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Vampire Wars (Revival)

Vampire Wars (Revival)


Since the last one fell it is again!

1,931 readers have visited Vampire Wars (Revival) since Crystal Flamedance created it.


This city is fairly new. Founded only a hundred or two years ago. It has a rather large population, and everything seems normal. To the humans, anyway. Most of the population, unknowingly, is made up of vampires. Most humans don't even realize there is such a huge war going on. But the vampires are fighting to claim the city as hunting grounds, and trying to get rid of the rival vampires to have more peace as they sleep. There is a lot of hatred in this little city...or maybe not so little, really. With one of the largest populations of any city, and so full of humans unaware of the existance of vampires, this city is a wonderful hunting grounds for vampires.

And me? I'm nothing but a peaceful vampire...until feeding time, anyway. But, aside from that, I'm just a simple healer. If you are inured, I am your best bet to a faster heal. And, because at about three thousand, I am by far the oldest vampire, I will give wisdom and answer the questions of younger vampires. After all, there is some information that should be passed down to younger vampires in case anything were to happen to me...or in case I decide I've had enough. And you don't want me as an enemy; vampires grow stronger as they age, especially their magical energies.

If you ever have any questions, or problems you aren't comfortable speaking with your fellow gang-mambers, I do not speak of anything to anyone else. Even if it's something as simple as a crush on another vampire...or even a human...I'm here to listen, not fight. In fact, I do not allow fighting on my territory in the cemetary. ...Yes, the entire cemetary is my territory, though I choose to remain on the far side, away from the city. I will not, however, give inside information on other gangs; I'm not a spy, and I will not reduce myself to it! But I'm here to help with injuries...or, if you don't want to end up with a gang; if, like me, you don't want to take part in fighting, I will alow vampires to follow me, and to practice healing. So...go have you war. Just keep it on your side of the cemetary, okay?

two gang leaders
gang memebers
...not a very long list, is it?

Toggle Rules

1) No godmodding; allow others time to react. Give them a chance to dodge; but no one can dodge everything.

2) Vampires have sensitive eyes; they must be protected if they intend to go out during the day.

3) Vampires have keen senses. They can smell the differences in individuals easily, so they can't be snuck up on by humans or other vampires. Their hearing isn't quite as good; they can hear humans, but not vampires as easily.

4) After a vampire feeds, their sense of smell is dulled. They can hear as well as normal, but smelling becomes hard for an hour after.

5) Vampires can supplement food for blood, though you have to eat three times as much as a human to be an effective supplement.

6) You can start as a human, but, sooner or later, you will be turned. ...That, or get caught up in the craziness of the vampires. Either way, you can't be sheltered from them forever.

7) You can have special abilities, though keep it to two or three. And they cannot kill instantly; give others a chance to react, or to ty to fight, or to decide to give in. And each ability takes energy; and no vampire has unlimited energy. You will tire eventually.

8) A vampire cannot be killed alone; you must have help, because the vampire has to be ripped apart. And, if the pieces are not burned, they will pull themselves together; literally.

9) No half-vampires, please. Only pure vampires.

10) Romance is allowed, but pg only, please.

11) Vampires are immortal, and will live forever. So there can be a bit of fast-forwarding, as long as it makes sense and does not interrupt someone else's "moment." Humans, being mortal, can die in this rp by old age. Vampires can die, too; just not of age.

12) Vampires can sleep, but they sleep so lightly even a tiny breeze or movement can wake them. Another par of this war; trying to get rid of more vampires to have more peace.

13) This is set in some time in the past. There are no flamethrowers, guns, etc.

14) Vampires only have to feed on blood once every week. If they are trying to supplement with food, they pretty much have to constantly eat.

15) Vampires can control their venom as a snake can; they choose whether or not to inject any venom at all, and how much. Vampire venom is what changes a human into a vampire.

16) Vampires can tell when another vampire is either younger or older than they are, and when another one is close to the same age.

17) A vampires eyes will start to show bits of red when it comes close to them needing blood. If the vampire starves itself, or refuses blood and supplements with food, the eyes will turn completely red.

18) The methods humans have come up with to kill vampires are inneffective; amy cause slight wounds, or weaken the vampire to make them more vulnerable to other vampires.

19) If you create a character, please make sure to jump in at some point. I don't want characters that aren't going to be able to play.

