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Augustin of the Midnight


Welcome to Lasird Academy, a college for vampires, werewolves, and humans.

Sounds like something you've heard of before, huh? Well, that's exactly the point. Esana and I have created this roleplay not for pure fun, but rather to challenge your skills as a writer. We've purposely designed this roleplay to be as terrible and cliched as possible (trust us, it almost killed me to write the word 'vampires' down). After a certain point, making new, creative roleplays is fairly simple - what's really difficult is to turn complete garbage into gold.

Well then, let's see if you have King Midas's touch, shall we?

Lasird Academy was the first school to combine the three races, guaranteeing complete safety to the parents of those who attend the school, especially those of humans. It was definitely a controversial issue, but throughout the years, the school inspectors have found nothing but perfection and harmony within the walls of the school. The school slowly became accepted, and more and more parents became willing to send their students there. The multiracial environment became one of the selling points, offering a 'wonderful experience like no other.'

Naturally, no school is that perfect.

Behind the facade is a constant state of war from which only the teachers and administration are exempt. The three races are always at war with each other, and the students eventually organized themselves into three gangs, uniting under one particularly charismatic leader. They must fight for everything, even access to a public water fountain. The only thing that the school is careful about is making sure they maintain their grades - failing a class will lead to 'appropriate' punishment - and the school image - anyone who acts out of line on the day the inspector arrives will also be subject to 'appropriate' punishment.

So here you are. Would you like to accept the challenge?

Reserving may get complicated, so check the rules part for instructions.

Vampires - Weak in light, feeds on some sort of energy (animal, plant, wind, solar, doesn't matter), enhanced speed and strength (only a little, not nearly as much as in Twilight), and your bite does not turn others into vampires.
Leader -
Second in Command -
Member - Jason Shaw (Matsudaira Ryūnosuke)
Member - Nicholas Keller (Tetsuya Shimazu)

Were-s - Can change into a chosen creature, enhanced abilities based on the chosen creature
Leader -
Second in Command - Annemarie Antionette (Arietta)
Member - Alaysa Thane (4ever_dreaming)
Member - Blond Stereotype (Reserved for Missing Link)

Humans - All are in possession of guns, and are the only ones in possession of any sort of weapon
Leader - Leon Robespierre (Sorichyeobwa)
Second in Command - Alistair Locke (Jaegarjaquez)
Member - Zoe Voltaire (Esana)
Member - Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki (AmiOfTheRain)

We might add a couple of 'loner' roles - people who choose not to be in the gangs. Depends on how much interest there is in this.

What, did you think it would be that easy? Well, the first challenge is that you have to pick one archetype from the list and try to make an interesting character that still stays true to the archetype. Have fun, dears~

We'll explain any lesser-known archetypes. If there's one you don't understand, feel free to ask. I tried to pick some stereotypical roleplay archetypes that are everywhere as well as a couple of lesser-known literary archetypes.

If you choose to be the leader, you must choose one of these three archetypes (Simply because they must be charismatic and such~):
Prince Charming (male) - Your typical handsome, gentlemanly, and famous school prince.
The rich guy (male) - The one that's not above using his money to get what he wants.
Femme Fatale (female) - The mysterious and seductive woman.

And Archetypes for any other roles:

Bolded roles are still open. Italicized roles are reserved, and may be open if we reject their character skeleton.
Shy Nerd (female) - Self-explanatory.
Blond Stereotype (female) - popular, not particularly smart, you know the deal.
Black Sheep (female) - always the odd one out.
Mary Sue (female) - I hope you know what this means. ^__^
Tart with a Heart (male) - A criminal/badass that has some hidden integrity and kindness.
Legacy Hero (male) - Someone with a famous older brother/sisters whose name he's trying to live up to.
Jock (male) - Pick a sport or two. Jocks usually aren't amazing at everything. Take the best football player, put him on a volleyball court...and watch him fail.
Joker (male) - Every class needs a clown.

