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Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry



a part of Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry, by FuyuHana.

One of the greatest schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry

FuyuHana holds sovereignty over Hogwarts, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,001 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Hogwarts, one of the greatest schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is where these students live for the year until they return back home. The staff are, mostly, friendly and approachable along with the headmaster and is filled with wondrous students. The only problems is the threat rising just under their noses; He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned back from the dead.

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One of the greatest schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Hogwarts is a part of Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry.

14 Places in Hogwarts:

21 Characters Here

Jared Blake [7] "Am I really that aloof?" Wip
Xing Hei [5] 5th Year | Slytherin
Vincent Loire [3] Please do not call me silly names! If your not a first year, you should be setting an example!
Dioda Riddle [3] I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.
Cindy Owen [3] "Would you calm down?"
Jemima James [2] "It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice."
Ayuymu Mamura [2] "Sleep is a good thing, so why not get as much of it as possible?"
Lilyanna Rose Diem [2] "But...I just want to taste it."
Petra Gordon [2] "I can understand your mistake if you were a first year, but honestly, was that a joke?"
Fang Chun [2] "Sorry, no practice today! I got another detention!"

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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle
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Dioda was watching the sun rise quietly, sighing every few minutes. She hadn't slept and she looked very tired. She was scared to sleep, scared her father would somehow get in her head. Rubbing her eyes with a yawn, she got dressed quickly and left the dorm.

Though glad to be here, she felt a lot less safe then normally, and it worried her greatly. 'And what if someone would find out my secret?' She'd be banned, she'd be bullied, everyone would be against her. Sadly, life was that way. Life was against her, always making sure she had a miserable time wherever she was. There were only a few rare moments when she got to be happy.

'Not hungry, tired... This is going to be a great year,' she thought. She yawned as she walked through the hallways. 'What if my father gets here? I'd be doomed. He'd probably use me against the school or something...'

Dioda stopped before the entrance of the Great Hall. She swallowed nervously as she walked inside to her table. She sat at a corner alone, not bothering to try and befriend any of them. She didn't trust the Slytherin students, though she was a true Slytherin. She never trusted them, they were all too keen to bully someone they didn't like. She slept alone, unlike others. She didn't sleep with other girls in a room, for a reason.

'At least I'm not at the stupid orphanage anymore...' Dioda hated that place, hated that place immensely. She never wanted to return there ever again. She ran away, she'd try to survive alone, though especially in the winter it was very hard. Food was scarce and people didn't exactly like her and let her in. She never did anything wrong though. 'People are just stupid...'


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Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem
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Lilyanna sang to herself as she danced clumsily through the halls. She had already been up a while now, and was full of energy. Her sleeping schedule was very random compared to most people. She would usually only sleep several hours or would go a day without having slept at all, burying herself in a book or sneaking out. The night before she had managed to wander about the castles, both exploring and treating it like her own personal play, in which she could not be caught. The ghosts and paintings of the castle thought her to be very strange, always looking at everything as if it was something she had never seen before. She had been told she had a child's curiosity. As she made her way through the people in the halls she looked like she was nothing more than a first year, she was very tiny for her age. Some people called her pixie stick due to both her size and 'colorfulness'. She continued to dance and sing, choosing to ignore the people telling her to shut up or get out of their way. She instead, danced around them and flashed them a smile. "If everything is left behind and forgotten, will I be forgotten as well?" she sang as she reached her hand out ever so dramatically to the person in front of her. "That radiating light and - " And then she saw it. Food. Her eyes zeroed in on a student at the other side of the hall, holding in their hand an item of food she had never seen before. Clearly something they had smuggled in here.

Lily walked slowly almost eerily towards the food, almost completely unaware of the person that was holding it. I just want to taste it. Lily then took a bite out of this alien object, bouncing her finger on her lips as she guessed its ingredients and origin. When she was satisfied with her findings, she looked up at the person who stood there rather stone faced and smiled. "It tastes good!" She turned around and continued to head towards her first class, picking up her song again and dancing about. This year had started off particularly slowly, perhaps because she felt there wasn't much left for her to learn. In her prior years she had always studied ahead and tried to find every book possible to cram its knowledge into her head. While she did listen in her classes, and do her work, and get perfect marks she always was a bit absentminded. She majority of the time found herself tuning songs in her head, or thinking of things she could do later that day. Whenever she was engaged in something however, is when she enjoyed herself most. It was at these times she thoroughly engrossed herself in her subjects. She always wanted to do better than her best, she was her toughest critic and her biggest rival.

