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The Children in the Craters

The Children in the Craters


A war is raging on the archipelago nation of Darkfell. In the midst of combat, two falling stars strike the shores of two of the islands, an odd discovery left in their craters. What unfolds from here could decide the war's outcome and Darkfell's fate.

1,326 readers have visited The Children in the Craters since Beach-Born-Boy created it.


The Story

The nation of Darkfell is at civil war. Two islands, once bound together are now at each other's throats. On one side, the Valar brigade are fighting from independence from the government while the island's Navy attempts to restrain them and keep peace through superior fire power.

Each approach at peace is met only with hostility now, as the war escalates. On the Night of the Falling Sky, a ceasefire is called and a momentary peace ensues. Then comes the part of the night that everyone waits for. Thousands of beautifully colored meteors fall from the sky like fireworks. Most fizzle out before they even make it to the ocean but a certain few manage to land on the beaches and in the less inhabited places on the islands. Almost as if they were planned to land there.

A falling star catches the daughter of the Valar's commandant's attention, landing on a sand bar not more than a quarter hour's swim from her home on the Western island. Inside the crater however, is a badly burned boy, unlike anyone found in this nation. Meanwhile, at the home of the Navy's Admiral, there's a knock at the door in the middle of the night. His son opens it to find a badly wounded young woman collapsing into his arms.

The two souls that seemed to appear from thin air that night have been intertwined since the beginning and they'll always find their way back to each other. Their memories, lost in the sea of consciousness, these 'Star Children' simply side with the ones who helped them when they needed it most. While they don't know it, these two could bring an end to the war plaguing this land.

Extra Info

    • Star Children have one power that develops over the story's course.
    • The human characters each have one weapon or some form of defense.
    • Star Children have the ability to imbue humans with their power for a short time.
    • There will be more than four spots, however, the four key roles (first 2 Star Children and Leaders' Children) Must be filled before we can begin.

Character Sheet: Humans

Code: Select all

[b]Age: (17-19)[/b]
[b]Description: (anything not covered in picture)[/b]
[b]Weapon/Method of Defense:[/b]

Character Sheet: Star Children

Code: Select all

[b]Age: (17-19)[/b]
[b]Description: (anything not covered in picture)[/b]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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0.00 INK

Having gone through most of the pain of being placed into a bath with burns on most of his body, the boy began to look around slightly, but his eye always came back to the girl. She had rescued him from something, and when she said his name, his heart lifted a bit, as he said it to himself quietly. The lightheadedness had faded by this point, so he was fully attached to everything she was saying, no matter how little sense it made to him.

When she said he had to spent more time in the tub, he felt a twinge of pain not from the burns, but something told him to trust that this girl wouldn't hurt him. She held a cloth in her hand and put in to his cheek. He could almost feel her fingers through the fabric, and he felt peaceful. He took the other one that she offered and held it to his cheek, so that it would get better.

"I don't recognize your face from around these parts, what's your name?" She said to him. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came from his lips. He paused for a moment, his eyes looking furiously around for something not present. "My name?" He thought to himself, and he began to dig into his mind deeper, but all he found was a black hole of nothingness. Then it hit him, he had no name he could remember, no nothing, his memories were gone. This made him close his eyes tightly as he tried to remember, but again nothing happened.

He began to beat himself internally, but nothing came of it. He felt cold against his skin, and then noticed that the water he found himself in was slushing a bit, as if ice water. This made him hurt more, but couldn't bother him. His eyes were red, about to cry, as he help onto Jade.

"N-N-No..... N-name, n-no name." He said/cried. How could he forget everything about himself? If he wasn't holding on by pain, he would explore this scientifically.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher Character Portrait: Soreanna Aravis Kelvar aka Estelle
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0.00 INK

Milo slowly unrolled the bandage and sat back down next to her. "Alright just hold still," he told her, his voice still monotone. "It might hurt a bit when the old ones come off." Slowly and steadily, he peeled the damp bandages off. The bleeding has stopped almost entirely, but the salt water had kept a few of the larger wounds from closing up all the way. Milo sighed, realizing this was just adding insult to injury at this point. Or maybe debilitating physical injury to soul-crushing emotional injury. What a fantastic first impression.

