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The Brittle House

The Brittle House


A wild whirl-wind adventure lies ahead for those adopted by the mysterious Brittle...(long term RP) [1 customer place left] Recommended to anyone who loves fantasy aspects and a twisted plot with light, humourous and dark bumps.

2,085 readers have visited The Brittle House since Meesha created it.


Image This is your GM speaking. Don't hesitate to develop your character throughout the roleplay, you can add small things to them that you come up with on the way through as long as they aren't far fetched and likely to receive scorn. For example I might slip in that kitsunes are wonderful at music, have beautiful singing voices or that my character develops an ability over time etc. You can also do this throughout as long as you aren't constantly adding 'drastic' things to your character/s and make sure to add these things to your profile after or before you post about them.

The Brittle House
Soundtrack: Brittle House
Soundtrack: Otherworld
Soundtrack: Am I not human?

The place where what you see...
is not always...
what it seems.

You are an orphan. Something truly tragic occurred and left you without a home or helping hand or perhaps you’ve always been alone. Either way the authorities have got a hold of you now and being under 18 you’re being sent to a child institution where you must wait for someone to adopt you.

But you never get there.

An adult within the institution has been selecting small pods of youths and he’s been selling them- to someone who goes by the name of β€˜Brittle’.
This adult selects you amongst some others and informs you that someone has kindly adopted you before you’ve even set foot in the institution. How lucky. They place you on a train with a ticket (like a little evacuee child) and send you on your way.

You pass cities, towns, small villages, a few farms until finally there is nothing around besides the train track ahead and soon even that comes to an end. The train slows, you youths (being the only passengers left) get off and watch the train trundle away leaving you…next to the building below.

What is this place? Why are you here? Is this some kind of joke?

…Perhaps. You find yourself standing outside this wreck of a building, its gigantic but empty. Ugly and broken, floor boards are missing, stairs and walls decomposing all around you it hasn’t been inhabited by anyone...not for decades. You take a seat mulling over why you were sent here disheartened that the adoption was supposedly some sort of scam- perhaps the institutions were full and they were leaving kids out in the middle of no where to die. It wouldn't surprise you after all luck hasn't been on your side lately...Before you know it though…you and those who have decided to stick around take a nap.

When you awake…it’s to the sound of frantic footsteps, wondrous smells and plentiful conversation. It’s to the sight of glossy wooden floorboards and the scent of beeswax. It’s to the Brittle House.


You have been brought by Brittle the owner of the Brittle house...He is the eyes, ears, voice and soul of the house and all those that come to inhabit it. You'll see soon enough that Brittle house is quite extraordinary and if you knew better you'd pinch yourself a few times to check whether or not you were dreaming...or sane. Brittle house caters for the other world...the world that you cant quite believe exists...

The Brittle house is a broken down, wreck of a building in the human world at daytime. Surrounded by empty lands and woods its an ugly and unpopular place. At Night time however it is an up and running hotel for customers of the other world. It is on a tidy little island surrounded by a sea as black as the night. Customers arrive on fancy little rowing boats with little lanturns hanging at the ends.

Humans cannot physically see the change that Brittles house undergoes- they will without fail fall asleep whilst the unnatural change occurs. Come night time if the human wakes up in the house they will indeed experience the otherworld side of Brittle house.
Humans will not stay with the Night-time Brittle house and so when the sun rises in the human world- the humans will be back in the wrecked building.

Brittle will trick the youths into becoming creatures of the otherworld. They then, are forced to stay within the Brittle House whether it is day or night in the human world. Brittle will then employ them and set them to work in the colourful House. This is where all the fun will begin...



Human One:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Vampire- Reserved for Brokenwings

Human Extra:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Vampire
Human Two:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Kitsune-
Human Three:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Shape shifter- Reserved for Avengerspirit

Human Extra:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Shape shifter- Reserved for Toroto
Human Four:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Yuki-Onna- Reserved for Slendyman

Human Five:
Otherworldly change will be into a: FengHuang- Reserved by kiyokojordie

Human Six:
Otherworldly change will be into a: Veela- Reserved by Blackwolf

Owner of Brittle House: Taken

Already working at Brittle House. Will need to collaborate with me through PM's
Employee One: Reserved for Cienpher
Employee Two: Reserved for Cienpher
Employee Three: Reserved for Novosity

Employee Four:
Those from the Other world wishing to stay at Brittle House either for the night or a long time
[b]Customer One: taken by GothBabeAlex[\b]

Customer Two:

Toggle Rules

Think of 'Spirited Away' when considering this roleplay- it has many similar values.


1) Character Skeletons, information, anything I've put here, on the Introduction or on the OOC I've put there for a reason. SO READ IT!

2) Sex isn't allowed to be described but in my Rp's you can hint at it but dont describe it.

3) Please be literate: Not five sentenses because I will literally spear you alive and wave my barbarian stick about :D
You know we need to be generous with our words and just cause I said no describing sex in great detail doesnt mean you can't describe literally everything else!!!

4) I will be posting first so if you follow my lead you'll know how much approximately to write.

5) Anything you want to know or ask or anything can go in the OOC!! Or Pm me you know whatever you prefer- We understand you may not completely get some of the ideas straight away but with some further explanation if you need it you probably will get it. Keep to the character Skeleton otherwise we can all go home now...I mean I didnt type it up for the hell of it!

6) If you have ideas you think will be good honestly just blurt them out on the OOC it'll be fine. Any questions about the ideas so far- they're brief but I can explain them more if you like- and once we're all posting it'll make a heck load more sense.

7) Dont join and then disppear off the radar I mean...really you mischeivious little gits!!

8) know fine..not alot of it..if your character stumbs his toes on the door he can scream blasphemy if he wants but not after every other word or i'll chuck something at you

Character profiles must be good. If you havent bothered it shows me you're a lazy and I dont want Lazy people in my Roleplays! Ask anybody who knows me, lazy, roleplays and Meesha do not go together owo

Image~ "Here are the Character Skeletons. Don't be Losers and ignore them. Remember good, well thought out character profiles suggest you are a good roleplayer".
-Preferably don't use real life images.
-If someone has already made a character who is bad tempered and mean try to make your character different to counter them. Of course we can have more than one character who is bad tempered in the RP what im saying is I dont want 5 characters will similar personalities.

Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (15-17)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

I Otherwordly changed into a: (What does Brittle trick your character into being. Add written description)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

History: (Thats anything about how you became an Orphan and your life prior now. Be inventive)

Employees of Brittle
Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image/ should look young)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (To suit your character)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

Your Job: (PM me if you haven't already)
Other worldly ethnic: (What are you- Once again PM)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

History/Other: (Thats your sob story on how you got here and what you think of the place plus anything extra)

Code: Select all
[left or right][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/left or /right]
Description: (Anything missing from the image)

Name: (Nothing so fancy we cant write it)

Age: (To suit your character)
Sex: (You're either Male or Female)

I am: (Already staying at Brittle house? Or just arriving with the new recruits? Staying long term?-recommended-)

I am a: (What otherworldly creature are you? Give description- what you eat- what you're attracted to etc. Be inventive anything to give the Employees a hard time. Take into account their fears/ dreams etc)

Personality: (Should be large. Impress me with this)

Fears: (Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)
Dreams:(Reason: They may be incooperated into roleplay later)

Other: (Anything you'd like to add to your character information?)

Information extention

Brittles Employees

There is no fixed job or responsibility for a regular Employee of Brittle. There will be certain people with authority and they will ask you to do things and you will simply carry them out. All regular employees (ie all those originate from human rhelm) are looked upon as helpers.

Those in charge and what they're incharge of:

Brittle: He's incharge of everything really, he oversees all that goes on in the House and often sends out his messengers to give employees tasks that he can see need doing.

