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Chasing Rin Hayashi

Chasing Rin Hayashi


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12,301 readers have visited Chasing Rin Hayashi since Kaire23 created it.

Rari are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


So far: Rin, an half Elf, half human hybrid with no Magical powers had just destroyed part of her home city. How? She is the Destroyer that is how. Legends told of a being which had so much power, that they’d cause the end of the world. This promptly called to factions to action; the Chikyuu No Mirai and the Shikaku.

When Rin awoke in a nearby forest, she was greeted by Len, the “Gods hand” of the Chikyuu No Mirai. Upon noticing his pale skin which dubbed him as a vampire, she instantly began to become defensive, as she didn't trust the race.
After a bit of arguing, the “Protector” of the Chikyuu No Mirai, Raze, stumbled upon the scene. Raze, being a half human, half vampire mix, looked just like a normal human, and tried to keep up the facade so that she would be more trusting. However, her racism against his own kind soon broke through and his pride got the better of him, revealing that he was one of them.

Before any more arguments could be made, a member of the Shikaku appeared, attacking with almost no warning. Raze took him on, and in a short lived battle, beat the boy. However, a close by foe soon revealed himself in the form of Yeven, who was the “Silencer” of the Shikaku, placing him in the same rank as Raze.

After a thrilling battle which was leaning towards the Shikaku, Raze revealed a power in which he gained immense power, but at a price. Were he to stay in it too long, he would become feral, attacking all in sight, friends and foes alike. This helped him avoid a trap that Yeven had set up, but he fell into another. However, Rin, who had been running from Kaedae, the previously beaten Shikaku member, had attempted to help Raze by tripping Yeven.

The distraction worked, the trip gave Raze enough time to close the distance between him and Yeven and he delivered a series of shattering blows to the man, defeating him. His victory was short lived, as Kaedae began to run away with the Destroyer, and Raze soon chased after. The coward put a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her if the weakened and now almost feral Raze moved any closer.

In his last moments before changing, he enthralled the man, causing him to let her go. Regretfully, Yeven had just enough energy to throw the enthralled Kaedae into Len. The moment before Raze turned, he let loose an attack he had planted on Yeven before, causing him damage that prevented him from running.

Once that was over, he changed, turning on Rina, who had stumbled upon the scene. Before the frenzied Raze could harm her, Len knocked him out from behind. Quickly after, he ordered Rina to stay watch over Raze and ran to Rin’s rescue. Yeven, now under control of his demon, was protecting her and threw her into a portal which led to the Shikaku’s base. Len saved the girl and ran back, meeting the team leader along the way and they made their way back to base.
When they got back, the leader called for a debriefing meeting. All of the members were to attend, including their new rookie. During the meeting, a few members passed out including: Raze, Rina and Rin. This led to the meeting being called off and the fallen members being brought to the infirmary.

Once there, Len broke off from the pack, to go to a special place where he could be alone. Rina, feeling like she should help, followed him and soon accidentally revealed herself, setting Len in a displeased disposition, causing him to yell at her.
During this same time, Raze had fallen asleep, and during which time, he had a rather brutal nightmare in which his vampire and frenzied side took over and he killed all of his allies. Stuck in a mode of panic, he was hysteric and incomprehensible until Chidori, his blade, shocked him with lightning after Rin had tried to calm him.

Switching back to Rina, she found herself depressed that Len had raised his voice, and she bolted into the cavernous path. She, being unable to see in the dark like a vampire, was lost and soon went into a fetal position, Len following her and finding her shortly after.
Raze had calmed down since his panic attack, and began to worry that Rina might get herself hurt or something and went down the cavernous path, his only lead to her location is where he killed her in his nightmare. When his search produced no results, he turned back, only to be lost in the cave and stumbling around until happening across his person of interest.
When he heard that Len had yelled and upset her, Raze became angry at the vampire. Sympathetic to the fact that she was only trying to help, he picked her up (as she was too weak to walk on her own at the time) and delivered her back to the base, pissed at Len.

However, she thanked Raze and soon went back after Len, forcing herself to believe it was her fault and that she was to be sorry. The leader of the Chikyuu No Mirai and the new Rook have just begun training, Raze and his sword have decided they are to take a nap, and Rin got herself lost. All the while, the Shikaku are plotting their next move.

Will the Shikaku succeed? Will Raze punch Len in the face when he wakes up? Will I write shorter summaries? The answer to all these questions will be answered…at one point in time. You’ll just have to find out by reading or joining! End of Recap

Rin Hayashi thought she was a normal girl. Well, normal for the world of Kuusou at least which isn't really normal at all.... well, at least by your human standards. Maybe I should explain normal for you humans before i go on.
Kuusou is full of Vampires (No, they don't burn and explode in light. They just get head aches from prolonged exposure to sun light. It's also harder to use magic in light ), Demonics (someone with a demon sealed inside them), Elves (Elegant creatures with pointy ears. Not those dumb Santa elves that i hear you humans always blabbering about) , Dwarves (not those small creatures. They are just smaller than you humans. They usually are around 5'0"), Angels (Humans with wings. They are great at magic), and, sadly, Humans.

