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Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate


Nearly a year after the Kishin Asura was destroyed, but now a new Kishin has been born, what is Soul, Maka and the others going to do to save the DWMA and Death City from destruction.

3,615 readers have visited Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate since Mr. Fly on the wall created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A sound soul,
dwells within a sound mind and a sound body...


It has been nearly a year since the DWMA defeated the madness that the Kishin Asura wrought on the people of Death City. All has seemed calm and peaceful, but unknown to Lord Death, Maka, Soul and all the others, a new evil was given birth to after Asura was destroyed once and for all. But like all stories there is no good without evil, the ongoing battle must go on in order for balance to be satisfied.

Maka and the other's have been busily concentrating on becoming Death Scythes and Lord Deaths top meisters. Also a new class, has began making Maka and the others mentors to a new generation. However lurking in the shadows is something sinister, something that has been boiling and brewing long before Lord Death took up his mantle as the Grim Reaper, something that has been around since the beginning of time... Hate.

This roleplay will remain closed to characters till our friends from another RP get their characters in.

Character sheet

Code: Select all
Classifaction: (weapon or Meister)
Apperance:(preferably an Anime Photo)


Love Intrest: ( if any, This is Opional)

Toggle Rules

1. No God Modding.

2. Keep it PG-13 ( as Long as there is no sex I could care less )

3. Play your character's to a sensible degree. (No going overly insane, the madness wavelength died with Azura)

4. post often. ( one liner's are okay, but don't do it constantly. I understand that fight scene can be made of one liner's )

5. have fun.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona
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Kami watched Spirit slip past her and Maka and she shook her head, she didn't understand why he acted they way he did. It was like one day a switch was pulled inside of him and he started to distance himself from her. Then there was a woman who came to her and told Kami that she had slept with Spirit, Kami knew he had always been flirty with other women but never something like that. But she found out the truth when she finally confronted him about it. Kami felt like her heart had been pulled right out of her chest and stomped. And still he was acting like he couldn't stand to be around her, she sighed that she should concentrate on Maka instead of what was done and over with..

'' h....Hi.'' said the boy with the pink hair well at least she finally knew it was a boy. "Well it's nice to know who you are now, Crona and Ragnarok" she said. "Sorry about the purse thing Ragnarock but you should really think about what you call women" she said with a smile.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Soul went down to see maka. he put his hands in his pocket and just stood there.

Maka smiled "Oh I was surprised" she pointed out Soul "Thats Soul my weapon" Maka said with pride.

Kami smiled at Soul, "It's a pleasure to meet you Soul. I've heard allot of good things about you." said Kami with her arm around Maka.

Soul smiled, his sharks teeth showing brightly, "Nice to meet you," he said, "and yeah its not hard to hear about how cool i am..." he said proudly.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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"Well, I can not say it didn't hurt, but I am able to bear with it." The male smiled and hovered over the smaller frame, embracing her with his robust limbs. Ichigo's face hovered over hers, his forehead gently yet firmly pressed against the younger female's.

The Japanese native's creamy strands and locks of vanilla colored hair dangled near her cheeks, pressing them both together as if protecting her, or enclosing her. "I vow to protect my dear friend, despite my being, through anything."

Ichigo's feminine eyelashes fluttered briefly for a few moments before closing, sighing faintly as he listened to the ominous rustle of dead leaves nearby. "It's kind of peaceful out here," the male said, his gaze shifting towards the laughing sun in the sky. That sun slightly creeped him out, though, he could care less.

The male prodded at her back gently, since of course, his arms were wrapped around her back. "I feel unbelievably joyed to have a weapon now. I wonder when we'll be able to begin missions; I imagine that we have to practice though."

Ichigo blinked and chuckled, pressing his plump lips to her cheek, briefly kissing her before breaking away and resting his hands on her shoulders. "This is your decision. Would you like to practice, so I can get used to holding you?" The male rose his thumb and wiped away the rest of the female's tears, and awaited her answer patiently, a lingering coral pink blush plastered onto his high cheeks.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Standing in his arms she closed her eyes and took in her surroundings. She could feel the warmth beating down on them from above, and the hard stones of the courtyard beneath her feet. Her hair drifted slightly in the wind, as the breeze touched her face. Dead leaves rustled close by, and the tree's made a sound similar to the ocean as the wind made the branches dance.

