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Haruko Makibi

Galaxy police detective assigned to AXIS Affairs in the Milky Way

0 · 1,248 views · located in Snowpoint City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife


Name: Makibi Haruko

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Rank: Detective, 2nd Class. Galaxy Police.

Place of Birth: Unknown

Ethnicity: ????, Human

Haruko was adopted from an orphanage on the outskirts of Niihama City's Sector two, her origins are unknown, having been abandoned as a baby. At five she discovered she was unlike her classmates, she had a gift. She was stronger, quicker thinking, smarter than her Taiyou classmates. She healed unusually fast and sported a genome that contained tightly packed strands packed with information.

At age ten she began to manifest strange mental capabilities, and was sent to the Miyagi School for Gifted Children where she was extensively studied by Seno Miyagi, science director of the Taiyou Empire.

At age sixteen she was inducted into the Galaxy Police, where she began her career.

So begins...

Haruko Makibi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Kinoko kept her wary stance as she approached the Fireknaughts, her eyes narrowing on them. "Well, aren't we a bit extreme? Firing weapons at others is a great way to prove you mean no harm..." Kinoko's eyes watched the other Fireknaughts fire more shots at Haruko as the woman tried to escape. Kinoko would chuckle. "As for my name, I am Misokai, the strong and proud leader of the Miso Force."

Kinoko was ready to go on defense at a moment's notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Each impact only served to deplete the shields of the bike even more, until eventually they collapsed. The lone Galaxy Police detective had thus far been holding back, but one of the bolts impacted the rear engines of the bike, sending it into a fast spin towards the ground.

Unable to hold on, she bailed, using her mind to create a gravity sink, a powerful gravity distortion immediately above her, which slowed the fall and allowed her to regain herself, and slow her descent.

Even still, upon landing on the ground and the Firenaughts closing in from all directions, she withdrew her blaster and called out.

"I am a Galaxy Police officer acting under treaty and color of law, your interference will not go unnoticed! This is your last chance to save yourselves from an International incident!" She shouted, and as one closed in to knock her out she opened fire, sending a searing hot beam of yellow-white light directly over the approaching soldiers shoulders. A warning shot before she took aim.

She kept her mind carefully interfaced with the GxP-342 Seina while also keeping her eyes on the approaching Fireknaughts.

"This is your final warning!" She called out, while their incoming fire careened off away from her. Her mind manipulating the surrounding electrical currents to force the bolts to discharge away from her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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"It is a pleasure, Misokai. I wish I could say this under better terms, but welcome to Ruula. I apologize for having to shoot, but I didn't know if you could here me asking you to come down. We have gauged your power and we have a good idea of what you could do. To protect innocent peoples lives, we had to think of the greater good, and you have done nothing to provoke engagement... Tell me, why are you here? Why didn't you come through Castelia City like every other good person?" the squad leader spoke to Misokai.

The other two would stop firing when the bike was down and the officer was shouting. In the current situation, they could force the arrest, but taking the situation into their hand, they tried to make a deal.

"Come back with us and talk. Instead of chasing them off, wouldn't you like to know exactly why they were sent here? We were able to gauge their power levels and they're capable of destroying this city in one blast. There's more to them coming here than just a random appearance. You may not like it, but beings of their caliber are a military affair... and guess who is the military in this situation? We need to find out where they came from and we need to know how to defend against them successfully if an invasion occurred. If this was something weaker, we would stand down and let you have it, but again, this situation is vital for Fireknaught to handle." One of the two Fireknaughts spoke to the officer, trying to make some sense of this situation while establishing a grounds that the officer would know the Fireknaught meant business when it come to the safety of Ruulans and Pokemon.

"We really don't want to fight and want this mission to go smoothly. Yes, you put a bump in the road for us, but you also drew them out. We need to learn how to co-operate if we are both going to defend this world." The other Fireknaught spoke as they turned around went back to their squad leader.

