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The Accords: City of Secrets

The Accords: City of Secrets


Groups of exceptional young Nephilim are recruited to deal with demons and Downworlders and missing Shadowhunters Which side will you stand with?

2,389 readers have visited The Accords: City of Secrets since WhiteTiger08 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


One thousand years ago, the precise date unknown, the earth was invaded by hordes of demons. A man, Jonathan Shadowhunter, had a warlock summon the angel Raziel. He begged Raziel to help save humanity so the angel mixed his blood with that of Jonathan Shadowhunter, in the Mortal Cup, and gave it to men to drink. These men became known as the Shadowhunters, as did their children, and their children's children. They were given the first Gray Book, listing all of the runes, to use in their fight against demons.


The year 1857 in London, Ralf Scott formed the idea of the Accords and together with his fellow Downworlders arranged a meeting with the Shadowhunters in order to discuss the terms. Unfortunately this first attempt was fruitless.

Years later, Scott's dream became true with the Shadowhunters and Downworlders signing the first Accords, an act which has since been repeated every fifteen years for the past one and half centuries.

However due to the fact that some Downworlders and Shadowhunters remain displeased with its terms, attempts have been made to sabotage the Accords. The most notable being the Circle's.

The Accords are peace negotiations signed between the Downworlders and the Clave. According to the Accords, as long as the rules stated here are not broken, they can live in peace without bother and may even provide each other help when the need ever arises.

The Accords are signed again every fifteen years to keep the magic potent. Although the Accords keep the two parties in good enough terms to avoid slaughter between them, hostility is quite unavoidable. They are signed in the Accords Hall in Idris.

The Institute, said to look like an old gothic cathedral, is located in New York. The well-known Institute is able to house hundreds of Shadowhunters looking for refuge, and acts as a safehouse and headquarters of the New York Nephilim.

Because of the Accords, the downworlders and Nephilim have been in a peace for several centuries. The different races all tolerate each other at worst, work together at best. The leaders of each Downworlder race would meet with the head of the New York Institute, informing them of any news. All was well.

Recently, there have been different incidents involving each race of Downworlders. Vampires and stolen from bars, werewolves fighting in allies, and warlocks are summoning demons. While these quarrels were small-scale, they are growing. More and more were happening every day, in all parts of the city, and the New York Institute was getting worried that the Mundanes would soon take notice. The threat of being revealed to the humans was far too large to consider, so the shadowhunters sent out a message. As they could not get a hold of the Downworld leaders, they spread a message through all of Downworld.

Surprisingly, the hubbub of Downworld slowed down a bit. Fewer and fewer robberies occurred, some apologies were sent out, and the Nephilim gave themselves a pat on the back for dealing with the situation so easily. For a short time, they even let their guard down, not getting worried or upset when the leaders diding check in. They didn't want to cause things to go back to the way they were.

One night, a few shadowhunters from the institute went out to a party with a group of Downworlders. Though it was forbidden before the Accords, the heads of the Institute didn't see a problem with it. The Nephilim left the safehouse without any weapons or means of protection. The next morning, the beds of the party-goers were still empty. The Institute decided to give them a few days, waiting for their return. Sadly, they did not. A frantic message was sent to the Clave, hoping for reinforcements to be sent to search for the missing children, and implying that they believed Downworlders were behind the disappearances. Angry, the Clave refused to send experienced adults to search for them. They refused to send their best on a mission created by ignorance, and sent only a group of young shadowhunters.

The group arrives at the Institute, eager to prove that they can face the real world, and wanting to save their fellow Nephilim.


A Leader is needed for each Downworlders race. Also, you can choose to be the kidnapper, the traitor who ultimately decides to assist the recruited Nephilim, or all of the above. Just please include which one in the reservation. The Nephilim also need those who have been kidnapped. If you would like to be the kidnapped or recruited, include it in your reservation.)

Leigh Bellefleur - 16 - Kidnapped
Amy Llewellyn - 16 - Recruited
Shinta Faythe - 18 - Kidnapped
Chace Worrall - 17 and a half - Recruited

Mia Greene - 18 - Kidnapper

Alice Maxwell - 17

Dracovius Shadowbone - 300
Keiki Yagami - 275

Character Sheet:
Code: Select all
[center][size=400][color=#800000][b][u]Quote here[/u][/b][/color][/size][/center]

[right][img]GIF/Imageof your character here[/img] G
[img]Another GIF/Image here[/img]
[img]Third GIF/Image here[/img]
[img]Last GIF/Image here[/img][/right]
[b]Name:[/b] Your character's full name here, including middle name(s) if any.

