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Kienen Fox

"I'm about being the best."

0 · 621 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}”, as played by aurban16




"Never give in and never give up."


Kienen Albinek Fox

His friends like to call him Foxy, but other than that, he just goes by Kienen



Birth Date
June 27th



25% Bulgarian, 25% German, 15% Syrian, 35% Unknown

Organic Chemistry

Environmental Science


It was the classic high school prom night story in Williamsburg, Virginia. Janie Albinek and her football-star boyfriend Grant Fox rented a hotel for the night. Both eighteen years old and seniors in high school, they'd been dating for six months and had not slept together yet. Janie wanted to take it slow, and finally, with much persuasion on Grant's end, decided that it was time. Neither were virgins, and Grant didn't have protection. They knew exactly what they were possibly getting themselves into, but took the risk anyways. And 9 months later, Janie gave birth to a baby boy, who she named Kienen Albinek Fox. Both parents' families wanted the baby to have their last name, so Janie gave Kienen her's as a middle name. Grant had a football scholarship to University of Mississippi, and Janie didn't want to hold him back. So he went off to college, where he cheated on his girlfriend numerous times. Safe to say that their relationship was over by the end of the school year. Kienen was left with his single mother, who was attending community college and working two jobs to pay for their one-bedroom apartment. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her after she got pregnant, and kicked her out of the house once she had the baby.

When Kienen was six years old, Grant decided to make an appearance. He had graduated from Ole Miss and inherited his father's pharmaceutical company back in Williamsburg. Now that he was making over half a million dollars a year, he wanted custody over Kienen. Due to the amount of money he could pay for a great lawyer, this request was granted. Janie was working as a nurse at a children's hospital, but the court did not believe she had the funds to raise her son. So, Grant now had his boy Monday through Friday, and Janie had him on weekends. Grant sent Kienen to the most expensive private school in the area, and started him in football so he could continue the family legacy. Kienen was a natural. Being a kid on the larger side, he played as a middle linebacker. He was playing on 13 year old teams as a 9 year old. High school coaches from all over the state began watching him in seventh grade. And after his eighth grade season, he had seventeen private schools trying to recruit him to come play. He ended up playing on the varsity team that won the state championships three of the four years he was a member. He was offered scholarships to play in college beginning his junior year of high school.

When senior year came around, his mother had the most influence on what college he decided to attend. She convinced him to look not only into sports, but also into academics. He was a smart kid, with a perfect GPA and almost perfect ACT score. He could attend any college he wanted, but chose Northwestern University because they had an amazing chemistry program, and were a part of the Big Ten. He was accepted into the school and committed. And in the fall of his freshman year, he played every single game on Northwestern's football team, and he was the best defensive athlete the team had. However, in the winter of his freshman year, he was caught plagiarizing his term paper for a math class, and was kicked out. His mother urged him to apply to other colleges, to see if he could find a spot on a football team somewhere. No one would let him in except for Fulton University. They didn't want him to play football for them, at least not sophomore or junior year. But they told him that if he showed how hard he could work in the classroom these two years, he might be able to play his final year. So he began school at Fulton his sophomore year, and decided to rush a frat. This was the best decision he could've made, but his grades were slipping. However, the dean of the university said they would need him to play football his senior year because their best linebacker would be graduating soon. So he allowed Kienen to stay in school and practice daily with the football team. He also got to stay in Beta Gamma Omega because it looked good for the school's Greek life reputation to have one of their upcoming star athletes in a frat.

Janie Albinek || Mother || 38 years old || Nurse || Alive
Grant Fox || Father || 38 years old || CEO of Fox Pharmacies || Alive



Cracks his knuckles when thinking hard.
Is allergic to cats and dogs, pollen, bees, and nuts.
His lucky number is 14, which has always been his football number.
Hates carrying change, so he always gives it away.

Good personality traits

Bad personality traits:

It is very obvious that Kienen was made to be a Beta. He comes from money, which had lead him to be very confident almost all of his life. Some people might say that he is overly confident, otherwise known as cocky. This is not false. He is very self-aware, and knows his strengths usually outweigh his weaknesses. He also knows his physical presence is quite strong. He is obviously good-looking, and he isn't afraid to show you that he knows it. He has a very sarcastic sense of humor. If he has to offend someone to make a joke, then let it be. But if he likes you, then he'll show it. He is a very charismatic person, and he loves meeting and talking to new people. He rarely judges a book by its cover. Kienen is a fun guy to be around, and loves to go laugh and make other people laugh with him.

Another thing Kienen is very fond of is girls. The female specimen is one of the greatest gifts given to man in his eyes. He is a natural flirt, and he doesn't have a hard time getting girls out of their clothes. This can either be a respectable quality or a hideous one, depending on who you are. According to the other Beta guys, it's a respectable one. There have been nights where Kienen has hooked up with multiple girls, and he definitely doesn't regret it. He is taking his time to enjoy as many girls as possible at Fulton. He's very stubborn, and doesn't like to be told no. He can be impatient at times, too. But don't let this fool you, Kienen is not unintelligent. He works almost as hard in school as he does in his social life.