She is in charge of all things edible and drinkable. She controls the kitchens to a certain extent and samples all food before it goes out to the customers or whoever the food is for, even if it is for the other employees.

Special Spirits:
(refer to :Employees: in character) Though they carry out many tasks themselves such as the laundry, cooking, cleaning etc the Special spirits are direct messengers from Brittle himself and so carry a significant importance. They will be the ones running around constantly passing messages here and giving Brittle tips on whats occurring around the house (not that Brittle cannot see for himself its nice to have someone else confirm things)

Employee Services

Room service- Cleaning out a room ready for new customer. Bringing them ordered food. Bringing up their luggage. Providing pre-booked service (could be ANYTHING)

Kitchen- Cooking. Collecting ordered food.

Cleaning- Can be in a variety of places in the House depending on how unlucky you are. Gluttony will not allow anyone but the special spirits to clean the kitchen.

Waiting/waitressing- This could take place in any area of Brittles House that requires it.

Welcoming desk/ checking in desk- Checking customers in and welcoming them no matter how rancid or rude they are. (Rarely you are allowed here.)

'Special' tasks appointed by Brittle himself- Please don't be flattered.

Various Floors

Brittles floor- Including his room and other mysterious areas.

Kitchen/Pantry- Kitchen where all the food is cooked, prepared and tasted. Pantry where most food is kept (save for livestock) Washing up of plates etc takes place. Also where New Employees sleep along with Special spirits.

Laundry- Where all washing of bedlinen, clothes etc is done.

Dining hall/buffae- Where many customers may come to specifically eat. Usually reserved for the messy customers.

Gambling hall- Where customers come to gamble in the strangest of ways for the strangest of things. Gambling is the main attraction which is why it is labelled the 'gambling hall' but other small games take place here.

Bathing hall- Where customers go to relax and release tension. Various spa treatments to nuture the soul are avaliable here.

Beneath the Bathing hall- Where Employees bathe and wash.

Buton's ball- Where broader entertainment is provided, dancers, singers, vast and broad spectrum of entertainment. (Weird and wonderful things)

Three floors dedicated to customer rooms: Customer rooms vary depending on the customer staying in them.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar Character Portrait: Gwen Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Terra Character Portrait: Rie Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart Character Portrait: Ren

...and 2 others.

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#, as written by Meesha
Brittle Orphans


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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#, as written by Meesha

3 months and 8 days.Β 
That's how far Ashley was from being 18. From being legally able to exist without a guardian.Β 
3 months and 8 days is the length of time she would have to spend in the company of a stranger just to appease a legal system.

Seated on a train she had her back to the window. It was an old train, nothing like the ones she was used to travelling on. The benches were wooden for a start. Glancing to her left the small blonde eyeballed another passenger who had barely budged the entire journey much like herself. It was a small, short haired girl with blue eyes. Ashley couldn't help noticing how her feet barely touched the floor of the train and had spent a good percentage of the journey trying to figure out if she was taller or shorter.

She turned her eyes back to her lap and tapped her fingers on her phone screen...she'd lost signal about 2 or 3 stops back. The incapability to text her friends or search the Internet was beginning to get to her. Brittle better have wifi.
She'd thought about her temporary guardian quite a bit but hadn't yet decided on what she should expect. She wanted to think he was old and frail but it seemed slightly unreal for an old man to adopt a large quantity of children...unless he was loaded. She tried not to think about it too much though, the only thing that really mattered was that he wouldn't really care when she left because he had god knows how many other kids running about already.
Like the guy at the agency said when he recommended accepting this "Mr Brittle's" adoption was the easiest choice and he hadn't received any complaints thus far.

Drained of her resources Ashley pulled out her head phones and settled back into her seat. It had already been a long train journey and something told her it wasn't about to end soon.

The next thing Ashley knew she was lurching forward in her seat. The train had come to a very sudden halt and something told Ashley she should probably get off. Her surroundings were dim apart from a setting sun dying the interior of the train a deep crimson. It was unmistakably the last stop...her stop.
Picking up her hand luggage sheΒ climbed off along with the remainder of those on the train. The train instantly creaked into movement once again and trundled back the way it came leaving them all in a smog of dust and dirt. When the cloud finally settled Ashley laid her eyes on quite a surreal sight.Β Feet clad in expensive sandals and body wrapped in designer garbs Ashley looked about her surroundings with destain.Β 
There was nothing here.
Other than a large, near derelict building ready for flattening.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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Susan Williams

It was odd, to have wounded up in such a place like this. It was odd, that of all things..this happened. It was odd that so many children were being adopted by the same person, Brittle.

Susan took a deep breathe as she stared outside the window as the day was going by quite quickly, how long had she been on this train? It was unknown to her, her expression was distant, as if lost in thought. When in fact, she was. Thoughts swimming of what awaited her ahead, what would this Birttle be like? Would she be able to cope with everything? It was unknown if she would even be able to move on from here, surly the children on this train, every one of them lost something precious of theirs. In her hands were the last thing she managed to take with her other than her luggage of course, a deck of cards. There was nothing quite sentimental about them, just a game to play on the trip. However, she hardly even moved from where she was sitting now. The atmosphere felt bland, depressing in a sense. Maybe it was her imagination, but over all Susan was nervous.

She caught the glance of a blonde girl sitting next to her, she couldn't help but notice right away that she was flatter than a surf board. Though not all women were quite lucky in the term of body structure, Susan herself as well, though it was more of her height and baby face. When the blonde looked towards her, Susan simply stared outside the window. Once she turned away she gave her a quick glance and to the rest of the children. It was a quiet trip, which increased her boredom greatly.

The sun was drifting to it's end, leaving quiet a view. She finally broke her gaze from the window and to the Blonde who stood up and grabbing her things. 'Was this where we need to get off?' Susan looked around unsure, but decided to follow. Grabbing hold of the cards and her luggage and stepping off, she was here. A small breeze blew through as if to welcome the new arrivals. Susan had been wearing her normal attire, a simple plaid green skirt with a long black shirt that seemed almost too big for her. She made a silent vow to herself to try and keep positive and uplifting, now was not the time to sulk.

Susan pulled her luggage a bit farther away from the train as it left the children to their destination. When turning around to face the home she would now be living in, she noticed that the home was quite not what she expected. Surly this was not where they would be staying?
Susan finally spoke up " This is the right stop right? I was...expecting a bit more." she rubbed the back of her head, laughing nervously.

'I hope things get better from here on...'


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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#, as written by Totoro

'I'm being adopted?', the thought entered his mind and it felt so surreal. Why would he need to be adopted? Hadith had parents somewhere in this world and it was only a matter of time till he would be able to fend for himself. This was definitely something he wasn't expecting, but might as well savor the fact that someone out there wanted him. His head pressed against the the window of the train, it rattled every few seconds as it chugged along the rails for what seemed like hours. Not knowing where they were headed, it seemed like it was dragging them out to the middle of nowhere. A handful of kids were all headed to the same place, to same person, with the same curiosity. What did he look like? His mind flooded with an image of the stereotypical movie family. Gorgeous parents cuddling with adorable children in a land of daisies and green pastures. His mouth puffed out as he sighed, releasing air which sent his bangs flying up for the time being till he ran out of oxygen.

The passenger car was silent at the most and everyone seemed to share an aura of tension which could not be shaken. Hadith tapped his foot impatiently and chewed on his choppy bottom lip. Not that he noticed. All these actions were already a habit that had worked it's way into his personality. Endless rows of lifeless plants and greenery blurred past his line of vision and before he knew it the train had screeched to halt and the orphans unloaded after gathering there belongings. Most of their faces he'd seen around the orphanage before, but never had he made any big connections with any of them. Maybe this would bring them altogether.