[b]Nickname(s):[/b] Any nickname your character might have.

[b]Age:[/b] The age your character either is.


[b]Physical Description:[/b]

What your character likes. At least five, please.

What your character dislikes. At least five here too.

What does your character fear? we'll need at least one here, but more is definitely preferable.

What's your character's dirty little secret(s)? Please do try to think of something. Unless having secrets contradicts your character's personality completely, we want something put here.

1-4 paragraphs on your character's personality. We need good points as well as bad ones. No one is perfect.

This doesn't need to be super long. Just enough for me to know your character.

Toggle Rules

1) I am the GM. Just listen to what I say and we'll get along fine.
2) This roleplay is for literate roleplayers. If you aren't an experienced writer, you should not join this roleplay.
3) To write in this roleplay, you have to have some previous knowledge of Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments.

-Each reservation lasts for three days.
-If you read this, start a sentence with the word Mundane!
-Extensions will be given if you cannot meet the deadline.
-If you would like to play a role that is reserved, you may compete for it. The better character (based on my judgement) will win the role.

-Each role is free to be changed in the way you like. If you have an idea that you would like to change, send me a PM and we can discuss it.
-Please, no cannon names. I don’t want a Fairchild, Morgenstern, Herondale, or any other long-lost relative.
-FC can be given or changed. Let me know if you would like to reserve one, change one, or want to use drawn images.
-I do not personally like anime or manga. Please refrain from using these types of images. Send me a PM if you would like to discuss.

-Each Downworlder race needs a Leader, a Kidnapper, and a Traitor who helps the Nephilim. You can be one, two, or all three. Please include this the reservation or PM me.
-If you read this, add the word Clary to the sentence!
-The Nephilim need Kidnapper, Recruited, and perhaps Traitor. Include this in your reservation or PM me.

-Before your character can be accepted, I will look over the application.
-If I accept you application, you will be asked to write a short scenario of my choosing. If I like your writing, then your character will be accepted.
-If you character is declined, I will try my best to let you know why that is.
-You can ask to redo your application or scenario, though I cannot guarantee that you will be accepted.

-When we begin posting, wait until everyone else has posted before you write again.
-Romance is okay, but don't get too into it. If you want, take it to PMs but I don't want it here. No fade-to-blacks, or anything.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami Character Portrait: Mia Greene Character Portrait: Alice Maxwell
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The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of the first guests. Sprinting to the front door, Mia made it there in less than a second. She grinned, revealing her shiny kanines. Motioning for the guests to enter, she shut the door behind them.

Soon enough, the house was full of people. Downworlders stood in every available space in the house; on the floors, stairs, tables. Wings and pale skin and warlock marks drew the eye. Everyone moved to the music, seemingly connected by the notes in that moment. The sight was empowering and creepy at the same time, giving Mia a headache. The final knock on the door startled her, something that didn’t usually happen. She hadn’t heard their approaching footsteps. Must be the guests of honor.

Opening the door, she stared at a pair of Shadowhunters. They were both cloaked in black, barely visible against the night sky. Inviting them in, Mia casted a wink across the room. In the corner stood the werewolf girl, who nodded in response. The Nephilim stood awkwardly in the entry until a warlock took both of their coats.

Mia had anticipated their cautiousness. Sure, the “problems” the Downworlders had gotten into lately had all Nephilim on edge. Though from what she had heard, most of them had eased, not too concerned any longer as there was nothing more to handle. Still, Mia was determined to crack her guests, get them to also relax.

Soon enough, both Shadowhunters were drunk. All she had to do was act offended that they had not bothered to try her beer, and both of them downed a cup. Immediately Mia could see that the drink was taking its toll on them. One sip in and they craved another. One of the warlocks had given the beer that effect - she didn’t bother to care which. The Nephilim almost drank an entire keg on their own before staggering out of the door.

She had heard that sneaking up on Shadowhunters was near impossible what with their heightened senses and reflexes. As it turns out, alcohol greatly diminishes those abilities. The Nephilim hadn’t heard Mia as she walked behind them down the path. She followed them quite a bit, curious. The two staggered, tripping over their own toes. Uncoordinated Shadowhunters? Unheard of.

