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Du Kuldr Goroth

"Go forth and shine, for your light shall guide our way"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings, as played by (-(-_(-_-)_-)-)


Du Kuldr Drasgoroth, The Golden Fleet, contains nearly four thousand ships, not including fighters and transports, that comprise the might of Istalri Nianya's Naval force. Each ship is made almost entirely of Starsteel, a magically enhanced metal formed from arcane gemstones and raw magical power. The Vessels range in size from that of a small moon, to a single pilot fighter. The Vessels are all highly organized and grouped up into military units referred to as Storms. Each storm is comprised of 10 distinct ships, the largest of which is the command ship, Classified as Fortress. The remaining Nine ships are organized into groups of three referred to as Squalls, Each of which is led by a Rook, who delegates orders received from the Fortress as necessary.
In total, there are 11 classes of ship in the military fleet of Istalri Nianya, Their names, functions, and capabilities are as follows.

Citadel - High Command ship equal to the size of a small moon. Contains landing bays for smaller classes of ship, weapon systems for defense and offense, warp drive, hard light energy projection, and arcane warp field projector. Primarily a support role ship, the Citadel class commonly found when five or more Storms are collected together.

Castle - Supply transport, large vessel semi spherical in design, three hundred kilometers across. It has a large scale Gatr Generator which is commonly used to move supplies from itself to other ships. It has few offensive capabilities, being primarily a stockpile vessel, but it has significantly more defensive capabilities than most ships. It can generate hard light shields and mass Rejection Fields, as well as deploy Ionic Particle Disrupters and Warp Field Negators. It's primary means of defense however are the automated sentinels that comprise most of it's crew. Multitudes of Constructs, both flying and ground based, are able to hold off an assault long enough for reinforcements to arrive, or for the Castle itself to retreat.

Fortress - Capital ship, Approximately thirty kilometers in length, shaped like a spike, the widest part being the front and the thinnest being the propulsion system. Fortress ships are the commanders of Storms, the ten ship groups used for military organization in the golden fleet. Fortress ships have multiple functions and capabilities, most notable being hard light projection, energy and projectile based weapons, fleet hangers and warp systems. The Vessels command an arsenal of 10 Pillars, which are discussed below. Aside from that the ships also have another functionality. Each Fortress class ship is designed with the ability to transform from a mobile star ship into a Space Station. The Transformation process is lengthy and requires at least three hours to complete, but once completed the vessel is capable to perform multiple functions which make them ideal at defending and besieging for months, even years if necessary. Once in Station mode, the ship can activate it's Gatr field, allowing reinforcement vessels to be transmitted directly to the battlefield from across galaxies. It also gains access to an immense arsenal of Anti-Orbital and Defensive Weaponry, making it an extremely powerful Area Denial weapon. Fabrication, medical, and even Training Facilities become usable in station mode, allowing the Fortress to rearm, repair, or reconstruct damaged ships, treat injured personnel, and even Train new soldiers. This capacity makes the fortress class ship ideal for defending worlds under assault, or assisting with the invasion of those worlds. As a final note, the ships have a powerful weapon that allows them to fire a concentrated and sustained beam of raw plasma. This weapon, commonly referred to as the Sun Spear, is used to destroy stationary targets. The beam can be sustained for up to two hours before needing to recharge.

Rook - This class of ship, on average 20 kilometers in length, is the primary warship of the fleet. Like it's larger cousin the Fortress, it has Hard light Projection, Energy and Projectile based weaponry, and an utilizes up to 10 Pillars. The Rook is also capable of a transformative process, but where as the Fortress performs this action in space, the Rook uses this in terrestrial encounters. The, appearing like a smaller version of the Fortress, turns it's propulsion towards a planet and then allows gravity to pull it towards solid ground. As it enters the atmosphere the vessel channels the friction into the engines and uses the added energy to reduce it's impact. When it's close enough, the propulsion system shifts about, drilling and entrenching the vessel into the ground. The ship itself then transforms into a massive "Tower" with many of the same facilities the Fortress class station mode boasts, with the exception of Fabrication and Training facilities. The center of the vessel is opened up, and the Gatr field activated, allowing vehicles, equipment, and personnel to be directly transported to the ground. In this state the vessel's bridge also becomes a command center, making the Rook ideal for invasions.

Bishop - Another Ship averaging 20 kilometers in length this vessels appearance is like that of a closed flower while in transit. When stationary the Ship can "bloom" open. Each "petal" is a docking station for hundreds of thousands of drones. These drones, around thirty meters in length each, move at around 300 miles per hour, and have two weapon systems. An electrical arc blade which is used to cut through the hulls of ships, and a set of warp missiles that create a field of destabilized mana, causing molecules caught inside the field to vibrate at abberant frequencies. This effect causes solid materials to disintegrate at a molecular level. The ship has no other defensive or offensive capabilities.

Knight - a small ship only 5 kilometers in length, it has more powerful engines than other vessels, and is capable of moving faster and with more dexterity. Usually containing an arsenal of Bombs, boarding pods, missiles and standard projectile weapons, this is the primary combat class ship used in the fleet.

Canoe - A large transport class, Canoe's feature few offensive or defensive equipment, flares and standard shielding. Used primarily for transporting large numbers of troops, supplies, or ground vehicles, the vessels are five kilometers in length can can carry three hundred kilograms in cargo without suffering movement restrictions.

Wolf Axe - Single Pilot Fighter equipped for dogfighting and aeriel manuevers. Can be equipped for missile runs as well. With a low Travel Range, this ship accompanies larger vessels in a defensive and offensive capacity.

Shadow - Stealth ships designed in utmost secrecy with classified technology. These vessels do not show up on any form of scanner or detection device, save by the naked eye. The Vessel doesn't show up on any wavelength, it doesn't produce any background noise, and has no footprint of any sort. Like it's namesake, the only proof that a Shadow is there is that you can physically See it. This class of ship is only used for insertion of special operatives, retrieval of those operatives, and exfiltration of persons of interest.