With a bag in hand, he exited last and watched the train disappear into a small black dot in the distance leaving them stuck in who knows where. His eyes skimming over the group, all staring blankly at a ragged old building that look as if it were on the verge of collapsing on its own. He heard someone ask if they had been dropped off at the right destination. He sure hoped so. Inhaling calmly, he headed to join the bunch and planted a grin across his face. The air was musty and dead trees surrounded the scraggy structure. It was quite chilly, but Hadith dressed appropriately which kept him warm and cozy.

This could be the start of a great adventure, he could almost feel it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Hadith
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The girl sat impatiently on the edge of her seat. Her tapping fingers sat on the sill of the train window where she molded her body against the wall, uncomfortable and perhaps looking as though she were in pain to the other passengers sitting around her. Ocassionally the train would rattle suddenly and the movement made the girl, named Athens, jump with the carriage. This was understandable, considering Athens had never ridden a train in her life, and very rarely had she ridden in a car, so she felt strange as the train puttered along the tracks, giving her a fright whenever it jumped or moved in sudden movements. This made her feel embarrassed and she hoped none of the other children noticed, so in frustration she tried to hide with the strangely patterned wallpaper that led onto a window giving a plain view of nothingness.
Glancing around she saw the other children that were riding with her, to the same place she guessed, and assumed that most were older, perhaps by a year or two. Already she felt inferior.
Her eyes rotated to a boy who wore rather fine clothing, well cut and clean, and Athens looked down at her own jeans and shirt, messy and unfitting. Athens' red short cut hair lay perfectly on her shoulders, but bits were sticking out and getting in her eyes. She growled at the boy in nice clothing, and turned her attention to the view outside. She did not want to see the others yet; she was already feeling crappy enough as it was.
After a while the train halted suddenly which caused Athens to jump 10 feet. She collected herself and watched the other kids gather their things and slide off slowly, one by one. Following their lead, she grabbed her small backpack and made her way outside, stumbling and coughing with all of the dust collecting around the train at their feet.
Athens looked at their destination.
There wasn't much to say at the very least.
She just dropped her bag and looked up blankly at the old, seemingly, abandoned house.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar
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Flan peered excitedly out the window as he watched the surroundings scroll by. It was almost like those movie things that he had heard people talking about before, with the moving pictures. The bench was hard, but it was better than not having a seat at all, right? The train rattled on the tracks, and with a cheerful smile, he went further from the orphanage than he had ever been in his life.

In his mind, when he wasn’t peering at the outside as though his life depended on it, he was imagining his life with Mister Brittle. He would be the best father ever - and if he was lucky, Mister Brittle would give him a few bottles of grape juice to give back to his friends in the orphanage. And - they would be able to play sports outside, like the stories that he always told the little kids. And Mister Brittle would buy him flan, and the two of them would be able to talk about stuff. And someone would actually care enough to say his three favorite words, I love you.

Then, turning his dark eyes at the people in the train with him - future friends, he reminded himself, he could only feel his smile widen bigger and bigger. Not only does he get to meet this Mister Brittle who was so kind as to adopt him, but he also gets to meet new people and make friends. And because they were all adopted together, they would never leave him alone all by himself.

This was going to be perfect!

His eyes alighted on the closest person next to him. She seemed to be older than her, but that didn’t matter! It was someone who would be willing to become his friend. Her short red hair reached her chin, and she had blue eyes. Pretty blue eyes. He shot her a wider smile, before continuing to look at her with happiness shining through his eyes. A sister! She would help him with his homework if she needed it, and there would be so much fun that they would have together.

Searching the train again, his eyes fell slightly. There was no one that was younger than him - so there was no one that he could take care of. But, maybe that was for the better. It would be just like it was when he was younger, and he would be the one that was taken care of. He looked at the red-haired girl again, and smiled brightly, before turning back to the window.

Maybe they were almost there?

Just as he thought that, the train lurched to a stop in the middle of nowhere. Following the lead of the people around him, he picked up his only belonging, a large black jacket with a few stains on it. Flan, then, slid off of the train, to look at the house in front of him. It looked even worse than the orphanage that he had just left…

But it was so big! Mister Brittle would be enough for him, even if he wasn’t able to have grape juice or flan. It didn’t matter what the building looked like, as long as he was finally chosen and adopted by someone.

Then one of his fellow orphans said something. β€œThis is the right stop right? I was...expecting a bit more.”

With a cheerful smile, he turned towards her. β€œCome on, it’s not that bad! As long as this Mister Brittle is nice, he can live anywhere, and we’ll still have fun!”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar
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Blair had only wanted a place where she could belong. It seemed that this adoption thing was going to give her that. How – that she didn’t see. No one could or would be able to replace her mother. And no force on earth could bring her back her older brother which is what she wanted more than anything else in the world and could never have.

Watching the other passengers on the train come and go, she noticed there were other children who hadn’t gotten off yet either. Tilting her head to one side, she wondered if they were going to the same place as she was. If so, it was a rather interesting turn of events. But none of them could replace what she’d lost. Then again, she also figured they were all in a similar boat to herself. Without a family or place to call home.

Noticing the boy nearest to her, smile at her, Blair managed to give him a small one back just so he wouldn’t feel bad. There was nothing worth smiling about was there? Sure they were getting adopted, but this Brittle had never seen them before. Why would he want some many children? What was he planning on doing with all them? He must have had money… it took a lot just to adopt one kid let alone as many as were left in the train car.

About that time the train stopped moving. Blair waited until the male beside her got up and walked out before she followed suit. Coming to stand by the others she glanced at the house. This definitely wasn’t what she had in mind. What was going on here? But of course, inside she knew something like this was bound to happen. She almost wanted to laugh.

You can’t just live anywhere and be happy and have fun. She thought to what the male had said. They had moved away and hell had still come to them. Always living in fear until the day he actually showed up and took her family. The only reason she hadn’t been there was because she’d gotten in trouble at school and was held after. She wanted to throw up just thinking about the memories.

Blair shook her head as she glanced around. First looking at the house and then at the other teenagers around her. This was going to be hell of a time. At least it wasn’t that far off from her birthday. She already knew someone from her old city that was willing to board her and help her find a job. She just had to wait. Going back to the grave sites of her family sounded like a good thing too. She wanted to be close to them and this adoption thing had only taken her further away from her family. She wanted to go back.

No one adopted older kids – why start now?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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Susan Williams

It seemed a bit chilly now that a small breeze blew by, Susan was in no way dressed for the cold; hopefully it wouldn't be a bother. It seemed she was not the only one who seemed a bit..surprised by the house, but some one seemed to be quit cheerful."Come on, it’s not that bad! As long as this Mister Brittle is nice, he can live anywhere, and we’ll still have fun!” she looked over at the boy who look about her age or a bit younger, he showed no sign of remorse what so ever; it was refreshing. It brought a bit of joy into the atmosphere, as if it loosened from it's depressed state. In fact he was right, it didn't matter now, why should she choose to be picky of a house? She was used to living in small spaces with hardly anything, it was not right of her to have expected more from this Brittle. If he was kind, then wouldn't that have been better?
'It was kind of him to even stretch out his hand and deciding to care for us all.' she thought with a pleasant smile.

Her smile grew wider as she thought about it more, it had seemed she recovered from her depressed state quit quickly. There was no point to sob, but move on forward with their lives. It would be hard, but what's the use if we don't try? Susan nodded at the boy " Alright then, let's greet the man that so kindly adopted us all. I'm getting tired standing here and we all should probably get some sleep later, unless we want to sleep out here; I don't. To the house!" Her tone seemed quit joyful and tad childish at the end. " Oh, by the way, I'm Susan."

