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Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate


Nearly a year after the Kishin Asura was destroyed, but now a new Kishin has been born, what is Soul, Maka and the others going to do to save the DWMA and Death City from destruction.

3,617 readers have visited Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate since Mr. Fly on the wall created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A sound soul,
dwells within a sound mind and a sound body...


It has been nearly a year since the DWMA defeated the madness that the Kishin Asura wrought on the people of Death City. All has seemed calm and peaceful, but unknown to Lord Death, Maka, Soul and all the others, a new evil was given birth to after Asura was destroyed once and for all. But like all stories there is no good without evil, the ongoing battle must go on in order for balance to be satisfied.

Maka and the other's have been busily concentrating on becoming Death Scythes and Lord Deaths top meisters. Also a new class, has began making Maka and the others mentors to a new generation. However lurking in the shadows is something sinister, something that has been boiling and brewing long before Lord Death took up his mantle as the Grim Reaper, something that has been around since the beginning of time... Hate.

This roleplay will remain closed to characters till our friends from another RP get their characters in.

Character sheet

Code: Select all
Classifaction: (weapon or Meister)
Apperance:(preferably an Anime Photo)


Love Intrest: ( if any, This is Opional)

Toggle Rules

1. No God Modding.

2. Keep it PG-13 ( as Long as there is no sex I could care less )

3. Play your character's to a sensible degree. (No going overly insane, the madness wavelength died with Azura)

4. post often. ( one liner's are okay, but don't do it constantly. I understand that fight scene can be made of one liner's )

5. have fun.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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The sun Rose over the DWMA it was the first day of Classes for the new year. New Students where beginning to arrive, and some Where returning to Further their Education as weapon's and Meister and bright and first thing in the morning Lord Death. Summoned Death Scythe Spirit Albarn to the Death Room. As much as he wanted to see his Daughter Maka off to a new year. He had his Duties as one of Lord death's most trusted weapon's. Spirit walked into the death room. where lord death stood looking into his giant mirror showing him Images of outside the building

'' You wanted to see me. Sir.'' said Spirit. Lord Death turned around using a spring like motion. '' Ah yes, Good morning Death Scythe. As you know today his the first day of opening class. I'm I right.'' Spirit sighed. '' Yes sir. I know. I had hoped to see off Maka today.'' Lord Death arched his head. '' Yah Yah sorry about that. speaking of your daughter. How is scythe meister Maka.'' Spirit looked to the side. '' Great, Thanks. She Just collected her and soul 50th Kishin soul last week Just before brake ended. lord death Bounced. '' Excellent, Now then as you may or may not know Death Scythe we're a little understaffed this year. I've even asked some of the other Death Scythe's to return here. But unti they arrive. I would like you to teach temporarily. if you don't mind.'' Spirit shook his head. Not that he didn't see this coming. But he just shrugged. '' I didn't really plan any lesson today. But sure I'll see what I can do.'' Lord Death bounced up and down. '' Thanks Spirit I'm sure you'll do fine. Okay thats all I wanted to say. You may go now.'' Spirit walked off Trying to think what he would do with the class. '' I guess a simple orientation will have top do.'' He thought to himself

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Character Portrait: Kami
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Sid sat at the train station, constantly looking at the clock tower "The trains late no surprise there" he said to no one in particular. The station was busy with people all around, no one paying much attention to the zombie undead ninja. But then again this was Death City so it really wasn't that unusual, Sid soon saw the front end of the train he was waiting on pull into the station. "Finally" he breathed out as he stood up, through the steam that the train was giving off he could barely make out the outline of a short but elegant looking young woman.

She was carrying a pair of suitcases "Sid is that you, it's been ages" said a familiar voice.

"Ah Kami nice to see you, thought I should pick you up, thats just the type of man I was" he said with a smile (sort of).

Kami laughed "Well it's definitely appreciated" she looked around "You know who isn't around is he" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Nope and he has no clue that your here and especially that your not going to be teaching. Lord Death made sure not to tip him off or he'd be slacking trying to hide" said Sid.

