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Artemisia Evergreen

"My persona may be quiet ... But my observations are loud."

0 · 1,409 views · located in Rhindeval

a character in “Fractured Kingdoms”, as played by Kura Ravengade




| Name |

Artemesia Isle Evergreen

| Nicknames |
Artemis ~ Simply a shortened version of her name, commonly used as her full name can be quite a mouthful.
Sia ~ Her childhood nickname from friends.

| Alias |
Althea Amora Regàlé

| Nicknames |
Thea ~ By her family and friends
Althy ~ By the kids that she helps at the after-school program she volunteers at.

| Age |
Currently 21; was eight when they were sent to Earth.

| Pendent

| Field of Study |
Major in Education and Horticulture
Minor in Psychology
Minor in Art

| Skills/Abilities |
☘ Nature Communication ~ The ability to communicate with and control nature/animals. Is limited by her energy levels and the health of the Earth and creatures around her. She can communicate with nature and control it. Due to this, she does have a natural affinity/connection to/bond with animals, but cannot directly communicate with or control them (think Snow White).{Initial Ability}
☘ Animation ~ The ability to bring pictures/images/art to life. Is limited by her energy levels and the skill of the artwork in question. {Secondary Ability}
☘ Photographic Memory ~ A skill, not an ability, that runs within her family, to easily remember almost anything that she has seen, read, or heard.



| Personality|
Artemis has a very quiet and gentle nature. She's much like a wallflower and prefers to observe social interactions instead of being the sole focus, taking in information about the people around her instead of allowing the chaos of being in the thick of it overcome her wits and senses. The type to sit in the back of the classroom reading a book, Artemis is quite docile and doesn't handle confrontation very well. She's easily embarrassed and when faced with fight or flight, she'll choose flight. She's easily embarrassed and is often seen to be blushing, and while she understands most things, such as sexual innuendos and sarcasm, she will frequently become frazzled when confronted with jokes or situations involving such things. Other than her ease to embarrassment around those subjects, she's generally very calm and controlled. It's difficult to bring her to anger or get a rise out of her as she doesn't have a lot of buttons to push, and is patient to almost a fault. Frequently she is told that she has the patience of a saint, giving her a way to those who require such patience, like the very young and the very old. She adores children and animals and aspires to be a teacher, wanting to teach Horticulture to those as passionate about plants as she is. She finds nature to be fascinating, as one can take something as small as a seed and turn it into a large and beautiful tree, or bush, or even a small yet beautifully simple flower. Artemis admires beauty both on the outside and on the inside but finds nature to have a calming, mesmerizing part to it. When she talks about one of her passions, she'll grow oddly excited, despite her generally contained nature, and they're one of the few ways to get her to talk your ear off. Altogether, she's a quietly gentle and kind soul ho would much rather be curled up with a book or at home studying than out at a party or drinking.

| Likes ~ Dislikes |
☘ Nature ~ Loud/Crowded Areas
☘ Gardening ~ Coffee
☘ Taking Walks ~ Bullies
☘ Tea ~ Heights
☘ School ~ Judgement
☘ Children ~ Negativity
☘ Reading ~ Arguing/Fighting
☘ Writing ~ Bad Grades
☘ Art ~ Egos/Self-Entitlement
☘ Archery ~ Sugar
☘ Photography ~ The Dark

| Hobbies/Talents |
☘ Gardening
☘ Art {writing, drawing, painting, pottery, etc.}
☘ Studying
☘ Photography
☘ Archery
☘ Handiwork (such as DIY projects or building things)

| Fears |
☘ The Dark
☘ Heights
☘ Failing
☘ Water
☘ Losing loved ones

| Flaws |
☘ Easily Flustered/Embarrassed
☘ Sensitive
☘ Shy
☘ Socially Awkward

| History |
Artemisia was one of the younger of the princesses when they were sent to Earth. However, the first eight years of her life were delightfully happy. Spent being privately tutored as many of the royal children were, she received a decent education starting at age three. Obviously, she didn't have time to learn very much but had begun her education in the history of her home, the Emerald Isles, as well as their aptitude for agriculture. She was already a fairly decent gardener at that time and loved spending time outdoors. She was born the younger out of twins, with her older brother Apollyon leading her. She was adored by the staff and civilians, seen as the adorable princess who would one day help to lead their kingdom. She had a kindness that only a child's innocence could lead to and was well-known to brighten up anyone's day with her sweet smile that was missing her two front teeth.

Now, in regards to her life on Earth, Althea did not spend long at the local orphanage after being placed there. It was rather quickly that she was adopted, as her mesmerizing emerald eyes combined with her odd, multi-colored hair tended to draw eyes rather quickly. Her father eventually became one of the most well-known lawyers in the country and her mother the creator and owner of Regàlé, one of the top-named perfume companies in the world, so one could say that her life was definitely more than comfortable. They eventually ended up having two more children after adopting Althea, her younger brother and sister, and their lives were full and complete. Althea spent the rest of her childhood attending private school nearby, and teen years at a private boarding school in Paris, France, receiving one of the better educations, and was always pushed by her parents to do well in school and to not cause trouble, resulting in the quiet and well-mannered young woman we have today. She received top grades and was ranked in the top 5% at her private school, while also participating in the Agricultural Club, Photography Club, Arts Club, and wrote for the school newspaper. In addition, she was the Class President for the last two years of middle school and every year in high school. When applying for college, she received several offers of scholarships before finally deciding on the university that she is at today, much to the displeasure of her parents, who wished for her to attend one of the elite schools that she had been accepted to, such as Harvard. Upon her decision, her parents urged her to try and find a dormitory on-campus so that they could more closely monitor her, but she opted for an apartment off-campus instead, wanting to experience the full college life while also enjoying her newfound freedom after being forced to endure living in a near-like prison for oh-so-many years of her schooling.

| Birth Family |
Antoinette Isle Willow-Evergreen ~ Mother ~ 32 at time of death ~ Queen of the Emerald Isles
Caledon Sorne Evergreen ~ Father ~ 40 at time of death ~ King of the Emerald Isles
Apollyon Rowan Evergreen ~ Brother ~ eight at time of the takeover, currently 21 ~ Prince of the Emerald Isles

| Adoptive Family |
Chander Railue Regàlé ~ Father ~ 48 ~ District Attorney
Amelia Amora Laveau-Regàlé ~ Mother ~ 45 ~ College Professor
Chandler Railue Regàlé ~ Brother ~ 10 ~ Student
Monét Amora Regàlé ~ Sister ~ 13 ~ Student


So begins...

Artemisia Evergreen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Kyri Shokira
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

The rustling of papers could be heard through the empty halls of the university as Althea made her way out of the Student Council room, sliding papers into her messenger bag She was more than flattered and while she generally didn’t really grow overly-excited about anything, being able to help out with the university’s affairs gave her a giddiness she couldn’t explain. The opportunities that the position would give her were unimaginable and she couldn’t wait to lock down the position. She was confident with having the grades and extracurriculars to back her recruitment and was only a little worried about getting the current members to like her. It wasn’t that she was unlikeable - far from it - but she generally liked to keep to herself, which is not how student council members were supposed to be. They were supposed to be outgoing and boisterous, while she was organized and well-kempt.

Puffing out a sigh, Althea paused once she was outside. She inhaled deeply, her hand subconsciously slipping the emerald pendant from underneath her shirt and thumbing across it - the only item that she had from wherever and whoever she came from - and she immediately felt a tad less frazzled as the fresh air cleansed her of her anxiety. Relaxing as she exhaled, she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder as well as her simple jacket that she wore to fight off the slight chill to the air that was brought with the breeze. A quick glance at her phone told her she had about twenty to thirty minutes before she had to be in class, so with a soft smile, she started in the direction of the university’s cafe.

A quick dash in and out, and Althea was happily sipping on a hot Chai Tea Latte. Her soft smile moved into a slightly more prominent one as the deliciously hot tea began to warm her up. Making her way down one of the many paths leading from building to building, she found a bench that was on a path a bit less traversed but still in the direction of her first class, plopped her bag on it and then dropped down beside her things to enjoy her tea. Her eyes roamed over the few students and faculty members strewn about the area that she was in - a group of three of art majors that she recognized from her art electives, as well as young couple obviously meeting to have a small breakfast date before their classes, and finally a group of three women, one of whom was clearly a teacher. As they spoke and moved slightly, Althea recognized the older woman as the Professor of English, Ms. Evers. One of Althea’s classes was with her and thankfully she was able to sit near the back of the class without much of a problem, but Ms. Evers still would attempt to include her on things so as not to allow her to feel left out. It was a nice little change to the other professors, who either completely ignored her or would go out of their way to single her out, either out of the wish to be nice and include her yet resulting in nervousness on her part, or contempt for her loner status, she did not know. Thankfully, Ms. Evers had somehow found a neutral ground in between the two where Althea was comfortable, and for that she was grateful.

The other two with the professor she didn’t know the names of, which was unusual for her seeing as she had a fairly good memory and rarely forgot names to face, but she did recognize them. Or at least she thought she did; she wasn’t quite sure. Something about them felt familiar, and a strange itching sensation began at the back of her head as she thought about it more. Finally, she shook it off as nothing and turned to her back, withdrawing the portfolio that she was currently working on. She had to pick one of her best abstract works and was debating between two different watercolor pieces that she had made. It was difficult for her to choose, so it was taking some time, especially since it had to be the perfect choice. It wasn't necessarily her future riding on this particular competition, but it was one of the many stepping stones that was needed for her to be able to actually make a career out of her art. The only reason why she was pursuing the degrees that she was was because of her parents pushing her to do so. She definitely held a certain degree of passion for teaching others as well as getting to understand how people function mentally, but it wasn't what she wanted to actually do with her life. Althea let out a frustrated groan, taking another sip of her delicious hot tea to try and level herself once more. She knew her parents loved her and only wanted what was best for her, but what they would think was best for her wasn't what made her the happiest and for some reason, they just couldn't seem to understand that. Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly before reopening them and steadying her gaze on the two paintings.

Code ~ #088A29

Dead leaves and twigs crunched underneath Ryder’s feet as he made his way back through the dense forest surrounding the kingdom. Tree branches and fresh leaves brushed across his skin, his bow bumping gently against his back, quiver sliding across his thigh with each step. The wild boar that was his fresh kill slid behind him on his hand-made sled, rattling slightly with each bump in the ground it glided over. As he broke through the trees and fresh sunlight assaulted his eyes, he squinted slightly, taking in the kingdom before him. A strange itching at the back of his brain made him furrow his brows even more and he absentmindedly scratched the back of his head. It did nothing to alleviate the itch that was deeper, accompanied by a slight pain, but it was worth a shot.

Stifling a yawn, he nodded at the guards stationed at the entrance to the kingdom that was closest to the actual castle itself, so as to avoid any of the common-folk. He’d love to people-watch, don’t get him wrong; it was just that his presence tended to make a majority of the commoners more than uncomfortable. Although he himself had done nothing to directly hurt them, he had seen more than his fair share of the actions of his fellow servants at the direction of their queen, so he couldn’t quite blame them for their distrust and hate.They parted ways, allowing his entry as he was fairly easy to recognize, and he felt himself relax a bit once he was back within the city walls. It’s not that he was comfortable there, just less uncomfortable than being out in the forest. He didn’t know what it was, but something about the dense trees and strong scents of the earth made him feel a type of homesickness and a sense of sorrow that he couldn’t place the reasoning behind.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Ryder straightened a bit as he reached the front doors to the castle. Throwing them open, he strode inside, kill still dragging behind him, his ever present dark green cloak billowing slightly in the sudden gust of wind. Narrowing his eyes slightly in the direction of the murmuring servants who had paused at his entrance, he made his way towards the kitchen and dining area. He pulled the sled through the door to the kitchen, stopping only when it reached the feet of the Head Butcher. While he himself could have skinned the boar, it wasn’t necessary and he’d rather pass on the duty and leave it to those whose job it actually was to do so.

With only a nod in greeting and no words uttered, Ryder continued on his way, ignoring the annoyed looks that the kitchen staff were giving him. It wasn’t really his fault that the queen ‘requested’ that all meals be freshly caught on the day-of, so he wasn’t going to get his own ego hurt by a few irked servants.

When he reached the throne room, he rapped a passive knock on the large doors and when he was permitted, he pushed open the right door, the wind taking up his cloak ever-so-slightly. Approaching the throne, he avoided eye contact with the Queen, simply dropping to a knee before her, head bowed and cape gathered in hand and drawn over his side.

