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AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production

AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production


It may be 2011 to everyone else, but for Troy Desmond and the new recruits of Ethro Inc., the time is whatever they want it to be. Remember, dear reader, that history is only as accurate as the author of the book...

1,322 readers have visited AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production since RecAgenda created it.


Image A RecAgenda Production

TL;DR Version (lazy)

Alright... this is the first time for me to attempt a roleplay involving time travel as a key element of the story. Even though the characters are not constantly jumping through time, it does involve the idea heavily in the plot. However, I'm not going to bother explaining how it works. In dialogue I have already drafted out a character that supposedly knows how it is done but refuses to explain it simply because the listening character will not understand, its not important, and its classified. I've got the pretty light effects, the mental and physical side-effects, etc. planned out and ready to be explained (later, if this gets some interest); but not much more than that for the sake of preventing argument, confusion, and to simply side-step the routine sci-fi mumbo-jumbo.

So, here's the plotline in a nutshell: big military contracting company has a time machine. Awesome. They send a Recovery Agent (their time travelers) to extract the last of the Western Roman Emperors (Romulus Augustus) after his deposition and surrender of Rome to the Germanic Chieftain, Odoacer, in 476 AD.

The whole idea is to bring significant figures of history that, later in their life, disappear from the history books into the future. Basically, Ethro (the company) does not extract figures such as Benjamin Franklin or Leonardo da Vinci because of the butterfly effect - everyone knows how their life plays out. But figures such Romulus Augustus, those who's conclusions have eluded historical record, are viable targets for extraction as soon as they, historically, are no longer being recorded by timelines. Why? Research; plain and simple. While the brainiacs at Ethro may claim this, the higher-ups of the company simply use this for testing purposes for a larger, more military-related scope.

Now here's where this roleplay will separate itself from other RPs. I'd like each participant to write their posts in both first- and third-person perspectives; switching between the two as if their main character was a commentator adding to the third-person narration (view the rules to learn how to do this).


Amongst the billowing smoke and the screams of terrified innocents running about the ravaged city - what was once the jewel of the world - banners of their enemy are being raised and hoisted on every high rooftop in sight. Monuments are being looted, women taken by merciless brutes, and fathers slaughtered before the very eyes of their sons and daughters. Rome, fallen. The glorious empire is now no more. It was only a matter of time before the Goth hordes invaded and took the city. The struggle only lasted through the night; by morning their Chieftain, Odoacer, was sitting on the throne of Caesar demanding that the city's last emperor, poor twelve year-old Romulus Augustus, hand over the Western Roman Empire to Germanic rule.

Through the streets of Roma walks a man that clearly does not belong. He is neither Roman or Goth. He is not from the Eastern Empire, either. His clothes are foreign, as well as his posture and his weaponry. Black combat boots clomp against the cobbled road as he storms his way through the chaos of the streets, towards the Castel Sant'Angelo (at least, it will be known by that name later on in the timeline); where Romulus is waiting at the end of a Germanic sword. Aside from the steel-toed boots, the strange man is also dressed in a light-weight, black combat uniform with a Kevlar vest, grip gloves, and Oakley's sunglasses. Strapped to his right hip was a Five-Seven pistol attached with laser sights, reflex sights, and pouches around his waist with five magazines of twenty match grade ammunition. Wrapped over his shoulder and hanging down his back was an SC3000 assault rifle with an adjustable gun stock, suppressor, and five magazines in separate pouches above the sidearm pouches of thirty hollow point ammunition rounds. It was clearly evident that he didn't belong. Quickly, the man made his way across the bridge leading to the fortress.

You know, I don't think many wake up in the morning and are prepared to travel back in time to the year 476 AD. Most would just prefer to sip their morning coffee and fight the rush hour all the way to work and live out a mediocre life with a mediocre job. But that's where I stand out from the rest. Yes, I'm the guy that just arrived in the year 476 AD; the guy that isn't stuck in rush hour traffic…

Four Germanic brutes began sprinting towards him with swords and maces raised in the air; yelling at him in very disgusting-sounding language. The foreigner draws the Five-Seven from his holster and fires two rounds in the closest target; one in the chest, one in the head. The warrior buckles and falls forward, flat on the surface of the stone bridge. His comrades come to a dead halt and look from one to the other. One of them shouts something in his language, probably saying "Sorcerer!", and takes to retreating back across the bridge. His friends follow suit.

...And definitely not the guy living a mediocre life with a mediocre job. My name is Troy Desmond, and I work for a company called Ethro Industries. It’s a technology corporation that specializes in state-of-the-art, military-grade weaponry and logistics technology. Our latest toy? Yeah, you guessed it. What else other than a time machine would allow a guy to go walking through Rome on September 4, 476 with kick-a** guns and Kevlar?

Before I go any further, let me explain what I'm doing here. Last year, Ethro finally completed construction of the Aevus - the time machine - and had been testing it out with several brave volunteers. After multiple successful travels, the scientists that developed Ethro and many well-known historians - who were paid dearly to keep the device's existence a secret - wondered what it would be like to bring a figure from the past to the present. That's where I step in. I'm what's known as a Recovery Agent. My mission is to travel into the past and pick up whoever these brainiacs want to have an afternoon teatime with. However, I can't just run back in time and kidnap whoever; it’s a bit more complicated than that. You see, this isn't like Michael Crichton's book Timeline, this is still all in one universe. If I remove, say, Isaac Newton from the past and bring him to the present, then that whole theory about the apple goes out the window and we don't know gravity from gravy. Same thing with Thomas Edison, or Leonardo da Vinci - although I would like to ask him why he never put eye brows on the Mona Lisa. We can only recover persons who eventually become lost in time; where the history books simply stop recording their lives and drop them off the page. Basically, I recover those that history has forgotten, or in this case, will eventually forget.

