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Jaxon the Bandit

"Hey, you gonna finish that? No? It's mine now."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Jaxon Williams

"Jaxon the Bandit" or "Jaxon the Highwayman"


Early 40s, although could be mistake for early 20s.



Nobody can quite tell what kind of face he hides underneath that hat. Golden hair billows out from underneath his marauder hat while his eyes are typically cast in the shadow of it. Preferring gray and white colors, he dresses in a leather outfit with a design almost like a nobleman. Combat boots and leather gloves complete his transformation,


Greed is everything about Jaxon. He lives for money, he fights for money, he needs more money. He doesn't do a lot of talking. When he does, it's always husky and grave, as if foreshadowing his opponent's demise. He is typically angry 24/7, unless he is around money. Ruthless and violent, he's done just about every crime imaginable. It's a safe bet to make that he has no morals. Did I mention he likes money?

Skills, Weapons, and Abilities

Supreme Skill: He is one of the quickest men around. With his blazing speed, he leaves typical opponents in the dust, allowing him to strike quickly and deadly.

Supreme Weakness: He is very weak. In a prolonged fight, he would not fare well as his punches wouldn't do him any good towards someone of any resistance.

Weapons: Assassin's Blades- A couple of knives crafted in French steel. Smooth and fluid, these knives were designed to cut and cut quick. The steel is hardened with a sharp tip and smooth edges for quick and uninterrupted slices though material, human flesh included.

Highwayman's Flintlocks- Dual-Wielded pistols with a modified fire rate. A relatively short range for a distance weapon with not a lot of dexterity in comparison with other guns, but it's the most powerful weapon Jaxon owns.

So begins...

Jaxon the Bandit's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Verror Esmonar
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#, as written by Marcus
Douglas smiled as Bamboo offered her services. The woman was either playing coy or truly did not recognize the mans advances for what they were. "Madam Bamboo, the pleasure is all mine I assure you, your assistance is indeed required because I cannot seem to fathom what a beautiful flower such as yourself is doing here all alone?" Douglas offered a charming smile. "Would you care for a drink?"

Mr. Malachite turned himself away as the Atom 7K pinged his AR feed and directed his attention to the entrance of the crowned princess of the Taiyou Empire, and her entourage of guard that accompanied her. The opulent CEO smirked and dismissed the feed allowing the artificial intelligence to deal with whatever problems that would occur or arise.

"Ah splendid! Splendid!" Mr. Malachite bellowed as he excused himself from his current guests and made his way over to the refined young woman only to guffaw and show his jubilant nature as he approached them with open arms. The CEO of Mars Corp. offered the princess a simple bow once he was close enough only to take a long drought from his glass of apricot brandy.

"Yukiko Takayama I presume? Welcome, welcome, please enjoy yourself and partake in the fine company and finely prepared food. You honor us with your presence for this Gala supporting peace and prosperity for the multiverse." Mr. Malachite looked over the guards and his oil factory senses began to kick-in whilst information on their weapons began to run across his eyes thanks to the MAD scanners at the entrances of this bought building.

Atom 7K began to expand his parameters once he was free of civic duties only to scour the matrix outside the companies domain by sending his agents to look over the basic grid. They would make short work and produce information of strange glitches but nothing more than simple errors on the cities part. This was more than a simple annoyance though as the A.I. began to look over the edge of its grid and into the basic jungle bellow sending patrol ICE to make sure the security grid remained in one peace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Verror Esmonar
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Bamboo hadn't realized that she was being flirted with at all, something that could be chalked up to cultural differences. Even with her years spent on Terra, she had little experience with being flirted with. About the only time the ambassador wasn't surrounded with other erutin was when she was conducting business with the local politicians. "My twin Sisal is here somewhere, so I'm not too alone. I'm glad I was able to help with your mystery." She assured him, wondering where exactly her twin was anyways. There really was no telling. As it was,s he didn't understand how her presence alone was a mystery. Bamboo was a Dark. She could certainly handle herself.

The flirting continued to go over her head. "A drink would be nice however. I'm parched."