The officer could follow and help with this investigation or she could leave with nothing; if she left, the Fireknaughts would tell their squad leader their decision in the situation, that the outcome of the situation would be much worse if they continued on with the attempt to arrest. Either way, they were taking control of the situation. The two Fireknaught that spoke to the officer sincerely hoped she would tag along and try to co-operate with the optimal outcome of information.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Kinoko continued to approach warily while taking note of the men, behind the one she was speaking to, still being antagonistic towards the other woman. "Hmph. Trust me, my ears can hear just fine. They probably hear more clearly than any of you can even fathom. As for my power, I'm glad to see you know where we stand. But perhaps reconsider shooting at someone who can destroy you in an instant if she so much as decided to do so."

After a moment of silence, Kinoko answered the second half. "I'm here on a contract. The Miso Force is a group of powerful warriors I lead that accepts contracts from those weaker and lesser individuals! We're mercenaries of an elite tier, and our contract right now involves a full survey of Ruula! I'll admit it seemed like a total dump at first, but there's a few entertaining things to note. The culture enjoys fights, so I can't complain!"

She then pondered the second question. "Now, Castelia City? There are more cities? You Ruulans seem pretty advanced." She moved a hand to her device. "Duly noted," she remarked as she pressed the button on her Reconnoiter a few times, more writing ticking across it in a completely alien language. "Misonii, come in! Change your course of flight! I'm sending you some information on this city called 'Castelia'. Apparently 'good' people go through the city all the time, so a quick look of the place would be a great note to take back to our Contractor!" Misokai winced at the loud and affirmative 'Right on, boss!' that followed. She then returned the Reconnoiter to the home screen.

"Every good person goes through Castelia City, huh? Good thing we're not good people! The Miso Force takes any job, no matter what it consists of, and we get it done right! Now, Fireknaughtsm, you must be elite Ruulan 'Trainers', especially if you're antagonizing the officer over there. We won't let her arrest us, so I suppose it's a good thing you distracted her before we got angry."

Her Reconnoiter's display kept tracking Haruko's position, though the Threat Level detection meter had changed itself, moving up one stage to a display of the word, "Challenging," only in the Saiyan language. It was also updating it's entry on the woman, adding several more notes on her psychic abilities that she was demonstrating. The whole display seemed to really intrigue Kinoko. "I will say that she is growing stronger every moment you rile her up. Let's hope she responds to your comrades' attempts at camaraderie."

Kinoko was super observant of Haruko, her eyes constantly shifting to look over at the woman. Kinoko never let her gaze off of the Fireknaughts for long though, and she kept tabs on both parties, to some disregard of other Trainers and Pokemon nearby who may or may not have been watching the situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Haruko kept her defensive stance, reality bending around her form as she kept her mind primed. She directed her attention briefly to the mangled wreckage of the hoverbike, before her attention moved back to the cruiser that was taking off.

Then her attention moved back to the Fireknaughts. She could not continue her objective without clearly defined parameters with which to operate in. She could not remove the aliens with Fireknaught interference.

Haruko was just as observant of Kinoko as Kinoko was observant of Haruko, piercing blue eyes focused on the Saiyan, slightly narrowed. her Cyberbrain was also running calculations, an overlay playing across her vision as the numbers ran.

"Collateral levels unacceptable with Fireknaught interference.."

She grit her teeth and muttered in Taiyou.

"Notto disu shitto agen."

Taking in a breath she raised her voice, addressing Kinoko.

"I cannot allow you to continue contact with the natives in violation of the Underdeveloped Planets Preservation treaty, I can allow you to continue your survey only if you refrain from further contact with the natives; Please do not force my hand in this matter!"

The Galaxy Police cruiser slowly rounded a corner, it's engines screaming and whipping up a violent gust of wind. It came to a stop directly over Haruko, and she jumped hard, up and into the lowered cargo bay, which began to retract into the vessel's belly.

"Situation untenable, I'm calling it quits." She reported. Turning to make her way to the flight deck, where she could plot a course to the Galaxy Police HQ, submit her report, and await whatever consequences befell Ruula after this incident.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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The moment Kinoko brought up Castelia City was brought up he cut in, "Until you co-operate with us and we are sure you are not here to destroy anything, I am going to ask one that you stay away from Castelia City..."