20) If you, for some reason or other, are leaving the rp or will not be able to post for a while, pm me to let me know. We'll have something done to your character to fit whether you are leaving for good or temporarily.

21) I will send a pm to let you know when and if your character is accepted.

22) Before we actually start, I would like to get things settled in OOC; decide who's a part of which gang, their position, etc.
23) Have fun!!

24) If there are questions that belong here and I forgot, they will make their way here

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Asher strode though the bounds of the city, keeping to himself. It was near dusk, and dark was encroaching the area. It wouldn't be long before the city was covered in an ebony curtain. what Asher wanted. He kept his pace as he moved from alley to alley, not really caring if others viewed his odd, leisurely stroll. It's not like he was doing anything private, really.

He saw his destination up on a hilltop beyond the constructs of the city; a graveyard: A meloncholy field where the dead rested. But it wasn't the dead that Asher sought, though she should've been dead long ago. No, no, she was quite young looking to be as ancient as she was. Alas, those thoughts were rude, and unnessicary. He treaded towards his goal, a soft smile set on his face.

Once there, his head revolved slowly. He was partially alone here. He knew he wasn't COMPLETELY alone, though. That was impossible for this strech of land. He stepped deeper into the cemetary, his footsteps almost silent against the soft ground. His eye scanned the farthest side of the resting place of the deceased...and yet he still saw no figure, as he had hoped. She had been such a delightful person to speak to the other day. But then again, she might've been a figment of his imagination. It wouldn't be beyond comprehension that that was the solution.

To decide on this matter, he cleared his throat, and spoke into the darkness of the boneyard. His voice, to himself, seemed to echo for miles. "Oh Miss Sooooonnngrooose? Are you out there? I've come to chat with you, again!" was his call. He placed his hands politely in front of him, waiting for a response with his curious grin still in place.


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I heard someone calling me. Sounded one I had spoken to before. I stood and walked to the door of the mausoleum, calling, "You woke me up again." I walked out to where he could probably see me. If he paid attention, anyway. It was that human again. Did he really enjoy the company of vampire so much? "What have you come for this time?" I asked, walking forward. I examined the grin he had, trying to see the reason. I was better at reading vampires, I guessed. "Why are you here again?"


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The blonde haired man smiled as he heard a voice respond to his. So perhaps he wasn't maddened just yet. He looked around for the feminine voice that spoke, and turned on his heels towards the mausoleum, viewing the enchanting person striding towards him. "Oh me, oh my. Am no longer allowed in this part of the graveyard?" He jokingly asked, him smile growing. "And you'll have to forgive me...I am not nocturnal, as most of my kind. I simply prefer the night to the day. Besides. You're the only one that I speak to that doesn't question my actions, or gawk at my face. It's a tad annoying after the third or forth parrent asks their child not to stare." He said lightly, keeping a positive tone in his voice.

"But enough, enough of trivial matters, Miss Songrose. My fortune and well being are none of your concern to this day. I come to you simply keep myself in good company. But I've other matters as well..." He said with a gentle bow and a tilt of his head. "I trust you do not mind?" He finished his monologue, by resuming his kind, if not a little eriee smile.


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"Humans are not nocturnal; they're diurnal. Vampires are nocturnal," I corrected. "And I would have waken up sooner or later." This prefer the company of a vampire to others of his own kind, when he did know what I was...something seemed a little odd here...were human instincts becoming weaker? Most would shy away instinctively...but this come more than once... "You did not think I existed; this visit was to see whether or not I did. correct?" I asked, examining the face for any expression. That had to be it...the vampires in the city he dealt with were much too obsessed with their war... "What other matters do you mean?"


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He could only nodd his head with a robust enthusiasm. "Indeed, but I am not one for petty details." He said, rubbing his chin lightly. "And you are partially correct, my dearest friend. I didn't question your existance, more of questioned my sanity. Seems it is still there. But either way, I'm pleased to see you again." He politely stated.

"Ah, my other matters...I will not deny that my eyes and ears recieve information that I'm willing to share with the other side. But I enjoy learning about each side as well. They speak of you as a matriarch; and elder. Tell me, if you would kindly, how all of this war waging business got started? Surely there is depth to it, and I'd simply like to know." He said, with a shrug. His eye focused on hers. "Along with quite a few other questions that I've been meaning to ask about you." He turned away, his face turning to a look of sheepishness. "First of all, my good friend, how old exactly are you? I can tell, you are quite elderly. Vampires can hide their appearance, and yet not their wisdom. Your face may betray, but your knowledge cannot." He said closing his eyes. He pictured his surroundings in his mind. It would've looked strange from an outside view. Or at least it did in his mind.

