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The God-Queen's Knights

"We serve the God-Queen, and her eternal vigil guides our hands."

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a character in “Althaea”, as played by The 275th


The Protectors of the God-Queen Sarene Iracot and main force of Her armies. They are currently lead by Knight-Commander Gabriel Envictus.


The select Knights of the God-Queen herself, they bear no official title or name beyond that; for it is all they need.

The most devout and holy warriors in the Queendom without a doubt, these men and women serve with their lives to destroy all that which opposes their mighty Lady.

Knight-Commander Gabriel Envictus: Image
Over two meters tall, Gabriel Envictus is a man to be reckoned with. His face is rugged when out on the field, but he never fails to shave before placing himself before Her Eminence, even if it means using his broadsword to do so. That said, he is a handsome, charismatic man.

He holds claim to the personal title of Dragon Lord, for having slain many such beasts in the past; rumors circulate as to his status of even owning a Dragon, but these rumors have been rebuffed. He is very serious, seldom pausing to consider a joke, though he does strike an amused mood occasionally.

He wields a Greatsword in combat, a two handed beast of a weapon that was forged from black steel. Capable of using it with one hand if necessary, he has trained unceasingly in its use as both an offensive and defensive weapon. He also wears steel, spiked armor, the helm of which has wicked wings curving up from the sides.

Knight-Lord Charles Tartarus: Image
The noble and dour second in command of Her Own Knights, Charles is gaunt faced, tall, and skinny. He is quiet in his movements, often entering or leaving a room without notice.

Even more stiff than Gabriel, Charles is unerring in his duty to the Queen, placing it above all else. He is ruthless in his pursuit of those who would dare speak or stand against her, often-times acting on his own and slaying as he sees fit. He looks forward to commanding the Knights in a more direct fashion, but his ambition would never allow him to undermine Gabriel's authority. He calls himself The Will of Iracot.

His preferred weapon is a runic Longsword, imbued with the power of the Light. He wears extravagant armor into battle, adorned with silver and gold wings and scales, with a high-peaked helm allowing him to stand out in even the thickest of fighting.

Knight-Master Vidius Dancin: Image
The third and final Knight of rank in the Order, Vidius is young, strong, and willing. His prowess in battle is thanks to his movements, which see him moving swiftly through the enemy lines, often singing and shouting war cries.

Vidius is often considered by outsiders to be unstable. He reveres the God-Queen above all else, and his devotion is greater than many. He also looks up to both Gabriel and Charles, and bows to their will. The instability stems from his desire to do all that he can in the name of Duty. He is pleasant, jovial, even a touch naive at times, among more social functions. Once he is in battle however, he becomes ruthless, swift, and deadly. The other knights often call him Dancer, due to his surname's similarity to his chosen form of battle.

Vidius wears light armor, leather covered in gold and imbued with onyx. He carries only one weapon into battle; a steel Longsword, engraved with gold and obsidian, which blood seldom seems to stain.

Knight-Herald Dunkel Sarkonnen: Image
The Standard-bearer of the Knights, Dunkel is one of the shorter, though no less physically able men. He has pale skin and sullen eyes, but despite his grim looks he's one of the more devout members of the Order.

A very devout member of the order, Dunkel is often seen as humorless. In actuality, his duties see him spending most of his time in the Libraries, where he studies lore and battle strategies to bring before his superiors. He's really quite entertaining to be around, or so he tells people. Due to his habits, the rest of the Knights call him Bookworm.

Dunkel rides into combat with only the Standard banner and a short, broad sword. Often, he will simply use the standard as his weapon, striking as a spear with the bladed bottom of the shaft, and striking bluntly with the top symbol. He is very skilled with using the weapon as such, often times never using his sword. He wears a rather standard variation of the Knight's armor, with the exception of fur-lined gauntlets and cloak.

Knight Legionnaire Marcus Salazar: Image
Only having been a member of the Knights for a few years now, Marcus is one of the youngest. Of middling height, he can scarcely grow facial hair, though that which grows from his head is often longer than regulation.

He was chosen from amongst the Palace staff to join the Knights, when he expressed his devotion to the God-Queen. Formerly a chef's assistant, the Knights have him do most of the cooking. As such, he is sometimes referred to as Potato, based on a dish he is most proud of.

Marcus' equipment is rather standard. He carries a number of spears, which he is adept at both throwing and using for offensive and defensive purposes. He also has a tower shield, and a short sword. His armor is steel and cloth, light fitting and designed for mobility. His helmet, the most unique piece of his set, is a tall cone with a horse-tail crest.

Knight Legionnaire Charley Sweepers: Image
A truly massive man, standing taller than Gabriel and having more mass than even Enrico, he is tan and scarred from his previous life.

