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Pokemon: A Trainer's Destiny

Pokemon: A Trainer's Destiny


Follow your dreams in an advanced Pokémon RP. Create your own destiny in the Faria region. (NO LONGER ACCEPTING UNLESS YOU'VE ALREADY CLAIMED A SPOT)

4,601 readers have visited Pokemon: A Trainer's Destiny since Queen of Ice created it.


There comes a time in nearly every young person's life that he or she decides to embark on a journey with Pokémon. It's a life-changing experience - a brand new adventure full of joy, sorrow, struggles, and friendship. Every day children leave their homes, eyes gazing into the sky, the dream of one day reaching the stars reflecting within them.

They soon find, however, that the world they've imagined, shining and full of Pokémon and fun, glows with a darker aura. The path they'd mapped out in their heads for years twisted with detours. The people they met were not T.V. characters, and some of them had the worst of intentions. They grow. They learn the world is a complicated place, only made all the more confusing by Pokémon. They learn to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the most sinister human mind and heart. They learn of hatred, of jealousy, of evil.

But don't be discouraged. For every pain and trial endured, an equally powerful experience of joy, happiness, and love is found. They learn trust, the value of teamwork, friendship, and what it means to be a good man or woman.

It is time for you to embark on that journey. It will not be an easy one by any means, but you've spent a few extra years preparing; you could consider yourself "ahead of the game". Just last week you attended your final lesson at your city's local Pokémon Academy. It has prepared you and taught you all the technicalities of the Pokémon: battling, training, contests, moves, typing, status, items, and the like. All students were given their own Pokédex to use as part of the class, which was available for purchase for a discounted price at the end of the program. As a typical graduation present, your parent(s) or guardian(s) have both paid for your Pokédex and gotten you your very first Pokémon. But the rest… well the rest is up to you.

(Not my picture.)

About this RP:

NOTE: This is an RP for serious writers who will stay active, write well, and don't need to be babied or cajoled into writing or behaving properly. It also requires a good understanding of Pokémon.

As explained above, you are a Pokémon trainer about to enter the world of Pokémon with your very first partner! But really, the rest is up to you! This RP is very open ended in regards to what you will do as a Pokémon trainer. Will you brave the Pokémon Gyms? Will you master the Contests? Or perhaps you will find yourself in pursuit of the cryptic "Team Fate". Or maybe your destiny is a more sinister one… This world is full of mystery, wonder, treasure, and excitement; take advantage!

Gameplay will consist of you moving through the "Faria" region, an area that is home to nearly every Pokémon known to man, starting in Adinitium City. There is an underlying plot beside the one you will create for yourself which will intersect with yours at times, but I will not force you along it. You will move from town to town and city to city, collecting Pokémon, meeting people, and advancing in your quest at your own rate (though that is no excuse for inactivity!). The characters you meet and the story will change based on your actions, how you treat NPCs, who you help and who you don't, etc. You may choose to go alone, or you may opt to travel with other players in the RP.

I will be playing a huge cast of NPCs, including wild Pokémon. I will not have a specific character of my own in this RP, though there will be some recurring NPCs. My role is more the role of a judge and a guide. Your actions will have consequences determined by me. You'll have to trust me to be fair, as I will not get into arguments with you. I am the one who determines if you caught a wild Pokémon, beat a Gym leader, etc. based on how well you write and battle. In player vs. player battles, the parties involved will decide for themselves, and if an agreement cannot be reached, the battle will be brought to me, and I will decide who I think deserved to win. I will try to stay out of your way as much as possible, but when I intervene I am the final say.

You will have to earn money to buy things such as Pokéballs. Your Pokémon will have to level up and learn the moves they would actually learn by leveling up. You will have to battle and make choices that make sense with your Pokémon. Your Pokémon will not automatically be healed after each battle, and you will have to stop at Pokémon Centers or use healing items. Check out my interest check thread here to get a better understanding of how this RP will work.

Battles will be done through Private Messaging or some other form of communication, then posted in ONE POST in the IC. This is to prevent flooding of the RP with many very short posts.

Contest will be done in a similar manner, but they will be explained in further detail when the first one occurs. Pokémon will gain experience points from contests as they would in battle, so if you would like to be exclusively a coordinator, that will be possible.

