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Bound Spirits

Bound Spirits


Each person has a part of their soul in a shapeshifting animal. If they are seperated from that animal, then they die. If that animal is hurt, so are they. When people an their animals go missing, someone has to find them. . . .

1,554 readers have visited Bound Spirits since Horseygirl created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A person's soul resides outside their body in an animal-like form called a Dæmon. A Dæmon is an animal that can shapeshift to any animal, but normally has one main form that it sticks to. A Dæmon is a reflection of it's person- timid person, timid Dæmon. Brave person, brave Dæmon. But a person can will their Dæmon to do anything without speaking at all- it's almost like telepathy. If a Dæmon is seperated from his person, even just more then a yard, then if causes extruciating pain for both person and Dæmon. If they are taken away from each other, they both die after an hour or so.

A dictatorial organization called the Magisterium exercises power in the secular world. A man named Horace Winchester, a headmaster at the Zandria Collage presented evidence that particles called "Dust" exist. Over the objections of the Magisterium, the college funds Horace's expedition to the far north to investigate the Dust. He believes it originates in a parallel universe and enters a person's body via their dæmon. The Magisterium has secretly been experimenting on children to discover a way to inoculate them against its influences.

In Zandria, children have been kidnapped every night. They take their Dæmons, and they always follow to avoid pain/death. But there are a few that are stubborn enough to know they're better off not following and dying from seperation from their Dæmon. Nobody knows where the childred and teens are going, but a group of students are brought together by a woman named Scarlet Gledhill. Each are given an object- a strange compass, dehidrated food, a powerful lantern, water, healing pills (if someone broke an arm or something, then they take the pill an by morning they're healed), a tent, sleepingbags, and a camera. Each object had a purpose. A compass to lead the way, a powerful lantern to light the way, dehidrated food to keep them fed, water to hidrate them and the food, healing pills for obvious reasons, a tent to shelter them through the night, sleepingbags to keep themselves warm, and a camera to send pictures to the collage and show how they where doing.

Each of the teens where picked for a talent Scarlet saw in each of them. They would go north, across the cold barron land and to where Horace Winchester was investigating the "Dust". Where Horace was, the children couldn't be far away. Even if he didn't know it. They're told not to get any more close then friends- any of them could be picked off at any moment. But nonetheless, romance still sparks up between them as expected by most. The group of teens are being counted on, and most of them are bewildered by the fact that they where chosen to go, of all people. But one thing is sure, as the group gets closer, they would risk their lives for each other.


The girl with the compass- Fae Love

The boy with the lantern- Felix Haydell

The girl with the food- Amanda Flame

The boy with the water- reserved

The girl with the healing pills- Reira Amarante

The boy with the tent- Jalante Tate Tearuam

The girl with the sleepingbags- Autumn VanDerpool

The boy with the camera- Mattew Reed


Picture- (anime)


Age- (16-18)


Dæmon- (name and main form)


Hidden Talent- (please look at the other characters first and make sure the talent isn't already taken)




Love interest- (please fill out before the rp starts)

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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The world nearly silent. Ellie was in the form of a fluffy white horse, and her footsteps where hushed by the thick layer of snow over the ground. She had no tack- it wasn't needed. Fae simply had to tel Ellie where to go. If it wasn't for her waist-length red curls and her clear crimson eyes, Fae would be invisible against the snow. She wore a white coat that was smooth on the outside yet furry on the inside, that was laced up with white lace instead of buttons or a zipper. Her white pants and boots where the same shade as the snow, and could hardly be seen. Even her long dark eyelashes caught the snow, making them seem white.
Fae and Felix always stayed in front of the others, leading them through this cold white world. He was very nice company, and Fae enjoyed traveling by his side. At first many of the teens bickered and squabled, finding their place in this pack. But by know everyone one had a friendship, or at least respect for each other. Fae wasn't very assertive normally, so it would be expected that she wouldn't be a very good leader. She never told any of the others what to do, she only followed her compass and expected the others to follow. But it was her pure kindness that endeared most to her. Her gentle finesse. Most knew that she grew up always alone- she was an orphan. She moved around with a few families in Zandria, but most looked at her a little funny. It was strange for anything like that to happen. Some parents wouldn't even let their kids play with her when she was little. She was different. It never seemed to phase her- she was used to it being just her and Ellie.
Fae let out a long breath and watched the warm air fade into the darkening evening. They would have to set up camp soon. With a soft snort, Ellie moved a little closer to Felix for the warmth. It was the cold that brought all of them so close to each other. Two people could be pissed at each other durning the day, then be cuddling up with each other at night to stay warm. All of them slept right up against each other. At first it was rather akward, but the father north they went and the colder it got, but more appealing it was to cuddle. "Do you think we should stop now, before it gets too dark?" Fae turned to Felix, speaking to him in a very gentle tone as if speaking to a child she didn't want to scare off.