Falcon - The Falcon Class ship is a high speed recon vehicle equipped with minimal weaponry, forgoing combat capacity for sheer speed. The Falcon is capable of reaching speeds just under eight hundred kilometers per second, seats a single pilot, and bears the latest in scanning and detection equipment.

Pillar - Pillars are not actually ships, but are rather automated externally based weapons platforms controlled by capital class ships. They are capable of many different features, making them exceptionally powerful weapons. They can fabricate and deploy unmanned assault drones, like the Bishop. They can also rearrange their structure to generate Gatr Fields, fire smaller scale sun spears, and electro magnetic pulses. The pillars are around 5 kilometers in length, with a diameter of 25 meters. Pillars are controlled via advanced magical constructs found aboard the capital ships they are tied to. Finally, Pillars are able to generate a plasma state eldritch energy barrier. This barrier admits neither physical material or energy through it, cannot be dispelled or ruptured, and is completely opaque. The Pillars can only produce this pillar in a Terrestrial environment, it cannot be generated in space, and once active the pillars commit all of their function to maintaining the barrier. The pillars also serve as doors in the barrier, being that they are the only point from which you can enter or exit the barrier.

So begins...

Du Kuldr Goroth's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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  1. Primarily, you cannot simply assume an effect on the Golem, you can post an action and then I reply with the effect, but automatically assuming an effect resulting from it will not do.

    by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings
  2. The effects are if the outcome is successful. Lrn2txtfite

    by barney_fife
  3. The post has been revised we can proceed now

    by Anonymous

0.00 INK

Several Aschen soldiers checked the door to the CEO's office, while another group looked for the fire escape, six marines moved towards the rooftop fire escape, forcing open the door and approaching the stairwell. One of them peered his light down into the black maw, before he nodded.

"Service elevator." A Corporal signalled, gesturing to the service elevator that ran up and down the building.

Five marines nodded in response, before they formed up on the elevator shaft, hooking rappeling lines to a secure bar near the door.

"Check.." One said, checking his equipment, and letting his rifle hang from a velcro strap secured to his armored vest.

"Subspace comms check." The Radioman said, uplinking his ruggedized tactical computron to the Aschen battlenet, bouncing signals off of several subspace relays and to the Datalink, while pulling up a three-dimensional hologram of the HQ.

In the distance a Marine sergeant called out.

"Through the gates of hades!"

Several other men joined in, shouting. "As we make our way to Elysium!"

And they all shouted. "Through the Xeno Lines! Primo Victoria!"

With their gear secured, their weapons checked, they made the dive. The primary insertion team began rappelling down through the elevator shaft to the chaos below.

"Team alpha in position." The lead Marine team reported as he checked the pair of elevator doors that lead to the ground floor. The sounds of chaos echoing outside. "Secure the building, LZ... right." A Marine private muttered to himself as he backed up two steps and attatched a shaped charge to the elevator doors.

"Fire in the hole!" he called out, and several men pulled up and out of the blast.

Inside the main foyer, a pair of elevator doors were blown asunder, the deafening explosion sent the metal panels outwards, clattering on the floor as a plume of smoke wafted out of the elevator doors.

"Contact!" The marine private shouted, rolling a flash-bang rolling into the main room. The grenade detonated in a brilliant white flash and deafening pop before three Aschen soldiers fanned out from the elevator and quickly took cover behind a row of chairs.

"We have natives and Xenos, engage the Xenos first and then clear out the Natives!" The Corporal shouted, taking cover behind a concrete pillar. "They're coming in from all sides; frak me!"

Several more men rapelled down the elevator and emerged from the doors, wearing theuniforms of the Aschen Empire.

"By the lords of Kobol! They're going to overrun these natives!" A Marine shouted from his position. "Antimana! Antimana! Gods damnit get some Antimana in here!" He called out, as more men came down through the elevator shaft. "They're going to break the lines, lay down some gods damned cover!"

Depending on how the men of the Stames corporation responded, the Aschen Soldiers would fortify their position quickly and efficiently, with a squad of Marines laying down cover fire.

These new forces appeared alien, but to those who knew of the Aschen Empire, would have cause to fear them. The first report of disruptor fire sent brilliant green bolts of energy out through the front windows and doors towards the assailing forces. The brilliant green bolts of light liquefied metal and scorched flesh as it impacted, erupting in plumes of vaporized fluids and carrying the stench of burning flesh.

The men staggered their fire, discharging their weapons at the approaching warriors with careful precision, as the weapons the Aschen carried were not capable of automatic fire, they staggered their fire to lay down a steady stream of covering fire. The room almost instantly thickening with the stench of Ozone.

"Gods damnit they're not stopping!" The Sergeant called out from behind his position, and so he detached a silver spherical antimana grenade from his belt, and hurled it towards the approaching golem.

The grenade detonated in an audible pop, and sent a powerful pulse of anti-magic in all directions. This had the very likely effect of Short circuiting active spells, and spelling a likely instantaneous death to magical based creatures. This anti-magic pulse also was capable of stripping active enchantments and rendering the area in a thirty meter radius devoid of magic.

Immediately following the Antimana grenade, several Aschen soldiers began concentrating their fire on the Golem, brilliant green disruptor bolts on course to impact the creature, hurling several hundreds of thousands of degrees of particle energy likely carving out superheated pockmarks on the strange metal of the creature, leaving white hot welts, and causing molten matetial to drip from it's form. Considering the output of an aschen disruptor rifle could liquefy even the strongest of metals upon impact, the soldiers hoped their weapons would be effective.