It even surprised Mia when she struck them each on the temple. Neither Nephilim attempted to stop her or even acknowledge her presense. Their eyes fluttered shut and they each fell to the concrete. Mia frowned at the unconscious bodies at her feet, upset that it was so easy. She had expected a fight, was excited about it even. Sadly, there wasn’t any time to wake them up to fight. Sighing, Mia lifted the small Shadowhunter into her arms, motioning for the werewolf to grab the other.


Aunt Callida stood in the Silent City, shifting uncomfortably from the scrutiny of the Silent Brothers. Their scarred faces and hollowed eyes still made her shiver, though looking away would only make her seem weak. She did not want her last moments as a Shadowhunter to be remembered as weak and afraid.

“Callida Pennwater: You stand in front of the Brothers to receive punishment for your crime.” An eery, rough voice spoke in her mind. Like any other person, Callida never liked being in the presence of a Silent Brother. She seemed to feel them invading her mind, scraping through her thoughts, reliving her memories. Painful memories, terrifying memories; none that she wanted to visit again. Still, she bit back the urge to talk back to the Brothers; she didn’t want her sentencing to be any worse.

Squaring her shoulders, she spoke in her mind. “I hardly think it is a crime. I found the one I love. Just because he is a mundane - “ Callida was cut off mid sentence. A searing pain erupted in the back of her head. It felt as it a fire sparked in her mind. The flames licked every vein in her body, every muscle, every tendon. The fire burned her skin, making its way up her arms, legs, neck. Her knees buckled and her back arched, but she still had enough willpower to remain standing. She watched in horror as the black marks on her skin burned away, leaving her arms bare. The same happened to all of the runes on her body were striped, leaving Callida broken and ashamed. . .

Leigh groaned, still half in the dream. She watched, terrified, as her aunt was turned into a mundane before her eyes. The fire blazed behind her eyelids, threatening to burn her too. The red flames seemed to lick the sides of her mind, as if taking away her knowledge of the shadow world. No! She couldn’t be a mundane. . .

Desperately, she tried prying her eyes open, wanting to escape the flames. As hard as she tried though, her eyes remained stubbornly shut. Leigh mentally attempted to pry her eyelids open. In a panic, she lifted her hands to forcefully open her eyes. Her arms didn’t move. A numbness encased all her limbs, restricting them. Her body hadn’t reacted to her command. She didn’t feel, but rather sensed her limbs at her sides. The sensation was unnerving, making her heart race.
Leigh mentally sighed; at least she could still feel her heart.

Vaguely, last night replayed in her mind. She went back, trying to gain some kind of knowledge about her current situation. The memories became blurrier and blurrier as the night went on. Wings and webbed feet and fangs and furry ears flashed by, not creating a sliver of recognition. Faces replayed, all smiling, encouraging. . .what? A vampire with a red cup, a werewolf in the corner, Shinta with a beer-

Shinta! Where was he? Was he here too? Wherever here was. She prayed that the drug hadn’t taken as much of a toll on him as it had on her. He had to be awake to save them both. They had both gone to the party together in hopes to regain their former alliance with the Downworlders of the city. Of course, Leigh wasn’t too comfortable about going unarmed to a party without any other Shadowhunters. Apparently, the plan hadn’t gone as well as they had hoped. With one more struggle for control over her body, Leigh sighed, waiting for whatever to happen next.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn
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”Where the tits is my Seraph blade? It's suppose to be around here somewhere. Oh my Gaawd, why am I such a dumbass? Why do I do this every time?” Chace scrambled around his room, throwing clothes from one spot to another in search of his blade. He checked under his bed and narrowed his eyes. Not there. ”Helloooo? Seraph blade, where are you baby? Baby come back to me~” he sung over-dramatically, he sang from that mop or broom commercial, whatever the tits it is. After moving some things around in his bed he still couldn't find it and got to his feet. Something hit him on the head? His eyebrows scrunched as he reached behind his back, grabbing a hilt of something and pulling it out. He shook his head side to side, staring annoyingly at his Seraph blade right before his eyes. ”I'm an idiot.” He shoved it back into it's covering on his back and checked himself over in the mirror. Today was the day he'd meet his partner in crime to solve this mystery of the kidnapped Shadowhunters and he wanted to look good and have it all together. He was awkward enough with his anxieties and insecurities and crazy weirdness so he at least wanted to have everything together.

