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Ivelda Evers

Evil Enchantress currently in control of Rhindeval

0 · 1,380 views · located in Rhindeval

a character in “Fractured Kingdoms”, as played by Zodia195


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Alias: None, but she's always addressed as the Queen
Role: Evil Enchantress
Age: 35, but appears to be in her mid to late 20s
Pendent: N/A
Hex Code: #003300
Personality: Ivelda is extremely narcissistic. She loves herself and believes that she is the fairest creature in existence. Enjoying the company of young, handsome men, she surrounds herself with them in order to feel all the more desirable. She can appear to people in many different ways, transforming from a young maiden into a fire-breathing dragon in a matter of seconds. Ivelda likes to feel that she is in control and becomes envious quickly, especially of women that truly have more beauty than she. If this is the case however, she does not hesitate to make her distaste obvious. Most often, instances like that end with them arrested for any kind of reason and she steals their life essence before 'releasing them' aka having them killed. She's very unpredictable by nature: being charming and kind the next, but can turn vicious on a dime. Her greatest fear is losing her physical beauty and losing her throne.

History: Growing up, Ivelda always felt that she deserved much more than she was given. She was born as the eldest of three daughters, although it was obvious that both her father and mother enjoyed the company of the youngest much more than hers. The youngest daughter had always been a prodigy when it came to magic, while Ivelda was left far behind. Her sister was always referred to as "the perfect child", which only fueled her already-present hatred of the girl. Things only got worse as they entered school. Ivelda struggled while her sister thrived and even found friends. As all of her siblings went on with their lives, she couldn't help but feel unfairly treated.

The day that her mother died changed everything. Ivelda had been furious when her sister had been chosen to take her mother's place. Everyone had said that "The magic had chosen her," but Ivelda didn't believe it for a second. She began exacting her revenge. She murdered her sister, then her father, even taking his magical abilities. Thirsty for more power, she turned her sites ruling the entirety of Rhindeval. She knew she was no match for all of the royals, so she ended up making a deal with Evil forces in order to gain the power she need to get rid of them. Soon she heard about all the royals gathering of Prince Richard's birthday. Disguising herself among the well wishers, she manages to kill all of the rulers and take over. Brainwashing the princes and princesses, she keeps the princes and banishes the princesses and her sister to Earth, believing they'll never be a threat to her there.

So begins...

Ivelda Evers's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Isa Givens Character Portrait: Christian Lovelace Character Portrait: Kyri Shokira
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0.00 INK

Lilith Evers

The sun peaked through curtains as Lilith went about her morning activities. She couldn't believe the day was the day. She was finally strong enough to cast the spell that would help the princesses remember who they were. She had woken up before dawn to do her pre-dawn yoga and meditated to soak up the first rays of the sun. It was the first day of Spring and the sun's light gave her the final boost of energy she needed. She hadn't felt this way in over 10 years. While she knew she was no match for her sister, she at least felt like her old self. Of course now the really hard work was about to begin. Lilith had done her best to watch over the Princesses on Earth, but had seen that a few of them had had a hard time adapting to Earth. She knew she was running on borrowed time too for soon the Spring semester would be over and it be harder to stay in direct contact with each of them. She had made a point to become a Professor of courses that all of the girls would take in college and all were English courses. She hoped and prayed that the Princes were still around. She had no clues on what her sister had done to them. She had been tempted over the years to try and 'spy' on Rhindeval, but knowing her sister, she would have 'known' the instant if she was looking in on them. She was still trying to figure out where a safe haven would be for the princesses to stay when they got back to Rhinedeval. For now though she would focus on the girls.

When she was ready to go, she got in her car and drove to work.

Dawn Henderson

Dawn found herself running through a vast forest. She lost count on how many times she had been here. This time it was a bit misty because of the morning dew. She could hear whispers and giggles around her.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

No one replied back. It was very unnerving, however Dawn didn't feel like she was in any kind of danger. Finally she came upon something she had yet to see in this forest, a ring of stones. It reminded her of Stonehenge due to it's arrangement. What was this place? She touched one of the stones, only to hear a voice in her head.

~Welcome home . . . . . princess.~

Suddenly a buzzing noise and everything faded.

Dawn groaned as her alarm went off. Groggily she reached over and turned it off. Sitting up, she looked bleary eyed at her surroundings. Looked like her roommate had already left for the morning. Dawn lucked out in getting a roommate that had morning classes like her and Dawn was a heavy sleeper. Suddenly her cell phone rang. Rolling her eyes, Dawn grabbed it, knowing who it was immediately. Yep, it was her father. Pressing a button she answered it.

"Good morning dad. . . . . Yes I just got up. . . I am fine dad and I had a good night's rest. Anyway, I do have to get ready dad. Thanks for checking up on me. . . Love you too dad, bye."

She loved her father, but he was beginning to get on her last nerve. He pretty much called her every evening and then every morning. She was 19, not 5! Still she didn't want to get on her father's bad side and tried telling herself to be patient. But even she had her limits.

Deciding not to think about her father, she thought about her dream instead. Getting up, she went to her small desk that she shared with her roommate and got out her dream journal. Ever since she turned 16, she had been having these very detailed dreams and started writing them down. She couldn't always remember everything, but she remember the important parts. This had been the first time she had heard someone speak in her dream. She had no idea who this person was. Princess? Was the voice talking to her? It was silly to think she would be a princess, but dreams could be interesting that way.

After finishing, she got ready for her first class for the day before heading out to the student center where the college cafeteria was.

Ivelda Evers

Ivelda, otherwise known as The Queen, stood in front of a long mirror, admiring herself.

"Beautiful, simply stunning! Don't you agree?" she asked a random servant behind her.

"Indeed your majesty. No one is a fair as you." the old servant said.

Of course he really didn't think so, but he wasn't bound to say that for servants had had been killed for insulting the queen.

"I am glad you think so. So tell me, any news about Adrian?"

"Yes, your majesty, he's been seen crossing the border into Lostein this morning."

"Wonderful. Let's hope he took care of our little pest problem. Now, will you please go check on my other boys? Report back when your done.

The servant bowed and left the throne room. He would sent out different servants to check on the queens 'boys'.

Ivelda herself went back to her throne and sat down. Life couldn't be better for her and she made sure that life would stay that way.

Adrian Wells

Another mission accomplished, Adrian thought as he rode on one of his favorite horses, a huge brown stallion named Little John. He was galloping through a dense forest and soon came upon a clearing. From the clearing, he got a beautiful view of the Queen's palace, which was surrounded by a lake. Something about the view always warmed Adrian's heart. While his own home was a ways from the palace, he could never quell the voice inside him that this was home. Knowing the queen was expecting his report, he snapped out of his reverie and road down towards the road that would lead to the bridge of the palace.

Making sure his horse was taken care of, Adrian headed straight for the throne room. Knocking on the door, he waited for the queen to let him enter. Once she did, he came in and knelt before her.

"Nice to see you back safely, Adrian, now report."

"Just as you have ordered, Lord Conrad is no longer an issue. All of his land has been confiscated and his family arrested."

Lord Conrad had been secretly helping rebels, so the Queen had ordered Adrian to do something about it. His family was still alive, but Adrian himself had seen to Conrad. What Adrian hadn't told her was how tough this job had been on him emotionally. Conrad had been very loyal to the queen, so it was a shock to learn he had been supporting rebels. Now he had lost everything.

"That's my boy! I am very pleased with your work Adrian. Come with me real quick and I shall give you your reward."

Nodding, Adrian followed the queen to chamber connected to the throne room. Everyone in the kingdom knew that the Queen was also a sorceress and this chamber reflected that fact with all of its potions and a huge cauldron. Ivelda started mixing a few potions in a small bowl before pouring it into a goblet.

"Here you go. Now drink up," the queen offered Adrian.

Not even daring to object, Adrian drank it up. The effect was immediate. His eyes darken and looked at the queen with a blank face. Smiling, Ivelda came forward and kissed his cheeks. What Adrian did know know was that the drink was one of the ways Ivelda kept him under her control and to keep him from remembering his true name.

"You are dismissed now Adrian. You are free to return home for awhile. You've earned a break."

Adrian shook his head. What just happened? He then recalled his queen's words.

"Thank you your majesty. Just call if you need anything."

Bowing, he took his leave of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Isa Givens Character Portrait: Christian Lovelace
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0.25 INK


The sounds of screams and the heat and light of dark flames filled the air. Some poor village that’s name didn’t even matter to him burned all around him. He soaked it all in as he twisted his sword out of the chest of a young woman who’s screams he had ended forever. The last of the villagers… no traitors…. yes traitors to his Queen… tried to flee before his blades… flee his fire… But none could escape the terror that was the Blue Demon.

A knock pulled him from his memory.

”Enter…” The masked man spoke coldly.

The door slowly opened flooding in light to the room that had been lit solely by a blue fire that burned in the center of the room. The room was spartan with just a simple bed and desk. It was also lined with weapons of all kinds hanging from the wall.

The servant that entered bowed and said. “Her Highness commands your reports General.”

The masked man said nothing only rising from his chair he made his way. His armored boots made sure he was heard as he made his way through the halls of the castle. Everyone he met bowed and quickly made way. many trembled as he past by.

As he entered the Queen’s view he bowed before her falling to one knee.

”My Queen.”

Meanwhile on Earth…

”Remember Fire while dangerous is also a source of heat and light. While in the wrong hands it can be a terror. when used right it brings life it’s self.”

A heat surrounded her… It called to her… But all she felt was fear… The fire rose it was going to consume her!

The blare of her alarm woke her with a jolt she was covered in sweat and the ruby on the necklace she never took off seemed to be burning against her chest.

”ugh..” She moaned as she pulled herself out of bed.

She pulled out a small notebook from the table beside her bed.

Another strange dream about fire… this time I heard a voice… Please Lynn don’t be going crazy…

”Maybe I am crazy?” she asked herself.

Lynn shook the thought from her head with a sigh and made her way to the shower dodging the minefield of stuff all around her dorm. A mess for later… now she had to deal with the mess of herself. With a look at the clock she knew she was wasting time.

