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The Brittle House

The Brittle House


A wild whirl-wind adventure lies ahead for those adopted by the mysterious Brittle...(long term RP) [1 customer place left] Recommended to anyone who loves fantasy aspects and a twisted plot with light, humourous and dark bumps.

2,096 readers have visited The Brittle House since Meesha created it.


Image This is your GM speaking. Don't hesitate to develop your character throughout the roleplay, you can add small things to them that you come up with on the way through as long as they aren't far fetched and likely to receive scorn. For example I might slip in that kitsunes are wonderful at music, have beautiful singing voices or that my character develops an ability over time etc. You can also do this throughout as long as you aren't constantly adding 'drastic' things to your character/s and make sure to add these things to your profile after or before you post about them.

The Brittle House
Soundtrack: Brittle House
Soundtrack: Otherworld
Soundtrack: Am I not human?

The place where what you see...
is not always...
what it seems.

You are an orphan. Something truly tragic occurred and left you without a home or helping hand or perhaps you’ve always been alone. Either way the authorities have got a hold of you now and being under 18 you’re being sent to a child institution where you must wait for someone to adopt you.

But you never get there.

An adult within the institution has been selecting small pods of youths and he’s been selling them- to someone who goes by the name of β€˜Brittle’.
This adult selects you amongst some others and informs you that someone has kindly adopted you before you’ve even set foot in the institution. How lucky. They place you on a train with a ticket (like a little evacuee child) and send you on your way.

You pass cities, towns, small villages, a few farms until finally there is nothing around besides the train track ahead and soon even that comes to an end. The train slows, you youths (being the only passengers left) get off and watch the train trundle away leaving you…next to the building below.

What is this place? Why are you here? Is this some kind of joke?

…Perhaps. You find yourself standing outside this wreck of a building, its gigantic but empty. Ugly and broken, floor boards are missing, stairs and walls decomposing all around you it hasn’t been inhabited by anyone...not for decades. You take a seat mulling over why you were sent here disheartened that the adoption was supposedly some sort of scam- perhaps the institutions were full and they were leaving kids out in the middle of no where to die. It wouldn't surprise you after all luck hasn't been on your side lately...Before you know it though…you and those who have decided to stick around take a nap.

When you awake…it’s to the sound of frantic footsteps, wondrous smells and plentiful conversation. It’s to the sight of glossy wooden floorboards and the scent of beeswax. It’s to the Brittle House.


You have been brought by Brittle the owner of the Brittle house...He is the eyes, ears, voice and soul of the house and all those that come to inhabit it. You'll see soon enough that Brittle house is quite extraordinary and if you knew better you'd pinch yourself a few times to check whether or not you were dreaming...or sane. Brittle house caters for the other world...the world that you cant quite believe exists...

The Brittle house is a broken down, wreck of a building in the human world at daytime. Surrounded by empty lands and woods its an ugly and unpopular place. At Night time however it is an up and running hotel for customers of the other world. It is on a tidy little island surrounded by a sea as black as the night. Customers arrive on fancy little rowing boats with little lanturns hanging at the ends.

Humans cannot physically see the change that Brittles house undergoes- they will without fail fall asleep whilst the unnatural change occurs. Come night time if the human wakes up in the house they will indeed experience the otherworld side of Brittle house.
Humans will not stay with the Night-time Brittle house and so when the sun rises in the human world- the humans will be back in the wrecked building.

Brittle will trick the youths into becoming creatures of the otherworld. They then, are forced to stay within the Brittle House whether it is day or night in the human world. Brittle will then employ them and set them to work in the colourful House. This is where all the fun will begin...



Human One:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Vampire- Reserved for Brokenwings

Human Extra:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Vampire
Human Two:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Kitsune-
Human Three:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Shape shifter- Reserved for Avengerspirit

Human Extra:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Shape shifter- Reserved for Toroto
Human Four:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Yuki-Onna- Reserved for Slendyman

Human Five:
Otherworldly change will be into a: FengHuang- Reserved by kiyokojordie

Human Six:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Veela- Reserved by Blackwolf

Owner of Brittle House: Taken

Already working at Brittle House. Will need to collaborate with me through PM's
Employee One: Reserved for Cienpher
Employee Two: Reserved for Cienpher
Employee Three: Reserved for Novosity

Employee Four:
Those from the Other world wishing to stay at Brittle House either for the night or a long time
[b]Customer One: taken by GothBabeAlex[\b]

Customer Two:

Toggle Rules

Think of 'Spirited Away' when considering this roleplay- it has many similar values.


1) Character Skeletons, information, anything I've put here, on the Introduction or on the OOC I've put there for a reason. SO READ IT!

2) Sex isn't allowed to be described but in my Rp's you can hint at it but dont describe it.