Your Starter and Wild Pokémon:

First: ONLY ONE OF EACH SPECIES OF POKÉMON. If someone picked the one you wanted, you'll have to choose a different one. Maybe you'll catch it later. This is to prevent everyone from choosing Eevee, Dratini, and Ralts like they normally do.

I am not going to limit you to actual starter Pokémon, and you will have the opportunity to catch Pokémon like Torchic and Mudkip out in the wild. However...

The rarity of your starter will be inversely proportional to the rarity of some of the first Pokémon you meet. What that means is, if you pick Dratini as your first Pokémon, don't expect to meet another rare Pokémon for a long, long time. So, Mr. "Oh, I'll start with Dratini, then catch Bagon, and maybe a few Eevees while I'm at it.", it'll be more like, "Oh, I'll start with Dratini, and… Hi Rattata." I consider a Pokémon that has been a starter Pokémon in one of the games to be a modest choice.

Pick a reasonable starter Pokémon. No legendary starters, not even Phione. No Scyhter or other Pokémon that would be too powerful to consider fighting with Pokémon like Mudkip, okay?

Wild Pokémon you meet will be determined by me. If you wish to find wild Pokémon, you should post that you are looking. Based on the environment, I will determine your wild Pokémon via my secret method. I will not reveal to you how they are chosen; all you need know is that it is a random as possible while still keeping limits on the Pokémon you can catch. I am keeping it secret so that you cannot find loopholes or ways to cheat my system to get Pokémon that it wouldn't make sense for you to have and so that everyone can't just get whatever Pokémon he or she wants. Do not pester me to meet a certain Pokémon, or the next Pokémon you meet will be Bidoof as punishment. I mean it. It is random, so I have limited control over the Pokémon you can meet, and I will not ignore my system so that you can get all your favorite Pokémon. You can tell me a Pokémon that you are interested in as long as you don't go overboard, and, while I can't promise you will get it, you will be more likely to. For the most part you will simply have to look carefully and hope for the best.

If you have any questions about gameplay, as this is a very complicated RP, and I know I must have forgotten to mention something, please feel free to ask me. I will explain as best as I can.

Character Sheet:

Your character sheet will constantly be changing. You WILL update it with your information as it changes. If it doesn't appear on the character sheet, it doesn't exist.

Name: (Your character's name)
Starter:[/b: (Your starter Pokémon's species and nickname if you choose to give it one)
: (Your character's age, with a minimum age of 15)
Favorite Type of Pokémon: (Fire, Water, etc.)
Appearance: (Picture of any kind is acceptable as is a written description)
Sexual Orientation:
Personality: (What is your character like?)
Likes: (What does your character like?)
Dislikes: (What does you character dislike?)
Fears: (What scares your character?)
Bio: (Give a brief history of your character.)
Anything Else: (Anything else you think it's important we know about your character)
Relations: (To other significant characters in the RP. If you want to have a relationship with someone's character that existed prior to the events of this RP, that's fine as long as they agree.)

Pokémon Info - (yes, this goes on your character sheet)

Party: (list the (up to 6) Pokémon with you)

PC: (the rest of your Pokémon should be listed here)

Bag: (what items do you have? Right now all you have is 600 Pokédollars.)

~How to list a Pokémon:

Lvl (number followed by name of Pokémon, starters begin at level 5)
Gender: (Genderless Pokémon should be treated as such)
Nature: (Careful, Modest, etc. I mean real natures that exist in the game, natures that WILL affect your Pokémon's stats)
Ability: (Dream World abilities must get my approval)
Moves: (there is still a maximum of four)
Held Item: (when you get an item)

And finally, here's a source to help you: Pokémon Database

Here you can find the base stats and the moves learned by any Pokémon. Really anything you'd need to know can be found here. Good luck, and thanks for taking the time to read all this!

Pokémon does not belong to me.


1) The obvious don't god-mod or meta game rule.
2) The obvious don't break RPG rules rule.
3) Be active or get removed. Notify me of extended absences.
4) Do not start arguments with me. I'm alright with you questioning my decision every once in awhile, but don't be obnoxious about it. My decision is usually final.
5) There is no waiting for other to post or posting order. You advance at your own pace; the more time you put into it the farther ahead you can get. Unless of course it gets to a ridiculous point.
6) A sample of a Pokémon battle must be sent to me via Private Message. It must showcase your ability as a writer AND as a knowledgeable Pokémon trainer. This RP takes base stats into account. Follow the link to the initial interest check above to learn what I mean and to get a good sample post of what I'm expecting.
7) Have fun, and make this RP your own. :)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

Old Sally's Rest Stop

Old Sally's Rest Stop by RolePlayGateway

A little tavern run by an old woman where you can heal your Pok??mon.