The other two Fireknaughts were now in range and watching Kinoko. They decided to keep a fair enough distance to be able to break a shot off if they needed to. In fact, they could tell their squad leader has been upset by something that was said by the way he was holding his rifle. The two Fireknaughts kept their rifles pointed at the ground but were ready to break off a blast if necessary.

As for the squad leader, he continued speaking again, "You might not like what I am going to say, but by being contracted by an outside source, we do have to acknowledge the fact that you may be obtaining information for a possible invasion. This is something the Fireknaught cannot allow. I do think we can trust you, but your employer might be a different tale. Would you mind giving me a few minutes of your time to answer some questions and I will let you go."

The squad leader was within a few feet of the Kinoko, acting as if he was comfortable being near her. He still could not get over being informed she was contracted to be here, something that would throw a red flag up on any planet, especially when coming from someone of their strength. He needed to be swift with what he was planning, and so he would try.

"Prepare for undocumented arrivals in Castelia City. Do not engage aggressively." The squad leader spoke, sending the message back to headquarters so that the Fireknaught could prepare for the worst while planning for the best.

The squad leader then looked back up to the Kinoko, "Anyways, this will only take a few moments and will give you the time you need for you to finish your survey."

As the squad leader spoke, he acted like he was sliding his rifle to hang on his right side. As he moved his rifle, he 'accidentally' bumped one of the Disruptor Grenades on his side, instantly activating it. Everything within a ten yard radius would immediately become covered by visible static that would prevent anyone or anything from charging for twenty seconds. While the squad leader would be unable to use any weapons for the next seconds, Kinoko would find herself unable to charge any power and feel like a human for the next twenty seconds.

In that time, the two other Fireknaught raised their rifles and moved in on Kinoko. Should Kinoko try to move from the Disruptor Grenades range, she would find herself greeted by the paralyzing blasts from a Fireknaught's weapon. Even so, as soon as the grenade had been activated, he pulled some hand cuffs off his side. The moment the grenades power wore off, if the handcuffs were on the alien, the Kinoko would sustain the human based feeling from being cut off from her power. Kinoko would even find her Reccointer's communication to be down.

"We might not be as strong as you, but we can still do our job. Now come with us peacefully or suffer the consequences. You have five seconds to oblige or we will do what we have to in order to protect this planet, not to mention I You know we're not your average Ruulan, don't make us prove to you what we can do. " The Fireknaught spoke.

He knew if the aliens did make it to Castelia and things went south, with their advancements on the city and most constructs being made from Cerenium, Castelia City could sustain a much more powerful battle with the least amount of damage. Even a Saiyan would have fun trying to harm anything made of Cerenium. Even so, the Fireknaught wanted to deal with this without a powerful battle.

In the distance, the transport that the squad leader called for was coming in. Flying through the air were three air ships made of Cerenium and their advanced nuclear engines roar could be heard. The one ships could definitely be recognized as a transport ship due to it's solid appearance. The other two air ships seemed to be a bit more aggressive in appearance, hosting two different missiles under the wings not account the Nuclear Beam cannons that could be set to fully automatic or single round for a more powerful shot. There were a few more weapons on board these ships, but they were more of defenses to bring another ship out of the air without destroying it, such as a triple pronged Surge Claw, a three prong claw that releases enough volts to shut down most medium sized ships on contact. The ships designed for battle were more of an escort chosen by the information they retrieved from their drone and what the Fireknaught's visual equipment was relaying back. These ships would be seen by the Galaxy police as they left, passing beside them by less than fifty yards.

A message would be sent to Haruko, "We will be sending a copy of all information obtained from these aliens to your command station. We will link you when we send it." And as quick as the message was sent, it connection was cut in case the aliens had a way to hack their systems if they could enter their communications. (More of a precaution for the transport ship than anything.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Kinoko hissed as the grenade went off. "Figures this would happen. Well, that means I can officially destroy you guys without breaking my contract. I didn't want to do this, but I guess I do get to have fun today! GWAH-HEE-HAH!" She held a hand before her as she vanished from sight, moving far too fast for Fireknaught eyes to keep up. An image of her was left in place as the shots from the accompanying Fireknaughts went through it, causing the illusion to disappear as it was handcuffed.