Charley is a former barbarian who was captured in one of many purge campaigns. Shown the truth of the God-Queen, he was an easy convert, and now serves as one of the most loyal, if simple and brutal among them. While many of the Knights were uneasy with his presence at first, he has proven to be a most capable, and quick learning addition to Her army. Despite this, the rest of the Knights have chosen to nick-name him Barbarian.

Similar to his past, he fights with medium weight, steel and leather Knight armor, and a massive double-bladed Axe.

Knight-Legionnaire Andre Razel: Image
By far the most devout soldier in Her retinue. Andre is of moderate size, dark skinned, and clean disposition, he bears his battle scars with pride.

Andre is often in the Chapel, reading scripture or praying. He fears not for his soul; it is simply what he enjoys doing. Ever since he was a youth, he dreamed of giving his Life to the God-Queen, and he was an eager recruit when he was finally chosen. One unique quality of his is a strange psychological make-up that prevents mental conditioning or magiks from working on him; his utter devotion simply does not allow it. This has earned him the nickname of 'Blank.'

He wears heavy steel armor into battle, adorned with purity seals blessed by the God-Queen herself it is said. He also keeps Her Holy Word on his person at all times, attached to his armor by a thick iron chain. His chosen weapon is a large Halberd, allowing him to slash, stab, and charge his way through battle, often while reciting verses of devotion.

Knight Legionnaire Enrico Vaseli: Image
The most physically imposing Knight, aside from Charley. Pale skinned, with many scars, a few of which are self inflicted into symbols of devotion.

Enrico is one of the oldest Knights, and his clear devotion sometimes borders on the utterly fanatic. He is commonly called upon to act as Executioner, and he slays any who dare go against the God-Queen's word, either openly or by his thought of intent. His murderous streaks of thought, despite their devoted bearing, have earned him the whispered name of Devil, or more openly as Reaper.

Enrico's armor is made of black steel, lined with gold and engraved with markings of skulls and bones, playing to the rumors and fears about him. His favored weapon is a custom built scythe, the haft of which was crafted from the spine of a Dragon, reinforced with steel. The blade itself is much like his armor, black steel with engravings of gold.

Knight Legionnaire Quinn Lemons: Image
The oldest Knight still serving in Her name, Quinn is a grizzled old man by this point, who despite his long term of service has few scars to speak of. His face is partially concealed behind a gray-blond beard.

Quinn has been dutifully serving the God-Queen for decades, even longer than Gabriel. His lack of promotion is self-chosen, having preferred being on the front of any conflict, just another grunt, rather than being someone of importance to be taken out of the picture. He is one of the two Shield Guard. Many of the Knights refer to him simply as 'Old man.'

Quinn uses mostly standard equipment, steel armor and longsword, though he is one of only two Knights to use a shield. He also wears a beret cap, rather than a helmet.

Knight Legionnaire Calvin Hammond: Image
Another young Knight, he is strong and highly skilled, having previously been in the Army. One of the more sociable Knights, as well.

Calvin, a former soldier, happened to be present at one of the God-Queen's appearances, and became a highly devoted man that moment. Through his connections in the Army, he managed to get himself presented before Gabriel, who took him into the Order. He is one of the two Shield Guard. He is of eager personality, and often flirts or otherwise consorts with women not of noble bearing, having been a lesser man himself until recently. He is often referred to as Valor, due to his status as a Shield Guard.

Calvin wears heavy armor into battle, and carries two rune covered long-swords. He often only uses one at a time, instead opting for his shield in the off-hand.

Knight Legionnaire Luna Darica: Image
One of the few female Knights, Luna is tall compared to most, even taller than many of the men. Despite this, she has gentle, if largely unremarkable features, her most noticeable quirk being her dysfunctional left arm.

A veteran Knight, Luna was a former Shield Bearer until a battle cost her the use of her left arm for anything approaching dedicated battle duties. While her disappointment at losing her status as Shield Bearer is evident, she continues to hone herself as a capable warrior, adopting a single-handed combat style with her chosen blade. The Knights sometimes refer to her as 'Righty.'

Luna fights in Templar battle-dress, a long, flowing cloak under which she wears her more protective armor. Since her injury, she has adopted lighter armor, to help her adapt to the quicker pace of single-handed fighting. Her blade is wide, flat, and designed for quick deep strikes.

Knight-Errant Shein Clovin: Image
The newest and, by far, most unconventional of the Knights. He is somewhat short, and not as physically strong as the others, though he is very quick on his feet and very capable at riding

Shein is a very unconventional member of Her Knights. He has never held a blade in his life, and has the least personal devotion to the God-Queen among any of them; his call to duty is simply that of maintaining the Army's cohesion, and it was his luck to have been submitted to Her Knights. He is officially a runner, a messenger, and a herald. The Knights often call him Eagle.

Shein is the only knight who is seldom parted with his horse, even when in the City on official business. He is still a more than capable runner without the steed, however. His usual equipment is consisted of simple leather armor, studded with engraved iron balls and bars, and a pair of pistols. While he has never once used a blade in defense of himself or another, he is frighteningly capable with his flintlocks.