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city you are from and your adventure begins in!

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Lake Arcan

Lake Arcan by RolePlayGateway

A large lake said to be full of secrets with a wealthy community on its northern shore.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors


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Far Past Old Sally’s


A curious noise caught Raine’s ears, and she quickly glanced at her X-transceiver. “Update complete?” she echoed. Looking over at Dom, it seemed the one on his wrist had performed a similar action. “Yeah, it sounds like we’re heading to Lake Arcan then,” she said. She remembered hearing some rumors about the place before. “Something about some wealthy people living by the north shore,” she murmured.

Well perhaps she could make some money there, since she certainly needed it if she wanted to get across another ferry. “Hurry up, Luce,” she sighed, glancing back at her pokémon. To her surprise, he was awkwardly trying to be friendly with Dom’s chikorita. Obviously, it wasn’t very easy for him – Raine wasn’t surprised seeing as he was intimidated by Silas and wary of Arden, his own comrades.

However, as the mareep bleated in an attempt at greeting, Raine chuckled. She found his antics a little too adorable. Glancing at her X-transceiver again, she said, “It looks like the lake isn’t too far now. We’ll get there long before night fall.” Picking up her pace a little, she looked up at the sky to see clouds in the distance… come to think of it, she never did try to see how accurate a treecko’s weather predictions are. She noted to herself to ask Silas a little later. It would probably be beneficial to know what the weather would be like while they travelled.

“I wonder what the town’s like,” she mused out loud. She had never been outside of Adinitium City before, so Raine had never visited a lakeside settlement. Although she didn’t show it, she was rather excited about what she would see.

The setting changes from Route 4 to Adinitium City


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Adinitium Pokemon Center

Sean smiled and admired the boy across from him. He was particularly handsome in his own right. Not particularly manly or anything, but his timid nature and shyness managed to wriggle their ways into Sean's chest and play around with his heart rate and breathing. Both of which spiked at the young man's request. Sean opened his mouth to accept happily when... (I know this... he thought hastily) Mike came over and asked to sit with them. A small noncommittal noise came out of Sean's open mouth, which Mike must have took for an acceptance. Sean's smile drooped out of slight irritation, This kid he thought with contempt, Interrupting me and my moves... He returned his focus to the cutie in front of him, holding his buneary.

Sean's interest was perked when Mike brought up Amy. They had just met the day before, why would he be so worried? Unless... Sean thought, his gossip senses tingling, Awww, he's got a crush~ Choosing not to reply to him, in hope he might get the message to let the two others be, Sean kept these recent developments for later, maybe when he could divulge the information to someone.

After a few moments of quick debating in his head, Sean decided it was time to take action, “Anyway, before I was interrupted,” he said, trying not to sound too cross, “I'd love to accompany you and your adorable little friend here.” He inwardly grimaced and turned to Mike, “Do you want to join us?” He offered, “Mike!” he added quickly, probably revealing his mistake more than covering it up.

Mike considered it, but decided against it, “No thanks,” He replied, “I'm gonna stay here for a little bit.”

Sean inwardly threw his fist in the air, Sean gets alone time now!, “Alright, have a good day.” Sean turned and offered his hand to Josh. Part of him was screaming at him that it was too forward, but the rest of Sean cheered him on, “Come on,” he said with a smirk, “Lets get out of here.” His ego was swelling to dangerous levels.

Josh's face turned an obvious shade of scarlet, but hesitantly took the outstretched hand in his. The pair departed from the cafeteria together, hands clasped just longer than normally.

The walk from the pokemon center was a generally quiet one. The pair was followed by Josh's buneary and Sean's kricketot toddling along. Seanapillar was attached to Sean's shoulder securely. He was trying to suppress his habit (well, obsession) with being social. Slowly but surely, he could feel his bubbling need to converse grow inside him. It took a very strong force of will to keep quiet. Thankfully, Josh broke the silence, “S-so...” He said softly, “D-do you know where we're going?” He sounded just a bit nervous, which softened Sean's insides just a bit.