Lynn showered and dressed in something simple a t shirt and faded jeans with her sneakers. Ready she packed up her books into her backpack and headed out into the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Kyri Shokira
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

The rustling of papers could be heard through the empty halls of the university as Althea made her way out of the Student Council room, sliding papers into her messenger bag She was more than flattered and while she generally didn’t really grow overly-excited about anything, being able to help out with the university’s affairs gave her a giddiness she couldn’t explain. The opportunities that the position would give her were unimaginable and she couldn’t wait to lock down the position. She was confident with having the grades and extracurriculars to back her recruitment and was only a little worried about getting the current members to like her. It wasn’t that she was unlikeable - far from it - but she generally liked to keep to herself, which is not how student council members were supposed to be. They were supposed to be outgoing and boisterous, while she was organized and well-kempt.

Puffing out a sigh, Althea paused once she was outside. She inhaled deeply, her hand subconsciously slipping the emerald pendant from underneath her shirt and thumbing across it - the only item that she had from wherever and whoever she came from - and she immediately felt a tad less frazzled as the fresh air cleansed her of her anxiety. Relaxing as she exhaled, she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder as well as her simple jacket that she wore to fight off the slight chill to the air that was brought with the breeze. A quick glance at her phone told her she had about twenty to thirty minutes before she had to be in class, so with a soft smile, she started in the direction of the university’s cafe.

A quick dash in and out, and Althea was happily sipping on a hot Chai Tea Latte. Her soft smile moved into a slightly more prominent one as the deliciously hot tea began to warm her up. Making her way down one of the many paths leading from building to building, she found a bench that was on a path a bit less traversed but still in the direction of her first class, plopped her bag on it and then dropped down beside her things to enjoy her tea. Her eyes roamed over the few students and faculty members strewn about the area that she was in - a group of three of art majors that she recognized from her art electives, as well as young couple obviously meeting to have a small breakfast date before their classes, and finally a group of three women, one of whom was clearly a teacher. As they spoke and moved slightly, Althea recognized the older woman as the Professor of English, Ms. Evers. One of Althea’s classes was with her and thankfully she was able to sit near the back of the class without much of a problem, but Ms. Evers still would attempt to include her on things so as not to allow her to feel left out. It was a nice little change to the other professors, who either completely ignored her or would go out of their way to single her out, either out of the wish to be nice and include her yet resulting in nervousness on her part, or contempt for her loner status, she did not know. Thankfully, Ms. Evers had somehow found a neutral ground in between the two where Althea was comfortable, and for that she was grateful.

The other two with the professor she didn’t know the names of, which was unusual for her seeing as she had a fairly good memory and rarely forgot names to face, but she did recognize them. Or at least she thought she did; she wasn’t quite sure. Something about them felt familiar, and a strange itching sensation began at the back of her head as she thought about it more. Finally, she shook it off as nothing and turned to her back, withdrawing the portfolio that she was currently working on. She had to pick one of her best abstract works and was debating between two different watercolor pieces that she had made. It was difficult for her to choose, so it was taking some time, especially since it had to be the perfect choice. It wasn't necessarily her future riding on this particular competition, but it was one of the many stepping stones that was needed for her to be able to actually make a career out of her art. The only reason why she was pursuing the degrees that she was was because of her parents pushing her to do so. She definitely held a certain degree of passion for teaching others as well as getting to understand how people function mentally, but it wasn't what she wanted to actually do with her life. Althea let out a frustrated groan, taking another sip of her delicious hot tea to try and level herself once more. She knew her parents loved her and only wanted what was best for her, but what they would think was best for her wasn't what made her the happiest and for some reason, they just couldn't seem to understand that. Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly before reopening them and steadying her gaze on the two paintings.

Code ~ #088A29

Dead leaves and twigs crunched underneath Ryder’s feet as he made his way back through the dense forest surrounding the kingdom. Tree branches and fresh leaves brushed across his skin, his bow bumping gently against his back, quiver sliding across his thigh with each step. The wild boar that was his fresh kill slid behind him on his hand-made sled, rattling slightly with each bump in the ground it glided over. As he broke through the trees and fresh sunlight assaulted his eyes, he squinted slightly, taking in the kingdom before him. A strange itching at the back of his brain made him furrow his brows even more and he absentmindedly scratched the back of his head. It did nothing to alleviate the itch that was deeper, accompanied by a slight pain, but it was worth a shot.

Stifling a yawn, he nodded at the guards stationed at the entrance to the kingdom that was closest to the actual castle itself, so as to avoid any of the common-folk. He’d love to people-watch, don’t get him wrong; it was just that his presence tended to make a majority of the commoners more than uncomfortable. Although he himself had done nothing to directly hurt them, he had seen more than his fair share of the actions of his fellow servants at the direction of their queen, so he couldn’t quite blame them for their distrust and hate.They parted ways, allowing his entry as he was fairly easy to recognize, and he felt himself relax a bit once he was back within the city walls. It’s not that he was comfortable there, just less uncomfortable than being out in the forest. He didn’t know what it was, but something about the dense trees and strong scents of the earth made him feel a type of homesickness and a sense of sorrow that he couldn’t place the reasoning behind.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Ryder straightened a bit as he reached the front doors to the castle. Throwing them open, he strode inside, kill still dragging behind him, his ever present dark green cloak billowing slightly in the sudden gust of wind. Narrowing his eyes slightly in the direction of the murmuring servants who had paused at his entrance, he made his way towards the kitchen and dining area. He pulled the sled through the door to the kitchen, stopping only when it reached the feet of the Head Butcher. While he himself could have skinned the boar, it wasn’t necessary and he’d rather pass on the duty and leave it to those whose job it actually was to do so.

With only a nod in greeting and no words uttered, Ryder continued on his way, ignoring the annoyed looks that the kitchen staff were giving him. It wasn’t really his fault that the queen ‘requested’ that all meals be freshly caught on the day-of, so he wasn’t going to get his own ego hurt by a few irked servants.

When he reached the throne room, he rapped a passive knock on the large doors and when he was permitted, he pushed open the right door, the wind taking up his cloak ever-so-slightly. Approaching the throne, he avoided eye contact with the Queen, simply dropping to a knee before her, head bowed and cape gathered in hand and drawn over his side.

“I have caught a wild boar for your royal highness, if you would honor me by tasting it once the Royal Butcher and Chef have prepared it for you, My Queen,” he said, his voice coming out softly, soothing like honey to the ears. “I have also located the traitor Rune as per your request.” Looking slightly to each side, he notated the fact that they were not alone, and before simply handing over the information to the Queen in front of others without her request for more detail, he turned his gaze downwards once more. “Their location is to be delivered to the General upon your orders, My Queen.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

The Blue Demon

”The rebels were no match for my flames and the army my Queen. They were burned to the last. Every man, woman, and child…” the Demon reported.

The Demon let the images of the dying villagers play out as a dark smile formed hidden by his mask as he started up again. ”The coward Rune was nowhere to be found… But I find a young woman named Lynia leading them. The bitch would not speak… So I stripped her bare, hung her from a tree and set her ablaze for all to see…”

The Demon savored the memory. ”Oh how she screamed as the flames took her…”

The Demon was still in his memory when he heard someone barge in. Ryder the Queen’s little Hound. The demon let the other man speak a glare jabbing out form behind his mask. As Ryder finished he spit out. ”So the hound has at last sniffed out something worthwhile? About time… So tell me pup were is this traitor that I may bring about his end as well?”

Lynn Summers

Lynn was running the figures of her latest engineering project though her head when she heard a voice call out to her. Looking over she saw Professor Evers her English teacher. Lynn had always found it odd that a professor not of her major was so interested in knowing how she was doing. Professor Evers though odd seemed nice enough.

The professor was not alone today though. Lynn noticed the young woman hiding behind her like a shy child even before she was introduced. Why would The Professor call her over just to meet this girl?

Awkwardly Lynn gave a half hearted smile as she said ”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel
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0.00 INK

Cassie Peters
Code- #46935C

A lone runner was jogging over the campus. Cassie, ever the early riser, was getting in her daily morning run. She never ran too hard because she had to maintain her energy throughout the rest of the day. Besides, she had track practice that afternoon. The green hair girl was more of a mid-distance runner who often did 800 and 1,500 meter runs. While track was how she got into this college, her true desire was music and she finally got a few music scholarships. She didn't want to depend entirely on her parents, well adopted parents. Still she loved them very much. She did think about who who her real family was though. She really wanted an explanation on why her green hair was natural. She use to joke that maybe she was from another planet all together, but didn't really believe it despite her eccentric behavior. While the idea of being rejected did hurt, she learned enough from her adoptive parents that one must learn all sides of a story in order to learn the truth. So she would wait. She had already talked about trying to find her biological family after graduating, but that would be at another year. Only clue she did have was her sapphire pendent, which was the real deal. She never let it out of her sight. Right now it was swinging on her neck on a short chain.

As she ran by the natatorium, she spotted 2 people she recognized, twins Khorra and Kierra. She often had a hard time remembering who was who. Khorra was the one with the shorter hair right? The two were together so much that it was hard to tell them apart sometimes. She hadn't really interacted with them that much though, but she saw both of them at times. Both were athletic in some fashion with Kierra being the swimmer and Khorra doing other sports. Being on the track team, when Cassie had made a point to support other campus athletes when she could so she had attended some of Kierra's swim meets. Plus the 3 of them now were in the same English class. Despite not really knowing them, Cassie still felt some kind of connection for some reason, which was weird since she never knew them prior to coming here. Deciding to say hi, she jogs up to them.

"Good morning! How are both you? Say um, who is who again? Sorry I am horrible at remembering which of you is Khorra and Kierra."

Lilith Evers and Dawn Henderson
Codes- #C71585 and #5477B9

Lilith was quick to notice Lynn's expression. Had she taken her by surprise? She also looked a bit baffled about something too. The young woman was quick to great Dawn however.

”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”

Dawn nodded. This was pretty awkward. However soon her gaze fell upon the pendent Lynn was wearing. She had seen plenty of pendents before, but this one really caught her eye, like she was experiencing a form of deja vu. While very different from her own opal, the chains looked very similar. Dawn remembered how her parents got the stone and chain tested once. Opal was easy to identity, but the metal of the chain was something no one had ever seen before. Seeing someone having a similar chain as her was unnerving.

"That's a lovely pendent. Is that a real ruby? Do you mind if I ask where you got it? I ask because I have something similar, chain wise at least. My stone is an opal. I've had it since I can remember, even though I don't know who gave it to me."

