. As seen in the future, Lyric is very kind to those who deserve it, and gain his trust, but he is also very naive. Meaning Lyric is still pretty easy to manipulate into becoming a dark and twisted person.

Being a former rock star helps feed Lyric's semi-large ego. He's a hyprocrite by nature, because most guys bully gays he bullies them as well. He wants to fit in with the crowd, so he does what they do. He is very easily angered and has a high temper, and isn't to be messed with when angered. He can be very vindictive and manipulative if needed, but thats the busines side of music. Basically Lyric has two sides, the happy one and the formal one. He is a dual nature spirit, who is just otehrs view him.

{ Greatest joys in life }
A lot of things make Lyric happy the main one being music, he loves spending time with his family, friends, and he LOVES anime. He's a closet anime geek.

{Greatest fears }
The greatest fear the boy might possibly have, is getting stage fright, he LIVES to perform. He is also afraid of caves, bridges, and heights.

{ Life Philosophy }
He doesn't have any true values, he views life as music deal with the notes you get.
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, Or, How to Philosophize With the Hammer


❤ Anime
❤ Corn
❤ Music
❤ Candy
❤ Porn
❤ Limes
❤ Monster
❤ Coffee
✘ Lemons
✘ Spongebob
✘ Cherries
✘ Sakura Haruno from "Naruto."
✘ The Idea of Juvenial Detention Centers
✘ Idiots
✘ Jerry Springer
✘ Bugs



{ Parents }
Lyric's parents were Lindell and Cadent Overland, members of a band called Death Metal. He doesn't really have any relationship with his parents due to their lifestyle and later his. He treats his brother as his mother/father figure. His brother did raise him, but he doesn't have much of a relationship with his parents. He kind of thinks of them as family members who barely show up except on birthdays and holidays.

{ Siblings }
Lyric has six of them so yes he loves them all. His brothers names are Treble, Led, Wren, Mick, Pink, and Floyd. He had an elder sister named Christina. Each of his siblings treat him as their child, considering the eldest is 34 and the youngest (not Lyric) is 18. He has a unique relationship with his siblings, rather than being family they are all friends. They understand each other, and they can trust each other with secrets.


{ Build }
Lyric has a quite muscular build throughout his life, he's always been the fit one obsessed with self image. He stands at around 6'0 even and weighs around 200 pounds in muscle. His body structure is compared that of an Athlete.

{ Hair Colour }

{ Eye Colour }

{ Distinguishable Markings }
He has a birthmark on his though in the shape of a heart, and the tattoo of a music not on his hip.

{ Personal Style }
Lyric's personal style is a bit undefined. There are certain things that he won't wear like, crocs, shorts, tank tops, sweat pants etc. He enjoys the feeling of hoodies, and long-sleeved shirts over his body and doesn't hesitate to wear them, s he sometimes has a hoodie and nothing else on. He loves to wear baggy pants without having them sag down to his legs. He likes anything hooded, sleeveless, chained, or zippered.

{ Clothing Links }
Kiss and Tell Party||X

So begins...

Lyric Overland's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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| Good morning Upper East Siders, it's Gossip Goddess, logging on |
It's the first day back after Summer break, and we all know what that means, start sharpening those pencils - Or should I say, start sharpening those claws and get ready for some major cat fights. School is rife with drama here at Saint Judes boy's and Constance Billard girl's school. Only the wealthiest and most beautiful people will survive, nobody cares if you've got an IQ higher than Einstein if you're not filthy rich, you're irrelevant.

The back-to-school mixer should prove interesting, let's see which of you is lucky enough to get on my radar,
Let's have some fun this year, shall we?

See you soon,
Gossip Goddess xo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Like Sydney, Sienna Alvarez didn't live too far away from Constance Billard. In fact, she preferred the three block walk towards her private school instead of an unnecessary drive by the chauffeur. So, when she awoke the morning of everyone's first day back, she was not in any particular rush. In fact, you might say that she was having a little fun.

"Aaaannnnddd that's how it's done, boys!" Sienna exclaimed and dropped her remote controller in a rather self-assured manner. On the flat screen of their living room, the screen was split into three sections with only one highlighted as the obvious winner. And with the little triumphant dance Sienna currently partaking in, it was obvious who the winner was.

"Put some clothes on, munchkin." Ricardo, Ricky at this point, spoke with a rather bitter tone, the frown on his face prominent as he seemed to mull over how she constantly beat him at his favorite video game. Alfonso simply grinned; he wasn't particularly surprised. This wasn't the first time Sienna had beaten them and speaking of, said diva beamed at her older brothers, clutching her pink fluffy towel to her curvy form.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game. And you owe me twenty, Ric!" She yelled the last part over her shoulder as she headed back up the stairs to return to her room and finish getting dressed. The first part of Sienna's summer had been spent in Atlanta where her mother was shooting for a new film that would be coming out some time after February. She visited some family in Florida and then went on a cruise for a week. However, the latter part was all about her own career and she had to make an appearance at iHeart Radio. Which, to be completely honest, was the best part of the summer. She performed, took pictures with fans, attended the Teens Choice Awards earlier, and even spent a good amount of time with Vivienne. She attended luncheons with Selena Gomez and Nina Dobrev, and then happened upon Paul Wesley and Stephen Amell back at Comic Con. Sienna didn't know about the others, but she had a lot of fun this summer.

The one thing that was apparent, she decided as she finished the last details of her outfit for the day, was that she didn't miss Sydney much. Sure, they had fun. When it came to shopping, Sydney was definitely one of the people Sienna would love shopping with. But she just wasn't...missed. And at some point during the summer, she really did want to miss her. She wanted to feel bad about not thinking of someone who was considered a friend. But she wasn't and she didn't. She missed Jane and vowed to give the girl a big hug when she saw her. Thinking of her friends, Sienna grabbed her phone only to see a text from Lyric.

To: Lyric
From: Sia
No thanks, hon. Walking with my sissy! :D

With that sent, she also sent a text to her other best friend, Vivienne.

To: Vivienne
From: Sia
Gonna be leaving soon. Tamara made breakfast. Want anything?

Satisfied with that, Sienna glanced at her full length mirror, appraising her attire. She had decided to straighten her hair yesterday since she had not made any plans and then braided it rather loosely over her shoulder for the party later. She didn't want to go to some salon; didn't see the need. Instead, the natural waves later would be enough. She hadn't even showed Vivienne the dress and a small squeak escaped the wide smile without her thinking. Grinning, she grabbed up her bag and left her room, anxious to see if her baby sister was ready to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Jane felt relieved yet guilty when Bastion agreed that they could finish their conversation later that night. She wasn't sure that she would even get a chance to speak to him later on but if she did happen to come across him, she hoped that with a few drinks in her system she wouldn't be so uptight. Whether the alcohol would loosen her up enough where she would say too much was yet to be determined but at this point, Jane was ready to drink herself to a point where whatever she did say wasn't more than slurred, incomprehensible words.