3) Please be literate: Not five sentenses because I will literally spear you alive and wave my barbarian stick about :D
You know we need to be generous with our words and just cause I said no describing sex in great detail doesnt mean you can't describe literally everything else!!!

4) I will be posting first so if you follow my lead you'll know how much approximately to write.

5) Anything you want to know or ask or anything can go in the OOC!! Or Pm me you know whatever you prefer- We understand you may not completely get some of the ideas straight away but with some further explanation if you need it you probably will get it. Keep to the character Skeleton otherwise we can all go home now...I mean I didnt type it up for the hell of it!

6) If you have ideas you think will be good honestly just blurt them out on the OOC it'll be fine. Any questions about the ideas so far- they're brief but I can explain them more if you like- and once we're all posting it'll make a heck load more sense.

7) Dont join and then disppear off the radar I mean...really you mischeivious little gits!!

8) know fine..not alot of it..if your character stumbs his toes on the door he can scream blasphemy if he wants but not after every other word or i'll chuck something at you

Character profiles must be good. If you havent bothered it shows me you're a lazy and I dont want Lazy people in my Roleplays! Ask anybody who knows me, lazy, roleplays and Meesha do not go together owo

Image~ "Here are the Character Skeletons. Don't be Losers and ignore them. Remember good, well thought out character profiles suggest you are a good roleplayer".
-Preferably don't use real life images.
-If someone has already made a character who is bad tempered and mean try to make your character different to counter them. Of course we can have more than one character who is bad tempered in the RP what im saying is I dont want 5 characters will similar personalities.

Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (15-17)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

I Otherwordly changed into a: (What does Brittle trick your character into being. Add written description)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

History: (Thats anything about how you became an Orphan and your life prior now. Be inventive)

Employees of Brittle
Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image/ should look young)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (To suit your character)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

Your Job: (PM me if you haven't already)
Other worldly ethnic: (What are you- Once again PM)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

History/Other: (Thats your sob story on how you got here and what you think of the place plus anything extra)

Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (To suit your character)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

I am: (Already staying at Brittle house? Or just arriving with the new recruits? Staying long term?-recommended-)

I am a: (What otherworldly creature are you? Give description- what you eat- what you're attracted to etc. Be inventive anything to give the Employees a hard time. Take into account their fears/ dreams etc)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

Other: (Anything you'd like to add to your character information?)

Information extention

Brittles Employees

There is no fixed job or responsibility for a regular Employee of Brittle. There will be certain people with authority and they will ask you to do things and you will simply carry them out. All regular employees (ie all those originate from human rhelm) are looked upon as helpers.

Those in charge and what they're incharge of:

Brittle: He's incharge of everything really, he oversees all that goes on in the House and often sends out his messengers to give employees tasks that he can see need doing.

She is in charge of all things edible and drinkable. She controls the kitchens to a certain extent and samples all food before it goes out to the customers or whoever the food is for, even if it is for the other employees.

Special Spirits:
(refer to :Employees: in character) Though they carry out many tasks themselves such as the laundry, cooking, cleaning etc the Special spirits are direct messengers from Brittle himself and so carry a significant importance. They will be the ones running around constantly passing messages here and giving Brittle tips on whats occurring around the house (not that Brittle cannot see for himself its nice to have someone else confirm things)

Employee Services

Room service- Cleaning out a room ready for new customer. Bringing them ordered food. Bringing up their luggage. Providing pre-booked service (could be ANYTHING)

Kitchen- Cooking. Collecting ordered food.

Cleaning- Can be in a variety of places in the House depending on how unlucky you are. Gluttony will not allow anyone but the special spirits to clean the kitchen.

Waiting/waitressing- This could take place in any area of Brittles House that requires it.

Welcoming desk/ checking in desk- Checking customers in and welcoming them no matter how rancid or rude they are. (Rarely you are allowed here.)

'Special' tasks appointed by Brittle himself- Please don't be flattered.

Various Floors

Brittles floor- Including his room and other mysterious areas.

Kitchen/Pantry- Kitchen where all the food is cooked, prepared and tasted. Pantry where most food is kept (save for livestock) Washing up of plates etc takes place. Also where New Employees sleep along with Special spirits.

Laundry- Where all washing of bedlinen, clothes etc is done.

Dining hall/buffae- Where many customers may come to specifically eat. Usually reserved for the messy customers.

Gambling hall- Where customers come to gamble in the strangest of ways for the strangest of things. Gambling is the main attraction which is why it is labelled the 'gambling hall' but other small games take place here.

Bathing hall- Where customers go to relax and release tension. Various spa treatments to nuture the soul are avaliable here.

Beneath the Bathing hall- Where Employees bathe and wash.