Lilith smiled. All the chains the princesses had were made of metal only found in Rhindeval and also had magic properties like the stones themselves. She already knew that she would be using the pendents to help wake up the girls. She was just waiting for the right moment to do that. Not now for there wasn't time, but she would soon today. Feeling the magical energy of another nearby princess, Lilith looked and saw one of them sitting on a bench looking at something. She saw that it was Princess Artemisia aka Althea. While she knew it was unlikely to get the girl to meet Lynn and Dawn now, she would at least check on her. Checking her watch really quick, she saw she was running out of time before her first class.

"Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I need to go soon. I will see the both of you in class today. Take care ladies."

Startled, Dawn watched as the professor headed toward someone. Looking at the person she was heading to, she was once again filled with a sense of deja vu. This was starting out to be one weird day.

Lilith approached the brunette and saw she was looking at art pieces.

"Good morning, Althea. Those are some wonderful pieces. How are you this morning?"

Ivelda Evers
Code- #003300

Ivelda listen gleefully as she listened to her demon's report. As much as she enjoyed hearing his reports, she was smart enough to not show it. Oh a lot of people believed her to be evil, but were too scared to say that to her face. Still in order for her to keep control of her princes, she had keep up the illusion that what she did was for the greater good. A smart ruler never took any chances. The former rulers of Rhindeval were not weaklings and the sons of these rulers at least showed that she had to be careful with them too.

"My boy as much I as am happy that those rebels are gone, you could have spared that young woman for me at least."

Indeed, she took great pleasure of stealing the essences of young women to keep her looking young and fair.

Soon another one of her princes entered with some game for her. Listening to him, she beamed.

"Oh Ryder that's wonderful news! Both of you have worked so hard. Yes please take it to the butcher, but before either of you do anything else, let me give you both something to drink!"

Leaving her through, Ivelda soon return with two cups of the same drink she had given Adrian. Smiling at them both she waited for them to finish it before speaking up again.

"Now, Ryder, after you give the Blue Demon the report, you are free to go. I have my own business to attend to at the moment. Both of you do your queen proud. Thank you for keeping Rhindeval safe!"

Leaving the room, she soon head for a part of the area not many people saw, her dungeons. She needed to find another 'sacrifice' and she knew just who to go to. She soon found her inquisitor.

"Eike, I see you've been doing your job hehe. I need your help. I am in need of another young woman, preferably clean and fair of face. Are there any like that down here?" she asked while threading her fingers through his hair, petting him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

A soft clunk was heard as Althea’s Chai Tea cup was tossed into the trash bin beside her bench. Leaning her head back, she looked up at the sky, her frustration evident on her features. It shouldn’t be so difficult for her to choose a piece to submit, but the pressure of ensuring that she chose the right one was causing a blockage in her submission process. She turned her face back down the portfolio in her lap, eyes darting between the two different pieces that she was stuck between. One was a beautiful work portraying a faceless woman wearing what seemed to be an extravagant dress; the other was a breathless landscape of a range of hills bordering what seemed to be a spaceless yet glorious spanse of water.

Caught off-guard by the sudden approach of Professor Evers, Althea jumped, nearly scattering her papers in the process. She managed to keep from spilling them and quickly slid them all back into the portfolio. Holding the folder on her lap, she turned a small yet kind smile up to the woman before her, the sweetness reaching her eyes.

“Good morning to you too, Professor Evers. How has the beginning of your day been?” she asked. At the mention of her pieces, she turned her gaze back down to the folder and reopened it, the two works that she was debating between the first ones on the stack. Holding them side-by-side, she frowned slightly, obviously uncertain. “Thank you for the compliment, I really do appreciate it, but I’m not so sure that I agree,” she sighed out, her brows slightly furrowed. “I’m supposed to submit my choice for the Abstract Division II section of the upcoming exhibit, but I can’t decide which one I want to go with. They’re both some of my best works for the Watercolor category, but they also have their flaws, and I’m not certain which one’s pros outweigh the cons, you know?” she asked, her lips pursed in thought.

Turning her sight back up the professor, an uncertain smile crossed her lips. “Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you with my indecisiveness. What do you think? If it were you, which one would you choose? I definitely could use some impartial advice and opinions,” she laughed out, her cheeks tinged a light pink in embarrassment to be asking her professor for her viewpoint.

Code ~ #088A29

At the input of the General, Ryder felt his normally placate expression turn slightly sour, a small scowl crossing his lips. His generally passive eyes turned dark and a bit cold, his displeasure at the other man’s words evident on his face. He kept his head down, however, and chose to ignore the Demon. It was in his best interest to not allow any of the other men of the court to see his true feelings and nature, so instead he chose to come off as the indifferent servant, completely and wholly loyal to their queen. If any of the other court-appointed servants sniffed out even a pinch of his wavering loyalty and distrust, they would immediately inform the queen, which would not result in anything good for him or the people of the kingdom.

When his queen acknowledged his information, he gave a small nod of his head before rising to his feet once more. He watched as she left the throne room for a moment before returning with two glasses of an unknown liquid. At the sight of the cups, he felt an odd feeling in his bones, something that he only ever felt when out hunting or tracking and was being watched or in immediate danger. The odd tickling sensation returned to the back of his head and he absentmindedly itched the spot yet found himself unable to be rid of the feeling.

Reaching out, Ryder accepted the cup from his queen yet hesitated to drink it. Under her scrutinizing gaze, however, he knocked it back in one gulp. Immediately he felt off, almost different and unlike himself, and a small cloud came over his thoughts. All he could think was of his beautiful and magnificent queen, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Only moments before he remembered doubting her and her intentions, but now he couldn’t recall as to why he would ever question her. Something wasn’t right and he knew it, but couldn’t tell what it was.

Once she had left, he turned to face the Demon, his disdain for the other man hidden behind a monotonous expression. The General was one of the few men that got under his skin with his heartless and dark nature. He seemed to care naught for the citizens of the kingdom and only for the queen’s happiness, and despite Ryder wanting the same, he couldn’t help but feel something deep within him that found everything to be odd and unnatural in the kingdom’s court. However, if he wanted to keep his position and not be punished for treason, he would have to play nice with the other man, no matter how little he disliked the thought of it.

“Rune is currently hiding near the southern border of the kingdom in a small shack with an unregistered bunker beneath it. After further investigation, it seems that a majority of the leaders of their resistance force has set up home in said bunker, which will make it easier for them all to be taken into custody in one fell swoop, if you plan correctly,” he said, the last bit coming off a bit condescending. Turning his back to the other man, he drew his cloak entirely around him and made his way towards the doors, pausing when he reached them to give the General another look over his shoulder. “Try not to mess this one up, would you? I would hate for all of my hard work retrieving this information to go to waste,” he tilted his head slightly to the side, a small, cocky smirk on his lips, and left the throne room. While he was usually not one for many words, If the General wanted to play war with his words, then Ryder would respond in kind.

Once he was in the massive halls outside of the room, Ryder felt himself relax once more. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right, especially following the intake of that strange liquid that the queen gave him, but at least he wasn’t trapped in that room with all of those dark faces looking at him any longer. Their scrutinizingly glaring faces gave him the underlying sense of something evil and that bothered him almost as much as the feeling that something wasn’t right with the queen that he had been idolizing for as long as he could remember. It was almost as though the image that he had of her was cracking, like glass did when broken.

At the thought, a piercing pain darted through his head. He cringed, hand pressed to his forehead, and leaned against the wall next to the doors to the room he had just left. Forcing himself to take in slow, deep breaths, Ryder fought back the pain through gritted teeth. He wa right; something was very wrong with everything. Although everything had seemed dark before, in the last couple of days, especially today in particular, things had seemed so much darker than before. Almost as though some sort of an illusion had been cast and only just now was starting to fade away, splintering as it went. There was only one person that he could trust to talk to about this, and that was the Kingdom's Physician with whom he was training under. While there was a Royal Physician specifically for the Queen with whom he could have studied beneath, he had opted for the Kingdom’s Physician, who saw only civilians. The only reason why the Queen had agreed to this was because the Kingdom’s Physician would have a more broad expertise instead of having spent the last decade or so caring for only one individual.

Pushing himself away from the walk with determination in his features, he set off at a brisk walk, jaw clenched as he fought against the pain in his head.

Ryder needed to pay him a visit, and he needed to do it today.


Dual Code ~ #04B486
Trinity/Khorra's Code ~ #8904B1
Serenity/Kierra's Code ~ #0431B4

Khorra rose and retrieved her bag from the ground by her feet, slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her eyes down to her sister. Kierra quickly joined her, grabbing her backpack and swimming bag and doing the same as her sister. Khorra bent over and retrieved her large cello case, but before they could take a step they were approached by a girl that they recognized from one of their classes. She easily stood out with her vibrant green hair, but they both compelled themselves not to stare. They knew better than most people how it felt to be scrutinized just because of their appearances - twins with natural purple hair, of all things, yet strikingly different-colored irises. Although she was generally wary of people they didn’t know, Khorra felt an odd familiarity with the girl that went beyond having a simple class together. She had felt it before when her gaze would happen to slide over her, and she’d be lying if she said it was a bad familiarity. Kierra stood slightly behind her sister and could almost read her sister’s mind. They both felt the same; wary of strangers, yet this girl didn’t seem to be oh-so-strange.

Ever-the-kind-and-welcoming girl, despite her generally shy nature, Kierra allowed a gentle smile to reach her lips as she moved to her sister’s side, effectively taking the lead so as to alleviate any type of stand-offishness her sister could possibly decide to throw at the innocent girl who was simply trying to say hello.

“Good morning to you too! It’s so nice to meet one of our new classmates,” Kierra said cheerfully, holding out a hand in greeting. She laughed a little at the girl’s question as both she and her sister were more than used to being on the receiving end of that question. Although they thought that they looked pretty different, it was understandable how people could be confused. ”It’s okay, it happens a lot actually. We just appreciate you asking and not just assuming that you know which of us is which,” she laughed out. Casting a smile over at her sister, she motioned to herself and then the identical girl beside her. ”My name is Kierra, and this is my sister-” she began, but was cut off by her sister mid sentence, ”-Older sister, Khorra,” Khorra finished, stepping slightly around her sister to introduce herself. She was a lot more awkward with first meetings with others in comparison to her sister, but once they could get past the little bump that was their introductions, she knew she would be able to relax a bit. Besides, Kierra was always telling her she needed to try and make more friends. With a small sigh of indignation, she forced a friendly smile to her face, wanting to at least try and be friends with the girl. She seemed harmless enough.