One exciting thing about this year was her being on the quidditch team, while however she had been on the team every year now, this was her second year as a chaser. They called her their biggest asset but their biggest liability. While she was naturally agile, and had always been good with a broom, her size gave her even more edge. Her size also, was a concern for others, as she often got seriously injured should someone lay their hands on her. Prior years she had been a seeker, but she had wanted to try something different. There was something exhilarating about her position. Perhaps it was the dangers of it, or perhaps she would just like anything in which involved competing with others. Anything that was competitive she had to be a part of, and that was really anything. Lilyanna brushed her hair out of her eyes as she turned the halls, in her hair the butterflies seemed to dance as she moved. She was never seen without an assortment of butterflies, beads, or flowers in her hair. Today it was various butterflies and beads. She had an obsession with them ever since she was a child, she used to collect them in jars and watched them go through their metamorphosis, then set them free. They were beautiful delicate creatures, she wished they were touchable.

When she finally reached the great hall she smiled, she continued upon her tune as she looked for a seat. Tables were usually split among houses, however there were some that would sit off on their own. Lily always found it upsetting that some people didn't think they belonged with the others. Off in the distance was a young girl that she knew to be Dioda, by her lonesome. If she remembered correctly she was usually alone. Lily stopped her singing and walked towards the girl deciding she would sit at her table for a second. "Hi Dioda, how are you today?" she asked as she sat awkwardly beside her, pulling her knees to her chin and hugging them. The young girl was very pretty, she had white snowy hair that looked to be made of silk. Lily grabbed a strand of her hair and ran it through her fingers as to confirm this beautiful creature's hair actually was made of silk. It certainly seemed like it. Gently putting down her hair she looked around the room. It was quickly starting fill up, and she saw many familiar though still, many new faces. It was still so very early on in the year.

It was somewhat saddening that this would be her last year at Hogwarts, however, she had wishes to become an auror and she was sure that would be very fulfilling and exciting. She could follow in her father's footsteps. Her father. Every time she thought about him she got a bit glossy eyed. She had stopped seeing much of him when she got older, and while she understood it was still hard for her since he had been around so much when she was younger. A part of her felt slightly abandoned. But she knew it was nothing done intentional and there was still a healthy amount of communication between to the two. While she looked up to both of her parents, she idolized her father. Originally many people thought she would be sorted into one of the same houses her parents were. Slytherin like her father, or Ravenclaw like her mother. It was a shock to many people that her father did become an auror especially having been a Slytherin. From what she heard his personality pointed him elsewhere until he met her mother.

Lily grabbed a pen and started doodling on her hand, this was a habit she had that would upset some people. At times she would whip out a pen or whatever writing object she could get ahold of and start drawing on whatever was in front of her, bit a wall, another person, paper, a table. She hummed softly as she drew a picture of a butterfly, surrounded by many other little butterflies. When she finished with one hand she switched to the other, drawing with her left hand. Oddly enough because of this habit, she became proficient in writing and drawing with her left hand as well. She held her arms out in front of her and placed her thumbs together, with her fingers angled outwards forming a butterfly with her hand. The picture looked like a field of butterflies with one large butterfly in the middle. She tilted her head sideways a bit then put her hands down, resting her feet on the ground now. "Well Di, I am going to join the rest of my table." She stood up and waved to her, but stopped for a moment. "You're so gorgeous." she said. I wish I could see you three years from now! She added to herself, trying to envision how beautiful she would be.

