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Casper Siyansky


0 · 374 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}”, originally authored by uniquest, as played by RolePlayGateway



So begins...

Casper Siyansky's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Tuesday, October 4 || 12: 30 PM || Location: South Campus Lawn || Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy with winds coming from the south

It was something about the day that had a certain kind of buzz trickling into each and every vein of each and every student on the campus of the magnanimous Fulton University. Seniors and professors alike would tell you that it was perhaps the excitement of the upcoming Homecoming Week, which would mark the return of esteemed alumnae whose legacies were still felt in the halls they once occupied. Older staff members might say it was the stifling heat of the near oppressive Miami sun, its beams bearing down on each and every individual as they made their way across campus, some wearing less stifling clothes than others. The promise of water rides and cool refreshments for later in the afternoon practically drying tongues with anticipation for the Annual Fulton Carnival. However, as newer and the band of less sentimental students would tell you, was the thrill of the unknown...of the spine-tingling allure of Rush Week. While the Student Organization Fair was exciting in and of itself, there was still something devastatingly seductive about seeing the booths for the competing Greek houses, all of their members decked out in their Greek colors. The synergy of their competitive spirits was electric in the air and there was no telling what could happen before the rest of the day's celebrations...

[ Location: South Campus Lawn Gate Entrance Outfit: Click Here Mood: Enthused ]

To be quite fair, it was not like Naomi had left the girls, Xanthe in particular, unprepared. For one, she had specified that she needed to finalize the plans for the foam party, which meant overseeing the yacht docking, making sure that catering was still on, and the other small details she needed to iron out while simultaneously making sure that they had enough snacks and such for those who visited the Alpha Theta Pi. They had been decorating since Sunday and Naomi had had the small menu - yes, she was doing extra and no, she did not give a damn - for snacks planned out back on Saturday. Xanthe didn't have those things planned out. Naomi just wanted to see how she would handle dealing with having to keep track of which of the Alpha ladies could leave duty at what time, greeting and informing prospective members while getting contact information from the ones that really stood out, and keeping up when food started to run out. She had left an hour ago and she had been getting one of the seniors to keep her updated on the sophomore's progress.

With her plans having been laid down in full last night, Naomi had been with the first wave of Alpha Theta Pi members setting the booth up and getting the food to the Lawn where all of the organizations, non-Greek affiliated included, were setting up. Like Naomi, some of the other girls who had helped earlier, especially seniors who needed all the credits they could get to graduate on time, had to leave. But she made it a point that everyone, much like every other Greek organization, had to wear the house colors. While she had made it clear that the girls could wear either pink or green, Naomi had done well with incorporating both colors into her ensemble. Her apple-green dress wasn't one of her most expensive items, not that she normally checked which brands she wore, but her elegance and refinery still stone through with the garment was accompanied by Lily Pulitzer sandals, Hellmuth bracelet from Portero, and Samira pearl-drop earrings. Naomi ran a hand through her hair idly as she closed the driver's side door of her Bugatti Chiron. Just as she made sure it was locked, she noted a few guys from the football team, shirtless, and painted in Fulton's school colors and had to laugh. "This is about to be interesting," she mused to herself quietly and stepped onto the sidewalk and headed to the gate to blend in with the throng of students coming and going.

After checking with the yacht her father had made sure to dock in Miami, Naomi did herself - and Jade - a favor by actually getting food without being prompted. She had drank a small mug of coffee when she first woke up, but stopped at Pasión del Cielo - a place she had found with Chantal - for the largest vanilla latte they had and an empanada. Nibbling on the flaky treat, she got the idea to text Jade a picture of her good deed for the day while simultaneously checking up on her favorite people. She didn't have to rush back to the Alpha booth anyway, after all.

To: Jade
See!? Eating w/out prompting lol! Aren't u proud of me?

To: Zan
Everything good?

To: Kat, Tamara
You guys behaving lol??

To: Chanti
Plz tell me I'm not da only 1 who could sleep 4 another 10 yrs


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Korra Augustin Azzi Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

A good thing about the underclassman Sigmas was that they were all really enthusiastic. A lot of the juniors, and Jack's fellow seniors were too, but he knew that he could always count on the sophomores to be up bright and early, have grins on their faces, and be able to maintain a sense of energy that Jack never could muster up in the mornings. He wasn't a morning person to begin with, and add in the fact that he was always, somehow, running late for whatever it was that was on his schedule, it was no surprise that he didn't reach the Sigma booth until around 12:45, when he had promised to be there no later than noon. He'd excuse part of the lateness due to his ten AM class running a little late, but even then, he still found the time to make it to the dining hall and chow down on a couple of tacos before casually making his way to the south lawn, where the student organization fair was being held. It wasn't that Jack didn't care about representing the Sigma brothers appropriately or that he was even trying to shove the hard work onto the other guys... he just didn't prioritize certain things as well as he should. What always came first was his happiness, and as long as he wasn't hurting anyone, he didn't think it was a problem. It wasn't like he was holding a gun to the other guys' heads anyway, forcing them to be there. Luckily, the majority of the other Sigmas were just as chill as Jack was. No one really complained about petty things, and they just did what they needed to do to have fun.