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Matt was following behind Fae, taking pictures of everything around him. And i mean EVERYTHING. The people getting these pictures will have to sort through a lot, but they are definitely getting a good knowledge of whats happening every second Matt is away. Azeal was perched on Matt's shoulder, saying "Take a picture you you and me!". Matt soon did that, both of them smiling. Matt then ran ahead of Fae and Felix, getting a picture of Fae with the group behind her. He took pictures of everyone already 4 times now this day alone. It was fairly obvious Matthew loved taking pictures. He took a few of the scenery and then the sun. He then noted "Why! We have a lantern, so we wont be in the dark! Lets keep going! The more adventure, the better!"

Matthew was, perhaps, a bit overly adventurous, even with his slight fear of the dark. He could "stand" being in long as it isn't total complete darkness.... or look like something weird is in it.....or a few other reasons. SO Matt then put himself between Fae and Felix then asking " long do you think we have till we get there? It cant take too much longer right? Maybe a few more days?". Azeal then notes "Well i think, if i saw that map correctly, which we never did find out what happened to it, there was a big ravine up ahead. If it isn't, we aren't heading north". "Unless the map was upside down". "Well we don't know that since someone lost the map!". "Hey, im in charge of the camera!". At this point he put the flash on and took a picture of Azeal with it in his face, which he responded with a fall backward onto his arm with his tail. "Not funny....".

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Felix Haydell

Felix and Fae led the way of the group. Just in front of them was Logan who sniffed about at the air. Felix would occasionally pet the fox's red furry head as they walked. He wore a warm green coat that seemed to match the color of his green eyes and under that, layers of clothing to keep himself warm. He wasn't one for the cold, but he didn't let it affect him. His blonde hair seemed almost white in the dimming light from the sun as it shone of the flakes of snow that stuck to it. He loved how the snow coated his surroundings. It was truely like walking in a winter wonderland. He would have to remember the scene to draw later. He looked over at Fae as she spoke. He smiled gently at her before facing forward once more. No man could deny that Fae was beautiful. Her red hair stood out in a beautiful contrast to the pure white snow that surrounded the group. He could hear the footsteps of the others following them. He pulled out the lanturn and lit it before the light began to disappear behind the horizon. "Yes, I believe that's a good idea." He said, turning to the rest. "We're stopping here for tonight. Is that alright with everyone? If we keep moving, the sun will go down and it will be very dark, cold, and dangerous. While most of you probably feel like you can handle that, there are some who cannot. Plus, we need to stop for food and water anyway. I'm sure you guys are tired, too." Normally, Felix would take the moment to crack a joke, but he was cold, tired, hungry, and he just wanted to stop moving. His legs were shakey due to lack of engery, but he wouldn't let it show. He whistled for Logan to come. The deep red fox appeared from the shadows that were forming in front of them and stood obidiently in front of Felix. Felix, then, proceeded to kneel down and scratch the fox behind his ears. "Go mark the permimeter for me, ok?" The fox nodded once again disappeared into the shadows. He set the lanturn down in front of him and motioned for the others to set up camp around it.

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Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn watched the trees to her right. She took note that the group seemed to travel in a V shape, much like birds did, with Fae and Felix at the head. She chuckled to herself at her little, inside joke. They were heading north after all. "Might as well be birds," she mummbled to herself, so low she hoped no one would hear. She was dressed from head to toe in the browns, oranges, and golds of autumn to match her hair and eyes. The long layers of her hair were split into two braids that hung down over her shoulders. The short layer was too short to braid so it created a nice, warm environment for her ears. Her gold eyes stuck out fairly well against the white background, or they did in her opinion. Her outfit looked a bit like people would presume a native american would dress in the winter, but with a more modern flare thrown into it. She had a very unique style and the proof was in the two feathers that poked out from her hair to match her outfit. She was slightly envious of Fae. The girl was so beautiful, where Autumn always thought herself to be average. So boringly average. Everytime Matt took a picture of her, though, she smiled. She didn't know why, but she assumed it had to do with the fact that the photographer was so light spirited, he made her smile. They shared quite a few interests as well. She simply watched the three move about until the two heads stopped and declaired they were going to stop for the time being and set up camp. That was alright with Autumn. She hated being this cold for so long. She wanted to curl up inbetween Felix and Fae. They were like her older siblings in her eyes. Especailly kind Fae. When Felix asked if they were okay with stopping, Autumn simply nodded shyly and began to set up the sleeping bags as close to the lanturn as she could without the danger of a fire starting.Leila hopped down from Autumn's warm shoulder and snuggled into one of the sleeping bags she had just set up. Slightly irritated, she smacked a hand down on the sleeping bag and said in a monotone voice, "Out of there, you, before someone sits on you. A kink in my back is the last thing I need right now."