"Good we don't want Spirit slacking off any more then he already does" she said sarcastically.

"Well shall we get to the school?" she asked with a smile, Sid laughed "Sometimes I wish the roles were reversed when it came to you and Spirit I think you would make damn sight better death scythe then him" he laughed.

"Yes, but then I would be a cheating womanizer and I really don't want to even go there" said Kami just thinking about it made a stress mark come up on her forehead.

The drive was filled with conversations about what has gone on since Kami had left Death City and of course Maka. Soon the face of the DWMA came into view of the car, Kami smiled "Even though I know I'm not going to avoid Spirit I'm glad to be home" she said with a sigh.

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Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie walked down a winding stone path, lined with blue blossoming trees. The petals drifted daintily off of the branches, landing softly on the ground around her. Her blonde thick blonde hair was pulled into long pigtails with red ribbons, and her red glasses set perched on the edge of her nose. Her sweater hung off her shoulder as she walked, in her hands she held a brown leather bound book, her school bag draped over her shoulders.
She reached the DWMA early, and looked around to see no other students yet.
"It's better this way..." she mumbled to herself, she never had been a people person. Looked around the courtyard and spotted a large oak tree.
It would take ten men to hug all the way around... she observed as she approached it. She ran her fingers across the welcoming bark, and tucked her book into her bag. She reached up and grabbed a hold of a lower hanging branch and pulled herself up. She climbed a little higher until she found a fork in the tree, she leaned against the trunk and let on of her feet dangle as she pulled out her book.
Her fingers quickly found the red ribbon she used as a place mark, and she delved into the pages.

Agustin hit him hard across the mouth with his left hand, bringing it forward in a slapping backhand sweep. Pablo sat there. The corners of his mouth were wine stained, and his expression did not change, but Robert Jordan watched his eye's narrow, as a cat's pupils close to verticle slits in a strong light...

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Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina hung upside down in her room, her feet hanging from the metal bar she had installed on her ceiling, she reached up again to touch the fronts of her toes, "One hundred and three!" She pulled her feet from the bar and held on with her hands, lifting herself up till her nose touched the ceiling and dropping down on the floor. Hina's daily work out switched between push ups, curls, hanging sit ups and crunches, always working hard to keep herself slim and cute. She did a cartwheel towards the bathroom and tossed her clothes out onto the floor with the rest of her laundry. She spent a little more time than she should have in the shower, but she didn't worry because waking up before sunrise often gave her more than enough time, she just wouldn't be able to arrive early.

Hina came out of the shower with her hair wrapped up in a steaming towel and a second fluffier towel around her body, she dried her hands off on her chest to make sure there was no more moisture and then set to work painting her nails alternating colors of red-black-red-black-red on the right and black-red-black-red-black on the left. While her fingers were drying, she decided to swap the pattern for her feet, painting each little toe while humming the newest song to pop into her mind. Hina tossed herself onto her bed while she waited for her nails to dry enough to get dressed. "Today is going to be awe-some!" she dragged out her words in a tune to match with the pattern of the song in her mind.

Picking out one of her favorite shirts, a black one with red stripes and a short zipper in the front, she counted the stripes again. Twenty seven stripes, what a beautiful number twenty seven was. She grabbed out her jeans, a dark blue pair with a red seven printed on each back pocket. She thought to herself something that gossipy girls and pervy boys always said about wearing black underwear and decided that black was just her color today. It didn't take long for her to get dressed once she picked out her clothes, but she spent nearly five minutes choosing a pair of shoes, the ones with the slight heel and the open toes, to show off her cute little feet.

She stepped in front of her mirror, an old relic with a crack running up from the bottom and stopping half way. "Cuuute! I am C-U-T-E!" She did a few quick adjustments to her hair and walked over towards her window to look down below. She grabbed her messenger bag and checked to see if she had everything before she leaped out the window and grabbed hold of a tree branch to swing on before dropping down to the street.