Greatest joys in life:
His frat brothers

Greatest fears:
Not being able to play football again
Growing old alone

Life philosophy
"This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning."


❤ Girls
❤ Sex
❤ Drinking
❤ Science
❤ Football
❤ Five-Hour Energy
❤ Pulling All-Nighters
❤ Rap Music
✘ Nerds
✘ Country Music
✘ Pop Quizzes
✘ 8 AM Classes
✘ Drugs
✘ Getting Up Early
✘ Theater
✘ Clingy People


Thoughts on Greek Life
Kienen always knew he wanted to join a fraternity. And when he rushed his sophomore year at Fulton, he fit in automatically with the boys at Beta Gamma Omega. He adhered to their cocky, rich, confident lifestyle. It didn't hurt that their sister sorority, Alpha Theta Pi, was filled with hot girls waiting to fawn all over him. He expected the Sigma Chi Delta guys to be a bunch of idiots, but he actually learned to get along with them quite well too, along with the girls of Zeta Nu Delta. Thetas and Kappas, however, he doesn't really look twice at. Kienen could not imagine not being a part of Greek life. It's helped him form brotherhoods that he will have for a lifetime.

Plans for after college
Kienen decided to pursue organic chemistry and environmental science because he wants to become a metallurgist. These are engineers who study the properties of metals so we can extract them from ores and use them efficiently. He would prefer to work overseas, possibly in Europe somewhere. But before finding a career, he wants to earn his PhD in materials science from either the Imperial College of London or National Taiwan University.


Kienen is 6'3", and he weighs about 150 pounds. He has an athletic build from years of football.

Hair Colour

Eye Colour

Distinguishing Marks
He has a tattoo of his zodiac symbol on his left shoulder.

So begins...

Kienen Fox's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Tuesday, October 4 || 12: 30 PM || Location: South Campus Lawn || Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy with winds coming from the south

It was something about the day that had a certain kind of buzz trickling into each and every vein of each and every student on the campus of the magnanimous Fulton University. Seniors and professors alike would tell you that it was perhaps the excitement of the upcoming Homecoming Week, which would mark the return of esteemed alumnae whose legacies were still felt in the halls they once occupied. Older staff members might say it was the stifling heat of the near oppressive Miami sun, its beams bearing down on each and every individual as they made their way across campus, some wearing less stifling clothes than others. The promise of water rides and cool refreshments for later in the afternoon practically drying tongues with anticipation for the Annual Fulton Carnival. However, as newer and the band of less sentimental students would tell you, was the thrill of the unknown...of the spine-tingling allure of Rush Week. While the Student Organization Fair was exciting in and of itself, there was still something devastatingly seductive about seeing the booths for the competing Greek houses, all of their members decked out in their Greek colors. The synergy of their competitive spirits was electric in the air and there was no telling what could happen before the rest of the day's celebrations...

[ Location: South Campus Lawn Gate Entrance Outfit: Click Here Mood: Enthused ]

To be quite fair, it was not like Naomi had left the girls, Xanthe in particular, unprepared. For one, she had specified that she needed to finalize the plans for the foam party, which meant overseeing the yacht docking, making sure that catering was still on, and the other small details she needed to iron out while simultaneously making sure that they had enough snacks and such for those who visited the Alpha Theta Pi. They had been decorating since Sunday and Naomi had had the small menu - yes, she was doing extra and no, she did not give a damn - for snacks planned out back on Saturday. Xanthe didn't have those things planned out. Naomi just wanted to see how she would handle dealing with having to keep track of which of the Alpha ladies could leave duty at what time, greeting and informing prospective members while getting contact information from the ones that really stood out, and keeping up when food started to run out. She had left an hour ago and she had been getting one of the seniors to keep her updated on the sophomore's progress.

With her plans having been laid down in full last night, Naomi had been with the first wave of Alpha Theta Pi members setting the booth up and getting the food to the Lawn where all of the organizations, non-Greek affiliated included, were setting up. Like Naomi, some of the other girls who had helped earlier, especially seniors who needed all the credits they could get to graduate on time, had to leave. But she made it a point that everyone, much like every other Greek organization, had to wear the house colors. While she had made it clear that the girls could wear either pink or green, Naomi had done well with incorporating both colors into her ensemble. Her apple-green dress wasn't one of her most expensive items, not that she normally checked which brands she wore, but her elegance and refinery still stone through with the garment was accompanied by Lily Pulitzer sandals, Hellmuth bracelet from Portero, and Samira pearl-drop earrings. Naomi ran a hand through her hair idly as she closed the driver's side door of her Bugatti Chiron. Just as she made sure it was locked, she noted a few guys from the football team, shirtless, and painted in Fulton's school colors and had to laugh. "This is about to be interesting," she mused to herself quietly and stepped onto the sidewalk and headed to the gate to blend in with the throng of students coming and going.

After checking with the yacht her father had made sure to dock in Miami, Naomi did herself - and Jade - a favor by actually getting food without being prompted. She had drank a small mug of coffee when she first woke up, but stopped at Pasión del Cielo - a place she had found with Chantal - for the largest vanilla latte they had and an empanada. Nibbling on the flaky treat, she got the idea to text Jade a picture of her good deed for the day while simultaneously checking up on her favorite people. She didn't have to rush back to the Alpha booth anyway, after all.

