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Apollyon Evergreen

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

0 · 920 views · located in Rhindeval

a character in “Fractured Kingdoms”, as played by Kura Ravengade




| Name |
Apollyon Rowan Evergreen

| Nicknames |
Apollo ~ A shortened version of his full name, what he was commonly referred to by the people and fellow royals.
Appy {Proncouned AH-P} ~ By Artemis growing up since she couldn't pronounce his full name for the first four years.

| Alias |
Ryder Terrentell Veldine

| Nicknames |
The Hound ~ Due to his tracking capabilities and consistency at remaining by the Queen's side, he's referred to as The Hound by most of the royal court and the civilians, with a bit of disdain.
Dog ~ Something that he hates and is referred to with disgust as. Civilians call him this as he is seen as the Dog of the Queen.

| Age |
Currently 21; was eight when their parents were killed.

| Position |
Royal Advisor to Queen Ivelda

| Skills/Abilities |
☘ Photographic Memory ~ A skill, not an ability, that runs within his family, to easily remember almost anything that he has seen, read, or heard.
☘ Astronomy Magic ~ The ability to call forth any select constellation via his bow to assist him when in need; he must shoot the correct constellation and call out the constellation's name in order to summon it to his aid. This allows him to also control the stars, as in he can draw stars down from the skies and hold them within his hands without being hurt, and use them for whatever purpose he wishes.
☘ Light Manipulation ~ The ability to manipulate light in the form of objects, wherein he is able to guide and construct light into shapes, most often weapons, and generally swords or arrows. He can also weave light together to form patterns, or increase the lighting in a room if he so wishes.



| Personality|
There isn't too much of a difference between Apollyon and his sister Artemisia - at least before their parents were killed. With a quiet and more gentle nature, Apollyon much preferred to sit and read a book in the shade as opposed to spar with the other boys in the kingdoms. Thankfully, his parents cherished their children enough that they did not force him to engage in activities that he held no passion for, other than the basics at least. He was encouraged to pursue what brought him joy, and what brought him joy was learning. Always found carrying a book, he was constantly taking in new knowledge about various subjects. However, he did make up for his lack of physical aptitude with his hunting and tracking capabilities. Their father would take him hunting and tracking as frequently as possible, and due to his knowledge about animals, he caught on to tracking rather quickly. Good with a bow, he rarely misses his shot, and was already climbing the ladder to becoming an expert huntsman and tracker in his kingdom. While not the daring and courageous young prince like most girls fantasized about, he made up for that lacking part with his deep and intense nature. Far from frightening, Apollyon is simply intense when it comes to things that intrigue him or things of importance. He'd rather watch from afar and take in knowledge before tackling any issues immediately - gather background and formulate a plan, one could say.

This is where the similarities between him and Artemisia stop, however, as while Apollyon is definitely more so a wallflower than a fighter, he isn't afraid to stand his ground. He uses his tall stature to his advantage and has come to know how to position himself in such a way to be intimidating. This only started after their parent's deaths and memories being wiped, though. He became a lot more intense afterward and is seen as the dark and brooding type that says very little. When he affixes his gaze on someone, it can cause them to immediately grow nervous as his eyes are seemingly seeing into their souls. Underneath all of that though is a very gentleman who values the lives of the people and creatures around him. He adores animals and hunts only when necessary so as to feed himself and those that he is responsible for, but it is always with an appreciation for the animal whose life was lost.

| Height |

| Weight |

| Hair;Eye Color |
Orange; Apollo has Central Heterochromia, meaning he has two colors in each eye, being orange and green.

| Likes ~ Dislikes |
☘ Books/Learning ~ The Cold
☘ Nature/Animals ~ Loud Commotions
☘ Tracking ~ Judgement
☘ Quiet ~ Fighting
☘ Food ~ Coffee
☘ Tea ~ Sugar

| Hobbies/Talents |
☘ Studying/Reading
☘ Physical Adaptation
☘ Photographic Memory
☘ Archery
☘ Horticulture
☘ Remaining Calm

| Fears |
☘ Failure
☘ Disappointment
☘ Heights
☘ The Queen

| Flaws |
☘ Can be overly-wary of others
☘ Overanalytical
☘ Has a tendency to think he's smarter than most others, coming off as cocky in that regard at times
☘ Overly playful; tends to take things that should be taken seriously as a joke.

| History |
Apollyon's life began much the same as his younger sisters' did. Born the older of the two twins by precisely five-minutes-twenty-three-seconds, he spent the first decade of his life receiving a higher education than most due to his titles, and was training to take over the kingdom one day. He was already well-versed in the arts of Horticulture, Hunting and Tracking, as well as Business and Trade. He would frequently accompany his parents to important social gatherings as well as meetings so as to better learn everything in order to eventually take over and run the kingdom accordingly. He, as well as the rest of his family, doted on his little sister from the moment of her birth, and while he's a very docile person innately, he would not hesitate to protect her if necessary. Despite being more so on the quiet side and not wanting to draw too much attention to himself, he got along quite well with the other royal children and considered the majority of them to be his friends. He was close with the Arcadian royal children, particularly the oldest son, the heir to Arcadia, but did watch over the young princess of Traument just as he would with his own sister, due to the closeness of their families as well as the depth to which their kingdoms twined together.

After the events transpired, Apollyon was put into training to become the Royal Advisor for the Dark Queen. His loyalty has always been slightly wavy, although he puts on a fairly good act. Despite her mind control, he isn't a bad person and beneath everything understands and agrees with many of the rebels; the knowledge that he wouldn't survive if he were to revolt, however, is enough to keep him docile and continuing her bidding. He'd much rather prefer to sit in the library and read a book but will go out as she requests. Much of his work consists of assisting the queen with her royal duties as well as advising her in times of need. He is also used as a source of knowledge, whenever she is lacking the answer for something, and is considered to be her right-hand man, generally always present at her side. He is often viewed as a lapdog to her by a majority of those surrounding them, and although he doesn't agree with many of the decisions that she makes and is sympathetic towards the citizens, he has done what he has needed to in order to survive. He's simply thankful that he doesn't have to get his hands dirty with the blood of the innocent, unlike many of the other men working in the castle.

| Birth Family |
Antoinette Isle Willow-Evergreen ~ Mother ~ 32 at time of death ~ Queen of the Emerald Isles
Caledon Sorne Evergreen ~ Father ~ 40 at time of death ~ King of the Emerald Isles
Artemisia Evergreen ~ Sister ~ 8 at time of takeover ~ Princess of the Emerald Isles

So begins...

Apollyon Evergreen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Kyri Shokira
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

The rustling of papers could be heard through the empty halls of the university as Althea made her way out of the Student Council room, sliding papers into her messenger bag She was more than flattered and while she generally didn’t really grow overly-excited about anything, being able to help out with the university’s affairs gave her a giddiness she couldn’t explain. The opportunities that the position would give her were unimaginable and she couldn’t wait to lock down the position. She was confident with having the grades and extracurriculars to back her recruitment and was only a little worried about getting the current members to like her. It wasn’t that she was unlikeable - far from it - but she generally liked to keep to herself, which is not how student council members were supposed to be. They were supposed to be outgoing and boisterous, while she was organized and well-kempt.

Puffing out a sigh, Althea paused once she was outside. She inhaled deeply, her hand subconsciously slipping the emerald pendant from underneath her shirt and thumbing across it - the only item that she had from wherever and whoever she came from - and she immediately felt a tad less frazzled as the fresh air cleansed her of her anxiety. Relaxing as she exhaled, she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder as well as her simple jacket that she wore to fight off the slight chill to the air that was brought with the breeze. A quick glance at her phone told her she had about twenty to thirty minutes before she had to be in class, so with a soft smile, she started in the direction of the university’s cafe.

A quick dash in and out, and Althea was happily sipping on a hot Chai Tea Latte. Her soft smile moved into a slightly more prominent one as the deliciously hot tea began to warm her up. Making her way down one of the many paths leading from building to building, she found a bench that was on a path a bit less traversed but still in the direction of her first class, plopped her bag on it and then dropped down beside her things to enjoy her tea. Her eyes roamed over the few students and faculty members strewn about the area that she was in - a group of three of art majors that she recognized from her art electives, as well as young couple obviously meeting to have a small breakfast date before their classes, and finally a group of three women, one of whom was clearly a teacher. As they spoke and moved slightly, Althea recognized the older woman as the Professor of English, Ms. Evers. One of Althea’s classes was with her and thankfully she was able to sit near the back of the class without much of a problem, but Ms. Evers still would attempt to include her on things so as not to allow her to feel left out. It was a nice little change to the other professors, who either completely ignored her or would go out of their way to single her out, either out of the wish to be nice and include her yet resulting in nervousness on her part, or contempt for her loner status, she did not know. Thankfully, Ms. Evers had somehow found a neutral ground in between the two where Althea was comfortable, and for that she was grateful.

The other two with the professor she didn’t know the names of, which was unusual for her seeing as she had a fairly good memory and rarely forgot names to face, but she did recognize them. Or at least she thought she did; she wasn’t quite sure. Something about them felt familiar, and a strange itching sensation began at the back of her head as she thought about it more. Finally, she shook it off as nothing and turned to her back, withdrawing the portfolio that she was currently working on. She had to pick one of her best abstract works and was debating between two different watercolor pieces that she had made. It was difficult for her to choose, so it was taking some time, especially since it had to be the perfect choice. It wasn't necessarily her future riding on this particular competition, but it was one of the many stepping stones that was needed for her to be able to actually make a career out of her art. The only reason why she was pursuing the degrees that she was was because of her parents pushing her to do so. She definitely held a certain degree of passion for teaching others as well as getting to understand how people function mentally, but it wasn't what she wanted to actually do with her life. Althea let out a frustrated groan, taking another sip of her delicious hot tea to try and level herself once more. She knew her parents loved her and only wanted what was best for her, but what they would think was best for her wasn't what made her the happiest and for some reason, they just couldn't seem to understand that. Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly before reopening them and steadying her gaze on the two paintings.

Code ~ #088A29

Dead leaves and twigs crunched underneath Ryder’s feet as he made his way back through the dense forest surrounding the kingdom. Tree branches and fresh leaves brushed across his skin, his bow bumping gently against his back, quiver sliding across his thigh with each step. The wild boar that was his fresh kill slid behind him on his hand-made sled, rattling slightly with each bump in the ground it glided over. As he broke through the trees and fresh sunlight assaulted his eyes, he squinted slightly, taking in the kingdom before him. A strange itching at the back of his brain made him furrow his brows even more and he absentmindedly scratched the back of his head. It did nothing to alleviate the itch that was deeper, accompanied by a slight pain, but it was worth a shot.

Stifling a yawn, he nodded at the guards stationed at the entrance to the kingdom that was closest to the actual castle itself, so as to avoid any of the common-folk. He’d love to people-watch, don’t get him wrong; it was just that his presence tended to make a majority of the commoners more than uncomfortable. Although he himself had done nothing to directly hurt them, he had seen more than his fair share of the actions of his fellow servants at the direction of their queen, so he couldn’t quite blame them for their distrust and hate.They parted ways, allowing his entry as he was fairly easy to recognize, and he felt himself relax a bit once he was back within the city walls. It’s not that he was comfortable there, just less uncomfortable than being out in the forest. He didn’t know what it was, but something about the dense trees and strong scents of the earth made him feel a type of homesickness and a sense of sorrow that he couldn’t place the reasoning behind.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Ryder straightened a bit as he reached the front doors to the castle. Throwing them open, he strode inside, kill still dragging behind him, his ever present dark green cloak billowing slightly in the sudden gust of wind. Narrowing his eyes slightly in the direction of the murmuring servants who had paused at his entrance, he made his way towards the kitchen and dining area. He pulled the sled through the door to the kitchen, stopping only when it reached the feet of the Head Butcher. While he himself could have skinned the boar, it wasn’t necessary and he’d rather pass on the duty and leave it to those whose job it actually was to do so.

With only a nod in greeting and no words uttered, Ryder continued on his way, ignoring the annoyed looks that the kitchen staff were giving him. It wasn’t really his fault that the queen ‘requested’ that all meals be freshly caught on the day-of, so he wasn’t going to get his own ego hurt by a few irked servants.

When he reached the throne room, he rapped a passive knock on the large doors and when he was permitted, he pushed open the right door, the wind taking up his cloak ever-so-slightly. Approaching the throne, he avoided eye contact with the Queen, simply dropping to a knee before her, head bowed and cape gathered in hand and drawn over his side.

“I have caught a wild boar for your royal highness, if you would honor me by tasting it once the Royal Butcher and Chef have prepared it for you, My Queen,” he said, his voice coming out softly, soothing like honey to the ears. “I have also located the traitor Rune as per your request.” Looking slightly to each side, he notated the fact that they were not alone, and before simply handing over the information to the Queen in front of others without her request for more detail, he turned his gaze downwards once more. “Their location is to be delivered to the General upon your orders, My Queen.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

The Blue Demon

”The rebels were no match for my flames and the army my Queen. They were burned to the last. Every man, woman, and child…” the Demon reported.