She noted the crown princess of the taiyou was here, her implant working rapidly to process and report that. The crown princess hardly came out for anything after all. There must be some business the other needed handled. Still, Bamboo turned her attention to her companion and smiled to him, focusing on now. The political ramifications of the crown princess' arrival could be debated later.

"Shall we go to the drink table together, Mr. Weskit?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Verror Esmonar
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Taking her hand with ever a soft touch, Malian guided her to the dance floor, listening to the soft fugue that was playing in the background and finding the rhythm for it. A warm smile crossed his face as he led in the dance, right foot forward of course.

"The pleasure is mine, Alecia," he said, his voice dancing as much as his feet were, "It is hard to think of someone not willing to give a lady as beautiful as yourself the courtesy." A little flourish, and his hand was suddenly guiding her into a twirl.

There was a slight commotion that brought his attention towards the entrance of the establishment, to gaze upon the loveliness of the Taiyou Princess who graced everyone with her presence tonight. And judging from the protection surrounding her, it seemed like it would only be just that...a presence.

Malian sighed as his lingering stare went back to Alecia's face, "It is unfortunate for us to have the Taiyou Princess here tonight, I think." He spoke in a lower voice, clearly out of range for Yukiko or her subordinates to hear, "They have a way of showing off, don't they?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Verror Esmonar
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YvandĂ­r had gained access to the party through one way or another, a guest, he had been stood by himself, his keen senses picking up minute details that even the trained would miss, each one of his senses honed to perfection, capable of hearing a man from twenty miles away as one example of how strong his perceptions were, he fiddled with the small palm sized stone wolf in his pocket.

The half-elf demi-god, in name only, he was an immortal being however, returning to life exactly twenty four hours of his death, such is the height of mortal power, in the time since his arrival into the multiverse he had founded a small PMC who specialised in security,the comapny named 'PARAGON'. YvandĂ­r was there to garner some attention towards his business, and to make powerful new friends, though he was never good with people.

Clad in a modern tuxedo his muddy brown hair tied back into a neat plat and his mask, a full face mask, the mask druidic in nature, made from red oak the mask is twisted and its features warped, though even under the mask the Half-elf kept his right eye covered by a strip of black silk, and even through the ear plugs he wore, they kept him from being deafened by the sheer volume of sound in the room. He could hear most conversations.

At his waist, his curved duelling blade, the blade was ceremonial at best, favouring his longbow, though for everyone’s sake it wasn’t on his person, but on his companion’s Fenris, his direwolf that he carried in the miniature statue form.

seated to one side of the hall, he occasionally had to remove the earbuds to sort out the dreadful itching they caused with a cloth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Verror Esmonar
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"Yukiko Takayama" The words elicited a slight but well hidden frown from the Princess. The social faux pas would have, in traditional Taiyou settings resulted in scandal and a swift and brutal disciplinary action.

But the Princess dismissed the man's mention of her given name, out of his ignorance to their customs, a Baka Gaijin. She held no ill will but simply inclined her head in a slight bow, before politely correcting him. "Do not address me by my given name again, it's tradition in our culture to address me as Your Imperial Highness." Yukiko corrected, her voice smooth and almost obviously condescending.

Her security did not let Malachite pass their perimeter, standing between him and Yukiko, but making no other outward signs of movement.

Information on their weapons was also fairly rudimentary, Seburo M-5 pistols concealed in their jackets.

She flagged down a drink, plucking it from one of the roving servers. A moment later one of the guards was inserting a pen like device into the drink, testing for all manner of drugs, poisons, and adulterants. When the small LED on the tip of the pen turned green, the drink was passed to Yukiko, and she took a small sip.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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Always finding herself in strange situations and places through her intense curiosity and lack of concern for her well-being, she was now here in a gala she had no clue how she'd end up in! Of course, she slipped through any security or door watchers to get in. Due to how hard it was to see her to begin with, it was unlikely anyone except small children and pets recognized her presence. It was almost like she was a ghost! Except, she wasn't ethereal. Her 'invisibility' came as a side effect of her third eye being closed. On the one hand, she could do things like this! On the other hand, it was hard to be noticed by anyone.

Still, she didn't care. The other side effect was her blissful and always cheerful nature taking over, never really understanding any other emotion. It was likely she didn't even understand her bliss and cheer, and just was. After all, she was a being of instinct.