Hina made her way up towards the DWMA building, able to see it from just about anywhere in town, she quickly hurried along, not wanting to be late for her first day as a Miester. Sure, she knew some people would be grumblely about a witch being there, and about her attitude and her behavior but those lame losers could go suck rotten eggs for all she cared. As she made her way up the stairs toward the entrance she kept her eyes busy scanning around at everyone's auras, searching to see if there was anyone who she felt would be a good partner for her.

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Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
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Maka was in her bathroom pulling her hair up into pigtails, she then adjusted her skirt, she stopped for a moment looked down at the last letter she had recieved from her mother.

Dear Maka,

I hope your looking forward to your new year at the DWMA, I'm so excited to hear that you and Soul are doing well and fast on your way to making him a Death Scythe. I remember being so proud when I got the witch soul that would make your father a Death Scythe, it seemed like it took forever. But don't let it get you down if isn't going fast enough for you, enjoy it while it lasts. I wanted to tell you that on your first day back I'm going to be sending you a surprise so be prepare to be totally surprised!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Love Mama

She smiled and was curious what her mother had sent her, so far nothing had came in the mail so she assumed she would find out after school today. She walked across the hall and knocked on Soul's door. "Soul it's time to get up, we don't want to be late on the first day" she called through the door. She shook her head and made her way to the kitchen, pulled some Reaper O's out of the pantry and proceeded to eat a bowl of cereal.

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Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Spirit walked through the halls which started to fill with young teen. Some of them waved, and called '' Hay its Death Scythe.'' he would give a slight wave to them as he would pass them. he started to make his way downstairs to the ground level. Just to make sure that none of the students where Picking fights, and if they where. He would have to step in and supervise. '' That was the rules after all.'' he said to himself as let out as sigh heavily. As he came to the down the main stair well. He heard what he could have sworn he heard what sounded like a violin Playing faintly spirit looked around see if he couldn't pin point it.

he catches noise. It's coming from the lower area's. ''It must be that one kid. He's still down there. figured He would've found an apartment by now. Maybe I should....wait isn't Maka a really good friend of his.'' spirit nodded. '' I'll be sure to let her know..'' He continued to walk out to the Courtyard. children began flooding in. he noted one girl was sitting up in a tree. As he leaned up agents the entrance way greeting new students.'' Hay how's it going....welcome to the DWMA.''

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((Hey guys...My fiancee just called off our wedding. Im gonna be off tonight..sorry))

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"Soul it's time to get up, we don't want to be late on the first day" she called through the door. She shook her head and made her way to the kitchen, pulled some Reaper O's out of the pantry and proceeded to eat a bowl of cereal.

Soul groaned and sat up, he looked around his room, making sure that witch, Blair, wasnt on top or hiding in his room, he saw it was safe and he climbed out of bed and got dressed, he yawn, his jagged teeth showing as he yawned, then he walked out to the kitchen scratching his head. "Morning maka..." he said lazily. He poured himself a bowl of cereal. He wondered why they even went to that school, he was already over 50 souls and still has not even eaten a witches soul, besides the fact that he ate a dude witch soul, thanks to blaire, whom he finally remembered that she wasnt a witch at all, but a cat with, 'an insane amoutnt magic.' He sighed and kept eating silently.

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Spirit Looked at his watch. It was getting close to time for Class to start. '' ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LETS START BRINGING IT INSIDE. YOU'LL STILLNEED TIME TO FIND YOU CLASS ASSIGNMENTS. COME ON INSIDE LETS GO.'' shouted Spirit as he waved his arm issuing everyone inside. Spirit pointed at the two Guys fighting. '' hay fella's brake it up. save it for after school. come on everyone inside.'' he looked around the group he had not seen maka today yet.'' If that Damn octopus head made my Makka late on the first day of school. I'm gonna kill his ass.'' spirit said as he looked around and tried to get the students inside.