Buton's ball- Where broader entertainment is provided, dancers, singers, vast and broad spectrum of entertainment. (Weird and wonderful things)

Three floors dedicated to customer rooms: Customer rooms vary depending on the customer staying in them.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Ren
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As the orphans set to rest their bleary eyes, darkness slowly descended upon the mortal world. In most cases, the evening brought with it an ambiance and the peacefulness of sleep. It was anything but such in the case of the Brittle House. In many ways, the night shift of the Brittle House brought forth the most eventful hours of the day – after all, only the most… eccentric of creatures loitered about in the human world to seek the house’s nightly services. Now, how did Gwen know this? Well, seeing as he was one of the busiest waiters on the night shift, he felt that he had the right to pass judgement.

As always, the Dining Hall was marked with full tables and dirtied wooden floors that had just moments before, been swept and polished spotless. Gwen’s smile faltered as the sharp note of yet another shattered glass pierced through his ears. His ears, furred, triangular, and perched atop his head, flattened against his skull at the accompanying shriek of one of the female patrons. It was certainly from far away enough, but as a kitsune, a fox-spirit, he was granted the curse of keener senses – sensitive ears, a finer nose… Gwen stopped a moment when the one who’d screamed threw a glance in his direction… and the uncanny ability to attract the opposite gender, apparently under any circumstances. In a well-rehearsed maneuver, the waiter cut around a cluster of tables, away from the accident and unwanted eyes.

Really, in a place like the Brittle House, it was every employee for himself. Compassion or any sense of amiability never ended well. He knew from experience that there was no such thing as a β€˜pleasant customer’, so Gwen took it upon himself to make his life a little easier to live. Just then, a distressingly familiar voice called out, β€œGwen, why didn’t you wake me up?!”

… Well, as easy as he could make it when some others just tried to make it harder.

Now, it wasn’t that Gwen didn’t see the other waiter – it was hard to miss the vampire in his crumpled dress shirt, with red-amber hair a mess and silver nametag askew on his vest. It was just that he'd long since noticed a pattern with this individual: it seemed that whenever Ren appeared on the scene, the kitsune found himself in another mess to attend to. So he instead turned his attention to one of many tables, taking up the empty glasses to return to the kitchen. However, to his dismay, the newly arrived waiter chose to follow, continuing his onslaught of complaints. Before Gwen realized, the one-sided conversation had changed to something far more alarming.

"So anyway, Gwen, I had this dream last night," Ren started. A broad grin displayed his prominent fangs and his crimson eyes flashed with mischief. Nothing good ever followed that expression, so with a warning to his own green eyes, Gwen finally gave the other waiter his attention. "... and I've heard from some of the customers that it's supposed in some human cultures that vampires can turn into bats - " This already sounded bad. "– so maybe I could use echolocation!" Ren exclaimed, taking up one of the refilled glasses and taking a sip before continuing, "You know, that thing where you navigate using sound alone?"

"That's for a customer," Gwen snapped, but made no attempt to take it back. Instead, picking up a trayful of the other orders, he set off back into the fray of things. "Stop being stupid and get to work," he called before plastering on a pleasant smile and returning to his work.


'Really, what sort of demented spirit orders mermaid with maiden's blood at this time of night?' Gwen was wheeling a trolley of various platters through the main lobby of the Brittle House at the request of one particularly... ravenous customer. The no-limit room service provided by the establishment was only one of many banes of Gwen's life. Others would include the ever-present fragrance of smoky incense, the shamelessly lustful patrons of the otherworld, and... Ren's ridiculous ideas.

Gwen's composed expression didn't do his surprise justice when he saw the vampire, just a few steps ahead, staggering about with black cloth over his eyes and a trayful of beverages. However, the bewildered one he wore when the blindfolded waiter tripped over one of several bodies strewn about by reception matched his sentiments fairly well. The kitsune didn't even bother wondering why the bodies were there. He abandoned his own order to deal with the one falling to the floor.

For once, it was fortunate that alcohol was such a common order in the Brittle House. Rushing forward, Gwen threw out his hand, and focused on the spilling crimson liquid – whatever it was had enough alcohol in it to be flammable… which was perfect for a kitsune’s ability. Before a drop could hit the wooden floor, the liquid burst into blue flame and evaporated. Fox fire – a convenient flame that burned only what Gwen willed. Unfortunately, it could do little to save the glass which promptly shattered on the ground.

Thoroughly agitated, Gwen rounded on the vampire, who had in the meantime, knocked into some shorter female figure and fallen to the ground. β€œCould you, for once in your life, not make a spectacle of everything you do?” he hissed in hushed tones, but was cut short as Ren pulled off the blindfold. The vampire’s eyes widened in surprise, and Gwen quickly realized why. All further words withered on his tongue.

Humans? That couldn’t be right. Humans were never at the Brittle House. They shouldn’t be there. They couldn’t be there… yet strangely enough, there they were. A glance told him that the short, black-haired girl – the only one conscious, was human as well. β€˜Why now?’ Gwen knew all too well what role humans played in the works, and he knew that humans had been there before… Had… Brittle brought them?