The Demon let the images of the dying villagers play out as a dark smile formed hidden by his mask as he started up again. ”The coward Rune was nowhere to be found… But I find a young woman named Lynia leading them. The bitch would not speak… So I stripped her bare, hung her from a tree and set her ablaze for all to see…”

The Demon savored the memory. ”Oh how she screamed as the flames took her…”

The Demon was still in his memory when he heard someone barge in. Ryder the Queen’s little Hound. The demon let the other man speak a glare jabbing out form behind his mask. As Ryder finished he spit out. ”So the hound has at last sniffed out something worthwhile? About time… So tell me pup were is this traitor that I may bring about his end as well?”

Lynn Summers

Lynn was running the figures of her latest engineering project though her head when she heard a voice call out to her. Looking over she saw Professor Evers her English teacher. Lynn had always found it odd that a professor not of her major was so interested in knowing how she was doing. Professor Evers though odd seemed nice enough.

The professor was not alone today though. Lynn noticed the young woman hiding behind her like a shy child even before she was introduced. Why would The Professor call her over just to meet this girl?

Awkwardly Lynn gave a half hearted smile as she said ”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel
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0.00 INK

Cassie Peters
Code- #46935C

A lone runner was jogging over the campus. Cassie, ever the early riser, was getting in her daily morning run. She never ran too hard because she had to maintain her energy throughout the rest of the day. Besides, she had track practice that afternoon. The green hair girl was more of a mid-distance runner who often did 800 and 1,500 meter runs. While track was how she got into this college, her true desire was music and she finally got a few music scholarships. She didn't want to depend entirely on her parents, well adopted parents. Still she loved them very much. She did think about who who her real family was though. She really wanted an explanation on why her green hair was natural. She use to joke that maybe she was from another planet all together, but didn't really believe it despite her eccentric behavior. While the idea of being rejected did hurt, she learned enough from her adoptive parents that one must learn all sides of a story in order to learn the truth. So she would wait. She had already talked about trying to find her biological family after graduating, but that would be at another year. Only clue she did have was her sapphire pendent, which was the real deal. She never let it out of her sight. Right now it was swinging on her neck on a short chain.

As she ran by the natatorium, she spotted 2 people she recognized, twins Khorra and Kierra. She often had a hard time remembering who was who. Khorra was the one with the shorter hair right? The two were together so much that it was hard to tell them apart sometimes. She hadn't really interacted with them that much though, but she saw both of them at times. Both were athletic in some fashion with Kierra being the swimmer and Khorra doing other sports. Being on the track team, when Cassie had made a point to support other campus athletes when she could so she had attended some of Kierra's swim meets. Plus the 3 of them now were in the same English class. Despite not really knowing them, Cassie still felt some kind of connection for some reason, which was weird since she never knew them prior to coming here. Deciding to say hi, she jogs up to them.

"Good morning! How are both you? Say um, who is who again? Sorry I am horrible at remembering which of you is Khorra and Kierra."

Lilith Evers and Dawn Henderson
Codes- #C71585 and #5477B9

Lilith was quick to notice Lynn's expression. Had she taken her by surprise? She also looked a bit baffled about something too. The young woman was quick to great Dawn however.

”Hello to you too professor and... Uh Dawn was it?”

Dawn nodded. This was pretty awkward. However soon her gaze fell upon the pendent Lynn was wearing. She had seen plenty of pendents before, but this one really caught her eye, like she was experiencing a form of deja vu. While very different from her own opal, the chains looked very similar. Dawn remembered how her parents got the stone and chain tested once. Opal was easy to identity, but the metal of the chain was something no one had ever seen before. Seeing someone having a similar chain as her was unnerving.

"That's a lovely pendent. Is that a real ruby? Do you mind if I ask where you got it? I ask because I have something similar, chain wise at least. My stone is an opal. I've had it since I can remember, even though I don't know who gave it to me."

Lilith smiled. All the chains the princesses had were made of metal only found in Rhindeval and also had magic properties like the stones themselves. She already knew that she would be using the pendents to help wake up the girls. She was just waiting for the right moment to do that. Not now for there wasn't time, but she would soon today. Feeling the magical energy of another nearby princess, Lilith looked and saw one of them sitting on a bench looking at something. She saw that it was Princess Artemisia aka Althea. While she knew it was unlikely to get the girl to meet Lynn and Dawn now, she would at least check on her. Checking her watch really quick, she saw she was running out of time before her first class.

"Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I need to go soon. I will see the both of you in class today. Take care ladies."

Startled, Dawn watched as the professor headed toward someone. Looking at the person she was heading to, she was once again filled with a sense of deja vu. This was starting out to be one weird day.

Lilith approached the brunette and saw she was looking at art pieces.

"Good morning, Althea. Those are some wonderful pieces. How are you this morning?"

Ivelda Evers
Code- #003300

Ivelda listen gleefully as she listened to her demon's report. As much as she enjoyed hearing his reports, she was smart enough to not show it. Oh a lot of people believed her to be evil, but were too scared to say that to her face. Still in order for her to keep control of her princes, she had keep up the illusion that what she did was for the greater good. A smart ruler never took any chances. The former rulers of Rhindeval were not weaklings and the sons of these rulers at least showed that she had to be careful with them too.

"My boy as much I as am happy that those rebels are gone, you could have spared that young woman for me at least."

Indeed, she took great pleasure of stealing the essences of young women to keep her looking young and fair.

Soon another one of her princes entered with some game for her. Listening to him, she beamed.

"Oh Ryder that's wonderful news! Both of you have worked so hard. Yes please take it to the butcher, but before either of you do anything else, let me give you both something to drink!"

Leaving her through, Ivelda soon return with two cups of the same drink she had given Adrian. Smiling at them both she waited for them to finish it before speaking up again.

"Now, Ryder, after you give the Blue Demon the report, you are free to go. I have my own business to attend to at the moment. Both of you do your queen proud. Thank you for keeping Rhindeval safe!"

Leaving the room, she soon head for a part of the area not many people saw, her dungeons. She needed to find another 'sacrifice' and she knew just who to go to. She soon found her inquisitor.

"Eike, I see you've been doing your job hehe. I need your help. I am in need of another young woman, preferably clean and fair of face. Are there any like that down here?" she asked while threading her fingers through his hair, petting him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Trinity & Serenity Novax
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0.00 INK

Code ~ #0B610B

A soft clunk was heard as Althea’s Chai Tea cup was tossed into the trash bin beside her bench. Leaning her head back, she looked up at the sky, her frustration evident on her features. It shouldn’t be so difficult for her to choose a piece to submit, but the pressure of ensuring that she chose the right one was causing a blockage in her submission process. She turned her face back down the portfolio in her lap, eyes darting between the two different pieces that she was stuck between. One was a beautiful work portraying a faceless woman wearing what seemed to be an extravagant dress; the other was a breathless landscape of a range of hills bordering what seemed to be a spaceless yet glorious spanse of water.

Caught off-guard by the sudden approach of Professor Evers, Althea jumped, nearly scattering her papers in the process. She managed to keep from spilling them and quickly slid them all back into the portfolio. Holding the folder on her lap, she turned a small yet kind smile up to the woman before her, the sweetness reaching her eyes.

“Good morning to you too, Professor Evers. How has the beginning of your day been?” she asked. At the mention of her pieces, she turned her gaze back down to the folder and reopened it, the two works that she was debating between the first ones on the stack. Holding them side-by-side, she frowned slightly, obviously uncertain. “Thank you for the compliment, I really do appreciate it, but I’m not so sure that I agree,” she sighed out, her brows slightly furrowed. “I’m supposed to submit my choice for the Abstract Division II section of the upcoming exhibit, but I can’t decide which one I want to go with. They’re both some of my best works for the Watercolor category, but they also have their flaws, and I’m not certain which one’s pros outweigh the cons, you know?” she asked, her lips pursed in thought.

Turning her sight back up the professor, an uncertain smile crossed her lips. “Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you with my indecisiveness. What do you think? If it were you, which one would you choose? I definitely could use some impartial advice and opinions,” she laughed out, her cheeks tinged a light pink in embarrassment to be asking her professor for her viewpoint.

Code ~ #088A29

At the input of the General, Ryder felt his normally placate expression turn slightly sour, a small scowl crossing his lips. His generally passive eyes turned dark and a bit cold, his displeasure at the other man’s words evident on his face. He kept his head down, however, and chose to ignore the Demon. It was in his best interest to not allow any of the other men of the court to see his true feelings and nature, so instead he chose to come off as the indifferent servant, completely and wholly loyal to their queen. If any of the other court-appointed servants sniffed out even a pinch of his wavering loyalty and distrust, they would immediately inform the queen, which would not result in anything good for him or the people of the kingdom.

When his queen acknowledged his information, he gave a small nod of his head before rising to his feet once more. He watched as she left the throne room for a moment before returning with two glasses of an unknown liquid. At the sight of the cups, he felt an odd feeling in his bones, something that he only ever felt when out hunting or tracking and was being watched or in immediate danger. The odd tickling sensation returned to the back of his head and he absentmindedly itched the spot yet found himself unable to be rid of the feeling.

Reaching out, Ryder accepted the cup from his queen yet hesitated to drink it. Under her scrutinizing gaze, however, he knocked it back in one gulp. Immediately he felt off, almost different and unlike himself, and a small cloud came over his thoughts. All he could think was of his beautiful and magnificent queen, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Only moments before he remembered doubting her and her intentions, but now he couldn’t recall as to why he would ever question her. Something wasn’t right and he knew it, but couldn’t tell what it was.

Once she had left, he turned to face the Demon, his disdain for the other man hidden behind a monotonous expression. The General was one of the few men that got under his skin with his heartless and dark nature. He seemed to care naught for the citizens of the kingdom and only for the queen’s happiness, and despite Ryder wanting the same, he couldn’t help but feel something deep within him that found everything to be odd and unnatural in the kingdom’s court. However, if he wanted to keep his position and not be punished for treason, he would have to play nice with the other man, no matter how little he disliked the thought of it.

“Rune is currently hiding near the southern border of the kingdom in a small shack with an unregistered bunker beneath it. After further investigation, it seems that a majority of the leaders of their resistance force has set up home in said bunker, which will make it easier for them all to be taken into custody in one fell swoop, if you plan correctly,” he said, the last bit coming off a bit condescending. Turning his back to the other man, he drew his cloak entirely around him and made his way towards the doors, pausing when he reached them to give the General another look over his shoulder. “Try not to mess this one up, would you? I would hate for all of my hard work retrieving this information to go to waste,” he tilted his head slightly to the side, a small, cocky smirk on his lips, and left the throne room. While he was usually not one for many words, If the General wanted to play war with his words, then Ryder would respond in kind.

Once he was in the massive halls outside of the room, Ryder felt himself relax once more. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right, especially following the intake of that strange liquid that the queen gave him, but at least he wasn’t trapped in that room with all of those dark faces looking at him any longer. Their scrutinizingly glaring faces gave him the underlying sense of something evil and that bothered him almost as much as the feeling that something wasn’t right with the queen that he had been idolizing for as long as he could remember. It was almost as though the image that he had of her was cracking, like glass did when broken.

At the thought, a piercing pain darted through his head. He cringed, hand pressed to his forehead, and leaned against the wall next to the doors to the room he had just left. Forcing himself to take in slow, deep breaths, Ryder fought back the pain through gritted teeth. He wa right; something was very wrong with everything. Although everything had seemed dark before, in the last couple of days, especially today in particular, things had seemed so much darker than before. Almost as though some sort of an illusion had been cast and only just now was starting to fade away, splintering as it went. There was only one person that he could trust to talk to about this, and that was the Kingdom's Physician with whom he was training under. While there was a Royal Physician specifically for the Queen with whom he could have studied beneath, he had opted for the Kingdom’s Physician, who saw only civilians. The only reason why the Queen had agreed to this was because the Kingdom’s Physician would have a more broad expertise instead of having spent the last decade or so caring for only one individual.

Pushing himself away from the walk with determination in his features, he set off at a brisk walk, jaw clenched as he fought against the pain in his head.

Ryder needed to pay him a visit, and he needed to do it today.


Dual Code ~ #04B486
Trinity/Khorra's Code ~ #8904B1
Serenity/Kierra's Code ~ #0431B4

Khorra rose and retrieved her bag from the ground by her feet, slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her eyes down to her sister. Kierra quickly joined her, grabbing her backpack and swimming bag and doing the same as her sister. Khorra bent over and retrieved her large cello case, but before they could take a step they were approached by a girl that they recognized from one of their classes. She easily stood out with her vibrant green hair, but they both compelled themselves not to stare. They knew better than most people how it felt to be scrutinized just because of their appearances - twins with natural purple hair, of all things, yet strikingly different-colored irises. Although she was generally wary of people they didn’t know, Khorra felt an odd familiarity with the girl that went beyond having a simple class together. She had felt it before when her gaze would happen to slide over her, and she’d be lying if she said it was a bad familiarity. Kierra stood slightly behind her sister and could almost read her sister’s mind. They both felt the same; wary of strangers, yet this girl didn’t seem to be oh-so-strange.

Ever-the-kind-and-welcoming girl, despite her generally shy nature, Kierra allowed a gentle smile to reach her lips as she moved to her sister’s side, effectively taking the lead so as to alleviate any type of stand-offishness her sister could possibly decide to throw at the innocent girl who was simply trying to say hello.

