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The Sacred Realm

The Sacred Realm


Seven races on earth have been at war for centuries. The Old God's are furious and have demanded the eighth race to instigate peace, or else the entire earth mat be destroyed. How can seven chosen beings, born to hate each other, create peace? [OPEN]

1,839 readers have visited The Sacred Realm since HadoukenLSD created it.


Once, the land was at peace, harmonious. Two races ruled from above in the ethereal place known as the Sacred Realm. Both were winged species, did not age and were worshiped by those races who walked the earth. Both resembled the earth races quite a lot, only with a few highly noticeable differences. One species bore feathered wings, inhuman beauty and eyes filled with all of the stars in the night sky. The elves called them the Sacred Ones, the humans called them angels. The other species instead had bat-like wings, steel talons instead of fingernails and red, red eyes. The elves called these being the Fiery Ones, whilst the humans referred to them as demons.
Jerr, one of the demon kind grew jealous of the angel kinds beauty and influence over the beings who walked on earth. Whilst elves and humans (and even vampires and werewolves) worshiped both races, the feathered ones were looked on more so with reverence, while Jerr and his race were worshiped more out of fear. Jerr consulted Riyani, the angel of highest rank, the one who spoke directly with the Old Gods. He wished to speak with her, gain equal respect for his kind from the earth-dwellers. He even knew the Old Gods themselves, even having created both angel and demon, were far less fond of Jerr's kind. Riyani came off as arrogant and condescending to Jerr, and after many years of persistence, his jealousy finally became a venomous rage. So angry was he that he began a war, convincing many of his kin to unleash much bloodshed in the Sacred Realm. In the end, Jerr was executed and all of his species, even those who did not join in the fight were cast down to earth, forever banished from the Sacred Realm. The elves then referred to this once ethereal species as The Fallen.
Many of the elves felt sympathy for The Fallen, and some even believed Jerr's actions to be just. This began another war, where the once peaceful elves were separated into two opposing sides.

It has been nearly two thousand years since the great war in the Sacred Lands and the story has been twisted and changed by all races and forgotten by most.
Those elves who greatly opposed The Fallen became known as the Fair Elves or Light Elves due to the nature of the magic they practiced and the shade of hair that all elves in the region eventually came to acquire. In their culture, the High Priestess was held with the most respect, even above the Queen herself. It was said that the High Priestesses communicated with The Sacred Ones themselves, and all elves would gather eagerly to hear what messages the angelic beings would give to them. Each of the fair elves lived by the Sacred Faith in hopes of being blessed and accepted into the Sacred Realms when they died. Rebellion against the Sacred Faith could result in banishment. Speaking the names of Jerr or any of The Fallen could result in execution.

However, the elves who supported Jerr lived in a totally different culture and practiced very different magic. They were known as Dark Elves. They fought in Jerr's honor and their priests were capable of communicating with warriors who had crossed over. They had faith in the stars as they believed one day, The Fallen would again return to the Sacred Realm and that Jerr's followers would rise with them.

Vampires and werewolves have both lost their faith and are in an eternal battle with each other, even though neither of these races can even remember why, only that that is the way it is. The werewolves have also turned upon the Dark Elves.

Humans no longer remember the stories and reject all other races, believing themselves superior.

The Felinus, the cat species who were enslaved by the humans, only remember the Old Gods. Some have escaped and made homes away from humans, whilst others are still in servitude.

The earth is not harmonious, it is not beautiful, and the Old Gods are angered. They have instructed the Sacred Ones that if peace is not restored upon the earth, that they will destroy it and start again.
Seven of the Sacred Ones have been sent to one being of each of the seven races; human, demon, werewolf, vampire, dark elf, light elf and felinus. The Sacred Ones will act as guides to these seven chosen as they attempt to restore peace to the earth. The Sacred Ones have only one rule; they must not have romantic connections with the one they have been sent to. Breaking this rule will result in banishment.

