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Crown of Chains

Crown of Chains


Why must good men die. The King loved by his people lay stabbed, his wife poisoned, and the prince and his family waylaid and murdered. The princess must marry so the land has a proper king. Though the Regent has other plans.

10,162 readers have visited Crown of Chains since TheRavenandThePawn created it.


Murder and Betrayal. The current regent of the Kingdom who was the King’s brother has murdered both king and queen, and the heir’s self and family. Bloodstains coat this vile man’s hands as he now has for the most part stolen the crown with ease. The templar and magi support him as he now tries to force the princess into marrying his son so his family may take the proper title and crown without civil war. Though to keep the illusion of his innocence up he has allowed princes from neighboring lands to come and try to win her.

The world is a dark place martial law has been implemented guards patrol nonstop those who stand against the regent’s madness are executed with out any proof of guilt. As always in these lands humans suffer from xenophobia and often with violently reject or repress other races. Under the regent’s rule violence against other races have risen. Though who can stand against a man who controls the power of magic and faith.

Kai’Drona is a human kingdom filled with a large population of Plains humans. They dislike most races and there is open hatred towards all things not human. It is not uncommon for violence against other races. Kai’Drona is a large kingdom holding hundreds of villages of a few cities. Though it will be mainly focused on the capital Victarith. This city is a massive sprawling city holding four massive walls to house the tens of thousands who live in this thriving city. Crime is fluent due to his mass population and major trade ports.

(If you do not specify what type of human you are, you will be assumed to be a plains human.)

Main Spots.

The Regent. Lord Malidur

The Princess. Princess Sophie

Regent’s Son. Sir Malidur

Human Suitors.
1. Prince Necron

Minor Roles.

Templar. Powerful knights trained in the use of channeling their faith into vicious and deadly blasts of energy. These men are feared as unlike mages they have unlimited power at their disposal. The corrupt templar serve the Regent.
1. Ser Victiara

Magi of Kai’Drona. Septriss’ Chosen are taken at birth to be trained by this order. They are loyal to the Regent though some may still hold loyalty to the rightful crown. They are capable of casting magic, though it drains their physical attributes fatiguing them the more they cast.

Elven Suitors.

Princess’ Friends.

City Residence.
Laisha Dedwin
Zethya Draker

Castle Guards.

Ser Azor

Nathaniel Bennet
Hijian Ahsteel

Raine Songrose

Races.(These are the base races, you may play as anything you want… for creating physical descriptions of my races just ask if you need help.)

(Races with a * are restricted to players I know won’t abuse their power or leave in the middle of the role-play)


Plains. These are the civilized humans adaptable and balanced. They are the main population of the cities.
Average Appearance.
Eyes. Green/Brown
Hair. Black/Brown
Skin. Light/pale
Height. 4’9-5’2
Creator God. Mealis and Zatolen
Background. Plains humans though weak compared to most races are numerous and rely on cunning and technology rather then brute force. Considering their way of life civil and the ‘barbaric’ ways of other races. Often predigest towards other races due to their upbringings in Plains cities devoid of other races. They do not have a base alignment and are often seen as the adaptive race capable of overcoming most challenges. Their kind are also place woman as secondary citizens below men.

Black Jet Imperial. People born in the Black Jet Empire homeland. Strong physically and inventive mentally. Though emotionally closed these powerful humans make excellent warriors even if they lack the strategic thinking of other humans. Mass in numbers and powerful in strength the only thing that can stop these berserkers is strategy.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Blue
Hair Blonde
Skin White
Height 6’4-10’0
Creator God. The True Mother
Background. The Black Jet Imperials are a proud race great in numbers, physical strength, and technology. Due to their advancement they wish to spread their culture, and teach the lesser races how to properly live and worship. Unlike plains humans who are more accepting religiously… Black Jet Imperials only allow the worship of their one god. They worship a goddess known as the True Mother most races do not know nor understand who this True Mother is. Imperials lack emotional feelings, still capable of feeling their sense of emotion is dulled severely… many believe they lack it even though they don’t.

Children of the Wolf/Bear. Referred to as barbarians due to their closeness to nature and hatred of cities. These humans can take on a bestial appearance. The Sons of the Bear are physically superior, but mentally weaker then plains humans. While Daughters of the Wolf are agile, fierce, and beautiful.
Average Appearance. (Sons of the Bear)
Eyes. Green/Blue
Hair. Blonde/Red
Skin. Bronzed
Height. 6’8-7’4
Creator God. The Bear God
Background. Powerful warriors born of the Isles of Fa’rona their word is their life, honorable and fierce their determination in combat is incredible their deeds great. They are the warriors of the Isles and are in constant struggle with the Plains humans of the Humanic Empire.

Average Appearance. (Daughters of the Wolf)
Eyes. Blue/Violet
Hair. Blonde/Red
Skin. Bronzed
Height. 5’4-6’0
Creator God. The Wolf Goddess
Background. These warriors of the Isles of Fa’rona are considered the ultimate form of human beauty. Which is both a blessing and a curse, due to their beauty and command air they are often kidnapped during Humanic Raids to be taking as trophy wives under lords of Plains Humans… one must be careful even unarmed these agile woman are capable of dispatching trained soldiers barehanded.