"Let's see, let's see....ah, yes. If you're the 'matriarch' of the Vampires...whom might be the patriarch? Was there ever one?" He inquired, turning on his heels almost remotely. He seemed to have so many questions, that he didn't know where to start. But he didn't want to burry her with them, so he waited for her to answer the ones he had thrown out.


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"...The war started like a lot of others; two vampires fighting over territry. They each recruited younger vampires, promising them rewards, and it gradually got bigger," I answered, watching him. This of course gave me a chance to talk; I hadn't gotten many visitors lately. I would probably end up rambling. "I'm two years from an even three-thousand. By matriarch, they only mean the oldest. Why would you question the existence of a patriarch? ...Rather...what do you mean by patriarch?" I asked. As far as I knew, by patriarch, he could mean a few things. A brother, or a mate, or even a father, none of which I had.


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"Mnhm." The cloaked man nodded, and spoke. "Starting as a quarell, became a war. Quiet typical.... The need for power or possessions are something I've never felt, personally. It's not like every man needs to have a huge track of land and a king's fortune. But alas, how can you stop them? Once the mind is set on something, you have a hard time prying it's will away from it's reward." He stated, walking towards her. She could now most likely smell him, though he was almost positive that the scented oil he had applied masked his scent fairly well. And if not, he smelled pleasant at least.

"Three thousand, you say? Now, I would've guessed may one. One and a half maybe. But to live for so many years...seems like myth when you compare it to humanity's lifespan. Although, it's not unexpected, Songrose. Vampires are 'imortal', no? They live for infinite ages? Seems to me like it'd become boring after a while. And you are the oldest, hm? So I suppose I've chose a good first vampire friend, then!" He said, crossing his arms before her.

"And the existance of a patriarch is for my own personal information. I'd rather not share why I inquire such, but If you choose not to answer, it is fine with me. I of course, mean a significant other..." He stopped himself early and he sighed.

"But I've got my own information to share with you, Miss Songrose. May it be or be not a surprise, but both sides are preparing their first major strike against each other. And I'm quite sure you can pick their battlefield of choice." He said, opening his eye again to set gaze upon her again.


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"But their war is over a necessity, really...a vampire that senses an enemy vampire too close to thei prey will be forced to abandon it to defend it's kill. And with so many vampires, it's a pain to keep our existence hidden from humans; as is obvious." I still had no idea how he learned about vampires...I supposed there were humans being forced to recognized vampires with how many went missing so often. "Yes, vampires are immortal, and it does get boring. That is why you get strange vampires; one's more commonly called succubus and incubus. They're trying to entertain themselves. A lot of others get so bored they finally decide on suicide." I shook my head. "Though suicide seems an odd way to go; it's very hard for a vampire to commit suicide. I'm just the oldest alive; the rest have been murdered; one by my hand. Now...there has never been a patriarch. Though I would like to know why you ask. It would have been rather obvious; I live here on my own, don't I?" Where the vampires would choose to lauch their attacks... "They should know by now; I won't hesitate to kill a few of them if they break the rules I have set on my territory. Vampires grow more powerful with age; they would not dare anger me." I tilted my head a little. "Now...those...other scents you have...they might work on younger vampires...but the leaders of the gangs are too old to fall for that. I see little point."


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He nodded with interest. "Ahhh...I see. Well, I'm glad to see they at least have some effect, even if it'd fooling fresh vampires. Besides, call me foolish, but I quite enjoy smelling the way I do. My favorite scent is peperment...but alas, back to the topic at had." He said, quickly moving back to the responses to his response.

"I was not sure you lived alone, honestly...but saying that you do is quite a relief to me. I'll not have to worry about a jealous male vampire coming up behind me, and slitting my throat." He said whilst....chuckling? "It calms the battlefield of my nerves.... And speaking of's not jsut your graveyard territory they've decided to wage war on. It's the entire city too. Drastic damage, unnessicary death. Horrid tragedies insue. But what can you do, hmm?" He said with an almost playful tone.