Dark Elf Dark haired elves. Both species of elf are elegant and graceful and elves age very slowly in comparison to humans. The Dark Elves magic is communication with animals (in feelings, not so much thought), fire manipulation and necromancy. Only choose ONE of these powers for your character. Dark Elves dislike Light Elves, the Sacred Ones and Werewolves. Note: Dark Elves with the animal communication power can prevent a werewolf from changing, keeping the werewolf in human or wolf form.

Fair Elf or Light Elf Fair haired elves. Fair Elf magic is healing of self and others, communication with plants (also in feeling, not so much thought) and water manipulation. Once again, only choose ONE power for your character. Light Elves dislike Dark Elves and The Fallen. Note: All Fair Elves can create a protective magic energy shield around them which wards of magic and is often fatal for the Fallen to move through.

Werewolf Werewolves first change around the age of sixteen and have little control over when it happens at first and struggle to control themselves when in wolf form. They learn how to control themselves with time, however, even the most experienced werewolf can't help changing under a full moon. Werewolves have a LOT of physical strength and live in packs in the forest, some in houses, others in caves. They do not like vampires or Dark Elves.

Vampire Vampires do not burst to flames in the sunlight, but disintegrate rapidly, usually under ten minutes. It is a very painful experience. They need to feed once a week to survive. They do not age, and vampires are made by blood-swapping, not born. Vampires are generally solitary creatures and some live among humans, hunting them, whilst others live away from human towns. Decapitation, exposure to sunlight or silver is the only way to kill them. They do not like humans or werewolves.

The Fallen or Demon They have bat-like wings, so they can fly, red eyes which allow excellent night vision and steel-like talons on their hands. They live in the mountains, and their isn't a lot of them left as since they were cast from the ethereal realms, they are unsure of how to breed. Demon births generally aren't successful or pretty... what with the talons and all. They do not like The Sacred Ones or the Light Elves.

Humans Most humans live in cities and have large armies they use to drive back any accumulation of other species they deem as a threat. Humans are a very arrogant race generally. The richer humans keep Felinus as pets and slaves. Their greatest threat is the vampires who hunt them regularly. The do not like vampires.

Felinus They are the youngest of these races. As the name suggests, they are cat-like in appearance and skill, baring tails, feline ears and paws instead of feet. Some even have whiskers and/or retractable claws on their hands. All can see excellent in the dark and they tend to be very agile and balanced. Some felinus still live with humans, while others have managed to escape and build small villages for their people. They do not like humans.

The Sacred Ones They have feathered wings, star-filled eyes and are exceptionally beautiful. They can fly and like Light Elves, have healing abilities. It is said that it was the angels who gave the fair elves their healing powers. Note: Only the Seven Guides will appear in the story, and so none of these ordinary guides of this species have spoken directly to the Old Gods, but all know of them.

Okay, sorry that's a lot to read. If your character is one of the chosen or one of the Sacred, basically start from around the time the Sacred and the Chosen meet. If your character is someone else, just start from wherever feels good, but stick to the plot as much as possible!

I NEED these characters, and I want to keep an even balance between male/female characters. You may have up to three characters.

The Seven Chosen:
Light Elf: TAKEN by Firewind
Dark Elf: TAKEN by me. :D
Werewolf: TAKEN by Mr. Baneling Squishy
Vampire: TAKEN by SuperNinjaRoo
Human: TAKEN by TornZero
Demon: TAKEN by WaltJRimmer
Felinus: - TAKEN by YokoKitsune

The Seven Guides:
1st guide - TAKEN by me.
2nd guide - TAKEN by WaltJRimmer
3rd guide - RESERVED for SuperNinjaRoo
4th guide -
5th guide -
6th guide -
7th guide -

Other Essential Characters:

Fair Elf Queen
Fair Elf High Priest - TAKEN by Mathew Littlepaw
Dark Elf King
Human King -
Felinus Chieftain
Werewolf Alpha
Vampire King/Queen - RESERVED for Mathew Littlepaw
Demon Warlord TAKEN by umbra Alastor

Bad Guys, at least 3 (Ones who will do anything to prevent the races from uniting)
Bad guy 1: TAKEN by Holy|Orders
Bad guy 2. RESERVED for Mr. Baneling Squishy

You may make other characters, priests, servants, princesses, rogues, warriors etc AS LONG as you are filling out one of the above character roles as well! (Unless they're already full, in which case, make whoever you want).