The Corrupted(Fully Corrupted*). These humans have defiled their flesh in the name of the dark god of corruption Zatolen. The more they mutilate their bodies the more in tune they become with their dark fell deity. They go from twisted abominations to insanely powerful fully corrupted which can easily pass as humans. The usually time it takes for full corruption is twenty four years… the fastest known time to full corruption was six years. A fully corrupted is capable of ripping through armor and solid stone with bare hands.

Average Appearance.
Would appear much like their native race except partial corruption causes clear signs of demonic influence. Their eyes would always be a shade of Red. //Red, Orange, Violet, ect.// Though often considered evil Corrupted are whatever dispostion they choose, good, evil, or neutral Corrupted do not always resemble to image earned by their weak minded kin… the Corrupted who truly abuse their powers.

Black Hearts*. Those who actual become one with Zatolen when they ascend to their fully Corrupted forms. Incorpral these beings can devestate sentient foes immune to normal weapons while capable of rending through foes with their spectral claws.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Burning Crimson or Void Black.
Hair. Sanguine
Skin. Transparent/pale
Height. (Retains racial height)
Creator God. Zatolen
Background. Black Hearts are created when one ascends to Full Corruption as they kill themselves. Though it has never been seen that one did this on purpose as it would be neigh impossible to tell exactly when one will finish their Corruption ascension. They are often accidentally deaths which due to the close connection to Zatolen during the final stages of Full Corruption turns them into creatures equal to Demi-Gods in power. There are only four Black Hearts and a total of seven in the whole history of Dophia.

Tal’Threar* (Shadow Stalker). The Tal’Threar are an odd species of human often turned to further their uses as an assassin. These deadly half fiends are the most potent of stealth blades and can end even experienced heroes quickly.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Shades of red (Red, Violet, Orange, ect.)
Hair. Black or White
Skin. Deathly pale.
Height. 4’9-5’2
Creator -Fiend-: Eldis Tal (Greatest Shadow)
Background. Tal’Threar have infused themselves with the Tal’Var those demons though rare may lay waste to their foes with undying hatred… feared even beyond the great Eldar. Infused with these mighty fiends these assassins move with such speed one may not even realize they are dead yet, with such accuracy they could hit a nerve at a hundred yards. Capable of phasing from shadow to shadow and animating them they also are capable of taking any form, changing their appearances at will as long as it keeps the same total mass.

Septriss’ Chosen. (Have to be magi.) These few were gifted with the power of magic from the God Septriss. They praise him and in return they are given the power they need to bend reality to their whims. Superior to normal humans in everyway.

Average Appearance. Appear as normal Humans (or Sub-race Human)
Septriss’ Chosen can be from any human race, often being physical superior to their own kind these powerful mages can crippled and lay waste to any with ancient words bound to power and the full force of their physical powers to bend reality to their needs.


White Elves of Paladar. These elves are tall their skin and hair often resembling natural colors and plants. They often have oaken skin with hair to match wild flowers. Select few have eyes that hold every color of spring. Fierce warriors but prefer to refrain from blood shed. They are superior to humans in almost all conceivable ways. Minor to no magic ability.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Colors of Spring.
Hair. Hair that matches flowers and other natural colors.
Skin. oaken
Height. 5’4-6’4
Creator God. Paladar
Background. The White Elves are a race of order and light. They are filled with fervor and zeal as they honor and serve their lords to ensure their perfect lawful society and cities. While they enforce justice they are no where near as zealous in slaughter as Black Elves.

Black Elves of Na’Tally. These elves are tall their skin and hair often resembling the desolate and vile woods they live in. They often have darker tan skin their hair black or metallic. Select few have eyes that hold every color of Autumn. Deadly and vile Warriors that revel in the deaths of their hated cousins the white elves. Superior to humans they are some of the deadliest natural psions in the world.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Colors of Autumn
Hair. metallic
Skin. Dark oak
Height. 6’2-8’6
Creator God. Na’Tally
Background. Black Elves are of Justice by any means and the darkness that follows. Though considered an evil race they are not always the sadistic creatures that stalk the land spreading terror and destruction to enforce justice. Many are simply tricksters and though not as lawful and proud as White Elves they are not evil. Though those who are have built a stereotype of evil and destruction to all the Black Elves.

Dragon Stone Elves*. Elves blessed by Talcor’s talons. These elves are capable of feats of such power even the Septriss’ Chosen are no match. There raw magical talent is limitless and quickly evolving. Though only one Dragon Stone elf is born at a time, and there is often a few hundred years in between deaths and births.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Soul Piercing Green
Hair. Crimson/Void Black
Skin. Red tinted
Height. 4’9-5’2
Creator Gods. Talcor, Na’Tally, Paladar, Zatolen
The Creation of the Dragon Stone Elves were done to end the fighting between the two Elven races and the Dragons. A creature composed of all of their kind White Elf for its since of Law and their overwhelming defiance to threats or death, Black Elves’ since of Justice and power of Psionics and magic, and the Dragon’s ability to endure time completely untouched, survive with out any needs of mortal coil besides their own flesh and blood and the pure magical reserves given to the dragons for their breath weapons. Though as they Three gods formed such a powerful being Zatolen interrupted the creation sending forth his own dark influence giving the creature untold power… and the ability to choose good or evil. Though due to his corruption the other gods’ magic was altered… The first Dragon Stone Elf was given life… but it was unable to reproduce… and thus when it died its kind was thought lost… until another was born several hundred years later to a Black Elf maiden. These elves are not born of flesh but of soul… implanting themselves in virgins when their formed from the pure power of the spell used to create the first. They are respected and feared by all races.