Knight-Legionnaire Ostdarva Fandiv: Image
Another veteran member of the Knights, and another one of the more curious among them. Tall, dark skinned, and possessing a full, black beard.

Ostdarva is a Knight of the highest devotion, placing his safety second to that of the God-Queen's empire in all respects. His willingness to place himself in danger to deliver the most good, coupled with his unique talents with a rifle, made him a valuable marksman, a task that most of the Knights would only be able to gawk at. He is commonly referred to as Long-arm, by both the Knights and those in the army.

Ostdarva goes into battle in thick, padded leather armor, and carries two weapons; one, a simple short sword, is used for his personal defense. The other is his primary weapon, and that which he exhibits the highest skill; a Marksman's Rifled Blunderbuss. Having outfitted that special device with a glass magnification tube and a pair of rods with which to steady it on terrain, he can fire the solid, massive slugs faster, farther, and with a much higher mortality rate than almost any archer.

Knight-Legionnaire Dravinglov Cadanche: Image
The second oldest, and largely most unstable member of the Knights. While he holds that most venerable status, he is not altogether too old, being barely into his forties. His features speak of a younger aged man, being quick to express himself via his soft face and flowing body language.

Dravinglov is one of the longest lasting Knights of the order, having been a Knight-Errant when Gabriel, Charles, and Quinn were some of the only few Knights still around today. He is by far the most skilled combatant, diverse in his techniques, and completely uncaring for the lives of himself or his opponents, and sometimes his fellow Knights. He tought Ostdarva how to use the MRB, initially. The Knights, due to his personality, nick-name him Wardog.

Dravinglov marches into battle wearing little more than padded leather, and sometimes even nothing but his Knight tunic and steel pauldrons. His weaponry is much more diverse, however. Prepared for any death that may come seek him, the Knight's curious array of armament includes a short, broad sword, four Flintlock pistols, a number of small gun-powder tubes which can be lit and thrown for explosive affect, and a Marksman's Blunderbuss, which is his primary choice.

Knight-Legionnaire Naya Gachorgo: Image
A young woman who was caught by Gabriel when she snuck into the Knight's Barracks. She is of average size for a woman, though quite striking to look upon, especially with her distinctive silver hair.

Naya had snuck into the Knight's Barracks several years ago, desperate for food. Caught by Gabriel and too weak to resist, he had taken mercy on her and allowed her to stay long enough to regain her health. For the compassion of Gabriel and the Knights, she took oaths to defend the God-Queen with her life, and so joined the ranks. Devout to the God-Queen, she harbors a secret attachment to Gabriel, as well, which only a very select few of her closest female companions within the Knights have any knowledge of. She was given the nick-name 'Trap' as a result, much to the confusion of the male cadre.

Naya's battle garb consists of a simple, medium weight suit of armor, mostly black steel covered in sigils and markings, and a Knight's Tabard. Her chosen weapons are twin blades, one of black steel, the other of pure steel, with bands of silver throughout.

Skyborne Knight-Legionnaire Martellus Rathjin: Image
One of the Knight's Skyborne troops, Martellus is a powerful man. His black hair seems forever scorched, regardless of what he might try to do with it; such was the price of his taming the beast he now rides into combat, one of the Knight's Wyverns. The Wyvern, named Retribution, is a larger specimen itself, adorned in a tabard and think armor, including a metal spike atop its head.

Martellus is one of the older Knights, having served as a Skyborne since he was a youth. Chosen to be bound to one of the beasts at a young age, he has no concept of shirking his duties; he is devout, plain and simple.

Like many Skyborne, Martellus' primary weapon is his Wyvern. For close defense against anything that might grab the beast's vulnerable neck, he carries a massive Pike, as well as a standard Musket for firing at targets outside both of their range.

Skyborne Knight-Legionnaire Cyrus Avalant: Image
A Skyborne Knight, Cyrus is less stocky than many, being more suited to quick riding and lithe combat maneuvers with his beast. A handsome man, marred by the loss of one eye, he is nevertheless a charismatic- and somewhat politically dangerous influence amongst the Knights, despite (or perhaps because of) his youth.

One of a new generation of Skyborne, Cyrus lost his eye during an engagement on Iracot's borders. Despite this he has continued to serve dutifully with his steed, Inquisitor. He is a dangerous influence among many of the other Knights, due in part to his lesser loyalty to the God-Queen and a more pronounced position for the Magistrates, who he sees as the true power. Devout though he is, he knows who files his pay.

Like many Skyborne, Cyrus' primary weapon is his Wyvern. He also wields a powerful Glaive, which he can use both offensively and defensively with great skill. Unlike many other Skyborne who prefer rifled weapons for long range, Cyrus uses- with incredible skill- a longbow.

So begins...