The setting changes from OmniCorp HQ to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Molnish
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0.00 INK

A blinding light shone forth and dispelled the shadows and tendrils around the forces of the Legion warriors. This light was absorbed and then recipocated by the armor of the warriors, and the bodies of the golems. The Archer who had fallen into the darkness was completely freed from it, though her body then broke down and dissolved into the irridescent chromatic flames that mark their passing.

On a rooftop nearby, a Man wearing red robes and wielding a blade staff stepped forward, the light shining from his hand. He used it to completely dissolve those shadows that would attach to the warriors, and as that light shone on each warrior their armor began to emit it as well, further preventing the shadows from touching them.

The Golems absorbed the light to greatest effect, as once they began producing it not even the titanic arms of the kraken could hold against that light. The Golems, in response, began their march once more, further breaking the enemies lines.

The Sorcerer who had appeared was flanked by four more sorcerers, each wearing white robes that flowed freely in the wind. He spoke aloud, his voice amplified by magic, to the shadowcaptain. "Your forces and power will avail you not now, creature of the void. I have studied for eons in every method and manner of magic there is, and yours is of no consequence to the knowledge I possess. FLee now while it is an option I'll allow you." He said, his voice holding youth, yet those of that skill to determine lies would know he spoke only truth.

The setting changes from Wing City to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Tech Con Mercenaries Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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0.00 INK

At the sight of seeing these elites comply to his poor excuse of an order, Morganovicz gave a great smile of victory. He knew that the group had the ability to push back this attack and speed up the acts of securing the area for Imperial reinforcements to land. Looks like this invasion will be a short lasted one, at least it'll be a good amount of action for Morganovicz to take part in before being sent back to his royal guard duties; following the High Emperor around. With a swing of a blade, and a small moment for a pose to be given alongside the elite team, Morganovicz literally jumped into action.

Using his large Shaki'lyu weight alongside gravity, Morganovicz charged down at the invaders, his halberd swung with a force large enough to impale into the enemy's skull. Once landed, a spin technique was given, using the momentum to lop the leg off another soldier before stabbing the bottom of the halberd through the chest. However, from the corner of his eye, Morganovicz spied a third soldier charging in with their weapon. With the halberd stuck in an ignited corpse, and the secondary focus of blowing jets of air over his head to prevent the napalm arrows from hitting him, there was no means to counter this attack. Except...

The invader's weapon clanged against the metallic shoulder of Morganovicz' armour, quickly ricocheting at a sharp angle due to the deliberately awkward shape of the armour. "Hah! Selaikah!" Morganovicz called out in an early victory as he dislodged his weapon from the burning corpse, quickly swinging his body in the effort to impale the main blade into the annoying offender. However, another, louder clang of metal against metal was sounded. This soldier still carried their impenetrable shield, allowing the small skirmish to continue. "Ah, that..." The irregular mumbled in annoyance before feeling the small tickle of another blade slicing at his exposed back, followed by the numbed feeling of blood trailing down his body. Some idiot actually managed to hurt him.

As Morganovicz spun around once more, successfully slicing the throat of the successful soldier, a third one joined the fight; swinging a stabbing motion towards the back of Morganovicz' head. Sadly, there wasn't much to cut through except skin as the natural Selaikah bones of the Shaki'lyu race prevented any major damage, while also annoying the irregular even more. "Alright, you're pissing me off now." Morganovicz stated in a monotone voice, swinging the back of his halberd under his shoulder to stab directly into the chest of the second successful soldier before turning to the shielded one. "Right, I need you to heal my wounds."

With one movement of throwing his weapon in the air, distracting the soldier, Morganovicz charged forward to gently press his hand against the diaphragm of the soldier. It was a rare occurrence for Morganovicz to use this power, especially early into the battle, but all he needed was to rip the life energy out of the soldier and use it to heal himself, while also granting some extra energy for more air casting. But this movement came with a catch...
Suddenly, Morganovicz felt a burning sensation pulse through his body, increasing in intensity as the nanoseconds passed. His eyes seemed to glow the colours of the stars as he silently screamed in panic. Finally, within the time frame of less than half a second, this sensation disappeared. With such a panic of the massive amounts of energy contained within one enemy, Morganovicz simply directed this energy back towards the Vladaminsky supernode he had connected himself to before heading off to the war. After all, there was no other means for him to get rid of the energy, and throwing it back into that soldier is an idiotic idea. At least the wounds had healed; and the scene going dark.

The Shaki'lyu irregular fell to the ground with a loud thump, only to wake up once one of his fellow soldiers came to retrieve him...

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to OmniCorp HQ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

Daren and the group of 9 mercenaries with him didn't have to be told twice to move. The giant Golem was making short work of the front doors tot he foyer of the facility. Shattering glass, steel and other building materials in it's wake as it attempted to go after the fleeing humans. It could be said that he barely heard the explosion of the elevator doors if it wasn't for one of the chunks of steel to fly right at him. He raised and arm and knocked the massive broken slab of steel out of it's trajectory. Te armor did it's job deflecting the blow and energy.

Before him was a squad of some type of soldiers fanning out and trying to make sense of the situation unfolding before them. Timing was everything and these men were either unlucky or very luck depending on how one saw the glass of water. More fire erupted with Daren moving just behind the corridor that lead into the hallway past the foyer. So far he hadn't been shot at so he didn't shoot back. However, he watched- he watched to see what they would do. Their language was English which was fortunate. They seemed a little too organized and protocol in their language to be mercs like him. This was a state fighting force he could tel that much at least.

Green bolts fired from their weapons, something he's never seen before and didn't personally want to become acquainted with. What really interested him was the grenade they threw. It wasn't like anything he had ever seen or heard. "Julius are you recording this?" "Affirmative. The type of weaponry is unlike any known weapon from the Stames Corporation or any known military of Earth- likely suggestion. Extraterrestrial. The same as the hostile outside. This factor has complicated the battle stat algorithm, I'll be reapplying the data."