“I have caught a wild boar for your royal highness, if you would honor me by tasting it once the Royal Butcher and Chef have prepared it for you, My Queen,” he said, his voice coming out softly, soothing like honey to the ears. “I have also located the traitor Rune as per your request.” Looking slightly to each side, he notated the fact that they were not alone, and before simply handing over the information to the Queen in front of others without her request for more detail, he turned his gaze downwards once more. “Their location is to be delivered to the General upon your orders, My Queen.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax Character Portrait: Kyri Shokira Character Portrait: Aurora Givens
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0.00 INK


Dual Code ~ #04B486
Trinity/Khorra's Code ~ #8904B1
Serenity/Kierra's Code ~ #0431B4

Khorra'seyes scanned the page that she was on in her Forensics textbook, taking in the words and absorbing them as she did. She had a major test coming up and couldn't afford to get anything less than a 95% if she wanted to keep her scholarship, and the current chapter that they were studying was something that she was having difficulty grasping for some reason. She had already studied it for several hours over the last week and was still confused in some areas. More than likely she was going to need to ask the professor for further clarification which she hated to do, not only because it was relying on another person, but also because the Forensics Professor was a horrible old man who was stuck in the past believing that women did not need a higher education and should stay at home producing babies.

Stifling a sigh, Khorra slipped her bookmark into the spot that she stopped at, snapping the book closed and sliding it into her backpack beside her. She was currently sitting outside of the university pool building; it was nice outside for so early in the morning, not too chilly, and she was more than comfortable waiting for her sister outside. Her eyes grazed over the area that she was sitting in. It was fairly empty as it was still quite early with only a scattering of a few students here and there and one or two professors. A couple sat underneath a tree on a blanket, clearly having a breakfast date before their classes, and several feet away there was a small group of three students that she recognized but didn't know. A young girl with light orange hair sat a little further down on a bench holding what seemed to be a coffee and a folder filled with papers of some kind. A little further away from her stood a group of three women, the two younger ones she didn't know but seemed familiar and the older one being her English Professor, Ms. Evers.

Leaning back on the bench, she turned her violet gaze upwards peering through the leaves into the azure sky above. It reminded her of a beautiful ocean gently rippling in a breeze and she felt a calmness settle over her. Her hand absentmindedly reached up to grip the Kunzite pendant that hung from her neck, the only remnant of her former, forgotten life that she had. Her sister had an identical one, only it was set with an Aquamarine stone, and it was all they had to go off of for where they came from and who their former family may have been. The pendants brought them comfort for some reason and neither one of them had gone a single day without wearing it.

Meanwhile, Kierra was toweling off inside the girl's locker room. Swim practice had just concluded - they start at five am - and she had finally beaten her former PR for her Freestyle. If she could only shave off a few more seconds from her Butterfly Stroke now, she would be golden for the next swim meet, which was also the qualifier for the national tournaments.

Stifling a sigh, Kierra patted her short purple hair until it was only slightly damp before tugging a fresh set of clothes from her locker. After quickly slipping on a pair of leggings and a sweater with a shawl, she tugged a beanie over her wet hair to keep her from catching a cold. She plucked up her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, striding to the door to the girl's locker room, past the swimming pool where she gave a wave and a gentle smile to her teammates who were in the process of leaving as well and made her way through the front door of the building.

She wasn't surprised at all to see her sister waiting for her. Undoubtedly Khorra had been studying the entire time that Kierra was practicing and the younger sister felt a small warmth inside of her at the knowledge that her sister cared for her that much. With a soft smile on her face, Kierraapproached the identical girl, their only distinguishable features being Khorra's longer hair and their different eye colors, and dropped her bag at her feet as she sat down beside the other girl.

"Hey sis, how's your morning been going?" she inquired, accepting the bottle of water the slightly older girl offered her.

Khorra glanced up as her sister approached and gave her a smile that was identical to the other girl's, only not quite as innocent. "It's been going alright, I guess. It could be better. I'm having a difficult time grasping the current chapter that our next test will be on in my Forensics class and it's kind of stressing me out," she sighed, stretching her arms out and in front of her. She offered her sister a bottle of cool water, fresh from the canteen, and gave her an inquisitive look. "How about you? How are your times coming along?"

Kierra shrugged and took a swig from the bottle. "They could be going better, but I did shave off a few seconds on my Freestyle, which will be enough to qualify in the section for nationals. I need to drop down my Butterfly though before I'll be less nervous about the qualifiers. It's basically my deal-breaker on whether or not I'll be participating, so it's not an option for me to not improve it."

Dropping a hand on her sister's shoulder, Khorra gave her a confident smile. "If anyone can do it, you can, Era. I know you have the skills and the drive, you just need to get there. You've got this!" she boasted, giving her a thumbs up. Kierra gave her a small smile in response, clearly grateful for the uplifting message. "Thanks sis ... I know I can always count on you," she said softly, leaning a bit and resting her head on her slightly-older sister's shoulder. Closing her eyes, her hand moved up to subconsciously thumb over her pendant. A moment of silence passed between them before Kierra suddenly spoke once more, her voice holding a somber tone to it.

"Hey sis?" She paused for a moment as if to gather her courage before speaking once more. "Do you ever wonder ... Why we weren't good enough for our parents to keep? Why they had to abandon us on a front step of a building to strangers? How they managed to make us forget them?" When she was met by silence on her sister's end, Kierra opened her eyes and sat up, her gaze downcast. "I wonder about it a lot, that's all ... It makes me wonder if there's something wrong with us ... Something that we don't know about and that's why we can't remember. What if ... What if we did something bad?" Tears pricked at her eyes and she lifted her hand to rub at the liquid as it formed. "Why did we get abandoned? Why did we get so unlucky to have parents who hated us so much they'd want to throw us away?"

Khorra looked over at her sister helplessly. She knew it wouldn't matter what she said, because she herself had had the same thoughts time and time again. They both had issues of feeling inadequate and that was most of the reason why they were both so determined to excel and not disappoint their adoptive parents. They were both so afraid of being abandoned again that they strived for perfection even though they both knew logically that perfection was unachievable. Stifling a sigh, Khorra lifted her hand and dropped it on her sister's head, patting it gently. Kierra's tears slowed at the comforting touch and when she was a bit more calm Khorra spoke.

"There's nothing wrong with us. We're never going to rid ourselves of these feelings of not being good enough, no matter how illogical they are, because we're ingrained with that poison of not feeling good enough. We just need to remind ourselves that no matter what might have happened, we were young children at the time. We weren't responsible for our actions as we more than likely didn't even know what we were doing. Whatever reason our parents had to abandon us, that was their problems, not ours. We weren't the problems; they were. They were the ones who weren't good enough for us, and that's what we need to remember when we're having thoughts like that." Giving her sister a small smile, she tilted her head. "Now, why don't we stop by the canteen and get a couple of sandwiches to eat on the way to class, hm?" Kierra gave her sister a sad smile in response before nodding. "Yeah ... I'd like that. I'm really hungry from practice anyway," she laughed softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

The Blue Demon

”The rebels were no match for my flames and the army my Queen. They were burned to the last. Every man, woman, and child
” the Demon reported.

The Demon let the images of the dying villagers play out as a dark smile formed hidden by his mask as he started up again. ”The coward Rune was nowhere to be found
 But I find a young woman named Lynia leading them. The bitch would not speak
 So I stripped her bare, hung her from a tree and set her ablaze for all to see

The Demon savored the memory. ”Oh how she screamed as the flames took her

The Demon was still in his memory when he heard someone barge in. Ryder the Queen’s little Hound. The demon let the other man speak a glare jabbing out form behind his mask. As Ryder finished he spit out. ”So the hound has at last sniffed out something worthwhile? About time
 So tell me pup were is this traitor that I may bring about his end as well?”

Lynn Summers

Lynn was running the figures of her latest engineering project though her head when she heard a voice call out to her. Looking over she saw Professor Evers her English teacher. Lynn had always found it odd that a professor not of her major was so interested in knowing how she was doing. Professor Evers though odd seemed nice enough.

The professor was not alone today though. Lynn noticed the young woman hiding behind her like a shy child even before she was introduced. Why would The Professor call her over just to meet this girl?

Awkwardly Lynn gave a half hearted smile as she said ”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel
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0.00 INK

Cassie Peters
Code- #46935C

A lone runner was jogging over the campus. Cassie, ever the early riser, was getting in her daily morning run. She never ran too hard because she had to maintain her energy throughout the rest of the day. Besides, she had track practice that afternoon. The green hair girl was more of a mid-distance runner who often did 800 and 1,500 meter runs. While track was how she got into this college, her true desire was music and she finally got a few music scholarships. She didn't want to depend entirely on her parents, well adopted parents. Still she loved them very much. She did think about who who her real family was though. She really wanted an explanation on why her green hair was natural. She use to joke that maybe she was from another planet all together, but didn't really believe it despite her eccentric behavior. While the idea of being rejected did hurt, she learned enough from her adoptive parents that one must learn all sides of a story in order to learn the truth. So she would wait. She had already talked about trying to find her biological family after graduating, but that would be at another year. Only clue she did have was her sapphire pendent, which was the real deal. She never let it out of her sight. Right now it was swinging on her neck on a short chain.

As she ran by the natatorium, she spotted 2 people she recognized, twins Khorra and Kierra. She often had a hard time remembering who was who. Khorra was the one with the shorter hair right? The two were together so much that it was hard to tell them apart sometimes. She hadn't really interacted with them that much though, but she saw both of them at times. Both were athletic in some fashion with Kierra being the swimmer and Khorra doing other sports. Being on the track team, when Cassie had made a point to support other campus athletes when she could so she had attended some of Kierra's swim meets. Plus the 3 of them now were in the same English class. Despite not really knowing them, Cassie still felt some kind of connection for some reason, which was weird since she never knew them prior to coming here. Deciding to say hi, she jogs up to them.

"Good morning! How are both you? Say um, who is who again? Sorry I am horrible at remembering which of you is Khorra and Kierra."

Lilith Evers and Dawn Henderson
Codes- #C71585 and #5477B9

Lilith was quick to notice Lynn's expression. Had she taken her by surprise? She also looked a bit baffled about something too. The young woman was quick to great Dawn however.

”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”

Dawn nodded. This was pretty awkward. However soon her gaze fell upon the pendent Lynn was wearing. She had seen plenty of pendents before, but this one really caught her eye, like she was experiencing a form of deja vu. While very different from her own opal, the chains looked very similar. Dawn remembered how her parents got the stone and chain tested once. Opal was easy to identity, but the metal of the chain was something no one had ever seen before. Seeing someone having a similar chain as her was unnerving.

"That's a lovely pendent. Is that a real ruby? Do you mind if I ask where you got it? I ask because I have something similar, chain wise at least. My stone is an opal. I've had it since I can remember, even though I don't know who gave it to me."

Lilith smiled. All the chains the princesses had were made of metal only found in Rhindeval and also had magic properties like the stones themselves. She already knew that she would be using the pendents to help wake up the girls. She was just waiting for the right moment to do that. Not now for there wasn't time, but she would soon today. Feeling the magical energy of another nearby princess, Lilith looked and saw one of them sitting on a bench looking at something. She saw that it was Princess Artemisia aka Althea. While she knew it was unlikely to get the girl to meet Lynn and Dawn now, she would at least check on her. Checking her watch really quick, she saw she was running out of time before her first class.

"Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I need to go soon. I will see the both of you in class today. Take care ladies."

Startled, Dawn watched as the professor headed toward someone. Looking at the person she was heading to, she was once again filled with a sense of deja vu. This was starting out to be one weird day.

Lilith approached the brunette and saw she was looking at art pieces.

"Good morning, Althea. Those are some wonderful pieces. How are you this morning?"

Ivelda Evers
Code- #003300

Ivelda listen gleefully as she listened to her demon's report. As much as she enjoyed hearing his reports, she was smart enough to not show it. Oh a lot of people believed her to be evil, but were too scared to say that to her face. Still in order for her to keep control of her princes, she had keep up the illusion that what she did was for the greater good. A smart ruler never took any chances. The former rulers of Rhindeval were not weaklings and the sons of these rulers at least showed that she had to be careful with them too.

"My boy as much I as am happy that those rebels are gone, you could have spared that young woman for me at least."

Indeed, she took great pleasure of stealing the essences of young women to keep her looking young and fair.

Soon another one of her princes entered with some game for her. Listening to him, she beamed.

"Oh Ryder that's wonderful news! Both of you have worked so hard. Yes please take it to the butcher, but before either of you do anything else, let me give you both something to drink!"

Leaving her through, Ivelda soon return with two cups of the same drink she had given Adrian. Smiling at them both she waited for them to finish it before speaking up again.

