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Bound Spirits

Bound Spirits


Each person has a part of their soul in a shapeshifting animal. If they are seperated from that animal, then they die. If that animal is hurt, so are they. When people an their animals go missing, someone has to find them. . . .

1,555 readers have visited Bound Spirits since Horseygirl created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A person's soul resides outside their body in an animal-like form called a Dæmon. A Dæmon is an animal that can shapeshift to any animal, but normally has one main form that it sticks to. A Dæmon is a reflection of it's person- timid person, timid Dæmon. Brave person, brave Dæmon. But a person can will their Dæmon to do anything without speaking at all- it's almost like telepathy. If a Dæmon is seperated from his person, even just more then a yard, then if causes extruciating pain for both person and Dæmon. If they are taken away from each other, they both die after an hour or so.

A dictatorial organization called the Magisterium exercises power in the secular world. A man named Horace Winchester, a headmaster at the Zandria Collage presented evidence that particles called "Dust" exist. Over the objections of the Magisterium, the college funds Horace's expedition to the far north to investigate the Dust. He believes it originates in a parallel universe and enters a person's body via their dæmon. The Magisterium has secretly been experimenting on children to discover a way to inoculate them against its influences.

In Zandria, children have been kidnapped every night. They take their Dæmons, and they always follow to avoid pain/death. But there are a few that are stubborn enough to know they're better off not following and dying from seperation from their Dæmon. Nobody knows where the childred and teens are going, but a group of students are brought together by a woman named Scarlet Gledhill. Each are given an object- a strange compass, dehidrated food, a powerful lantern, water, healing pills (if someone broke an arm or something, then they take the pill an by morning they're healed), a tent, sleepingbags, and a camera. Each object had a purpose. A compass to lead the way, a powerful lantern to light the way, dehidrated food to keep them fed, water to hidrate them and the food, healing pills for obvious reasons, a tent to shelter them through the night, sleepingbags to keep themselves warm, and a camera to send pictures to the collage and show how they where doing.

Each of the teens where picked for a talent Scarlet saw in each of them. They would go north, across the cold barron land and to where Horace Winchester was investigating the "Dust". Where Horace was, the children couldn't be far away. Even if he didn't know it. They're told not to get any more close then friends- any of them could be picked off at any moment. But nonetheless, romance still sparks up between them as expected by most. The group of teens are being counted on, and most of them are bewildered by the fact that they where chosen to go, of all people. But one thing is sure, as the group gets closer, they would risk their lives for each other.


The girl with the compass- Fae Love

The boy with the lantern- Felix Haydell

The girl with the food- Amanda Flame

The boy with the water- reserved

The girl with the healing pills- Reira Amarante

The boy with the tent- Jalante Tate Tearuam

The girl with the sleepingbags- Autumn VanDerpool

The boy with the camera- Mattew Reed


Picture- (anime)


Age- (16-18)


Dæmon- (name and main form)


Hidden Talent- (please look at the other characters first and make sure the talent isn't already taken)




Love interest- (please fill out before the rp starts)

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Amanda propped herself up on her elbows, hearing Sebastian let a low growl as the man from the forest approached Fae. She stood up and shook the snow of her, Sebastian doing the same as she walked over and sat down on one of the logs, "Who are you?" she asked calmly, watching him intently, "Why are you here?" she asked again, leaning back on her arms and stretching her legs, Sebastian interacting with the man's daemon.

[sorry it short, i don't know what else to write]

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Seth stood up and was about ti speak when Fae cut him off. "Leave it." She said sharply. Ellie cuddled herself underneith Logan's thick fur, for once qoing quiet. Fae let her breath out in a sharp huff as she turned her bright eyes to Autumn. "I'm Seth." He introduced himself with his signature cocky smile. He sent Riley a bored lool as Sebastion interacted with his Daemon. "Thats Luna." Seth dais lightly before turning back to Autumn as Luna pounced on Sebastion playfully. Little things that humans would probably miss would put the other wolf at ease. Luna was relaxed, but her perked up ears showed at was paing attention to the world around her.