Lily's stomach growled, the tasty snack she had earlier just simply wasn't enough to hold her over. But that was okay, she kneeled over in front of her table and took something out of her sock. Lily always had food stashed away on her somewhere. She always got into trouble for it, but that was never a good enough reason to stop her. Wrapped up, were three jelly slugs. She sat down at the middle of her table and proceeded to eat them. They were one of her favorite snacks, she loved anything that was really sweet or sour. Though Lily mostly just loved food.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Fang Chun Character Portrait: Vincent Loire
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#, as written by Xiiver

Slow and steady she was breathing as the sun was rising just outside the window. Cindy had been awake for a while but she loved just staying in bed. Also, the movement of some of the other girls had awoken her, but she did not mind.
The girls were chattering away as the sun hit her eyes and she groggily opened them and her face automatically sought out the light. A faint smile appeared on her face as she moved the covers and but her bare feet on the chilly floor as she stretched her body out.
She walked over to the window but was a little dissappointed when she saw no sign of snow yet. Despite this, she was in a good mood today and would not have it ruined so easily because she knew how fast it could change. Speaking of change, she slowly and carefully put on her robes. She had always been careful with her robes because she didn't want them to rip since they weren't really for free.

After the usual preparations for the day, she was heading down the grand staircase and as always, not empty handed. In her right hand was a book. The Standard Book of Spells, grade 6, it was entitled. In her left hand she held a small bag with the rest of her neccessary course litterature needed for the day. She was calmly reading as she made hew way downwards. Her facial expresssion was calm and she had a light smile on her face, still. As people called 'good morning' she answered of course, never looking up from her book. Her journey continued like this all the way to the great hall. She placed herself at her table and for the first time she looked up as she heard a familiar, loud voice. She had heard it quite a few times and knew who it was. She sighed and shook her head as she returned her attention to her book while munching on her breakfast.

The time had come for her first class. Potions. Her face now hidden behind another book, Book of Potions, and her feet making her way to the dungeons where Potions class was usually held. Then she heard the familiar voice again. She looked up and in front of her she saw the person who the voice belonged to, Fang Chun. She chuckled. "Did they manage to catch you this time, Fang?" She smiled and then noticed the professor. "Good morning, Professor Loire." She nodded and made her way to the dungeons, sitting down, raising the book back so it covered her face


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Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Samantha Damask

“D-do I really have to talk to him..?”


Sam’s day had not been starting out very well. She’s been standing in the courtyard, fully dressed, for about two hours. Her gaze wandered in the sky aimlessly, looking for a certain owl who was supposed to be sending her a special package.

“Come on, Rutherford! Where are you!?” Sam grumbled out loud as her foot tapped the ground impatiently.

“You’re still waiting for him?”

Sam turned to see her younger sister walk over with a rather concerned look on her face. “If you don’t eat, you’ll feel faint after wards…” She said, her brow raised.

“I told you Kat, I already ate something for breakfast. I need to get my broom from Rutherford!”

“But… classes start soon…”

“I need to get my broom from him.” Sam crossed her arms and refused to move at all. This broom was very special to her. It was the newest model, and she had gotten it as a special gift for her 16th birthday. Her father even had her name inscribed on the side of it. It was also the last thing she had received from her parents. And no one was going to take that away from her.

“Alright alright…” Kat walked over to her, sighing. “I’ll keep you company…” Sam smiled, knowing she had won the little argument.

Thankfully, Rutherford seemed to know the Hogwarts schedule. Not ten minutes later, a light brown spec could be seen in the distance. Sam’s grin grew wider and held out her two hands, palms up. Rutherford landed with the broom on her hands and the owl on top. “Good job, Rutherford!” Sam giggled and kissed him on the top of the head. She pulled a sausage from her pocket and the owl ate it quickly. “Take these to Avó.” Sam told the owl as she handed him two letters. Rutherford took to the air and disappeared so quickly, it was like magic.

“Alright, you’ve got your broom, now let’s go back inside.”

“No, I need to take it to the Gryffindor’s Team Room. You’re coming with me.” Sam grabbed Kat’s robes by the back of her collar and began to drag her across the courtyard.

“I’m still kinda angry about you joining the Quidditch team… you know if you get hurt I’m going the ruin the life of the person who hurt you. You know that, right?”

Sam couldn’t suppress a girly giggle. When Kat got angry or serious, her cheeks puffed out like that of a chipmunk.