For a tiny bit of background on Kuusou. Kuusou has many cities in it. In these cities, there are certain ones that are flooded with a certain species. Ever since the demonic war, a lot of the races don't get along that well and basically leave each other alone. There are also many fights among the cities and some don't even let certain races in because of their distrust and hate for each other. The major cities of the species are very strict on who they let in. The Demonic city, Omora, allows in only Vampires. The Angel city, Erean, allow in Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. The Vampire city, Ieta, Allows in Humans, Demonics, Elves, and Dwarves. The Human city, Kelec, allows in all races. The Dwarven city, Relor, also allows in everyone. The Elven city, Nalir, allows in Humans, Angels, and Dwarves. There are also mixed cities where halflings, half of two races, live and where both of those species and their allies live. The outside (Anywhere outside a city) is somewhere where people don't go. You live and grow up in your city because no one wants to face the unknown. Only travelers and people with work or highly trained skills go out there.... or idiots.

Now, for the story of Kuusou. Kuusou is controlled by too different groups. These groups are called The Chikyuu no Mirai and The Shikaku. Chikyuu no Mirai believes everyone has a right to their life, no matter how dangerous. They are more of the optimists. They believe everyone can use their powers for good. They strive for unity in the many races and actually believe it's attainable. The Shikaku are more of the pessimists. They believe everyone is evil at heart and will save Kuusou by their own means. Don't get them wrong, they do want whats right for the world it's just the way that they do it which is the problem. If someone is a problem, they will just kill them then thinking of a way around them. Never stand in their path unless you know your strong enough. They have a lot of assassins to take you out and they're not afraid to use them.

About Rin Hayashi. She's half elf and half human. This story starts on her 18th birthday. You see, Rin has never been able to find her powers through out her whole life. Everyone around her has been able to use powers since they were 5 while she had to sit and watch. On her 18th birthday, she was walking to school with her friends when a golden marking started to form on her right arm. Surrounded by magic, her friends were blown away. She tried to reach out and help them but her magic went out of control in that moment. Everything around her started to get destroyed. She did the only thing that would save everyone, she quickly ran. She did it faster than she expected too. She made it outside the city in seconds. She was shaking from the use of so much pure power and she collapsed on the ground. Ever since that moment, her blood turned into something addictive for any vampire. When she woke up, There was a Chikyuu no Mirai member waiting for her called Len Takahashi... She never expected that she was destined to destroy Kuusou. Now, there are Shikaku out looking for her and Chikyuu no Mirai out trying to save her and teach her to control her powers before it's too late. Will you be able to save Kuusou?


Rin Hayashi - (Taken) Played by Kaire23

Chikyuu no Mirai: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Setsugie Roentel - Played by Setsugie

God's Hand (The person who found Rin and has actually been keeping an eye on her) - (Taken) - Len Takahashi - Played by Rarizoo

Protector - (Taken) - Raze - FamishedPants

Solider - (Open)

Associate - (Taken) - Celena Cleary - Celena

Rookie - (Open)

Shikaku: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Kaiyo Souretsu - Snow

Devil's Hand - (Taken) - Zero - Setsugie

Silencer - (Open)

Solider - (Taken) - Evangeline Valentine - Linky95

Associate - (Taken) - Lance Godwin - Mariofox

Rookie - (Open)

Others: (people who weren't listed but made themselves and interesting character :D)

Dimitri Godwin - (Taken) - Mariofox

Azriel - (Taken) - Breeze

Enya Thompson - (Taken) - Kaire23

Feel like there should be anyone else besides the main 15 people? submit them and I'll look it over and decide if i want it in. A guy that both sides are against? Maybe a love of someone? Someone who want's Rin for a different purpose? Maybe a whole different group who wants to use Rin to gain power? One of Rin's family members? i wont add them unless people submit people for that group so just because they aren't up here, doesn't mean you can't be that person.

(Edit: A question that came up was that if people in the group had a badge/ I.D and the answer to that is yes. Just letting you know in case if you come across a stubborn girl who happened to be named Rin)
(Edit: Someone was wondering if someone from one team knew the rest of the other team. That would be a yes if your person took time to actually listen and study the enemy but they DO NOT know each others powers.)

Now, for the dreaded skeleton. Please fill everything out and follow the rules it has with each one (if there are rules for each one)

Quote: (What would you say?)
Name: (Everyone has a name. Whats yours?)
Nickname: (Optional. Is your name too long?)
Gender: (I'd rather know if this is a female or male.)
Age: (18 - 25 is suggested.)
Height: (How tall are you? (Dwarves are smaller and are around 5' 0"))
Weight: (WAIT! What did you just say!?.... No, really. I didn't hear you.)
Sexual Orientation: (Your gay!? I never knew..... wait, your straight? then put that down.)
Likes: (What exactly do you like? At least 4)
Dislikes: (Remind me to never do that again... At least 4)
Group: (What group are they a part of and who are u trying to be? (leader, 2nd in command of ____))
Partner: (Do you work with anyone? Have a pet with you that helps? No? Then skip this question and move on.)
Race: (Human, Vampire, Dwarf, Elves, Angel, or Demonic. They can be half of two but no more. (also, new thing that has been brought to mind. Since Demonics and Angels are rare, they can only be used by 3rd in command and up with the small exception of someone who is not on the list yet. (Ex. someone who I haven't made but someone you thought up who wasn't in the official spots.)))
Magic: (well shouldn't this one be fun explaining. Humans can have 4 spells. Vampires - 4. Dwarves - 2. Elves - 4. Demonics - 6. Angels - 6. keep with the description up there. I said Dwarves can only do beginner magic. Only light races and normal races can heal. (Human, Dwarf, Angel, and Elves). Demonics can't heal anyone else. Vampires can't either unless it hurts them in the process. The more magic you can use, the more stronger your magic. If your only half of one and half of the other, take half of each. (dwarf and human - 3) also, light races have stronger magic in the morning and weaker at night where darker races have stronger magic at night and weaker magic in the morning. Humans and Dwarves are neutral though so there is no change of strength during the day. I will also check all the magic to make sure nothing is too strong. Do not let this discourage your creativeness though. I like creative people.) (only exception to the magic rule is Rin Hayashi and the 2 leaders. The leaders have one extra power and Rin Hayashi's powers are unknown)
Weakness(es) - (Everyone has one. Whats yours? (may be kept private. just pm me))
Equipment - (Weapons? a hat for you vampires? Maybe a staff for strengthening your magic? No guns unless your able to incorporate it into your magic.)
Picture: (What do you look like?)
Personal Description: (act like your explaining to a blind guy.)
Personality: (Are you shy? Do you act like a jerk to everyone?)
History: (Did you go through a bad past? Any secrets you wanna keep hidden? Social status?)
Extra: (anything I left out? Your characters motivation? Plans for their life? Planning to overthrow your leader?)