What about the butterfly effect, you ask? Yeah, I know; I'm shooting bullets in a time where there are no bullets. I get your drift; but believe me, we're more careful than you think. Those rounds I'm shooting aren't normal hollow points and match rounds. Each bullet is made up of a special alloy that deteriorates over time. It may be as hard as an actual round when its fired, causing the same amount of damage as it would if it were normal, but the alloy slowly erodes into nothing after a few months. As far as recorded sightings of us "foreigners", we don't make ourselves known to the general public of the past. And on a day like today in 476, where Rome is in a state of complete chaos, I'm practically invisible. If anyone does see me, they're in too much of a state of shock to remember me the next day.

Troy makes his way to the other side of the bridge without having to fire anymore rounds from the Five-Seven, still gripped in his hand with the muzzle lowered to the ground. The guard tower entrance had been forced open by the Goth invaders. Bits and pieces of whatever make-shift barricade on the other side of the wooden doors had been strewn across the entry way and into the courtyard beyond.

As he passed through the secondary gate and into the circular entrapment surrounding the main tower, several barbarian warriors leaped out from either side, slashing their weapons. Troy's special ops training kicked in automatically and he lunged forward, keeping low to the ground and rolling away from the swinging axe that nearly brushed his hair. Raising the Five-Seven and steadying his aim, Troy capped the man with the axe first. His weapon was longer than the others and posed the greater threat. He then proceeded to down the other two barbarians that were aiding him, without sparing a moment longer. He then continued through the main entrance of the Castel Sant'Angelo. In this present age, the castle is actually known as the Mausoleum of Hadrian; a cylindrical tomb built for Emperor Hadrian. It was a building project that lasted from 135 to 139 AD. It became a military fortress in 401, was looted nine years later when the Visigoths sacked the city, and will later be attacked again in 537 by the Goths. It seems Rome could never quite keep their enemy's at bay after the turn of the 400's. The statue of the Archangel Michael, standing triumphantly at the top of the tower, wasn't added until after the end of the plague in 590, when legend claims that the angel was seen sheathing his sword to signify the end of the bubonic.

After climbing his way up the tower and towards the prison cells, Troy stopped at the corner of the chamber where he heard a mixture of voices. One voice was deep and of a boastful nature, the other sounded questioning and fearful. Troy decided that now would be a good time to test out Ethro's latest toy. Placing a finger to his ear he pressed in slightly until he felt and heard a faint click. The small, while ear bud in his right ear acted as not only a voice amplifier (able to discern human voices from other noise), but also an audio translator. There was a moment of white noise in his ear as the device listened closely to the language and dialect, and then within seconds, the Saxon tongue instantly morphed into the familiar modern English that Troy loved to hear.

"Odoacer wants the runt to be taken to Campania;" the first voice said, "to what the Romans call the Castellum Lucullanum."

"I don't see why we can't just kill him… right here and now." Troy heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. "The last of Caesar's blood… spilt on the floor of a prison."

Troy was about to make his move, before anyone's blood went anywhere; but stopped himself when he heard another, weaker voice. This one was much younger than the other two; and he knew it had to be his target.

"Why is Caesar treated so?"

The first voice began to bellow in laughter. "He speaks German! By the gods! Now we can't have any of that where we're taking you, boy. Maybe we should cut out your tongue."

"Humiliation over death?" the second voice said. "That sounds like twice the fun!"

Troy decided that he had been waiting long enough. If Ethro wanted to speak with Romulus in 2011, then Troy would have to recover him from 476 with his tongue. The Recovery Agent holstered his Five-Seven, but grabbed his SC3000 rifle and swung it around on the three-point sling and out in front of him. Already on fire and charged, Troy stepped around the corner and raised the iron sights. His target's couldn't have been in a more perfect position; one standing right beside the other. From where Troy was entering the room, one devastating hollow point round would travel through both of them.

Squeezing the trigger and feeling the burst of the rifle, Troy exhaled and let the air flow from his lungs as the bullet left the barrel of the rifle. It was if the round was leading his breath. The round travelled through the first target, leaving a gaping hole in his side where a spleen should have been, and into the next, throwing him into the wall. When he confirmed that both were good kills, he darted towards Rome's last emperor, the young Romulus Augustus; shackled to the floor and wearing tattered and torn robes.

Coming face-to-face with your target for the first time may not be a rush for you if you've done it a dozen times over with others; but it is for them. Looking at the eyes of a strangely dressed man with seemingly magical powers that can tear holes in the bodies of his enemies can be a bit… overwhelming. But regardless of the circumstance, its always polite to greet them nicely in their own language.

The boy simply stared in astonishment as Troy examined at the iron shackled binding him to the stone floor. A moment later, the Recovery Agent reached inside one of his pouches and revealed another ear piece. He raised it up to Romulus so that he could see what he was about to give him, and then turned his head and pointed at his own ear, showing him the matching piece. Troy then gently placed the translation device in Romulus' ear and pressed inward until he felt the click. Letting a moment pass by, Troy gave enough time for the device to activate and begin listening for voices to translate.

"Emperor Romulus Augustus," Troy began, speaking in English, "do you understand what I am saying to you?"

The boy's eyes grew wide in astonishment and he replied in Latin, "Yes."

Smiling, Troy patted the kid on the shoulder and said, "Then it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I don't have much time to explain, but for now; hello and nice to meet you. You can call me Troy Desmond. I'm from the future."

Troy managed to keep Romulus quiet long enough for him to concentrate on picking the locks of his shackles. When the boy was free, he tried to run; but he couldn't escape from Troy's strong grip. "Hey! Relax, kid! I'm here to help you, in case you haven't figured that part out by now."

"Who are you!?" Romulus demanded.

Troy gave him a puzzled look. "I already told you-"

"You're either a sorcerer or a trickster! Which is it?!"

The Recovery Agent rolled his eyes and walked past the pipsqueak ruler; or at least the former pipsqueak ruler. "Have you surrendered control of Rome to Odoacer, yet?"

"What kind of question is that, foreigner?"

Troy turned to stare him down with an intimidating glare. "Have you, or not?"

Romulus looked down at his feet, and in a quiet voice full of shame and regret said, "I have. Lord Odoacer is now the ruler of the West… I have failed my father."