Swaying from left to right as she moved, her hands rested behind her back and a grin stretched itself across her lips. There were all of these new and exciting things to discover and examine! Maybe something fun. Everyone here looked like they were of higher standing than she was on the social class - everything here was of high quality. High standards. High everything...! Koishi looked around, amazed, and her mouth agape. She never used to like crowded places when she could read minds, but now that their minds were was so much better! Perhaps she could tell big sis all about it! She may even be jealous!

As she wandered about, her 'invisibility' took over. It was like a social invisibility, tricking the mind into making up reasons as to why Koishi was happening without jumping to the conclusion that it is in fact Koishi. Taking a scone off of a poor man's table? He must have already eaten it. A strange poking sensation against their arm? Must be their clothes are too tight. Her invisibility wasn't 'perfect' despite being called 'perfect invisibility'. Small children, supernaturally aware, and strong willed people could get the faintest glimpse of her. And that would be enough, if they wished to track her strange pale green glow down they'd find what they were looking for.

In the meantime, Koishi was looking for someone to talk to...someone she could willingly make her presence known to. After all, all of these new and strange people could be interesting...!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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Meldraenei danced, letting the man lead her through it, even into the twirl he had moved her into position for. She nodded once while she looked towards them. Accessing her files, she read up on the Taiyou culture and watched the mannerisms of the guards. Using a high band microphone in her ear, she amplified the signal so she could hear what the two were saying from a distance. The one great thing about her mind, her computational speeds and her ability to multitask had shot through the roof.

While she danced she also began to run anti-ICE programs to keep the overlord of the server at bay while it ran through it's security protocols. Scrubbing herself clean from the systems as she went through the local grid. But she was most certainly not leaving the server any time soon. After all, she was still collecting data and she was running through surveillance on the building. A secondary subroutine began to comb it's way through the local net while a third started to breach several firewalls in an attempt to lead the ICE and Overlord presence away from herself. It was several low level breaches of some minimal security firewalls to make it seem like someone was hacking into their systems.

"They are rather full of themselves aren't they? I mean you cannot truly blame them. Their people are quite proud and abstain from such things as compassion. The royal family especially...they tend to look down on anyone that isn't blood related or even those whom are distant cousins. Its practically in her DNA to think us working people as lesser"

She chuckled a bit, still moving with him while she dedicated several more subroutines to scrubbing actions to leave it so the one subroutine could be better isolated. A bait and switch tactic...this AI was rather cute in it's attempts to keep her out. How adorable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
David Malachite did indeed bow slightly lower once his feed caught up with him and informed him via quick information on what is and is not acceptable. The CEO had thrown this party and did not consider the likelihood of Yukiko even showing up.

"Forgive me for my rudeness. Mars Corps. hospitality is yours. Please enjoy this celebration of good will and may you find prosperity and find business opportunities." Mr. Malachite kept his head low only to dismiss himself when it was appropriate to do so or to answer any questions that might be brought before him.

Douglas waved over a server and took up two glasses of champagne for Bamboo and himself. The Gentleman simply smiled and offered her the beverage only to escort her over to a empty table for the both of them. "So besides the obvious need for trade and meeting new faces what brings you to this Gala?" Douglas posed his question still with his charming smile.

As for Atom 7K and his search for the enigma that seemed to ghost away from its grasp. The agents that Atom sent out did indeed come across the rogue data which drew its ICE away. Soon the corps. A.I. would find the intruder and once that happens things will get messy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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"Politics, of course. The Erutin Empire is always eager to stand with our allies, and to make new ones. Events such as this allow us to, hm, put on a good face, so to speak. Though of course, I am of the opinion the empire is good and just." Most Erutin were, especially with the absorption of the Hegemony of Aligned Systems and some of their values, though not all. "Besides, it is good to have-" Bamboo cut off, her head turning sharply to the doorway, eyes wide as her implant rang out with an announcement. "...I appear not to be the only representative of my people here."