He stood in front of the full-body mirror and fixed his black beanie. Hugging his torso was a skin-tight leather vest with buckles on the side, under that was a black tank top. He pulled down his leather pants, why did Shadowhunters wear all this leather anyway!? It was uncomfortable! Seriously!

'My balls feel suffocated D ='

”Gawh, whatever.” he opened his door in one smooth motion and was walking down the Institute hallway normally till he decided to skip. His boots echoed throughout the empty space, torches lit on the side, lighting not the best. It was so depressing, so skipping was called in session! He started humming, 'somewhere over the rainbow.' What was he/she going to be like? Would he/she like him? Think he was weird? Ugly? Come oooon, he was an ok looking guy. Good-pale complexion, blue eyes, somewhat of a button nose, ok, he wished it was a button nose, and built like every other Shadowhunter except he did look a bit like a wimp. What was he going to do if he/she didn't like him? Would they even work well together? Will she be pretty? Meh, who cares about that! Inner beauty is what rocks. Would she wear a lot of make-up? Does she like apple fritters? Multiple, unrelavent questions crossed his mind. What things she liked, what was her favorite animal, did she fight well, would she be just as awkward as him? You know, the usual stuff teenagers worry about.

Chace pushed open the Institute doors and took a seat on the steps, allowing himself to take a few seconds of seriousness. As far as he knew, it only made sense to start the investigation where the party was at and get the contacts of all who intended. Figure out a motive, and who seemed suspicious. No doubt it would be hard-

'Um, that man is looking at me. Why? That's creepy, creepy old man.'

Chace waved awkwardly to the homeless man giving him the evil eye. He stuck up his middle finger at the kid, huffed, regained his grasp on his bags, and moved on. Chace hung his jaw.

How rude! I wanna cry now ) =


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn
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Amy sighed as she brushed through her blonde ringlets in front of her mirror that had already been in her room at the Institute when she first arrived a few hours ago. In that time, she had unpacked her bags and brooded about the upcoming mission. Obviously they had to start at the party, where the shadowhunters were first seen. She didn't know who her partner was, only that it was a guy about her age and that he had similar training. She applied minimal mascara, not caring about her makeup since she was fighting. She only put that much on because she wanted to look awake and presentable. Sighing, she grabbed her Seraph blade and stood, exiting the room and tucking the blade into the sheath she had on her back. She wore her leather corset-type uniform top and leather pants that may not seem easy to move in but in reality they provided excellent agility.

She came to a halt as she saw a boy sitting on the stairs. This must be him... She thought as she came to a silent stop. She had always been good at stealthiness. "Hey there. I'm Amy, and you are?" She asked, not really knowing how to begin that sentence. She knew they would have to start today, and actual pleasentries could be made later, preferably after they completed the mission.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn
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Chace jumped up in fright, slipping on nothing and landing awkwardly on the stairs. Had he scraped his knee? Naaaw, impossible. He like, had ironman pants. He placed his hand over his heart, heaving heavily and running his eyes up from her feet to her face. She was drop dead gorgeous with golden ringlets running down the side of her face and barely a spec of make-up except Mascara.

'I'm not gay, I promise. I'm just artistic, so I can see these things..I'M NOT GAY OK. DON'T JUDGE ME!'

But God damn it she had scared the tits out of him. After having the facial expression like she had killed his pet squirrel, which he had at one point naming him Hammy after the movie “Over the Edge” but had died by his fathers hand for dinner, he spoke.

”You scared the tits out of me.” he exclaimed and rubbed his shoulder before getting to his feet. Raising his hand slowly, he hoped he didn't look as awkward as he felt. "Uh, hi. I'm ….” he threw his hands up in the air, ”Chaaaaaaace! And I love Tacos!!!” he spun around in a circle, causing his beanie to fall off and he screamed, actually terrified of his hat hitting the ground. He played the game of tag with his beanie, nearly grabbing it before it went back up into the air, again and again and finally caught it. Awkwardly putting it back onto his head and grinning sheepishly. ”So um, I was thinking we'd go to the party...” he caught what he said, what if she misunderstood? He waved his hands in front of him, ”Not like, us-, to a real-, with drinking-, date-, uuuuh....” God he couldn't talk..