”Your name is Cassie, right? I like that; it’s nice,” she said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. ”I’ve seen you run track before and I’d have to say that I’m impressed. You’re one fast girl,” she laughed out. ”I’ve also seen you watching the swim meets. Thanks for the support; I’m sure my sister and her friends appreciate you cheering them on,” she smiled. Kierra stepped forward once more, not wanting to be shut out of the conversation. ”Oh! Now that she mentions it, I do remember seeing you in the spectator seats. We really do appreciate the support a lot, especially if you enjoy watching. If you want, I could reserve you some good seats at the front with Khorra for next week’s national qualifiers. It’s going to be intense!” she hurried out excitedly, almost shining with her giddiness. Clearly passionate about her sport, Kierra couldn’t contain herself when talking about the competitions. Khorra rolled her eyes a little at her sister’s energy before turning back to the girl before them. ”Anyway, we were just on our way to the canteen to grab a couple of prepackaged sandwiches. If you’d like to join, you’re more than welcome,” she offered with a quick glance at a nearby clock. ”We have just enough time to eat before the next round of classes begin.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel
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0.00 INK


Eike glanced up from his business when he heard the click of heels approaching. He flicked the blood from his scalpel and set it on a tray in preparation for his Queen's arrival. When he saw her, life came to his vacant eyes and a genuine smile graced his blue lips.

"Welcome, Your Majesty," he greeted her with a deep bow. He shut his eyes as he felt her slender, ivory fingers tangle in his hair, shuddering at her touch. He nuzzled his head against her palm, relishing the feeling of her skin brushing his scalp, but also the fluttering in his chest. There truly was no sensation more fascinating. His eyes slid open to regard her and her request. He thought of Lord Conrad's wife. Perhaps the Lady was a few years past his Queen's request, but fair maidens were in short supply, and the Lady's daughter would not be suitable for several years to come...

"... Yes, Your Majesty," he replied, unwilling to remove himself from her hand, "I shall have her bathed and delivered to your chambers at once..." His head turned, his eyes downcast in shame. "I hope she will do well to please you. I wish... there were a way to supply you more reliably... girls grow so slowly, and the product so often... disappointing."

He looked back to her, eyes sparkling with adoration. "No, I live to please you, Your Majesty. I will find a way." His head tilted, and he gave her an innocent, boyish grin - oh, there was a bloodstain at the corner of his lips. "Please be sure to give her the divine right of human feeling for me!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel
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0.00 INK

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda listened as her youngest prince mentioned how he had a young women, but had mentioned that attractive young women were hard to come by now days. Ivelda was not dumb. She knew she couldn't kill off every young women in all of the kingdoms, there be no kingdoms to rule if that happened. Her youth spell only lasted several months though. In 13 years she only took the lives of 52 ladies, most from Lostein though. It was probably time to focus in other kingdoms. If only she had access to Traumet though! It was frustrating how the fae's hold on that kingdom and the other palaces still held! But at least they hadn't done anything else.

Looking at Eike, she felt smug seeing his look of adoration in his eyes. He reminded her of a doll, all broken, but she manage to fix him the way she wanted. He had been so easy to break too. Maybe because he was the youngest. He didn't even try to fight her. Eike was now one of her favorites and most loyal. Still she knew like the others, she had to do her best to make sure he stayed loyal. He would soon need another drink, but not yet.

"My sweet Eike, you are too good to me. No worries, I shall help you find fresh samples. Besides, what fun would it be to kill everyone off too quickly? You have always pleased me Eike, I'll leave you to your fun now okay? Be sure take care of yourself."

Placing a kiss on his forehead, she soon left the dungeons. Letting her staff know that another sacrifice was to be held later in the day, she went to her private quarters to get ready for it herself. These sacrifices were always private affairs. She did not like sharing her claim with anyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

The deed was done. Ivelda found herself taking a bath. She had a huge tub placed in her personal chambers. The sacrifice had been a success. The women had been perplexed on why she had been taken from the dungeons, but had refused to leave without her daughter . . . at first at least. The child had to be threaten first. It wouldn't be the first time Ivelda had children separated from their parents. The child was indeed very young, only 3 years old. She would be taken to an orphanage where children were raised specifically to serve her or her other loyal followers. It really would depend on how she turned out. More then likely she would turn into another sacrifice in the long run. Ivelda's thoughts drifted back to the latest sacrifice. It hadn't been hard to put the woman under her spell. Then it was business as usual, the sacrifice was completed and Ivelda drank the essence of the woman, rejuvenating her and making her look younger again. She left the cleaning of the sacrifice room to her servants and to get rid of the body.

After finishing her bath, she got dried off and had a servant assist her in getting dressed and doing her hair. Deciding to check on a few more of her princes that worked within the castle, she headed for clinic. She caught one of the workers trip right into her prince, Asher, formally known as Prince Stephen.

Frowning, Ivelda came forward and asked sharply, "Care to explain what I just saw Miss Tempeste?"

Adrian Wells
Code- #30660C

"Good morning, Adrian. The townsfolk would have nothing to fear if they knew I had no business with them. I have been doing well. The people seem to be behaving today and Ivelda's grace is a blessing upon this day. How are you doing? You seem to be always off, doing good for our land."

Adrian nodded. He stopped asking why the people were so afraid. They all were here to protect them so he just brushed it off. It never occurred to him that it was Ivelda they feared.

"I've been doing well. I just got back from another mission. I am now officially on break so you may see me more often for the next few weeks. I have been very busy, doing the queen's bidding. While I love making sure our land is safe, I am looking forward to taking it easy. Hard part is figuring out what exactly I'll do when I get home. Maybe I'll go hunting? You ever get a break, Thaddeus?"

Adrian was a pretty social guy so while he knew his interaction with Thaddeus was bound to be brief, he was going to take advantage of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

~ Aʂԋҽɾ Bσʅƚσɳ ~

"Always be ready to be up to no good, makes life all the more enjoyable."
♪ Hexcode: #DAA520 ♪

The last patient Asher attended to was treated with much more care then most. One of the older stable hands, Devris, got kicked in the shin by a warhorse. wrong place at the wrong time the man had said through strained breaths. The shin had gone through a bad break that punctured the skin and wasn't looking the right color. Working with all those beasts meant there was bound to be something nasty you could catch from a bad enough cut or injury. Fast acting infection was a serious matter. One of the other doctors had already given the man a few swigs of poppy juice. Good, this was going to be unpleasant.

Asher was pleased when the burly man didn't so much as complain when he had to be strapped down, too many people always needlessly panicked when the leather restraints began to tighten. Asher held a leacher bound rod in front of Devris's mouth. "Bite this and keep it in your mouth till I'm done. trust me, it helps." Once gaged, the Healer went to work. The disinfecting alone was a painful process as hissing chemicals burned away at the wound. The bone had to be reset next. He never enjoyed this part, A scowl crossing his face as Devris seized up and screamed wordlessly through his gag.

Minutes had passed and the poor man lay unbound with a stitched and dressed leg. A chuckle escaped the stable hand's lips as he dabbed sweat from his brow. "You know . . . That wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. My thanks." Asher shook his head while he removed his blood stained gloves, his signature grin back on his face now that the procedure was over. "No need for strong words here, I've seen greater men then yourself scream and beg for death while in my hands." Devris gave a huff and shifted in his seat, a hint of color blossoming on the mans face as he suddenly found something else in the room interesting to look at. Asher moved on with a laugh.

Men and their pride. He could sympathies sure, but it still amused him to no end how grown men would squirm and complain while being healed yet always be ever thankful when they were all patched up. then go right back to complaining when they got hurt again. Such is the life of a healer.

Asher stopped at one of the water basins and began to clean his gloves and hands. "Good morrow, sir~ will you be taking a break?” A familiar cheerfully voice grabbed his attention. a Quick glance revealed Tempeste approaching him looking a tad shy. How cute. Asher's usual smile grew wider as he set his gloves aside and dried his hands off. "Ah Tempeste, a ray of sunshine as always. Yes I think I'm in need of a break for tea now that you mention it." Asher's eye traveled up and down Tempeste as she got closer. It went without saying that she was quite the attractive woman, and it was rather easy to get her flustered with how forward he could be. When word reached his ears that his head of staff might have a crush on him Asher could barely help himself. She never did seem to complain about the teasing though, even when he thanked her with a kiss on the hand now and again.

He was snapped out of his musings rather quickly when Tempeste suddenly tripped into him. Highly trained reflexes sprung into action. Asher suddenly moved like a striking viper, catching the woman with ease and holding her aloft as if he had just dipped her during a ball. His height seemed to be of little hinderance as he held her with no signs of strain or difficulty. A mischievous glint lit up his one visible eye. whispered words breathed out of his smiling lips."We really should stop running into each other like this my dear, People will start to talk you know~" Some of the staff gawked and giggled to one another in hushed whispers.

The moment however quickly passed when an all tooo familiar voice spoke up. Asher's head snapped up to see a frowning Ivelda before him. Quickly, he righted Tempeste so that she was standing and gave a deep, flourishing bow. "Your Majesty, please excuse my head of staff. There was no harm done and I was just finished my duties for the time. " There was no hint of panic or worry in Asher's voice, but he didn't want to see Tempeste punished for something so harmless. When he looked up at Ivelda there was a hint of a pleading look on his face, hoping that she would let the incident go and direct her attention towards him instead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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0.00 INK


ImageHex Code: #ff0789
"I'm right here at your door
I won't leave, I want more
What's up, danger?"
- Blackway & Black Caviar

It all went according to the old veteran’s plan as Tempeste literally fell for Asher. It was important to break the physical touch barrier in the flirting process she had been told. Asher caught her with ease as if he'd performed this feat many times before. A small gasp escaped her lips as he steadied her in a position she was sure was fit for dancing. Oh. Nevermind. Height doesn't matter. She blinked a few times in surprise by the outcome. Although she knew of the plan ahead of time, she was still just as surprised when it happened and particularly impressed by Asher’s reflexes.

Her bright pink-purple eyes shifted upward to meet Asher’s gaze, his unhidden eye of piercing blue looking down at her with a hint of trouble. So close, too close. Her breath locked in her throat. She’d been working for Asher for a while but being this close was nerve-racking. "We really should stop running into each other like this my dear, People will start to talk you know~" Tempeste could overhear some giggling and whispers in the background coming from members of the staff but she didn't allow it to distract her from her goal. Her cheeks warmed with color but she was not ashamed. "Would you-" she began, but they were shortly interrupted.