He was pleased to find that most of his Sigma brothers were still at the booth, and that there was a few freshman by it to, expressing their interest in the fraternity. As he approached, he caught the tail end of one of his juniors, Bentley's explanation for why a group of guys should consider pledging Sigma. "Yeah, we've got all that good stuff plus more access to beer and babes than any other house on this campus. If you actually wanna have "the" college experience, you pledge Sigma. Simple as that. If you wanna be coerced into wearing a suit for no reason in the Miami heat, and have half the girls on campus thing you're a pretentious douche, head over to the Beta booth. Your call." He offered them a shrug of his shoulders, but his smile soon turned wider as he held out his head, "But I guess I'm a little biased, since I'm Sigma president. Jack Decker. If you guys need any additional help in figuring out that Sigmas are the way to go, come by our party on Friday. The info's on the flyers over here, but hit me up on Facebook or Instagram if you've got any other questions about our house." A few minutes later, when the boys left, seeming pretty interested, Jack gave Bentley a friendly slap on the back. "They seemed decent. Good find, man," he said, before directing his next words towards the rest of the group in general. "What's the consensus been, guys? We looking good for this pledge season, or what?" He checked the time on his phone, and saw that it was steadily getting closer to one in the afternoon. While the fair was supposed to last until two, Jack didn't see the need in keeping any of his boys there until then. The carnival started at three, and while Jack had no intentions of getting there that early, like with most events, the Sigmas needed some time to pregame. The carnival might have ended up being fun sober, but really, they wouldn't be Sigmas if they even thought of doing that. "And I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to call it a day with this event. All of our flyers are basically gone, so kudos to you, Parker, for printing that shit out for me last night at three in the morning." He offered the junior a grin as he shamelessly addressed the last-minute preparations for today's event, and how unorganized their booth probably seemed compared to the others. "But yeah, let's clean this shit up and get out of here. Azzi, you picked up the liquor last night, right? And Parker, you've got bud? I'll see if any of the Zetas wanna come over before the carnival." He barely waited for the other boys to answer before heading across the lawn to where the Zeta booth was situated. He had only just seen Lorraine's text, so he didn't feel bad opting to answer her in person, rather than over the phone. "Just saw your text. Me and the boys are calling it quits early today with this fair, but we're gonna start getting ready for the carnival in a little. We've got a shit load of liquor and bud, so you and any of your other Zeta girls are welcome," he said with a grin, upon finding Lorraine at the booth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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0.00 INK


Annabelle looked out the window, wondering why so many people were outside and why the house was so quiet this early. Her mind took in the banners and the stalls and realised that it was Rush Week all over again. She remembered her own; finding her way through the crowds and knowing absolutely no one there. God, that had been scary. Still, she had found her way to Theta Chi and that was always a good think as far as Annabelle was concerned. Slowly, Annabelle made her way to her wardrobe. She vaguely remembered agreeing to help out on the stall. So no jeans.

Annabelle dug through her wardrobe, searching for the elusive blue dress her mom bought her in the summer. 'Well, now that you're Theta, you've got to look the part'. That apparently meant wearing dresses. What the hell, it was just one week that she had to act like a girl then she could go back to living in jeans and sweatpants. Annabelle pulled the dress and a pair of flats from the bottom of her wardrobe and quickly dressed.

Annabelle grabbed her purse and ran out the door. She had no idea what time it was, but she was guessing afternoon from the people milling about. "Make sure to stop by Theta Chi's stall, guys. Coolest people you are ever likely to meet." Annabelle said to a passing group of students as she hurried across the grass. She stopped by the table for a moment to get her breath back and gather her wits. She spotted Lex in the crowd, chatting with a group of girls. Chantal was out there too. Annabelle grabbed a pile of leaflets from the table, handing out leaflets to interested parties. A group of girls were lingering by the table. "Hey girls, you interested in Theta Chi?" One of them, a small dark haired girl with a round face nodded. "Nervous? Don't worry, everyone is when they first start college. Hell, I was a nervous wreck during my rush week, but the girls in Theta are honestly some of the nicest girls you will ever meet. We're sisters in every way but blood," she said, handing leaflets to the girls, "And, we don't expect you to be perfect, we just want you to be you. I hope I'll see you girls during rush week, don't be strangers." The girls said their thank yous and headed off, soon being lost to the crowd. God, had she looked that young during her rush week? That unsure? Annabelle heard Chantal's voice behind her, asking Melanie how things were going. Annabelle slowly shifted into the crowd, knowing how much Chantal hated tardiness, searching for Lex. She found her with Pritika, who seemed to have just arrived. "Were we like this during our Rush Week, Lex? Because if I was, at least tell me I didn't look twelve."