Hadn't his Mom taught him how to talk?

Yes, he was pretty Dog gone sure she had.

”The place the others were kidnapped, let's go there...where the PARRTEEEH is!” He paused....what was up with him making things so extremely awkward? Freaking tits, she probably thought he was a freak and a weirdo, which he was, but still...dang iiiit!!!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
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Draco had enjoyed that party. Pacing back and forth, the dancing, just having fun. It was a warlocks paradise. Then of course, the Shadowhunters came. He remembered his feline ears going back, as his tail twitched back and forth. His blue/green eyes never left the pair. Of course it was him who had messed with the beer. Specifically designed for the shadowhunters. Though he had to be nice. Be a nice little kitty He told himself over and over all night. Though the fun was over when the Shadowhunters left.

At least that's what Draco thought, he still had to play more of his part later. Though for now he was crashed out in his place with random fae and downworlders left in his apartment. Some had carried the party with him. Most were groaning and mumbling in pain. Draco just lay there with his face looking up at the ceiling. How fun was it to play with Shadowhunters he wondered. Maybe turning them into mouse?

He sighed and got up, kicking a random warlock with green hair and blue/black wings. "Louis! Leave this place... I need to think." He growled, his tail brushing over the other warlocks face. Without protest, the bird-man got up and motioned for some of his friends to follow him. Not before turning around and whispering to Draco, "Don't forget, some Nephilim are requesting to see you this afternoon... don't forget to speak with know how "Angels" can be." Draco bowed and looked around, where was Kei-Chan?

He would have to worry about her later. Going into his study he awaited the phone call Mia would surely be giving him, hopefully soon. He had taken a big risk helping with kidnapping, he could loose his seat on the Council, he wouldn't be the head warlock anymore. Biting his lips he continued thinking about it, almost seeming a bit frustrated.

Wondering if he could help the Shadowhunters, if maybe they would give him a break, not tell anyone about his involvement. Yeah.. that should work.. right? Plopping down in his chair he rubbed his temples waiting for the call that was surely to come. At least he hoped it would He didn't know where she was keeping the shadowhunters at.


Shinta had reluctantly gone to that party unarmed. Guess they did need a little fun and not many liked Shadowhunters with weapons on them. So unfortunatly with no Shadowhunter gear on, Shinta had gone with Leigh to a downworlder party. He was hesitant to try the beer, but something attracted him to it. Drinking cup after cup, glass after glass, dancing with random downworlders, acting a bit to wild for a well trained shadowhunter that is. Then his eyes saw her... the werewolf he had met a while back. Adjusting himself ever so slightly he made sure his eyes wern't playing tricks on him. That was the girl he had slept with. That was a buzzkill, though she still had something about her Shinta found very attractive. Though it was time to go. As he left the building he was knocked out cold by who? by What?!

Shinta moaned slightly his head was pounding his eyes were closed, his whole body was stiff. What happened last night. Though his metabolism was slightly higher than Leigh's, he ended up burning off the drug even faster. When opening his eyes all he saw was darkness. Was Leigh ok? Where was she? It hurt to move, so Shinta just laied there his golden brown curls covering his eyes, as he stared at the ceiling of pure darkness. He had nothing better to do in his time, so he lay there and thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn
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Amy stared at Chace with wide eyes as he went through his odd introduction. Great, I'm stuck with a weirdo as a partner... She thought to herself and sighed. ”The place the others were kidnapped, let's go there...where the PARRTEEEH is!” She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, okay...good idea...let's go." She said, thinking to herself Tits? He doesn't even have any, so how could I scare them out of him? She shook the thought from her mind, concluding it was just another odd thing about this boy. Walking past him, she turned right in the direction of the downworlder's house where they had been told the kidnapping had taken place.