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Riley Crest

Riley sighed and followed the others. He was at the very back of the group, like always. He didn't really care if he was either. He was in charge of their water. If any of them pissed him off enough, he could simply say they couldn't have any. Of course, then Felix would have to step in and Riley hated when that happened. It's not that he couldn't get along with the guy. He just hated being bossed around. With an annoyed shrug, he followed along silently. He felt a nudge against his hand and he looked down, startled. "Oh! Sorry Aiden. Didn't realize you were standing there." He scratched his Coyote on the top of the head and down to his neck before walking normally again. Aiden was practically his best friend as sad as that was, but Aiden was the only one who seemed willing to listen to him. Soon, Felix stopped and asked the others if they wanted to stop. Riley shrugged, uncaring as always and sat down in the snow, blue jacket taking in most of the cold. He didn't care for it. He liked it when it was warmer so he could swim, but he didn't mind the cold.

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Fae watched Felix call to the to the others, then suddenly spooked by Matt pushing himself bettween her and Felix, Ellie reared up and nearly caused Fae to fall onto the cold icy ground, but in a sweeping motion she wrapped her arms around Ellie's thick neck. As soon as she realized she almost harmed Fae, sweet Ellie quickly settled and rubbed her soft head against Fae's arm apologetically. "It's fine, Ellie." She said softly, in the same gentle tone she had used for Felix.
Fae let go of Ellie and hopped down, glancing over at Matt. "It gets a lot colder at night. And we run more of a risk getting hurt. One fall on the ice could break someone's arm." She said softly, sitting down as Ellie shifted back to the form of a tiny rabbit the curled up on Fae's lap. Her clear crimson eyes glanced back for Felix- they normally sat together as leaders of the group. Suddenly Ellie's ears perked up and Fae tensed up. They heared something behind them. Everyone else seemed completley unfazed. She tried to give a smile that said nothing was wrong to the others, so they woudln't worry. Ellie pressed tiny body against Fae, and they both pretended it was just for the warmth. You'd have to know how to read Fae very well to know she was on edge.

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Felix Haydell

Felix placed a hand on Matt's shoulder. "She has a point," he said, "Plus I think the pictures would look much better in good light, don't you think?" He smiled at the boy who was only slightly younger than himself. "Plus, you never know, you may get some spooky eyes in your picture once the sun disappears. Actually, that might be quite entertaining. What do you say you and I go a little ways off from camp and take some pictures in the dark. I think it would be funny if we could capture some "ghosts" on film to scare the others when they look through the pictures." He released Matt's shoulder with a wink and went to check on how the others were doing. Autumn was being.. well Autumn. Fae seemed a bit troubled, but Felix wasn't sure if it was the cold or if something had spooked her. He figured if anything was really wrong, she'd say something. Riley was lagging, as usual, which caused Felix to roll his eyes. It's not that he didn't like Riley, it was more like he just wished he would be more of a team player and help the others out. Amanda had been awefully quiet during the past few hours. But, like he felt with Fae, if there was something wrong, she'd say something. He walked over and sat next to Fae. He pet Ellie's soft head and said, "Matt and I are going to take some pictures. If you need anything, whistle. Logan will hear you and we'll come back, alright? I'll trust you can handle things here."

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Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn finished setting up the sleeping bags and Leila had snuggled into her arms. She stood and went over to sit beside "Big Sister Fae". She looked cold and Autumn was cold so she figured they could "snuggle" for warmth. The young girl yawned and laid her head on Fae's shoulder. Normally, this would be seen as odd, but in the current situation, Autumn was looking for warmth and she saw Fae as a sister, so there was nothing odd about it. Leila's head perked up and her ears stuck out straight on her head. They moved slightly, as if pinpointing a location for a sound. "What's up, Leila?" Autumn asked her gold and brown furred friend, "You hear something?" At the same time, Autumn felt Fae tense and saw her little rabbit, Ellie, move closer to her. Autumn knew, then, that something was up, but since they were in the woods, she shrugged it off and pet Leila's head. "It's alright." she said. The cat seemed to forget the sound and relaxed back into Autumn's arms, purring happily. "There. See?"