Ren was the first to speak. β€œSo, lovely first impression we made, eh, Gwen? To the most interesting guests, too.” Lighthearted words. Too lighthearted.

They foretold nothing of the fate to come.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Ren
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He felt hands shaking him, but his eyelids weren’t obeying his orders and opening like he wanted them to. β€œFlan… time to wake up…” came a sleepy voice. He couldn’t quite place exactly who it belonged to, but it filled him with a certain feeling of peacefulness. β€œWake up…” whispered the same voice - a worried, soft voice. β€œWake up! All of you wake up!” He was shook again, and his eyelids flickered open slightly. β€œYou have to wake up! Please!”

Flan groaned before shifting slightly on the ground. Strangely enough, it didn’t creak, but he didn’t have time to react on that development before something crashed into him. That provided the necessary stimulus to wake him up - and his eyes flickered open out of shock and hands flew to comfort the sudden pain in his stomach. What had happened? Had one of his new friends accidentally tripped over him... no, he had fallen asleep! He meant to turn around and apologize to his friendly almost-sister, but his excuses withered on his tongue when he saw the two people in front of him.

One was wearing a black blindfold and possessed red-as-fire hair. While there was nothing that off about his appearance, the male seemed strangely, mainly due to the way that he was staggering around - like those extremely exhausted people who had drunk too much liquid in those movies... But it was the other one who caught his attention. Not only was his hair as shiny and silver as those new coins, but he possessed silver fox ears and a tail. Although it was a costume of sorts, the second person seemed certainly eccentric. Both were wearing suitably formal clothing, with a silver nametag pinned on the shirt.

This had to be a dream. Flan attempted to crack a smile on the ground, before wetting his lips to address the people from his dream. They seemed to be pretty nice, and it wouldn't hurt to be ni - was that fire?! A bright blue flame was falling to the ground, and out of a reflex, Flan turned to stare at their surroundings. Even in this wreck - no...

Wait. His eyes had to be deceiving him, right?

The house was strangely lavish. Instead of the falling over wooden structure, it seemed to be almost a mansion. The floor, next to his eyes, was made out of wood. Not the half rotten wood that Flan recognized from his childhood, but some glossy thing that, had it not been covered in strange substances, would gleam like photographs. Despite that, it still shone. People, almost as strange as the second, were seen vaguely in the background, but Flan, eyes still fogged over with drowsiness, could not make out all the details.

Before Flan's confused eyes, the blue fire flickered and went out - seemingly without any outside interference. "Could you, for once in your life, not make a spectacle of everything you do?" hissed the person wearing a costume, rounding on the blindfolded man. Then, the blindfold came off, and revealed strange... red eyes. Flan nearly yelped from the surprise.

Maybe this drew the attention of the two males, but they both turned their eyes in his direction. Both of them - one silver, the other red - looked at the entire group with inscrutable looks, before one of them spoke in a nonchalant voice. "So, lovely first impression we made, eh, Gwen? To the most interesting guests, too."

He had to be wrong. Flan, wearily, pushed himself up to his feet. They were going to be members of the Brittle family - not just guests. Those two people deserved to know that their entire group would end up happy with their new life with the amazing, nice, awesome Brittle. It had to end up that way. He took a deep breath - not really feeling comfortable to talking to the strange, older people in his dream, but this was some sort of confusion that he couldn't - no, wouldn't allow to stand.

"Um..." his voice was quiet, so he surreptitiously cleared his throat again. So, how would he word this... "We're here to see Mister or Misses Brittle. We were adopted - he can explain." It seemed to be kind of awkward, so Flan attempted to tack on something to the end. "Sir. We're not just guests - we're going to be his family! With all the picnics on the lawn and fun scavenger hunts and everything!" He smiled, one that seemed forced even to him. "Me and Susan and everyone else!"


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Terra Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith Character Portrait: Ren Character Portrait: Brittle
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#, as written by Meesha
Can you relate to those times when you catch yourself falling asleep and wake up with a start.
It felt like that for Ashley Parker when she heard the smashing of a glass. Her body jolted in shock and her eyes flapped open to gain visual on a blurry scene. The surroundings smelt waxed and polished. Golden glows and passing shadows surrounded her as she felt her forehead.

Confusion lasted for a few moments, an uncertain state that left her not knowing where she was last. When she did recall her location her blue eyes widened in bewilderment. This wasn’t the run down house. Thinking it was a dream was out of the question when she sat up and gazed around taking in the other Orphans laying about; there was no way she would dream about these losers.

With her head on a swivel she noticed Susan and Flan already on their feet standing stock still, when she followed their line of sight she froze. Her heart flickered like a flame from the adrenaline of both excitement and fear. Just feet away stood two extraordinary boys.