[b]It's kind of peaceful out here," she felt his warm breath on her nose, and his skin pressing against hers.
"The most beautiful things in this world can not be seen, peace is easy to find. You only have to let the other senses carry you away..."

She looked up as he wiped her tears away, "As long as you let me know if it becomes bothersome," she paused, "It's always been hard, my Soul Fire is controlled through my emotions. We need to dual someone before we take on any missions, so you can feel me at my most intense."

She vanished in a smoke and landed in his hands, her the inscriptions formed up the blade, "Right now, I am pretty calm," they rose up his hands just past his wrists, "The more intense the emotion, the further my soul fire will travel across your body, and the more intensely I will burn."

Her demeanor changed, "For now let's practice!" She slowed her breathing and became focused, allowing herself to feel Ichiro's wavelength being passed to her, absorbed it, and sent it back amplifying it's power.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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The male looked down at the burning inscriptions, and breathed shakily, mainly from the sudden shock of the heating sensation. "I see." Slowly, his gaze shifted to the Rekke-ken clutched in his hands. Ichigo gradually tucked his sleeves in on his collared shirt, and now, they stopped at his elbow exactly, ready to get to work.

Delicately slipping the tip of the sword in the dirt, he put his hands on his hips and gently smiled. "Right. Time to get to practicing." The male breathed in deeply, relaxing his mind and soul, cleansing stress and his thoughts.

Grabbing onto the shaft of the long Rekke-ken, he pulled it out of the ground with ease and began.

He did swings, kicks, and even attempted to do a backhand flip by shoving the sword into the ground and flinging his body into the air upright.

After a series of these events, he finished it off by jabbing the sword into the ground, resting the ball of each palm onto the hilt, and balanced in the air upside down.

Blinking his glazed eyes, he barely had any sweat (just naturally) and he seemed to enjoy doing a handstand on the sword. Since it was so tall, it felt nice.

"This is fun," he said, smiling softly. The male's legs of his pants reached down to his knee from gravity, and his shirt reached all the way up to his ribs, since of course, he was upside down. "I kind of feel like a bat. I could easily meditate like this."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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"This is so much fun!" she said, "It's like I'm dancing with your's quite lovely."
He weilded her with the much grace...

Inside Her Soul

A tall oak tree stands on a hill surrounded by a sea of rolling wheat. The grass is flattened all around the tree, and a swing hangs low from a tall branch. The rope is worn where its been held in the same spot over and over again. It still swings, as if someone just hopped off of it. A trail of bend grass leads down to beach where tiny foot prints lead up to the waters edge.
Child Leslie sits bathed in a summer sunset, wriggling her toes in the soft wet sand. She feels the water soaking into her thin white sun dress underneath of her, and the warm summer air blowing through her loose blond hair. The cold ocean water rushes up, crashing around her ankles and cooling her warm skin. She sits with her eyes closed feeling the summer night soak into her skin, her glasses resting on her tiny nose.
She practices controlling her wavelength and listens to a distant Spanish guitar.

She calls out to him from her warm lazy summer happy place, her eyes still closed, "One day, when we resonate just will be able to be here with me..."
She held him up as she meditates, letting time pass without notice.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Crona stood there quietly as soul and maka talked to kami. Kami seemed nice a lot like maka. But Crona Looked around the class room. Everyone else had left. Ragnarok folded his arms and grumbled something about cattle and there simularites between and human women. ''uhh everyone left...uh shouldn't we go do something ...too,''


Spirit rushed into the death room. '' LORD DEATH I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS, WITH KAMI AROUND. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE. NOW MAKA WON'T EVEN LOOK AT....'' he was met with a Reaper chop to the head. Spirit fell to the ground. '' now the where you about to say something ?'' Said lord death spirit stood up. '' Ugh....okay I deserved that. But seriously sir. I can't work around kami. She despises seance the divorce.'' Lord Death shook his head. " spirit your gonna have to give up the past. Its been a long time scene you and Kami ended it, and lets face it things are different now.'' lord death spoke firmly. ''Spirit you need your family back. That is why effective now. I'm releasing you from Death Scythe status. Until such a time when your family issues's are resolved.'' Spirit looked shocked. As lord Death continued. '' I will be informing kami of this status change also.''