Blake stood in the sun, quietly cursing the sun. It was October, for crying out loud, it should be getting cold. The rest of the country was getting cold. But not Florida. No, never Florida. Still, he thought, looking over the female population of the campus, the hot weather wasn't all bad. Skirts and shorts were out in force and Blake was never going to complain about that. Why in the fuck were the Betas wearing suits? Blake shook his head. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and that was bad enough in this heat.

"We are the ultimate college experience, guys," he was telling a group of freshmen. "The biggest parties, the best frat house, no other house even comes close to our den, trust me, I looked. The wildest parties you've seen on TV? That's just an average party for us Sigmas. Unlike the other frat houses, we know how to have a good time. You want girls? You wanna party and get so wasted you forget where you are? Join Sigma. You wanna stand in a three piece suit in this heat, join Beta. But trust me, go Sigma for the best college experience. You're paying to be here, why not enjoy yourself?" He handed them the last of the leaflets in his hand.

Blake looked back over to the table and saw Jack talking to the rest of the guys. Blake jogged back to the table. "And I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to call it a day with this event. All of our flyers are basically gone, so kudos to you, Parker, for printing that shit out for me last night at three in the morning. But yeah, let's clean this shit up and get out of here. Azzi, you picked up the liquor last night, right? And Parker, you've got bud? I'll see if any of the Zetas wanna come over before the carnival." Blake already knew that Lorraine would be up for whatever Jack was planning, and she would bring at least a handful of girls with her. She could always be counted on for a good time. He probably knew that better than he should.

"Alright guys, only a few of us need to be here to clean up. Me and you three," he said, pointing to a group of guys whose names were escaping him at that moment in time. Shit, he needed to get on top of that. "We'll clean up and we'll see you guys in like, ten, fifteen minutes max. You guys cool with that?" He asked the guys he had singled out.. They nodded, and a few quiets sures met his ears. "Sweet, I'll see you guys inside."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus Lawn || Mood: Energized and Excited || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorraine smiled brightly at the two freshman standing before her. They were so curious about Zeta Nu Delta. Between the two of them, they were asking a lot questions. They ranged from GPA requirements to parties. The blonde giggled at the two girls. They were just like her when she wanted to join a sorority. ”Like every sorority we have a GPA requirement, but it is manageable. And our dress code isn’t as formal as the others..” She said, gesturing to the Alpha’s and Beta’s table in particular. ”We have access to the greatest parties and the best alcohol. And being a Zeta means you are automatically in good graces with the Sigma. Now if you are down to have a amazing time in college while getting your education, Zeta Nu Delta is for you. You want to learn how to be fake to everyone around you, Alpha’s are for you.” The girls giggled at Lory’s explanation. They seemed extremely interested. So like a good ‘V.P.’ she took their information. She waved goodbye as the freshman went to check out the other booths. Lory kept an eye on all the other members just to make sure everything was running smoothly. But a dumb redhead came into her line of sight. And this particular redhead was an Alpha who was hooked onto Andre. Poor Andre. Stuck with a Naomi copy. Xanthe gave her a rather rude look and Lorraine returned it with a smug smile. The blonde was not going to entertain her. Not right now.

While she had some time, Lorraine decided to text Jade back. She had to make it quick since Casper was waltzing right over to her table.

Don’t act like u don’t want 2 be my fave Alpha all the time. And don’t feed Freshman lies about Zeta’s. Besides I wanted 2 see u before the carnival

With that she set her phone down."Val," Lorraine smiled up at Jack’s Little. "don't you look ravishing in that skimpy dress of yours." The blonde giggled. ”You haven’t seen skimpy” She teased. Lorraine most definitely enjoyed the game that they played. Constant flirting and no sex. It was more fun for Lory since she felt like he was trying to get into her pants. ”Just wait until change.” Lory winked.