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Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina walked along the path, recognizing a couple of faces, a few Miesters and Demon Weapons that had gained enough recognition to be identifiable on sight. Some of them she regarded as actually dangerous, skilled warriors that could give many creatures a run for their money, and she noticed that some of them had acquired their fame through dumb luck or raw stupidity. Either way it seemed like a noisy and energetic crowd. She was close to the entrance before she really noticed him, Spirit, a Deathscythe. He was just standing there, calmly waving and welcoming students to the DWMA, Hina nearly dropped her bag in a hurry to pull out her camera. She waited for a moment when no one was standing in the way of her shot to take a photo. Turning her camera off and putting it away in her bag quickly, she decided that she would be bold enough to approach him.

"Hey, My name's Hina! You're Spirit, the greatest Demon Weapon! You're really amazing, Oh! Yeah, so... I'm a new Meister, could you give me some tips on how to find the right partner? Is it like a fuzzy feeling or like a subtle knowing that you've found the right one?" Spirit was a drinker, a womanizer and had a reputation for being lazy and laid back. In Hina's mind he was the perfect role model.

Hina glanced away only for a moment, to take a look at the rest of the students heading in, realizing she might be a bit late, but it didn't matter. It was the first day after all, who cares about being late on the first day. She turned her head back to Spirit with a smile, nodding to herself about his coolness.

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Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie heard what looked like a teacher yelling something about classes. She checker her watch, I guess we'll finish this later... she thought as she slipped her book into her bag. Her feet hit the ground with a thunk, and she braced herself with her hands landing in a crouch. She stood, and brushed off her clothes, readjusting her bag she made her way into the school. She kept her eyes down as she avoided the other students.
Someone had opened the door for her, but she kept her gaze down. She peeped out a quick, "Thank you," and looked around to find the class assignments.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Maka put her bowl in the sink, "Well lets get going" she said as headed out the door. Walking along reading her newest book, she was so into this new story that she really didn't notice much that was going on around her.

The new students, the other students fighting she didn't see them, '' ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LETS START BRINGING IT INSIDE. YOU'LL STILLNEED TIME TO FIND YOU CLASS ASSIGNMENTS. COME ON INSIDE LETS GO.'' Maka looked up.

"Oh no it's Papa", Maka thought, if there was one thing she didn't want to do was run into her creepy father right now, especially with the thoughts of her mother still whirling around in her head. She sighed and tried to avoid eye contact with Spirit, "Maybe if I don't look at him he wont notice me" she thought. She turned to Soul "Hey, Soul try to block my Papa's view of me and maybe he wont notice I'm there with everyone coming by", she whispered.

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Character Portrait: Kami
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Kami walked up to the office of Lord Death, things hadn't changed at the DWMA since she had been there, the classrooms, the students looked different but still the it brought back good memories. She was still relieved that Spirit would be occupied long enough for her to get through the meeting with Lord Death, as she stood in front of the door it opened on it's own and she stepped in "Lord Death you asked to see me?" she said into the large room that seemed to stretch out to infinity.

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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"Well, wonderful. I might just be late today; that isn't good for my records."

The pupil-less boy groaned quietly at he woke up, and first thing first, he walked to the windows and watered his plants he had, ranging from venus flytraps to pretty pansies. Ichigo sighed quietly and watched the blurred movements and stirs of cars and people outside his window as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, since he didn't have a jacket; or rather, a top, since he slept shirtless.

The male quietly walked over to a radio set delicately on a table and played the usual music he did in the mornings to get him motivated and relaxed; usually flutes or traditional Japanese melodies. Ichigo crept into his closet and changed into his clothes; green collared shirt, cargo pants, geta sandals, the norm. He fumbled with his green and white bracelet for a brief two seconds before slipping it onto his left wrist and letting out a brief puff of victory.

Ichigo got up, stretching his arms and yawning as he made way to his desk. Leaning forwards, unhealthily close, he began writing in dark green ink on a piece of paper, and once down, he slowly rose and pushed the chair into the desk.

Grabbing his green bag which lay stationary on his couch, he slung it over his shoulder and brushed out his creamy blond hair, and then afterwards, slipped the green and white ankle bracelet, well, around his right ankle.