Seeing the Golem being weakened gave him an idea. Whatever they threw seemed to work on the giant slab of metal. Antimana they called it, Stames would want something like that once this whole thing is over. Daren an opportuniy, so he took it. Raising his weapon, he squeezed the trigger waiting for the intelligent firing system to charge his weapon to maximum capacity and would automatically fire when ready. The cavernous surroundings of the foyer, funneled the extremely loud blast and concussion of his Kinetic Acceleration Railgun aiming precisely where those green bolts have been landing the most in hopes that he could penetrate the weakened still. Also in hopes of making some new temporary friends, until he found a way out of this mess, preferably with some new equipment for his boss.

The setting changes from OmniCorp HQ to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Tech Con Mercenaries Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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0.00 INK

Those soldiers that had remained continued to grind themselves out upon the enemy, each warrior suicide charging into the enemy lines until they were slain. When the dust settled, all that remained were corpses burning themselves away.

The Archers on the other hand, began leaping from rooftop to rooftop, firing their arrows now at the gunships targetting them, even as they continued to evade and move across the buildings. One archer, in a moment of peace, spotted soldiers fortifying a position on a Tech Con Building, and began moving back towards the business District. Considering all that was happening, it seemed another report had to be sent to the commander of the forces.

Several fighter craft then streamed into the area, targeting the Gunships and unleashing salvos of missile fire upon them. Or at least that's the best it could be described, as the missiles were in fact beams of light that would chase after the gunships as they tried to avoid them. If they struck, or after a minute of chasing, they would detonate in an arcane blast that released kinetic and thermal energy in copious amounts. One of those striking a gunship would blow a hole in that craft, simple as that.

In the distance more warriors appeared to be marching towards Sol Avenue. These were accompanied by more Fyrnskain, though they were led by a what appeared to be a Monk. Of greater concern however, would be the fifteen meter tall Golem that thundered at the rear of the procession. The Hulking monolithic humanoid creature stepped forward with the assured pace of a single minded machine.

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to OmniCorp HQ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

The Aschen could throw the antimana grenades all day long and it would do them no good against the Golem. It's Animation was tied to the Starsteel heart at it's core, the only way to reach which was to bore through the thickness of it's body, which absorbed the pulses and energy from their weapons without so much as a blemish upon it's surface. It would become quickly apparent that energy based weapons would have no effect against the Starsteel Construct.

The warriors on the other hand, were a different story. Their equipment was all forged from starsteel, but a lot of it's strength came from the constructs and enchantments they were forged with, and the Antimana grenades all but stripped those clean. This rendered their shields and helms and weapons to their base forms, without any spells or magic to reinforce them. That being said, the properties of Starsteel, namely that of it's ability to absorb copious amounts of energy without issue, made the shields ideal at blocking the energy based weaponry the Aschen used. The more physical components however were now a serious threat to their survival and as the shifting capacity of their equipment was tied to it's magical constructs, the shields could no longer be deployed to protect against the physical weapons used by the security. Realizing this only after watching several warriors get perforated by gunfire from the security forces and the mercenaries, several Fyrnskains began redirecting their forces, forming them back up into columns and ranks with their shields up. This would help keep them from harm as they continued their march. Once they had routed the enemy then they could deal with this new complication.

Although four of the Fyrnskain had reached an altogether quicker conclusion, in regards to dealing with the problem. As the Fyrnskain's armor derived the majority of it's defensive properties from it's thickness, the antimana grenades removing the enchantments would not do too much to negate the shields capabilities. The Fyrnskain didn't know this, however, all they knew was that the aschen soldiers posed a significantly higher threat than the others, and they immediately charged on them, swinging their axes in wide arcs to cut the marines down.

The Paladins on the contrasting side of things were severely affected by the antimana grenades. Their equipment relied almost entirely on magic to function, and with the pulse several of the paladins began plummeting to the ground as their flight capabilities were hindered. Thankfully the spells and constructs were more reinforced than those used with the legion Warriors, and so their capabilities were not entirely erased. Of greatest concern was their healing staves, which now saw a 45% decrease in effeciency. Still, some healing was better than none, especially now that it was clear the armor and shields of the warriors were not reliable enough on their own.

The Archers gained an absolute benafit from the antimana grenades. Their arrows only had one form of magic, and that was sealing magic. They used this to great effect, by firing arrows upon arrows at the Aschen soldiers. Any antimana used to negate spells only unleashed the sealed elements in the arrows. Thunderstorms, Molten Magma, Blizzards and Firebolts all contained by magic into the form of an arrow unleashed by the archers upon the enemy forces.

But then one of the enemy fired some sort of railgun at the Golem. That alone did more damage to it then anything else had, as the Golem was physically thrown back by the blast. It stumbled a couple steps before reengaging, moving towards the front door to break it down. Where the railguns fire had hit there was now a series of cracks, each a foot long in reach, spidering from the point of impact.

The setting changes from OmniCorp HQ to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Tech Con Mercenaries Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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0.00 INK

The Gunships would immedientky focus their efforts on the fighters, although they were not the best against other ships they could at the very least attempt to bring down the other ship before they could go down. Some Gunships had holes blown in them when the "missiles" impacted their hulls and bringing them down in a fiery crash.

For the elites near Morgannovicz, they would follow right behind him with hell-guns peppering the enemy warriors and they would hit unguarded portions of their body. Once they got into close combat, they dodged the spears easily due to their small farm and genetically enhancements, then they would counter with a wide slash to the enemies neck, the power bayonet would exude a blue-coloured haze alowing them to cut through their armour and into their neck.

Once the enemy soldiers in the area were taken out, the elites would rush to the irregular and check if he was still breathing. If he was they would shake him awake before enemy reinforcements arrived.