From a new spot atop a building out of the field's reach, Kinoko pinged her friends on her Reconnoiter. "Alright guys, I know you haven't gotten far, so come on back! The locals are getting hostile! We'll give them a taste of our power!"

Kinoko then took to the skies, making a note of the incoming ships for later use. Looking back down at the Fireknaughts, she crossed her arms. "Nice guys. We were doing just fine until you did that. Now you'll all be given promotions, a new role in the next dimension!" Kinoko was almost certain Haruko would go back to mess with the Fireknaughts too. "Yo, officer lady! I'll take you up on that deal! If contact means I need to deal with these brutes, I want none of it! I'd destroy far too much just in my retaliations! I'm on your side for this!"


Given she was not that far away, Hana showed up very quickly, stopping her flight beside Kinoko. "Misokai, boss! You okay?" Kinoko nodded. "I'm fine. They almost got me, I'll admit! Let's show 'em what longtime best friends can do, Misonii!"

The pink creature nodded and fist pumped the air. "Yay! This will be super fun!" The Fireknaughts and Haruko would see that the pink creature was far more alien than Kinoko was. Hana still resembled a Ruulan in general appearance, but stood out for her solid pink color, and several antenna like growths that had been arranged in a method not unlike a hairstyle. Her irises were also red, with a black sclera around them, and she lacked a visible nose (if she even had one).


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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Haruko growled audibly as several energy spikes were picked up by her sensors. She banked the cruiser around hard to the right, circling over the Fireknaughts before throwing the throttle back and banking the nose up several degrees.

"And here I was hoping we were all going to come to an agreement, with no collateral or loss of life. Now I have no choice but to intercede... I'll neutralize the attacking Fireknaughts and try to pacify these aliens."

With the Galaxy Police ship hovering in midair, she first focused on the approaching Fireknaught aircraft. "This is your final order, stand down or I will use force!" She called out over the radio. If the approaching Transports did not divert, Haruko would allow her mind to expand outwards, focusing on the engines of the approaching craft.

Concentrating, beads of sweat formed on her brow as her mind snapped like a band, and the approaching Fireknaught aircraft would likely begin to experience sudden and catastrophic engine failure as Haruko's mind influenced the mechanicals of the engines, with the intention of shutting them down irreparably.

Still sitting at the controls of the Galaxy Police cruiser, she held out her hands, and her clothing shifted to some kind of armor, standard GxP Combat armor with special technology designed to enhance and amplify Haruko's already formidable mental powers.

With the Galaxy Police ship coming to a stop, Haruko allowed her mind to concentrate on the FireKnaughts on the ground. Aiming to stop them before Kinoko and her group became violent.

Her mind expanded outwards and she envisioned the weapons the Fireknaughts carried. She influenced the internal components with the intention of causing them to heat up, aiming to damage the internal components of the weapons to render them useless, her voice resonating across the entire city, but only the Miso force and the Fireknaughts could perceive it.

"I will not tolerate an outbreak of violence, Fireknaught Federation I was negotiating a way to place these new aliens in compliance with the Underdeveloped Planets Treaty, until your soldiers escalated the situation to violence. You will stand down immediately or I will have no choice but to act further within my abilities to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. To the New Arrivals, Do not engage the Fireknaughts, allow me to handle the situation to avoid further loss of life."

Under each and every Fireknaught, there was a localized gravity disturbance, as Haruko expanded her mental prowess further, she began to manipulate gravity on a massive scale, creating localized gravity sinks to lift the Fireknaughts into the air, forcing them to lose their footing so they could not attack further. Should their weapons be rendered nonfunctional, Haruko hoped this would put a swift stop to any potential violence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Ruulan Fireknaught
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A threat of force against a Fireknaught transport ship was not a good idea for anyone. These pilots were well aware of the situation and knew that were ordered to not hesitate a reaction. The escorting ships would find themselves unwaivered by the psychic abilities as most of their tech, just like the helms of the soldiers, were protected. It is not to say they were 100% immune, by their systems were more defensive against psyonics that an actual hack.

