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Hollow House

Hollow House


Hollow House for Supernatural Heirs; Each of the ten races of supernatural beings have been forced to send their twin twenty-one year old son and daughter to Hollow House, to form a treaty, stopping the war. But they hate each other. Passionately. {FULL}

4,357 readers have visited Hollow House since Imagine That! created it.

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Image The Story

“Okay, enough!”

The booming voice of the spectral Guardian of Peace echoed loudly around the stone room, causing everyone to stop in their tracks. The chaos in the room was unimaginable; punches being thrown, glasses smashing against the wall as they were used as weapons, and the noise was unbearable. The ten sets of eyes turned to the end of the table, where there was an empty seat – the one for the Guardian.

“That is it. No more fighting. I want this all to stop. This fighting will cause the end of the Earth as we know it, and you are all fine with that? This ends, now. If you cannot find a resolution on your own, I will have to intervene.”

The ten rulers of each race seated around the table all looked at each other for a moment, hatred and anger filling their eyes, and then, noise erupted once more. They were all talking over each other, shouting, to try and gain the attention with their idea to stop this millennium long war.

“Enough!” The voice cried out once more, and again, the room was silent.

“I gave you a chance to resolve this hatred for each other on my own, but you did not listen. So now, I will have to intrude. You will send your twin son and daughter to Hollow House, where they will be kept until a treaty is formed between them. They will reside there, until they are all companions, maybe some even betrothed. Only then, will peace be able to rule the land once again.”

The Races, in order of rank:

Elves: Elves are tall, human like creatures with extremely sharpened senses and pointed ears. Their reflexes are quick, and they are the most skilled with any weapon that can be forged, although they are strongest at using a bow and arrow. They dwell within the forest, and feel most comfortable when they are within nature. They are strong, graceful, and are not susceptible to any human-like diseases or illnesses like all other races. They are proud and noble creatures, and hate loosing anything, especially battles. Elves also are extremely curious and love to learn anything new. They do not need sleep, but can if they want to, cannot be intoxicated, and are the most serious of all the races. The only magic that elves can perform is that of “glamouring”, where they can temporarily hinder another person’s vision, making them see what isn’t there, or not see what is there – this is how elves have stayed safe over thousands of years. Elves are weakened by weapons, like most creatures, and specifically do not like loud noises, and are extremely weakened by the cold. They are not affected by age.

Vampires: Vampires are seen to be the most lecherous and greedy race out of them all. They strive to be the richest, and are extremely vain, which is because they are incredibly beautiful. Their skin is pale, their hair long, and their teeth sharp. Fangs are retractable, and only have to be used twice a day, at morning and night, to drink blood, which maintains health. Blood can obviously be drank a lot more, but as the amount of blood intake goes up, so does the intoxication level. They aren't affected by garlic or crosses, however Holy Water does burn their skin, and they can't stay out in the sun for copious amounts of time. Vampires are extremely cold, and stop aging completely at the age of twenty one - however once a vampire reaches five hundred, they are no longer aloud to reign.

Phoenixes: Phoenixes are creatures that have the ability to transform between that of a human, and than of a bird with crimson and orange feathers. A phoenix has the ability to transform at will, and their tears have the ability to heal, no matter what form they are in – it just depends on if they can cry at the time in question. When in bird form, they are able to set themselves ablaze, and within the royalty, they are able to sometimes breathe fire for a minimal time. They die at the age of fifty and burst into flames, however, they are able to be reborn out of their own ashes, but hey do have a choice. Phoenixes are weak against water, and can be stopped from being reborn if their ashes are separated.

Witches: Witches aren’t the ugly women around cauldrons that you imagine, they are really powerful magicians who can harness magic for a short amount of time. Most of their powers come from brewing potions and reciting spells, and each witch family has their own special book, containing family spells passed down through the ages. They work best in a coven, instead of being alone, and all feel the pain when fellow witch’s life has been taken. It is possible for a witch to be able to temporarily harness the powers of other races through a spell, however this severely weakens the witch, leaving them defenceless and their coven a target. They have the ability to converse with spirits from the other realm, and they also can talk to cats. Witches are petrified of fire, and they are weakened when they are separated, and when they overcharge their spells; this can be fatal. They have the same other weaknesses as humans, and age at a normal rate.