"Care to explain what I just saw Miss Tempeste?" A sharp voice rang through the medical ward and just as quickly as Asher helped her stand, was just as quick as Tempeste's mood switched. I have been called a stable boy twice now. Have you met Korgan? He is rather...loud. Tempeste received Ari's thought just as Ivelda made her presence known. She was a little curious about Korgan but distracted at the moment by her current predicament. No... but have you met Ivelda? She's here, now, she thought back with a lot of pressure behind it. Asher bowed, Tempeste following his lead and bowing as well. "Your Majesty, please excuse my head of staff. There was no harm done and I was just finished with my duties for the time." Her eyes shifted slightly to the corner to glance at Asher. He sounded confident and had an expression on his face that reminded her of puppy eyes. Oh, he's good. She gave him credit for his performance. Once upon a time, she might have fallen for that look. Alas, there were bigger fish to fry. This complicates things. Why did she have to show up here, of all days?!

The recovering father and his child were still in the back of the ward ready to leave. Tempeste intended to keep Asher distracted while sneaking a closer peek at the back room but the plan had been derailed with Ivelda's sudden appearance. Now, she had to make sure both of them were distracted. She just wasn't sure if they could distract each other or if she needed to throw her hat into the ring. Can I take that risk? Tempeste could feel the panic rising in her chest, her heart rate accelerating at all that could go wrong if she didn't do the right thing. She didn't fear for her life, she feared for the family. The cutest kid's face flashed before her eyes, imagery that overlapped with Ivelda standing before her and the nightmare that evil enchantress had unleashed over all the kingdoms. She lost her mother and the Saints to her. No, she refused to let another family suffer under Ivelda's wrath if she could help it.

I am glad Tyann thinks of his workers as indispensable. Also, it seems my Serein beauty may have worked out for me already. Well, it sounded like Ari was having a much better time but his thought gave her an idea of her own. Let's hope I am indispensable too, she thought. "Your Majesty, you grace us with your presence." Tempeste greeted respectfully, not moving an inch from her bowing form. She understood what Asher was trying to accomplish and had the circumstances been any different, she would have left the matter in his capable hands. This time, however, she could not. Her name falling out of Ivelda's lips left her feeling uneasy. The evil Queen knew who she was and there was no room for error. Being excused on account of Asher was not sufficient because she might still be watched and/or suspected in the future. Tempeste had to convince Ivelda and stop the doubt dead in its tracks.

"I am ashamed of what you have just witnessed. I humbly beg for your forgiveness..." She dropped down on her knees and placed a hand on her chest over her heart to symbolize her loyalty. "If it pleases you, I will punish myself." Tempeste declared with her head lowered and shut eyes awaiting the outcome. Her heartbeat drummed on loudly by the second. If I ever go missing, I would advise you to make Korgan your first suspect. Haha... Tempeste nervously laughed mentally. If only Ari knew what she was up to. While she was not willing to gamble the harbored family, she was willing to gamble herself to ensure their safety and resume her identity as nothing more than a pawn or lesser in Ivelda's eyes. Come on...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers
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0.00 INK

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda did a thorough examination of Tempeste. The young woman was lovely, perfect for being a sacrifice, but then she was from Serein, who were renowned for their beauty, male and female a like. However the girl was valuable to Ivelda, for the time being. She couldn't afford to kill her . . . . yet. If this young woman was going to be a problem, she would have to handle it. Maybe it was time to start looking for a replacement. Fear and embarrassment seem to radiate from Tempeste. Wanting to make sure she continued to behave herself, Ivelda came forward and taking a hand with extremely sharp nails, she lift her face and looked her straight in the eye. Taking one finger she gently caressed her face.

"Such a beautiful face and body, I'd hate to add to Asher's burden. This is your only warning, Tempeste. I am a forgiving woman who cares for her subjects' health."

Indeed, she needed her young female subjects healthy in order to provide potential sacrifices. Standing up fully she turned to Asher.

"Asher dearie, once you're done with your business here, come to my throne room immediately. We have business to discuss. I am going to check on a few things first though so take your time. No more distractions though."

She had looked at Tempeste when she said that last line.

With that, she headed to check on Tyann, only to be pleasantly surprised to see both Roderick and Korgan there. Delighted to see them, she rushed forward.

"My boys! You're home safe and sound! Raiden, I take it you've brought me what I've requested of you?"

Looking at Ivelda now, one would never think she was an Evil enchantress.

Adrian Wells
Code- #30660C

Adrian listened to Thaddeus as he mentioned he never took a break. He opened his eyes in surprise. Granted, Adrian worked really hard for the kingdom too, but even he got breaks. Thinking back though, he remembered he never asked for breaks. The queen just started allowing him to take breaks in between missions and even insisted he live away from castle and town. Currently his house was in the wooded area that surrounded the lake. He still wanted to be close enough in case the queen needed him. His thoughts turned back to Thaddeus when he spoke to him again.

"Though if you intend to go out among the beasts, perhaps you should talk to Tyann. I'm sure he will be pleased for both that and your presence around here for a few days."

Adrian couldn't help but shudder a bit at the mention of the beastmaster's name. The guy just creeped him out for some reason. Maybe it was the mask. Sure he was very good at what he did. After all, the man was the one to train and break in his 2 horses. Still the 2 did butt heads from time to time due to both having short tempers.

"I think I'll check on Tyann some other time. Well, I hate to keep you from your duty, Thaddeus, so I'll leave you to it. Maybe sometime soon you can help be train at some point. This last job was a tough one and I worry I might be getting rusty."

With a wave to the guard, Adrian retrieved Little John and soon was back on the road, heading home.

Lilith Evers
Code- #C71585

It was finally time. Lilith enjoyed telling the crowd about Rhindeval, but now it was time to release the girls from her sisters' spell. She had noticed that the spell had weaken over time. She wonder if it was because Ivelda wasn't here to reinforce it. She had learned in magic school that going against what was natural would eventually try to undo itself. Lilith hoped that her sister didn't have the ability to sense the breaking of the spell. Hopefully in the spell's weaken state she wouldn't feel it.

"Now my fine folk, seeing how I am a sorceress, I suppose I shall share with you some spells. The one I have you for today is an ancient spell so I hope you enjoy the performance!"

The audience would think she was only gong to do magic tricks, but this would be all to real. Taking her want, she spoke the spell that would undo curse. It was one she created herself. Connecting with the pendents of the princesses, she spoke out.

"Memory is precious, it can't be taken away,
Remember your true self and find your way,
Have courage and take heart,
See the light and cast off the dark,
Seek me when thee are ready,
As I will so mote it be!"

In that instant, magical energy burst from wand, but no one would see it. Instead, little fireworks went off behind Lilith in order to distract the crowd. The magic from the spell would come into contact with the pendants of the princesses and Lilith could feel the locks on the princesses' memory break. The spell took a lot out her and Lilith plopped onto her seat in dramatic fashion. She exhausted but she just pretended to be.

"My! That took a bit out of me. I think I need a break. Return in 30 minutes folks, and I shall give all of you more tales of wonder!

The crowd applauded before dispersing. Lilith sighed. She done it. Now it was only a matter of time for one of the girls to approach her.

Dawn Henderson
Code- #5477B9

Dawn had gotten herself something to eat. Ever sense she had moved into the dorms, she had been determined to try foods she had never tried before and today had been no exception. The Anime club of her college had a vendor at the spring festival and for the first time Dawn got to try takoyaki. One of the members was actually from Japan and said this was common to have at festivals over there. Dawn never had octopus before and found she really liked the stuff. It was a bit messy though so Dawn was careful to not get anything on her gown. She had found a bench and ate it silence. Once she started eating it, she quickly ate all eight pieces. It was so good! It was a good thing Dawn finished it quickly because as soon as she did, magical energy hit her in the chest area, more specifically her opal pendant. It caught her by surprise and she suddenly had a flash of memory as something unlocked within her.


The hallway was dark as a little girl with pale blonde hair tried drying her eyes. She just had a nightmare and sought her parents' comfort. Her room wasn't too far from their's. Coming to a pair of large ivory doors, she pushed on them with all her might. The door creaked a bit as she enter the room. However, no sooner had she enter, she saw her father get out of bed and drew his sword.


Immediately the man disarmed him self and looked at his daughter. Her mother had sat up in bed too by this time.

"Aurora, sweet pea, what is it?" King Elios asked.

"I had a bad dream. I don't want to be alone."

The man smiled before coming up to the 5 year old and picked her up before giving her a gentle hug.

"It'll be fine sweet pea. Do you want to sleep with mommy and daddy?"

The little nodded.

"Is it all right with you dear?" Elios asked his wife with a puppy dog eye look.

The queen smiled, "Okay just this once."

Dawn watched all of this in 3rd person and soon the image faded.


Dawn gasped in shock. This was just like her dreams, only more clearer and it felt all too real. It was then she noticed tears were coursing down her face. She knew those people. The little girl looked exactly like her and was wearing a pendant that just looked like her. Her name had been Aurora though. Standing up suddenly, she had this intense need to find Professor Evens.

Cassie Peters
Code- #46935C

“Sounds good. I think I am going to just get a snack for now, so I’ll be heading to the corn dog stand. Let’s meet back here in a bit. We can find somewhere together to eat. I promise not to disappear again, as the team isn’t here to keep you company.”

Before Cassie could say anything else, Anita had gone off again. Corn dogs sound good, but Cassie had corn dogs the other day. Looking around, she soon found something she loved having whenever she had a chance- bacon burgers with donuts buns. Normally Cassie ate healthy food, but today was a cheat day for her and she considered herself a carboholic. Getting one of the sweet and savory burgers with fries on the side and a bottle of water, Cassie soon returned to the place Anita left her and found the tall girl there.

"Look what I found, Anita! I don't know about you, but I am ready to dig in! Let's find a place to sit okay?"

Soon they found a place and Cassie pretty much wolfed down her meal. It was then the magic that Lilith unleashed hit the 2 young ladies' pendants. Cassie nearly gagged on the water she'd been drinking as she looked at Anita.


"Wait up, Silvia! You're too fast!" a girl with green hair called out as a taller green hair girl climbed up a tree faster then her.

"Sorry, Meri!"

The girls loved climbing trees and had just gotten away from their caretakers. Soon though, Meridian's mother found them.

"Meridian! Silvia! You two get down this instant! You'll ruin your clothes!"

"It's a bit too late for that, momma, sorry! We better get down Silvia, or momma might tell your parents."

Silvia nodded and soon the two girls were back on solid ground. Indeed, both girls had twigs in their hair and their outfits were a bit torn.