"And so the rumors are true, vampires do in fact strengthen with age. I had figured as much , as most of the elderly vampires tried most of their mind altering tricks on me...with little success. Mental fortitude is one of my fortes. Although, it is a mystery why is such....I might look into in my spare time." He said, looking for a place to sit.

He strode over to the furthest boundry, a small stone wall that protected the boneyard from...well...something, he was sure. But he placed the low of his back against it, keeping a soft eye on her. "And you too, have murdered? No shock to me. I've killed a theif or two in my time. But how do you kill something that is immortal?" He inquired.


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I shook my head. "Are you sure it's peppermint? Smells more like spearmint to me; and I've smelled a lot of both. far as a jealous male..." I shook that thought off. This human... "I wouldn't worry about it. If I had a mate like that I'd have already killed him myself. I'm not weak enough to need protection." I thought a little about his reaction. Laughing...maybe this had something I needed to look into later. "And let them destroy their city; I'm only here to hunt. If they destroy their city, I'll just move somewhere else. There might be fewer vampires to fight with over hunting." I thought about what he had asked, then carefully answered, "...Immortal does not mean invincible; nothing is invincible but time itself. It takes more than one vampire to kill another...but I see no reason to tell you; that is something I should not tell anyone who might wish harm to all vampires. I'm not saying that you would...but until I'm don't need to know."


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"Mint, in it's all variety is quite wonderful. I enjoy them all, mostly..." He said with a casual smile. "And I understand...but having a mate does not signify weakness. I believe it more sybolizes trust." He continued. The woman didn't seem to have any particular attachment to this plain, as she almost told him. "I too, do not hold particular favor to this town. My memories haunt me here, like a spectre out for bloody vengence. It is a shame to see few go, but I am not afraid to roam the lands, as my father." He would retailiate.

As she told him that she'd not share how to end her race, he couldn't help but resume his goofy, smirk. "Catious to the end...I should've know that your years would've taught you better. It's no surprise. But I assure you, I've no remote thoughtof ending you. I don't believe I could..." He said with a mild blush. His eyes closed again as he leant against the cold stone of the barrier he was propped again, his head tilting to the sky. "Because, you see Songrose, I am attracted to you. Not romantically, for the most part, but...for some odd reason...I find myself drawn to you. My mind is relaxed when I view you. I worry not about what you think, because I don't believe that you'd bring me harm. I suppose this might be a friendship, no? A true one, anyway, not one of the phoney ones you view between gambling partners, or co-workers." Said, admitting he liiked the vampiress, concidering her a friend.

"Ah, but enough dwelling upon this, as sure as my last statement must've installed into you. Do not think into it too much. And do not even lie, your mind clung to the thought as soon as it entered the air. I will elaborate the statement, if you wish. But not unless you wish it so." He smiled softly, the flush from his face had long faded.

He pushed himself up from his seat, and began walking towards her, his arms within his cloak as he almost fluttered towards her. "But now I've more questions about you, Songrose...what on earth do you do here in your spare time?" He asked with a playful grin.


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"I didn't mean having a mate was weak; only that I was to strong to need an overprotective one. I understand what having a mate means, and that it has never been a sign of weakness." He held no favor to this place...interesting. "This was just the first place I came across after my travels." And as he talked about being drawn to me, I tilted my head curiously. As he said only as a friend, I relaxed. I saw no need for a mate as of yet. "I don't think I understand...what it is you are getting at. My mind hasn't clung to any such thought; I'm still too attached to my child to bother with anyone else. But...for the most part...what do you mean by that?" That he himself wasn't sure? "And any spare time I have is spent looking through my notes, and gathering any information I come across; visitors aren't common for me, so I can't spend spare time talking."


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Asher's eyes lit up as his listened to the woman more. "A child, you say? I've had no idea, that you were a Mother, Songrose. But with all those years to get back into shape, it's not surprising!" He said gleefully, changing the mood in the air as he laughed lightly. His presence was...odd. You couldn't tell if he was always this awkward, or perhaps nervous. Either way, it was rather unorthidox how he acted. "I am just playing with you, of course, friend."

"And, as for what I meant, pay it no mind. It was a gently played card in this conversation game we are enjoying." He said...which honestly, didn't make as much sense as he wanted to put it into words. He was an odd fellow indeed.