“Good morning to you too! It’s so nice to meet one of our new classmates,” Kierra said cheerfully, holding out a hand in greeting. She laughed a little at the girl’s question as both she and her sister were more than used to being on the receiving end of that question. Although they thought that they looked pretty different, it was understandable how people could be confused. ”It’s okay, it happens a lot actually. We just appreciate you asking and not just assuming that you know which of us is which,” she laughed out. Casting a smile over at her sister, she motioned to herself and then the identical girl beside her. ”My name is Kierra, and this is my sister-” she began, but was cut off by her sister mid sentence, ”-Older sister, Khorra,” Khorra finished, stepping slightly around her sister to introduce herself. She was a lot more awkward with first meetings with others in comparison to her sister, but once they could get past the little bump that was their introductions, she knew she would be able to relax a bit. Besides, Kierra was always telling her she needed to try and make more friends. With a small sigh of indignation, she forced a friendly smile to her face, wanting to at least try and be friends with the girl. She seemed harmless enough.

”Your name is Cassie, right? I like that; it’s nice,” she said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. ”I’ve seen you run track before and I’d have to say that I’m impressed. You’re one fast girl,” she laughed out. ”I’ve also seen you watching the swim meets. Thanks for the support; I’m sure my sister and her friends appreciate you cheering them on,” she smiled. Kierra stepped forward once more, not wanting to be shut out of the conversation. ”Oh! Now that she mentions it, I do remember seeing you in the spectator seats. We really do appreciate the support a lot, especially if you enjoy watching. If you want, I could reserve you some good seats at the front with Khorra for next week’s national qualifiers. It’s going to be intense!” she hurried out excitedly, almost shining with her giddiness. Clearly passionate about her sport, Kierra couldn’t contain herself when talking about the competitions. Khorra rolled her eyes a little at her sister’s energy before turning back to the girl before them. ”Anyway, we were just on our way to the canteen to grab a couple of prepackaged sandwiches. If you’d like to join, you’re more than welcome,” she offered with a quick glance at a nearby clock. ”We have just enough time to eat before the next round of classes begin.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers
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0.00 INK

Adrian Wells

Adrian sighed in relief as he finished all of the paperwork he had to do. No he had all the free time in the world. Question was, what was he do. Just like that a messenger arrived with a letter for him. Intrigued, Adrian took it and thanked the messenger before sending him on his war. The letter was from Thaddeus. Did something happened yesterday? Opening it, he quickly read the contents and laughed. Oh poor Thaddeus. He could imagine how mortifying it was for him to be scolded by the queen. He thought about the actions of Korgan, Tyann, and Asher. He had interacted with all three at one time or another, although Korgan was harder to see as much since he loved being out sea more. Tyann had been the one to help take care of his horses when they needed tending and Asher was the one he saw the most since there had been times when Adrian got injured during his assignments. Oh he knew basic first aide, but he had scars proving how dangerous his job was. He owed Asher his own life once during one of his first missions he made a critical mistake and got the biggest scar on his body because of that mistake. He was darn lucky that Asher had been with him at the time since they had a few missions together before being able to do solo missions. He couldn't blame the guys for wanting to have a good time, but it was a dumb idea to show up drunk in front of her majesty. He had seen her wrath and it was indeed a scary thing to witness.

Adrian thought about what he should write in response when someone burst through the door. He had his blade ready in hand when he saw it was another messenger.

"Sir Adrian! You presence is required immediately at the palace for there's been an assassination attempt on the queen. You are to go to the throne room when you get there."

"Good man. Rest your horse before returning to the palace," Adrian ordered before rushing out of the room.

So much for having a relaxing day. He went to his stable to grab his fastest horse, a mare named Scarlett. After saddling her up, he immediately took off for the palace.

Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda always took her time getting ready for the day. By the time her advisor came in, Ivelda was, in her eyes, the personification of perfection. She smiled sweetly at Ryder. She had given him his drink yesterday after all that excitement of yesterday's dealings with her other princes. At the time he had been attending other matters. Out of all the princes under her service, she purposely picked Prince Apollyon as her advisor since he was the most versatile of them. Through the years she kept an eye on each prince in how they reacted to her, and Apollyon, or Ryder as she called him, had always been perceptive about things so it was why she made him her own advisor.

Soon her breakfast had been given to her. Ivelda was a picky eater and demanded perfection from the kitchen staff. The head cook had actually been around since the last rulers and Ivelda made it perfectly clear that if anything poisonous reached her, there be hell to pay. Ivelda herself though couldn't technically die because of poison either. In her thirst for power she made a deal with the main evil force of this world for power and the ability to 'cheat death'. She had to trade her soul for it but it was worth it. There were side effects though. One, she had to keep taking the essence of others to retain her youthful appearance. The other being if she did ingest anything poisonous, it would make her very sick for a time. Also she had to keep her magic mirror protected at all costs, because if that was destroyed, she would go straight to hell right then and there. It was located in a secret location no one knew about, except for herself.

Before she could take a bite of her salad though, Ryder instantly threw the fork away. She was about to erupt at him when he quickly explained the situation. Ivelda was rarely surprised but this time she was as her eyes widen open. Only because she realized the irony of the situation and also the fact that she came this close to be poisoned. Ironic since Ryder saved her when she was the one who killed his parents. When she finally came to her senses, Ryder had just finished making orders to bring back some of her servants to the throne room. His actions next amused Ivelda though. She would have smiled but this was a serious situation.

"Calm down, Ryder. Were you the one who hired who made this meal for me? I don't recall that being a job of yours. You will not be punished, but rewarded for saving my life. I don't know what that'll be yet, but it'll happen. For now, let's go to the throne room."

Soon Ivelda was in her throne room, awaiting those who'd be called upon.

Aurora Givens~Cassie Peters~Lilith Evers

Before anything else could happen, Reese came in, slamming the door and made a beeline right for Freddie. Aurora flinched when the door banged. She didn't like loud noises.

Soon Silvia went to the door and a few seconds later, she slammed the door too as she brought in Sibylla. This caused Aurora to snap.

"Really NOW Mia and Silvia! Was that necessary?! Why don't you break the door while your at it?!" she shouted at both girls.

Realizing she snapped, she blushed in embarrassment and just sat down again. Cassie didn't expect such behavior from Aurora. From her memories of Aurora, she was normally one of the more mild manner ones. But then everyone had a limit too.

Lilith saw Sibylla arrive just as she put the trash in the trash bin. She frowned when Silvia also slammed the door in Justice's face after letting Sibylla in. Soon though one princess who she hadn't seen yesterday showed up. Princess Artemisia. She too had been separated from her brother, only he was the 'older' sibling, even though they were twins. At least she remembered her manners as she let Justice in. Realizing she needed to get back in there, she came in as Artemisia introduced herself and soon locked eyesight on her. She then took one of her vases with petunias in it and cased the flowers to grow. Once again, the girl looked to her and asked what was going on.

"If all of you had grown up normally in Rhindeval, you would have come into your powers by the time you hit your majority or 13. But with the spell that had been over you, somehow it sealed your powers too. That that you're free of that spell, your powers are waking up. Aurora here can dreamwalk. For you Artemisia, you're kingdom is known for Earth magic, along with Meridian's. So you have this ability. I am glad you decided to show up. I think we have plenty of girls to get started. Euphemia, did you want to help me try to contact the fairy queen? I am assuming that all that are here are willing to help me do that at least."

"Yes I am willing to help, no idea how though. Maybe meeting this fairy queen will help me change my mind. Oh I haven't had anything magical happen to me yet though," Cassie said before looking at Artemisia again and recalling that the girl was her cousin.

"Oh, nice to see you again cousin. I am still getting use to all of this."

It still felt weird to her too since she and Artemisia were in the same English class and had interacted a few times outside of class before yesterday's events.

Aurora smiled at Artemisia. The two had been friends, despite their age different. She recalled her twin brother. Thinking about Apollyon now though brought another blush to Aurora's face. Cassie saw that look and wondered what was on her mind now, but before she could ask, Lilith spoke out again.

"Okay ladies, I am going to start setting up. I'll let you know when I am ready for you. Thanks for your patience. I would like assistance from one of you. Justice, do you want to help me?"

She figured it be best for now to keep her away from Euphemia and Silvia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Silvia Siria Shwetz Character Portrait: Sibylla Costrantina Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica
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0.00 INK


Font Color: #0F569C

There was a ruckus outside the training hall. Thaddeus readied his blade as his fellow men did the same, all of them turning to look at the source. A servant burst into the hall, followed by several guards, talking over each other in an attempt to dissuade the servant from going further.

"Sir Rock!" the servant yelled as he batted away the hands of the guards. Thaddeus narrowed his eyes.

"Attention!" Thaddeus yelled, the guards immediately quieting down. The servant hesitated as well, thrown off by the force in Thaddeus' voice, before meekly bowing. Thaddeus lowered his blade and walked forward, seeing the servant quivering in his presence.

"I-I apologize for the intrusion!" the servant said loudly, unable to control the volume of his voice in his nervousness. "But the Royal Advisor, sir Veldine, has sent for the royal guard. There has been an assassination attempt on the queen!"

"Men! Prepare the wagon and the horses! Tell the royal regiment of the summons and get the first regiment to meet me at the wagons," Thaddeus commanded as the group of soldiers who had been following the servant quickly scattered. The men he was training came up besides Thaddeus. He turned to them and added, "Reinforce patrols today and if there are any suspicious characters, I authorize a search and seizure. I doubt this assassin would get off the castle grounds but I do not want to overlook anything. If the assassin had any contact with the townsfolk, I want to know. I do not want to see or hear about any of our men lazing about today or I will have their heads, personally. Understood?"

His men nodded and also made their way. The servant still stood there and peeked up at the enraged face of the Royal Guard captain. He glared down at the servant but did nothing more than wave him off as he stormed off to get suited up. The servant let out a sigh of relief and promptly ran off.


The carriage with Thaddeus and the first regiment sped off. The Royal Regiment were his best men and they waited for their leader to arrive as they scoured the castle. The first regiment were almost as good but Thaddeus had split hairs when making the two groups. He only wanted the best for his Queen after all.

The castle grounds were filled with activity and Thaddeus noted that all hands seemed to be on deck. Beasts and handlers were sniffing out the grounds and the bells had been ringing the whole way. He had no doubt there were also forces moving unseen and Thaddeus knew his visible presence was needed. The guards posted at the gate bowed but were unable to relay any new information. He thanked them before continuing onward.

As he made his way into the throne room, he saw two of his best posted at the doors of the throne room already. Neither one had new information but had sworn they were doing their best in hunting down the Queen's attempted killer. Thaddeus patted the man on the shoulder and bid that the two follow him, leaving two of the first regiment in their place. Him and his knights bowed in unison to those present when they entered the throne room, Thaddeus announcing, "My Queen, we are at your command."


Font Color: #E35D9A

Sibylla nodded as Silvia pointed out the drinks. She reached for one as another princess came in, Artemisia. She wanted to say something in greeting but things were moving along. More talk of powers and soon Lilith was making preparations. She looked down at her open hand, wondering what powers she was capable of. In her childhood memories, she remembered there being a lot of water. Was that a clue?

She sat there, ruminating about it, when she suddenly looked up and over at Silvia.

"Thanks by the way," she said quietly with a small laugh. "You really lifted a weight off my shoulders. This already seems like a lot..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

~ Aʂԋҽɾ Bσʅƚσɳ ~
"Always be ready to be up to no good, makes life all the more enjoyable."
Hexcode: #DAA520

The sound of Tempeste's voice calling for him caused Asher's ears to perk up. Ask and you shall receive it seems. He would have to make sure to thank the spirits properly for this later. Without thinking much on it and only seeking to alleviate his boredom, The royal healer crawled out of his bed and padded to the door with a sly grin on his face. forgetting that fact that his cat ears and tail were not hidden even slightly and that he was without a shirt. Nevertheless, he opened the door to greet his head of staff . . . and found her standing at his door still in her sleep wear. His face turned a touch pink as his tail swished back and forth a from slight nervousness now. Oh spirits help me. Asher gulped but tried his best to keep his smile on. "Good morning my dear, here to save me from the clutches of boredom hmm?"

Unfortunate the Catfolk's current streak of luck flirting with his head of staff seemed to continue, as the sound of shouting and hurried footsteps could be heard coming to the medical ward. that and Asher could pick up the sound of the castles bells being rung. If matters weren't worse, The healer just then became painfully aware that his more beastly features were bare to the world as well as his chest. It was an understatement that the man was mortified. " So sorry!" He then proceeded to slam his door shut and scramble to get himself dressed. Hiding his tail in his baggy pants and adjusting his human ears that also held down his real ones the best he could in such a short time. He felt slight discomfort but it would have to do. whatever was happening wasn't going to wait for him even if he hadn't groomed himself as he normally would.

Asher threw his door back open just in time for an exasperated and frantic messenger to enter the ward and go straight to him. The poor man must have ran all the way here. "Sir Asher! Its terrible! Sir Ryder has called the castle into lockdown after a failed attempt to poison her majesty! your presence has been demanded in the throne room right away!! The servant spoke between gasps and didn't seem to have even notice Tempeste. Asher couldn't hide the look of shock and outrage on his face. How in the bloody hells did this happen?! And who would be stupid enough to do such a thing?!? After nearly a minute of processing what was causing the palace to be in an uproar a calm professionalism overtook Asher. He set a hand on the still winded servant boy's shoulder. " You've done your duty, rest now." As the boy thankfully collapsed into one of the empty beds nearby The healer turned to Tempeste. " Gather the staff and make sure everyone is accounted for, I have a feeling this wont end well. Now I must hurry, Pray the Queen is well."