Another one of her favorite Sigma brothers heading her way. She smiled widely. It was Cas’ big. "Just saw your text. Me and the boys are calling it quits early today with this fair, but we're gonna start getting ready for the carnival in a little. We've got a shit load of liquor and bud, so you and any of your other Zeta girls are welcome, Lorraine knew what that meant. There was going to be a pre-party before the carnival. How could she say no to that? ”I will be there. I just need to close up shop and wear something way more revealing.” She joked. ”Now shoo. You are attracting Freshman with your nice body. Makes it hard to pack up.”

The blonde gestured him and Cas away. She waited patiently before telling the Zeta’s to start packing up. The fair was dulling down. Most of the action happening closer to twelve. It was getting closer to two and Lory was ready to shut down this table. They had quite a lot of sign ups. Haezia would be proud. Speaking of the president, she sent her a quick message.

Everything is going well @ the fair. Gonna close up soon.

It gave her another idea. Pulling out her phone, she sent another message to Jade.

Runaway from the Alphas 4 moment. Usual place? 5 mins?

Everything was packed up rather smoothly. The only thing that was staying behind, was the table. Lorraine adjusted her dress before waltzing right by the Alpha tent. Not because she had too, but she was returning the pleasantries. Lory smirked at Xanthe before moving on. She was headed to the Zeta house, not only to change but to hopefully get a daily dose of her favorite Alpha.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Kara Hatake Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus Lawn | Mood: Happy and Energetic | Outfit: Here | Dialogue: #4E8975

Kara had been at the South Campus Lawn for a little while now. She had promised her mother she would take a look at each of the sororities booths before deciding where she would pledge. So at the moment she was at the Alpha’s booth trying to stay as unnoticed as possible. She truly wasn’t all that interested in this sorority and a few disapproving looks from a few of the girls running the booth confirmed why. She almost was tempted to try and join just to tick some of these girls off. She didn’t want to have to deal with that for the rest of her time at college though. So she just gave them a winning smile as she felt her phone vibrate.

The text she saw made her smile for real this time. So far she was falling in love with the Theta’s and a lot of it had to do with Lex and Annabelle. At the moment she’d gotten a text from Lex and quickly typed a reply.

To Lex:
be there in a sec seeing what alphas have to offer aka stealing free food ;)

She hit send as she nonchalantly made her way over to the small snacks they were offering and grabbed a few. She noticed the girls were still watching her and she smiled deviously. [color=4e8975]”Thanks! Looking forward to possibly pledging to you guys.”[/color] Then with that she turned and left the Alpha table. She wasn’t about to write all of the Alpha’s off as she had heard from some classmates that a few of the girls were actually pretty cool, but she had yet to meet any of those ones.

On her way to Theta’s booth she passed a familiar face, Casper was talking to a woman at the Zeta booth. She would have stopped to say hi, but didn’t feel like interrupting their conversation. She had a feeling they’d run into each other again at some point here and she could say hey then. Something about him intrigued her and she wasn’t sure what it was. It surprised her a little too because typically guys like him she found to be annoying assholes which she was positive he could be an ass, but she was still drawn to him for some reason.

She brushed the thought off as she finally made it to the Theta’s booth. She stood around searching for the familiar face when she finally spotted her. Smiling she made her way over to the woman and noticed Annabelle was there with her as well along with a few unfamiliar faces. ”So some of the Alpha girls may have made your job easier in convincing me to join you guys. Are all of them Bitch Queens or did I just get a bad bunch?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Kienen Fox Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: Zeta House; Her Room || Mood: Impatient || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorriane continued heading to the Zeta. She was really hoping all of the Zeta’s headed straight to the Sigma house. That would give her some privacy with the Alpha. Just to be sure that the girls headed to the Sigma house. She sent out a mass text letting them know about the party before the carnival.

;Zeta Sisters
Pre-Game @ Sigma’s!

The blonde made her way to the Zeta house. Pictures all over the walls to show exactly what the Zeta’s were about. She loved the formal ones just as much as she loved the playful slutty ones. The house was relatively clean, considering the amount of pre-gaming they do. How they all end up sober enough to clean up everything afterwards it beyond Lory. She does not really remember cleaning up after parties, unless she is close to sober. But Lorraine is never close to sober. At least not on purpose. She continued walking down corridor of the Zeta house. She wanted to change out of this semi formal dress. It was not her style. She wanted to show off more. Getting to her room, she shut the door behind.

The walls were an eggshell white. She hung up pictures and different items up all over the walls. The biggest picture in the room was over her dresser. It was of her and all the Zetas from last year. She was going to update it as soon as they had new recruits. She still had the pictures from her freshman year. They were in a scrapbook that she was going to cherish for forever. Her bed, located near the window, was not made up as usual. Clothing were thrown about in different places. It wasn’t so bad. The floors were still visible. She removed the blue dress and tossed it to the side and slid out of the converse. Lorraine stood before her closet trying to figure out what to wear. That was when her phone buzzed. First message came from Ruby.