Songrose stated that she didn't converse much. "Well, seeing your species, I'd guess not. Most of my kind cry in terror, or in sorrow of the sheer mention of vampires. It is a shame that they all aren't as open minded as myself. They could learn a great deal from the ageless night walkers.... But, you enjoy talking, even if it is to me, no? I know I am not the most thrilling person to speak to." He said, popping his neck by twisting it.

This man...was probably one of the more colorful characters in this world...he was almost like a poem turned into a puzzle. You could place words where you pleased, and it would somehow make a tad bit of sense, while not making any at all. He was a paradox of his kind. He was humanity embodied, if nothing but the foolish and wise parts.


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"I was a mother. But to go into that would be to go into my past a long ways...I don't really know that you would want to listen," I said, with a small smile. Strange that he didn't question it...never had a mate and yet a child. After all, I hadn't told him that I had been human at the time, really.I supposed it seemed that...he was nervous, really. A gently played card...he was the card, apparently. "I just enjoy sharing my knowledge, to human or vampire...though you really shouldn't even have known I was here. A slip-up for the younger of my kind, unfortunately. ...Though it does grant me company." Albeit a strange type of company. " you've said...most of your kind would run screaming...why aren't you, then?"


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Asher shrugged, shaking his head. "I've come to the conclusion that wisdom comes with age. You are old, therefore, you are wise. You'd not attack someone whom simpy came to enjoy your company, would you?" He asked with a deep, meaning upward infliction, as if he didn't already know the answer. He finally reached her after striding in her direction. "But I've also asked myself the same question about others. I don't know why I like vampires. I just do. The sky is blue because it is. Trees are green because they are. Children are playful because they are. There are so many things that cannot be explained by reason. I suppose this is also one of those things." He would say in his defense.

"And by all means, and I do hope you've noticed, I'm far from the general 'normal' for my kind. I take pride in it however. It has opened my mind to so many things. And the really weird thing is I've no idea how it happened either. It was almost like one day I woke like this.", ending his statement with a sigh.


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I thought about it, then shook my head. Something had to have happened. "Well...even if that is the case...I've found that human have instincts that lead them away. Perhaps you are only ignoring your instincts; allowing you to try to outsmart your common sense. That never works out very well, though." Outsmarting common sense often got both humans, and vampires, into trouble. He was just lucky to have my company and not a more aggressive vampire. He was standing in front of me now. I searched his face for expression. Clearly this human was not normal. ...Almost like he wasn't sane.


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"Ah, but this 'common sense' is what betrays most of humanity from some of the greater things in life. However, it usually often robs them of life. A coin, to be be sure, and one I'm willing to flip." Asher stated with another exhale. "Life is but a gamble anyway, hmm?" He would walk past her, over to a tombstone. He brought a leg up, and pushed himself to a stand on the stone cross. "Or at least I view it that way." His hair and cloak fluttered in the calming breeze that floated over the deadyard.

He looked down at her, bring himself forward, and into a squat. "But enough I say of these questions of morality and foolishness. Enough. I'd rather talk about something more enjoyable. What do you enjoy? Myself? I've taken to dancing, recently. I find the elegant steps add to my bladeplay as well as my grace. I'd love to learn to sing, but my voice is atrocious. And I've been practicing acrobatics for...say, ten years of my life, now. Balance is trival. " He motor-mouthed out. He stood again, preforming a backflip off of the current decorative stone onto the one behind it, which teetered under the man's weight, but stayed in the ground. "And what of you, Miss Songrose? Surely you have something to do besides read that suits your fancy?" He asked, his face yet again taking his eccentric smile.


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"Depends. Trying to outsmart your common sense is never a good thing. Might be that you only see the excitement in life. Common sense should be what keeps you alive. It's kept me alive so far." I watched him climbing to stand on one of the giant crosses that marked a grave. Dancing...acrobatics...? I shook my head. "Too much that could be used in a fight. Physical movements for a vampire is instinct; it would take a matter of seconds for me to learn what would take you years," I said, maybe a little arrogantly. But this human... "And what would be wrong with reading? Learning is how I get through life." That strange grin...perhaps his sanity could be questioned. ...That, or he was much too eccentric. Either one meant he did not get along well with other humans. Maybe that was his reason for being in the company of vampires. "I suppose...I will sing from time to time...not often, really. Just when I can't sleep. Or when I need to lure my prey closer. ...Though...sometimes I do go out into the'd be surprised how many kids are out after dark. I miss dealing with children, really..."