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami laughed "Well I was thinking about taking you all to Hobgoblins for burgers how does that sound. I really want to get to know Maka's friends" she said with a smile at the children. She hugged Maka again "I'm gonna go get your father, so he can come too" she headed for the door.

Maka's eyes went wide "What why... Mama stop!" she grabbed Kami's hand. Kami turned and looked back at her daughter, "Maka what is it?" she asked.

"Does... Papa really need to go with us?" Maka asked.

Kami gave her a puzzled look and then sighed "Maka I know your upset with him I am too, but it does no good to sit around and hold a grudge for the rest of your days. Just because someone did something to you, Maka your father isn't a bad man he just made some stupid choices" said Kami.

Maka blinked so her mother had forgiven her father it didn't make sense.

Kami smiled "I'll go get him and then we'll meet you kids at Hobgoblins I need to talk to Spirit alone for a while. If you don't mind too much Maka".

Maka looked down at the floor "Alright Mama" she said.


Kami made her way back to Lord Death's office and once again the door opened it's self. She saw Lord Death and Spirit standing here with an odd look on his face. "Well I observed the class Lord Death and for the most part Spirit did pretty well" she said with a smile.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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The male hopped off the sword and sighed, smiling, his eyes seeming to be a bit watery than usual.

"One day, Leslie. But, I believe it'd be rather easy to get us both in there. In a way, I'm a lot like you." Ichigo allowed himself to show true emotion for once, and he crouched down on the ground next to the sword, smiling in delight as he cried silently. "I think we've had enough practice," he whispered, gazing down at the inscriptions on his wrist and hand.

"Hey, Leslie," he inquired, scooting closer to the sword, his cargo pants clacking from the many iron buttons on it. "do you think I'm too much of a softy? Should I be, well," the male looked down, cringed, and started blushing. Shyly, he ducked his head, even though he hated it, it was instinct. "like, more forward? M-masculine? Should I stop hesitating and just kiss someone and get it over with? I r-remember back when I w-was 15, a girl kissed me on the cheek, and I ended up squeaking and fainting from confusion. I mean, I contemplated in my head and stuff. B-but, like, I don't know."

Hng. I'm usually calm. What's with me? Maybe it's because I feel comfortable around Leslie..yeah, yeah that's it. "Basically I need advice. Women are better with advice."

Suddenly, he shut up, and went blank. His eyes blinked, and his cheeks started flushing further. "Do you mind, like,, normal form? I-I mean, I love your weapon form! I-It's hot! I MEAN, like,, and steamy, because you know, you're hot. THE WEAPON IS, I MEAN. A-and I'm kind of, not calm, hyper maybe, I don't know, I just don't want to turn into a crisp. And I feel kind of awkward."

He went silent again, and this time he rose his head, his long locks and strands of hair brushing his face. The boy's eyes were stained with previous tears, and his whole cheeks were pink, and at the same time, he used the "puppy eye" technique. Ichigo's head shifted to the weapon, and he stared at her expectantly. "I don't want to be labeled as weak..and soft. And can't even kiss a girl. I mean, I kissed you and stuff, on the cheek, but I've know, kissed a girl on the lips before. I-I-I DON'T WANNA DO THAT NOW THOUGH!" The boy's cheeks suddenly turned a shade of magenta, and his eyes watered. "Darn, I'm usually calm! What's going on with me? Leslieeeee!" The male cried, hugging the weapon. "I think it's because I know you a lot now! I feel comfortable. My emotions!~"

Ichigo stared at the weapon with the same, innocent look, unable to get the lingering expression off his face.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie giggled, bursting in sweet, salty smelling smoke sitting lotus style in front of him. Pushing her glasses up on the arch of her nose, her blue eyes magnified in the glass she said, "Ichigo...Onii-chan, why do all men think they have to be stone-walls?"
She smiled and cradled his chin in her left hand, tapping his nose with her right index finger, "It doesn't matter how you display your emotions, all that matter's is that they are there. One can not enjoy the happiest of times, until they feel despair once in their life, nor can one appreciate safety until they are in put in danger...Onii-chan, you simply appreciate things more, and other's may not understand it...but never change the way you are."

She giggled once again, her demeaner changing to a bubbly girl she never knew rested within her, "And it's ok, I know Im hot,' she said winking at him, and mussing his hair a bit. She stood extending her hand out to his, "Would you like to come to my apartment...I have been waiting a long time for my Meister...there is a room waiting for you...though I'm not a very good cook..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo's eyes immediately widened when she took his chin, and then, said she knew she was hot. His high cheeks, since he did indeed have high cheek bones, became darker to a hot pink.