“Yeah, we're going to head south out of the city and head to the ferry to get us across the river,” Josh looked just a little bit intimidated, “Don't worry, I was there last night, we can handle any pokemon that'll come at us.” Sean beamed at his companion and affectionately touched his back.

Together, the two boys exited the city and headed off into Route 4, to continue their journey.

The setting changes from Adinitium City to Adinitium Ferry Dock

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Adinitium Ferry Dock

"I guess you could say that." Derek responded with a playful smile. When Sor had called out for him to wait up, he couldn't stop himself from speeding up a bit for fun. "But then, you move slower then a Slowpoke." He added with a chuckle. Then the word 'Spinarak' was said, which made him shiver for a second instinctively. "Yeah, I owe it to Jet to give it my all." He answered, petting Jet's head as he did. Soon after Sorence began rambling on again, which just made him laugh. "Seems you have a habit to do that." He started with a big grin. Then he thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about it until; "It's little more complicated then that." He said, finally talking again. "You see, when Jet hatched from his egg, I got this sort of, feeling, and I just knew the two of us were gonna be best buds." He started to rub the back of his head, realizing how corny he sounded. "Anyway, I decided to only catch Pokemon that I get that same sort of 'feeling' from." He finished off with another smile. He knew he sounded weird saying this, but he figured it was just something one gets from growing up in a Pokemon Daycare. No sooner then when the ferry was in view, Sorence was sprinting towards it. "Who's the eager one now?" He called out, running after him.

Frank was just getting ready to head out when he heard someone climb aboard his boat. He turned around to meet the youngster with a smile. "Welcome aboard! It cost 50 Pokedollars per person." Then he saw a familiar face hop on. "Derek! It's been awhile." He said, taking their payments before walking to the front to start the boat. "Hey Franky, how you doing?" Derek asked, sitting down against one of the rails. "Better, now that a couple of youngsters chased away that hoodlum who was keeping everybody from coming here." Frank responded, steering out of the port.

The setting changes from Adinitium Ferry Dock to Adinitium City


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Adinitium Pokemon Center

During the whole conversation, Mike couldn't shake the feeling that Sean was angry at him, for disrupting them and forcing him on them. But that all changed when he mentioned Amy. Suddenly, Sean didn't seem so hateful but, at the same time, he gave some kind of dark, knowing presence. Maybe he knew about the crush. No, not a crush, an interest. But, was it really that easy to tell? Or was Sean just good at telling those kinds of things? Wait, shouldn't he be mad if he knew? They were together, right? Mike sighed, way too confused to even try to figure that mess of questions out.

Sean the asked him, if he wanted to join them, or something similar. Mike, politely said no but, he wasn't so sure, still trying to figure out at least of those many questions clouding his skull. Then Sean did something completely unexpected. He got up and stuck his hand out to Joshua. A handshake, perhaps? Josh, gingerly took Sean's hand and they walked out, still holding hands. And not how a mother and child would but, how two longtime lovers might. Suddenly, a lot of the questions, just got answered.

Mike stood up after they left and let out a deep sigh. Sadly, it made a lot more sense that Sean played for that team. Based off the way he acted and did somethings. Honestly though, Mike could care less about that type of thing. But, now nothing was keeping him from Amy. His face quickly redden as he thought about it and he shook his head, quickly, trying to get that idea out of his head.

Mike paced a bit, wondering what to do, when he looked down, noticing his poke balls. Feeling pretty bad about not letting Doug eat with them, he tossed the ball, releasing his Aron, and catches the ball. Doug, upon being released, looked up at his trainer, angrily. Mike sighed. "I'm sorry, ok? But I had to talk to them, without you listening." The Aron grunted and rolled his eyes. His trainer then picked up his second poke ball. "How about we meet our new teammate?" The pokemon looked at the ball and stared at it, wondering about his new pokemon. Mike chuckled at Doug's reaction. "I'll take that as a yes." And with that, he threw out the ball.