One with glossy silver hair, eyes like a thunder-cloud and the ears and tail of a fox. The other with flame-like hair, crimson eyes and a smile that could stop any heart beat. For some unexplainable reason they were attractive beyond comparison and Ashley felt a lust she never knew she had in her for the silver haired boy. It was so powerful it made her feel physically sick that she wasn’t in closer contact with him.
With shaky legs she stood up behind Flan her eyes wide with uncertainty. The three Orphans looked like a litter of baby rabbits caught in the headlights of an on coming vehicle in the shadows of the two Brittle House employees who naturally (as spirits) stood feet above the small build of a human being.

β€œWhat’s going on?” Ashley murmured shallowly.


The air is thick and murky with incense. The House manufactures foreign heat but those closer to the ground can only feel the bitter chill of the night. A small selection of special spirits loiter tentatively nearby a broad desk playing with their hair whilst sending stealthy glances in their master’s direction.

Through the smoke two luminous, reptilian eyes stare back at them.

Up on the top floor of the House they all linger in mysterious fog, nothing is solid or for certain on the top most floor of the Brittle House. It is the masters utmost domain and only the special spirits know what is what round there aside from him.

β€œTerra” comes his husky murmur from the midst of sweet scented cloud.

A special spirit steps forth and bows awkwardly whilst the others titter childishly to one another in discontent for not being chosen.
Two large Indigo coloured eyes gaze up at the master as Terra hangs upon every passing second waiting for him to bestow a message upon her.
She watches the master with eager eyes as he swirls a finger in the mass of water-coloured cloud that hung closest to him.

β€œNew employees have arrived. Scattered and chaste in the otherworld, bring them to tea before they aggravate the customers.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Ren
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Susan Williams

'Where are we?'
It was odd to have fallen asleep in a torn up home and awake in such a palace, perhaps they were moved during their slumber and placed on the floor? Susan kept searching for a reasonable explanation for this whole thing.Now what of the others around them, the odd look ones, especially the two in front of them? One held some interesting red eyes while the other held silvery fox features, were the cosplaying of some sort? She knew of cosplay cafes, but this, this was a bit to over the top. Even so the two men in front of them did have some attracting features she couldn't help but notice, especially the fox boy. She didn't like this attention, the eyes around them staring as if they were some foreign creatures. She looked towards the others, some still asleep, but Ashley seemed to be awakening. Almost subconsciously she moved behind Flan as if trying to hide a bit from the other creatures that took interest in them.
"Sir. We're not just guests - we're going to be his family! With all the picnics on the lawn and fun scavenger hunts and everything!"

Almost instantly she turned to look at Flan, how could he be so calm right now? Did he think this was all not real, maybe it wasn't though. Maybe this was all still her just dreaming, but to be sure she went ahead and closed her eyes tight and pinched herself as hard as she could manage. When re-opening her eyes they were still there, she pouted a bit, something she couldn't help. It would seem this would have to be real, she hadn't ever experienced a dream so real, now to make sure Flan knew. She pinched Flan on the shoulder, hopefully he would get the message.
Ashley though finally awoke and she asked the question she had planned to ask the suited men in front of them. β€œWhat’s going on?” Ashely didn't seemed too excited about the situation, but she wasn't freaking out either. She seemed to hold a calm demeanor to it all, but it looked as if something was bothering her. Susan couldn't help but think of Brittle, was this his or hers place? Was Brittle some sort of alien that adopted them to test them?! She really didn't want to be dissected like a frog, or perhaps they were going to be food? Maybe that's why Brittle adopted so many of them? She felt she was being a bit negative then usual, so she had at least tried to find something good of this. ' If Brittle really is just adopting us, then we get to live in this huge place!' Satisfied with that thought,
she spoke up " What is this place? Is this some sort of cosplay shop? Did you all drag us here?" her face held a childish suspicious look as she pointed at them from behind Flan.


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Zurich Parkinson

As the others seemed to fall asleep around him for some strange reasons, Zurich could no longer hold his yawn as he felt his eyes closed tiredly. What was happening to him? Zurich turned his head and looked left and right but even his body seemed to run out of energy to panic as he laid down on a corner of the floor with a soft thump. Why was he so tired suddenly? W-was it because he had traveled for too long? Or was it something else? But whatever the reasons were, he couldn't keep his eyes open for even a minute. The teenager mumbled sleepily "...m-maybe I should just close my eyes for a second...yeah, a second only..." He curled into a tight ball as he hugged his chest protectively. He didn't feel very comfortable sleeping with so many others but there was no other choice. Sighing deeply, Zurich closed his eyes.

Yeah, he would just rest his eyes for a second and then he would wake up...

" Wake up! All of you wake up! You have to wake up! Please!"