Faeries: Faeries are usually quite short, although you can find the rare tall faeries. They usually look quite childlike, and it's hard to tell the age of a faerie. When confronted, they have the ability to shrink down to about three inches tall, and this is also when their wings appear, coming out of their back. They cannot fly when in full height. They are considered harmless, playing tricks on the other races, and then running away before they can be caught and punished. They do sometimes perform good deeds however, such as stealing money from a demon, and giving it to the lower races. Faeries are also extremely fast, when they are in their tiny form. They also have the ability to "tongue", to learn any language instantly upon hearing it. Faeries also carry a special dust which can put any other race to sleep, which is helpful in awkward situations. They are at a weakness against anything made of iron, and they are drawn to shiny things, which distract them. They usually die at the age of around one hundred and fifty.

Nymphs: Nymphs are deities who are extremely closely affiliated with the earth. They have a fascination with anything to do with nature, and they are able to speak with any animal that they come in contact with. They love to dance and sing, and are incredibly care-free creatures. They can come in the form of dryads (tree spirits), naiads (water spirits) etcetera, although the many come from the forest. They are incredibly shy creatures, and have the ability to manipulate the nature around them to an extent; for example, moving vines to trap an enemy, causing storms and wind, and destroying live flowers and crops. Nymphs age at a slow rate, however they can be killed easily – either by destroying their natural habitat, or by any means that would kill a human. Also, they are extremely susceptible to dying of heartbreak. They also don’t like to be in the constraints of clothes for very long.

Werewolves: Werewolves are extremely dangers, as they can change at any moment. It is crucial that one is very careful when around a werewolf, as they have very short tempers; and their transformations are linked to their emotions. They are very nomadic creatures, and travel around in packs, rarely staying in one place for long; they love being outside, and hate being cooped up. Werewolves age slowly, and they are hot to the touch. They have to faze into their wolf-form with the full moon, however they can change at other times. When they are in their natural form however, they have no control over their actions; they truly become an animal. They are susceptible to silver, wolfsbane, and they have to obey their king, or Alpha - no matter what.

Merfolk: Merfolk have the ability to breathe underwater, and once their legs are wet, they instantly change into a long, brightly coloured tail, the colour varying for each one, meaning they can change between human and fish. They are incredibly naive creatures, and their innocence is usually exploited by the more experienced and cruel races. They have the ability to empathize (feel the things that others do) completely with other merfolk without having to touch them, however, they can also empathize with other races, but only through touch, and it isn't as strong. They also can use the water that they're in to heal themselves, but not to extreme. Merfolk are also very secretive, shy, and they age at a normal pace. Their beautiful singing voices are fatal to anyone that hears them, as they lure listeners into the sea and then drown them. They feel weak if they are not immersed in water after six hours of being on legs, however, this can be trained to go up to twenty-four hours with age. Other than this, they can be harmed like a human can, and can die easily.

Demons: Demons are power-hungry creatures, that often smell very faintly of sulpher, so it's clear when one is near. They are very good liars, and it's rare that a demon will actually tell the truth. They find it fun to corrupt and manipulate other races into becoming traitors and ruining their lives. They have the ability to change into a demonic form at night, however this is only done when wanting to scare, as demons themselves rarely like their true demonic form. Like werewolves, they age slowly, and their eyes flicker to pure black for a brief moment whenever they are about to kill. Demon's are harmed by salt, Holy Water and absolutely hate churches.

Genies: Genies are the slave race of the World. They have a specific piece of jewellery that they wear, and if that is stolen from the specifically, the thief becomes their master. Genies have the power to “grant” wishes – they are able to manipulate the world around them to make other’s see what they want to see, feel what they want to feel, etcetera. They are also good liars, as no other race has yet to realise that Genies can grant more than three wishes; they just don’t like to. A genie can free it’s master by destroying the piece of jewellery that was stolen, which will fix itself once again when the genie is free. They are skittish creatures, and are quite jumpy around others, as they do not feet safe. A Genie can be killed by a silver knife dipped in lambs blood, and they are also weakened after they “grant” wishes. They are not effected by age, until they have served their one hundredth master – then they can age and die in peace.

The Heirs

Elven Prince//Face Claim: Benjamin Stone//TAKEN - IMAGINE THAT!