Summary of Races
(Because I'm bored and felt like helping people.)

Vampires - Stalkers of the night. These creatures drink blood for their breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Whenever they try regular food, it just tastes like ash. Vampires can drink the blood of any species WITHOUT turning them into a vampire themselves. Turning people into vampires is thought of as a gift among their kind so they wont just randomly turn you into a vampire. Now, there are some cases where a young vampire loses control and accidentally turns someone into a vampire but that is often rare. Vampire's favorite host is either a human or an elf. A mix of those two is all the better. Vampires often only move around at night because they get head aches and their powers are hard to use in the morning. Vampires DO NOT explode or start burning in the light. Their skin is pale because of their genetics, not because they aren't outside. Vampires are the worst to encounter at night because they are more charming and their powers work better at night. Vampires are often able to charm their victims just from looking at them in the eye. Vampire also are stronger that normal beings. As soon as Rin's power was unleashed, the power mixed into her blood to make it even more addicting to all vampires. Vampire often live longer than the normal human life. Vampires also gain more power by drinking blood but grow very weak without it.

Elves - Majestic beings of the Morning. Elves are beautiful beings that seem almost too pure to be of this world. Elves seem to have a way with animals and all the arts. (music, poetry, writing, drawing, etc.) Elves often are better in nature environments and hate pollution. Elves can be stubborn at times and often act like they know more than you. Elves usually don't get along with Vampires or Demonics. Elves have pointy ears and seem to be a bit taller than the normal human. They are skilled in horseback riding and also archery. Elves often live just as long as a vampire and longer than a human. Elven magic is often stronger during daylight and weaker at night.

Demonic - Humans with Demons inside of them. These people are often someone you NEVER want to cross. A long time ago when demons plagued the land, someone came up with the idea on how to save the world. Demonics. They sealed these Demons in human hosts and thought all would be well. They were mistaken. Often, these human hosts were overpowered by their Demon and had random, violent outbursts. Soon, the host would become corrupted by their Demons and would change into something even worse than a regular demon. Demonics are a whole lot stronger at night but, they are a whole lot weaker in the morning. Demonics usually get along with vampires and often hate angels and elves. Demonics can drink blood like a vampire but also can eat Human food. Demonics have the strongest dark magic. and are rare to come by.

Angels - When the Demons infested this world, a high power sent down something to defend this world. They sent angels. Once this war was over, the angels figured out something they never noticed before. This world affected them. They were too much like the mortals down their to return where they came from. While memories of their pasts faded, they grew into a powerful race as they learned about this new world. Angels are more spiritual than anyone else and are a whole lot better at healing. Their powers are strengthened in the morning and they are a lot weaker at night. They are also amazing at archery.

Dwarves - Forgers of Kuusou. These little guys (and by little i mean around 5' 0") are amazing at weaponry. They are better at hand to hand combat and are absolutely horrible at magic. These guys seem to have a thing about drinking too. No one can out drink a dwarf. Dwarves are sort of the jokers of the group although you really don't wanna get on their bad sides. They can be mischievous at times and will ruin your weaponry.

- They are the all around type. They are okay at weaponry and at magic. Humans are often controlled by their greed at times but can also be very nice. Humans are the prime drinking source of vampires. A lot of people of Kuusou often don't like humans because of the many wars they have started. Demonics usually find them as practice dummies while vampires just think of them as food. Angels, Elves, and Dwarves usually get along with them the best.

Have fun. I look ahead to what is to become of this...... What are you still waiting her for? Get writing!

Toggle Rules

1) No God characters
2) Violence is perfectly fine just don't over do it.
3) swearing is fine but don't over do it.
4) No one line posts. At least a paragraph.
5) Make your characters detailed.
6) you can have multiple characters IF you don't forget the other.
8) Let me know if your going to be gone for a long time so we can figure out what to do with your character.
9) If you have problems with other RPers, let me know. I'll try to get it solved as soon as possible.
10) Romance is allowed and encouraged but keep it pg-13
11) Try not to have guns. If you do, try to associate it with a power.
12) Everyone has a weakness.
13) Be devoted if your going to join. Don't just join and then disappear.
14) Have fun and sorry for so many rules.

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in


Kuusou by Kaire23

This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.


Utoko by RolePlayGateway

The Birth City of Rin Hayashi.

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) by RolePlayGateway

Rin Hayashi, The second in command for Chikyuu no Mirai, and the 5th in command for Shikaku will start off here.

Base of Shikaku

Base of Shikaku by RolePlayGateway

The base of The Shikaku. All of the Shikaku besides their 5th in command will start off here.

Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Chikyuu no Mirai Base by RolePlayGateway

Where all the people of Chikyuu no Mirai will start off besides the 2nd in command

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri turned to try and shoot another arrow. This time, the surprise belonged to him. A dagger was hurtling in his direction. Quickly, he nocked the arrow, drew back and fired. The arrow hit the dagger, point blank. The dagger changed direction, hitting the nearby base of the tree to the right about fifty yards from where he stood. He nocked three arrows and fired in the direction of Zero. His shotgun shot, if you will. It was slightly less accurate, but there was still very little chance he could dodge all three or block all three. He turned around and continued running.

"We're here," was all Willow said to Rin as they entered the boundaries of town. Willow made her way through the crowds of Kamakura, a smaller town than Utoko, but not by much. People were selling all of their merchants, trying to bring in a living for a day. Kamakura was a very poor town, unfortunately, so almost no one made a profit for what they sold. Very few people could live comfortably here and even fewer were rich. Turning into an alley, she was not surprised to find a group of hobos circling around a fire they created using the garbage in the alley or upon themselves. They turned to the horse and the girl and stepped towards them in a hostile manner. They drew out clubs, but one had a rusty sword. Willow tsked and turned to Rin. "You might want to dismount and cover your eyes if you fear the sight of blood..." was all Willow said, hoping Rin would get the hint.

Lance would watch a little bit of the fight, then check on Setsugie, then watch a little more of the fight. Raze seemed to lose a little focus on Kaiyo, his face turning red as she took off her kimono. Lance cocked his head in a confused manner. Raze was an expert fighter, so why was he so hesitant now? He expected a good fight so far, but he hasn't gotten much out of Raze but a half-ass block. And then he realized it. Raze was afraid of girls, just like Setsugie. Only Setsugie didn't hack girls to pieces because it went against his moral beliefs. Raze's excuse was he was seriously afraid of the gender all together. So this was going to be an easy victory for Kaiyo.

"Careful Raze, she is not an average foe you find during one of your missions." Setsugie said behind him. Lance turned around to tell him to shut up, but he stopped before he could say it. Setsugie was out, dusting off his clothes. Immediately, Lance charged his swords, his right one fire, his left one air. He pointed his jet sword at Setsugie. "I wouldn't take another step if I were you..." Lance threatened, the right side of his face glowing slightly by the flickering flame that has engulfed the sword.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin Hayashi

Rin's eyes lazily opened as she heard Willow say something. She didn't understand it that well though. Everything seemed hazy to her. Kuro did a number to her mind and the pain from his "fun" and being jostled by a bumpy ride and the soreness of riding bareback was all adding up on her.

After looking over the situation, she rolled off of willow and layed there. she couldn't move anymore

Enya Thompson

Enya's eyes narrowed as a knife hit a tree right by Onii-chan. How dare he!? She immediately pulled Len's ear and leaned close to it.
"I got him." She whispered with a giggle before she jumped off and took out her axe and acted as if she was trying to hide it.

"Zero-chan~!" She said cutely as she waited for him to close in.



3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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Eh...? Wha- what?

Not a single volt of lightning had or could be delivered from Razeluxe's hand into Kaiyo's (Attractive) head. It didn't make sense to him instantly and before he could actually recover from the surprise, she had already prevented him from countering by placing her hand on his wrist and one on his jaw. Her grip was solid - much more than he'd expect from a girl like her, until he remembered the sight of her mostly-bare self - she had muscle.

Then, Setsugie's advice came into play.

The first words that came to mind in Raze's head was 'No' and 'shit', followed by a roll of the eyes. Of course, he didn't actually do either of these because of the situation, but he'd have felt much better if he could. Instead, he took note and thought about the situation. He realized that she must be able to nullify magic or something - the scenario that led to this conclusion was probably very obvious. So, Chidori focused him on something else.....

From the context of her taunts, I think she doesn't know you're a half-breed. That means you have a surprise as well, kay?

Y-yeah but..... she's so close.... and it's really-

Stop. She isn't going to refrain from flaunting herself, so there's no need.

I know but-

I already said 'no buts'. However, she will kill you, and if you slip up and you show the slightest bit of fear or hesitation, she'll use it against you - purposely.

Y-you're right.....

I always am, aren't I?

If Chidori wasn't here, Razeluxe wouldn't be sure what he'd do.... even as much as she teased him, she was the most important person in Raze's life so far, though to say they were a couple wouldn't describe this properly. More like brother and sister. But I digress....

"I'm sorry. But only if you think I was referring to your physical appearance." he stated with an almost emotionless tone, though a small, unhideable amount of nervousness laced his tone - not enough to outright think he was scared, but enough to know something was up... Regardless of Razeluxe's situation, he (Chidori) felt the need to imply cowardness, yet not outright display it, if only to confuse this woman (whose grip he hadn't bothered to break free from, not just yet). Her grip was strong, much too strong for any human to break out of. Raze wasn't human - at least not fully. Although he couldn't outright toss her aside with little to no effort, he was sure he could surprise her with his own strength when the time came.

There was a reason Razeluxe didn't throw the first, official punch of this grapple.

Not because he was scared.

Not because he couldn't.

"Ladie's first" was a motto he lived by, and since he was now reasonably sure he could fight, this was the start.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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Setsugie only stood there listening to Lance's threat, "And tell me do you really think you can go against me? I may not use my blade against women but against you I can very well use my full power." Setsugie said and took a few steps to his side and grabbed a katana and swung it a few times, then looked at Lance "I can see your legs trembling." Setsugie taunted. Raze looked like he was in trouble but as soon as Setsugie heard the Shikaku leader call him a Human he disregarded it, 'She should analyze better.' Setsugie thought.