After fetching a bag of essentials and tucking away a few of his hidden blades onto his person, Asher locked up and made his way to the throne room as fast as he dared and not bothering to move silently. He practically flew into the throne room in his urgency, only doing a quick glance of everyone else present before his eyes fell in Ivelda. Asher couldn't help let out a small sigh of relief before bowing properly. " My Queen, it relieve my heart and soul that you appear well. I came as quickly as I could." Inwardly a part of him hopped he didn't look as disheveled as he felt despite his mind racing and his emotions swinging wildly behind his current mask of calm and relief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Viliame Audica
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0.00 INK

Adrian Wells~Ivelda Ever

While everyone else seemed to be in a rush, Ivelda seemed to be the only one who was calm. In fact, she was. If anything she found it a bit amusing that there were still people who were trying to get rid of her. Now if it was anyone like her sister, Lilith, then she'd be more concern. Thinking about her younger sister brought a slight frown to her face. When she banished her along with those princesses, she honestly didn't know where she had sent her to. Oh, Lilith wasn't as powerful as she was, but she was still smart and clever. If she was still alive, she would have tried to probably stop her again. Unlike their youngest sibling, Ivelda never hated Lilith, but she had been a thorn in her side. Thankfully thorns could be removed. Not wanting to think about the past, Ivelda eyes lit up as Benedicto showed up, showing immediate concern.

"I am alive and well, Benedicto. You can thank Ryder for that. He spotted the poison just in time before I could consume it. Rhindeval owes him a lot for this day."

Like clockwork, Thaddeus was the next to arrive with his own legion of knights. Then Asher arrived not long after him. Both were ready to serve.

"I thank you both for arriving so quickly. Ryder here was the one who stopped me from consuming the poison. I just wished I had recognized it myself, but it was nicely hidden in my salad. Looks like all that's left is Adrian. Poor dear, I just sent him home yesterday too after he completed another mission for me. Seeing how he lives a hour away from here, I wonder how long it'll take him to get here."

Lucky for Ivelda, what normally took an hour to get there only took half that time thanks to Scarlett's speed and Adrian knowing a few short cuts. Adrian was a bit winded by the time he made it to the castle, which was on lock down. The gates were up.

"State your business! This play is on lockdown!" one of the gate guards said with his weapons out. Adrian looked up to see arrows pointed at him. The man sighed before turning to the guard who was just doing his job.

"I am Adrian Wells, her majesty summon me."

Finally recognizing the man, the guards allowed Adrian to pass. It was a good thing he was a frequent visitor of the palace. Seeing how tired Scarlett was, he dismounted and led her to the stables where he saw Tyann with several beasts, and it he looked like he was ready to hunt something. Nodding to the man, Adrian went into towards the horse stables and saw one of Tyann's workers, Ari.

"Ari, I had to return quickly and unfortunately I had to run Scarlett hard. Take care of her please. I know you can see to her needs. I need to report immediately but I don't know how long this is going to last. Thanks." he said before giving Ari the reigns.

With quick strides he rushed into the palace. It didn't take him long to get to the throne room. The guards recognized him and allowed him entry. Adrian, even though he was tired, knelt before Ivelda, relieved to see she was okay. He didn't even realize others were in the room.

"Forgive me for not getting here sooner your majesty. I got here as soon as I could."

"My, I am surprised you got here so quickly actually. I hope you didn't run your horse to the ground."

"Scarlett is fine. She's being taken care of. Now what do you need of me?"

"For now just stay here. Ryder, I want this would-be assassin found immediately. You said something about someone you didn't recognize in the kitchen. Summon the entire kitchen staff now!"

The last order went to the guards. Ivelda looked at her princes.

"The rest of you keep your eyes open. Ryder, you do the questioning. If this assassin is amongst this group of people. I want this person kept alive and sent to Eike immediately. I want to find out if he or she is alone. I don't want anything like this to happen again, so I will be talking with every person who works on the castle grounds. I want to make sure everyone here is faithful to me. For today we'll start with the castle staff, starting with the kitchen staff. Do I make myself clear?"

"Completely your majesty. No harm shall come to you while I am around," Adrian vowed.

Standing up, he went to the side of the room, his hand on the hilt of his sword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

Adrian Wells~Ivelda Ever

Ivelda kept a neutral look on her face as the kitchen staff appeared. The head cook was understandably nervous. Her lack of expression made him even more nervous. The head cook briefly glanced at Adrian, who had a similar neutral look on his face. Even though he had swore fealty to Ivelda, he would never truly accept her as queen. Adrian, no Richard, to him was the ruler of Lostein. Despite Ivelda's influence, he was still very much like his parents. Not wanting to stair, his attention was directed as another prince, Apollyon, now known as Ryder. The queen's advisor would be the one to question him. Straightening his spine, he allowed the man to question him and answered every question truthfully.

Ivelda recalled the painting of the prime suspect. She had looked at each member of the kitchen staff and one in particular looked a bit similar but looked different. However, he had the same beauty mark. Ivelda could see him sweating a bit and had kept looking her way. They had their man, but Ivelda was still wary of everyone else, even her own princes. Her spell over them was fool proof, for the most part, so she made sure none of them had access to anything that might reverse her hold over them.

Slowly but surely most of the kitchen staff got interviewed and had once again pledge loyalty to Ivelda, but she already knew she would use a spell that would sent more 'eyes' out throughout the palace, it's grounds, and even the castle town. Finally it came time for the man who Ivelda was sure was her would be assassin. He had a hard time answering the questions given to him, but try keeping his cool. Adrian himself had a bad feeling about the man and kept his hand on his sword. He was at the perfect spot to protect his queen if need be. Ryder eventually ask the man to swear fealty to Ivelda, but the man stumbled over his words.

Suddenly without warning, the man turned, pulling out a knife and launched at Ivelda. Ivelda would have blasted him back, but Adrian was there in front of her, shoving his sword through the man. The man fell as Adrian pulled his sword out.

The man, with the last of his strength, looked up at Adrian and said, "Curse you . . . . Ivelda . . . . Lilith and . . . the true rulers will . . . defeat you. . . . long live Prince Richard . . . ."

With that the man died.

Adrian looked at the dead man in confusion, but before he can say anything, Ivelda spoke up.

"My, thank you Adrian for your quick skills. That poor man though, he was not well in the head. Someone dispose of the body please. We'll have to conduct the rest of the interviews elsewhere while this room is cleaned up."

Adrian looked at Ivelda, who was definitely shaken up. However it wasn't because another attempt on her life, although it did startle her. It was because of what the man had said. The fool in his final moments still try to cause problems for her. For now she would chose to ignore his words and hope none present would ask her.

"I will take care of him your majesty since I took his life. Will you be all right?"

"Yes, thank you Adrian."

Bowing, Adrian took off his cape and wrapped the body in it before leaving the throne room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen
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0.00 INK

Word soon got out about the 2nd assassination attempt in the queen's throne room no less. While no one would dare say it, most people had hope that the assassination would have succeeded since a good chunk of those serving the queen weren't 100% loyal. Still they had to fake it for their own sakes.

Ivelda had the interviews moved to the castle courtyard. The health staff, who were the next to be interviewed, were told to move there. Ivelda sent out servants to summon her other princes. Well, one had been sent to the dungeons to notify Eike and in her letter to him, Ivelda said that anyone she sent his way was to be interrogated thoroughly and if hiding anything was to be kept down there until she saw to the matter personally.

To prevent bias interviewing happening, Ivelda ordered her princes to interview groups they weren't familiar with. So Asher would not be in charge of interviewing the Health staff or Tyann be allowed to interview his own staff. By the time Adrian returned, having disposed of the body, he would be the one to interview which ever group of staff was left.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone
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0.00 INK

”The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. Leo Tolstoy.”
Code ~ #088A29

The interviews with those belonging to the kitchen staff were extensive yet went fairly well, at least in Ryder’s opinion. Ivelda sat in and observed, occasionally interjecting with her own queries or comments if it suited her, but for the most part giving him free rein of the interrogations. The Head Chef was the second most nervous, as he was the one who actually hired all of the kitchen staff, so if anyone were to be held directly accountable other than the would-be assassin himself, it would be the Head Chef. He didn’t have much information to give, even when Ryder resorted to not-so-idle threats. The man walked away with one fingernail barely attached as he was quite quick to crumble and divulge what little information he had - which wasn’t much, unfortunately. This led to him not so much walking away as he was more so led to the dungeons for further questioning.

They were roughly over halfway through the kitchen staff when things took a turn, and one of the young men was oddly nervous and uncertain in his answers. When everyone exploded into movement, Ryder had barely enough time to remove his sword before Adrian had already struck him down. The young man’s final words, however, lingered in Ryder’s mind, and he felt his gaze wander over towards his Queen, who was visibly shaken, undoubtedly from the second attempt on her life. Noting the information and reminding himself to ask her later about it, as he did not want to burden her at that moment when she had already been through so much in such little time. Adrian made quick work of leaving with the body, and Ryder himself left the room to call for two servants to clean the bloodied mess that had become the office’s floor.

Due to the scene, the rest of the interrogations were moved to the courtyard. At this point, he had finished his interviews; the man that was deemed suspect had been taken out, and the rest of the kitchen staff cleared by himself as well as the Queen. The rest of them would be carried out by various appointed officials by the Queen, ranging from the Head of Medicine to the Master of Beasts. Instead, Ryder would be at the Queen’s side for a majority of the remainder of the interviews, as was his duty as her advisor, occasionally wandering to check in on the interrogations and see how they were coming along. His eyes moved quickly and constantly, always taking something in, never stopping and always studying as they walked and stood, talked or remained silent in observation.

It wasn’t until the interrogations had completely finished several hours later that Ryder relaxed even slightly, and that was only enough so as to speak to his Queen in a lovely manner. Despite his growling stomach - they had worked through lunch so as to ensure the safety of the palace and their Queen - he was still there to serve her and only her. Besides, if it were not for Ivelda, he would not even be alive right now to feel hunger, so a few hunger pains were tolerable enough in the long run of things. Placing one hand over his heart and the other arm folded behind his back, he bowed forward slightly at the waist before her. ”My Queen, now that the interrogations have concluded and we sent all those deemed to be suspicious to the dungeons for further questioning, what is your command?” he asked, awaiting her response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

When Ivelda acknowledged Ryder’s role in discovering the poison, Benedicto gritted his teeth. He had no love for the Queen’s advisor. The two of them were often at odds on how to deal with certain issues, and by all means Ryder was far too liberal and friendly with the citizens. He had never brought this up with the Queen, but he did think she was aware of the animosity between the advisor and himself.
”Indeed we have to express our sincere gratitude to Ryder for prevailing any harm that would have befallen you.” Benedicto stated without actually expressing his thanks.

The preacher rose to his feet again and stepped to the side when others were also arriving in the Throne Room. Remembering his lashing from his Goddess of the day before, he kept quiet, seeing the painting of the suspect in front of his eyes. The image burned into his soul and he could feel the anger in him rising. This person has dared to try and kill our Queen, this person needs the most severe of punishments.

Benedicto stood back to wait for instructions and looked on as the kitchen crew appeared in the Throne Room. He towered above them all and tried to read their faces. All of them looked nervous, but that was expected. He smelled a mixed stench of sweat and onions coming from all of them. With a note of disgust, Benedicto held his arm close to his nose. Appearing to be in thought, but in reality shielding himself from the smell.

He saw all of the men and women swear their loyalty to the Goddess. Out of nowhere a distracted Benedicto saw a man pull out a knife and launching for Ivelda. Adrian reacted the fastest and before the preacher could even react, the man stumbled to the floor. An audible gasp was interrupted by the man’s last words. "Curse you . . . . Ivelda . . . . Lilith and . . . the true rulers will . . . defeat you. . . . long live Prince Richard . . . .”

While Adrian wrapped the body in order to be disposed, Benedicto wandered if it was not better to display the corpse. A deterrent for anyone wanting to commit the same heinous acts. The bells of the castle sounded again in the same rhythm they had rang less than an hour before. By the time the sounds would reach the corners of the Kingdom, people would have a lot of questions. In his mind the preacher was already thinking of a phrasing in order to inform all citizens of what had happened.

Lilith….why does it sound so familiar? The name disturbed him. He could swear he had read it before, but could not for the life of him remember where and in what context. He followed the rest to the courtyard with his head in the clouds. He kept whispering the name Lilith to himself, hoping to spark some kind of memory, but nothing came to mind.

Hastily, some tables and chairs were assembled in the courtyard, set up so the interrogators could do their work. Rubbing his hands as if excited, Benedicto took place behind one of the desks. He pulled one chair back and put it to the side. He rather stand while doing the interrogation. Normally he would prefer to do this in a closed room, but with the 2 murder attempts so far, he was happy some other people were around.

The Beastmaster's people were told to line up in front of his area. He started with the simple help, making people more nervous and nervous as time went on. With the victims seated, he would stalk around them like a lion around its pray. They might be used to working with horses, but they hadn't seen a real predator at work. He saw how the others used violence here and there, but this was not his style. He used words, threats and unlikely questions to shake up the people he interrogated. The people waiting in line were able to pick up words here and there, but it was difficult for them to hear it all.