The God-Queen's Knights's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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#, as written by Gasmask
Three orphans flew though the streets and wards of Iracot, they were like sparrows to the naked eye, just quick enough to blur but too slow to escape anything that took an active interest. The first child was dressed in scrappy black clothing with a belt bearing a rusted sigil of the the God-Queen's knights and a small dagger was hidden in the small of her pants. The second had enshrouded himself in a sickly green colored shirt and ripped slacks. The final urchin had a small hood perched upon his black shirt that was backed with old fox-pelt, and looked to be the oldest of the lot.

Anyone with a proper eye might notice that some of the finer clothing on these children of the streets were the old and rusted equipment of a certain disgraced knights. Anybody that knew of the merchant who ran a house for the street urchins would definitely know better, not that anybody wanted to socialize with someone who vexed the God-Queen.

The first orphan stood at the gates of the palace and signaled to the others and begun to tug at the knights. "Hey, oi knight sir! Milord knight! Hey!" The orphans almost sung in unison, circling around the two guards with smiles. "I need somefin'." echoed the female urchin, smiling.

A figure stood away from the orphans, leaning against a wall with a hand on the khopesh tied to his left side, watching his orphans at work. Sven coudn't help wondering if he was even allowed nearby anymore, if so, the merchant bet he could outrun the fools. It's what running after a bunch of grubby orphans did to you.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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#, as written by Maree
There were many people converging toward the God-Queen's Palace. Each of them were donned in their best attire, even the lower class citizens of Iracot had scrapped a few fine pieces. The noble ladies were dressed in mock fashions of what the God-Queen had worn at her last appearance with variations and large, curling, hair that seemed to defy gravity.

Vendors were lined around the palace walls, yelling out what goods they had to offer. Their prices were exorbitant and only the rich were able to purchase. Withering apples and molded cheese were left for the poor to buy. It was all the could afford. A merchant may have been able to score a small tart made with aged horse meat.

The God-Queen's Knights were busy keeping urchins in order and preparing themselves for rioting. Of course, there would be no uprising today. A sacrifice made in the God-Queen's honor was always a treat for the citizens of Iracot. It was one of the very few times that Sarene Iracot came to see her people, outside of the Palace walls.

Cordelia was amoung the knights at the gates, watching the people who gravitated toward the courtyard where the sacrifice was to take place. Her ice-blue eyes watched the street urchins carefully. They were tugging on a fellow knight. Cordelia fought against a smile, training her face to remain neutral. It would be a disgrace against the God-Queen if she allowed herself to become distracted.

Cordelia spoke a few words to her comrade and walked toward the children.

"Where is your guardian?" Cordelia asked them, looking down at each of the children in turn. She stood well above them, tall for a woman yet still short compared to the other Knights. Her armor gleamed a polished silver and the halberd in her hand was very fine.

"Children are not to be left unattended in the streets during a Sacrifice to the God-Queen. Run along now to your guardian before you are taken into custody. The Knights are not here for your pleasure," Cordelia said to them. She did not want to be so harsh with children but it was her duty to the God-Queen. There were no exceptions, even for urchins.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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#, as written by Gasmask
The orphans looked up and one of them had opened their mouths in an amazed O. The orphan responsible for that particular face slowly worked up the courage to talk. "I wana' be like you when I grow up." The older orphan held up his hand and cupped it over the other orphans mouth, silencing her voice. The third orphan whispered in a rather-too-loudly voice not to say that or she'll have to sacrifice people for the God-Queen too.

"Sven's not allowed here anymore, miss knight. He said so, we just wanted to see the knights and he said it would be okay for a little bit. We wanted to see the God-Queen. Doesn't she care about us too?" The oldest replied, his voice did not successfully hide the fear he felt, his voice wavering a few times.

"I don't wanna be arrested either though, please." The second orphan said, his smile disappearing. "They say there's ghosts and vampires down there." The first echoed to his makeshift brothers. "I don't like ghosts." The female orphan blurted, the hand off her mouth.

One of the orphans gestured towards their guardian who was leaning against a wall and at a fair distance away from the palace.

Sven watched from a distance, his foot planted on the wall and picked up the sacks of groceries he'd bought for the rest of the orphans, waiting for his charges to return to him like a flock of sparrows. The ex-knight wished he could go and collected them, but the thought of not being able to do much with them without a head stopped him.

The setting changes from Palace of Iracot to Althaea


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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The setting changes from Althaea to Palace of Iracot

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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Having been previously stationed opposite the gate to Cordelia, Calvin Hammond stood at ease, watchful, next to the gate. He was in his full battle garb; heavy armor, a kite shield strapped to his left forearm, and his two blades strapped to his back in a criss-cross, one over the other. He had his helmet on, as he rarely liked to be seen as a mere Man when on duty.

Cordelia had told him to stay and guard the gate while she dealt with the intrusion. Calvin was always happy to follow orders from the other Knights, especially those few female ones. But, for now he contented himself to watch her go, as he had been left a crucial duty.