She walked briskly, wanting to get as much done before sundown, and turned her head slightly in Chace's direction. "So, ever been on a mission before? Or a hunt? She'd done some hunting as part of her training and also some once she'd completed just to stay in shape, but this was her first official mission.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
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Dancing with Shadow at parties were some of Keikos favorite moments, like right now. Even if it was more for fun, having his hands on her sent shocks of excitement up her spine. Everywhere he touched felt magical and they lost themselves in the music.  When Keiko laid her eyes on the new arrivals, her ears perked up as she had heard them on their way miles ago. Parting ways with Shadow, she hurried to their side and kept her head down, cinnamon chocolate hair falling down past her face in even curls entwined with one another. She put her hands out and collected their coats before hanging it on the coat-rack beside the door. She kept her face hidden and once they had moved on to the next phase of the plan with a nod from Mia, they all took their places. Keiko retreated to the dance floor. She swayed her body to the beat of the music, moving her hips and running her hands through her hair. A baggy shirt with dark and shiny grey stripes hung on her body with a tank top under. Squeezing her legs and butt and making them pop were her ripped skinny jeans. Male bodies and hands surrounded her giving her cover, cigarette smoke and magic dust lingered in the room. Giggles and drunken laughter escalated to the roofs. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Shadow conjuring up the drinks for the guests of Honor. A smile swiped across her face as she closed her eyes and drowned herself in the music. He was nervous.

Three days later

It was three days later after the kidnapping and party yet Downworlders and the other like still roamed around Shadows apartment. Draco had been crashed for a couple days probably due to the stress and Keiko was left to the clean-up. Whenever she had tidied up the next minute there would be barf all over it the next. She screeched.

”Harry! God damn it get your ass out of here before I shove your fangs up your ass!” Harry moaned and gurgled, too drunk to comprehend a word she said. Having the last straw, she grabbed him by the ear and freed the window from its latch before throwing him out the window. She placed her hands on the rim of the dusty windowsill and stuck her head out the window, sticking her tongue out at him. Harry was off flying away lazily. She slammed the window shut and clapped her hands together to remove the specs of dust and-

"Louis! Leave this place... I need to think." Draco growled from the far reaches of his room. Keiko tilted her head and pointed her ears in the direction of his voice, listening in. 

"Don't forget, some Nephilim are requesting to see you this afternoon... don't forget to speak with know how "Angels" can be." Louis grumbled and headed out with a pack of his bird-friends. Keiko waved good-bye to them with a friendly smile. The fake joy left her face as quick had it had come once their figures disappeared behind closed doors. The Nephiliam, she stared off in Shadows general direction and looked down at the floor, then to the side. She’s known her childhood friend for years; why else would they be called best friends? And she knew, she knew there was a possibility that he might crack under pressure. Then again, that’s what she loved about him. Having so much power and knowing what he should fear. Power and fear walk hand in hand with one another.

Keiko walked soundlessly on the floor barefoot, having removed her shoes hours ago. Pain was beauty but she preferred the freedom of being able to wiggle her toes whenever she wanted. She eased the door open with her fingertips, popping her head in to steal a glance of tired and frustrated Draco. Morphing her body and growing patches of fur little by little she became her animal, a grey dust bunny. Sliding into the room with stealth, she hopped over to Shadow and jumped onto his lap. Wiggling her nose she pressed her soft paws against his chest and tilted her head, one ear bending down. Her big and endless obsidian eyes looking into his.


She walked briskly past Chace and towards the direction where the party had happened. Well, wasn't she a ball of sunshine. She appeared bright and happy-go-lucky but personality-wise she reminded him of someone just oh so familiar.... his brother. Bleh, what a dead head he had no idea how to have fun. He followed after her, keeping his trap shut. She totally thought he was a weirdo, maybe a lunatic, yeah a lunatic with rabies. He slid his hands in his pockets and hung his head as they made their way through the crowds unnoticed. Enchantments sure had their perks. At least he didn't have to be embaressed in front of all these people and worry about them watching him....The sun shined down on them from above. A blue sky and puffy white clouds. Aww, one of them looked like a bunny. Oh! Oh! One was King Trident!!! Amy turned her head slightly in Chace's direction.

"So, ever been on a mission before? Or a hunt? “ She asked. Pop! Fun time over. Well, at least she was trying to make small talk. That counts for something right?

”Duuuh, Gaawd, I'm a Shadowhunter!” he laughed, ”I've been on more than a hundred hunts and missions put together. My super kick ass bro takes me out on them all the time. Do you remember hearing about that high-class official gone missing in the Shadowhunter gossip line? Some bad ass, super strong vampire on the hit-list? I think it's called a hit-list or maybe a bingo book? Whatever, anyway the point is he was taken hostage by this wanted bad guy. Aaaaand,” he bent his knees and shot his hands out one after the other, ”KABAM! I took him out with my super cool, rad Shadowhunter ninja moves!” he went back to normal posture and like, pretended to be cool for a second with a jerk of his head. ”So, what about you? I'm sure a serious, wonderful and skilled person like yourself has been on a lot of those.” Actually, he wasn't sure if she was even skilled. She could be a stuck-up girl with the shittiest combat skills he'd ever seen. Tits, he'd be screwed. Like freakin tits, that would suck. But well, LOOK at that body! Come ooooon, she was amazing at fighting. She had to be, no one looked like that and didn't know how to throw a punch. Oh God, he sounded like a pervert.