Any sympathy towards the child would have to wait until 2011, which would hopefully arrive in a few short moments. All Troy needed to hear was that Romulus had surrendered control of Rome to the Chieftain of the Goths, Odoacer, so that the timeline would not be disrupted. After receiving such an ironically positive response, Troy spoke aloud but not to Romulus, which must have confused the boy even more. "Okay, Sarah," he said with a smile, "we're ready for a full recovery. Bring us in!"

Romulus raised a brow and asked, "What are you-?" but was cut off when Troy grabbed his wrist.

"Take a deep breath, your highness," he said, leaning in close and wrapping his other arm around the boy. As Romulus struggled to break free, both of them felt a shockwave erupt below on the floor. Soon after, nothing. It was all white… just pure white.

Toggle Rules

First- and Third-Persion Perspectives

As you may have noticed in the opening to the story, I used a combination of both third- and first-person narration. I find that this adds a considerable amount of depth to the characters and makes the story more interesting, as well as entertaining. It also may remind you of the TV series Burn Notice.

I ask that each participant of the roleplay put this into practice. You don't have do it extremely often, and maybe not in every post. But when you do, use quote tags.

Character Applications

Try not to make your character sheets too detailed. The secrets of their lives and who they really are will be revealed through the combination of mixed first- and third-person narration.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

Metro Coffee Shop

Metro Coffee Shop by RolePlayGateway

A popular "mom & pop" coffee shop in the Washington District. The typical rendevous place for Sarah and Troy.

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD by RolePlayGateway

The capital and icon of not only the free world, but of capitalism itself. Ethro Inc.'s military headquarters is located just beneath the surface of the National Mall, with the entrance being the Washington Monument.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors

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Time travel isn't as fancy as you think. There's no swirly worm holes with pretty colors, no spaghettifying of your body as you're sucked into another dimension, and there's no speeding cars leaving behind flames on tread marks. All it is, is a quick shockwave followed by a bright, white light. The next thing you know, you're waking up feeling like you've just been drugged by a powerful anesthetic. You're partially blind, drowsy, and you have a nasty, sore throat.

"Standby," a female voice said over an intercom in the chrome-walled room with lit up floor tiles. "Atomization complete. Scans show no need for detox. Welcome back, Troy."

Troy blinked his eyes several times before forcing his body to sit up straight in the leaned-back chair of the Aevus. Even though the apparatus was actually quite comfortable, Troy felt as though his entire body was crying out from soreness. Look over to the other Aevus chair, he saw Romulus breathing rapidly and gripping the arms of the chair. He was in shock; which was normal for a first-time atomization. According to Sarah, the owner of the voice that came over the intercom, "atomization" was the process of breaking down and rebuilding the molecule structure of a subject and transporting the data through the space-time continuum. Troy decided it was best he didn't ask questions; as that would just make him headaches and open up room for even more questions. He did know, however, that the sock, a sore throat, aching pains, and sometimes nausea were the side effects of atomization. Their extremes lessoned the more you became accustomed to using the Aevus.

"Welcome to the future," Troy said to the panicking boy laying only a few feet away from him.

A temper-glass door on the far side of the Aevus Chamber hissed and slid open, making way for two HAZMAT-clad men entering the room. Even though the scanning process revealed that both Troy and Romulus were clean of harmful biological agents, once could never be too careful. In the next few seconds, a needle that one of the men was carrying would inject a powerful sedative into the boy's system; preparing him for a full medical examination to take place over the next hour and a half. Meanwhile, Troy would have another attempt at taking Sarah out for coffee. She could be quite stubborn, but Troy felt that some of her barriers were weakening due to his charm.

As Romulus' now-sleeping body was carefully rolled out of the chamber on a wheel chair, Troy slid off his Aevus and made his way out behind them and stopped outside another temper-glass door that peered into a dimly-lit room with a large one-way window against one wall, looking into the Aevus chamber. Several computer screens provided a faint, bluish glow that made out the faces of several technicians working tireless around the clock on Ethro's time travel missions. It was almost ironic to think of it in that sense.

Troy saw Sarah's beautifully blue-lit face turn away from her screen and look up at him. She gave a quick smile and waved, forming her open palm into a "one minute" gesture. Troy stuck up his thumb in response, pointing it over his shoulder to tell her that he'd be waiting. The direction he was pointing his thumb indicated that he would be near the armory. He still had to remove his combat gear and turn in his weapons to the armorer. As much as he loved his Five-Seven and SC3000, they were paid for by Ethro.

After placing ejecting the chambered round from the Five-Seven and inserting it back in the magazine, he approached the armory window and held the pistol at the reverse position of pistol-ready. They called it "choking the chicken" because you would holding the weapon safely by the neck of the barrel, allowing the armorer to grab the pistol grip and see inside the open chamber in case a round had not been properly eject at the clearing barrel, as well as to double-check that the weapon had been placed on safe.

The armor said two words: "Safe, and clear." Troy repeated the words to verify that the armor did, indeed, follow safety procedure before allowing him to turn in his last weapon. Ethro may be a commercial entity, but their privatized military department follows the same procedures as every other properly-trained military organization.

"Did you hear?" the armorer asked. "We got some new blood that came in today. Fresh recruits, ripe for the picking!"

"Really?" Troy loved it when new kids came aboard. He especially loved the look on their faces when they used the Aevus for the first time. As the most experienced Aevus operative, Troy was in charge of training new recruits. He would show them the ropes, get them used to the procedures, and then finally release them on their own to carry out missions like the pros he would make them out to be.

"Look's like you got someone waiting for you outside. I see her on the security cam. Is that… Sarah?"

Troy turned to glance at the closed armory door behind him. "Probably. I told her be around here."

His armorer looked at him with a big smile and wink. "Go get her, tiger!"

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I had everything. I was the most powerful man in the world. I controlled an entire empire. I am Caesar! ...What happened to me?