Indeed, she was not. In a gown that mimicked traditional Erutin garb, though covered much more skin, in deference to her hosts culture, Princess Shine of House Erutin entered the room, sans apparent guards, though she was not unguarded. The advantage to being shifters was that her guards could be much more subtle that suited thugs. A simple tear drop tiara decorated her elaborate hairstyle, and a complex golden mask, resembling nothing more than an ethereal butterfly worked well enough for her mask that Shine was satisfied.

Her twin was not here, but Prince Dust was a priest, and known to eschew galas and the like as part of his orders demands to live a simpler life. A costumed gala simply was a guarantee he would not come.

"Mr. Weskit, it appears Princess Shine decided to come." She sipped her champagne and thanked the gods that it was Princess Shine and not Princess Viktoria or her daughter, or Princess Thistle or any of her brood. Shine was levelheaded, polite, and humble. More than that, she didn't cause diplomatic incidents by being as headstrong as her siblings. There was a reason Shine was the current heir and Viktoria had been made to step down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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The man named Malian kept his focus on the conversation, "Perhaps it is the curse of nobility. When one views the world from the top of the mountain, they feel as though they must stake a claim onto it and everything walking upon it. They do not see that there are human beings in their view that they must consider. They will see all things as property, like the mountain. It is a distasteful side effect of those who wield power."

As he spoke, he continued to scan his surroundings, processing those around him in such a sly manner to avoid detection of observance. His gaze would flicker upon each individual, appearing distant as if his concentration was focused on Alecia and Alecia alone. Meanwhile, his head was calculating many faces and many approaches. The host who had been humbled by the customs of the Taiyou Princess, who had yet to crack a smile at this cordial event. A man who kept himself reserved in the corner of the room, uncomfortable being a rather strong word for his current demeanor. The gentleman who remained off to the side with a weapon exposed and a name tag that identified him as "Security". And of course, the other Princess in the room, who's bodyguards were much less visible, but still apparent in his watchful eye.

And still they danced and the tune changed, a more uptempo waltz, and he never missed a beat. The step held no gait and was perfectly timed to the rhythm change. He wasn't worried about Alecia falling behind. He knew she could react just as quickly as he could.

"But enough talk about the pomp and circumstances that lead our worlds...tell me, mon cherie. What brings you to this fine event?" He asked in a delicate manner...a polite manner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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Mel's subroutines alerted her to the loss of the ICE on her tail and couldn't help but smile at this. Both the conversation and the working made her feel a great deal of satisfaction. Now that the ICE was dealt with, now was the time to work on the AI. With the ground work in place, Meldraenei began to utilize a base line program that once belonged to Aiyanna-A by brute forcing one of the security firewalls in an attempt to lure in the AI towards it. If it fell for the bait, Mel would sweep in and attempt to seal it into a dead server full of junk data to keep it occupied for the the time being, placing it into a feedback loop of constant junk data. Maybe if this A.I was smarter, she could have some fun with it while she waltzed.

"Indeed, often times royalty is lead on a high horse all it's life. But yes a change of topic would be in order. best to put it...."

She accessed her language files and flipped through until she found the french directory and began to speak in french to him.

"Je suis lĂ  pour profiter de la fĂȘte depuis que je suis rĂ©cemment revenu d'une expĂ©dition dans Deep Space. Cela fait cinq ans que mon retour."

She smiled at him with a chuckle coming from her mouth. True words but still had a hidden meaning behind them and she clearly was holding back a few cards to herself just as he was.

(I am here to enjoy the party since I recently came back from an expedition into the Deep Space. Its been five years since my return.- English)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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Sipping her drink, Yukiko seemed to stare down her nose at the rest of the Gala attendants. She didn't seem to change he expression to David's apologies, but she knew the value of expanding Taiyou interests into the rest of the galaxy, thusly Shimizu had instructed her to get out and try to make some new friends.

So she continued to sip her drink, paying little attention to the commoners that surrounded her. She was obviously bored and didn't seem to want to be here.

Whispering something to her security, she moved to find a couch to sit down on, resting her tired feet while the security officers worked to take up position around her.

"I want to leave, I have better things to do." She whispered to her staff.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Well I assure you that even though this Gala has the sole intended purpose for a betterment of all parties and possible diplomatic and business propositions, it has other significant bonuses that allow for mutual parties to explore." Mr. Weskit proposed as he took up his drink which was promptly brought over to him and continued to offer Bamboo a warm smile.