I MAY accept hybrids, but please PM me your idea first.

Oh, and I don't have a character skeleton but please include:

* Picture or detailed appearance (or both)
* Age, Gender, Race and Role e.g One of the chosen, Queen, bad guy.
* Brief history
* A bit about the character's personality
* What the character thinks of the other races.

One more thing! If you have chosen to be one of the chosen seven, understand that it is meant to be difficult for your character to overcome their hatred for the other races, so give a good reason as to why they DO hate the other races; religious, childhood, family etc.

Okay, I think that's finally all. If you are confused & want to ask me something, go ahead, otherwise, I can't wait to see all of your characters! ^.^

Toggle Rules

1. Keep your characters consistent!
2. Please try to use correct spelling and grammar as much as possible. Everyone makes mistakes but please try! >.<
3. No more than 3 characters per person.
4. Romance is okay, even encouraged, but keep the gory details to a bare minimum!
5. I do not like when people only post one or two sentences. I don't expect a novel, but give others something to work with.
6. Nobody is perfect. I will not accept characters who are flawless, all-powerful and/or invincible.
7. Try to post at least a couple of times a week. If you're going to be busy for a while, let me know. If you've been gone without notice for a while and it becomes a hindrance to the story progression, I may have to kill your character off. >.<
8. Swearing is okay, but don't go overboard!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dervorgilla Character Portrait: Solomon Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
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Dervogilla began to wake up, not visually stirring. She could hear voices. One sounded familiar, the other feminine. Her body used to heal faster, before her failed attempts at children, but since then she didn't heal as well. She didn't know how bad it was yet, but she felt like she was dying. She heard the female voice, "What happened to her?" The sound was muffled by the static in her head caused by the pain. She didn't remember it being this painful when it first happened. The flight over made her black out but that felt great compared to now. The familiar voice started speaking and she concentrated on listening to him. "its the fact she came to find me.... something must be on her mind." That was...

"So... Solomon." Gilla barely groaned out the words. She looked around, not knowing where she was. She saw Chi and Solomon. "Who...?" She could smell the human blood on the floor, though she couldn't see the body. But she had a good idea of what she was. "Never mind. Sol, we..." She panted and held her breath trying to deal with the pain. Everything was mixing together. She needed to find a way to get herself stitched up and cleaned out or she'd bleed to death or get an infection. Her intestines were cut, though not bad, causing them to leak into the open wound. She could feel that she was bleeding out the back as well, which meant it went all the way through. The only thing she had to be happy about was the blade was so sharp and didn't tear or cause much damage in width. She put her hand over her wound and tenderly started putting the tip of her talon in to feel. She sharply inhaled and winced.

"I need... I need werewolf fur. Girl, I know I don't know who you are and I doubt you know me. And this is a lot to ask, but I NEED this. You need to go, find a werewolf and get the fur." Werewolf fur, when the person is turned, is incredibly strong and makes very good stitches. They lose some of their strength during the day. But when the full moon is out, the stitches lend some of their healing power to the area around them and allow it to heal faster, though not nearly as strong as the healing factor in a turned werewolf. "You have to hurry, if you don't, it will be too..." Gilla passed out. When she woke up, she couldn't tell how much time had passed, but it was still dark. Or dark again...