"Now, Ryder, after you give the Blue Demon the report, you are free to go. I have my own business to attend to at the moment. Both of you do your queen proud. Thank you for keeping Rhindeval safe!"

Leaving the room, she soon head for a part of the area not many people saw, her dungeons. She needed to find another 'sacrifice' and she knew just who to go to. She soon found her inquisitor.

"Eike, I see you've been doing your job hehe. I need your help. I am in need of another young woman, preferably clean and fair of face. Are there any like that down here?" she asked while threading her fingers through his hair, petting him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

A soft clunk was heard as Althea’s Chai Tea cup was tossed into the trash bin beside her bench. Leaning her head back, she looked up at the sky, her frustration evident on her features. It shouldn’t be so difficult for her to choose a piece to submit, but the pressure of ensuring that she chose the right one was causing a blockage in her submission process. She turned her face back down the portfolio in her lap, eyes darting between the two different pieces that she was stuck between. One was a beautiful work portraying a faceless woman wearing what seemed to be an extravagant dress; the other was a breathless landscape of a range of hills bordering what seemed to be a spaceless yet glorious spanse of water.

Caught off-guard by the sudden approach of Professor Evers, Althea jumped, nearly scattering her papers in the process. She managed to keep from spilling them and quickly slid them all back into the portfolio. Holding the folder on her lap, she turned a small yet kind smile up to the woman before her, the sweetness reaching her eyes.

“Good morning to you too, Professor Evers. How has the beginning of your day been?” she asked. At the mention of her pieces, she turned her gaze back down to the folder and reopened it, the two works that she was debating between the first ones on the stack. Holding them side-by-side, she frowned slightly, obviously uncertain. “Thank you for the compliment, I really do appreciate it, but I’m not so sure that I agree,” she sighed out, her brows slightly furrowed. “I’m supposed to submit my choice for the Abstract Division II section of the upcoming exhibit, but I can’t decide which one I want to go with. They’re both some of my best works for the Watercolor category, but they also have their flaws, and I’m not certain which one’s pros outweigh the cons, you know?” she asked, her lips pursed in thought.

Turning her sight back up the professor, an uncertain smile crossed her lips. “Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you with my indecisiveness. What do you think? If it were you, which one would you choose? I definitely could use some impartial advice and opinions,” she laughed out, her cheeks tinged a light pink in embarrassment to be asking her professor for her viewpoint.

Code ~ #088A29

At the input of the General, Ryder felt his normally placate expression turn slightly sour, a small scowl crossing his lips. His generally passive eyes turned dark and a bit cold, his displeasure at the other man’s words evident on his face. He kept his head down, however, and chose to ignore the Demon. It was in his best interest to not allow any of the other men of the court to see his true feelings and nature, so instead he chose to come off as the indifferent servant, completely and wholly loyal to their queen. If any of the other court-appointed servants sniffed out even a pinch of his wavering loyalty and distrust, they would immediately inform the queen, which would not result in anything good for him or the people of the kingdom.

When his queen acknowledged his information, he gave a small nod of his head before rising to his feet once more. He watched as she left the throne room for a moment before returning with two glasses of an unknown liquid. At the sight of the cups, he felt an odd feeling in his bones, something that he only ever felt when out hunting or tracking and was being watched or in immediate danger. The odd tickling sensation returned to the back of his head and he absentmindedly itched the spot yet found himself unable to be rid of the feeling.

Reaching out, Ryder accepted the cup from his queen yet hesitated to drink it. Under her scrutinizing gaze, however, he knocked it back in one gulp. Immediately he felt off, almost different and unlike himself, and a small cloud came over his thoughts. All he could think was of his beautiful and magnificent queen, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Only moments before he remembered doubting her and her intentions, but now he couldn’t recall as to why he would ever question her. Something wasn’t right and he knew it, but couldn’t tell what it was.

Once she had left, he turned to face the Demon, his disdain for the other man hidden behind a monotonous expression. The General was one of the few men that got under his skin with his heartless and dark nature. He seemed to care naught for the citizens of the kingdom and only for the queen’s happiness, and despite Ryder wanting the same, he couldn’t help but feel something deep within him that found everything to be odd and unnatural in the kingdom’s court. However, if he wanted to keep his position and not be punished for treason, he would have to play nice with the other man, no matter how little he disliked the thought of it.

“Rune is currently hiding near the southern border of the kingdom in a small shack with an unregistered bunker beneath it. After further investigation, it seems that a majority of the leaders of their resistance force has set up home in said bunker, which will make it easier for them all to be taken into custody in one fell swoop, if you plan correctly,” he said, the last bit coming off a bit condescending. Turning his back to the other man, he drew his cloak entirely around him and made his way towards the doors, pausing when he reached them to give the General another look over his shoulder. “Try not to mess this one up, would you? I would hate for all of my hard work retrieving this information to go to waste,” he tilted his head slightly to the side, a small, cocky smirk on his lips, and left the throne room. While he was usually not one for many words, If the General wanted to play war with his words, then Ryder would respond in kind.

Once he was in the massive halls outside of the room, Ryder felt himself relax once more. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right, especially following the intake of that strange liquid that the queen gave him, but at least he wasn’t trapped in that room with all of those dark faces looking at him any longer. Their scrutinizingly glaring faces gave him the underlying sense of something evil and that bothered him almost as much as the feeling that something wasn’t right with the queen that he had been idolizing for as long as he could remember. It was almost as though the image that he had of her was cracking, like glass did when broken.

At the thought, a piercing pain darted through his head. He cringed, hand pressed to his forehead, and leaned against the wall next to the doors to the room he had just left. Forcing himself to take in slow, deep breaths, Ryder fought back the pain through gritted teeth. He wa right; something was very wrong with everything. Although everything had seemed dark before, in the last couple of days, especially today in particular, things had seemed so much darker than before. Almost as though some sort of an illusion had been cast and only just now was starting to fade away, splintering as it went. There was only one person that he could trust to talk to about this, and that was the Kingdom's Physician with whom he was training under. While there was a Royal Physician specifically for the Queen with whom he could have studied beneath, he had opted for the Kingdom’s Physician, who saw only civilians. The only reason why the Queen had agreed to this was because the Kingdom’s Physician would have a more broad expertise instead of having spent the last decade or so caring for only one individual.

Pushing himself away from the walk with determination in his features, he set off at a brisk walk, jaw clenched as he fought against the pain in his head.

Ryder needed to pay him a visit, and he needed to do it today.


Dual Code ~ #04B486
Trinity/Khorra's Code ~ #8904B1
Serenity/Kierra's Code ~ #0431B4

Khorra rose and retrieved her bag from the ground by her feet, slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her eyes down to her sister. Kierra quickly joined her, grabbing her backpack and swimming bag and doing the same as her sister. Khorra bent over and retrieved her large cello case, but before they could take a step they were approached by a girl that they recognized from one of their classes. She easily stood out with her vibrant green hair, but they both compelled themselves not to stare. They knew better than most people how it felt to be scrutinized just because of their appearances - twins with natural purple hair, of all things, yet strikingly different-colored irises. Although she was generally wary of people they didn’t know, Khorra felt an odd familiarity with the girl that went beyond having a simple class together. She had felt it before when her gaze would happen to slide over her, and she’d be lying if she said it was a bad familiarity. Kierra stood slightly behind her sister and could almost read her sister’s mind. They both felt the same; wary of strangers, yet this girl didn’t seem to be oh-so-strange.

Ever-the-kind-and-welcoming girl, despite her generally shy nature, Kierra allowed a gentle smile to reach her lips as she moved to her sister’s side, effectively taking the lead so as to alleviate any type of stand-offishness her sister could possibly decide to throw at the innocent girl who was simply trying to say hello.

“Good morning to you too! It’s so nice to meet one of our new classmates,” Kierra said cheerfully, holding out a hand in greeting. She laughed a little at the girl’s question as both she and her sister were more than used to being on the receiving end of that question. Although they thought that they looked pretty different, it was understandable how people could be confused. ”It’s okay, it happens a lot actually. We just appreciate you asking and not just assuming that you know which of us is which,” she laughed out. Casting a smile over at her sister, she motioned to herself and then the identical girl beside her. ”My name is Kierra, and this is my sister-” she began, but was cut off by her sister mid sentence, ”-Older sister, Khorra,” Khorra finished, stepping slightly around her sister to introduce herself. She was a lot more awkward with first meetings with others in comparison to her sister, but once they could get past the little bump that was their introductions, she knew she would be able to relax a bit. Besides, Kierra was always telling her she needed to try and make more friends. With a small sigh of indignation, she forced a friendly smile to her face, wanting to at least try and be friends with the girl. She seemed harmless enough.

”Your name is Cassie, right? I like that; it’s nice,” she said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. ”I’ve seen you run track before and I’d have to say that I’m impressed. You’re one fast girl,” she laughed out. ”I’ve also seen you watching the swim meets. Thanks for the support; I’m sure my sister and her friends appreciate you cheering them on,” she smiled. Kierra stepped forward once more, not wanting to be shut out of the conversation. ”Oh! Now that she mentions it, I do remember seeing you in the spectator seats. We really do appreciate the support a lot, especially if you enjoy watching. If you want, I could reserve you some good seats at the front with Khorra for next week’s national qualifiers. It’s going to be intense!” she hurried out excitedly, almost shining with her giddiness. Clearly passionate about her sport, Kierra couldn’t contain herself when talking about the competitions. Khorra rolled her eyes a little at her sister’s energy before turning back to the girl before them. ”Anyway, we were just on our way to the canteen to grab a couple of prepackaged sandwiches. If you’d like to join, you’re more than welcome,” she offered with a quick glance at a nearby clock. ”We have just enough time to eat before the next round of classes begin.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

”To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.”

“...And Paris, too. Come, I’ll dispose of thee Among a sisterhood of holy nuns. Stay not to question, for the watch is coming. Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.”

Silence rang heavily in the air as the remnants of the man’s voice faded from the outdoor amphitheater. The quiet quickly grew uncomfortable, and was marred by the clearing of a throat and the soft shuffling of a chair. A young woman knelt on the stage, seemingly staring off into the unknown, and it was clear that her mind was elsewhere instead of focused on the play at hand.

“Miss RegĂ lĂ©, do you need your line read to you?”

When the director’s question was met with further silence, he pushed back his chair, shuffling the script papers before him before placing them in a neat stack on the table. Moving out from behind the desk, he approached the stage and lithely hopped up onto it, swiftly made his way across the floor, before placing a hand on the young woman’s shoulder, causing her to jump in surprise, having quite obviously been off in her own little world and not paying attention in any form.She blinked up at him with a blank expression for a moment before light dawned on her expression and a bright pink hue rose into her cheeks.

”I’m so sorry, Mr. Heinry. I suppose I was lost in my train of thought. There is little excuse for my behavior and I apologize - sincerely, sir. It will not happen again,” she scrambled out, bowing her head to him. ”I don’t require my lines, I remember them. Please, allow us to return to rehearsal.”

With a questionable look down at James, the young man currently pretending to be a dead Romeo, Mr. Heinry nodded in answer to Althea and strode back across the stage, hopping down and returning to the director’s seat behind his table.

“Alright, let’s take it from Friar Lawrence’s line beginning with, ‘I hear some noise.’” He spun his hand in the air, and following the cue, the young man playing Friar Lawrence cleared his throat and spoke his lines anew, this time with Althea paying attention.

“Go, get thee hence, for I will not away!” The man playing Friar Lawrence nodded and exited the stage, leaving Althea alone with her partner. Tears streamed down her face in rivlets, streaking her cheeks with stains. Her eyes moved to James’ hand and she grasped his wrist, raising it swiftly. “What’s here? A cup closed in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.— O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after! I will kiss thy lips. Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make me die with a restorative.” She leaned down and pressed her lips gently to his own, and when she retreated, a soft sob escaped her. “Thy lips are warm! Lead, boy. Which way? Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O, happy dagger, This is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die.” With that final line, Althea brought her hands into the air, raising the false dagger that shimmered as though real in the bright morning light, and brought it down quickly towards her chest. She let out a cry of pain and slowly slumped over James, the dagger lodged between them and her arm sprawled across his body.

The applause of their fellow castmates drew them up, and as she rose, Althea held out a hand to James, which he took gratefully as he allowed her to help him stand. She gave him a sweet smile, prompting his cheeks to turn pink, but she didn’t notice.

”Great work today, James. Keep it up and we might even make it to finals!” she encouraged, patting him on the shoulder. His cheeks turned brighter and he rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish smile on his lips. “Thanks a lot, Althea; but if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have even made it to sectionals. You’re the one who brought the whole thing together. Not only did you direct the set building, but with you playing Juliet, there’s no way we can fail,” he gushed, looking down at her with shimmering puppy dog eyes.