The boy's eyes squinted in the bright light that seemed to radiate from above him. He had been lying down and his muscles were stiff. Trying to bring a hand up to cover his eyes from the light, he found that his limbs had been restrained. They're weren't shackles, however. They were made of a different material, something more comfortable than the iron-clad chains he had been restrained with only moments ago. Lifting his head, Romulus looked around the white room. There were several objects that were completely foreign to him. They seemed to have lights of their own, and moving paintings. But their colors were not of nature. They were something else all together. When he looked down, he found another surprise. The ragged and torn royal robes he had been wearing before his encounter with the foreigner had been replaced with white linen; trousers and a shirt. His feet were bare, but clean, along with his hands. As far as he could feel, his face and hair were also bare of the dirt, blood, and soot he had been covered in before.

There was a hiss and his head snapped around to see part of the wall moving into itself. A secret passage of some sort? He knew that his home had many secrets of its own, including similar moving walls, but none of them were nearly as subtle as this one. From beyond the passage, two men dressed in long, white coats and light-blue trousers entered the room. One of them was wearing an odd contraption that wrapped around his eyes and seemed to be supported by both of his ears. Glass shapes dropped over his eyes and reflected some of the light above Romulus.

The man with the glass contraption approached Romulus and looked over him, blocking all light from above. He smiled and asked the boy, "Romulus? Can you understand me?"

Never have so many thoughts ran through my mind at one single moment in time. I knew that his tongue was foreign to my own, but I couldn't help but completely understand it, even think in it. Before, I had responded to the foreigner in Latin; but I responded to this one in his own tongue. How?

"Yes." Romulus' eyes were wide and full of shock. "H- How? Who are you?"

The man leaned back out of the light, blinding Romulus once more. He quickly closed his eyes tightly to save his sight. "You may think magic, my boy, but we call it science. This may be a shock to you, Romulus, but you're no longer in the year four hundred and seventy-six. You're in the year two thousand and eleven. My associate, here, and I are doctors."

"You're lying!" Romulus exclaimed, still squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head no.

"It is normal to say that," the other man said. "Like he said, it may a shock to you. But we're here to help you, Romulus."

"Why am I here?" a tear had managed to break through the boy's tightly closed eye-lid. The doctors were right, it was a shock, and too much to handle. The tear was one of fear, not of sadness.

"You're here to be apart of something great and spectacular, Romulus," the first doctor said. "Do not worry, now. You're safe. You no longer have to suffer the fate of the Goths. You can start a new life; be a new person."

I don't know what the fool is talking about, but Caesar does not simply become a "new person"; and I refuse to change. If he says I am safe, then why I being held prisoner in this room? Is this Odoacer's doing? No. He said I "no longer have to suffer the fate of Goths". Were they really going to cut out my tongue? Kill me?

I have so many questions. I know where I am, who I am really talking to. I to know why I can understand and speak their tongue. But if I have to sacrifice who I am to attain such knowledge, then I would much prefer death.

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The loud, ear-ringing sounds of tourists and angry taxi drivers on the cold, rain-drenched streets of the Washington District faded into soft mumbles as the glass door to the coffee shop closed behind them. Troy and Sarah approached the counter where Darla, the co-owner of the humble store, was busy ringing up a customer. The shop was not as crowded on a Monday afternoon as it was later in the week. Only two other other customers, including the woman at the counter, were in the store. As the woman stepped away with her espresso, Sarah and Troy approached the register to place their orders. Darla recognized them immediately smiled.

"Hello! How are you two doing today?" The woman had a smile that stretched from cheek to cheek, showing the hidden wrinkles covered by the make-up. Troy knew that the shop had been started by the same woman and her husband back in the late sixties, but was unsure of just how old they were. Darla was short, maybe about five-foot, nothing. Her hair, which was held up in some crazy fashion of a bun, was matted by hairspray. The faint aroma of the hairspray was hard to make out amongst the smells of fresh coffee and teas floating in the atmosphere of the shop; Troy was actually thankful for that, as what he could smell of the hair was probably too strong for him to handle otherwise. "What can I get you two today?"

Coffee: America's liquid McDonald's. Every American either hates it, or is very particular about it. Some will take just a straight, black brew, preferring to be "true" drinkers. Other's, like me, need a bit of customization. If I were to have a brew, it would be with three packs of Splendas, and two clugs of creamer. I say "clugs" because that's how it sounds when I pour it, but no one else ever actually understands that. Thus, I prefer to pour my own brew. When I'm in a coffee shop, however, I'll go with a medium caramel macchiatto. Two shots of espresso, the perfect froth, and delicately drizzled caramel syrup is enough to last my energy reserves all day. The layered drink is precisely made so that the bitterness of the espresso shots rests on top of the steamed milk, teasing the drinker's taste buds a mix of flavors.

Yes, I pride myself in my coffee.

When Sarah and Troy sat down with their orders in a couple of lounge chairs in the corner of the shop, the two began to discuss anything and everything that was going on in their lives. It wasn't until the subject of work came up that the conversation seemed to separate the two.

"So," Troy said, "I was wondering: how come I use the Aevus every week but have never understood how exactly it works?"

Sarah rested her cappuccino on her lap and the smile from their previous topics quickly faded. "Troy, you know that's classified. I understand you're our best operative and Recovery Agent, but the workings of the Aevus are on a need-to-know basis."

"And I don't need to know, huh?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Okay then," he raised his hands gesturing surrender, "I can deal with that. But can I ask another question? Why don't we go into the past and use this dang thing for more productive purposes? I mean, we were warned of the butterfly effect during our training. One mistake can end up changing the future, or present, in unimaginable ways. I've taken every precaution to uphold this, but I can't help but wonder why we don't use this to... I don't know... save JFK? Or provide aide to the colonials back in the American Revolution? Shit, why not go back and meet Jesus?"

Sarah's frowning expression had not changed and Troy sensed that she wasn't so liking of the idea. "Troy," she said calmly, reminded him of his mother teaching him a lesson, "the Aevus isn't some easy, fix-all button. It has its... complications. What we are doing now is far more beneficial than changing the present; we're trying to change our future. The more we learn from the past, the better of we're going to be later on."