Green Skins.
Creator God Haltheris

Horror Goblin. Small, Weak, and thought all around pathetic Horror Goblins have become nightmarish tales told to young children. These goblins are capable of becoming invisible at will. Their skin secrets a agent that causes extreme paranoia. Though even a human child could overpower these weak creatures physically.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Shades of Red
Hair. Black scraggly
Skin. Black with red clan marks
Height. 2’0-2’6

Orks (Elder Orks*). Orks a race that strengthens over time. Newborns and adults are not but sheep to the slaughter in battle… however… elder orks are the most fearsome and deadly sentient warriors alive. It often takes two or even three “heroes” to successfully down a single elder ork. They have the strength to match and surpass fully corrupted.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Green/Brown
Hair. Black
Skin. Green
Height. 4’8-6’2 (Elders 8’0-10’0_

miscellaneous Races.

Septrinian*. A ancient and powerful races who receive the knowledge of their parents at birth. Fragile and weak Septrinian require flesh and bones of creatures, people, and plants to cast their devastating magic. They often like to play god creating and altering races and reality. As a evolution on their part Septrinian have large heavy set shells capable of holding off an elder ork. This thick armadillo like shell secrets long deadly spikes tipped with poison so potent it could drop an elephant in a minuet.

Average Appearance.
Eyes. Grey
Hair. -
Skin. Black leathery scales
Height. 4’2-4’8

Anubian. A common term used to identify all beast folk. The Anubian consist of all forms of beast folk ranging from countless species. The only identification mark is they are sentient, walk on their hind legs, and appear more animal then human.



Red. Lithe and fast hunters who average the size of a horse. Deadly and intelligent these pack hunters could easily outsmart and slay dragons. One should not challenge these creatures when arrogant… or you will die.

Green. Large powerfully belt monsters who charge with deadly strength. Long horns mount their deadly heads and their legs are strong enough to force them through a wall without momentum. They are roughly the size of a warhorse more then capable of ripping through anything or one while charging.

Black. These massive hulking creatures of long deadly necks and needle thin fangs. Capable of harassing enemies from over nine feet away with their necks and tail they are by far the largest and most dangerous Brekka capable of slithering through tight passages and overcoming anything through brute strength. They burry their eggs in shiny objects for some unknown reason. This usually means their lairs are full of treasures.

Blue. Deadly and cunning these amphibious Brekka have long horns to breaking through hulls and long deadly claws for burrowing through puncture holes. Roughly the size of a dog these creatures enjoy sleeping in the ballisks of the ship. They are sometimes kept as pets on board due to their prey being rats. They have soft blue leather scales small needle length fangs. They have three clawed hands and a large horn. Some find these creature adorable while those who train real Brekka find them an insult to the breed.

White. These lithe Brekka are long serpent like monsters capable of flying while worthless in melee combat they spit bolts of acid to kill and harass its prey and foes. White scaled with large white wings they are not as fast nor maneuverable as Jarei but they make excellent snipers in air to surface battles. Their saliva paralyses on contact.

Jarei. Small reptilian bird like creatures while not dangerous to creature such as Brekka their beaks are still capable of being lethal to anything they can get the drop on. Slightly smaller then a Red Brekka they are often used by humans as transportation when horses won’t cut it.

Azulu Wing. These giant rats have arachnid like eyes deadly fangs and small leathery wings. Barbed tails flail behind them as they swarm over the lands in large hordes that devour anything that is unfortunate to fall into the horde’s path.

Draconic Serpent. Massive sea dragons capable of swallowing entire ships whole. These deadly monsters are capable of flying through the air and breathing forth steaming water to boil their prey to death. Only believed real in lore and legend these monsters haunt a sailor’s every nightmare.

Ring Trolls. Like regular trolls Ring Trolls are insanely strong and capable of recovering from almost any hit or wound in moments. Their limbs regenerate within hours and lesser wounds within minuets. Ring Trolls however also have access to magic… most are to unintelligent to use it properly… but those born with intelligence make full corrupted look easy. One should not fight these creatures unless its absolutely necessary.

Kurag. Deadly humanoids with powerful exoskeletons that armor their bodies. Intelligent and strong Kurag swallow humanoids whole as they move towards their stomach their prey is coated in a cobweb-like coating which constricts the prey to minimize size while they digest their prey much like spiders. Their innards are now strong enough to handle scaled, spiked, or other such creatures as this would tear apart their digestive track. They also are capable of liquefying their prey excluding the skin, they stretch this over their bodies and take the form of humans and elves which they resemble in appearance.

The Shadowed. Creatures that feed of evil and vile memories. They thrive in places of horrid deeds and places of slaughter. Composed of solidified malice and darkness they are capable of turning into a thick mist to suffocate and kill those who stand against them. Taking one of three forms Stalkers are lithe creatures who hunt their prey with joy in squeezing every last drop of fear before they murder their victims and feed of their negative stain upon the world. Brutes are hulking creatures capable of crushing would be heroes who can stand against the Stalkers… they ensure the protection of the Fiends. The Fiends are the puppet masters, allowing their thoughtless Stalkers and Brutes the ability to think and strategize, they give purpose to the lesser Shadowed power Fiends embody the full force of evil in a place of great suffering… certain places Fiends are often compared to gods in power… one should avoid places stained or that which remain scarred by black deeds.