Queen Kerrigan tried to look stern, but couldn't help but giggle at their appearances.

"What am I going to do with your girls? Well let's get you two cleaned up. Follow me."

The girls nodded and followed the queen.


What in the world was that? Cassie couldn't quite figure it out. She looked at Anita and saw her teammate had a shock look on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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0.00 INK

Tyann Rebal:: #F47206

His mouth was open to shout another obscenity, ire and irritation directed at the now arrived Hunter. Whilst Tyann respected the fellow animal ‘master’ of sorts, he still found that he had yet to accept the necessity of culling beasts. But that was neither here nor there, for it was as he was bringing the voice up from his gut, Ivelda appeared.

His thoughts stuttered to a stop as he turned to focus on his empress. She strode by him, approaching Raiden and Korgan first. A small spark of jealousy bloomed for a moment, coiling in his chest, another tiny snarl found its way to his lips before Tyann calmed.
By rote, he sought out that special place within his mind.
A lake, a sea, a pond, a puddle… Regardless, as he pulled in a sigh, and dropped himself into a stately bow, the ripples that roiled and tousled the water's surface became still in his mind’s eye.
The apathy and cold disinterest returned in but a breath, and stayed as Tyann breathed out.

His hand on the reigns of the drake tugged, and the beast went into a bow of its own as well.

Tyann watched through his mask as Ivelda spoke to the two, keeping his expression blank and calm as he rose back into a relaxed stance. His back was ramrod straight, and though he itched to retrieve the ‘gift’ that Raiden brought back, gods be damned if the Hunt-Master didn’t bring back something young enough to be trained without needing to be broken per se.

He locked his gaze on Raiden’s hand, frowning darkly behind his mask as the thought of ‘Hm. Red skin. Swollen. Scratches… Hm. Hm! Probably needs to go see Asher. Damn. Whatever he brought me is going to be … interesting. Dammit.’

Tyann’s focus leapt back to Ivelda, waiting for her majesty to speak beyond her greetings to the two. He would wait as long as she wanted, if only so that he could properly ascertain whether or not the gift that was brought would be worth it. Perhaps it could become a new pet for her majesty.
All in due time though.

For now, Tyann waited in silence for attention to be brought towards him. His gaze slid to Ari, and with a simple nod of his head, Tyann urged the other man onward with the otherwise unpredictable Luna. He would not stand for any sort of misbehavior or interruption whilst he could still breathe.
He knew that he was perhaps not Ivelda’s favorite, but that did not mean he tried to put forth less effort than any other servant of hers to become a favorite.
Regardless of that, he still wanted to regain SOME semblance of control over his stable yard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Sibylla Costrantina Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic
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0.00 INK


Freddie’s lips curved up into a v-shaped, bird-like smile. Her tired eyes opened just a little bit wider. She slowly raised her hands… then returned Collette’s finger guns. ”You’re my favourite customer,” she stated, with a flat tone that betrayed no sarcasm.

However, before they could go any further…


What was that feeling?

Freddie couldn’t understand it. But something compelled her eyes towards her teddy bear, sat by her feet and against the mushroom. Closer, deeper, into the doll’s pitch-black gaze.

Images flashed before her eyes. Dark skies. Withered trees. Miles and miles of swamplands, of rickety bridges and ramshackle houses built atop dank waters. A castle, tall and arched and crowned with wicked spires, its bricks yellowed by age and reclaimed by moss, its walls half-sunk into colourless waters. And then, on the tallest floor of the tallest tower, through the rose-shaped window, was a boy.

Slight in height and small-shouldered, standing in front of a shadowed sketch. He turned towards her, with eyes that sucked in all light… and reflected none.

She gasped. And blinked. Once… twice… and the image disappeared in an instant. Freddie hung her head and clutched herself. The warmth had left her body. Was that… a dream? Or... the memory of a dream? Freddie glanced towards the pouch in her hand. She turned it one way then the other, just to make sure. ”Still sealed...”

Just then, a voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"W-what... is th..t-this?"

Freddie looked up to see Collette, teary-eyed, shaking, obviously in distress. Freddie stepped closer and laid her hands on her shoulders. ”H..hey…” Freddie held her breath. She considered her words, then replied, with a face paler than before. ”Dude… you okay? You… look like... you’d just… seen a ghost…”

Freddie’s placid brows furrowed as she moved closer to inspect Collette’s eyes. ”Do you need…. Anything?”

Korgan acquiesced to Tyann's request and handed the mare back to Ari. The outrider smirked at his veiled threat. He couldn't help but find it charming, like much of the Beastmaster… but Korgan knew well enough to not push his buttons.

Just as he nodded to Ari's introduction, Korgan caught the scent of another. The faintest trace of mud and blood. He knew who it was before he turned to see. The queen's hunter, Raiden Hetral. Korgan's ears pricked up at his snide remark. And, consciously or otherwise, he stood up just a little straighter, a little taller, to cast a shadow upon the pink-haired hunter.

"You got one thing right, mutt," Korgan remarked, his voice lower and quieter than before. He leaned close, his arms on his hips, flashing the fangs that lined his maw. "I'm the foulest beast of all. Question is, are you man enough to hunt me, or will that tongue do all the wagging?"

Silence ensued. Even the birds stopped their song. The beast and the hunter stared each other down, until…

"My boys! You're home safe and sound! Raiden, I take it you've brought me what I've requested of you?"

Korgan leaned back in an instant. His beastly smirk remained, but his entire body turned stiff and rigid, with his arms by his side and his eyes forward. He had not forgotten the one who cursed him. Korgan respected few, but there was only one he feared. Ivelda Evers. The Empress of Rhindeval. She, whose will decides the fate of this Empire. He held his tongue for now, observing from his peripherals on how Raiden would use his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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0.00 INK



Ari heard Tempeste’s thoughts, but had to ignore them. Their trio had grown as apparently the stables was the hot spot to be. The first one to catch his attention was Radien. He found the pink hair man amusing as he spoke of Korgan. It was entertaining when Korgan replied to him. Also, he mentioned a present he brought for Tyann. Ari simply nodded at the man’s request for him to take care of his horse.

I believe he took Clawbreaker with him, but why would he leave a beast with her? All his thoughts stopped when he heard Ivelda. He did not like the woman for many reasons. The mere thought of her always unsettled him. He knew it was as Ellen always had something bad to say about their current ruler. Ari had no time to dwell on his past as Tyann basically signaled him to leave.

“It was a pleasure to be in the presence of everyone, especially you Queen Ivelda,” he stated, his eyes on Ivelda by his last word. Also, he made sure to give her a friendly smile and bow before he left. Ari was happy Luna followed him without any issues. He stayed silent until he was safely back in the stables away from the group he just left. The two stable boys he left alone were whispering and staring at one of the saddle bags hanging off Clawbreaker. Movement was clearing happening in one of the bags. Ari cleared his throat and resisted the urge to roll his eyes when they jumped.

“James, take Luna and make sure she does not escape your grip. Tyann was not happy with the escape. I then need you to feed all the horses,” he ordered. Once James took Luna, his attention turned to Uriel who had Clawbreaker.

“I will be taking care of Clawbreaker per Radien’s request. Although, please bring me a bucket with a small amount of raw meat for me. I would like the meat to be cut up into small pieces as well,” he told him as he took Clawbeaker’s reins. When Uriel ran off, he led the horse to her stall. He often spoke to the horses in a whisper, which made his naturally soft voice much harder to hear. He mainly spoke to them as it helped him not think. Ari did not like thinking by mistake or too much when connected to Tempeste. At times it allowed her to see sides of him others normally would not see.

“I hope you had a good trip Clawbreaker and that Radien treated you well,” he said. Ari took his time as he took her equipment off. He did make sure to be gentle as Tyann’s present was wiggling around in one of the bags. He hung the saddlebags over the door to the stall. Ari began to hum softly the song that always played in Serein when he lived there. He looked over Clawbreaker to make sure she was in good health. Once he made sure she was fed, had fresh water, and was brushed, he’d find somewhere to put Tyann’s gift so he could feed it. The last thing he wanted was for the little gift to die while with him. It would not make Tyann happy at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.25 INK

~ Aʂԋҽɾ Bσʅƚσɳ ~
"Always be ready to be up to no good, makes life all the more enjoyable."
Hexcode: #DAA520

"Asher dearie, once you're done with your business here, come to my throne room immediately. We have business to discuss. I am going to check on a few things first though so take your time. No more distractions though." Asher gave a curt nod of his head and kept his eyes low as Ivelda left the ward. He, and just about every patient and staff member present let out a collective sigh of relief.

Well, that could have gone a lot worse. He straightened his posture and brushed himself off as if flicking the worry from his body. For a second he was sure Tempeste was in danger, replacing her would be such a headache and Asher really would hat to see such a pretty face leave this place. Speaking of which, He moved to get Tempeste off her knees and gave her a reassuring smile. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. " Lets try this again some other time shall we? Perhaps we wont get caught if we are lucky~" Playfulness dripped from his words despite the situation the two of them had been in moments ago.

The sound of whistling coming from Asher's room dragged his attention away from his head of staff. Ah, the water's done. Guess it was a cleaver move to set the heat low. Asher quickly made his way back to his room and gathered his water, good tea and kettle along with an assortment of cups onto a wide tray before exiting again. The tea set was laid on a table next to Tempeste before he went back to lock his room with a particularly unique looking key.

Asher stopped next to the Serein woman on his way out. "Help yourself to the tea and make sure the rest of the staff get their tea and break soon. If I'm not back later assume I have left on business. I know i can count on you to take care of things if I'm absent regardless." He took Tempeste's hand and kissed the back of it before slipping past her and quickly out the door.

The clinking and clicking of Asher's jewelry quickly became silent and his footsteps made no sound as he made his way down the halls towards the throne room. The bright and cheery visage hardened to something more akin to stone now.

Years of practice and training being put to practice as the royal healer and secret assassin of the empress slipped between shadows even despite his colorful appearance. Memories of painful and grueling training from years past flickered to the front of his mind and was quickly pushed away. He had cruel but skilled teachers, Ivelda had seen to it that he learned from the best . . . and quickly prove himself their better by killing each one when his training had been deemed finished.