"Commander, we have been threatened with hostility by the Galaxy Police. Permission to engage." The pilot of an escort ship spoke.

"You have your orders. I'm initiating an immediate evacuation of Nimbasa City and i'm sending something to level the battle grounds long enough till we can figure out what to do from there."

With the orders given, Haruko would notice a single missile drop from each battle airship. These missiles were not explosive, but was actually a non-lethal weaponry designed to shut down a ship and knock its passengers out. Each missile rocketed for Haruko's ship, the first one to knock down any shields it had, and the second to knock her ship down. The two fighter ships would begin to take a more aggressive movement in the direction of Haruko should her ship not have been knocked down. They were not here to play around, they were here for a reason.

With Harukos focus having to be placed on the transport package of airships, the ground Fireknaughts would be able to take in the situation. The grenade did initially work, but the Kinoko had trained under much higher gravity so her natural speed would be faster. Fast enough to break the grenades zone and make her flash step. Soon enough that would be all they had to rely on.

What the commander spoke of with the pilot would arrive within the minute. The Fireknaughts needed to stall till then, so they would put up a defense to put off any possible fight, keeping updated on the eta of the promised help. In a quick movement, each Fireknaught grabbed one of their unique pokeballs off of their side and released their Pokemon. Three bright red beams first extended in front of them, but within a second the red beams were Pokemon. The squad leaders pokemon was a Machamp, and the other two Fireknaughts Pokemon were Voltorb and a Geodude.

"Machamp, you're the best chance we have here. I remember when you first saved me, i'm asking you to do it again." The squad leader spoke to his Machamp.

The Machamp would look over his shoulder at the squad leader, smile, wink, and give four thumbs up. Once Machamp finished his 'okay' to his master, he looked up to the two on the building. Geodude moved to the right side of Machamp and Voltorb moved behind the two. Machmap himself got a very pissed off look and his muscles began to tighten as he took a Horse stance. Machamps are known to love a good brawl, so when he was summoned by his master, he knew he was getting one.

"Maaa...CHAMP!" The Machamp cried, roaring the Champ part of his name.

With the Pokemon in place, the Fireknaughts took positions and hid from the naked eye, all but the squad leader. They expected the Pokemon to do their part so they could do theirs. All they could do is hope that they could catch these aliens, and the squad leader knew what that might entail, hence staying with his Pokemon. While the airships were dancing, the ground situation did pause for a moment, both sides thinking and plotting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Misoren Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Misoquu Character Portrait: Misojan
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Kinoko and Hana both lowered themselves to ground floor as the rest of their comrades returned. Slale, Maynace, and Mirkan all landing around Kinoko and Hana. Maynace started, the magenta skinned woman confirming what she was looking at on her Reconnoiter. "Wow, nice going there Misokai! You found all the violent ones!"

After a short laugh, Mirkan spoke next, the light blue skinned man moving his green hair out of his face. "Well then, looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way. Has the officer given any word on what we're allowed to do?"

Slale, the slug-like one, spoke up at this point. "The officer says we're allow to look, but not interact, if what I heard transmitted was in fact correct. So that's what we'll do when we're done here."

Looking at the Pokemon and the Fireknaughts not concerned with Haruko, Kinoko looked to her comrades. "So, who wants to fight them first?" Kinoko scanned the Pokemon on her Reconnoiter.

Code: Select all
Target: Ruulan Creature [#068]
Armed: N/A

Known Abilities...
-: N/A

Known Moves...
-: N/A

Threat Level: Challenging - Likely victory. Requires skill and thought to avoid injuries.

Code: Select all
Target: Ruulan Creature [#100]
Armed: N/A

Known Abilities...
-: N/A

Known Moves...
-: N/A

Threat Level: Low - Guaranteed victory. Possible injuries if opponent has extreme advantage.

Code: Select all
Target: Ruulan Creature [#074]
Armed: N/A

Known Abilities...
-: N/A

Known Moves...
-: N/A

Threat Level: Low - Guaranteed victory. Possible injuries if opponent has extreme advantage.