When Princess Shine arrived to the party she was also checked over by the security and passed through a MAD scanner just as Yukiko had. Like before Mr. Malachite approached the newly arrived royalty only to offer a warm smile and a simple bow. "Please enjoy the Gala Princess Shine. I assure you that through peaceful talks and proper negotiations all parties present can find newfound hope and business opportunities." David Malachite began to chuckle a little as he downed his glass of apricot brandy whilst Douglas and Helga watched on in what could only be described as lax horror.

"It appears so." Douglas commented as he watched his employer. "Bamboo would you care to join me upon the ballroom floor? I'd be honored by such a lovely partner." Mr. Weskit stood from his seat and offered his hand to his company only to continue to offer his warm smile.

Helga continued to stand against a wall in her white gown with blue accents and a mask of silver and a cool green. She kept watch for the strange and arcane and only took notice of a young girl who did belong. As she was about to leave her post the small child vanished from view which caused the witch hunter to slowly look around the room without bringing any attention to herself.

As for the cyber security end of things it was not Atom but instead one of the many agents under his command. Upon being trapped the A.I. began to look over the entire system and began to lock out information involving the servers by activating several firewalls and more patrol ICE to the systems files. The artificial intelligence even laid out a few of his own traps for Deckers and script kiddies alike. With a sudden influx of firewalls and other forms of security that Meldraenei clearly had set off she would begin to find it very difficult to avoid the ICE for long or even the gaze of Atom 7K.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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0.00 INK

Meanwhile.. Setting in his command chair Sin taps his fingers pushing away thoughts of the dream or nightmares from his death like sleep. The com-bridge on Soulbrust now more active giving command by a mind-transfer with the help of the ship, slipping orders to so everyone of the whole fleet will know what to do when they come out of hyper space.

Space began to twist an turn, in a unknown location. A large Asphodelian fleet entered space, and over 4 Battle Carriers, 20 Battle Destroyer's, and Soulbrust. Not wasting any time, Sin is giving orders being fleet wide so all ships to enter recon, def- postion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama
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"I'm sure that business and politics will occur." The flirtation was still going above Bamboo's head. "But please, tell me about these other bonuses?" she hadn't been aware of anything else really, or at least, nothing she could take advantage of. It would be interesting to hear of any of it. "But I would love to join you on the floor." She accepted his hand, leaving her drink there, no doutb to be picked up by a server. The woman enjoyed dancing and didn't often get to.

Meanwhile, Princess Shine offered Davis Malachite a small smile, and a brief, incredibly shallow curtsy. "Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Malachite. I am sure it will be a successful event." She offered in return, eyes briefly scanning the room and seeking an out. He had finished the brandy rather quickly and it unnerved her more than she liked to admit. "If you will excuse me, Mr. Malachite, I should offer greeting to Yukiko-hime." And it would get her away from the man who downed his drink so fast! He'd be drunk by night's end, she was certain.

Sweeping away in her red gown, Shine waited at the edge of Yukiko's retinue, and spoke to the other woman in her own tongue, fluently and without hesitation. "Greetings, Takayama-hime, from the Erutin Empire." she had no doubt her form would be recognized. This was her preferred shape for public appearances after all.

The princess was not aware of the possible danger she or the others were in, stripped of all but the single guard after all. Then again, the single guard would be enough to get her back to the safety of her ship. He was a Traveler after all, marked as such by the goggles over her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit
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Giggling to herself, the satori enjoyed her bouts of trickery. Despite appearing on technology while fooling the minds of regular people (save for those unable to be affected by mind trickery), she did a few more small tricks. Messing with people's clothes, messing with their tables and other minor things. It was all well and fun as she effectively played cat and mouse with security. Though...something was off. There was something coming. Something that wasn't really fun at all. At least, fun in the traditional sense. It could be fun to mess with them! But not like this, where there's minimal risk. At least, she figured the security wouldn't care if she just waltzed about and would only be a bit annoyed rather than full-blown aggressive about it.