Offering only a half way, she was quick to turn back in the direction she came from, only to find that her friends were already on their way inside of the building. She increased her pace, managing to catch up with them before they stepped into the gymnasium. She caught Sydney's question on whether any of them would be bringing a date tonight. "I'm single and so ready to mingle tonight," she added with a small smile. Jane was more of a drunken-mistake hookup kind of girl than one who could maintain a serious relationship with someone. When sober, she was very picky with the guys she associated with, so even if she had hooked up with a semi-decent guy the night before, he rarely met her standards the next morning. Besides that, the past few years had been chaotic enough with her own problems for her to want to add a romantic relationship into the mix.

Now that she was more emotionally stable, getting a boyfriend was definitely on her senior to-do list, but even among the hoards of wealthy and attractive boys at Saint Jude's, none of them really captured her attention. The most "qualified" guys like Carter Preston and Brody Wade had their flaws. Carter already had a kid and was Viv's ex, not to mention that he was on Sienna and Sydney's radar. Brody didn't like Jane and she didn't like him in return. He was a bore and although he was attractive, Jane was sure that if anyone was going to bring 'bad vibes' to the party tonight, it would be him. However, she kept quiet for now. There was no benefits in complaining about Sydney, in front of her anyway. Besides the obvious guys, there was Vincent who was a possibility for a hookup, although Jane would never admit it in front of her friends. He wasn't boyfriend material though, as perfectly portrayed through his betrayal towards Sienna.

When Sienna brought up possibly bringing Lyric, Jane couldn't help but to giggle. She really didn't know Lyric outside of his connection with Sienna, but his name always reminded her of the comments that Sydney would make about his mouth. He was definitely attractive, Jane would give him that much, but his lips reminded her of those that women in New York would die for. Despite the unnecessary comments that Syd would make about them, Jane guessed that they probably made him a pretty decent make out partner. "His lips look better than Kelley Yearly's, and I'm pretty sure she gets lip injections like, every other day," Jane exaggerated, referencing a fellow classmate. "Is he a good kisser?" she then said to Sienna, convinced that even though she had never admitted to hooking up with him, that she must have.

Although most of the students had now entered the gymnasium, it was large enough that it didn't appear to be packed. Friend groups could easily be picked out as they were scattered throughout the room and Jane was able to spot Bastion back with Jake and Daphne. Even if Daphne wasn't enough of a deterrent, Jane quickly moved her gaze away from them, not wanting to make eye contact with Bastion after her less than friendly encounter with him moments before. She also spotted Brody, who had just embraced Persephone Soung. With a raised eyebrow and small smile, she couldn't help but to glance over at Sydney to see what her reaction would be. From what Sydney had told her, she and Brody weren't exclusive or even dating, but she doubted that her friend would appreciate him hugging Sephy before even greeting her. As petty as it was, that was Sydney. The smallest things could set her off and getting on her bad side wasn't wise. That was evident with the next girl who entered her sight: Lacey Porter. Jane didn't like her, but Sydney's hatred towards her far exceeded Jane's. "That girl is such a loser," Jane said, eyeing Lacey with disgust as she strutted past them. It was bizarre for Jane to expect her to acknowledge them in the slightest, especially because of how many viscous rumors Sydney had started about her with no real motive, but she still disliked the idea of anyone just ignoring them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Lyric pulled into the girls school with a smile. He pulled up to the parking lot and parked. His blond hair fell into his eyes as he walked out of the car.

To: Sia
Srry!!! I'm here now, I was picking out and outfit XD. Anyway are you in the gym?

The boy walked into the school as he headed towards the gymnasium. He spotted a few cute guys, but ignored the feeling he got. His dark blue eyes looked towards the door as he entered. He walked into it seeing a large crowd. His face lit up in a smirk when he felt the crowd's energy around him.

His dark blue eyes turned as he noticed a few people. They swarmed to him, mostly girls. "OMG We love you, can we take a picture? I mean you're really cute!!!" a girl spoke from the group in front of him. Lyric's face turned into an awkward face. "Uh, I don't do autographs...or photos." he spoke before walking away.

To: Sia
So I'm here.....where are you exactly?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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Sienna laughed when Jane exclaimed with such a cliché statement, not paying attention the first two times when her phone buzzed. When both Sydney and Jane began inquiring about her relationship with Lyric, her nose instinctively wrinkled, a rather disturbed expression on her face.

"Ewww, gross! He's like, a brother!" She exclaimed. Sienna didn't find anything particularly wrong with Lyric. His looks were definitely attractive and if his fans had anything to say about it, Lyric was definitely considered "dreamy" to some. But, in her eyes, he reminded her of Colin in a way - strictly platonic. She wasn't looking to deepen their relationship in that aspect and didn't think the thought would ever cross her mind years from now. Though, a memory of their tour days had her smirking in rememberance over a very...enthusiastic fan that couldn't keep her fans off of him. And let's not forget the celebrities. "And him being a good kisser, you might have to ask one of his fans on that. Though...he obviously did something right; she couldn't keep her hands off him."

When they approached Brody and this Asian girl she could have sworn she had seen before, Sienna only offered a polite smile before finally glancing at her phone, anticipating Lyric's arrival. She was aware that there were a good number of Constance girls who knew of him and his music, and were semi-in love with the blonde male. Not that she blamed them. He was good-looking, nice, and he could sing? Check, check, and check! Sienna smirked at the first message, rolling her eyes idly before returning her gaze to the group and only wishing that she had not.

She had just tuned in to Sydney and Jane's digs on the girl who didn't really do much to them, but whatever. At least, not to Jane anyway. It was no secret that Lacey and Sydney had the worst relationship; sure, her own with the mean girl was definitely not tame, but it was tame enough to fool everyone into believing that everything was good and dandy. Lacey and Sydney? That was World War III, but with bitchy snark and rumors that ran amok in the Constance hallways. And, though she probably would not say this in front of Sydney unless the blonde truly provoked her, but Sienna respected Lacey for her confidence and her ability to give absolutely no fucks about Sydney's high-and-mighty act. The dark beauty paid no attention to titles and would probably beat Sydney to a pulp if pushed.

Any person like that had Sienna's full respect.