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"Reading is a perfectly good use of time, Miss Songrose. I never said their was anything wrong with it, but simply that you must do something besides it." He said, this time taking her words from his mouth. He didn't mind, really. She was very nice with her wording, as if she scanned it before it escaped into the area around them.

"Well, aren't you miss pomp. Vampires do indeed have physical movement and agility down to an art, but I find it rare in humanity." He said with his arms crossed playfully. "It's not like you're some unbelievable creature, with almost mythic powers beyond any human comprehen-...oh, wait a minute." He said cheekishly, before...was he giggling?

He heard her words out, nodding and following with a soft "Mnhm".... Asher finally spoke again. "Lucky. My voice could break glass without trying, and causes people to flee instead of charming them. Is that yet another one of the vampire's power? I've read that they've got quite the reputation of skilled practice of Illusion magics." He said, jumping back to the tombstone that he was on first, before stepping down and back towards the woman. "And children? I'd say you'd make a perfectly good mother. Better than most human mothers. In fact, I can't remember my mother's face. I grew up without her. My father said that she had left because she didn't want me. Her loss." He added the last bit with meaning, so the Vampire knew he litterally meant that.


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Her loss...interesting. "As far as having mystic powers...I suppose they can be called that. Though there are limits. Still, it would be foolish to think that our powers are nothing more than illusion. While that is specifically the power for some, none of mine are." I said, watching him. He was proving to be more like a child than anything else. I shook my head. "I never had a chance to find whether or not I was a good mother but, again, that goes into my past a ways; you probably don't want to hear it. And...I think...everything about vampires are supposed to be...ah...more attractive than humans. It's a method of attracting prey; like the venus fly trap attracts flies with their scent. Mostly superfluous; there's no way our prey can outrun us, or fight us off, really."


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An odd silence ran between the two parties, where they were looking at each other. He seemed to have some kind of glazed over look in his eyes as his stared in her direction. Finally, his voice spoke. "Then it is a good thing that I am not prey. And even if I were, I'd not let my attacker simply stray off from me after he did the damage." He said with a very slight tinge of defensiveness in his voice.


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I stifled a laugh. "You wouldn't let him stray off? You'd be dead; vampires don't hunt their prey just to let them live, you know...unless they had planned to turn you...or didn't think killing was orthodox." How could he think he would survive against the average vampire? They wouldn't let him live. "Unless, of course, you plan on trying to harm him as a spirit." The damage would be death...or much too weak for him to even try.


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His relaxed tone became one of almost if something dug under his skin. "I mean, if they fought me, they'd have to limp away. Crawl away, even. I wouldn't go down without a fight. I am not some pathetic villager whom fancies himself as a warrior, damnit! No, I am no wreched paladin or crusader, nor a titled fighter of any kind. But I shall freeze hell long before I let my killer walk off as if he had slain a peasant!" He now almost shouted at the vampire woman. His facial features took a distorted look of fury...but instantly softened after a few deep breaths. Something was definitely not right with this man.

He closed his eye, and placed a hand to his forehead, mumbling things in an odd form of tongues. It would be clear to anyone whom knew how to read humans:
He hated being called weak.

"I am many things, Miss Songrose. But a joke, I am not." He said firmly.


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"I never said you were a joke," I said, calmly. "And it's clear now...but the fact is, you'd be unable to do anything. I could snap you in half if I wanted to, and you're lucky that I don't." How was I supposed to keep him calm? If he tried to attack me, I might have no choice but to kill him. "I'm sure you would cause some discomfort to anyone attacking you, but you are human," I told him simply. Humans can not match vampires.


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"Hmph. Only I seem to say what I mean instead of thinking it. You never say I am a joke, but you clearly think it. Your scoff of suppressed laughter proves it. And if you so can snap me in twain as you say you could, then do it. A dog can bark all it wants, yet will get nothing through agression untill it bites." He said with a frown.

"Humans are far from as weak as your kind assume. We adapt. We overcome. We overpower. We outsmart. Your race is said to be the perfect hunters. The ultimate night stalkers, the self described "Best". But nothing that is "Best" has the flaw I see in vampires. All vampires. Even you." He ended. He knew that she would inquire what it was...