Making his way to the door, he turned the knob and snatched up the keys, and poked the key near the entrance; unfortunately for him, he couldn't quite get it in the hole. "Go in, go in," he sighed. Finally, he heard a click, and he jumped at the sound. "I-I think I got it!" The male squeaked in delight, turning the key and locking the door, stuffing the key back into one of his many pockets. The male uses his senses; of course, as he grabbed onto the railing and made his way down the 3 flights of meandering stairs.

Exiting, he left the apartment complex he resided in and walked down the road to the school, hands in pockets as he listened to the eerie sounds of Death City, of course, the cries of crows though made him shiver; mainly because they were quite boisterous and rhetorically clamorous. Trailing down the road, his head gradually lowered to where he only saw the blur of the vanilla coloured sidewalk.

Once he was sure he was close to the school, he looked up and felt the vibrations of a shinigami, called Lord Death, and a couple of Death Scythes, and so, he was sure this was it. Sighing, he stumbled a bit as he went up the stairs and gently knocked on the door, but decided afterwards to just yank it open. In result, he flung the door back a little too hard and nearly fell on his mere bottom, but instead, he caught himself by grabbing the wall.

"Honestly, I believe that door may dislike me," he said softly with a frown. The boy chuckled lightly to himself, clearly a bit amused, and made his way down the hall, only to be greeted by getting hit by someone; or instead, him running into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The boy apologized with his usual soft-spoken voice, as he looked down the see the small blurry form of what seemed to be a girl younger than him. Slowly blinking his glazed-over, pupil deprived eyes, he sighed and ran a hand threw his hair. "Really, I'm sorry. I need to watch where I'm going more. I apologize if I made you mess up on anything, if you were drawing or reading, if I made you loose place or something of sort.." he trailed off, unable to comprehend what he was rambling on about, before realizing he said "sorry" almost 5 times. Perhaps more.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Maka put her bowl in the sink, "Well lets get going" she said as headed out the door.

Soul downed the bowl quickly and then he jumped up, put his shoes on and dodged a glomp from Blaire as he locked the door and closed it behind him. "Jeez, Maka..." he said, "Wait up..." He caught up with her and walked with her all the way to school. Soul heard someone shouting at the kids fighting outside then maka spoke up.

"Oh no it's Papa", Maka thought, if there was one thing she didn't want to do was run into her creepy father right now, especially with the thoughts of her mother still whirling around in her head. She sighed and tried to avoid eye contact with Spirit, "Maybe if I don't look at him he wont notice me" she thought. She turned to Soul "Hey, Soul try to block my Papa's view of me and maybe he wont notice I'm there with everyone coming by", she whispered.

Soul nodded and stepped in front of her, he was a few inches taller than her and his spiked hair helped cover her. "Dont worry i got you covered..." he said, trying to look cool. Of course he really didnt want that bafoon to see him either. Soul didnt like him, he was creepy to soul.

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Spirit Looked at the new. He really didn't know what advise he could giver her. '' Uh well, I guess when you discover some one who your soul's resonate with one another and uh....'' he really didn't Know what could say that made seance. He'ld been only able to resonate with Stine ever seance Kami left him and he couldn't even give advise to his own daughter so he just thought of some more lame explanations. '' just don't worry about it I'm sure you'll find someone who will be your partner. So don't sweat it.'' He kept looking around for Maka. But she was no where to be found. '' she must be avoiding me....again. sighn. We're never gonna patch things up.'' he thought.

Lord Death

Lord Death turns around. '' Well Look who's here its our vary own exspert meister. Kami Avza. Hows it going ?.'' he says holding up a masive hand. '' How're things been did You find the place okay. Oh so many thing's to talk about I don't know where to begin.'' Lord Death said bouncing up and down

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie stumbled as someone ran into her, almost knocking her down. She turned to see who it was,who would push her like that.
"Really, I'm sorry. I need to watch where I'm going more. I apologize if I made you mess up on anything, if you were drawing or reading, if I made you loose place or something of sort.."

The boy before her was adorable, and looking down at her...speaking to her. She blushed intensely and almost slipped into her usual pattern of putting her head down and apologizing for being in the way. She noticed the boy's eyes, he was blind.