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Riley Crest

Riley and Aiden soon joined the others around the lanturn, but Riley took his sweet time doing it. He had already sit down, but he was "too far away" from the others, or at least he was sure that's what they would say, so he moved closer. Once there, they didn't even really join the group, they still sat a ways off, watching and listening to the others. He was sure that if he even decided to give is imput, they wouldn't care. Felix said something about going off to take pictures with Matt leaving the four of them behind. Nice leadership, he thought to himself. Aiden looked over at Riley, questioningly. He pet the coyote's head and said, "Don't worry about it, Aiden." He watched Autumn and Fae snuggled by the fire. He saw movement in the trees behind them, but he figured it was either the wind or the wildlife. Just becasue there were humans in the forest didn't mean that there wouldn't be any wild animals. Just in case, however, he had Aiden watch the spot so that if anything moved, they would be able to stop it.

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Amanda Walked through the dark Forrest, enjoying the silence and darkness before she noticed everyone gathering around the lantern. She came out of the darkness and sat next to Riley, "What i miss?" she asked, still in her daze like state while pulling out some food packets. "Anyone hungry?" she asked, looking around. she came in late on everything she thought to herself, feeling a little out of place.

[Again, i'm really sorry for posting late, i'll make better posts from now on, i swear]

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Fae rested her head on Autumn's head. Ellie's ears perked up when Felix pet her, and she rubbed her head against his hand like a cat. "Alright. But be careful and don't be gone too long." She said, sounding a worried for him. The ends of the long red curls rested in the soft snow, getting covered by the slowly falling snow. She held Autmn's hands in hers, warming both of their cold fingers. She glanced back at Riley, then glanced at the forst as if telling him 'Watch the forest'. She didn't want to say it outloud, as if might put the others on edge. Ellie's ears flopped down when Felix stopped petting her, and she curled up with Leila.
It was getting darker, and Fae was worried about Felix and Matt going off on their own. She trusted them, but the further away they went the colder and more dangerous it was. "I'm fine." She said softly to Amanda as she walked up, giving her a gentle smile.

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Felix Haydell

Felix chuckled as the rabbit nuzzled his hand. "Yes, Ellie. You are adorable." He said. He looked up into Fae's eyes and smiled softly, reassuringly before he stood and walked towards Matt. As he passed, he placed his hand on Matt's shoulder and said, "Let go. This pran- er.. photo session isn't going to take itself." He released Matt's shoulder and headed into the forest, leaving the lanturn behind. Felix was fine without it, though he wasn't too sure about how Matt was when it came to the dark. He stopped just inside the forest to wait for Matt.

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn closed her eyes as warmth surrounded her. Well her left side and her hands. It was still warm. She yawned again, signalling how tired she was. Her head slid from Fae's shoulder and onto her lap. She wiggled her way down until she was laying comfortably. She looked up at Fae with questioning eyes, but in case she couldn't read them, like a lot of people, she asked, "Is this okay? I'm really tired." Not too long after, Amanda asked if they wanted food. Autumn looked at the girl with golden eyes and asked in her shy voice, which was slightly higher than her normal voice, "What do we have to eat?"

Riley Crest

Riley seemed to snap out of a trancelike state when Amanda sat next to him. "Oh," he mummbled softly in response to her question, "Nothing much." He could feel the young girl's warmth through his clothes which wasn't normal. Or maybe it was just his imagination. He still wasn't used to having people to close to him. "Felix and Matt went into the forest to take pictures. You can tell what Fae and Autumn are doing." He brought his knees to his chest and laid his head on top of them. (look at his picture in his skelley) "I'm not really hungry..." His stomach growled, betraying his words, and he hid his face in his knees, afraid Amanda would laugh at him.

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Matt started taking pictures excessively as he walked. It might as well be a video camera. He began taking pictures of everything. As it started to get a bit darker, he decided to turn on the flash. He took a few of Felix, then 2 of himself. Of course, once he did that, the flash revealed 2 people behind Matt with wolf daemon's. With swords. Matt just saw the photo as they grabbed him, one of them put a sword to his neck and the other grabbed his daemon as well. Two more came out behind Felix as well. But one of them stepped on a stick, making a noise. Meanwhile, the other two that had Matt took him.

(My second post and my guy is already in trouble, that's a new record.......)