"R-R-Right..." he murmured, and when she offered to come to her apartment, his heart skipped a bit and he almost looked shocked. "Really?! I won't be alone anymore! No more days of constant tending to my gardens! No more days of loneliness! You don't know how much I love you right now!"

The male's voice went high-pitched, and almost sounded convincingly feminine. He sprung up and grabbed her into an embrace, twirling her around for a few seconds before putting her down; though now he felt a bit dizzy. He smiled. "Don't worry! I can handle the cooking. I know some recipes I learned from being alone all these years, and so, I've discovered that I am quite an okay cook."

He fluttered his eyelashes as every deep, secretive, emotion all leaked out of him like an oil spill. Unexplained, extremely feminine behavior, insane crying, he was all letting it out thanks to his best friend, and loved weapon, Leslie Cunningham, and he felt that he needed to pay her back for being so great, as oddly eelymosynary he is.

"I love you so much!" Fixing his hair real fast, he spun in a circle before falling onto his bottom. "Excuse me, I need to regain balance. He, he."

Ichigo stared off into space, and soon, he didn't feel dizzy anymore. He got up quickly and grabbed the girl's shoulders, pulling her face forwards, and kissing her on the cheek, her forehead, and even her lips at one point, but that was by accident, though he didn't realize it. "I am so happy! I can't wait to see where you live? Is it pretty? Do you have nice neighbors? Do you have any animals? Oh oh! May I bring my flute after I check out the apartment with you? I don't have much stuff though, so you shouldn't worry. Dear heavens, this is so exhilarating!"

He broke away from the girl and tapped his bottom lip in thought. "What if there are children there? Ahhhh! I love toddlers and young youth! They're all so cute and sweet, just like my little Leslieeee!" Ichigo squeaked, his cheeks dimming down to a simple, attractive, coral pink blush, and he grabbed her hand. "Of course I will come!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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She watched him bound and jump in glee, such an explosion of emotion was uplifting to watch. She brushed her hair behind her ears and giggles as he rambled, then he scooped her up.
Shock passed across her face, but it quickly passed as he spun her around, before she knew it she was back on the ground, receiving a face full of soft kisses. She wiggled and giggled, pressing her palms againts his chest, "Onii-chaaaan!!! That tickles!"

"I am so happy! I can't wait to see where you live? Is it pretty? Do you have nice neighbors? Do you have any animals? Oh oh! May I bring my flute after I check out the apartment with you? I don't have much stuff though, so you shouldn't worry. Dear heavens, this is so exhilarating!"

"Yes, yes you can bring anything that you would like!"

"What if there are children there? Ahhhh! I love toddlers and young youth! They're all so cute and sweet, just like my little Leslieeee!" Ichigo squeaked, his cheeks dimming down to a simple, attractive, coral pink blush, and he grabbed her hand. "Of course I will come!"

"Well," she started, her whole body slumping a bit, "I have no family..." she covered his hand with her other, "But I live above the Library, and I work there part time, I read to the children there..."

She pulled him by the hand and almost dragged him toward the City, "It's a little small, but I really like it. I hope you don't mind a little mess, I didn't expect to meet my Meister today!"

She spoke as they walked through the streets, toward the Library, "My grandmother used to own the Library, and she let me live here after my parents found out I had the curse too. She was the one that really got me into reading books. And now I get my own key to the Library and everything...It really is a beautful place."

She swung open a heavy door, but before entering the second set of doors, she turned down a hallway and slid her Key into to door tucked away. She pulled it open and let him up the stairs, pushing open the door to her home.

Her shoes clicked on the hardwood floors, before she kicked them off and walked over to the coffee table centered between cream sofa's. She collected up a few books from here and there and placed them on the bookshelves that lines the walls. A large window facing the back of the Library filled the room with light. It smelled of old pages, and lavender in the room, and she soft music could be heard playing from the other room.
Living Room
Living Room

She took his hand and led him to the kitchen, It was small, but untouched. with grey counter tops, and zigzag tiles on the floor. It was decorated with little scultpures, and had black frilly curtains hanging in the window.