Allowing a slight grin to cross his unknowable features as Cordelia admonishes the urchins, he keeps an eye on the surrounding activity. He was confident in his ability to deal with any threat or distraction, be it a single beggar or an army of... anything. Any sort of army, he would at least delay if nothing else.

Cordelia had then wandered off towards a shady-looking man off to the side. Calvin wondered who it was, to have distracted Cordelia from her duties... but, no matter. He would remain as he was until her return, and maybe ask her about it then.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maree
Cordelia's eyes narrowed at the beginning of Sven's 'joke'. But a minor expression of shock overtook the resentment. Never before had Sven called her by her surname. The man had always been adamant about using her first name as if to exaggerate on her femininity. There were not many women that got to be a Knight for the God-Queen. Sven had always said her name in pride, and now it was nothing but disgust.

"Carry on your business here, Khagal, and keep control of your wards. I do not wish to arrest you and the bastard children too," Cordelia said, waving him off with a gesture. Disappointment crossed her face as Cordelia locked eyes with Sven. She shook her head and returned to her post without even saying goodbye.

Cordelia refused to look at Sven to see if he left, or even if he had kept the children under control as commanded. It was clear she was upset but Cordelia was not the type to admit it, especially while on duty. She did not let personal matters get in the way of her duties. Even if she kept her face coolly neutral there was obvious tension in her shoulders.

"Sven Khagal, that man was," Cordelia said to Valor; Calvin Hammond, who was the guard on duty with her. "He was my trainer. He walked away from his duties and now he's nothing but a patron for street bastards. My career will never follow suit. He dishonors himself and he dishonors the God-Queen."

"I saw it with my own two eyes," Cordelia said. "He told the God-Queen that he refused to arrest Riyo Shikiro, that the boy was too young to die. I am surprised that the God-Queen had not sacrificed him. In my opinion I would have him sacrificed today too. But it is the God-Queen's will. Perhaps she had something else in store for him."

Listening to Valor respond, that was when Cordelia finally noticed a woman balled up against a wall. It was suspicious behavior. Possibly interrupting Valor, Cordelia pointed to the blue-haired girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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Calvin had maintained his professional demeanor and stance up until the moment Cordelia had returned to her post, standing opposite him. She didn't wear a helmet, which he didn't mind at all. After a brief inquiry, she tells him about who she spoke to and why she had such a sour expression.

"So he's a deserter," Calvin says with a tone of utter disdain. "Never would have thought that possible... I agree. He should be-" he pauses, looking towards where Cordelia was gesticulating. A woman, down on the ground and curled up. "Stand back, Sissy," he says in a deeper voice than his actual one, holding a hand out as if to stop her rushing forward. "I will handle this one."

He had a few reasons for doing so. One, it was actually standard protocol for Knights to shift duties. She had handled the last disturbance, so now it was his turn. Second, it was a woman, and Calvin did love dealing with women. And third, he just loved talking to Cordelia like that.

Striding forward with a purpose, he stands at a respectable distance to Orfea. "Are you awake, Citizen?" His words were direct and loud enough to be heard over everything around them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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Orfea looked up to the Knight, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. 'You'd think they'd recognise one of their own...' she thought to herself as she stood. Her posture was perfect, her hands clasped neatly behind her back. It didn't even looked like she'd been crying at all! She smiled slightly to the Knight, before introducing herself. "I'm awake. My name is Orfea Pathen... I'm a knight of the God-Queen." Her last name was known, but some were unsure of the pronunciation.

So far she'd seen to reason to explain herself, for he'd never asked. No point in giving him information he possibly wouldn't want. She'd done no wrong, for she'd every right to mourn for her best friend. He'd done wrong, but that didn't mean a close friend wouldn't miss him.

Orfea raised an eyebrow to him, wanting to know if there was anything else he wanted. She was in no mood for time wasters. Of course, since she'd stood the wind had decided to begin blowing her long blue locks into her face - but Orfea did nothing to stop it. She let her face be covered almost completely by her hair, not really caring at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen Character Portrait: Sven Khagal
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"Orfea," Calvin exclaims. "I... didn't recognize you, on the ground as you were," he stammers out briefly. While most of the female Knights simply warded off his advances, Orfea was the only one that vexed him completely. The way she stood out, with her shock blue hair, he should have known who it was. What she was doing, was another matter. And she did, by seniority, outrank him.

"I'll... leave you to your business, then," he decides, saluting her and rigidly walking back towards Cordelia. He had a feeling that, even if her face didn't show it, she was grinning at his lack of tact. Of course he should have known who that was, Queen's sake. With a frustrated sigh, he settles back in at the gate in a guard stance. "She's one of ours," he states, whether she was looking at him in askance or not.

He decided to become more attentive. The activities would begin soon, and he'd need to be on his highest guard.