Nooo! I'm not a pervert I swear, I just enjoy admiring the female...body...Oh Gaawd, hahaha that sounds worse.

Skycrapers towered over them but rays of sunshine went through, reflecting off windows and glass. No really did notice them and still probably wouldn't notice them even without the enchantment. Everyone was so engrossed in their own lives, on phones, carryign suitcases, ear buds in their ears and head banging to their favourite song. He spun around a bit as they walked and waited for her response. One. Two. three steps, spin. Ten steps spin, admire the pretty sun and reflections. Spin~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn
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Amy looked to Chace, shocked about the amount of experience he had over her. "Um, well, I've been on plenty of hunts." She hadn't been on any missions because no one wanted to speak to her after she had killed Rosie. But, she couldn't tell Chace this, he wouldn't understand. Especially after he talked about his brother taking him out on missions. "My favorite was when I had cornered a vampire and she thought by threatening me with some lesbian blood affair was going to distract me. I sliced right through her heart without a backwards glance." She smiled at the memory. She knew that as gross and twisted as that might sound to mundanes, it might actually sound interesting to Chace.

"So, you really took that guy out? On your own? Impressive." She said, trying to be social. She was generally a very perky, and sometimes even naive person, but when she had her Seraph blade strapped to her back, normal Amy Llewellyn went away and Shadowhunter Llewellyn made an appearance. As she saw the house coming closer, she reached behind her head and pulled her blonde ringlets into a ponytail. Her bangs still hung on her forehead, almost in front of her eyes. I should probably get a trim soon...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
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Seeing a small bunny land on his lap he laughed and picked it up by the scruff of its neck. His features being more feline he licked his lips. "Kei-Chan, I can eat you.. you're so tiny and I'm so big." He dropped her on the table as the worries of stress and problems seemed to have disappeared. Leaning back he sighed and looked around.

The warlocks and some vampires had followed Draco to his place. Just to add onto partying. "This isn't fun... Kei-Chan, I could loose my seat on the Council." He ran his fingers through his thick, soft hair. He had no idea what to do, mostly at a loss of words. Getting up from his comfy Dark Burgandy chair, he paced around the room wondering what he could do.

"Kei-Chan, let us go have a drink or something... but let me see that pretty face of yours... in your bunny form I just want to eat you." He chuckled and flicked his tail ever so slightly. "Do not forget, I am part feline" Skin would tighten and thicken as spots would form on his skin and fur spread over his whole body. When he finished shifting he was pure muscle of the Amur Leopard. Pouncing up on the table, he licked his massive maw once more, as a wide smile was on his face. His tail flicking in excitement.

He surrounded her with one massive paw, before shifting back and laughing with her bunny form in his hands. "Now about that dinner date eh?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Amy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
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0.00 INK


"Kei-Chan, I can eat you.. you're so tiny and I'm so big." he teased and she shook her small paws up and down rapidly until he set her down gently onto his desk. Her whiskers twitched when she scrunched up her nose and tilted her head to the side. He leaned back in his seat and sighed, she felt great that she had the power to calm him down and help him relax. As his best friend, she felt like she was more special than anyone else. long would that last?

"This isn't fun... Kei-Chan, I could loose my seat on the Council." her ears flopped down as she leaned her head forward and looked up at him. She watched him run his fingers through his thick, soft hair…how she wished to run her own hands through his hair. Getting up from his comfy dark burgundy chair, he paced around the room probably wondering what to do and freaking himself out for nothing. He was so cute when he worried~ "Kei-Chan, let us go have a drink or something... “ she stood on her hind legs shaking her head violently and hopped side to side. ”But let me see that pretty face of yours... in your bunny form I just want to eat you. Do not forget, I am part feline" Her ears shot up when Draco pounced at her in his feline form, coddling her in his paws. She fidgeted, hastily paddling her legs up and down and turning to get out of his grasp. Human hands enveloped her fur, a heartful and beautiful laughed filled her bunny ears. ”Now about that dinner date eh?" Transforming herself back, she ran her fingers through his hair and pressed her forehead against his. Cheeks puffed up and pouting.