A panicked voice woke Zurich from his unease sleep. What happened? Where was he? The teenager opened his eyes and let out a groan as he covered his head. His head hurt so much. Did something hit him on the head or something? And why was his body feel...stranger than usual? And why was there a girl's voice in his room? He looked around, extremely confused by the scene around him. T-this was not his room. Zurich closed his eyes and prepared to sleep again.

What a minute! This was NOT his room!

The teenager opened his eyes wide and sat up abruptly. His head hit a table and he groaned, pressing his palm tightly on his newest wound but didn't comment on it as he was still too busy staring at everything. Suddenly, yesterday's(?) memory flowed back to him as he looked at the others. There were some differences on them. Some differences he couldn't seem to spot and what happened to the old, abandoned house? This was not the place he had arrived. He was sure of it! Then....what was this place? It was big and...beautiful... He looked around...and noticed two...something came to their place and he unconsciously leaned farther away from them. Wh-who were they? They w-were not humans! One was with silver(?) hair and fox ears and the other had...r-red eyes! And the power...they both was radiating power! He cowered, trying to make himself as small as possible. What kinds of creatures were they?!

"...w-what is going on?"

He managed to croak out finally and frowned slightly as he noticed he was too far from the group...This was not good! Wh-what if the creatures decided to eat something else to him? What possessed him to sleep so far away from the group? Oh yeah, it was his paranoia that made him do that...and now? It would kill him! He suppressed his fear as he gripped his hands tightly into fists and asked, his voice shook slightly "...w-what...I mean, w-who are you?..."

Zurich threw a depressed glance toward the three awakened orphans and silently measured the distance between him and them, trying to find a way to get closer to least, that way he wouldn't be alone...He swallowed hard and tried to keep his emotionless mask on...He had to be...brave!...but it was so hard to do so when you were in a corner and alone with no one stood by your side.


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It was a while before Athens finally woke to the sound of children pleading and worried voices. Her eyes felt heavy and she woke up slowly, instantly seeing strange colours, smelling strange smells and hearing unusual sounds. She groaned and looked around her wearily, her eyes catching on two unfamiliar figures standing infront of the orphans. She had to blink a few times to see what she thought she ears? Tail? Silver hair? This couldn't be right, but it was and somehow she knew that none of this was a dream.

Before she stood up, she sized up the two boys staring at them, not being quite sure if they would lash out and eat them or leave the kids be, and then she finally glanced at her surroundings. Everything was glassy, polished and she knew would've costed thousands, lights thats shined so bright she couldn't look at them for long...this was a very expensive room she was in, and she felt insecure being in it. In hope she looked down at her clothes, maybe they had changed--but no, she was still in the shabby, bags of clothes she was in before.

Looking closely at the two boys she noticed they were rather attractive. Athens looked away quickly and braced herself on the wall she was leaning against...slow and sore she stood up, her head feeling heavy and dizzy. She looked around at the other orphans, some awake and looking scared out of their wits, some still asleep and others just waking up like she was.

Her eyes moved to Zurich, scared little Zurich, and wondered how on earth he had survived so far in life. She didn't feel scared at all, she wasn't exactly sure why...maybe she had been drugged or something? Anyway, she didn't get scared very often. "What the hell?" she growled, looking directly at the two...strange beings who had greeted them. She was finally standing up straight, but still flat against the wall, ready if they turned bad and something happened.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Rie Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Ren
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0.00 INK


The customers were far more rowdy than usual, their antics driving the blond Huldra to wish that somehow, just somehow, her tail was long enough to clobber her own ears. She had no such luck whatsoever. What made the attention of them even worse was the fact that one of the more visible sources eye candy, Gwen, that grumpy and all-too serious silver-haired kitsune, was missing from his usual rounds. Without his powers of distraction, the customers were far more… interested in bothering the others, such as herself. When dealing with them was irritating even in the best of times, this just made it worse. Catching sight of a less-than polite wave from an otherworldly spirit, which she vaguely recognized as a Nyx, Rie sighed, and made her way towards the customer.

β€œDearest Sir, is there anything that I may do to aid you?” she asked, keeping her eyes focused on the space between his eyebrows. The smell of fish pervaded the air this close to the water-dwelling male, and quite frankly, Rie was having a difficult time breathing. Not that her own personal comfort could be placed above that of the more esteemed clients. She recognized this brand of customer. They would normally be the ones chasing after the silver-tailed waiter, for purposes were more disturbing… than not. Their almost unsettling behavior ranged from simple desire to something a little stronger. At the very least, it was Gwen on the receiving end, not her. Heh, there was no wonder why he was always so irritated.

β€œHuh,” came the less than understandable reply. β€œI’d like some of that and maybe this and - yes, that’ll be all.” Seeing as the customer was not really referring to anything in particular, Rie attempted to convey her confusion through a quick double-blink and tilt of the head. The smile remained. She was ignored, before the customer turned back to sharing his highly improbable exploits to his partner.