And since when did Brody and Sydney have a thing? Sienna's head tilted to the right imperceptibly as Sydney practically draped herself possessively over the goody-two-shoes, who Sienna knew for a fact wasn't her biggest fan. Brody wasn't rude or anything, but they weren't friends. He apparently didn't have a thing for her lifestyle, not that he knew a thing about her lifestyle. All he saw was what she allowed him to see and if being young and having fun seemed to reckless to him, then he could go back and play Scrabble for all she cared. But she was civil enough with the man and they didn't interact much save for when the student councils of Constance and St. Jude's did a collaboration of some sort, which was fine with her. But even Sienna could feel the tension in the room and this just didn't do. It was the first day for goodness sake!

"Sephy?" She turned her attention to Persephone, stopping for a moment to admire the pretty girl's outfit before officially meeting her eyes. "Persephone, right? We took a math class together last year, I think. How was your summer?" Sienna knew that this probably felt misplaced amidst the animosity that Sydney was emanating, but she didn't care. Besides, wasn't Sydney just flirting with Carter? What the hell was that? Her phone buzzed the last time and she glanced at it for Lyric's text only to hear a few girls start squealing and exclaiming. Glancing over her shoulder, Sienna grinned and waved, trying to get his attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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#, as written by Sophiex

Even during his responsibility-free summer, John had made a habit of waking up early every day. Today was no different so after showering and getting dressed in a red v-neck shirt, black pants, and black Vans, John left his family's apartment. His mother's talk show aired live at nine o'clock every morning, so she was usually gone by six, and his father's crazy schedule meant that there were days where he wouldn't get home until one in the morning and would be gone again for work by five that same morning. Josie had left a few weeks earlier to return to Illinois where she attended Northwestern University, so John was used to waking up to an empty apartment.

The biggest different between a summer morning and a school year morning for John was that in the summer, he would smoke before beginning his day. Even though today wasn't a day filled with classes, he didn't want to risk going to school high so he instead strolled through Central Park, entering on the Upper East Side and exiting on the Upper West Side. A few blocks away from there was his favorite deli which John would swear by when it came to the perfect New York bagels. After paying for his usual order of an everything bagel with butter and a bottle of Gatorade, John followed his path through the park and back to the Upper East Side. Instead of returning to his apartment which was located only a few steps away from the park on Park Avenue, he continued walking through the park, lengthwise now, until he reached The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many of the Constance girls used it as a place to eat lunch but since Saint Jude's was located in Brooklyn, John took advantage of eating breakfast there most mornings.

He took a seat on one of the many steps and began to eat his food. He was sure that most of his peers would be jumping at the opportunity to see their friends again after a long summer apart and while he too was eager to see a few people, he wanted to indulge in his last few minutes of solitude before returning to the social world. Once he finished his bagel, he knew he didn't have much time to spare so he made his way to Constance which conveniently, was only a few blocks away. He was somewhat relieved to see that by the time he got there, the students of both genders were filing into the girls' school. It meant that he didn't have to deal with too much small talk but even though he knew the purpose of today was to greet his new professors, John was sure that he would stumble across friends inside the school as well.

He headed for the back of the crowd that was slowly entering the school but before he could make it up the first few steps, he felt a light tap on his back. Turning his head back, he expected to see Lyric or Persephone, or one of the others who he was familiar with, but instead he was greeted by an unfamiliar face. She was a fairly average, yet pretty looking girl but her pale, freckled skin and ginger colored hair was something that would have made her memorable had he seen her before.

"Excuse me," were her first words, which were quickly followed up with, "Is this where the back to school mixer is being held?". Although John thought that it was pretty obvious, considering the crowd of students entering the building, he nodded reassuringly. His suspicions were confirmed that the girl was new and John wanted to be as helpful as possible.

"Yup, in the gymnasium," he confirmed with a smile. "I'm John Toranzo and I'm guessing you're new here?" he said, offering her his hand. Although a simple wave and exchange of names was usually a sufficient introduction for teenagers, John's father had drilled the habit of the handshake into his mind years ago.

"Is it that obvious?" she joked after his comment about about her being new. John watched as she ran her hand through her curly hair before returning his handshake. "Kaitlin Kingsley," she introduced herself as. After they entered the building and approached the gymnasium doors, she turned to him and said, "Well, thanks for the help," before disappearing past him.

"See you around," he responded. Instead of following her towards the waiting teachers, John turned and made his way towards Lyric, who he had spotted a moment earlier talking to a group of younger girls. He was now alone though and focused on his phone, so he probably hadn't seen John either until then.

"Lyric," John said, catching his attention as he approached. He grinned at his friend, happy to see the guy who was probably his closest male friend, after not seeing him for most of the summer. John had spent a majority of August and early September at his father's family's homes in Spain. Between that and whatever had been keeping Lyric busy all summer, the two had barely seen each other and kept up through the occasional text message. "How've you been, man?" he asked, although his eyes had managed to drift away from Lyric as he scanned the cliques that had already formed in the room. He spotted Persephone, another person he was eager to see, standing a good distance away with an unlikely crowd Sydney, Sienna and Jane, and Brody who was less surprising. Knowing that Lyric probably wanted to see his good friend Sienna, he pointed them out and said, "Want to go see what they're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Upon releasing Brody from the embrace, "And those were probably the only copies sold," Sephy giggles and is about to reply to his comment on Daphne before she's cut off by none other than Sydney Vale, swooping in while she's mid-sentence and kissing Brody.
Persephone frowns, she had no idea that Brody and Sydney were, what, dating? He definitely didn't seem like the mean girls type and Sephy was utterly bewildered. Why didn't he tell her about Sydney. She'd heard a few people talking about Brody hooking-up with someone over the Summer but she didn't buy into the gossip and besides, Sydney Vale, was the bitchiest, most conceited girl Sephy knew, and she went against almost all of Brody's morals. What on Earth could he possibly see in her?

"Sephy, right?" Sydney asks, sending her a smile with an icy undertone, to which Persephone nods, a pang of jealousy coursing through her as Sydney presses herself against Brody, "I didn't know you two were friends. Brody's never mentioned you before," Now that stung. Her and Brody were old friends, and yet he'd never bothered to mention that to Sydney, maybe Persephone thought they were better friends than they were.

"Oh, really?" Persephone sends Brody a cold glance, "Well we've known each other for years, much longer than you two have, I suppose." She says, faking nonchalance and returning Sydney's false smile.