They soon came upon the room. Sam walked into it quickly and placed her broom upon the rack, and stood there marveling in its beauty for a bit. Kat, who had left Sam’s side, went and looked around the room. She looked at the bulletin board. Sam stood up, hearing some sounds in the field.

“Hey, you hear that?” Sam hopped over to the door and looked outside.

“Hey! There’s Kai! Don’t you need to find out when the next practice is taking place?” Kat said quietly. Sam, being the silly girl she is, hadn’t checked the board for any news. “Go ask him!” Kat planted her hand on Sam’s back and shoved her forwards, out of the door. With a high-pitched yelp, she stumbled onto the ground.

Sam quickly leapt back to her feet, dusting herself off. She casted a glare behind her and glared at Kat who was hiding inside, giggling uncontrollably. Sam trudged across the field. But as she walked, her confidence and anger dissipated. As she stood beside Kai, it took all of her strength to prevent her body from shaking. She noticed he was talking to someone, but she just wanted to ask and get it over with.

“H… h-hey Kai. I… I-I was wondering when the next practice was taking place…” She shuffled on her feet as she never once removed her gaze from the ground. There was a light blush sprinkled across her cheeks.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Ebony had been up before dawn to begin her personal training. She had to buy a new broom a week before the new school term started, and she'd struggled to find time to break it in and adjust to it. Her three brothers were Gryffindors to the last, reckless and a danger to themselves and to most of her possessions. It had been a three year old Firebolt, her pride and joy even when the other teams got faster, newer brooms. She could afford the fastest, top of the range broom every year if she wanted, but her Firebolt served her better than any other. After all, it wasn't the broom that won the match, it was the person sitting on it. Until her brothers got a hold of it, that was. It was sheer luck that Emily could disarm and restrain an angry chaser at fifty paces.

The hem of the Ravenclaw's robe was still damp from the early morning frost as she touched down a little faster than she liked. She straightened up with an air of faint disgruntlement, studying the latest Firebolt with a critical eye. She huffed with frustration, pushing the few strands of hair that had escaped from her braid back into place. Maybe the twigs needed clipping, or she was still subconsciously compensating for her old broom's slight reluctance to pull up. She'd heard rumours they were a little stiff starting out, or maybe it was the cold...

She glanced around as she heard someone yelling to someone to get off their broom. She froze for a moment, although she doubted it was her... She was right, a stammering voice tried to defend themselves, without much success. She smirked as she hid her broom in the undergrowth and made her way back towards the castle for her first class. She'd rallied some classmates together and placed a serious combinations of hexes and a jinx or two to prevent it being stolen if it was ever found.

She was quite surprised to find that none other than Gryffindor's captain, Kai Logan, with a young Hufflepuff, whom she guessed from his demeanour was the boy who got caught earlier. She was about to approach when another figure came stumbling by, before falling flat on her face. Ebony clamped her hand to her mouth in order not to laugh; but was that seriously Gryffindor's seeker? Her shyness was bemusing to say the least; she had yet to hear the girls string more than one sentence together without stuttering or turning scarlet. How she had made it this far, or even onto the Quidditch team, she would never know. She finally approached the group, her eyes studying Kai carefully. She made a point of getting along with the other Captains; they were chosen because they were the best after all. But then again, there was nothing wrong with a bit of good-natured elbowing, was there?

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan-" It took virtually all of her willpower not to look at Samantha at this point, "-but seriously, trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already have you?"
She folded her arms, a crooked grin on her lips. Potions could wait; she could probably teach that class anyway.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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#, as written by Lorawr

"Yeah, one of the newer models, Raiwen 300. Costed me a fortune! Brooms really are expensive now, but I only got it because I broke my last one"

Kai laughed and looked at the broom curiously. He reached a hand out and run a finger in appreciation down the smooth enchanted wood. It really was a beautiful broom, and Kai was filled with good humored jealousy. He was already saving up to buy himself a new broom. Maybe the new Velox, or the latest Nimbus. He knew that both brooms were relatively mainstream, but he didn't care. All of the best players worldwide used them, and that meant that they must be the best. Kai abruptly remembered the blonde kid in front of him, and grinned as he put his hand forwards.