As the information was shared among the group, Hana stepped forward. "I'll play first! They look like fun!" However, she was stopped by Kinoko as Slale alerted the group. "Listen up guys! The officer wants us to not engage them! Let's stay on her good side!"

Hana took a few steps back into the formation the group stood in as Kinoko reassured her. "It's fine, Misonii. We'll have our time sooner or later." Hana seemed saddened for a moment, but perked up and returned to her confident stance. The entire group together was a sight to behold. Slale and Mirkan were the tallest, at the left and right sides. Right in front of them, the shortest ones, Maynace and Hana, stood. At the center, Kinoko, middle of the pack in size, marginally taller than Maynace and Hana, but certainly shorter than Slale and Mirkan. In their matching armor and stance, crossed arms and confident smiles, they gave off the professional air of an equally professional mercenary group.

All five of them watched the unfolding events carefully, abiding by the officer's request while still being ready to defend themselves if the Fireknaughts made a move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Misoren Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi Character Portrait: Misoquu
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Two missiles, with one designed to knock the shields down. That would be the result had the Galaxy Police cruiser not carried some of the most advanced defensive systems at the disposal of the Galaxy Police.

Both missiles impacted the shields, but set off several alarm bells within the flight deck. Haruko grasped the throttle, and the control stick and promptly yanked them back, the nose of the Galaxy Police vessel banked upwards, as it's engines kicked onto overdrive the Galaxy Police vessel began to rapidly climb in altitude, while Haruko's eyes moved across several displays, every local Fireknaught ship was being garnered for targeting solution, while the Seina uplinked with orbital Taiyou assets.

"This is going to keep getting out of hand, I'm requesting emergency peacekeeper deployment to the Ruula settlement of Nimbasa City!"

"Emergency Peacekeeper deployment granted, I'm downloading target profiles from your ships computer now." The voice on the other end replied. "You've done your part, return to HQ."

Haruko offered an abrupt nod, before she replied. "Roger that." And then pulled higher into orbit, as several Type-0 Cosmo Zero fighters sped past the cruiser towards the planet below.

Haruko also turned her gaze to meet the massive Matokey ship that was slowly slipping into Ruula's upper atmosphere.


Down in Nimbasa, the Galaxy Police ship had already retreated, but targeting profiles were given to Taiyou forces in orbit, several sonic booms cracked through the city as hundreds of individual starfighters began their descent from the upper atmosphere.

Dozens of Renzan Type 3 Heavy Transports also descended through the cloud cover, the backs of the craft opened up as hundreds of paratroopers began to deploy, their bright blue parachutes blending in with the blue skies.

One of the Type 0 Cosmo Zeroes caught the Fireknaught battle airship, swooping down hard, it garnered a lock and a targeting solution, the Pilot grasping the control stick, before depressing the trigger.

25mm Autocannons opened fire, sending hundreds of high-velocity armor piercing rounds careening towards the Fireknaught ship from behind. A Second Zero formed up behind the first, and unleashed two AAM-3 Radar guided Anti-Air missiles, which carried a high-explosive warhead that could tear through even the heaviest air armor.

The missile careened through the skies, bobbing and weaving intent on impacting it's target.

Taiyou Navy Type-0 Cosmo Zero starfighter

The Fireknaught transport wasn't spared similar harassment, as Cosmo Zeroes darted in from above, peppering the hull of the transport with 25mm rounds from their autocannons. The ratta-tat-tat of their weapons fire echoed throughout Nimbasa; along with the screech of their engines. The skies filled with Taiyou paratroopers that began to slowly descend on Nimbasa.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emiko Touko Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Misoren Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi
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Touko couldn't believe it. The sands erupting in gunfire? Paratroopers from the clouds? She had heard something about the government agreeing to some sort of treaty, but this was going way too far. It was hero time.

"Kuso! This is enough! Emmet, Ingo, Elesa, you lazy bastards! Time to take care of this the way I should have from the start. Like a HERO, darn it!" She took the PA system again. "Fireknaughts! Hear me! I, Emiko Touko, ex-Champion of the Unova Pokemon League, hereby challenge one of your number to a formal Pokémon duel! You have 24 hours from receipt of this message to round up as many strong Pokémon as you can, then meet me in front of the Battle Subway entrance. If you win, you can stay. But if you lose, you leave us and our planet alone. And if I may make a friendly suggestion? It's going to be hard to catch any Pokémon when there's gunfire all over the place! Touko, OUT!"