To: Jade
See!? Eating w/out prompting lol! Aren't u proud of me?

To: Zan
Everything good?

To: Kat, Tamara
You guys behaving lol??

To: Chanti
Plz tell me I'm not da only 1 who could sleep 4 another 10 yrs


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn|| Song: Sally- Bibi Bourelly


"Yeah there really is not better sorority to join," Xanthe explained tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. The group of freshman around her all nodded and soaked up all of her words. "I'm sure you have heard all those rumors that we're like rude and all that but none of it is true" She smiled at her fellow Alpha's who were all flitting around the booth making sure it looked great and talking to a few of the freshman who were approaching it. She spotted a girl in the crowd and immediately recognized her. She had partied with her after a film festival in the Cannes.

As the girls cleared out she approached her, "Hey Hun', I didn't know that you decided to come here." Amanda Delorenzo smiled in return and flipped her glossy blonde hair over her shoulder, "Yeah it was like a last minute decision."
Zan laughed lightly, "Well you know that you belong with the Alpha's of course you'll have to be accepted" Amanda winked at her like it was some sort of inside joke and nodded. After a bit more talking she had Amanda leave her information and she walked back over to where some of the girls were talking and setting up.

She noticed one of the Alpha's, Tatiana, snacking on food and she pursed her lips in disapproval. Tatiana had gained twenty pounds over the summer and rather than lose the weight or replace her wardrobe she chose to walk around in ill fitting clothes or in leggings and tank tops. Right now she was wearing black leggings and a tight green tank that wasn't flattering her at all. "Hi Honey, maybe you shouldn't eat any more snacks. How about some fit tea instead? It'll fill you up and you'll lose those extra pesky pounds." She smiled at her warmly before walking away. She didn't think it was a rude thing to say honestly because if she gained a lot of weight she would want them to say something to her. I mean she definitely gained weight when she and Casper broke up. Hell, all she did for like two whole weeks was watch Roman Holiday and eat Ben & Jerry's. Then, like the confident woman she was she lost all the weight, gained a perfect butt, and came back hotter than ever. She pulled out her phone to respond to a text she got from Naomi and send a few of her own.

To: Naomi
Yeah everything is great. Just found a prospect.

To: Kat, Jade
Um project Tatiana starting any time soon? No shade.

To: Andre
Hey make sure you stop by and say hi today.

To: Kienen
Naomi left me in charge with the booth, wish me luck


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
Hudson's attire for the day was a clear representation of his dedication to the Beta house. He wore a crimson colored suit, with a silver tie as an additional tribute to the house. Call it over done, if you will, but there was no denying that Hudson could rock it, even in the Miami heat. Maybe he was conceited and egotistical and way too "much" for some people's liking, but Hudson took pride in the fraternity that he led, and he didn't care if that was known. Plus, if there was any day to make a statement about how superior one's house was, it was today. Though Hudson was sure that any freshman capable of becoming a Beta had probably done some research over the summer anyway, today was technically one of the first days that those freshman would actually get to learn, first-hand, about the fraternities. As President of the Beta house, he needed to make a point that he and his men were serious about pride. The Beta household was the oldest fraternity on campus, and that rich history in itself gave them a reason to be proud of who they were, and what their colors represented. He needed to show these freshmen that they weren't looking for guys who couldn't spend a few hours in the blaring heat in a pair of pants and a blazer, who were too embarrassed to stand out to be proud to wear a non-traditionally colored suit like he was. They were looking for real men and when it came down to it, Hudson was sure that he would be able to pick them out of the crowd before the boys even got close enough to their booth. The majority of these freshman recruits would be Sigma or Kappa material, but the ones who really had potential would be lucky enough to find themselves an exclusive bid from the Betas, and Hudson was confident that not a single one would turn it down.

While he had not been able to man the table during the beginning of the Student Organization Day, due to a ten-thirty business class, he was now reaching the table, and with an entourage of men carrying takeout bags from Red, The Steakhouse, behind him. The Beta guys had done enough on their own, with getting the booth set up and looking superb, to seemingly doing a good job at keeping a decent sized crowd of potential pledges surrounding the table throughout the morning, and now that Hudson was back, he thought that they deserved a little break. And what better way to break, than to chow down on some steaks from one of the best steakhouses that Miami had to offer? Not only was it one of Hudson's favorite restaurants, but dining on steaks at such a casual event portrayed the elegant tastes of the Beta boys, and plus, it was a surefire way to get rid of any of those weird "I don't eat meat" types (who definitely belonged over by the Kappa booth).