Wandering out from the Gala to look at what was arriving, she saw the ships. There was...25 in total! But...what could she do? Heading back inside, she shrugged. Trying to find the closest security guard (whether they were still looking for her or not, she didn't know) but she spoke up to them if they didn't immediately try attacking her. "Um...there's some big spooky ships outside. There's a lot!"

The 6th Order, as an up and coming group, was unfamiliar with peaceful negotiations, events held in neutrality, and not engaging in warfare. They were, in essence, a terrorist organization seeking to bring down the oppressive empires of the world. But, their image was important for the sake of attracting newcomers. Of course, they weren't looking for a fight this time. Only to participate in the Gala with an ambassador of theirs so they can get familiar with the atmosphere and potentially gain more allies. They knew their enemies could be the event of that, they'd have to stress neutrality. This area is not for fighting. Honor was rare from The 6th Order, but at the recommendation of their ambassador they chose not to engage in such hostilities. Still against the idea of going unprepared, The 6th Order's commanders sent the ambassador with ships for defense. Twin Guardian-Class Cruisers assisted a single Ardent-Class Cruiser housing the ambassador and his fellow viceroys, consisting of their political guardsmen as opposed to the standard 6th Order Marines that occupied the Guardian-Class Cruisers. Their ships exited a jump to drop off the ambassadors and their viceroys, sending the proper credentials to those at the command post in the Gala. Their rank, purpose, and full legal names. However, the ships stopped upon noticing the other ships occupying space. Their formation, and their design...while they had two ships to defend the ambassador's main ship, this other group didn't look like they were ready to participate in the Gala. They looked like they were ready to participate in battle.

Sending a transmission to the two Guardian-Class Cruisers, Ambassador Gordon watched the ships carefully. He had readied the other two ships to call in reinforcements if any attack were to occur from these other suspicious ships. It could be good for their image, after all, if they helped defend a neutral zone...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit
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He sighed and moved deeper into the room, he needed something to do and with the arrival of two royal family members, it just put him on edge. He moved with Grace beyond any mortal of his kind, moving past the rest of the patrons easily, the crowd not slowing his movements as he deftly maneuvered through.

The guard who kept a magical sight upon the party would notice YvandĂ­r glowing like a christmas tree with the obscene amount of magical wondrous items and Artefacts upon his person, that and his own innate divine magic.

Two princess’ if they don’t tear each other’s throats out then someone with a grudge might He sighed gently as the thought ran through his head, approaching a server.

He took a glass returning to his table, he savored the wine, leaving it to sit unattended for the most part on his table, his eyes shot up and fell upon the small child claiming there to be ships orbiting, he raised an eyebrow and moved from his chair with his glass in hand and exited onto the balcony, he looked upon the ships.

Curious, he and his fellows traveled via the astral plane, effectively they walked everywhere, it was simpler, made it easier on Yvandír anyway, he didn’t have to adapt to spaceflight.

He picked the small stone wolf from his pocket and glanced back, for now the balcony was empty, good as he was going to get, yes originally he had brought the wolf up in his true state but Fenris was a bit big, so he shrunk him down for everyone’s sake. Putting the small wolf statue back, he crossed his arms watching.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit
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0.00 INK

And she could speak French? Malian smiled, suppressing the inner euphoria that was building inside him. This was a keeper, indeed.

"Un aventurier? Quelle est l'intĂ©rĂȘt. Et qu'as-tu dĂ©couvert dans les royaumes extĂ©rieurs? Beaucoup de belles choses, j'espĂšre?" his French was flawless and held a transfixing quality to it that would send goosebumps crawling across any female's skin...the good kind, of course.

An adventurer? How interesting. And what have you discovered in the outer realms? Many beautiful things, I hope?

As their conversation continued, Malian held a keen eye to all the newcomers entering the room. The older nomadic fellow decided to head towards the balcony. The two princesses seemed to be breaking the ice. And there was a younger girl with an impish attitude bugging the security guards and pointing towards the exterior of the building. Everyone had their own agenda to address. Of course parties were planned and performed for the sake of unwinding and relaxing and simply enjoying a jovial atmosphere. But not upscale parties. Classy event like this one held a purpose for all attendees present. And not even Malian and Alecia were an exception to that rule. Power plays were being made with every note of the song they danced to. Even between the two speaking French in the middle of the floor.