"I'm so sorry Estelle. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said as he wrapped a fresh patch around her arm. "Everything just happened so fast and... well I don't know. I just, I don't know." He lifted her shirt just above her naval and removed the wet bandage that covered a thin cut along her stomach. Replacing it with a new one was the last of his bandaging. "You can change now, if you want to get out of those clothes. I know they're a little damp." Milo stood up and stared out the window, across the bay, to where the flames were slowly shrinking. "I'll step outside." Slowly, he made his way to the door that led out to his own balcony, toward the hanging chair with a plush cushion where he'd be spending the night. Awake. Staring at the ocean with nothing but malice on his mind. "If you need me, I'll be out here." he said as he stepped out the door.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher Character Portrait: Soreanna Aravis Kelvar aka Estelle
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0.00 INK

Estelle sat there as Milo cleaned her bandages. She couldn't help but groan in pain as air hit her bigger ones. It was a sharp piercing feeling and it made her want to squirm. She managed to keep still at least. The bruises covering her body was definitely unsettling. Knowing she looked a site, she wondered exactly what caused her current condition.

When Milo spoke, Estelle looked at him as he apologize. Sorry? Why was he sorry? He was helping her right? His words were very perplexing. His next words though helped clear her mind. Maybe he was talking about running outside with her. It wasn't like he meant to right? Too many questions started to revolve inside her head. Before she could even ask him though, he left the room for the outside. It was then she realize he left so she could change. She watched him for a couple seconds before carefully and slowly removing the clothes she was wearing, which was hard considering they were still damp. Estelle groaned and cried as she removed the top, which was the hardest. She put on the clean top before removing the jeans.

Thoroughly exhausted, Estelle laid back and felt herself nodding off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

The war had cost many lives. It was bound to happen. All that the Valar Brigade fought for, was that they were independant and not serving the Government that they did not believe in. Of course, where the Government were more influential by being more wealthier, the Darkfell Navy decided to join to 'keep the peace', yet they were so blinded by it all. Afterall, both sides of the war were from Darkfell, yet no doubt because of greed rather than standing up for what is right, the Navy insisted on stopping her fathers' work, waving around their big guns. The flying meteors were pleasant enough to watch, but canon fire and the impact of such was not as pleasant. When would the war end?

Jade was certainly used to treating the injured though, despite getting into some scraps herself when trespassers decided to tread on their soil, so the boy was lucky that it was she who found him. No, what was even more lucky, was how he survived the impact of a falling meteor, raising questions of who he was, but he certainly was out of the ordinary, but least he was getting better and once he had, maybe Jade could enquire more. Though it seemed that obtaining such information was going to be difficult as she read his body movements after asking what is name was, before he then looked as he was about to cry, "N-N-No..... N-name, n-no name".

It seemed he certainly had a problem, as he must of banged or damaged his head really hard to forget who he was, so it seemed this was a case of amnesia. Jade could not imagine how it felt to not remember who she was, so he felt his pain, as she got up from her kneeling position on the rug and instead sat on the edge of the bath. She could hardly comfort him from his current position, but least he knew she was there for him as he still held his hand, making her wonder if she would ever get her hand back. However, that did not matter right now, as she used the hand that he was still holding, to lift his chin up with the back of her head before saying calmly, "You seem to have hit your head hard then it seems, but don't cry.....I'll tell you what, how about I give you a new name until you remember your real one, how about that?".