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Felix Haydell

Felix sighed. He didn't look at Fae afraid of what she'd see in his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't care for her. He just... didn't know if love.. as more than a friend.. was what he felt for the girl. Instead, he stared into the forest listening to the things around him. He could've sworn he heard something in the forest, but he wasn't too sure it was animals or a human. He looked at Seth, the newcommer, and said, "Are you sure you came yourself?" Suddenly, he wanted to get the others up and moving. He didn't care if it was dark, they had a lanturn. What he did care about is the fact that Autumn was unarmed since she dropped her knife and would be unable to protect herself in an attack, Fae and Autumn were both hurt, and they were all exhausted both mentally and physically. He could feel the exhaustion on his face, but he refused to have it consume him. The others needed him and no matter how okay Amanda was with staying awake by herself, he wouldn't allow it. His body was tense as he waited for Seth's answer, unable to fully trust the new commer since they had been attacked not too long ago.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn sighed. "I heard your name, but why are you near me? Doesn't being near someone you don't know make you uncomfortable?" Autumn said to Seth, amazingly socialible for such a shy girl. He... made her currious. The reason he hit on Fae when she's close to another man who may have feelings for that girl. The reason he sat by her instead of his Daemon, someone familiar to him. The reason why he even showed up in the first place. His eyes are certainly pretty she thought for a moment, his hair looks soft too. She remembered the things he said earlier and internally glared at him. Don't judge a book by his cover. Some monsters wear masks.

Riley Crest

Riley sighed too. His questions seemed to go unanswered save* "who are you?" "You didn't answer all of my questions which, of course, gives birth to more." he pointed out. He smiled softly when Amanda asked the same thing. Obviously, she didn't trust this guy either. For some odd reason, Riley was relieved to see Seth wasn't hitting on Amanda, but at the same time he was pissed. She was beautiful. Why wasn't he hitting on her? He shook the thoughts from his head and watched Seth carefully. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Felix tense. He knew that meant he heard something. He wanted to ask what, but then Felix asked about it. Now all that was left was wait for his answers to all their questions.

((*Save- in some works of literature it can be used to mean "except"))

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"Nope, i'm all alone. My family was killed in a fire and I was exiled." He gave the others a devous look. Seth flipped his palms to show burns that spread across him palms. "And sitting next to someone I don't know doesn't make me uncomfortable, it makes me warm." He laughed, before glancing at Fae, who was staring at her side. Suddenlty serious, He crouched over Fae. He haden't noticed how bad her wounds where, because of the was she was lying on Felix. Without a word, he took out a clear bottle poured it over Fae's wound. It made her cry out and writhe in pain. "It's to clean the wound. Sorry, I forgot to mention it kinda hurts."


When she heared Seth's parents where killed in a fire, and he was exiled, a choked gasp escaped her. Her parents where killed the same way, and she had similar burns on one of her palms. When he caught her looking at her side, he poured alclohol over it. She'd probably thank him for it later, but at the moment it was completely uncalled for. digging her nails into her arms, she curled into a little ball in Felix's lap.

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Amanda narrowed her eyes, she didn't like that cocky smile of his. "Everyone seems to have problems." Amanda whispered to Sebastian as he returned to her. She just could fully trust this guy, some thing kept telling her something bad was going to happen. She sighed and stood up, "If you need me, just call for Sebastian, he'll hear it before i do." she said, walking off into the dark. Wondering off and being alone was something she often did. Sometimes she wouldn't even tell she was going but she always returned, whether being called for or not. She didn't know why but the dark always calmed her down, Especially for Sebastian, who was still a little on edge.

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Felix Haydell

Felix shook his head. He didn't buy Seth's story or at the very least, he didn't sympathize. The one statement gave birth to many questions. All he knew he would ask later, when they were alone. If they were ever alone. They were questions like: Exiled by who? Your family? The town you're from? Your friends? Why were you exiled? Did you start the fire? He honestly would've asked if it hadn't been for the fact that he had begun pouring strong smelling alcohol on Fae, causing her to cry out from the pain. His hand balled into a fist, ready to punch the boy, but realized that he was pouring it on her wounds. He saw her digging her nails into her own skin and he relaxed. He took her hands away from her arms. "Don't," he said, "You're going to hurt yourself." He held her hands in his. "Squeeze my hands instead." He pulled a sleeping bag over to them and laid it on top of her.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn sat and watched the others. She wasn't a very social person, especially when there was someone new around. It took her a long time before she was able to talk to the others when she first met them. Even now she wasn't that social. So instead of talking, she watched. His laugh echoed in her head and so did his story. Though it seemed to be a lie, she couldn't help but feel like there was truth hidden within the statement. She froze when he poured the alcohol on Fae's wounds. She tensed up and curled into a little ball, afraid he would do it to her.