And still, the dance continued. The perfect marble floor remain unscuffed, the bright and glittering chandelier above their heads attracting many a friend and many a foe to come and be enveloped by the light.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit
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0.00 INK

Verror nodded back to Mr. Malachite as he passed by toward his new guests as he welcomed them.

From this point, he mostly just kept his position, watching the scene unfold. This continued, nothing drastic happening, and after a while he seemed to relax slightly, though he wouldn’t let his guard down. His attention was drawn by the arrival of the Taiyou Princess, mostly due to her eight security personnel who were constantly guarding her.

The young girl’s voice caught him off-guard completely, perhaps because he hadn’t even noticed her there. He looked around, startled, before he noticed the voice’s owner, an odd looking child with what looked to him like some kind of magic floating orb on a string. Deciding not to let this throw him off, or at least try, he leaned down slightly to answer her. But only blank thoughts crossed his mind. What had she said again? Who had - he shook his head, dismissing the moment and directing his attention back at the girl. She had said there were ships outside? That hardly seemed unusual, with so many guests arriving, but it couldn’t hurt to check they weren’t trouble, he supposed.

“I’ll go over and just check then.” He said, trying to sound non-threatening. Making his way over to the door leading out to the balcony, he peered up and froze at the sight. Damn, that’s a lot of ships, he thought. There was no way they were here simply to escort guests.

Verror made face like he was having a bad migraine, and his pupils turned to slits. His sight focused more acutely on the fleet, quickly scanning the ships. They certainly didn’t appear to be merchant ships, that was for sure. And was that dust flying out of the vents? No, wait, it was moving in an organized way, it must be some kind of weapon or something, he thought.

Blinking as his eyes returned to normal, he spun around. “Uh, kid, I think you might want to-” but the girl had vanished from his sight. Whether or not the satori chose to make herself known again was up to her.

Deciding the best course of action was to inform either the host or a high-ranking employee of Mars Corp., Verror strode around the edge of the room, making sure not to cause a disruption for any of the guests.

He found Helga leaning against the wall. Approaching her quickly (while trying to be as cautious as possible - he had a hunch that it was unwise to get on her bad side), he spoke quietly,

“Ma’am, I think we might have some trouble. A huge fleet just showed up outside the building, and I don’t think they’re here to make friendly conversation.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Mars Corp. Character Portrait: Meldraenei Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Douglas Weskit
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0.00 INK

Cedric stepped into the main gala wearing a luxurious black bespoke suit. It was the kind of suit that only people who lived in a rarefied echelon of financial security wore. His mask mimicked the shape of a skull, and an elaborate and shifting design of a dragon took up one side, wile the other was completely empty. The ink of the dragon almost seemed to suck in the light around it.

He had been patient as the security screened him. He pondered the fact that it would have been simple enough to bypass the entire ordeal, but sacrifices were made for business. So he had done the leg work necessary to gain an invitation, though to be honest some of that leg work was less than honest.

Regardless of what corners he had cut to secure the invitation, it was secured now. He was glad that the financial elite seemed to operate in much the same way as they had in his home dimension, albeit the technology was far advanced. But Cedric had been hoping between dimensions for some time and had learned quickly that he couldn't expect his natural customs to carry over. It would be nice to rely on his natural instinct and background instead of leaning on mimicry.

Scanning the scene revealed a wide range of individuals, from royalty to hired servants, and almost everyone in between. But it was Mars Corps party and so his eyes finally rested on the CEO, David Malachite. He was busy greating one of the princesses in attendance, one who seemed more than ready to excuse herself and mingle with another royal guest.

With the man free Cedric approached with comfortable ease. Mars Corps was no small business, and David Malachite was no small player. By contrast Cedric Valentine was nobody in the multiverse, but he was far from nobody, and he projected that confidence in his easy approach. It was his first foray into the business and political waters of the multiverse and he intended, as always, to plant the seeds that would make Valentine Inc a future player in those waters.

"Quite the party you've put together. I'm glad I decided to crash it." he smiled easily and extended a hand, "Cedric Valentine, Valentine Incorporated. Pleased to finally meet you Mr. Malachite."