In the Betas section, there were two table stationed in the front, where the most foot traffic was, that sported all of the showy banners and information boards and pamphlets that they needed. Hudson had assigned a couple of vibrant juniors and sophomores to be consistently over there, making conversation with the freshman, and instilling in them the exclusivity of their fraternity. Additionally, Hudson had purchased a couple hundred t-shirts from the bookstore, that just had the Fulton University logo on it. They had no affiliation to Greek life or the Betas, but they were a nice touch to be able to hand out, and a little signal to the administration that the Beta boys promoted Fulton pride, over Greek pride, even if that wasn't true. Plus, he didn't want a bunch of losers walking around wearing Beta shirts, so the idea of handing out shirts with their own fraternity on it had been shot down earlier on. Behind that table were a couple of others where some of the other fraternity members sat. Occasionally, if a guy seemed worthy enough, he'd be passed along further into the Beta booth, to speak with seniors and juniors who took down more information on the kid. Those were the tables that Hudson headed to with the food, mostly because they were the ones with the most space on them. After tipping the restaurant's employees who had come to deliver the steaks, he turned to his boys, catching their attention when there weren't too many recruits in the area. "All right, boys, dig in. Red's never disappoints, and after all the work we put in this week, I think we deserve this." He began to open up one of the bags, placing the packages inside on the table, before turning towards the coolers that were by the front table. Kienen was the closest to it, so he nodded at him, catching his attention. "Toss me a water, would ya?" He then turned to Andre, a fellow senior-Beta, and one of the guys that Hudson trusted and valued the most, primarily since he had known him since the beginning of his own time as a Beta. "Come across any good recruits yet, Valentine? I trust your word over most."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
The comments that Andre left Hudson with, about the Beta quota, and more so, having a girl in his bed that would be perfect for the Zeta house, left Hudson chuckling. This was why Andre was his right hand man - he had the sense of humor that Hudson possessed, and was there to keep things moving in the house when Hudson wasn't. "I'll let her know, but before I give her my Zeta stamp of approval, I might need to borrow her for a night to see for myself," Hudson followed up, turning back to hand out some of the food to the other Betas. He was crude and inappropriate, and definitely disrespectful towards whatever Zeta Andre had been referring to, but that was just how Hudson was, and somehow, having a pocket full of cash and an expensive suit on let him get away with it. And really, he wasn't going to complain about that. He missed Andre's quick exit as he took a seat and started on his own food, but had to take a pause when he spotted Tristan coming up with Naomi. As soon as a gulp of water washed his steak down, his smile turned upwards into a smirk.

"Nah, not celebrating anything other than the sheer joy of being a Beta. Plus, I'm guessing that Larry sent in a little dinghy for our party tomorrow. I figured I should give my men a little protein boost, since I'm sure you'll need one of my boys to man the oars. I told you, Princess; you should've let the Allen crew handle the boat selection."
Hudson's father and Naomi's father were competitive in a lot of things, given that their work genres were so closely tied together, but those who knew them on a more personal or social level, at least, knew that both men shared a pride in yachting, and it seemed like they worked almost as hard at one-upping each other in that field, as they did in the tech field. In a move that fit his boisterous and bold personality well, Hudson didn't let up there, though. He paused for only a second, before turning his head back towards the rest of the Betas, as if he had had an "ah-ha!" moment. "Hey, you know what? I think we have enough food to share with you too. Kienen, word on the street is that you know exactly what kind of meat she likes," Hudson was being playful in his opinion, but the knowing laughs and "woooooo"s coming from some of the other Betas, spoke to what he was getting at. "I'd tell you to fetch her something nice and pink, because damn, some of that that pink across the lawn looks good enough to eat, but I think you know Princess's tastes better than most of us, so you pick what you think's going to excite her the most." Andre was gone, so that was safe to say, and it was only safe, in the sense that he too, would know what kind of "meat" Naomi was into. With the way that Hudson was, he would have still made the same comment with Andre in his presence, despite knowing that it was a sensitive topic, and despite actually caring about Andre's feelings. It was just how Hudson was - if he got enjoyment out of it, he was going to do it regardless of who it bothered, hurt, or made uncomfortable. Besides, he liked pushing Naomi's buttons, no matter how brazenly he was acting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

Andres "Valentine" Rocha / senior nursing major
outfit / South Campus Lawn / confident and flirty

"I think any color is your color in a dress like that." Andre replies, taking a good long look at Xanthe as she heaves his arm from her shoulder. She still pecks him on the cheek for the compliment and grabs a hold of her hand, wary of her sisters and the opinions they may have on her relationship with Andre. She must have known he'd start thinking of a certain Alpha sister in particular, so she asks him how the prospects are going. "The boys are coming in flocks, plenty of legacies to choose from. There's no question on who's getting the best pledges this year." Andre winks at Xanthe, following her almost dutifully when she starts leading him around the carnival. They stopped at the Zeta table, only for Xanthe to express her distaste towards Lorraine, and then walk off.

Andre has nothing against Lorraine, they're actually party buddies most of the time, but he couldn't go against Xanthe. That woman is not someone you want to make unhappy. Plus, Andre wants to keep her happy anyway, because she's his Zanny.

Andre considers just taking them both back to the Beta booth, but once he looks over and sees Naomi walking towards the table, he reconsiders. Seeing Naomi right now would just dampen his good mood. There much else to do at the Carnival, considering the row of Greek booths dominate the activity. Sooner or later, he'll have to show back up at the Beta booth, and Naomi's either going to be there or right across the way at the Alpha booth. "As much as I love you playing hooky with me, minha beleza ruiva, I think I should take you back to the Alphas before Jade scolds me." my reheaded beauty. They make a small circle around the carnival before ending up in the middle of the two booths.