She began to run a couple steps and realized she was forgetting her luggage, and ended up tracing right back to get it, almost tripping along the way. However she ended up moving slowly from it's weight, dragging it along. The suitcase itself look as if it was ready to give way any second, surly Susan over did it with packing, it was hard for her to let go of things.

Dragging her suitcase along, Susan managed to finally make it to the front of the house, getting a better look at it. It looked old, very old. It was hard to picture herself living here, but Susan managed to cope with it and not worry about it too much. Though something did bother her and the nerves continued even after he decision on making this a positive event.

'Why did Brittle choose all of us? Why old children?'


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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It was cold outside as a wind was blowing, and Flan shrugged on his thin black jacket. A large smile still suspended itself over his features, before an older girl, with short black hair smiled as well. With a nod towards him, he could feel the excitement building up inside of him at that kind statement, she spoke. β€œAlright then, let’s greet the man that so kindly adopted us all. I’m getting tired standing here and we all should probably get some sleep later, unless we want to sleep out here; I don’t. To the house!” A friend - a friend that would allow him to be happy with her together. β€œOh, by the way, I’m Susan.”

β€œSusan.” Flan tried out the name with his mouth, before following the girl forward. The sooner that they met Mister Brittle, the better! Maybe they would even have presents? He had to be a really nice person if he was willing to adopt so many people - and give Flan a lot of friends to play with. She suddenly stopped going forward and returned back to where she used to be, and started to lug her bursting suitcase to the front of the house. Flan stepped forward, wanting to help, but was afraid of getting in her way.

When she stopped and looked at the hou - their new amazing home, Flan stepped forward with a wide grin. β€œI’m Flan! Do - do you want me to help you?” He reached forward with his thin arms towards the heavy-looking suitcase, before giving her another smile. β€œI - Can I be your friend?”

The house looked pretty big at least. And inside would be the kind, and caring, and loving Mister Brittle. Or was she as Miss Brittle? And with all the people that he had been on the train with, the entire house would be filled with happiness and joy. He knew somewhere deep down that this was going to end up in a perfect, fairy-tale life, and with luck, he would gain a last name. Flan Brittle seems like a proper name, doesn’t it? Still in happy spirits, he looked at his future sister with mirth in his eyes. β€œIt’s going to be awesome, can’t you tell? New nice people, a kind someone who wants to adopt us - how could it ever go wrong?”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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#, as written by Meesha
The young, scruffy looking boy seemed to be high on E numbers as he gushed about the state of the house not being a problem. As sensitive as she could be (which isn't by much) she couldn't fathom the enthusiasm he showed.

"Oh please" Ashley muttered with her blond eye brows mashed together to make a scowl. "This place is a dump. I can already smell the rot from here."

Some of the children were straight upΒ from orphanages that much she could tell. They had that deprived look about them but that still didn't explain to her how they could be so optimistic about such a run down shack; how desperate could they be! The girl she'd been looking at on the train agreed with the boy though and suggested they head towards to house.
Her name was Susan and she had a point. There wasn't much use in standing around, whoever had invited them here to stay had to be lurking around somewhere.

Hopefully he was a member of the FBI and had a futuristic pad lurking beneath the shack for secret coverage she mused inwardly.Β Flicking her hair back over her shoulder she picked up her fancy cases and followed the others. A chill had picked up and the top she was wearing was purely for fashion in a sense she was fairly eager to get under cover.

The place had it's many entrances, it was admittedly huge, but the safest looking way in was the door closest. The group began the ascent up some solid looking stone steps to reach the door which was easier said than done with all the luggage. Ashley glared and huffed several times at the snazzily dressed boy in front when his case hit her in the knee caps more than once. On reaching the top it was a case of watching where you stepped with the sound of creaky floor boards giving Ashley tingling sensations.Β 

It was getting dark rapidly as the dead forest in the distance grew dark and shaded. Shadows on the wood grew denser and a dimness seemed to suddenly shroud the large wooden structure as the orphans trod carefully on the porch. The air appeared thin and noticeably chilly. The human senses twitched uncomfortably at the sudden minor changes in the surroundings.

Ashley glanced round at all the other children. She felt very surreal...almost dazed. The blond felt...strange.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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Susan Williams

β€œI’m Flan! Do - do you want me to help you?” the boy had reached his hands over to aid her with the heavy case she was carrying. It was quite thoughtful of him, but she was determined to do this on her own. She could be stubborn like that, not wanting the aid of others. β€œI - Can I be your friend?”. She blinked, never once has she been asked to have a friendship with some one before, it was the first time. She tilted her head a bit, almost confused by the question. She found it unnatural for someone to ask her something like that, but she simply smiled and replied " You don't have to ask me, as far as I see it, I'm friends with everyone as long as they aren't my enemies. As for my luggage..." her smile becoming a cocky grin. " I'm stronger than I look you know, I can handle it. Thanks though, it's nice to meet you Flan." This was nice...
Every one seemed friendly, well Ashley was a bit questionable; but Susan found it humorous. Flan continued to speak highly of this Brittle, although Susan was also optimistic, she knew well of disappointment. She didn't want to see his hopes die if something were to not be what he expected, when your heart is set on tends to be hard when you are let down. " Don't get your hopes to high now, for all we know Brittle could be a evil scientist..." she said in a teasing manner.

Susan had heard Ashley's comment earlier, although she hated to admit it; she was right. The place didn't look to in shape and it looked by a single touch it would all break down. She couldn't even imagine what would be on the inside, how Ironic would it be if everything were to be gold while the outside would be so misleading. She made her way up to the porch, the creaking of the boards and the wind passing through the house gave Susan a cautious feeling. It seemed much older now that she was up close to the building, she felt any sudden movement could have her falling through the boards. She approach the door slowly, once reaching it she gave it a knock. With no answer she figured they could just enter, it was unlocked after all and it was getting late.

Upon reaching for the door handle, it hit her. An odd feeling of almost being able to be compared to exhaustion, the trip was a long one, but surly she couldn't just lose her energy like this. She felt tired, dazed. At this point she did not care what the inside of the house look liked, she just wanted to rest her eyes and relax.

Opening the door, the house itself inside wasn't painted with gold as Susan had wished. It was in a slightly better condition than the outside of the house, but sure wasn't about to win a beauty award. Susan managed to only catch the walls, which seemed to have what looked to be wallpaper that was torn off and pieces left behind. While other walls looked to be slowly falling apart, not to mention the creaky flooring; over all the house wasn't much to look at in general. Susan enter slowly and soon dropped her bag and gave a sigh of relief, the heavy burden was now gone for now. " I'm too tired to even complain right now, I think I'm going to take a small nap...wake me up later please..." she said with a drowsy tone.

She settled herself on top of her bag and slowly drifted off into sleep, she was so tired she could not even make it another step.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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#, as written by Totoro

Watching as two youngsters seemed to be interacting quite well with each other, Hadith was about to make his way towards the door when a figure sped past him then halted and scuttled back to grab her luggage. 'Here it comes...', he could feel it already. His soft spot for kids was starting to irk him. Keeping his mouth tight lipped, he tried not to start gushing over how cute the short girl was who now introduced herself as 'Susan'. Just stopping to see the boy and the adorable girl run up to the staircase, he continued strolling towards the entrance. There was a slight feeling of fear in the back of his mind that the house would just end up collapsing all over them if they knocked on the door too hard or stomped up the stairs heavily, thinking that the building wouldn't be able to hold together under the tension.Β 

Arriving at the steps just a few seconds after the two, he set his large gym bag down and stared blankly as the little girl began to open the unlocked door. It made sense that the owner didn't bother locking it since the house was pretty much the only structure out here and it's not like a robber would even bother to risk stealing from such a creaky looking place.
Bracing himself for what lay within, the setting inside perfectly portrayed what they had seen outside, but somehow it felt nice and welcoming. You could say it gave off the 'home sweet home' aura. The only thing that sort of set him off was the dirt and how untidy the house was. He hated it and just sighed. If he was going to be living here then it'd definitely need a little cleaning and fixing up.