After a while, Persephone has to avert her jealous gaze from Sydney and Brody, which is when Sienna spoke up, "Persephone, right? We took a math class together last year, I think. How was your summer?" Completely taken aback by this suddenly friendly outburst, especially after her friend was clearly being very cold with Persephone, she can't help but blurt out a confused "What?" Luckily, Sienna's attention was already on someone else as she waved to Lyric, a guy Persephone vaguely knew of for his fame, but had barely spoken to.

All Persephone wanted right now was to get away from the group that had surrounded her all of a sudden. Glancing over at Lyric, Persephone spots John and sees her escape. "John!" She calls over to him with a wave; walking a few paces towards him before turning back to the group, "Sorry I have to go, see you around, Brody." Persephone smiles, ignoring Sydney completely.

Once she got to where John stood and Sephy smiles and pulls him into a tight hug.
Releasing him from her grip, Persephone sighs, puffing out her cheeks, "Well that was intense," She frowns, sending another look over to where Brody and Sydney stood; feeling an immense amount of jealousy for the girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Sydney smiled victoriously when Persephone finally retreated. Although she had ran over to another friend, Sydney was sure that it was but a reason for her to get away from the position she had just been put in. Of course Brody had mentioned her before. In fact, he had mentioned her enough that it started to bother her a few times when they were hanging out. The girl was completely irrelevant to everyone besides her little band of misfit friends, so why in the world would Brody expect her to want to hear about some article she wrote, or that she ran a fashion blog. It was just an annoyance and Sydney hoped that by shutting it down at the source, she would be able to keep his mind of off Sephy.

As Sydney looked back at Brody, who was now attempting to express his distaste for her actions, she did feel bad about it, even if it was just a hint of guilt. She had a tendency to get territorial over people, which probably stemmed from her desire to be in control of everyone and everything. Her and Brody had no real future, but she didn't want him to move on from her. She would probably never amount to anything with Carter, but she didn't want Sienna to end up living happily ever after with him either, so she flirted with him. It even troubled her when Vincent, who was the cause of pretty much all of the secret tension between her and Sienna, gave serious attention to other girls around her. She liked knowing that she was everyone's top choice, even if she didn't see them as hers.

Brody was apparently feeling guilty about leaving Sephy hanging, so he then asked if she minded if he invited her to the party tonight. She wanted to say no and to tell him that her party was exclusive for a reason but she that would be too easy. No, she would let Persephone come to show her that she didn't see her as a threat at all, and then if she even tried to make a move again, Sydney would finish what she had started so she didn't have to deal with it for the rest of the school year.

"Of course you can invite her," she said sweetly, running her hand through his brown hair. "The girls are coming over later so we'll pick you up on our way to the club," she said, sliding her hand down his chest before pulling away. As she turned back to where Sienna and Jane had been, she found that they had stepped a few feet away. Jane had a panicked expression on her face, something that didn't seem out of character from her earlier behavior. She could see Lyric Overland approaching and after he yelled out to Sienna, she turned to Jane who wanted just as little to do with Lyric as she did. "Jane, come talk to Mrs. Fallon with me," she suggested, although it came out as more of a demand, as she motioned towards their new science teacher.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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#, as written by Sophiex

John was glad to see Lyric and returned his hug. There were a few girls that seemed to want to talk to Lyric too, but he brushed them off enough that they would hopefully get the message. His friend wasn't a huge music star yet but he was a great musician and it was obvious that John wasn't the only one who saw that. Well, judging by the fact that most of these groupies were girls, he guessed that it probably wasn't just his musical talent that attracted them. However, most of these girls had known Lyric since freshman year so John knew that after a few minutes, their excitement would die down and Lyric would be able to be just another student.

"I sent the past for weeks was visiting family in Spain. My dad's parents and siblings live over there, so summer is usually the only time I see them," John said, answering Lyric's inquiry about what he had done over the summer. "Besides that, uh, not much. My dad spoke at some conference in Toronto so we spent some up there, and then I really just hung out with my sister until she left for Northwestern," he said with a shrug. He had enjoyed his time in Spain but it was something he did every summer so it wasn't too exciting. "What about you? Working on a new a album or something?" he then asked.

As Lyric replied, John heard his cellphone go off. He pulled it out of his pocket, only to find a message from Vincent Mast, asking if they could come to his place before Sydney's party, and if he would provide the pregame alcohol. While Lyric wasn't Vincent's biggest fan, as expressed by his comment about the text message, John didn't mind him that much. He frequently hung out with him and Colin and enjoyed their company most of the time. That wasn't to say that he didn't sense that they sometimes used him for his money, since both of them weren't very wealthy, but he didn't care. At least not enough to do something about it.

To: Vincent Mast
Yea sounds good

After replying to Vincent, he turned to Lyric. "Uh, yeah. He and Colin are coming over tonight before we go to Sydney's party. You wanna come?" There wasn't much time for John to hear Lyric's response because as they approached the group centered around Brody Wade, Sephy came darting towards him. She pulled him into a tight hug, something that would have made his face turn tomato red had he not gotten a decent tan this summer.

Her excitement died down when she glanced back in the direction she came from and claimed that the situation was "intense". "Why, what happened?" he asked with concern as he slipped his phone back into his pocket to focus on Sephy. Although no one knew it, Vincent had had a crush on Sephy for probably as long as he knew her. However, she never hesitated to tell him about her own crush on Brody, so John knew it was useless to try to develop anything more with Sephy. The awkward rejection would end up ruining their friendship and John didn't want to lose her altogether, so he kept his feelings hidden and hoped that maybe one day, she would get over Brody and take interest in him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale
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Sienna didn't even blink when Jane pulled her off to the side. She was aware that Jane had some big issue with the very smart girl in their class. Jane's face had her following without question, her phone buzzing at another text from Lyric. When Jane began to express her turmoil at Daphne's invitation, Sienna could only shrug.

"Honey, I wonder why Sydney does half of the crap she does," she griped with arms folded over her chest as she observed the mean girl's interaction with Brody.

Sienna still couldn't grasp the concept of those two together. Like, what attracted Brody to Sydney - of all the girls in the school? Sydney was gorgeous, don't get wrong, Sienna knew that much. However, not every aspect of her was great and Brody was apparently close with two other females at least, so what the hell was going on? On a deeper level, some part of her kept that information to herself; if Sydney ever came for her, she had something for the blonde. But then she blinked back into reality when Jane's face did not calm down. She rubbed Jane's arms comfortingly, putting a big smile.