Elven Princess//Face Claim: Candice Accola//TAKEN - EMERALD.X

Vampire Prince //Face Claim: Ed Westwick//TAKEN - YOGITHEAMBRANGLY

Vampire Princess//Face Claim: Shelley Hennig//TAKEN - LAMIA_ERA

Phoenix Prince//Face Claim: Logan Lerman//TAKEN - MELA

Phoenix Princess//Face Claim: Hayley Williams//TAKEN - SHANÉ

Witch Prince//Face Claim: Colton Haynes//TAKEN- MADE.OF.CONCRETE

Witch Princess//Face Claim: Nina Dobrev//TAKEN - SORELLA

Fairy Prince//Face Claim: Eddie Redmayne//TAKEN - WORLDSASTAGE

Fairy Princess//Face Claim: Freya Mavor//TAKEN - MELA

Nymph Prince//Face Claim: Tyler Hoechlin//TAKEN - SYNICATE

Nymph Princess//Face Claim: Diana Agron//TAKEN - COOKIES NEED LOVE

Werewolf Prince//Face Claim: Ian Somerhalder//TAKEN - LAMIA_ERA

Werewolf Princess//Face Claim: Vanessa Hudgens//TAKEN - SYNICATE

Merfolk Prince//Face Claim: Alex Pettyfer//TAKEN - AUGUSTINSECT

Merfolk Princess//Face Claim: Lucy Hale//TAKEN - WORLDSASTAGE

Demon Prince//Face Claim: Chase Crawford//TAKEN - EMERALD.X

Demon Princess//Face Claim: Taylor Momsen//TAKEN- MADE.OF.CONCRETE

Genie Prince//Face Claim: Ben Barnes//TAKEN - SHANÉ

Genie Princess//Face Claim: Kristen Stewart//TAKEN - IMAGINE THAT


Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[size=85][b]Name:[/b] {With middle names please.}
[b]Age:[/b] {21. It'll be the same for all characters}
[b]Heir:[/b] {Eg. Elven Princess, Fairy Prince}
[b]Likes:[/b] {At least five!}
[b]Dislikes:[/b] {Five again}
[b]Fears:[/b] {Something, please.}
[b]History:[/b] {Don't want this huge, okay?}
[b]Reaction to being sent to Hollow House?[/b]
[b]Which race will you get along with best?[/b] {Yes, they all hate each other, but some of you are going to have to make friends!}
[b]Which race do you dislike most?[/b] {Be realistic; e.g Phoenixes hate water, probably not going to like Mermaids.}
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you'd like to add.

The Rules

1) Be friendly, okay?
2) I'll know if you haven't read the rules, so be careful.
3) Each person joining will have specific rights to "reserve" a character, but others may be allowed to try out for the same character, if there is a lot of interest. I will choose the best one.
4) Everyone will take two characters, a male and a female. I know there is twenty characters, so there should be ten roleplayers, including myself.
5) In "other", in your character bio, put in your favourite pokemon, so that I know you've read these.
6) If there are any questions, please don't hesistate to ask - I will answer.
7) I'd like this to be a literate roleplay please. If you cannot post more than 400+ words per post, or two large sized paragraphs, then this roleplay isn't for you.
8) I want, need people to be willing to post every three days. I've had so many roleplays die on me in the past, and with the amount of effort that has gone into this one, I will be chasing you and beating you to death if you disappear, or do not post.
9) Swearing, violence, romantic posts are allowed, however if it gets too bad, you know where to take it, or when to cut off.
10) Enjoy this, please! Like I said before, so much time has gone into this that I'll literally murder anyone who ruins it for me! :D

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
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Leo Reyes

Leo could see by the expression on his sister's face that she was worried about something. Or nervous. It was rare that he saw her like this, but he could understand why at this moment in time, she might be feeling slightly anxious. They had never interacted with any other species other than Elves -they had been kept in the safety of the Elvish realm for their entire lives, and they had believed that to be a good thing. However, now, it seemed as if it was backfiring on them. The other races had to have met before, as most of them were free spirits, compared to the two members of the Elven royalty. He gave his sister a quick, reassuring smile as she stood there, giving herself the once over in the mirror. Then, she had turned around to face him, and was straightening out his tie - she knew how irritated he got by the smallest little details being out of place - his parents had even joked in the past that he might have some symptoms of OCD. However, everyone knew that Elves didn't get any human diseases, and this was probably impossible, but it was still an eyeopener for him.