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Seth flinched as Fae writhed in pain. "Sorry." he said lightly as Luna padded over to Logan with a friendly bark.The daemon seemed easier to trust. Ellie poked her head out of Logan's fur and perked her ears towards the white wolf. Seth turned towards Autumn and kneeled down next to her. "You know it's your turn. You don't want an infection, do you?"


Fae reluctantly moved her hands from her arms. Taking Felix's hands and holding them close, she closed her eyes. "Don't be long, Amanda." She called to the girl as she left. Her eyes stayed closed for a few moments, listening to the other speak. After a few minutes she looked up at Felix, her eyes questioning. It looked like she had a question she was dying to ask, but refused to.

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Felix Haydell

Felix smirked when Fae submitted, but didn't look at her. Instead, he was looking up at Seth. A "I win" look on his face. He watched the strange white wolf pad over to Logan and Ellie who watched her with interest. Logan's bright eyes watched the wolf's every move. When she seemed harmless enough, he sniffed at her as if to say "hello. Do I know you?" Felix chuckled. Then he looked down at Fae, feeling her eyes on him. They faces were a lot closer than he thought and blushed slightly straightening more. He returned her questioning look with one of confusion. "What?" he asked her.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn's fear came true. He was coming to her with the alcohol. She tightened in a ball a moment and then decided that wasn't the best thing to do. She sat up and prepared herself for a sharp sting that covered her body since, that's what she was going to be feeling. Just as he was about to begin, she back up slowly, whimpering like a puppy. "N-No. It's going to hurt." she cried. Her gold eyes flashed over to Fae and Felix for help. Though, since they were looking at each other and not her, she doubted they were going to.

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Seth gave Autumn a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, I know it's going to hurt." He sat back, pursing his lips. "Come on now. I'll only put on a little at a time. That way it'll hurt a little less. Then you can go to sleep." Luna jumped towards Logan and bent forward, encouraging him to play-fight with her. Ellie got out of the was as quick as she could. the white wolf had a challenging look in her eyes, but she seemed harmless.


Fae blushed darkly, her clear crimson eyes darting away for a moment. Her cheeks as red as her hair, she looked back up at him. "It's probably nothing." Her eyes looked over his face for a second, and her lips curled themselves into a shy smile. Absently she drew circles on his palms with one hand, and laced her fingers with his in the other hand. She was a shade paler then him, but her small hands fit well in his larger ones.

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Amanda walked through the forest, Sebastian closely behind as she weaved in and out of the trees, "Amanda, are you okay?" Sebastian asked as she leaned up against a tree. "I don't trust that man Sebastian, he makes my skin crawl.' she said, staring at the full moon. she tried to relax, letting the cold sweep into her. she was almost calmed completely down when she heard a twig snap. her eye shot open, and she looked around her, before stepping backwards. her pace slowly quickened as she ran for camp, almost tripping twice before she was back in the yellow light of the fire. But when she looked up, it wasn't the right camp.

She tried to steady her breath as she looked around her. A group of men lay in a circle around the fire, thankfully sleeping. She looked down at Sebastian who started to tug on her cloths to try and help move backwards in her shock like state. when she got back to the right camp she glared at Seth, "Are you sure your alone?" she asked in a breathy and soft voice, Sebastian nervously pacing around her feet.