"-I think you know Princess's tastes better than most of us, so you pick what you think's going to excite her the most." Andre catches the end of Hudson's conversation, and is already formulating a comment when he realizes just who Hudson is talking to. Between his dinners with Xanthe, soccer with Jade, and... fun with Kat, he's manage to avoid Naomi for the whole semester so far. Even at parties, she just seemed to always be somewhere else. Realizing what Hudson's talking about, his heart tells him to stand up for Naomi, because no one should talk to her like that, not even Andre's best friend. But he can't, because when they make eye contact, he can feel his eyes getting hot. He hates himself for still getting worked up at the sight of her. He has to find a way out, a way not to look like a heartbroken idiot in front of his brothers. Valentine, the brother who can't get over a relationship that ended almost two years ago.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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0.00 INK

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn| Hex Code: #a2798f |Song: Sally


As they approached the Beta and Alpha tables something in Andre's demeanor changed. She glanced over to see what caused it and saw Naomi hanging out the Beta table. She knew that Andre and Naomi did a pretty good job of avoiding each other. She also knew that Andre might go on a girl binge after seeing Naomi and that hurt a little. But she loved the both of them so she knew it was her duty as his best friend and as her sister to stand by them.

She squeezed the hand that was still holding her own, and smiled up at him,"I know this is tough honey but it's going to be okay." She led him back over to the Betas table, careful to keep a smile on her face as she approached them. Keep your head, heels, and expectations high, that's what her nanny Lacey used to say. She kept that in mind as they approached the Alpha table. She wasn't nervous for herself really, it was mainly him. Yeah they were holding hands but she also had a bad habit of climbing into people's laps when she was tipsy. Not just males like Hudson, Kienen, and Andre, but females as well like Naomi, Kat, and Jade. But honestly she just was a toucher and she's also done that sober.

She approached Naomi first, letting go of Andre and going for a hug, before kissing Hudson and Kienen on the cheek, "I would love to chat but I've strayed from the Alpha booth long enough." She said with a wink. She pointed to Kienen and Andre, "I demand to be won a stuffed animal at the carnival tonight!" She added playfully before sauntering off to the Alpha table.

When she came back to the table she approached Kat from behind and pulled her into a hug, "I'm back" She said in a sing song voice. She let go and moved so she was leaning on the table in front of Kat and Jade. She smiled at the girls and tossed her hair over her shoulder. It was getting hot and soon she was going to need a hair tie to get all of that hair off of her. She recently cut her hair to her chest but originally it was hanging down her back. She thought that cutting it would help with the heat but it was still thick as ever and even more annoying because it kept slipping back onto her shoulder. "So what are we gonna do about Tatiana. I swear I'm not trying to be mean but... c'mon she wore leggings to this. The other day she went to brunch in sweats like we went to Denny's or something. We are Alpha's, I don't mean to be mean but you can't do that. " She huffed, getting herself a bit worked up, "If she can't lose the weight she needs to buy new clothes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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[ Location: South Campus Lawn Outfit: Click Here Mood: Meddlesome ]

As soon as Hudson finished his drink of water, Naomi had to prepare herself. Obviously, because she could tell by the mischeivous glint in his eyes that Hudson was gunning for her and it made Naomi fold her arms over her chest. She leaned her weight on her left leg, her left hip jutting out slightly as she took what Hudson had to dish out...which was, well it was a cute little dig. They were being tame apparently. Real cute, Allen, she thought but did not vocalize, head nodding absently as the Betas let out their respective "ooooohs" at their president's insult. But of course, she didn't have to wait long for him to make more to say because in typical Hudson fashion - and paying homage to the moniker she initially regarded him with - he continued.

This time, his commentary made her eyebrow raise in slightly contempt, a nervousness settling in the pit of her stomach. Andre was close enough, too close. Xanthe had came over and hugged her, which Naomi only returned half-heartedly in her disbelief at Hudson mentioning the one thing she had not even talked with the girls about. Especially when Andre was so near. It was never her intention for him to find out what happened between herself and him. The him in question received a small glare at that point, though Naomi made sure to return her gaze to Hudson soon after. Last she had checked, she had been pretty adamant with the other Beta that she didn't want their little mistakes to get out. But she should have known better - she did know better. Hudson, just like herself, was privy to information others would not know about until the situation had already blown over. She was foolish. As usual. The truth of the matter, however, was that Naomi was not about to cow. Even if her cheeks still felt heated with the shame of her past entanglements and the boys were a bit riled up by Hudson's nosy knowings, Naomi wasn't one to just back down to him and after a beat, a smirk formed on her face. She slid out from underneath Tristan's arm, who backed up knowingly, so that she could step further in Hudson's face. "For one, baby, if I would have left the boat selection to the Allens, I actually wouldn't be surprised that you would manage to find decent accommodations for our event. Mediocre, at best, much like your Dad's net worth," she heard Tristan and a few of the guys hiss out a collective "Shit!" that gave her enough pause to smile before continuing, "but I'm sure it would've sufficed just enough to prove why the Betas have always and will always come second place to the incomparable legacy of the Alphas. And the Ellisons, but...that's just me digging salt in the wound, right? Then again, knowing the many skanks you've dipped, flipped and tricked to stay relevant, I wouldn't be surprised if you did make the time to know all about boat selections. You Allens know all about compensating, don't you?" In that last leg of her first insult, Naomi had taken a small moment to eye Hudson surreptitiously, teasing, and with the faintest hint of trying to size him up as if she had not already done so before. Naomi allowed herself to giggle then and winked at the Betas who felt just a tad insulted, though they knew she was only being playful. Besides, she felt entitled to get back at Hudson for that small dig and the boys were more amused by the show than anything else. Not many people could say they could get one on Hudson Allen, shade extraordinaire.