”No, you cant escape.” she backed her face away from his and tapped his nose with her index finger, ”Your. Meeting. With. The. Nephiliam. If you play nice, maaaaaaaybe.” She crossed her arms and peered up into his eyes. Avoiding this conflict would only make him look worse and appear as if he was running away from something horrible. She wouldn't allow it. And would he ever know how hard it was for her to resist requests like that? Did he know she liked him? Did he even care about their relationship? or were they just so comfortable around each other that it felt like flirting? She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't discern the desires and illusions she created between the truth. Forget it Keiko, just focus on what is at hand.

Mia needs us...


"Um, well, I've been on plenty of hunts."’ Oh God, hahaha, she has less experience than him! Holy tits, this is a miracle! This would be the first time that he would be considered sort of like, the top dog. He should get a burrito, a yummy burrito from taco bell. "My favorite was when I had cornered a vampire and she thought by threatening me with some lesbian blood affair was going to distract me. I sliced right through her heart without a backwards glance." She smiled proudly and Chace scrunched up his nose in disgust.

”Grooosss! But daaamn gurl, that’s raw!” he laughed and threw his hands up into the air, ”It’s getting hot in here so take off all your clothes!” he paused, ”Man I haven’t heard that song in a long time. “ He grabbed her shoulders, ” I’m watching you. We gotta keep some eye contact you know we gotta have a connection, I feel like we have a connection. I’m creeping you out right now aren’t I? We should be like best friends, bestest friends or myspace friends! Real deal? High five!”


Oh God, he was so awkward...He slowly and safely lowered his hand in a nerdy fashion. Awkward high five, sad face ) = Scratching the back of his head he could see their designated building from the corner of his eyes and straightened his posture. Ok, so, there was totally a drunken gnome in front of the building. A drunken. Gnome. How titastic is that!? He’s never seen a gnome before, wwwoooooow! Haha he looks funny!

Oh…maybe I should ask him some question?

”You, Yeah you. Yeah you right there!” he yelled after the gnome and pointed at him childishly.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur
Character Portrait: Mia Greene
Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone
Character Portrait: Chace Worrall
Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
Character Portrait: Silas Worrall


Character Portrait: Silas Worrall
Silas Worrall

"Can you Imagine that Love?"

Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
Keiko Yagami

"Tell me your name, so I can use it to yell at you the next time. K?"

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall
Chace Worrall

"It's the chances we don't take that we usually end up regretting"

Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone
Dracovius Shadowbone

"Mon Amie! Everything is not as it seems..."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
Shinta Faythe

"The pride of a lion is your disguise, but I can see the fear in your eyes"

Character Portrait: Mia Greene
Mia Greene

"Screaming only makes it that much more fun."

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur
Leigh Bellefleur

"Hail and Farewell."


Character Portrait: Silas Worrall
Silas Worrall

"Can you Imagine that Love?"

Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
Keiko Yagami

"Tell me your name, so I can use it to yell at you the next time. K?"

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall
Chace Worrall

"It's the chances we don't take that we usually end up regretting"

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur
Leigh Bellefleur

"Hail and Farewell."

Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone
Dracovius Shadowbone

"Mon Amie! Everything is not as it seems..."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
Shinta Faythe

"The pride of a lion is your disguise, but I can see the fear in your eyes"

Character Portrait: Mia Greene
Mia Greene

"Screaming only makes it that much more fun."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone
Dracovius Shadowbone

"Mon Amie! Everything is not as it seems..."

Character Portrait: Silas Worrall
Silas Worrall

"Can you Imagine that Love?"

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur
Leigh Bellefleur

"Hail and Farewell."

Character Portrait: Chace Worrall
Chace Worrall

"It's the chances we don't take that we usually end up regretting"

Character Portrait: Mia Greene
Mia Greene

"Screaming only makes it that much more fun."

Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
Shinta Faythe

"The pride of a lion is your disguise, but I can see the fear in your eyes"

Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami
Keiko Yagami

"Tell me your name, so I can use it to yell at you the next time. K?"

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