The setting changes from Palace of Iracot to The Room of Thrones

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot
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As if on cue, several moments after the crown had been placed upon the Queen's head, a knock resounds through the chamber from the main entryway. The person seeking entrance would wait, as long as it might happen to take, for the God-Queen's permission to answer; and only hers.

When this was eventually obtained, the door would be opened, and a tall man, covered in armor, would step into the room. Knight-Commander Gabriel, sans helmet. He was clean shaven, as he always ensured he was in the God-Queen's presence, and his black steel armor had been polished to a sheen, glistening dimly even in the poor light of the throne room.

Shutting the large door behind him, Gabriel draws his blade, laying it on the ground before himself, then adopts a position of submission, on one knee and with one hand resting near the point of his mighty weapon. "My God-Queen," he says, in a tone of pure reverence. He pauses, if she chose to acknowledge him further, before continuing as she might allow. "Your Honor Guard is assembled, and the time of the Sacrifice draws near. We await your will." He had not laid eyes upon her once since he entered the room. He was among the most devout of the Knights, and seldom felt himself worthy to gaze upon their Goddess.

Neither, did he look upon Calor. Either due to his having disappeared into the shadows, or simply by Gabriel's leaving his full attention to the God-Queen, he was scarcely even aware of his presence, save for the knowledge that Her Reverence was not alone, but neither was in danger.

The setting changes from The Room of Thrones to Palace of Iracot

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen
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0.00 INK

Orfea chuckled slightly and took off towards the stalls. Once approaching, she decided to grab a quick snack. Waiting in line patiently, she awaited her turn to be served. Now finally at the front, she smiled politely and asked for the first thing her eyes laid upon. She resisted the urge to grin as the lady running the stall seemed to sigh with relief - it seemed she'd had her deal of time wasters that day too. Paying up, she took her food and with thanks she headed off to find her parents.
Finding them, she headed over and smiled as bright as she could manage in greeting. They both looked at her with pity before wrapping her into a group hug, both keeping their eyes open for any threats around still - as always. Once the hugging was over, Orfea's mother began the conversation. "Oh my dear, he'll be missed so! What will Marlinka do without a sibling such as he? A great loss today will be-" Having heard quite enough of her beloved mothers rambling, Orfea interrupted by resting a hand on her shoulder. "Mother, as I appreciate the wisdom of your words... I believe this may be a conversation for a later date." Her father seemed to agree, and nodded along to his daughters words. "Mighty right, you are. A time for questions is now! Are my daughters feelings intact? Saw you, I did, crippled in that corner with those traitor tears of yours!" He stated worriedly. The Pathen family were a family known for perfection among all weaknesses. Shaking her head in reassurance, Orfea looked around. She was far from well, but worrying her poor old father was all but a good idea.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Selwyn Austaire Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen
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0.00 INK

The streets of Iracot ran rampant with activity today. They were quite busy normally, but on days where one was doomed to death by the God-Queen, they were nothing short of electric. Selwyn Austaire slowly walked through the crowds, his arms casually crossed behind his back, wearing the sly grin that had come to define him. His crimson and silver nobleman's attire remained immaculate despite the variety of peasants and street-urchins bustling past him; the peasants and street urchins who were all staring up at the massive palace, a thirst for blood in their hungry eyes. Selwyn's dark hair and long crimson coat gently blew in the breeze as he took in the masses with his equally dark eyes.

The man's smile grew, for although he knew some in this crowd would mourn for whoever today's sacrifice would be, all he was thinking about was the aftermath of the ritual: the streets of his Merchant Ward filled to the brim with citizens looking to celebrate with full tankards and the purchase of various items from his stores. Most were unaffordable to the average city-folk, partially due to Selwyn's high taxes to the store owners. The man, who stood at 5'11 and possessed a lean though athletic stature, thought of these prices as necessary, and even reasonable. Firstly to keep the God-Queen satisfied, but most importantly to keep her off his case, leaving him free to go about his personal agenda, whatever that may be at the time. He reasoned that keeping his ward in order would also require the aid of the God-Queen's Knights, so every week without fail, one of Selwyn's errand boys dropped a nice pittance off directly to the Dragon Lord, Gabriel Evictus, to insure the security of not only the shoppers (and potential gold in his pocket), but Selwyn himself.

He made his way over to one of the numerous street vendors and inspected their fare, picking up a small berry and popping it in his mouth without word to the vendor, who simply bowed his head at the Magistrate. Stepping away from the table, Selwyn noticed one of the God-Queen's many knights standing her post.

"Ah, Cordelia Ightlor," he said with a deep bow. "Beautiful day for for a ceremonial sacrifice, would you not agree? Praise be to her holiness," the man exclaimed, a smile growing on his lightly bearded and alluring face.