His mouth twitched slightly at the though of reminding Jules like their father. His father was his role model, for all sense and purposes. He was supposed to be, in theory, because he was their King, but he was such a kind and caring man that how anyone could hate him was beyond the young Elven prince's mind. "Like Dad, eh? I'm not going grey, am I?" He joked with her, his mouth however void of a smile as he did so. Soon, he was following his sister down the hallway towards the stairs, and descended them the same way that he had ascended - with a regal sense that could only have come from the Elves. He had to walk around another two people standing on the stairs, with their heads held high, the male staring cruel down at the rest of them, greeting them. However, the walked around with a false pretense, he could already sense that. They had a faint scent of dust, as bad as that sounded, which probably meant they came from one of the lower down races, like werewolves or genies. So why were they acting... oh they were Genies. Understandable then. He didn't say anything about their falseness as he passed them, and walked down to stand next to his twin.

"Hello," He repeated, giving a curt nod of his head to those that were there, hoping that the genie had stopped talking, and he wasn't interrupting, "My name is Leonardo Reyes, more commonly known as Leo, and this is my dear sister, Juliet. We are here to represent the Elven community. Who might you be, if you do not mind me asking?"

Emmy Quirin

Emmy was too busy laughing at her brother's failed vampire glare to notice the stroppy red-head walking past in much detail, she just saw a flick of red passing past the door. Her mind however was more focused on the scheme that they had come up with, and that they were going to be settling into their roles very soon. She shrugged back to her brother when he looked at her in confusion for a moment, and she had the same little epiphany that he did - the red head and the boy that had followed her definitely weren't the right people to be showing their facade to right now, so she went back to ignoring them again, and focusing instead on becoming a vampire. They had never pulled a prank as drastic as this before, so she was going to have to put all of her emotions into it. "Right, let's do it." She grinned mischievously to her brother as he stood at the door, gesturing for her to get up and leave with him.

She noticed the same two people that her brother did as she descended the stairs, and stood behind him. She looked at him for a moment, her expression one of disgust. She hated people that were really that chirpy; but she could see it in the girl's eyes that she was one of those really happy people. Lovely. she was going to be so fun to be around. As quickly as Del had done, Emmy's eyes turned to stone, and her mouth closed, holding in that trademark smile that was usually on her face, and replacing it with a hard smirk, her lips pressed together tightly. This was going to be so much fun. She was a fantastic liar, it came with her genetics, but putting it into action with people that she had never been around before? Oh god yes. Only for a moment were they the highest ranking species in the room, until the Elves descended. For a moment a surge of panic ran through her - their plan was going to be destroyed already. She saw the male elf look at her in confusion, before he continued on and introduced himself. Phew, they had gotten through that one!

"Hello." She spoke after her brother, nodding regally in the direction of those beneath her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton
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Pan Arton

Pan paused when Venus asked if they could talk. This agitated him a little, as talking had never quite been his forte, plus those words were never said when good things were involved. But he stayed silent and listened because he knew that it meant she had something she needed to get off her chest, and it was best to do it as quickly as possible. He was actually quite relieved that she just wanted to ask and sleep in his room.

"Yes, of course." He said with a grin. He wondered why she even felt the need to ask. It was a well documented fact that Pan would do almost anything for his sister. For any one else, that's a different story. But the bond he feels between he and his twin is just too strong to be broken. If Lissa needed his comfort to get through the nights at this house, he understood. Pan, himself, may need some comfort if there were any more people like that mermaid wondering around. Perky people just rubbed him the wrong way. However, he did hope that Lissa wasn't going to be this way during the whole time they are here. Since they arrived, Pan noticed that she has become a tad...What's the word...'clingy'. It didn't bother him too much. He enjoyed his sister's company and will always be willing to be with her when she needs him. But it was a little difficult to get used to. Back in their palace with guards on patrol 24/7, she has never needed him as much as she needed him now. And Pan likes his alone time. Being with his sister is great, but there are times he just needs to get away and be on his own and just brood and sulk. He knew his sister wouldn't understand this, and he didn't wish to burden her with his trivial issues. As long as she needed him, he's going to be by her side. He just has to figure out a way to get used to it.