Lory loved that girl. The moment she joined the Zeta’s she had been there to help her out. She was almost an Alpha, but she made the right decision. Even to make her feel like she belonged, Lory started calling her Ruby. It sounded cool and kind of worked since her last name was Roux, which sounded like Rose. The name had stuck and now everyone in the sorority calls Miss Camilla, Ruby. Though Lory thinks it means more coming from her. But she kept that information to herself. She took the time to respond to her message.

Don’t worry about him too much. And of course! I’m gonna meet you at the Sigma house!

With that message done and over with, Lory checked Jade’s and rolled her eyes. The blonde could careless about Naomi and how she feels. If she could rub this in the stuck up princess’ face without getting in trouble, she would. But right now it is a secret. To everyone. And that was okay since she got to tease Jade all the time. It was fun. Well it was for Lorraine.

No I want u now. 2 mins.

To sweeten the deal on this text message, she decided to send a picture to Jade of herself in her lovely undergarments.


With that message sent, she decided just to lay on her bed. She would deal with clothes once she figured out whether or not Jade was going to come and satisfy her. So while she was waiting, she decided why not flirt it up with some people. Get her in the mood.

Sorry 4 leaving u. But I had 2 get all skimpy 4 u.

U never came over and told me how beautiful I was. Too busy fighting away Freshman girls?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn|| Hex Code: #a2798f ||
Song: Crush-Zhane || Mood: Hurt


After her conversation with Jade Zan felt a bit off balance. She knew that she was known to be the hopeless romantic and therefore her sister's worried about her getting her heart broken the most. The truth was that she knew deep down that not much good could come from them but that didn't stop her from having feelings.

The truth was she felt kind of selfish about Andre. She knew that if she didn't tell him things would remain the same, and honestly she was sick of being stagnant, but at the same time if it didn't work out she knew that some of her friends would have to choose between her and Andre. She knew they'd pick her but the whole situation still seemed so unfair.

"Andre is a good guy but his track record isn't that great in terms of the whole, 'showing up at your door with flowers and chocolates and asking you to be his girlfriend' kind of thing." That's what Jade had said and she couldn't get it out of her head. It was as if it was replaying over and over. She tried, really she did, to focus on the freshman and focus on looking like a happy little Alpha but she was just so distracted. She glanced at Naomi and contemplated asking her to leave early but she already got snapped out and she didn't want to get yelled out so instead she shot her a text.

To: Naomi
I'm not feeling good. I'm going to head out and get changed for the carnival.

Technically she could have left hours ago since she'd been there since set up so she waved goodbye to a few Alpha's and asked them to cover for her before heading out. She plugged her earphones into her ears and turned up some music loudly as she walked over to the Alpha house.

She decided to take the long way to the Alpha house, which meant passing by the Beta house. She thought she'd check in on Andre to make sure he was okay with the Naomi situation but when she made it to the house she stopped short. Most of the Alpha girls were close to the Beta boys, including Kat. But she never knew Kat and Andre to be friends so when she saw them on the porch together something felt off.

"Hooking up with you hurts the both of them" For a second she forgot where she was and she audibly, "I still love her." She knew that Kat responded but she didn't hear anything else but Kat confirm that they hooked up. She paused and contemplated for a second running back to the carnival but that would make her a coward. Instead she kept walking to the Alpha house, briskly mind you, ran up the steps and closed the door.

She made it to her room before she started to cry and it wasn't one of those gut wrenching whole body cries. it was more like one of those soft sobs that are really just for you and your sanity. She looked around her room, a borderline shrine to her friends. Everywhere there were photos of them, all of them. Pictures of her clutching tightly to Andre, photos of Kat and her looking glamorous, pictures of her grinning so wide she remembered her face hurting with Naomi. She glanced at her bed stand and spied a picture of her and Andre in a pearl picture frame. Something just came over her because next thing she knew it was sailing across the room and shattering on her floor. It wasn't until it hit the ground that she realized she was the one who threw it. Then came another frame, and another until four frames were shattered on the ground. She glanced at her phone yearning to call one of her friends but she realized there was no way she'd call Andre, Kat, or Naomi and she wasn't ready for the "I told you so" from Jade. So she texted the last person she'd think she'd want to talk to and then she texted the only non-Alpha or Beta that trusted with everything. "I'm an idiot"

To: Cas
I need to talk to you. Come to the Alpha house?