Of course, Selwyn didn't worship, nor even particularly care for the God-Queen. Or anyone, for that matter. He was a self-made man and believed in only two higher authorities; gold and power. His rise to Magistrate was largely due to his cunning, his charm, and his thirst for knowledge. Always making sure to cover up his tracks, Selwyn Austaire followed dirty secrets and rumors, as well as running several successful taverns and shops to become a Throne Holder and Magistrate of Iracot. Tonight, the man was hosting a party for the Knights at one of his many personally owned taverns, the Crimson Fox, named after Selwyn's favorite animal. In fact, he frequently wore a silver beltbuckle of the likeness of a fox. More than anything, Selwyn prided himself on his cunning, a trait he associated with the animal.

"I expect I shall be seeing you and the rest of your brotherhood at my tavern tonight? Unless of course, you are on duty."

The setting changes from Palace of Iracot to The Room of Thrones

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maree
The God-Queen stood from her throne and descended down the dais with her sheer gown billowing out around her body. Her blue-green eyes settled onto Calor and Sarene stopped. She placed the most delicate of kisses on his brow, leaving a trace of red on Calor's forehead.

"You honor me, Calor Elohan," the God-Queen said. "I bless you with Strength, Vigilance, and Perseverance." A direct blessing from the God-Queen was an extremely rare event. None could remember the last person that had received such a gift from the beloved goddess. It was believed that with a blessing from the God-Queen you would become immortal and untouchable. And if she were to curse you, you're life would be full of suffering, plague, and long-lived agony. There were many that could remember being cursed by Sarene Iracot.

"Knight-Commander Gabriel Envictus, rise," she commanded. The God-Queen walked toward him and the wide doors. In passing, Sarene merely touched his shoulder and the shining armor he wore on it. A slight smudge of her paint had come off on the armor, a testament that the God-Queen had actually touched the Knight-Commander.

"I shall go meet my people and conduct the Sacrificial Ceremony. It is time," Sarene Iracot stated.

The setting changes from The Room of Thrones to Palace of Iracot

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Selwyn Austaire
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maree
Cordelia stood vigilantly at her post, keeping watch over Valor out of the corner of her eye. When Calvin returned, it was a surprise to find out that the cowering woman against the wall had been one of their own. It was dishonorable to act like a child when part of the God-Queen's Knights. Cordelia disliked the behavior immediately and planned to report it up the chain of command until it reached the ears of Knight-Commander Envictus.

"Not for long if she keeps behaving as such," Cordelia said to Calvin as he returned with a short report on his findings. The woman-knight was just about to ask who it had been before a man approached Cordelia. When Selwyn said her name, the woman blushed from head to toe, a rare occurrence in her behavior. Her embarrassment was made all the worse because of Valor standing next to her.

Having been completely caught off guard, Cordelia forgot to salute the Magistrate of the Merchant district and stammered her greeting. "Greetings t-to you M-Magistrate Austaire," Cordelia managed to get out. She began to fidget and looked anywhere but at Selwyn as if attempting to avoid him.

The man always embarrassed her. It was simple to say that she may have taken a liking to the man during their brief conversations and passing-bys. He was handsome and wealthy and renown in the city of Iracot. There was much Selwyn could offer to the Ightlor name.

"I-I am not on duty and if it would please you, Magistrate, I will attend your tavern tonight," Cordelia said. Her eyes flashed a glance over to Calvin and the expression clearly said that if he uttered a peep about her silliness around Selwyn Austaire, she would kill him.

The setting changes from Palace of Iracot to The Room of Thrones

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"Of course, and thank you, my Queen," he replied, not bothering to wipe away the trace of red. Such an honour should be kept for all to see, not removed as though a nuisance. "I shall accompany you as always, my sword ever at the ready."

He made to follow her, separated by a few feet empty space to give the Goddess her room to breathe. Rest assured it wasn't enough of an opening to get through Calor Elohan, who could immediately maneuver himself to block even an arrow already in flight. His sword would do it; slung from his hip as it was. He had mastered it in his youth as he sought perfection - and gone arguably further as he progressed into adulthood. He could fell ten soldiers in a room as easily as one of those soldiers could fell a single crook, his form and footwork without error in battle.

And then were his other skills, those speculated by drunks in candlelit corners. Men whispered that he could move without noise and that no wall could keep him. They whispered of the supernatural and magic far more mysterious than that of the mages - that he could read thoughts, see through lies and walk through shadows.

He smirked a little. Myths might have their basis in reality, but myths, he was quick to remind any who approached him on the subject, were just that.

Taking in a breath of the fresh air, he prepared to follow his Queen out to her address. He said nothing to Gabriel, whom he did not know particularly well. Certainly he didn't see the Knight Commander as someone who would betray their Queen and that was good enough for him.

The setting changes from The Room of Thrones to Palace of Iracot

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Selwyn Austaire
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0.00 INK

When Cordelia had mentioned potentially getting Orfea in trouble, he simply nodded; it was his duty, after all, to report weaknesses in the ranks, as it was the duty of all those beneath the God-Queen. While this necessity was mostly for her Armies, in which morale and dedication were often by necessity upheld by the Knights, it was just as important a duty within the Knights themselves.