For the rest of the battalion, they began to fortify the area. Transports would drop bunkers allowing Guardsman to garrison inside them. Sentry guns were placed in choke points and buildings armed either heavy bolters or multi-las armaments. Sandbags were deployed to give the men more cover, Hyras made their way to the ground, these vehicles armed with four auto cannons would set up around the area and bein firing on enemy aircraft that came into the vicinity. Lemen Russ battle tanks would roll into position around the area and buildings would be changed into military facilities such as a command post, guard posts or fore one specific building a vehicle hanger which tech preists along with crates of supplies would be ushered into the building to create weapons of war to help destroy the enemy lines.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Tech Con Mercenaries Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
From behind the fortifications being set up a small convoy of armored police vehicles arrived on the scene. Many of them bore the insignia of the WCPD SRU. The vehicles came to a stop setting up a barricade across the street as heavily armed officers began to pour out of their vehicles. Once assembled around the vehicle there seemed to be roughly 30 officers a few SRU and the rest standard WCPD.

Will Jackson was a Sargent with the WCPD and the SRU however he was anything far from a large command position. He was given this small group of officers and asked to go assist on Sol Ave. Though from the looks of things they probably didn't need much help. "You five go look for wounded or trapped civilians." Will said

He looked out over the fortifications, Chen take 20 guys and Guard the Vehicles" Jackson said to another officer who was in a metal suit of high tech looking armor metal cables were attached o multiple portions of the armor.

"The rest of you Stay with me let's go see if we can figure out what the hell is going on." Will said as he grabbed an anti-material sniper and slung it over his back the rest of the officers followed him towards the fortifications.

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Molnish
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0.00 INK

Draco's lips pulled into an amused "O" shape as the light broke his tendrils and cut off his supply of shadow; however his shock troops still remained, albeit now pure bone and muscle and flesh. His lips curled into a sinister sneer and he began to laugh at the efforts of the Sorcerer and his companions. As soon as the light dissipated, if it dissipated at all, his Shadows came back with even darker intent and appearance, and twice as strong.

Draco's laugh echoed throughout the city and from his back sprouted massive wings such as those belonging to a Dragon or something similar. "You fools! You've only amused me with your efforts!" He laughed, careening high into the air as the clouds continued to form, but faster now than before.

Soon the entire sky was black with clouds and the rumble of thunder returned as Draco lifted a hand to the clouds. "You know nothing of power, light-wielders."

From one Draconian magic to the other,Draco snarled. Quite suddenly his troops became enamored with pure lightning. Purple in color and deadly in nature. What had once been shadows on their bodies was now the crackling, merciless gaze of a Storm. Great bolts of lightning cracked from the heavens into the surrounding area, dead into the Golems and dead into Draco's enemies.

Draco himself was content with building up as much energy as he could for a moment, and with another hyena-shaming cackle, landed behind the sorcerers, his wings vanishing as Shadow dropping to the ground like sludge. His eyes glared brightly as he pointed two fingers at the sorcerers as if it were a gun.


A massive bolt of lightning erupted from his fingertips, launching at the first sorcerer he pointed at, one of the ones in white robes. Upon repetition of the word, lightning sprung forth like bullets from a machine gun towards the group of sorcerers.

The setting changes from Wing City to OmniCorp HQ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

The fact that the antimana grenade seemed to have little effect on the golem brought the aschen marines who were stacked behind cover some pause. The anti-magic pulse fired outwards in all direction yet the massive metallic creature kept advancing on them.

"They're still coming!" One of the marines shouted as he tried to lay down covering fire. The disruptor bolts careened through the air, impacting the starsteel armor to no effect.

The marine sergeant quickly gestured to his radioman as the Fyrnskains moved in on their forward positions, swinging their axes the men raised their rifles to catch the blades mid swing, they moved from cover to get away from the axe wielding creatures as the signal was sent up to the team on the roof.

The corporal on the roof listened silently to the panicked radioman on the ground floor, he turned towards the lieutenant and spoke. "They're getting chewed up ground side, they're requesting adepts and air support." The corporal said as the lieutenant offered a nod.

"Krypter, krypter, krypter; requesting air and adept support at primary infil LZ." The radioman hailed into his subspace comms relay, at that moment a voice crackled over the airwaves and a response came.

"This is Security Chief Valaj, I've got two apollos on the Tarmac, fueled and ready to go, have your boys call in the coordinates and we'll light them up."

Back on the ground, as the situation began to go tits up for the aschen forces, their English orders quickly descended into shouts in what sounded like ancient or Medieval Latin, the Anquietas language which was native for the Aschen people.

In the Tech Con quarter, a pair of F-11x Apollo fighters were being prepped and readied to go, using their powerful VTOL engines they dusted off the Tarmac and ascended into the air, the pilots checked their gear, and then they checked the two 1,500 pound JDAM ordinance mounted to the bottoms of their wings. As the fighters lifted off, they kicked on their afterburners. Someone amid the chaos in the lobby managed to get out a coherent set of coordinates into his radio, and the amassed forces outside would be in for quite a show.

The pair of Tech Con apollos banked hard towards the omnicorp HQ; their engines shrieking through the streets of wing city as they banked hard, the approaching formations of alien forces filled the streets, and with a deafening roar. The pair of delta shaped aircraft darted overhead, releasing their munitions onto the road directly in front of the Omnicorp Building. The guided munitions moved towards the tightest concentration of troops, before detonating in a powerful concussive blast capable of liquefying the men in their armor, it also sent white hot shrapnel in all directions. The 1,500 pound bombs were capable of reducing even fortified buildings to rubble. However they could not target the golem given its position in the lobby of the building.

Inside the aschen marines were switching to melee combat, but without their ranged weapons their effectiveness was drastically reduced.

Above the omnicorp building the storm suddenly began to return, clouds gathering and churning with multicolored lightning; the vortex slammed down, cracking the concrete on the landing pad as the vortex made contact.