She led him down the hall pointing first in front of her, to a nice bathroom, complete with a bathtub for soaking in.

She pushed open her door to the left, "This is my room," then pushed open the door to ehr right..."and this is your room, but feel free to decorate to your liking."

She beamed, "How do you like my-I mean, our place?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Lord Death

Lord death looked up at Kami. " Ah kami right on time. Spirit here was just talking about you. You see its my understanding. That you returning is impairing his job performance. So I've taken the liberty of removing his death scythe status until said issues are worked out. Isn't that just a kick in the head.'' lord death shrugged. '' so I guess that you'll be outta a job for a wile. Don't take it to personally its not that your a bad Personal weapon. Its just I can't be having a death scythe with in my ranks haveing these sorts of issues while on the job.'' said lord death. Spirit looked down at the ground he couldn't at the floor in shame


Crona looked at kami with a qwivering smile as she left. Then he turned to makka and asked. '' M-maka whats hobgobblin's I....I never heard of it.'' Ragnarok threw is hands up. '' I'LL TELL YA WHAT I HEARD. I HEARD SOMETHING ABOUT FOOD, AND ESPECIALLY IF SOME ONE ELSE IS PAYING. NO SKIN OFF MY NOISE KEE KEE.'' crona looked up at ragnarok. and sighed. '' ragnarok....''

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Kami was confused "Lord Death, you know that Spirit is an excellent Death Scythe, I don't understand why you would have me come back if you knew it would affect him" she looked over at Spirit her heart hurt for him she didn't like to see him like this. "I'll do my best not to get in his way or interfere with anything that has to do with him" she feels tears start to sting her eyes "But I beg you... don't take his status. Being back and seeing Maka with Soul has brought back allot of fond memories, we may have had our problems but Im proud that I made him a Death Scythe. Please Lord Death... don't do that, I don't know what I did to make him turn away from me but, even though he hurt me doesn't mean I want him to be unhappy". Kami didn't know what else to say "If you take that from him he wont have anything. It's bad enough that Maka thinks horribly of him. I didn't mean for that to happen" Kami looks down at the floor shakes her head and wipes her eyes.


Maka turns to Crona "Hobgoblins is a burger restaurant that my parents and I used to go to all the time when I was little. I haven't been there since.... the divorce" Maka looked sadly towards Lord Deaths office. "I don't understand why my mom wants to invite my dad... after the way he disrespected her", she started to head towards the exit. "Come on guys we'll meet up with them later".

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo gawked at the blurry sight of the apartment, and though he could barely see it, he felt inside that it was pure and innocent appearing. Perhaps maybe if he got glasses he could see a bit better, as a matter of fact...

"Your apartment is very elegant. The bathtub had a resemblance to a hot tub, I think. I could easily relax in that." The male pulled a green hair band out of one of his many pockets he possessed on his cargo pants and pulled the back of his hair into a tiny ponytail.

Unbuttoning his collared shirt, he sighed. "Moving my stuff into here is going to be a bit hard. I do, well, have a lot of junk. I mean, not messy junk or anything, I just have...useless figurines, pots, etcetera since I love plants. Afterwards, once I get most of my items in here, I'll go to the store and buy some food since I believe I have enough, and I'll make us something gourmet to eat. Does that sound alright?"

The male asked, smiled, and patted her head gently. "By the way, I tend to sing a little when I cook, just warning you ahead of time." Ichigo blinked slowly and took one last glimpse of the living room, and with one swift motion and wave of his hand, he was out the door and running down the street.

Well, to put it simple, he went to his house, got a bag, threw some stuff in it (his glasses, a flute, books, music CDs, food recipes, his green froggy apron, nail polish, shirts, and a pair of cargo pants similar to his pair he was currently wearing). In honesty, it was a trash bag, so a lot of items fit in there. He gave most of his plants and furniture to an elderly lady next door, named Mrs. Newman, and soon he was done gathering mostly everything he needed.

He snatched up his wallet off the ground, since it didn't take him long to move that much out, and he told the manager of his apartment that he was opening it up and ceasing his lease. The people went up and took a look at the apartment, and he was out the door once he was confirmed everything was fine and in ship-shape.

Ichigo's porcelain skin glittered with drops of sweat, he ran back to her apartment, which in all honesty wasn't that far, and walked through the door, a wide trash bag slung over his back with his glasses gently sitting on the bridge of his nose, and though they didn't help much with his sight, it helped him somewhat.