Character Skeleton
Feel free to pretty it up.

Code: Select all
[u]Name (Nickname):[/u]
[u]Age:[/u] (between 17 and 23, this is a college)
[u]Grade:[/u] (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
[u]Image References:[/u] (Clothing, accessories, etc. Optional.)

Toggle Rules

Literacy is the main rule. Please note that we will reject skeletons that we don't deem up to par. We expect at least a good paragraph per roleplay post and absolutely no one-liners. Pay attention to structure as well - split paragraphs when necessary. Huge blocks are just unappealing.

Also, make sure that your grammar and punctuation are up to date. I like periods. We like periods. USE THEM (where necessary). Double quotes are for speaking (" "). We'd prefer that you use them over single quotes (' '), and when we say prefer, we mean DEMAND. (We'd also prefer, but in this case we actually mean prefer, that you italicized thoughts.)

Another important issue we'd like to bring up is capitalization. If something is a name, if it's the start of a new sentence, please do your best to press the shift key as your simultaneously press the first letter of that sentence or name or whatever.

No godmodding and powerplaying and such. If you get in a fight, plan with the person/people your fighting with to decide who's going to win. Don't kill or severely injure other players' characters without their permission. Otherwise, you can do anything you want.

Don't hit and run. Stay active. It would be nice if you posted around three times a week, but the minimum will just be one for now unless problems show up.

Anime pictures, preferably, but I honestly don't really care.

Hetero, shounen-ai, and shoujo-ai are all allowed, just keep it PG-15 or so.

You can swear, but don't overdo it.

Please reserve a character before you send in a skeleton. To reserve, simply fill out this quick form and post it in the OOC forum:
Race (vampire, werewolf, human)-
Role (leader, second in command, member)-
Chosen archetype (from the list)-
Reservations last for 48 hours after approval.

We (Esana&Sorichyeobwa) reserve the right to kick you out if we deem your writing not up to par. And yes, we mean this. (For further reference, please check your local bookstore or library for a better grammar guide that doesn't rant as much.)

Please try to get along and enjoy~

Taking place in...

Lasird Academy our primary setting

A peek behind the curtains.

Lasird Academy

Lasird Academy by Sorichyeobwa

A peek behind the curtains.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
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0.00 INK

As the people around her began to shuffle in their seats, Alaysa pulled the ear buds out of her ears and let them fall into her bag. She stood up carefully, as not to hit Zoe, and pulled her hair back into a ponytail; her bangs fell casually into her eyes. Lifting her bag onto her shoulder, Laysie looked back at Zoe, who had stood up and was looking a bit puzzled beside her. Pulling her hair lightly out of habit, Laysie gently touched the girl's arm and looked her in the eye.

"Be careful," she murmured. "But know this: not everyone here wants a part of this fight." Looking over at Annemarie, she said," You can trust Annemarie - and me. She seems to have taken a liking to you, and I understand why you're nervous. But once you become used to the feel of things here, you'll be fine." A small smile flitted across her face.

Scooting past the girl toward the door, Laysie glanced back over her shoulder at Zoe. "Go to your dorm. If you need anything, just call. " Pausing, she smiled slyly, her eyes glinting playfully. "Perhaps I'll pass through the garden later; I'm sure everyone would love to see me. . ." She laughed quietly under her breath and turned, padding down the bleacher stairs and disappearing into the crowd.

Laysie quickly wove her way through the mass of students and pushed through the doorway. She breathed in the earthy-smelling air, closing her eyes happily. A drop of rain fell from the sky and dripped down the side of her face.

Good thing I wore my contacts today. . .

Leaning against the side of the building, she took a sweatshirt out of her bag and pulled it over heard head. She let her hair spill out the side of the hood as she lifted it over her ponytail. Slipping her moccasins off of her feet, she threw them into her bag while tucking the satchel hanging from her neck into the hoodie.

"Be prepared, be prepared –" She sang softly to herself, smiling slightly and looking up at the darkening sky.