Zakra. Spirits trapped in tormented existence. Forced to relive their deeds and deaths, forced to fight in never ending battles due to the poor evil that perverts their resting grounds… as most soldiers are burned or buried on the battle field… or the slaughtered cities. Zakra are capable of harming mortals with a deathly touch, though their weapons can only harm other Zakra. They can not truly die they only return to relive their horrors again and again… to end such twisted creatures one must slay the Shadowed Fiend who embodies their pain, the horrors they live in, and the darkness that taints their souls.

The Gods. (All magic is based on faith and gifted by the gods.)

Mealis, God of Purity and light, she is the only god allowed to be praised within human cities. She is a strange choice as a dominate human god… as males are the dominate sex.
Symbol. Two hands held in prayer with a vine twisting in and out of her fingers with blooming flowers.

Zatolen. God of Corruption and Power, he is the arch-rival and lover of Mealis praised only in certain cities he is reviled for granting his servants demonic power.
Symbol. A upside down horned Cross.

The Wolf Goddess. A deadly entity of beauty, agility, the hunter, and womanhood. She is praised by the beast, barbarian, and most females. She is seen as the ultimate form of feminine power. Her Disciples must be female though her prophet is a man..
Symbol. A Bow crossed with two arrows.

The Bear God. A Powerful entity of strength, combat, and the warrior, and manhood. He is praised by the beasts, barbarians, and any form of combatant. He is seen as the ultimate form of humanity physical strength. His disciples must be male though his prophet is a woman.
Symbol. A shield crossed with a spear and a sword.

Septriss. This god is seen as the most powerful of the human gods. His main servants are the Magi though he is also praised in demon rites. He is said to have falling in love with a demoness who he made the moon as gift to her beauty. He rules over power, might, magic, time, and death. Septriss is only to be used by Magi or Templar. He is otherwise known as the Lord of Moons. Septriss is a deity but not considered a god.
Symbol. A Book, Scroll, and Quill

Paladar. A noble and powerful God, he rules over Chivalry, Honor, Law, and Order. Often depicted as a white knight wielding a metal lance. His avatar is a massive white serpent dragon.
Symbol. An open palm raised in fealty.

Na’Tally. A Feared and Scheming God, He rules over Trickery, Lies, Justice, and Chaos. Often seen as deadly black knight who wields a black long sword. His avatar is a massive black serpent dragon.
Symbol. A open palmed gauntlet raised in a challenge(for a duel), a Eye with a dagger for its pupil, and a closed fist with cloth wrapped around its’ fist blood leaking down through its fingers.

Haltheris. God of Trickery, Disorder, Conflict, and Insanity. (Greenskin God) A massive Cyclops responsible for tornados and hurricanes.
Symbol. Dice and Shackles.

Dreaous. God if Damnation, Fire, Decay, and the Underworld. Mainly praised by the Anubians Dreaous is of all beasts and creatures a powerful god and deadly adversary to Mealis.
Symbol. Crown of Thorns

Talcor. God of Dragons, the white sentinel of imbalance. He is one of the chief gods slightly more powerful then Septress. Ruling over Balance, Neutrality, Dragons, the Divine. Father of all gods.
Symbol. Two Dragon’s Locked in Combat.

The True Mother. Goddess of Birth and Creation. The True Mother is the mother of both Gods and Demons mate of Eldis Sun and Talcor. The mother goddess is portrayed as lady in a white dress soaked with her own tears as she mourns the constant death of her children.
Symbol. A tear filled eye.

Zale. Goddess of Love and the Sea/Ocean. Portrayed as a maiden in a red dress always clutching a handkerchief in her hands in constant wait for a human sailor whom she fell in love with and was forever lost as sea. A handkerchief is a sign of love and loyalty gifted as a sign of remembrance.
Symbol. A handkerchief clutched by a woman’s hand.

Demonic Deities.

Eldis Sun (Greatest Fire) God of Fire, Destruction, and Renewal. Elder brother of Talcor and father of all demons. Trapped away in the pits of hell by the gods and the mortals.
Symbol. A burning Cross.

Vexia Katar (Beauty of the Moon.) The Demoness of Lust, Revel, and feminine beauty. She holds such beauty that the demon lords are constantly in struggle to claim her for their own.
Symbol. Wine Vessel.

Tal Katar (Shadow of the Moon) A Demon who rules over shadows, darkness, night, and the heart as an organ.
Symbol. Heptagon to stand for each of the seven mortal sins.

Sun Katar (Beauty of the Moon) The Demoness who stole Septriss’ heart the two long for one another but she is locked away in the depths of hell along with the rest of the demons. Rules over Moral, Fire, and Combat.
Symbol. A burning sword with two crossed banners.

Agrith Katar. Lord of Fear, Death, and Destruction. Powerful and destructive he commands the Agrith under an iron fist. Unlike most Agrith his powers do not lie in the aspect of lust but the complete and utter fear. He is often depicted as a jester with a scepter topped with a set of scales.
Symbol. A human skull pierced by seven spears. A skeletal snake limply hanging from one of the eyes.