Gilla saw that Chi was gone put saw Solomon, standing now. Her voice was very quiet, "Solomon, come here. I need to talk to you while we're alone." She swallowed and took a breath. "I don't know what's going on, but I was visited today. One of those big chickens came down and... hu... hu... I don't know what she wanted. She said she needed to talk to me. Maybe I should have just listened, then maybe I wouldn't be bleeding out on... Whatever I'm laying on." She cleared her throat and tried to refocus her eyes, which kept blurring. "But I don't know what she was trying to say to me, we ended up fighting instead of... Instead of talking. But if they're coming down into the mountains a... Into the mountains and talk into th... and talking to us directly then it... Something must be up. I'm not strong enough to find out what's going on. I need you to... Find out what's going on." She touched his arm but then hers fell. She fumbled for a moment and caught his palm. "I'm sorry about what happened. I..." The, Gilla passed out again.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gancan Agh Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
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The eerie feel of the lake did not disperse as time passed. It was quiet, as if the whole area surrounding the lake was filled with death. No, not quite. It wasn't negative, just strange, and she wasn't sure it was her place. She didn't like the lack of animals; it made her feel alone.

Gancan was acting strange, almost as if he were hypnotized. She didn't understand what he was talking about, but an ominous feeling shrouded her when she noticed that he was right. There were no stars. It made the sky seem hollow and her sense of seperation sharply rose. This was unnatural.

"Gancan, what is this place? I don't feel..." she began but was cut short when something happened that outweighed all the other oddities. All in just moments, it was as if something had flown out of the lake itself. Startled, she had near toppled over in shock and ended up with Gan half on top of her. Her eyes were wide with disbelief. What magic was this? How had she never heard mention of this? It was far too shocking for her to take in. It had happened all too fast and unlike anything she had previously heard of.

The 'thing' had doused her in water, her clothes damp, though not as saturated as Gan. She wondered with awe how it was that he had settled down so suddenly and was managing to sleep being so wet. Was he not cold? She blamed all that Homebrew pumping through his veins for that absurdity.

"We cannot stay here", she spoke softly, trying to rouse Gan from his slumber. She didn't feel right here... couldn't digest what had happened. She wanted to leave immediately. If it weren't for the full moon, she may consider staying a while to explore, to find out what the hell had just transpired. However, there were so many reason she must abandon this place. "The wolves are about".

Just as she spoke, battle sounds surrounded her, the first sounds to penetrate the sacred stillness of this place for an immeasurable amount of time. The sounds drew closer and closer. Muskets?

Then there was a small figure in the water, and then a howl. A howl.She watched as the creature sprung upon the enemies pursuing it, and shook Gan violently. "Get up! The creatures are upon us! Look, one of them right before us!" she cried, drawing her twin daggers as she spoke.

She did not know who the wolf was currently engaging in battle with, but an enemy of the wolves was her ally. She charged at the creature, yelling in anger, her daggers begging to sink into the animal's filthy flesh.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Silk barged into the elf's room, grinning from ear to ear with pride at her discovery. "You such a smart one, Silk", she muttered as she staggered inside. A small mob of humans were peering at her from down the hall, curiously. She slammed the door in their faces, annoyed.

"Stupid humans", she said as she attempted to follow the elf to the bed. Instead, she stumbled and fell. Picking herself up she said "I think they wanna...wanna take to me with...with pitchforks or somethin', I'unno..."

She made her way to the bed and slumped upon it. She raised her hands to the Elf's ears, giggling as she tugged at them. "You got such funny ears. If it weren't for that, you might be... might be pretty, you know!" The elves were meant to be beautiful, but she'd never really learned to get over the fact that their ears were just ridiculous. It was just that she felt that nobody really needed ears that HUGE. Was it really essential?

The alcohol had made her suddenly feel dreary, and her eyelids kept falling over her purple star-filled galaxy eyes. She lay down, her body feeling rather heavy. "Anyway... The Old Gods wanna make the Earth go boom 'cause... 'cause you dumb earth-walkers fight too much and stuff. So they said that I gots'ta... gotta help the elfie make peace or some shit... So you gotta... er... get over all those abandonment issues and stuff.... gotta stop the war or... or yeah, we all die and stuff". She yawned tiredly, curling her small frame up into a ball and closing her eyes. She felt satisfied with accomplishing the first part of her mission and now she was exhausted.