"Awesome. That's pretty cool. I'm Kai, by the way. I captain the Gryffindor team," He told him, just as a soft thud came from behind him. The thud came accompanied by a familiar yelp of confusion and embarrassment and Kai found himself smiling before he'd even turned around to find Sam sprawled on the floor in front of him.

"Oh, hey there, Sam," Kai greeted her affectionately as she got to her feet. As usual, she was blushing fiercely and stuttering so badly that he had to concentrate to understand what she was saying. Her clumsiness and her shyness was really endearing, to the point where Kai had quickly become fond of her. Truthfully, her skill at Quidditch had surprised him, but he was glad she was on the team. In the distance he could see the girl that he recognized as Sam's kid sister, looking quite proud of herself. Kai assumed that she had pushed Sam, and smiled with amusement.

“H… h-hey Kai. I… I-I was wondering when the next practice was taking place…”

"I just put a notice up on the board. Next practice is tomorrow. We'll be meeting at - "

Kai was interrupted by the snide tones of the Ravenclaw captain as she approached them. His eyes narrowed, and he drew himself up to his full height as he took a couple of steps closer to her. It wasn't that he particularly disliked Ebony, it was just that she was, well, his opposition. He also found her personality somewhat distasteful. She seemed to be cruel, and ruthless at times. It was a trait that he could respect, but it also gave him reason to distrust her.

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan, but seriously trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already, have you?"

The blonde kid replied to her before Kai could cut in, "U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all."

At this point, Kai scowled at her and stepped past Sam and Jared to confront the Ravenclaw girl. He stepped close enough to her that she would have to crane her neck to look up at him, and then spoke in a low, even tone. Kai had often seen the girl out on her broom early in the morning, and he assumed that, like him, she was honing her skills.

"Charleson, one day you're going to learn that you can whine as much as you like, but it's not going to make your Quidditch skills any better," He told her with an exasperated roll of his eyes. This wasn't the first time that he had clashed with the Ravenclaw captain. They had a long history of verbal abuse towards each other, but he had yet to be proved that his team was any worse than hers. To Kai, Ebony was little more than a mild nuisance, despite her best efforts to aggravate him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Samantha Damask

“C-can’t we all just get along!”


Sam had managed to finally look up at Kai. And yes, she had to look up. Sam was already of a decent height for her age, and her was almost eight inches taller than her. Sam, however liked his towering height. It made her feel rather secure for some odd reason she will probably never be able to explain.

"I just put a notice up on the board. Next practice is tomorrow. We'll be meeting at - "

Sam had been listening when he was cut off by Ravenclaw’s Quidditch Team Captain sauntering over like she owned the place.

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan. But seriously, trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already have you?"

Sam could tell she had been referring to her, and it only made her blush even more. Her silent, seething rage grew a bit more. Her hands that were behind her back clenched into tight fists, and her jaw tightened as well.

"U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all." Sam looked to the boy who had been here the entire time. She had barely noticed him. So that’s why…

"Charleson, one day you're going to learn that you can whine as much as you like, but it's not going to make your Quidditch skills any better." Sam was quite surprised by the sudden shift in Kai’s tone. Sam blinked slowly, staring at him. She could see this escalating way out of proportion, even though this could just be ignore and everyone will walk off.

Sam decided internally that she should probably do something. So, she stepped up cautiously in between the two. “P.. perhaps it would be best if… umm…” Sam wondered what to say exactly. “Alright. Here’s the deal.” Sam grumbled. Now she’s going to be late for classes. She hated being late. “Both of you should probably just back off and calm down for a bit. Why don’t we settle this on the field later.” Sam cast an annoyed glare in Ebony’s direction. Her eye sorta twitched as she realized she was speaking to the two Captains rather rudely.

Sam backed up and bowed out of habit. “I will see you later, Kai. And hopefully I won’t see you later, Ebony. As for you-“ she nodded in the direction of the Hufflepuff boy, “I’m sorry to have met you like this. I have to go. Classes will be starting soon.” She stood upright and trudged across the field, annoyed with pretty much every one. She hated being late because that meant she had to walk in and be scolded by the teacher in front of everyone.