To: Cam
Can we meet up tonight at the Carnival?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Blake Hancock Character Portrait: Korra Augustin Azzi Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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#, as written by M95
Parker laughed at Jack's late appearance, and the shout out he got for printing out the Sigma flyers last night. What could he say? He was a good Sigma, and he didn't mind picking up some slack to make sure that their booth was presentable for the day. While he had helped set up the booth that morning, he had to leave for a good amount of the actual event to attend a class, and had only returned a few minutes before Jack had gotten back. Although Jack didn't seem interested in sticking around for very long, and Blake did a good job at picking out enough guys to get everything cleaned up, Parker didn't mind helping to sleep up the clean-up process. He did want to get back to the house soon, to give him enough time to make sure that he actually did have enough bud to go around for whoever showed up at their pre-party, but he had time. One of the things that Parker appreciated the most about the Sigma house, was that no one ever really seemed to be in a rush. People kind of just did things on their own schedules, which meant that things were a lot more relaxed than other houses. It also meant that during events like these, they probably came across as slackers, and maybe for good reason, but that was a trade that Parker was willing to make, if it meant having more fun. He grabbed a rolling cooler that had been filled with drinks for the guys manning the booth, along with a couple of folding chairs that belonged to the Sigma house, and headed back towards the front of the booth.

Along with Blake, he spotted Camille, and he found himself smiling at her presence. He had just missed her question to Blake, about being invited to the party, but if he had, he would have confirmed that she was not only invited, but required to come. Since he hadn't heard it, all he offered her was a grin and, "Looking good, Cam," before turning to Blake and saying, "Hancock, I'm taking these back to the house. If you guys end up needing more help, just call me and I'll head back over. Otherwise, I'm gonna help prep for this pregame." With that, he headed back towards the Sigma house, sending a text to the Sigma guys saying, "If you wanna light up tonight, I've got the good stuff, but chip in fee is $3". He knew the other Sigmas wouldn't mind chipping in. Parker had connections that allowed to get him a lot of drugs, and rather than take on a normal job on campus, he had sort of resulted to dealing, at least to his Sigma brothers and the other houses, to allow him enough spending money to get by during the school year. His family wasn't impoverished, but they weren't wealthy either, so it was necessary for him to do something to make a little bit of extra money.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Jack laughed at Lorraine's comments, but didn't "shoo" without saying, "Good, and you better bring a crowd too. I wanna have fun tonight." A party with just Sigmas was fun in itself, but Jack wasn't looking for tonight to be a sausage fest, and if he wanted the pregame to be fun and sexy, that meant that he had to have his Zeta girls there. "Siyaknsky, don't be pissing off any of my Zeta darlings," he chided playfully, upon noticing his Little. He couldn't leave before slapping Casper in the back of the head playfully, as another extra warning, but as he crossed back over to the Sigma tent, he saw Blake that Blake had done good in taking he lead in wrapping things up. He gave him a thumbs up, but since things seemed taken care of, he followed a few yards behind Parker, who seemed to be heading back to the house too. It was only after he sent out two texts, one to Haezia, and one to Tamara, that he caught up with Parker, who looked to be sending out a text of his own, all while dragging a cooler and carrying a couple of fold-up chairs under his arm.

To: Haezia
Couldn't find you so I let your sidekick know that we're hosting the pregame tonight before the carnival. You better show up, and bring your potential pledges too

To: Tamara
T, ditch the pink and green and come over in a little. Pregaming before the carnival is only fun when you do it the Sigma way.

"Parker, wait up, man," he called out, taking the moment that Parker took to look back, as Jack's chance to quicken his pace to a jog, to catch up with him. He took the chairs that Parker was carrying, to even things out, and smirked as he glanced back at his phone and saw that he had been one of the recipients of Parker's text. "I got you on that three dollars, and I'll chip in enough to cover the girls tonight, too." Jack wasn't from a wealthy family at all, especially not when compared to the Betas or even some of the Sigmas, like Casper, but he had literally spent the majority of his summer working at his parents' diner, and saving up for the school year. As a freshman, sophomore and junior, Jack had taken on campus jobs to allow him spending money during the year, but this summer, he had done his best to save up enough so that he purposely wouldn't have to worry about working. Senior year was supposed to just be about fun, and since it was still early on in the year, he didn't feel too worried about his savings being depleted, so he didn't mind offering a little extra money to Parker, who was always good about supplying the house with the marijuana and party drugs they needed. "But tonight should be fun. I told Haezia to bring her potential pledges, too, so they'll be some youngins' around, since I know that's your type," he jabbed playfully. He was well aware of how Parker tended to be into girls a year or so younger than him, and especially the ones who seemed more vulnerable, like the Thetas. As long as they consented, which they always seemed to do, given Parker's charm, he couldn't feel bad for them, though. Parker was a player, but it wasn't like he wasn't a good Sigma while doing it.