As soon as the Hoothoot was let out, he looked around, now noticing he wasn't in his usual surroundings. Mike and Doug, both, cautiously, walked over to the Hoothoot. "Hey, little guy." The pokemon jumped up, sun in the air, landed and tilted his head to the side. "Hoot?" Doug suddenly charged in and stopped, sliding a bit, their heads barely touching, once the Aron stopped. He then preceded to tap his forehead against his new comrade's, telling him who's boss. Mike ran over to them, trying to stop Doug before he did something stupid but, Hoothoot mimiced what Doug just did to him, softer so he doesn't hurt himself.

Mike and Doug, looked at each a bit surprised at how that bird reacted. Hoothoot made what was probably a smile. "Hoot, hoot!" Mike chuckled. "I think that means you want to join us." The Hoothoot hopped up and down, nodding. Doug grunted, trying to act indifferent but, Mike could tell he was happy. "But what do we call you? I mean I would prefer if you had a name..." They all thought for a moment before Mike snapped his fingers. "How about Sho? It means fly." The Hoothoot hopped up and down. "Hoot!" Doug groaned, this time completely not caring. The trainer smiled. "I'll take that a yes." And with that, the newly named, Sho jumped up, flapping its wings fast enough for him to land right on Mike's shoulder. He then looked at Sho. "You like it being high don't you?" The Hoothoot nodded. "Hoot, hoot! Hoot!" The trainer smiled again and looked at Doug, waving him on. "Come on, lets get out of here." Mike then went out of the door, Doug, grunts and follows him.

As the group left, Mike was tackled to the ground, Sho fell off his shoulder and lands on top of Doug, knocking him to the ground as fell. The trainer thought he was about to be attacked but, instead he started getting licked, all over his face. After a couple minutes, the licking slowed enough for the trainer to get a look at his "attacker"; the Houndour that they saved and had been watching. She stood over Mike, panting a bit. The pup seemed a lot better, now that she was off her bed but, her rips still stuck out and some of the bruises were still visable. It was still pretty sad, how some could be so uncaring to actually be able to cause so much harm to an innocent pokemon. Mike sighed and, gently pushed the Houndour off of him and got to his feet. Doug manages to push Sho off and stand. Sho, on the other hand, refusing to use his other foot and kept falling as he got knocked around. His trainer felt some pity for the bird and picked it up, placing him of his shoulder.

Houndour ran around the little group for a bit, wanting to play and probably even come with them but, she was still sick. The pokemon coughed once or twice as she continued her run. Mike sighed. He felt for the pup, he really did, but, when all was said and done, the Houndour still needed medical care. The trainer then stopped her from running and knelt down in front of her. "I know you want to come with us but, your still sick, and this is the best place for you to get better." The Houndour tilted her head to the side and whimpered. Mike sighed again and stared at the pup. "I'm sorry girl but, your health comes first. You can understand that, right?" She, sadly nodded. He could barely handle, looking into those sad eyes but, he had to endure, for her sake. "Hey, how about if, when I come back, if you still want to come with me, I'll let you." She barked loudly and started to run again, her strength renewed by those simple words. So, with a heavy heart, Mike left, saying bye to Nurse Joy and the Houndour.

Heading straight for the gate, he saw both, Sean and Josh leave together. Mike, without much thought ran up to catch them. "Hey! Hey, guys!" He soon caught their attentions and was able to catch up. He the bent over and panted. "S... sorry if I'm... intruding." Mike the stood up, his panting stopped. "But we are kind of going the same way and its safety in numbers." Damn it, he wasn't saying this right! "So, umm, could I please travel with you two. And if I really am a bother, we can spilt up at the next town." Mike, finished it all off with a nice, nervous smile.

The setting changes from Adinitium City to Adinitium Ferry Dock

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#, as written by Sorence
Adinitum Ferry. Mid-Way

Sorence paid Frank the 50 Pokedollars and stepped onto the boat, following Derek onto the railing on the front of the boat. He politely smiled towards the conversation the duo were having. He was a little surprised about the people who chased a man who harassed riders on the boat. He wanted to keep out of their conversation, seeing how he didn't know the man, but he couldn't resist asking him about it. "Hey, Franky? Do you know who chased the guy out?" Franky gave Sorence h funny expression. He didn't know the boy, but he looked like he knew Derek. "Well, I don't know the guy and gal who did it, but I can tell you about the guy who was here. He wore an all black suit with a giant 'F' in the middle of it. He would run around with his Skunky and Zubat and terrorize all the trainers who come by here." He said while speeding up the ferry. Sorence nodded at the idea of the man he was giving him.