Althea, ever the dense and naive when it came to recognizing clues and hints in the regards of romance, simply beamed in return. ”Ah, thank you so much, James! I appreciate the compliment, but we never would’ve made it this far if it weren’t for everyone involved,” she insisted. Turning and striding across the stage, she grabbed her messenger bag from behind the curtains and made her way down the stairs on the side of the platform. Casting a gentle smile at people as she passed and they congratulated her on her performance, she called farewells to everyone on her way out of the amphitheater.

She would be lying if she said it wasn’t nice to be rehearsing outside, when the weather was as lovely as it was. Inhaling deeply, she reveled in the fresh air as the breeze brushed around her, almost whispering in her ears. The chitter of a chipmunk could be heard as it skittered up a nearby tree, and the small mew of one of the campus cats traveled from a bush that she strode by. Pausing, Althea withdrew a small pouch from her bag, made her way over to the bushes, and crouched down. Almost immediately a black and white face peeped out, as though excited, and she let out of a soft giggle in response.

”Don’t worry, I brought you food,” she reassured it, popping open the pouch of wet cat food. Emptying it out onto the sidewalk right next to the grass lining the bushes, she watched as the cat scurried out and basically inhaled the food, gently stroking it behind its ear as it did. ”I’m sure someone will come and take you home real soon, okay?” she murmured softly, wishing that she herself could adopt the feline. Once it had finished eating and receiving attention, it returned to its nesting spot inside the bushes for what she assumed was a much-needed food nap, and Althea returned on her way, glancing at her smart watch as she did so, noting the time to be 10:15am. That gave her fifteen minutes to get to Professor Evers home, if she decided to go.

Her stomach churned at the thought. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the woman; quite the contrary, actually. It was the fact that she had so much here, a life and a family and the animals that she helped care for as well as the children that she helped to teach. She had responsibilities that she couldn’t just abandon, and she was anything if responsible.

Pausing as she reached her Ford Mustang Bullitt, she pressed her forehead against the side of it and let out a breath, her eyes closed as she attempted to process her thoughts, hand clenching the strap of her bag. In all of her life, she had never been asked to make a decision as difficult as this one. Straightening, she unlocked her car and got inside, locking it immediately and leaning her head back against the seat, staring up at the interior of her car as she mulled over the previous day's events.


The day began as any other, with Althea readying herself at her off-campus apartment. Except today would be different, as it was the day of the Spring Festival and all classes were cancelled so everyone could either enjoy their day or attend to their assigned class duties. For Althea, all that she had to worry about was the play that they would be putting on at 1:00pm, and then ensuring that if anything were to happen, as Junior Class President, she was present to attend to any matters that arose.

She attended the festival wearing a simple yet elegant green dress that she had designed and enlisted the assistance of the fashion department’s help in creating. It was a dress that she was to wear in the play, and the director had requested she wear it at the festival to draw in people to buy tickets and attend the performance. Paired with a simple lavender flower crown she made and pretty iridescent green fairy wings she found online for a fairly decent price, she looked the perfect picture of a fairy princess and would undoubtedly draw eyes and therefore a fair amount of theater goers. Not to mention the splash of shimmering glitter she added to make the fairy look more realistic.

Excited to bring in people to watch her performance, she spent a majority of the day traversing the festival, pausing to chat with those who wanted pictures with her and who had questions about her costume. Little girls would run up and excitedly tug on her skirts, exclaiming that they had found a real-life fairy princess and they wanted to be just like her, and little boys professed that they would save her should she ever be kidnapped by a big, mean bad guy and need rescuing. This would draw laughs from their parents who would snap pictures for the memories, a bright smile on Althea’s face, and when the time came for her performance, it went off without a hitch, the show sold-out, much to her pleasure. A majority of the theater-goers were those who had stopped to take pictures with her, the little ones wanting to watch the pretty fairy princess’s show, and the parents intrigued on how well she could perform in a practiced situation. Needless to say, they were not disappointed, and they congratulated her after the show as they all left the theater, shaking the hands of the cast as they awaited them at the exit.

It was as the cast and she were on their way back to the changing rooms that it happened. Falling behind the group a bit to bend down and adjust her shoe, Althea straightened to catch up with them, when she noticed an odd warmth against her chest. Reaching up, she touched the emerald pendant that rested between the dip of her breasts, her brows furrowing, but before she could do anything further, an odd force slammed into her, knocking the breath from her body and causing her to lose her balance. She fell back, landing directly on her tailbone with a wince, but did not have time to focus on the pain as she was assaulted with a barrage of images before her eyes.


”Come on, Artemisia! You have to keep up!”

Panting, the small girl struggled to climb the steep hill, her little legs only able to reach so far. ”I am trying, Aurora! Slow down!” she begged, attempting to use her hands as well to pull herself up in an effort to speed up the process. The blonde bob of hair that shone brightly in the sunlight ahead of her moved, and beautiful shimmering blue eyes focused on her.

“Hurry up, or we’ll miss it!” The other girl insisted, turning back and getting further away from little Artemisia. Tears gathered in her large green eyes, but before they could spill, she felt a gentle push from behind that helped boost her up a bit further and more quickly. Glancing back, she met a green and orange gaze that held a kind and loving tone to them. Orange hair that was only slightly lighter than her own glinted under the rays of the sun, and the smile that beamed up at her was calming and steadying.

“Don’t worry, Sia; I’ll always be here to help you,” the boy reassured her, his voice soft and holding a lilting tone to it. She felt happiness swell within her and she giggled and smile back at him, using the back of her hand to wipe away her tears before they could fall.

”Thank you, Appy - I know I can always count on you!”


“... ay, Althea? Althea, do we need to call an ambulance?”

Althea came to with a gasp, her hand clenched in the fabric at her chest. The worried gaze of Reina, one of the stage-hands, loomed over her, with Mr. Heinry looking down at her from the other side. She shot up quickly, breathing heavily, her hand moving to her face. Only then did she notice the tears streaking down her cheeks, and using the sleeves of her dress, she attempted to rub away the warm liquid.

“Althea, do you need us to call an ambulance? Or your family? Or just anyone, really?”

Turning her attention to Mr. Heinry, Althea shook her head, taking the hand of Reina as she offered to help her up.

”No, I-I’m okay. I think it’s because I haven’t eaten today, I was just feeling a bit lightheaded is all,” she breathed out, accepting the water that Mr. Heinry offered to her. After drinking almost all of it, she let out a sigh and fanned herself with her hand. ”I think 
 I think I need to go home for the day,” she said softly, and they both nodded, worry etched across their features.

“If that’s what you think is best, please travel safe. We’ll see you tomorrow at eight am sharp for rehearsal, and please contact me if anything else happens.” With that, Mr. Heinry and Reina turned and made their way back towards the back of the amphitheater, with Reina casting one last worrying glance back at Althea, who waved her off reassuringly.

After she left the amphitheater, Althea made her way towards the exit of the festival, her head ringing as more images filtered from behind her eyes. It was hard to organize them in the order that they happened, and they were a jumbled mess right now, but one face in them she recognized as soon as it entered her mind - Professor Evers. If she was in these images, then she had to know something about why Althea was seeing them, and Althea also knew that Professor Evers had a stand at the festival today as well. Before she could go home, she had to see her.

Before she could get to her, however, she paused. A rather large group of women around her own age stood crowded around Ms. Evers, and never the one for confrontation, Althea stood back a few feet, but just close enough to overhear the conversation. She pretended to be looking at one of the stalls goods, some dream catchers, while her ears twitched as she listened to everything that happened between the group. When they finally dispersed, she smiled at the woman at the stall, gave her some money, and left with a pretty dreamcatcher in hand.

Was it really possible? Was she from another realm, and a princess at that, as well as those other girls? It all seemed so unreal and farfetched, but then again, it would explain how she didn’t remember anything before she was eight, as well as who her birth family was and why they abandoned her, and why she always felt so out of place.

Clutching the dreamcatcher in hand, Althea left the festival, jaw clenched and her thoughts a muddled mess.

What was she supposed to do now?


Opening her eyes, Althea groaned. Fine, she internally grumbled, throwing her car into reverse and screeching out of her parking spot with determination.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the address. She knew exactly where she was going without having to pop it into her GPS - having a great memory came in handy sometimes - and as she pulled up, noted the motorcycle and grouping of vehicles sitting outside the front of the building. Pausing before getting out of her car, she took in a deep breath and exited it. A soft beep noise echoed on the street as she made her way across it, glancing both ways beforehand, and strode up the steps to stand beside a girl with silver hair and pretty features, but a not-so-pretty expression on her face as she yelled into her cell phone. After she racked her newfound memories for the name of the girl, she gave her a gentle smile.

”Hello, it’s nice to meet you again. I’m not sure what you would prefer that I call you, so I’ll introduce myself; I’m Althea RegĂ lĂ©, and would prefer to go by Lucie or Justice?” she asked kindly, her hand moving forward to rap gently on the front door. She could hear several voices inside, so instead of waiting for a response, she tried to doorknob and found it unlocked, and gently turned and nudged the door open.

”Ahm, hello?” she called out shyly, her voice uncertain. ”I-I hope we aren’t intruding, but 
 the door was unlocked, so I figured that we would save you all the trip of opening it for us, and 
 Just let ourselves in?” she said, phrasing it almost as though it were a question. She left the door open for Justice to let herself in, making her way towards the voices and pausing in the doorway of the room that they were in, clearly nervous and uncertain. ”I apologize for the intrusion, and I’m also sorry for being late. I had rehearsal, and it ran a little later than we expected,” she rambled out, her voice quiet and but her eyes forward and meeting each of their gazes. Despite her nervous nature, she was capable of holding eye contact, as it was deemed the respectable way to speak to people and the only way that she would have passed her etiquette classes back at her boarding school. As much as she wanted to shuffle her feet in angst, the classes had managed to knock that nervous habit out of her, so instead she wrung her hands antsily behind her back where no one except Justice could see, her anxiousness getting the better of her. ”Ah, I’m Althea RegĂ lĂ©, or, well, I guess I’m actually Artemisia Evergreen, but 
 I don’t know anymore, so 
 Please just call me Althea or whatever is easiest for now,” she introduced herself, biting her lower lip. Turning her attention to Professor Evers, her expression wavered a bit. "Miss Evers, I have something that I have a question about. Something happened last night, after I got home from the festival, and I'm not sure what to make of it, but I thought that maybe you might have an answer, given everything that you said yesterday?"

Glancing around the room, her gaze centered on a vase of petunias situated on the floor. Quickly moving towards it, she grabbed the vase and placed it in the center of the room where everyone could see, and then stood behind it. Althea paused, glancing around at each person before settling on Miss Evers once more. "This freaked me out, so please don't freak out, okay?" she practically begged. With that, she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, her fingers gently playing across the petals and leaves of the flowers inside of the vase. A soft, beautiful shimmer of green and orange began to appear where her fingers touched, and her ears twitched as the song of the flowers filtered into them. Before their very eyes, the flowers began to bloom bigger and more vibrantly than before, and more flowers began to bud along the leaves and stems, exploding with their beauty and fragrance. By the time she pulled her hands away, it was almost as though it were an entirely new plant. Pressing her hands together before her, she looked at Miss Evers uncertainly once more, her expression nervous. "Can you explain this to me please?" she practically begged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers
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0.00 INK

Adrian Wells

Adrian sighed in relief as he finished all of the paperwork he had to do. No he had all the free time in the world. Question was, what was he do. Just like that a messenger arrived with a letter for him. Intrigued, Adrian took it and thanked the messenger before sending him on his war. The letter was from Thaddeus. Did something happened yesterday? Opening it, he quickly read the contents and laughed. Oh poor Thaddeus. He could imagine how mortifying it was for him to be scolded by the queen. He thought about the actions of Korgan, Tyann, and Asher. He had interacted with all three at one time or another, although Korgan was harder to see as much since he loved being out sea more. Tyann had been the one to help take care of his horses when they needed tending and Asher was the one he saw the most since there had been times when Adrian got injured during his assignments. Oh he knew basic first aide, but he had scars proving how dangerous his job was. He owed Asher his own life once during one of his first missions he made a critical mistake and got the biggest scar on his body because of that mistake. He was darn lucky that Asher had been with him at the time since they had a few missions together before being able to do solo missions. He couldn't blame the guys for wanting to have a good time, but it was a dumb idea to show up drunk in front of her majesty. He had seen her wrath and it was indeed a scary thing to witness.

Adrian thought about what he should write in response when someone burst through the door. He had his blade ready in hand when he saw it was another messenger.