When they got back to the house, Jack nodded towards the backyard. "Just leave that shit outside. We'll figure out where to put it in the morning. For now, we've gotta make sure we have enough stuff for the pregame. Think we should move the kegs into the yard? Seems like it's a nice enough day for a backyard pregame, ya think?" he asked Parker, waving to a few of the guys who seemed to have beaten them back to the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Blake Hancock Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: Sigma House || Mood: Happy || Outfit: Carnival Worthy

Lorraine watched an already drunk Andre stumble out of the Beta front door. The blonde enjoyed pre gaming, but even she knew when she needed to quit. But the desperate text and the way he came out to her made it clear what was going on. Mr Valentine was having a serious personal problem. She did not know exactly what it was, but anyone that hangs out with the Alpha’s must have issues all the time. Those girls were shifty and shady. No one knew that of course, but Lorraine knew better than to trust any of them. The blonde ran her fingers through her hair when Andre pulled out a wad of cash. As she went to protest, he stopped her. "Before you refuse, I am not taking those pills off of you until you take this. I am not leaving you empty-handed for the night." How could she refuse that cute desperate face of his? Rolling her eyes playfully, she took the cash and handed over the pills. He had given her more than enough money to buy more. She would have to invest in more dealings with Andre.

"I can get you some alcohol too, or anything else you want." Lorraine smirked and glanced down at the happy trail. If she did not already delay arriving at the Sigma pre-game, she just might have taken him up on his offer of beer and anything else she wanted. Biting her bottom lip, she stuffed her hands into her back pockets. ”You caught me at a bad time Valentine.” She took a few steps back, trying to keep her hands to herself. ”But catch me after the carnival and I might take you up on that beer.” The blonde winked playfully before turning on her heels and heading toward the Sigma house. Normally, Lorraine would not even hang out with him until they are both drunk. Only one of them was drunk right now, which does not make it very fun. But after a bit of pre gaming and carnival fun she should be up for it.

Picking up the pace, Lorraine arrived at the Sigma house and just let herself in. no need for a grand entrance or permission. Lory practically lived here. ”Jack darling. I’m here for the alcohol!” She called, walking further into the place. She looked around expecting to see Parker and Blake. Or even her Sigma flirt buddy, Cas. The blonde planted herself on the couch, getting very comfortable. ”Entertain me.” she added, teasingly so. At the same time she pulled out her phone she sent Cas a flirty text.

I put on my most revealing outfit for you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Korra Augustin Azzi
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0.00 INK


Jack expected no less, but as usual, the Sigma's pregame was already proving to be a good time, even though it had only just begun. After a minor mishap with running low on drink mixers, everything had been fixed, and people were having a good time, Jack included. He and Bentley had just kicked two fellow Sigmas asses in beer pong, and though Bentley insisted that Jack remain his partner for the next round, he turned him down. They did dominate the beer pong table and Jack was always up for some good competition, but his cup was empty, and that, along with making sure that everyone else was having a good time, took preference over another game... at least for now. He headed towards the kegs, sending out a couple of texts before he reached them.

To: Cam
You know I'm always down for a good time ;). Wya? not like you to be late for a Sigma pregame ;)

To: Haezia
Bentley's a shitty beer pong partner compared to you... hurry the fuck up and get over here! Can't let my legendary name be tarnished just because you decided to be late

To: Lorraine
Hope you're on your way over... come find me out back when you get here

To: Parker
Everything seems good... thx for getting the mixers. See some freshman faces too so good call on spreading the word

To: Casper

To: Blake

To: Korra

To: Chantal
Prove to me that the Thetas do more than just read Harry Potter all day. Sigma house in 10 minutes, or you automatically lose.

To: Chantal
And even though you're a loser at heart and I know you'll make up some excuse as per why you can't come, since you're scared of letting lose, think of tonight as a good way to prove to your potential recruits that Thetas can actually have a little bit of fun... in between all of that reading and note taking, of course

Jack wasn't referring to anything specific when he told Chantal that she was going to lose if she didn't show up to the house, but he knew she had a little bit of a competitive edge to her, and he hoped that challenging her would be a good enough way to get her out of the Theta house, and over to his. He wasn't holding his breath over her showing up, because she was a Theta after all, and no matter what, Jack would always associate with them as being the kind of girls who didn't know how to party, but he figured that it was worth inviting her. Chantal was fun and he wanted to loosen her up this year. Although he wasn't going to be surprised if she didn't show up, he was surprised that he hadn't seen Korra or Casper yet, and Haezia, Lory and Camille. The two Sigmas were probably floating around the backyard or the house, so Jack wasn't too concerned, but he was more interested in knowing where they were just so that he could hang out with them. The Zeta girls basically lived at the Sigma house, and vice versa, considering how many times one group got wasted at the other's party and ended up passing out on their couches, so he was surprised that some of his favorite Zetas had not shown their faces, either.