Naomi hummed thoughtfully, taking just a second to level Kienen with a cold stare before grinning. "I'll leave you gentleman to your meat since that's about the only thing I think we all know you can handle best," she began, a note of sincere belief in her own statement in her voice, and Tristan was the first to indignantly cry "Hey, now!" which made her laugh softly. "But please, do come by the Alpha tent soon, Allen. I'd offer you some Nobu, but I'm pretty sure neither of us want a repeat of that crab infestation you had going for you some time ago?" She turned her eyes coldly upon Kienen, "Or was it you, Fox?" There was a notable difference in her tonality when addressing her drunken blunder: her voice was nothing short of steel and she didn't bother trying to hide her contempt. However, as quickly as the wind could sweep through, Naomi clunked herself on the head softly, taking on somber and apologetic tone. "My bad. It always escapes me which one of you has caught another STD. See ya, babes!" Just a bit satisfied, Naomi turned only to meet Andre's gaze.

Her breath stuttered in her chest because obviously, Naomi was seventeen again and Andre's eyes made her stomach flutter like it did on their very first date. But you ruined that, didn't you, some bitter part of her snapped and Naomi was a bit grateful that she was distracted enough by Hudson and the others to not have seen the display of affection Xanthe probably showered Andre with before walking away. It would have been too much - it would have hurt too much. So, she did exactly what she did when she had decided to break up with him - the guilt and hurt in her eyes hardened until he was nothing more than another Beta to her and all she uttered for him was a brief "Hey, Valentine" before stalking across the way to the Alpha tent.

By the time Naomi made it back to the girls, her favorite three were all together and it brought a much more relaxed smile from her, even her shoulders released the tension she had felt mounting within her being in Andre's presence. It was ridiculous that one person could still have that much power - that he held so much power and didn't even know it - and it made it harder for her to breathe. Her anxiety was rising and the coffee still in her hand was cold now, so she set it on one of their tables. "Hey, babies!" She greeted, quick to embrace Katherine fiercely and give as convincing of a smile to Jade as she could since she was the only one between the other two to be able to read her lies. And she should have been better at being nice to Xanthe since the poor girl did nothing wrong, but Naomi's hackles were still risen, Andre's face was still fresh on her mind, and Hudson calling her out was still ringing in her ears. "And if you're going to another lovers' stroll, perhaps after your responsibilities for the day are over, ok babe?" It was unfair and not right, and Naomi was going to feel horrible later but her smugness overpowered any guilt she could have possibly felt for unnecessarily snapping at Zan. Naomi didn't wait for a response and she knew she was being catty, but she couldn't help herself at the moment. She needed control and the best way to do that was distract herself with the freshman that came over. "Welcome to the Alpha Theta Pi tent. I'm Naya..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
Hudson allowed Naomi her moment to shine, and didn't interrupt as she laid in to him, but his smirk grew throughout her playful tirade, despite it barely being noticeable. Naomi was something special, that was for sure, and no matter how low she wanted to get with the digs, they never did much to personally hurt Hudson. Maybe his ego was just that big, that not much could really get to him anymore. Regardless, he got more pleasure than anger out of all of his "altercations" with Naomi, and a lot of it was because he felt a level of sexual tension present. It wasn't something that was strong enough that either of them would probably ever act on it, and that was especially true for Hudson, who valued his friendship enough with Andre to know that he couldn't do that to him. Even if he could convince himself that Naomi would be as easy as he thought. His smirk remained present for the entirety of Naomi's commentary, and though he didn't give in to the sneers of the guys behind him, he did shake his head, in mock disappointment, as Naomi left their booth without offering him a chance at rebuttal. Typical, she's always had more of a "flight" than "fight" instinct. He turned back to the other Betas then, and though his smirk was still adamant, he tried to sound more serious. "All right, all right, she's gone. Let her have her fun, but we all know that if one of us had an STD, Princess would be the first one to know, since she's banged about half of this house. On a brighter note, though, boys; dig in. I don't want this steak going to waste" The retort came once Naomi was already gone, and it was probably better that way, since it wasn't completely true, but Hudson knew that it might have resonated enough in her to piss her off.