"Sir Adrian! You presence is required immediately at the palace for there's been an assassination attempt on the queen. You are to go to the throne room when you get there."

"Good man. Rest your horse before returning to the palace," Adrian ordered before rushing out of the room.

So much for having a relaxing day. He went to his stable to grab his fastest horse, a mare named Scarlett. After saddling her up, he immediately took off for the palace.

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda always took her time getting ready for the day. By the time her advisor came in, Ivelda was, in her eyes, the personification of perfection. She smiled sweetly at Ryder. She had given him his drink yesterday after all that excitement of yesterday's dealings with her other princes. At the time he had been attending other matters. Out of all the princes under her service, she purposely picked Prince Apollyon as her advisor since he was the most versatile of them. Through the years she kept an eye on each prince in how they reacted to her, and Apollyon, or Ryder as she called him, had always been perceptive about things so it was why she made him her own advisor.

Soon her breakfast had been given to her. Ivelda was a picky eater and demanded perfection from the kitchen staff. The head cook had actually been around since the last rulers and Ivelda made it perfectly clear that if anything poisonous reached her, there be hell to pay. Ivelda herself though couldn't technically die because of poison either. In her thirst for power she made a deal with the main evil force of this world for power and the ability to 'cheat death'. She had to trade her soul for it but it was worth it. There were side effects though. One, she had to keep taking the essence of others to retain her youthful appearance. The other being if she did ingest anything poisonous, it would make her very sick for a time. Also she had to keep her magic mirror protected at all costs, because if that was destroyed, she would go straight to hell right then and there. It was located in a secret location no one knew about, except for herself.

Before she could take a bite of her salad though, Ryder instantly threw the fork away. She was about to erupt at him when he quickly explained the situation. Ivelda was rarely surprised but this time she was as her eyes widen open. Only because she realized the irony of the situation and also the fact that she came this close to be poisoned. Ironic since Ryder saved her when she was the one who killed his parents. When she finally came to her senses, Ryder had just finished making orders to bring back some of her servants to the throne room. His actions next amused Ivelda though. She would have smiled but this was a serious situation.

"Calm down, Ryder. Were you the one who hired who made this meal for me? I don't recall that being a job of yours. You will not be punished, but rewarded for saving my life. I don't know what that'll be yet, but it'll happen. For now, let's go to the throne room."

Soon Ivelda was in her throne room, awaiting those who'd be called upon.

Aurora Givens~Cassie Peters~Lilith Evers

Before anything else could happen, Reese came in, slamming the door and made a beeline right for Freddie. Aurora flinched when the door banged. She didn't like loud noises.

Soon Silvia went to the door and a few seconds later, she slammed the door too as she brought in Sibylla. This caused Aurora to snap.

"Really NOW Mia and Silvia! Was that necessary?! Why don't you break the door while your at it?!" she shouted at both girls.

Realizing she snapped, she blushed in embarrassment and just sat down again. Cassie didn't expect such behavior from Aurora. From her memories of Aurora, she was normally one of the more mild manner ones. But then everyone had a limit too.

Lilith saw Sibylla arrive just as she put the trash in the trash bin. She frowned when Silvia also slammed the door in Justice's face after letting Sibylla in. Soon though one princess who she hadn't seen yesterday showed up. Princess Artemisia. She too had been separated from her brother, only he was the 'older' sibling, even though they were twins. At least she remembered her manners as she let Justice in. Realizing she needed to get back in there, she came in as Artemisia introduced herself and soon locked eyesight on her. She then took one of her vases with petunias in it and cased the flowers to grow. Once again, the girl looked to her and asked what was going on.

"If all of you had grown up normally in Rhindeval, you would have come into your powers by the time you hit your majority or 13. But with the spell that had been over you, somehow it sealed your powers too. That that you're free of that spell, your powers are waking up. Aurora here can dreamwalk. For you Artemisia, you're kingdom is known for Earth magic, along with Meridian's. So you have this ability. I am glad you decided to show up. I think we have plenty of girls to get started. Euphemia, did you want to help me try to contact the fairy queen? I am assuming that all that are here are willing to help me do that at least."

"Yes I am willing to help, no idea how though. Maybe meeting this fairy queen will help me change my mind. Oh I haven't had anything magical happen to me yet though," Cassie said before looking at Artemisia again and recalling that the girl was her cousin.

"Oh, nice to see you again cousin. I am still getting use to all of this."

It still felt weird to her too since she and Artemisia were in the same English class and had interacted a few times outside of class before yesterday's events.

Aurora smiled at Artemisia. The two had been friends, despite their age different. She recalled her twin brother. Thinking about Apollyon now though brought another blush to Aurora's face. Cassie saw that look and wondered what was on her mind now, but before she could ask, Lilith spoke out again.

"Okay ladies, I am going to start setting up. I'll let you know when I am ready for you. Thanks for your patience. I would like assistance from one of you. Justice, do you want to help me?"

She figured it be best for now to keep her away from Euphemia and Silvia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK


Hex Code: #778899
"If you mad, stay mad, we not alike,
keep it pretty, pretty savage."

“Looks like I made it Just-ice time, huh?” Lucie turned her head to see another princess had arrived, the 'quitter talk' one. The dark-haired girl was grinning at her with a lollipop in her mouth. It was kind of annoying actually. Didn't this same girl proclaim not to like her during the fight with Reese? Lucie's thoughts were interrupted as she pinched her nose, the smell of incense overwhelming her senses. “Ugh, you must think you’re so pun-ny but you reek as much as your jokes..” she retorted, unamused.

The door swung open with Silvia standing on the other side but before Lucie could say another word, the taller girl picked up Sibylla and slammed the door after her. The blue-haired girl blinked and blinked again. She was gobsmacked at everybody’s behavior today. It was Lilith’s house if she wasn’t mistaken, yet the girls one after the other were slamming the door in her face as if they owned the place! Also, she was the only princess who actually wanted to be there from what she could recall. She exhaled loudly with frustration, her adoptive father on the other end of the phone line asking if everything was alright. Now that the smelly girl was gone, she could stop pinching her nose and folded that arm under her bosom while the other hand continued to hold up her phone. “Some people are just so rude, daddy. Like you would not believe...” However, if given a choice, Lucie would not trade places with Sibylla. She was relieved to be left untouched.

”Hello, it’s nice to meet you again. I’m not sure what you would prefer that I call you, so I’ll introduce myself; I’m Althea RegĂ lĂ©, and would prefer to go by Lucie or Justice?” Lucie could almost feel a vein pop out. “Daddy, I'll call you back later...” she said sweetly before hanging up and glaring at the newcomer. She was already in a foul enough mood and it was just rudeness upon rudeness since she graced Lilith's doorstep with her presence. "You did see me on the phone, right? Did nobody teach you it's rude to interrupt another's phone call?" Lucie snapped, drawing close to pressing the phone against the girl's face but pocketing it instead. Althea did ask a worthwhile question though that reminded her of something important, why she was here, and putting up with all this. "Justice. That's the name I was born with and the name that I'll die with." She responded with utmost certainty, closing her eyes for a second to reflect on it. However, her glare and bark remained sharp at the next words, "But honestly, I'd prefer you don't call me. If I need you, I'll call you.” she concluded right before the door was opened and she could finally take a step in.

Lucie made no comment about the house and its decor. She wasn't here to exchange pleasantries and there wasn't anything that stood out in particular for her to complain about. It would do. She observed as the princess Artemisia who entered the house with her, fidgeted with her hands behind her back while offering up a clumsy introduction. Lucie snickered but said nothing, claiming the biggest sofa chair in the room for herself and crossing her legs. She smoothed out the creases in her skirt and even by then, the girl had not finished talking. This was extremely irritating as Lucie didn't like it when she wasn't the center of attention. Then she wondered if Althea had even thought to stop and take a breath. So much nonsense flowing out all at once must be tiring to produce as much as to listen to. "This freaked me out, so please don't freak out, okay?" Lucie perked up a little bit with expectation but when the show of petunias was over, she leaned back in her seat and rearranged her fringe. Rhindeval was full of magic, unlike anything on Earth AND she did her flowery grow magic trick as if she'd been practicing all night. Do magicians perform and then ask a stupid question like, "Can you explain this to me please?" No, only if they're showing off. Lucie clapped very slowly with long intervals between. “Wonderful, meadowsweet. I’m sure Ivelda could use a gardener.” Lucie said, wondering if Althea spent any time studying flower symbolism too to get her insinuation.

Despite her bad mood, she listened attentively to Lilith's words and didn't interrupt. Her silver eyes scanned the room and briefly landed on Aurora as Lilith shared her ability to dream walk. She remembered the blonde from the fair but their childhood was still a blur. There were still a lot of memories to shift through and register. Lucie looked down at her hands as her nails tapped her knee, pondering what kind of abilities she possessed and hoping dearly that they were useful in the inevitable fight to come. "I would like assistance from one of you. Justice, do you want to help me?" Lucie looked up and stared at Lilith for a time. She wasn't the 'type' to help others even when asked politely. However, she bit her lip, and a sense of pride as she arose from her comfortable seating position. The situation was vastly different from normal and she had goals. She had to be willing to do almost anything to get where she wanted to be. She was well aware of that. "What do you need me to do?" She asked but then there was a knock on the door. "I'm not getting that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

Aurora Givens~Cassie Peters~Lilith Evers

Aurora sighed at Justice's comment when she called Sia "meadowsweet". Feeling the need to defend her friend, she looked at Justice.

"Justice, we don't know how our powers can be used against Ivelda. Maybe Sia can use her magic to help restore her kingdom. That's important too."

Lilith smiled at Aurora before returning to Justice. She was about to give her instructions, but there was a knock at the door. Counting all the girls in the room, Lilith realized they were still one princess short. Shuffling through her memory, she recalled Princess Mae. She hadn't seen her yesterday, but obviously gotten her email.

"Aurora, can you get that. And Justice, just follow me for now."

Soon the two left the room to the basement area, which functioned as Lilith's magic room. There was cauldron, with shelves filled with ingredients and some books. Lilith was lucky to find some rare true magic books in this world. Oh, magic was still real on earth, but it wasn't acknowledge. Luckily there were still witches that lived here. Still, Lilith had to rely on her own magic memory when it came to most things. Lilith turned back to Justice.

"Did you really wanted to help me set up Justice? In truth I figured it be best to give you a break from some of the girls since I know you're not getting along with Euphemia and a few others. You've always been honest Justice so I feel it only be right to be honest with you. I hope at some point you can come to an understanding with Euphemia at least. I know her parents and Ishara's parents hated each other, but at least their animosity never got bad enough to cause conflict between the kingdoms. That's something you're going to have to think about when it comes to ruling Serein. Also, has your powers awaken yet?" Lilith asked as she started getting ingredients she needed for the spell she was about to perform.

Back upstairs, Aurora got up and answered the door to see Mae.

"Luella, or can I call you Mae again? I guess you remember now too. Come on in. Miss Evers is about to set things up."

Showing the girl in, she had her sit down on the loveseat next to her. Cassie remembered her question for Aurora and came up next to her.

"Soooo, Aurora, what was that earlier blush about? Thinking about someone?" she teased with a smirk on her face.

Aurora's face turned red again and stuttered, "Um, yes . . . but it's none of your business, Meri."

"Hehe, sorry I can't help myself. I remember the only time you acted like this was when Sia's brother was around."

"Meridian! I was just a kid, besides, even after I go back, we're different people now. For now let's just hope all the boys are okay. I hope Richard is okay. He was the closest thing I had to a brother."

Meridian sobered up and nodded, "Yeah, I hope they're okay too. Heck I hope that Viliame is okay even and I didn't even like the guy. Hopefully this Fairy Queen can help. I can't recall if I ever met her. Not all of my memories have resurfaced yet."

"Same here. But I know I've met the fairy queen. Well I don't remember this, but she was there at my Naming Ceremony when I was a newborn. It was always tradition that the heir would be presented to her since she resides in Traumet. I know she met with my parents from time to time too. She was intimidating, but nice."

Cassie nodded and waiting for Lilith to come get them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK


Reese sighed and let Freddie go. She ran a hand through her hair, her face knitted with frustration, and... laughed. A tired, forgiving laugh. This idiot.

"Guess I'm going with you, then," she said, then launched a friendly punch into Freddie's arm. "I don't want all your junk."

She threw herself onto the arm of a couch as Lilith escorted the last few princesses in, deliberately avoiding looking at both Lucie and Lilith, keeping her gaze firm on the other side of the room. Reese's engagement level completely 180-ed as magic arrived on scene. She nearly slipped off the couch as she leaned in, a captivated audience. She had memories of magic, sure. But they were distant, surreal, and she couldn't engage with the little girl who witnessed them. It was like recalling scenes in a film. But she could smell magic blooming with the simple spell Artemisia cast, and the air became alive around her and crackled on her tongue like she'd taken a mouthful of popping candy. A warmth spread across her left buttocks where her pendant was tangled up and smothered in her back pocket, reacting to the change in atmosphere.