She could hardly move her other hand since she had to keep the cloth against his cheek so that his cheek remained in the water as the rest of his body did, so she had no choice but to still use her other hand that the boy held on to. She lifted her fingers from her hand and parted the boy's hair, as she thought about what to call him, and then it hit her as she saw his beautiful blue eyes. "I know exactly what to call you. My father called me Jadeen, Jade for short, for my green eyes, and you have a lovely set of blue eyes. How does...Cyan...sound to you?", she said with a smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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0.00 INK

The boy in the tub was only in half hysterics thanks to Jade, to whom he felt a strong connection, despite having no knowledge of her, only that she was the daughter of someone important. When she suggested that she give him a name, he felt a little better, and no only due to the fact that most of the pain was away.

The name she came up with, Cyan, stuck with the boy. He had no other sense of identity, so this one was as good as it was going to get. He put the cloth down, himself feeling very tired all of a sudden, most likely due to the circumstance of his arrival. So he looked into her eyes and said, "Sounds... Good." And with that, he felt himself start to sink into darkness, his body unable to keep himself awake any longer. He slide partly into the tub, the large top of hair getting wet, and shards of slushed water in it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Jade was glad that the boy was more at ease, as her eyes checked the boy over to make sure that he was getting better and nothing else was wrong with this strange boy. She still couldn't quite put her finger where he was from and how he got to where she found him and how on earth he survived, but the good news was that he was very much alive and he was getting better which was always pleasing. Questions could come later, as the important thing was getting him back on his feet, making sure he was well cared for, and of course he had problems with his memory so it was a case of getting that memory back and if he was not as sweet and innocent as he seemed, then Jade can change that. If only the leaders of the war could get along in the same way.

"Sounds... Good", he answered as his pair of lovely blue eyes looking into her jade-green pair and causing her to smile, pleased that he felt better as he was close to tears before for not remembering. She truly did feel sorry for him, but when she turned back to him, his eyes were closed and he had begun to slide into the tub. That was all she needed. The boy needed his time to heal, so perhaps he was already sorted since the initial pain had gone and he had the strength enough to sleep without pain. Then Jade decided, she'd take him out and if he needed to go back, she would do so, if not, then she can let him rest.

With Cyan descending into tiredness, the grip on her hand wasn't so hard so she used freed her hand, and along with her other hand (disgarding the cloth), she then lifted him up so that he too was on the side of the tub and holding him close to her for support so she could free up her hand and use the back of her freed hand to check the burns on his chest and back that seemed to of healed well. It was nice when things worked the way they should. Usually she'd just administer treatments and assist the doctors' but this was the first time she applied her training and especially to do solo, and with a boy that was around her age since the fighters tend to be older. She didn't mind it though.

However, now that he was feeling tired, it meant that she'd be the one to dry him, as she then lifted him to the floor, grabbed the towel and wrapped it round him and begun drying him so that she could moved him to a bed and let him have the sleep he deserves, as he would be comfortable to sleep when you were wet and no doubt would cause a cold. On the good side, least it was a young boy rather than an old man that she was looking after, because if such were so, then she would have left it to the guards, especially to be this close for comfort.....

(OOC: If timeskipping to the next day, I'm good with that. For Cyan, he'd be in a bed and would see Jade sitting in a chair beside him with her head on the bed, clearly falling sleep on the job XD)

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Character Portrait: Soreanna Aravis Kelvar aka Estelle
21 sightings Soreanna Aravis Kelvar aka Estelle played by Zodia195
Star Child- Girl

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher
Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida
Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
Character Portrait: Castheir Ramone Cartair


Character Portrait: Castheir Ramone Cartair
Castheir Ramone Cartair

Star Child- 2nd Male

Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
Jade Cassidy

"I'll do as I please" - Valar Commandant's Daughter

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida
Michaert Limamil Serida

Star Child- Male

Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher
Milo Thatcher

Admiral's Son - Human


Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher
Milo Thatcher

Admiral's Son - Human

Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
Jade Cassidy

"I'll do as I please" - Valar Commandant's Daughter

Character Portrait: Castheir Ramone Cartair
Castheir Ramone Cartair

Star Child- 2nd Male

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida
Michaert Limamil Serida

Star Child- Male

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
Jade Cassidy

"I'll do as I please" - Valar Commandant's Daughter

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida
Michaert Limamil Serida

Star Child- Male

Character Portrait: Milo Thatcher
Milo Thatcher

Admiral's Son - Human

Character Portrait: Castheir Ramone Cartair
Castheir Ramone Cartair

Star Child- 2nd Male

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Re: The Children in the Craters