He picked up his plate and a full carryout box, and headed towards the front of the tent where Xanthe had left Andre. Although he had taken a moment to briefly greet Xanthe when she quickly left him with a departing kiss to the cheek, he hadn't had a chance to acknowledge Andre since then. Shoving the box into the Beta's hands, he gave him an inquisitive look. "You dog. Don't tell me that you've got both of Naya's most prized sophomores wrapped around your finger. I'll give it to you, Valentine -- you really know how to play the game, and that, my friend, is worth drinking to. I won't let you live it down if you don't bring one of the two, or both, back to the house tonight. We'll bring out our best bottle of champagne and toast to the sweet taste of revenge." Hudson knew that apparently, Andre's friendship with Xanthe was somewhat genuine, and that his hookup with Katherine had been unplanned and unexpected, but still, he felt like behind the layers of sheer attraction, Andre had to be plotting something. At the very least, it was a very pleasant coincidence that he ended up scoring with two of the girls that Naomi was closest with. If there was any good way to get back at someone for breaking your heart, it was to show them that you could and would move on, and with their best friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Kienen Fox Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: Zeta House; Her Room || Mood: Impatient || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorriane continued heading to the Zeta. She was really hoping all of the Zeta’s headed straight to the Sigma house. That would give her some privacy with the Alpha. Just to be sure that the girls headed to the Sigma house. She sent out a mass text letting them know about the party before the carnival.

;Zeta Sisters
Pre-Game @ Sigma’s!

The blonde made her way to the Zeta house. Pictures all over the walls to show exactly what the Zeta’s were about. She loved the formal ones just as much as she loved the playful slutty ones. The house was relatively clean, considering the amount of pre-gaming they do. How they all end up sober enough to clean up everything afterwards it beyond Lory. She does not really remember cleaning up after parties, unless she is close to sober. But Lorraine is never close to sober. At least not on purpose. She continued walking down corridor of the Zeta house. She wanted to change out of this semi formal dress. It was not her style. She wanted to show off more. Getting to her room, she shut the door behind.

The walls were an eggshell white. She hung up pictures and different items up all over the walls. The biggest picture in the room was over her dresser. It was of her and all the Zetas from last year. She was going to update it as soon as they had new recruits. She still had the pictures from her freshman year. They were in a scrapbook that she was going to cherish for forever. Her bed, located near the window, was not made up as usual. Clothing were thrown about in different places. It wasn’t so bad. The floors were still visible. She removed the blue dress and tossed it to the side and slid out of the converse. Lorraine stood before her closet trying to figure out what to wear. That was when her phone buzzed. First message came from Ruby.

Lory loved that girl. The moment she joined the Zeta’s she had been there to help her out. She was almost an Alpha, but she made the right decision. Even to make her feel like she belonged, Lory started calling her Ruby. It sounded cool and kind of worked since her last name was Roux, which sounded like Rose. The name had stuck and now everyone in the sorority calls Miss Camilla, Ruby. Though Lory thinks it means more coming from her. But she kept that information to herself. She took the time to respond to her message.

Don’t worry about him too much. And of course! I’m gonna meet you at the Sigma house!

With that message done and over with, Lory checked Jade’s and rolled her eyes. The blonde could careless about Naomi and how she feels. If she could rub this in the stuck up princess’ face without getting in trouble, she would. But right now it is a secret. To everyone. And that was okay since she got to tease Jade all the time. It was fun. Well it was for Lorraine.

No I want u now. 2 mins.

To sweeten the deal on this text message, she decided to send a picture to Jade of herself in her lovely undergarments.


With that message sent, she decided just to lay on her bed. She would deal with clothes once she figured out whether or not Jade was going to come and satisfy her. So while she was waiting, she decided why not flirt it up with some people. Get her in the mood.

Sorry 4 leaving u. But I had 2 get all skimpy 4 u.

U never came over and told me how beautiful I was. Too busy fighting away Freshman girls?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
Hudson could only shake his head and watch as Andre stormed off, but his smirk didn't falter, even slightly, when the box of takeout was shoved back into his arms. "Someone forgot to tell me that it was Valentine's 'time of the month'," Hudson scoffed playfully, as he turned back to the rest of the guys in the booth. Most of the bags from Red's were empty now, with guys finishing up at their respective tables. With a long glance to his left, he noticed that the Zeta and Sigma tents were slowly being shut down, and though Naomi was still manning hers, in a way that instantly brought a smile to Hudson's face, he figured that it would be time for the Betas to call it a day sooner than later, too. He acted unfazed by the heat, but wearing a suit outside in Miami for longer than necessary would become unbearable to anyone, and Hudson was no exception. Andre running off like a thirteen-year-old melodramatic girl who had just been told that there was no chance of Justin Bieber marrying her had put a damper on his mood too, though again, he didn't let it show. He knew that Andre invested himself into things that just weren't worth it, and that was fine, because everyone had their flaws, and his thing with Naomi was somewhat understandable. Somewhat in terms of Naomi being someone who even he would find to be hard to get over, but somewhat not when considering how long ago the pair had broken up, and how that whole breakup had went down. So yes, Hudson sympathized for Andre's situation more than he showed, but at the same time, he didn't feel guilty about being brash about it at this point. If the wounds had not healed already, they never were going to, and Andre was going to have to live with it without throwing an immature bitch fit every time Naomi came around.