As the rain began to fall harder, Laysie walked toward her dorm, her feet stepping lightly through the wet grass.


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0.00 INK

Leon nodded in greeting to Alistair, smiling slightly as he thought of his accomplishments last year. “Yeah. It’ll be interesting,” to say the least. Of course, he’d have to think of some sort of initiation. As clichéd as it sounded, it definitely proved useful. A sacrifice too big to fake. That kind of thing. He had to make sure his gang members were loyal, after all. He thought back to the previous years, even though it was an unspoken rule never to repeat the same initiation. It was the leader’s job to prove to the members that he was intelligent and capable as a strategist, along with several other traits that all went back to machismo.

The ceremony, as expected, was boring. There was a bit of drama at the beginning that involved a new human girl that didn’t look nearly emotionally strong enough to join his gang. She’d probably end up being another girl he had to look out for. Hopefully, she’d help somehow. Maybe she was smart enough. Or maybe she was good enough at acting to try and scout out the other gangs. Maybe intuitive?

Well, there was no point trying to find use in someone untalented. Instead, Leon turned his attention to some of the other new students. There were a couple of people that seemed competent. Well, they will be soon enough. There was a reason he pushed for ownership of the pools – one lap of swimming was approximately equal to five of running. Less time, less space, overall more efficiency. Just the way he liked it.

There was always a slight murmur in the background as the teachers spoke. Not a surprise. The teachers tried to quiet everyone down every few moments, only for the rumble to start up again. Finally, the teachers gave their closing speech, even though it was quite obvious that no one was actually listening to them at that point. Dismissal worked out just as well, as students started filing out of the auditorium with no regard to the teachers at all. As Leon stood up, he looked down at everyone to see if there was anyone that could catch his attention.

Unfortunately, the first person he saw was the girl from earlier. She was looking around, obviously lost, and the werewolf friend she seemed to have made had walked away.

Well, maybe I can see if she could be any help at all. Plus, the lost types were typically easier to approach.

Walking against the crowd wasn’t too difficult. People tended to move out of his way. Social status sure was a useful thing. He navigated down the ramp, nodding in greeting to several people on the way down and reminding them about the gang meeting later that night. Finally, he reached the girl and lightly tapped her shoulder.

“Hello, ma’am, I see you’re lost?” He gave her his best prince charming smile and extended his hand, “I’m Leon Robespierre. I suppose by your company, you don’t know how this school works quite yet. If you wouldn’t mind, I would be honored to give you a tour of the school grounds.”


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire Character Portrait: Leon Robespierre
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Esana
Zoe flinched as Laysie's hand touched her shoulder lightly. She took a deep breath and then turned her head to look up at Laysie.

"Be careful," she murmured. "But know this: not everyone here wants a part of this fight." She turned her head and looked over in the direction of Annemarie. " You can trust Annemarie - and me. She seems to have taken a liking to you, and I understand why you're nervous. But once you become used to the feel of things here, you'll be fine." There must have been something funny in the words because Laysie smiled slightly as she finished her sentence, although Zoe couldn't really understand why.

Before she could figure it out and give a response, Laysie had walked past her and was getting ready go leave. "Go to your dorm. If you need anything, just call." She paused before starting down the stairs, murmuring something soft in a mischievous voice that made Zoe shiver. Maybe there was a dark side to her new acquaintance after all.

As she watched Laysie walk away, Zoe's mind started to spin - what could she do? Laysie had advised her to go to her dorms, but - at the moment - Zoe wasn't even quite sure where they were, and even if she had known, her sense of direction was not the greatest. One of the only people that she thought she could trust had just abandoned her in the middle of a crowd of rushing people who didn't seem to care in the least where she went or who she was, beyond the fact that she wasn't one of them.