He asked only non-sensical questions to the third person. He could see tears in the young girls eyes when she had no idea how to answer him appropriately without getting into trouble. He stood behind her and put his hands on the backrest of the chair. His long fingers were rhythmically tapping the wood, just behind her ears. He asked her about her morning, the people she saw and the food she ate. Then he started to talk about her family, about the people at home that depended on her. She answered how she had a difficult time providing food for all the people at home.
”So, it would be better if there were not so many mouths to feed?” he asked calmly.
”I.. it would be easier…but…it would be easier if we would earn more money. My father lost a foot when he was in the royal guard, so he can’t help as much around the house.”
”So, you say it would be easier if he was no longer there…., interesting…”
After torturing the girl for a bit longer he asked her to swear her loyalty before he let her go. With tears running down her face she ran back into the castle.

He looked over to the next person, a young man this time. Looking at him with a friendly smile on his face he pulled the chair back, inviting him to sit down. After a stressful morning he started to feel more like his normal self again.


His eyes darted back and forth over the streets. He could see little movement as the streets cleared out even further. The sound of slamming doors could be heard even as high up as Raiden was. His bow was relaxed in his hands, not pulling the string until he had something to shoot at.

From the right he heard a small sound over the wind. ”….HEH! Cozy up there?”
Raiden couldn’t exactly figure out what his ‘porker from another mother’ was trying to say. Knowing him, it wouldn’t be a friendly word. Looking over his shoulder he saw the Outrider riding his new drake. Raiden felt sorry for it, it couldn’t be easy to carry that amount of weight around on your back. He aimed his bow at the boar and pulled the string. So easy…it would be so easy…

He could hardly imagine the ways Ivelda would torture him if he would actually release the arrow. After the bells had stopped it took a few minutes before the bells of the castle started to ring again. Wait…what does that mean? Are they going to repeat this shit the entire day?
As an answer to the bells of the castle, the bells right below his feet started ringing again as well, probably just as confused as he was. It drowned out and other sound that would be coming from Korgan or the streets.

Raiden relaxed his bow and kept looking below to see any suspicious activities. It was hard, if only they could check inside the houses instead of just the streets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

The bells of the church stopped as sudden as they had started. It was only now that he could hear the screaming from below the roof he was standing on. He looked down and saw one monk tried to climb on the same roof with immense difficulty. Sweating and hanging on for dear life the midlife monk tried to catch his attention.
”Master Hetral! Please, our Goddess advisor is requesting your immediate presence. A messenger is downstairs from the palace.”

Raiden but his bow back on his back. With more grace than any of the monks could have ever brought to the table, he swung himself off the ledge onto the floor below. Running down the stairs he saw a nervous wreck of a messengers eyes lit up when Raiden finally came in sight. ”Sir, you will be late! Advisor Veldine has requested you interrogate the gardening staff of the castle.”

”I think you’re forgetting your place, if you are telling me I will be late. You make one more comment like that and I’ll stab your eyes out, so you’ll never realise what time it is again.”
The messenger looked taken aback, profusely apologising and asking for his life to be spared. ”Yeah, yeah, calm down…. Pathetic… How does that windbag think I’ll be more useful interrogating gardeners than scanning the streets?”

The messenger replied hastily. ”It was on our Queens request, my liege.”
”In that case… excellent plan, I will do as she commands. ” He left the church and took the first horse he could see at the church entrance. ”Keep on praying monks, I am sure Benny wouldn’t be happy to just see you standing around.”

In top speed he left for the castle where he arrived only 5 minutes later. He got a quick rundown of what happened before he was shown the small line of gardeners he was supposed to interview. ”Oh you’ve got to be kidding me…. I can smell the manure on them from a mile away. Come on guys, isn’t this more suited for Korgans sense of smell?” he asked no one in particular. He indicated for the first guy to come forward and sit down on the chair that was placed there.

Raiden walked forward to come closer to the gardener, an old man in his fifties was staring at him with beady eyes. He crossed his arms and brought up one hand to save him from the smell. ”Good sir… if you do not tell me the truth…. We will make you take a bath. Considering your odour that must be your very worst nightmare…. So… DONT LIE!”
The man stumbled on his words. ”I’d never lie m’Lord, not to another server of our Goddess Ivelda.”
”Yeah, yeah, calm your shit… or the hands you have covered in them.”
He asked a few more questions, but the guy was as old as he was faithful… and boring.
”Fine, get back to your gardening old man. One more question…. Which of your colleagues do you find to be the least trustworthy.”
”I…I wouldn’t know, m’Lord. I..just… Jeremiah has been working here the shortest. He only started 4 years ago…

Raiden let the old man go, and asked for Jeremiah next. The man who came forward was certainly a lot younger than the man before him, but still a fair amount older than any of the Queens advisors. ”So…Jeremiah…it’s nice to meet you…but awful to smell you.” He paused as he turned around to gulp a fresh breath of air. ”How long have you been working on the castle grounds?”
The man answered to all his questions calmly.

”If I have need for water hemlock, where would I find it?” he looked the man deep in the eyes, but the man tried to look away.
”We have water hemlock in the Queens garden, m’Lord.
”Isn’t that something… the Queen was almost poisoned with water hemlock and you know exactly where to find it.”
The other gardeners would probably know the same thing.
”Where exactly can I find the water hemlock in the garden?”
”It’s in the aisle third from the back, it’s in between the Knights Milfoil and the Joy of the Mountain. But that’s not in my section, it’s taken care of by Lead Gardener Septimus.
”The first guy I spoke to? Fine…. But you know how to use water hemlock, don’t you?”
The man did not answer immediately. ”You know what….wait here.”

Raiden called back the man he interviewed first. Oh my Goddess, is he smelling worse than before?
”Septimus, you are in charge of the water hemlock on the castle grounds? Take me to your stock now.”
The two of them walked to the gardens. Hearing from the breaths of the older man it was at a far faster pace than he was used to. When they reached the place, the man was so exhausted he merely pointed at the herb they were looking for.

The young hunter kneeled down and inspected the ground around the herb. He could not see any disruption to the ground, nor could he see and of the leaves were cut. So they did not take the plant root and all and they did not cut off the leaves. He stood back up and asked the older man. ”Septimus, is any of your hemlock missing, or is the full stock here?”
It was now the man who sat down on his knees inspecting the area in much the same way Raiden had.
”Nothing is missing, m’Lord, not a single seedling.”
”Thanks, then I know enough.”

He walked back at again a fast pace, Septimus not following as closely as before. He finished his interrogations with the last 2 men, and 1 woman. They all seemed to have a dislike for Jeremiah, but they all seemed loyal to the Queen.
”Guards! Take Jeremiah to the Dungeon for further questioning. The others, you are allowed to go. The Great Ivelda thanks you for your hard and dedicated labor.”
Raiden stifled a laugh. Jeremiah might know more, but there was little indication for it. However, if something could make the smell of the Dungeons worse, it was possibly this guy, and that was reason enough for the hunter.

He walked to the Queen and bend the knee before speaking. ”My immortal Queen, there might be one suspicious gardener. He has been sent to the Dungeon for further follow up. I was able to confirm that the water hemlock used, was not from the castle gardens. I don’t know where they got it, but it wasn’t here.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen
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0.00 INK

Adrian Wells~Ivelda Ever

The interviews took up most of the day, which didn't surprise Ivelda in the least since the castle, the castle grounds, and some of the businesses connected to the palace were great in number. Still, the queen was patient. Even after the interviews concluded, she wouldn't relax. This was not the time to take it easy. She worked too hard to get herself into this position to let everything fall apart.

Each of her princes reported in their findings. The first to be cleared was the cleaning staff, which Thaddeus had taken care of. Not long after him, Korgon finished with the soldiers. Soon Raiden appeared and brought some news.

”My immortal Queen, there might be one suspicious gardener. He has been sent to the Dungeon for further follow up. I was able to confirm that the water hemlock used, was not from the castle gardens. I don’t know where they got it, but it wasn’t here.”

"Excellent news, Raiden. We'll find out where that Hemlock came from, don't you worry."

It was upon that moment that Adrian appeared and knelt.

"I've already found out, your majesty. I wanted to see if I could find out what that assassin was up to today, so I took one of the scent hounds from your hunting kennel to help me investigate. The man had some fresh hemlock stored in his quarters. I know I am on break, but I'll find out where he got it from. I'll interview the cooking staff again to find out as much as possible about this man.

"You're too good, Adrian. Take your time with this one, I don't want you tiring yourself out."

With that, Adrian nodded and was off. It wasn't long for Benedicto to show up and report his findings.

”Almighty Goddess, I have completed the interrogations. It is my conclusion the stable staff was not aware nor involved in the despicable attempts on your life today.”

"Wonderful Benedicto. Thank you for taking the time to answer my summons. I am very honored to have such loyal subjects." Ivelda replied smiling at those present.

Soon Tyann and Asher returned with their reports. A servant had sent word to Ivelda of Eike's findings. She wasn't going to force the boy to come out from the dungeons this time, but she was glad he still reported in, even if it wasn't in person. After the interviews were done, Ryder came towards her.

”My Queen, now that the interrogations have concluded and we sent all those deemed to be suspicious to the dungeons for further questioning, what is your command?”

Looking at those present, Ivelda addressed them all.

"Thank you everyone for your assistance. To know that all of Rhindeval is safe thanks to your efforts helps ease my own burden. Pretty soon the time will come for me to go on my yearly journey through our fair kingdom. After I return, we shall have a festival to honor your acts today, especially to Lord Ryder and Adrian, for if it wasn't for their acts, I wouldn't be here to address you now. All of you deserve some rest, so all of you are dismissed. Be be vigilant."

With that, everything went back to normal, for the most part.

Two weeks later, news of what happened had spread like wildfire. Even the assassin's final words manage to get out due to a few of the cooking staff being there when it happened. People were very careful to not mention Lilith or the princesses out in the public though, for they knew the queen would get word of it. Indeed, Ivelda had made good her word in sending out more "eyes and ears" out into the kingdoms under her rule. People started vanishing too. Still, people once again regained hope that Lilith or any of the princesses would return. Still they worried how Ivelda could be defeated. Adrian, in his own mission to find out about the assassin, did hear these whispers as his journey took him to the principality of Emolas. He found out that's where the assassin was from, which really shocked him since the people there were some of the loyalists in all of Rhindeval. Well, there were always exceptions. The whispers of Lilith and princesses did plague him too. It almost felt like he knew them, but something was preventing him from grasping it. He knew he had no memory prior to the age of 10, so maybe he heard of such things then. That was impossible though since Ivelda had been in rule long before he was born. He eventually found the source of the hemlock. The assassin had been working alone though. He paid a 'friendly visit' to the man's family though and had that entire family arrested after finding things that proved their treachery, relics of 'false gods' and even sketches of a 'royal family'. The man, who was the assassin's father, apparently had been commissioned to paint this 'royal family' and these were sketches he did for prior to painting them. The couple in these sketches were young looking with two children. Well, one of them was a baby with light hair and the other was a little girl with silvery hair. The image of the little girl struck a chord in him, let he felt he knew her somehow. He had the images burned, although a part of him hurt for some reason, but he couldn't risk these images getting out. Even though this journey wasn't as physically taxing, it was mentally taxing and he was relieved when his self-appointed job was done. He took his time getting back to Lostein to report.

Meanwhile back in Lostein, Ivelda was busy getting ready for her journey. She always made a point to take this journey to make sure her magical hold over each of these kingdoms was firm. She would also inspect the areas she didn't have access to, like the other palaces. It still frustrate her that she didn't conquer all of the kingdoms, especially Traumet and her home kingdom of Emperia, both held ancient magic. As she was getting ready, she received word that Adrian would be arriving back soon. Perfect timing. She had made sure to give her princes double doses of her 'special drink'. Adrian was the last one she needed to give it to. Within the hour, Adrian found himself bowing before the queen in her throne room. He gave his reporting and Ivelda nodded, keeping a neutral look, when inside, she was seething due to people talking about her sister and the princesses again. She thought she had squashed such hopes of Lilith or the princesses returning awhile ago. Still, she knew she couldn't control everything. She could also see Adrian had been affected by what he found. She couldn't risk him finding out the truth so for now she wouldn't give him another assignment for the foreseeable future.

"You're clearly exhausted, Adrian. Come, I will make you my special drink and it can drain you of your weariness."

Adrian nodded and followed without word. After giving him the drink, she sent him home, saying he deserved a break and ordered him to stay home for a time. After that, she decided now was a good time to check on one of her greatest secrets, her adopted son, Cynfael. The boy just happened to be the younger brother of Princess Meridian. Ivelda had lied to Lilith and everyone else about Queen Kerrigan's death. In truth the former queen of Angalais had survived but had been captured. She died giving birth to her son. Ivelda had been there for his birth and claimed him as her own as the queen died without even holding him. Not taking any chances, Ivelda made sure those who knew about the birth killed and eventually had the wet nurse who nursed the baby killed also. She named the boy Cynfael and raised him in a secluded area of Lostein. The boy looked nothing like his parents or Meridian, so no one knew he was the crowne prince of Angalais.

Ivelda, putting on riding garb, went to grab her personal ride, a wyvern named Cinders. Taking flight, she flew the the tower when Cynfael was raised. The tower itself was hidden by strong magic. Only those Ivelda trusted could enter and leave. Making sure Cinders was taken care of, she went inside to find her boy in the middle of his studies.