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Felix Haydell

Felix looked down at Fae, confusion in his eyes and puzzlement on his face. "Are you sure you're feeling alright, Fae?" he asked her, taking one of his hands and placing it on her forehead again. "You're face is red and you're acting silly." He smiled at her. He knew he sounded childish, but he really was puzzled by what her actions meant and what she was saying. "What's probably nothing?" Logan watched the white wolf, Luna was it?, as she danced in front of him, wanting to play. Honestly, he wasn't sure he wanted to play fight her. She was a stronger animal than he was. Bigger, too. The only things he had going for him were his speed and his intelligence. Foxes were quick witted and could be quite sneaky. He stood slowly, deciding that one round wouldn't kill him and he waited for her make her first move. He thought of it more as a chess game than a play fight. How else would you beat a stronger apponent.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn backed away a little more, but the way he spoke to her calmed her. He spoke gently. He didn't lie and say that it wasn't going to hurt, but he also said that he would try to make it as painless as possible. She looked up at him, then, gold eyes, scaning his face. Then, she moved slowly towards him and held out her arm first. Her eyes never left his face. He really was quite handsome and though she didn't feel like the story he told was complete true, some truth rang through within it. There was something about the mysterious about the boy with the dark hair and bright blue eyes. They kinda reminded her of Felix's, but different. Her stomach did this strange little flip that she thought might've been fear. Her heart seemed to be beating a million miles an hour to add to that feeling. She couldn't tell what it was and even if she liked it.

((sorry they're kinda.. bleh. I don't really know what to say. :\ Someone needs to talk to Riley though cus I have NO idea what to post for him right now.))

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Fae Love~

Fae blushed even more at Felix's comment. "Nothing, I'm fine." she hid her face in his lap, seeming embarrassed by her own actions. Her voice wavered, like she wasn't so sure about herself. Maybe she was just crazy. Ellie hopped over to Riley, who was sitting on his own. She hopped onto his lap and put her tiny paws up on his stomach, looking over the quiet boy curiously.


Seth's cocky smile seemed more genuine and sweet as her cleaned Autumn's arm slowly. When Amanda came to camp and demanded to know if he came alone, he sighed. "I came completely alone. You really want to know my whole story? Last year my family was killed in a fire. I was the only survivor. The fire had been started my someone throwing a match into my parent's bedroom window. Me and my little sister got dragged out, but her Daemon was stuck in the fire. The worst part was hearing her scream and seeing her wither on the ground and not being able to help. The fire was started by a man named Horace Winchester. I attacked him, and nobody believed me. So I was exiled." he was being honest- it was clear by the pain in his bright blue eyes.

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Amanda softened a little, "O-okay, sorry, but, i guess i should tell everyone that there a group of men who have set up camp not to far from here, i don't whether there good or bad. I didn't stay long enough to find out." she said, Sebastian starting to run circles around everyone. She sat down next to Riley and rubbed her arm nervously. Now that her anger was gone the uneasy feeling she had was coming back, and Sebastian was making it pretty clear with the way he was acting.

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Felix Haydell

Felix looked down at Fae worriedly. "You aren't feeling well are you? What's wrong? Besides the gaping hole in your side." He asked her, worry in his voice. He didn't understand what was wrong with her. One moment she's smiling and absolutely fine besides the pain in her side. The next she's red faced and hiding in his lap. He stroked her head and shrugged. "I guess you don't have to tell me if you want to, but don't strain yourself the next few days, ok? I'll carry you if I have to." He spoke without thinking. Mainly because the moment Amanda began talking about the men in a camp not too far off, his body had tense and his mind buzzed with currious questions. Who are they? What are they doing here? They're not with Seth so why are they here? Looking for us? Campers? He even began contemplating their moving on instead of staying there in case the men were a threat but he knew the others were tired and two were injured. He didn't want to make them move. He decided he was going to mull it over a little longer before he brought it up with the others.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn saw Seth's gentle smile and couldn't stop herself from smiling back softly. The smile didn't last through. Amanda had come back asking if he had come alone or not for there were men in a camp not too far off. She tensed, somehow hoping that the answer was yes, he had come alone. Though, it seemed more like she was tensing because of the pain from her cuts as Seth cleaned them with alcohol. When he said that he had, in fact, come alone, she relaxed, relieved for reasons that were unknown to her. His eyes grew pained and sad as he began to explain why he had come and why he had been alone as well as why he was exiled. "I'm sorry for doubting you," she said when he finished. She blushed and looked away stubbornly. "Er... I mean. That was supposed to stay in my head..."