Panting, he slumped against the wall and set the bag delicately on the ground.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Maka started to head towards the exit. "Come on guys we'll meet up with them later".

Soul followed behind maka but then he put his hand on her shoulder. "Maka..." he said softly. "Are you sure you wanna go eat with your father again... I seen how you reacted and you didnt seem all that thrilled..." then he looked towards Kami's direction. "Plus... are you sure its ok for me to come along...? i mean it wouldn't be very cool if i got dragged along but if you need me there i'll go with..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie watching him leave, shutting the door lightly behind him. Turning her back to the door, she blushed as she slid down the frame.
She smiled as she giggled on the floor, "Sable, sable honey, you can come out now...please don't hide anymore..."
A small black fluffy kitten poked her head out from her hiding spot under the couch. One of her ears flopped over her as she tilted her head to the side, Meow!
It looked around, then one she realized Ichigo had gone, poked her body out and scampered across the floor into Leslie's outstretched arms.

She scooped the kitten up and twirled her in her arms, "We have a new friend coming to stay with us," she carried Sable into her bedroom and placed her on the bed.
"His name is Ichigo and he is very nice," she cooed as she slipped out of her uniform and into an over sized dark blue hoodie, and a pair of pink shorts. Braiding her pigtails she started dancing out of excitement.
"And the best part is," she said turning and tapping the kitten on the nose, "he can cook!"
The kitten bobbed and batted at her finger, rolling on her tummy and purring. She layed on the bed and played with the kitten for a while, until hearing her front door shut. She scooped up the kitten, and pranced out into the hall.
She turned to face him, standing to face him, Sable hanging in her arms, twisting her body to bat at Leslie's hair.

"Welcome home Onii-chan!" she said, hurrying over to him and kneeling beside him. She gazed up at him, and smiled, looking very much like a little girl, "This is Sable," she said, letting the kitten go on the floor before him.

Sable looked up scared for a moment...sniffed him...and then climbed into his lap. She stood with her paw on his chest and reached up to touch his noise cute a curious little paw.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina shrugged her shoulders and made her way out of the classroom and into the halls. What was up with this place anyway, when she was spying on Arachnophobia everything was under a tight wrap, it was difficult to even break away for the moments she needed to report. Here... Well she wouldn't be surprised if there were spies everywhere, hiding among the disorganized crowd. Maybe they were just suffering from a failure to plan out the day properly. Yet a part of Hina worried that her new found allies wouldn't be able to protect themselves and that the only reason the Witches hadn't simply ended the DWMA was because of their own constantly infighting. Disorganization vs Distrust and Ambition. Maybe the world was only held together because of a small number of powerful individuals who put up protective shells, like Lord Death.

Hina looked at Suzu and Haruka as they walked along, "So you two are weapons, what kind are you? I'm looking for maybe some sort of polearm or a battleaxe or something really big. I might not look it, but I'm actually incredibly strong." Hina jokingly flexed her arm, which did not show anything other than a typical muscle tone. "Oh, Which was to your place?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo laughed as the small creature crawled into his lap.

"Aww, how adorable!" He exclaimed, extending his index digit to pull the glasses up. The male used his other hand to gently scratch under the cat's chin. "Aren't you a little cutiepie." He crooned, his voice going high and childish in result to being an animal lover.

The Japanese native set the kitten down onto the floor delicately and got up, stretching. He took off his shirt all the way, and grasped it in his hand. "Well, I might as well change into something else. I'm sweating a lot, and I definitely don't want to be smelly. Sorry if I'm a bit of a clean-crazy person, I just hate smelling, and at the same time, I'm going out again to get some food."

Ichigo grabbed the trash bag, and sighed, dragging it across the floor and to his room, the male's teeth baring down against each other since it was grueling, and well, cumbersome. His jaw even began to ache.

"My god, how much did I put in here.." he muttered under his breath, and once he got in his room, he gently shut the door and picked out his wear: white cargo pants, green arab scarf, green converse, white beanie with visor, a green and white turquoise bracelet, and a white collared shirt, though slightly unbuttoned, so a bit of his chest was visible.