Maybe this would even please the Miso Force to see her go all-out.

The setting changes from Nimbasa City to Wing City Gardens (South)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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High above the skies of Wing City, there was a distortion, which erupted into a brilliant shimmering window that a ship burst fourth from.

A deafening crack, and a rumble of thunder followed, but the ship, which was sleek and angular in appearance, painted a shimmering white with blue hues, the AXIS's Galaxy Police emblem painted prominently upon the hull.

Starships, alien and Imperial, dotted the wide-band scanners of the GxP-342 police cruiser, the near-collision with one of the towering tripods caused Haruko to jerk the control stick to one side, and quickly work the yaw pedals at her feet.

Protesting in the form of a groan, the Seina banked hard, narrowly missing one of the massive tripods, groaning as the G's pulled against her body, Haruko banked hard to the left, and circled wide around the city.

"What is going on..."

Bringing the cruiser to a steady flight path, she keyed up all of the vessels in the city, analyzing them and comparing them with known records.

"I'm here for an investigation, not to fight a war." Haruko muttered, flipping on the shields and arming the weapon systems of the Seina.

Armored panels retracted, exposing automated gun batteries, while a milky-white nano-screen formed along the hull of the ship. She would have to land the ship outside the city.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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The tripods begin to look at the ship thinking it may be hostile, but was dismissed as a civilian. The tripods began to gane much ground and looked in the trenches and began fireing at them. The grand knight hops into his personal tripod and went forward leaving the marshal to be dealt with by the other tripods. The grand tripod leads the march as it mows through enemy resistance, untill they met the first major stronghold were the enemy marines will mostlikely stand for a while. The knights begin to march through the streets making sure no civilian is harmed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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"Damn, hostiles are bringing in their armor...I feel bad for those sorry bastards..." An Imperial spotted spoke as he began to call down a concentrated artillery barrage of one of the tri-pods in turn grinding it into metal scrap. "Well...Bring in 4'th and 17'th company. Let them mop up this mess..."

The Marshal simply chuckled. What? Was he supposed to be scared by some machines? Pathetic..."Pathetic...You think you scare us with those machines?...I seen worse coming from a single machine...But if you feel confident if your machines then by all means let me watch as we crush whatever resistance you have left..." The Space Marine suddenly charged forward and slammed his Storm Shield into the man, the shield suddenly released a force of energy as it did causing the man to fly backwards. Even if he did block it the force no doubt would have caused him to still fly back.

With the massive towering Tri-pods, Imperial Guardsman scattered to cover as they were smart to avoid the anti-infantry walker. Ebba in particular scattered with the many other people as the machines fired at squads of soldiers, either incinerating the men or the ground they were once on after diving for cover. Of course, she could do some things to defend herself. Surrounding herself with a cold wing she sent a blast of ice which made a perfect screen to hide herself and soldiers as they got to cover. Although the Imperium heavily despised many mages...she did just help their chances at living so they would not argue with that.

Of course with its massive size, came the larger hitbox...perfect for the armor companies that just rolled in. The 4'th and 17'th Imperial armor companies, With two squads of 6 Lemen Russ Vanquisher's each. These Anti-tank, tanks rolled up and aimed up at the walkers. "Show them some true Imperial Steel men!" The commander of this company on tanks was commanded by a Shadowsword. Armed with the deadly Volcano Cannon the tank turned off is main engines and after a few seconds of preparing the massive energy cannon fired impacting a Tri-pod. It was instantly turned to molten slag along with a few Tri-pods near it. With the sounds of cheering from Imperial forces the tanks began to Open fire with their Vanquisher cannons slamming into these Terror drones with disciplined fire. Focusing each one down one volley at a time.