Several flashes of multicolored light followed, and the hulking power armored forms of the Adepts of War emerged from the vortex.

Their armor whirred and the shields flashed to life as one of them growled.

"Git some." He grinned as he gestured to his team leader, and then chambered a 20mm heavy magnetron round into his rifle.

The bifrost vortex belched out several more war adepts, two of them carrying 120mm fuel rod cannons, heavy weapons capable of hurling a solid slug of plutonium at hyper-velocities. The Adepts checked their weapons before they jumped clean off the roof, their inertial dampeners and jump jets kicking in as they began to land piecemeal amidst the advancing warriors.

The adepts landed with a massive crash, sending a concussive shockwave out in all directions; they checked their weapons once more and began to open fire, hurling explosive 20mm magnetically accelerated slugs, which detonated a split second after impact out in all directions, while incoming melee attacks seemed to hardly scratch the reinforced duralthene armor plating.

One of the adepts grinned at the hulking golem and growled

"I have come to destroy you." He said before he set his heavy magnetron to full auto, and unleashed a fusillade of heavy slugs at the golem's back, each tungsten carbide tipped slug hurling towards it at hypersonic velocities, leaving a trail of combustion in its wake.

Several other adepts engaged in melee combat, with one picking up a car and tossing it at a formation of warriors with ease, while another uprooted a light post and began using it as a large bat, swinging in wide swathes at the enemy, hoping to draw them away from the boxed in marine formation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

"Shit yeah! Second times the charm!" Daren readied for a second salvo but the a few hulking masses of armored warriors distracted him for the barest of moments. The marines to his right were fully engaged in combat,the men his own size taking on 7 foot tall giants wielding hammers and axes. It didn't look like the marines were going to get out of this alive and in short time. Despite the damage the golem had taken it was still charging, he could see the cracks in it's chest as it decimated the front doors to the foyer. From his perspective, the scene outside was full scale war. Unrestrained bolts of fire, ice, lava, plasma and god knows what else had begun to rain down from the archers that he couldn't see outside. But a few arrow heads in his direction made Daren break from the wall.

"Right... Now's as good a time as ever." Daren turned and full on sprinted down the hallway deeper into the building, leaving this battle scene behind him. He wasn't going to fight this, it wasn't his place and he had no back-up the money paying him to stay put. "Julian, give me the locations of the team." "Communications are still being jammed from the extra-terrestrial jammer on top of the building. I can trace all Stames Corp operatives but communication is futile until-" "Just tell me where they are so I can find'em!" Glancing over his shoulder Daren rounded down a hallway fully committing on leaving the site. Leaving the marines to fend for themselves, and just in time from how it sounded beyond out in the courtyard.

Relatively pissed off that his opportunity to nab any tech was ruined, he kept his eyes open for anything else as he made his way through this hallway and that. The interior of the administrative building was abandoned, trolleys with documents left in random locations. Service bots either shut down or still running on their primary functions waiting on the staff to initiate a new objective.

Daren paused in a stair well and decided to head up, now on the southern side of the building. "Julian, get me a schematic of the building.... I want to find the R&D section, I've got time." "By my calculations, the time of which you speak of is negligible. In the interest of preserving Stames Defense-" "Well if you continue to stall me, I AM gonna round out of time now aren't I? Help me out." Daren pounded up past the 4th floor of the building finding that this was purely the human resources division. He paused for a moment and swapped weapon to draw his pistol. In a flash he did a magazine change, aiming the large caliber weapon to a wall several floors up and fired.

A surprisingly quiet gunshot rang out from the pistol, negligible hopefully from the chaos outside. He'd fired a deep resonance sonar pulse scanner, as a means of finding anything of interesting withing the surrounding area be they person, hollow and weak points in a structure of any other items with unique sonic qualities. Within several hundred meters, sonar pulses were reverberated and echoed back through the building to the device which painted Daren a 3-D picture of his surrounding. With the new ability to see through walls and even determine the composite of the materials around him, Daren wouldn't be surprised by anything around him if it was caught in the silent sonar pulses.

"Julius-?" "Proceed up 16 stories, and you'll be on the multi floor level of OmniCopr Research and Development." "Now let's hope they ran out of time to purge all their shit." Daren started up the stairs once more, thanking god that he wore this armor. It was far from quiet, but the servos saved him from muscle fatigue although he was beginning to get winded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

The Fyrnskain continued their assault on the normal marines, while the remainder began a charge on the adepts. They were bred for war and combat, but they were not fools. The Golem was the only thing maintaining their advantage and if they lost it to these armored brutes then the battle would quickly turn against them.

Two more archers were sent to retreat and make a report, while the remaining five began circling the building, avoiding the Adepts and the gunfire. They then proceeded to climb the building, making use of their training and specialized tools given to them specifically for this task. Their captain knew now that there was something at the roof of the building that was bringing soldiers in, and he intended to have it obliterated.

The Golem sustained heavy fire from the Adepts weaponry, each blast sounding a clear bell like note as it struck the starsteel body. Cracks began to form in it's back and everywhere where it sustained continuous fire. A pair of paladins were trying to stay close to it, their staves releasing continuous streams of energy, mending some of the cracks, but not nearly fast enough for their liking. Meanwhile the Golem slammed it's fists into the ground, unleashing shockwaves that would send any unprepared to their knees.

The setting changes from OmniCorp HQ to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Molnish
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0.00 INK

Molnish followed Draco's movements through the air, and when he came down behind them he was ready. The lightning he fired was blocked by Molnish's staff, before Molnish himself unleashed a spell that caused a geyser of water to erupt in an attempt to drown and shove the shadowbeing from the rooftop.