"Whoa..." she accidentally let slip. Then Lucie ruined it and she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, feeling stupid for being so invested. She got up in a huff and moved to the tray to pour herself a lemonade. "Euphemia, did you want to help me try to contact the fairy queen? I am assuming that all that are here are willing to help me do that at least." Reese, halfway through gulping down an entire glass, immediately perked up in a defensive stance, taken aback and on alert from being singled out.

"Uhh, I mean," she coughed and kept going, "Yeah, I'm already here, the only reason not to is... being a massive asshole, so..." she trailed off to drink the rest of her cup, then went to fill it again, exasperating under her breath, "And will you stop calling me that?"

She took her seat on the couch arm again as her nemesis and failure of a fairy godmother were swapped out for a much preferred presence, Maestia, and listened the girls chatter before -

"AGHHH," Reese voiced her displeasure. Her position had somehow shifted from the arm of the chair to a leg looped over the back and her head on the seat. "Everyone's back together and all you wanna do is talk about boys? What is this, a middle school sleepover?" She tossed two couch pillows one after the other at Aurora and Meridian and slid her leg down the couch to flop across Freddie's lap. "Seriously..." she grunted and sipped on her lemonade, then, glancing up at Freddie's stoic face, she remembered. "Oh, shit!" Reese jerked up to her elbows. There was a boy, a little boy, practically a toddler, right? "Freddie, didn't you have a brother, too?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK


Freddie blinked. Her lips turned up into a tiny, v-shaped smile in response to Reese’s light tap. ”You’re the only
 treasure I got
 Reese,” she said, quite earnestly, as she sat next to her friend. ”And I can’t really
 give you to yourself

The blue of Freddie’s eyes shrunk into little dots, as if absorbed by the spectacle of Artemisia’s
 magic. She straightened and pointed at the new girl. ”Fertiliser.. hands...” She turned her head, and pointed at Meridian with her other hand. ”Fertiliser hands...!” The group could see the wheels turn within her mind. Freddie was never much of a businesswoman. Her bank account was proof enough. But if she had a good, reliable supplier with a magical green thumb

”Hey, Althea..,” Freddie whispered, a hand hovering by her mouth. ”I have
 a business proposition
 for later.”

Freddie sat still upon the couch and kept to herself, making sure to welcome Luella with a wave. ”Hey dude.” She took a moment to look over this assembled group. Freddie never thought she’d see so many royals in one place
 at least, not without getting involved in harder, less charming substances. And that just wouldn’t do.

It was then that Aurora and Meridian started talking about
 the boys. Freddie straightened up and clasped her hands in attention, finding much more amusement in the situation than her friend did. ”I bet some of them
 are quite handsome now
” She wiggled her brows for emphasis. ”Less baby fat
 more bone

"Freddie, didn't you have a brother, too?!"

Freddie paused. Coldness ran up her back, and slowly, her gaze fell to the ground. She didn’t answer immediately. Emotions she had long forgotten were stirred, prodded, and brought back to the surface. She recalled that red hot feeling. Silent, seething, and unbearably tight Even if she screamed, nobody would listen. Nobody cared.

,” she whispered.

She wondered what became of him. It was so long ago. She remembered the feeling, but aside from a moment’s recollection
 her chest did not feel so tight anymore.

She sighed. ”I didn't
 really get to know him.” Freddie shuffled, bowed her head, and folded her arms. One corner of her ips raised with the barest hint of a smile. ”Maybe
 maybe this will be a good chance
 to fix that


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK



Silvia only had time to look at Aurora and slowly blink at her when she yelled at her. She would have given her some future advice, so they didn’t have an issue in the future, but there was a gentle knock on the door. Slowly, she turned to face the door to see who would enter. She knew who it would not be. When she saw it was a princess she hadn’t seen yesterday, she listened and made her way to the round couch. She sat with her legs off of the side and tucked against the couch. As she listened to Althea speak, she placed her helmet in her lap in case someone wanted to sit next to her. She watched with some interest as she made the flowers grow. It was hard for her to be impressed as she had her mother for reference in her memories.

She didn't try to comfort the princesses as magical powers were out of her element. Additionally, she didn’t exactly feel like herself. Silvia focused on clearing her mind and listened as others spoke. She did make eye contact with Sibylla and smiled in response. Silvia didn’t get to reply as Justice was being Justice once more. Silvia couldn’t help and smile though when Justice insulted Althea. She was glad the pain in the ass was at least smart. Silvia herself was surprised she knew what meadowsweet was and what they meant. She guessed her love for flowers followed her throughout the years subconsciously. Silvia heard the knock on the door and knew someone else could get it this time. She was too interested where the current conversation may lead.

Her body relaxed when Justice left. Silvia didn’t need to worry about her anger when it came to her anymore. Having everyone else around was helpful. She was pulled out of her throughs as the last princess joined the group. Silvia made sure not to focus on anyone as she listened to a topic girls always seemed to talk about, well, normal girls anyways. This topic did not interest her, but their reactions were amusing. Reese’s reaction to the conversation may have been the best one. Her smile left her face when Reese mentioned Freddie’s brother. Silvia had thought of him the day before. She turned her helmet over to inspect it as she needed something to do while she listened. Silvia did look over at Freddie when she finished speaking.

“I believe this would be a good chance to fix that Fredericka. I am sure we can ask the Fairy Queen about the boys. I imagine if we are alive, they have a good chance of being alive too. They are in the more magical world compared to us, so maybe a fairy godmother saved them,” she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Artemisia Isle Evergreen
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0.00 INK


Hex Code: #778899
"Bring on the dark, bring on the hate
Bring on the pain. Yeah, I’ll be okay
Even the stars need the dark to shine."
- Sarah Jeffery

Aurora spoke up first about her uselessness insinuation. It made her wonder how many in the room got it. Silvia probably did, recalling their time as children. Everyone else she was unaware. "Justice, we don't know how our powers can be used against Ivelda. Maybe Sia can use her magic to help restore her kingdom. That's important too." "Well, there's no point in that if there is no kingdom to restore." Lucie said back without missing a beat but it wasn't long before Althea tried to defend herself too. ”I would much prefer to be of the meadowsweet variety than that of a lackluster buttercup,” Lucie smirked as Althea seemed to have received her message. However, the lackluster part was lost in translation as buttercup flowers have more symbolic meanings. Neatness, childish, humility, and charm. Lucie didn't see herself as childish, so she opted for the other meanings. If the girl would rather be meadowsweet than buttercup then Lucie wasn't going to argue with that. She shrugged in response with a carefree air but the social exchange wasn't over yet. ”You know, you should really learn to not judge everything that you see simply by your eyes. As the old verbiage goes, ’Don’t judge a book by its cover; you may miss out on an amazing story.’" Now, Lucie was just confused. She did judge how useful the ability was but what did that get to do with a story? Did Althea think her own story amazing or something? Would explain why she talked so much. "What? At most, I'd miss out on an amazing salad."

"Aurora, can you get that. And Justice, just follow me for now." Lucie nodded and followed Lilith to the basement without delay. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner she could return to her kingdom and her rightful place as Serein's ruler. There was a cauldron, bookshelves, and more that slowly started to remind her of the real Lilith. The Lilith she knew as a child more than the one she knows as a professor. "Did you really wanted to help me set up Justice? In truth I figured it be best to give you a break from some of the girls since I know you're not getting along with Euphemia and a few others. You've always been honest Justice so I feel it only be right to be honest with you. I hope at some point you can come to an understanding with Euphemia at least. I know her parents and Ishara's parents hated each other, but at least their animosity never got bad enough to cause conflict between the kingdoms. That's something you're going to have to think about when it comes to ruling Serein. Also, has your powers awaken yet?" Lucie stopped peeking inside the cauldron when Lilith spoke, her curiosity replaced with concentration as it was a lot for her to think about. But she did appreciate Lilith calling her honest, and being honest with her in return. "Thank you, Ms. Evers." Lucie said, tidying her hair a bit so her fringe effectively covered her bruise but didn't get in her eyes.

When she was done, so were her thoughts on the matter. "I do want to help... if necessary. To defeat Ivelda and return to Serein, how can I do any less?" she said, her eyes looking away feeling a little embarrassed. Offering help did make her feel uncomfortable, as an act she didn't normally participate in. Especially offering help twice in a row after already announcing such in front of all the girls but she was determined. "I understand your concern but I'll be fine in that regard. I've always been fine." Lucie found a stool to sit on and began to open up a little to Lilith, as her honesty was appreciated here. "I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. We could always fail, and die." she said with a slightly saddened look. "So, I'll worry about ruling Serein when I'm on the throne. But for now, this is what I can do."

Lucie sighed aloud and started to speak earnestly the words she would not repeat to anyone else. "You tried telling them nicely to help but they didn't really listen, did they? They were too attached to their lives here to see the bigger picture. Yet, now, they're all here." Lucie pointed a finger to her chest proudly."Because of me. I snapped them out of it, I brought them together and gave them something to fight. It's annoying but in the end, it doesn't matter if that person has to be me until we reach Ivelda. A half-assed effort will not do. I can be the catalyst. Look, Sibylla came even though she had such a give-up attitude and Artemisia isn't a pushover anymore. We need those changes to stand a chance. I know it's not your way of getting things done but this is my way..." Lucie stared down at her lap, her silver eyes narrowing slightly after her confession. It may have come across as arrogant to take all the credit but in Lucie's perspective, it was self-sacrifice. She did get beat by Reese after all and had the bruise to prove it. "My powers have not awakened yet but I know they will, and when they do, I will fully commit myself to this. My name is Justice, is it not?" Lucie concluded, her voice confident and unwavering. Getting so much off her chest to someone who would listen and talking aloud about her goal renewed her vigor as she got over her embarrassment, stood up, rolled her sleeves, and smiled. "So, how can I help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

Aurora Givens~Cassie Peters~Lilith Evers

Lilith listened as Justice talked. When she commented how it was her actions that helped bring the girls today, Lilith quickly countered.

"Are you 100% sure about that Justice? I can tell you right now that Aurora made her decision to go completely on her own. The only one who was totally against going from my perspective was Euphemia, who even now refuses to use her true name. I have a feeling that the only reason why she is here is Ishara. And Ishara is pretty mysterious due to her lack of emotional reactions. I think you need to not make assumptions if you don't know all the facts for why all the girls are here. Not to mention that Mae and Artemisia were missing from yesterday's actions so you can't say your actions are the reason why they are here now. For now let's get to work shall we? You can help me by gathering the supplies I need."

It didn't take long to get the brew ready with the ingredients needed.

"There, it's all ready. Why don't you stay put, and I'll get the others. You did well, thank you."

Minutes later the rest of the girls showed up.

"Now, I want all of you gather around the cauldron but don't touch anything please? Listen very carefully for what I am about to say. I am going to say the spell, and then I'll gather my magic through this brew, which will create an image for you to see. This was a common way for magic users to talk over long distances and normally isn't a hard spell to perform, but in this case since we're talking between worlds, I needed my cauldron to amp up the spell. If I have to, I'll draw upon the magical energy of all of you. We should be able to do this with all of you here since I can see the magical auras each of you have. Hopefully in time you'll come to see that as well. Now, take a deep breath and try to steady yourselves. Let's begin."

Taking one of her magic books, Lilith placed it on a pedestal that was in front of her. Taking one last breath herself, she gathered the magic around her and the magical brew and said the words.

"I call upon the elements of this world to connect with the Queen of the Faeries, Eowyn, in Traumet in the world of Rhindeval,
I am your servant Lilith who resides in the world of Earth.
Please grant me my request,
As I will, so mote it be!"

Magical energy charged through Lilith as she tried making the connection. It was a lot harder then she thought as she struggle to make it. Aurora could definitely feel the energy and saw the sorceress was struggling, so she intentionally start giving her her magical energy. Lilith briefly looked at Aurora and realized she was being stubborn because she wanted to prove she could do it. Nodding, she started taking the the magical energy of the others who for one reason or another started sharing with her too. It took several more minutes, but Lilith made the connection and could feel Fairy Queen's energy finally.

Eowyn herself had been going over some parchments when she felt someone trying to reach her. Feeling out that magical energy, she was shocked for the first time in ages.

"Lilith . . . ."

She stopped what she was doing immediately and sent out her own magical energy to establish the connection. Not being able to hide the shock on her face, she was legitimately flabbergasted to not only see Lilith but other young women too. Was that the Princesses?