Ondra Vexis. Lord of Fire, Honor, The Knight, The Fallen, Destruction, and War. Portrayed as a knight adorned in full plate burned black. Fire erupts from the breaks in his armor. His eyes burn with undying power and he wears a cloak made of flesh and bone. He wields a sword with a sapphire hilt and a blade of pure fire.
Symbol. A Black Knight’s helm.

Sun Katar. Lady of Passion. A woman who brings forth the feelings of passion, such as lust, rage, and pride her powers are many but weak compared to demons of concentrated domains.
Symbol. A heart clutched by a demon’s claws.

Ja Vexis. Lord of Poison, Dread, and the Assassin. This fiend is covered in deadly spines his body entwined in thick cloth his eyes piercing like his deadly quills in which he slays his foes with from afar.
Symbol. Six needles surrounding a curved dagger.

No Magic Items.

City Currency.

Lore- Silver coins worth twenty Lorath

Lorath- Iron coins worth twenty Loran

Loran - bronze coins, base currency.

Average weekly income.

Nobility. 50 Lore.

Upper Class // Example. Powerful Merchant Families//. 100 Lorath

Upper Middle Class. // Example. Successful merchants, skilled craftsmen// 50 Lorath

Middle Class // Example. Merchants, tradesmen, ship captains, military officers, knights// 10 Lorath

Lower Class. // Example. Soldiers, shop keepers// 5 Loran.

Peasant. // Examples. Farmers and workers// 3 Loran.

(Three Loran is enough to keep a family of five alive.)

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Browse All » 10 Settings to roleplay in

Kingdom of Kai’Drona

Kingdom of Kai’Drona by TheRavenandThePawn

A powerful nation that dominates the human world.


Victarith by RolePlayGateway

Capital of Kai'Drona.

Shadestone Keep

Shadestone Keep by RolePlayGateway

A massive citidal that towers above the rest of the massive capital.

Silvarith, The wall District.

Silvarith, The wall District. by RolePlayGateway

The poorer part of Victarith located outside the fourth wall.

Evarith, the the Inner District.

Evarith, the the Inner District. by RolePlayGateway

The inner three rings of the city. Often seen as middle class and merchants from all over the vast kingdom have headquarters here.

Ralith, The Keep District

Ralith, The Keep District by RolePlayGateway

The inner most city which surrounds the plateau in which the keep is built upon.

The Plains.

The Plains. by RolePlayGateway

These Vast plains hold the entire Humanic Empire.

The Blue Desert

The Blue Desert by RolePlayGateway

This gargantuan artic wasteland sprawl around one hundred miles in size.

Victiara Mansion

Victiara Mansion by RolePlayGateway

A wonderful mansion constructed of white marble and white wood.

Septriss??? Blessed Blood

Septriss??? Blessed Blood by RolePlayGateway

Septriss' Blessed Blood, Store of Mind Crippling Wonders

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He wasn't sure what this shimmering light around his enemies was. Maybe it was some sort of trap that if he touched them he would be harmed himself. Hesitating he merely backed up, making sure Raine was still out of reach of them before the Septrinians suddenly attacked. Stumbling backwards in a clumsy attempt to avoid the attack the only reason his throat wasn't slit was because Chris had come charging in and knocked the Septrinian off course. The only hit laid was at his legs which caused him to fall backwards but realizing that Chris had touched them without any seeming ill effects, he finished the fall by continuing to roll backwards until he was on all four. Snarling once, he winced a bit at the pain in his legs before lunging forward at the remaining enemy with claws and teeth at the ready his intent to rip and claw at any portion of the Septrinian he could grasp. Nathaniel wasn't sure how effective his simple attack would be, if at all, but it was the only thing he was capable of doing.

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The Legionnaire seemed rather angry about being rammed by Chris. The Creature rose up onto its’ feet seemingly unharmed as the Shimmer continued to surround the reptilian mage. He approached Chris reaching out his hands in swipes to attempt to grasp Chris’ throat and snuff out his life.

As Nathan clawed and bit at the creature he might notice his attacks always came to a slow fluid stop as if it connected… never once did his claws or fangs pass the shimmer however.. With a grimace of announce the creature send the blunt end up between Nathanael’s legs before doubling it back to rap the opposing end on the werewolf’s head.

It was then a dark shadow descended four arms outstretched as the shadow befell Chris’ Assailant it’s legless form had a long tail which constricted the smaller humanoid before it inflict it’s lethal bite and rent the Septrinian in twain. She had no name… the Slythering were so vast in numbers a name would be pointless… one may as well name the grains of sand… but she had been given a name. She had been given sensations she’d never felt before and she was far from willing to let the human who granted her such freedom be slain by such physically pathetic beings. Sonya raised to her full height letting the Septrinian’s corpse hit the floor as she reared back and brought her powerful jaw down on the last Legionnaire. The large fangs pierced the barrier and snapped the bones beneath, she finished with a quick jolt to snap the Septrinian’s neck before allowing the limp corpse to hit the floor. “Mis…tress… Vexia S…ends… her Apologies… s…he couldn’t participate her s…elf.”