What am I going to do? Zoe thought, starting to panic. She couldn't just stand here - there was irritation that she was blocking the aisle already beginning, and she knew that crowds were not the most kind of people. She took a step down hesitantly and then another one, although she wasn't quite sure -

Something touched her shoulder.

She whirled so fast that she almost ran into a couple of weres. They murmured something unpleasant and glared at her. One opened her mouth, clearly about to say something that Zoe could hear - but then she stopped, looking behind Zoe at the young man who had just tapped her on the shoulder. Her face twisted, went white and then red. Her throat worked, but she said nothing, instead turning around and continuing her walk at a faster rate.

Zoe turned her attention back to the young man who had tapped her on the shoulder. He was introducing himself now, and, though she was not quite sure, she had suspicions that he was a human - especially by the way he said 'your company', as if it was something almost shameful.

Leon Robespierre. It was an important sounding name, and Zoe wondered just who exactly he was and why he was trying to help her. If he was human, was he maybe trying to recruit her back to 'their side'? It must have looked like she was siding with the weres, given on where she'd been sitting. Was she going to be ostracized from both sides now?

Just before it got out of control, Zoe forced the panic back down and looked back at Leon. He was smiling kindly at her, one hand extended. She carefully took it and shook it, murmuring, "I'm Zoe. Zoe Voltaire." She looked down and then back up. "I'd - I'd appreciate it. A tour, I mean. I -" She broke off blushing.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Lasird Academy

Lasird Academy by Sorichyeobwa

A peek behind the curtains.

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Character Portrait: Kimberly "Kim" Chance
0 sightings Kimberly "Kim" Chance played by Missing Link
"Why do I have to learn this? Math is stupid."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alistair Locke
Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette
Character Portrait: Jason Shaw
Character Portrait: Leon Robespierre
Character Portrait: Nicholas Keller
Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane
Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
Character Portrait: Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki


Character Portrait: Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki
Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki

" Okay, so if a apple is red, then it isn't a apple if it's green? "

Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
Zoe Voltaire

"...Sorry. It's just that - just that this reminds me so much of that time..." *sobs*

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane
Alaysa Thane

"People stress me out. I'd much rather be alone in a wood, just listening to the birds sing. . ."

Character Portrait: Leon Robespierre
Leon Robespierre

What are you talking about? I hate being rich.

Character Portrait: Jason Shaw
Jason Shaw

"It's difficult for me to contain my joyful personality and act serious around so many cute girls!"

Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette
Annemarie Antionette

"My world revolves around me."

Character Portrait: Alistair Locke
Alistair Locke

"Sometimes I worry that this world is going to change... Then I get thrown into a wall and realize that it was only wishful thinking."


Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane
Alaysa Thane

"People stress me out. I'd much rather be alone in a wood, just listening to the birds sing. . ."

Character Portrait: Leon Robespierre
Leon Robespierre

What are you talking about? I hate being rich.

Character Portrait: Alistair Locke
Alistair Locke

"Sometimes I worry that this world is going to change... Then I get thrown into a wall and realize that it was only wishful thinking."

Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
Zoe Voltaire

"...Sorry. It's just that - just that this reminds me so much of that time..." *sobs*

Character Portrait: Jason Shaw
Jason Shaw

"It's difficult for me to contain my joyful personality and act serious around so many cute girls!"

Character Portrait: Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki
Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki

" Okay, so if a apple is red, then it isn't a apple if it's green? "

Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette
Annemarie Antionette

"My world revolves around me."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane
Alaysa Thane

"People stress me out. I'd much rather be alone in a wood, just listening to the birds sing. . ."

Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
Zoe Voltaire

"...Sorry. It's just that - just that this reminds me so much of that time..." *sobs*

Character Portrait: Jason Shaw
Jason Shaw

"It's difficult for me to contain my joyful personality and act serious around so many cute girls!"

Character Portrait: Leon Robespierre
Leon Robespierre

What are you talking about? I hate being rich.