"You give that bull shit speech to everyone who questions the Aevus?"

Sarah seemed suddenly taken aback; almost offended. "Troy, look, there are secrets about the Aevus that I want to tell you, I really do; but it would come at too much a cost. Trust me on this, Troy, don't go digging for these answers. Just do your job everyday and go home."

Wow... I feel like I just had the door slammed in my face. Or perhaps Sarah was actually unlocking the door for me? The way she said that was all too leading and, I must say, very cliché. This sounds fun.

A few minutes passed and the conversation moved onto lighter topics. Sarah was beginning to relax and smile again and Troy had pushed all talk of the Aevus aside by moving on to the subject of his latest recovery. "So what's going to happen with 'his little highness'?"

"Well by now," she began, "they've already altered the broca area of the neocortex in his brain so he can understand the English language. Its going to be glitchy at first, but he'll catch on. He must have a pounding headache right now, though. I feel sorry for the poor kid. Bio-nano surgery has some nasty side effects that'll last for a while. He's also had a full medical screening and physical. I can only imagine his confusion right now."

Troy started to laugh. Physicals weren't comfortable for anyone, but at least Romulus had been sedated during the entire thing. He often wondered why they didn't do the same to Troy when he first joined Ethro. "Will he ever get to see the light of day?"

Sarah took a sip of her cappuccino and set the cup down quickly to catch a drizzle of the warm espresso roll down her chin. "Oh yeah," she said, grabbing a napkin from the coffee table in front of them to clean up. "All of the recovered subjects are allowed their freedom. We perfectly understand that they can't be cooped up like prisoners all day. Romulus will be given a new name and blended into society, becoming transparent in modern America. He'll be placed in a foster home - the parents having connections with Ethro, obviously - and instructed in American culture. He'll be a typical teenager in no time."

"And during all of this... conditioning he'll be interviewed by our historians?"

"Correct. In exchange for whatever information he can give Ethro, he'll be given a new and comfortable life. Romulus will slowly have privileges leaked to him over time. Eventually, he'll be able to live on his own before even becoming a legal adult. Just as we have a team for medical, a team for recovery - like you, and a team of historians, we also have a team dedicated to conditioning." She took another sip of her drink and set the nearly empty cup back down on her lap. She looked at Troy quizzically and asked, "You didn't know all of this already?"

"Some of it yes," he said, smiling. "I just like hearing you talk 'geek'."

She playfully slugged his shoulder. The rain outside began to pour more heavily now and the two decided that it would be best to start heading home before the full effect of the storm hit D.C. Saying goodbye with an awkward smile and wave, Sarah exited the shop first, followed by Troy about a minute later. He called back to Doris on his way out the door. "Thanks, Doris! Say hi to Frank for me!"

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Still in the same white linen, that he learned only moments ago as being a "hospital gown", Romulus sat in a small chair made of some light-weight metal, almost silver in appearance, though he knew it was not. There was a leather cushion that provided comfort on both the seat and the back of the chair. It was strangely more comfortable than the hard throne he had been sitting on everyday since he had taken control of Rome. The room he sat in now was similar to the room he woke up in, except there were no strange machines, and no bed. Instead of two men, there was only one; he was sitting directly across from Romulus, with a table separating the two.

The table seemed to be made out of the same silver-like material that the legs and support of the chair was made out of. Sitting atop the surface was a small square board, about an inch in height. Board had a marble surface with checkered pattern of white and black. One either end of the board were several small figurines, like the figurines of the Roman gods and goddesses of the past, except they were different. Two figures in the back center of the sets were taller than the others, while the eight pieces in front of each set were smaller. Romulus also noted that there were two horse-like pieces in each set, as well as two pieces that reminded him of the tower entrance of Hadrian's tomb. Both sets of the figurines were glass, but Romulus' set was made of a black glass, while the man across him had a clear set.

The man himself was an elder. He had a strangely trimmed beard that circled his mouth and upper lip and came just below his chin. It was trimmed and clean shaven just past each end of his mouth by less than an inch. The hair on his head was a mixture of black and gray, and there were bald spots on the front above his forehead. He reminded Romulus of a Roman senator, though the senators of Rome were either completely shaven, or did not trim their beards. The man was wearing a strange fashion of black clothing, polarizing the arrangement of the figurines on the board. He was wearing a black jacket and leggings, with a white shirt underneath the opened jacket that appeared to have sewn buttons. His legs were crossed, and his hands were resting gently on his knees. When he spoke, his voice was soft and kind.

"Hello, Romulus," he said.

The boy shifted in his seat, his hands carefully moved underneath his legs, a sign of discomfort. "Who are you?" he asked.

My father had warned me that I would have many enemies, being the emperor. He told me that they would all know who I am, but I would only sometimes known them. Many of them will hide in the shadows, he said, only striking when they are sure they will be able to kill me. Others would be enemies within the state; politicians or even commanders. They could be servants and slaves, or even close friends and possibly family. If am Caesar, than I must be guarded by the best, or my fate may very will be that of my ancestor's. Betrayed by those close to him; those that he trusts.

Here, however, I'm not sure what to make of these people. I don't know if they are to be counted as friends, or as enemies. I still don't know what's going on, and little has been explained to me. This man… can I trust him?

"My name," the man replied, "is Jensen; Jensen York."

"And who is Jensen York?" the boy asked.

"I am a historian; a scholar. I am an educated man who is hear to teach you about this world." Jensen gave a kind smile, helping the boy to relax his stiff shoulders. "I know you have many questions, Romulus. I am here to answer them. But before you begin asking, let me show how to play a little game. You like games, I take it?"

Romulus looked at the pieces in front of him. He was sure that Jensen was referring to the set up of the board and the tiny figurines. Of course he liked games, he was twelve, after all. Just because he had been a ruler, doesn't mean that he didn't play like every other Roman child. "How do I play?" he asked, looking at the pieces.