Sorence then asked, "What about the trainers that took him down?" "Well," Frank began. "I'm not sure about their names, but I saw the boy had a Ducklett and a Chickorita while the girl had a Pichu. The 'F' guy then ran off after losing to them, but left his Zubat behind. The boy took the Zubat with him and I haven't seen them since." Sorence flipped over, elbows on the railing. He looked off towards the other shore; they were almost there, in just a few minutes. He was pondering for a few minutes while Frank talked to other people on the ferry. He then flipped over again to talk with Frank. "Well, I don't remember anyone... Oh wait! I remember. Dominic had a Chickorita. Magby tackled Chickorita on the day we left. I'm not so sure on the chick though. Any idea Derek?"

Frank yelled towards the group on the boat, "Ok! We're at shore." Sorence pushed off the rail he was leaning on and exclaimed, "It is time to go Derek, let's skip the stop and get on the road!" He sprinted off the boat and yelled back to Frank, "Thanks man for the ride. Definitely will come again!"

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Add Setting » 6 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

Old Sally's Rest Stop

Old Sally's Rest Stop by RolePlayGateway

A little tavern run by an old woman where you can heal your Pok??mon.

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city you are from and your adventure begins in!

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Lake Arcan

Lake Arcan by RolePlayGateway

A large lake said to be full of secrets with a wealthy community on its northern shore.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The GM
Character Portrait: Bianca Berlitz
Character Portrait: Sean Adam Pillar
Character Portrait: Raine Selwood
Character Portrait: Mike Richards
Character Portrait: Derek Silverstone
Character Portrait: Artemis Charles


Character Portrait: Artemis Charles
Artemis Charles

A tall gentleman approaches his trusty growlithe beside him!

Character Portrait: Mike Richards
Mike Richards

Pokemon lover; born and raised.

Character Portrait: Raine Selwood
Raine Selwood

"If we just stay out of each others' way, there's no problem, right?"

Character Portrait: Sean Adam Pillar
Sean Adam Pillar

"Everybody loves the Seanapillar~!"

Character Portrait: Bianca Berlitz
Bianca Berlitz

Soon to be contest prodigy


Character Portrait: Sean Adam Pillar
Sean Adam Pillar

"Everybody loves the Seanapillar~!"

Character Portrait: Raine Selwood
Raine Selwood

"If we just stay out of each others' way, there's no problem, right?"

Character Portrait: Bianca Berlitz
Bianca Berlitz

Soon to be contest prodigy

Character Portrait: Artemis Charles
Artemis Charles

A tall gentleman approaches his trusty growlithe beside him!

Character Portrait: Mike Richards
Mike Richards

Pokemon lover; born and raised.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sean Adam Pillar
Sean Adam Pillar

"Everybody loves the Seanapillar~!"

Character Portrait: Artemis Charles
Artemis Charles

A tall gentleman approaches his trusty growlithe beside him!

Character Portrait: Raine Selwood
Raine Selwood

"If we just stay out of each others' way, there's no problem, right?"

Character Portrait: Mike Richards
Mike Richards

Pokemon lover; born and raised.

Character Portrait: Bianca Berlitz
Bianca Berlitz

Soon to be contest prodigy

View All » Places

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

Old Sally's Rest Stop

Old Sally's Rest Stop by RolePlayGateway

A little tavern run by an old woman where you can heal your Pok??mon.

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city you are from and your adventure begins in!

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Lake Arcan

Lake Arcan by RolePlayGateway

A large lake said to be full of secrets with a wealthy community on its northern shore.

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Route 4 Adinitium Ferry Dock Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

Adinitium City

Faria Region Adinitium City Owner: RolePlayGateway

The city you are from and your adventure begins in!

Route 4

Faria Region Route 4 Owner: RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Old Sally's Rest Stop

Route 4 Old Sally's Rest Stop Owner: RolePlayGateway

A little tavern run by an old woman where you can heal your Pok??mon.

Lake Arcan

Faria Region Lake Arcan Owner: RolePlayGateway

A large lake said to be full of secrets with a wealthy community on its northern shore.

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