"The bed looks big enough." He noted. "We should both be able to fit in there snugly. We won't even have to shrink down." He turned back up to face his sister. "Is that all you wanted to say? Because, strangely, I'm anxious to go meet everybody. Not excited, mind you, or even the least bit pleased. I just want to get it over with so we can get out of this dump as quickly as possible."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain Character Portrait: Marie Dibson Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro....Beaumont??? - Genie...Vampire?? Prince

Del watched in hidden amusement as Em's face hardened and a haughty and proud look dominated her usually cheeky and fun-loving smile. He glanced back down at the growing number of people. Two new twins came in introducing themselves as were-wolves in a rather childish manner. If Del hadn't been pretending to be a stuck-up vampire he probably would have joined in the joking, as it was her retained a cold stare and allowed a mocking smile to change his features.
That was when the elves appeared. Damn! They always had to appear when they weren't wanted, stuck up creatures. It would have been nice to be top of the ladder for a while. Ah well, second certainly beat last...that was when the elf prince gave himself and Em a hard look. Del kept his mask of pretence arrogance in place perfectly, but inwardly he cowered. Surely they wouldn't ruin their fun so early? He hadn't even started yet! Evidently the elf knew something was amiss, but he didn't question it further, continuing down the staircase to who was obviously his sister.
Del inwardly let out a sigh of relief, before being distracted by a very ditsy comment by the mermaid princess. Ugh! How dumb could you get? Nymphs and faeries??? Ew. Was he and his sister really that bad at acting? Then again she'd already proved herself ditsy earlier, so it was more likely her. Besides it would be rather fun to rebuke her.
He let out a sniff of disapproval at the mermaids comment, putting on an affended look.
"Do we look like fairies and elves to you?" he said in an affected show of hurt pride. "I am the Vampire Prince, Delroy Figaro-"
He was about to finish his name, when he realised they would probably know the genie last name. It was lucky he was good at lieing.
"Beaumont" He finished smoothly "And my sister, Emmaline Mercy Beaumont"
That was when the elves introduced themselves. Secretly this annoyed Del. He'd just done such a good performance, and here the elves were taking away the lime light. Outwardly he regally turned his head to observe them in obvious scrutiny as the male introduced themselves.

In a pretence of being slightly bored, Del glanced around the room. Perhaps he was pushing his luck by being borderline rude, but he couldn't help but playing the role for all it was worth.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton Character Portrait: Marie Dibson Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
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#, as written by Mela
Venus Melissa Arton, Faerie Princess

Lissa's face lit up at Pan giving her 'permission' to stay with him. Her smile only widened at him deducting that she would be able to sleep in his bed without any problems. She loved her bother more than anything, especially in this instant. She knew he was sacrificing privacy for her, which was why she'd asked him instead of just assuming, even if she was aware he'd do pretty much everything for her. She felt a little bit like she was using him, but she couldn't stop. If she did let go, she thought she might break. She was only able to be herself because of having him as a safety-net, and nothing else. She hoped she'd be able to let go a little at some point, because she knew Pan needed solitude sometimes. She didn't understand that he did, as she was completely opposite, but she did accept it. Pan had often just... disappeared for periods of time back home, and she'd always known he did it to be alone; think, wonder, plot. It was, after all, what Pan did best.

Then her brother turned to look directly at her once more and spoke. His words made her laugh softly, shaking her head at him. "Always so negative, Panny." She said playfully, "you might not like to be here; I don't really either, but you can't say it's a dump. That would be lying, and mother always said not to lie." She added the lying bit with fake innocence, bashing her eyelashes at him before laughing. Their mother had tried to lecture Pan about not lying in like... forever. She'd never succeeded; probably because Pan just sort of... ignored her, like he always did when she bothered to chastise him. "But, that was it for now," she finished, smiling up at him before pulling at his green jacket to make it sit perfectly on his figure. "You look just dashing," she noted, meaning it; the look worked for Pan, and green was totally his colour, which she'd often told him. "C'mon then, let's go hunt down some people," she added, taking his hand before she opened the door and brought him along.

As the fairy twins made their way through the house, Lissa detected chatter by the entrance hall. Her lips curving into a happy smile, she sped up, dragging her brother along. "I think there are a lot of them down there now, Panny!" She couldn't help a bit of excitement. She'd already decided she'd have everyone sign that treaty ASAP, so getting to know people was the first step to achieving her goal. The second they entered, stepping into the room for everyone to see, she waved with her free. "Hi there," she said, suddenly slightly nervous at the amount of people in the room. She cleared a throat, smile slightly less excited. "I'm Venus Melissa... or Lissa, or Mel. Really, I have a lot of names," she stated, almost kicking herself for her less than smooth way of handling things. Damned nervousness getting the best of her. She took a little step closer to Pan, searching strength in his presence before she felt able to continue, "My brother, Pan," she said, gesturing towards him, "and I are representing the Faeries."