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Deadend City by Crystal Flamedance

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Al'Sha'Heznat
Character Portrait: Valisia Garnet


Character Portrait: Valisia Garnet
Valisia Garnet

An enigmatic vampire who you would be well advised to become close to

Character Portrait: Al'Sha'Heznat

Mysterious human whom seemed not to have allied himself with either side. He constantly watches each side, and sometimes, for the right price, might offer this information to the other side.


Character Portrait: Al'Sha'Heznat

Mysterious human whom seemed not to have allied himself with either side. He constantly watches each side, and sometimes, for the right price, might offer this information to the other side.

Character Portrait: Valisia Garnet
Valisia Garnet

An enigmatic vampire who you would be well advised to become close to

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Al'Sha'Heznat

Mysterious human whom seemed not to have allied himself with either side. He constantly watches each side, and sometimes, for the right price, might offer this information to the other side.

Character Portrait: Valisia Garnet
Valisia Garnet

An enigmatic vampire who you would be well advised to become close to

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Most recent OOC posts in Vampire Wars (Revival)

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

i never get bored of an rp...i just wait for someone else to post, cuz i'm usually either the last one to post, or don't have anything i can reply to, and wait for them...and it did seem to be just gthe 2 of us posting...though there were 3 other characters made...1 didn't even make 1 post...and the other 2 made 1 post each and then stopped...and which new one? the gang one? only 3 other characters so far, and i don't think any of them realize that i've even made a post there yet

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

Ah, well, I can start posting again. I just assumed you were bored of it. Although, I think we were the only ones that posted....

What about that new RP you made not too long ago? How's it working out so far?

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

...i hope this isn't dead, either...i was having fun with this one...actually, i just need something more to do...and this would have kept me busy, trying to come up with the long posts that seem to make up the entire rp...i think our shortest post here was 1 paragraph...

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

lol, yeah, i know...i think that's the longest conversation i've ever had with only one other person in a rp

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

CFd, I'm super impressed. We almost have two pages worth of banter.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

umm...ok...but you need to submit the character submit the second character you make, if you choose to make one, here

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

This is my character.

Name: Inutero the Impaler
Age: 1000
Appearance: The tall, pale, and hansom type, his skin reflecting his personality of dungeon dwelling. His hair was obsidian black, long enough to reach his waist. He preferred to let his bangs fall over his face and to the sides with gravity. His eyes were an ice cold shade of sky blue, only complimenting his albino skin. His body was rather trim, almost starved. He was the perfect picture of beauty in the eyes of the modeling industry.
His clothing was rather unconventional however. His entire outfit was styled like a German raver in a scary dominatrix scene. Studded metal on his leather suspenders that accented his chest, pointing out his muscles, or slight lack of. They connected to a studded red belt attached to black leather chaps and a pink fanny pack, housing a few personal effects. Underneath, he hides his shame in red latex spankies, as it would be horrifying to let something so personal run free. Knowing that this all would horrify the average person, he covers his costume with a black trench coat, and a comfortable pair of red crocs.
History: Ever since the years of Christ, Inutero searched long and far for a place to rule over. He's always considered human's inferior to his race and culture. He would eventually conquer land in Israel. His infamy would start due to his sadistic qualities. He was also known for his lust, as at some point, every hour in his castle, there was lustful actions taking place.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

that's's mostly been talking, anyway

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

Sorry, I'm taking so long with a post, I've been kind of distracted..

Will get on it as soon as I can.

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

just go ahead and sumbit your character, because it's your first; if i see anything wrong, i will send you a pm to ask you to change it...any characters you make after that first one should be posted here, and not actually submitted...still wait for the okay, though

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

Oh, good! Would you rather me post a character here in the OOC or just go ahead and submit a character?

Re: [OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

Well, this surely does sound a bit interesting! :) If it's all right, I'd gladly join this RP.

[OOC] Vampire Wars (Revival)

"Vampire Wars (Revival)"

Alright; the first kinda...died on me. so, any secondary characters you have should be posted here, not as a regular character; keeps me from getting all confused. :P And any questions you have should also be asked here. Also...before we start, I think we should use the OOC here to organize a little bit. Figure out who's in what gangs, and what they do in each gang, and who your leader is (unless you are leader, then it's figuring out who's under you).

I'll be looking at the OOC as often as possible to answer questions, but if I'm not getting to you fast enough, send a pm; I'll get to it as soon as possible. So...enjoy!