It was simply fact that Calvin had wanted to use that as a small piece of information to gain favor with Orfea, if only a little bit, for not reporting her poor conduct. Since Cordelia had been keeping an eye on him- as much she should have been, he was hasty to remind himself- that was not an option. Ah well, there were other Knight-sisters.

His dedication to remaining watchful had paid off, however. While Cordelia was talking to him, he had noticed the approach of the Magistrate. He felt maybe he should salute, in his pocket as the Knights were to some extent, but he had a personal dislike for the man; especially since he was an attractive noble, who many of the Knight-sisters (and a couple of the men) had an interest in. Calvin had never liked competition.

When he introduced himself to Cordelia, Calvin couldn't help but be both very frustrated and highly amused. She looked like someone had smeared tomato paste on her face. He was glad he was wearing a helmet, as he could not hope to hide the grin spread across his face, keeping his eyes forward and as alert as he could, given the circumstances.

The setting changes from Palace of Iracot to Althaea


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Orfea Pathen
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0.00 INK

Orfea knew she was going to be in a large amount of trouble for the way she had acted, but they didn't understand. Of course she was going to miss her only friend!
Deciding that she'd answer any questions once they'd been asked,she turned her attention back to her parents.
"It's trouble that shall come to me, my actions were all but acceptable. Sorry I am, Mother. I let the old heart out whilst I should have been on duty... Even if the day is one for my own." She stated shamefully, bowing her head.
She'd noticed the Magistrate approach Calvin and knew he'd tell. Why wouldn't he? She respected his duty and wouldn't get in the way. However, she was still curious as to how the Magistrate would react and watched closely.
Her mother ,and father, were speaking in the background - but she wasn't interested. She wanted to know, and she was determined to find out.

The setting changes from Althaea to The Room of Thrones

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot
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0.00 INK

Gabriel rose at his God-Queen's word, placing a hand over his chest as a form of salute. He kept his head bowed until she had passed, at which point he turned to follow her, flanking opposite Calor, albeit at a much more respectable distance. Out of his periphery, he had seen the kiss graced upon his forehead. If he cared to look, he would even see the mark, still there; much as he now bore a mark, the touch of the Goddess' paint on his shoulderpad. It had given him a very brief pause; the Magistrates had told him that he had their favor for the God-Queen's hand, an unthinkable honor. Now, it seemed, that honor was lost.

Or simply contested.

He did not know Cador personally; he knew of him, the most skilled, faithful, and secretive of all of the God-Queen's Dragoons, an order of her personal guard that were the only ones to whom Gabriel would ever think to yield; excepting the God-Queen and the Magistrates, in that order. He had what Gabriel thought to be a self righteous smirk on his face. Gabriel did not blame him, though his heart burned in jealousy, if what he thought was true.

He could not dwell on such things; he would keep it, lock it away, release it when needed. For now, his full attention would be to keep his beloved ruler safe, even if his presence was merely to support her unfathomable power.

Outside the Rooms of Thrones proper, the Knights Gabriel had selected were waiting, all kneeling in perfect formation in a semi-circle before Sarene, while leaving ample space for her to walk between them without being sullied by their personal auras.

There was Dunkel, the Herald and Standard bearer of the Knights; his duty today was to bear the God-Queen's own banner. It was tethered to the wall beside him, and he would not take it until he was given the command.

Andre, the most devout Knight among them, with the possible exception of Gabriel. He was weeping silent tears that fell through the eye-slits of his helmet, for having been chosen for Her honor guard was so great that he felt he could not allow himself to be bare-faced before her.

Charles, the second in command of the Knights, had placed his helmet before him, with it facing towards the God-Queen. His magnificent armor, with its gleaming silver wings and scales, shone with a radiance, polished just so to reflect Her own.

And lastly, Quinn, the oldest living-and-serving Knight among Her Own, was the chosen Shield Guard, who would be given the honor of the Knights of standing opposite her selected Dragoon, to defend her should any seek to attempt against her in any way.

The four of them were silent, save Andre, who could not suppress a brief, muted utterance, "Praised be the God-Queen, Sarene."

Gabriel would admonish him later for breaking protocol, but he was proud of their statuesque posturing, prostrate before their Queen in submission and devotion. They were prepared to march at a moments notice.

The setting changes from The Room of Thrones to Palace of Iracot

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The God-Queen's Knights Character Portrait: Calor Elohan Character Portrait: Sarene Iracot Character Portrait: Cordelia Ightlor Character Portrait: Shiabiann Xao-Lai Character Portrait: Selwyn Austaire
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maree
The Heralds of Iracot began to walk through the city, shouting with their magnificent, and possibly enchanted, voices.

"The God-Queen summons Iracot for viewing of the Sacrifice of Riyo Shikiro!"

The summons to the Sacrifice had begun.