Rie almost opened her mouth to speak, before remembering that a customer was not to be disturbed in any state - other than outright emergencies. Taking that as her cue to leave, she, carrying a silver tray in one hand, strode, almost glided off. Plus, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with them at the moment. Caught up in her own thoughts, the huldra was unable to place that calm smile over her own countenance, and therefore, was unable to remain the perfect waitress that she almost prided herself on. It wasn’t like Gwen to be missing from his duties, as he was type that spent all his life doing his job. Neither could she spot that red-haired vampire, Ren, who, while being a boring type of spirit, was far too happy about everything for his own good. He was also the source of plenty of problems. The two of them, fitting their rhyming names, tended to be seen together, although their personalities clashed.

It seemed as though while debating such issues, there was no way that she would be able to concentrate. Perhaps it was time to find that kitsune. Just for her own mental comfort.

All she’d do is somehow get the uptight waiter to wander around the area, drawing all attention, and taking that chance, she would be able to… pick the better customers for her own attention. The huldra wandered off, ignoring a customer’s call for aid, pretending as though she hadn’t seen it. Anyways, there was another waiter heading in that relative direction. It quite wouldn’t do for her to steal a tip, would it?

Scanning the crowd with her blue eyes, she caught a glimpse of Gwen’s blue fox-fire, brighter than anything else in the nearby area. Ah, he was there, was he? Rie quickened her step, before the Huldra caught sight of the distinctive of both males - Gwen’s silver mane and Ren’s crimson. β€˜I wonder what in the world they’re doing?’ Half in her mind to chastise them for doing nothing of worth, continued to observe from afar. She wouldn’t involve herself, until she realized if there was a prank worth doing. The things you do for boredom.

Behind the two, there seemed to be movement, and Rie changed her viewing position to take a better look at them. Customers were the best beings to play with - their irritating features making such actions akin to revenge. There were a few upright customers, and two were even lying on the floor. With a frown, she looked at the prone bodies more closely - it was still early in the night, and usually people did not pass out until… hours later. But that wasn’t the most important thing. To the best of her knowledge, they lacked even the more normal of otherwordly characteristics. No strange body parts, nothing really that set them off from the rest. β€œWhat is this place? Is this some sort of cosplay shop? Did you all drag us here?” Watching the girl closely, there was not even the telltale glimpse of saliva-drenching, blood-yearning fangs.

Pranks momentarily forgotten, she continued to stand there, unable to bring herself to making the next step forward. Could they perhaps be…

It couldn’t be possible. Humans did not enter the Brittle House. It just couldn’t be…

Brittle wouldn’t have…

From her confused eyes, she watched as the other two prone bodies straightened upright, albeit not at the same time, each of them spouting words from their mouth. β€œW-what...I mean,w-who are you?…” If it made her happier somehow, it seemed as though they, too, had no idea what they were doing here.

β€œ[b]What the hell?
came the other, more abrasive tone. This was a true enigma. Finally unable to hold back her interest in the current proceedings, she finally made the last steps necessary to stand by the side of the male waiters. She made sure to keep her tone and words light, but… β€œMost Esteemed Guests,” she blinked, before continuing, β€œis there a reason why you’re here of all places?”

A black-haired child, really, spoke up, with a voice filled with indignation. β€œWe’ve been adopted by Mister Brittle, ma’am. We’re going to be part of the family and everything. And we’ll have fun, every single day. And we’ll have a perfect life, I’m telling you!”

W-what was going on?

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Brittle
Character Portrait: Ashley Parker
Character Portrait: Gwen
Character Portrait: Ren
Character Portrait: Rie
Character Portrait: Terra
Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Character Portrait: Flan
Character Portrait: Hadith
Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Character Portrait: Ami


Character Portrait: Ami

"i'm not like the others,I have nothing left, you cant hurt me..I'm just a Burden."

Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Zurich Parkinson

"W-what..just because I look like a girl doesn't mean I fight like one...s-stop touching me!"

Character Portrait: Hadith

"There's nothing for me here."

Character Portrait: Flan

"I'm sorry! I - I was too excited for finally getting adopted. Please don't send me back..."

Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Cole Stoc

"Maybe she'll be with this group.."

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Blair Briar

"Here's to trying again..."

Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Susan Williams

" I can only hope things get better from here on."

Character Portrait: Terra

"I echo Eithe's words because I do not have my own..."

Character Portrait: Rie

"Apologies, Esteemed Sir. Pardon me for saying so, but if you're displeased with your service - I would kindly encourage your orders to be.. more exact."


Character Portrait: Terra

"I echo Eithe's words because I do not have my own..."

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Ren

"Dear customer, you seem upset. Why don't you tell me what happened over a glass, hm?"

Character Portrait: Flan

"I'm sorry! I - I was too excited for finally getting adopted. Please don't send me back..."

Character Portrait: Hadith

"There's nothing for me here."

Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Susan Williams

" I can only hope things get better from here on."

Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Blair Briar

"Here's to trying again..."

Character Portrait: Ami

"i'm not like the others,I have nothing left, you cant hurt me..I'm just a Burden."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Terra

"I echo Eithe's words because I do not have my own..."

Character Portrait: Ren

"Dear customer, you seem upset. Why don't you tell me what happened over a glass, hm?"

Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Zurich Parkinson

"W-what..just because I look like a girl doesn't mean I fight like one...s-stop touching me!"

Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Cole Stoc

"Maybe she'll be with this group.."

Character Portrait: Rie

"Apologies, Esteemed Sir. Pardon me for saying so, but if you're displeased with your service - I would kindly encourage your orders to be.. more exact."

Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Blair Briar

"Here's to trying again..."

Character Portrait: Ami

"i'm not like the others,I have nothing left, you cant hurt me..I'm just a Burden."

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Re: The Brittle House

Just a note - I'll be posting a response after Kiyokojordie gets her post up unless some other orphan wants to wake up before Gwen and Ren explains nothing some stuff...

Re: The Brittle House

Sorry, I have so many assignments due at the moment and havent had time to do much. I'll try to get a post up tonight!

Re: The Brittle House

Thanks Cien ^^...editing my post a little bit before I post it

Re: The Brittle House

Human forms :D
Meesha'll let you all know when you start changing... but right now, you're mortal and all likely to get eaten if Gwen decides to up and leave...

Re: The Brittle House

One question before i post...have everyone changed into the...err...otherworld creatures when they wake up or are they still in their human forms?...^^

Re: The Brittle House

I find it just as interesting, of course Flanis probably the more cheerful one out of the two. It's too bad that their expectations won't be met. :p

Re: The Brittle House

Well, I claim the post after Cien posts as Rie's introductory post. ^^ Actually, I will start writing it then, but feel free to post anywho. I can always tack on more stuff at the end. XD This time around Rie wants an introductory post that's more interesting (and less wordy)...

And Slendy! I love how Flan and Susan are the youngest and the most cheerful. ^^ I just find it interesting - and I want to see them with their hopes dashed. (Although don't tell them that. XD)

Re: The Brittle House

I think they are around, but probably don't know the posting is continuing. Perhaps PMing might help?

Re: The Brittle House

Okay, so I'm going to post for Gwen and Ren, but I'll be waiting for others to post their awakening scenes before Terra arrives on the scene...
So... people, where are you all? I know blackwolf's busy with finals, but everyone else is unaccounted for...

Re: The Brittle House

Blah indeed :D Ive got a random burst of literate energy and I just wanna...write! Good luck with your assignment though :)

Re: The Brittle House

Finally - a Brittle post! I'm so excited XD (First thing I see in the morning is a post by Meesha for the Brittle House? Today's going to be a good day!)

Also, I'd be wiling to rejoin Conduit... I'll go do that after I finish my assignment due in three hours...

Re: The Brittle House

Mmhmm :) Also to original players...I've opened up conduit again. This time it will take off. I began reading the story again and well *scoff* fell in love..AGAIN! But even worse this time. Bah it's too amazing. So fancy rejoining...would lurve to see your pretty faces there again if's cool :)

Anyways on another note...POST YOU INSOLATE CREATURES !!!!

Re: The Brittle House

I'll give it a little bit before I post again then, I hope everyone posts though. :)

Re: The Brittle House

I'll have a post up for Rie eventually as well... eventually. ^^

Re: The Brittle House

Okay I've just posted :) WooHOO! Where is everyone else?????!!??!?!!?!? HMMMMMM.

Re: The Brittle House

Well the way I see it, he was either kicked in the stomach by Ren or wakes up to see a burst of flame in front of him and a guy with long silver hair, ears, and a tail towering above him XD

Re: The Brittle House

I'm typing my post up at the moment. XD I just don't know how Flan's reacting... ^^" He's still asleep...

Re: The Brittle House

Sorry for double-posting, but I was sick of editing my previous post :/

So... we are alive, right everyone? XD (I know Niv is, so she's excluded)
I'm sorry for the weird post, but is anyone willing to react to it? If I'm just being impatient, I apologize for that ^^"

Re: The Brittle House

Meesha, you're used to this, but warning to everyone else - the more I try to shorten my post, the longer it's becoming, so I apologize if I end up posting a short chapter of a novel or something... sorry. Gwen and Ren need quite a few words to present themselves it seems...

Edit: Brief timeskip saves the day :D

Edit to the Edit: Sorry, no... it's shorter than my intro post from the previous incarnation of this, but it's still over a thousand words. I am sorry. I just can't get Gwen to shut up quickly enough. I'll just go post now, yeah XD

Re: The Brittle House

Than off I go to post! I will attempt to try to make it a decent, I'm half awake so bare with me.