Minutes past before Asher came to the throne room. seeing as he was early, He kept to the rooms shadows out of sight. Guess I simply wait, hopefully not for long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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0.00 INK

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda watched as her boys bowed to her, even those who worked at the stable. Taking a quick gland, she caught the jealous look of Tyann. The beast tamer might wear a mask, but he tend to wear his heart on his sleeve and his eyes tend to reveal his emotions. Over the years Ivelda had thought to force him to not wear his mask, only because she didn't want him to remember the significance of it. But he had a very creepy smile and she prefer not to see it so she allowed him to keep on wearing it. She looked at the beast he was handling. Ivelda was impressed that he had that ability. She knew she could do many things, but beast taming wasn't one of them. Best she could do was turn into a beast herself. Deciding to give the young man some attention, she turned to him.

"My Tyann! To tame such a beast is amazing! I know these things can be particularly ferocious. You've done good work."

It was then one of the stable workers addressed her. Much like Tempeste, this one had light blonde hair and was from Serein. Why such a beautiful young man was working in the stables, she'll never know. Still he was good at his job. She nodded towards him as he led a horse away.

She then turned her attention towards Korgan. He was built as strong as an ox and was ruthless. Being the oldest of the princes, even at the age of 12, she recalled even then he had been troublesome to deal with before she put him under her power. Giving him that beast form had been a risk, but it had been worth it. It was then Ivelda remembered that she had to give both Raiden and Korgan her brew that kept them loyal to her. Maybe she should do the same for Tyann too. She knew she would have to give one to Benedicto when he returned. She mentally went through her other princes and how long it had been needing to receive her 'special drink' for them. She had already given Adrian his, Asher was probably waiting for her in the throne room, Eike was still in the dungeon, and Thaddeus would be doing his daily routine now. While Eike was one of her most loyal followers, she refused to take any chances with him. It would be hard to draw him out of the dungeons, but it always been that way.

"Raiden, you can give me your gift to me later. For now I want you to clean up from your journey. You too Korgan. Once you two are done, you can come to my throne room. And Tyann, same thing to you. Once you're done with that beast, come to my throne room. Korgon, I expect your full report when you arrive."

With that, Ivelda left them to their duties and went to the throne room. Sensing she wasn't alone, her eyes scanned the shadows and she saw Asher within them.

"You always were good at hiding, Asher. I have something I need to do first and then I'll join you. Be a good boy until I get back."

She went to the back of the throne room and went through the door that led to her potions room with the huge cauldron. What she didn't realize was that when she opened the door, she inadvertently let a pint-size Iris in with her. The fairy had been hiding in the shadows near the ceiling. She made herself invisible the minute Ivelda showed up and flew carefully to avoid detection. She paid careful attention to which potions Ivelda used to make her brew. It was a good thing Ivelda labeled all of her potions and Iris had a great memory. She recognized all of the ingredients. When Ivelda left the room with the drink, Iris left with her and soon left the castle all together. Without realizing what just happened, Ivelda walked towards Asher.

"Now my boy, I would like a full remember of your last mission. Here, drink," Ivelda smiled, offering Asher the goblet.

Iris was over the moon in having completed her mission successfully. She wasted no time in getting back home and all but burst into the Queen's throne room.

"You're Majesty! I know what Ivelda is using!" the fairy said as she flew in and transformed into her 'human size'.

Eowyn smiled and giggled at the fairy's enthusiasm.

"Tell me Iris."

The fairy did so and Eowyn sighed in relief.

"Well done Iris. It's a relief to know Ivelda didn't make anything too complicated."

"Might I ask why you wanted to know this your majesty?" Iris asked.

"I needed to know what they were so we can create an anecdote. Even if and when Lilith returns with the princesses, they won't have the means to break the princes from Ivelda's grasp on their own. We can at least give them the means to do that. Luckily I am familiar with the anecdote that can break it, but unlike Ivelda's "loyalty potion", this will take time. Thank you Iris, you are dismissed for now."

Iris, excited of the prospect the princes' spell being broken, bowed and left. It was only a matter of time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

His back was towards Korgan when the living bulldozer made his comment. Raiden just smiled and turned around to face the human monster. Whether he was baiting with traps or with words, it always seemed to work. He stared up at the man towering above him, a mischievous look in his eye. ”If Ivelda would let me…” Before he could finish his response he heard a familiar voice coming near them.

”My boys! You're home safe and sound! Raiden, I take it you've brought me what I've requested of you?”

As if being forced by an invisible hand, Raiden turned again and instantly bowed to show his recognition for the empress standing in front of him. ”Naturally my Empress, I will bring it to your throne room at the earliest opportunity. ” She seemed to be in a good mood, which was a good thing. If she wasn’t she would have told him the earliest opportunity had come and gone already, but instead he was lingering about. He never had a knack for the ‘civilities’ that came with life at the court, hence him being away from the castle as much as he could. Ivelda always made sure he was back every 2 weeks though.
He always looked forward to receiving his drink. If he was too long away from it he had trouble thinking of anything else. It was like a homing beacon where he just had to return in order to take his drink. He had asked Ivelda to take some with in a flask for his travels, but it was never allowed.

As he kept bowing down a bit longer he was thankful to hear he could clean himself up first. His hand was still itching like mad and he needed to make sure to stop by the infirmary first. When he came back up he saw the stable boy depart to take care of his horse. As long as he doesn’t open the bags… Before long, Ivelda took her departure again.

When she was at a save distance he looked back at Korgan. ”As I said, if Ivelda would let me I’d decorate the dining hall with a nice scary-looking rug made from your skin. In that case everyone is happy, you’d still look scary, Ivelda could order you cleaned at any time, and we’d finally be freed of your obnoxious commentary.” He directed his attention to the masked man instead. ”Tyann, I’m taking one saddle bag, the other one has your present. Be careful, it’s young, but has some nasty claws.” He held up his red looking arm to prove his point.

He turned on his heels and walked fast towards the stables. He saw the bags were already off his trusty steed, and he picked the one with the biggest bulge, knowing the moms head was much bigger than the cub was. ”Thanks pretty boy, but as I got you away from the smell of rotten fish on an oxes breath, I’d still say you owe me big time.” Raiden put the bag over his shoulder as he made his way into the castle.

He had his own room, albeit very small. He did not mind much. He didn’t spend much time here, and secondly, he hated the apparent luxury. It just didn’t feel like it fit …. him. He dropped the bag on his bed and took his gear off of him. He kept on his boots, as he still wanted to get his hand checked out first. In the 10 minutes he spend in the room he did not see a single servant coming by. They are avoiding me… these bastards He shouted: ”Who do I have to hunt around here to draw me a friggin’ bath?!?!”
A few seconds later he heard someone scurrying in. It was an old man in simple clothes. My apologies Sir, I will do so right away.
Raiden looked at the man, observing him from head to toe. The man was balding but was still showing a full beard.
”Fine, get it ready in 20 minutes, I’ll be in the infirmary but should be back soon.” He stepped out the door, only to appear in the door opening again a second later. He saw the man had his back to him, closing the windows in the fairly cold room. ”..And don’t touch my stuff!” He saw the man jump in the air when he’d thought Raiden had been gone already. How many times do I have to tell that to people today?

He took one of the stairs to go up to the medical ward. He took 2 steps at a time, wanting to hurry up before Ivelda’s patience and good mood would disappear. Plus, I want my drink, I’ve waited almost 2 weeks for it. His boots made an annoyingly hard sound on the stone floors. In the forest they were silent as could be, another reason why he did not like the castle. Like he was trying to draw attention to himself.
He stood still in front of the medical ward and heard a lot of voices inside. Asher’s having a tea party? it seemed unlikely, even more unlikely Ivelda would allow it.
He opened the door and stepped in, his boots again betraying someone new had arrived. He saw a few beds with patients and some people attending to them. The room smelled sweet, clearly a scent coming from the tea that was steaming in the corner. He didn’t like the smell, he never had.
He aimed his attention at the girl standing closest to the tea set. After the stable boy, she too was Sereinian. Did we turn into an orphanage for these people or something? He walked up to her. ”Where’s Asher? I need my hand to be looked at.” He held out his arm, and almost scared himself at the sight. It looked worse than what he had seen before. But Asher was a professional, he should be able to fix it quickly.
”I need him quick, Empress Ivelda is waiting for me…”


Days would pass on Benedicto’s way back to his Grace. Benedicto had grown to dislike his own decision to take the man and the baby back to the capital. He didn’t feel sorry for them, but he took them too far away, and he had to bare their company for such a distance. The man had complaint a lot and loudly, no matter the amount of times he was hit, kicked and thrown off the horse. He had been quiet for a while when they had dragged his body behind the carriage, but even that didn’t stop him from completely shutting up. Eike will be able to deal with that, I’m sure…

The man had especially cried and moaned whenever the baby had been crying. Viliame had found a solution to deal with the man as well as the baby. He had told one of the monks to remove the cap from the mans head. ”I told you I was done with your complaining, I only wonder how much complaining you will do when you lose a limb or two…” Benedicto added with a slight smile.
He turned his head to the monk holding the child: ”Take that kid and dump it in the nearest river. Maybe he’s complaining he does not appreciate that we are willing to raise it properly…well..then why raise it at all. Make sure yo sacrifice it as an offering to the great Ivelda.”
The mans cry turned into a howl and a load of curses in the direction of the young preacher. Benedicto made sure the man could see the monk riding away quickly. The cries of the baby died into the distance.
”Now put something in his mouth, I don’t want to hear him again. ” He watched as he saw a monk putting a piece of cloth in the mouth of the older man, just before pulling the cap back over his face. The soft mumbling sounded like music to Benedicto’s ears.

The baby was relatively safe. He had told the monk before to ride out to the capital at his signal. He didn’t care much for taking care of the new human himself. He had instructed for it to be taken to the orphanage, to eventually go into the church. Making sure there was no hope for family would only be a benefit. Benedicto did not know his parents, and he could only consider it a blessing. It gave him more time and energy to dedicate to Ivelda and praising her.

The trip had been a lot better since this. They passed a few more towns, but none of them as fun as Grainburough. At each of them they spend a minimal amount of time. Benedicto was ready to be home. He loved spreading the word, but he hated to be this far away. After the last town he got back into the carriage again. He had been reading at all opportunities, but knowing they would not pass any more towns on their way, he rather spend more time reading than presenting himself. The road was a lot better and it was a smooth ride. With a blanket over his legs his eyes once again went over the lines.