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#, as written by Qetzo
Though ramming in the septerian did no damage to it exclusively, he had accomplished his main goal of evening the fight and helping Nathan and the Septerian was none to happy about it. Chris was much slower to rise than his enemy was and as he avoided one swipe he stumbled the next swipe would reach his throat if he did nothing and as he rose his free hand to stop the swipe his foe was grabbed from the shadows. As the Septerians was ripped in twain, Chris recognized the shadow that had essentially saved him from receiving another injury or even his life. The female Slythering he had met not to long ago, Sonya was the one who helped him dispatching not only the one assailing him, but the one Nathan was fighting with as well.

She spoke after she had dealt with the remaining Septerian, Chris' adrenaline beginning to die down as the perceived safety of having Sonya and by extension Vexia's help calmed him a bit. "Vexia doesn't need to apologize for anything, it's my own fault she had to assist in such a direct way. Though I am thankful that to her not only for sending help, but for sending you who I at least know. I am being rude however, I should be thanking you too, you could not have come at a better moment." He said as he walked over to them even though he was only a few feet away it was obvious his injuries were progressively affecting him more and more. When he reached them he forced a smile through the grimace of pain that was present on his face while looking Sonya in the eyes and said. "Thank you, Sonya."

After which he turned to Nathan and Raine to ask. "Are the two of you alright?" It must take dedication or some kind of fool to worry about someone else when he himself was so injured, with his armor looking akin to Swiss cheese than actual plate armor and the padding under armor below soak crimson red. He took another step towards them to inspect them closer as his legs gave way for a split second causing him to begin tipping over backwards.

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Raine sighed; things were going to get hard, if this was anything to judge by. And her without a proper weapon! This wasn't going to end well...if she wasn't so worried for Chris and Nathaniel, she might have gone off to hide by now. She looked to Chris when he asked whether or not they were okay, and nodded. "I'm fine...but you've taken a beating...we should see what we can do about that..." But, at the same time, she was pretty sure it was useless, since they needed to stop Sekivar and the other septrinians. So much for her earlier thought that all they would have to do was deal with was the regent. She sighed to herself, and glanced around. So what are we supposed to do now?" Fighting septrinians hadn't exactly been something she had really wanted to do...fighting hadn't been something she had wanted to do. But it didn't seem like there was much of a choice anymore, really.

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Since when did we start handing out low blows?! Was the only thing Nathaniel could oddly think about in this tense moment as he hefted himself off the ground as quickly as possible. That damn thing had hit him between the legs then promptly smacked him on top of the head. The first hit was painful and surprising, the second was disorienting and his head was still swimming slightly.

Whirling around, he faced his opponent once more but stopped short as another strange creature appeared. It dispatched of Chris' opponent before it could do him further harm and then killed Nathaniel's own enemy. He could only hope this female was actually an ally and would stay so. They couldn't afford for another powerful being to turn on them again but he wouldn't look over the blessing of this though.

Taking the time to regather himself, he rubbed at his head and hoped permanent damage wasn't done elsewhere. He had almost forgotten that Chris was injured with how valiantly he had been fighting but when he turned to face them and began to fall backwards it brought back the knowledge quickly. In one motion Nathan was at Chris' side and put an arm around his back to support him before actually answering. "I'm fine but you're not. You can't keep going like this."

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[Theme: The Death of the Many: (Music: Gravedigger) ]

Sonya merely nodded to Chris’ response as the sound of massacre continued to ring out from behind the castle’s outer walls. The smell of smoke and searing flesh filled the air as an explosion was heard not far off. Though one could still hear the sound of clashing steel and thus one could at least be glad their was still some resistance.

“We mus…t hurry the once S…eptrinian emperor marches… to s…ever the God’s… influence from this… city… and once that is… done no one will be able to res…is…t.” If they chose to continue onwards now they would find the streets lined with corpses and the cracks between the cobblestones filled with rivers of blood. No mercy could be seen… men, women, and children all shared the same fate and now littered the streets. One could see scattered remnants of guards and citizens who had taken up arms scattered in piles with an occasional beast and on a rarity a septrinian spread out before them. There was no denying it… this was a full fledged genocide.

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#, as written by Qetzo
"Nathan, it is not a matter of if can or cannot do it, it simply must be done." he responded to Nathan with a tone still expressing thanks for his assistance. Sonya spoke up about the urgency of the situation and Chris agreed they would have to hurry, they must defend the anchor of Mealis' influence upon Victarith and kill Sekivar. "You heard Sonya we have to hurry while the city still stands a chance." He urged the two to continue and with Nathans help made outside the castle gate, but what was behind those walls was something that no amount of preparation could steel himself against the sadness that befell him. "Gods help us." was all that escaped his gaping mouth.

It took a second for him to collect himself all that kept him for crying was the knowledge that this was only the beginning and if they stopped here this scene will unfold across the entire continent. "Raine scavenge what weapons you can from the guardsmen, we are gonna need every bit of help we can get." His tone was understandably grim, Nathan must have felt the same way when he returned to the remains of his entire pack.

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Raine bit her lip; he was going to continue...even though he was injured? She decided she didn't really have much of a reason to argue with him, though; not only was it his choice, but his city needed the help. The most she could do was do whatever she could do to help. She followed quietly, for once keeping herself quiet when she wanted to complain. This seemed to be more important. She frowned as she saw what the septrinians had done to the humans. It made little sense to her, but it was already done. She nodded as she was told to scavange for weapons. She didn't much like the idea of looking through dead bodies, even for weapons, but it was necessary.