"Lilith, is that you?" she asked.

"You're majesty, oh I am so glad to see you. You haven't changed a bit."

Eowyn laughed, "11 years is a grain of sand for my kind Lilith. Are those . . . the . . . . "

She couldn't finish her sentence, she was so overcome with emotion.

"Yes, all the princesses are here with me. I was able to reverse Ivelda's spell over them yesterday. They all remember."

Eowyn looked at each of them, and even though they weren't children anymore, she was able to recognize each of them. It helped that they looked like their parents too or one of them. Her eyes settled on Aurora though.

"Aurora, you look just like your father. I will love to catch up, but I know time is of the essence here since I know this kind of connection can only hold for so long. Lilith, I am assuming that all of you are coming back."

"Well, a few of the girls need more convincing. They all have lived most of their lives here so they feel more connection to Earth then Rhindeval. I am hoping that by talking to you and learning the state of their birthplace, they may change their mind. I won't force them to come back though."

Cassie decided to speak up.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but I am one of the girls who is still uncertain. Hi, I go by Cassie here, but you probably know me as Meridian O'Donohue from Angalais. I am sure Rhindeval is suffering right now because of Ivelda, but I love Earth too and I am scared I'll never be able to come back here."

The queen smiled gently.

"Meridian, that is a valid concern, but seeing how traveling between worlds is possible, it's also possible for you to return to Earth for you can gain the ability to do so if you have magical energy. It wouldn't be easy though. But yes, Rhindeval is suffering. Ivelda rules almost all the kingdoms. The ones under her control are mere principalities now. The only kingdoms that are complete safe are Traumet, Emperia, Taera Terrus, and Hahnkaska. Selavia is an interesting case though. It's people have hidden themselves within the mountains and the magic has protected them there, so Ivelda hasn't gotten to them. She has gained entry to the kingdom, but hasn't fully secured it due to the illusionary magic present there. All of the palaces have been sealed off by me and my people. It hasn't been easy for Ivelda has tried to find to bring them down."

Cassie ended up asking another question, one she dreaded.

"Do you know what happened to my kingdom?"

Eowyn could not prevent the sad look on her face when she said, "It's been devastated. Farms have been burned and many of it's people had been taken into slavery. All of the flower farms have been destroyed."

"No . . . ." Cassie gasped, horrified, remember all the flowers and how good and hardworking the people of her old home were.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she decided that she couldn't run anymore.

"Ivelda had no right to do that. Okay, I am coming back. I love my family here, but Angalais needs Princess Meridian now more then my adoptive family needs Cassie." Meridian said, finally ready to take responsibility for her kingdom.

Lilith smiled before turning back to Eowyn.

"I'll be returning to Rhindeval in 2 more weeks since the education system I teach at will be done by then. For those of us coming back, we're going to need a safe place to stay. I don't want my sister knowing we've returned."

"I have a safe place in Lostein that will work for you. It's in the Enchanted Forest of Arendelle. There's a cottage there that would have enough room for you and all of the girls. I have that place sealed off at the moment since I wanted to protect some of the Enchanted creatures that live there. I'll will be able to know when you're back and meet you there with some of my subjects. I suggest you teleport there though."

"Wonderful. Do any of you girls have anymore questions?"

Aurora raised her hand.

"Queen Eowyn, what happened to the boys? Is Richard okay? Last thing I remember was we were separated from them by Ivelda."

Again, Eowyn couldn't prevent the sad look on her face.

"Good news is that they are all alive, bad news is . . . they all serve Ivelda. She's brainwashed them. They are not the boys you remember and care for. I have information on each of them, but only so much on Prince Niklaus. Ivelda currently rules from Lostein castle, so it's the only palace that I couldn't protect. Due to her ability to sense magic also, I rarely allow my subjects into her palace. Prince Niklaus to my knowledge has never left the palace. Few of my subjects have the ability to mask their magical energy, so they have seen him briefly. We have reason to believe he works in the dungeons. I don't know what Ivelda has done to change that place, but it must be horrendous. Either Ivelda forces Niklaus to say down there, or he chooses to stay down there, I don't know. He only comes out when Ivelda gives the princes potions that keeps them under her control. I doubt they even realize it. Another we have limited information on is Prince Apollyon since he also spends most of his time in the castle. We were able to find out he's Ivelda's advisor though because he has traveled at times and my subjects have overhead him. Prince Rue also stays out on the castle grounds and appears to be a Beastamer. Prince Rukaiyan is Ivelda's Captain of the Guard and is mostly seen patrolling the town when he's not training Ivelda's army. Prince Stephen spends half of his time in the castle. I think he works as a healer, but he's also an assassin for Ivelda. It seems that Ivelda has changed the world's belief system for she now considers herself a Goddess and has set up a religion where everyone is forced to Worship her. Viliame has been made a Preacher of this religion and does his best to spread the 'good word' about Ivelda's greatness. It's horrifying to learn this. The easiest princes to keep track of have been Richard, Roderick, and Garland since they travel the most and are rarely at the palace. Richard doesn't even live at the palace like the other princes. I believe Ivelda is taking extra precautions to make sure Richard doesn't remember that he's the prince of Lostein. He works as a spy for Ivelda. Roderick hunts beast for Ivelda. Garland . . . . . he's an outrider and is mostly at sea . . . he's physically changed the most. Ivelda turned him into a beast."

Lilith, horror written all over her face, replied, "So they have 2 spells placed upon them. One that the girls had and this 'loyalty spell'. Is there a way to break it?"

Eowyn was able to smile, "There is. My subjects are working on an antidote as we speak. It'll still take time to create for a few of the ingredients take time to create. It won't be ready by the time your come back, but we'll let you know when it is."

"So we will be able to save them? I am coming back too. I have one more question. What happened to those who were sealed away by your magic?"

"They were put into an enchanted sleep so time stood still for them. I was able to warn the people who lived there of the rulers' deaths. So when they wake up, they won't be in the dark. Aurora, for Traumet, it'll be up to you alone to release the seal on it. Same thing applies for all the other palaces."

"Wait, are you saying my maternal grandmother is still alive?

Eowyn smiled brightly, "Yes she is, just asleep."

Lilith looked to the rest of the girls and asked, "Do any of you have anymore questions. If you're going back too, now will be a good time to say so. So far, I only know for certain that Meridian, Aurora, and Justice are coming back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK


Freddie watched with lips agape as Lilith's voice echoed. The very air reverberated with a strange kind of
 feeling. One that made her bones tingle, and her hairs prick up with attention. Was this

A moment later, the fairy queen herself appeared. Eowyn, her name was? An honest to God fairy! Usually, Freddie had to wait till nearly half past four for such a wondrous spectacle.


Freddie stayed quiet and listened. When Cassie learned of her kingdom's fate, the silver-haired girl turned towards her and shot a sympathetic, furrowed-brow frown. "Man
 slavery is
. so not cool

As the conversation went on, the topic of the Princes were brought up, Freddie's entire body froze. Her pupils shrunk into dots. The corners of her lips tensed, and her heart sank as Eowyn got around to Niklaus. She didn't know the Princes that well. Not even her brother. Or any of the royal children, really, beyond their names and title. But
 to not only be enslaved, but to have one's mind be melded, tampered, warped, to have their fundamental sense of self be wiped away and replaced...

Freddie crossed her arms and bowed her head lower. "Oh
." She turned to Reese and whispered, "Ivelda

is a nasty B."

She shook her head to try and shake aside the thoughts. She failed.

"Do any of you have anymore questions. If you're going back too, now will be a good time to say so."

"Oh...," Freddie spoke up and raised her hand. "I'm coming..."

A pause. Lilith could see a question peering behind big, blue, puppyish eyes. A moment's hesitation held her back, then passed.

"...Can we bring snacks?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

”The fears we cannot conquer become barriers to our happiness. Karen Salmohnson.”
Code ~ #0B610B

It was shortly thereafter that Lilith gathered everyone into a room not too far away from the area that they had all been congregating in. This one was cozier, definitely smaller and not designed for large groups, but the design was cute. Books and trinkets lined the various surfaces, be they shelves or tables, and unknown liquids and masses sat in differently sized jars throughout the space. After taking in her surroundings, Althea stood off slightly to the side, her arms wrapped around her abdomen in a comforting manner and her gaze settling on the large cauldron that was situated in the center of the room.

When Lilith began her incantation, an almost rhythmic thrum settled throughout the air. It was warm - a warmth attributed only to magic - but her warmth was different from Althea’s. Instead of a warm hug, it was more like warm sunlight on her skin. The warmth began to waver a bit, causing Althea to glance towards Lilith, who seemed to be struggling slightly, then to Aurora when she noticed their brief exchange. After putting one and two together, she realized what they were doing, and with a bit of concentration on her part, began to send out her own magical essence.

The Fairy Queen appeared before them in a beautiful array of lights and colors, and when Althea studied her features, a wave of familiarity came over her, yet she knew not from where. It was undoubtedly from her past life in Rhindeval, the part that she had yet to recall due to being so young, and pushing herself would get her nowhere. When the Queen began to list the kingdoms that were safe, Althea queued into the conversation, her interest piqued, but felt her heart plummet when her own kingdom was not provided. ”Mon peuple,” she whispered, blinking back tears. She turned her head slightly to hide her face and cleared her throat quietly, discreetly rubbing her eyes in the process. At the change of topic to the princes, Althea tuned back in, listening intently as the Queen began to go down the list of the boys, her main concern being her brother. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait very long, as he was the second one that she listed. The fact that he was the royal advisor was something that gave her a bit of pride, but it was undermined entirely by the reminder that it was to Ivelda and that he was under a spell and a potion that led him to believe who-knew-what and kept him loyal only to her.

Crossing over to a nearby table, Althea snatched up a pen and blank pad from it, scribbling down the information that the Queen was providing them as she gave it, on both the princes and the kingdoms. Who knew when they were going to need it, and if they would remember it all offhandedly? Staring down at the information on the notepad, pen held idly in her hand, Althea tightened her grip slightly on the items that she held. Memories of her parents, of the other princes and princesses when they were all young, and of her brother - they whirled in her mind, difficult to place in order yet a beautifully chaotic mess nonetheless. ”Putain de merde,” she muttered under her breath, slapping the pen back down on the table and tearing the paper from the notepad before doing the same with the pad. Folding the paper, she tucked it into her pocket for later use. After a few moments of processing all of the information that the Queen had provided for them and mentally steeling herself, Althea took in a deep breath and rolled her shoulders.

”It would be irresponsible and immature of me not to go. My people - my brother - they need me. All of our people need all of us,” she said softly. Glancing up at the Queen, she took a small step forward, her expression sad. ”I want to know 
” Althea paused, glancing around at the face of the other princesses before finally settling back on the Queen. Inhaling deeply, she met her gaze. ”I want to know how badly my parents suffered; and I want to know how badly my brother has suffered, to your knowledge. I don’t know if they want to hear about their parents, but I want- no, I have to know.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.25 INK


Reese watched Artemisia's back from Freddie's lap as she confessed, her mouth slack and unable to summon a word of sympathy. She looked to Freddie, really looked, her chin tucked into her chest, eyes looking for something far, far away, but despite that distant look, she didn't seem sleepy or bored, her other two emotions. She was in deep somewhere she didn't like to go often. Reese only ever saw this a fleeting few moments around 3 AM when the high wore off and she didn't notice Reese had crept back from the bathroom. To Reese, Artemisia's tears for her brother were Freddie's too, even if they never showed. Reese sank her head back into Freddie's thighs, frowning at herself. And she would do anything to stop Freddie from going back. What an asshole.


Lilith's spell was far stronger than the magic Reese had tasted from Artemisia. It felt as though she'd been submerged in a freshly carbonated Sprite, fizzy on her tongue, popping in her ears, caffeinating every single molecule. It even stung her nose like she'd washed it down the wrong hole. It tasted... not sweet and powdery like Artemisia's spell, it tasted like a northerly wind carrying sea salt and sweet peas on its wings - could you taste such a thing? She was far too sensitive to this, perhaps Reese had a magic allergy. Through the salty sprite sweet pea nightmare Reese could feel a maternal presence reaching for her. She squinted over at Lilith. Her back was turned, her hands preoccupied, but she was holding out something for her, her spirit or magic or something. Reese tossed her head away and begrudging let her siphon her magic for the spell. It was a weird feeling. Like she'd just thrown her soul like a crushed can without a care whether it got in the bin or not. It must have, because suddenly Reese was in the presence of a fairy.