"No, it's ok," she meekly responded, touching his arm to reassure him, "I wasn't doing anything important."
She looked down at her feet, she wasn't used to talking to others, but she reached out and touched his hand, "My name is Leslie," her movement were small and timid. It was as if everything she touched would hurt her, the way she avoided people and the things around her. She wasn't sure why she felt is necessary to introduce herself to the boy, but she wanted to. Her fingertips, always soft and gentle, brushed his hand again as she continued, "I am a Weapon."

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Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina noticed that Spirit was being dismissive, and it seemed like he really didn't have time for her. She started to feel a little disappointed but then she rationalized that he must just have a lot of things on his mind, maybe she'd try to ask him some more questions later. Spirit would have to be around after all, it was sort of part of his job. Hina waved her hand at spirit, "Thanks for the advice. See ya." She gave him a wink and continued on towards the class she was supposed to be in.

Hina wandered around in the hall looking for where she was supposed to go, this place seemed much bigger on the inside. As she walked by a couple of girls chatting she paused to ask them for directions, rubbing the back of her head and nervously laughing. It was kind of embarrassing to have to ask where things were. One of the girls pointed her in the right direction and with a quick thanks Hina was off towards the class, moving quickly past people so she wouldn't be late.

Once she entered the classroom she took a seat in the second to last row, towards the back and off to the left side. It was a good seat, unevenly set in the room and just the right distance to the teacher. Hina didn't really like the style of classroom that they were in but she would have to deal with it, because this was going to be her life for the next several years. She started looking towards the doorway, looking at the soul resonance of those who entered, trying to pick out the strong and the weak, the emotionally unbalanced and the spiritually sound.

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#, as written by Lirrin
Algernon bolted into the classroom hoping he wasn't late. He skidded to a halt just inside the door and scanned the room for an empty seat. There, near the back and in the centre, perfect! He made his way to the seat and set his black bookbag on the floor, then sat, pulling his green jacket closeraround him. He nodded greetings to his fellow classmates.

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Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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"Come on Suzu, were going to ba late again if you don't get up!
Suzu rolled over in the bed, pulling the bedsheet clutched in her hands, "Five more minutes..."
Haruka grabs the sheet and rips it off of the girl, who is now laying in just her underwear. Her braids are splayed out in loops around her head. "Damn it Suzu, what did I tell you about sleeping like that," he said shielding his eyes from his younger sister's body, He grabbed her clothes and tossed them onto her face, "Get up lazy ass"
Suzu reluctantly sat up in the bed and stretched her arms out, stroking her braids as she yawned.
"How do you never cut yourself in your sleep," he asked as he turned away from her. Her two long braids he sharp blades braided into the ends.
Suzu quickly slips into her clothes, strapping her pants behind her, "I don't know...I guess I just don't" She giggled and slipped on her shoes, "Ok! Ready to go," she said as she ran over to the open window and placed her hand on the sill, propelling herself through the opening and landing on her feet two stories below. "Hurry up lazy ass! Or were going to be late!" She called up to him from below.
Haruka walks over to the window and glares down at his sister, chucking his school bag down to her. He closed the window and locked the front door as he left. He took the stairs two steps at a time down to her and took his bag. "Alright lets get going," he said looking at his watch," We have 10 minutes to get there."
"Race you there!" Suzu yelled as she sprinted off. She was low to the ground as she ran, graceful, avoiding obstacles in her path with ease. She was a ninja after all.
Haruka dashed after her, and the two ran all the way to the school, making it in no time. He watches as Suzu comes to a screeching halt at the stairs and begins jumping up and down.
"I win, you lose! I'm the best in the world!" she laughed and made a face at her brother.
As he reached her at the stairs he bonked her on the head and said, "Stop acting a fool, were at school now." He had become serious at this point, there were always guys around trying to show Suzu more attantion then he was willing to get.
"Don't be like that big bro!" she chirped rubbing her head with one hand, and reaching down to take his hand in her other. "You're my big bro, I know you will protect me!"
He smiled, but dropped her hand, "Suzu you have to think about what we look like together, if you are holdinh my hand people are going to think were a couple..."
Suzu swooped in front of him and pressed her body close to his, staring up into his eyes, "But big brother...don't you love me?" A little grin formed on her face as he leaned away from her, pushing her back.
"I get it, you don't care what people think about you, but I don't want to be known as the creepy guy who is doing dirty things with his little sister!!!" He pushed her his arm span away and gestured toward the school, "Shall we go now?"
Suzu pouted but said, "Fine." She crossed her arms and put on her tantrum face as she walked next to him and into the school/