Turning slightly sideways, he glanced behind him at the rest of the group. Their was a blonde girl that didn't look too happy about being adopted into such a place and the expression plastered across her face showed it quite well. His eyes were then caught by a short red haired girl with a corky outfit. This made the corners of his mouth curve up into a grin. Somehow he liked it, you could say the style was 'eye catching'.

Still smiling he beckoned to the rest of the adopted crew to follow and without another word he entered his new home without further hesitation.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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Not much was going through Athens' mind when they were walking up to the old broken down house. She gathered that the kids were hopers, she knew that they would be disappointed once they got inside. As far as Athens was concerned, if someone had just dumped them in the middle of nowhere these kids were a hinderence, it was survive or die in her kind of world, she couldn't be making any exceptions on who she cared for. Athens kept her mouth shut though, incase she was wrong, but she knew that the sagging timber of the house, the damp, fungus invested roof tiles and paint peeling off of the outside wasn't a good sign. She knew enough about houses to know which ones were abandoned and which ones weren't.
The kids named Susan and Flan were cute, but she couldn't get 'survive or die' out of her head, so she refused to feel anything for them, or for any of the other children.
On the steps she felt the boards creaking from under her, but ignored them as she climbed up. Glancing the inside of the house her stomach churned inside her, she knew this house was abandoned, the anger boiled up inside.
Athens caught the eyes of the boy in nice clothing, seeing him smile slightly and looking away. She wasn't sure if this was a mocking smile or genuine, so she didn't smile back.
She walked slowly inside and her suspicians got worse and worse.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
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Zurich Parkinson

Zurich sighed heavily as he leaned against the window, looking at the scene around him on his seat in the train. He had purposely chosen the seat where no one could see him or notice him...he didn't want them to take notice of him...They would soon to be his new...housemates, the ones he would have to live together in the same house. The mere thought of living together with others made him shiver in fear...what if they were...were like his Father...what if they bullied him, hit him, make him do...things? Shivers ran down Zurich's spine as he depressedly hugged himself tighter in hope of protecting himself better...what if...that was the question Zurich disliked the most...for it left him with so many left him...vulnerable. His dull gray eyes shifted slightly as he looked at the river they had just ran past. It was beautiful but sad...His fingers twitched slightly as he sent a look at his backpack, his notebook was carefully hidden. Suddenly, he had the urge to write something. Restraining himself from doing so, Zurich reminded himself that he was just minutes away from coming to the Brittle House and if he wrote, he would surely forget about everything and it was dangerous...very dangerous if someone saw him, they might harm him. Biting his bottom lip as he made up his mind, Zurich folded his hands neatly in his lap and stared at the backpack, his mind was in a turmoil...He really, really wished he could have a family but...but he was afraid, he feared that fate hated him...he feared he would be disappointed. He feared many things...Zurich flinched in surprised as the train stopped and for a moment, his mind couldn't tell where he was seeing that he just stopped in the middle of no where. With another heavy sigh, the teenager held his backpack and walked out of the cabin, not eager to meet everyone...The nearer he came to the door, the more afraid he would become. The 'what if' question plagued in his mind like a claw, tearing and cutting his mind, his chest and his heart...The doubts made him feel like a child, waiting for his punishment...He took a deep breath and walked out of the train.

He spotted several people - his housemates as they, just like him, were confused by the Brittle House's appearance...It looked like it had been could this place be the right place? Had he been abandoned, too? Just like the boys and girls in front of him? He didn't go up and talk to any of them...he didn't dare and didn't want to make friends...they would end up hurting him anyway...Taking another deep breath as some of them began to walk to the house and examined it, Zurich gathered his courage and walked inside as well. Gazing at other teens, Zurich silently observed the house. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, the mold appeared everywhere and the furniture was not in the best shape, either. Some chairs were broken and the table had a missing leg...all in all, from the look of it, no one had been here for at least a year...How could this place be the Brittle House? Their new home? Zurich placed a hand on his stomach as he suddenly got a strange feeling. Was it anger, disappointment or sadness? His eyes set on a single individual as she seemed a little angry...maybe he could help her, somewhat. He saw that the others had already had someone taken care of them...maybe he to her...

Walking to the girl, Zurich said shyly, his eyes didn't meet her and he fidgeted "...h-hello...I'm seem...uhm...angry so I...I...uhm...I want to check up on you..." He silently cursed his voice for being so low and unattractive as he shifted his gaze to look at the floor, suddenly interested in the pattern.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
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Snapping out of her dredful thoughts, Athens heard somebody talking to her. Her glace shifted sideways to a boy with beautiful long hair and a feminine body, but she knew he was a boy. He seemed scared and refused to meet her eyes with his own, which instantly broke down her emotional guards, part of him reflected in her. She decided that, even if this house was abandonded and they had to live on their own, it would probably be safer and easier to live with a group of kids rather than on her own.
Athens gave a friendly smile, or as friendly as she could muster...she still felt angry and cold at the whole situation. "I'm Athens," her voice sounded croaky to her ears, she hadn't spoken for a while. She gave a small cough to clear her throat and continued "You have a nice name, Zurich. I am a bit angry, but I guess it's just habit," her eyes darted around the room again, "I don't think this is just an old house, everything is damp and rotting. The timber is sagging...none of this is good. It just....pisses me off that they could--" holding her rage in she looked back at the boy and noticed that he may be older than her, even though she was taller by not much; her height annoyed her aswell. "Look, I'm alright. How about you? No need to be nervous, it seems we'll be stuck here together." she managed to spit out a laugh, not very convicing, but she didn't want to seem sour.
Athens noticed the girl, Susan, who had fallen asleep and it suddenly made her drowsy aswell.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
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Zurich Parkinson

"I'm Athens,"

The girl said and Zurich timidly looked at her face to see a smile. Blushing furiously, he looked at his hands and pressed his fingers together in a shy gesture. He didn't know why he was this nervous but he guessed meeting people in a strange place liked this tended to do that. The girl - Athens coughed to clear her voice and continued after a second or so "You have a nice name, Zurich. I am a bit angry, but I guess it's just habit," He nodded his head softly as his skin tinted pink at her compliment. His name was not that nice...He fidgeted slightly again as he didn't know how to respond to her compliment...what should he do? Should he give her a compliment, too? Should he stay quiet? No, staying quiet was rude...His Mother had taught him so. Opened his mouth hesitantly, Zurich whispered " have a n-nice name, too, A-athens..."

"I don't think this is just an old house, everything is damp and rotting. The timber is sagging...none of this is good. It just....pisses me off that they could--"

Zurich flinched at her angry tone of voice, his whole body tensed suddenly and he cautiously took a step backward. He didn't like to talk to an angry reminded him too much of his Father. His breathing quickened as his hands raised slightly, ready to protect himself in case the situation got ugly. What was with the girl? Had he said something that made her angry? Suddenly, without any warnings, the girl asked him "Look, I'm alright. How about you? No need to be nervous, it seems we'll be stuck here together."