Riley Crest

Riley stared at the burn on his hand from a similar experience to Seth's though it wasn't as traumatic, though he wasn't about to share his story. Instead he balled up his fist, hiding the mark that spread across his palm much like a small handprint. He jumped when Ellie came to sit on his lap, her paws resting on his stomach. He didn't hear her come over for he was too lost in his thoughts. He chuckled and pet her head. He had to admit, it was too cute to ignore. "Hi there, Ellie. You want attention, huh?" Amanda came and sat next to him, rubbing her arm nervously. "Are you ok? Are you cold?" he asked her. He grabbed her hand when she continued to rub at it. "Don't. You'll give yourself a rash or even rub your skin off."

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Amanda looked at Riley, "oh, just tired, i guess, i don't know." she said, Sebastian pacing at her feet as he new what she was thinking about. They all had some tragedy they had to go through, and she was afraid if she told hers. the people around her would hate her. She leaned over, her head resting on Riley's shoulder as her loss of energy caused her to grow tired. Sebastian placed his head in Amanda's lap and whined, hoping she was alright.

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"Im feeling physically well, but mentally. . . im not so sure." She smiled. Ellie squeeked adorabley and rubbed her head against Rileys hand. «Ellie are you being an attention hog?» Fae smiled at her rabbit, and Riley. When Felix stoked her hair, she sighed contently. She cuddled a little closer to him happily.


Sth laughed at Autumn's comment. "Theres nothing wrong with thinking aloud. Sometimes we're all just a little more honest that way." He winked at her as he worked quickly. As soon as he was done cleaning her wounds, he put the alclohol back in his bag. "There, all done." Luna sat, watching Logan. Suddenly she lept up and hit her head against his shoulder to throw him off balance.

[sorry they're so short. im brain dead.]

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Felix Haydell

Felix tried not to stare down at Fae worridly. She said she was fine, she probably was. Though, she seemed to think she was crazy. He continued to pet her head, feeling the soft and fluffy, red hair that curled down her around her shoulders. "If you're implying that you're crazy, I somehow doubt that," he said, "You're way too sane to be crazy." He looked up at the others. They seemed content and cozy enough. He decided to stay. If anyone attacked, he would be the first to defend. No one was hurting his family again. Soon, they were going to get Matt back and then the family would be whole again. Logan saw Luna move and he stood his ground. However, he was thrown backwards and landed with a thud in the snow letting out a yelp. So much for chess. A sharp pain shot up Felix's arm, causing him to cry out. "Luna be careful. Logan's not as big or strong as you.."

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn smiled when Seth laughed. It was a beautiful sound. Like a bell ringing. She couldn't help but laugh, too. Leila, who had fallen asleep in the snow when she was watching Logan and Ellie, awoke to the sudden noise and raised her head, looking around. She spotted the new stranger and walked over to him. Meow she said and hopped up onto his lap. She knew she could talk, but she thought 'meow' was cuter than 'Oh! Yay! A warm lap to sleep on! Thank you stranger!' She laid down and curled into a tight ball and began purring. "Leila, That's awefully rude of you. How do you know he's not allergic to cats?" She simply meowed in response and kept purring. A cold wind blew against her causing her to shiver.

Riley Crest

Aiden stayed out of the fight. He had to admit he wanted to join in, but he would wait until Logan wanted help. He didn't want to be chewed out later when he was only trying to help. Riley stroked Ellie's head, beind the ears, chin, and back. "What a good bunny," he said. He stopped for a moment when Amanda laid her head on his shoulder, caught off guard. "Y-You sure you're okay?" he asked. He wasn't used to the contact from her. Not unless they were all snugging together against the wall for warmth. After a few minutes, he relaxed and continued to pet Ellie's head. "Are you cold?"[/color\

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Fae laughed weekly. "Thanks for the faith." She got the odd, fluttery feeling in her stomach again when she looked up at him. His stroking her hair felt soothing, but the feeling didn't ease up. She was sure it had nothing to do with the gaping wound that had gone numb from the cold. Ellie cuddled with Riley happily. She didn't care that it was probably an odd picture: Riley, who was notorious for being antisocial, cuddling with a fluffy little rabbit.