"Cyn, mother's here!" she announced loudly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica
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0.00 INK

"Vengeance must always be profound and absolute."
Hex Code ~ #088A29

It didn’t take long for the pair to reach the gates of the castle, with Ryder retrieving his personal horse from one of the many stable boys currently running amok, haphazardly preparing for the Queen’s impending travels. This was the case with the majority of the castle’s workers, thankfully it seemed, which allowed for both Ryder and the visibly misplaced frail and blind Edith to slip through the frantic crowds of servants unnoticed. Her disguise, although well-done, had definitely left some questions unanswered and he would much rather avoid said questions altogether if at all possible.

Once he had readied the horse and only after asking gently for her permission, Ryder assisted Edith in mounting the stead, which whinied and paced a bit, clearly unnerved by the predator that was just placed atop it. With a soft pet, he soothed the horse until she had once more settled, her anxiety replaced by the calmness of a mount with its master. Once she was steadied once more, he turned his attention to Edith, who gripped the mane of the horse with a grip so tight that her knuckles were white, an expression of fear across her face. For one who could not see the world, being able to feel and hear it was all that she had, and in placing her atop the horse, Ryder had completely removed half of her connection to what she used as a substitute for her sight, rendering her even more defenseless than she already was. He could immediately see through this fear and, placing a hand atop hers where it was curled in the thick hairs, he smiled up at her, despite the knowledge that she could not see the warmth in his gaze.

”Worry not, young maiden - for I, the brave and valiant Sir Ryder, shall accompany you on this morn’ to ride as we fetch your brother and save him from the evil and vile clutches of the rich and monstrous uncouth fools who dare to lay a hand upon such beauty that is the Madame Edith,” Ryder said this all in one long, lavish breath, laying it on thick, clearly attempting to be over-the-top in such a way to cheer up the young girl who had already been through so much in such a short life. His words drew a giggle of amusement from Edith, her expression relaxing, and once she was as calm as the horse that she rode, he flung himself up behind her, ensuring that she was secure in the spot where she sat before him. With a muttered warning, he gave a gentle squeeze to his steed who responded in kind, taking off at a soft trot at first before developing into a full gallop.

Furrowed brows and a crease lined the forehead that belonged to Ryder. He ran his fingers along the dust ridden ledges of the windows that lined the walls of the orphanage, an unpleasant scowl on his lips and his narrowed eyes staring in disapproval at the gray sneeze-inducing substance on his hand. It was clear that the man was unhappy, if his expression was any indicator, and the emotion was set upon the woman before him, with Edith standing closely behind his body, one hand clutching tightly into the back of his shirt - both a way to keep track of him, and a comfort as she hid from the headmistress of the orphanage.

”I suppose if I had not arrived for a surprise inspection, I would not have discovered the quarters in such … disarray,” he stated, the word spoken in a way that relayed his disgust. Finally, he moved his intense gaze up to the woman who, up until that point had held herself high and mighty, her overall aura that of a haughty persona, shrank instantly under the piercingly odd eyes that belonged to the right hand of the Queen herself. The woman’s shoulders slumped a bit and she seemed to almost shrink into herself, a guilty look crossing her face, and she dropped her head in shame, and unable to contain herself, began to tremble in fear over the physical repercussions that she faced.

Ryder, however, not one to strike a woman, simply sighed and shook his head in revulsion at the cowardly woman, wrinkling his nose at the sight of her.

”To think that you call yourself a woman and a mother - and matron and a mentor. You are nothing but a mockery to the art of motherhood and matronage, and you should be ashamed of yourself,” he chastised. The woman brought her trembling hands to her face, her tears evolving into full sobs. ”Enough of your false crocodile tears; I care naught for them and you will not pull me to your side with them either. The more that you shed, the further my irritation with you rises,” he warned, and after a few moments, they dissolved into sniffles but she kept her head lowered to the ground, too ashamed to meet his hardened, unforgiving gaze.

”Consider yourself lucky to have encountered me and not someone of my status with a less forgiving nature, elsewise you would not be so lucky as to escape with your life. The clear neglect of not only this facility but the children within - the very children that will one day help to build the foundation of our land’s future and livelihood - has cause dishonor not only to Rhindeval, but has shown your complete and utter disrespect to the Grace that is our Queen Ivelda. Should it have been Sir Benedicto of The Sect, you would have been sentenced to death of a horrifying nature, or worse, sent to the dungeons to be dissected by our resident psychotic undertaker and his unfortunate new pet,” he practically spat, his disdain for the young man clear in his voice.

Moving on from that, he straightened and approached the woman, glaring down at her and forcing himself to unclench his jaw. ”Consider yourself relieved of your duties from this moment forth, and should you seek out any profession that entails childcare of any sort within the boundaries of Rhindeval, you will find it quite difficult to be hired in such a field,” he warned, his eyes flashing in an even deeper foreboding that should she even dare to try, she would have more things to worry about than simply being rejected from the job. ”Now, retrieve your things from your quarters and leave - you are no longer welcome within this orphanage, or any building that holds children.”

The woman bowed and scurried away, leaving Ryder to further his investigation with Edith and without that woman’s nosy interference, and then attempt to track down where Edmund possibly could have been taken. Before doing so, he did ensure to turn to the Assistant of the Headmistress and issued a few orders so that the orphanage would run smoothly for the next day or so, but was quickly back at work hunting down Edmund. It was easy enough for Edith to show him where the duo had originally been confronted and attacked due to her proficient sniffing abilities. From there he was able to track the scuffle that was home to quite a fair amount of blood, to several sets of footprints alongside a path that had clearly been Edmund struggling against his captors.

Once he found that they led to a fairly obvious set of carriage tracks, he whistled, and not fifteen seconds later his horse came trotting happily around the corner of the orphanage, a mouthful of hay and an annoyed looking stable boy peeking around after her. Casting a sheepish grin at the boy and calling out to repay him later, as well as a soft warning to Edith, he tossed the young girl upon Penelope as gently as he possibly could, swung himself up behind her, and took off following the carriage tracks at a breakneck pace, his arms tight around Edith as she was bounced haphazardly before him, apologies escaping his lips for the uncomfortable ride as they flew threw the city and out to the outskirts where the rich had their large and impressively massive properties. All the while, Edith assisted, her nose only doing so much however as Edmund’s scent had degraded quite a bit over the time that had progressed since his kidnapping had occurred.

When the tracks led to the grounds belonging to the Redstone family, Ryder drew Penelope to a sudden halt, causing her to whine in argument, and he patted her neck in apologies. There was no one at the front gates that stood wide open, which instantly cause his internal alarms to raise, but not wanting to worry Edith, he simply tightened his arms slightly and squeezed his legs, causing Penelope to go into a gentle trot up the path that led to the sprawling homestead. The Redstone family was not the richest of the elites, but they were also not at the bottom of the social ladder either, so the fact that there were no guards stationed at the gates paired with the quiet in the air made him more than uneasy. The courtyard was all but abandoned, the only inhabitants being perhaps a handful of servants going about their normal duties - doing laundry, fetching water, the like. This further raised red flags to Ryder, who slowed Penelope to a stop before the stables, dropped from her saddle, and assisted Edith in dismounting before tying Peneloping to a nearby hitchpost with plenty of hay and water beside it. After a pat on the kind steed’s snout, he allowed Edith to once more grip the back of his shirt so as to guide her behind him, and he approached the household, his expression dark and his stature prepared for the worst.

Before he could reach the front doors, he paused. Edith had tugged at his shirt and, without a word, she had pointed in one simple direction. From what little one could see of the girl’s expression behind her bandages, they could tell that she held a look of both fear, desperation, and crushed hope. Ryder could only imagine what type of scents she was taking in, and what she had heard with her oversensitive nose and ears, and ever-so-slowly, he turned his head in the direction that her trembling finger pointed.

There stood a gaggle of men, the oldest of whom held a scowl on his face, his annoyance clear on his face. ”That damn Benedicto. So young yet he thinks himself on par with a God! What a mockery! Pah!” The old man exclaimed, and although Ryder held his own amount of disdain towards the man in question, for Sir Redstone to be speaking ill of someone that the Queen held within so high regards was to make a mockery of the Queen herself. ”To think that he can just waltz in with his occult and take the very monster that injured my son … The very monster that we were entitled a blood debt to! That cursed child drew blood from Redstone kin … It is only fair for that debt to repaid in kind!”

The group had yet to notice Ryder and Edith, which was an advantage to him, and this gave him a moment to survey them. It was clear from their discussion that Edmund had been there, and also Benedicto Carama, and given that neither was present at the time, it was a fair assumption to make that Benedicto had taken Edmund with him. There were a few that were clearly servants of Sir Redstone, and two young men that from their clothing he assumed were the young sons of the House of Redstone, one of whom seemed to be badly injured. From the distance it was hard to say for certain, but it almost looked to be Edmund’s doing, and a small smirk turned up Ryder’s lips. Looking past the men and into the barn, he spotted what Edith must have smelled, which was a square outline in the dirt, specks of blood on the ground, a few rods lying around that he assumed were pure silver if these men had any brain cells to claim, and various other weapons and restraints that clearly did not belong within a barn. Rage instantly welled up within his chest, but with a clenched jaw, he forced himself to hide his anger, instead throwing a carefree smile on his face as he strode over to the men.

”I could not agree more; that Benedicto is absolutely unbearable,” he groaned, rolling his eyes and ignoring the odd looks that the men gave him, instead giving them a confident smile in response. ”Apologies, my good men, I could not help but overhear your complaints, for I am here because Benedicto realized after leaving so shortly ago that he had been unjust in simply taking the young monster from your care, so he sent me to offer repayment and penance so that it is … of an equal trade, one could say,” he said with a small, unreadable smile on his lips. The men seemed to hesitate but the patron of the family instantly moved forward, seeming to eat up Ryder’s words, none the wiser to what Ryder was planning, and as soon as the man was within arm’s length, Ryder reached out and placed a hand gently on the man’s shoulder, that unreadable smile still on his face. ”Ah, however, I did forget to mention that the trade seemed to be unequal for us, as it seems that you have yet to learn your lesson, old man,” he paused and leaned in closer, his lips near the patron’s ear, his voice dropping to a whisper before he continued, ”As the saying goes, ’You cannot teach an old dog new tricks’.” With that, it took nary a second for Ryder to unsheath the small dagger at his waist which he instantly dove into the old man’s spinal cord, drawing a scream of absolute agony from his lips. This caused the men in the group to go into action, drawing their weapons from their sheaths and moving forward as Ryder held the old man up, turning him in his arms so they could see the twisted face that was their Patron.

”Ah, I suppose I should tell you all - I lied. I am actually the right hand of the Queen, the glorious Goddess that is our beautiful and lovely Ivelda, and I am more than free and obligated to act out in her righteous duty however should I see fit,” he said softly and cooly, that unreadable smile never wavering from his lips, his piercing eyes frighteningly dark despite their bright colors. There was almost something missing in those eyes, as though his soul were no longer there. Lifting the now blood-stained dagger, he allowed the old man to crumple in a complete and utter heap to the ground, ignoring the sobs of pain he let out as Ryder approached the group of men who now stood with their weapons held in uncertainty.

He turned his dark eyes on the servants, narrowing them. ”I would highly recommend lowering your weapons should you wish to leave with your lives. This is not your battle to fight within, and I do not wish to injure or slay innocently involved people,” he warned, his face showing them that this would be their only warning. The two men exchanged a look before dropping their weapons and retreating within the barn, their hands raised in surrender and leaving him with the two sons of Redstone whose gazes flickered between their sobbing father and the approaching, unreadable man before them. He cocked his head slightly to the side and raised a brow at the injured one before shrugging his shoulder and waving the boy off, but when the young man did not budge, he narrowed his gaze once more and waved again, this time making it clear that there would not be a third wave. With a nudge of warning from his elder brother, the young man begrudgingly backed up to be with the two servants, his worry evident in his features.

Ryder, however, took his sweet time, and began to whistle a bit of a jaunty tune, eying his knife a bit ominously as he approached the spot in the barn that the outline of the square box was. Once he had, he crouched down beside it, tracing the spot a bit in the dirt with the blood encased knife. After a moment, he stopped whistling and looked up at the wall, seemingly brooding on something, but before any of the men present could speak or even react, he had moved in an instant, his actions almost a blur.

Kah-kang cong kang kung!

The sound echoed slightly throughout the barn and was followed by the immediate shriek of the elder son of the Redstone family as he crumpled to the ground, hands gripping his now twisted and mangled leg. A bent silver rod lay beside his writhing body on the ground, and from what the men could assume, Ryder had flung the rod with such precision and force, it had impacted and crushed the young man’s leg on impact before following to rest beside him. The younger son rushed to his brother’s side while the servants hurried to the patron of the family who was quickly turning white in the blood beginning to pool around him. Ryder simply rose to his feet, once again calm and placid, and dusted himself off, surveying the horror and bloodshed around him as he began to walk back to Edith, who stood where he left her. She did not know exactly what had happened but she had a fairly good idea given the sounds and smells, and she knew the Young Master Ryder to be a very scary man should one get on his bad side, and she thanked the Gods that he liked her and her brother.