Was it rude to just sleep on someone's bed? Probably but... she was a Sacred One, so she should be treated with respect, right? Most boot-licking elves would be honored to be in her presence! Besides... she was too tired to over-think courtesy and all that. "If the humans come to get me... tell 'em... tell 'em... tell them that I..." she couldn't even finish her sentence before she fell asleep.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marisa Kaven & Alice
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"So, how was class today?" Marisa's mother asked her. They were having an early supper today, since Belle had to help take care of some evening work at a nearby orphanage, Matthews' Home for the Parentless β€” an endearing nickname, don't you think? They said Matthews was blessed by gods, since he managed to build it by himself in about three months. A lot of people (roughly 99.98%, give or take), though, believed "they" were crazy. Gods didn't really exist!

"I punched a guy."

"Sounds like a good day to me," Kevin chuckled. His enjoyment of his wife's casserole was interrupted by a knock at the manor door. He answered it, but the guest took a minute to catch her breath before she started talking.

"Is the missus here? It's just a mess with all the stuff on the floor and I couldn't get the kids to calm down and pick up their?" Belle did the interrupting this time, and she already had her coat on.

"Did you at least leave Rufus to keep guard?" Rufus was a dog taken care of at the orphanage; a watch dog with a silver-studded collar, but he'd probably lick someone to death before he bit them.


"Let's go, then." With that, the ladies left to attend to their business, and Kevin changed the subject to keep things lively while the rest of the family went back to dinner.

"Harvest Day is coming up soon. Did you think of anyone in particular this time around?" Every year, the second of the humans' biannual crops is healthy and huge through most settlements, so pretty much everything is sold in bulk, and everyone has extra money burning a hole in their pockets. As an (extremely) old tradition of thanking those non-existent gods for more than enough food to last through the winter months, humanity used their excess profit in the form of giving gifts and wishing each other an even greater next year about two months after the actual day of harvesting.


"That's right; you never do."

"I do!"

"Name one," he cockily told her. After a short pause to think, Marisa eventually came up with one.


"The bodyguard doesn't count, squirt; she's family. Good try, though."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Zaldir could hardly tell if she was telling the truth or was just being silly about the whole thing. One thing he did realize however was she was a Sacred One. The stars in her eyes proved that much. The old gods wanting to destroy earth for forgetting them? Well he only kept acknowledging the Seeker, but he supposed that counted for something.

But then the woman fell onto his bed in a drunken stupor. "Seeker's breath." he muttered. "We'll talk when your sober then you crazy woman, but it's gonna take more then that to make me feel like I need to help save everyone in this blinking world. No one cares at all for me. Least of all my own people." as he said those words he rubbed his slightly sore ears. At least she did not tug off the silver covering on his left eartip, which hid his scar from the destruction of his clan, in her drunken antics.

"Maybe if I go to the Garden of Elders, things will make sense there. But do I have to drag her along with me to there?" He muttered to himself as he heard knocking on the door as it felt like a mob of humans were gathered outside his door. He simply did the one thing he knew best when faced with this dilemma. He bolted his door up tight and sat down. "I'll just wait till she wakes up then shall I?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moedir Character Portrait: Melchisedek
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Mel hadn't been able to see most of what happened, though what she had seen frightened her. Moedir's malicious use of the vines and the anger with which he acted actually scared her. The wind began to calm, slightly, but it was still harsh, cold and dangerous up there. She saw the man that had been turned into a tree and touched its face gently. She walked and found hair coming out of the ground, the same kind the man with the ax had. She looked back at Moedir. He'd saved her, but he used vines to tunnel through mountain, thick rock. She'd never seen anything like it and she never wanted to again. She swore, when she first was pulled to him, there was something wrong with his eyes, but she was in too much pain to really notice. The wind felt like it was about to rip her wings right off her back for a while and they were still very sore.