The light emanating from the armor of the warriors was not just light, but also represented the enhancement of the wards and protections in their armor. The lightning would find itself absorbed into their armor, as the ward used it to strengthen their defenses even further by creating a magical barrier around them. This was Molnish's specialty, using his opponents forces and tactics to further strengthen his own troops.

The Golems, being made completely of starsteel, would only absorb energy based attacks upon their person, strengthening their physical wards and protections further. The Golems would then proceed to smash their fists into the ground, creating shockwaves that leveled nearby buildings and sent all unprepared enemies to their knees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Molnish
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0.00 INK

As the Torrent of water rushed towards Draco, the Dragon only laughed and spread his arms wide. The roar of the water was silenced by his own deafening roar of one thousand thunderclaps, which would stop the water entirely for a split second. Long enough for Draco himself to leap over the water, and attempt to slam a fist into Molnish's cranium. Using his true weight behind the attack, the equivalent of fifteen Blue Whales of force would be behind that fist; more than enough to obliterate most anything.

After the punch, Draco would immediately hop back regardless of its success or effectiveness. His body would then fade like mist as he waved buh-bye to Molnish. The soldiers Draco had summoned, and his tendrils as well, all vanished. Everything was silent.

Everything was still.

About an hour later...

The sound of wings flapping would be heard faintly in the distance to some of the soldiers of the Legion of Light. And so it would remain in the distance; perhaps the flapping of words. That is, until, Draco crashed back down into their ranks at full power, sending shock waves of pure energy as he slammed into the ground and let out his thunderous roar, but instead of a thousand thunderclaps, it was more like a million now. Having freed his body from its prison, Draco had full and complete access to his limitless Dark energies, and he was determined to bring the Legion he faced to his abyss.

As soon as he landed and roared, thousands of Minotaurs, Tendrils, and Shock Shadows came from every shadow in the city and began to assault the Legion once more. Lightning slammed through them, dark lightning of pure hatred that would not aid the Legion's enhanced armor at all but instead begin to drain it or at the very least, over-charge it so that it reverts to a weakened state.

The Tendrils slammed and grabbed everything from every shadow. From men's shadows the tendril burst forth to do to them what they did to that poor archer not long ago. The goal wasn't to kill, that was both too easy and too hard at the same time. It was to cause as much shock and awe and suffering as possible within about thirty seconds before they had any time to react.

And Draco's roar would provide the thirty seconds of disorientation needed as it reverberated through their bones and ears. Buildings fell in the quake of such a massive roar, their foundations crumbling due to the vibrations they sustained. Draco; the Dragon on the Shadows, had finally, truly arrived. Standing at 107 meters at the Shoulder he was truly massive and extremely heavy. His wingspan was, in a word, Awesome. Shadow Fire rained from from his wings all over the city and his tail swung, destroying entire city blocks with its path. The black mist from before again provided the temptation to turn on comrade and brother and kill them, or to simply lay down their arms and submit to Draco and allow themselves to be pulled into their shadows and into the black abyss.

The setting changes from Wing City to The Abandoned Slums

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Grim
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0.00 INK

"Let me show what happens when you invade and dragon's nest." the area around Grim began to shake and the ground began to crack as blue and black fire burst from Grim's body and began to swirl around him. As the flames became brighter the sun began lose its brightness like he was sucking in all the light and forming a dome of darkness around and five mile area. Now speaking more like a roar he started to walk closer to the invaders leader.

"This is the power of a black dragon demon.....You have one more chance to leave my territory or you be destroyed" His voice could be heard for miles as the buildings and ground shake from the force with every word he spoke.

The setting changes from The Abandoned Slums to OmniCorp HQ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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  1. The only magic in the arrows is sealing spells. The blizzards thunderstorms and magma are all natural and normal, they were just contained in teh arrows.

    by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings

0.00 INK

One thing the Fyrnskains would likely quickly realize, was that the dense, heavy armor of the war adepts seemed to be all but impervious to their melee attacks, axes caught reinforced alloy plating and ricocheted off the armored hulks in a shower of sparks, while energy shields flared violently against magical attacks. The integrated antimana within the Adept shield systems dissipating the magical effects of the arrows with little detriment to the Adepts themselves. These hulking men were made for war, with every aspect of their form being overkill. From the massive 20mm depleted uranium tungsten carbide tipped slugs that soared from the muzzles of their weapons at a whopping 5,500 meters per second. The massive slugs were capable of piercing the densest of armor. Before delivering an eviscerating explosion by detonating a split second after penetration.

One adept looked up to the Paladins in the air, and noticed that they were healing the enemy troops, the Captain of the adept squad signaled a shift in priority targets, and four of the Adepts of war raised their weapons up at the flying Paladins.

Their weapons thundered to life, sending their ordinance upwards. Targeting assist in their armor aided their aim so it would likely strike true. The massive slugs sailing towards center mass of each airborne paladin. Should this round strike it was likely the sheer velocity of the slug would cut through the armor and detonate leaving the paladin little more than bloody giblets.

As the golem smashed the ground, the shockwave went out in every direction. It sent the meager armored marines hurling back, but the shockwave washed harmlessly over the adepts shields in a flash of white, the energy of the shockwave dissipated around the adept, much like how a stream moves around the stone.

Upon the roof, the Marine lieutenant was listening to the radio chatter, one of the Corporals turning to face his superior.

"The battle is turning in our favor."

The lieutenant nodded before he keyed up the radio, his eyes on the pair of adepts that stayed on the roof to stand watch.

"Attention native mercenary force; if you can read me, I am Lieutenant Kalfas of the Aschen Empires SOLCOM task force, I'm in need of your services and you will be compensated handsomely, proceed immediately to the roof for assignment." The lieutenant said, hoping his message got out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

What the Adepts would quickly learn was that the Fyrnskain were also made for war, their axes forged to cleave through the cores of the stars themselves. And what the weapons could not do, the warrior within would handle just fine. Several Fyrnskain ran straight to the adepts and began physically wrestling with them, attempting to pry their weapons from them, to strike them on the helm, to batter them down. To each adept it would feel as though every punch throne and every strike against them was a meteor hurtling into their bodies at near the speed of light.