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Fae smiled at Autmn. "It's fine." She said, even though she had already been able to read her expression. Suddenly out of nowhere, Ellie's eats went up and she shifted to a massive white tiger, and tore off into the woods. After gentle sitting Autumn up, Fae ran after her Daemon. "Ellie!" She called, her voice bouncing off the trees and echoing back at her. The tiger slowed a little to allow Fae to catch up, and stopped in front of Felix and Matt, who where being attacked. A rare sense of anger bubbled up in her. They where trying to hurt her friends, and that was not okay. "Let them go!" She yelled at them. Ellie let out a huge roar that rang out through the forest.
Fae's clenched fists shook at her sides and her gentle eyes where cold. A knot worked in her stomach as Ellie bared her teeth and lunged towards the wolves. She had already lost her whole family. She couldn't loose two more important people in her life- she just couldn't allow it.

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Amanda looked up at Autumn, "how about some spaghetti." she said, pulling out two silver bags with the word "spaghetti" written on them. she looked over at Riley, hearing his stomach growl after denying being hungry. She smiled, "Right, now, eat some of this, it will silence your stomach." she said, handing him one of the packets and a water bottle to re-hydrate it. "It may be cold but it's better then starving, and it be sad if you went away." she closed her mouth, turning her head way as she thought she just embarrassed herself. Sebastian stood up, his ears pointed towards the forest, "Amanda, there is trouble." he said, even though no one else could understand him. When Fae's daemon turned into a tiger and ran into the forest, Sebastian followed. she grabbed the biggest stick she could find and followed behind Fae, hoping to help the best she could.

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Felix Haydell[center]
Felix heard the crack of the stick just as the man reached for him. He turned quickly and ducked. He soon found himself off balance and fell backwards into the snow. He used the height as an oppertunity to strike the man in the stomach. Then he stood to help Matt. The second man used Felix's back being turned as a chance to nab him. Logan helped him escape this time. He snarled, growled, and bit at the man until he freed Felix, uttering a loud, obsene cry in the process. Logan took care of that man before moving on to their Daemon's. Soon Fae, Sebastian, and Ellie showed up, not in that order, to help. "No, Fae! Run! Please!" he called out to her as he fought off the first man who had recovered from the blow to his stomach. "Go protect the others! Matt and I can handle this!" Unfortunately, no one knew better than Felix that Fae wouldn't leave. He also knew that the others would soon be joining. Sure enough, Amanda had followed behind and was soon mixed in with the group. I swear if they hurt them. If they hurt Fae I'll kill them. He thought. His guard went down with the females' arrival, along with Sebastian and the man swung at Felix, catching him right above his eye. A cut was left there along with a swelling bruise.

[center]Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn had began to sat up the moment Leila had stopped purring followed by perking her head and ears up. Not too long after that, Ellie sprang up, morphed into a beautiful white tiger and padded off into the forest followed by Sebastian, Fae and Amanda. With a sigh, Autumn figured she would go, too. She looked down at her feline friend and said, "You know what to do." Leila, then, jumped up, morphed into a bobcat, and allowed Autumn to climb onto her back before running off after the others. "Stay here and watch the camp!" She called over her shoulder to Riley. It didn't take them too long before they reached the others. What she saw made her blood boil. She jumped off Leila's back, grabbed a switchblade from her boot that she learned from an accident camping one year it was a good idea to have whenever she was in the wilderness, and stood, in a ready-to-fight stance between Felix and the man and said in the most threatening voice she could create. "Stay away from my brother."

Riley Crest

Riley's cheeks heated slightly as the girl passed him the packets of food and expressed how sad it would be if he was to "leave". No one had ever said that to him before. He tried to hand the bottle of water back to her, since he had his own, but noticed her head was turned away. He supposed it was from embarassment. He was about to reassure her that what she said was fine, just caught him off-guard, when Ellie, Sebastian, and Fae took off into the forest. It wasn't long before Amanda followed after. He sighed as Autumn soon disappeared as well. He forced his shell back up, pissed with himself for letting Amanda by it long enough to get his hoped up that she cared, and looked to Aiden. "Go help them, but don't be gone too long. I feel sick to my stomach when you're gone too long and you know that." It was actually farely true. The last time Aiden had gone too far off for too long, it made him litlerally sick to his stomach. A feeling he really didn't care to feel again, but if Amanda and the other's needed help, he would be there, in spirit, to help. Right now, he needed to stay and watch the camp. IF any more goones came to attack, he would be there to stop them.