Jensen's smile seemed get brighter when he showed his perfectly white teeth, a trait that few Romans had. No one in Rome had such pearly-white teeth like Jensen. His mouth looked clean and healthy; his smile much brighter than any Romulus had ever seen. The man removed his hands from his knees and rested them gently on the table in front of him. One hand reached forward and picked up one of the smaller pieces in the far row of his set. "This game," he began, "is called 'chess'. It's a game of strategy and wit. It did not exist in your time, but came well after in what he call the 'late fifteenth century'. This piece-" he held up the small figurine in his hand "-is called a 'pawn'. Its is the work force of your army. Pawns can be quite tricky devils. You can use them to block and deceive your opponent, or use sacrifice them to by yourself a needed play." The man placed his pawn two squares in front of the position it started in and said aloud, "Pawn to 'D-4'."

Romulus looked at his own figurines and then around the edges of the board. On his end of the board were a series of eight figures etched into the marble, faintly visible to the eye. His mind somehow recognized them as letters. On the edges of the board, facing away from him and Jensen, were more figures that his mind, unknowingly again, recognized as numbers. He then understood what Jensen meant when he announced that his pawn was 'to D-4'. Taking of his own pawns, the one sitting on E-7, Romulus placed it on E-5, imitating a similar move to Jensen's by moving it forward two squares.

"Pawns can move only two squares when you first move them from their starting position on the board," Jensen explained. "A pawn can attack in a diagonal direction, but never directly in front. As so." Jensen picked up the pawn he had moved and placed in the same square that was occupied by Romulus' own pawn, E-5. Jensen then picked up Romulus' pawn and set it down off to the side of the board.

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Two Weeks Ago...
... Year 1203 AD - Rouen, France

The scruffy man wearing a green sweater with rolled up sleeves, tan cargo pants, and tennis shoes definitely didn't blend in with the rest of the crowd in upper Normandy; especially with the fact that he was sitting on top of the Rouen Cathedral. Strapped to his his hip was an M9 Berretta, and under-slung around his back was his custom, light-weight SC-20K carbine assault rifle. Being the new guy on the block with Ethro Industries, he had his unorthodox ways. Normally, Recovery Agents would be wearing body armor for these missions, but Eric preferred the excitement of risk-taking over protocol.

Who am I, you ask? My name is Eric Thorton. No, I'm not another beat-em' up cowboy like my mentor, Troy. I'm my own man with my own way of doing things. The emblem on my utilities and gadgets maybe that of Ethro Industries, but my true allegiance is not with them. For the most part, its classified, but let's just say I work for someone with a bit more firepower. Its not a game of industrial espionage, not by far. Instead, is a game - or matter - of national security. My friends call me Eric, but my real co-workers call me Special Agent Thorton. I'm an NSA operative that has managed to sneak into Ethro's secret little project. So far, there's nothing really illegal, but this whole operation is definitely a threat. But unless the government can uncover what Ethro is really planning on doing with the Aevus, I'm stuck playing "rookie" and time-traveling.

Well... anyway, let's just get this mission over with so I can go home and get some sleep in 2011.

Eric waited for a group of several iron-clad Englishmen to step inside the cathedral through the entrance far below the roof he was perched on. This famous place of Christian worship and marvelous architectural triumph, the Rouen Cathedral, had been only recently reconstructed from the ash it had nearly turned into in 1200 due to an incidental fire. Much of the cathedral is still under construction, but will soon become the tallest known structure until it is surpassed by the construction of the Roman Catholic Kölner Dom in 1248.

When the sound of the wooden doors closing was audibly heard, Eric dropped from his perched position and began to scale down the side of the building. About one hundred meters later, his feet dropped against the cold stone in front of the main entrance. Not bothering to knock, and knowing that his target and the other men weren't expecting company, he casually kicked open the heavy doors, splintering the wood from the point of impact up to the top arches. Inside, everyone whirled around and drew their swords.

The sanctuary of the cathedral was dimly lit. There were no burning candles, no hanging lanterns, and not a lot of moonlight shining through the stained-glass windows. It hardly felt like a sanctuary at all; almost demonic with the vast amount of Gothic architecture casting shadows in all directions. The faint signs of swirling dust from the construction could be seen in the rays of the moonlight. In the center of the grand room stood six men, two of them were persons of interest (POI) and could not be harmed, one being his target. The other POI spoke. "Leave this place! You are not welcome here!"

Eric smiled and said, "But isn't anyone welcome in the house of God?" Eric drew the M9 from his holster and fired two shots, one in the head of an English guard, and another in the head of the closest one to the first victim.

The other two guards coward, with one of them crying "Witchcraft!" and falling to his knees. But the POI that had spoken aloud, demanding for Eric to leave, drew his sword and took several steps forward.

Okay... maybe I am another "beat-em' up cowboy". But hey, when they're wearing medieval plate armor its kinda hard not to go Rambo on them.

Eric spoke again. "Stop where you are, William de Braose, the fourth lord of Bramber." The man, hearing his name and title, stopped dead in his tracks. Eric continued. "You will hand Arthur over to me and return to your estates in Wales. Do you understand what I am telling you?"

William began to laugh maliciously and asked, "Who are you to command me? Do you have any idea who I-"

"-You are William, born in Braose, and the current baron of Bramber. You are a favorite in the court of King John of England. You are here to execute John's younger brother, Arthur the first, Duke of Brittany. But isn't enough that you've already killed one child in your life?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"On the contrary, I think you do. Perhaps the name Cadwaladr rings a bell; the only surviving son of Seisyll ap Dyfnwal. A survivor of the massacre you carried out on his family and others eighteen years ago in Abergavenny."

William took a step back. Clearly shocked, he asked in a trembling voice, "Wh- Who are you?"