Once they were picked out, he exited his room, snatched a green towel from his bag, went into the bathroom, and locked the door. He undressed, went into the shower, and as expected he washed, and then exited the shower, like a cycle. The male quietly grabbed his towel and dried himself, his wet hair seeming longer like this, since of course, he pulled the ponytail out before he went in.

Ichigo gently brushed out his thin strands of hair, and styled it like he usually did, though it was still wet but he didn't mind. Slipping on his clothes one by one, when he was done, he put on the beanie, put on his shoes, and unlocked the bathroom door. The male slipped on his glasses and stretched, entering back into the living room and snatching up his wallet.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka waved his arm to his left, and began walking down the cobblestone road through Death City, "Well were are both ninja weapons." He ran his fingers through his hair, "She has more power than I do, being ninja daggers, she can change into various modes like smoke bomb, or ninja stars. I'm just a chain scythe, usually I wield her."
Suzu skipped a bit as she walked, looking a bit childish walking next to Hina and Haruka. "That's right, Big Brother is the best one to wield me...he knows me so well, and can balance out my soul."
The comment was strange coming from such an immature girl, but when it came to fighting she was a whole new breed.
"Sometimes when we fight, we switch in the middle of battle. It's pretty cool...but I can't use my soul force like Haruka can..."

He shrugged, "One learns great self control when dealing with you like I have," he flicked her braid as he spoke."
They reached the stairs, leading to their apartment rather quickly. He turned to Suzu, but she was already gone...he sighed, never removing his gaze from Hina and smiled, "I locked the glass door before I you have to wait while I let you in." He moved his gaze up to the patio where Suzu had climbed.

She yanked hard on the door, but it wouldn't budge. She looked down the three floors at Hina and Haruka. "No Fair! Promise me you will let me in!" She leaned over the railing and pouted.
"See what I mean," he laughed to Hina, "Killer, but so childish..."
He slid his key into the door and let Hina in. The room was relatively clean, with a few of Suzu's things lying around. Haruka flopped down on the sofa, ignoring Suzu out the door.

" I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME!! JERK!! she yelled as she banged on the glass door,"...lemme in!" she began to pout.[

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina nodded her head as they took turns speaking. "A Chainsaw Scythe sounds pretty damn amazing actually, but you two seem to be paired up pretty nicely between the two of you." Hina looked up at Suzu as she climbed up to the patio, giving her a look over from below. "Damn, you should wear a skirt sometime Suzu." She gave a smile as she came inside behind Haruka, "Your home is really nice and neat, I like to keep my place clean too, but I live alone which makes things easier."

Hina gave a flick of her wrist, able to perform some magic without the need for incantations. On a scale of witches she was in the further part of the intermediate scale, no where near the power of witches like Medusa but much stronger than weaklings like Erica Frog. The locks on the patio door came undone, a simple trick for Hina though she didn't really go around breaking into places these days.

"The two of you have a really nice place, what sorts of things do you do for fun?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Leslie slipped on a pair of pink converse, and sat patiently on the couch with her knees curled up in front of her.Wrapping her arms around them she waited patiently, playing with Sable who was laying next to her batting at her long blond hair.
Her eyes cut over to Ichigo as he exited the bathroom, awwww.....he is so cute! she thought, as she rested her feet back on the ground. She nervously twiddled her fingers, "Onii-chan...can I come too?" she asked in her sweet little voice, batting her eyelashes at him.

She was never one to go out much before, but the thought of staying home alone now that she had her new Meister drove her insane. All she wanted to do was spend time with him, and above all else it was her duty as his weapon to protect him. She looked up again smiling, "Pretty Please!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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"Of course."

He chuckled and rummaged through his wallet, flipping open a mirror and adding on his mascara. "Alright now. Let's go." Ichigo wrapped his arm gently around the girl's neck and tugged on his scarf to loosen it a bit, and lead them both out the door, shoving his wallet into one of his cargo pockets.

Once they began walking down the road, and they found a grocery store, he entered with her and went down aisles, though, he stopped in one of them and leaned forward to look at her in the eyes, pushing up his glasses to stay stationary on the bridge of his pale nose. "Okay, dear. What would you like? Sorry if I'm acting a bit like a parent, but don't get too much junk food. I don't want a pretty girl like you to get sick, though there are things that will be an exception. Ice cream, chips, that kind of stuff I'll allow. Don't eat too much though before lunch. Save a bit of room for some awesome food."