Seth smiled at Autumn softly. Her laugh was a beautiful sound, like a sweet song. When Leila hopped into his lap, he smiled. "It's fine. My sister and my mom both had cats. She's real cute." He stroked the cat softly, with a gentle smile. When she shivered, he pulled the cat a little closer to keep her warm. Luna seemed surprised, before deciding to turn into a lean white fox. She jumped forward playfully, light on her feet yet her stance was secure.

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Amanda lifted her head, "Oh, i'm sorry." she said, running a hand through her hair and looked down at Sebastian. She petted him, stroking his fur softly as she quietly sang him a song that she used to sing to him in order to get him to rest. She sighed as he drifted into a deep sleep, curling up in her lap like a puppy before looking up at everyone. "Oh sorry, please, if it a bother you can always tell me to stop, it just helps Sebastian fall asleep, thats all." she said, looking back down at her Daemon.

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Felix Haydell

Felix smiled and continued to stroke her head. He wished he had something to lean against. His back hurt from sitting up for too long. He looked up at the sky, only seeing it out of one eye. The other was swollen and probably black. It hurt to blink it, but since a blink didn't last very long at all, the pain didn't either. With an irritated sigh, he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair trying to think of what to do next. Once Luna had changed shape, Logan took a ready stance. Now they were on the same level. He would've morphed into a wolf, but liked being a fox and wasn't about to change.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn smiled at him and shivered herself as the cold, icy air circled around her and soaked into the holes from when the knife cut them. Her hands were like ice, fingers becoming numb and so was her face. She looked over at Fae and smiled, at least Fae was warm. That was good. The cold isn't good for the injured. Sure, Autumn was injured but not as bad as Fae. Seth smiled down at Leila and she mewed happily. She enjoyed being in the strange boys arms. He was warm and scratched her just where she liked to be scratched: Right behind the ears. Autumn nodded in agreement when he called her cat cute. "Yeah. She sure is. That's why I named her the cutest thing I could think of." It was getting easier to talk to Seth now. The boy looked like an angel. Blue eyes that were so light they were almost silver and dark hair that made a beautiful comparison to the snow that surrounded them, catching snowflakes that stayed for a few seconds before melting away. She blushed, realizing that she was staring, and turned away. Another gust sent a shiver up her spine.

Riley Crest

Riley smiled at the rabbit as she cuddled to him. He continued to pet her head. Amanda raised her head from his shoulder and appologized. He shook his head in response. "It's okay, Amanda, feel free to lay your head on my shoulder." he smiled at her. It was strange. He was usually marked at the "antisocial badboy" but right now, he was anything but antisocial. Dispite the things going on around him, he was actually smiling. It was a cute smile that made him look younger and made his dark blue eyes dance. "It's a pretty song. I don't mind it. You can keep singing if you want to."

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Fae smiled at Felix and opened her mouth when she suddenly felt a terrible tearing feeling as if someone was trying to rip something away from her. Ellie had lept from riley's lap, suddenly in the form of a massive tiger that was dragging him along into the woods. Clearly she had seen or heard something and didnt want it going anywhere near the camp. Fae forced herself up, using Felix to steady herself.

Luna looked up when Ellie ran off. She glanced at Seth, who shook his head. "Ellie's decided that Riley is going, so Amanda and Felix you should probably go and make sure everything is alright. I'll stay here with Fae and Autumn. Fae shook her head wuickly. "No! I need to stay withEllie. You Autumn and Felix stay and watch camp."