"That is none of your concern." Eric strolled past the stunned William and to the second POI, the sixteen year-old nephew of King John, Arthur of Brittany. A black sack had been drawn and tied around his head, preventing him from seeing what was happening. Eric took pitty on the adolescent and untied the rope around his neck that held the sack in place. Removing it from his head he starred into the eyes of a pleading freckled boy with dark eyes and black, messy hair. The prison rags showed Eric that he had been in captivity for a long time, and the skinny limbs revealed a serious lack of nutrition. "You're safe now," Eric said to him in a gentle voice.

"You're not leaving here with that boy!" William bellowed from behind. Raising his sword high, the baron charged towards Eric and Arthur; a blood-thirst evident in his raged eyes.

Eric reacted quickly. Being a POI, William was not to be killed or even wounded. He would have to either restrain William, or escape him. Leaping forward in time would not be the best option right now, as there's no telling what the history books would record if someone of William's status were to see it. Being far lighter than the heavily armored man, Eric pushed Arthur away quickly and then dodged in the opposite direction, effectively avoiding the blade of William's broadsword. Eric then took advantage of his opportunity and brought up his M9, aiming at the blade of the exposed sword.

When William saw seconds later that his blade was lying in two pieces, destroyed by the bang of a strange weapon, he decided it would be best to stay where he was, kneeling on the stone floor of the sanctuary with his two other guards. Eric placed his arm around Arthur's shoulders and brought him close, turning around with him to head back out the way they came in. He heard William call to him again from behind. "You're not going to kill me?!"

Eric stopped and turned to face William. "No. Your sins will catch up to you, William. You will lose your family to the same fate that you gave to those in Abergavenny." With that said, Eric and Arthur exited the cathedral. All that William saw through the cracks of the splintered doors was a bright light that seemed to shine for several seconds before disappearing entirely.

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Back in the Cold War era, espionage was everything. Nowadays, it’s a thing of the past and no one really pays much attention to the spy world. Everything is handled by eye-in-sky technology, cellular surveillance, and even credit reports. Every time you pick up the phone a highly intelligent computer somewhere out there is listening to your voice and recording everything you say, scanning your words for any red flags. The computer may record up to twenty of these flags by the end of your conversation about your nephew's basketball game, and forward the findings to the Department of Defense for further review. If you say the word "Allah" you're put on a list of possible terrorists, and if you say "freedom" you're put a list of possible revolutionists.

But the world is still unaware that there's a tool far more powerful than a computer or recording machine. Its as old as the concept of war itself, and still has a very important role in the outcome of international affairs. The spy is still around; and he's as elusive and deceptive as ever. James Bond doesn't exist, but you can consider me the next best thing. I started working for Ethro Industries two months ago; infiltrating their rosters as a new Aevus Operative after the NSA obtained leaks about the project from former Ethro technicians, two of which recently vanished under mysterious circumstances. The last technician? He's being protected in an NSA safe house out of the States. My mission is simple; find out what the hell Ethro is really planning on doing with this machine.

So far my mission hasn't been as easy as I had hoped. There's no paper trail and no data files on the servers I have access to, and all of my hacking attempts have been blocked by an incredibly built anti-intrusion firewall installed on their higher echelon servers. It makes for a tricky mission when you're sole object is to get intel. If I was allowed to interrogate I'd be done by now, but I'm not allowed to blow my cover until NSA gives me the go-ahead. Instead, I have to play things out and act cool. I've been slowly working my way up to the big dogs, however; receiving invites to parties and get-togethers, I've managed to befriend several Ethro higher-ups and have finally managed to meet the founder and CEO, Zachariah Malone, himself.

Eric pulled up in the G8 alongside the curve outside the Arlington National Cemetery. Standing with his back towards the iron fencing surrounding the perimeter, underneath an umbrella in the pouring rain, was a tall elderly man wearing a gray suit and trench coat. When Eric unlocked the doors, leaving the car in drive, the man approached and opened the back passenger door, sliding inside and folding up his umbrella. When the door shut Eric began moving, the man looked over his shoulder out the back window, making sure that his ride wasn't being tailed.

"Relax, Mr. Reese," Eric said. "I'm NSA remember? We own the streets of D.C. and Ethro hasn't a single clue as to who I really am. You're safe with me."

Alfred Reese, Ethro's Vice President of Internal Affairs, allowed his shoulders to hang loose and let out a sigh of relief and confidence that the man he was about to meet with was legitimate and knew what he was doing. "Do we still have a deal?" he asked with a concerned tone. "I give you the information you want and the government guarantees my protection?"

"Once you give me the information I'll drop you off with the CIA. They'll take you to a safe location and you'll wake up in warm bed every morning with freshly brewed coffee, the sound of your children playing, and your wife cooking eggs."

Eric glanced in the rear view mirror when the car came to a stop at a red light. He could see Reese's heavy eyes looking down, probably at nothing. The man then looked up and met Eric's gaze in the mirror, asking, "The CIA?"

The clandestine agent looked back out the windshield and slowly gave the G8 gas as the light turned green. "In Intelligence Community, an umbrella organization consisting of sixteen different intelligence agencies of the United States, was established on fourth of December, nineteen eighty-one by President Ronald Reagan under the Executive Order 12333. It was created so that the agencies could cooperate with each other in a time when the former Soviet Union and communism posed as an ever increasing threat against the free world. That order is still in effect to this day. Sure, we may have our petty rivalries, but when it comes to the stability of this nation, Mr. Reese, we're all on the same page. This whole operation goes far deeper than you may think it does. The CIA will be in charge of you and your family's protective custody."

Reese seemed to become more relaxed in the backseat with Eric's promise that his family would be watched by one of the best agencies out there. Now that he was comfortable with who he was talking to, he began to tell Eric what he needed to hear. "These little time travel operations to go back in history and 'recover' particular individuals simply for knowledge is obviously a front as, I'm sure, you already know. Its no secret that Ethro developed the Aevus with something much… bigger in mind. Malone sees war as a business, the perfect entrepreneurial enterprise. With the aide of a time machine, he can go back and make sure that every investment he makes benefits Ethro in every way. And what better time is there for corporations in America to make money than when the country is at war? Job opportunities sky rocket, the demand for military contracts - which, as we all know, is Ethro's speciality - go through the roof. If time travel is now possible, think of how one could alter the outcome of a war… or even start one? It’s the perfect cheat to life. Something doesn't go your way? Just hit the reset button. Its easy as one, two…" Reese held up his thumb and middle finger together, snapping them in the air, "...three."