She calmly walked back to Moedir, the plants around him seeming to try to heal him. She'd used most of her power healing herself and between that, the flying she'd done today and the fights, she didn't have much strength left. Mel decided to try and carry him, kneeling to pick him up. Suddenly the thought of how tired she should be and the wearing off of the adrenaline, she suddenly felt like she had no strength. She nearly collapsed on top of him. Her breath was heavy and she felt like simply passing out. The stars, she could see them through the clouds and snow and it caused her to smile. She liked to smile. A deep breath in, the ice crystals burning her lungs, she smiled and tried to pick him up. It wasn't easy for her and she struggled. When she was finally standing, Moedir in her arms, she opened her wings, which hurt very much, and allowed the wind to pull her off the mountain until she was able to glide down to the ground. They came to a landing in a grassy area on the side of a road. In the distance was the silhouette of a city or town but it was far too far away to tell if it was Human, Elven or something else. There, she lay him in the grass and started trying to get the plants to help heal him before simply laying down.

Mel didn't need and wasn't willing to sleep, just to rest. Her body was sore and in pain and simply tired. She stared at the stars and smiled again. Her eyes closed and she began listening to the sounds and smelling the world around her. The smell of the grass when you were this close was a fine, earthy smell with the dirt having its own, rather strong, scent with it. The evening air was moist and you could smell the humidity just hanging there. The bugs and little nocturnal animals were out for their daily lives and it was all very peaceful. Mel began to concentrate on her breathing in a sort of meditation, happy that everything just felt right.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dervorgilla Character Portrait: Solomon Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
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Sitting in his own thoughts, Solomon allowed himself to drift away from reality slightly, only to be dragged back when he heard sounds coming from Gilla. Just about hearing his name he fixed his gaze on her, even to the point when she asked briefly who Chi was, he paid no attention (which turned out good since she did not dwell on it either). " Chi... do as she asks... but don't be rash in collecting the fur... for when you return i have some matters i wish to discuss, or rather more a proposition for you"

When Chi had left upon this errand, Solomon stood staring out the slightly parted curtains, to gaze outside. No lights were lit since the fallen's vision at night was good enough to suffice in most tasks, let alone the simple curious gaze of an old fallen. Hearing Gilla speak once again, he turned his eyes down to her, and did as she asked coming closer to the bed. Listening intently to every word she said his expression never changed, except for a slight narrowing on his gaze when she mentioned the big chickens, which he took instantly to mean the sacred ones. " I shall seek out the one who done this.... i shall discover what message they intend to deliver, and let them hear a message of my own..." he said stopping his speech as he felt his hand clasped " You have no reason to apologize" he spoke, but she had passed out again.

He was confident Chi could find the fur they needed, for his mind was rather working on what the scared one would of done. It was obviously injured, so where would an Injured scared one head to from the mountains, the safest of bets would of been seeking out any nearby fair elves, Lest of course the sacred one decided to go it alone. A debate now raged in Solomon's mind, the prospect of him using his own presence

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Silk awoke, rubbing her eyes as she did. Her body felt heavy and wrong, a rather unusual feeling for someone of her kind to experience. She momentarily forgot where she was before she laid her eyes on the elf again and memories came back to her.

Holy shit. She must have embarrassed herself. People willingly drank that stuff, rendered themselves into such a state voluntarily? It had robbed her of all intellect, dignity and balance. The hell would people want to act like that? Oh well. She'd found the damn elf and that was at least something. She'd been beginning to feel as if it were an impossible task.

"Ah... good" she spoke, unsure how much time had passed since she'd passed out in the alcohol's reign on her body. Though, even after she had finished speaking, her body felt returned to it's natural state and she no longer felt like she'd been hit in the head by a large, blunt object. That's what you get for being one of the Sacred One's, awesome healing capabilities and shit.

" yeah, about saving the world before the Old God's completely destroy it" she said, before remembering that the elf had not seemed too keen on the idea of making peace when she had mentioned it to him. She pulled a face, scowling hard. "You think I feel great about this, man? I wanted to be a priestess, hell if I wanted to come hang out with some dumbass, boot-licking elf, but noooo, you think I had a choice in the matter?" she said, crossing her arms across her chest, remembering how much this duty sucked. She really didn't care if the stupid earth-walkers completely annihilated each other; why the hell did the Old God's care so much? The whole thing was ridiculous. "So, if you want everything to just... you know... end, just like that, then cool, man. I'll just walk away. I didn't want this stupid job anyway".