Still looked at her with great caution, Zurich answered in his usual rough voice "...I-I'm fine..." He didn't, however, stop being nervous. What if she decided she wanted to play with him? He didn't let his guard down even for a minute as the girl suddenly spitted out a laughter and this time, Zurich flinched violently at the sudden noise. Taking several steps backward, he carefully stood at an arm length so even if she decided to strike him, he would have time to prepare. He spoke softly "...m-maybe we h-have g-gone to the w-wrong place...m-maybe this is not our d-destination..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
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Athens eyed the boy in confusion. He seemed very scared of her, and it frightened her in some way. She wasn't that scary, was she? But she hadn't looked in a mirror for quite a while...perhaps her hair resembled a lion or maybe her thin figure reminded him of an ugly bug that bit him when he was a child. This thought made Athens pout and shift her bag awkwardly onto her back. She noticed Zurich was moving backward and she just sighed, "...m-maybe we h-have g-gone to the w-wrong place...m-maybe this is not our d-destination..." he said, making her laugh genuinely. She remembered Georgia used to say she loved her laugh, and that thought made Athens sigh again.
"I doubt it," she looked at Zurich sadly "and if it is, there is no way to get back to...well...anywhere, without a map. there something on my face? Or er, is my hair looking fine?" she felt ridiculous "I mean...ah's just, I'm not scary looking, am I? Oh why does it matter..." Athens looked away from the boy, her face a bit flushed. It didn't matter if he liked her or not, the situation was the most important thing right now.
Athens leaned against the wall and looked outside, to the middle of nowhere. It would be difficult to find food...she didn't know how to live in the country, she had always lived in the city. Her gaze fell on the other children and their faces, she wondered if they thought the same as her, but she doubted that aswell. She tried to soften her expression up a bit, to not look angry, but she was frustrated, she couldn't help it. It just wasn't fair. Athens knew though, if she lashed out at a wall or window the other children would not like her, and that was not in her best interests.
Her eyes flittered sleepily, she wasn't sure why she was so tired all of a sudden, but she chose to ignore it, she couldn't fall asleep at a time like this.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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#, as written by Totoro

Running his fingers down the surface of a cabinet, the tips of his nails were eagerly caked with dust. He shuddered in disgust as he stared down at his now grey-tipped hand which he wiped over a nearby curtain. This only caused more dust to become detached from the ragged cloth which he inhaled and made him cough as the particles crawled around his throat. "Needs some dusting...vacuuming...mopping... maybe a little spray of perfume!", Hadith had been muttering some notes to himself on what had to be done to the house to make it livable to his circumstances. Actually quite eager to get started on cleaning up, the thought finally struck him, 'Why is no one coming to greet us?'. Suspicious was the perfect word to describe the entire situation. Now trying to piece everything together, all of it started to sound outrageously bizarre! A bunch of kids sent to the same place, same adopter, to the middle of nowhere, in a creepy old building that seemed to have been abandoned. For crying out loud, even the adopter's name was weird! What kind of name was Brittle?Β 

Hadith began to pace back and forth, the low murmur of chatter between a dark haired 'girl' and the red haired teenager from earlier was bouncing around the walls of the room. "...m-maybe we h-have g-gone to the w-wrong place...m-maybe this is not our d-destination..."
Turning his head to the comment, his ears twitched slightly as a feeling of eeriness crawled down his spine. "Weird.. No one seems to be coming to greet us. It's starting to give me the creeps", he decided to join the two before having one of those random body spasms as he tried to shake feeling. Not too far from where they stood, Susan seemed to be making herself right at home and looked to be dozing off just fine.


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Character Portrait: Blair Briar
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Having stood to the back, Blair watched all of the others. Flan seemed way too happy about all of this. All the girl wanted to do was go back. Lifting her only bag onto her shoulder, she followed after the others. The place was a dump even by her standards. Her mother had found them better places to live for next to nothing compared to this place. The thoughts of her mother only brought more pain. Shaking her head, she fought to ignore the memories that tried to fight to the surface.

This was the next chapter. She had to try to move on. But the emotions of her family weren’t going anywhere. She watched the others either talk to each other or investigate the house. Once inside, she glanced around. Yeah she’d seen better insides before too in the run down dumps they had once called home. Blair shook her head. She knew she shouldn’t judge.

Looking at the others she watched one girl start to drift off to sleep. It sounded like a great idea. But could she trust these kids to do that? She wasn’t so sure. She’d always had a hard time sleeping with others around that most nights she laid awake in the orphanage until exhaustion took over and forced her to sleep. She didn’t want that to happen here but she didn’t trust the others. She didn’t know if she could trust them yet. This was the part she hated the most.

Blair went and sat down, leaning on one of the walls. She watched the others and listened to their conversations. Yeah, she was sure they were in the wrong place. Right. No, this was definitely her idea of someone’s sick joke. But she wasn’t going to be stating that. Actually, if she could convince everyone she was mute, she would be happy. She wouldn’t have to talk to anyone or even have to pretend that she was fine.

But she knew something definitely wasn’t right about what was going on. She’d seen enough shows to know all of the horrible things that could happen to them. So yeah, sleep was the last thing on her mind. Glancing back at the door way, she had every thought of walking the train tracks back. But no one else was freaking out… She didn’t want to be the first one.

Sighing, the girl pulled her knees up to her chest and laid her head on them. She watched the room and then the people. With nothing better to do, she entered her own mind without closing her eyes. She brought her family back to life and entertained the memories she had repressed for months. Anything was better than where she was now.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Hadith
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Zurich Parkinson

"I doubt it, and if it is, there is no way to get back to...well...anywhere, without a map. there something on my face? Or er, is my hair looking fine?" Athens asked Zurich and he looked at her in confusion, slightly surprised by her question...why did she ask about her face or hair? That was then he realized he was still looking at her with suspicion and he quickly dropped his eyes, staring at the ground instead. Oh, he supposed she didn't understand why he was looking at her like that and it had probably made her uncomfortable. He fidgeted as he didn't know what to say. He didn't like telling lies and he didn't want to tell her the truth, either...He couldn't just outright say that her face was scary when she's would only provoke her and she might start hitting him if she was angry.

"I mean...ah's just, I'm not scary looking, am I? Oh why does it matter..."

Athens said and Zurich looked at her face, noticing the slight blush on her face. Oh no, he hoped he hadn't given any wrong expression. Quickly raising his hand to defense himself, Zurich stuttered "...n-no, n-no...y-you're not s-scary...It's just..." He swallowed thickly and lowered his voice, looking at his hands and traced a long, thin scar on his right wrist "...I j-just d-don't like s-seeing people mad...It reminds m-me of my F-father..." He whispered in a tiny voice. Pressing his fingers together again, Zurich looked around, trying to find a distraction. Suddenly finding himself exhausted, Zurich suppressed a yawn as another boy walked up and said to them, his voice carried in the dusty room and echoed slightly "Weird.. No one seems to be coming to greet us. It's starting to give me the creeps"

Zurich nodded his head softly and replied "...I-I d-don't think anyone lives here...I mean..." He touched the dusty table and tried to give a gesture with his hands "...look at this...I t-think this p-place h-has been abandoned fo-for years..." Sighing heavily, he mumbled underneath his breaths "...maybe t-the o-orphanage t-thinks w-we're t-too troublesome a-and w-wants t-to a-a-a-abandon us..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Hadith
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Before Athens could reply to Zurich and his whisper about his father, the boy in nice clothing walked up to them and joined in the conversation. A light flush fell over Athens' face, looking down at her own clothing and back up at both of the boys. She followed their words and nodded at Zurich's...hesitant statements. "Though I doubt that," she muttered "They probably have too many kids to look after and are now dumping them in the middle of nowhere. How nice that they could leave us this house". She bent over and picked up an old broken piece of timber, and snapped it easily in her hands, making some of the timber even crumble into a heavy dirt. Athens let the timber and dirt fall back onto the ground, almost as if it had vertified the truth. A sudden flood of rage came over her, causing her to kick the piece of wood hard onto a wall on the other side of the room. She held her fist tight, so she wouldn't lash out infront of anyone.
"This is crap," she growled, and slid her body down the wall she was leaning against. Athens gathered her knees up against her chest and hugged them, letting the drowsiness flood over her. She didn't care if she fell asleep right there infront of both the boys, she hoped she would wake up again, next to her old friend Georgia, and they would continue their day like any other.
But she wasn't that stupid. She knew this was real, and her conditions were worse than before.
Her eyes closed, her head felt heavy and the last thing she remembered before falling into a sleepy coma was the shuffling of the feet of the boys standing infront of her and the smell of damp wood.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Briar Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Totoro