She smiled, her anxiety so very obvious on her face. She looked around the room, her eyes darting slightly in fear as she caught sight of a couple looking less than nice. By their posture they couldn't possible be anything good. However, when she saw a couple with pointy ears, her mood turned slightly less dark, brightening. Elves! She'd always wanted to meet elves, and now they were standing right there. She also saw the mermaid twins, so she sent them a smile of recognition, even if this feeling was one-sided.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton Character Portrait: Marie Dibson Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
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Pan smirked as his sister told him not to lie. But he wasn't lying. This place was a dump. It may be an expensive dump. It may be a beautiful dump. It may be a massive and comfortable dump. But it was a dump nonetheless. It was a place Pan has no desire to be in. A place that stinks with the stench of the other races. And if it isn't a dump now, it will be before long after the various races meet and nothing short of war breaks out among them. By then, the place will be more then a dump. It'll be a nuclear wasteland.

Shortly, Pan felt himself being dragged out of his room and down the hall back into the main entry. He started to wander if this was going to be his main mode of transport throughout the house. In the room, he spotted many people of various races. The mermaids he recognized immediately, but had no desire to even make eye contact with either of them. He also recognized the elves by their pointed ears. He hated them immediately. There were four others that he couldn't recognize. Two seemed to be acting pompously. He had the feeling that it was an 'act' they were putting on. Being a natural liar himself, and a good one, he could spot the signs of insincerity. What exactly they were trying to pull, he couldn't tell. Perhaps they were simply trying to put on a brave front while being completely terrified on the inside. Something he felt his sister may be doing this very moment. The other two appeared to be slightly more sociable. He couldn't get a proper read off of them just yet. He needed a bit more time.

As his sister took care of their introductions, he gave a polite, but completely disinterested wave towards them. He made no attempt to smile. He wanted them to realize how much he hated being here, and how much he despised them all. He didn't want to give any of them the wrong idea that he was here to make friends, though he felt that message was going to be lost on at least one of them.

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View All » Add Character » 29 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta
Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway
Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin
Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin
Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes
Character Portrait: Diana Cordelia Beaumont
Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway
Character Portrait: Pan Arton
Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
Character Portrait: Evangeline Almora
Character Portrait: Xander Marcos Beaumont
Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier


Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier
Kane Lanshier

"Let just try and get through this."

Character Portrait: Xander Marcos Beaumont
Xander Marcos Beaumont

"Come on I don't bite....Well I am a little hungry so maybe a nibble..."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Almora
Evangeline Almora

"I-I don't mind, I guess... If it makes you happy, that is..."

Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
Vincent James Dibson

"This isn't going to end well, is it?"

Character Portrait: Pan Arton
Pan Arton

Why do we need peace when havoc is so much more fun?

Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway
Damian Alexander Halloway

"I don't know why everyone is so worked up. This'll be fun."

Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo Reyes

"Why is everyone so infuriated? Maybe we should just sit down and talk about it."

Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
Marie Dibson

Hi, What's your name?

Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
Damon Asher Chamberlain

"There's no need to make this more dramatic than it needs to be."

Character Portrait: Diana Cordelia Beaumont
Diana Cordelia Beaumont

"Consider this little gathering a bit of an adventure, love."


Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
Damon Asher Chamberlain

"There's no need to make this more dramatic than it needs to be."

Character Portrait: Xander Marcos Beaumont
Xander Marcos Beaumont

"Come on I don't bite....Well I am a little hungry so maybe a nibble..."

Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway
Skyla Halloway

"You think we're all here just to become all buddy, buddy? Please, just take a look around."

Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo Reyes

"Why is everyone so infuriated? Maybe we should just sit down and talk about it."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Almora
Evangeline Almora

"I-I don't mind, I guess... If it makes you happy, that is..."

Character Portrait: Diana Cordelia Beaumont
Diana Cordelia Beaumont

"Consider this little gathering a bit of an adventure, love."

Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
Vincent James Dibson

"This isn't going to end well, is it?"

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin
Emmaline Quirin

"You can't tell me what to do!... Alright, you can. But I don't like it."

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes
Juliet Reyes

"This is possibly the worst idea I've ever heard."

Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
Marie Dibson

Hi, What's your name?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
Leonardo Reyes

"Why is everyone so infuriated? Maybe we should just sit down and talk about it."

Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta
Aileen Enora Vesta

"I will do what is best for my people"

Character Portrait: Evangeline Almora
Evangeline Almora

"I-I don't mind, I guess... If it makes you happy, that is..."

Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
Marie Dibson

Hi, What's your name?

Character Portrait: Pan Arton
Pan Arton

Why do we need peace when havoc is so much more fun?

Character Portrait: Xander Marcos Beaumont
Xander Marcos Beaumont

"Come on I don't bite....Well I am a little hungry so maybe a nibble..."

Character Portrait: Diana Cordelia Beaumont
Diana Cordelia Beaumont

"Consider this little gathering a bit of an adventure, love."

Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
Vincent James Dibson

"This isn't going to end well, is it?"

Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
Damon Asher Chamberlain

"There's no need to make this more dramatic than it needs to be."

Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway
Damian Alexander Halloway

"I don't know why everyone is so worked up. This'll be fun."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Hollow House: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Hollow House

Re: Hollow House

In case any of you are still keeping track here, I've started this roleplay. I put a whole lot of work into it, and I'm really hoping you''ll join. =D It's gonna be great. I promise.

Re: Hollow House

Hunger Games RP if anyone is interested :)

Re: Hollow House

I'm thinking of starting up a Hunger Games roleplay, if anyone would be interested?
It'll be before everything with Katniss (as I haven't finished the third book yet), so it doesn't matter if you haven't read the books.

It'll be in the same situation as this too, with the twist being that all of the tributes have to stay in a house together for just under a year before the Games.

Re: Hollow House

It's too bad this one didn't work out. It was the one RP I was involved in that looked like it was going somewhere. Oh well.

Re: Hollow House

Didn't. xD Dee gave up on this. Too many people to harass. It was a tad too big as it was. However, if any of you online people would be interested in this other RP of hers, we still need another male; The Other Side of New York. ^^ Just throwing it out there for anyone who might be on the look-out for another RP to join. ;D

Re: Hollow House

So how'd the dragon time go?

Re: Hollow House

Sorry I haven't been very active, lately. Life just got hectic all of a sudden. No signs of ceasing, however. But I think I'm still waiting for at least one of the werewolves to respond to Marie's greeting before I post for her again. I guess I can post for Pan, but that'll have to be tonight. I have to go right now.

Re: Hollow House

Hells yes, girl.

Re: Hollow House

dragontime, Dee? xD

Re: Hollow House

I might have to do this. I didn't want to start harming people, but I think I'll have to.

Re: Hollow House

Didn't you say you were going to mercilessly pursue people if they didn't respond, or has that already been attempted?

Re: Hollow House

Has this come to a halt then? :/

Re: Hollow House

Another RP, silly Dee... obviously. xD

Re: Hollow House

O.O We'll kill them.

Was it on here then? Or another RP?

Re: Hollow House

Obnoxious people, for ya. That's what they do. Blegh... xD

And yeah... I second Dee's curiosity. xD

Edit: oooh... poor Em. <3 Do you want us to send Charlie and Camille to "take care" of her? =D

Re: Hollow House

Basically that thing I said up there. In quotations. She literally had her character bump into mine or vice versa and then mine started apologizing to hers and talking to her.

Re: Hollow House

What happened? :O

Re: Hollow House

Ha! No she pmed me actually complaining that I didn't respond to her post about him. I just ignored that too. I'm pretty sure she's the gm to. She's done it to someone else too and it's always shit that the characters in no way would have said. I'm just going to make a comment about god modding in the ooc.

Re: Hollow House

I am so with you, honey! What is up with that? Godmodding is just a fucking crime if you ask me. And to that amount? with godmodding LINES even? Christ. You have my undivided sympathy, really. I would probably send her a very angry PM, scolding her, and then I'd contact that GM... unless it is the GM, in which case I'd drop out.

And pf, you're welcome to vent anytime you need!

And, you guys... it's alright. I'm sure it'll work itself out with people posting. They're probably just busy with exams and such. =)

Re: Hollow House

Off topic but I need to vent.
People piss me off, especially when they godmod my characters. Like no, just no, I don't pop on here and start "Juliet was walking down the stairs when random male character bumped into her and said "Oh gosh I'm so sorry, blah blah blah, etc." It pisses me off, not only is the whole bumping into someone accidentally thing way over done but then you're going to tell me what I'd say, no! It is not okay.
I think I'm going to just ignore her every time she does it or just quit the character if she pisses me off any more.