"Sweetie, it's not like any of us really talk to her, right? So, as far as I'm concerned, she's not important tonight," she told her friend, maintaining eye contact so that, hopefully, Jane wouldn't glare daggers in whatever direction Daphne was in. The last thing she needed was happy-go-lucky Jane ready to destroy someone on the first day back. "Tonight, we're going to have fun, we're going to look hella fine, and Daphne Peterson will be the last thing on your mind." Just as she was about to say more or attempt to get Vivienne to come over and offer some words, she heard a very familiar name shout out her name. She beamed over Jane's shoulder. "LYRIC!!" She squealed, grinning at his fangirls. Back to Jane, she smiled again, "I promise I will get Gus to bring us a bottle of champagne while we're getting ready for the party tonight to get you in the mood, m'kay? Be right back." She hugged Jane tightly and hurried over to Lyric and John.

"Hey, loves!" She exclaimed and would have probably jumped on Lyric had he not given her this very half-hearted hug before jetting off. Sienna's eyes followed her fellow musician in confusion and glanced back at John inquisitively. Her phone buzzed again and she lowered her gaze to read the last text. Frowning slightly, she offered John a small hug and a small smile. "Sorry, love, but...umm...gotta see what this is, apparently." Lips quirked to the left, Sienna made her way over to Lyric, wiggling her fingers sweetly at a few sophomores and juniors. When she got to her friend, she sat beside him and draped her long hair over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him. "So, who is he?"


Jake grinned wryly at Daphne's response, shoving his phone away. He could talk to Vivienne at some other time, maybe later at the party. He meant it when he said he would not abandon his friend so easily. Sure, he had the tiniest bit of a crush on Vivienne back in the day and yes, they were friends, but her people were not his people. His relationship with Sydney was neutrally gratifying at best, Jane and Sienna probably didn't know he existed, and well, their world was just so different than his. He was comfortable here, in this existence that didn't require him to talk a certain way. Instead, he existed and lived the way he wanted. And yes, some part of him wanted to reach over in their little dimension, but he wasn't at the point where he could dream of abandoning the ones who had been there all along.

"I'd hardly say you were a dull character, Daphne," he told her honestly. "Amidst the very singular-minded rich kids, your complexity is a breath of fresh air." He smiled at her warmly and then cut his eyes at Bastion when he finally made his way back to the others. After inquiring about Sebastian's reasoning behind the very displeased expression, Jake glanced about the room, wondering which of the teachers were new and which weren't. They were offering a new film class and he has been excited about who would be the professor for that.

Thinking so deeply about the matter, Jake almost missed Sebastian's question about his summer. Just as he turned to look his friend in the eyes, his gaze caught the tail end of Lyric Overland's entrance and his eyes probably lingered longer than they needed to. Jake didn't exactly keep it a secret that he was bisexual; he saw no need. If he were to lie about one small factor of his identity, then he might as well lie about everything else. Besides, Lyric was a refreshing sight - all light skin, blonde hair, and eyes deep and blue. For a second, Jake thought their eyes met, but then Lyric went into the opposite direction. Shaking his head subtly, Jake returned his gaze back to his friend and shrugged.

"I didn't do anything exceptionally great," he admitted. "Got a few of the drama kids to help me with a short film I'm working on and started filming a few weeks ago. Visited some art galleries and took a few more film classes." Jake didn't find that an exceptional summer. After all, the highlight was hanging out with a few friends in the mean time. Then again, when had his life ever been even remotely exceptional?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Lyric looked towards his friend. Noticing her worry he laughed. He has appreciated her worry, she was like his own flesh and blood minus his blonde hair and her Hispanic looks. He looked at her, his blue eyes dull and almost grayish. "Jacob....Jacob Desai." he spoke before looking at the girl with a saddened face.

Hi mind then looked back at the memory on how they not exactly, but exactly met his hair in his face he sighed.

He thinks it was freshman, him and Jake had a few classes together. Nothing major, he wasn't going to interact with the boy very much due to his back-then shyness, and fear of Vincent Mast. He remembered the day because it was pretty off. He hadn't really come to terms with who he was back then he was sure it was a possibility but not as in for life.

He and Jake were assigned to work on a project together. That was when Lyric really noticed the boy's appearance. He had dark brown eyes that made the blonde want to melt, he had the most perfect brownish-black hair that Lyric had laid eyes on. So he felt something for him. He was just sure it was a small puppy crush. Nothing to be worried about right?

Well that changed on the final day they worked together. Jake and Lyric were at Lyric's house finishing the project and they had gotten off track and told each other random stories. They had an awkward silence when Lyric mentioned the other had pretty eyes. It got odd but what was really odd for Lyric, he had almost kissed him. Their lips almost touching, Lyric afraid of his feelings kicked Jake out of his house never to talk to him again.

He continually ignored the fact the other tried to repeatedly talk to him, or flirt because he thought they had something. Lyric ignored it but knew it was true......he just wasn't ready.

Lyric shivered at the thought. His diamond blue eyes turning a bit lighter as he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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"Come on, come! I wanna see!" Esmee was probably more excited as Sienna got changed in her large walk-in closet. After saying goodbye to the others and never having fully finished her conversation with Lyric, Sienna was left unsatisfied and leaving with Esmee. Apparently, her sister wanted to go to another party on the other side of Manhattan with a few friends from Brooklyn. Originally, Sienna wanted to be upset. It would be her sister's first Kiss On the Lips party. It should have been a dynamite night filled with Sienna squealing/getting her sister drunk for the first time/cussing out anyone that made any moves on the Alvarez-De Luca family baby. But her mind still lingered on Lyric and his 'situation. The conversation still had her curious and maybe even meddlesome.


Sienna followed Lyric's gaze to the very adorable male from earlier. She recalled seeing Jake with Sebastian Arendale and she definitely remembered him from when Esmee started acting differently. With that memory coming to mind, she filed the information for later and observed this Jake guy. Yep, definitely cute, seemed like Lyric's type. She had seen him with a lot of brunettes and people with darker hair. Sienna nodded slowly, a rather impressed expression on her face.

"Mmmmm...he's cute," Sienna admitted, scrutinizing the male across the room. She glanced back at her friend and nudged his shoulder. She hated the troubled expression. Lyric's face was meant for brightness and happiness. More-so, she hated that he had to hide who he was and
what - or who - he wanted. All for the sake of popularity. It killed her, really. What people did to remain popular, to feel...relevant...

Sienna had to shake her head to keep Vincent from her thoughts.

"Hey, if you wanna go for it, go for it. You know I've got your back." And that was a promise. Sienna's gaze turned back to Jake as he smiled at one of his friends and talked. To be completely honest, he definitely was very cute. She glanced back at Lyric with that thought. "And you better make a move quick. A cutie like that doesn't just wait forever, ya know." Noting that more and more people were entering and speaking with teachers, Sienna stood. "We should probably go talk to our teachers. See you later tonight?"