"...maybe t-the o-orphanage t-thinks w-we're t-too troublesome a-and w-wants t-to a-a-a-abandon us...", Zurich replied and Athens followed with, Β "They probably have too many kids to look after and are now dumping them in the middle of nowhere. How nice that they could leave us this house". Both names he had overheard through their conversation while he was investigating the place. He noticed another girl with brown hair curl up into a ball and fall asleep. Everyone looked so tired, probably from the long trip to get-rid-of-kids land. Hadith was trying his best to think positively, but with all these questions going around about this adoptee, he wasn't so sure himself if their imaginative guesses were in fact true.Β 

Glancing back down to the pair, he watched as Athens let herself drag down to the ground, her hair crawling up against the wall, but when she finally halted at ground it followed after and went back to its original spot in a messier state.
Her eyes fluttered to a dazed close and by the way she was breathing, it was easy to tell she had fallen asleep. All three girls had now gone into slumber, Susan, Blair, and of course, Athens.

Blinking a few times in disbelief, he wondered how they could fall asleep so effortlessly at such a crucial time when these unsettling questions were hanging around. Turning to Zurich, he frowned confusedly and after looking him in the eye for a few seconds, he finally twirled towards his gym bag and hauled it to the corner of the room not too far from where Athens slept. With that last bit of movement, he plopped himself down on his somewhat comfy luggage and leaned his head daintily against the wall. "I don't know what to think or say anymore.", he muttered lightly as his eyes trailed up to look at Zurich. His mind had now registered that 'she' was actually a 'he'.Β 
Maybe sleeping was everybody's way of escaping this weird situation. Hoping that when they awoke, this would be just some strange dream that your mind came up with just to fill in some holes during your REM sequence.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Susan Williams
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β€œYou don't have to ask me, as far as I see it, I'm friends with everyone as long as they aren't my enemies. As for my luggage… I’m stronger than I look you know, I can handle it. Thanks though it’s nice to meet you Flan.” replied the nicest person that he had ever met. It almost reminded him of when he was younger, with the older people that would take care of him. Thinking of that, he could barely hold back a shudder from the cold wind, but continued to run towards his new life with a smile pasted on his face.

Maybe the other future sister wasn’t quite as nice, but Flan was sure that sometime in the future, she would become a friend too. It was obvious! She was just… shy, maybe? He was sure that with time, she would open up to him, and become one of his best friends. Flan could almost picture the endless days having fun in their new house. β€œDon't get your hopes too high now, for all we know Brittle could be a evil scientist…”

But he knew that it would be perfect! It was not just a guess, you know? It was going to be true. It had to be! People in his orphanage were always so happy to be adopted - there was no way that his adopter would be a mean person like a evil scientist! Plus, all evil scientists had weird names, like β€œOldbot” or β€œEvilperson” or something of the like. Something obvious.

Shaking his head, he removed those negative thoughts from his head. He ought to be happy, The solid steps under his feet felt cold but slightly reassuring to the touch. It seemed to get darker, and Flan shivered again. He couldn’t wait to enter the sh - his new house and meet Mister Brittle finally. When Susan opened the door, he looked around with wondering eyes at where he would spend the rest of his childhood.

Well, it wasn’t quite as pretty as he had hoped, without the whitewashed walls and sparkling wooden floors, but at the very least, it was a roof over his head, and with everyone else around, there was no doubt that it would be fun. There was a nice feeling of acceptance to it too! His new friend - Susan - looked around slowly, before dropping her bag on the floor. β€œI’m too tired to even complain right now. I think I’m going to take a small nap… wake me up later please…”

Flan could only nod his head excitedly, as he sat down next to her. He would try his best to stay up for as long as he could and make sure that he was able to wake her up. It was the least he could do for someone who was so willing to be his friend. Sitting down on the dirty ground, he looked with bleary eyes. He was going to stay up for the entire night so that he would be there when she needed to be awoken.

The other future friends were in the building as well with him, and he caught a glimpse of an older girl - or was it a boy? Well, he hadn’t seen the person before in the past, and was surprised when he spoke to the girl that he had sat close to. He would have paid more attention to their conversation, but all of a sudden, a large yawn came bursting out.

β€˜I have to stay awake!’

Mad at himself, he looked around again, before looking at the girl who had sat close to him on the train. Driving away his exhaustion for a few minutes, he shot her a smile. She looked so alone - maybe all that he needed was a friend that would make sure that he would stay awake. Still, though, his eyelids felt so heavy. Slowly, slowly, they drifted downwards, as Flan expended all his strength trying to keep them open. Then, with a final lurch downwards, they closed… and Flan’s head tilted to the side, and he fell into a fetal position, limbs curled for warmth. β€˜I’ll just rest here for a bit… I’m not sleeping!’


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Meesha
As the Orphans fell into a forced slumber the magic of night began to take place. The crimson sun dipped behind the horizon causing a blinding flash to occur. The multi-coloured fingers of the otherworld combed their way through the dark human skies morphing the land surrounding into something else.Β 

The shabby shack of a house changed in the blink of an eye. Oil lanterns roared to life, smoke began to crawl it's way out of the chimneys and water started to pour from the stone holes beneath the houses foundations onto the ground below.Β 

Like a peculiar mutation, the foggy water swallowed the land and caused a strange mist to set in. Moments after, lights glow in amongst the fog attached to little wooden boats carrying precious cargo...customers.Β 

Child messengers crawl out of their hammocks beneath the floor boards and various staff switch shifts ready for the nights service. Amidst the oddities of the otherworld 7 humans lay just inside the reception unaware of the change...and the adventure they were about to embark on.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flan Character Portrait: Blair Briar Character Portrait: Athens Clarke Character Portrait: Ashley Parker Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson Character Portrait: Susan Williams Character Portrait: Hadith Character Portrait: Ami
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0.00 INK

Susan Williams

As the surroundings changed around the orphans, Susan was deep asleep, dreaming. A simple dream that almost seemed like a memory to her, a memory from when she was a child. The time where she was seven years old and had often stayed playing on her schools small playground. Kids would often play on it till their parents arrived to pick them up, she would spend her time there with her friends, keeping them company till their awaited guardians took them home. She dreamt of the warm sun light that would beat down on them as they ran around playing the simple game called tag, if only life could stay so simple. Once the children were gone, Susan would leave to walk home, her mother busy at work and unable to come pick her up. Of course it could be dangerous for a child to walk home alone, but luckily no strange occurrences ever happened. Yes, this was a dream of one of her regular days as a child; a peaceful one. If only life could be that simple, to enjoy the company of others and return home to relax.