”Now, I would recommend caring for your wounded and never again making the mistake of angering those associated with the righteous Queen Ivelda. Have we made ourselves clear enough?” The wails and sobs of agony he received in response were answer enough and he smiled, allowed Edith to clasp his shirt once more, and cast a look in the direction of the front doors of the household that now stood open with the young daughter of the family standing within them with her mother, both of whom held horrified expressions upon their faces. ”Ah, and as for you two - I would highly recommend no longer lying through your teeth - lest you wish for me to come visit again and take a limb or two this time, instead of simply causing a bit of pain,” he warned, holding a sweet, unreadable smile once more. The young girl began to sob in horror, but he ignored her, approached Penelope, helped Edith up, and they were off towards the city once more, leaving the chaos of the Redstone estate behind.

Ryder wasted no time in reaching the castle, as he knew exactly where Benedicto would head should he have discovered something like an untrained Lycanthrope within Rhindeval. He would wish to show off his new treasure to Ivelda like the little pet that he was, not knowing that the Queen was already well aware of the treasures that were the Lycanthrope orphans Edith and Edmund. As soon as they were within castle walls, he dismounted and threw Penelope’s reigns at the nearest stable boy, vowing to make it up to her later, and took off with Edith on his heels to the carriage that he saw within the entrance that held the colors and emblem of Benedicto and his sect.

”Benedicto!” he bellowed, his fury evident in his voice. It was rare for anyone to see any emotion from the man that was the right hand of the Queen, let alone anger, so for those that were present in the courtyard, this was frightening indeed. The servants scurried away to hide within the palace or watch from a safe distance, and the guards and knights did the same, the stable boys hiding within the stable’s to watch with curiosity. It was clear that the leader of the religious sect had done something to absolutely infuriate the man that was the most trusted advisor of the Queen, and he seemed to be practically seething with rage.

When he finally reached the carriage, Benedicto himself was quite close to it, but before Ryder could approach him, Edith ran from his side and towards the carriage that belonged to the leader of the sect, obviously not knowing where she was heading other than the fact that it was towards her brother’s scent, but was stopped by two men in church garb before she could reach it. One of them reach down and plucked her up like she was nothing more than a ragdoll and simply peered at her before laughing and tossing her aside again, like she was nothing more than a toy. The girl landed with a sound of alarm, and this drew a near-inhuman sound from Ryder’s lips. It took mere seconds for him to close the distance between himself and the carriage, and once he had, he shot out both hands, one grabbing the hair of the man on the right and forcing him to the ground, and the other wrapping around the throat of the man on the left. This caught them both off-guard, allowing him to toss them to the ground before the carriage, which he gripped the door to and wrenched open, revealing an extremely frightened and extremely injured Edmund encaged within.

Ryder stood still for a moment, his eyes staring into Edmund’s as his rage slowly and gradually built, and after a few seconds had ticked by, he reached his boiling point. His fingers tightened around the doors to the carriage briefly before he pushed himself back, ignoring the men that had now scrambled over to Benedicto’s side, and he turned slowly to face Benedicto, withdrawing the sword at his hip as he did so, the absolute fury blazing within his gaze one that was completely unrecognizable in the young man that was otherwise known for a placid and gentle persona.

”Give me one reason right now why I should not cleave you in two, Benedicto Carama, in the name of the Great and Honorable Ivelda herself, as you cage and injure a loyal servant of the Goddess within a carriage that you own,” he practically snarled out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.25 INK



Benedicto had just arrived at the castle. The flags on the walls indicated Ivelda was not present at the moment, but that was okay. He was sure she had not gone on her tour yet, and he was sure she wanted to know of lycanthropes running around in the city, attacking some of the land owners.

He had gotten off his horse, but instead of bringing it to the stables, he handed it over to one of his monks. He removed his gloves slowly before he told one of the guards to send a messenger to Ivelda. He had been working hard, and this distraction was the last thing he needed, but it simply was his duty to report this directly. He had half a mind to send the animal to the dungeon, but it was not his decision to make.

Hearing fast hooves clobbering the ground, Benedicto looked up and saw Ryder coming towards them.
”Benedicto!” the young man sounded angry. Even before the man had well enough arrived, a boy jumped from the horse and stormed towards Benedicto’s carriage. On a quick instruction from the Preacher, his monks stopped the boy from reaching the carriage. As they tossed him aside, a small smile curled on Benedicto’s lips.

”What is the meaning of this intrusion, Ryder? We’re here to see our Goddess and although you like to think of yourself as nearly her equal, you are nothing close to it.”
Ryder got off his horse and stormed to Benedicto’s carriage. As he opened the door he obviously saw the beast inside. To the preacher’s surprise, it seemed to anger the young man even more.

”Give me one reason right now why I should not cleave you in two, Benedicto Carama, in the name of the Great and Honorable Ivelda herself, as you cage and injure a loyal servant of the Goddess within a carriage that you own”

Benedicto was a bit taken aback by the question he was asked. He waved his men aside, as they had put a defensive line between himself and the Queen’s right hand. Even though some of them could compete in size with Korgan, he didn’t need them.
The small retreat of the men brought further distrust to Ryder’s features. He wasn’t keen to fight anyone with a sword - it wasn’t his weapon of choice - but if need be, he would.

”My dear man, or should I say blistering idiot, I’ll give you a few reasons. First of all, you do not have the authority to hurt me in any way. Like I mentioned, you are not equal to our Goddess, and only she will decide when I die.”
Ryder bristled a bit at the insult, his neck reddening with further anger, but he allowed the man to continue without interruption. He had, after all, demanded an explanation and, despite his fury, there was a bit of sense left in his rage-ridden mind to give the man a chance to explain himself.

The preacher held up his fist and with his other hand he grabbed his thumb. Then he lifted his index finger and grabbed that, indicating point number two. ”Secondly, I did not cage anyone. Although I don’t need to even defend this against the likes of you.”

That defense gave Ryder pause. In his fury-induced state, he did see the bit of logic in the other man’s statement as he thought back to what he had seen at the Redstone estate. The large square imprint in the ground of the barn had clearly been a cage, so it was doubtful that Benedicto had been the one to imprison Edmund - he simply had not released the boy. Despite the bubbling anger that the thought of such a thing gave him, he internally put himself in Benedicto’s position. Had it been he who had encountered a newly recognized Lycanthrope that had been accused of causing chaos within the city, he reckoned with himself that it was within reason to not release such a boy. Allowing his sword to lower a bit, he kept his gaze narrowed, but his anger was beginning to subside.

Middle finger raised. ”Next, I did not injure the animal in that cage.” which was technically true. At that statement, Ryder searched the other man’s sleek features for any hint of a lie, but when he betrayed none, he slowly lowered his sword completely and straightened to his full height, his expression still holding fire yet his eyes far more clear.

Ring finger up. ”Fourth reason for your nimble mind, I highly doubt a loyal servant of our Goddess would be involved in a lycanthrope attack right within our city walls.”

”And five!” Benedicto was now almost shouting as he held his 5 outstretched fingers up in the air. ”I doubt you even can see straight when your head is so un-be-lievably high up your own arse, you are starting to believe . in. your. Own. shit.”

”I have started to expect this type of behavior of Korgan, Asher and Raiden. But it is very unsuited to your usual demeanor. I think someone with such a temper is very ill-suited for the respectable office you hold.”

As the preacher finished his tirade of defenses, Ryder could not help but roll his eyes. There was a reason he could barely stand the man. However, in this circumstance, Ryder had to admit that he was in the wrong. He had jumped far too high in the conclusions he had made, allowing his temper to get the best of him due to his own emotions and bond with the young orphans.

Benedicto waited as he tried to read Ryder’s body language. He wasn’t scared of the young man. If it had been Richard, maybe. And Thaddeus was an admirable fighter, but Ryder was ever the administrator. Next to Benedicto and Asher, Ryder was not someone to fear in that way.

After what seemed like hours, Ryder sheathed his sword and sighed, raising his hand to his forehead as he shook his head. He said nothing in response as he simply turned to face the young boy in the carriage, wanting to confirm what the preacher had said was true. Due to their close relationship, one look was all that was needed to be shared between the man that was like an uncle to the adolescent Lycan, before Ryder pushed back from the carriage and turned to face Benedicto once more. His expression was placid, his eyes far more clear as the normally seen persona that was the right hand returned to the young man. Lifting his right hand and placing it over his chest, he bowed forward at his waist.

”My apologies, Sir Carama. I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgement and jumped to conclusions far too quickly.” Straightening once more, he locked eyes with the man, his face still holding no betrayal of his emotional state at this point, but his gaze piercingly intense.
”However, I do feel inclined to correct you on a point that you made. While I was in the wrong and should not have drawn my sword on you without allowing proper explanation, you should not have treated a child in such a manner. Did you even bother to ask the boy for his side of whatever happened?” Ryder paused to allow the man to answer, his expression firm now.

Benedicto couldn’t believe his ears. Bothering to ask the lycan for his opinion? They were not trustworthy enough to be called second-class citizens, if there was one free on the streets it would be a great concern.
Before he came to himself enough to actually answer, the other man started himself.

”No, I do not believe that you did.” His voice was low, holding a bit of the anger from before, but he managed to control himself as he approached the man, his stride long and quick. At this point, he truly had no choice but to tell the man of who the young Lycans truly were to the Queen and Ryder - not simply creatures to be toyed with, but messengers and a means to an end. For Ryder, however, the children were far more to him - he cared about them in a way that he could not care about anyone else, and when he looked into the cherubic faces of the orphans who depended on his help and he, in return, depended upon them, he could not help but feel a bit of a pull at his otherwise cold heart.

”If you wish to know, I find it doubtful that the Queen will be upset if I were to inform you - given the circumstances,” he paused, eying the other man up and down as though studying him.
”However, this is something that is highly classified information - something that is kept between only the Queen and myself, so as to avoid any hindrance upon the operation.” With that said, Ryder flicked his gaze towards the men that flanked the preacher.
”This means that I must speak to you alone,” he spoke lowly, quietly, and with another thought, added,
”Preferably in my office, so that we can have this young man in your carriage treated before the Queen arrives and sees what shape he is in. I can promise you that should she spot him like this inside of your carriage, she will not be in much of a pleased state towards you,” he forewarned.

Benedicto was more than suspicious. The young man had little reason to act like this in front of Benedicto and his monks. With aggression the one moment and careful deliberation the other, he was erratic.
”Fine Ryder, we will speak in your office. But until either the Great Ivelda or myself command it...” Benedicto looked at his monks as he pointed at his carriage. ”that beast is not leaving its cage.”

Ryder jerked his head slightly in the direction of one of the young stable boys who rushed quickly over. Ryder withdrew a pouch from his satchel at Penelope’s back that jingled a bit and dropped a few coins into the young lad’s hand along with a large red feather. ”Please take this feather to Sir Bolton with strict instructions to rendezvous in my quarters as quickly as possible, and to bring the Bird Kit.”

With that said, he turned on his heel and strode to Edith’s side as the boy quickly ran into the castle to seek out the royal physician. The small girl had once more pushed herself to her feet and stood there shaking, uncertain of what was happening around her and knowing only that her brother was nearby and injured to an unknown state. When he reached her, he gently grasped her wrist and raised her hand to the back of his shirt, where it gripped tightly and she pushed close to his side, clearly trusting completely in the man before her.

He then strode to the door of the carriage, looking over at Benedicto expectantly. At his clear hesitation, Ryder felt a small smirk cross his lips but he quickly rid himself of it, clearing his throat and focusing on Benedicto.

”I can sense your hesitation, and I understand it given the nature of the boy. I, however, can promise you that there will be no issues with the youngling. Trust me, on the Goddess Ivelda’s word itself,” he swore, never the one to use such an oath unless it were to ring true.

Benedicto made strides toward the castle doors. When he turned he saw Ryder at his carriage. The preacher cleared his throat and his menacing tone indicated he was not in the mood for being tested.
”As I said, the boy does not move for now. No matter what reason the beast might have, it still attacked a member of the Redstone family. A family that provides the castle with food and tax money that you can then spend. His attack cannot be tolerated.” He crossed his arms impatiently, tapping his shoe at the castle entrance.

”It won’t get hurt in there anymore than it already is. And according to my books, it won’t need much help to heal by itself. When we get to your office we can send Asher down if you still feel he needs help. But if it were up to me, I’d rather inform Tyann. It is a beast after all. Or we inform Raiden so the creature can be adequately disposed off.”

”And I will have you know, if our Goddess is unhappy with me undertaking the duties that should apply to all of us. I will carry her punishment in pride. Now let’s go to your office, I had plans for the evening, and you are delaying me.”

At Benedicto’s words, Ryder was unable to contain himself and rolled his eyes in annoyance, somehow garnering a snort from Edmund in response. Stretching his arms out above himself, he simply shrugged and nodded towards a few knights that looked on wearily from the sides, signaling for them to help with transporting the cage containing Edmund inside. ”You know, Benedicto - if you are afraid of the young lad, you can simply say so. No need to be ashamed,” he jibed, a small chuckle escaping his lips. His long legs carried him to the doors, Edith clinging to his shirttails, and observed as the knights hefted the heavy cage between themselves, straining a bit under the weight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone
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Adrian Wells~Ivelda Evers

Ivelda was waiting for an answer from her two crazy incompetent princes when Thaddeus showed up with some men in tow. She was pleased to see ONE of her servants doing their duty. What did surprise her was when Adrian showed up hot on his heels. Adrian had wasted no time in following Thaddeus and was grateful for being given a ride for he would have no time to get the stable if he wanted to keep up with his friend. When he saw the queen though, he quickly got her look of surprise.