“Let’s go Kat!” She shouted in the direction of the Team Room. Kat scurried out of the room and beside her sister. The two walked in silence with Sam quietly fuming.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook.
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#, as written by Agent


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook.
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#, as written by Agent
Claire Rook

Claire was surprised by Xing’s sudden change as she was swept away from the Slytherin table. One moment it had been titles and formalities, “Good morning, Ms. Rook. How did I go, you ask? Fairly well. Is there anything which causes you problems?" the next he had stood and disdainfully forsaken the company of his peers to assist her. "Then I will be helping this young lady, and I just hope, you all will continue doing good with your studies. Have a nice day failing." She'd wordlessly let herself be led away.

"So? Where can I be any help to you?" he asked her with a smile.

"Oh, uh…” she stammered, silently cursing herself for her sudden speechlessness. Recovering, she continued, “Well, not with the homework. I think I did fairly well with it also. No, it’s just that class starts in a few minutes and I couldn’t for the life of me remember if we had transfiguration or potions first. We have potions together, I’m pretty sure, so I came over to ask.”

Claire quickly added, “I hope I haven’t caused you any trouble with your frien– er, housemates. I understand that it can be quite important for some wizarding families to maintain certain social connections.”

She may be just some muggle-born Hufflepuff to some people but she knew how these things worked. It had been selfish of her to have taken the opportunity to ruffle the feathers of some of the more pretentious Slytherines at Xing’s expense. Even if her initial goal had been to simply confirm what class she had.

This really was all Zachariah’s fault; the old man encouraged a particular disregard for the arrogance of some of the old wizarding families, much to the distress of his own. Although he’d admitted being no better than them when he was a young Slytherin, the marriage to his late muggle-born wife had certainly changed that.

Either way she was beginning to think it would've been best if she'd just headed to the dungeons and hoped a mad dash up to the transfiguration rooms wouldn't be necessary later. She appreciated Xing Hei's gesture but didn't want him to end up thinking she was just a nuisance.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Vincent Loire
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#, as written by Xiiver


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Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook
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↷ Xing Hei

She was even weirder than he thought she is. After understanding that she'd came for him only because she forgot what class she'd have first... Xing couldn't help but to find that amusing. Probably also because his relief was possesing him after that risky announcement he'd made after such a long time holding it in. She was remembering Xing of his little brother, before they'd gotten into that conflict. Like a puppy, small and always stammering. Though he knew that she didn't really have a choice after watching such a rare scene. Not like Xing cared though. Instinctively he patted the girl, trying to calm her down - somehow - like he'd always do with his little brother before. It was a conflicted smile he showed, but it didn't really matter. But then, observing her variety of exoressions, Xing chuckled, something that never happened before.

"You're weird. Coming to the Slytherin table only to ask for that simplicity of a problem, aren't you ashamed? For that, you even showed such a grumpy attitude... pretty exaggerating if you ask me. There are plenty of others who could answer your question without you getting into any unneccesary conflicts. Judging from that, you're a fairly spontaneous person, aren't you?," He would bet for it that she just picked to ask him because she saw him coming into the Great Hall without even considering that other Hufflepuff in her dormitory might know it also. Such a simpleton... probably a rarity in the academy. But suddenly his smile froze, only kept the fake within as he answered. "Oh yes, it is indeed very significant. You should ask them for forgiveness then. Although I am almost very sure that they won't keep it at that only," He shrugged, blaming everything on Claire, wanting to know her response to that matter of fact. But truly, it was something Xing should concern about - who he'd ditched the company from are some of the few who possesed a family of a very important position for the academy. However, Xing did not care. Even if that meant every family would go against him soon or later - what is with that anyway? It is not like he'd cared about his family from the first place. His current family, that is.

"That's why you have to pay for what you did," A threatening, but amused grin after minutes of letting her reaction of Xing's previous words take place, showed on his pale but almost innocent face. "You will have to act appropriately, and must bear my presence every time, and never leave my side. Easy, is it? You only have to protect me, that's all," His eyes flickered, telling the actual truth behind his words full of hidden meanings. "The first class is indeed transfiguration class. Who would have thought that this piece of information would be so expensive?," Only amusement was heard behind the words he spoke.