As weapons fire targeted the paladins, it would rebound of a barrier that surrounded their form. That attack was the only one the adepts would find easy, as the paladins immediately retreated behind the safety of the legion warriors and their shields.

One Fyrnskain, the field commander of the whole group, had come to the conclusion that the battle was lost. He began signalling the Golem, who responded by attacking the walls and supporting structure of the head quarters. If they could not capture the facility, then they would render it down into rubble. Each strike breaking more and more of the supporting substructure, and sending shudders through the building.

The Archers who had scaled the side of the building reached the rooftop, and covertly took positions to avoid detection. They scouted the enemies gateway and fortifications with concern. One archer signaled another, and that archer took a running leap off the buildings edge, before pulling a structure from a pouch on his belt. This structure then unfolded into a compact glider, allowing the archer to safely glide away towards the business district proper. The Remaining four archers continued to watch from stealth, careful to remain undetected by the enemy.

The setting changes from OmniCorp HQ to The Abandoned Slums

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Grim
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0.00 INK

The Fyrnskain were unmoved by the demons display. Among the warriors one stepped forward and struck his spear into the ground before erupting into a musical voice. Of Light and life he sang, and the dark was dispelled by rays of sunlight that had focused on the area. The sunlight reflected of the golden armor of the warriors and lit the glade with a wondrous display of beauty.

The Fyrnskain stepped forward once more. "You challenge the ancient forces of Istalri Nianya, the Burning Light. We are the army created by the god of light for the single purpose of standing forever against the darkness. Whatever else you may be, I do not believe you to be a fool. Take leave now, or face the fury of the undying stars!"

The setting changes from The Abandoned Slums to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Molnish
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0.00 INK

Molnish vanished into thin air when draco swung at him, as the figure Draco had attacked had only been an illusion to distract and throw off the enemies attacks. As the Dragon vanished from sight, Molnish sighed. "I have gotten quite tired of these creatures." He said to no one in particular.

An hour later the dragon returned, but he had made a mistake in leaving for so long, as it had given the Legion Warriors time to prepare. And Prepare they had. When Draco returned, he would himself flying into three miniturized suns, each one filling the area with such light that there were no shadows to form into monsters. Further more, from every building rooftop and street came an endless hail of spears and arrows. The Arrows exploded into magical torrents, But the spears erupted into flame, the blades turned lightning hot as they would attempt to burn their way through the black dragons body. Once inside the spears would explode with the force of a forty pound bomb. Millions of these spears and arrows sailed through the air at his form.

And whatever shadow creatures did manage to manifest would be immediatly dispelled and obliterated by the sorcerers magical traps and barriers. The entire area was fortified against Draco and his powers, and so long as they continued to be present he would find himself suffering for it.

The setting changes from Wing City to OmniCorp HQ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Daren Wake
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0.00 INK

Daren finally ascended to the appropriate floor and busted through the stairwell entry coming into a room closed off by another foyer. This one was much more secure with cameras in the corners of the room, and one secure door flanked by transparent but fogged ballistic glass both for security and aesthetics. Daren stepped in still getting an entire feed of his surroundings from the sonar pulses reaching well beyond his position.

In a single motion he punched through the security door activating a silent alarm that would be responded by no one and a barely noticeable yet annoying 'beeping' sound signalling the actual alarm that the R&D facility had been compromised via force. Ignoring all of this and the cameras now following his move he jogged around the R&D center looking for anything worth while. Much as he expected, computers has been physically destroyed, documents shredded and incinerated with efficient document disposal units that were plentiful around the center. "I know they must've missed something." He kept searching.

Making his way to an elevated level in what appeared to be a series of offices for more higher level employees he received a transmission. "Attention native mercenary force; if you can read me, I am Lieutenant Kalfas of the Aschen Empires SOLCOM task force, I'm in need of your services and you will be compensated handsomely, proceed immediately to the roof for assignment." Daren listened to the message on repeat 3 more times until he stumbled on a lone box that appeared to be dropped and forgotten. It sat in the doorway to a large conference room with a large window view of the back side of the OmniCorp facility. He knelt down and picked up several folders and a square piece of glass that came to life once it was handled showing the last point it was at before being interrupted.

"Fortune favors the bold... Finance projections, investment stocks, possible choices for mid to high level employee hires- not exactly what I was looking for. But the suits would love this. Julius, scan and immediately store this data into a hard drive space. We'll transmit it when we got time." "Affirmative- scanning now." Just then a rumble shook the building, making the mercenary hold on to the wall for stability. He flipped through the papers faster, needing only a moment for his visor to scan the paper before he moved to the next one. As for the glass tablet he would have to carry that manually.

"To the lieutenant that broadcasted-" More rumbling ensued around him with increased intensity. "The frequency and intensity of these tremors suggest that the support structures for the OmniCorp building are being compromised. Recommend immediate egress." "Any idea why?" "Unkown, perhaps the large extraterrestrial being has been turned to attack the facility as a last resort effort to disallow any other factions from utilizing this facility. A known tactic of invading occupied territory." "Well that's fuckin great now isn't it-" He broke from the current conversation to transmit to whoever was listening. "Whoever the fuck you Aschen people are, you've got a limited amount of time. So talk fast, this building is going down."

Daren attached his KAR rifle to his back magnetically and punched through the floor of the raised level and sprinted towards the stairs rushing up. Breaking through barriers was extremely easy for him in this armor. Clutching the tablet in his left hand he rushed up towards the roof from the 16th floor unsure if he'd make it in time but this high up he at least would need a ride.