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Fae and Ellie both shoved themselves in front of Felix as a wolf Daemon opened his jaws and was about to bite down onto Felix. His jaws clamped down all the same, but it wasn't Felix who was ingured. Razor sharp teeth sunk into Fae's soft ivory skin, and there was a harsh snap as all the bones that got in it's way broke. Ellie let out a balefull, agonized roar as she sank her claws into the wolf that dared touch her Fae. A shout came from the Daemon's person- who happened to be holding onto Matt. He imeadetly let go, and rushed to the wolf. Fae couldn't help but feel sympathetic. The Daemon wouldn't die, but Ellie had hurt it bad. Fae slouched over Ellie, who had the most heartbreaking expression on her face. Fae was hurt and she didn't know how to help. She let out a more heartbroken, desprete snarl, that begged for help. Fae stubbornly was still trying to push away from Ellie and reach towards the others, uselessly trying to help still. The girl simply couldn't be helped when it came to keeping the others safe. Glancing down at her now crimson arm and stomach, she pressed herself against Ellie. If she could pretend that she wasn't badly hurt, maybe the others wouldn't notice too much, she thought to herself. But that wa impossible. Her blood streaked Ellie's whtie coat, and decorated all the snow around her.

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Matt was kind of confused, as he was grabbed, he couldn't talk, and a third guy and grabbed him from behind just as someone else let him go. They began pulling him away from the others, as one of his captors said "Cmon, we need to take him. We nee....". but then the other one said "Shhhh, don't tell him who we are idiot! Just get him to the ship. secure him, then go back for the others". At this point he was trying to struggle his way out to absolutely no success. They had too good of a grip on him. He couldn't see the others any more. And get couldn't scream, there was a knife to his neck and to his daemon's. These people had experience.

Matt managed to knee one guy between the legs. Only to discover the guy was actually a girl. Which was kind of awkward. Matt actually got slapped for that. Then he got punched, which knocked him out. When he woke up, it was like 5 minuets later, and he was on the deck of some sort of....airship.

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Amanda brought her stick down hard across the back of the man's head whose daemon bite Fae, knocking him out cold. it wasn't until then that she noticed some one was missing, "Guys, Matt is gone!" she said, picking up Fae bridal style. "I'll get Fae back to camp, there only one guy left i think, if not, i'll come back." she said, carrying Fae back to camp, Sebastian helping Ellie. she was strong then she looked, she never knew why and frankly didn't care, it just came in handy sometimes. she looked down at Fae, "Please don't protest, you need a heath pill, badly." she said, leaning her against one of the logs before finding the bottle of pills and handing one to Fae.

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Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn had readied herself, but wasn't fully prepared for what happened next. The man was too quick to stop when he reached for her braid and pulled her to him. He pulled her away from the group faster than Felix had to move to stop him. He pulled it upward until she let out a pained cry and at the same time, he grabbed her wrist and bent it in such a way, she cried out and dropped it. The man kicked it several feet away and brought her face close to his.
"Stupid Brat,"he said,"I'm going to wish you had stayed away. You have such a cute face. Such a shame. I'm gonna have to carve it up." As he spoke, he reached back and grabbed a knife. He held it close to her face and slashed at her cheek. Pain scrunched up her face, but then it became determined. She was determined not to show any more pain in front of the enemy. He slashed at her other cheek. Then in quick, rapid movements, he slashed at ever part of her body until she was riddled with webs of cuts. Fed up, she kneed him in the groin and he went down letting go of her, but down he did not stay. He pulled her braid again from behind and pulled her down onto the ground with him. He held her down pinning her to the ground and had his knife raised high above her. She wiggled and fought, but to no avail.

Felix Haydell

Everything was happening so fast around Felix he didn't know how he could keep up. Autumn had joined the others there in the forest and had positioned herself in between the man and himself. Behind him, Fae and Ellie had jumped in front of a Daemon wolf which bit down, hard onto Fae's beautiful skin. Before he even had time to physically react, Amanda swooped in and took her back to camp. The Daemon and it owner were badly hurt and out cold. Damn it! I moved too slow! He thought. Then he had an idea. He unlaced both of his shoes and used them as rope and tied the man to a nearby tree for later questioning and pain. Did he mention pain? He was going to make the man pay for what his daemon had done to Fae. He heard a cry of pain come from behind him and turned to see Autumn pinned to the ground, covered in blood and cuts, a knife poised right above her and it was about to come down. He ran at the man, not allowing someone else, someone who was like a little sister to him, be hurt. He knocked the man over and the knife stuck into the man's theigh. He let out a cry of pain and writhed. Felix kicked the blade, sending it farther into the man's leg and said, "Crawl back to your men. Give them this message: We will find you, and we're coming for Matt." He kicked the blade once more before turning to pick Autumn up, carrying her bridal style back to camp. "Just a little longer, Autumn," he said as he moved quickly through the forest, "We'll be back at camp soon."