She picked through the bodies carefully, pulling out any weapons she could find; moslty swords, a few bows quivers with arrows...although there weren't too many arrows to work with in any of them. She placed all the weapons she found together, and started looking through the arrows. She still her her bow, she only needed the arrows. But damaged ones did her little good. She looked back to Chris and Nathaniel and Sonya. "These are all the weapons I found that might actually be useful," she called.

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Nathan nodded quietly at Chris' response, neither agreeing with it or disapproving it. He understood the fact that they had to go forward no matter what because the Septrinians were going to wipe out everything but with their biggest defense crippled, the outcome was becoming to look grim. Nathan was never one to give up but what in the world were they suppose to do now?! Keeping his thoughts to himself, he quietly helped his injured friend through the gate but stopped short at what lay before them. It was obvious none had been spared as the bodies of men, women and even children littered the ground. The sight recalled memories of a similar slaughter years ago, that of his pack. All members were disposed of then to, no matter how young or helpless. Nathan couldn't let the fate of his kind be repeated through the humans, as much as he disliked a good lot of them they certainly didn't deserve this. Staying near Chris in case he were to begin to topple again, Nathaniel strayed just a bit to look at the body of a child all the while keepling half an eye on Raine as she scavenged.

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Sonya awaited for Raine to compile the assortment of mostly iron tipped spears, a few swords many of witch were notched against the hard hides of the beasts that were attacking the city, a few bows and a good deal of scattered arrow quivers some of which had been stepped on in the frenzy of chaos.... besides that their wasn't much to take. Though once things had been compiled the Slytheric assassin motioned them to start the procession.

The group would soon make their way down the plateau through the mansions that lined the side of the road down to the Ralith district. As they moved downwards one might make notice of a a skirmish below two forms holding off a large black scaled Brekka with a rag tag group of survivors behind them. Septrinian Legionaries hurling spells from behind the hulking Brekka seemed to have no effect as one of the two defenders seemed to summon forth counter-spells as he battled the hulking dragon-kin creature. The second man was shorter with raven black hair and a silver blade who struck small wounds but could leave anything significant due to the monster's reach compared to his own.

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#, as written by Qetzo
Chris looked through the weapons Raine had gathered as best he could with Nathanial's support. Any sword would have been better than the the broken one he was carrying now, though he could reform it with his Templar powers it was still best to have a whole sword behind the magic. Picking up one that had least been dulled by hides of the beasts it was swung at, he sheathed it at his side and for good measure took up a spear as well. A spear was not his weapon of choice, but it would prove of some use nonetheless seeing as he needed to avoid further injury and a spears reach would aid in that, not to mention it made a decent walking aid so that he would burden Nathan a bit less.

When Sony motioned them to follow he allowed Raine to be the first to follow Sonya and then brought up the rear with Nathan.As they made their way to their destination the happened upon a group of survivors being assaulted by a brekka and some legionnaires. "We must help them. Sonya, Raine take care of the Septrinians. Nathan and I will help with against the Brekka." He thought this the best plan to help the survivors since Sonya can easily kill the septrinians even without Raine's help, with it she should make short work of them. While Nathan and himself have had prior experience to dealing with Brekkas. With spear in hand he waited for Nathan and Sonya to make the first moves.

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Kingdom of Kai’Drona

Kingdom of Kai’Drona by TheRavenandThePawn

A powerful nation that dominates the human world.


Victarith by RolePlayGateway

Capital of Kai'Drona.

Shadestone Keep

Shadestone Keep by RolePlayGateway

A massive citidal that towers above the rest of the massive capital.

Silvarith, The wall District.

Silvarith, The wall District. by RolePlayGateway

The poorer part of Victarith located outside the fourth wall.

Evarith, the the Inner District.

Evarith, the the Inner District. by RolePlayGateway

The inner three rings of the city. Often seen as middle class and merchants from all over the vast kingdom have headquarters here.

Ralith, The Keep District

Ralith, The Keep District by RolePlayGateway

The inner most city which surrounds the plateau in which the keep is built upon.

The Plains.

The Plains. by RolePlayGateway

These Vast plains hold the entire Humanic Empire.

The Blue Desert

The Blue Desert by RolePlayGateway

This gargantuan artic wasteland sprawl around one hundred miles in size.

Victiara Mansion

Victiara Mansion by RolePlayGateway

A wonderful mansion constructed of white marble and white wood.

Septriss??? Blessed Blood

Septriss??? Blessed Blood by RolePlayGateway

Septriss' Blessed Blood, Store of Mind Crippling Wonders

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lord Zaleth Malidur
Character Portrait: Laisha Dedwin
Character Portrait: Ser Christopher Azor
Character Portrait: Prince Drucifer Necron
Character Portrait: Nathaniel Bennet
Character Portrait: Sekivar Nokovivda
Character Portrait: Hijian Ahsteel
Character Portrait: Raine Songrose
Character Portrait: Ser Marenda Victiara
Character Portrait: Elise Joveen


Character Portrait: Elise Joveen
Elise Joveen

A stray girl looking for answers to her past.