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham Character Portrait: Algernon Whittaker
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0.00 INK

The male blinked slowly, and gradually opened his mouth to speak. "Thank you," he said, "I am Ichigo, a meister." Said boy pushed a strand of his creamy hair away from his eyes and sighed, dropping his hand to his side and a soft smile spreading across his plump lips.

"Good, I think. I just suppose I get worried easily, heh." At the end of his sentence, he bowed to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Leslie."

He rose up, though he stumbled a bit, and caught himself. "Oops." Ichigo chuckled, and his gaze followed down the hall. "Perhaps we should get to class, wouldn't want to be late, now would we?" The male turned his back to her and his head rested near his shoulder to look back at her blurry form, before beckoning with his hand for her to follow and speed-walking down the hall, his sandals violently hitting against the ground.

The male sighed as he felt the body heat and spirits of a couple of students, perhaps a teacher, in a room. Seriously, he strode up to the sign that had the door number on it and felt for braille, fortunately, under the real number, there it was.

"Leslie!" The male called softly, not really a yell, but more like a whisper yell, in a way. "I found it!"

Gently, he knocked on the door and slowly opened it, blinking his eyes and seeing a couple of blurs all the way in the back. He felt the strong soul of a girl, and a soul of a male, a rather smart-allec soul at that, and quite sarcastic, though he could tell this one was quite intelligent. He might have to watch out for this guy, at least, keep an eye out.

The male bowed to the students quietly once he entered and quickly made way to a seat, frowning when he almost ran right into one, and he sat in a corner to be exact.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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0.00 INK

Leslie followed Ichigo into the classroom, keeping her eyes down as she walked. She could sense the strong souls in the room, and she knew if she lifted her head she would be able to see them, their glowing souls and their bonds with their partners... She avoided looking up as much as possible, but grabbed his arm and pulled him aside a bit as he almost walked into another student.
She stood and watched as he sat in the corner of the room, and placed her bag on the table next to him. She pulled out her book, but hesitated.
It would be rude of me to just read...he is so kind... Her gaze met his as she looked into his foggy eyes and said, "It's my first day here...I'm not very good at talking to others. But I'm willing to try..."
She knew he probably couldn't see her blushing but pulled her hand in front of her lips anyway, hiding her face.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina
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0.00 INK

Hina started to stare at the blond girl that was stepping into the classroom behind some oblivious dude, she completely ignored the blank look behind his eyes as she kept checking out the blond girl. She looked really cute and Hina wanted her to come up and sit down next to her. She let out a small sigh of disappointment when she sat down next to the kid she had walked into. "Damn it," she called out before putting her feet up on the desk in front of her. "I could use a bit of luck here," She spoke while looking up at the ceiling. Hina looked back down at herself and admired her tummy, she was proud of how much she was able to slim down and really hoped she would have the hottest body in the class, or at least be able to hang out with whoever did. We should make a cute girls club, just for hotties, Hina thought to her self reaching into her bag to pull out a book.

Hina held the book up with her feet up, it was an erotic graphic novel about a romance between a school student and her teacher. She started looking at the teacher and thinking that he kind of looked like a less handsome, black haired version of spirit and she started trying to picture the student, instead of being a baby faced plain looking girl, as herself. She kept reading with a slight blush on her face, completely oblivious to the things going on around her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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0.00 INK

"It's my first day too, so don't worry."