The Space Marine Marshal simply shook his head. [b]"And there goes the last of your forces being blown apart one after the other. Did you even account for armored support and artillery? Fools...I'll finish you off in the name of the Emperor. You are no warrior, just a pathetic invader like the rest. There was no honor on your side, no glory on your side either. You were just another warmongering barbarian! I see no warrior before me! I see a failure who clings onto failures! Come at me and face your death coward! No Mercy! No Respite!"

In Orbit as the Imperial Feet finished up with the so called 'Destroyer' the ship let out one final struggle. An Emp to disable their warp drive engines. Figures they would try to take them all with them. Of course teliporters were offline however powerful Librarian onboard ships began to bring back the allied soldiers on the ship as the Imperial Navy simply held their ground. "All ships! Engage maximum Void Shield output! Shut down all non-essential systems and brace for impact!" The FLeet Admiral called out his order as the fleet braced for the explosion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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The remaining tripods shut off and men came out, so did the soldiers, they were surrounded. It was over. The grand knight droped his weopen and shield and stoped. Even he knew they had lost, that his great kingdom had done this on purpose. They weren't comin back for any off them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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On the ground

Irral was not impressed with the seventy foot tall mechs that were dropping down from the sky, nor was he impressed by the enemy's Champion hopping onto one. Stopping mere feet away from the Space Marine Marshal. "You talk too much. It is time to act." he growled before leaping into the air, spinning as he flew upwards at least one hundred feet, and then froze in mid air, four great wings bursting from his back and flapping to keep him in the air.

The Dragon activated his Phoenix Cloak, his twelve-foot tall, armored form bursting into gold and purple flames before he dove down towards the Tripod the Champion of these invaders stood upon, aiming to slam all the way through it, his fire catching and beginning to spread. Once there, it would begin to slowly melt the materials that made up the Walker from the inside out. Flapping his wings once more, Irral flew back up, aiming to take out the legs of the walker with one fell swing of his Lance, the blade whistling through the air as it moved towards its target.

Above the Planet.

"Assertor Standing By."

"Welcome to the Grey Battalion, Assertor, jump in at these coordinates." Kinara responded, transmitting coordinates that would place the Super Star Destroyer underneath Galaxy-Destroyer cruiser that had appeared behind her fleet.


"Unleash your fury, Assertor. All Batteries open fire." Kinara ordered. And open fire they did. Five-Hundred batteries, each Battery containing Five Super Heavy Turbo-Laser Turrets, began to unleash hell upon the largest enemy ship that they'd come out of hyperspace underneath. The Twenty-Two Kilometer behemoth almost seemed to glimmer with beauty as all of those Turbo-Lasers opened fire at once, a massive, unending volley of fire coming from them as they would first chew through the shields of the ship, and blast through the armor without a care in the world. The rest of Kinara's Fleet would even out the strength of their shields and continue to fire on the rest of the enemy fleet, turning what weapons they could to likewise face the threat above Terra.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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The Mauhasinan fleet turned to aid the Imperium against the destroyer " Launch Sunburst Torpedoes!" Ordered Nephthys.
The ships fired the torpedoes flying towards the destroyer seek out places in the ship's hull to break though and then blow causing massive damage to the ship's​ insides should it get though.
The Mauhasinan ships had their light shields ready for the blast that would come.

Meanwhile on the ground the TLA helped to mop up the enemy gunships taking aim at the tripods as ground troopers fired rockets and other arms at the tripods.
Mauhasinan ground forces had also joined the fray thier black armor and personal shields rendering enemy fire almost useless as beams of light energy blasted from their guns ending enemies left and right.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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"Sir! All hostiles are surrendering. Orders?" An Impeiral Guardsman voxed Imperial Command. "Round all enemy survivors. Feel free to render judgment as you see fit."

With the order, Imperial Guardsman began to round up all remaining enemy knights and began to group them all together. In Orbit the Fleet Admiral shook his head. "That takes care of that then...all forces remain on guard but today the victory is all of ours."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa
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All at once, everything surrendered. And all at once, Irral left the city once more, vanishing in a surge of Light. Kinara recalled her troops and brought her fleet back into a defensive formation as usual, with the Assertor jumping away to a near-by star system, so that it could be used to surprise any other would-be invaders later.

All returned mostly to normal.