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Felix Haydell

Felix shook his head at Fae and helped to steady her. "You're not going by yourself. How're you going to be able to walk? In case you've forgotten, you're injured. You stay here. I'll bring Ellie back for you. I promise." He let her lean on him as he laid down a sleeping bag and used another one for a pillow and made her lay down. "Fae, I'm not trying to be mean, but your wound is bound to open again if you move too much. If you pass our from blood loss, it will not be helpful and there would be no way of helping you. I'll go." He stood and ran off after Riley and Ellie before Fae would even have a chance to answer. He whistled for Logan who gave Luna a look that said 'I'm sorry' and ran off. He knew he could talk, but he chose not to. He wanted to be as fox like as foxibly possible. He knew that wasn't a word, but it got his point across. It wasn't too hard to catch up to Felix for Logan was much faster. Felix gave a nod that signalled for the fox to go on ahead. He would catch up.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn watched Ellie and Riley in confusion. Leila hadn't heard anything so why had Ellie? Any why had she taken Riley with her and not Fae? Felix said that Autumn should stay there and did as she was told without argue. She didn't want to follow anyway. If Ellie was after those men again, she didn't want any part in it. Not after what happened last time. She looked down at her slowly scarring hands and legs. There were cuts everywhere. More than she thought was possible. The man had carved her up, literally. She pulled her legs to her chest and laid her head on her knees and shivered. It was a lot colder than she thought it was. Probably because it was night time. The lanturn didn't provide much heat and because of the snow, good, dry firewood was impossible to find. They didn't have any flint or matches either. The wind seemed to feel up her body, searching for the holes into her clothing. Once it found them, it would crawl inside her, chilling her to the bone. Her cheeks were red from the wind, or at least, that's what she hoped was causing her cheeks to burn. If she had a fever it would mean trouble.

Riley Crest

Caught off guard, Ellie jumped up and morphed into a beautiful, white Giant Tiger. For some strange reason, she took into the forest and dragged him off with her. "Ellie? What's the matter with you?" He asked her, though she didn't seem to hear him. Trees flew by as she ran. Panniced, he whistled for Aiden, already feeling sick to his stomach. He hated that this was his weakness. It was stupid and easy to manipulate. He heard running footsteps behind him and soon caught sight of his Coyote. Not too far behind him was Logan and not too far behind Logan, though he looked like a shadow in the night, was Felix.

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Amanda stood up as Ellie grabbed Riley and dragged him into the forrest, Logan close behind. She yelled for Sebastian and took off with him. Sebastian morphed into a hawk, flying close above Ellie, trying to see what was happenig.

[Writers block]

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Character Portrait: Autumn VanDerpool
0 sightings Autumn VanDerpool played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"It's kinda fun to be misunderstood."
Character Portrait: Felix Haydell
0 sightings Felix Haydell played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"You can count on me to lead the way and remember the way back."
Character Portrait: Riley Crest
0 sightings Riley Crest played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"Ask me if I care."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Character Portrait: Reira Amarante


Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."


Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."

Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

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Most recent OOC posts in Bound Spirits

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Hey Horsey girl? By any chance have you read The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod?

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

lol. Planning on bringing him back soon?

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

*notices a lack of people missing him, and fades back into the fog with his plot twists of awesomeness.....*

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Trouble prone for da win!

*Legions of Banelings can be seen on the horizon*

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits


Im going to post as if she had wonder off like she always does, is that okay?


Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

okay.. -readies self- I'm sorry. v.v

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Well, i may send legions of Banelings after you, but no worry.......

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

v.v To be completely honest. I didn't see that until after I had posted all of my character's views. I'm sorry. D: If you would like I can go back and change it, but it'll have to be when I wake up tomorrow. Its 12:29 a.m. here and I'm tired as hell. @_@ just let the others know what your character said and I'll go back and change it tomorrow. D: And Again, I'm sorry! >.<

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

My post was ignored by Cryptic! He didn't check to see if someone else posted before him before posting! D:

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Lol, jealosy and love and fighting! Oh my!

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

So did Felix. My. . . we might have a love square. (a triangle only has three sides. . . a square has four.)

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

I love how it seems to be im the only one who posted a LI

Correction: Autumn did too. Oh dear.....i think we might have a slight triangle possibly.

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

They can either become an NPC, or one of us can adopt them.
And first post is up. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Alright, so, then what happens if someone leaves? Giant mole eats them up and spits out a new guy thats a NPC?

Or we find someone to adopt him.....

But that's if people will want to.

Well, cant wait to start!

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

All the characters are taken, so i'll start on the first post. And for posting, please post at least three lines.

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

BTW guys, Animegirl is the co-gm. So you've got listen to her, too. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

lol, you can have him. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

and The more I look at the words "boy with the lanturn"... I want it.. lolz. I'll take that one too if that's okay. :3 I understand if you want to leave it open for others. I'm pretty good at playing multiple characters.