Only slightly grunting as he parried his knife then noticed the three arrow shot at him, Zero grabbed the trunk of the tree and hid behind it so he wouldn't get hit then began dashing again. Noticing that in his way there was a pink haired woman in the way Zero never actually had a good glimpse of the Destroyer so he looked at her very closely. He could remember the cloths of the destroyer they weren't the same, but it looked like they where in the same group. "I'll take care of her with that annoying arrow shooting bastard." he said. Then jumped down a few meters from the woman and Dimitri, the woman had an axe behind her so he kept his guard up he didn't know her ability's she could mean trouble, and zero didn't have much time to spend there, so he was either just going to kill them as fast as he could or just disorient them using Baishin if thy cause to much of a problem and continue along.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Enya Thompson Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri turned to a sing-songy voice coming from behind that could only belong to Enya. She was pretending to hide an axe behind her back despite the fact that it was clearly visible. This aroused suspicion in Dimitri. She seemed frightened, desperate before. Now, she was acting extremely childish, but in that threatening violent way that made a person wonder just what was this person hiding. It truly freaked him out just a little bit as he turned to find that Zero had hid behind a tree to dodge his mini-volley of arrows. Zero was now just a few meters from him and Enya. Dimitri took no hesitation, tossing his throwing knives directly from the sheath, a loud his emerging with each knife he threw, which was three. He then drew his short sword and ignited it, charging it with Holy Fire. He didn't know what kind ofeffect it would have to Zero or Enya, but he knew it wasn't going to be a good one.

Willow felt Rin's body grow limp from exhaustion as she slid off her back, hitting the ground beneath her. Poor girl... Willow thought before turning back to the group.

The six were staring at her in bewilderment. Some were too scared to speak. Others could only murmur to each other as they spoke.

"What the-"

"Did a horse...j-just talk?"

"That's not possible."

"Oh yeah it is," Willow replied before transforming to her panther state, activating her only power she had at the moment, her light fists. In her panther state, she was not only extremely fast, but her claws were like miniature swords. She growled menacingly at the minuscle group.

Three fled the scene. They wanted nothing to do with a panther that could talk and fight. The other three, however, weren't intimidated. I mean, it was just an animal, right?

The one with the sword approached first, running up like a loon and aiming to kill her with a single slice to her head. All Willow had to do was parry. Her claws met his sword and instead of slicing through them, like he would've expected, they halted on the spot, a loud clang echoing through the alley. Willow's next move was simple, using her other hand to swipe at the man's face. He managed to get back, but barely in time and he lost his sword in the process. Quickly, they scurried out of the other side of tyhe alleyway, probably never to be seen again. Willow smiled in satisfaction before turning to the exhausted state of the girl. She didn't even move an inch. This clued in Willow that she probably needed a lot of rest. Willow got underneath the immobile girl and flung her onto Willow's back before leaving the alleyway to find an inn.

They got more stares this time around, but Willow just ignored them, concentrating on the fact that they were very stupid. As the old saying went: "Great minds talked about things. Average minds talked about events. Dumb minds talked about people."

Walking through the streets, she finally came across the "Saburo Inn". Smiling, Willow entered, wondering what adventure layed in store here.


Lance only smiled, intimidatingly, at Setsugie as he spoke. "And tell me do you really think you can go against me? I may not use my blade against women but against you I can very well use my full power."

Lance only shrugged,"Bring it, old man." he replied, nonchalantly, keeping his ground and letting Setsugie retrieve his sword. "I can see your legs trembling." Setsugie taunted, but Lance came back.

"Then it's time the old man got his glasses, isn't it?" Lance dished back, grinning evilly at Setsugie. He was going to let him take the first shot.


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#, as written by Snow
Kaiyo cocked an eyebrow at how he was actually apologizing. Apologizing, but not begging. What an odd combo. He must be one confident good-guy. "What a gentleman", she said with a smile. She kept her hold on the male. The bandage that caught her knife, the one that levitated just off the floor, perked up with the sense of it's masters command. It went to strike, knife straight, aiming to drive into the right knee of the male before it.

(postin off my phone. short post is short.)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

Razeluxe noticed one thing during this attack besides itself. This one thing was very important, and overlooking this in an actual battle was very fatal. Were the Shikaku leader a male, he'd have received some form of blow to the face, maybe even ending this battle in one simple punch. Alas, she was attacking him, not a he, so instead of punching with the arm that was receiving no attention or restrainment, he shot his hands downwards and caught the bandage just behind the dagger itself, feeling a bit more pull than he'd have expect from it, but nothing he couldn't stop.

"I must ask your name." he began nonchalantly. "And I must also tell you that even without my magical abilities, I'm not out of a fight yet. Please, before this gets out of hand, give up. Prove to me that you are a woman by acting like such and nobody will have to get hurt." he then offered. "I can't give you chances to leave if you don't take them."

(Yeah.... Raze still had one arm open XD


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Enya Thompson

Enya saw Zero-chan hide behind a tree and so she run forward to the right of the tree and swung her axe for Zero-Chan's head. While this was happening, she let her shadow arms surround her, guarding her and making her look even more scary all the while. She let out a childish laugh as she continued her merciless barrage against the one who dared to attack her Onii-Chan. Little did she know, it was just a knife that Dimitri deflected away from himself. It was probably for the best that she didn't know though.