[i]Riley Crest
After 5 minutes, Riley could tell that Aiden was a lot farther off than he had expected him to be. Nausea coated the inside of his stomach and he knew what was going to he happening soon. You see, his bond with his Daemon is a lot stronger than other peoples'. If Aiden was gone for too long or he had gone too far for too long, it made him sick. The effects would even last after Aiden returned to him. His stomach rolled with every minute the Coyote was gone. He laid down, his head resting on one of the rolled sleeping bags he had taken without Autumn noticing and took deep breaths. He heard running footsteps as Amanda carrying Fae had come through the trees followed by Sebastian and Ellie. He didn't want Amanda, or anyone really, to see him this weak, but he had no choice. He couldn't move. He would just have to hope that she didn't notice him. A sharp pain shot up from the pit of his stomach, causing him to cry out. He knew not noticing him was going to be impossible so he readied himself for the sickness and the questions that would soon follow.

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Fae didn't protest as Amanda scooped her up and took her to camp. Ellie didn't follow- she spotted Aide without Riley.Not in the mood to be messed with, she carried him by the scruff of his neck like a mother dog. When Amanda put her down, Fae took of her jecket and inspected her wound. The wolf had managed to pin her arm against her side and bite down on her arm and her side at the same time. She could feel bones in her arm had been snapped like twigs, and the wounds front the wolf's sharp teeth were deep. Even with a healing pill, she wouldn't be fully healed by the morning. The healing pill could heal up cuts and maybe a broken bone in one night, but it took longer for anything more then that. Closing her eyes, she bit down on her cheek and didn't move a single muscle. Ellie dropped Aiden down in front of Riley. and glanced at her blood streaked coat, letting out a little whimper even though the blood wasn't hers.

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Amanda ripped some cloth off her shirt and wrapped it around Fae's leg, "I'm no medical professional, all i can do is clean and wrap." she said, tying the cloth into place. she stood up, hearing the noise Riley made and walked over to him. she the problem, picking up Aiden and placing him on Riley's stomach, she flashed them a smile before returning to Fae. "Will you be okay by............." she was cut off by the sound of footsteps, she readied herself for another ambush, ready to strike until she saw it was Felix and Autumn. Autumn was all cut up, "Man, these guys are stronger than we think." she motioning for Felix to put her down next to Fae, "These pills might not do all the work but they sure as hell do help." she said, Sebastian cuddling against her back to calm her down.

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Felix Haydell

Felix emerged through the trees and into the camp where he slowed. He set her down next to Fae. He grabbed her chin and turned her head gently left and right, examining her. "That basturd cut you all over, didn't he?" He asked her. He noticed a tear roll down her cheek and a few more followed, but her face was emotionless. "You can cry, Autumn. If you hold it in you'll just be in more pain. We'll get you healed, okay?" He wiped away her tears and pet her head. Then he moved over to Fae. Worry filled his eyes as he examined her wounds. "Fae. Are you alright?" Without thinking he placed his hand on her cheek and searched her eyes. "Why didn't you run?" He sighed. He felt responsible for her injury. He had let his guard down which caused Fae to have to protect him. "This is my fault. I should've kept my guard up, but I let it split and you had to protect me."

Autumn VanDerpool

Autumn was readied herself for the kife's decent, but the blow never came. After hearing an unfamiliar pained cry and feeling the weight lifted from her, her eyes shot open to see Felix standing over the man who had pinned her, the knife protruding from his leg. Before she realized what was going on, Felix had picked her up and ran through the forest back towards camp. She laid her head against his chest and squeezed her eyes shut. Her cuts stung whenever she moved. Once he arrived, he slowed down and placed her next to Fae. Seeing Felix's eye swollen and Fae's arm and side ripped up, caused her anger to bubble over, but she wouldn't show it. She refused to give her enemies the satisfaction, but Felix's kind, brotherly words caused that feeling to die and she began to cry. She thought it was childish to cry the way she did, but she was angry, worried, and relieved all at the same time. She couldn't help but cry. She laid her head on Fae's good side and cried softly. At least she would keep some of her dignity.