25 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Xing Hei

...and 13 others.

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Hey guys, remember to post in the places inside of Hogwarts! Not in the Hogwarts placement itself! Thanks!

And important information! Class starts now! After I make my post with each of my characters, school will start and you may then post yours! All Gryffindors will go to Quidditch! All Ravenclaws will go to Potions! All Slytherins and Hufflepuffs will go to Transfiguration! This is all regardless of age or year in school!

Teachers! I put three classes for each of the three teachers! Please remember to get your teacher onto class in your next post so the day can finally start!

Thanks guys! My post will be up soon!


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook
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“Hiya JJ, causing trouble?” Jemima looked up as she heard someone address her by one of her favourite nicknames. She smiled when she saw it was Claire. "As always." Jemima replied as usual. Even if the reply was often false, she thought it was quite clever. “You been harassing the kitchen staff?” Jemima jokingly put a hand on her heart and made an expression of shock and disbelief. "How could you think of such a thing!" Jemima chuckled. "Nah, you know they don't mind me asking for food. They do love chatting with me about New Zealand's pavlova occasionally." Jemima smirked and in her head she mischievously giggled as she brought up the pavlova with the Australian Claire. She smiled at Xing Hei as he was introduced. "Ah, I've seen you around. I've heard that your potions theories are amazing.We should work together sometime. Studying with other people is always more fun and efficient I've found." Jemima gestured to Ayumu and Jared. "Oh, this is Ayumu and Jared. They're Hufflepuffs like me and Claire." She pulled the three Hufflepuffs into a sort of mixture between a group hug and huddle. Her short arms barely reached Jared's other side, as he was on the other side of Claire. "If Hufflepuff had a chant I would get it started right now, but there's only a school chant, which is cool, but I won't." Jemima spoke of what she was thinking aloud as usual. “So, what are we doing in class today and who do I get to practice on?” Jemima furrowed her brow and blew a strand of her green hair out of her face before answering. "I'm not really sure, but I'm sure I'll completely fail at it anyhow. Potions and Herbology is more my thing." She grinned sheepishly, still holding her fellow Hufflepuffs in a tight hug. She'd actually kinda forgotten she was doing it. She looked at Claire beside her. "How have you been? Haven't seen you much lately." She let go of Ayumu for a moment to pull a sandwich out of her bag. "My last sandwich. You want it?"

OOC: Accidentally posted in Hogwarts! XC Sorry


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender
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#, as written by Agent
...and the dragon ate them all...


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender
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#, as written by Agent
His (or her) eyes glowed like burning coals, dark pupil cut through the iris and glared out from under hooded eyelids like they could pierce one's very soul. He (or she) moved languidly, yet emanated power as he (or she) prowled forward. He (or she) was so hot. No, literally. Hot. His (or her) breath was sulphurous and smoke coiled in tendrils from his (or her) nostrils, the fire in his (or her) belly heated the air around him (or her). He (or she) was, after all, a dragon.
He (or she) rose, growing into a mighty titan, looming over the entirety of the school, wings spread like some broiling thundercloud stretching across the horizon. He (or she) turned those burning eyes upon its inhabitants, opened a fang-filled maw wide, an uttered with unwavering intention and solemnity, sounding like your favourite sexy-voiced celebrity - yes, that one - on helium:
No running in the halls.
Sun through the leaves.
Cup of tea.

"My last sandwich. You want it?"

Claire blinked rapidly, erasing the daydream, and looked at JJ, then the sandwich, then JJ. Then she smiled. "Yes, please." Her mind began to catch up with reality. "I've been well. Been around, probably haven't seen me because I wasn't up at the crack of dawn visiting house-elves, and mis-educating them about the origins of the Aussie Pavlova. Bet let's not start on that now." She grinned knowing that it was a long-standing but harmless dispute between them. "I think I'll save this for between classes." Claire waved the sandwich and put in her bag. "Thanks. You know, if you don't feel like Transfigurations, and if the professor doesn't feel like starting class sometime time soon, maybe we could get a 'library' pass and go study something else, like say... the Gryffindor's Quidditch practice session?" She gave a sly smirk.