The male comforted, gazing at her, though he saw something move and her hands went up to her face. "Think you can hide from me, huh?" He asked playfully. "I'm not all the way blind yet. I can still see you, but you're blurry."

Ichigo reached a hand out and pried her hands away from her face. "Come on now, don't do that, then we can't see your pretty face, which I am sure, despite my problem, is indeed beautiful, because I don't have to see anyone to be able to think they're gorgeous." He chuckled as he threw his bag onto his desk and stuck his head in it, rummaging through his stuff.

Unfortunately, what he was looking for, he couldn't find. "Darn. Oh well," he muttered softly, and pulled his head away from the back and fixed his hair, his long side bangs tickling his cheeks. "Well, anyways, I hope we'll get to know each other well through time and experience, and if you have any problems, just look for me." He cocked his head to the side, closed his eyes, and smiled gently. "Yep, yep."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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0.00 INK

Suzu bounded into the classroom, flinging the door open as she entered. She looked around with her hands on her slender hips. Two long brown braids came whipping around her she stopped, wrapping around her tan waist before falling behind her. Her brother strolled in behind her.

Haruka walked in behind his sister, standing almost a foot taller then her. The door swung shut and he caught it before it could slam shut. He ran his hand through hid shaggy black hair and placed it on Suzu's shoulder.
"Try not to make a mess of the classroom..." he said to her, "Where would you like to sit?"

She looked back at her brother and looked around the room, noticing a girl sitting by herself. Her eyes lit up as she leaped up onto the desk and used them as a staircase up to her. She landed in a crouch in front of the girl, looking down at the book in her hand, leaning over very close to the girls face.
"Whatcha reading?" she asked holding her finger up to her lips.

Haruka sighed and watched as his sister knocked things off people's desks, and used one boy's head as a step. He shoved his ahdns in his pockets and slowly walked up the stairs to rescue her new victim.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Crona
Character Portrait: Lord Death
Character Portrait: Kai
Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Character Portrait: Hina
Character Portrait: Kami
Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Character Portrait: Algernon Whittaker


Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''


Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''

Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

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Most recent OOC posts in Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

If anyone is still interested, Kaida is about to post assignments for student in her Soul Eater roleplay; Flickering Souls...

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

sorry guys I was gone all day, had to help my older brother move.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

hey guys i have college and i wont be posting that often so please understand if i manage to get at least 2 posts out. i will be on again at 5-6pm so ty for understanding.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

well you guys really haven't missed Much. No one's posting. Chleo is haveing a huge Real Life Problem. So it I hope my Roleplayy hasn't flopped on the first day U.U

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

(I've been using my phone to post today while I was at work but I can't make a character on it.)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I'm here! I wasn't home at all yesterday or until just now today so I couldn't make a character before but I will now. Also, I keep forgetting to hit the space bar...

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Ah, alright then! Thanks! :)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I assumed you have your own apartment. The only one I've know to live at the DWMA was Crona.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Question though, do we have dorms, or do we just go to our house then come back to school each day?

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Alrighty, gonna work on my character now! I can't wait to roleplay in this! :)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Well kiddies I'm gonna go a head and start up the roleplay so lets go

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Yes I am still planning on posting in Kaida's. If she ever decides to move on X3. But we'll Probably be starting this one soon. I'm planning on making a spirit. So I'll be playing approximately Three character's But my Focus is Crona. ( omg my Focus. I sound like a Fal'see from Final fantasy 13 XD) Looking forward to starting soon everyone.

Mission's will be occurring so Don't fret. we're gonna have fun guys trust me.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Im sorry fly...i have work very very early in the morning. Ill be back on around 5 tommorow ET.
And if you want ill double up :3 cuz I got talent and all...loljk but I will if need be.
BTW are you still doing the other one too? I don't want to just abandon her...Im going to stick it out until it fizzles out.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I guess thats okay everyone seemed to have fizzled out in here

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I'll enter my character in tomorrow, by the way.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

If No taker's I'll make spirit

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Love me not would like some one to play. Spirit. So she can play Kami albarn. Any taker's

( she's just to gracious to say it herself )

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

i would like to keep him normal