"All right, Betas. We did good today, now let's get out of here. Any freshman who shows up this late isn't worth our time, anyway. Davenport, make sure that any tables and chairs we borrowed from the SGA find their way back to them. O'Reilly, deliver any extra steak to the Physics department's teacher lounge with a verbal notice that these are gifts from the Betas. I've got a class with Professor Bush this semester that I need to ace. Russo, oversee that there's not a single piece of trash left behind once everything's gone, and Carter, Jackson and Peterson, you take care of bringing anything else back to the house. The rest of you boys can go back to the house now. I was thinking that our pregame tonight would be Betas only, but since Andre's clearly acting like an Alpha today, maybe I'll invite a couple of them over, if I feel like bestowing them with the gift of our company."

Hudson was ready to leave as well, but he wasn't a bad President. He wasn't just going to stand there and look pretty, and he also wasn't going to leave and start his pregaming like he wanted to do. Instead, he began to help to dissemble their tent and hand off things to the other guys, to either be carried back to the house, or returned to the school, if it had been borrowed. With that many guys working on it, it didn't take long for the space that once held their booth to be spotless, and about twenty minutes after their cleanup process began, it was over. As he left the lawn with the last of the boys, he was tempted to leave Naomi with a parting remark, but after their back-and-forth earlier, he decided against it, in favor of recharging enough that he'd have something good for her later that night.

He had taken the extra Fulton University shirts that he had purchased from the bookstore, and was headed to Professor McAdams' office, who headed the community outreach club, in order to offer them to her as something the club could donate to the homeless on their next outing. On his way there, he received a text from Xanthe that caused him to raise an eyebrow. You wouldn't expect it from her sweet demeanor, but Xanthe could be a fiery little one. He wondered what her text was about, but genuinely had no idea, so he answered, and sticking to his famous "stir the pot" personality, he screenshotted it, and sent it to Naomi, along with some text.

To: Xanthe
Considering that I know everything, you're going to need to be a little bit more specific there, Little Red.

To: Naomi
And you think that I'm crazy for saying that your girls are obsessed with me, hmm?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
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0.00 INK

Tuesday, October 4 || 6: 55 PM || Location: Fulton University Annual Carvinal || Weather: Sunset, still humid with light breezes

There was something about carnivals that brought out one's inner child. The whimsical surge of energy combined with various food stands packed with every sugary, fatty and downright delicious delicacy coating the sticky sweet air everyone breathed. Screams from passengers aboard rides echoed all around, little beeping noises from won games filled people's ears. The playful ambiance of such events welcomed couples holding hands, students and even families, all searching for a little bit of fun after a long day. Carnivals were places to have fun, to relive just a small piece of one's childhood. It was also a place where anything could go and perhaps, where certain rules no longer apply...

[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival Outfit: Click Here Mood: Competitive ]

"Oh come on, Cunningham!" Naomi goaded, bending over to retrieve the white ball she missed in picking up from beside her Aquazurra sandal-clad feett. Once it was in her head, she quickly went back to the skeeball war she and Chantal had been in engaged in, playfully glancing over at the other woman before grinning. "Don't tell me that's the best you got." She laughed along with the overseer as they continued their rapid fire competition. The two had decided that the person would win the best three out of five. So far, they were neck and neck, which was as annoying as it was thrilling. It was a decent distraction, particularly after the day she had been having.

The truth was that, despite the fact that she was having fun with one of her best friends and even managed to get something on her stomach to give herself the much needed edge to get through the day without either passing out or killing someone, she wasn't actually calm. No, that was the point of finding games where she could expel as much energy and tension without actually finding Andre and punching him in his throat. Especially after his text. Naomi bristled at the thought and threw a ball just a little too hard, and it bounced off of the rim of the highest points she could have scored, which further made her upset. Who said she could tell him what to do anymore? Was he actually serious? How about the person who still could barely stand being in her presence for more than five seconds without storming off at some point? How about the person who text her continuously once they broke up because he wasn't ready to let go? How about - ?

Naomi scored two balls in the second highest point-giving hole and beamed. Andre pissed her off and she had really, really forced herself not to just dump all her things, find her way to wherever he was, and curse his ass to the fathomless pits of hell. She was impulsive enough to do it and literally hopped off her bed earlier with the desire to go after him. It wasn't until she had gotten another text from Chantal that she plopped down on the plush bed, took some breaths and then drank some water to clear her head. But that had not been enough to center her. Hell, playing carnival games with her bestie wasn't enough. It was just...satisfactory least until she felt less inclined to cut her ex. It came to a point that the game was over and, unsurprisingly considering her train of thoughts, Chantal won and Naomi playfully rolled her eyes as the Theta president picked out her prize. It was perfectly fine with Naomi. She had a pair of goofy sunglasses and a teddy bear to Chantal's first stuffed animal. They were bound to match up in terms of how many prizes they would win anyway.

"Look at you keeping up with me!" She cried dramatically and picked up her Angry Bird toy, and hugging it with one arm while her glasses fell on the top of her head. "Where to next? Or are you still feeling a little lush?"