"Adrian, why are you here when I gave you some time off?"

"Forgive me your majesty, but I was training with Sir Thaddeus."

Satisfied with his answer, Ivelda turned to Tyann when he spoke up.

“My lady. Your carriages will be ready in five minutes. … I arrived to check the disturbance. I apologize, my lady. I have mister Hunt taking care of them in my stead… Are you not leaving on your Wyvern my lady…? It would cut the most imposing image. And be far safer. For you and your companion.”

Ivelda nearly forgotten about Cyn. The boy had stayed quiet and Ivelda was very pleased. She hoped he was paying close attention on how she handled this situation. He also stayed in his disguise form. He would have to keep it up when she sought Ryder. The two were first cousins and there was a slight family resemblance as a result.

"Thank you Tyann, that'll be perfect then. As far as Cinder goes, yes he will be coming with me for protection reasons. Thank you for your concern."

Korgan finally answered her as she heard him move. Despite how upset she was at his actions, she couldn't help but be glad he took his punishment in strides. It wasn't long before he left with Raiden in tow. She would make sure to check on them both before leaving. Sighing, she turned to Thaddeus.

"I might as well let you know that both Korgan and Raiden are to help rebuild this area; Korgan with the tavern and Raiden with the docks. For now I want you and your men to start cleaning things up if you please. Get the streets cleared at least for now. For now I need to find Ryder and then get ready to leave. I am going to assume that the men you picked for this trip for my protection are ready to go?"

After getting his answer, Ivelda mounted her wyvern and instead of flying it, merely road it throw town.

After Ivelda left, Adrian turned back to Thaddeus and asked, "Do you need any assistance cleaning up this mess? I have nothing better to do at the moment."

As Ivelda road through town a messenger came to her and let her know that Sir Benedicto needed to tell her something and that he was waiting for her at the castle courtyard. She suppressed a groan. She didn't have time for these distractions. He would have to wait until she saw Ryder first. Lucky for her both men were in the courtyard, apparently talking.

"Stay here again Cyn and observe," Ivelda said before dismounting.

As she approached, she was quick to look at the situation. She saw Benedicto's carriage with a cage in it. Going closer she recognized the boy within the cage. Looking sharply, she saw a girl with Ryder and recognized her too. The children were among her 'little birds' for a secret operation. She was well aware both were lycanthropes, but only the boy could transform. Something must have happened for the boy to be in a cage and needing some assistance. Already stressed by recent events, Ivelda took a calming breath before turning to Benedicto.

"Care to tell me why this boy is in a cage Sir Benedicto? This boy just happens to be one of my servants that works in the city. I want him out of there at once and get some medical help. . . . ." Ivelda started saying but came up with another idea, and quickly said, "Nevermind, I'll just find out what happened for myself."

Turning to the boy, she instructed, "Stay still my boy, I want to examine your memories. This won't hurt."

After seeing all that happened to the boy and his sister, she turned back to both Benedicto and Ryder.

"It seems Sir Benedicto, that this boy was more victim then perpetrator. He tried protecting his sister from the Redstones who accused her of thievery. I don't care how loyal the Redstones have been, they had NO right to gang up on children that way. I can understand your worry about the boy and I thank you for your concern. Sir Ryder, see to it that both children are taken care of before sending them home. I have of great need of you before I leave. Sir Benedicto, you are released from your burden and may carry on. I don't have any duties for your outside of Lostein since I'll be traveling over Rhindeval."

Done with the two of them for now, Ivelda had Cyn dismount Cinder and lead them away. Turning to her son, she told him, "There are times Cyn, that to keep your subjects loyal, it's good to show them kindness. Children are easy to scare, but this is one of those times I didn't want them to fear me for it wouldn't be appropriate in front of Benedicto and Ryder there. Come, let's put Cinders away at the stables and you can follow me as I finish doing my duties."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Viliame Audica Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

”No one is useless in this world,
Who lightens the burdens of another.”
~Charles Dickens

Hex Code ~ #088A29

The knights had barely taken two steps from the carriage when there came the ominously loud sound of a large beast approaching. Unperturbed, Ryder merely glanced over his shoulder in the direction of the echoing footfalls to see the impressive wyvern that Ivelda had come to like so much, with the very Queen herself atop it, alongside an unknown male. With a long enough glance at the man to take in his features and commit them to memory, Ryder turned to face his approaching Queen, the knights holding the cage lowering it to the ground to do the same, and he dropped to one knee with his head bowed, the knights following suit as their Queen approached. Knowing her fairly well, he could sense her frustration over the immediate glance she gave of the situation at hand, and internally cursed Benedicto for causing further stress to his beloved Idol. It was oh so satisfying when she began to chastise him for Edmund’s current status, and Ryder was forced to push back a smirk that threatened to break across his lips.

He did, however, flick a glance in Edmund’s direction, his gaze holding a fair amount of warning for the young lycanthrope to behave himself in Ivelda’s presence. Ryder knew better than anyone else how Edmund felt towards the Queen, with the fact that her troops had carried the blades that killed his pack, but the rarity of his blood was worth far more to them alive than dead. Thankfully, the boy remained calm and simply relaxed in the cage, thankful for the ordeal to finally be over, his body clearly sore and his mind exhausted.

It was only once the Queen had made it clear that she was done finally responded with a simple, ”Yes, my Queen.” With that, he rose and strode to the side of the cage where he awaited Benedicto to release the boy, his expression placid but his eyes holding the amusement of someone victorious. He said nothing as the cage was unlocked - in his mind he really did not need to, he had already won and proven himself right - but instead simply crouched down and assisted Edmund in crawling out and, when the boy found that he could not walk, he scooped the frail teenager with ease and carried him as one would a bride, prompting a heated protest from the lad in return. When Ryder simply gave him a stony look, the boy fell into quick silence, but his face continued to show his discontent over the situation and as they walked a grumble could be heard every so often. Edith trailed behind the pair, her fingers curled in the back of Ryder’s now-crinkled shirttail, and although she was obviously still concerned for her brother, there was a clear ease over the girl now that was not there before.

After several minutes of walking the trio finally reached Ryder’s quarters. It took mere moments for him to skillfully unlock the three mechanisms latching the door shut, and once inside he easily kicked it shut behind them. ”Edith, eat some snacks,” he ordered, and the girl wasted no time happily complying, scurrying to where she could smell the yummy snacks were at. When Edmund gave the man a pleading look, he shook his head in response. ”None for you. We have no idea how badly you are hurt and how quickly your Lycan blood will heal you. It is best to wait for the physician to assess your injuries and the necessary medical treatment before we allow you to eat or drink anything, in case there are more serious wounds,” he explained, so that the boy would better understand that he was not denying him out of cruelty. After a moment of annoyed glaring, Edmund sighed and conceded, flopping back on Ryder’s bed where the older man had gently placed him.

Once he was satisfied that the two young troublemakers were content for the moment, Ryder removed his gear and placed it on his desk before he leaned against his, arms crossed and eyes focused on the door as he waited patiently for the doctor to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niklaus Viel Eldiel Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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0.00 INK

~ Aʂԋҽɾ Bσʅƚσɳ ~
"Always be ready to be up to no good, makes life all the more enjoyable."
Hexcode: #DAA520

There was no real gratification to it when Eike was shoved out of his chambers. For all his posturing Asher couldn’t help but feel hollow over the entire affair. Standing in front of his now looked door while Ignoring the child assistant to the Royal torturer. She was an injured child, no matter her circumstances there was no true right to deny her. Was there? Knowing that there was even the slightest chance hand she might have had in Tempeste’s interrogation had caused him to act in such a way?

Torn and sick were words he could use to describe himself at this time. Asher’s ears lay flat on his head, his tail motionless between his legs. Part of him still felt justified, even wanting to order the rest of the staff to ignore the child on grounds of punishment, just to see if Eike would show any amount of emotion or distress over her. The other half of himself was horrified at what he had done. The doctor and the assassin spiraled along, leaving the Telsenon man staring blankly at his door. ”Spirits damn me . . . ” the words come out almost breathlessly.

A hand touched his own that still held the iron lock shut. The softness and warmth reminded him of something he couldn’t place, like trying to look at a picture covered in a veil of silk. Asher’s senses snapped back to reality rather slowly. He could feel Tempeste just behind him as she kept her hand on his. A shuddered breath escaped Asher’s lips as Tempeste pressed into his back, Her words hurt more than any wound he had ever received. Asher couldn’t blame her though, she had every right to question him. ”I. . . I’m not the good man Tempeste, not however you might see me as . . . And I try to be the good doctor others need in spite of that.” His voice comes out softer than Tempeste ever might have heard before. ”What good man would turn away an injured child?”

Despite her physical efforts, Asher moves. He turns and gently embraces the woman he put so much trust in. For just a moment he rests his head on her shoulder. Speaking in hushed, pleading words. ”Tend to the child. Do what I cannot . . . I beg of you.” the moment soon passes, with Asher unlocking his door and ushering Tempeste out.

Asher had pulled himself together the best he could when a stable boy came to the medical ward calling for him to meet Sir Veldine in his quarters quickly. Leaving a rather large red feather in the doctor's hands and a request to bring the bird kit with him. Needing the distraction and as much distance from his current sources of distress, Asher took little time gathering his things and making himself as presentable as he would normally, also can’t go about with his ears and tail on display as the Queen’s orders. There were still appearances that had to be kept and he could bottle away his feelings for another time.

It wasn’t long before the extravagant healer practically burst through Ryder’s doors with enough confidence to say he owned every room he stepped into. ”I came as quickly as I could. What would you have of me?” He stiffened somewhat when he realized there were children present. The spirits really weren’t being kind to him today it seemed. He did his best not to show it and kept his characteristic smirk while bottling down more unpleasant thoughts and feelings directed at himself. ”Is it one or both of the little ones?”


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Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox
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”Perhaps watching someone that you love suffer
can teach you even more than suffering yourself can.”
~Dodie Smith

Hex Code ~ #088A29

It seemed to Ryder that very little time had passed since they had arrived at his quarters that the physician came bursting through his doors, quite unceremoniously. He expected nothing less of the man who reminded him too much of a casanova for his particular tastes, but his expertise in the medical field was admirable, to say the least. While they had waited, Edmund had fallen asleep - the poor boy clearly needed the rest - and Edith had come to sit at Ryder’s feet, idly playing with a doll that the surprisingly soft-hearted man kept in case of just such an event as this. Ryder had looked over Edmund a bit so that when Sir Bolton arrived he could give him a bit of information before he had busied himself with his astrology book, as he felt an odd sense of urgency to finish the study of it, that which he could not place, and when the far shorter man announced his presence, Ryder flipped the book shut with a soft thwap, ruffled Edith’s hair, and rose to his full height. Without sparing a glance at Edmund, he slid in his chair and approached the royal resident, Edith scrambling to her feet to follow him and approach the odd scent that was at the door.

As they approached, the young girl stiffened and sniffed the air and bit more curiously, her bandaged eyes not betraying her emotions. Edmund had yet to awaken, he was that deeply asleep, and therefore showed no reaction to the man’s entrance, but Edith was clearly more than curious about the odd smells coming from him. Almost on instinct, she felt a small growl escape her throat before she could catch herself, and once it had she jumped back sheepishly. Her predatory instincts had overridden her wits for a moment and she felt herself blushing a bit in embarrassment. Ryder cast a curious look down at the girl as she made the sound. The only time that she had ever been around the man that was Asher Bolton had been when she was unconscious or under the influence of painkillers, so she would not recognize his scent in any situation, but this reaction was odd to him. Reaching down to ruffle her hair once more in an attempt to soothe her, he felt her fold a bit underneath his touch in embarrassment over her actions.

Finally, Ryder turned a piercing gaze up to the doctor, his expression betraying nothing of his thoughts or emotions. For a moment, he took in the other man’s appearance, as though critiquing his overall personification, and once he seemed satisfied, he motioned a bit with his head towards Edmund’s sleeping figure on his bed.

”It is the lad. Edith here is as fine as she can be, given the circumstances. There is still no progression towards her sight being restored, it seems, and I find it doubtful that you bear any good fortune of a route in order to heal her eyes,” he said, his voice holding a bit of an unplaceable emotion over this fact. He turned fully and moved to Edmund’s side and at that it seemed the boy was finally roused from his deep slumber, coming awake with a start as he sat up quickly, earning him a shout of pain and a grimace as he immediately dropped back to the sheets, clutching his abdomen in torment. At that movement, Ryder placed his hand on the boy’s forehead, feeling the sweat of suffering against his palm as the boy writhed despite his broken body. Once Edmund began to settle under Ryder’s familiar touch, still panting and sweating profusely, eyes clenched shut, he turned once more to face the doctor, a flicker of his own strain over the boy’s suffering flashing across his eyes. ”He was beaten quite extensively, and from what I can tell it was not simply with normal tools, but also those of pure silver variety. He has many burns across his body, as well as several broken bones. I am uncertain of how many ribs are broken, but as you can tell from his reaction to movement, they are at the very least fractured. He could not walk, leading me to believe he may have some sort of leg injury as well. If you do whatever you can to fix him, I will repay you in full and then some. Whatever I must do, in order for you to listen and help,” he promised, right hand over his chest as he bowed before the man.