"And you have evidence that Ethro Industries is planning such… investments?" Eric asked, turning down an avenue and maintaining a steady speed amongst the bustling traffic of the Capital. The rain's weight seemed to lift and there was only a drizzle against the windshield. Eric turned the knob to the window wipers down a few notches to widen their intervals.

Reese reached inside his front right pocket on the trench coat he was wearing and revealed a small, orange flash drive. "This drive contains all the evidence you'll ever need. Even the best corporate lawyers that Ethro has won't be able to explain this data to a court." Eric placed the drive on the elbow rest in between the front two seats. Eric took one hand off the wheel long enough to swipe up the flash drive and place it in his inside jacket pocket. Reese continued to speak. "But you don't even need data and logs to see that Ethro is up to no good. They're training their Recovery Agents for their future sabotage missions by sending them back in time with modern weaponry and armor. You've been doing this yourself for the past two months, haven't you? I mean come on; you know very well that your own instructor, Recovery Agent Desmond, is issued a Five-Seven pistol. Who the hell issues such a weapon as a sidearm? And hollow point rounds? For what, medieval archers and ancient barbarians? Please, a paintball would suffice in subduing such targets. No, agent Thorton, those weapons are for much bigger operations; war operations. Ethro Industries will change history."

Eric slowed down the G8 and placed it in park this time. Outside, on the curb, stood several men in suits with umbrellas and all-weather coats, similar to Reese's own. Spooks, as they were known by everyone else. One of the men approached the rear passenger door and opened it for Reese. The man exited the vehicle and unfolded his umbrella again to protect him from the cold drizzle. Eric shifted to drive when the door was closed shut, but kept his foot on the break when he saw Reese tapping on the front passenger window to get his attention. Eric rolled down the window from his side. Reese leaned in a ways when the window was low enough for him to speak. "By the way; they only think they'll be able to change history. If you take Malone to court, you'll only be able to charge him with conspiracy and intent. But not any actual war crimes."

"And why is that, Mr. Reese?" Eric cocked an eye brow, clearly intrigued by what Reese had just said, wondering if he was challenging his skills as an espionage agent.

"Look at the flash drive I gave you," he said pointing, "and you'll learn what very few in the Aevus project actually know but are too scared to actually tell anyone." After that, Reese turned away and allowed the CIA operatives to give him a quick frisk, checking for any weapons or questionable objects. When they found none, they escorted him down the street to another car, a black Mercedes parked just a few car-lengths down the block from where Eric was. He waited to see Reese disappear into the car with the CIA before rolling up the window and driving away.

That... was interesting…

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Metro Coffee Shop

Metro Coffee Shop by RolePlayGateway

A popular "mom & pop" coffee shop in the Washington District. The typical rendevous place for Sarah and Troy.

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD by RolePlayGateway

The capital and icon of not only the free world, but of capitalism itself. Ethro Inc.'s military headquarters is located just beneath the surface of the National Mall, with the entrance being the Washington Monument.

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Character Portrait: Eric Thorton
Character Portrait: Troy Desmond
Character Portrait: Romulus Augustus
Character Portrait: Dylan Bradley


Character Portrait: Eric Thorton
Eric Thorton

Not exactly a new guy, but still a novice Recovery Agent, Eric Thorton's roll as an Aevus operative is called to question several times by his peers when he is seen collaborating with Ethro Industries higher-ups.

Character Portrait: Dylan Bradley
Dylan Bradley

A new recruit working for Ethro Industries as an Aevus operative. He has a knack for knowing... well... everything.

Character Portrait: Romulus Augustus
Romulus Augustus

The last emporer of the Western Roman Empire, twelve year-old Romulus Augustus now finds himself in a world long after the fall of Rome.

Character Portrait: Troy Desmond
Troy Desmond

The most experienced Recovery Agent and Aevus Operative working for Ethro Industries. Troy usually has little contact with his targets after recovery, but the young Romulus Augustus seems to enter his life more than once.


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Metro Coffee Shop

Metro Coffee Shop by RolePlayGateway

A popular "mom & pop" coffee shop in the Washington District. The typical rendevous place for Sarah and Troy.

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD by RolePlayGateway

The capital and icon of not only the free world, but of capitalism itself. Ethro Inc.'s military headquarters is located just beneath the surface of the National Mall, with the entrance being the Washington Monument.

Washington, D.C. - Year 2011 AD

The capital and icon of not only the free world, but of capitalism itself. Ethro Inc.'s military headquarters is located just beneath the surface of the National Mall, with the entrance being the Washington Monument.

Metro Coffee Shop

Metro Coffee Shop Owner: RolePlayGateway

A popular "mom & pop" coffee shop in the Washington District. The typical rendevous place for Sarah and Troy.

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Re: [OOC] AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production

Well I was finally able to post up Romulus' perspective of events so far in the Aevus facility. Work got in the way all weekend and prevented me from posting anything. Also, welcome to our newest character, Dylan Bradley, played by Smiley.

While this RP will continue to always remain open to new characters, I will continue to add to the story on my own mostly for my own practice and benefit. I'm still familiarizing myself with the mechanics of RPG and will mostly be using this roleplay as my first test and a starter thread. So if it appears that I may be RP'ing all by my lonesome, don't worry, I'm perfectly fine. ;)

Re: [OOC] AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production

New character, Romulus Augustus, added to the story. I'll be taking control of him to get things started. If you wish to play as Romulus, let me know and I'll abandon him for you to adopt, but I'll need a good reason.

Also, I realize my confusing mistake with the Washington, D.C. locations. Just use the second location, not the "Primarily..." location. As we continue to progress, I'll add and unlock more settings; possibly more "times" as well.

[OOC] AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "AEVUS: A RecAgenda Production"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.