Character Portrait: Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki
Koyuki "Kyu" Mayzuki

" Okay, so if a apple is red, then it isn't a apple if it's green? "

Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette
Annemarie Antionette

"My world revolves around me."

Character Portrait: Alistair Locke
Alistair Locke

"Sometimes I worry that this world is going to change... Then I get thrown into a wall and realize that it was only wishful thinking."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Augustin of the Midnight: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Augustin of the Midnight

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Posted ~ Sorry about the delay. My comp went wonky.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Sorry for the disappearance, guys. I'll work harder from now on~

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

xD ^ - ^ Love you 4ever_dreaming. I'm gonna start PMing everyone tomorrow sometime to try to get this thing alive again (and get Sorichyeobwa back here....). I'll try to respond to you ASAP.

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I DO (obviously :P). Now that the dumb speech is over, everyone else can start posting, too! Maybe they're just not getting to see the posts you've made, Esana? Who knows. . .

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

...Okay guys, this is not going to work with just me and 4ever_dreaming posting (although I do appreciate you posting so much 4ever_dreaming).


Do you guys want to continue this RP?

If I don't get at least half enough votes...I'm probably going to shut this down. T_T (Let's not guys, so come on...)

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

PHEW! Sorry guys, I've been a bit busy, but I'm back, and I'll try to post more often. I should have time tomorrow, if not tonight. Hope to hear from you soon, my fellow RPers. ~ Alaysa

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Hola pplz ~ Okay, so I'm gonna be busy for the next few days. Please try to carry on without me (sorry Laysie, sorry Annemarie). (Sorichyeobwa's being lazy. Ignore her.)

Anyways, EVERYONE ELSE BESIDES LAYSIE AND ANNEMARIE, please please please try to post to interact, push the schedule on - start a fight if you feel like it. This is a warfield! Have fun with it, and please let's not give up on this so soon.

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Hey guys, just wanted to say that Soreichyeobwa is going to be out for a few days.

Also wanted to add that I would really prefer it if you guys posted more frequently (at least once every three days) unless you say otherwise (PM me or post here either one).

And one last note, PLEASE spellcheck guys. It hurts me when you don't. Really. It does.

Love you guys ~

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I understand, but I'll allow someone else to take the spot if they wish. However, I may submit a character for the spot if no one takes it.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I would rather not, since Jason is already pretty much set and you've posted his first post. If you would like to create another character, however, that's fine as long as you can manage the two of them.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Since there isn't a leader for the vampires, can I switch Jason to be the leader?

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

First post is up!

It's long for the sake on introducing the roleplay. Don't feel obligated to make your posts the same length. In fact, please don't, because most of the really long roleplay posts are full of overly lengthened sentences and irrelevant speculation, anyways.

Have fun~ ^__^

EDIT: Just so you guys know, you have permission to advance the ceremony as you'd like and take control of teachers when necessary. Just as long as it's realistic.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I hope that my profile is a little better now.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Leaders of the vampires and were-s have been reopened. Stilts and AmyGotScared, you may still submit your profiles.

I will no longer be reserving the leader roles for anyone. If you would like one of them, please just submit your profiles and I will pick the ones that are the best.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

Alright, I think Word finally corrected everything. I hope this time it's all perfect.^^

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I have updated the description of Lasird academy. Please feel free to check it out. The roleplay is not open yet, however. Please refrain from posting until we decide that we have enough characters.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

@Missing Link: You have until the end of 1/8/12

@Tetsuya: You may change yours as much as you like, I'm not judging it until Esana comes on again tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I was looking at some of the other profiles, and noticed that they were more detailed than mine... if you don't think mine was detailed enough, I could change it.

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

I would like to reserve and take the challenge:

Race (vampire, werewolf, human)- Werewolf
Role (leader, second in command, member)- Member
Chosen archetype (from the list)- Blonde Stereotype

Re: [OOC] Augustin of the Midnight

@4ever_dreaming&Tetsuya Shimazu - Reserved until 1/8/12 6:00PM EST~