It was incredible how people could still doubt the true savior Ivelda was. The one to unite all kingdoms of old, to get rid of old rivalries and to steer the continent to a better time. He was baffled how people could not worship her like he did. Maybe it was just pure education. He had access to most of the holy texts. They might be copies in the capital, but the text had not changed from the original, whether they came from the Isles or from Emperia or from anywhere else for that matter.
Once you know the truth, it was so simple to recognise Ivelda was the prophecies come to fruition. He was dedicated to show the continent, to show them how they should be honouring her…, like he did. He thought back of Grainburough, to the older preacher. How awful must it be to know what is right, but not to be able to convince the people of this. With the treacherous village elder removed, he should have an easier job. Benedicto should have left two of the monks with him. Of course he did the town a favour, by placing the preacher as the head of the town, but his monks could have convinced the people more quickly.

Under the carriage Benedicto noticed the sandy road was exchanged to a stone road. They were close now, close to his Grace. My goodness, I have missed her. He moved the curtain and looked out the window. Home, this was his home, his only memories from childhood had all been from here. He knew the houses, the inhabitants, the traders. They were all coming to the church regularly. They did not have much choice in that.
The carriage stopped in front of the capitals house of worship. It was where Benedicto always stayed. Aside from the main building there was a small monastery. It was like an inn for preachers, but some rooms had more permanent occupants.

Despite his young age, after Ivelda the young man had the highest position in the church. He could see the fear in the eyes of the older men and women that had spend their lives worshipping. They were scared, since Benedicto had a nose for non-believers. He had snuffed out quite a few that were pretending to praise Ivelda, while secretly practicing the religion that existed before the savior had come.
Most of these people had died by hanging, a few of them had been brought to the dungeons underneath the castle, but Benedicto had not seen them come back from there. Even when at a later age he had been in the dungeons himself, he had not recognised anyone but Eike. Maybe the only person who could rival Benedicto in the love they felt for their Empress.

He stepped out of the carriage, stretching his legs and arms wide. He spoke to the nearest monk. ”You there, bring this man to the dungeon master…tell him…to enjoy this one.” People on the street hurried passed them, trying to avoid the gaze of the stretched young man.
The church doors were open, but there was no service at the moment. Benedicto walked in, right to the altar in the far end of the church. He looked up at the statue of Ivelda on the back wall. He looked at her smiling face, as always directly installing the feeling she is looking at him only. In the middle path on the hard stone floors, he drops to both knees. He silently bowes forward until his nose touched the floor before leaning back up. ”Your Grace has blessed my travel home, I can’t thank you enough.” For what is normally supposed to be a silent prayer, he cannot contain his appreciation. He continues his prayer out loud, his voice booming back echoes from the high walls.

When he gets back up, he turns and sees most of his monks following his example. On his way back to the door he touches their heads in appreciation. They showed him time and time again why they were his most trusted disciples. He felt his throat itching, he was ready to visit Ivelda in her castle. He felt giggly as he made his way out the church. He was excited, almost feeling a tickle in his stomach with every step he took towards Her.

While on his way he saw a welcome sight. He saw two other loyal Ivelda believers, although one just got on his horse to ride away from him. Keeping the same pace, he approached the other man, the leader of the royal guard. ”Brother Rock, praise to Ivelda for meeting you on this wonderful day. I was just on my way to seek Her presence.” He looked down on the muscled man. Benedicto was not as muscular, or more like the polar opposite of it. He placed his arms on his back as a relaxed stance. He didn’t notice it, but traffic stopped coming past the two young man, most people rather staying away from either one of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic
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5.00 INK

Tyann Rebal:: #F47206

Ivelda finally took notice of him, and in a burst of excitement, Tyann stood taller. Pride bloomed in his chest as she commended his command over the War-Drake, regardless of the fact that she most certainly could have commanded a true dragon with ease! He had no doubt, there was absolutely no question.

His attention wavered as he turned his gaze towards Raiden, blinking owlishly as the Huntsman took his leave. That arm was looking worse and worse… Hm. Nothing Tyann could really do about it. He knew how to treat beasts, and even some very basic suture work and malady treatment for men and women, but nothing like Asher. That one, oh that one, could treat people as if he knew the miraculous cures to every malady! … It was a shame that Tyann found his charismatic charm more grating than enjoyable. Not for want of trying, as Tyann did appreciate him, but all the same.

He took care of people though, and the Beast Master appreciated that more than he could express.

Oh! Raiden mentioned a gift. Tyann grunted a quick ‘hold on’, patting Korgan on the shoulder with a silver clawed hand as he walked away, focused entirely on the possibly deadly beast that was brought to him.
He first had the drake sequestered away in its pen, reminded himself that Korgan would need an instruction manual of sorts for the damn thing— Oh. Speaking of which.

His legs carried him back to Korgan as if he were in a trance, his mind so occupied with the pride and joy he felt at being recognized by Ivelda, the simple praise she had given him, that he behaved unusually. He spoke plainly to Korgan, his voice muted and eerily calm. “The beast is in its stable. Third row, second from the far wall. It’s name is Netorugal, it is male, and it will only heed your, or my, command. It is smart. Do not think of it as a pet, it is an ally— a companion— not something that will not think on its own,” Tyann paused to assure that Korgan heard him, before continuing. “Let it swim beside your vessel while you are not in the midst of battle, it will keep up, or simply cling on underneath. It has a whistle in its stable. Blow into it, and it will come. … Oh. Do not FUCKING feed it spider-meat, it will not digest it, and will thusly perish. … Please take good care of it.”

With that, Tyann nodded, slapped Korgan on the shoulder with a quiet laugh, and walked off to retrieve his gift from Claw-Breaker’s saddle bag.

“OH ABSOLUTELY F—” The subsequent curses were swallowed up by the panicked cacophony of horse, hound, and boar. In Tyann’s hands was the Nexu cub, his clawed fingers holding the creature by its quilled scruff. The quills were yet to harden, and though the little beast tried its hardest to claw at Tyann’s arms, it simply could not reach.
His temper kept attempting to spike, and though he wanted to be furious, he tamped it down as best he could. A long sigh burst out from Tyann, his brows furrowed as he stared into the face of the Nexu.

Thoughts scattered about in his head as he considered his next move. He appreciated the gift, of course! But… Where would he keep something like this? This would require time! And dangerous effort at that! Not to mention that he would most likely have to take care of this himself! … Or was that the hubris talking?
Tyann grumbled again, clearing his throat and making an odd rumbling-purring-huff like noise. The nose of his mask pressed against the cub as he made the noise, the mewling beast slowly quieting and instead beginning to call for food. A quiet caterwaul that Tyann recognized well from most carnivores. Damn.

The Beast-Master huffed a sigh as he turned on his heel and meandered his way towards the outskirts of the palace grounds. The cub still held cautiously by its scruff. Raw food was probably best for it, and if Raiden was to be believed, it was old enough for it… Damn. Damn!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic
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#, as written by TushoKa

"I'm afraid you just missed him. He's already left at Empress Ivelda's request.”
He looked down at the healer. He had half a mind to start shouting at her to then get him as soon as possible. But it would cost time, and if unlucky, Asher would have been send on assignment. He kept his eyes on her, even though hers seemed to wonder around the room. "I am Tempeste Ponce, his assigned head of medical staff. If you can entrust yourself to my care in his stead, please take a seat while I prepare.”
He didn’t much trust strangers. They all had an agenda, and usually it did not match his. As he tried to weigh his options in his mind, he felt it was hard to concentrate. The stinging and itching in his arm was now constantly there. He scratched it roughly as he walked over to one of the open seats.

As he sat down he looked at the other people in the room. All of them seemed to be busy with their own thing. Played… Raiden knew. He might not be the head of the guard or the preacher, but he was well known by the people in the castle and the surroundings. So either, they had forgotten who he was, or they wanted to show they were busy so they did not have to interact with him. He was fine with either. He could forget about all of these peasants the moment he left. He watched the girl who had introduced herself as Tempeste.

He saw her busy with instruments he had never seen. He wasn’t a healer, so he couldn’t claim he knew any better. He knew enough to fix himself up while out on assignment, the simple stuff. The shade of color on his arm could no longer be classified as simple stuff. He extended his arm when she indicated she wanted to take a closer look. ”Pain… or painless?”
He looked into her eyes. ”I don’t care, whatever’s faster… like I said, I am in a hurry.” He had a feeling which of the options he would end up with. Regardless, it had to be done. From his boot he pulled a spare arrow, always there as a precaution. He broke it in half with his other hand and put one of the pieces between his teeth, ready to bite down. He looked the other way before she would start any cut. He could handle the pain, but he hated the sight. ”Go wahed, Iwm weady” he said through biting on the arrow.


Benedicto was happy to speak to the Royal Guard Leader. The city was as immaculate as it could be, no doubt the result of Thaddeus’ hard regime. He took a deep breath in through his nose. ”Yes, I just got back, but no place looks and smells better than this city, Brother Rock. It is unfortunate that not all of the continent can have such a close eye as this place.”
Benedicto looked around and could only agree on the quietness around them. ”It is indeed quiet. Let us trust that it is prayer that keeps the citizens busy at this time. I’d be honoured if you join me in visiting our Great Ivelda. I have missed her close guidance while being out on the road. It is sad that most intelligent conversation is no longer an option whenever your cross the bridge out of here. He laughed broadly at his own attempt of a joke.

He took a few steps towards the castle, hoping for the Royal Guard to join him in his walk. ”Even the other day, out on my travels I stumbled upon the most heinous of heathens. This man, if you’d believe it, had his entire village following the old religions. Even when a prayer house was built by us right there in his village. He had his son marry in the fields, and not even by a priest.” Benedicto shook his head thinking back about the ordeal he had had to go through.
”The poor priest in the village was at the end of his rope. I had to leave two of my monks behind to make sure the villagers will turn it around. Of course, I had the village leader taken back here, to earn mercy at the hands of our dungeon keeper. Now that I think about it, maybe I should pay him a visit. I need to make sure this man will be treated in the only way he deserves.”

He had always been known as a talker. As such, preaching came easy to him, the words laid in his mouth as if it was Ivelda herself. He felt a sincere pride to do her work, to spread her love and knowledge over the lands as she had done over his mind. His hands were still on his back as he passed through the castle gates. The guards seemed to salute their leader and Benedicto did not return the salute, as he himself was not very army-trained. ”I believe we might get our regular doses as well today. I can tell you I am famished for one of those. Being out on the road truly is a discomfort. If only it was as easy to keep an eye on things from here, but we can’t make these non-believers go rampant.”