She stayed behind the girls as the Fairy Queen graced them, looking around the place for most of the encounter. Maybe she was disinterested. Maybe she was embarrassed. She only zoned back in when Freddie's brother was mentioned. "...Can we bring snacks?" Reese slapped her on the back. "Whatever you wanna bring, Fred. Whatever you want," she assured flatly, "Your Nintendogs, too."

Then, Artemisia said something that completely threw her off. " badly my parents suffered..."

Reese snorted, loud, snapping attention to her. She followed her immediate reaction with a raspy, humorless chuckle, shaking her head. Her eyes snapped to Artemisia and her sniggers abruptly stopped.

"No you don't."

She approached her with her hands in her pockets, scrutinizing her with a mean little smirk. "You want to know? You really just have to know?” She stopped a foot from Artemisia and scrunched her face with mock-thought. "OK, well, my Mumsy was decapitated. You know, preeeetty sure you keep on blinking about five seconds after you’re separated from the spine." Her mouth opened in a faux gasp. "That means
 the last thing Mother must’ve seen was her daughter’s face, and the look she had when mummy dearest rolled to her feet."

Reese dropped the pretense, glaring at Artemisia as she leaned in, "And you don’t want to know what happened to the old man." Her head tilted with a smile. "The only piece I found of him was his blood when I slipped in it.”

She stepped back, puffing her jacket up. "You want to know how they suffered?" she spat, "I can't get it out of my head." She tossed away with a frustrated sound, and dismissively declared, "OF COURSE Emperia's fine! They have a freakin' dragon! They don't need me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

Aurora Givens~Meridian O'Donohue~Lilith Evers

The fairy queen listened in as more of the princesses chimed in. The first to speak up was Princess Ishara. She seemed to change very little in the personality department. Eowyn had made a point to keep a close eye on the kingdoms of Emperia and Emelas, who were often at odds with each other. Ishara was quiet and nonchalant at times, Niklaus didn't talk at all. Still she saw the girl's reaction to hearing about her brother, for she had been looking at her when she delivered the news. It may not seem like much of a reaction to most, but to Eowyn, it was a big one. Her question about snacks caused the queen to giggle. She never heard of the term 'snack', but decided to roll with it. Princess Euphemia commented that she could bring whatever she wanted and Eowyn nodded as she answered.

"Princess Ishara, I recommend you bring whatever you deem necessary."

Lilith decided to add to that answer.

"Ishara, keep in mind that whatever you do bring, there won't be any electric appliances. We'll be returning to a world that's very much like the middle ages, only they rely on magic rather then electricity and other modern Earth amenities. Queen Eowyn, the clothes here are vastly different here then in Rhindeval, so we're all going to need more clothes that fit that world when we get there."

"We'll just have to get your measurements when you get here then," the queen replied.

That's when Princess Artemisia spoke up. Her question sadden the queen. However before she could answer her, Princess Euphemia spoke up and rather harshly. Her demeanor was definitely more dynamic then what Eowyn remembered. She hadn't been there when Ivelda attacked, but had learned what happened, just not all the details. Seems that Euphemia had been traumatized by the death of her parents and that Artemisia didn't quite remember what happened.

"You would be able to know what happened to your parents better then me, Princess Artemisia. As for your brother, he's safe and to my knowledge isn't suffering now. However I don't know what kind of mental states all of the princes will be in when they remember who they are. I can imagine it would cause them to suffer, knowing they were assisting the person who murdered their parents and has cause great harm to the kingdoms. Princess Euphemia, Emperia very much needs your help. The dragon of that land has gone missing since Emperia sealed itself away. I've learned it's encased in a never-ending blizzard. Ivelda's sent troops there but none have ever returned. The frost fae that have lived there have managed to get word to me that the people have frozen over. Emperia needs you very much, princess."

"What can we expect when we get there? I mean, what do we do initially?" Meridian asked suddenly.

Lilith decided to answer this question.

"Well, you'll have to get use to Rhindeval. You'll have to relearn about each other kingdoms. We'll plan from there, but I imagine we'll want to make plans for saving the princes."

"I will do whatever I can to help you. Just remember that I can't directly oppose Ivelda since she's a servant of one of the main evil forces of Rhindeval. I'd been breaking an ancient treaty if I did."

That made Aurora think. She had started learning about the two opposing forces that resided in Rhindeval. Eowyn was one of the leaders of the forces of good. Magic was a balance, you couldn't have good without the evil.

"Do you know which one Ivelda serves?"

"Amodeus, the King of Demons. I picked up his signature when Ivelda tried attacking the shield around Traumet. That earned her some backlash from her master I believe for she can't directly attack anything under my protection since that be going against the treaty too. That was the only time she tried such a thing."

"So that's how my sister got so much stronger, enough to take out the rulers of Rhindeval. I felt the evil taint of her magic that day. Do any of you other girls have something to say?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

”Some things cannot be fixed 
 They can only be carried.”
Code ~ #0B610B

The response that she garnered while not what she wanted was interesting, to say the least. Euphemia - or rather, she was known as Reese now - seemed to have been in some way triggered by Althea’s question of the Queen and had snapped, immediately attentive to their conversation and interjecting herself. While older than she was by a year at most, the other woman was only a few inches at most taller than she, and seemed to be attempting to use her outer persona to intimidate Althea in some way.

Observing the dark look that had settled deeply within Reese’s eyes, Althea tilted her head slightly to the side, her expression curious yet holding a softness to it that could only be explained as patience and understanding, if it were to be put into simple words. Althea did not interject, allowing Reese to continue her outburst, as it was clear that this was a serious and sore topic for her still. The anger that she saw, and the abrasive cruelty that she attempted to give off, did little to mask the underlying sadness that Althea could quite easily read within her. Once Reese had finished, Althea took a moment to absorb what she had said, vaguely taking in what the Queen had said in response to her question as well as the inquiries and reactions of those also within the room, but noting it nonetheless.

It was clear that all of their parents had perished in horrible and graphic ways, but in almost seemed as though, in some way or another, their deaths had been quick and at least not torturous. For that, Althea drew a bit of comfort, knowing that they did not suffer for very long. Adding to that the knowledge that her brother was otherwise healthy for what they knew, she felt a bit better about the situation, although was still deeply sorrowful and mournful over the loss of her family and potential life, and not to mention completely and utterly enraged. Her expression tightened a bit as she processed everything that Reese had said and she turned her face slightly towards the ground. The nice thing about her was her ability to keep her emotions in check for the most part, so pushing back the anger that boiled within her chest, she swallowed thickly and shook her head a bit.

It took a few moments for all of these thoughts to flash through Althea, but by the time that she had sorted her mind, she was calm once more, her features relaxed. Lifting her head, Althea took in a small breath and let it out in a soft sigh, her gaze fixating on Reese. A few steps took her to her side once more, and Althea never once wavered her eyes on the other girl. Reaching out, she laid her hand gently on her upper arm, near her shoulder but not quite atop it, both in order to get her attention as it had been drawn towards the Queen, but also in a movement of comfort.

”The reason why I wanted to know how much they suffered, is because now that I know, I can be comforted by the fact that their deaths were quick. It does little to lessen the pain, but it does bring me some comfort, nonetheless,” she said softly, her expression holding that gentle understanding to it once more. After a moment, she spoke again, her voice holding a small bit of conviction to it, yet still quiet. ”Bansky once said, ‘They say that you die twice; once when you stop breathing, and then a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time’.” Glancing around at the other women in the room briefly, she returned her gaze to Reese once more, a sadness held in her features now.

”Reese, we all lost our parents and the lives that we were supposed to have lived. I know it isn’t fair that we had to grow up the way that we did, with some suffering more so than others, but we cannot compare pains at a time like this. We cannot change the past, but only the future. If anyone, in either this world or Rhindeval, can even come close to understanding what you have been through, it’s the people in this room,” she motioned a bit to the room as she spoke, her eyes pleading with Reese to understand. When she met her gaze again, Althea gently took her hand in hers, that look of plea remaining on her face. ”Not only do I need you, but we need you - and so do the princes and your people. You heard the Queen - the dragon of Emperia is missing, and your people are frozen in an endless blizzard. I cannot speak for your parents, but I know that mine would want me to do everything that I can to save my brother and my people.” Searching her gaze, Althea gripped her hand a bit tighter, yet not painfully so. ”'There comes a point where it all becomes too much. When we get too tired to fight anymore - so we give up. That's when the real work begins. To find hope where there seems to be absolutely none at all.'" Althea paused and bit her lower lip before she continued. "Christina Yang said that. Our hope is the fact that not only are we still alive, but so are the princes and the people of our kingdoms. That has to mean something. For us to win this fight, though, we have to be a team, and to operate as a team, we need everyone that is a part fo that team. At this point, all that any of us has is each other, and I frankly could not care less if any of you feel the opposing way, but to me ... I consider you all family. Reese ... We need you.” After another moment, Althea gently released Reese’s hand, taking a step back from her and rubbing her own elbow. At this point, there wasn’t much else that she could do to help the situation - it was out of her hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK


Hex Code: #778899
"If you think I'm pretty
You should see me in a crown."
- Billie Eilish

Lucie’s eyebrow twitched as Lilith questioned her. She opened up and made herself vulnerable all for what? To have it spat back out in her face? She misjudged the woman clearly. “100%?” she repeated, baffled that such certainty was required of her to share her thoughts. “Are you 100% sure about what you're saying Ms. Evers? That was a load of assumptions in and of itself. Does anyone ever make decisions completely on their own? Do you not know of influence? And who is to say that Ishara wasn't influenced by my speech then influenced Reese? And who is to say that Mae and Artemisia would have shown up if the others and I hadn't decided to show up at all?” Lucie scoffed, flicking her long hair over her shoulders. If she didn’t need Lilith's magic to return home, she could have shoved her into her own cauldron... “Whatever. I was just being h o n e s t. You're lucky that your magic makes up for your narrow-mindedness.” She hurriedly helped Lilith because she had already said she would but she didn’t do so happily. Needless to say, she wasn't going to offer again any time soon.

â­Č Lucie facepalmed after staying silent for the longest time. “If Ivelda doesn’t kill me, the sheer stupidity gathered in this room will.” She muttered under her breath, unimpressed by everyone, Lilith, Eowyn, and the questions so far. It didn’t really change anything for Lucie who was determined as ever to right the wrongs committed and return to the way things were supposed to be. However, listening to everyone talk right now was like having her brain smooshed against a cheese grater over and over. The only good news she'd heard was that the princes were all alive. She had assumed they were tossed in a ditch somewhere.

Lucie began with Lilith. “You want to wait 2 more weeks because of the education system? What’s at stake if you don't? Grades? Isn’t Rhindeval more important and uh, lives? Figure out where your loyalties and priorities lie." she said in a condescending tone.

Then she turned to Eowyn as the other older figure in the room. “And with all due respect, you’ve been tiptoeing around a treaty for 13 years? I may not know much about Rhindeval as it is today but you do and I can’t believe that’s the lame excuse you have after all this time for not doing more. You know all about the suffering, the brainwash, and all the tricks going on at Ivelda’s freakshow and yet, still tiptoeing. So, I don't believe that you will do 'whatever you can to help us'. You should be ashamed of yourself. The balance has been tipped immeasurably and irreversibly.”

Then she turned to Reese and... paused. Her finger pointed at Reese, she opened her mouth and then paused again. It was hard to process the problem with that one. Before finally, “Reese, that was T.M.I. I know you're a total nut job and I TOTALLY get now why you went barbaric on me the other day with your unresolved trauma issues but go get therapy or something. I don’t want to hear you yap on about your mumsy’s rolling head and whatever else is wrong with you. If you can't afford it, perhaps the university counselor because Y i k e s.” she said, taking a step back from her general direction to emphasize her point.

She dropped her finger and moved onto Artemisia with her hands on her hips. That girl really got on her nerves, always trying to hog the spotlight when it was undeserved and uncalled for. Lucie laughed a bit though then brought her fist to rest against her bottom lip as she cleared her throat politely. “You could not care less if we feel differently hmm? That sounds like a greeaat family dynamic." Lucie said, clasping her hands together and batting her eyelashes exaggeratedly. "Personally, I'm not going to take advice or draw inspiration from a graffiti artist and a fictional character. What do you think this is? The formation of the Winx Club? Powerpuff Girls? Whatever magical fantasy girl group you're thinking of, speak for yourself. I don't need a nutjob or you. You must have a mouth full of cavities from all that sugarcoating rubbish..." She said, shooing her away like Reese.

Lucie then released a sigh of relief that she got to say almost everything that was building inside her head. She thought she might explode if she didn't. Venting helped. “No questions." Lucie added with a closed eyes smile, holding her hand up with an open palm as if she were the one people had questions for not Eowyn.