Well I'm good to move on, hence my ooc comment on my post to timeskip, so just needed Light to confirm if Light is good to move on...

Re: The Children in the Craters

I was waiting to hear from S1mon or Light to tell me they were set

Re: The Children in the Craters

so...what went wrong here? Things were going so smoothly, one person mentiona time skip and then BAM! RP dead

Re: The Children in the Craters

Yeah just waiting from an okay to go from our other pair.

Re: The Children in the Craters

a time skip would allow me to join sooner

Re: The Children in the Craters

Hey Beach Boy, I was thinking about something. Since both Cyan and Estelle have serious injuries, maybe we should skip a few days to when they're almost fully recovered because they're not going to be able to do much. Unless they quickly heal.

Re: The Children in the Craters

No worries Shao, as long as you just keep us updated on when you're gonna jump in, you're good.

Re: The Children in the Craters

I only just now saw your PM and remembered to check back on the OOC. I don't think I should have my character a whole meteor crash into the earth bit since he's not one of the main star children, I wouldn't want to take away any significance. All the characters saw multiple meteors falls so they can only assume there are possibly more children like the one each found, so I'm just going to wait until the characters are back on their respective ships and have my character pop out, like he's been stowed away on the ship. That means it'll be a little bit before I post, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about the rp.

Re: The Children in the Craters

It was an actual meteor. Kind of like it was an egg that cracked on impact.

Re: The Children in the Craters

Hey Beach, I am going to have Estelle dream about the last few minutes before her crash. I wanted to ask about the meteor she was in. Was it an actual meteor, or more like a spaceship?

Re: The Children in the Craters

@S1mon, hey dude. I am sorry, I seriously didn't see that you responded, thanks Zodia for PM-ing about that. I'll get on my post right away.

Re: The Children in the Craters

Did you really kill off Milo's father there? Dang!

Re: The Children in the Craters

I've got a post lined up, just had to get to this point first. No worries. Light if you and S1mon would be cool with it, we can wrap it up in two or three posts easily.

Re: The Children in the Craters

Hey Beach Boy, how long do you think it'll be before we get to the next day and when can the Star Children start remembering things?

Re: The Children in the Craters

Sorry man I've just been having a rough time. I see now I was being a dick and I didn't decline your character yet so I'll go check over him. It was some old respiratory problem they said should've cleared enough for me to go but halfway through they requested ALL medical records and kicked me out. Like come on, you couldn't have done that shit BEFORE I went it? Anyways, sorry again man just rough time.

Re: The Children in the Craters

I plan on going into the Air Force myself so I understand why something like that would make you respond that way, but my post wasn't written in an antagonizing or annoyed context. I wasn't trying to seem like I was bitching you out about it, just a way of requesting some form of definite action. I've roleplayed with you before, I don't know if you remember me but we're cool bro.

How are you medically unfit?

Re: The Children in the Craters

My apologies for not getting around to fully reading it and having five minutes to give you feedback while balancing a job, school and re-integrating into civilian life after the soul crushing realization that I'm medically unfit for the one thing I really wanted to do in life, work in the Air Force. I'll go decline him now.

Re: The Children in the Craters

If you don't want my character you could, at the very least, decline it instead of leaving it in limbo.

Re: The Children in the Craters

I got an idea. Hey Light, maybe those trinkets that our chars are wearing (the bracelet and amulet) second as communicator devices? For now, maybe they're not working thanks to those crash landings they had?