What did she care if the Old Gods destroyed the planet? It wouldn't effect her much at all. Sure, it might seriously ruin her chances of becoming a high priestess if she failed this mention but...wait, it might completely destroy all chance of becoming a high priestess if she failed. Hell would she let some dumbass elf ruin her dreams.

"Gods be damned... Actually, no. I won't just walk away". She stood up, standing over the elf, looking down on him, deliberately trying to show herself off to be greater then him. "All right, pointy-ears. I'm a Sacred One and you're just a stupid elf, so you're gonna do what I say... or... or... Yeah. So what the hell's your problem? Why are you so bitter? And what's all the warring about, huh? Upset the Dark Elves don't wanna kiss our asses along side you lot, is that it?"

She wasn't even roughly sure how she was even supposed to go about this task... She supposed after she had some answers, she would have to seek out this elf's leader... if he even had one. That's only if she could convince the stupid elf in the first place.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in The Sacred Realm. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Moedir
Character Portrait: Clayton Thorn
Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen
Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
Character Portrait: Gancan Agh
Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal
Character Portrait: Solomon
Character Portrait: Silk
Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
Character Portrait: Marisa Kaven & Alice
Character Portrait: Dervorgilla
Character Portrait: Melchisedek
Character Portrait: Zion/SilverCross


Character Portrait: Zion/SilverCross

"Old Gods I swear to you, today, that until I will not exterminate the vampires, I will not die. Did you hear me? I will not die"

Character Portrait: Melchisedek

"Peace can always be reached."

Character Portrait: Dervorgilla

A Fallen who has fallen further

Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi

Oohh now this looks like fun.

Character Portrait: Silk

"Um, you expect me to do THAT?"

Character Portrait: Solomon

'I shall show you the strength of the fallen, you shall experience our pain'

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal
Zaldir Kestal

"Do you want to hear a joke? No? okay fine."

Character Portrait: Gancan Agh
Gancan Agh

"No peace until we stand alone."

Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)

A cursed Werewolf with a past and a problem.


Character Portrait: Dervorgilla

A Fallen who has fallen further

Character Portrait: Solomon

'I shall show you the strength of the fallen, you shall experience our pain'

Character Portrait: Melchisedek

"Peace can always be reached."

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal
Zaldir Kestal

"Do you want to hear a joke? No? okay fine."

Character Portrait: Zion/SilverCross

"Old Gods I swear to you, today, that until I will not exterminate the vampires, I will not die. Did you hear me? I will not die"

Character Portrait: Clayton Thorn
Clayton Thorn

Go away... Just let me live in peace...

Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi

Oohh now this looks like fun.

Character Portrait: Gancan Agh
Gancan Agh

"No peace until we stand alone."

Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen
Dreya Sinrayen

'I will avenge you, Gwyn... even if it steals my very soul'.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Silk

"Um, you expect me to do THAT?"

Character Portrait: Zion/SilverCross

"Old Gods I swear to you, today, that until I will not exterminate the vampires, I will not die. Did you hear me? I will not die"

Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal
Zaldir Kestal

"Do you want to hear a joke? No? okay fine."

Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen
Dreya Sinrayen

'I will avenge you, Gwyn... even if it steals my very soul'.

Character Portrait: Melchisedek

"Peace can always be reached."

Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi

Oohh now this looks like fun.

Character Portrait: Clayton Thorn
Clayton Thorn

Go away... Just let me live in peace...

Character Portrait: Gancan Agh
Gancan Agh

"No peace until we stand alone."