Character Portrait: Ser Marenda Victiara
Ser Marenda Victiara

Hallowed be the maiden of light, I her humble servant and blade maiden.

Character Portrait: Raine Songrose
Raine Songrose

A white elf.

Character Portrait: Hijian Ahsteel
Hijian Ahsteel

The young Empress of the Ak'Teian. Kinda and powerful, she wishes to recreate a time when the races treated each other like their own.

Character Portrait: Sekivar Nokovivda
Sekivar Nokovivda

A strange vender of stranger wares.

Character Portrait: Prince Drucifer Necron
Prince Drucifer Necron

A young prince, one of the human suiters

Character Portrait: Ser Christopher Azor
Ser Christopher Azor

With out honor what are we?

Character Portrait: Laisha Dedwin
Laisha Dedwin

A young vampire, tormented and living in fear.

Character Portrait: Lord Zaleth Malidur
Lord Zaleth Malidur

Regent of Kai'Drona


Character Portrait: Prince Drucifer Necron
Prince Drucifer Necron

A young prince, one of the human suiters

Character Portrait: Raine Songrose
Raine Songrose

A white elf.

Character Portrait: Hijian Ahsteel
Hijian Ahsteel

The young Empress of the Ak'Teian. Kinda and powerful, she wishes to recreate a time when the races treated each other like their own.

Character Portrait: Lord Zaleth Malidur
Lord Zaleth Malidur

Regent of Kai'Drona

Character Portrait: Elise Joveen
Elise Joveen

A stray girl looking for answers to her past.

Character Portrait: Ser Marenda Victiara
Ser Marenda Victiara

Hallowed be the maiden of light, I her humble servant and blade maiden.

Character Portrait: Laisha Dedwin
Laisha Dedwin

A young vampire, tormented and living in fear.

Character Portrait: Sekivar Nokovivda
Sekivar Nokovivda

A strange vender of stranger wares.

Character Portrait: Ser Christopher Azor
Ser Christopher Azor

With out honor what are we?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elise Joveen
Elise Joveen

A stray girl looking for answers to her past.

Character Portrait: Hijian Ahsteel
Hijian Ahsteel

The young Empress of the Ak'Teian. Kinda and powerful, she wishes to recreate a time when the races treated each other like their own.

Character Portrait: Raine Songrose
Raine Songrose

A white elf.

Character Portrait: Ser Marenda Victiara
Ser Marenda Victiara

Hallowed be the maiden of light, I her humble servant and blade maiden.

Character Portrait: Sekivar Nokovivda
Sekivar Nokovivda

A strange vender of stranger wares.

Character Portrait: Prince Drucifer Necron
Prince Drucifer Necron

A young prince, one of the human suiters

Character Portrait: Lord Zaleth Malidur
Lord Zaleth Malidur

Regent of Kai'Drona

Character Portrait: Ser Christopher Azor
Ser Christopher Azor

With out honor what are we?

Character Portrait: Laisha Dedwin
Laisha Dedwin

A young vampire, tormented and living in fear.

View All » Places

Kingdom of Kai’Drona

Kingdom of Kai’Drona by TheRavenandThePawn

A powerful nation that dominates the human world.


Victarith by RolePlayGateway

Capital of Kai'Drona.

Shadestone Keep

Shadestone Keep by RolePlayGateway

A massive citidal that towers above the rest of the massive capital.

Silvarith, The wall District.

Silvarith, The wall District. by RolePlayGateway

The poorer part of Victarith located outside the fourth wall.

Evarith, the the Inner District.

Evarith, the the Inner District. by RolePlayGateway

The inner three rings of the city. Often seen as middle class and merchants from all over the vast kingdom have headquarters here.

Ralith, The Keep District

Ralith, The Keep District by RolePlayGateway

The inner most city which surrounds the plateau in which the keep is built upon.

The Plains.

The Plains. by RolePlayGateway

These Vast plains hold the entire Humanic Empire.

The Blue Desert

The Blue Desert by RolePlayGateway

This gargantuan artic wasteland sprawl around one hundred miles in size.

Victiara Mansion

Victiara Mansion by RolePlayGateway

A wonderful mansion constructed of white marble and white wood.

Septriss??? Blessed Blood

Septriss??? Blessed Blood by RolePlayGateway

Septriss' Blessed Blood, Store of Mind Crippling Wonders

Ralith, The Keep District

The inner most city which surrounds the plateau in which the keep is built upon.

Victiara Mansion

Victiara Mansion Owner: RolePlayGateway

A wonderful mansion constructed of white marble and white wood.

Silvarith, The wall District.

The poorer part of Victarith located outside the fourth wall.

Evarith, the the Inner District.

The inner three rings of the city. Often seen as middle class and merchants from all over the vast kingdom have headquarters here.

Septriss??? Blessed Blood

Septriss' Blessed Blood, Store of Mind Crippling Wonders

The Blue Desert

The Blue Desert Owner: RolePlayGateway

This gargantuan artic wasteland sprawl around one hundred miles in size.

The Plains.

The Plains. Owner: RolePlayGateway

These Vast plains hold the entire Humanic Empire.

Shadestone Keep

Victarith Shadestone Keep Owner: RolePlayGateway

A massive citidal that towers above the rest of the massive capital.

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