A crazy look made it's way into Enya's eyes as she could sense someone's blood. weather it was her opponents or hers, she didn't care. All she wanted to do was spill some more.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

Zero noticed the knives flung towards him he easily dodged them and then in a split second he noticed the Pink haired woman had moved, he looked to one side only to be greeted by an axe only centimeters form his face but Zero was very agile and rolled forward, narrowly dodging her axe Zero had a new wound a light cut on his other cheek(Right) while he had another deeper one Dimitri had caused with an arrow of his. "Damn it little runt really do have a death wish, but I'm in a generous mood. Tell me where's the Destroyer and when I kill you I'll make it less painful." Zero said with an evil grin on his face. Then glanced at both Enya and Dimitri scanning them, "So what will it be?" Zero added pointing Empty Skies(left hand) at Dimitri and two Baishin Daggers(Right hand) at Enya.

Setsugie looked at Lance, he was precautions an idiot would at come charging towards Setsugie, slightly overhearing what Raze said Setsugie smile's "He's grown up quiet well."t Setsugie mumbles under his breath but not much can be done against that woman. Only sighing a little, Setsugie looks at Lance and throw's his Katana at him at increadible speeds using his Suichoku no Narabi(Shining path) Technique; then he moves to his left side and grabs another Katana with his left hand and wait for a response.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri saw Zero easily dodge the knives he threw and narrowly dodge Enya's axe swing. When he got up, another cut was visible on his other cheek.

"Damn it little runt really do have a death wish, but I'm in a generous mood. Tell me where's the Destroyer and when I kill you I'll make it less painful." Zero said, pulling off one of those evil grins on his face before continuing. "So, what'll it be?"

He had one weapon drawn towards his direction and two of his infamous daggers at Enyas. Dimitri only smiled. "Wow, you really are one amazing salesperson, aren't you? Let's cut a deal. How-" He tossed another one of his knives, charging it with Blue Fire as he tossed it at a lightning speed. It was a clever trick. You could basically talk about anything during a battle and if you have the person distracted on your words, it lowers his guard, causing you to have an easy strike with little to no chance of the other blocking or dodging, no matter how agile or quick the opponent.


Lance watched Setsugie with hawk eyes. He didn't seem offended by the insults he dealt, but this was level-headed Setsugie we were talking about. Lance had only said it to make himself sound a bit cooler. It was a natural thing for him.

Setsugie mumbled something under his breath, sighing a little. Then, he struck. He threw his katana at incredible speed, charging it with magic as he did so. This was an easy block for Lance, slicing at the sword when it was in range, changing it's direction as it flew past him, wide right, and buried itself into the pavement. He activated the wind power in his other sword, a powerful wind shooting Lance forward at Setsugie. Setsugie was diving for his katana. Perfect, he thought. By the time Setsugie was up on his feet, ready for the next attack, Lance was already there, his wind-powered katana a mere foot away from his chest and his fire sword heading for Setsugie's neck. If he was successful, both would hit Setsugie's body at the same time.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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0.00 INK

Setsugie looked as Lance flew at great speed as Setsugie went for the katana and swung both his swords, one for his neck and another for his chest. Setsugie quickly reacted as soon as his hand grabbed the katana he dashed backwards towards another sword grabbing it with his free hand, he looked at Lance, "Here I come." Setsugie said and ran to Lance then began dashing and then threw a vertical slash(Up to down) at Lance's left shoulder with the katana on his right hand, all whils his other katana went to stab Lance's right foot and keep it in place. Setsugie had also taken the fact that Lance charges his sword with magic so it gains special properties, so Setsugie's katana are weaker than his swords and will easily break if slashed, so Setsugie has been charging his katanas with energy only to make them more durable and harder since since he doesn't want to waste to much energy; it doesn't waste to much energy and can fight without the worry of his blade being broken that easily.

The irritating one was talking but then in the mist of it he threw to knives that traveled quite fast, but it clashes with something an azure blue armor and then the Azure Grimoire rises towering over Zero looking at Enya with deathly red eyes then it screams liberating a shock-wave and then dissipates. "Hoho? Genuinely mad I see this girl is not normal." Zero said, "I'm rather short on time, so I'll be killing you know." Zero said and looked at Dimitri, "Weakest ones always die first." he said as his Empty Skies disappears getting replaced by one Baishin Dagger, then he turns towards him to run but as he begins to run he throws one of his other two Baishin daggers he had on his other hand(right hand) at Enya's leg around the knee. Bringing up his right hand Zero slashes from right to left with the dagger on his right hand and with that he begins a mini-barrage of 5 hits at Dimitri with both his daggers.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Enya Kagasaki

"Damn it little runt really do have a death wish, but I'm in a generous mood. Tell me where's the Destroyer and when I kill you I'll make it less painful." Zero-chan said to which she laughed at. How convincing. She'd never back down.

"So, what'll it be?"
He said and Dimitri started to answer until he quickly threw a knife at Zero. Suddenly, an image appeared and screamed at her to which she laughed at. How interesting, another demonic.

Almost without her notice, Zero-chan threw a dagger around her knee to which she slightly dodged, letting it slightly cut her. Her Shadow arms stretched out and wrapped around zero, pulling him to a halt and pulling him back. They slowly entangled him and she continued laughing.