Current time

"Hurry up before Sydney throws a bitch fit on our phone or something!" Esmee snapped Sienna from her reverie and Sienna blinked, ruffling her smooth hair to find some semblance of focus. Smirking slightly, Sienna slipped into her shoes before stepping out of the closet, holding the dress to her slim form. Esmee's eyes widened in appreciation as she raked her eyes over Sienna. "Remind me to let you pick out my wedding dress." The sisters laughed.

"Sure thing. Just zip me up. Is Gus outside?" After being reassured that the ride and the two bottles of ice cold champagne (Sienna figured Jane would have wanted an extra one since she knew she was late) were waiting, Sienna was pretty much ready. She wore a long-sleeved dress that would sparkle elegantly beneath the club's lights. It definitely brought out the honey tones in Sienna's hair and combined with the smoky eye makeup and glossed lips she was sporting, Sienna knew she looked good. Hell, she even bet she was probably one of the best looking - if not the best - girl at the whole party, but she'd keep that little secret to herself.

Despite the earlier argument, Sienna actually decided to wear silver wedges instead of pumps. They still managed to make her lithe legs seem longer, complimented her dress, and kept it simple. Plus, she liked this option. The last thing she needed was to accidentally 'almost' twist her ankle before an interview or photo shoot, which she would be having in the next three days. Once zipped up, the dress clung to her slim yet curvy form and Sienna was definitely pleased by letting her mother pick this little beauty out. She raked fingers through her hair, giving the luscious locks that just barely tousled look. Pursing her lips and giving herself one more glance, Sienna spritzed herself with an expensive perfume before smiling at Esmee.

"Just because mom's not home yet and the guys are gone doesn't mean you're off the hook, ma'am," she said and grabbed her clutch. Esmee rolled her eyes and followed Sienna out of her room and down the stairs. "Text me when you leave here, when you get to the club, if you change plans, and when you get home. No games." Esmee groaned and practically shoved Sienna out the door with a despondent yet playful "yeah, yeah, yeah."

After a ride in the limousine to Vivienne's place, she waited downstairs for her best friend to come downstairs and sent a series of text messages while she waited.

To: Sydney, Jane
Omw. Picking up Viv and b there in 5 min

To: Vivienne
Downstairs, love. Hurry!! :)

To: Lyric
U ready 4 tonite?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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#, as written by Sophiex

The limousine was waiting in front of the building as scheduled, and John gave a small wave to the driver before stepping in with Colin and Vincent. Even though it had only been a couple of minutes since he had texted Sienna, he had forgotten to check for her response until Colin brought it up. As he took out his phone, he did find a response from her. It was longer than he expected and more confusing as well. He understood her answer regarding Jane and Colin but was unsure of what she was talking about in the second half of the message. Regardless of his confusion about what she mean, he assumed that the 'friend' she was referencing was Vincent. "Uh, yeah. She said you're good to go, man. Jane's not bringing anyone," he replied as he texted Sienna back.

To: Sienna Alvarez
Drama already lol? But sounds good I'll let them both know

Vincent started speaking before John could show him Sienna's text, so he waited until he finished to toss him his phone. "I think the second part's for you," he said, referencing the message that was on his screen, before processing what Vincent had said. He was surprised that he would have noticed his relationship with Persephone. She didn't seem like the type of girl who would go for Vincent, or at least John hoped not - he already had Brody standing in his way, but then again, Vincent tended to be every girl's type. Still, he didn't think their relationship seemed like anything out of the ordinary but he would admit that Sephy was one of the few people who he actually felt comfortable being himself around. Maybe his interest in her was more obvious than he thought, or maybe she was the only girl Vincent knew he was friends with.

If the marijuana hadn't chilled him out, he probably would have reacted more nervously, but now he just casually shook his head. "Sephy? No, she's just a friend... we're just friends," he said, taking his phone back from Vincent once he had read the message. "She's into Brody Wade anyway, so it's not like it would even matter," he added, instantly regretting the comment after he said it. It was obvious to him and probably most of her close friends that she had feelings for Brody but he doubted that she wanted anyone else to know, especially when Brody was supposed to be dating Sydney, or whatever was going on between the two. In an attempt to get his mind off of Sephy, he texted Lyric, who had declined on coming to his house before the party because he knew Vincent would be there.

To: Lyric Overland
Hey we're gonna be at the club in 10. You there already?

The car stopped in front of Colin's apartment building where they were scheduled to pick up some girl who Colin had offered a ride to the party or something. He hadn't heard Colin mention a name but as he gazed out the window, he spotted the girl he had briefly spoken to at school that morning. What was her name? Kasey? Kaylee? Katie? Having smoked a short time earlier wasn't helping John's memory but he decided that Katie sounded the most familiar. He turned to Colin and wanted to ask if he even knew her, but he couldn't get a word in before the door opened and she entered. John assumed that Colin would greet her and was sure that Vincent would have something to say too, so he offered her a wave and shifted over to make room for her.


Although Brody had mentioned the Kiss On The Lips party that day at school, he had never followed up with specifics when and where it was being held, so Kaitlin wasn't planning on attending it. That was only until she ran into one of her neighbors on her way back from picking her brother up from school, though. It was Monica Clay, the woman who lived in the apartment above them and as she introduced herself, she explained that she had a son, Colin, who was in the same year as Kaitlin was. The woman was very friendly and warm, but Kaitlin wasn't expecting it when she insisted that she catch a ride to the party with her son and his friends. She tried to politely reject the offer, claiming that she really appreciated it but was already tired from her first day and such, but Monica wouldn't accept no for an answer. Although she acted like she wasn't very interested in the party, it was just that; an act. Of course the idea of attending some exclusive party being head by the most popular girl in school with intriguing to Kaitlin, and now that she had people to show up with, the idea didn't seem that bad. It seemed even better when she saw that Brody Wade had messaged her the details to the party and although it wasn't a physical invitation, she hoped that it would be enough of one to get her in.

Four hours had passed but even that large time block was barely enough for Kaitlin to get ready before she was supposed to leave with Colin. She quickly realized that none of her clothes would amount to anything compared to the expensive dresses that the other girls would be wearing, so she had no other choice than to slip into a dress she had bought at the mall that summer for less than thirty dollars, and a pair of silver heels. She fixed her makeup and did manage to straighten her hair, something that she hadn't had time to do that morning before school, before finally deeming her appearance to be acceptable enough for the night.

"Now where's this party you're going to?" Her father asked. His voice was barely audible over the loud noises coming from the video game that he and her brother were focused on.

"The address is on the fridge! I should be back by midnight, latest. I'll text you if I need anything!" she shouted, already halfway out the door by the end of her comments. She didn't want to stick around to deal with any of her father's questions. Although he was understanding of their situation and how difficult it was for Kaitlin to be a new girl in such a big and exclusive city, he, like any other father, was protective and would have asked her for every single detail had she not left the apartment so quickly.

When she stepped outside of the building and didn't see a car or any boys her age waiting, she began to worry that maybe they had left without her or even worse, that the whole invite had been a joke to begin with. However, she soon received a text message from an unfamiliar number and after reading it, realized that it was Colin and that the boys would be there shortly. No more than two minutes passed before a limousine pulled in front of the building and after a moment's hesitation, Kaitlin finally approached. The windows were tinted so darkly that she was unsure if the car was for her or not, but when the driver stepped out and came around to open the door for her, she soon saw that the occupants matched who she was supposed to be meeting.

She had seen Colin around the building, although she had never spoken to him, had stalked Vincent on his social media pages and had seen John earlier that day, so she recognized them well enough. As she slid into the car, she soon realized how awkward the situation was though. She was the only girl in a car with three boys who she knew little more of than their names. She was beginning to wonder what had possessed her into thinking this would be a good idea, but tried to make the best of it.

"Thanks for picking me up, guys. So is this like a back-to-school party, or something? No one at my old school celebrated school starting, really," she said with an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable laugh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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To: Viv, Lyric
Unless you want to wake up to find me on FOX news cuz I murdered this bitch, bring yourselves! NOW!!!

Sienna had on a very cat-like smile when she sent the text, inwardly praying that one of her best friends would actually answer their phones tonight. She almost didn't catch Brody's response to her, she was so far gone. But then some part of her memory stored away his little monologue and she smiled at him, genuinely happy that there was a fan. She always loved her fans. They were mostly so sweet and extremely supportive, especially after she admitted that she had lost inspiration a little bit three years ago. They had made posters, graphics, gave her world-wide tweets, and even made a few YouTube videos that made her cry. She adored these people and while she and Brody weren't the best of friends, there was a little tug on her heart for his sister.

She had become in such a good mood after that one moment that she ignored Sydney's little quip about going to a concert and hummed in agreement. Sienna wasn't going to acknowledge the fact that Sydney was trying to downplay her career. After all, EVERYONE needed to attend at least one Beyoncé concert. Even Sydney. Maybe the bitch could learn a few pointers on class since at this current moment, she just made it all the more evident that Sienna had gotten under her skin. And what was that last comment going to do? Make Sia cry? Bitch please! At least Sienna was making a name for herself; her net worth was larger than Sydney's at this point. Besides, Sydney couldn't control who Sienna talked to or what Brody's sister did. She was the queen of a school, not New York. Sydney's grandfather made her popular, Sienna had fans around the world. So, no, she was not going to award Sydney with even one response. Sienna simply smiled while inwardly anticipating their arrival to the club.

Which didn't take long. As soon as they were out, Jane was practically bouncing with excitement and an endearing smile warmed up Sienna's entire face; even her eyes were back to their normal light hue now near the club in the cool, refreshing air of the night. Sienna sighed and ruffled her hair, smirking to herself as she heard the distant clicking of a few pararazzi. Oh yeah, she forgot she actually tweeted about the party tonight. Oops! Grinning, she turned all of her attention to Jane, not even sparing Sydney or Brody a backward glance. "Hell yeah! Something tells me tonight's gonna be...something." She didn't explain further. Sienna simply flashed a smile at the paparazzi, winked at the bouncer who let them in without faltering, and then headed straight to the bar, pulling Jane right along with her. Jane could be Sydney's best friend later; right now, since Sydney wanted to be all over a guy she didn't truly want, Jane was Sienna's. It surprised her, just a little, that she was showing that possessive side of herself, but Sienna didn't give it that much thought. Something felt finite about tonight and she needed some kind of security until one of her best friends got here. Or, at least until she was drunk enough to forget until tomorrow.

As soon as they got to the bar, Sienna painted on the sweetest smile for the bartender and ordered, "Sex on the beach, please, extra vodka." She glanced back at Jane. "You ordering?" Sienna turned and finally observed the club, eyes resting on the twinkling lights. There was a surprising number of people here already and it was so live. She sighed, glancing back at where they came from with the tiniest of scowls. "I guess tonight's gonna be the night..." She knew Jane wouldn't understand and maybe Sienna was too sober right now because her thoughts were beginning to meld into depressive nothingness, but she could feel it in the air from the second Sydney had made the comment about Vincent.

Shit was about to hit the fan.

Sienna wasn't afraid if she and Sydney fought tonight. Hell, an argument would suffice, but she knew herself. She had held on to resentment for three long years. If Sydney said the wrong thing, Sienna was pretty much sure that the tiny blonde would be on the floor with Sienna on top, punching. She didn't doubt Sydney's fighting skills; she'd seen the claws come out once. However, Sienna wasn't from a family that scratched, pulled hair, and slapped. No, fists came out and she may not have been a fan of violence, but she would damn sure finish this crap tonight if Sydney wanted to go there. But Sienna didn't want to go there. In fact, now that she thought about it (no, she did not regret standing up for herself, let's get that part clear!), she wanted to go back and not be affected by Sydney's little commentary. But after that GG post, she couldn't sit back and not feel attacked, like she hadn't been insulted. She had and Sydney had done it blatantly in front of Jane, at that. It was a fair retaliation, she justified. But still, some people deserved a warning, no matter how much she was upset with him too. Her hand actually shook a little when she pulled her phone out and she hurried up and sent a text before shoving her phone back in her clutch.

"Let's go really hard tonight," Sienna exclaimed, turning back to Jane and waited for her drink to be finished.

To: Vincent
U should probably keep a leash on ur hoes. They get out of place sometimes. We need 2 talk.


The drive to Daphne's place didn't take too long and before they knew it, they were there and Jake sent a quick text to the blonde after he pulled up.

To: Daphne
We're downstairs.