When he reached the kegs, he refilled his cup, and grabbed an empty cupped and filled that up as well. It wasn't meant for anyone in particular, but being the amazing host that he was (or liked to think he was), it wasn't out of character for Jack to offer drinks to anyone who didn't have one in hand. He wasn't the type to push it, if they said they were uninterested or didn't drink in general, but he found that frequently in the beginning of the year, especially when freshman were involved, some were too nervous to get their own drinks. They clearly were unaware that the Sigmas were cool with anyone making themselves at home at their house. Non-Sigma guys were usually charged a cover of five dollars to get in, by whatever Sigma was on duty to man the gates that night, but other than that, people were welcome to drink whatever they wanted, as long as they were having good time. Picking out a group of girls who definitely looked like freshman, Jack headed over to them with a smile on his face, and an arm quickly extending towards whatever girl whose gaze he caught first. "No drinks? Come on, ladies. This is the Sigma house you're at. Here, take this. Drinks are on us, tonight, as long as you ladies promise to make an appearance at our party with the Zetas on Thursday," he continued, a flirtatious grin present on his face as his words summoned giggles from the girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
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0.00 INK

Tuesday, October 4 || 6: 55 PM || Location: Fulton University Annual Carvinal || Weather: Sunset, still humid with light breezes

There was something about carnivals that brought out one's inner child. The whimsical surge of energy combined with various food stands packed with every sugary, fatty and downright delicious delicacy coating the sticky sweet air everyone breathed. Screams from passengers aboard rides echoed all around, little beeping noises from won games filled people's ears. The playful ambiance of such events welcomed couples holding hands, students and even families, all searching for a little bit of fun after a long day. Carnivals were places to have fun, to relive just a small piece of one's childhood. It was also a place where anything could go and perhaps, where certain rules no longer apply...

[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival Outfit: Click Here Mood: Competitive ]

"Oh come on, Cunningham!" Naomi goaded, bending over to retrieve the white ball she missed in picking up from beside her Aquazurra sandal-clad feett. Once it was in her head, she quickly went back to the skeeball war she and Chantal had been in engaged in, playfully glancing over at the other woman before grinning. "Don't tell me that's the best you got." She laughed along with the overseer as they continued their rapid fire competition. The two had decided that the person would win the best three out of five. So far, they were neck and neck, which was as annoying as it was thrilling. It was a decent distraction, particularly after the day she had been having.

The truth was that, despite the fact that she was having fun with one of her best friends and even managed to get something on her stomach to give herself the much needed edge to get through the day without either passing out or killing someone, she wasn't actually calm. No, that was the point of finding games where she could expel as much energy and tension without actually finding Andre and punching him in his throat. Especially after his text. Naomi bristled at the thought and threw a ball just a little too hard, and it bounced off of the rim of the highest points she could have scored, which further made her upset. Who said she could tell him what to do anymore? Was he actually serious? How about the person who still could barely stand being in her presence for more than five seconds without storming off at some point? How about the person who text her continuously once they broke up because he wasn't ready to let go? How about - ?

Naomi scored two balls in the second highest point-giving hole and beamed. Andre pissed her off and she had really, really forced herself not to just dump all her things, find her way to wherever he was, and curse his ass to the fathomless pits of hell. She was impulsive enough to do it and literally hopped off her bed earlier with the desire to go after him. It wasn't until she had gotten another text from Chantal that she plopped down on the plush bed, took some breaths and then drank some water to clear her head. But that had not been enough to center her. Hell, playing carnival games with her bestie wasn't enough. It was just...satisfactory least until she felt less inclined to cut her ex. It came to a point that the game was over and, unsurprisingly considering her train of thoughts, Chantal won and Naomi playfully rolled her eyes as the Theta president picked out her prize. It was perfectly fine with Naomi. She had a pair of goofy sunglasses and a teddy bear to Chantal's first stuffed animal. They were bound to match up in terms of how many prizes they would win anyway.

"Look at you keeping up with me!" She cried dramatically and picked up her Angry Bird toy, and hugging it with one arm while her glasses fell on the top of her head. "Where to next? Or are you still feeling a little lush?"