Character Portrait: Solomon

'I shall show you the strength of the fallen, you shall experience our pain'

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » The Sacred Realm: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in The Sacred Realm

Re: The Sacred Realm

>.< Sad. I was thoroughly enjoying it. Oh well. Thanks everyone. :D

Re: The Sacred Realm

Well, it was fun while it lasted. I had really hoped to play this through. I mean, my demon character, she wasn't going to fully heal within the timeline of the roleplay, so she would be crippled and have to deal with that. It would have helped give her perspective. And Gan, he was going to become a part of the main story line and in the end either try to sabotage the possible peace, kill himself or both. And my angel, I hadn't figured out who she was yet. I was still discovering her as a character. It's too bad none of that will come to be now. Oh well. I would just like to thank you all for the chance and for the fun we had while we were here.

Re: The Sacred Realm

I'm currently waiting on Roo, Squishy and Littlepaw myself. I don't know, might shoot them a message if no one else already has.

We also really need a couple more Sacred Ones. I'm maxed out on characters and that's a bit much for me as it is. We have to fill those spots to get the story to work.

Re: The Sacred Realm

I was waiting on posts, too. xD

Re: The Sacred Realm

Okay. I posted with Silk, since I can't post with Dreya 'cause she's waiting on posts. >.< Hopefully it will spark some people to post? :D

Re: The Sacred Realm

The two characters I can currently post as are knocked out and I am waiting to for posts.

Re: The Sacred Realm

Im still here waiting for some posts to be made. <.< I really hope this hasn't died.

Re: The Sacred Realm

I really hope not. Maybe message the inactive players and ask them if they can find the time to post again?

Re: The Sacred Realm

Uh-oh... Has it died? ;_;

Re: The Sacred Realm

Me too. It's fun. Still waiting for the New Years season to be over before I really get worried, but it's hard.

Re: The Sacred Realm


I got a Velvet Underground t-shirt... Skyrim... Concert tickets, bunch of clothes and makeup/jewelry. And some money & vouchers. Pretty good. :D
Best bit was spoiling my 2 cats and our new kitten. :) They and the dog had stockings full of awesome kitty & doggie stuff.

Hoping everyone else had such an excellent time. xD

And I seriously hope this doesn't die! D:

Re: The Sacred Realm

Let's see, clothes, clothes, Assassin's Creed III (I have a PS3, so exclusives ahoy!), a pair of gift cards that I used to buy another game (the other of which will be going towards Battlefield 3 Premium soon), and clothes.

What made my day was my older brother (21, and the person who sent me AC III) sending our youngest brother (16) and me (19) a Christmas greeting card of Justin Bieber wrapped in ribbons, and when you open it up it plays "Baby". He wrote to us, "I heard this is what you teenagers like. Well, that and video games."

I actually laughed so hard I was crying.

Anyone else wanna get in on all this Xmas love? Or maybe you're in the middle of Hanukkah?

Re: The Sacred Realm

Nah, you're posts aren't poor quality.

I got the limited edition Brave that had the Angus plush! I know some people (especially since I'm a guy in my twenties) may not think that's such a big present but apperantly I'm only four years old. Besides that I got a hat, a usb headset and a DVD of the Garry Moore show. Made out like bandits!

But honestly my brother smiling for the first time in over a month, since he had some teeth pulled, and my mom actually brought to tears out of joy for a couple of hers, that's what made the day.

How about you, Torn?

Re: The Sacred Realm

Speakin' of Christmas, what'd you all get? I hope you all like my post, too, regardless of how short and crappy it is. xD

Re: The Sacred Realm

Your posts weren't bad. But, man, I understand that Christmas is coming up in the next couple of days, but this place is barely keeping alight. I hope after the excitement dies down, by the third from my experience, we get back on track. I really enjoy this and I don't want to see it go inactive.

Re: The Sacred Realm

Sorry my posts were so poor in quality. I have been very busy so tried my best in the small amount of time I had available. D:

Re: The Sacred Realm

Alright, I finally got mine in. After thinking a few things out I hadn't before, this is going to become interesting.

Re: The Sacred Realm

We're going to post. I haven't gotten mine in for D because I haven't had my head on right for the last few days. I feel I can't make a quality post at the moment.

Re: The Sacred Realm

Really? Its no one going to post? K.

Re: The Sacred Realm

Ah wonderful, thank you for that... i am sure though when someone submits another post it will sort itself out