After he put his phone away, Jake mused over the day thus far. He had pretty much had a good time just walking around with friends and re-introducing himself to a few teachers. He ran into a few classmates and connected with a lot of the drama students from both schools, which surprised him because he was pretty much the silent and invisible guy. Sure, he recorded a lot of the school plays and made them into discs so that people could take them home to families or just buy themselves copies. But he had never anticipated that he would actually be remembered in some weird fashion. Part of it had to do with his connection to Sebastian, another to the fact that Sydney Vale was God-sent. And now he was going to one of the most exclusive parties of the year because said God-sent angel invited him. How Jake struck this lucky he will never know.

However, there was also another part of him that was wary about tonight. On one hand, there was the fact that Persephone got a last minute invitation. That alone had Jake on his hackles. It wasn't that he had a problem with Sydney inviting one of his friends. By all means, if she wanted, she could invite all of them all the time and he would worship the ground she walks on. But why? And at the last minute too? Sydney never struck him as a girl who did anything at the last minute, so this left him rather perplexed and even a little anxious for his friend. On the other hand, he was also worried about what could transpire tonight. As much as he had always admired anyone who got invitations to such a highly sought-after event, there was also some kind of drama that occurred at these sort of parties. He remembered the Blair Waldorf; they were all scandalous. And after all of the stuff he had heard about Sydney and that entire popular crew, he knew only hell could freeze over before there wouldn't be any drama...

NO! His mind shouted. Tongith was supposed to be about having fun, making connections, and just doing something different. Not being stuck in the house sulking over what-might-have-been. He didn't want to look back three years from now wondering what-if. He wanted to do. Jake even had to shake his head a little to get back on track and smirked at Persephone. "Tonight's going to be a blast, don't you worry!" He didn't want her anxious too; he knew that she was just as suspicious as he was. But they were meant to have fun and that's what they would do. His smile widened when he finally saw Daphne and he greeted her. "M'lady, your chariot awaits!" When everyone was ready, Jake pulled out and headed to the club, eagerly awaiting the nighttime fun that was sure to come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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"Here goes nothing," Jake said, more to himself than to the others, as the trio walked towards the club. After giving their names to the bouncer (some part of him will never get over how excited he was inwardly at that), they were allowed access and once inside, Jake could definitely tell that this was not his normal setting. Jake was a guy meant for corner cafes with low light, spice in the air, and soft music playing while someone recited poetry. He was a music-and-earphones kind of guy because most people didn't always listen to his style of music. However, he received the invitation and didn't want to be stuck constantly sulking over the mundane existence he was granted. He was given this opportunity and while the drunken sex-on-the-floor dancing was not his cup of tea, he would make due. At least, until the party was over.

Just as he was about to turn to the girls and see if either wanted a drink, a familiar voice could be heard over the loud, pulsing music and Jake turned to see Kelley Hadley approaching their group. To this day, it surprised him that she was willing to actually talk to him and was an actually decent person to talk to. While Jake tried not to have presumptions about the more popular students, some things couldn't be helped and it was no secret that either the elites were getting by because their parents had money or because someone else was doing it for them. Granted, Kelley probably did have the latter, but she was also very much intelligent and for that, Jake learned to respect her. Plus, she was pretty fun to be around. Jake grinned wryly at her first comment about their being here.

"Kinda didn't expect to be here myself," he admitted with a small chuckle. That much was true. Even if he was helping Sydney, some part of him still couldn't believe that she was as willing to help him gain some kind of footing as she has thus far. He remembered getting the invitation, putting it down, and then just looking at it for a moment before actually acknowledging that, yes, he was invited to a Sydney Vale party. "Not surprised to see you here, though, Kelley. Behaving?" That much was a joke. Everyone knew that Kelley hardly - if ever - behaved.

As the blonde proceeded to tell them how she was going to pretty much get them loosened up for the night with her own brand of fun and then tried to convince them to get weed, Jake stood, uneasy and with hands in his pockets. To be completely honest, he had only drank a few times before, having realized that after the fourth drink, he was pretty much done for the night. It was a party some time during the summer, a rave actually, and he didn't want that hangover again. He suspected that Daphne would not be up for it either, especially not weed though he could never be sure, and he wasn't sure how Persephone felt about starting the night off. Plus, he was nervous about smoking. Again, something he had never done before and really didn't plan on doing it. Though, if who he was said anything, he would cave if actually pressured. Because I'm a bitch. But, shoving that thought back into his brain, Jake managed a wary smile.

"I don't know about that," he replied, scanning the crowd. Some part of him actually wanted to see Lyric, but he was also looking for either Brody or Bastion. "I'm the designated driver,, do either of you want anything?" The latter part of her speech was directed towards his two companions and Jake glanced at them imploringly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: Lyric Overland Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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Jake's eyebrows rose when Persephone declared that she was interested and he would have questioned her had she not already begun an explanation before she walked away. He caught on to the last bit of what Kelley said and shook his head. Why am I not surprised? For all her intelligence, Kelley was equally reckless. It definitely gave him whiplash a few times, seeing her actually studying and settled and then seeing how quickly she could switch into party mode. It was an astounding experience and since he was now aware that friends were going to be outside, he was half tempted to follow Sephy and Kelley. However, at the corner of his eye, he noted movement in their general direction and turned his head only to see Lyric approaching.

An inquisitive eyebrow rose when he noted the blonde's demeanor. Already, he can tell that Lyric ingested slightly more than he could handle. His words were somewhat slurred and quieter than Jake normally saw when he was at school, and it probably had something to do with the new song the DJ played. It muffled a lot of sounds. But he also noticed the slight glassiness of Lyric's eyes and the uneasy smile. Jake was mistaking part of what could be perceived as nervousness for intoxication. He cleared his throat nervously before glancing at Daphne.

"Uh, you can...go ahead. I'll catch up a little later," he spoke lowly to the blonde, a little closer to her so that she could actually hear what he said. Turning his attention back to Lyric, he placed a hand on his shoulder. It was a reminder that Lyric was taller, but at that moment, Jake knew none of that was important. He wanted the blonde male off his feet and possibly coherent, so that whatever he wanted to talk about could be dealt with. A flash - a memory - of the last time they had actually been alone flitted through his mind, but Jake shook it away. "Sure, let's go sit down."

Jake led Lyric over to one of the sofas, which was conveniently left empty. He sat down with him and settled into the cushioned seat, eyes lingering over Lyric's form. He had actually never seen Lyric drunk before and it was...interesting, to say the least. On a deeper level, he was slightly hurt. Did Lyric need to get drunk to actually have a conversation with him? The last time they talked - or Lyric even acknowledged his presence - was when they almost kissed and Lyric kicked Jake out with much of an explanation. Sighing, Jake crossed his left leg over his right and crossed his arms over his chest before meeting Lyric's gaze.

"So, umm, what do you want to talk about?"