Rilet Crest

Riley's stomach rolled and churrned until he felt a weight on it. He opened his eyes to see his silly Daemon laying there. He heard footsteps for the first time as they walked away. He looked up and saw Amanda walking back towards Fae. His face heated slightly and he moved the coyote from on top of him. He chopped the kanine's head softly before petting it. "You took too long, Aiden. You need to come back sooner. ok?" He looked back at Amanda and actually smiled. "Thank you." he said though he wasn't sure he heard her. With a sigh, he stood and figured he would help out. "Aything I can do?" he asked them.

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Fae's heart nearly broke when she saw Autumn. She had gotten all cut up, and Felix had a swollen eye. She hugged her with her good arm, quickly pulling back her arm so she wouldn't hurt her. A soft shade of pink colored her cheeks when Felix rested his hand on her face. "Don't worry about it, Felix. I'm fine, and would've jumped in front of that daemon even if you where staring right at it." With a kind smile, she kissed his cheek. Her side felt a little more numb now, but it still hurt as she leaned against Felix and tucked her legs underneath her. Her bright eyes closed, and her nose wrinkled as the cold bit into her wound.

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Matt was still tied.....wait, where did he go? Hes not in that same spot anymore on the docked airship. Hes gone. Where did he go.....

Matt had infact managed to untie himself....with help from Azeal. "So, why are we not gone yet?" "Because they mentioned something....something confusing....". He quietly opened the door, and saw 2 people sleeping in there. The others probably went back to help the others or get another person. He quickly snuck in, and saw some sort of document. He quickly and silently took and read it, and it had a list of their names and photos. Someone didn't want them to reach the north, but who? It didn't have a name. He took it with him and then noticed two small daggers on the table. He took them just in case. As he left, he accidentally knocked into a table, and they woke up. He ran with Azeal on his shoulder. The other two finally got up and tried to shoot him in the leg. He grabbed a rope and swung on it, jumping onto the near top side of a cliff in a huge ravine. "I told you It was here! Also, i got their map!". "Okay, don't lose it this time". "Wait, what?! How did...." "I didn't, you just told me...". Azeal gave him a stare, but was more focused on holding on.

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Character Portrait: Autumn VanDerpool
0 sightings Autumn VanDerpool played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"It's kinda fun to be misunderstood."
Character Portrait: Felix Haydell
0 sightings Felix Haydell played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"You can count on me to lead the way and remember the way back."
Character Portrait: Riley Crest
0 sightings Riley Crest played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"Ask me if I care."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Character Portrait: Reira Amarante


Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."


Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."

Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Matthew Reed/Azeal
Matthew Reed/Azeal

"Hey, whats that! Lets go!" "Wait up!"

Character Portrait: Fae Love
Fae Love

"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."

Character Portrait: Jalante Tate Tearuam
Jalante Tate Tearuam

"I have lost the use of my heart, but I'm still alive."

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Most recent OOC posts in Bound Spirits

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Hey Horsey girl? By any chance have you read The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod?

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

lol. Planning on bringing him back soon?

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

*notices a lack of people missing him, and fades back into the fog with his plot twists of awesomeness.....*

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Trouble prone for da win!

*Legions of Banelings can be seen on the horizon*

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits


Im going to post as if she had wonder off like she always does, is that okay?


Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

okay.. -readies self- I'm sorry. v.v

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Well, i may send legions of Banelings after you, but no worry.......

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

v.v To be completely honest. I didn't see that until after I had posted all of my character's views. I'm sorry. D: If you would like I can go back and change it, but it'll have to be when I wake up tomorrow. Its 12:29 a.m. here and I'm tired as hell. @_@ just let the others know what your character said and I'll go back and change it tomorrow. D: And Again, I'm sorry! >.<

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

My post was ignored by Cryptic! He didn't check to see if someone else posted before him before posting! D:

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Lol, jealosy and love and fighting! Oh my!

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

So did Felix. My. . . we might have a love square. (a triangle only has three sides. . . a square has four.)

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

I love how it seems to be im the only one who posted a LI

Correction: Autumn did too. Oh dear.....i think we might have a slight triangle possibly.

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

They can either become an NPC, or one of us can adopt them.
And first post is up. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

Alright, so, then what happens if someone leaves? Giant mole eats them up and spits out a new guy thats a NPC?

Or we find someone to adopt him.....

But that's if people will want to.

Well, cant wait to start!

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

All the characters are taken, so i'll start on the first post. And for posting, please post at least three lines.

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

BTW guys, Animegirl is the co-gm. So you've got listen to her, too. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

lol, you can have him. ;D

Re: [OOC] Bound Spirits

and The more I look at the words "boy with the lanturn"... I want it.. lolz. I'll take that one too if that's okay. :3 I understand if you want to leave it open for others. I'm pretty good at playing multiple characters.