He chuckled and gently tapped the bottom of her chin playfully, his cheeks flushed with a pink, rosey hue, mainly lingering on there from his rambling from before.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Stumbling through the door, she looked up in confusion...I could have sworn it was locked...Shaking her worries she thumbed her nose, crossing her eyes as she stuck her tongue out at Haruka. "Jerk!" she sneered turning her gaze to Hina, "Well brother makes me study a lot, but he takes me out to the beach or to Hobgoblins sometimes. Then her buys me whatever I want! Onii-chan is the best when we just hangout!"
She smiled over at him, "But he is still a jerk!"

Suzu's face barely phased he thought about what he had just seen...I know I locked that door...Is Hina a witch? He Pondered for a moment and decided to approach the topic later when Suzu wasn't around.
"We should go tonight, my treat" he smiled to her, "You can come too Hina, I heard some of the other kids in class talking about going." He leaned back on the sofa, "Usually not my thing, hanging out with others, but maybe you can find out if there are any weapons to your liking in the class."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Mascara?... Leslie wondered, giggling to herself, It actually does look rather darling on him... His arm draped over her shoulders, she walked with her hands in front of her, constantly smiling.
Once they had reached the store he began walking her down the aisles, she raised her finger to her lips and pondered,What do I want...?
He surprised her has he leaned down to look at her, at first she leaned back a bit and crossed her eyes as she watched him lean in, nearly stumbling in the process, I will have to get used to that, she mumbled, as they people around them stopped for am moment, or cut their eyes to her.
Roses bloomed under her skin, as she giggled, "Onii-chan, you're so close to me!" At the mention of her selecting something for herself she stopped to think for a moment, then popped up, "Can we get some Pocky and strawberries?"

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Crona
Character Portrait: Lord Death
Character Portrait: Kai
Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Character Portrait: Hina
Character Portrait: Kami
Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Character Portrait: Algernon Whittaker


Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''


Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
Spirit Albarn

'' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn

"Makaaaaa Chop!"

Character Portrait: Kai

The protective guy

Character Portrait: Lord Death
Lord Death

::bounces:: '' So lets roll up our sleeves,and get to work.''

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa

"What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."

Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul "Eater" Evans

"wow pretty cool..."

Character Portrait: Kami

*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

Character Portrait: Hina

"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

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Most recent OOC posts in Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

If anyone is still interested, Kaida is about to post assignments for student in her Soul Eater roleplay; Flickering Souls...

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

sorry guys I was gone all day, had to help my older brother move.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

hey guys i have college and i wont be posting that often so please understand if i manage to get at least 2 posts out. i will be on again at 5-6pm so ty for understanding.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

well you guys really haven't missed Much. No one's posting. Chleo is haveing a huge Real Life Problem. So it I hope my Roleplayy hasn't flopped on the first day U.U

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

(I've been using my phone to post today while I was at work but I can't make a character on it.)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I'm here! I wasn't home at all yesterday or until just now today so I couldn't make a character before but I will now. Also, I keep forgetting to hit the space bar...

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Ah, alright then! Thanks! :)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I assumed you have your own apartment. The only one I've know to live at the DWMA was Crona.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Question though, do we have dorms, or do we just go to our house then come back to school each day?

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Alrighty, gonna work on my character now! I can't wait to roleplay in this! :)

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Well kiddies I'm gonna go a head and start up the roleplay so lets go

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Yes I am still planning on posting in Kaida's. If she ever decides to move on X3. But we'll Probably be starting this one soon. I'm planning on making a spirit. So I'll be playing approximately Three character's But my Focus is Crona. ( omg my Focus. I sound like a Fal'see from Final fantasy 13 XD) Looking forward to starting soon everyone.

Mission's will be occurring so Don't fret. we're gonna have fun guys trust me.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Im sorry fly...i have work very very early in the morning. Ill be back on around 5 tommorow ET.
And if you want ill double up :3 cuz I got talent and all...loljk but I will if need be.
BTW are you still doing the other one too? I don't want to just abandon her...Im going to stick it out until it fizzles out.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I guess thats okay everyone seemed to have fizzled out in here

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

I'll enter my character in tomorrow, by the way.

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

If No taker's I'll make spirit

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Love me not would like some one to play. Spirit. So she can play Kami albarn. Any taker's

( she's just to gracious to say it herself )

Re: Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

i would like to keep him normal