What seemed to such a long dream, happened to not be too long. "Merg...." she groaned. Susan had began to awaken from the lovely dream, but it's what she would find that would seem more like a dream. She slowly opened her eyes, not realizing her surroundings quite yet due to her being drowsy from have just woken up. " Guys...what time is it..?" she rubbed her eyes, still laying on the floor. The house smelt different from what it had been before, it didn't smell of old mold. She sat up, letting out a large yawn as she stretched her arms apart and looked beside her to see a sleeping Flan. She had to admit, he looked quite adorable when he was sleeping. Her small figure turned to face him and shook him lightly " Flan....time to wake up..." she spoke with a drowsy voice. Then it hit her as she was shaking him, the flooring.
(( At this point I began listening to Soundtrack: Brittle House))
The floor was no longer the creaky boards as they were before, how had she not noticed right away. Susan quickly turned her head, there was furniture all around, the walls were no longer falling apart. It was as if some one came over night and took them to a whole different house. This was no house though, she had seen nothing of such luxury or such a home so BIG. She was wide awake now, but the palace was filled with the voices of odd creatures, some looking human, while others looked quite... monstrous. Was she in a dream? Had she still been dreaming? Where was she?

"Wake up...."

she whispered the words to the other orphans, she wasn't sure if she was scared or nervous, or..both. The small figure of hers was now standing up in full alert, she could see the odd creatures staring at the group, some with uninterested eyes while others seemed a bit too interested. Her baby face was filled caution, she spoke again, but louder. " Wake up! All of you wake up!" she turned around quickly and shook Flan harder then before " You have to wake up! Please!"

It had now all began, it was unknown what the orphans would encounter now, what could happen now and what will they experience?

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Brittle
Character Portrait: Ashley Parker
Character Portrait: Gwen
Character Portrait: Ren
Character Portrait: Rie
Character Portrait: Terra
Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Character Portrait: Flan
Character Portrait: Hadith
Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Character Portrait: Ami


Character Portrait: Ami

"i'm not like the others,I have nothing left, you cant hurt me..I'm just a Burden."

Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Zurich Parkinson

"W-what..just because I look like a girl doesn't mean I fight like one...s-stop touching me!"

Character Portrait: Hadith

"There's nothing for me here."

Character Portrait: Flan

"I'm sorry! I - I was too excited for finally getting adopted. Please don't send me back..."

Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Cole Stoc

"Maybe she'll be with this group.."

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Blair Briar

"Here's to trying again..."

Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Susan Williams

" I can only hope things get better from here on."

Character Portrait: Terra

"I echo Eithe's words because I do not have my own..."

Character Portrait: Rie

"Apologies, Esteemed Sir. Pardon me for saying so, but if you're displeased with your service - I would kindly encourage your orders to be.. more exact."


Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Cole Stoc

"Maybe she'll be with this group.."

Character Portrait: Zurich Parkinson
Zurich Parkinson

"W-what..just because I look like a girl doesn't mean I fight like one...s-stop touching me!"

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Hadith

"There's nothing for me here."

Character Portrait: Ren

"Dear customer, you seem upset. Why don't you tell me what happened over a glass, hm?"

Character Portrait: Ami

"i'm not like the others,I have nothing left, you cant hurt me..I'm just a Burden."

Character Portrait: Terra

"I echo Eithe's words because I do not have my own..."

Character Portrait: Gwen

"Honored guest, I assure you... you will not enjoy my company."

Character Portrait: Flan

"I'm sorry! I - I was too excited for finally getting adopted. Please don't send me back..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cole Stoc
Cole Stoc

"Maybe she'll be with this group.."

Character Portrait: Malice Briarheart
Malice Briarheart

"Did I tell you to speak to me? Then be silent until I have need of you."

Character Portrait: Susan Williams
Susan Williams

" I can only hope things get better from here on."

Character Portrait: Hadith

"There's nothing for me here."

Character Portrait: Gwen

"Honored guest, I assure you... you will not enjoy my company."

Character Portrait: Blair Briar
Blair Briar

"Here's to trying again..."

Character Portrait: Flan

"I'm sorry! I - I was too excited for finally getting adopted. Please don't send me back..."

Character Portrait: Ren

"Dear customer, you seem upset. Why don't you tell me what happened over a glass, hm?"

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Most recent OOC posts in The Brittle House

Re: The Brittle House

Just a note - I'll be posting a response after Kiyokojordie gets her post up unless some other orphan wants to wake up before Gwen and Ren explains nothing some stuff...

Re: The Brittle House

Sorry, I have so many assignments due at the moment and havent had time to do much. I'll try to get a post up tonight!

Re: The Brittle House

Thanks Cien ^^...editing my post a little bit before I post it

Re: The Brittle House

Human forms :D
Meesha'll let you all know when you start changing... but right now, you're mortal and all likely to get eaten if Gwen decides to up and leave...

Re: The Brittle House

One question before i post...have everyone changed into the...err...otherworld creatures when they wake up or are they still in their human forms?...^^

Re: The Brittle House

I find it just as interesting, of course Flanis probably the more cheerful one out of the two. It's too bad that their expectations won't be met. :p

Re: The Brittle House

Well, I claim the post after Cien posts as Rie's introductory post. ^^ Actually, I will start writing it then, but feel free to post anywho. I can always tack on more stuff at the end. XD This time around Rie wants an introductory post that's more interesting (and less wordy)...

And Slendy! I love how Flan and Susan are the youngest and the most cheerful. ^^ I just find it interesting - and I want to see them with their hopes dashed. (Although don't tell them that. XD)

Re: The Brittle House

I think they are around, but probably don't know the posting is continuing. Perhaps PMing might help?

Re: The Brittle House

Okay, so I'm going to post for Gwen and Ren, but I'll be waiting for others to post their awakening scenes before Terra arrives on the scene...
So... people, where are you all? I know blackwolf's busy with finals, but everyone else is unaccounted for...

Re: The Brittle House

Blah indeed :D Ive got a random burst of literate energy and I just wanna...write! Good luck with your assignment though :)

Re: The Brittle House

Finally - a Brittle post! I'm so excited XD (First thing I see in the morning is a post by Meesha for the Brittle House? Today's going to be a good day!)

Also, I'd be wiling to rejoin Conduit... I'll go do that after I finish my assignment due in three hours...

Re: The Brittle House

Mmhmm :) Also to original players...I've opened up conduit again. This time it will take off. I began reading the story again and well *scoff* fell in love..AGAIN! But even worse this time. Bah it's too amazing. So fancy rejoining...would lurve to see your pretty faces there again if's cool :)

Anyways on another note...POST YOU INSOLATE CREATURES !!!!

Re: The Brittle House

I'll give it a little bit before I post again then, I hope everyone posts though. :)

Re: The Brittle House

I'll have a post up for Rie eventually as well... eventually. ^^

Re: The Brittle House

Okay I've just posted :) WooHOO! Where is everyone else?????!!??!?!!?!? HMMMMMM.

Re: The Brittle House

Well the way I see it, he was either kicked in the stomach by Ren or wakes up to see a burst of flame in front of him and a guy with long silver hair, ears, and a tail towering above him XD

Re: The Brittle House

I'm typing my post up at the moment. XD I just don't know how Flan's reacting... ^^" He's still asleep...

Re: The Brittle House

Sorry for double-posting, but I was sick of editing my previous post :/

So... we are alive, right everyone? XD (I know Niv is, so she's excluded)
I'm sorry for the weird post, but is anyone willing to react to it? If I'm just being impatient, I apologize for that ^^"

Re: The Brittle House

Meesha, you're used to this, but warning to everyone else - the more I try to shorten my post, the longer it's becoming, so I apologize if I end up posting a short chapter of a novel or something... sorry. Gwen and Ren need quite a few words to present themselves it seems...

Edit: Brief timeskip saves the day :D

Edit to the Edit: Sorry, no... it's shorter than my intro post from the previous incarnation of this, but it's still over a thousand words. I am sorry. I just can't get Gwen to shut up quickly enough. I'll just go post now, yeah XD

Re: The Brittle House

Than off I go to post! I will attempt to try to make it a decent, I'm half awake so bare with me.