"How about I just kill you. That sounds like a great choice to me." She said while trying to contain her giggles.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
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0.00 INK

Zero looked as shadows began wrapping themselves around him pulled him back before he could hit Dimitri this was the pink haired girls doing, listening to what she said made him laugh, "Kill me?! And you think you can accomplish such a feat you must be mistaken little girl!!" Zero said as he liberated his magic power in a burst form his body to dissipate the shadows, the turned to look at her "I've changed my mind I'll kill you first." Zero said then looked at the dagger that Enya had dodged its hilt then opened and liberated a loud high pitched sound similar to a concussion grenade. Zero himself is not affected by the daggers loud sound since he has grown used to it, he then wait to see how the pink haired girl reacts "I can't spend much time here.... I should just finish this later, I detest leaving this unfinished but its the destroyer we're talking about I should find an opening and make a run for it its my best chance for know...." Zero thought.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Enya Thompson

Enya's Demonic shield surrounded her ears as the annoying sound continued. She'd definitely hear that afterwards. Spinning her axe, she smirked, taking in her surroundings. When her opening was found, she was by Zero-Chan in the blink of an eye. Swinging it at his torso, she hoped to get a direct hit. At that moment, the smell of her own blood entered her mind, almost driving her insane. Her eyes grew more murderous by the moment as Knox lended her some power to kill this annoying demonic brother. Letting out a chuckle, she glared at him.

"Oh, how nice and considerate of you.... sadly, it's not gonna work." She said happily.

Rin Hayashi

Light slowly returned to her world as she opened her eyes and tightened her grip on whatever moving thing she was on. Letting out a groan of pain, she tried to sit up. Finding it impossible, she was tempted to drift off into the empty void of dreams. Shaking her head ever so slightly, she decided against this as a throbbing migraine took over her mind. It felt like the usual lack of power migraine times three. She bit her lip as she closed her eyes and waited for something to happen while trying to block out pain.

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Kuusou by Kaire23

This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.


Utoko by RolePlayGateway

The Birth City of Rin Hayashi.

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) by RolePlayGateway

Rin Hayashi, The second in command for Chikyuu no Mirai, and the 5th in command for Shikaku will start off here.

Base of Shikaku

Base of Shikaku by RolePlayGateway

The base of The Shikaku. All of the Shikaku besides their 5th in command will start off here.

Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Chikyuu no Mirai Base by RolePlayGateway

Where all the people of Chikyuu no Mirai will start off besides the 2nd in command

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View All » Add Character » 25 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Character Portrait: Len Takahashi
Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine
Character Portrait: Raze
Character Portrait: Chidori
Character Portrait: Belldandy
Character Portrait: Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai
Character Portrait: Zero
Character Portrait: Azriel
Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
Character Portrait: Celena Cleary
Character Portrait: Enya Thompson


Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
Enya Thompson

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Celena Cleary
Celena Cleary

"You wanna see something freaky?"

Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
Kaiyo Souretsu

The Master of Skikaku

Character Portrait: Azriel

"Before the end, Heaven will bleed and Gods will weep."

Character Portrait: Zero


Character Portrait: Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai
Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai

Rin's Powers in a Physical form.

Character Portrait: Belldandy

"I will find my comrades if it the last thing I do."

Character Portrait: Chidori

"The greatest things in life are the smallest things.... like Raze's tolerance for naked women!"

Character Portrait: Raze

"If you're unable to fight, I'll do it for you."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine
Evangeline Valentine

i wont be satisfied until the destroyer is disposed of properly.


Character Portrait: Belldandy

"I will find my comrades if it the last thing I do."

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi
Len Takahashi

The 2nd in command of Chikyuu no Mirai. Was in the middle of a mission when he sensed The Destroyer.

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Setsugie Roentel

"I am the Leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai. Please stand down I do not want any meaningless bloodshed."

Character Portrait: Zero


Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
Enya Thompson

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai
Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai

Rin's Powers in a Physical form.

Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
Kaiyo Souretsu

The Master of Skikaku

Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine
Evangeline Valentine

i wont be satisfied until the destroyer is disposed of properly.

Character Portrait: Chidori

"The greatest things in life are the smallest things.... like Raze's tolerance for naked women!"

Character Portrait: Celena Cleary
Celena Cleary

"You wanna see something freaky?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with enormous powers.

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi
Len Takahashi

The 2nd in command of Chikyuu no Mirai. Was in the middle of a mission when he sensed The Destroyer.

Character Portrait: Zero


Character Portrait: Enya Thompson
Enya Thompson

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Celena Cleary
Celena Cleary

"You wanna see something freaky?"

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Setsugie Roentel

"I am the Leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai. Please stand down I do not want any meaningless bloodshed."

Character Portrait: Chidori

"The greatest things in life are the smallest things.... like Raze's tolerance for naked women!"

Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine
Evangeline Valentine

i wont be satisfied until the destroyer is disposed of properly.

Character Portrait: Raze

"If you're unable to fight, I'll do it for you."

Character Portrait: Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai
Kuro Hakai/ Kagami Hakai

Rin's Powers in a Physical form.

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Kuusou by Kaire23

This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.


Utoko by RolePlayGateway

The Birth City of Rin Hayashi.

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) by RolePlayGateway

Rin Hayashi, The second in command for Chikyuu no Mirai, and the 5th in command for Shikaku will start off here.

Base of Shikaku

Base of Shikaku by RolePlayGateway

The base of The Shikaku. All of the Shikaku besides their 5th in command will start off here.

Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Chikyuu no Mirai Base by RolePlayGateway

Where all the people of Chikyuu no Mirai will start off besides the 2nd in command


This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.

Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Rin Hayashi, The second in command for Chikyuu no Mirai, and the 5th in command for Shikaku will start off here.

Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Kuusou Chikyuu no Mirai Base Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where all the people of Chikyuu no Mirai will start off besides the 2nd in command


Kuusou Utoko Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Birth City of Rin Hayashi.

Base of Shikaku

Kuusou Base of Shikaku Owner: RolePlayGateway

The base of The Shikaku. All of the Shikaku besides their 5th in command will start off here.

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Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

HEY! THE REMAKE HAS BEEN MADE!! GO OVER AND JOIN! (And yes, I had to add an extra I to Rin's last name to be allowed to keep the same(ish) title. roleplay/chasing-rin-hayashii/

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Okay then! Since i got two responses, I'll bring it back up soon :P I'll try to work on it right away and I'll post the link when it's up!

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

I would also like trying this again since school is over i know have to much time on my hands :/

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

I wouldn't mind that at all. It'd give me a chance to change my OC a bit too. c:

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Hello everyone! (If everyone is still here) So, I feel this RP has finally come to it's sad end. Many deserted while others waited around or maybe people were just busy which is completely understandable. Now, I feel sometimes it's perfectly fine to bury the hatchet and just remember good times, but I decided to take a quick tally. Would people join if I Re-made this RP? Now, this is just an idea and is in no way final. Just felt like doing something again but *shrugs* you know, it's hard sometimes. So, please answer when you see this :P

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

patience is a vertue as some say .....

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Already posted on that a while back and I read it.

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

It is until Snow posts again, it would seem.

Also, Kaire-bear, Death Note RP is waiting on you, look at OOC first though.

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Don't tell me this finally died QAQ

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

I'll try my best to be more clear in my posts sorry Dx but at least you told me so I can work on it I'll be posting tomorrow maybe since this week I've had nothing but exams and projects -.- and God-speed to those who got hit by the storm. and yea at her knee Kaire

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Lazy!?......Yeah i am....Sorry about that, when this rp started dying i lost almost all of my motivation to post! My motivation level is literally at 1% right now.... I'll post after kaire does, or when something motivates me. Eh, i dont even have enough motivation left to finish what i planned on writting.. well, see you guys later.

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Heya guys, I'm fine :P storm only hit me a tiny bit. Any way, glad to hear your fine snow. Hope every thing gets better for people who were hit by the storm majorly. In other news, hate to be a grammar Nazi, but I LITERALLY can't understand some things your trying to say Setsugie. Please try to spell check or grammar check or whatever TT.TT By the way, you threw the knife at her knee? I think so, but am unsure. Sorry for the little rant or whatever you call this and I plan to post ASAP! I'll also try to get Raris back again TT.TT Lazy girl :P

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

I have no power, which obviously means no computer. Besides that Im safe. I REALLY hate posting off my phone. I constantly lose signal an can lose an entire reply- which is irritating. Ill post as soon as I can.

Whatre you guys thoughts? Should I have Kaiyo fight to the deathish or truce? Idk really where to go w this x/D

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Man, as soon as I get back, this RP up and starts dying.

I hope Kaire-bear and Snow are alright. I bet the storm hit them badly. D:

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

damn you hurricane I am constantly without internet signal ;///; might take me a bit to respond, sorry~

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

When I saw Kaires post I could just see Zero's reaction as "Fuck that..." xD as ive seen mirai nikki also I know what Yunos capable of ._.

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi


it's interesting that Lance somehow knows that Razeluxe FEARS woman off of just some slight hesitation......

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

You guys are right, shattering is a bit wrong.

Lets go for the weapon cracking and forcing the spirit out of it to their other form with some damage to them?

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

Though speaking of the swords, the sword itself is not magical but the being residing within it ( be it Belldandy or Chidori) is, well their soul to be exact even if the weapon was created out of their own selves. Since this is all a spell or curse Belldandy placed to safe the lives of she and her comrades during the war. As I myself am the one who created the 7 blades(or Relics) of old as the seven virtues of man((Yes I mean the seven virtues as in the Virtue of Lust is Chastity which right know ironically is Chidori xD. But this is for my story I dun mind using it here just don't know if everyone likes the idea.)). Of course the blade can be broken, shattered, cut, bent. etc. but the being itself wont be hurt unless your ability can hurt souls; if completely shattered there will be one piece in the bunch that will hold the swords soul that piece will begin to slowly regenerate into is original state using its own power or outside power if needed. Know if tried to disintegrate or completely destroy leaving no trace, the spell casted on it won't let that happen since the spell itself has a fail safe that if one the relics are in grave danger to preserve the soul of the one residing in it the will be expelled and will bond with the closest thing be it living or object, until its weapon self can be created again by using its own power. The soul can still materialize itself and transmit its powers like before but its host will change that's the only thing that hapens.

Another factor to take in note each blades curse and method on breaking it is different, meaning the way to break the curse on Chidori (Example) could be completely shattering the blade; And the war machine that fought a massive army of demons while only backed up by 6 others will walk the world once again powers, memories, and all restored to their fullest.
Just throwing that out there.
(All this info. was made by me for a story/manga I am writing by the way. xD)
And know I'm off to bed since its late Z.Z

Re: Chasing Rin Hayashi

If I do decide to attack with the weapon... something about 'shattering' seems a bit....... gruesome.

I would go for knocking her out of her weapon form and some serious damage to her, rather than outright killing her because then Razeluxe would be mad.

Not upset.

Not disgruntled.

Not pissed off.


As in killing mad.

As in killing mad to where he doesn't mind if he lets loose his inner vampire.

As in "Well fuck." kinda mad.

You get the point XD

Razeluxe is going to fist fight for now, seeing as he doesn't have the will to kill a girl, and blunt force trauma to the head with a sword will probably still do that.

AND, I gave you a good opening, just because I felt bad for his entrance c: